The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 26, 1897, Image 1

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: ? 71
1 111
- II luf 11 LI
El I IS 1 IH II 1
Entered A tke Foat Hei at llbasy. Or. sseewd-Clais Hall Hatttti
r r if TTIl rakltober aa rrrir
;, MIS
1 Ti. - - ...... ...r-- .
,1 k-,J fc C4
JSNfcgetable Preparation for As
similating fiKrcodandRcSula
tog theStomachs andDov.-cli cf
ftomotesDigestion,Ck zM
Tiess andBcst.Contains r eitlter
Gymrn,Moipuiiie nor Mineral.
Hot NAac otic.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour S tomach.Diarrhoea
and Loss OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
" "ai
iJT j
Thirtieth Year.
Calssdak fob 1S96-7
1896-Sept. 1 College Year beyns . . - Wedwsrijy
Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day jecesa, Tbura. and Fn.
Dec 21--Term examinations begin . Monday
Dec 23- First Term end? . Wedneada
Winter Vacation of Twelve Days .
1397 Jan 5 Second term berries
Feb 23 Washington's Binhday a holiday,
April 6 Term Examinations begin
April 8 Second Term ends . . .
Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days
April 12 Third Term begins
Jnne 8 Final Examinations begin
Jane 13 Baccalaureate
Tune 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C A.
Sabbatb evening
June 14 Annuat Meetine of the Board of Trostees
. Monday afternoon . '
Jnnp 14 Jonior Orations .' Monday evenin?
Zzuv ia Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of
Mnsic . . Tneeday forenoon
Jnne 15 Popular Entertainment Tuesdav evening
Jane 16 Uommenrement
June 16 Alamm K-union
Four Courses of Instruction leading np to
Mnsic courses, with appropriate diplomas.
For further information,
wmmr. r, tarn o-
select the Waverly because they have learned to know the dif
ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that
is simply claimed to be. Some others may be good but the
Waverly is the highest of all high grade.
A 11
-- A.
Dealer iu
ALB Afl Y.
Wa)l Faper,
Lace Curtains,
, Rugs,
5 ' Pillows
Furniture -Bedding.
v Picture Frames,
Linen Warp Matting,
Oil Paintings,
and Undertaking
Call on
. lO.MIpil. -" E'ropriclor
' OF
Cactcria is trat ia Bire lot&s od!t. It
ncttcM ia balk- Doat ftHow tnTcse to kII
awo tuti arc iran-mMMAi
w - - - "
Sermon . Sabbath forenoon
... einesaay
Wednesday evening
deirrees. Well equipped Buainesa an1
Catalogue free.
HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or.
Are bllilt in I
the largest
imTZIVG. and Kosf.
(li fe Equipped
FaCt01V ill I
iltc! fiSaECB tbe World
Coan & Huston,
Full En'glish Course.
frexch and gemav.
business branches.
Shorthand, Telegraphy.
InnHa -k-F-Fn vmifn
bedding", and it
want the most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest.
Paying State Taxes.
The various county courts of the state
are taking action in reference, to the
payment of sUte taxes. If paid to the
state treasurer they will simply be idle
at baleni or be invested . Hence a num
ber of counties are considering the ad.
visability of not remitting; but if a conn
ty refuses to remit, then the state tax
should not be collected at all at this
time, and no; until needed. The tax
raver should get the Itene&t.
Multnomah, Lane and Benton
have already decided in the mat
ter against payment to the state.
Judge Barton informs the Democrat
that Linn county will pay its state taxes
as tue money is collected lor tne pur
pose, the reason being that the county
is out of debt, that it will save interest
it it should be decided that the counties
are liable for interest, it will have to be
paid some time any way, and the pay
ment win save litigation.
In the matter ot inteiest on state taxes
not paid bv March 8. this will nrohablv
be resisted as the law requiring it is un-
aotiDieoiy unconstitutional.
Spoke for Cuba.
Kev. E. J. Thompson, of Corvallis,
formerly of Albanv, delivered a Caltan
sermon. Be said :
America is an example and onght to
be she ought to be a leader to the na
tions of the earth she is the herald and
leader of a new era.
If the I'nit d States can punish these
monsters of crioie and cruelly and vin
dicate the sanctity of Justice and hu
inanity, so that the guUty shall be pun
ished, and free government be establish'
ed, then be :t ours to strengthen the
hand of those struggling people, and
help them win the victory for liberty
and lor Uod. it tne Spanish govern
ment has insulted the American flag
and murdered American citizens, and
will not put a stop to such abominations
as are a stench to creation, then ie the
hard of justice fall not alone to pun
ish miscreants, but to rear up and put
in power upon that sad and beautiful
inland, those who i eek the welfare of all
atid the liberty of ail, so as to give safe
ty and freedom to tnat long darkened
region. If the sword acd the fire ar to
be sent, send them if possible, so that
they shall punish first, and then cut tho
bonds of orpresaion and burn down the
dens of inf Amy.
"Long have these enslaved Cubans
fought for freedom, and I do not see
now christian nations ran torn a deaf
ear to their cry, or refuse a brlping hand
in tnis tiuur ot dai knees and death. 1
do not know, but Uod is waiting to see
what our nation is going to do for the
oppressed and tlrujsjliu and starving
of the world, ere, he delivers u from
our own want and distress and difficul
ties and darknt as .
Hon S. A. Dawson Laa been in
land thi week.
The Magazine club will meet with Miss
Mae Pollock on Friday afternoon instead
of Saturday afternoon.
Superintendent Denhara nd Prof, i
Pratt, of Corvallis, were iu the city to
day and paid tte public schools a visit.
Fred Floed is now in Spokane, Wash.,
and has accepted a position on the staff
of the Evening Chronicle Rceeburg
The uniform ball at the opera bouse
last night is reported a pleasant affair,
with good music by the Albany orchestra
and some attractive costumes.
lr Smith, of Amitv. was 'o the citv
last Friday and paid the Transcript a
p'easant visit. By the way the Dr is a
candidate for agent t the Silelz reserva
tion, has some strong endorsement, and
will make a big pull Lr it. McMiun
ville Transcript.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L..Campbell and little
daughter arrived home on the 2 o'clock
train loday after an extended visit
thrftnH the mnA 1trA. Tit
have been gone a little over five weeks
and alter attending a meeting ol the na
tional press association at Ga'veston
Texas, joined an exenrtioa of editors and
newspaper men, viniUng the City ot
Mexico and manv other cities and oointa
f interest in the' republic ot Mexico. On
Chicago and olhei pinls. Eugene
Writing of the marriage of Mr. Arthur
L. bimpsoa and Miss Altba M. t illar at
Bueca ista on l nesdav, one who was
present says: The bride and groom
were the recipients oi many beautiful.
valuable and useful presents. They be
gin life under very promising condition,
having tne parental benedictions on
both sides. The fathers and mothers of
both parties were prevent and witnessed
the ceremony, cs was also the bride'a
grandfather, now past 95 years old, seat
ed ia an easy chair was an interested
as well as interesting spectator
The St. Patrick social and entertain
ment at the Congregational church, last
evenine. was wed attended, and was a
pleasant affair in every respect. Neatly j
arranged tbe rooms presented a social as I
aspect. Games were played and at the
proper time a hne lunch served. During
the evening a program was rendered con-
18 ting ot a vocal solo by Mrs. U. U. lee.
greatly appreciated : a reading by Mrs.
Lambson and a vocal trio by Rev. and
Mrs. Poling and Mrs. Henry Poling that
was greatly complimented. Col. Monta
gue, who was present was called upon
and told of bis personal recolecions of
St, Patrick, at least what be knew about
A Liv Pzxnoybb Hit. Mr. Pennoyer
returned complfments with tbe Oregon-
ian in the following live manner: "Be
cause Ezra Durand had most truthfully
stated, speaking from the Multnomah
I county jail, that "this country is suffer
ing from that gold-adoring, nn principled,
vicious duck-hunter Cleveland and his
minions" yon kindly suggest in your ed
I columns that "it onvht to nun Pn-
noyer tobail theold man out " I felt
somewhat disnosed to do so. nntil I
found out that "tbe old man" waa fool
ish enough to vote for McKanley and a
continuation of tbe duck-bunUtr Cleve
land's gold-adoring policy. 1 will now
let you bail him out. A man that talks
right and votes wrong really ought to
stay in jail anyway. "
Tn Wnipptsa Cabs. Mrt. W. S,
Trainor made complaint before Justice
Hawkins yesterday afternoon and a war
rant was issued lor the arrest ot Miss
Emma Barden, tbe teacher, for whip
ping tbe daughter of the compla'ning
witness, a young lady niteen years oi
age. Toe detendant has employed lour
of Albany's leading attorneys and will
fight the case, it wilt he tried Detore
Justice Hawkins on Saturday at 9 a. m
Great interest is being taken in it.
r In an the world there is no other treatment
so pare, so sweet, so safe, so speedy, for pre.
aervimr.narif vine, and beautifying tbe skin.
acalp, and hair, and eradicating every hu
mor, as warm baths with Cuticcra Boap,
and gentle anointings with Cuxiuuba, (oint
ment), tne great sum core.
Is . ,;
Ii told throaprmrt 1
AU About laUSklikBcklp, au4 Utr("lV.
10 CI
From the Democrat of Oct. 19 to Nov.
16. 1877. -
Two German gentlemen name PfoifTer,
from Iowa, are looking out a location for
a large three story hotel, having pur
chased the lot at First and Ellsworth
streets. They were nermitted to errect
a frame though in the fire limits. The
consideration ot the lot was 13000.
Married on Oct. 14, in the Forks of the
Mildred V. Turner, and at the tuiit time
and place J. t,. Cyrus and Lucretia Hoi
The Jewish cemetery was established
in the eastern suburbs of the city.
Rev Robert L. Stephens eturned
from the east to Albany to reside. He
was a genius.
The attendance at the college was 14
Paul d' Heirry was a prominent char
acter ia Albany in those days.
Mr. A B. Mcll wain located in Albany.
He purchased 45 feet front on First street
and let the contract tor a two story brick
to a. w. utimiiiT.
F. M Kedlicld purchased the Van
actor grocery store.
The Moyer Assignment.
- The petition of L. Flinn, C. P. Bacon
and other creditors of J. M. Mover & Co.
asking for the removal of Ben Selling as
assignee, was denied by Judge Steams,
at Portland, yesterday. The case for
the pj'itionera was argued by Attorney
George E Chamberlain, and Mr. Joseph
feimou appeared for the aseignee. Tne
reasons given for Selling's removal wrre,
that be had not reported to the court as
required, that he had not been diligent
in disposing ot tne stock, but added to
it, that where the previous monthly ex
pense wav $1000 Selling bad increased it
to ll'JOO, though the reut had been re
duced, that he ernploved more e'.erk
thau were needed. The claim of the
Albany mill is about $ 100.000. ot U L.
Cole and J. M. Mover of about tjO.000.
these being the petitioners.
The assignee reported I'io.Ouu on hand.
exclusive of expenses, and about 15.000
stock on hand, and about f 15,000 worth
of goods is n dispute with L. Flinn, re
ceiver of the Albany Woolen Milt Com
pany, and that the expense of conduct
ing the busiuess was (300 Ires per month
than formerly, instead of greater.
Judge Stearns, on hearing both sides
of the case, decided that no malfeaeance
upon the the part ot the receiver bad
been shown, lie bad been absent from
the city on state business, and had been
a little slow with Lis reort. It bad not
been shown that tre atfairs of the a-
slgntte had not been well managed.
Dolph' Will.
The will of the late Jcweph X. Dolpb,
ex-senator, was tiled lor probate in the
county court today, by the 'Vtignated
executor, Cyrus A. Dolph, a brother of
the deceased, and Kicbard Nixon, a eon
in law.
Property in Portland an 1 some land in
different prts of the state, areating
in value $115,000. compose H e bulk of the
estate, while there U $10,000 in ctocjtt,
onds. certitlcateof derit. and oioner.
The document bears da?e of Julr "25,
IS95, and is written in Mr. Dolpb' own
clear .band on ordinary iegai cap.
1 be testator tartt devotee three page
to detailing the provisions of the bequest
to bis wife, lie directs that she slia.l be
paid an annuity oi $3003.
To bts daughter. Agnes Mxon. de
cedent lesrre, in addition to a chare of
personal effects, $1000: to Rath II. Do! ph.
$300C; to Cyrus A. Kolph and Henry N.
IKjIph, tone, JW pcb (or the pur if?
of education. His son, Cbes'er V. Dotph,
aoa sen in-iaw, Kicuatd .Mxon. nre U
divide equally the law library and office
lurniture. lo bis brother t rrus A.
Doinh, the decedent leaves S5000. and to
John M. Dolpb. $"X, and to hi sister.
Roeitice U. Ross, $-"00 He leaves
e-tcb to several grandcbildren.-Trlegram.
In Mcmorlnm.
On Monday, March 9. the silett and
all-powerful messenger. IVath. entered
our peaceful village, invaded the home
of Chas. Sweaney and carried away the
immortal epmt ol their infant daughter,
aged 1 month ard 7 dare, ller short
life with them was like an hoar of sun
shine on a winter's day. The beautiful
flakes of saow that silently fell aa ber
tiny form was I ltd beneath the sod were
a striking embiem of the pure, white
spirit that had wended its wav to heaven
a short time before. Weep not for ber
loving parents, brother aid sister, for
"of such is the kingdom of heaven." Mr
Sweaney and family have tbe svmnatbv
of the entire community in their" bereave
Dearest baby we must give thee
To the cold earth's long embrace.
But thy memory we will cherish
Till we see thy heavenly face.
Mrs. Kate Marinas.
Gstes, Or., March 16, t7
PaosPECTixo. Almost every day brines
men here, says the cottage orove l-ead-
er, wno put up at our hotels, and are
waiting tor tue snow to leave tke moun
tains, so they can get into the Bohemia
district to do prospect work, although it
will be lull two months and probably
longer betore any work can be done in
that line. The snow ia now four feet
deep on tbe level. Tbe wagon rosd.
wmcn naa re?n oiockaoeti inr some tune
near tbe Ridge hob-l, was ooeued up last
week and will be kept open all winter.
Old miners, who are familiar with tbe
district, say every iudication points to
wards the snow leaving early this spring;
thus enabling them fa get in a good sum
mer at prospecting.
A meetinir of county itidizet was to be
held at Portland this morning.
Tbe report on the street today that Fitx
Simmon bad bled to death was a cauard
He was injured very little.
iurcfeuca too ay received a letter re
, r r? si . . . . - .,
quiring about Albany's new street railroad,
wuo lurnn-ned the machinery, c All on
account of an advrrtwemeut of Mr F M
r rench s toy electric car.
T I. liurord, farmer at tbe state nfnrm
icnool, and Mrs. Uufoni, laundreas of the
ame intitution, yenterduy tendered their
resignations to the hoard cf trut(eg, by
filing them with tbe secretary of the board.
otaie cx-uoui cupennienaent u. Ji. Irwin.
. i . . i 1 1- . i .- . . . . .
Johnny Goins sold bis citv ueliverv bnai
ness yeHlcrdav morning to Lee Uenkle.and
Lee s son. Art, is now m charm of the
biz. ' The consideration was 1300. Tho
&dis billiard ball, purchased a week airo bv
two young men fro Scio has been sold to
John Uoim. Corvallis limes.
JNotwitbstatldluir the termmalinn. tha
details of tbe contest between Corbett and
r itzKimmons show tbe great superiority of
tbe former. Bulj dog vira and a lucky
uiuw uiu me ouginexa lor the iron muHcled
lorniHhman. It la only to be rerrtrttfd
war ootn men weie noi knocked out.
A IllintPr named Rpafr with a i-nmnnn.
ion ki led a pair of cougars near the Oro
liiio mine at the head of Jurap-off-Joe
Sunday. The "varmints" h td just finished
eating a deer thy had killed when tbe
hunters appeared upon tbe scene with their
dogs aud rifle. The irouhies croatod
quite a sensation Monday afternoon when
they were hung up in front of Ahlf's butch
er shop to be skinned. Grants Pass Cour
Wbathkb Pukdictionh. Some weeks
ago Rev. Ira Hicks, of St. Louis, wl o
claims to be able to figure out far in
advance weather conditions which are to
exist, predicted the recent storms, and
his weather program will not he comple
ted until March has natwed and a foot or
two more of
two more of snow has fallen before April
forecast schedules a big blix-
in March 18th and ending on
Inasmuch as Hicks' nrn.
dictions have been remarkably correct
so far during 1807, this prophecy will be
the occasion for the public watching the
clouds with a great deal of Interest. E t
The following received by Mr. and
Mrs. Jus. Marks irutu their son-in-law
Rev. C. R. Callender, will be of general
Cihkno Mai, Loah, De, 20, 1890.
The annual meeting ot Mission and
Presbytery has just closed, liaving been
in session two weens, lumorrow most
of the missionaries irom otber stations
start home. e tiave been assigned to
Lakawn for one year, at the expiration
o itbat time we may be assigned to the
same station or to anmber. The mis
sion meeting seems to be like ' Metho
dit conference where the place of each
minister is determined, with this differ
ence Methodist ministers are ent by
the bishop, workers in the mission are
sent by the whole body, after consulting
tne prebrences, ana reasons lor such, ol
The diUicultiee multiply and the wo-k
becomes mote comp'icatcd each year
as iorc -s increase uoin oy nusnonmrieii
and ingathering of native converts, some
of whom are prr-aching the gospel. The
meeting of minioa is conducted in, K-
gluh, hut the PrtbyteiT in ihe Lao
tongue There are six stations that con
stitute the mission Praa, Nan, Lakawn,
Lampoon, (now a substation ot Chiug
Mai) Chiug Mai, and Ching Hai, which
is a new station to t:e opened soon In
the w hole mission are 25 missionaries, 3
of whom are at home on furlough, and 3
others are going soon. A a role re
turned missionaries return -to te lor-
eign field alter one year's stay av horn.
In this number I have not included the
wives of mh-sionariefe, but ordained min
isters, phykiciana and lady teachers.
In the native ministry are 8 ordained
ministers and 3 licentiate. In Citing
Mai is a theological tjaiuir-g school fur
the native minitn. in which there were
JO this year. Chieng Mai Church has a
membership of over 700. liuring the
yer ut pa-l about 2.10 were at'ded to
the different churches! 15 iu nunber.
The North Laos Preebvterv has the
name of receiving a giva'ter ratio into
the church than anv ot'ier, whether in
foreign or home hmd ;
I must expres surprise at the rood
t!me mieeionarirs here have. Tennis U
a common game for recreation and ex
ercise, ss also is horseback-riding. There
is scarcely no end to lionet : thev are
much na:ier, however, than thoe at
borne. There are no wacons. bu: for
short hau'ieg ox-carts are oskhI. For
long traveling either horses or e'eniianf
a-e useJ. Oxen, mule. horea and tie-
phanti are used as pack animals, and
often, men carry goods of the mlionry.
iiorrses oi mis-ionaries are urge and
tine, as a rule I think thev are better
than house of home niiesiocarift. Cli
matic conditions neceeotiatB lar-re rooms
and plenty r f them Bath rooms are at
tached to all the bwiM, the tth being
a very important factor to health. In
shnrt, the foreign nisi'nary U prvidt-d
with comforts of life ewmil lo the pre
serving of health and progress of God's
work, r rom the standpoint of temporal
comfort I do not see that we have sacri
ficed anything. Aside from the separa
tion from relatives it does to -A em a
sacrifice. Whan one considers that home
mail comes every two week (if there is
any) by which if he ukfti pupers, he
may be as weu in:.rnuI as tht a?
home. This nea it a ht.le lb:nd litre
and when cue thinks eicit:y of the
rich Upswings comir-g from preaching
tUe popel and tewchingand seeingcore
brought into the kinsosm. t-itlr U:er
temporal comforts wi.irh have 1en
mentioned, wbea one considers t:r
things it can scarcely teai t IbU the
element of f-acrsfK- .onrht Ut-msf
eonsiieiab'.y drgree eotar tS-e mind e;"l r
of them going or thm who are left in
the home field. I think the self ticri-
Cc og part ia on the Ue of tho remain
trig at home rather than na that c! the
one going. Une c!ijl,.i come,
and believe that God's band oi love will
guide us furt tier and rBfe u to tea
tweeting tn the Lao land.
Mrs. E. U Will and daughter returned
this noon from a visit in Corrallis.
Postmaster General Gary is a personal
friend of Governor Lord of Oreaon.
Kev. J. S. White, of Sa'em. and Father
Mayter.of Albaor, vi:tcd Father Clancb-
eit Mooday. Gerva;s Star.
C. C. Canter and farcilv re'.nrnea from
Albany Friday, where Mr C. has been
acting as jurot in the circuit court. Mrs.
C. baa been visiting with ber mother,
Airs. AM. by, for the past month.
Judje M. L. Pipes. ofFortlstsd,
mentioned for C. 8. district attorney.
and some Lave even sa;gteJ Lim ss a
successor to Judge McKeaaa. He w ill
probably get "nit."
A letter received by an Albanv friend
from Mr. Ezra llortoo at San Fradci.oco
stated that be bad gotten ttp ftom bis
recent illness. tol bad had a relapfe. and
was again in the hospital. Aa xoou as well
enough be will leave for Albany.
Renreeentalive MclCinlev Mitche'l was
in Uie city' reports a first
son born at bis home Tursdav night.
The youngster is a straight Irish-Jew, n
international hi mi tali t. and wiil be
named McKinlev .Holiart Mitchell.
Salem Journal.
A Mtrn.Mi or Jl-pors. A morning ot
five county judges was held in Portland
yesterday to consider tbe of
stale taxes, ibose from Multnomah,
Jiackamae, Clatsop, Marion and Lane.
Letters -were received from IS other
judges, of whom it were in favor of not
paying the state tax, at least until they
know what will be done ith iU the sen
timent Wing against paying mocer into
a state treasurers band trillion' snow
ing what will be done with it. The mat
ter is a verr important one calling lor
careful and ju ticioi a action.
Plkktv or Monev. San Francisco cap
italists offer to take tfOO.OOu of expendi
ture claims at par. lialpli Moody has
iust returned from San Francisco with
an otter to cash claims at par ii cecretaty
Kincaid will audit and ail them. This
Secretary Kincaid positively declines to
do. He stands firm on this position,
heretofore taken, that he will not audit
claims before money has been appropri
aled unless compelled to do so by the
court. baleni Journal.
Out-door life and Scott's
Emulsion of GxJ-IivcrOil with
Hypophosphites have cured
thousands of cases of consump
tion In the early stages. They
cure old, advanced cases too
but not so many, nor so prompt
ly. When a case is so far ad
vanced that a cure cannot be
made, even then SCOTT'S
EMULSION checks the rapid
ity of the disease, relieves the
pains fn the chest, reduces the
night sweats, and makes the
cough easier In these cases it
comforts and prolongs life.
Don't experiment with cures
that destroy the digestion. Pin
your faith to the one remedy
which has been THH STAN
dard foR- Over 20 Years.
Book about it free for the asking.
For sale by all druggists at 50c and
SCOTT 4 BOwnE, Nw York.
That Example.
A few days ago the Democrat gave the
following example :
"t'everal Albany men have been trying
to do this example. A grind atone
weighing 40 pounds was dropped break
ing into four pieces of such aizes that
every even pound from 1 to 40 could be
weighed with the pieces. Who can do
it?' The following answer baa been
received :
Cbawfordmvillb, March 19.
In nnawer to your grind stone problem
in this weeks Dkmochat, I answer as fol
lows : One piece would weigh 1 lb, one
3 lbs, one 0 lbs and one 27 lbs, aggregat
ing 40 lbs, which tills the requirement.
X W.Moaaa
Mistaking the purport of the example
Mr. tchulUer in the Astoria Budget gives I
the answer as 2, 6, 12, and 20, which
would enable oue to weigh only part ot
the pounds up to 40.
Our school now comprise but two de
partments, rrof. Crawford and Mrs,
Geo. Munkera, are the teachers.
J as. Abbott will soon shake Sclo mud
from his fett aud go over lo Lcbanoai to
drive stage from Lebanon to Foster. -
The Scio creamery will be run on bus
iness principles this summer. The
farmers will all bo aid for their milk,
every month what ever may be realised
for it.
Mr. C A. Loud and family of Eocin
itas, Cal lornia arrived in this city last
Sunday, purposing to local in oar city.
Mr. Loud is a barber, but we are not in
formeJ aa to whether be intends to open
a shop in this city or not. rre.
EyriNocriAL Croatia. Mr. Pague baa
figured out that there ia no truth in the
accepted theory that storms attend the
equinoxes that occur March 2Itt and
Sept. 21st, and quote these and other
weather proverbs aa pleasing nursery
rhymes and ruivtnls of superstitious
f iiks rather than weather-wise sayings.
The . record of Portland for 23 con
e.utive years shows that the daily aver
age rainfall for five days preceding and
rive days following March 2la is lean than
the average for the month. The maxi
mum fall of rain at Portland is from Dec.
16th to fan. loth, after the latter date
there being an average gradual decrease
in the amoont, and litis gradual decrease
ia not altered by the Dreeence of tbe
equinox, at least it is not so shown in the
23 years recorded at Portland, Oregon.
This rves nothing o far as equinoxes
arc concerned generally, but only in ref
erence to Oregon.
Pccruaa AoctDivr. C. H Whitney
met with a peculiar accident Wednesday
evening wbtie rt taming borne from Al
bany on horseback. Tb horse got scared
at something and jumped to one aide,
and a bottle that was in Mr Whitney's
hind pocket waa broken by the 1 tinge .and
the broken glata cat some woands In the
gentleman's thigh. Charley supposed
tin wounds were not serious, but on ar
riving here thought be would etou at Dr.
Lamiiersoa'a and put court plaster on
them. He get off his horse and opened
tbe door of the Dr. 'a office, when be fell
In a faint and was unconscious for sever
al minutes. The Dr. found that two ar
teries bad bten cut and were hleeuing
profusely. Tbe injuries were attended
to. and will aooa heal op, but medical
aitance was secured none to
Lebanoa Advance.
A Cotxaxit'a FAturax. Hon. A. L
MsxveU has been appointed receiver of
the Portland t'tuverutv, a corporate ed
uiaikmal in-titnUon with iu boiiuuags
on tue Muff below AlUna, at the suit ot
Col. Thomas Anderson of the United
Siiui arisr. When the institution waa
crgamzed bonds were iued, of which
Coi. Anderson took U0.OX), securing tbe
same Ly a mortgage on tbe properly.
latere! was paid until 1894, when Ihe
bonds became due and nothing baa been
heard ot the money since. An attempt
having been made to adjust the affairs of
tbe institution without considering CoU
Anderson a interest caused bitn to fake
steps to protect himself, and he will be
gin prtxwjings in loreclneure Tribune.
Core to Hat is Erotsx. "Cncle"
Steve Edwsrds. thourh over 70 rears of
aw,ia anent!itiiic foUowerof the game ,
of rocked hat and may be seen nightly
until a late hour at Pool's bowling alley.
tie plays with the vigor ol most younger
men and rarely is beaten. He ia consid
ered the champion player of the city and
now bold a score ol . - on a game of ten
frames of cocked hat. The highest pos
fible score is 90, and the state record is
.o, having been made by a Portland
player. The highest no re 'made in this
ene by any local purer, excepting
"Uncle" Steve in a straight game waa
6d, which was scored by fc. K. Hender
son. Guard.
In the clerks office at Salem oa the 17th
K the entries were made with green isk
I be Atcria Bodgt man is becoming conter ted. Me y:Abot a!) a man
gvts in this life is hu board and clothe. If
ou have good board and clothes, you have
no tick coming.
Col Frank Parker, of tbe Walla Walls
Ftitfuman in luck. Me took a claim ia
Itorsland B C for a $2j Dad debt. He
couldn't te'l it, and now the adjoining
claim on ihe turne ledge is turning out tT5
The bum of the saw at the mill baa
trreeied the ears this week, A car load of
lumber was consigned to Albany parties
wedoewiay night. As spring opens it ts
confident! expected the mill will be kept
in operation most of the time. Hamsburg
Toe whipping case to be trkd before
Jootice Hawkins tomorrow morning at
o'clock has elicited general comment, with
a diveniitv of opinions on the subject. The
defendant is a highly respected roupg lady,
aud it is to be regretied the case cou d not
have been settled outside a court of justice.
Under a decision in a New York court
tue title to tbe Albany and other Oregon
property tbat has been in ibe name of ueo,
8 Coe as trjsfee, since bis death, vests in
his heirs. An effort was made by Col
Hogg and others to have a new trustee s
resident of Oregon appointed, but witbout
I nomas K. Sheridan of Roseburg. was
on Tuesday apoointed successor of Wm
Ciallowavasa member of Ihe board of
trustee of the Soldiers' Home. John P
Hubert son of Sitletn. was appointed to suc
ceed binmlf. There one more yet to be
appointed. II. too, must be a democrat
or populist, as the three hoidsvera are re
publicans. ConvALtta' Elkction. The coming city
election promises to be a warm event.
The issue in the election oi councilmen
will be the action of the present city dads.
There will be five Oouncilmen to elect.
For police judge, Wm. Hartless will pos
itively tie a candidate if be decides to
remnin in uie cuy. . u, nu u muuk
urged for the place and the namea ol
Frank Lilly and Frsnk Irvine have been
mentioned. Jesse Spencer, Bird Wells
and Wm. Moore are already in the field
for chief of police. Ituthyn Turney'a
name has been mentioned in connection
with tho olllce. -Gasette, . .
N w at F. Hi PfcifterNi.
Hot bouse Icltuco,
Dry onionp.
Green peas, ,
Sweet potatoes,
Spititenberg apples,
Cooking apples, . .
Ilnnauas, t
Lemons, r
Limen. .
Try Dawson
books. .-
once on school
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great leavening
uLrengtb and bealthfulnew. Assares tbe
food against alum and all fotma of adul
teration common to 'be cheap brands.
Postmaster W V Henderson, of Eu
gene, ia lying dangerously ill.
N. E. Markley, recently of Eugene,
baa opened a law office at Toledo.
Mr. E. W. Langdon baa declined to
act as assignee of L. E. Blain, and a new
assignee will be appointed by Judge
Master Cbarlev Davidson came down
from Albany this afternoon and joined
ire mother Mrs. Dr. Clara Davidson in
th!a city. Journal.
R. P. Baker and family, Jas. P. John
son and J. B. Rouse, have arrived in
Linn county from Lovea Mills, Virginia
to locate. About fifty other families will
Miss Edith Smead, of Albany, who
baa been visiting ber aunt. Mis Ander
son, of Monmouth, retarned to ber borne
on Friday evening's boat. Independ
ence Enterprise.
John Bryant, of tbe Depot hotel, waa
summoned to Roseburg this week aa a
witness for tbe state in the trial of Case
and Pool for tbe robbery of the S. P.
train at Riddles, July 1, 1K5, on which
be waa passenger. Ashland Tidings
Mrs. M. B. Conkllng of Bosebnrei
grand secretary of tbe grand chapter o
Eastern Star Lodges, who ia vu-itiog with
power to organize local lodeea of that or
der, is fn the city and, with the assist
ance of Mrs. Helm of Corvallis. grand
matron, who is expected to arrive, will
organize a local lodge, Eugene Guard.
Mr.J.B. Marks entered school vea-
The leng postponed French examina
tion came off Tuesday.
Rev. Sibbitt, of Idaho, conducted
chapel exercises Mooday morning.
also made a snort aidress, which
well received.
Tne normal revieas were commenced
this week.
Prof. Sox delivered a very interesting
Wtore Wednesday, on the suoject
Mr. Bert Flory of Sodavilie, waa a vis
itor this week.
We bare received a picture of Rev. J.
A Qebutd, and now it may be teen in
tbe A. C. L.S. bulletin board. It ia
f arpnsiug how a email piece of paper
wiii convert eorh a formidable object aa
a bulletin board into "a thing of beauty
and a Joy fotever."
Mr. Collin of Chicago, viea'ed as
Wednesday morning. Mr. Coilina is
agent for a series of entertain menu, and
the Y. M. C. A. baa bargained for three
of them. These ar first class entertain
ments ard no one should fail to be pres
ent. Tbe band practiced every evening this
week, preparing for tbe entertainment
last night.
A certain young lady ia accosed of
making sbeepe-eyes at one of tbe aged
professors. Of coarse wo do not believe
it is true.
The Wnf pplng Tnat.
Tbe court bouse was filled this' tore-
noon with a large audience of interested
spectators to hear tbe testimony in the
much talked of ease of Miss Emma Bar-
deo, arrested for assault upon a pupil in
tbe public schools eva LookicgbiLl,
hotter kno n aa Trainor. L'epntv pros
ecntins Attornev Whitnev. N. M. Xiv.
port aiid J. M . Norners appeared for tbe
. . . - - :
prosecutioa and Keiiey & Uurl lor tne
After some delay the following jury
was selected: John Cbiswell. Kobert
Brows. O. W. Sears. S. Shape. George
Patterson and V. 11. Laugbead.
Tbe first witness for the prosecution
was C. O. Burkhart, a director, testified
to seeing Neva Lookiogbill, after tbe
whipping in Or. uiis ottiDe, saw ber
back, which waa considerably braised, a
space coverog five or six inches down
Irom both shoulders being discolored
(At this time tbe defense demanded the
prrsenee of the prosecuting witness, she
not having appeared, which delayed pro
ceedings awhile). Tbe rales of the
school board were put id evidence. The
woouds were surface about hall an inca
M rs. Trainor. mother of Neva Look lag
bill. Neva is fourteen. Testified as to
wounds on Neva. One shoo Id er was
iterallf covered black and blue, the
ether not so much. Took ber to Dr.
Ellis for examination. Brui-es wore
such solid mass could not count tbem.
but counted more then two dosen. She
could not lean against a cbair bark. She
waa feverish, next morning. Swelling
lasted two or three days. ,
Neva Lookingbill, tho school girl
whipped, testified to the whipping by
Miss Barden. rote a word on note.
ahe called me to ber. I crumpled np
paper, tore iu She slapped me, whip
ped me with ruler, then with rattan, or
dered into office, Mrs Lambeon and Miss
Harden came in.
Then told story ot third whipping, and
ber asking tne pardon ot Mrs Lambeon
and Miss Barden. Couldn't lay on back
against cbair. The bruUes were all
made by defendant, by no one else,
Here a live dispute arose as to the ex
hibition of the girl's back, whether
in courtroom or in a private room. After
preparation ber back was exhibited. Or,
Ellis testified as to Uie extect of the in
juries and several school children aa to
the whipping.
Tbe line of tbe defense waa that the
punishment was no severer than the case
merited, that tne girl was saucy and bad
Um bad the deportment cards of the girl
which ahowed the lowest standirg to be
tin rebulal the proeecu
ihj ranging np to 1UU, and vo under Uin
Tbe case was in progress at press time
with the pro-pec t ot continuing several
hours. ,
The gene -al opin'on was that the de
fendant would bo discharged, which
suemed to be backed by the desire of
many present.
Orrroa Ciacut Crrv. Crit Tolman,
who has been visiting here the past few
months, left yesterday en route to the
mining district of Circle City, on the
Yukon river in Alaska, being engaged
with a company of Alaskans. J.T.
Rogers intended going along but there
being too big a rush now will take in a
Sirty later on in the season. Carey
ros. who are at Circle City write their
parents Ashland that there were 750 peo
ple at tbat point this winter and 40 white
women. Grab waa rather light, but
! would hold out without suffering. Meat
was 00 cents per lb. Hour si per lb,
.... .
wages sw per aay. ine government, swr tmtfVIi
has a school there. Big crowds will
there tbia spring, Astuand Record.
Do not fail to see tbe new shirt waists at
the Ladies bazaar.
For frails
Of all kinds.
Go to
F. H. rfe'ffers.
Dawson sells Li verine.
Liverine 50c at Dawson's.
Apples at C E Bkowbeix's.
Smiley does our job printing.
No blur on Smiley's printing.
F U Pfeiffer keeps everything in season.
Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per doz.B
at Longs gallery.
A small amount of beautiful tnzw fell
this morning.
See French's line of opal rings. Tbey
are ail right and cheap.
Commander Booth Tucker will be in
Portland on March 27.
A new bank ia to be started at Baker
City by Iowa capiulu'g.
For a good physic take Liverine, for sale
by Dawson, tbe "pill autocrat-"
Our printing is tbe cbMPeat because it
is the best. Smtlet, the Printer.
Our work is the best, therefore it is the
cheaoesL Smiley, the Printer.
Crawford Hjrrnuh- for pnotogratba'.
Prices from f t to $?Q per dozen.
Pacific Circle W of W, u tbe name of
the new organization effected at St Looia.
Water white comb bosey from California.
Just in at V E Ekowxexas
Two packages of garden seeds for Sets,
according to their nwial custom at Stewart
k Sox's,
Yon will find a beautiful line of ladies
gold rings and long chains at French's
jeweuy store.
The Satan-day night social dan'es i! be
continued at tbe armory hail. No one ad
mitted without invitation.
That German washing fluid, which ban
oroven such a fine thing baa arrived at
Parker Bros, in a large quantity. Call
and fry a bottle.
Information that is worth its weight in
go!d: Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen
ry Broder's, on Second street.
If you owe Conn k Boston call upon
them and pay np. Why isn't that a gojd
eaolution. for now is tbe pay a? time.
For choice meats of all kind, sad
prompt attention call upon Wm Emerick
k Son, two doer w eit of Knecht k Misers.
Era. If. E. and O. K. Beers of&cea .r
resilience in the post office building. Spee-
uu Kueauon given to n ureses or woeaen.
V ith bat little care and no trouble, the
beard and mnstacbe can lie kept a uniform
brown or black color by using Bocking
htm Dje for the Whiekers.
Tbe price of genuine Oliver cLiHed nlow
hare ha been reduced to SO cents. Be
rare tbe aimt Oliver is on every abate
For sale only by Hopkins Bros.
Consider your wan. think before von
art, and then go to Haigrbt Bros- where
yoo will End a choice ttocc of aaeats of ail
kinds to oris from. Too are bound to be
pleased if you order of them.
Keep going until you leach the shoo of
tne Albany Drewed Beef Company, where
voo wid find a fine line of meats of ail
kinds. Tbiscompaey keeps tbe beet and
yon will be sorr if yon don't call on tbem.
It is stated tbat a man started to walk
from Alceny lo Cornilus Wednesday and
has not been area since, and that search is
being made for bin. fie has a brrtber-in
law At the Corvaliia .mtiis. Coraiii Ga-'
Agent Gailber, at Siletz. is making the
regular annual payment of isterest mosey
to tbe Indian at that place. This interest
amcnnU to 11(0 per capita, sad tne
total amoont to be diabuned ia about
13,600 Toiedo Leader.
Tbe Grants Pa Courier tell how the
nioers Lake out gold almost in sight of
tbat town. It aat s. Bill Elamme, the
pocket hunter, is following a rich seam of
gold up the tide ot a hid wqhin three
miles ot town, tie taa already taken oat
teveral hundred dollar? and tbe pocket is
by no means exhausted.
Tax Coxcsbt given at tbe opera boose
last evening by the College band was
attended by a fair audience. Tbe band
is doing excellent work, sod for so large
sn organisation presents some fine music
Besides several selections by the enure
organization. Prof. Ilowiand and Mr.
Marks were beard in a cornet daet and
encored and Mr. Wavne Bridgeford dis
played talent in his tuba solo, which he
was obliged to repeat. Tbe College Glee
dub, nearly fifty strong, were bead in a
foupie selections, Mr. Akere sang "When
the Heart ia young," the tjutntet dab,
Messrs. rarno, Lnndeli and Akers and
Misses Alderson and Skeels sang the Bine
Bells of Scotland, -M-ja Aldersos was
given an encore, and the ladies chorus
were best d in "Hope." Prof. White
horn, who ts teaching several classes in
phrsieal training waa heard in four i
selection. du pUyiog s marked talent. and
waa loudly applauded. "Box and uox"
and the song by tbe male quartet were
omitted. Tbe entertainment closed with
a couple selections by tbe band. s
A Tks Yeab Max. Frank Hoyt w
today received at the state penitentiary
Irom liougias county lo serve ten years
for robbery. Hoyt will be remembered
aa tbe man who so brutally assaulted and
robbed Earl Uoopengarnertstion agent
at Air rue creek, several weeks ainoe.
Deputy She iff McCiellaa brought tbe
man to this city on tbe morning overland.
Tbere being co cab at tbe depot tbe econ-
ical county othtial escorted bis prisoner,
who who was securly bsndcnSeoLoa loot
to bis new home on east State street
This custom of paying a cabman $2.50
per trip to the penitentiary is evidently
being abandoned. Salem Journal.
NrwAssioxu. At a meeting of tbe
creditors of tbe L. E. Blain Clothing Co.
held at Ihe court bouse this forenoon at
9 o'clock, Mr. F. M. Redfield was unan
imously elected assignee, ma douos
will be about ine seiecuonis
a eood one. one that will insure the
highest possible receipts tor toe creoi-
Both the method and results when
SjTup Figs 18 taken; it is pleasant
I and refreshing to the taste, and acts
pentlv vet promptly on the Kidneys.
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation,- Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
manv excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 80
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist "who
may uot have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one "who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
and I substitute.
no sn:up ca
go J
touisvuu. cr. tW fOU, ILK
We Print
in tbe Job Printing line. New
stocks of fine stationary just re
ceived direct from tte east. We
guarantee our work Atk tor
fa on pies and prices. Don't be
hoodwinked by blowbaros.
Yon rs for printing
imisTjOB cmc?,
City Official Office.
2 Door East of Democrat Office.
Morwy to loan on farm security, all
mall loans nude on penooal tecority.
City, countv and school warrant bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
- Fire irairo- wnttea in three of fie
larg-t companies in tbe world, it lowest
m log tbe utmost care in filling
g prescriptions. Pure, fresh 5
drags are the most important
S part of a drug store. 3
Albany Trading Company,
L X IOISIi lanagsr.
3 cans fire oysters $ 25
1 gal fine choice peaches 30
1 gal best vinegar IS
8 bars beat Savon soap 2$
Tbany CoIIegre
ft a -nor the school yeai 1896-1897:
limri a'arvin, Mas. Doe. director.
Asri-tact teachers-Marguerite Alderson,
B. M, and Mrs. Joeepbine Sbarpe.
Thorough and systematic instruction
erven in all the important branches of
music. Beet conservatory rooms and
latgeet musical library and taeilitiea for
musical work. Largest number of con
servatory students enrolled of any music
school in tbe state. Terms low. Send
for circular and cataLigoe, to
Waixacs Hows Lzx. A. M.
Albany. Oregon.
Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Boarding School for Girls.
Thorough instruction Wbolesomo
diet--- Homelike treatment. Consider
ing hard times, favorable redactions are
made for rjoarders ana day acnoisrs.
Studies wOl be resumed Sept. 1st. For
urtber particulars call at the Aeadeniv
or write to Sister Superior.
. its 1 TetL 15$ Psjrtfi i Tear.
Is larger than any weekly or semi-
veekly paper published and is tbe only
mrortant democratic weetiy pno
Ished in New York City. Three tunes
aa large ia tbe leading republican week
ly ot rt iorc v.117. At vuiw o
- . . . . . . . . v
-eciai advantage to you aunug tuw
residential uuni$D, w yv
fced every other day, except Sunday,
has all tbe freshness and timelineea
daily. It comt inea all the sews
.a kng list of interesting depsxt
unique features, cartoons and
1 11c Uiufitxauoos, tbe latter being a
1 these improvements have been
without any increase ia tbe cost
which remains at one dol'ar per year
We offer this nnenaiea newspaper
nnd the Wbssxt DsstocsAT together on
year for $2.00. Satisfactory terms with
Booi Keeping
TaTghtbv MAIL
y aa tirtui
Complete, Practical, fjacUy as Found is
Businesa, My course iswtuc-iom iuw
oughly qua'ifv too to take charge of sab
keep s set of books The highest reference
furnished. For terms and fail informa
tion adaree, I P. HUNTER
AOOA 1 em pie, roruano, j
K. O. T.M.
Meete every Saturday evening at R. O.
T. M . HalL VisiUnglinighU mvttea to
end. J. 5. as utkiJ, worn.
The rrctoi on the Albsjsy treet rail
way will connect prcwptly with a'd trains
to aad from the depot. 3J nd ,Kht . ,
Special trips wiil be sade at special
tea. F. Cons, Conductor,
Notice ts hereby given that fends are
on hand to pay outstanding warrants of
the iue of 18S6, ftom No 453 to 533, in
dusive, interest on such warrants will
ceae with tbe date ot this notice.
Albanv, Or, Oec. Z3. asso-
E. A. Pams. Citj Trese
I G. k I R. R. GO.
V Willamette River Division
Steamer ALBANY, dpt. J. L. Smith
FreloMaui Passecief,
Leave Albanv for Portland Sundays.
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Unsurpassed accommodations and
chedulea especially for tbe needs of np
Mr Willamette travel. Picnic psrues
kn avail themselves f this schedule for
my desired point between Corvalhs and
Salem, leaving In the morning and re-
i Atm tint the same evening.
Special rates for special parties of 15 or
XL . AJ. inui
Agent, depot.
anc of Elltwcrth Street. Jm
washing taken. Particular attenUon p
o bundle washing and mending. Sat
action guaranteed. Hz Cbkisiukb
A re opto date druggists, as- i