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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1897)
As sure as winter comes, i comes STIFFNESS SORENESS As sure as tors at law. WiU practice in a I ourts of the state. Special attention, giv en to ro alters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the FUnn block. WR.BILYEU. iitAmoo iit law and Solicitor in Chancery, ii.,;,o morla nr all noints. Loans VWUCIUUHO M . negotiated on reasouable terms. Albany' Oregon. 8UGKBUR9 Sl SOBERS 1TORNETS -A-T XA.W All legal matters will receive prompt st mt ?n. OiEce, First National bank aiding, up stairs- M nKTANTG & HACKLtniB, Attorneys fit Last. Albany, Oregon. TQR. J. I,. HILL, iwdeSan and mon. OKFICX Corn. rry itn-A Albany .Oregon. DR. C..U, CHAr,lBERL!H HOMOBOPATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvunif electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. P 'ice tv'r-rwnt . . . "aar.,.. - .. ..(FUSS . 8.E.VOUNG K. W. LAKOIXKI oa S York San rranciaeo.Chlrairo sd f-tUrO OOLTifSTIONS aADEon tavotab!. tines S E Tonw' K V Lamos LEBurs, I. Fmw. C. 8. Fuss. 4-. WniTSEl Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. What You 1 H Ask For 3 but we do want to be known as 2 "mon?v's worth" printers. J: " S MILKY, THE PbISTER - Phone 9 Albany. 3 iuiauuuiUiuiuiiuuiUsU Prof. A. STARK miits&Za rati Of Will A Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalnitc College. ! tin prepared to examine scientifically n r ...-.-urately, by the latest and improves of modern science, any' who . de sir "i are their eyes tested. ' i k Block Albast.Orbsos. MISS HELA B. GILBEBT, Teashsr ol Rain & Drp (Mason System of Technic) Careful Inetrnction of Children a Spe sltv- Terms moderate. Washington St. aonth of U. P. church. QISQH "rvFrtny,Bee. ErP ertblftU I onaaryorTee f3i bWb permanently font UUW p -iA JEcj price finder mamenia ran ty. If iuuf;rein w n'w, ucn wo win uuw SO pay rallrond tare um! hotel bilU,Bid no : we fall to cun. IT Ton hare teken nier ebsrge, 1t we fall to cun. If yon hare taken mer ry, looiae Iodide tMitasli. vid at: LI hare rbe. cod psoa, K oooos fa Laooa ?. Cc Ptttciiea In month. Sore Throat. ft iroples. Copper Colored Spots, TJlcers oa ly partof the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling any partof the boar, Jltr or Eyebrows rMJinic oat. It thU SypbUltic BLOOD POISON that we guarantee to cure. We solicit (be most obati Date cases and cnallenare th world for a ca we cannot care. '1'bls iliseaae has alvars bailed th .kill of the nmt eminent physi cians. SSOO.OOO capital behind our nnoooaV tkmal craaranty. AbeolnteproofAaentaealeooa rciUtion. AOerem COOK KEMJiBI CO. fcul MmubVi Xejople, UOCAttU, ii Fire Insurance 'RE YOUR PROPERTY with ie Old Hartford, the New York Un. w i iters Awncy or any one of the reii ble old linocompiinies he represents. Notes -taken and plenty of time ffiven for pajauent on farm, insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. omor in p- o; BLOCK ALBANY. Oft tO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, COPYRICMTS an. Anyone sending- a ketch and deacrlptton may quickly auctrtaln, f ree, wiietber an Inyaotton Is prohatily pateiitubla Corainunfcstiwu atrlotlr eOMfidentini. 0!lmt aeuvy for fttfcurtng patent, in America. We have a Wasblnirton oOica. PaienU tiitcpn ttirouKa Muua it Co. teoely. apeoial notice In tlio SCIENTIFIO AMERICAN, bPaatifollT tllarftrstsM, lanrest dwrnlauon of an v rM'tButltic J' mruitl, wekir. termn a.yy a renr. u. i aj Jens iit ireo. AdOJtwa MUWW CO., " ftl'7? i 1 ! Hu ff3rft!!!r5:n :1 GENE W. JOHNSON, -''foipj- in Pit Causes. . n rk Avr., Waxhlnstrtn. IC, :sliljslied 1S68. Charges moderate jmlence requested. Or A Jams CuEick Block Albany, Or Is what yon always get here, You JS; are rever urged to buy something 3 "just as good " We have every-13 g thing a good print shop should gr: have, hence are pretty sure torS y have just what you want. Our y; advice if you want It costs you fE;Dothing;andit isn't forced on 3 yon if you don't want it. We are 13 here to serve you not to dictate. We aim to give perfect service 3 T at fair prices. We do not care to 13 S be known as "cut rate printers," 3 pLQOD P St. Jacobs Oil comes, it comes to CURE. The ailment goes. Otlil 1111 Corner Broadalbin and First.St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -Dealer la Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee. Etc. Canned Meat Queenswtva Vegetable Cigars, Spices, Tea Ettt. everything that is sept in good variety andgro eery store. High est pi'-ce paid ' for ALL KINDS OF PRODOCI IT IS SO WRITTEN and none can dispute it. We lead the wall paper trade. We were never mere in the van than now. More designs newer, brighter, fresher, and mora orig inal designs : a greater variety of de signs ; finer qualities of paper ; and lower prices lor nne qualities ot paper man can be found at any other estabusnment these are onr many and solid claims tc your patronage. When you see what we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we only ask 15 cents for it, you'll be very much eurpzieed. J. A. Cumming SENDERS' COMPANIES Always .Pay. Xo qoeetion about full and prompt pay ment of losses by fire on insurance place with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen ders. 'latUMHelawesPeoieFir' Don't allow yonrelf to be roped into th various "Local Mutuais" now being pushed on you as being "cheapest in sura rice, when you insure yoo do oet want to worry about getting your money in case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance. Hay, Grain and Wool. VIERECKS SHAVING AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CUT EEAEQUAETERS ?0R Dp Whites Je Ifai (oei. A bead of hair or no pay. Cores 'at diseases of the scalp. Address Box 42J for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Kasors Honed and Set and Pat in ord er on Short Notice - Concerning Oat Advertising . Burning words never did set tne world on fire. It is our policy to repress all sen astional statements, to deal in facts, not figures of speech or exaggerations Every word we print is weighed, and we vouch for its exact truthfulness with our personal honor, fhe integrity of our word of mouth is unquestioned (V) The integrity of our word of type must be just as substantial. The object of all our advertising is to tell yon about our business cleny, plainly, convincingly asone man talks to another. It costs some money, but done intelligently, u pajs. iou try it. Smile v, the Prirter. ALBANY ORCHESTRA .1 H Bl CKE5ST0. Conductor BEM18IPE00IKgr -INSTRUMENTATION- I Vio II Vio., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass andiDruma Ie)et oixe of teQ Afn sio -Music Furnished For- Concerts, Parties, Receptions and Epter (ainments at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited regarding fn gagemets out of town Address Bert Westhrook, Business Man ager, Revere House, Albany, Oregon 3 Cav.tindTr"e Marti obtain 1 and all pat ent tmslneascondocted for Moderate Fees. ' rnd model. drawinirorphoto. Wesdviaeff patentable free of cbor'O. Onr fennotdne till patentlacnred. A Pamphlet "How to Ob tain Patents," with coat of same in the V. a and foreign eoontries sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. : 0. Barnrr Omec. Wa.mhiotoh. O. 1 LUDWiG, Opposite PostofC8. PLUMBIN G and tinning at bottom prices. FOSHAY & HAS0H - Wholesale it Retail- JJSUG&ISTS ABdIoOKSEUEES ALBAKT, OBEOOH. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. TT OR EENTv A house oa Lvont., ot X nve rooms, rent etieap Enquire at this othce. Fitzsiuarnons' dream rame true. The mother of Minnie Williams, one ol the victims of Theodore Durrant is a mental wreck, the result ot herdanghters murder. in onedar MrPingree issued two proc lamations, one as governor of Michigan and one as Mayor of Detroit. He holds both offices. There are no potato bags on Mr Piogree. From the Galveston News : Artificial remedies will never cure the evils which afflict America today. A reduction of the number of offices, with a radical reduction of the ratio ot the sum of public expenditures to the sum of public resources, will eventually be found to be one of the absolute essentials of prosperity. There must be less gov ernment and better government, or the burden of taxation will mash the plain citiien into the earth . The true patriot and the genuine statesman will find herein a great field tor usefulness. The following from Vice President Hobart sounds well ; but it remains to be seen whether it will amount to any thing if Mr Hanna takes a different view atany time in the interest ot his schemes : It will be my constant effort to aid yon, so far as I may, in all reasonable espedl tion of the business of the senate, and I may be permitted to express the belief that such expedition is the hope of the country. All the interests of good gov ernment and the advancement toward a higher and be'.ter condition of things call for prompter, positive lezislatton at your bands. To obstruct the regular course of wise and prudent legislative action, after the fullest anit freest dis 3Us;on, is neither conr'irui with true senatorial courtesy, conducive to the welfare of the people, nor in compliance with their just expectations. Bob Ingersoll says: "We are tired of the bible of barba rism. Truth is the intellectual, wealth of the woi Id. Truth is the mother of iov. Truth is the dome of civilisation Truth ennobles and refines. Truth is the sword and the shield Truth is the sacred light of the human soul." This is a sample ot Bob Ingersoll. He wants to tear down a colossal institu tion and offers nothing in its place. He simply plays on words for 9500 to 91000 a night, that is what he is after. He zivea nothing for bis money's worth but flowery language and smooth sounds He makes statements pnncturable at every point. The Dkmocsat man has heard him four times aod knows of hi, powers as an orator ; but as a reatone he simply throws short sentences and pretty words together, and has never yet offered a suggestion that weald benefi mankind. From the Washington Post : Hon Jerry Simpson, of Medicine Lodge, Kan-, has arrived, and last night bs was warmly welcomed by numbers of bi former friends at the ' National. M Simpson is looking well. He is glad to come back to the National Capital, and frankly admits tt. He eojayt4 the life of a Congressman, and mans to extract still larger amount of p'enare from bis future service in the Bouse. "I am proud,' said he, "to be called populist. The party is growing all the time, and a President whs believes in the principles will be elee-e-J in 1900. For the present we've got t-J let the republi cans ran the affairs of this nation, and I'm for giving them all the rope they wanu Let "em write aod pass any sort of tariff act tber choose it isn't wis nor right to obstruct them in the li in their effjrts to redeem the lavish promises of coming prosperity made in the last campaign. The prosperity i still coming; but hasn't yet arrived . The following from the Washington Poet is almost humorous in parts: ''Ex United States Senator H. W Corbett, and wife, of Portland, Org., are at the Arlington. The former comes to Wash ington bearing his credentials aa Senator for the second time by appointment of the Governor of his state. The story of the long and fruitless struggle of the Oregon Legislature to elect Sir. Mitch ell's successor has already been told in the public press ; of how the Senate was divided and how the house spli into two bodies, resulting in weary weeks of in effectual balloting, until at least, weary and disgusted, both branches adjourned, ir rather dispersed, without the passage of a single bill, or ia fact the aceomplis ment of a single valid legislative act. Senator Corbett, who is -a native of Massachusetts, it seventy years of age, bat evidently time has not dimmed bis mental faculties in tbi least. He is one of the wealthy men of Oregon, and is noted for his philanthropic deeds. Last year be made an aggresive tight for sound money, and was one ot tne main factors In carrying the state for McKin. ley. "There are plenty of precedents," said he. ''which will sustain my claim to a seat ia the senate. There has never been any session of the Oregon Legislature I mean any rightfully constituted body, and the Governor has simply exercised bis constitutional right to fill a vacancy during a recess of the legislature. The members ol the legislature came together but there wa at no time anv legitimate organization of the lower branch . It is sa though there bad been no meeting of fhe house, for nothing done by it was valid." Mr. Wallace McCamant accompanies Senator Corbett to the capital as bis legal representative, tie is a ready talker, and Is armed with a vast amount of doc umentary proof to back up the tatter's claim to a senatorial seat. Mr. McCs ro an t says that the appointment is regarded by the republicans of Oregon and many of opposite politics at in the highest de gree satisfactory, and that the wish is almosfvjniversal that Senator Corbett will not be turned down. Curious Facts. A German artisan's breakfast consists of coffee and bread, his dinner soup made of water, slices of bread, slices of onion and a little butter, meat once or : twice a week, his supper soup, . cheese. potatoes and bread, with sausage and beer. Good sandoaper will not crack when folded double, and, when the sanded surfaces are rubbed together, an iJea of tie quality may bs ontaioed by observing how readily the particles of sand are detached. Sandpaper should atways be kept in a dry place. If the back of the paper is chalked, It will prevent Its slip ping when using. The San Francisco Examiner says the largest tree fn the world lies broken and petrified at the north end of a defile ol nortuwestern Nevada. This ; monster tree lies partly buried in the ground. It was at its butt quite sixty feet in diame ter, and measured 666 feet long. No limbs remain, although tbe e!fu where they were broken off are t j bs seen. Freak Bills. From the New York Herald : Among the fifty purely crank meas res already killed In committee in To- Delta were bills forbidding the wearing of corsets .and bloomers by women ; a theatre bill, which, if passed, would subject any baldheaded man wearing a aknll cap in the front row to a heavy ne, and a bill to tax solvent bants in order to recoup the depositors of broken banks. Missouri has mads a good record for crank legislation. Statesman Hood, of that commonwealth, introduced a bill to prevent train conductors and brake men from flirting with women passen gers. The Indiana lawmakers did pretty well. Early in the session Representa tive Fornshell arose to prevent what be called an "antl-jair-bird flower-senders' bill." The idea was to repress those ardent female sentimentalists who send boqneta to convicted felons, wife mur derers preferred. Something yery like a riot ensued. Tbe women had a lobby tn -Indianapolis and its forces were promptly concentrated on Mr Forn ehell's little bill, with fatal effect. He sought evenge by presenting a high theatre bat bill, and awaited vic tory with confidence. Again tbe women foiled tne "villyun." There were eleven widowers and ' twenty-one bachelors in tbe lower bouse. The women mar shalled them to their defence to a man, and Fornsh ell's measure m en t down to death nnder a heap of "tool" amend ments, such aa requiring meu to remove their boots before going to the theatre and preventing tbe "going-out-to-see-a man" act between acta. A floosier from the Wabash vslley wanted a law requiring all menus that is, of course, bills of fare to be printed in English. He wept to see it tabled and gave np - tbe liber'ies of a tree peo pie as lost. In Mr Bryan's state a bill was intro duced making football a crime. It came back from a committee carrying a rider which made long hair and whiskers pre sumptive evidence ot a football diathe sis; whereupon the "pops" turned and fled. In Minnesota Senator Keller tried to get a bill through requiring all saloon keepers to display a red illuminated sign of "danger." Both tbe Dakotaa narrowly escaped theatre bat bills, aod North Dakota is still considering a measure to establish a state board for the examination of barbers. Among the anti trust and anU-corpo-ration bills have been tbe gas bids in Albany, a bill ia vVyoming to tax in surance companies two and one-half per cent on their gross receipts; in North Dakota, requiring railroads to beasaeaeed for taxation not lees than 15,000 a mile; in Sooth Carolina, a grad uated income and license tax on corpo ra 'Jons, amounting, in almost every ease, according to a Charleston paper, to confiscation; in Washington, a b.ll fixing the freight on farm products at 93.50a hundred per 300 miles; in North Carolina, a bill to invalidate go'd con tracts; ia Washington, a bill fixing the maximam toll for grinding grain, aod in Missouri, a Jill reducing freight on farm products trom fifteen to thirty five per cent flat. In Otiaboma a bill was introduced to enable citizens to da business without raooey. A territorial board of control ia provided, and eacb couol-treasurer iS manager of tbe county and lesaes script for deposits of products or on loans to be for less than $1,000, aed all script to be good for payment of lazes and legal tender within lbs territory. After receiving this bill a resolution was paased declaring for m vigorous cot in the salaries of the presidents, professors and teachers of the educational institu tions. The Missouri vagrancy law, nnder wbich vagrants were sold at auction into service, bas been repealed. In Alaba ma the operation of nickel ia tbe slot machines was made a misdemeanor, finable np to tbe snm of 91,000. It is an ac'.ua! fact, vouched for by tbe records, that tbe legislature of Indi ana seriously considered a bi I proposing to change tbe existing ratio between the diameter aod circumference of a circle from 3.H16 to 3 2. The author repre sented that tbe change would greatly simplify inaibemaiical calculations, wbich be said were unduly complicated by the four decimal places and the pins sign. Tbe senate, quick to see tbe ad vantage of this improvement oo tbe Creator's original plan, was about to pass the bill, when someone arose with blanched face and awful eyes to suggest that the bill was out of order, tbe s-nate n' t having the right t? "declare a truth." Nobody seemed to understood exactly what this meant, but it sounded so omin ous that the eeoate backed water aod left the ratio as the Lord and Euclid left them. Tbe prize tor wisdom and humanity this year belongs to tbe Arkaosas legis ator who proposed to change the ioier tvals between sessions from one to four years. K. Y. Herald. In Washington State the rouse, by a vote of 41 to 21. passed tbe Gentz biil to reduce the telegraph tolls in tbe Stale. Tbe bill provides that it shall be unlaw ful tor any telegraph company to charge more than a cent and half per word for transmitting a message from any point to another given in the state of Washing ton, provided, however, that a minimum charge be made of 25 cents, irrespective of the number of words contained in the mesasge, and provided, further, that tbe charge for any message of ten words or more received or forwarded from a dis tance of 200 miles or less, sb V.I be not to exceed the sum ot cents per word. From the Baltimore American. It is to be feared that there will be a general emigration of spiusters from Michigan if the bill now proposed in the legislature of that state becomes a law. It puts a tax upon old maids, excepting those who have failed to get married after streneuous offerts on their part. Tbe originator of this unique measure proposes also to tax unmarried men The course of true love in Michigan ought to run very smoothly with such energetic legislative stimulation. An Obio factory recently received an order from England for 42,000 pairs of shoes. There is a style about soes made by American machinery that the English cannot master, aad their cheap ness also is beginning to tell in foreign markets. Oregonian. Which laicates that the U. 8. is able to bold its own without a high tariff PresldntMcKinley walks about Wash ington without a guard. This Indicates that he nas great confidnnce In his sur roundings, and we really are glad be has Oropped the private detective fad. The agony is over, tbat is a big thing The trouble ib, though, it Is liable ti be succeeded by auotber squally as big. ESSS-m i ji in i. ' SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS! One can hardly look over tbe past week without seeing uppermost in the event, so far as prominence was given it by the press generally, the great Driae fight at Carson. As a pugilistic encount er with hard gloves It proved the great est In the history ot the world. The in fluence on the public at large certainly has not been good. In fact the tendency is materially towards leading tbe boys of the country astray. The event was par ticularly notable because upheld and licensed by a state, wbich gained an lm mense amount of notoriety on account of it. Carson, tbe scene of It, hardly known before, during the week has been mentioned oltener than Chicago or New York. The governor figures out that in a financial way tt was a big thing for Nevada. A state almost collapsed, it was sort of a straw to a drowning man, and it is probable Nevada will continue to exist, to be despised by the better element for caviling to something tabooed by other states. In Albany the main incident ot tbe week has been a cats ot whipping by a teacher. There always bas been whin ping in school and probably will contin ue to be tor awhile, though tbe senti ment is gradually growing against it. Now most people think It is nece-ssry, and a jury In nineteen cases out of twenty will decide in favor of the teacher w bo baa been arrested even for its severe nee. Nevertheless tbe Dbmocbat wan is op posed to it, and believes the time will come when more advanced system! fl government in tbe scbool'room will be in vogue. As war is giving away to ar bitration so will tbe whip gradually grow leas. The suggestion that the whip might be the proper settlement of the it amp qu. tion is a matter we will out di cu oow Perhaps that is about all it is good lor. Greece's sin's is liable to develop in to a blaze and tbe Indication are that bulle'e aod cannon balls will fir. The matter is one that ought n have been satisfactorily settled by ttiinu wn ; hut tl they will fight theo here'. o th suc cess of Greece. Tbe DaXOCBAT man La hero taking considerable interest ia phyi -a' train ing. as taught by Pruf. WMu-bom. After investigation one ran n li-'p s-e ing bow ranch of a medicibe there is in the exercise of ail the mu-cie o tit body, particular y those of the roxicM and frame of tbe bady geoeraii a. wel aa ol the litnoe- undertHed-v pm-0 one young lady increased u-- p uo.l in weight in a week, ano'br n-io, and a gentleman who had bwo baJer tbe weatber, alter two weeks trial eat be bas not felt so well lor yra-e It is a preventive in its character, ev-rv person receiving training according t individu al needs. WbLe it incrae fl-b on l'ie thin a somewhat d.ffervut course re duces it. All this ts of general latere Just from a scientific stand No one, particularly of erdotary habiia. wno wishes to efjo, (O A t eai-h ran afford to be without a knowlrdtr of bow to take can of oneeeit physically Everyday the fact is emphacierd that people wi;I look at tnins didWentiv "Our thoughts are oore, their ends none of our own.' So the sensible pereao is always charitable and will not continu ally keep kicking at every bode and eTerylhiDg ool put lo-tr.r arii aft to their colli. na. cWnaalioca'if m in tbe pre, on the street ie to be decried . pulpit or A Rcinaraablc InciJcnt. James Martin, a well to do farmer, re cently died, leaving a will by which be disinherit d bis only daughter, the result of a disagreement about a valentine SO years ago, says a Bai'ietriile, Pa., special to tte New York Press. It wa a few days before St. Valentine's dev. 50 years ago, when the daughter asked ber father for a new dress. He refused to hoy :t for ber. Tbe girl took ber father's re tusat much to heart. OoSl. VaSeotine'a day Mr. Martin received a valentine ad dressed to htm in hit dattili'er's band writing. It was a rjngh caricature, representing a miser counting and gloating over his money. Ue at once took bis daughter to task for what he considered an ioault. She denied that she sent the cartoon There lived in the neighb t'liood as-other farmer who bad treated a wc living with him bruUllt. Mart.u't daughter said that she and this gin had piKThaiw-d each a valentine and that she ( ! Mar tin) had bought one entitled 'Tne Hon est Farmer," while the other girl had purchased tbe caricature to i-nd to her barsb uncle. In addressing the enve lopes tbe valentines, she said, became mixed. But in epi'e of ezptanat on. Mr. Ma tin would not believe his daiwhtrr, and trom that day he never sp-ike to hr. She soon married and lived on a farm adjoining-, and. although, the old man was on the most familiar term- with tbe husband and children, he oever noticed ber. lie dud the other day. leaving an sots' e valued at 913,000. By bis will be left bis iJ w $30 000 and to bis son-in-law the remainder, provided be survived his wife, the farm er'e own daughter. If the son-in-law d'.e Brst, then the money was to be divided among bis three chi dn-o To bis daughter Mr. Martin b-quaihd "a pecsage to be found in his trunk tied with a green ribbon and scaled wi-h green wax." When this was opened it was found to be tne unfortunate valentine that had canted t leestrangemeut ot the farmer from his daughter half a century ago. Then nod Now. Editor Dbmochat: Will yon permit me for a moment to ask your many readers to consider the difference between then and now? The difference very greataswill more clear ly appear from the following statement: When McfCinley introduced his cele brated tariff bill In IStrO it was entitled, "A bill to reduce the revenue," and, by tbe way, it did reduea If. Now the re publicans tn congress are putting tor ward a bill very similarly prepared by Dingley and they have given this bill the the title, "A bill to increase the rev enues." What a paradox and yet in the eyes of all good republicans this is good politics. 1 What do the people who voted for Mo I ,,i. . - il.!nk .? mniey ana nonest ruuuoy - Anothsr proposition is this: When the Wilson tariff bill was pending in congress every large and small try rst-ubltcao leader in the country denounced it In Ion and hitter terms because it placid a .L.-a...... . .n.r. Tin 1 tana outy oi tu per ceu ---- -yon not remember, Mr. Editor, and does not every democrat in Albany remember how every republican lu llbany de- nnnnnad tha kill aa InfamOUS, becaUSS It i placid this tax oo the trtakfast table? "Taxing tbs DS3ciSili(l ol me, as in a. ''-.I'. called It, they regarded as little less than crime. Tbe Herald of this city Joined In the cborus and heaped alt the anathemas which its crowded vocabulary of billing gate supplied upon the heads of the hated "freetraders." That was then, but what of now. Wtll, the Dingley bill places a duty of 70 per cent oo sugar and a solid differential duty in addition for the ben efftot the sugar trusts. Now if it was a crime for democrats to place a duty of 40 per cent on sugar two years ano, bow much greater is tbe crime for republicans to Increase tuat doty to 70 pr cent now ? Let republicans answer to the people. OoKStJltEB. Those acciJental blows: well, life is full of them, and many mn ride oo to success through them, call them what you will. It is a big thing to know how to get one of them in at the opportune time. Now, for the other Coibett Will he meet tbe same fate as bis namesake? MISFITS. "Both Corbetts out" ia a beading in the Corvallie Gazette. No more, no more, Jim Pompadour. A farmer is wanted school. Here's a good at the reform opportunity for some man who never saw a farm The rot written and said before the fi ?ht by the fighters and their friends. when read afterwards s.unds particular ly bad. How have the mighty fallen Ei-U fi. Senator Infill" was so of the re porters at tbe bi figM. Mr. Ingalis, thongb, is a very versatile and observing reporter. Yale student, who hooted Bryan.sent a college flag aod good wiebes to Corbett. They had to apologize to tho faculty. Great is 1 ale. Ths prove it. A 'ady teacher vestrr-lsy 'oi l ore of her boys to name all of the pn-si.'.nnta. and when he replied that heuilln't,ibe tachertaid: "When I .s. vrnr see I could name all cf the prid-n! in the-r order." The bov replied- These were only a few presidents then. r.-ilft. Mr. Owen P. Da- ney, of Ka .-ra, ha had published a book entitled "The Loet Shackle, or Seven Years Am-tog tne In dians." It is a rtory of Montana pioneer I'fe, bailed npon facts, and it very thril ling. A lovely daughter disao ears and is hunted by an on y son in a neighbor laraiiy . a sale. The book is town :tb q ate The Tortlaud Chronicle of Ust week bad a full page pictur-ol U. W Corbett with the laurel wreath of victory sur rounding it. while beneath M"tiregon'e ew henator, Another Victory lor the Chronicle." give this as a sample of the mof t coloal call on record. Few people in Oregon outride "f Portland know there is each a paper as the Chron icle. A correspondent in the Examiner be fore the (igbt said: Trial the rer vriee people are backing C-orU-u is to me the most discouraging thtrg but his chsncee, for the wie fote have par. their moaey on every lrr aincii betlinit was invented The iarvest tiumter of people run afur the victur in tbe last championship fight. A gentleman residing in Waseo conntv jointly inve eomJM;n t wo lois in Border City. Ca . torn-ed to b a ub- urt Acpeir. ana a ring io learn something of the of bia invert- ment requested his srent U correspond ith county aiw.sor of Los Angeles, and was intormed by tbat official that t'rder City was 75 miles from Los Acgele, and the two iou rWerred to were aeeeeeed at 5. From bere we went to the Monte Carlo of Mexico, which is located about seven miles from the center of the city. Tbe "wheels of fortune" or misfortune roll nnder the huge handsome airy bntldings ana nndet white umbrellas in ererv street, where tbe poor men play thrtr earning away. In the careers tbe hi her claseee plav at the tame game for higher S'rkee. From this society tbe stranger is not oatraciset ; he is always taken in The bank bad wsgon loads of money in sight. Tbe government reeeires licensee from this source. I. L. lamp bell in the OillM. Under a beading nearly twice aa big the loi'owing is the enure account given in the Portland Evening Tribune of the big fight, in contrast to the two pages ot it in the Teleg-aro : "Tha great fero cious human combat between Jim Cor bett, the American, and Bon Fi'txitn trmos. the Briti-her, was pulled off at Carson City today.commeucing at 11 :30 In the Hlh round or belt knocked out by a blow over the heart. The deta'U of the brutal, savage fieri are not lit for decent publication and it ia left to the great moral papers which have of late been denouncing sensationalism to re produce in print the scene tat a lady would shude'er at witnessing. Tbe publisher of a newspaper has one thing to sell and one thing to rent, lie has the newspaper to sell and the space in his columns to rent. Can anyone in form us why be should be expected to give away either th- one or the other? He can it be so choose, and L.e does. as a matter ot tact, furnish a gnat deal of space rent free But i' does not follow that he ought to l.e expected to do so. It ought to e recognised as a contribu tion, exactly as would hell egivingaway of sugar or coffee by a grocer. But, strange to say, it is not looke-i upon in that light at all, yet everybodv knows that the existence of a newspaper de pend noon the ren'.of its space and the eale of the paper, as a merchant's suc cess depends on selling Ins goods instead of giving them away. Ex The best account of the big fight ie that of ex-Senator Ingalls in tbe Exami ner. Besides being nearly as humorous as r!ill Nye it sizes the business up about right. Weeiveafew extracts: "And it may as well be said tbat the entire performance, with the single incident mentioned hereaiter. lacked earnestness and sincerity, and lett the impression ot a duel on the stage (The incident was the knockout blow ) The men seemed to be fatigued early, perspired profusely and breathed with their mouths open. "The convention was called to order by the national chairman, etc. "Corbett 'a countenance was dark and drawn, lined deeply with tbe furrows of care and concern. U posed obviously and smiled complacently, t nzstmmons had a visage with a freak, a silly, open mouthed grin and an uncouth, awkward, shambling gait like a clown. Their ap- oearance when tueir rooea were tniown off ani they were stripped for the ring was grotesque. 9100 Reward 9100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a const it u ional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work, Tbe proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred lollars for any case that it fails to cure. .Hem! for list of testimm ial. Add'ess, . J.CUENSIY Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Driigtt'sts, 75c Hall's Family Pills are tbe best For the best drugs, Dawson's. ' TELEGRAPHIC. The Tariff am. Wasbihotoh, March 19 This was a stormy day in tbe bones of r 'presentatives. The republican leaders, before adjourn ment, secured the- adoption of a special order fixinir the limits cf the tariff debate, and two of tbe regular appropriation bills which failed to become laws at tbe last snasion were passed and sent to tbe senate Tbe debate will begin Monday and last five days. The Blsh Water, Memphis, March 19. Two netrroes lost their lives today, as a result of the great nooa, which entmlfs hundreds of acres in tbe Arkansas bottoms. Tbe men were drowned in Fifteen-Mile bayou, near Marion- There b no cessation in tbe rise of tbe river, and tonight the gauge registers 37.2, rise ot 0 1 since tbe morning report. lieavy rains continued last niabt through out the entire Obio valley and in tbe farri- lory me drainage from which swells the Upper Jlmiiippi. Tber VVIU Baas. Newport. Kt.. March 19. All efforts having failed for interference in the elocu tion of Jackson and Wallicir for the murder of Pearl Bryan, there is much excitement here toniirnt over the coming event, bver since tbe arrival of the prisoners this after noon irom toe jail at Aiezanaria tne jai; has been surrounded by crowds. Many are coming into the city tonight, and enormous crowds are x peeled in tbe morning, jack son and Walling concede that they appeal ed to tbe voort of last resort in tain and their doom is sealed . ia Laat Flchl- Cauox, March 19. Robert Filzaim mons, champion of tbe world, this even ing left the scene ct tbe battle-ground on which he received his laurel of superiority. Today, Fitzsimmons reiterated his inten tion of leaving tbe ring. "I do this," be said, "in compliance with a reqoeat made by my wife.' - Sia't New York, March 19. Dun's weekly review tomorrow will say: Tbsogb steadily increasing, bosine is much below its volume in former var of pro-pfii'y, -atd nianj expre. disappoint ment, j el Irw-n; i. aMne gala e-try wtr. wuh more hands at work and more miils in operation, and tbe sure result, larger j.i jijis tor consumption, cannot be long de.y. J. Ia some bran-hes it is felt al- rea.y, T. Ucraae SasBb-tas. Astoria, Or, March 19. At a mHng of tbe common council tonight Mr Parker introduced as ordinance licensing gsmb ling, the measure provides that licenses shall be divided into tint, second and third claMH. A Erst-claa license will coct SJ0 a year, and f-AU i six months; a second cla lioeiise, H-) a year, and $250 tor six months; thinl-claa, $100 a year and 60 for siz moa' bs rfcrrs Caaarea. Washisotos. Mrch Is. The question of seating Senator Coroett sis to be one of considrTjt-oo and vote. If a vote cocld be reeched. bis friend believe he would be seated. Senator Edmunds has written a i ... . i ; -..i. i ..... .. w; ik. ,rrointment. ad spying the law is entire ly in his tutor. UU tn letter and spirit, and that be ought to be seated. Eminent lawyer ia New Yatk have informed Mr J Thorbtira Ro that tbe Uw of the cae ia for CorWtt . Nothing has been do&e to s nB-Y lorwari jes. ana mere is a dispositiun not to give it consideration. Sew AapolBtsarat. Wasbisojos, March IS. President McKioley todav sent the fotlowicg notniaa tiM to tbe senate. Pawed Clayton, of Arkaau. to be envoy ex riordinary and minister psiKteriUary to Mexico. i ifit&m Ob"roe. of Misacha(t, consul-general at L widn. John K Gody, of IniiAna. consul- gen eral at Pari?. Jobs M lit barn, of Ohio, a$itajit sec retary cf agriculture. Perry Heath, of Indiana, Snt assistant post mirer- jftken I . Cap-mil Charles thi'er. A tte ordnance department, to be mij r. I . x su - - - j Mawrar. Tean.. March IS. Tonight tfc aacd cUimed five nwre victims. . A, jUnoo. E u Ui ard ber four children rvTT to wAe their way to tbe town f-.heUrr .and whtle aUrmoUnr to era a rat'road trestie the strong curren' evr wbeiroed the pr-J. ard ait penthed. The ohiest rhi:d was a girl aged 16, and the oaegt an infaat months Tbe river is still rin at Mespbia, and tbe indications are that it was cooUBoe to doeofcr sometime ibe iir tocigbt stand Ik. 9 feel, a rue since inorcicg of 01- a Trrrta-e a l a iter. Nsw Yokk. March 18. Of S2 persoes cmf riinc (he pmnztn and crew of the steamer Yilie Se. Nzir. wtich rai'-ed from this pr March 6 far iort as i'", Haiti, oofy frnr are known to hate sur vived tto iuxAet wni.-h befell toe craft few hosr l:er. Tbe f :cr rel through aa esperie-HV n.' r f.rtuoa y fcas bewa tbe lot of but few. tv;i c cue af:er another of tte 31 others who lett toe -learner ia a lajye boat perish of exrure to ti;e co'd or die of canser. some saSeriQi dvrmg ?be even days in wbich tbey. drifted beipiesrir without sail or compa poojr tbat drove tbem to madneta before k!b ciroe to their relief. Tnere Will Be Wa-. Losnos, March IS FopaSar opinion in titvo, aait tbe limes c-wreapondeit at Athene, iinper4tively demands an eurU dec aratsoo of war wiih I urkey. Tfce idea is that Kurope wou!d then be compeiled to adopt a neutral at'iludtf. llts agreed tbat lite Orek ileet couid cepquer ibe island m tbe Kir an sea, in cluding amar. while tbe Greec army, a aio'ed by icsurvect btods, couid rapidii overrun Macwicwia Tarks M the FrMCter. New York, March IS. A di.patch from $aiotiica to the Herald say: It is ctlieial'y stated tbat 114 battalions of Turki-h infantry, 104 batteries of artil lery and six reriments of cavalry, approxi mately IO.iXH) men, are now distributed along tbe Greek frcatkr laatai .a Fat ate at. Sausm. Or., Mm-h 17 County Jutlge W s Crowd!, of Jackson county, baa written to State Treasure Melscbiin, ask ing if be would permit jarkson's part cl tbe stale taxes, to leiaaia in tbe county treasury nntii such time at tbey may be needed to mtet appropriation made by the legislature, provided the county will pay the state 4 per cent interest on the with held money. treasurer .uettchan siyt he cannot ej- lertain such a proposition, and has an swered Jii(f;e Crowell by icferring him to section M, ot Hill s code. iMai Warlike. Losdox, March 17. Secret and rapid preparations are being made at voolich and other military establisbnients in Great Britain. Chiefs of tlie various garrisons have been ordered to prepare details from regiments avail? ble for foreign service. A number of large steamers have been char tered for tbe government and ordered to load with war stores at Woolwich, for Malta. Two thousand tons of these store will leave Woolwich tomorrow. Trouble is also expected at the Cape of Good Hope, A Ceaalae Dart. Paris, March 17. A duel with swords was fought this afternoon in the park of St Quen, between the Chevalier Pioea, master of tbe Italian school ot arms, and M rbomageux, a French amateur swords man. Tbe meeting which excited intense interest, arose trom a letter insulting Pinea as the outcome of a recent assault at arms. Thouioguex was wounded in tbe face. i Wants riaee. Londoj, Manh 17. The secretary, of the By ion Society has' received a telegram from Athene, slating that the sultan, de- j siring to preserve peace, has offered to withdraw the Turkish garrison from Crete and to astign the island to King George; to be occupied and administered by tireece, with imperial suzerainty of the sultan, taking tbe form of an annual tribute. The telegram states that tl oe terms are entire ly agreeable to the Hellenic cabinet, as well a to tbe Cretan Mohammedans, who piefor annexation to autonomy. Will Ufa ray. OiiKoo.v City, March 17 Clackamas county wili probably not pay to the state treasurer more tban 15 per cent of the state tax levied for 18yd, until another session of the legislature shall be held and the usual appropriations made. Judge Gordon E Hayes ia in favor of this action, and at least one of tbe commissioners is in favor of not only retaining tbe money here, but also resisting the payment of the interest usually demunded by the state. &2 Tbehiefccr-i tobaccos is good a.; livery a - Knows liiere i as OOJ TT . f , a u will jinn one MB, V Siniiliiiid each two 'iuiicclr'p', siid two cou pons mijiis rai ba?; of lilr.c k c fcuy-a hiv, of this rr'.c brn'cd tolc-off.-! read ihe conrjon r.iiKh kivcs n !3t of vol cable fjrwc.Mtss.Dd bo Mi Ia and A rood Lebanon. Mrs Fred Fortmiller, ot Portland, visited relatives in this city a few days this week. He v. J. A. Longbottom aad family ar rived yesterday from Eugene and have taken np their residence in tbe C. P. parsonage Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chandler were in Albany a couple of days this week, visiting Mrs. Chandler's parents. Mies Abbie Fry commenced teaching tbe sprint term of school in the Denny district last Monday. Mrs. W. H Reed last Friday rereive-l a check for $2,000 from the A. O. U. W. of which or.ier bet husband who died January 21 was a member. Prof. Love preached at .be Evangeli cal church in Sodaville Sunday evening, and exhibited wonderful ability for a young preacher. A mask social will be given by the Lady Maccabees, at the band bail, to morrow. Everybody who wishes to have fun ehonld attend, aa there will be plenty of it. Dr J. A. Lamberson of this city is an applicant for the appointment of consul at Osaka, Japan, and bas good chances of securing lue came. He haa tbe en dorsement of ail the beet citizens Leba non irrespective of party tie, also of man prominent men of the state, and bas the friendship and eurpor; of tbe entire Oregon congressional delegation. Express and Advance. Lbn of Patents. Granted to PaciSe States inventor! this week. Reported by C. A. f-now A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. C. S. Patent office, Wash ington, D. C. L A Blubaogh, Red lands, Cat, tem gine exhaust and draft device; A C Cal kins, Santa Barbara,' Cal, eawinz- macbine; G Cann, f. Angeles. Cal, shirvshield; M J Fleming, Portland, Ore, hair-tonic; T Holland, Spokaue, asb, ftove-pipe coa sling; E Larson, Traver, Cal, window-screen; F E Lah ells, Sacramento, Cal, sunshade; C A Meite, San Jose, Cal, bicycle dnving gear; R A Morse, Portland. Ore, egg tamer lor incubators; J H Nash, Stock ton, Cal, wire-cniter; J Porteoos, Free- no Uai. draft connection for vehicles: W N Sherman, M err-ed, Cal, electrical cane ; C F Skiliing, Loa Aneelee, Cal. slidiwr- door mechan'sm ;L H Smith, EI Cajoa. (al, cultivator; J F t-pangler. Santa Ana, Cal, wave-motcr. A Bio Whale. Tbe Tillamook Herald teiis of a whale that pat considerable money in circciation: Tbe whale, of which mention was made in tbe Hers Id of two weeks ago. which went ashore 3 m;'e south ol tsand Lake, proved to be a bonanza to some of tbe peoo'e dosa there. T. II . Harris seeured 210 gallons of oil, H. A. Miles 140. C F. Marshy 90. W. C King 5, Loots Farmer 8, and var ious other received sever! cations each. and still, more than bait ot the enl to waste. The teviathaa was 57 feet in length aboat 12 feet through. One hiif of the iaw boo was secured bv Mr. Harris, which was 13 iel long and one foot through Mr. Miles also secured about 60 ibe of whale bone, . Me. HAKSAa-lssiSk. Mrs. Emma G. Hannah who was sent from -Albany ia November 1SS5 to the penitentiary for life f ir killing Mrs. Lottie Hiatt was yes terday aftertiooB examined for insanity and coca?; led to the insane asvlurn. 1 Th-r as sorr spoealattoa as to wheU T he as really inemoe or pretending to ! be. but on examination resulted ia ber '. cernmiUueat. She imagines some one I flowing her for tbe p urpoee of killing t her. o wonder, .M uxibfis .lmvnov. A large at tendance is required at Review Satur day evening, aa I. S. Ci Luckenbach and Snerwood will be present. Era. Locker bach brings with biut full para- pnenatta inr aerree work, s-d desires in connection with our team to lr a fall exempiiriratioo ot tbe riloaL A pleas ant, instructive ana prontaoietime is aa tics paied. E. I". Will, Com. Now is the Time to rarity, yoar blood and Moons rsapniia w the best medi cine tor the rmrpoe Thousand cf great -urea prove that it is the One True Blood i under. Hocu s PilL are tbe favorite family catbartu and liver medicine. Price 25c. CASTORIA Tor Iafkats and CoILlren. Save Your Grain. rewreaucetnateacb. squirrel tles'rovs i-i ou .una oi s-rairi annually. v ate 'ee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator U the most effective and economical poion known. Trice relac-d to SO cents. For aaie oy rcnay V Maon, agents. FtB Cn-BBtso Orrxa. Leslie's Week ly is the oldest and best of the illustrat ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a model in its character, as everybody knows. The regular price is ft a year; but yon can secure it and the Wsjsslt I'kmocai for only $5.25, or it and the Daily bv mail for J5. USUI, sttaskKT Vi?it. 69c Oat Flaw. 4 00 Rutter 17,3 Eggs 13t . Lard 6 to So Pork hsms. 8 to lOc.thouldcrt 4 to 8. Sides. 6 to S. II iy bale!, ch?at. $7.00, Tiraolby, 3. DIED. SNELL. On March IStn, 1S97, Flovd t.. l-itant eon of Air. an I Mrs K. D. Snell, aged 3 mouths and 15 days. Funeral at residence, corner nf Oak- end Water sts., tomorrow at 12:30. Tbe remains will be Interred at Millers. iliousness Is caused by torpid Bver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify to the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hood's! msonUna, nervousness, and, a it not reSeved, bilious fever I 1 e or blood potsontnt. Hood's II I I llj ftlls sUmulaM the stomach. w nuise the Bver. ear. tteaifeiehe. dtrrtness, eon stliwlloo. etc. SS cents. Bold by all driiKKta. Ilwoulj fUla to tik. with llood't Eiaraapwilla. it "-svvr Uo4U s clairi f. ; t J.i.t Dart.? a ti;i:o.:-4 . n.ti'. 23 TT. i. COBW inr!i h frnr ounce ! ' I riietn. Corvallis. Thursday was Mrs. Alex CampbelPs i?tb birthday. She had a fine dinner and tbe entire family were in attendance, Mrs. E Will and daughter, of Albany, were 07er. rrci n i. rna Yisit-a me aenools ot Albany Thursday. He is allowed three days oi tbe school year for tbe purpose . of visiting neighboring schools ia order tbat be may note any progressive ideas that are in vogue in tbe schools wbich be visits. So far Thursday was tbe first day tbe proteeeor haa taken. One week ago today the Stanford Uni versity snd the Oakland high school bovs had a local field day contest Brady Burnett, of this city, who is attending the university, ran in the mile and baif mue events. Brady was so easy winner in both instances. He .wrote borne tbat m neither was be oldired to run any thing near bis beet. A Portland firm hs a crude notion of Benton conntv finances. A conntv war rant was ieened to them last January and some time ago tber wrote Conntv Treasurer Buchanan, asking when it would be paid. As tbe county ia just now paying off warrants issued mora than four years ago, tbe treasurer is un able to answer with any degree of ac curacy .Time. Brownsville. Still a jotiier change in the barber bus iness in this city Bert Bozan is now employed fa Jackson's shop and Gay liowe is slinging tbe brash in tbe Boa Ion ebop. E. L. Rose. Frank Campbell and Peter Frey went to Oregon City, Tuesday, to sek employment in the woolen miil,aad from a ie:ter received from them it is learned tbey were successful. Mrs. A. A. Toasiaz and two cb&drec starred for ber old home at Rernolda- bnrg, Ohio, lest Mosday morning. She antiooatea a pleasant visit, and ber many friends in this city hope that dis appointment does not'swsit ber. She wul probacy be absent two or three months. Thos. S. PiUsbnrv returned from Ho Springs, Arkansas, Thursday evening. While there be took 40 baths ia tbs cer ebrated springs, an i is looting a gre st deal better. Mr. PiEeborv returned sat isfied to rem sin in Brownsville. He says tironsands ol people are starving to daa h an inrouga Artuneaa, Texas and other statea, and declares Oregon is a par adii. Tbe farmers in tbe neighborhood of Hot Srrinzt sell tbe rai a off their fences tor wool to secure money with which to bay food. Tim-t. A Eeaykxt Medai Gen. H. B. Com peon, railroad commia-aooer, lately received from Washing! the ribbon aad knot prescribed to be worn with tha medals ot honor aatttorixed by tbe acta ol congress of J air, 1SC2, and March, IStJS. He was awarded s medal for coo apicnoas gai'antry in the battle of v aynesioro, when in corn ma od of tba eighth New York cavalry he led his reg iment against tbe center of the Confeder ate forces and broke it, capturing many Prisoners, guns, fiagt, etc Times. SUGAR CHEAP. Come and Sec J Grarlwohl informs tbe general peb Be that be will sell for net cash li lbs granalated sogarfor $1.00. Ail other merchandise, vhicb is too armieroas to xeotioo. at same rate for net cash. I I invite the general public to come and price my roods aac satisfv yourself. By the sack Extra a 4f,c granulated eucjeet to toe change ot tie ket. Special Trip Around the World R.M. S. "Aoranri" inteeis tn leave Iadoai March 17tb. 1S37, via Teaerics, Cape Town. Melbourne. Sydtey, New Zeals nd. Fiji. Hawaii and Yaacoaver. Trdtets good for one year. This -pec ial excursion is rna ia conaectioa with tbe Ca nadian PaciSc railway. Tbs fare for tbe trip will be only fo6t. tbe kwrst rate ever named for sara a trip. For f utl inforsaa boa all on or address E Coyls, agent, 146 Third street. PortiaBd. , or any agent of the Canadian Paciie Ky. - R. and G. Corsets and Corsets. Kid Flttiag I have just received a full line ia beta makes of these celebrated corsets and am prepared to give txtra value cfSOc, 75c aad tl in black and slate. Also keen better graces and extra siaes. Tbe $1.00 corset worthy of special notice. Ask to see oar Otic 75c and $1.00 corsets. S a aval. K. Yocsa KNOCKING AT YOURDOOh. Send in your order and we will call yocr door for your laundry and deliver it without extra charge. Give us a trial, we will iruaraatee van will aatiaSed. Fine finish to drea shirts. Lace curtain is nweo.. Free meadivg department for bundle work. Crrr Ijlcspst. Opp St Chas aotet. Notice. Par-tie nmi net elili-Vona ars hereby notified tbat tliev mm keea their eritelcAn. m 1. ivti nance, ar they will be prosecuted for vi olation of tbe ordinance. Bv order of he marshal. - fwrea trM, 'My three children are II subiect tc croup: I telegraphed to San Francisco, got got a halt dozen bottle of S B Cough Cure It isa perfect retuedy. God bless you fr it- Yours, e'e J.H. O osier. Grant Pass, t.)r." For sa by Fothay A Mason at 0c per bottle. We keep tbe only complete stock printer's stationary ia the county. Smi ey the printer. Stop in at Burknart and Lee's drag; store and examine their stock of c-'ear Havana cigars, they certainly have a fine line and aluays try to please every one that enjoys a good smoke. ...I mm Uar'staarftaaX aaai" Focr out of every five bottles ot "medi cine sold in th3 last 6ve years are S. B. goods. Tbe S. B Headache and Live Cure t use nivself s a reperal physio. If von are sick and want to set well, thf quickest, cheapest and safest methoe -a tc buvtlieS B. remedies and use as direiied C P. B alch. DrusKist, Oufur. Or. " Foa ale by Foshay A Mason at 50 ct per bot- le. r.r tMtei am 65 years old; have had kiJn. disease ad constipation for 25 year. Am now welt used your S. B. HMdjrh .d liver Cure one year. Used ft hntrte i 50 cents eca. JH Eniaht. Rntledm Or." For sale by Foshav: A Mason at S a per bottle. 1 x-siv "43 m A de "wr.;i. 1 i Mm