The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 19, 1897, Image 4

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    A Thumbscrew Torture to
ji turns dck um screw. It mrwlmls the
tornejs at law. Will practice in a
ourta of the state. Special attention giv
en to matters in probate and to collections.
OFFICE In the Flinn block. -
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
Collections made o all points. Loans
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
Orrpon. -
All legal matters will receive prompt at
entfcm. Office. First National Bank
uiiding, up stairs.
AUornajs at Law,
Albacy, Oregon.
hyak4i ud ianraon. OFFICK Coras
wry saaets. Albany .Omro.
Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem
ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with
galvanic electricity. Olfice on FerrySt,
near 3d street.
vice Preahlaat .
Oshier ,,, . .
T'U.HSACTS A GEXRRALbanktng!buslii
ACOirSTSKKPT subject to snack.
SIO TT EXCHANGE andte'eer'apnie transfer, M
on Ns . ,r San Fraaeissi'.ChScaro r-atlaro
COIi'.tOTMHW-AACKoa laabta turns
S W LutMi
- l. fub,
S. Fuxx.
S E Toes
LK Sun,
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
1 What You 1
'H Ask For 3
have, hence are prettv sure to
T have just what vou want. Oar
gr "money's worth" printers. " JS
g " Smiley, ths Printer:
Jt: - Phone 9 Albany. rS
Fire Insurance
le Old Hart ford, the New York Un
witters Acencyor any one of thereli-
Vab'.e old, line companies he represents. Notes
taken and plenty ot time given tor payment
oikfarm insurance. Ail business will bt
promptly attended to.
Anyone sending- sketch an4 description mar
qaicki ascertain, free, whether an luTentton la
probably patentable. Coomonlcationa atrtctly
coDDientiai. OMeM aaency furaecurinff ptnta
in America. We bare a Washington ofbee.
Patenu taken tbrouida Mann A Co. reoelra
peeial notice in the
beatrtifallr Illustrated, hrceet etmtlattOB of
jn. acieatinc journal, weckl r, terms a
.!,.-( n.A miMiLua. epeames copies ana
fiuuia OX i'i rKT sent free. Address
3S1 Brvadwwv. Hew lark.
J JJoor East of Democrat Office.
Money to loan on farm security, all
man loans made on personal iecnrity.
City, county and school warranto bought.
Col lections made on favorable terms.
t ire insurance written in three of the
ir t companies in the world, at lowest
mop poison
V l.T mnmm m fwoarjorres.
L ? J,arT typhi, is permtuientlr oraa tn U to
(r ziiaara. Yoa can be treated at home Xw
' j iooaaraDrloe under same ruraati. if
fc j "3r fua Prefer to eome here we will contract we fall tueun. U t0o hare taken mer.
wy. todido ' itah. and still have aobes end
fnias. uooiuVatchea in mouth, gore Throat,
ritnples. Cooper Colored Spots, Ulcent oa
anr pin of the body. H air or Erebrows t -.ilinc
out, it la this Syphilitic BLOOil P0180M that
we "ruarnritee to cure. We eollcit the most obett
nUi tMw.9 end rnallenee the world for
cax niniot core, uhls disease baa always
b.iuicti tho- kill of the most eruioeatphTai
ia.n, S:.,o,t0(J eapltal bebir.d onr nruicindU
tujtil raarnnty. Absolare-proofatientsealedoa
f ri ii( i jd, Addreaa COOK KEM1TIT CO.
it. J ALmoua i 'auuiyio, CiOCAUo, IXtV;
SS Make a fpecialty of com- S
poundint; all physici .ns
prescriptions. A complete ZS
fi line of patent medicines & 3
at: sundries in stock. r3
kyj Trading I'onpny,
1. E ' Moms, Manager.
3 cans fire oysters. . ..... 1 ....... ,
1 gal fine choke peaches ,1.1
1 gal best vinegar .. .......... vM
8 bars ttst Svon soao..... "
imiu.tiious young man, good penman,
ba sevm years exporience in bcok-keeping
and correspondence and extensive knowl
ediff of several branches or tiercantiie
banuiess. a notarial commission sjood till
May IV'dS, gpenks Gnrman and English, is
wiil.Qtf io make himself generally useful
in r.v In e of business, first clas referen
ce.. C. l at E. G.Laotz, 8 W Cor 7th and
ir.n.n.iu o;s.. or send notice by mail to I
ia wnai you mwaye (go uubi v w
y are rever urged to buy something S
J" "just as good " We have every-ZS
thing a good print shop should
; advice it yon want it ooeuj juu
g nothing; and it isn't forced on r3
yon if you don't want it. We are Z2
g here to serve you not to dictate.
We aim to give periest service rS
2 at fair prices. We do not care to 12
be known as "cut rate printers," 2
but we do want to be known as r3
n 1
st. Jacobs oh
twist. 11 3WI nu it WJKKS,
Star HaJiory
Corner Broadalbin and First irt
-Dealer in-
Canned Fruits,
Dried Fruits.
" Etc.
Canned Meat
Spice s
everything that L Kept in a
good variety andgro
eery store . High
est pt'e paid
Always ;Pay.
No question about full and prompt pay
ment of losses by fire on insurance places
with the leading agent of Albany, M. Sen
ders. WsilatHeliisiiresFeoieFor'
Don't allow yonrwlf to be roped into th
various "Local Mutuals" now being
pushed on you as being "cheapest in
surance, when yoa insure you do sot
want to worry about getting your money in
case of loss. M SENDERS
Insurance, Hay, Grain and Woo).
and none can dispute it. We lead the
wall paper trade. We were never more
in the van than now. More designs;
newer, brighter, fresher, sad more orig
inal designs ; s greater variety of da
signs ; finer qualities of paper; and lower
prices for fine qualities of paper than can
be found st any other establishment;
these are onr many and solid claims tc
your patronage. When yoa see what
we sell for 15 cents a roll and that we
only ask 15 cents for it, you'll be very
much surprised.
J. A. Cumming.
Dtf Whites Je Ifai
A bead of hair or no pay. Cores at
diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421
for Free Treatise on the Scalp.
Razors Honed and Set and Pat in ord
er oa Short Notice
J OiCKISSTO. Conductor
B&tl WE8M00K Mgr.,
I Vio., II Vio., Clar.. Cor.. Trom
Bass and.Drums
f e pet oite of Jesi9 Aft sic
-Mnsie Famished For-
Concerts, Parties, Receptions and
lainmenu at reasonable rates. v
Correspondence solicited regarding en
g?gemets out of town
Address Bert Westrook. Business Man
ager, Severe House, Albany, Oregon
Opposita Postoffice-
PLDMBING and tinning
at bottom prices.
Prof. A. STARK
" Of Will k Stark.
Optical Specialist
graduate of the, Chicago Optbalmic
I am prepared to examine scientifically
and accurately, by the latest and improved
methods of modem science, any who de
sire to have their eyes tested.
Cusick Block Amsaht.Ormoh.
: Teacher ol Hano & On
(Mason System of Technic
Careful Instruction of Children a 8pe
sltv. Terms moderate.
Washington St. south of V. P. church.
Dr Adams
Cusick Block
Albany, Or
If Art , ' "n,uf hwui
1100 poundi each. 6 vnra nU t.
:,. ' I , , . " ' , tun nvia-
a . I i a .
niKuiuti. rnmrnr tn,n
Cali on
J R Dcugla. rantiam tyu-dener.
55k Ilcutorat.
The Cubans will newr be satisfied
with anything but i..iljp-iilenc.
The Ohio men are all at (ever
They waot!everyihinit in sight.
Nearly everybody seems to waut office.
The itching after office does make one
The world is now filled with men who
are willing to fight f0r Greece with
their months.
"Into each life some ram most fall,"
but some lives appear to get it all. Ex.
Ditto States.
The prtaent administration not only
willnotbut cannotfightthetrutts. They
are not goicg to fight themselves.
Aa exchange suggests the sending
Mrs. Lease to Crete as a settlement
the trouble. Everybody would flee. .
No wonder the politician wants to pass
laws against cartoons. The politician,
though, doesn't get showed op as much
as hs deserves.
The papers are beginning to wonder
whether Mark Ustna can ever warm up
the seat vacated by John Sherman, Us
will if hs can have the job done by Z $
If Bob Ingersoll's scheme of "How to
reform mankind' included the efface
ment of Iogersoll, it would be materially
strengthens., says tbs Baker City Dem
ocrat. Already the record of the members of
President McKinley's cabinet are being
shown up. The very eeriona charge is
mads against tbs Secreta: y of the Nary,
John D Long, that bs writes poetry.
An exchange says that on the very day
that President McKinley is inaugurated
the stock market reacts, and losses are
material. Very strange that tbs advent
of the advance agent of prosperity should
have this effect.
Governor Black of New York signed
the "cnockout" bill, which makes it a
felony for a person other than a licensed
druggist or physician to bare in bis poi
esrioa or to administer to any person a
dragysr narcotic.
Mark Henna is declared by a New
York naper to have the key to the back
door of the McKinley establisbmvo,
that is tbat h will be the power behind
the throne. The public will watch and
M-e. Mr. McKinley is entitled to a sus
pension o( judgment for a few weeks.
President Jordan's recent remarks have
flown all over the TJ. 8., even to Florida.
The Jacksonville Times-Union says:
The president of Lelaod Stanford Uni
versity calls bvaterical religion "a form
of drnnsenness, no more worthy of re
spect thso the drunkenness tbat lies in
the gutters." Ring the bell for Ssm
Jones, quick !
The sixty second double wedding an
niversary was recently celebrated, in a
smaJ town in Iadiaoa, of Moses and
Isaac Marty, twins, who married Tab
itba and Lavina McCormick, twins.
Each couple has bad seven eons and fi re
daughters, the first children being bora
within a few days of each other, and the
last children also being of almost exact
ly the same axe.
If a vote was taken on which has the
most interest in Oregon today for the
People tbs question whether Corbet
will be seated in tbe 0. 8. Senate at
Washington, or whether Corbett will
be seated in tbe championship chair at
Carson, tbs Utter would carry by a big
majority, inditing; from the relative
prominence given each.
The Los Angeles Times ssys: Governor
Lord has appointed Hon. Henry W.
Corbett senator from the state of Oregon
to fill a vacancy. Without entering into
the merits of the controversy eonceraini(
the vacancy, it can be raid tbat Mr.
Corbett was the logical candidate of the
vo'e which ga-a majority for McKinley
in Oregon.
The increase of the ta-iff 2i or 3J ps
cental this time wou'd Hs simply an
oatrasre. The p tople are paying ail they
can affdrd for things now . The tariff Is
already an average of over 40 per cent,
double tbe cost of laoor and to increase,
it will be a wrong tbe masses w'll resent.
The only people it would benefit would
be tbs manufacturers They would not
increase the price of labor at all. It is
scheme in the interest of monopolies and
trusts and not in the interest of tbe peo
Curious I acts.
Massaclnitetts baa forty-two per cent
of all tbe cotton spindles in tbe country.
audtwenly-:oper cent of all the wool
When lions snd tigers are born ic cap
tivity, the greatest care has to be exer
cised to keep them for several dava ia
tbe dark and undisturbed, as otherwise
the mothers will almost invariably de
stroy them.
A French statistician has calculated
that tbe human eye travels over two
thousand yards tn reading an ordinary
sized novei. The average human being
is supposed to get through 2500 miles of
resding in a lifetime.
When a suspicious lookiog person ap
proaches one of tLe tellers in the Bask
of France a private signal is given to a
concealed photographer, ana in a few
seconds the suspected individual is se
cretly photographed .
Germany, by the last census, bas 52,
279,091 inhabitants, an increase in five
years of 2,851,431. France's population
has increased in the earns time only 133,-
819, being now 38,228,969. TbJrty-fivs
years ago the population of the two coun
tries wss nearly equal.
la Lngland about one in twenty-one
of the population'' have an account in a
savings bank; in Wales one in lorty ; in
Scotland, one In twelve, and in Ireland,
one in one hundred. Tbe average
amount owing tn English depositors is
11 Is 4d; to the Welsh, 18s; to tbe
Scotch, 1 17s 5i, ; and to the Irish 7s
Tbe smallest piece of real estate ever
offered for sale by auction in New York
was put up in partition sale. It is a tri
angular lot with a frontage of eight feet
on St Nicholas avenue, a depth of three
feet on one side and a length of elsht
feet nine inches on the third line.
Tbe largest library in the world Is the
national libraiy ol France, founded by
Louis XIV., and which contains 1,400,
000 books, three hundred thousand
pamphlets. 175,00) manuscripts, three
hundred thousand maps and charts.
150,000 coins and go Id medals, 1,300,000 '
engrsviDgt and ona hundred thousand
Before Election and After,
Editoh Democrat: "
Tbe editor of the Herald says spsak
iiig of the return of prosperity, "the
boom times have plainly passed be
yond reach, and will never again become
a (actor in the financial and industrial
life of tha nation." Ia the same srticls
hs quotes approvingly from an artiele by
E V Smalley, gold bug, par-excellence
in part, as follows : "During the eleven
years between 1879 and 1890 this coun
try ran an almost breathless race of eager
and rapid development. Certainly those
were not normal times. They were
based on conditions tbat will never be
seen again on the American continent.
To long for their restoration is to in
dulge in the fascinating but profitless
occupation of chasing rainbows. Is
it not probable, on the whole, tbat we
shall bave to make up oar minds to plod
along in the slow going way of older na
tions, and be satisfied with moderate
profits and a slow accumulation of
wealth T If these be our reasonable ex
pectations, would it not be sans and
wholesome (or people to cease dreaming
of a Golden Age, gone forever ?"
He also says tbat European money
lender bave bad their Issson and will
not freely losn money in this country
What a fall is here my countrymen !
Before election, "restore confidence by
voting in the gold standard and the
massive idle capital of Europe will pour
in on us in a golden flood." After elec
tion, "we lied, you were fools tn believe
as." "Tbe herd times have come to
stay and ws cannot help it." Before elec
tion, "our desire is to open the mills and
not the mints," "to protect the laboring
man from reduction of wages, owing to a
debased currency and competition with
foreign pauper labor." After election,
"Ob, tbat was a joks. we are already
down to the European level and there is
no way to return from it.' Don't be
tools, take your medicine. We knew all
tbs time ws could not help yoa by tariff,
because we bave get to a point where we
are exporters of manufactured goods and
can and must sell as cheap as soy other
country. It yoa took ns st onr word
when we talked about the return of
prosperity, yon were foolish- All we
wanted was tbs offices and to give our
friends,! the banker, a chance to carry
out their little skinning gams of retiring
the greecbaccs and issuing their own
notes instead ; when we bave done tbat
prosperity will return for tbe bankers.
Tbat wa what we meant, bat yoa did
not understand as. Really yoa most not
expect as to furnish yoa capacity to
understand oar little play on words."
Now Mr Editor, this man Smalley
urges all the "conservative press of the
country" to sooths tbs people, keep
them quiet while tbey are betog bled ,
make them believe they are being bene
fitted, or if yoa cannot make tbem be
lieve that make them believe there is no
bslp for them; for as he says, lb re is
danger if tbey cannot be so controlled
and manipulated. (I quote again) "a
bouse of representatives hostile to tbe
sound financial policy of tbe administra
tion will be electeu ; and we shall then
find ourselves on tbe flood tide of an
other cneap mjoey agttatioo."
"We shall see a revival of tbs irrational
an i injurious free silver agitation, or
there will eome up oat of tbe depths of
ignorance and anreet a new paper
money crate."
On no! Mr 6 ma i ley ! Oh no! Mr Her
ald! With tbe senate we bave and Mr Mc
Kinley as president, tbe election of a
boose of congress pledged to honest bt
metalism. would do as no good b-fore
1901 when we coold install aa honest
money president.
If yoa mesa what yoa esy. that pres
ent conditions most continue, tbe labor
ing classes will not wait foor years for
relief. There will be tbe General Over
If yoa do not know what that is read
tbe history of tbe French Revolution
If yoa have any medicine for the present
disease yoa bad better trot it oat Ibsn to
pacify tbe patient with opiates. Things
are working down below bat perbspe
you do not anderstsnd that a very large
propjrion of the people are reading for
revelation. Tbe disgusting inconsistetcy
ot party leaders and tbe utter failure of
tbe representative system bave brought
them to this pass. They know tbe
"conservative pree is bought and paid
for. It dare not say its soal is its own.
lgsin I repeat to the republican party
redeem your promises. Excuses will
not do. Tbe people are Well nigh des
The Oregonian says ths army, ibs
navy and the militia r at the servics
of wealth. Perhaps, perhaps not.
Louis tbs 16th of France bad a national
guard, read about it, reflect, ponder
deeply. I do not wish for the "general
overturn," do you? X.
An Astoria man who is in San Fran
Cisco, writes tbs Budget as follows:
Through tbs kindness of the sheriff I
wss today granted the privilege of feast
ing my eyes upon two very notorious
gentlemen who are quartered and high
ly protected at tbe count) jail Mr
Theodore Durant and the Australian
murderer. Durant was not as commu
nicative and congenial as be was when
I saw bim last winter; but asbe bad
just received te news of tha decision of
the high court I could bardly blame
bim for not being buoyant. He is truly
a peculiar looking man neither coarse
nor refined not as homely as Dr A L
Fultou nor as good looking as your
bumbls servant. In manner he is not
unliks tbs editor of tbe Aslorian. while
his bead in shape is very like tbe "co-
coanufofthe editor of the Herald.
Now yoa know as much about Durant
as I do.
The New York World, which soetreu-
ously opposed. Mr. Bryan in ths Iat
campaign, is beginning to show evidence
of tbe repentance of its error, la its
apparent great fight against tbe trusts It
recognizes after vain attempts to get an
expression from McKinley of bis attitude
toward trusts that ths on, great remedy
for tbe disease of avarice wbicb Is grad
ually but surely undermining our liber
ties is to be found in ths greatest man
ol tbe age a jd the predomination of the
principles he adyocates. Tbs pity of it
all is, tbe World could not or would not
see this wbsn tbat great journal would
bave been a power (or good. Tbs
Clarkesburg W. Vs. News.
Vies-President llobart has made some
Ink promisee about reforming tbs sen
ate. He has a colosssl job on band. II
ho succeeds in doing any thing be will
be about tbe first vice-president wbo
was able to jnaks himself conspicuous
enough to bo known at ths end of a year.
Mr Hobart will bave tbe best wishes of
everybody in bis undertaking, but as bs
himself is of tbs calibre of which tbe
U. 8. senate fa coat toted, we will be sur-
prised if bis go resolutions do pot
The great events of the world con
tinue in statu- quo. Greece continues
pugllisticly inclined. Weyier continues
In bis savagery and the insurgents fili
buster as mum as eer and declare they
will have Indspendeocs or death. Cor
bett and Fitssiuitnons continue to blow
and fight witb their pens. They have
both become authors as brilliant as ths
men who hire them. These are soms of
the continued stories of the week.
In the desth of sx-U. 8. Senstor
Dolph, Oregon loses one of hersbleet
men, probably next to Geo H Williams
(rom purely an "ability" standpoint.
Personally be had tbe reputation of be
ing a man or great dignity, somewhat
cool socially ; but hs seems to have besn
higkly regarded by those who were close
to him. Certainly (or ths last fifteen
years st least his name has been most
prominent in the history of Oregon, and
now that he is dead ws should remem
ber hint here on account of tbe better
side of bis makeup, not on account of
tnoss characteristics which ws may
never bave liked.
The conditional sate of tbe property of
the Albany Mining A Milling Co. leads to
expressions of encouragement tr, the in
terest of Albany on account of the Santi
am mines. The most prosperous cities
on the coast today, these that bave felt
the bard times least, are the ones close
to big mining propositions, like Spokane,
Butte, and Baker City- So let there
be a genuine mining excitement up the
Santiam and Albany will take care tl
The weather of the past week has un
doubtedly been the tail of that beyond
tbe Cascades and the Rockies. Eastern
weather has s habit of flapping tbe chiJy
end of its caudal sppendage Into the
Willamette valley. But where we get
only two inches of snow that vanishes
before night, "back East" they get three
feet on level in places, that only goes
awsy alter desperate effort.
The sympathy of tbe Willamette for
the East over its weather suggests tne
Idea presented in earnest that the large
number ot boils prevalent now is simply
a matter of sympathy for the plague in
Egypt. While the Dkhocsat man d!s
believes eolirely in such things tbe idea
is a very nice one and remarkably con
soling if you have a comforter, or aa
soms people call it, a $5 piece.
Albany College.
Tbe following by Rev. A. Park
ges, D. D., sppears in tbe New
Evangelist ol March 4 :
A lew months ago there appeared in
Tbe Evaogeliet an account of the brave
sniTstruggling college at Albany, Ore
gon, ths Only college representing the
caase of Presbyterian education in tbe
great state of Oregon, and the adjacent
region. Becoming interested in it. year
jgo, from tbe (act that tbe wife of one
of the professors. Dr. Lee. is a daagl ter
ol ths Newark church, and sister of one
of its elders, Mr. Louis Fonmiller I took
special pains when at tbe Porilnn l as
sembly to ascertain all tbat wa p i;bi
respecting its history, its reooiret-s. the
quality of it workers and it wrk, and
the need for its canliouaneo and rodos
ment, as ooe of tbe forces ol oar church
in tbe evangelisation of tbe Northwest.
My lateral ia it became very positive,
and bas been justified b the record
made by tbe institution sime then.
Less than two rears sgi Dr. Le was
ejected to tbe vacant presidency, and af
ler hesitation, consultation and moth
prayer, became convinced dot
called bim to tbe arduous te-k f leader
ship, in what seemed at that time little
leee than a forlorn hope.
The college had Ulien in debt to tbe
amount of perhaps twelve tboafand dol
lars; thl indebted cess wa becoming
overdue, and proceedings of foreclosure
were about tabs commenced. $omeec
tiooal and factional opositioo eaieted,
and the bard time were just entering
tbe per'od of greatest seventi. Added
to tbe indebtedness, was a preesio nd
for larger accommodation, tr? th- war
of dormitories, and various .:'..- ior
college work. But to otJrt ii.
couragemebt wa Ibe eotdu-.a ui -t die
friend of tbe college, tbe d.r ni.n a..d
ability ol its teachers, the a l
favor which bad marked it pa- bt-..i
and the evident call, in Ibat tat, b. I.I,
for its continued maintenance.
Dr. Lee began his wo kin he au
of 1595. At that hour, the cuitrge waa
in sirait wbicb awakened paiuiui suite
ilude. Tbedebtof ever $11 CMf'uiust
be provided for, and only by many per
sonal sacriUcee could the facolt) be con
tinued in their place. But courage and
determination were equal to the crisis.
Tbe college board gave Dr. Lee a com
missi n to go out and gather funds. He
went on this disagreesbie mission. Per
sons who bad notbtenia sympatbv with
the imttitutioa were wjn over to it sup
port, and gave assurance of aid. All
factional feelibg Was allayed, and the
ranks werecloeed up. Daring the year,
in addition to bis labors in tbs college.
Dr. Lse secured in Oregon between 5000
and fdOOC. In tbe little city of Albaoj,
the moet liberal Interest wa shown.
Halt of tbe money was paid down, snd
went to reduce indebtedness, and afford
present relief . Tf s balance was placed
under the condition tbat tbe whole of
the iceebtednese showed be raised.
Hence, at present, some three to lour
thousand dollar is waiting upon this
contingency, and the board of the college
are anxious to receive enough, speedily,
to secure them tbe whole amount, and
lift the long-felt burden ot debt.
To compass this end, President Lee
has again been forced out, with the com
mission of the board, and under certain
carefully made restriction (rom the
board of aid, and with these a most
hearty endorsement and commendation
(rom the secretary, Dr. Ray. he -i now
la New York state. The "grass will not
grow under his feet." The esseuce of
the true Western "bustlei" is iu his
bones and marrow. Ssnsative lo any
thing shading tha least toward -tiecour-tesy,
or undue importunity, or annoy
ance of churches and pastors, he never
theless will not be the man to tefuse aid
ot ths most substantial form tor bis
loved college, when it come legitimately
within his reach. Pastors and churches
that wish to see bim, or hear trom him,
or assist his enterprise, will not find it
difficult to do so. His hsadquarter will
be in Nswark, with tbs family nt h.s
wits; but while this ia his center, bis
circumference will be wherever bn wn
a dollar earning his wsy.
Last year tbs attendance was up l the j
fullest capacity ot ths college ; and this
year it brings evidence of raptdl v grow
ing prosperity. Tbs number seeking en
trancs is ia sxcess of tbs utmost limit uf ,
accommadation. The preparatory de-'
partment ia flourishing, ttud an import-!
ant feature ot tbe work being uous. j
Ia ths college is a brass band of tldrty
pieces, sad so enthusiastic are the stu
dents for ths suocsss ot their beloyed
president that when he took leave of
tbem, they marched to tbe station, led
by the band, and sent him away with
the Chautauqua salnte, and numberless
hearty benedictions.
The Evangelist is good enough for al
most any good thing that can be named ;
sad 11 so good as to place before its
readers this second appetl (or a noble
child of the chur3h, it will see, if its vis
ion Is long bnough.tliat body o students,
in ths "valley of the Willamette," in
view of the white capped Catcades, wav
ing their joyful salute once more, in tes
timony of their gratitude
The case of the state of Oregon agt
Ellis E A'len wss tried today before the
following jurys O 0 Canter, S Prichard,
J W Roberts, P W pinks, J M Barton,
Jos Simpson, J Y McCune.Tros Turner,
G w Arnold, C O Kendig, O H Cable, T
J Munkers. Jr. This wss for assault
with a dangerous weapon, consisting of
a stone, upon E Fernr. Tbe defend
ant was at a country dance at a bouse
owned by Ferrier. Trouble arose when
Allen went out doors, got a stone, went
inside and hit Ferriet directly in the
forehead. There was a wide difference
of testimony over the circumeUnces; tbe
defendant claiming that be acted it, self
defense. The verdict will show
what tbey thought of it.
At press time tke jury bsd not come
Tbe grand jury adjourned Wednesday
evening without making any repi rt, this
being the second time in succetsion this
has been done -The precedsn, is a good
one, the recommendations of a grand
jury having no weight, a' having
bee n ignored and in (act being farsical in
their character.
In the case of tbe state against John
Morgan, found guilty of carrying con
cealed weapon, the defendant this after
noon was fined $73, which wilt be paid.
In department 2 belore Judge Hewitt
In tbe matter of tbe assignment of tbe
U. t. Kiaia Clothing Co. an order wa
granted citing all the creditors of the
company to appear at the county clerks
office on March 20 at 9 a. tn to select an
assignee in place of S. E. onng, who
has declined to serve in :hat capacity.
The state ot Oregon agt 8a uuel Nixon,
escneat proceedings. Alter several mo
tions continued.
The Milwaukee Harvester Co act Geo i
o aimer, roc money, attachment Con
Tbe Altaian Go, a corporation agt
Michael Hciras, et al, tec nionev. Con
tinued. Tbs Altman Co, a corporation agt Wm
Schneider, rec money. Continued.
N M Newport agt J R Bollinger, rec
money. After several motions continued.
N M Newport sgt G iliiatus et al, rec
money, attachment. Continued.
B M Sloan agt Lulu Proahaw, recov
ery of money. Continued
Nelson Cochran agt John M GarreU,
rec money, attachment. Continued
G Munkers agt tbe Farmers A Mer
chants Ins Co Continued.
. "
Oregon agt Ellis E Allen, sseaalt with
a dangerous wspon. Jury returned
verdict of not guilty.
I ,l - . i -I ii . j
. ' ... .m V, .atweau. nniuu
guuiy oi carrying a concealed weapon,
an appeal was taken to tbe supreme
court, tbe defendant being placed under
20C bonds pending appeal.
100 Reward IOO.
Tbe readers of this paper will be piaed
to learn that there it at kt joe dreaded
aunse ilia I science bat uwa able to cure
in all iu stages, aad tbat is Catarrh
Hail Catarrh Core is tbe oo't positive
core enowa to the medical I r
i . , . . . .
, iiarrn oeicg a constitu u.-cal disease, re
quires a coBatitatiottal treatment. HaJl'a
(.alarm cure i aaen (nierna-l, teiio?
directly apou tbe Wood and rastctMM r-
facea of tbe vteta, tberry detroieg the
foundation of tbedUea-e. and giving tbe
patiect slreegib ty bo; Mint up the on
titeUoQ and aiting nature doing iu
work. I be proprietor bare so moh (al . t
in Ha curative power tbat they l-S-t One
Handred Ltellars for aoj case that il fail
to cure. Send for I tat of tet l o -! at .
Addree. K. J.IUEXKV A Co . Toledo, O,
Sold by DraggitU. 7be
Hall Famtiy Piil are tbe bt
ScuJ I our SiiaJic
Care and inleihgeoce ia Uundrriog
iotsws bas bad IU eff-vf it i rsp-.eibie
i it tne tore t tbe Altmnv stwia Laaa
dry. Send along ior baixtia lo Use best
laundry ia tbe alter, or let Merril U
PhiUip know and be ul call fur it
If yoa aie not a patron of tbe Albaaj
Steam Lsuadry tell the proprietnr at ooo
to tsod f gr vour bundle lore a custom!
a ways a customer.
Send 10 your order and we will c-Jl
yocr door far your Uundrr and Wsiver il
without extra charge. Give u a trial, we
il guarantee you wilt tw a it.fid. Fine
fir. ib lo dt ahirt Unp curtains re
tueodirir r.-nartment for
bundle work. f itt I.acspst.
'PpStCbS rjotri
Special Trip Around the World
R M. 9. "Anranui i . L.H
L ndon March 17tb. Ia97. via IVnertce.
Cape Toan. Melbourne. Sydney. New
lealsnd. I iji. Hawaii and Vaucouver.
TicTet gtod for one er. This racial
excursion is run in connection with tbe Ca
nadian Pacific railway, foe fare for tbe
trip win be only f,W tbe lowest rate ever
named for sorb a trip. For foil informa
tion tall en or address K J Covle, agent.
146 Third street, IVrtlaml. tf , or any
agent ol the Canadian Pacific Ky.
Instrumental .dusk.
Mr. II. il. Backensta is prepared to gm
instructions in instrumental iuumc. lie
teaches violin, guitar, maoddin aed a
numlrof orchestral and bra instruments.
Mr. Backensto is a musician of well-known
ability ia both practical and theoretical
music, and one o tbe moet successful
teachers in the state. BuMnts placed in
his hands will be raithfallv and conscien
tiously attended to .
R.and G.
Cormcis and
Kid Fitting
I have just received a full line in both
make of these celebrated con-els and am
prepared to give f xtra value of 50c, 75cand
11 in black and slate. Also keep better
graces and extra size. The 11.00 corset
s worUiy of special notice. Ask to see our
50c 73c and 11.00 corsets
Samcku K. Yocno
A hvge assortment of garden seedr,
white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds
just receif ed fresh at
C E Bbowkkll's.
If you want to dye enslly and
permanently use 'Perfection' Dyes,
tor sale by Fred Dawsun.
Let everybody come to h 'ar Bakery
and get 'rse of freah ,.,! for fi.os
cash .
For Iafaats and Children.
TV, fia
tl nil,
it n
'ay Conn Huslof.
Pay Conn & Huston.
Pay Conn te Huston .
Try I a who n
once ou school
w :, 69c
Oats 25
Fbur, It on
liutter 17)43
Eggs 13c
Lrd 6 to So
Pork hams. 8 to lOo, shoulders 4 to ft.
Sides, 6 to 8.
il ty bale 1, cheat, $7.03, Timothy, f 3.
lasargeat VI clerics.
New York, March 12 A World dis
patch from Havana says:
On Tuesday tbe town of Bejucal, one of
(be most strongly fortified places in the
province, was entered by 600 Cubans, wbo
drove the Spanish garrison of 600 men into
tbe fort and for half an hour exchanged
shots at long distances-
Tbe town of (juillian bas been captured
by one of tbe detachments commanded Lv
either Castillo or Arando. The garrison
of 300 Spanish troops retreated on the ap
pearance or tbe insurgents.
Colonel Nunez, in Pinar del Rio prov
ince, attacked a fortified town below Ar
UimUa, and after a terrible fight drove tbe
Spanuh garrison out. The Spaniau lout
43 m n and tbe Cubans 24.
regaa Bee Seeker,
Washisotom. March 12. Binirer Her-
mann' friends say he will be appointed
commiasiooer of the general land ofh
Monday. U Dennv ia a candidate for an
Oriental mission. John P W srd wants to
be appointed appraiser of tbe port of Port,
land. J W I,ey wanU to be collector for
A Big Mleia.
Hi aojt, 8. D.. March 12. A severe
wind and snow storm is in progress btre
and over the entire state east rf the Mis
souri river Report from points in toe
North, Wet and Houlh, along tbe line of
the Chicago ic Northwestern railway, say
that the storm is equally severe in these
directions. All trains on this division are
held up or abandoned. A fuel famine is
reported at Gettysburg and vicinity. From
four to six feet of snow covers ths ground
in tbU part of the slate.
What Vary Vf HI .
New YoitK, March 12. Senator Petti
grew, of South Dakota, in an interview to
day said :
"Tbe five silver republican senators.
Maotle, Jotesof Nevada, Cannon, Teller
and nijte.f, will not do anything to hinder
tbe adoption of a protective tariff law.
Toere are a number of democrats wbo will
be just as considerate. If there is a seri
ous effort to teat tbe three new senators
that bave been appointed, a g resit breach
will be opened, and tariff and everything
elte may be lost sight of. It is my opin
ion that it is understood that tbe senate
i:l isot be reorganized; tbat the new mem
bers by appointment wilt not be seated and
tlii.1 11.,-r. will In nl cpneral Lin.ljtion-
II a that event, the "ay is ciear for the early
tcaaiie of the tariff law.
ease Asabaaaaa'er.
Wash i kotos, March 11 President
McKinley's nominations of t be (our am
baAtdo(s, which have been anxiously
awaited tor some days, are to be sent to
the senate next Tuesday, and there ia
strong probability that . the list will be as
follows: Ambassador to Great Britain,
Colonel John Hay, of Illinois. Ambassa
dor to Fraace, lieorml Horace Porter, of
New York. Ambassador to Germany, ex
Governor Merriam, of Minceiota. Am
bassador to Italy, Hon William F Draper,
of MataachawHU.
a Saasll SeraUea.
SACSAxevro. Cel.. March
11. The
jury ia
tee cae ot v a uumaa. a mer
! co-n' c ""J Toe evening beeroriiuei
3ni asked for damagra in tne sum of ").-
QUO. todav asrardid tit nlaJntj
- -
ie paper uiu rrpouuuiea a story 10 toe
effect that Giiman bad criminally aaetnlLed
a woman Judge liant, of San Fraocuco,
who presided at tbe trial jaat dued. ruled
again" the defendant paper, claiming that
the article was iibeiocs, it harug been
judged to by tbe supreme coort, and that
tbe jury mutt bring ia monetary damage..
A BU rawwal.
Fo est G hove, March 11. President
McCJeltasd, of tbe i'acjSc l c.r-r.UT, bas
aoBOUBced that r-enator H Corbett had
given tlO.WO toward tke $ i50.0uO Pearsoa
fuad. Mr Pearvoa promii ta,-at when
toe Padac anivwity an 1 1 nsiatin aead--mt
rsue (luO.COX be wrl make it a gift of
hJ.QM. Ibe university ba iaud t-3.-00U.
Mbeo tie remauueg f 15 0tO is
raised, tbe 1 V) 0i fond wnl be aaeored.
t'reaideot McC telland will start Lat in a
few caj. ie the iutemt of tbe ueivertity.
I te erAUre Ui oxa tae an eodowswsl
of$mooo. '
After ;rec.
Ujsdos. March II. K Times Lpa!cb
from Vienna tbat tbe power tbu
evening agrwd to btockade Crete in order
to compel tbe retirement of the Greek troop
from tee iatand. No military eparatiooa
will be anucrtakea It is said tbe powers
will seed troops enough lo reuete toe for
eign manners bow iu Crete, who wilt be
needed oa board the war&ctps, before tbe
UockaJe begins.
iwuaer La Ssawatl
WaiB-iscTos, March 11. It u under
stood thai lrin? H Puoiey. of San Ilf ,
Cl., the cboit-e cf tbe California dela
tion for miaiter to Hawaii, and tht bis
appoialoieot ba U--n practaailf agreed
upon t-y rrrtideot M.Kiaiey.
A r:r Sar.
Losdos. Marci II TV Associated
Prrsa learns fro-T a reilab-e a-m.-xe th&t
the powers are anar.y awnl f j present a
(reab Bote lo Greece. UAirjin; br tf tiieir
icten'ioa lo Carry out tie coercive meas
ures if she continued obdurate, ard to en
forcea biockad-. It is unleriood that
France is the cnlv power that is reluctant
'o participate ia tb- bkvkad. which will
bebeeao witboat b if be refuaes her
ooDfeot .
ageweaaeare wr aatklws.
tlAV4.xa. March 10 At Ibe iounrenH
camp at Kio Hondo, a hewijier torre
'poedebt met U-neral Rivera bi!e
there the arrival of two Havana gentlemen,
accompanied by a guide from the Spanuh
linee wu announced.
General Ktvera received tbem cordially.
but give tbem to uaderstand immediately
tbat be would not bear any proposition of
peace not tending to the independence ot
. uoa, anu tbervrore be could only consider
them visitors to tbe camp.
The laawrgeirs Aetl,
Havana, March 10, via Key West.
Ueorge Aguirro. aa American, ha been
transferred I rom Calana for tress to the
city Jail, upo his own reque.4.
1 be insurgenb) furpricd tbe garrison of
I tie village ot Ca t almas in the province
of Pinar 1M Kio. sacking the tirts, burn
ing 21 houes and parading- through the
town. The conimauder of the insurants
bas been specialty a.-tive in tbe Maczaaillo
district, ibe plantations of Esperanzo,
Soha, Doe Araiago and Salvador bave been
burned. The losses are about 13.000,000.
In Pinar del Rio the rebe's derailed a pilot
train cm the Western road, between Herre
unf, snd Pasco Real, completely destroying
tbe engine and an ironclad car.
lsspartaat Mails.
Frascvobt. Ky., March 10. Four
suits aggregating 1 137,500, were riled to
day by Attorney-Geutral Taylor on behalf
ot tbe state ot Kentucky, against tbe South
ern Pacific railroad for penalties incurred
bv an alleged failure to report to tbe state
ollicers, in accordance with the laws gov
erning sveh corporations in this state. The
Southern Pacific Company is organitel un
der the laws ol Kentucky.
A Baal Wrerk.
FaiNCKTOK. Ind .. March 10. One of
the worst railroad wiecks that ha occurred
iu this vicinity for many years ba pened
today at 3 o'clock to the Pittsburg- and
Nashville limited, northbound over the
Evansvilte & Terr Haute road, one mile
north of Hazelton. The engine weat over
the embankment, falling a distance of 15
feet, into six feet of water. The smoker
was telescoped by tbe baggage-car, and
the ladies' car and sleeper remained en the
The rirat I. .
Washington, March 10. The appoint
ment of W R jewett as postmasler at Dan
ville, III., was sen; to the senate today.
Ibis is the first postmaster to be appointed
by President McKinley. During the ad
niinistiation ol Cleveland, tbe name of John
Beard was sent to the senate at every ses
sion, but he-was never confirmed. Tbe
nomination was received while the session
was in executive, and waa continued.
Caaalag Excitement.
New Yohk. March 10. The World
says: The dispatch from Washington pre
dicting thai congress at us special session
will at ouce increase the revenue by adding
from 10 to 35 per rent to the schedules of
the Wilson bill, baa created a small panic!
among importers, auu an almost unprece- i
dented rush to get bonded goods out e-f tuo
aritahmiiMi IkAftira thr inn.uu t I-fo .T.,. ,
The Crescent
wat tbe first to use
The other factories
thenev D tubing.
o i ......
FLU y 1Z-VK-J i
V ' ri
The Best j
2 Smnklnrr Y"lhr
m? -""-O - wuvwvw;omv
&Gtytt&iLG&ll44Mi4!r& na, ft -rt
Quite a nr mber of unpaid board bills
by members of tbe legielature are re
ported from Salem.
Speaking of an address by Rev. Ike
Driver on tbe recent Salem hold up tbe
Gran's Pass Courier says the speaker be
gan with the dawn of time and ended
witn the -ate fcaiem fiasco.
Tbe appointment of II. W. Corbett as
U. S. senator bas fallen on our republi
can exchangee in Oregon with rare ex
ceptions, with a cold, dull thud. None
of them, except the Oregonian, knows
wbst to say,
voted fur.
Bat they got what tbey
X Salem paper is authority for tbe
statement that a junkman gathered np
three wagon loads of bottles from tbe
different boarding pfaces of tbe members
of tbe legislature after its adjournment,
ail sires and kinds.
The statement tbst several hand red
thousand men bave gone to work since
election is proven true by a shrewd ex
change. They bave gone to work for tbe
position of postmaster in their respective
cities and towns.
Mr. Chas Nick ell, of the Jacksonville
Times, whose office building was receot
eold at public sale, an effort being made
to sell btc plant at tbe same time, will
pay taxe i'X 1896 on $19,990, probably
tbe highest individual aeeesementot any
nawspaper man in Oregop. Mr. Nickel
is what is known as property poor, bat
be may be depended upon to puli through.
An indicts ation meeting wss beid at
Eugene Tuesday night, because of the
refusal to aUow women to vote at tbe
school election. Though the election
went as nearly ail tbe women wanted it
to go thev will test the law. At the
meeting Dr. Friedel said tbe Eugene
public spools were tbe poorest in the
state, and others spoke out in s live
The CorvaUie Gazette is mad. It ears :
The seating of Corbett, through some
unhappy mischance, would beaoubJe
calamity. Cor!-tt was at the bottom of
the anarchy at Sa'em. It was bis mosey
that held the popohets and a few repub
licans from organizing, even when
Mitroell s defeat wa evident, and this
everyone Lnoa a.
Mr. Corbett sri'l probably D" r swai
ed. A Washington di patch saye : As a
result o." several conferences, which have
b.en held not only by tbe republicans
but by tbe democrats, it may be defi
nitely stated that the men wbo bave
been appointed bv tbe governors ia tbe
state where the legislatures bad an op-pottuuity-to
elect will not be admitted.
A special to the Examiner from Wash
ington state tbat tbe announcement
toat ex-Sena. or M itcieil of Oregon has
entered tbe contest for the circuit judge
ship to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Judge McKenna has caus
ed roseternat ton io the racks of Judge
Deliaven's friends. Tbey realize tha
he i tbe most formidsbte opponent of
De Haven who has yet appeare.1. It is
known that President McKinley has a
very bieii regard for tbe Orexoa ex sn
a'.or rod will uod jabte.Hr give his can-
a.aary lor tbe circuit udesli:p serious
The fv41omtng joke is going the rounds
J of the papers: The Arizonix legislature
1 1 down on newspapers and editors. It
f bas parsed a bill making tbe publishing
ict s neaspaper iu tr.e ternsorv a Jeortv,
Tbat augost bodv bas also revoked the
pardoning power ol the coventor with
regard to newspaper publishers. The
legi'lature sets forth as a reason for this
action, "tbat it has become apparent
that me weaitnot the termor r is raptdiv
t evo tiling civerted (rom the ixpayer in
to the coffers ot the oppuleni i.e raper
propnetors ana editors ot tbe tem.ory.
When at Tlalnepautla, Mexico, Ira
Campbell ot the EugencGuard witnessed
a strange religious observance. As the
city ciock struck eight in the morning
every native on the street, which was
crowded, k net led and sa d his D rarer
faced to tbe eat- At tbat place strawber
ries were sold every dav in the year. This
was the city to which Xlaxmillian, after
beimr forced lo leave the Citv of Mexico-
retreated with his band of supporters
and made bis stand. Mr. Campbell
visited the convent from where he was
taken to the prison and also the very
room wherein be was confined until taken
to the hill nrar tbe town in 1S67 and shot.
He also wended his wsy to the summit
ot the hill and looked upon the verv spot
where this great character fell, which is
marked by a stone.
Even Fitzoimmons Chinese cook has
been wrung into the Dswspspsr earns-
emdence business. In a letter to the
xaminer be shows himself to be the
brightest man iu Carjon. Here's bis
Mr. Fitzsimmons is a good man and a
strong man and a smart man, and every
white man and Chinaman in the country
knows it. I was with Mr. Fitzsimmons
in San Francisco when he fought with
Sharkey and whipped him, and when
Mr. Julian came to Carson so Mr. Fitz
simmons could meet Mr. Corbett be
sme for me again. As soon as I got
here and saw Mr. Fitxsimmons I knew
be was bigger in the muscles and looked
stronger and I say he will whin Corbett
on the 17th of March, and everybody else
cnows tne same thing, man can
whip Mr. Fitzsimmons. (Signed) Sam
Fitsaimmnos, special cook.
Kradt reel's ateaart.
New Yore, March 12. BradsU eel's to
morrow will say:
Continued activity in the various indus
trial lines, based on aa expanding con
sumptive demand, fairly steady prices for
staple, further improvement in railway
earn tugs and widespread confidence that
the volume of business will expand materi
ally in the near future, constitute the trade
features of the week. The spring demand
has begun to show itself with the retail
ers." One generally gets more advice from
one's ensmies than from one's friends.
Causes fully half th skkuess to the world. It
retains the digested food too long la tha bowel
and nroduoea bmousnesa, torpid liver, Isdl-
If I J
wa ' Baal
geatiou, bad teste, coaled
1 tongue, sick headache, ta-
soouila, eto. Bood'a mi
cure consUpation and all Its
results, easily and thoroughly. 25c All druggists.
Prepared bv C, I. Hood a Co., Lowell. Masa.
The ouly fiUs to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
as 0
It-- ! tKj
- - S J
Oiyen Away
this year ia valuable
articles to smokers of
iE5 l"ml"
Voj will nd one coopon in
t ile t at.h 2-ounce bag, and two
coupons Ir.side each 4 -cm nee
Lag. I'cy abag, readtbecoopon
ni l c e hutv to get your share.
.f.- fx- -t&e joaeooo
Cwrttett There.
WasHnrGTOF, Marin 12 Hon H W
Corbett, wbo has been appointed to suc
ceed Hon J H Mitchell as United States
senator from Oregnn, arrived today, ac
companied by bis friends, J Tbrrbora Ross
and Wallace l clamant. Mr Corbett bas
not yet determined when be will pretest
his credf ntia s.
Your Groceries and Baked
Is at Parter Bros Everybody kxows
where their place is. Tbey keep a fresh
Stock of eroceriee. Drodnee and baked
! goods, of all kinds, seit at reasonable
pricee and treat their coetotners well, all
a. me.
Yoa may regret soms steps yoa take
in life Lot none taken into tbe store of
Parker Bros.
It ie a greit thing to be well fed. Par
ker Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of tre-;d ia not much bat vow.
want it well made. Try Parker BrosC
Tbe la re est an d
Finest assortmeot
Of fruits, coofectionary. But. Ac , ia A
basy may be foond at V H Pfeiffers, aear
Iv opponte tbe Dexogsat nfliee. See biw
Oranges, Eastern oysters
Bananas, Coast Oysters,
Apples. ' Celery.
Lemons, Cabbages,
Limes, and all kin is confectionary, nuisv
A Change in Sugar.
Al&vwv. Jan. 20th. 1837. .
J. Gradwobl inferms the geseral publie
tbat be will seal 19 lbs dry graan!aied so gar
for f I or 9 lbs for 0c ia eiwer to give all
people the benefit to get cheap sugar.
Come ooe, eome ail, aad take advantage of
the low prkea before tbe market changes.
Call ox Miller A Tomer for first class
livery at reasonable rateav Trsnaieats kept
for 10c per rig.
MriAxa Trasn.
Mrstc. Mies SsildrcS' Bcrm ester
teacher of piano or organ. ' System tbe
Mason touch and teebniaas. Recideacc
Fifth street, opposite U P cbmch.
Fkts CLrswDcs Orrca. Leslie's Week
ly is the oldest and beet of tbe iiiostrat
ed weeklies of the U. S. . It is a mode 1
in its character, as everybody knows.
Tbe regular price is 4 a year;' bet voa
amm eccssw wad tae W axaiLT L'anocmai
for only $XS5, or it and tbe Daily by
mail for $5.
..viaa, asaewwuuta. tuatoa air
hereby notified that tbey most keep
their chickens up ss eqaired by ordi
nance, ar tbey will be prosecuted for vi
olation of the ordinance. By order of"
be marshal.
Too can pay more, oat yoa wowv get
any better aerrix. Tow caa pay lews, bat
yoa won't get as good service. Sauiey
the printer.
- Uwr
Fjct out of every are bottles ot saedi
daeeoidiath last five years are S. B,
gooes. Tbe 3- B Ueailacfc aad liver
Care 1 ate myself as a general physic
If yoa are kk and want to get weU. the
quickest, cheapest sni safest methoc" ; tc
bar tne S B. remedi- aad use a dirwned
C P, B Mjch. IVairgist, Lufar, Or Fos
tby FoAty A Mason at 50 cts per bot-!e-
Far a e SLMaev
am 65 years old; nave bad kidne)
disvse a"d eooftipaiion for 25 year. Am
sow wlt U3ed your S. B. Headache aad
i. ires- Cure one ver . Used 6 bottles at
50 era's eca . J H Knight, RotEcdge,
Or." For sale by Foshay, A Mason at 50t
per bottle.
Southern Pacific Co.
CaUroraaa Exprsas Tralaa aara Pastisaa DaUJ
swoaaUr U IKS
S SOe. .IL
ArtSlS a
Ar l-i a a
l IS a
li 11aa Lv
II ll a I Ar
Above trl.-s ;op at East Portland
Oregon City, Wjodbara, Salem, Tur
ner, Marion, Jeffenoa. Albany,
langent, ShedJ. Halxev Eugeae
Oeewed, Cottage Grove, Drain, and all
stations trxa Koeeburg soatbt to ana in-
answiws aais aaiar
-m III Pwrtlawa ar' af
UrsLt aiaaa; r-f -Sis
S.-SHSfc I A- Shoaarr LtI
aaaaaaa saaacs,
bases Atbtnv kr Laliaaow TSS a a
Arriwat Aa vtrosatVbaw Sal A
Laarv Vautv ? L9 k Hr
amn i IHuv traa litsaw .
Lsai Albanv tor WoodiMuw via Waodbom
kraach !
ArrivwaaAlkanvtrasa Wocdbwrm SaSsa
Lsava AlnsAV tor Natron SrtS r
Arrtv at Albaay lrua Xatraa 1
Oininr Cars on Oedsn Routt
, Attached teall Thrawah Tralaa
Ves StSe BMvtatwau
BCTsrau rsTkAHS ASS) cwavaiasa',
Mala vsai want ttaaspt Swssay
-Ma a lie
sal Ar
Exorees train daily (except Sunday) a
Albai.v and Corral is connect with train o
O.CiE- Hi.
I Ar
ar i
Lr l l
Through Tickets
to a'l (VittU tn Eaatara Stataa, Cana ta au saran
caa hs o6taind at lowass ralja (runt C Bv FKSJiav
Aant, Atuaojr
R hoKHLtB trKHlH,
Wauaaar AsattiFWtrA
Port aKd Or aa. rurtlaad
K.O. T. M.
Meets every Satnrdav evening at K. OU
T.M . Hail. Visiting Knights invited to
end. J. S. Yas Wi.NKLX.C- m.
ant' of tilt worth Street. Fami
washing taken. Particular attention pa
to bundle washing and mending. Sat
faction guaranteed. Jtfxa. Cbsustxx