The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 26, 1897, Image 3

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Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month
I3.C0 per advance, SOc per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over 3 months. Single copies 6c.
Wbekly. tl.25 In advance; 81.50 at end
of year; 1 1.75 for second year; 200 for
third and proceeding1 year, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscriber
tor $5.00.
Dr. slender-son's Death.
Dr. W. V. Henderson died at the Hen
derson home at Eight and Pearl streets,
inEugene, at 7:20 p. m. kriday, March
19, 1S97, after an illness of only two
weeks' duration. The diiect cause of
death was blood poisoning, which re
sulted from a peculiar and unclassifiable
disease which originated in his right leg.
The poison was carried all through the
yBtem and death followed very quickly.
Deceased was aged 39 years, 10 months
and 29 days, having been born on- College
Hill, a suburb to this city, April 20, 157.
Deceased was an enthusiastic lodge man.
He was a member of four different orders,
namely, A F & A M ; Helmet Lode, No.
33, Knights of Pythias ; Eugene Cmp,
Mo. 115, Woodmen of the Woi !d, and the
recently organized lodge of Eli;s. -Guard
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 cho:ce"cat gut" Banjo Is
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light running ; guaran
teed 5 years,
CtyPrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application .
E. U. Will
Mr - H. C. Jackson was visiting friends
here last week. Henry was one of our
bsse ball Johnnies in '78 when we beat
R Q. Junkin returned last Friday
from a visit to Lebanon. He is opposed
to railroad corporations and for this
reason travels on foot.
Dr. J. G Smith of JeflVn-on, made a
hurried visit to this plaee hist week. Call
W e accepted an invitation to dine with
Mr HamiP hst Thursdav and :n com
pany with Mr H. we visited the fruit
farm of Mrs Murphy.
We don't think that "correspondents"
of a country newspaper should "flirt"
with one another, and moreover we can
inform "Joahouway" of Potatodom, that
he ma ba mis taken in his ideas about
"Belinda Jane" of Syracuse, however
we suggest that you write to her, and we
further suggest that you both write to
Little Rose Bud, Oakville, (the p. m.
knows ue.)
Now that the big piize fight is over
oar people will be at loss for a topic of
conversation -
Our photographer has been taking
some views, last week.
Young America has gone to California;
.so we will not be bothered with hint any
Little Rose Bcd.
Havk Com to Locate. Mr. R. P.
Baker, recently from Chiihowie, Smith
county, Virginia, has rented a house in
Albany and with his family ate looking
over the field with a view to the estab
lishment of a cannery and fruit drying
establishment here. He is an exper
ienced man in the business anl there 4a
undoubtedly a field here for one run in
the right way. Mr Baker is in favor ot
one on the cooperative plan. He also
represents about fifty families, from Vir
ginia, Tennessee and North Caroiina.who
intend locating in the state in fruit rais
ing, stock business and general farming.
They are a prosperous people who desire
a home in this northwest country.
Our business men should nee their best
endeavors to encourage the proposed in
dustry and as we'll to secure immigration
of this character. Ten years ago Mr.
Baker spent four months in and around
Engene and was so well pleased with tbe
state he decided upon this movement.
Inter-Denominational Missionary
This meeting, conducted by the mis
sionary societies of the churches of this
city, will be held on Friday of this week.
The afternoon session, beginning at 2
o'clock, wi.l be held in the Congrega
tional church and at 7 :30 the exercises
will continue in the Methodist church
The program of the sessions will be as
Devotional exercises Conducted bv
Southern Methodist church.
Opening Remarks Chairman.
Atrica and Its Missions.
(a) Map exercise, etc Presbyterian
(b) Customs Religious and Social
Baptist church. ' "
Prominent features of Mission Work
in Africa Five minute talks by a repre
sentative from each denomination.
Select Reading 31. E. church.
Should Christian . People Practice
Tithing? Free parliament opened by
Evangelistic church.
Closing Exercises.
Singing Congregation.
Prayer Rev. Arthur Cane, (Christian
Anthem ITnittt? Pre- phra'r V
Paper Why Do Mission Work Mrs.
C. O. Hogue.
Quar;et Cumberland Pres. choir.
Paper Hindrances to Mission Work
Mr.E. F.Sox,
Quartet Presbyterian choir.
Address by Mrs. M. C. Wire.
Solo and response Miss Alderson and
Mrs. Howland.
Benediction Rev. Manshardt.
Notwithstanding a heavy rain a large
audience was st the opera house last
night to see and hear Mrs. Lillian M.
Hollieter, of Michigan, Supreme Com
mander ot the Lady Maccabees of the
World. The stage presented an artistic
appearance with its decorations of rich
L. O. T. M. banners, pictures, evergreens
and flowers, tastily at ranged.
Upon being introduced Mrs. Hollieter
told how Miss Bina West warned her not
to miss Albany a beautiful city, and to
be sure and see tne big bridge, which she
at once did. Mrs. Hollister by a line
presence and a pleasing address at once
vot into the graces of tbe audience. Al
ter referring to woman's advancement,
her dress, etc, up to her presence in de
liberate bodies, she referred in a peas
ant manner to the W. O. T. U. and other
organizations. A pointed review was
made of woman's work generally in dif
ferent fields. On a visit to tike Btate leg
islature at Denver she witnessed a num
ber of lady members, who were always
in their seats and prompt in their a u ties.
Then tlieL. O. X. M. was taken up, a
business organization of woman, which
started in Michigan after many object
ions by the men, and now it has 31,000
women there and 70,000 in the world.
The advantages of life benefits by women
for their husbands and children waa en
larged upon. Men and women should
have a snigb standard to govern them,
on equal terms. The speaker showed
how the order and other orders were do
ing a work that could not be done by
churches The organization is educa
tional, along parlimentary and other
linos, ami the beneticiarr itself is a great
thing. Mrs. Hollister talks in an easy,
fluent manner, and has the merit of end
ing her address opportunely.
A fine banquet was given in the W. 0.
T. U. hail. Five rabies were spread in a
tasty manner, and bountifully laden with
tilings. Two large and elegant
surmounted with a hive and the other
with a tent attracted attention. They
were presented the L. t. T M. for the
occasion by Mrs Conrad Meyer. The
hive was ciit at the oihcial table bv Mrs.
Hollister, assisted by several sister Mac
cabees and the pieces taken home as me
mentoes of the pleasant occasion
Not Guilty. The case of the State
against Emma Barrier , the school teacher,
charged with assault upon a pupil, .Neva
Lookingbill, was terminated awhile be
fore 10 o'clock Saturday night. The
closing arguments were made by Judge
Whitney and Hon. J. M. Somers for the
prosecution and L. M. Curl and Percy
Kelley for the defendant. The justice
charged the jury giving them a wide lat
itude in reference to law and fact. The
jury was gone from the box just seven
minutes, rendering a verdict of not guilty.
It waa received with a loud cheer, show
ing the sy Apathy of the large audience
to be with the defendant, and many
flocked around her with congratulations.
Thus ended tbe only school teacher whij -ping
trial in Albany for at least sixteen
years, if not in its history. It certainly
is to be hoped it is the last.
Au Albany Factory.
The following from the Portland Tri
bune is an interesting send off for an Al
bany ins'itution:
By way of illustrating the success tkw-
sible of attainment bv home enterprise
in turning out factory products the Tri
bune was shown the chairs manufactur
ed by the Sugar Pine Mill fe Fixture
Company, of Aibany.this state, and pre
sented to the office of the Northwest
Manufacturers' Association, the head
office of. whbh is in room 7. Chamber of
Commerce build me. this city. No chair
factory in the United States can tarn
out finer work of the classes to which
these piodncta belong, ard we are assur
ed by competent authority that no coun
try produces a finer quality of maple,
oak and ash than that of Oregon.
So popular have the chairs turned out
by the Albany factory become tiiat that
institution is running a full force of
workmen day and night to supply orders
received from California alone. The
factory makes a specialty of chair), is
achieving great success and now enjoys
a fine trade. A moet satisfactory profit
is being realized on the money invested
and the plant is being appreciably en
larged. -
Mr. J. E. Brown, who is president of
the company, is proceeding upon the re
sumption that there are thousands of
necessary articles ot commerce which
Oregon ought to produce for its ownt peo
ple, saving to them the vast soma of
money now daily flowing out of the state
in payment for products of other states.
The success ef 1 is factory demonstrates
conclusively that his assumption is rigbt.
Tennessee Gatherings.
Thk Fikst Paper. There ia
private office of George T. Cark,
brarian of the San Francieco free
JiDrary, ana wnicn may Da seen upon
request, a rare publication, eava tbe San
Francieco Call. It is a ccpy ol the firrt
newspaper published on the Pacific c.aet
:and with it are issues of the same paper.
Jt is the Oregon Spectator, the first
number of which appeared in Oregon
City, Or. Ter.. Thursday, lebruary 5,
2846. It was issued by the Oregon print
ing Co . 3. Fleming manager, and edit
ed by W.Xt. T'Vault. The papers ia
the colleitton ran from the date of the
first issue to and including the 20th of
January, 1848. These papers contain
much of in-.erest about the early history
of Oregon, and they were at one time tbe
?roperty of of tbe Rev. B. E. Parrish.
be Oregon Spectator was issued several
months before tbe first California pub
lication, which was tbe California. which
first appeared at Monterey on the 15th
of August, 1846.
W L Simeral, of Maleay, a genuine far
mer, has ben elected farmer at the reform
school . His wife will be farmeress. -:
A large quantity of flax will be ?owed
around Scio this year, considerable having
been given the farmers foi the purpose.
There is excellent soil in the vicinity for
the purpose, already demonstrated by ex
periment. '
The Southern PaciS-s Company has be
gun to raise its track between Oregon City
and Clackamas bridge, a distance ef about
two miles, so as to be above the Willamette
river flood. In some places it will bate to
I be raised four or five feet,
in the ' Gilbert W. Qoivey. ia the "60s a drug
the li-1 P8 a Boie City. Idaho, in the T-Ts editor
public - and publisher of the Democrat at Cor Tallin,
aiea at i o ciocs oaiuraay morning at Uor-
vauis lie waa oorn in lowa. &S years ago.
His death was tbe result of a rjaralvtis
stroke, with which he was seized Wt Monday.
Ex-PninVnt Harrison, whose article
in The Laihes' Home lournal are creatine
such wideirrpnd interest, will write abowt 1
" l ne Social LJe of the President," in the
April issue of that magazine. The ex
President will tell of the dinners, recep
tions etc. that are erven bv tbe Chief Exe
cutive, and detail the great social demands
maaenpon mm. tie also gives a peep
into the White House dining room and
silver closet, and no'ea the beauty of tbe
service used for .State dinners, which was
bought at second band. It is said that he
al pajs beed to t he off repeated question.
"How much of his a.uj can a resident
lay aside r'
ThbAstoeia Road. Archie Maeon,
the contractor, started a number of teams
to Goble on Sunday and several of his
men, with Louis Mason in charge, left
yesterdav for tbe same place to begin
work on bis contract on tbe Astoria-Goble
railroad. Mr. Mason, himself? will
leave for the same plaee today and will
begin active operations at ence, expect
ing to complete toe wont Deiore Septem
berlst. The company expect to have
the entire road in operation within a few
days after the grading :s completed.
Mr. Walter Biddle has been in Eugene
on a visit.
Dr. Del MacCIaire.recently in Albany,
ia in The Dalles this week.
Miss Maggie Barker is home after a
several months visit in Portland with
her brother.
T. T. Geer of Marion county has made
formal application for the position of
collector of customes at Portland.
A surprise party was tendered Mr
Fred Weatneriora Saturday evening in
honor of bis eighteenth birthday. A de
ligbtful evening was passed in different
kinds oi amusements.
Messrs. F. A. Hackleman and Henry
Bee passed through here last Monday
on their way from Albany to Cam n creek.
The report the road in a fearful condi
tion between here and The Daiies. They
brought with them a fine 2-year-old stal
lion sired Dy uneco. rnnevuie Keview,
It is the Ixtkntios of tbe assignee ot
tbe L. E. Blam Clothing Company to
sell tbe stock ot goods in a lump, and of
lers for tbe same will be received. This
is also the desire of the creditors, the re
eults generally -beincr the most satisfac
tory It is to be hoped this fine stock of
clothing, one of tee best in the valley, is
purchased by those who will keep it in
the city and continue th.'s old establish
ed bueinese.
Gov. Lord's Opisio.v. Governor Lord
was asked for an expression of opinion in
the matter of the counties withholding
the taxes from the state treasury. He
said : "The only safe and wise course to
pursue is to obey the law. It seems to
me that tbe paying of tax money to the
state treasurer at the time fixed by law,
where the money is in tbe county' treas
ury, is matter of much more moment to
the county treasurer than to tbe county
judge, whose jurisdiction in the premises
is not perceived. The rounty judge has
no jurisdiction in tbe matter; nor do tbe
oiii xn ot the state have any discretion
to postpone the command of tbe law, or
to connive at its violation."
A Good Appoistmfst. Mr. H. Bryant
was yesterday appointed assignee ol the
personal estate of L. E. Blain. His bonds
were placed at $40,000 and were filed a'
once. Tbe appointment ia an excellent
A new congressman is named Booze.
If he doen't have a big time at Wash
ington we miss our guess. His name Is
an appropriate one.
A Portland Sunday paper has figured
out that the San Francisco Dtiraitt and
the Portland Durant aro somewhat alike
because both professed to be pious. That
is eylogistic reasoning with a vengeance
A man in tortland named Pague,
Who is pulling the government's lague,
Is so deucedly clever
In planning bad weather,
That we wish he was kept in a kague.
E. O .
There ia only one other man in Oregon
bearing the Bame name as the Man about
Town. He tesidea in Portland, is a law
yer, and is making a donkey of himself.
Never having met him and knowing
nothing about him, the Man about Town
is not in a position to give h'm tbo ad
vice be Badly needs.
Govseller has settled the matter. He
says the prise fight is no worse than a
foot bull game, lie is backed up in this
by Ex U. S. Senator Ingalle. The Sen
ator, though candidly admits that he
never intends to witnesj another tight.
It was his first and last.
The Huttort family will be strictly in
it. Garret 1 lobart, a son of the viee
precident, only 12 years old, has applied
for the position of electrician at the
While houR. liefer eeml him to school
for ten jear and give tbo place to some
one needing it.
It is the business of the newspaper to
stand in with home institution no mat
ter whether home insiitutions stand in
with it or not This the pauer is always
glad to unselthhly do, a fact worthy of
consideration by those who are always
wanting home institutions supported.
Money back if
you don't like
Schilling s Best.
Tea and money
at your grocer's.
A Schilling St Co
San Francisco
(By Xicto Putro.,
Tk-vnesckc, March 2t, 1897.
Vill Blackiaw captured a very laree
mink last week, its Bkin measuring 3
feet from tip to tip. This is the seconi
one he has captured in tbe last year,
both being extra fine ones.
Literary proceedings having been post
noned for church services, a meeting was
called for last Saturday evening, but a
quorum not being present they simply
adjourned. It is feared that our literary
is taking pattern from our recent legisla
ture, as the meeting called waa for the
purpose of electing officers John 11.
Mitchell's presence eeeina to be wocfally
The revival ewrvices closed here last
week with about fifteen converts.
Will Blarklaw, Herman and Lajton
Davis were in Albany last week attend
in;; court as witnesses in tbe case against
Ellis Alien, Bill Fronk, Jack Koe. Geo
and Walter Davis went also in town.
Miss Blackiaw commerced school last
week, with few in attendance, bnt more
will probably attend in tbe tear future.
The result of the prize fight at Carson
was received with surprise here. It is
to be hoped that this will eud such fights
for a short time.
Mr. Editor: Tennessee is not across
the Santiam, but on this side of tbe
Last Tuesday evening an entertain
ment was given at the school boose by
Mr. and M r. W. S. Thompson, Adda
Pogh and EfSe Thompson, also little
Fairy Thompson. The program was
largely on the comic line and canaed
many a hearty laugh. Mr. Sherman
Thompson was formerly a resident of
this place and we were glad to welcome
him to our homes In a brief congratu
lation to tbe people of Tennessee, he i
men.ioced the era toxical talents of our
people, especially that of J. Sherman
Wallace At this mention the house
bunt into applause, honoring the de
prived soong orator.
"Keep of! the grass." Mr. Mansey
has ordered all children to go by Leba
non whi!e going to school.
J. K. Baltimore and Jess Smith chas
ed a dusky mountain woli for a few boors
last Wednesday but did not succeed in
capturing it. He was evidently forced
by starvation to accept the ad ventures of
the valley for food, and besan a t once to
prey on ihe sheep. .
Mr. Geo. Will, of Salem, i in tbe city.
Mr. Peter Riley went to Portland cn
this mornings boat.
Mrs. X. H. Allen was in Eugene last
night to assist in instituting an Eastern
Star lodge.
J. S. Van Winkle. W. A Cox and
Henry Stewart went to Portland toilav
on Maccabee butinees.
TLe regular meetinsr of the Eastern
Star will be held tonight, to wLu.h the
attention of members is called.
II. T. Hill and 3. A. Perkim arrived
htre yesterday frotu Priotrviiie. Mr.
Hill ia en route to Albany. The Dalies
T. M.
Mr. and Mrs Walter. Chance Lave
moved from Brownsville U Albany to
reside. Mr. Chance will work on the O.
. & E.
Misses Winnifred and Kate Fennel
are en route to Stockton, Ualitornia,
where they will visit for a couple of
months. Statesman.
Miss Lord, representing thellext Con
cert Co., 'one of tbe best in tbe U. 8 ,
with Mies Hext and the famous violinist
V alther as attractions. i in tbe city, ar
ranging for a date here.
Mr. A. J. Hodzes. tbe dentist in proe-
pecto, arrived home this noon, from Chi
cago, to remain until next fall, when he
will resume his studies in the big city
H's progress has been very satisfactory.
Mrs Hoffman , of Corvalis, has been in
the city the euestof Mr. I. P. Mason and
family. Her daughter. Mies Maud Hoff
man w ii J w wua vr i son iewi-
mg lady an i recently opened an engage
ment in Uhicago.
Mrs. I. M. Sears. Mrs. M. J. Stites,
Mrs. Conrad Meyer and Mrs. J. F. Trout
man went to Salem today to attend tbe
afternoon and evening sessions of the L
O. T. M. conducted by Supreme Lady
commander, Mrs. Hollister. ,
A New Yorker n-cenl ly carried across
the ocean a bicycie for which he had
raid $100. Thinking to astonih the na
tives, tie paid duty at the German front
ier and rode into a town, where he was
led to a local aeenoy maintain by the
American manufacturer, and shown tbe
same wheel on sale for the equivalent of
t". Draw your own conclusions.
A new fad is t'.ie double twist hand
shake. It consists ol rr ordinary hand
shake, then a pauee with the hands
clasped, then each draws the other clos
er with a second hard squeeze ot the
hand. It takes same practice to do it
right, but it is very effective
It has all been figured out. Cor")?!t
struck Fitxsimmons jut 221 blows and
Fitx struck Corbett 142 blows. The New
York World of the ISth gives pictures of
the two men in each round with the ex
act location of every blow. Asa i.e
paptr enterprise the World's account
surpasses all other efforts.
Mr. C. C. Hogue ia in San Francisco
on a business trip.
Attorney General O M ldleman paid
his first visit to Albsny yesterday.
Prof W. A. Mcfiheo closed a veiy suc
cessful session ot the Oakland pu'ilic
echool Friday, and parsed thr-niU Koe
Imrg Saturday to.' .Myrtle Creefc. He
will open a term there today. Kosebttrg
Bev. Manshardt, of tl.e Evangelical
church will leave tomorrow morning for
California, going by way of Portland and
the Pacitio, and will be pin about one
month, the trip being rondo necessary on
account of his health. . Ihirm - his l
sence Bev. M. Burlingame, of Corvallis,
will supply tbe pulpit.
Evangeline Chapter, No. H, Eastern
Star Lodiie, luiiiea auxilSiRry to the
.Masonic or ler, w g instituted in Mason
ic hall la it night by Mis. r'. A. Helm, of
Corvallis, grand in itron, RbMMed by
Mrs. Allen of Alrany, district deputy
grand matron, V. re. (Vmklin .f R-fehtirir
gran J tecretar, and Mrs. Iee, ol Cr
vallis, grand uiarthai. tiuaid.
Last evening at the residecie of Mr
A. P. lUrkcr a delightful surprise party
was tendered Mies Maggie llarker, lio
recently returned from a long visit in
Portland. Heverai hour were j.a-.
in rauies of different kinds and a delici
ous lunch waa served. Tluso present
Tuesday evening, fliarcu z.s. m not fail to ee the new shirt waUU
Present Mayor, recorder, duel ol Po- me ladies bazaar
lice, street snperintenuent ana i;ouncu
men Tweedale, Hopklne, Daunals, Mar
tin. The following bills were ordered paid:
Stewart Sox Co, f8 65; Hopkins Bros,
70; J W Roberts, 9 70; Hughes A
Troutman,$5 30; M LudwW,2 20; O W
Watts. :J4; Or Tel Co, 3 25; N J Hen
ton, 2'J 05; John Chiswell, $2 f0; N J
lleuton, on assessing rity, $00; M J
Monteith, rebate tax, f I 8th
Petition of F E A. tarns aeked permis
sion to erect m front of his residence, oa
3rd street, between Broadaloin and Ells
worth treets,a 00 candle gas light. Up
on motion loBt 2 to 3,
oireet superintendent reported work
done during two weeks.
Matter of bids for gravel was contin
ued. Ordinance bill No. 333 providing for a
tax of $5 a quarter on pool rooms, in
stead of $5 a table as heretofore, was read
three times and passed unanimously.
A u-trrant wag ordered drawn to pay
the 2JaO duo April 1 on interest.
Mr Wm Frcmm presented the matter
of ti c flume at his place of business and
astced that the city build or repair the
bridge over the flume. The matter was
dii-cii8ed, tbe position of the city being
that it had nothing to do with the, mat
ter. No action was taken.
The matter of girls running around the
street nights was discussed, it being
stated that the calal-oo-e was not m fit
place to put them. Tbe Cliit-f ut Police
waa instructed to enforce tbe cuifew or-1 ri'oven such fm ihi
uiuance iu rcterence to girl anyway. f r..rker Bros ma arae
For f mils
Of all kinds,
do to
F. II. Pfe'ffers.
IUwhon stills Liverine.
Liverine 50e at Dawson's.
Apples at C E Bkowukus.
Smiley does cur job printing
No blur on Suiiley's printing,
F H Pfeiffer keeps tverjthmg in season.
PietuT a from 75 cents to $25 per doz n
at Longs gallery.
See French's line of opal rings. Tbey
are all ribt and cheap. .
For a good ph) sic take Liverine, for sale
by lUwtoa. the "pill autocrat-"
Our printing is the chMest becauie it
u tbe best,, tbe Printer.
Our work is the best. thoroiTmi it ti,
choaocst. Smiley, the Printer. .
Crawford & Hamuli for pholograt lis.
Prices from 01 to f?9 per down.
Water whiie comb honey from California.
Just in at u K I'.iiows fix's
Two package of garden "cd for S;ts,
according to Iheir usual custom at Stewart
& Sox's.
Yea will find beantif a!-line of Mies
gold rinif uu-i luntf chain ut French's
jeweliy store
Jr. t W , M.-.tton. I.hjii:ian and ar-l
Keon, Albany Or ta'ls answered prompt
ly in city or country
IhatUermsn washine flu;d. which has
bH rnved at
qu-tatity. Call
The Columbia, the
Ajax and the Wind
sor Lines.
" We will fell you the best
wheel on earth, or a cheaper
wheel L" you desire it. Call
and see us and get our pric
es and terms before you buy
MARCH, 24, 1897.
New "Goods Arrive.
H. F. Mcllwain's New Cash Store.
New patters in standard prints, 20 yd
Mens heavy plow shoes
Mens latest style hats ($2 00 frrade)
Mens hues- Ox Blood shoe ($5 00 grade)
Indies Ox BUxl tits size 2 to 7 ,
1 00
1 00
1 25
4 00
1 25
Jjuliea coin toe, the latest out 2 to 8 $1 25 to 3 00
Mens fine shoe in congress and lace (1 23 to 4 00
A r buckle Coffee, per pound 15
lion Coffee, " J5
Ktay.on flour, per sack 1 05
All the best brands flour, pereack 1 03
and try a bottle.
Information that is worth its weight in
wn: net yr.tir meats of all kinds at Hen-
Lasa Coi-xty's Acno. A special ses
sion of the Lane county court will prob
ably be held in a few days, at which time i rr Broker's, on r.t
an order will be issued instructing the ( if - OM rnn a, n. i
county treasurer to retain about SO per ."d mros Whi i '"I
cent or f 20.000 of the tax money due the Zlioa For n?. U
Mate from thi count. Thi. aetion ia in 1 uUon for no ' tlj ly o? "me.
accordance with the dec sion reached by r ic,,olc. meats of all kinds, asd
Itieeounty iudRe' convention recently i PmPl b,,'lon cail otwin tt'ra Eroerick
held in Portland. TI.e'O percent which Nn- two dncr Keecfct k Muer.
will be paid in will be Lane county's por- j V" ": E. d O. K. Beers office , at
lion towards pay ins; accruing cxpenata fwhiwx ia Ihe pott office building he.
of the state until li h-gilature convene i 131 attention given to disease of woro '
and pauses appropriation bills, which will H itb b:it littfe care and no trouble the i
be two years hence unlea a speci. 1 ses- beard and mu.Uche can be kept a uniform
ioa is called. The :O.UO0 retained will , brown or bick color -y bm0"7 Bjciinst- I
I applied on Ui payment of outun.J-tham.a Inefcr tbe Whu-ki r i
... . v -. .v. v, i ( rw in
every share
lrge line mens all silk tie d.
Men underwear
Choice country bacon (cut to order
3 cans extra tine cove oysters
papers Arbucke or Lion coffee
I-arge line draperies, per yard
Exlr fine line mens oft shirt
I'ree button from 9c doz to
Goid Durt wash powder, Fairbanks, 31b
Large damaek towel
2 lartre haavy towels
5 pallor Pearl coal oil
5 pkg matches (beet)
Fine toilet soap, periosn'd (per box 3 cakeaj...
Broome from 15c np
..12 eenta
wer: ilran.J.MrsJ Undj-ren ; Mr r.a 'Zl . nure the name Oliver is .n
Mrs u I. woe; Mr ana S u Alien: " " V7. 1"""??ZJ''1J Hopkin.
juiije anti .ur iit-uiu ; air ana .r w i r, . " ,f" i k'nmiit.mi;i .
i, , . . i ....! i the amount retained un to th.t ! aeT Bouse until you i
Savior? Mran.l Mm V. 'I'hral! ? Mr n,l I Ouard. 1 he State Wld UUCOUbiedly make ! "i?'
..,.,.. 1 a drsrserase effort to eet the n -r .ni'V0.wl"Poa nne Use of
part. Craw, Sloan. Hcaue, and
Mites Cox, Chiswell, Ans-jB,
andMyi-rs; Mesrs Uuins, Ursy,
way aiid lr. I'.arker.
each the shop of
Company, where
mem rf ah
: J . . '. tt " v 1 Imi, I hi, an i. . I 1 . . .
lLIrf-ii nn, ii imws out at once sue i - aDV
l-"arr.i : '-r me w noie iM.wu, tout causing a lix i j jvu on twi vn 'Dtm
Uai'o-; il'i,sl expense.
Call and examine my new stock, pet my r rices and you will le convinced that I
am working apainst the combines and for the peuplea intereet. Will cat price
here it is possible. Produce bought and sold.
H. F. HcILWAIN, Cash Store.
i rt,-ti . . .
jour poat wool octi' jou i---e
,t KOhea, mho wpi wj te hight catb
Jerr uo Cabjs. Mr Kre-1 Vet-lprce )
brack rvturted oa thi morning's over-l. 'te of the rvvrcpanie at Romiand R C
land from hi trip to Carsou. Nevada ! 1' Albaey G.ld Miainir Co. ' Hro!
! lie was acoomrmed ly Tom Chamber i " wiient ana W lirou seirctary.
,s luth to j who ha been ia C-il.foroia aome time. A special meeting? cf the AOL' W wilt!
vTcralra Bxb Chamber and FankStew.rt are on be bd Jl. VJL ' I
aiUtiity at ! their way lowrd Southern California. iroporUiwe wr.l come no. Bv order f ti I mill j
I rred eays he aaw the bisr Bch. and esve W Jl. i
I-aprippe, like winter seen;
take its drpsrinr. I here are
vera rafts of it in tut cotntu
of tne latt month bate canaeJ a of , elpaS attraction waa Mr rttsaunmona. ' Ji
Ir. Driver went to Salem this morn- j me oek in thi part of th. county. j He thinks the affair was a I.U. a there lb. wia l tt on th-U O MP IT, i l
ing. He thinks Mitchelt will be re- Mark Fortter, Tangent's cental nur-' "M ,ver VT" tteu could not jj trfWM Atori"aaduA t
elected yet,-Guard. If Mbchell real! ! eervman and ali-ar.tmd fawtler. tyeul I iUiiaiot-. oot tt be had s ctWrom w. ,
wishes to be re-elected he should secure t Sunday with friends in thi vkinity. J., J """.f0: f J Jd t hT. tT 'iit P JT 1
To hS JeSir was l" T- W"f"J " ftiwf 4 I Mr Westtks's advent are iSel
u uironsr wmeni in lit ueieav was tne tijn- wia(,.!ii! now t.reach-s . . . ,, . .. ... birunl if v-,h nr. W rJ i .n.
MRMUh . I ,. .. . . ' . - ! l' wi.ll gn-ai iu:vmi. Iin ICil A1U2CT . ... .
j, auu i inst in Kenlitcxv to u.S:t!,cc ttiat Ijh i-.. : .. . . . -
:." . " , " , 1 i r twuirj tiw s u mar ti m men-
s apwiij w. ,e .a-i ti.urcue,. i lnjf francisco and tix ia Ua way
" Taoa IUr, who !as leen astee4;r j back to Aibauv.
college here during ti e ic;t'l talxx
fcr Miil City. ' i A Ymn pAii..Mr. Joln h'ur.ter
Misa K!la Holman. of Waterloo, was I feivMf payutentof a raUr !ong tu&J-
visititg relatives tear here yet4ar. j ing wagvr on lurday. it eceui timt
UimAnnaMos wtnt so Taoe-t to-;?",'f,u-tMr,,0.Le nJ. M.'- A.-.
day w her she will rctde a hof t lime, j I ', V ' L sor Ui ,lc'l
cn, xm ia t .-iver wjsrerea a eni
of cKiihe on the comtroction of Ue
elb r.
Tlie Guard editor tell about a very cur
ion theatre custom in Mexico. Admis
sion ia sold by acts in the t heat tea. It
the enow is satisfactory, and the Mexican
haa more money, he will boy another
piece If it is bad he can quit at any
time. The show is thus soid compara
tively speaking, by the yard, the same as
Tbe tSkers of Ike Sfco LW
hiv pubi'iib?"! the following': it tppeur
i teat Ktue hjdraheaded monger has ci.-v a-
kled the rrport that ti klrc: Labor Fx
; i jyinge. is gxtiag into tbe hia-ls of a re
; ct iver. wtici i. f;. cr prc-pect ar ?
. U?'.- ti n tb.-r rare bvn f it inn time,
. r f :::jrr iookt hopeful atd encoara-
Uncle Abe HsckWman here a few
buy a certain amount of calico or cloth,
That wouldn't do in the U. S.
The Portland Wetco.-ne sajs: "The
aentiment among bnines men ia almost
unanimously In favor of ih retention in
office of Collector of Customs T J.
.3 J I - -t --. v . . ;wt nm.i:i :H UV CHEir UCVH.
ir a customer etioulj go to a store and ; g mokinp ior nuuery nu vm m rat Itc-etnirj: A Cx bay railroad. If it
1- r"" ii"" eomptetea to ths Citv wtthtn two jean
twrn Oregon. j Mf t;ack won ,jt Vr Hunter got ?
Um Cecil, of ?aloe. TVacJi, writes to s the clithr. Tiie former, now a tner-1
reialnes her- of t! desth of hi bof.her, ? char.t of Mettle Point, waa ia to n last '
who was froien to deauh a few ago i wett. and on ia'urdaiv tnrv wDiujilr I
while riling for stock cn the Vixoxh-g raid far a suit of cljlUe for "the latter'.'
ranpt. Mr Cecil write tbt the w:&:er Mr. I'.Urk wwhed to renew th wsjcr,!
cas t-een nnnaiiy sn n r.?it oi.tiiiJSf liunur inchned tobeiiew
ever since November.
Black. He has piven peneral taiifc-i lUM arthwMit, with sow
lion in t!;e administration o; the atTjurs
of hi otlice, and it would be ennsidered
very proper should President McKlnley
allow him to remain where be is. Mr.
Black is a sound money Democrat and
has always upbeld the p Id standard.
Consequently he is in fullrympathy with
the present administration.
It transpires that Fitzsicomons came
vcrv near b?in a minister when a boy,
and probably would have been but
another JS. S. scholar pniled hi ear and
the teacher refoin2 to stand In with
him be left in disgust and went oat into
the great world. He certainly possesses
tbe talking vrocliviti- for pleaching and
perhaps has more ability than he i
credited a ith. It is a fact that he would
not train on Sunday while Corbett paid
no attention to tbe day.
coEi:an!!r the pros.iecu are fair for th earSv com- !
A. I . p'ci.oa of li-e road ai-t !etiiaed the pro-
At th Cm Ilornit. The In-pcrial! . ... ' i
Comedy Compacy presented U Cisaie at .A -rr.s tTrTiz.-Mrs. i
the opera houflt nightie a prod site j'- - 1 Kujene. toahV a j
audience It iaaeomedr. with eontid-1 J?ef liaa od ,n i
eraUa ainirlns-. aiul tail ni in. Tl. t P rt.and en toe reprew.tatioa it there f
Nir at F. !. I'fciGtr's.
Hal bVH
Iry otior .
tr n pes.
t? sreet taieS,
tkjokiii f rlc.
Will sell Groceries
and Provisions
at cost.
Call and get prices.
Germxn aaih'cg fluid 10 cents a quart or S3 cents a gsHou.
L'cutnern Pacific-
Go. tifrw TrIa
Mn rc. PBy
; !I li t ir
At li
At 14 a a
L i T?je r
difterent feature were loudsv arpJauJcJ. j "ip; i
Mis Southern' tteic is" rronwu tJ f 'M a month. Tlie house was fail J
excellent, and she u eU Uckd ly 1 receipu were 1 400 a :
. ianut. a nun oma ituiowea ana art
f IVcitra will prohaNy oi-3 the venture on I
I arwar.t ol tt.e B.irepncenUitk'C of the
el!er. i
lour tjjoccric and Baked Goods!
Abofi iri? ro? at Ea Prtiad
Orc-a Oitv. Wjibacn. Silttn. Tttr-
Iner, Karn, Jef-rsn, A!bany,
1 Tng?nt, Shed-l Hi'-v Eueoe
Cred, Cotta?e Grove, Drain, and all
Mattes frra H-ebarg swhl to and ia-
oading Ablaad.
Is at Parer P,roa F. very hod v ki
Levi f where their place ia. They keep a fresh '. t 1
nnvtnM an.I I..V.I '
The W C T U will hold its regular meet
intr in tbe hall, Tuesdat March 23. 1897.
at 3 p va. The meeting will begin on time
and bupts ot departments will make re '
por's, a!so some otber interesting program
will will be presented. All ladies are in
vited and members especially urged to be
present. See
- J S MeCmre was on Saturday installed
as acting postmaster, in fill tbe vacancy
,Mued by tbe death of W V Henderson at
Eugene. McCluw was recommenced by
the oondsmen of T J Craig.
A swell line of reefers for little to!s juot
received at the Ladies ftmar.
rHB Result. For a fleshy person to
lose 7 ponnds in weight in a week and
be healthier for it is pietty good. One
of Prof. Whitehorn's class did this and
others nearly as much ; while oneyonng
lady, who was thin, has gained h
pounds In weight in about two weeks,
and others nearly as much, besides being
invigorated ana strengthened.
Are the Messenger of Sense, the TeUjgrapo
System of tbe human body.
Nervea extend from the brain to every part
ol the body and reach every organ.
Nerves are like lire good servants but hard
.. masters.
Nerves are led by the blood and are therefore
like It In character.
Nerves will be weak and exhausted U the
blood Is thin, pale and Impure.
Nerves will surely bo strong and steady U
me oiooa is rich, red and vigorous.
Nerves Snd a true frleud in Hood's Barsapa-
rilla because It makes rich, red blood,
Nerves do their work naturally and well,
the brain Is unclouded, there are do
neuralgic pains, appetite and diges
tion are good, when you hike ;
The sun has crossed the equator and is
now coming north.
Hen Binirer Hermann has been formally
appointed commissioner of tbe general land
office ,
A deer and bear were running loose in
Koseburg one d-y this week, presr King a
wild and wooley appearance. Both oelontred
to citizens of the town and get loose
The Albsny Farmers Co. is building an
auuiuon ouxou ieet, tne increasing business
demanding more room. 1 bis 1 one of the
best managed institutions in tbe valley .
Prosecutions for seJlint? liquor l Indi
ans are again to be. common. It is pro
posed though to go to tbe bettotn of things
and make the parties really to blame suffer.
Ad Harmon of the senate is tbe proud
possessor of a souvenir oc the recent fight
at Carson. It is a neat horseshoe turned
by Champion Bob a day or two before he
knocked Pompadoor Jim over the funca
and oat. Koseburg PhundeaJer.
lion Sol Abrahams, ef Kowlmrcr. was
yesterday appointed trustee cf the Oregon
soldiers borne by uovemnr Lord tn place
of Hon lienry Kust whose term of office ex
pired eoruary. The appointment is for
the term of four years. The other mem
berscf tbe ooard are Col Thos H Kheridan.
of Iiowsburg; 0 V Alley, linker City ; 8 U
Ormsby, Argenti; John P ltobertson, 8-
lem. . v.
Mr and Mrs Ed Coats became involveu
in a quarrel at their home, near Otikland,
vesterday afternoon. Mrs Coals diKcharged
a shotgun, loaded with fine shot, into her
When Bob Hendricks was editor el the
Statesman andU. M. Irwin was in charge
of the Indian school. iLe Statesman
criticised Irwin probably with reason in
a very pointed manner. Now Irwin as
chool superintendent is one of iba board
that controls tbe oliice of superintendent
of the reform school, and he ho not for
gotten the past. No. Hendricks ia liable
to loee his lob at any time. All tbe same
he nas made a pretty ellicient superintendent.
Saturday a Salem woman went into a
McKinley grocery and got two pounds
lesa of sugar for fifty cents than she cot
before the November election. "It be
cause tbe new tariff is goiog to be put
cn," said the grocer, "but that is not all.
It ia going still hitrlier, and all other
things are going to lie higher." He told
ber, howerer, that there might be a rise
in wages. well I II believe it when 1
see it." said the Salem woman. It takes
a woman to let the wind out ol "conb
decce." lournal. j
The following question was delialed bv
a college society in Kugcne: 'Keeolved,
that the influence of the Salvation A -my
is beneficial." The following were the
principal arguments: For the affirma
tive, 1st The Salvation Army is an ele
ment of order. 2nd Its religious influ
ence is irenuine and lasting in most cases.
3rd Its charities are systematically con
ducted. 4th It is the only good influence
upon tbe slum classes. The principal
points on the negative were : 1st The
Salvation Army calls roost of its mem-
bers from the lower classes and their mo
tive in joining the army are low. 2nd
The leaders are uneducated. 3rd tt is
a foreign element. 4th It is frequent
ly a cause of disturbance. The decision
of the cliair wrs in favoi ol the atlirma-tie.
strong cut.
"Ihbhe" Ihe r3-st tidtenlon rearing
farce coroedv in Ue 3 acts, will be r isved
by the Imperul Comedy Cwpany to- i ' 5 j
night it tt v worn seen thst a tomnir '
company carries a an ci aiscceand ; fi ..,, ,-,. t.! .
penormera wno are to present ro ; (W ,- -rt, ; stock of Groceries, nnvinm n.i t-v.tsJ''
the public from the highest cwclr s i, knitnt nwA lodetnent. A new i Rood, of all kinds, sell at reasonable j
1 La Cigala to r arre comedy, fcy riuet tr;4l M ,.4 .ad the piaistiff recov-1 Vtittm and treat their customers well, all
i" company win psay one more gt. s erej 2 no. The case was Uken to the a.ike. t AHws u Ute-sa
11 you ever was in trouble, you can tenra gapjne eoan and vesu-rday that court ou "T regret som etep you take ' Am i ii wIimLAmw
ly teeing Uibbs how toget.oJt ot tt. jeor.firme.1 the 2 60 judgment. What Mo life Lut none taken into the store of Ltt
1 Tron do onpnnclpnl. J. Fred j Parker Bros.
Amci at 'br t-m lAln
. . - Vi!MJ. I l.n nmaiiim.1 It i a mit thin to h well UA. Tarw
. Tnefciebndga seems to ccrmnue i,, ' ker Bros Wo aood roeeriaa. amt t wto. rt.
1st tier less. I!;e Journal pnvs tui ',,',.
follows : -The big bridge at tttem. K or ,he endnt.
to be, a auuros of pride t tins ...
at' r
L lllr
trl s
T SO a m
Mi A
5;li r
ought to be, a auuros of pride t tius
county aod Polk county if not to the
whole state. There are r.o hole big
enough for an elrphsnt to fall throach.
The who'e county court could o.t fall
Ihroueh unless one fell through at a
Low Task. In paying hi taxes,
amounting to 70 01, tledy Mr. New
ton Houston remarked that it was the
mallet amount he had paid fcr twentv
years iasi year ne paia iiw.wi,
treafc of I'l.Cl in a year.
Mtsic Mibs Mildred Rurroeater
teacher of piano or organ. System tlx
Mason touch and technique. Krsi Jenc
Filth stree:, opposite U P chinch.
l,;ttor List.
Fmllowiiiif U the lift r.f IcttfJS rermiiuirtg
in the lw.otlice at AlUny, Liuo county,
OresiOB, March 2;!, 1MJ7. Pemw calling
for these letter must give tbeUtc cn wuico
they were adyrrtised.
Anderson, Mary 2 CIicm1 ro, fc. A. I rot.
Downing, Wm ;r-er, Jamie
Morgan, Carey rrice, t wwi-sr
lork, tranit
T.J.STrrts, PM
enbach loet a pocket book containing sev
eral dollar in silver ia t:ie vicinity of
Conrad Meyer's ttore. hite is a poor
woman and the finder will confer a great
favor bv returning it to her home in the
rear of Mr. Meyer' etore.
A haf of bread is not much but you ; j 1Lj froi tAara :rm
want 11 weu maae. iry l arter liros.
Send l our Bundle.
i Care asd inteilicence in Itundering
1 jlotaes has bad its ev-t it is responsible
i for the success f the Albany Steam Laua
f dry. Stnd alone tout bundia to the best
j Isnndry in the valley, or let Merril I).
n, ,0,,- r 1 Phillips know and he will cail for it.
-4. i-y.. 1 hve I k . r h.. a iu.r
carpjirHla tor stomaca 5:1,,,, IJIlndry tell i!w
lo ?ad foe rour ban l.c . Usee a costomei
always a caitoaicr.
CuE'wrj.u Cn., Fe'
taeen Hoed
feuU. it relieved i.:y little girt of atro
fula and pJKr appt!i:e. K. C Martis.
Hcod's Pi'U ezre all live." i'ls. 2oc
Ubtc A1kt i snx
Arti.v AitJ ! Ktn
Oxfords same as above cat in prices fiom
SUO to $3.00
Oxfords and Southern ties ia black ox
blood and brown.
Baby thoea ia oxblooc. brown and black.
Bume new styles that are dressy asd re
markably cheap.
Chi'iireo aad Muees spruig heel laced
shoes, with coin toes brown and black,
a special value to 1 1 for tI.2-
" 11J to 2 - $1 50
Ladies erring beei laced shoes with com '
toe in l-rown asd tlicx, a spechd
valoe far tl.75.
Diniae Crs ca Odsn Routt
uM laall Tbrcwxh Trwt
ir.t iS
ro.TU!ii ao avAia
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, fr
rrepmrsd only by C. I. Hood A Co Lowell, Mass,
A Mrs. Knox, of Payton, Wash., had
lately been divorced from Mr. Knox,
and had come onions planted on ground
of bis. and as she was no longer his wife
he proceeded to pull them up, when Mrs
Knox appeared on the porch and ordered
him to quit. He replied that he didn't
have time; that he was putting onions
Mrs. Knox went into the house and soon
r reappeared with a levolvr r, again order-
1 nor linn oil or sue won hi snoot mm
t, "Haven't got time," said Knox, "I-et
Iter come!" Bare! went the shot, but
L Knnx wasn't hurt. "Now will vou CO,
aaid Mrs Knox, "if you ron't I II snoot
aeain." "Let her come." said Knox
Hanz! came another shot, bru Knox felt
I, not the death messensier. He then went
np close to wrs. Knox anu toiu ner mi
' she had three shots loft, and that if she
; wanted to shoot him she could try it a
' close ranee. But Mrs. Knox said that
i elie did not want to hurt him and then
-went into the house. Kx.
Astoria would make a good Nevada
(Titv. At a meeting ol the common coun
U at Astoria a license bill was passed
lioensins gambling house. The licenses
are for a first-class $900 per year, and for
husband's back, and a second load into bis I mx month $500. Second class license
taoi Ilnmoutin Irniil, la -minor! .tho a)inn r l'ft nur And tIM for Sir months.
inir. Coats waited a mile and a half after I Third class $100, and (60 for six months.
Ibeinsr shot, and sent a metseneer for a ;First class permits any and all kinds 01
u .a the bet family cataartlo'
ITOOU S FlIlS and liver stliuuliiut. 25ev
The star mail servitse from Scio to Jor
dan, has been discontinued, to take eff ct
April 14. A star service has been estab
lished fiom Lyons to Jordan, six and one
half miles and back, six times a week, by
a schedule of not to exceed '1 hours' run
ning time each way. This is to bo opera
live from April 15, 1897, to June 30, l8fJi.
' -games and second class licenses permits!
the holder to run anv of the fmes men-i
cloned in the ordinance. Third class per
. mit billiard, cards and any of the com
i unon games, including nickel-ln-the-shot
; unachinee.
Tare Druiy,rca imweon's.
The Hit
cf the
is mado by
Ayet's Sarsa
parilla. Juot
at this season
when Spring
J) and its dcbili-
tating cays
aro with ua,
there ia noth
ing like Ayer'a
to put new
life into the
Bluggish eya
tem. It sweeps
away the dull
ness, lack of
appetite, lan
guidnesa, and
pain, as a
broom sweeps
awav cob.
i vtrnhs. Tfc tinpn
not brace up.
It builds up.
Its benefit is
lasting. D 0
you feel run
down t Tako
Bend for "Curebook." too page.
Free. J.CAyerCo
Lowell. Mass.
ArrF.xTti!( Maccabees Ibe OC E
Co will make a r.tte of one and one-half tor
tl.e round trip to member of the Macca-
bws wifiune tn attend their ar.nunl con-
Vf n at l'i rll:iml. Ticket poaI f,ir .
turn either bv O C r E cr O K & S Co' ability ta bota
Kaii va Hill (Ricp' Sodct
Instrumental Musk
IS t I At
Arl v
LT I lira
I Exprest 'rain daily (except Snnday) a
Mr. II. if. Backensto is prepared to givt , V nd Corvalu connect with train o
instructions in instrumental mosic H fi 1' ir (,
ruiitr, manactin sou
boohs until nd inolud'nir March
Tick.Hs good goiog March l:5rd.
Ai-Kit. Si tub Date Arrangements
were completed last evenir g for Use ap
pearance of the HextConcert Co., in Al
bany under the auspices of the Y. M . O.
A. This is a high grade Company. In
Portland it waa received with popular
favor. Miss Hext is very superior in
Sliakeppeareso recitals ard tireek pos
inss, while Carl Wa'.thcr is a marvel a
a violinist.
teames violin.
nnmherof orrhtral asd hras intni inputs s -& t .
Mr. ILtrkentt-k it a mttnician rtf vltfentlvn i I
practical and theoretical
music, and one o. the most suocesful
teachers ia the state. I'n.ints placed in
his bauds will be faitbfaliy and conscien
tiotfVly attended to.
Canned wild b'aetberrie in cue and
two quart jus, cheap at
C E DhoksiiLl's.
Properly used, "Perrcction dyca
are superior Insist on having
"Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred
Tbirougli Tickets
to n point in KrTi S:u-s C- t
anlwobaiiwaailri: rJ tram C ftv rtav
Asvnt. Al"
a K.kHLH r"5.
Msnaor stOrA
Pttrt-uA Or Portland
now bring3 i3 a few new fab
rics to show you every one
a gem. Pretty checks, Eeat
stripes, crinkly fellows and a
dozen others that sp&ce for
bids telling of. The choicest
of the lot will slip away first.
Call oftea and make yoursel!
at home at our store.
Ti e Journal verj-rsniliJly kits: "FaloaJ
ir an e!H -ial to'vn It don't reiv on enter- !
prie so much as on tbe puniic payrolls for
ti prorperity."
Sylvester Hall disturbed a f-meral at
Ljons He is now residtnir in the county
jail oaat) weeks srotence
Fi'r.'iimmons sas it he ever figh(s ng.iin
it will be with Corbett,
llest of All !
To cleans the system in a gentle and tru'y
IwaelieiaUHimnner. when the spring! line
ctmcs, iim tbe true and pet feet remedy,
Syrup of fis. One bottle wilt answer for
all ti e family and cots only 60 cents; the
lare sir.e $1. ltuy the geniiina Mmiu
fiictured by te California Fig Syrup Com
pany only, and for sa'e by ail druggissts.
A huge assortment cf garthn re:ds,
while clover, timothy and blue gr.isu sccda
juBt recoiled fiesh at
0 E Bkowmkll's.
If you Avunt a uood nnd clean
Htiiokc buy cigars made by our Al
bany lilgar lactorv.
Clioioe faruire
C E l row null a.
t awson once on school
"Perfection Dyes
and Permanent, for
Dawso n.
aro lirtlliant
f ale by Fred
Use Dawson's, furniture polish.
Elegant shirt waift at the Ladies Bs wr.
Snrinit Iluniors. erurtionsbivea
Iwiis pimples, solas, are perfectly and per
umnently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the best Spring Medicine snd One True
Mood t uritier.
Hood's Pills act easily and promptly
on tue liver and ooweia cute stca utsui-ach
-ITnATION WASTED. Bv a sober
imliiUrions voumr man. srood reamaa,
ha seven years experience in bcok-keeping
and correspondence and eit-nsive knowl.
edge ef several branches ot mercantile
business, a notarial commission good till
Mav 193, speaks German and English, is
willing to make himself generally useful
ia any line ef busine, first class reiren
Call at E. G. Lants, S W Cor Tth and
itmnitollHB Sta.. or send notice by mail to
U. Sanleo.
baj-s, Clydesdale, weighing about
1100 pound each, 6carsold, in fair work
ins onhr. Price for span. Cah on
J H lcngh. rantiam gardener.
Tired, Nervous ' and weak men and
women lind new life, nerve alrenath, vigor
and viUd'v in Hood's SarsapaMl1, which
purines, enriches and vitalises tbe blood.
llixid's lill! are the favorite famiky
cathartic, easy to take, easy in effect. 25c.
Albany Trading CO.
b. k wm. mum.
Grccery Department
8 baxs Savon scap 25c
3 boxes blueing: 25c
4 pks corn starch 25c
3 dczen clothes pins 5c
The Crescent
MADE. Aeents wanted in every lo-
clit for Hon VW I Bryan's irreat and only
book, " he First lUttle. " The nest seller
ever produced Agents are tuning as many
as 200 orders per week. Beware of fraud
ulent imitations, i'eod for outfit and be
gin wo k at once.
SH Dearborn Street, Liucago. j
A T l'HE MIXES. Baardmg. lodging
f and meals may be secured of the sub
scriber at the Santiarn mines, at bis place
at tha mouth of Dry Uuleh.
-, H. W. TV HITS.
Sntisfuctlon Riinrnntced when!
you vac 'Perfection ' Dyes, for sale j ,ie new p tubicft.
by Fred Uawsou.
was tie Gist to Ut8
The other factories
Hopkins Bros
hnvo received a full tlock
of 1897 Crawford bicycles. They ars uu
mciiMi. Couio and see for yourself
If vou want to dye e.nslly nnd
perniaiicntlv use 'Perfection' Oyes,
ior HUW ny rivu iwnwm
We Lead,
Others Follow.
aud that ia the
reason Hopkins Bros, are the f rst to dt-
nlnv a iu line of the famous 1V.I7 Ces
cent ood Crawford bicycles. Call and see
kh iriwn ttmt tlie ionrtership
of Emerick A liruckmaa has been disso!-
) Kmrtnin reiirine uo .-u-
will be continued b Kmerick Son
indebtedness will be bqakated by
Kmerick. AU accounts should be
with Mr Bruckman. -
Tin roofing and pluoibitig.
he opera hou.-e -
Almonds. 1 lb 15c
Best tea, lib 40c
1 gal best vinegar 15c
1 gal best syrup 50c
Axle grease, best 10c
2 cans tomatoes 15c
2 cans corn 15c
2 good brooms -- 25c
5 lbo Armas Ham
mer Soda 25c
1 lb Corn. Cake to
bacco and pipe 20c
1 sral can tomatoes 25c
3 lbs cartoon crack
ers .
1 gal good peaches
3 cans tine oysters
Country Produce Taken
All o&f goods ate tea and
titst class