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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1897)
momv One kind of prosperity not desired 18 that built on borrowed capital. .Washington state ia in debt $2,000,000 nnd it baa to pay $100,000 interest a year. For shame. Ia Sherwood, Washington connly, a man cannot vote at the town election unless he pays taxeB on $100. North Dakota is making rapid strides towards civilization . It is now neces sary to live a year there before a divorce can be secured. - From the Boston Herald.- No honest and upright man fears ne wa piper cartoons. It ia the scalawags whose withers are thus wrnng. Now if the Cubans and Spaniards will nettle their differences as pointedly aB did Corbett and FiUaiinmona they will do the world a great favor. The Mississippi River is said to carry heavier deposits than any o'.her stream in the world, but it seems just now to have mighty little regard for its banks. ! Republic. Now that Mr Corbett will not be seated will Gov Lord call an extra session of the legislature. It ia very doubtful, though Salem people will make a big effort to get him to do so. North Dakota has passed a law pro viding that a man shall not be disqnali fisd as a juryman because he has formed an opinion from reading the newspapers This is proper. More and more, as civ ilization advances, the demand for jury men with brains enough to read the pspers and form opinions, increases. ' That nine days debate on the tariff wilt be for the constituents of the mem bers. It won't change matters any. The policy is to let the republicans have all the rope they wish and then take the re sponsibilitv of adding materially to the cost of the things we eat and wear. Thomas G Shearman, an eminent statistician, eays " The United States of America are practically owned by less than 250,000 person?, constituting less than one in 60 of its adult population. Within 30 years, the present methods of taxation being continued, the United States tit Ameiica will be substantially owned by less than 59,000 persons, con stituting less than one in 500 of the male population. If this system continues the coming of the billionaire on the one hand and of the million paupers on the other, is inevitable. ' The fairest and most unprejudiced statement made before the recent Cght, was that of J Walter Kennedy, a physic al cultcre expsrt. We give it on ac count of its ingenuity, and because of its wonderful truih, as veriCed by the eon test: "To teg:a with, Ccroett ia by far the more intellectual, and possesses the greater acquired ski!." and science; while Fitz3iaimons is gifted with more natural instinct and t unning in the one faculty fighting. For instance, I will compare Corbett with a fox' terrier and FiUsim moss with a cat. If tee dog sees a mouse poke its head oat of a hole, he springs at it like a flash, jemps around and wastes lots of energy, which looks well and earns praiee for the terrier, because of its agility, dish and ebewy qualities, al though the mouse has escaped. "But, let a cat,- which has rot by any means so much intelligence as a dog, see a mouse put its head out of a hole ! This .animal's instinct and cunning tells him that he mast make no unnecessary movements, so he crouches and waits patiently for hia opponent to give him an opening Finally, the mouse, think ing there is no harm in an enemy that is not aggressive, comes out, and, Ic! the cat, quick as thought, gets in a straight lead or a right or left hook "Fi'zsiiamons is really a marvelous fighting machine in human form, bom to fight, Corbttt, I tLiak, was born to be something better than a prise fighter.yet he is a wonder at that, and I would like to see him win. Filzsimmone. though, fcurely stands the best chance of winning the fi At. Prospects of Immigration. The Portland journal eays: Secretary Masten, of the Portland Im migration Board, is one of the busiest men in the city. The opening of spring brings with it an increase ia the volume of inquiry from the East concerning Oregon and its advantages. Proof of this is found in the fact that during the month of April, last year, the board re -ceived 171 letters from residents of East ern states who desired to obtain infor mation for themselves and. friends,wbi1i daring the present month of this year it has already received 800 letters. These letters come mainlv from the farming element, a fact appreciated by the board, because it is the agricultural class of de velopers the state is moat id need of. Population, increasing the consumption of products ond enlarging the market proportionately, will, more quickly than anything ehe, line the banks of the Willamette from Salem to WasbuyaJ with factorie3 and en con ran e their pro moters to utilize our raw materials in the raacutactnre of products to supply tho local demaud. "Many home seekers hare already ar rived this spring," said Mr. Masten", "and have either Ioja'd or are seeking locations nt the valley. I mailed to other inquirers yesterday alone 1I let ters, which wis! give joa some idea of baeinb-B in that line the board is trans acting now. "When peopU wriu ns about the chance to obtain employment, we dis courage their coming, because we want those whs will come to operate a farm, davelop our reso'ircee, create permanent improvement and proJacs something,'' "A gentleman hn arrived this m&rn ing said I hat he waj already in love with the country; that he came with the idt-a that he would b. rcaHt-d immediately to pnrclms" an oilcloth coal and a pair of gnnib.Kta, so deluged wyald the coun try be with rain; hat that he found a brigh', bluesly and bracing spring at mosphere to greet him. ii mj 9 that a fidae iinpiessjon prevails throughout the Kat concerning l.e rainfall in tin's oonn-trv.- .' "The plan ol Eastern communities to. send an intelligent representative on in advance 'to obtain and send back inlor inatwn concerning the state is r got id one.' Much confusion id thus aroid. d Kud much better results attained, "There is reason to belkve thai - an extraordinary emigration from tie East will reach Oregon this year." Thousands of Inquiries are received by people all over the stale who have relatives e-r friwids in the East," am the Hfiirral impression Is that the influx of home seekers into this state this year will be unprecedented. Invoking The Aluse. ! A few months ago, I asked the Horace class toinvoke the Muse of Poetry and give me the result in a metrical version . of the SOth Ode of Book ill of the Odea I ot Horace. Ait the members of the class j claim that they invoked the Muse, but some of them assure me that no replv was given to their invocation. I have given below, as samples, the response made to one Senior and to one Junior. I have given the metrical version of the same Ode by the "Grand old Man of England," that the readers of the 1kmo crat may have an opportunity of com paring the youthful potts of Albany Col lege with one who has often invoked the Goddess of Poetry. Cailkbs. Horace, Book iu, Od SO. TO MKLT0MSN8. Now have"! reared a monument More durable than brass. And one that doth the royal scale - UI pyramids surpass, Nor shall defeated Aquilo Destroy, nor soaking rain. Nor yet the countless tide of years Nor seasons in their train. Not all of me shall die : my praise Shall grow and nevet end. While pontiff and mute vestal shall The Capitol ascend. And so a mighty share of me shall Libitina foil. When bellows headstrong Anfidu, When, on his arid soil. King Daunus ruled a i ural folk, Of me it shall be to'.d That, grown from small to great, I first Oi all men Bubtly wrought Aeolian strains to unison With our Italian thought. To tate their honors earned by deeds ; And graciously do thoo, Melpomene, with DelplTic bays - Adorn thy poet's brow. W. E. Gladstone. The Same: My monument doth e'en surpass By far one made of lasting brass, More nearly doth i's structure rise Than regal pyramids to the skies. Nor wind, nor rain, nor age, nor time, Cad e'er efface this fa-re of mine. Tis not for death to hold my name. Tho' she may cUitn this mortal frame. But ever will I, fresh in mind. While Capitol ward their steps dowmd -Both silent maid and great high priitt Of future ages, be increased. Where Anhdua aye raging sweeps, Where Daunus rustic people keeps, ill 1, a man ol majesty Exalted from a low degree. Be called the first who did combine Italian lyre and Grecian line. Poetic Muse of tragedy. Assume the pride well won by the, Melpomene, with gracious air tVitb Delphic laurel crown my hair. M.L.A. The same: I've fiuithed structure mote lasting than stone And metal, which wastes not by Au- fiilas nor storm. That flight of ages or succession of years Cannot destroy or arouse my fears. I will not all die, but a large part of me Will escape the dread aoddeea whom many men flee; For when I by my Muse to Olytnpia in raised, -Then I by posterity on the earth will be praised. As long as the virgin with the pontiff ascends The stairs of the temple for blessing? on friends. The people declare me chief of great fame By whom the Greek verse to Italy y cams. Where Daunus the laud scant of water did rale, Aufidus mighty in current and pool. There such Lj rics as Ahsaens did sing To Italian measures Were made to ring. - O Muse of melody, gracious to me. naceoamy locks, tliatazi men may The crown of laurel longed for by men. Obtained by m j merits, earned by my pen. M. If. No Money in It. Editor Democrat : And yet there are thousands of people in the business, hem Maine to Oregon, and from the Canadian line to the bord ers of Mexico. During the last 40 years, I have lived in seven different states and have found, by experience and observa tion, multitudes of men and women en gaged in this business. It seems strange that so many follow it, when there is no money in it, but they do. . Perhaps one reason is, that it does not require much capita and there cannot be much loss. I suppose, too, that it must be a pleasant business, judging from the number engaged in it. This is perhaps the rea son that so many continue in the busi ness from year to year, although there is no money in it. It is also possible that the acquisition necessary to carry on the business affords much enjoyment and thus conduces to its continuance. That it require a large fund of informa tion on a great variety of subjects does not admit of a doubt. Iu fact, this is the prlccipal stock in trade; and it is astonishing how much some engaged in the business know. They actually know aiore about yoor business than yon do yourself. I will give an illustration. A short time ago L was asked if it was leally true that two of the professors n the college were going to leave it at the dose of the present scholastic year. J. was an agnostic oo the subject and could not answer the question. After making some investigation I was able to make this reply : "The president and board of trus tees of the college have not banded in his resignation to either of the professors named, as the colored preacher said bis congregation did to him, and neither knew whether he weald be in the coll -ge next year or not. The investigation also revealed another fact, that this report was "all over town," and had been "in one of the papers ." I suppose it came to the editor from some body else, who bad learned it from some one who bad forgotten who to'.d him. The report came to me from Lebanon, anj is a confirmation of the old saying, that "you have to go away from home to get the home news." And during all its peregrinations (if that is the proper word) up and down the valley and through the town, there was no mosey in it for anyone. Qaoderat demonslra dum. AGAMOf. Air. Lincoln once said: "It ever this free people, if this government Itself is everentirely d jmoiaii.-d, it will come from this incessant human wriggle and struag'e for office, which is but a way to live without work." Budget. -"William, said the teacher, "can ou tell me anything about the shape of the earth?" . . , "Only what my father found out in the newspaper' "What is that?" "He lays it's in mighty bad shape just at present." , Mark ilanna receives 8000 letters a month. He has nine clerks to read and answer them, and he signs ail the an swers. There is a streak of policy in that, which though costly counts, but it can never land Maik ilnnna where he wishes to be landed, in the president's chair. If the peop e ever get a dab at him he would look like a map of jvirope. For the beat drugs, Dawson's. The prairiei of Kansas are covered with treat drifts of snow in these last days of March. The Budget savs $10,000 ia due the city treasury for the violation of the new Ai- torla spit ordinance Archbishop Ireland say pugilism disgrace barbarism animalism, a christian civilisation. A Georgia cj clone has just killed sev eral. What is a rainstorm compared ith the deadly cyclone. ' , The talent has fallen this year mighty hard, backers of Mitchell and the Cor- betts, being examples. How many will wUh to read Cleve land's book, if he writes one, as he is said to have threatened to do. The new terminal station of the rail roads of Boston will have 30,000 Oregon piles for a foundation. Oregon is being heard from. : - The Baker Boyer National bank of Walla Wal'a by a late statement shows that it has on deposit 1711,544 83 and it holds in cash more than $500,000. Rente are coming down in this city, Some houses that were renting for $20 last year are renting now for $15. Store rooois are also dropping a little, al though choice locations command high prices. All of those first-class buildings which were going to be put up with rush if McKinley was elected, have so tar failed to materialize. Astoria Budget. "Thev sav th climate of Cnby is th finest on earth." "Idontknow. It didn't agree with me." "Is that so?" "Yen. If I'd stave 1 a little longer I'd have been a man." "Yon don't tell me. Might I ask yonr name?' Certainly. My name is Bcovel." Hawaiian Islands. Sodavuxk, March 22. Editor Democrat: The report' of the recent census o' Hawaii coatains food tor serious thought by those Americans who contend that Uncle Sam's interests and tne islander's welfare would be advanced by the an nexation of Hawaii by this government. If the tide of immigration to the Sand wich Islands does not soon change its complexion the Mongolian race, led by the ambitions Jap will, in short time, outnumber both native Kanakas and foreign whites. hen the Asiatics be come numerically greatest in Hawaii it is highly probable that they will be as quick to manifest tne same determina tion to rule that has characterised their race wherever they have bad the power to back their de-ires. If this condition on the islands should occur, as now teems possible in tbe near future; the United States, should ity be obliged to uphold law and order there, might find a mote vexing race problem than now confronts ns in the South. But if the preseLt conditions in Hawaii, as regards population, remain uncbaoged, it would be a risky experi ment for this government to grant the islands the privileges, benefits and obli gations ot statehood should they sincere ly desire them. The political conditions now existing there, and the complica tions that soon or later will arise as a result of the present mixed foreign pop ulation are very liable to produce dis turbance whose removal by tkia gov ernment would mean entanglement with nations with which we are now friendiy. But luckily for both .the Hawaiian government and oar own the day baa passed, doubtless never to re turn, when a majority in either govern ment would seriously think ol annex tion. 8. A. L. A Senator's Day. i Wno wou d be a 0. 8. senator, if tbe following from the Poet is even tbe shad ow of tbe truth : Yesterday was one of Senator Mason's bus days. When be awoke at 6rt5 a m be went down stairs to greet a company of office seekers who had been camping on bis door step all night. He indorsed forty-six applications for office, promised sixteen candidates that he would see tbe President personally ia their behalf, asd gave assurance to thirty-four that be would call upon the vsrious Cabinet officers to advance their claims. At 7:30 o'clock Senator Mason took op bis mail. There were 1,432 letters, of which 1,431 related to applications for office. 'The remaining one asked the Senator for a public document which gave advice as to the duties of a Consul . It is believed that ao application for a place abroid will follow in due time. At 9 o'clock Senator Mason bad ans wtred all his mail and bad promised every office in the country and out of ft to every republican in the state ot Illinois. Five minutes later be beaded tbe pro cession which bounded up tbe White House stsirs and at 0:27, Observatory time, he was camped in front of tbe President's office. He had taken posses sion of Secretary Porter's desk, bad spread his applications around him un til they covered something less than an acre of space, and was listening to tbe whispered suggestions of two Chicago office seekers who bad followed him to the Executive Mansion At 9:30 Mr. Mason was by the President's side, nn folding to him the manifold advantages presented by 1,597 Illinois Republicans in the matter of capacity and equipment as well as devotion to party. At 11 :45 Senator Mason had concluded only one half of the presentations of bis applications, but was railed to the sen ate. Bv this tiiae the crowd of Illinois office seekers was so large that as it fol lowed Senator Mason down Pennsylvania avenue it was taken for another inaugu ral procession. During the progress ol tbe Senator to the Capitol he received fifty-four more apillcations. From 12 o'clock to 4 Senator Mason re mained in the marble room, holding con ference with the office seekers. He was handed 473 cards by tne messengers, 475 containing the names of would-be office holders, and the 47btb being a newspa per correspondent who wanted to forward by freight far U.e names of the Illinois people in Washington. At 5 o'clock Senator Mason was home, busy with his afternoon mail, and at 7 o'clock was dining, witii lou'teen Illinois republicans eamped at his dining room' door. At a lata hour last night he was still surround d by a crowd, but hoped to escape at midnight for some Deeded rest. , This morning Senator Mason will again head the procession up the White House steps. . There U a great rivalry between Ohio and Illinois as to the State which shall pull off the largest oumbsr ot offi ces. At 11:37 last night the ouus were in fjvor of Illinois. Puy Conn & MunIop. l'tiy Conn & Huston. Pay Conn & Huston . Tangent. Tangent, March 23rd, 1897. Tangent Dublin school started nn on Monday, March 15th, with Prof. F. M. Mitchell at the head. Mr Russell has been framini? a barn for Mr Taylor near shedds. It will be a logirame. Mrs S E Mills, who has been vlsitina In Coburg for some time with relatives, returned to her home in Tangent on last AUBsuay, Miss Bertha Mars, who has been str ping wun xa if orater during the winter, has returned to her home in the Santism country. Most til the nursery men did not get any peaohpits planted last fall and now tbey will have to crack all the pits oeiore uiey are planted. The citizens olTamrentcsnhsvaneace. tul nights since so manv fine don have lately been poisoned, and it would be a KOOa mine lor manv more to tie rinna likewise. Too many dogs are no good tor a targe ciiy line .tangent. , The farmers U growling at bo much uau weamer. We are glad to note the fact that such an interest ia being taken among the young people cf Tangent about helping vu wuu uo in tpworm leagues. Some have wanted us to have the city's business directory published and so we send in a list: Merchant, M L Chase; postmaster, Joseph Beard; blacksmith, 0 Lank tree ; warehouse man, J E Jenks ; shoemakers, John Ballard and David Munn; wagoninaker, B W Mills, nur serymen, M L For ter, H W t&ttlemire, Pacific hursery Co; carpenters, Mr Rus sell, B Mills, T P Ilaynes, Dad Hiatt. Young America, John Bailard, and W J Tisdale; ministers, Revs Ilaynes and Moore, two doctors, two organists, J J Beard, depot agent; schooi. Prof F M Mitchell, one fine orchestra and W W Green's henery. The young folks are preparing to give an entertainment which will be a credit to any city, a drama will be given. Due notice will be given of the date. Yocxo Amemuca. A Slaw a lee. Constantinople, March 23 a utbentic details of the outbreak on Sunday at Tokat, Asia Minor, where the Turas attacked the Armenians whiW the latter were in church, showed that 100 Christians were massa cred. The Armenians' house were given orer to pillage. SUGAR ATGRADWOIIL'S. The Place to Cheap. Mr. Julius Gradwohl reports an up ward tendency in the price of sugar and advise buying early, lie quotes prices as follows. 17 pounds granulated $1 00 8 50 4i 10U lbs dry 100 " E O. March 22. 23 5 65 5 15 Clubbing Offer. Tbe Weeklr Democrat and Weekl Examiner will be tent to subscribers tor w4 a year. This includes all the priv ilege) ot the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as it you sent tbe reg u!ar subscription prws of $1.50 directly o the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Dewocwat am! Uric a tk a. i . oriu, f 3.U0 a year. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All droggieu refund the money it it fails to core. 2c c Tut Cu bbiwi Orrtm, Leslie's Week ly is the oldest and beet of the illustrat ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a model iniu character, as everybody knows. The regular price is $4 a year; but yon can secure it and the Wekklt Dkmoceai for only 15.25, or Hand the Daily b) mail for $5. Stop is at Barknart and Lee's drug store ana examine ueir stock ot c ear Havana cigars, they certainly have a fine line and always try to please every one that ine v eeklt uimocat a year ir c? i : V du ids necaij oaa r rannwro r.xaaine( $1.50 a year, combined for only 12.33. This includes all the privilrgct in the 110, 000 premium Ut of the Examiner includ ing a $10,000 residence and a $tOX) gold aogget. Oaafawtfls al.tfesa Foer out of every five bottle ol nsedi cine sold in Xbj hut five years are S. B. goods. Tbe S. B Headache and Live Cure 1 ue myseif as a general phytic If you are sick and want to get well, tbt quick est, cheapest and aftt method : tc UlT the S B. remedies and nt a directed C. P. B alch. Drums it, Dufur, Or . " Fes ale by Foahiy & MaaM atSOct pe? boi ls. rr S BlMaev am 65 yers old; nave had kidaej disease ad constipation for 25 year. As now well used yoor S. B . Headache and Lirer Cure one year. Used 6 bot'le ai SO cents ecu. JU Knight, Rutledge, Or." For sate by Foshay; 4 Mason at &0c per bottle. TO CURE A COLD IS OXE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. 25c. Dawaon will treat you riabt BORN. WtXKLEY. On Sunday evening, March 21, 1897, at Millers, to Mr. and Mrs. joqu ninkiey a daughter. DIED. KENJf E Y. On Sunday evening, March 21, 1897, Violet Kenney, aged 6 years, oi tuoercuiar p:euritis. Mr. C. S. Kenney, father of the de ceased, was a resident of Astoria for eight years. Tbe funeral will be held at the Citho lie church at 10 :30 a. m. tomorrow. (Astoria pipers please copy ) Love In the Scale. "How much does the baby ow muco does tbe baby i " ia only another way ing, " Is he healthy and fi7' When a baby is of aakini stroii it welcomed into the world with loving care and forethought, his chances of health and strength are increased a hundred-fold. A prospective mother cannot begin too carty 10 iook aner ner own neaita and phys ical condition. This ia sure to be rrfirrtrd in the baby. Any weakness or nervous de pression, or lack of vigor on the mother's pan snouia tie overcome early during the expectant time by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which promotes the pciicci ncaua ana strengw oi tne organism specially concerned in motherhood. It makes the comins; of baby absolutely -s vuiuy irc xrom pain; ren ders the mother strong and cheerful, and transmit healthy constitutional vigor to the child. No other medicine in the world has been such an unqualified blessing to mothers and their children. It la the one positive spe cific for all weak and diseased conditions of the feminine organism. It is the only medicine of iu kind devised for this one purpose by strained and educated special ist in this particular field. Mrs. F. B. Cannings, of No. 4ix Humphrey St., 8L Louis. Mo., writes: "I ant bow a happy mother of a fine, healthy baby rlrt Feel that your'Fawlte Prescription' andlntie 'FelleU" have done me more good than anything I have ever taken. Three months previous to my con finement I began using your medicine, f took three botUes of the 'Prescription.1 Conse quences were I was only In labor forty-five mln u . w.lth mT firrt hsby X suffered 18 hours, then had to lose him. He was very delicate and only lived is hour. For two years I suffered untold agony, and had two miscarriages. The ' Favorite Prescription ' saved both my child and myself. Mv bihv li sot wt thiw mw am ..ii I Oo not tiiiaJt ever felt better la my life." TELEGRAPHIC. Halts a stow. Waixa Walla. Wash.. March 215. The cases against three uiombeis of tbe Rev Mr Mclnturff's church, who were ar rested Sunday; night, were concluded to- a ay. urea Murknum was tinea $i and coats for camintr a concealed weapon; West McKee was fined SIS and costs for resisting an officer, and Ueorce Middleton was discharged. This aftornuun Mrs New man swore out a warrant airainst cruet oi roue Kaunman. ctiRrtrtnu assault ana battery, claiming that in tlio trouble Sun day evening the ctuct struck ber anu knocked her to the sround. McKee bad Policeman Conlan arrested on tbe charge ol assault with a dead! weapon. A Rew Oialor. Washihoton, Mircb 23 Although several tassaires-at-arrns enlivened tbe tariff debate in the house today, the bril liant speech of Dollivor was distinctly the overshadowing fsaturo of tbe day. it shone out through the weary, monotonous gloom which has so far pervaded tbe de bate like a locomotive headlight in a fog. Dolliver is a liauiied orator, and his speech today was a masterpiece ot forensic eloquence- A easily 1 tie. Sas Fhascihco. March 23. "Fern- dalek," the handsome suburban residence of tbe Cohen family, at Alameda, was burned today, tbe loss eiceediog 9.100,000 and the insurance less than bulf that sum . The Cohen place was tbe finest in Alameda county, the house being filled with valua ble paintings and curios collected in K'u iti by tbe late A A Cohen. A raJlare. LosbOM. March 23 1he Daily Chroni cle's special correspondent at Atheus says the Greek government has learned from official sjurcts that Great Britain refuses to take part in a blockade of tireece, thouuh she has no objection to such meas ures being taken by the other powers. The government also learns from similar sources that the admirals of the international fleets in Cretan waters have informed their re spective Rovernmenu that their position is m longer tenable, ana that they must re ceive definite instructions or be recalled . Edasaaas A gala. WASUtsoTor, March 23. Es-Senalor Edmunds said today there was no doubt ot the legality of Corbett 'a appointment, and be advised many senators whr Ulked with him that Corbett should be seated. Ed munds will not srvue tbe cae before the senate, because, ha.ioir been senator, te will not accept cas requiring such ap pearance. Stalker Taaae. WAsmxsTOx, March 22. The first day of the tariff debate in the house was rather tame, ft out both a spectacular and an ora torical standpoint. Tbe firalleries were well filled all day, and the members on tbe floor listened contcieotioukly; but there was an absence both ot that sharp cross firing w bich Keep the nerve on ed and that brilliant eioqueace which inrpin and holds the Uua$rinaUon. The opening of tbe debate was delayed orer to beers by tbe inli reading of tbe bill sJh2 pase. Only tour speeches were made at today's session. A ridsse.' New Orleucs, March 22 The Times tVwocrat Ei'faia, Ala., special says: 1 bis city was swept by a c clone this morning, in wbich death and disaster plijed a dreadful pirt. llour'y the record become more appalling. Tbe people of the town, rejrardlcaa of the wreckage of their borne, ran to the actio)! where toey knew their children were, only to nod niasy dit and wouoded aad pin looed beneath the debris. Irofor er had his arms aad leys broken, aad caa- sx ute inrougu the night. S arrears Case, Sax Faucnaco, March 22. Theodore Durrapt has by eo means given up tbe ngattornw me. ueore a a. night na been added lo nu counci. aca i now pre- pansa; a jftiuon afcuc ibe opretue court Icr a rebesirinie oi the application previous ly made aad denied, lor a new trial. If this Mtttioe, which ill be submitted without arjromecc, be Jeoii. as the dis trict attorney anticipatn, th re will only remain the pouuhtlity of securlt? the in terference of the federal courts 19 I hirraat's behalf. Tee Cretan War. Casea, March 22. The inrurgetiU d cended yesterday eveaiBi? clt to lite btockhoote at Mahuu. and cred oo aia. A Turkish cruuer replied with sever sbellA. 0 one waa killed or wounded. Tbe situation at Ma'axa has became cnltcai today. Tne gsmaoa ha provis- toot for to days oolj , and if tbe insur geats capture tbe fort, Maiaxa, Kori'iJi and Cacea will be virtually blockaded from the land J. Fiirhtini at Mslaxa ceaaed at S o'clock thi evening. Tbe Turk failed to reric Uial tbe fort. Ther bad many wounded sad 10 killed. After flasaa. WASHrxG-rost, Match 22. Senator Wilson served notice on Senator McBridV today that asbisa-ten would asa tor the collet-tor of internal reveuo. Orrsrou had trot ilermaxn. ami Washington wanted its share. SlcUriJe said if Wasbinatoa should icsist, be would make a disagreea ble CgUL, vt neon aatd the meet would bare to come, a Uregoa could nut hare all the plums. lata Will s ftee. Saw Tons. March '' World dis patch from Havana says : Only a few of the more eica table Spanib officers refusa to admit that Cuba is lost to the crown. Resident Spaniards confess ibey can sre no tfker oaten me. In fact. evidences that Cuba may in the end be freed by Spanish residents themselves are many and strong. Tbe calmest minds pre dict the end of Spanish role within two years. Some say not so soon; others say with in a year. The Cafcaa War. iiEW i obk. jiarcu izi ma worlds avaaacable says: There i great activity among the troops aad tbe warships that are guarding tie northern cos:, ana an the port there bve turn reinforced with the object of captur ing an expedition. The insurgents are very active in the east, west acd north. There has been hot fighting in Santiago, aatanza and I'inar del Rio. General tiar:ia attacked Guiginia with rapid-firm guns, knocking over tbe forts, killing a major and many privates. A Terrible Trsf wr. RirnxosD, Mo March T A tragedy resulting in the death of ive members of one family is reported frjtu Urrica. small village 35 nit Irs southwest of here. B Kainwater, a farmer, shot and killed bis wife: his mother-in-law. Mrs William Artmao; his brother-in-law, James Thur- man. and his little stepdaughter, htbw uentry. then, after so newly extermi nating a whole family, tbe murderer blew on me top ot bis own bead. The Bl sr hade Beaww. Canka, March 21. The situation in Crete today irtav be described as one of ex oecianry. This morning the fact that the blockade had formally besun was generallv communicated from Canea to all points in the island in the telesrraphic circuit Some doubt is now expmed by officials heie as to whether Colonel Vassns, commander of the Greek forces in Crete, will bs able to bold out long, owing (o tbe scarcity of pro visions. Lee Pansa s a Marderer. Mkdfohd, March 21. Coroner Marchs nessner and District Attorney J A Jeffrey returned today from Elk creek, wheie they were called lo hold an inquest on the body of Oustav A Hall, who was found dead near nis cabin Mondiy. 1 he scene oi the snoot inn was tie Urn mum divide. 50 tuiles northeast of this city. Upon the nrrival ol toe coroner, a jury was empaneled, and an inquest held. Tl e iurv found that the man came to bis death by a gunshot woutfil, ind the gun was tired in the bands of Lee Parsons, a young man living in that locali ty, i arsons was placed under arnsl. - The Manilla War. Madrid, March 21 Another buttle has taken place in tbe province of Manilla, t'faiiiippine islands. Hie government true s stormed the insurgents in their trenches. The insurgents lost, it is stated, 400 killed and many wounded. The rov- eroment lows, ki.led ond wounded, did not exceed 20. Armealaa Killed. Constastinoflb. Marth 21. Report have been rere;ved bare of a very seriously disorder at Tokat, in the Silvas district of Asia Minor. It is said that many Arme nians and Turks have been killed. As yet there are no details ns to the exact cause of ihe outbreak. MAKES THE W The I Foremost Athletic Trainer in mends John Graham H ibe foremost man In American athletic. It waa be who maoagwl th M-cee-fol twain from U la emuotrv that at traced wortJ wide atlenti to in tbe rsool O ytn pl" rtn at Athena. Pormerty trainer f j? Colombia eoUere, then for Princeton and dually fr lUr vard unit el sit v, Mr tirahaoa ba-i tateh lo do with ramin-the Mandtrl nt eollpx Ule sports. A amall artnv oi rontl'mn have been guided by blm since be left Harvard and look bia present trwstioa wupenntendeotof the fart u gymnasium oT the Bofn aliiteUe aeotaua. Three of b i i'TMrg , W a i e. Brewer and McCarthy, have just won the New England cbampinnatup at U e tntU, quarter mile and Ave mile ron. He has trained sk of lirowo l.nleii v oae of I tin beaterl-exe printers la theextnntry Many another w a lrt of what makes men and women atioeg baa use 1 and baa recommended Paine celery enmpjond! a the beat kboarn iemdv lir I ho whofthe wish al resaSle, makiex the wtak rewesa suaupm i. ovrworica ana en'eenied p-rw-fl m r"t are nj'wt eao or-mad in the air; a-aKet.las of Inter et in otiukK.r ezsrc a an t tndoor On tion to tbe firorer raiea f h ' a. It vraa lb ah ed ptofaor ui medioin and surr-ry In an x.!- f lh-t pxtt t mons nt:i IT f t. t. rati pa, M D, I.UU, of UuuirOJlb cj.i.-jt i. h at ter years uf ptuaai ta vceligtsi to and ti-.Se-. r- Ho rz s So A LL who &:z W.J. !2r: mediately vri.h SfiZK Afit-c-.-.'. - ' H c jfr,? Ilia t-'-r.r. -'rv, v.nUrn by his wife . . V - - IHs tni nn-'-t.t speeches . . . . W" . p. . awjawawJsrwjiaWBvwjr --w,. .s '....iimmsjmmmKmmmmmmHmmmmmKammmam I The re::- t?f l!:o ccmIon of IS96. , J'J , re'en- o, fie fKUJcal situation . . S AGENTS WANTED 5 Mr. Bryan lias aiHiocncci tils intention of devoting one-half of, all royalties to -.irthcrin the cause of bimetallism. There ztz alreaJ indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. C0NKEY CQaiUMY, Publishers, 311-351 Dearborn St antanft. Notice for Publication Land Omca at Okf.:oh CiTr. Or v March iJth. l97 Kollce i herehv eivpn fat ihe fl!ow- inir named m.'tt!-r lias Blivl notice f his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, noder S-c 2JUI R S. and (hal said proof will be made before the reg ister and receiver at Oreaon City. Oregon, Mav II lb. 1897. i: I'erry G llibUrd; II K 11802 for the N V M Sec 11, Tp 10 S It 4 East. He name tbe tcllowirg witnesses tocrorebis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: James B Moore, ot Detroit. O.-egon, Henry Corn pdy. t rank Kabedeaa. both of Mngnm, Uregon, ana John u foi oi iA,trou, ur ROUtiHf A. M I LI. Kit. Regis'ir. ASSIGNEES K3T.CE. No'ice t hereby given 'hat L K Blain, of Mbiiov. Orraon. on tbs 18th day ol Kebrnaiv. 1S97. made a general assign ment ol all his property for the benefit ol all bis creditors; and tat the unde'signed has been duly appointed assignee in said asshmment proceeding. All creditors of ad L K Blain aio hereby rcquiieil to pre sent their claims to me, c'uly eriued, ai mv ollica In tbe uostoftics bulldintt. Albany. Oregon, within three months from the itme nf this notice. Dated at Albany, Oregon, tbl .CKd Usy of March. 19 aUWATSOK, U BRVAST, Atty lor Aigne?. Assijrnce. KOTICETO CREDITORS Nntlee is herebv airen tht the under signed has been duly appalnw-d adminic trairis of the estate of louis V II immer, deceased, by he count court ot Linn county : AU person havinsrcla'mi sgaintt said estte are her by notified lo present them, duly verified, o tne a' ti-e oilico of II C WjUo", attorney ai ia, ninsny, Oregon, within six won'iis irom me osie of thi notice. v Daied at Albany, urejjon, waro;i to, vj II C Watson. 1 Klovsncb Hammkb. Attr lor Administratrix. Admstiix VJanted-ftn Idea Who ean thtnS ot sums sinnii tulu cu iiaumw lyust" "5h susarad toaika r-.ux-t. EAK iS Paine's Celery Compound. v.-i--'-F'"l study, aaaiaied by all that waa beat in the procrea ot medical avlmcw at boms and abroad, firs discovered tbe wondetful formula ol Pain 'a eelory compound. There waa oo doubt or the interest that wrooid be aw.keow4 at oone cy the an counc ment of any discovery y Prtf Pbalpa. The formula from tbe first was larnahsl to the best pbt siaiaq. acd forthwith this remarkable Paine' celery enmpound waa personally used and pro faswMmaity prescribe J by them. Tne re alt of the cknesA invest! aiioo mibt cava cmo expected. It moa reqaired a eonaiderablh indoatry to pre! oca the remedy, and rapi liy t ct aiiiily, wah out ceasing, tbe demand f jT Peine' eel M-y compound baa increase i, ua-J. lodsy there t no ther ratably that ia com parisoa begins to cold half tbs public aitenuia thai it h-M. In au'-jlj nombranfe.stheFeeTry osuer tespeay oaa o aineiaa4 iukiI. pait es ce'e.-y couitouod ha eUaiiied xnr&oi. tne blood, rebuUJtsig the aursnul oervous Uaaaea, caring chrnic hikaest, provU- a Hirer faiiiag aid pomeTient ratiaf for rbeamatrstn., an na g-, kidney dLeas- and diworderu of tbe liver, ail due to tbe trapairfnent of tne peraun- nerwoo system, tne cone q eut impovertshnwat of trie b ood m.Bi 1 uie bratkioe dfwala emsequeace if aomu parUtu:r crgao. Kern acd Elegant De signs in Crockery Ware at COItn 5 HUSTON'S See it ok d tion. .'3 cerrespcnJ tm- crk will contata --pntTri tour ASSICNEf'3 K3TICE. JHice Is lereoy gitrB to H persons mteresttHl. that I, toe nncrrsfgned as- ignee ot Prepst and liu lev l-ave fid my final account in the matter of said assign ment, in tbe circuit court of the stale of Oretroe for Lion cennly. artl that stid final account will be heard and passed no on by said court n tbe court house in t"e city of AlViany. Linn eonn'y. Oresrnn, at ibe hour of I o'c'ock p m. oi the 2vth daj ol March, lay?. r wstux raorsT. As'ianee. ORTHERH PACIFIC 11 R. Puiiinan Sleoping o'ars, Elegant Dinit g Cars, Tourist-Sleeping Oar' St raul Minneapolis " . laluth rarpo, TO Grand Forks Crookstoa tYlnnipeg Helena and , Buite THROUGH TICKE S.r . TO Chicago 1 Washingtou PhiUdolphia New York Boston and al Points ti&st and South Throneh tickdts to larnn and China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacifio 8tamshij Co.. an American line. For information, time cards, mans and tickets call on or writs O ti ItnrYhart Airent. Alhsnw. Or. I fir A fi Charlinn. Al P am 1 Portland, Or. TRIM America Recom When Mr Graham, writing Jan. 18, 1897. staid: I have used Peine' ce.erv compound to tny b-nefit. and 1 have no doubt tbxt any person ondergniFs; great ph jsK-! at rain would find it of grrat service. For stadeota especially at ought to be oi great value." . hen so prom I nent a scude-nt cf bodily health, woo baa no equal, un lasts, mrhat. one mention Ifr aergent, cf Harvard, with whose methods Mr Graham became well ae quainted at Harvard when Mr Graham a va bliintlv that alter his experience he bet ievos others would find Paine' celery eompoand of enst service, what naa or vsmin oat of perfsci health eaa alord to neglect his weil coasidered and expert ad vie: Ther hi no d-Kibt I jat Paine a eeiery compound eteaas ULe biool of ecssens, wait rneam and snob batfior". not oclv in tbe spnoe. thrt Is so fvorabi a time. but at sav time during tbe sear, ae tbor (ia y that nothing finser isevtwbearu of inetn. Paide'a eajcrv CMnpound has tested trd, seroUautid and besrUiy ap proved by eo many nnrUaJ payici ana nn and voauffl wnoae worJ in ssv ! uneiter would not be questioned for a : moment, that one mu be atuboora ; mhsded indeed who prrCjrs to mope around ba;f aisk invtoaj of wwifying ties jvj.ire,j-a gniforward staemeola. TO THE crvaa Taut cstoica or TvTO TKASSCOSTlSESTAl. ROUTES mum PACIFIC vts DENVER OMABA asD seUrlTKERii vis SPOKANE U!NKA?SUS ST. PAUL KAKSAS CUT LOW RATES TH AM eastern xi n& tX.f.AK STEAMERS KAVE rORTLAAD EVERY S DATS .. son .. SAM FRANCISCO For fait details caj oa Ccsjutx & MoTarrK, Albany, Or sa aooatfst w a hub:.! LKi. UN"t Ka . Aeaw I SI Pidotod Mannar, ASD COO PACIFIC LINE. To 111 Points East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxurious dining- cars, elegant day coaches, niasntScent tonrist cart tnd fre colonist sleeper from the f a cific to Uio Atlantic without change. MOST niBKCT ANU CBSATKST RptTK TO Knnfrntiv) fARcsr, - V ItKW llsSVSR, District f ( TWAIL, AH points in the Okanogan Couhtry. Oet a pamphlet uivln? a full dearriniinn ot this wonderful country. Ask the aeent foracopj of tbe mining lawst f British ooiumtiia. Iai vet rales to and frou via alt Atlantic steamship ines Canadian Pac. Ry (Jo's Koyal Mail Steamship Line to China and Japan. CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN STKAHKB 1.1 N TO BONOIVIO, tlil AND ACSTRAUA. The shortest Hoe to the Colonies. These steamers carry art experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage . For time tables pamphlets, or anv in formation, call on or address. S N STEELE & CO. Agents, Albany Or. & j uoilk, Ag t, I inua St., l'wt- land. Or. GEO. McU BROWN. P. P. A Vancouver. B. C EAST Assignees's Notice of Sale. Kotice'U hereby given that the under signed assignee of tbe L E B sin Ciotbinz ... uu.w J M.w V. Apfll, 1897, at the hour of 1 o'c'ock p m of sad day at tne l t, main tiotuing Companv' store sell at public suction to the h)g-bet Diuoer iai can in nmo au tee personal property of the L h Blain Clothing Co. The property to be sold consist of men and youth's cWtbisg, nnderwesr, and fur nishing goods, patterns, suitiogs, and all goods pertaining to tbe tailoring depart ment. athletic goods, hats and caps, boot and shoes, valise and trunk, umbrellas and canes, etc. Composing the stock of gooes and merchandise ot the a. e fctatn Clothing Co. now In it store oa First Street, Albany, Oregon, one door east of the 1st National Bask, also all tbe store and office farni.nre and fixture belonging to said compa.iv also all tbe book ae oountr, notes, mortgages end judgments belonging to said company, Said property bereia described will tie so d sa s whole without aeparstioB or div ision, and pesieasi. a will be i tamed iavs'y given te the purchaser. A full aed complete inventory of said property is in the hands cl the e -eri,se4 aawacteaad way be inspected bf tbce de-. irlor to bid at tsul ss . 1 h property te be i fift-red it r may also be inspected and eiamioed. 'iit Enderaigaed may, as all timrsontit said sale le- foond at taut store and will take piesaure in showing Ibe protertv to those deairiDg lo exaatio tbe asms asd to ive any desired informatios. Datsd tbi 24tb dv ef March. 1 97. F M EKDHKlIi, A of t e of the L ftiain Clot bug Co. SOL'MOSS. Jm lte C rcuJ Cfmrt of tit JilU OJ Grrgpu Jet lite umnty of Ll" . J Gunier Fowler asd W J Caear, p'i . V G Morgaa. a administrator of the r - tale of lliomas Morgta deceased ; James Murgaa a adnisistratir or the estate of L;dia Morgan deeeaed; Mary Abb Gray. Frank Gray her btubao j; Agwe McNeil, Jwn lie Neil rer hushand. Jobn N Morgan, iiath M or (ran bis wife; James W Morgan, V. r, an his wife; W G Mmos, M97-rn fc wife; Jane Mor ran, KA Mar; a a. aldcgsakis wife; Mr gsret Vnuciu, Ducaa ter; G L der an ! IIsiu J &Uyae, ; Lies Co. Nattowal tut , ( cfirporatior-) W H G-4 trs, A Beth, Traee; First Ksueoal Bsk (a eorporataoa) sad Md on Hale, Defewdssta. To John N M'T'gsa sad Bath Morgut. his wife, tad Margaret Dotes asd baa ear, her ha. bull. Defend ant. IS TIIgKAMEOF.THE STATE OF' OKEUOK: l ea sre hereby required to ap peer ssd answer the eempiaiot hied against, yoa ia the sbove euutied salt, hj the fink dsy 4 tee next term cf this eonrt (o.lowtog theerptraiun of (aid eraos,towit: by the 4ti Monday ia jBoe,lS37;!eing the 2Sih day of said ntoetb; sad tf yoa hui so to appear to answer, far want thereof, the plaintiff' will apply to tbe eaart far tew rwiff Brwsed for in tss esjtptam filed sgsmst ow aesw ia. towit: Fcr a deer focerinaing s certaiak gasttgage exeeated far ewe Thnniis Morgasy aad Lf oi Mrfra.-. hi wife, (both deceas ed) to the Jstm-Ccnklia jwertaae Trwcc Ceasnsay, to secere tte pstseeat of 5 ! 25. with inter est, aad the faitfcer sees cf fl00 attorney a fees. Sasd anortga; beieg apes, real estate siuute ia the cowaty t4 Ltse. state of Oregon, aad perticabviy bbaaded aad dees ibed as folio ws, town: Th W H of the D L C ef Dsrrd W At bhaas; atiaa'ed ia Sees 33 sad 34, Tp IX seat, Esnge 4,WWM, coaliag IS aerss mor or less. Aad airerriw sale of said property ta the manaer pmeidsd by law asd spptaesiioai ef tae praeccda therrf oat U payiwewt ef tan una ot tacj p:aint.Ss sareia, iwciadrsg; easts, dibiSaseau of ssit aad attornay's fees Th ts swBSBOBS is Bwbli bed bv order of the CoaorsUs 11 It Hewitt, jsdga of said eowrt- Madesad dsted ea te SUh day ef Feb. rwary. 1S37. Gsaff Uzex a iiosTAXTS a HacKtzwjjr. Attorseysfor PisuiuSa. SSMaiCKS. a tie CircrU Cm't for Lin CrMiy.Staie ol DepartaiestXo.2. CC Jackson, tlsintiff, TS Sarah J Moore. Marv I Yarbroaeh. Da- rid W Yarbrxigh.Uaward W Ysrhronak reinif et s iarwniigD,lin 1 Srorooir. sbos Yaubroagh, and Lewis Yarbroocit . lMeadants. To Sarah J Uoore, Marv J Yarbrowch, - David V Ysrhroasrn. H.iw-srtt W Tr. hroosrh, Peatty M J Yarbroozn, Geo W Ta? trot gh,Tbomas J Tarbrongh and Le si YArbroort. tne Odeodaats abo named: ISTHKNAMEOF TRE STATE OF vwaiv.i . i w Sl va sow szw hereby rrq aired to appear ia the above cn titled com ton the first d of tbe aexc regotmr term thereof, oa Monday, the 2Sti day of Jane, 1.837, to answer the compbuEt of the pJaiatiff aaove aasaed sow oa file in said coart la said cause, and you aad each of yoa sre hereby aoind that if yon fail to appear aad answer to said com plaint as hereby required the plaintiff wiU apply to said ctnr. for judgrneot aninat K J-a as prayed for in hi said otapUint. towitr or a decree of said coart decUr ms; plaiatijF to be the owner ia fee simis of all the foUowrtne described real nroier ty. towit: Begfaaing at a poiat 32. 72 chain S mad 67.13 chain W of tbe N E.TKr of etaiea No. in Tp 14, S R 4 w of the Widaat ette Meridian, rnnning tiseace S 7 cia, thence 4 23 chair, thence K 7 chaisa, thence E 4.28 chains, containing 3 acres more or less, in Liu county. Oreffoa. - Also beginning at aposntoa tne east boundary line of ibe D L C of 1 boa i Yar broach aad wife. Not- Xo. 21S. cJaiaa No.49inTpl4S&4w. and claim So. 66 in Tp 14 S R 5 w of Willamette Mer which is 83.72 chains S of the N E comer c f said D LC ant rneninar thence w j 61 47 chain, thence X 7 chains, thence w 4 JS4 chain, thence S 2j degrees w 16 chains, thence S iS degree, A) ssianiea w icaaisM,uienceeast?ctiatn,'tttace S ri degrees 45 minute E 7 chsios.theoce S 12 dejrree 50 minute E 9.TO chains, tbeote north 63 decrees 30 m-eatea E U 15 ehsjns, tfaenejN 70derrees E 3 8) cfciins, thence S 79 decrees E 4 90 chains, taeace S 6s degree E 1350 chain, thence oath 56 decree E 12 60 thence K St Regrets E S.30 chains, theaee wh TiJde rreesE5 SOchains, thence S 57 degree 30 rn mates E 3. 16 chains more or kwa , to a point due souih of the place nf betrin nine-, thence north 34. t2 caaina, saoe or Tf-'O the ple of beg aa'ng. containing: 184 69r00 aces ia Linn county, Oregon And fare ban in asid dafsdaais sad; eacn of them from claim. at er asenia say right er title iw or te said laads, er sav P thereof; correcting the rrcaans nseeriptioa thereof coataised ia n eertam deed cxeeatsd aad dibr-red kv Tool J Varbroneh aad Sarah J Vaibroaxb. h a Wlte. In oaa Wm 1 ..,tK ... form to th troe decriit-a of sasl laads MsbjTO set eat, and reraoviag ta ekiad n :rai title la sai.l lamis. Tbr icnaou nsK'il . t thellon H U Hewitt, judi eftfc above tial coart, ntsdeatchaaibenin Aibsnr, On go-, thi 2dri day at Maro.S. 1S97. EutissflsCASsos. AM'jt for Ptsiatid. I OST. Between res.leaee ot R. M. lUoberWn acd the C. P. chorea, a pair of gold rimmed gtasse. Retire to It At I.' .1 . . F' OR SALE. A freeb mikh cow, and calf, cheap, inquire of K S IXtth ten, Spicer. YOOSIS 1 KKNi.-Call on Jir. lv Owen, on 3rd Street, let ween Broad, albin and Eiiswor.h. TTOR RENT. A good five room cottse 'irst Ward, nppsr oext I for rent in First Ward. of city, cheap. Apply to I'SMOckAt omce. FOR SALE. Pure wnent chop, rs.00 per ton sacked, also f'o. 1 white seed tt. M. RsaiDKaS. A WELL KOW factory tsple goods, esUblished five vear. wanta local talesman. 100 per cent profit. Must have ability, energy and small capital, neer- ence required. Manager IIS Eddy St. San Francisco. Pr. Price's Cream r-aKlny PowtM asswat noltl rim j MwxwUsr Fsw. saw I