The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 12, 1897, Image 3

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Daily Democrat, 25 cents ier month
$3.00 per advance, 30c per month
tint in M.l,..... 1 .ia 1 (V. nup
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
rti n n o . i 1.. : Km
Wskit, $1.25 n advance; 51.50 at end
of year; tl.75 for second year; '20O fot
third and proceeding year-, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscriber
for $5.00.
Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Democrat and Weekly
Examiner will be sent to subscribers for
2.85 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of the Examiners big premium gift
in May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directly
to the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly DsMOCRATand thrice a weok
K. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
A George Humphrey Story.
The Astoria Budget tells it:
Glen. O. Hoi man. thesergeanKat-arms
otahe Davis house, who was sent out to
arrest the absent mem bei s of the Benson
hous-e. met DeDutv United States Mar
shal George Humphrey on the train from j
told Humphrey what his mission was,
and to make his job as safe and easy as
possible, he asked Humphrey for a tew
pointe.-s in making arrests. The latter
looked at Holman ominously
What, do hey often fight back?"
earnestly asked Holman.
"Fight back!" exclaimed Humphrey.
""Man dear, bat I should say they do.
Whv, when I went to arrest that fellow
in the Blue mountains, who to save his
family from starving haa taken the reck
less chance of trying to eell a cord of
wood in Pendleton, Bentley (he's the
deputy marshal there), and myself went
armed to the teeth." and well, you ses
this tear," and Humphrey significantly
pointed to a blaze on the back of bis head
he had received through falling out of his
crib when be was a oaby "lint worse
than that Blue mountain affair was when
I arrested," and for full half an hour
Humphrey poured forth recitals of des
perate encounters Le had had with men
resisting arrest, in each one of which the
marshal had got the worst of i. Clubbed,
shot, stabbed, leit to freeze to death in a
Bnowbauk, were but few of the injuries
received by arresting officers, that
Humphrey bad to narrate to the ser
geant at-arms on the trail of the Oregon
"Then I'd better go pretty easy witb
abem, don't yoa think?" asked Holman.
"Are they agh desperate men?"1
gasped Humphrey, catching his breathy
"Desperate br-r-r!" shuddered Hol
man, 'l should say they were desperate
There's Gratke, of Astoria, for instance.
Think of himl"
"Are you alone on this job?" asked the
"No: I've got two other men with me,
empowered to do arresting," answered
"Then send one of them, or both, if
you consider Gratke a dead hard game,
to Astoria, with instructions to follow up
on the track of the other tongh cases,
they work eitcer single or double', ac
cording to the reputation as a fighter the
legislator they are after may hare, and
leave to yourself all the quiet, little men
of the absentees to arrest"
"But supposing even these won't come
along when I tell them to?" insisted
"Then commend vour sul to God and
wade in and make them come, or, if you
d oi' t feel equal to sach an emergency ,
why er that is er notify them. B'
gum, that's it!" exclaimed Humphrey
"iiotify 'em, Glen. Tell 'em b'gosh
they're under arrest and be damned to
. -That Holman "notified 'em" is a mat
ter of record.
John R. Stockman, cf Portland, was in
the city today.
J. Fred Yatee, of Corvallis, met witb ;
the Elks Saturday evening.
Prof White left Saturday night for
Iowa on a visit at his former borne. -
Hon. Geo E. Chamberlain, of Port
land, is among the attorneys attending
court today.
Mise Mary Haines, of Eugene, is in
the city on her way home from a visit at
the O. A. C. domitory in Corvallis witb
her Bister. ,
The Boys club of the Congregational
church were entertained last Satnrday
evening by Mrs Lambson, assisted by
Mrs Sutea, Mis Hogne, Mrs Merrill. Mrs
Johnson a ad Mrs Sloan. A delightful
-evening waa spent.
Rev. Father Louis Metayer, rector of
the Catholic church, has recovered from
the fainting spell of Sunday morning.
There will be the usual services at the
Catholic church daring Lent, and the
church will remain open the whole day
for the devotion of the people. Arch
bishop Gross of Portland came today at
noon on a visit to Rev. Father Metayer.
The following delegates have been ap
pointed in Linn county to attend the
btate grange, which will meet in Corval
lis oo May 25: Mr and Mrs S Z Taylor,
of Halsey, Mraod Mrs O H Walker, of
Grand Prairie, Mr and Mrs James L Ar
chibald, of Knox Butte. The alternater
are Mr and Mrs J A Clem, of Harmony,
Mr and Mrs C L Shaw, of Grand Paarie,
Mr and Mrs P B Marshall, of Knox
The New York Tribune says: "The
' young Duchess de la Rochef ucanld,who
waa formerly Mies Mattie Mitchell,
daughter of Senator J El Mitchell, has
always been an acknowledged beauty and
belle. When in Washington etie was a
veritable young queen of society ,and as a
Duchess she has lost none of her prestige.
A testimony to the Duchess's charms is
furniihed by the remark of the great
French portrait painter Cabanal, who
said she waa th must faultlessly beaut
iful woman that had been seen in Paris
for half a century.
The School Election.
A live school election was in 'progress
this afternoon. . The county treasurer's
office was being need as the polling place,
and M. Payne, Jason Wheeler and S.
e-hupe as judges and W. E. Kelley and
D. X. Wyman as clerks were taking in
ballots at a very rapid rate. The candi
dates for director were the present dir
ector, Hon. J. K. Weatherford and L. M.
Curl, and the pre nt clerk, F. E. Alien
and Ed Houston, for clerk. Considerable
work was being done for the different can
didates and every vote possible was be
ing secured. '
' Sbnatob Cobbett. Governor Lord ap
pointed H. W. Corbett U. 8. senator Sat
urday auernoon la tuiaway: lie it
known that, reposing' special trust and
confidence in the integrity and fidelity
of Henry W. Corbett, a citizen of the
city of Portland and state of Oregon, I,
William P. Lord, governor of the state
of Oregon, do, in the nane and by the
authority of the state, by these presents,
aoDoint and commissicn him, the said
Henry W. Corbett, to be a United States
senator, to fill the place made vscant by
' the expiration of the term of said John,
H. Mitchell, and to occupy the same un
til a successor shall be duly elected."
SenatofCorbett was born in Massachu
setts February 18, 1827. He came to
Orezon in 1851 and has since ainasned a
large enough fortune to entitle him to
a place in the U. S. senate. He has
heretofore eerved one term in the senate.
The Dalles RoadI A dispatch for The
Dalles says that J M Murchie, one of the
directors ot tne uoiurnoia&onttiern rar
road, said today tha: construction would
nrobably begin about April l.and the road
The stock has been piaeud principally in
San Francisco; and there is none on the
market. E. E. Lyle is president and B. 6.
Huntington secretary. The right of way
baa secured, ana tne i location surveys
completed. It is estimated that the
building and equiping of the line as far
i Wasco will be f 80,000.
"Perfection" Dyes are Ki ilHant
and Permanent, for gale by FjeU
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$4.00 buya a fine Violin with bow .
25ct3 buvs one dozen steel Violin let or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
; high arm, light running ; guaran
teed 5 years . ,
CayPricea on Pianos, Organs. Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. Will
Court met at 9 a. ru. today wilh Judge
Burnett in charge: bailiffs, W C Twee-
dale, YV H Warner, in charge of grand
jury A B Woodin.
The forenoon waa spent in running
over the docket.
Atl o'clock.
Theiarv were all m-eeent except J W
Roberts, and several asked to be excused
but only an active fireman of the Leba
non fire department got off.
The following grand jury was drawn:
Fred Gooth, H Sommerville.HO Bishop,
S B Hall. O A Wheeler. J .W Scaniand
and Enoch Miller. The court appointed
H C Bishop as foreman.
Sarah J Elder agt J A McBriieet al,
partition. Continued.
In the matter of the assignment of the
Bank of Oregon, assignment Continued
James Nanny et al agt Louisa D Settle
mire et al, partition. Continued .
Laura A Caldwell agt Ella C Caldwell
et al, partition. Continued.
State of Oregon agt John Isom. Dis
missed bv district attorney.
Will & Link agt W H Maple et al, rec
raonev. Uonunued lor service on 11 J
Maple. -
The J M Russell Co, a corporation agt
John A Cunningham et al, rec money,
attachment. Settled.
The J M Russell Co, a corporation, agt
Myron Alexander et al, rec money, at
tachment. Settled.
Hopkins Bros agt W J Snyder, rec
oioney, attachment. Nonsuit by pi 3.
The J i Russell Co, a corporation agt
James 4. Calavan et al, rec money, at
tachment. Settled.
O E Stanard, as guardian of the per
son and estate ot Lora 1 11 ale et al agt
W T Cochran et al, rec money, attach
ment. Continued tor service on J B R
Jacob Garman agt G W Garman, rec
personal property. Settled.-
K iv fisher act Harvey and klla S'ew-
art, rec money, attachment. Settled.
S c. loutig agt A J Smith, rec meney .
Judgment bv default.
Thos Char'man s Son apt W J Snod-
grass, recovery money. Continued ior
Corbett, Failing & Robertson Hat J 0
Roe et al, rec money, attachment. Judg
ment lor plaintiil.
Susan Zeigler agt J P Carter, rec mon
ey, attachment, belt led.
R w Fisher agt H fctewart et al, to set
aside deed. Settled.
E F VVyatt agt E J Willoughby, rec
money, attachment. Judgment by def It.
M F Turner agt J N Rice, rec money,
attachment. Judgment bv default.
P R Kelley agt W E Kelley, rec mon
ey attachment. Judgment by default,
against J W Cnsick garnishee for $25.60
Wm Cams agt E J and E T Wil lough-,
by, rec money, attachment. Judgment
by default.
L Flinn, receiver, agt Adam Grant et
al, rec money, attachment. Cud tinned
pending bi'l of interpleader.
The Pioneer Stone Co, a corporation
agt E W Acheeon & Co, recovery money
attachment. Settled.
Foshay & Mason agt Geo W Luper,
rec money, attachment. Judgment by
Rosenfield, Smith & Co. agt T A How
ard, rec money, attachment. Jadgment
bv defaulr.
'J F McCaitner agt E J V illonghhy et
al, rec money attachment. Judgment by
Smith A Jones agt Maria Millet, rec
money, attachment. Judgment agt Ma
ria Miller, con tinned for service on A R
J W Geary agt Sarah Pearl, rec money,
attachment. Judgment by default.
W L Vance agt A M Hammer et al,
rec money, attachment. Judgment by
default with order to eell attached prop
erty against a 1 defendants except L F
Hammer, action abated as to him, he
being dead.
John Conner agt L E Blain and E A
SctrfBer, rec money, attachment. Judg
ment by default, attya fee fixed at $50.
A Bush, trustee, agt A F Knmrei, rec
money, attachment. Judgment by ueflt.
Braumsweyer A Co, agt J L Hansard,
rec money. Judgment by default.
Wm Faber agt Mary Hite and Lee
Mounts, recovery of money, attachment.
Moore Ferguson & Co agt W F Crosby
et al. Injunction. Nonsuit by plff .
Only two Jury trials are on the dock
et. They are Martin Johnson agt John
Anderson and S Z Taylor agt Chas Pfeif
fer The J M Pne:ell & Co, a corporation
agt Marion Alexander, rec money at
tachment. Settled.
Frank Keernan azt J B St arns, rec
money, attachment. Judgment by deflt.
Martin Johnson agt John Anderson,
appeal, justice court. Verdict for de
fendant lor t cent.
T bis was a peculiar case. On a pre
vious trial the plaintiff recovered a ver
diet for 8, which not being satisfactory
th e caee was appealed, tight lawyers
were employed in it.
J S HoBman agt Jas Kilyeu et al, rec
money, attebment. Judgment by default
as to Perry Bityeu, continued as to other
F L Dodge agt Perry Bilyea et al, rec
money, attachment. Judgment by d
fault as to Perry Bilyea, continued aa to
other parties.
Elizabeth Cox agt E A SchifSer et al,
rec money, attachment. Judgment by
default. "
S Z Taylor agt Chas Pfeiffer et al rec
money- On trial, jury: JM Barton,
Tnos Turner, J Y McKune. G W Ar
nold, E A Hester, J W Roberts, E E
Kendig. Samuel JSixon, J Talt. U W
Taylor. G B Kemp. .
Smith & Geary agt Sarah rear), rec
money, attachment, judgment ior pin.
Mrs J al Mover agt Mrs al a uaiio-
rav. rec money. Continued.
Oregon against John isom, Jr, assault
wiui urass kuuckjvb hdvu A.HBi'cr u-
. - i i . . i i.'
dran. The erand iurv found a true bill
and upon pieadine KUilty tne defendant
was fined Sou. which was promptly paid
8. Z Tavlor a2t Chas. Pfeiffer et al
To recover money. This was an action
t make Mr. Pfeiffer responsible for a
debt due the former Red Croji Mill Co.
air. rieiiier uaa oniy one Hiiare i iukl
After hearing the testimony of the plain'
tiff a motion for a nonB'iii was promptly
trranted. the court boldine that the de
fendant was liable only to the extent of
ins stock, which was paid np.
WiLliam Dieting & Co, a corporation
agt W L V ilson et al, rec money .attach
ment. Continued pending settlement.
R L Sabin agt J G Giws, rec morey,
attachment. Continued
- J A Crawford agt N B Fry. Present,
sheriff ordered to make deed.
Robert Crawford agt the Linn County
Az Assq. Present sheriff ordered to
make deed.
Oregon agt Ellis E Allen, assault with
dangerous weapon. Indicted, arraigned
and will be trie I tins term.
Oregon agt John R Morgnn. Indicted
for carrying a concealed weapon . A jury
trial was had with Messrs Harden and
Whitnej for the state and Weatherlord
& Wyatt for the defendant. The iuiy
consisted of L A Churchill, C H Cable,
Geo oung, B F Ramp, Walter Huston,
1 A Miller, John Shelton, Chas Rich
ardon, N Bridges, Benson Harris, E A
Hester, O 0 Kendig. A verdict of guilty
was found. Defend int will be sentenced
at 9 a. in. tomorrow.
As th i appointment of II. W, Corbett
to the U. S. senate was made after the
I state legislature bad adjourned, which
i was before the expiration of the term of
Mr. Mitchell, and as it is made only un
til bis successor shall be elected there is
Utile doubt that the appointment will be
confirmed. . -
New invoice ot ladies gold watch chums
at French's jewelry store.
The School Election.
The school election yesterday afternoon
resulted as follows :
L M Curl '235
J K Weatherlord 217
Curl's majority, ..........
F E Allen....
E R liuaU,n ..
Allen's majority
N. Ford's Deatn.
After a lingering ilinesa Nineveh Ford,
one of the oldest settlers of the Pacific
coast, quietly passed away into the un
Known woria at 11 ys Monday at Walla
nana. ru particular disease cannm!
death, being rather a stopping of the
wornont machinery.
Mneveh rord was born in Ash conntv
North Carolina, on July 15, 1815, and
uiereiunj ai.iue time oi nis death was
about 81 years and 8 months of age. He
moved from his birthplace in 1840 tn
uregon, across the plains. With his
party in 1813 were some 900 sou's. Mr,
rord was in front of the caravan of this
immigrant party during the entire trip.
which occupied six months from Platte
City, Mo , to Oregon City. His was the
first wagon that drove into Grand Ronde,
toe second descending the Blue moun
tains and landed the first five persons in
Oregon City. Mr. Ford started the first
tanner, shoe shop and butcher shop west
oi uie Kocxies. rnis oia pioneer served
in two Indian campaigns and represent
ed the state of Oregon for three terms in
the legislature.
The deceased came to this val'ey from
tL . . k,.a ; 1 - ... .
uio onn in itwa, reaming until apout
year ago in Lmatilla ounty near the
state line, when he removed to this city
where he remained an til his demise.
W alla W alla Statesman.
lion. J. Jf . Oolph.
Hon . J. N. Dolph, was dying this af
ternoon, at his home in Portland, of
oiood poisoning, un account of an in
growing nail and the condition of his
blood, blood poisoning set in and last
nicht his leu was amputated. . He rnd
nally failed, and it is reported at Drees
time that be can live only a short time.
Ex-Senator Dolph is one of Oregon's best
known men. ia fact hia reputation is
Mrs M. b. Smith of Tacoma, in visit
ing with her parents and friends here.
Mrs. li. M. Stone will accept oar
thanks for a generous tupply of rookies.
we accepted an invitation to a chicken
pie dinner last Tbarsde? at the home of
I. N. Smith. The invited guests were all
lowans and were neighbors ot Mr S. in
the hawk-eye state. Among those pres
ent were Eli M Pattison, Mrs Martha
Pattison. Mrs Sarah J Eaxy. Mrs M E
Smith and A Y Smith, postmaster of
OakviHe. The forenoon was spent in re
lating adventure in pioneer life ; but
when the noon boor arr.ved we were
summoned to a dinner gnod enough for
an Oregon legislator, and while McKin
ley waa taking the oath of office we were
partaking of chicken pie and right then
we would rather be a reporter in Oak
vil'e than a president in W ashinsins
and there was only one thing we regret-
tea ana mat is that our tnend, 1 uung
America was not there for there was an
abundance of eatables an4 soma left.
Mr Jotin H Mitchell has our thanks
for a supply of garden seeds. (Hofer save
they won't grow, but he ia mistaken.)'
Lttlx Kci Be.
A Vacancy. Governor Lord baa re
fused to approve the bonds of the railroad
commissioners Messrs. Compaon, Mac
rum and Eddy on the ground tbat there
is a vacancy. The governor mainuina
that a certain decision of the supreme
court does not justify a further extension
of their term, holding that, to give the
statute this construction, it effect would
create perpetuities in office, which is
against public policy and agaiun the
spirit of our institutions. Telegram.
T.e governor is undoubtedly right, and
the publc will be greatly pli-aaed in
knowing of bu action.
The SoLDisaa Home Tbe executive
committee of the Oregon Soldiers Home
was in session today and audited bills of
expense tor rebruary, siuuu fta. lbese
will be paid out of the national fund.
.M ess re.Ormaby, Robertson and Gallowav
are the committee. There are now three
trustees wbooe times is oat Robertson,
Rust and Galloway, and the governor
ill have to appoint men to fill their
piacea. x flu nauonai iuaa wui run van
m.uuuuowr .uu.1
The following from today's Orcgonian
will set Salem people and papers wild
with indignation, denials, 5cc No
meaner thing could be said about a city :
Salem is the filthiest city in Oregon.
Representative Kraee died there yester
day from typhoid fever contracted by
drinking the poisonous water used by
its people. Many other members have
been more or leas critically ill, and a
great many citizens are prostrated by
this and other filth diseases which seem
to rage there tb&year round. If the city
won't clean itsell, tbe 'egisiatnre ongnt
to meet elsewhere.
A Hop CoTK4cr. Fred J. Miller of
Rntterville has contracted 8.C0O pounds
of his lay 7 bop crop to be grown on nis
farm near tbat town to Frank D. Miller
of Oneonta, New York, the price to be
paid him is 8', cent per pound, oi wnicn
cents are to be aovancea at piecing
time. The hoas are to pe oeiiverea not
later than October zisw statesman.
McCamaxt'b Job. Wallace McCam
ant acted in the capacity of chaperon to
Senator and Mrs. Corbett aa they passed
up the road last night. He stood on tne
nlatfona of their private car, and at each
tt inn announced that Mr. and Mrs.
Corbett were within. It is understood
tbat McCamant's mission to Washington
is to secure the appointmeat as C S.
district attorney. Ibe cranes 1. al.
ANkw Enterprise F. M. French's
electric railway drew a big crowd Satur
dav evenine. It is a very mgenius ar
rangement, modern in its construction
It runs about three feet a second, throws
a genuine spark and has the hum of a b'g
railway. You need to see it to appre
ciate it. It will run every evening.
Prosusf.nt Death Eepresentative
Kruse, of Clackamas county, died at the
Kalem hoanital veaterdav. of typhoid
fever. He bad been confined to his bed
three weeks. Representative Kruse be
longed to tbe populist party, and was a
member of tbe Davis bouse in the recent
Doc. Johnson trapped a beaver at Junc
tion a few das ago worth aunt 5.
.a proved by the statements of lead
Oal 1 69 Ing druggists everywhere, show
that the people have an abiding confidence
In Hood SarsaparlUa, Great
A,.,., proved by tho voluntary tiate-
VUlCS menu of thousands of men anf
women show that Hood's BarsaparUla ac
tually does posses
O .,, over disease by purifying, en.
rOWCI rlcUlng and Invigorating the
bloodjpon which not only health but We
ltselt'depeu. The great
of Hood's Sarsaparllla In
OUCCcSS curing other warrants
-you In believing that a faithful use of Hood
BarsaparUla will cure you If you suffer from
any trouble caused by impure oiooa.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggist. "Ft.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mas.
s ji are easy to take, eaa
tiOOU 3 FlllS U operate. SB cent.
From the Democrat of - July 27, to
August 81, 1877.
The machinery ws put in Albany's
flax mill with big expectations.
Qwong Mow (Jim Westfall) turniihed
help for the Yaquina rarlroad
The celebrated U. S. Senator Morton
was ia Albany.
Mr Rufus Thompson and Mrs. Addie
Mansfield were married on July 20.
Prof. H. 11. Hewitt waa given a place
in the college as Professor of Ancient Lan
guages, under President L. J. Powell.
The Parker & Morris warehouse, after
wards the Red Crown Mill, was bought
at public auction bv John Isom and W.
L. Vauce for tOSO. Mr. Vance im
mediately sold hia interest to M. D. Bal
lard. . Mr. Bringle, said the Democrat, ex
pects to go east to Washington during
tbe next session of congress and try to
secure an appropriation to improve Ya
quina bar. This was evidently tbe be
ginning of the work for an appropria
tion. Virgil Parker then did Albany's de
livering, running two teams.
Tbft Democrat said it looked as if the
Portland Daily Telegram was about dead
and hoped so. (It is alive twenty years
Attended a Bull Fight.
While in Mexico Ira Campbell of tbe
Eugene Guard run across a genuine bull
fight. Following was the very unique
poster announcing it :
Greatest bull-baiting for tbe afternoon
of the Sunday 23
ot February 1897th at 3 o'clok presily
There were beaderlng
and one Spaniard
of which waa piked and pat to beonder
illvah tluee very good
" killers.
ery down prices Seen the programs
Tbe enterprise.
R. G. Watson has accepted the agency
of a Roslvu Mining Co., and will be lo
cated in Portland.
Mrs. J. K. Weatherford left last night
on the overland for San Jose, Calif. , on
a visit witn relatives.
The friends of Ezra M. Horton will re
gret to know of bis illness with typhoid
fever in San Francisco.
Mr. Julius Gradwohi. who has been
ill for several days, tbe Democrat i glad
to report la improvintr and will soon b
at hia place of business.
Archie Mosier. of this city, who has
conducted a lunch counter in Albany for
tbe paat six months, returned to Salem
j esterday having disposed of bta business
interests in Albany. Salem Statesman.
Mr. C. W. Watts returned this noon
from Portland, where he bad been sub
poenaed as a witness in one of the cases
azainst the se-veantatarms of the recent ;
Davis house. The case was set for next
Col. J. B. Eddy, ex-railroad commis
sioner, passed through Albany this noon
for bis home at Roaeburg. W e put tbat
ex there on authority of Governor Lord,
and Mr Eddy and his co-commissioners
had better succumb meekly. Tbey will
save expenses, and then the people cave
had enough of the Com.
Tbe Prineville Review says : Dr. J. T
Tate, of Portland, will visit Eastern Ore-
goa this coming spring, and will prob
apiy be in Prineville next month tome
time. Us will combine bamnea witb
recreation and would be glad for you to
call on him when he arrives.
Ex-Senator J. X Doloh lalvin? verv
i'l at hia home on Fifth street, bet wee a
Jefferson and Colombia streets. The
tronhla Mmi to l n aroranuxl raj
of blood poisoning due to a troublesome
... . . . . . i
wound in tie leg. It is stated tbat an
amputation rot fie affected leg will be
necesaarv to preserve Mr. Dolph life.
and even in that event recovery may be
dou')tlul. Evening Telegram.
Th tow ire. of Oregon fit, wa befd
ng ia SIetn Sunday n ght and tabbed of 14.
Cottage Grove, wnirfa ba been unable to
wpport ooe paper well, will ntw have two
piper. '
The orcert-Fitxintiinoist fight will take
flace about 11 a. m. on Wednesday. March
7. The progrena of tbe cootnt will pro
bab'j be received in this city by regular
?pokane promises to be tbe buiet city
Northwest the comic? texonn. A
gentleman writ'Dg from there to tbe Time
Houolain-er iri at I en ft 1000 bmldtog
will be erected there daring the spring and
tn aimer.
Tbe tail end of an ra-tern ocv storm
struck Albany tbii morning. Through Da-
k itaand Mrnreeota tbe snow waa about
tfaree feet 0 a lextf smr
taw any-
thing like it' people said
Marion county baa refused to par to the
ate of Oregon t3S45.79. claimed de on
taxes, and a law suit trill follow. Tbe in
sult will be that Marion will not only hate
to pa) the amount but tome fancy cota
and expente.
Ufy- Lord resterdsy srraated a full oar-
don lo Fred Weatherford. who waa convic
ted of embezzlement ia Multnomah cout tv
about two years ago and sentenced to im
prisonment in tbe penitentiary for four eat heron! waa a booKbeeper
and used money entrusted him .
A stoca company has been orranizeJ ia
Salem with flO tmO for a Has mill. Mrs
W P Lord is at the bead of it. Tbe more
mill the better, but the Democrat is skep
tical on the flax mill auction, perhaps be
cause Albany once had one that waa a fail
Tbe Portia n 3 Tribune roixea Albany np
with some other place aa follow: Frank
Woodcock, a lawver of Albany, Or , waa
committed to tbe insane ravlum Saturday.
tie u u years ot aee and is a stntrle man.
1 because of lasamlv u too much strong
anna. -
Letter Ll.-t.
Following is the list of letters remaiuins
in tbe roKtotbre at Albany, Lion county.
Oregon, March 9th, 1897. Person calling
for these letters must give t be date on wbicn
tbey were advertised.
Blaisdell, Mi Mabel Funk, Peter '
Hees, Josephine Join-r, W D (2)
Little, Emma Ultion.Jobn
South, John Sanndner, Jot
Tucker, Esaw
T. J. Stttss, P M
School Notice.
It having been reported on tbe street
mat l nad tailed to enumerate several
schoolchildren in the district, thereby
causing a lots to the district, I would
respectfully ask anyone knowing cf tueh
to report the same to me at once as the
board are very desirous of getting every
one, ana it is your interest as much as
ours. Respectfully,
F. E. Allbm, Clerk.
Instrumental Music.
Mr. II. ill. Backenstoi prepared to gin
instructions in instrumental nvjMc. He
teaches violin, guitar, mandclin and a
number of orchestral and lirau i
J Mr. Baekensto is a musician of well-known
ability in both practical and theoretical
music, and one o! tbe mot successful
teachers in the state. Bukiness placed in
his band will be faithfully and conscien
tiously attended to.
Albany Electric street railwsv m.l.
its trial trip very successfully Satnrday
evening as announced. It is one tning
ym uuuu iuu niuip an electric railway,
and another to make it a financial suc
cess, and in order to make the financial
part of it a success tbe com nan v will
rent space on the car for advertising pur-
iiuecs, m uuiuiiitu ngnre. xtus week1
P.J. Brniley, the printer, acd F. E. !
Allen & Co , groceries and haidware
bave secured space. For advertising
raie can on r . an. rrencb tbe jeweler,
President and general manager.
j Best of All
( To cleanse tbe system in a gentle and truly
1 beneficial manner, when tbe Springtime
come, use iuh irue ana pet feet remedy
Bvrup ot tigs, une bottle will anwer for
all tbe family and cost only 50 cents; tie
large size $1. Buy tbe genuine. Manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Com
pany only, and for we by all druggists.
The best way to buy any
thing is to borrow it first
Get a package of Schil
ling's Best tea of your
grocer. He pays you your
money back if you don't
like it.
That's our way of lending-
k Schilling 8t Company
San t ncice tl3
Ex-U. S. Senator Joseph N. Dolph
died in Portland at 11 a. tn. to-day, from
blood poisoning, after a heroic struggle
to live.
Mr. Dolph waa born October 19, 1835
in Tompkins county, N. Y.f be was ad
mitted to the bar atBlnghamton,N.Y.,in
Nov;, 18(11. In 1862 he came to Oregon
as one of Capt M. Crawford's escort to
protect immigran' s from Indians, being
orderly sergeant, arr.ving in Portland
Oct. 31, 1862, almost broke. In 113 he
formed a partnership with J. 11. Mitchell,
which continued for ten years terminat
ing on Mitchell's election to the U.S.
senate. In January 1MM Mr. Dolph was
appointed U. S. distr'ct attorney ior Ore
gon by President Lincoln. He was
elected State senator in 1866 and 1872,
and U S. senator in 1883, serving twelve
years. Mr. Dolph waa Most Worty Grand
of the 1. O. O. F. and Grand Matter of
the A. F. & A. M , and held many im
portant bueinesa trusts.
A Serious Situation.
The st'te will pay out no money until
there ia a general appropriation bill, ex
cept in a few cases provided for by spec
ial statute; and yet the counties of the
state will be expected to pay their state
taxes both years before the legislature
meets. This would put several hundred
thousand dollara in the hands of a few
greedy state officials, who it Is thought
would take advantage of it. All tbe time
the slate would itself become liable
for interest on its obligalioo. It ha
been notorious that state treasurers have
made their income by loaniug die money
of the state, which they absolutely have
no right to do t their own benefit.
Should it be done tbe coming two years
without an arprooriation the profit
would be enormous. Tbe statute is ao
strict it is said there ia nj wav for a
county to avoid making ths payment.
Tbe state treasurer ia alresdv making
demaols for the tax now being paid , jutt
muy wiiu do aoiuortty to pay it out is a
matter of great interest. This is already
exciting attention. What will tbe result
ShcUi Jottings.
SuetD, Or., March. 8, 1SW
W in tr si ill ragea.
W. T. Rinehart left for the jack rab
bit and sage truth plains of slattern Or
egon last week.
r . a1. tunebart, of Salem, baa been
rusticating among old friends the pan
J. W. EULwn and wife, of Albany,
were visiting triends and relatives iu
this vicinity recently.
Uaite a little gram was sown the last
clear spell, alone the Caiapooia.
Tbe oihcert elects at the school meetr
ing, for tbe ensuing year, were John
Duncan director, V Robicette clerk.
We understand a council of the "Pa
frioU of America," a free esiver organs-
h t v . ; n . i . . t I.-.. ..
aatim, haa been tnutotd here w ith
quite a membership.
Mia Anna Yautia commenced a spring
term of school al Greeoback March 2nd, j
alto Jlis Bertha bbedd began teaching
at Bell Plain March 8 i
We undert ard that the McCooneil s
brothers and V W bobieeue bare re- (
cently finished cuiUng a large lut of j
wood at the Corti brother's We hope j
tbat the next undertaking will be the 1
improvement ot oar road, a tbe above ;
latter named party is supervisor. I
1 bere u a movement on fcot among
the citizens of Shed 1 lo improve the
sttvet of the "city" dunog the coming
summer. We ear neatly hope that th
street a ill be relighted also, as 'conu
dence bu been restored."
The Y. P. S. C. E. will give a literary
entertainment Frirlay evtning, Marrii
12lh, beginning at 70 p. m The pto
gram will consist of music, recitations.
dialogue, and a drama, in which sev-
ersl "old maids" of the neighborhood
will take part. Admission 10 cents
Tcnncjtecc Gatherings.
(By XxU Puiro.,
Tax x Bases, March 8, 1537.
Rev. F. S. Dough too conducted an
old time" Metbodist love fe.isi at
the school hcoae Sunday.
Monna Frank haa been called to teacti
tbe Sweet Home school.
School will begin here next Monday
with Annie Blacklaw as teacher.
Tbe revival services still cootinue.with
interest. Many more conversions have
been made and the meetings will prob
ably continue till next Sunday. Lit
erary proceedings were discontinued
for tbe pi event giving tbe bouse over to
church services.
MiMea Stella Frank and Annie Dlack-
law attended the entertainment given at
Sodaville and re pott a fine time, but say
tbat it did not come up with the enter
tainment g'ven at this puce a suon time
Mrs. t artier ha been seriously in ior
sometime. We hope for her early e-
eoni. . .
Tbe heavy rams have lonea tno at
tmnts of iha farmer to do their snrintrl
plowing or to dig tbe potatoes wotcni
- .. . . 1 . .
rsre lelt in tho irmnnil last lau.
..I. i
Alhanv ia trettimr ouite a rennlation.
Tbe Oreiionian srv seriously: "The
first car on the Albany eUctnc street
railway line made Us trial trip very sue-!
wsaiuujr c?aiuTM.T iituim
Quarterly meeting- will be held at Peoria
nsxt Saturdav and SabUalb. All members
and friend invited to atieud.
H S en AUG Lb. r b,
PA Mocet, P C.
Picking up
Is easy enough if you look
for it in the right place.
This is the right place to
learn Just what to do for
that debilitating condition
which Spring always brings.
Do you want to be cured of
that languid feeling, get
back your appetite, Bleep
soundly, and feel like a new
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do it. It has done it
for thousands. It haa bees
doing it for 60 years. Try it.
Scad for ths "Curebook." 109 page ir0
j. C Aytr Co. Lowell, Mas.
a at ft
The Jonesviile 4th cf July picnic was
witneixed at the opera house last night
by a large audience. .Gotten op by tbe
Ladieu Auxiliary of the Y. M, O. A. it
was made a decided success. The pro
gram wm simply an imitation of an old
laahioned 4th of July celebration. Mr.
11. J. Hopkins acted as marshal of the
day and his judgment and tact added
materially to the success of the program.
A parade waa tbe beginning of tbe af
fair. It displayed tbe grotesque makeup
of tbe crowd, b. N, Steele in his inimi
table style, as Farmer Hayseed wel
comed the audience. Tbe choir tried to
sing, and after many discords succeeded
in presenting a patriotic song.
Under Mrs. H. 0. Uarkness, who was
perfection as a school teacher, her class
of boys and girls gave a short program.
Eva French as Dorothy Smith was warm
ly encored ; Miss Ora Uarkness recited
i Mary's Little Ram with variations in a
delightful manner, aa Aiamindy Brown.
A flag raising was bad under the char.e
of Lewis Suiick as Miss Sunshine, tbe
big girl, a part in which he waa very cap
tivating. The Jonesviile school then
cave a characteristic song. Under Capt.
Ed Clodget the Jouesville Cadets gave a
drill, awkard enough to snlt a Yahoo.
Miranda Snow, the belle ot Jonesviile,
waa represented in a lively manner by
Mr. Cioni Irvine, tbe live encore dis
playing tbe appreciation of the audience.
M ia Mary Cundiff as Lucinda Jones read
an hifalutin poem wilh a marked effect.
The Jonesviile quartet.Mcasis Steele, Po-
uog, Aters and lunaeil, tn white cos
tumes, received a donble encore. The
uusy ueea, thirteen of Albany's most
lovely young ladies, in patriotic colors,
lead by Misa llattie Galbrailb, gave a
drill that was very plsasiog. Mrs. Nut
ting, as Mrs. Angelino Tremilo received
an encore. Mr. Edgar Stewart aa Mr.
Aspire Todd, a rising Jonesviile lawyer.
gave the oration of the day, an effort
never oeiore equalled except by Dr. I. L.
fiili in the days of Uornibotquea. Tbe
Jonesviile Band furnished excellent mu
sic, and dinner was announced. ThU was
followed by several toast by prominent
Jonsvi:ie citizens. The audiencw then
eaolved themselves into a social and sev
eral booths were liberally patronised. ,
Tbat Salem Filth.
The Democrat looked for a hot re
spoom to the charge in tbe Oregon! an
that Salem waa the filthiest citv in Ore-
koo . Instead tbe Journal publisher tbe
wriMai ana candidly aays:
There is too much truth in the above
paragraph. Nearly all tbe alleys and
many of our streets are in a positively
di-gracelul condition. Bute street,
along the court house square, bu bad
filth sue inches deep, all winter. Other
street are tti'.l woe. One hundred
men and teams should be pat to work at
cleaning up oar city before filth diseases
become epidemic.
The Statesman takes a different view
and answers the Oregon ian in a two col
nma article to prove that th Capital
City is not filthy, giving aa proof the
opinions of J M Wallace, Claud Gatch,
Dr Bvrd, Leo Willie, who ia Ulher-in-law
of the Oregonian's city edi'or, Dr J
5 Smith and Dr C-eick. It will be aeen
that the Oregon ian has at least stirred
up a big odor.
SoJavllIc Siftlngs.
Tbe spring term of the Sodaville pub
lic school legan today with Misa Stella
Parriab at tbe helm.
I'roi. J. R. GdJe of Mineral Spring
College ha been visiting Mill City avl
other place in that part of the valley
during tbe past week.
We are informed that ocr genial friend
R.A. McCuily baa been employed to
inch the Richardson Gap school.
After a tea days visit at Stay toe, Her
thel Mack's mi'lieg preeence is again
delighting the college yoang ladle.
L. A. Simon haa been eciployed to
teach the Crowfoot school. The term
b pins Marca 15.
Tbe entertainment on March 3, given
by the school and friends of district S3.
was a very pieaaaot event, and a saoceea
in every serif.
Bavard Bridge, ooe of the popular
young men of the boainees department
tt college, left ua this week for hia
borne near nicer
J. P. Kovce haa rented the Bovlea
place near town Mr. Korea and fam
ily bave moved to tbe place.
Jesse Bond one oi the eoliege students,
tell from a swing yesterday and broke
one of the bone of the right forearm.
Dr. D. M. Jone set tbe broken bone and
the yoang man is getting along nicely
and we trust be wiU in a short time be
as good at new. ,
Miss Mabe. A I Serin at t of Knox Butte,
is here visit: n her sister, Mis Dora,
whose pleasing talent are proving ao
valuable to the pupil of (the music de
partment of the colkge.
One of the pleasant event of the past
week was a surprise party given Rev F.
M. Graham and family last Friday even
ine. Their friend bearing that they
had resolved to soon remove to Nebras
ka, chose this way of showing their un
willingness to part with them, and to
extend parting wishes. The basket of
cake and tbe like brought by tbe party
foretold the sequel of tbe evening's good
cheer, and indicated that all wanted th
occasion to be one to which memory
would love to wander back to in altar
On tbe eveaing of March 13 "T ia
Deacon," a drama, will be presented
here by members of the Sodaville Ma
rine Band. S. A. L
Illustrated Lectures.
Bp all means attend the grand illus
trated costume lecture and wonderful
occult revelations by Dr. Del MacClaire.
the world renowned oriential Seer, lec
turer and examiner-inehiet for tbe Ori
ential Medical Syndicate of Calcutta and
San Francisco and Portland
1 1 . I w . A M W
eunesniay, marca iu, o p m noat-
i amy iirsmi anu Dauir-imin on it. o
I p. iu. csisci t vsm iuu iiatam
I f 1 Ei J T:
I men only.
I Thursday, M-rchll, Diseases
I of Teeth and skin for everybody.
Friday, March 12, S p. m. Hypnotism
with experiment!.
Saturday, Ala nil li, s p. tn. Matri
mony ladies only. 8 p. m. Marriage
men only.
Admission tree for ladies aad gentle
men. Adults only. Ao children in
arms. Deserved seats lor ladies and es
corts. He tells yoa at a glance your mental
and physical character, capacity, powers
and condition. rai disease yoa are
liable to and how to prevent them. Hs
gives yoa Knowledge that you can gain
from no otneT source.
Oilices at Revere House to Monday,
March 15.
Oa the Divide.
March 8, 1897.
Orvil Bayburn is visiting bis sister
I Mrs M ulkey of Lane county.
Johnny Davidson is now able to walk
with the aid of a crutch.
Miss Bunk has been employed to teach
the spring term of school in tbe Somraer
ville Dist. beginning March 16th.
llarve Sommervilie and tlarry xibuop,
left to day for Albany to serve as jurors.
Mr Philpottbasiustsoidms nneonggy
horn "Blnnda" to Mr Wvatt for slOO.
Peter Vila, last week received tne sad
news that his brother of South Dakota
was burned to death in a hotel.
Miss Edith Hints will this week finish
another term of five months school in
Dist 47. She expects to return to her
home in Eueene next Saturday, which
rill be greatly regretted y uie enure
vicinity also in the Sunday School where
she has been sucn a vatuea reacner.
Grandma Grimes, who has been quite
feebln for several months is now much
Oat McCullock has just returned from
visiting his brother Tom, who is quits
low with consumption at eoaavuie.
A Change In Sugar.
Amukt. Jan. 20tn. 1897,
J. (irndwohl inform the general public
tbat hs will Mil 19 lbs dry granulated sugar
for 1 1 or 9 lbs for 500, in oruer 10 give an
people the benefit to get cheap sugar.
Come odo, come all, and take advantage of
tne IOW price ueiure i w mm o vusuim
For the best drugs, Dawson's. . ,
Harry Pillock, of Albany, spent Sun
day with some of bis Corvallis chums of
former days. Corvallis Time.
Miss Abbie Wright will close ber
school at Uranger to-day. She has in
vited a number of friends to be present
at the closing exercisiea. Corvallis
Times. ,
Mrs. Alex Campbell went to meet
ber daugbt-r, Miss Etta, who is on her
way home from La Grande. Misa Etta
has been vary sick and is scarcely able
to travel alone. She bae been employed
at La Grande ai a professional nurse,
and while there, had a severe attack of
la grippe, Time.
Tbat Uerman washing fluid, wbicb has
proven soco a One thing baa arrived at
rarae tiros in a large quantity. Call
ruu uy m uoiue.
For f roils
Of all kinds,
Go to
F. H. Pfe ffer.
Dawson sells Lie.ioe.
Liverine 50c at Dawson's.
Apples at C E Browbeix '.
Jonesviile picnic, March 9.
Smiley doe oar job printing.
No blur oa Smiley' printing.
F II Pfeiffer keep everything in Season.
For tbe latest novelties in jewelry see
i reocn the jeweler.
For a sTOOd Dht sic take Li veri ne far U
py iMwsoo, tbe "pill autocrat-
Our printing is tbe cheapest becaote it
I . t k.. L ..... J . . . n -
unr work is tbe beat, therefore it is tbe
cneaoest. fcmiley, the Printer.
Crawford at Harniah for photograph.
uuursi o sw per aozen.
Water while comb honey from CaliformaT
Jurf in at U fiaowsKU.'a
Two package of garden seeds for get,
according to their usual custom at Stewart
A Sox's.
If you have a eood thing, advertise it oa
the Albany EltKtnc Street Railway can
See French toe jeweler.
Information tbat is worth it weight ia
gold: Get your meaU of ah kind at Hen
ry Sroder a. on Second street.
If yon owe Conn A Huston call upon
them and pay op. Why Un't that a goxi
esolotion. tor now is tbe pay op time.
For choice meat of all kind, and
prompt attention call upon Wm Emerick
A Son, two docrt weitof Kaecht A Miser.
Dr. H. E. and O. K. Beers omasa
residence ia the post office building. Spec
ia! attention given to disease of women.
. We beg our reader pardoo foe mention
ing the fact that about to inches of snow
fell last nigUt. It disappeared dunag the
Tbe Southern Pad fie has announced that
t "ill check bicycles free over iu line.
Thia ia a move that wil meet with popaiar
favor, and it ia rignt.
At tbe Baptist church this evening evan
gelist Liirfifey will talk ca "excuses hi
text taken from be parable of the Great
Feast, Everybody i welcome, come and
fill the boose.
Do not wear impermeable and tight fit
ting hat that constrict the blood vessel of
the scalp. Use Hall's Hair Beaewer oc
casionally, and you will not be bald
The taeetioos at the Baptist Church still
cootiaoe with renewed interest. Day
meeunss at 2:30. evening meetinas 7.30.
IM everybody come and help oa the good
Tbe price of genaine Oliver chilled plow
tba'es ba been reduced to 50 cents. Be
sore the sume Oliver is oa every share 1
For aaie only by Hopkins Bros.
Consider your ways, think before yon
act, and the go to Haight Bros., where
yon will find a choice s-kx of ceils of ail
kind to ordjr from. Too are bound to be
pleased if yon order of them.
Keep going until yon leach tbe shop of
tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company, where
yea win Gad a fine line of meal of all
kinds. Inia company keep tbe best and
yon will be sorr if yon don't call on tnem.
A Washington dispatch aays: Land Cocn-
misnoner Lantoreaox left Washiastoa
today for hi Miscoswta hooae. He will
not return. Congressman Hermann of Ore
gon taring been practically determined
oa as hi sncaPMor
air. Toba Myers, president of tbe Com
mercial A Savtoga bank, on the East Side
was yeeterday appointed cbief oi police vt
Portland to succeed lewis W . Robertson,
who tendered hia resignation 10 day ago.
He will enter npoa tbe discharge of ai
duties today.
Tbe followiaa- disoatch waa sent from
WaahiactAa after the inauguration to the
asuiand HOicgs by that cckasus ot oo
ceit and pigmy of brains. Max Pracht.
"Parade nna proachably anagniaoaat.
Ashland banner waa cheered ail along
me una.
Tour Groceries and Baked Goods
I at Parker Bros. Everybody kt.ows
where their place ia. They keen a fresh
stock of rroceriea, produce and baked
good, of all kinds, sell at reasonable
pncea and treat their customers well, all
Ton may regret soma step yoa take
in life tut none taken into the store of
Parker Bros.
It ia a greit thing to be well fad. Par
ker Bros keep good grocerie.
A loaf of bread is not much bat too
want it well made. Try Parker BroaL
The largest and
Finest assortment
Of fruits, confectionary, nuts, Ac , in Al
bany may be found at X It ffeilTers, near
ly opposite tbe Dkmocbat office. See bis
Oranges, Eastern oyster,
Hasans?, Coast oysters.
Apples, Cssery,
Lemon. Cabbages, '
Usu, and all kind confectionary, not.
Mcsic. Miss Mildred Burm ester
teacher of piano or organ. System the
Mason touch and technique. Besidencs
Fifth street, opposite U P church.
If you vrant a Rood and clean
moke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar factory.
A la' fie assortment of garden teede,
white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds
just received fresh at
C E Baownaix's.
Pay Coon A Huston.
Pay Conn A Huston.
Pay Conn A Huston.
Properly used, "Perfection" dyes
are superior, insist oa haying
"Perfection" Dyes, for sale by Fred
If you want to dye easily and
permanently use 'Perfection' Dyes,
tor sale by 1- red Dawson.
Call oh Miller A Tarner for first class
livery at reasonable rates. Transients kef t
for lOo per rig.
Miujw A Tckxkb.
Choice tardines
C E Browk ill's.
Pure Drugs,; rea uawson's.
Canned wild blackberries in one and
two quart jar, cheap at
Try Lawson
once on schoal
The Crescent
was the But to use
Ths other factories
tbe new D tubing,
Make a fpeclalty ot com-
pounding all physici ns
prsscriptions. A c omplete '
line of patent medicines A '
sundries in stock.
New Cash S tore
The Great Cut in prices, new stock,
new styles and the People's Friends.
We make cut prices and are fearless
of combines and will protect our cus
tomers on all lines of merchandise.
A rbockle Coffee, per pound...
Lion Coffee, " '
3 can cove oyster
8 bar Savon Soap
The beat matches, per paper
1 lb choice canary seed.
I lb plug Battle Ax tobacco
Fairbanks Gold Dost wash powder,
Men fine ahoea20 grade)
Sniper large bottle new catsup
Wen fine (3.00) batn
. Men nnderwear $..
Men oil grain 3 60 boota
Men Bos Kip 2JA Kip boota
60 lbs fine salt 7.
H. F.
March SHU, 1897.
Tuesday Evening, March 9.
Fresesnt Mayor, recorder, marshal.
si re soDennienflent and Onaneilnum
Tweeda!, Dannala, Hopkins. Hocoe.
Dickey and Martin.
Ibe following bill were ordered paid :
B B Dunn. S2.6S: Hos-he A Tmotnu.
inos uaonais, 5.00: Un U b
Metier. Boot Brown Jr. 50 af r.
voezen, a.; jotin Cbiswell, $3.50: M
. . - - . . .
Cowan, 1 25; A B Hill, fl.56; G C
Mitchell. .W; j Owens, 3.44; T 3 Pa,
teraon, fl 66; O W Waren, l 34; N J
Hen too, $15.25; Albany Electric Ltghta,
139; 8 Conn, $3.
Petition M J Mooteith f-r rebate of
taxes ot $4 SO waa referred.
Resolution ot Dickey tuat taxea on
Masonic temple be rebated was lost.
Tbe matter of the flame near Wm
t rumm wa discaased ia a live manner,
wiuioai any actioo bem? taken.
Application cf Dr Adama for nririlesw
of patting np a 60 candle ga light over
iue ssaewata at iu place residence,
wa referred.
Bids for inrniahina' mvel vera rraA
ww tne matter coo tinned.
List of Pa tents,
Granted to Pacific u tea inventwe
tbia week. Kenorted bv C. A. Boom A
Co-, aouotors of American and Foreign
patent, opp. TJ. S. Patent osSce, Wash-
ngton, v. u.
M L Akera. Goasoherrv. ftnt Y.srmv
J D Bame. Loa Amreies. Cal. naraliel-
roier: vt I xManenet. can i rsrx-inv
Cal, key-faatner; M J Bra adage, North
San Joaa, Cal. brake-aboe; A Cane,
... v. .. v4. ueuisi iiuzect: sui
Demera, Ean Frrnciaco. Cal. device for
niawxng eisani oeer; u Marty, ban
Diego, OaL refrisevator-car: H Jacobv.
Orovule, Cal, chain-protector and anav-1
Strvf 7"J F A, KeIley 6asan-
tu, GaL sraard-tinser for mowtnar ms-1
cbiaea; C W Kedy. Oregon City, Ore,
XTT!rn.rr t"'
Fianciso, Cal, mean for abstracting
nreeiona metal from crec: A C Stewart.
Lo Ancele. CaL device for onenins? or
closing vessels containging liquids; E G
n ooaaam, ure, tnncitage-botUe.
A new line of handsome bolero jort re-
ceivea at tne Ltuiiea tiaxaar.
More new
dress good at the Ladies
A new line of styuah dress skirts from
$1.75 up, jast received at the Ladies
Baiaar. Call aad see them.
New bicycle aad driving gloves at the
Ladies Basaar.
Nonca. Parties owning chickens are
hereby notified tbat they most keen
their chickens np as reqaiied by ordi
nance, ar they will be prosecuted for vi
olation of the ordinance. By order of
ha marshal.
Stop is at Barknart and Lee's drag
store sad examine toetr stock ot c t
Havana cigars, they certainly have a fine
liie aad always try topleate every one that
enjoy a good smoke.
Yoa can pay more, oat yoa won't get
any better service. Ton can pay less, bat
yoa won't get as good service. Smiley
tbe printer.
Hopkins Bros
have received a fall stock
of 1S97 Crawford bicyce. They are im-
uome and see tor yourself
Dawson will treat Ton rizbt
B BUEmETi lffi m
g Are up to date draggitta, ns-
ing the utmost care in filling
g- . prescriptions. Pure, fresh
g drags are the most important
g part of a drag store.
Kroschel Bros.
Cash Grocers.
Will now give the following
du cements for cash;
Ai buckle coffee, 6 lbs for ... .
Hon " " " j
Java and Mocha coffee, per lb
Granulated sngar, 19 lbs 1
Whiter a vy beans 13 lbs
Bee Uble peaches, per dos........ '
" " apricots, - "
Assorted nie fruit "
Cuttings jad Goldust tomatoes pr da
43 bunches ot matcnes lor
Gold dust, 3 lb pkg
Lsnox soap. 0 bars for
Polo " " " "
100 lbs silt
XXX soda crackers, 3 lbs.
Teas sel'ing from 60c to 75c, for S5e
to 45c
Five gal coal oil ,
Table Syrups.
5 gal keg rock candy drip. ........ .
6 " " extra honey "
1 gal cans " " " '."."li!!...
1 " " rock candy M
H g&l cans rock candy drip
i2 ex honey "
First class baking powder with oaks
stand or f rait stand....
Oorn beef, 2 lbs cans
The Columbia, the
Ajax and the Wind
sor Lines.
We will tell you the best
wheel on earth, or a cheaper
wheel if you desire it. Call
and Bee us and get our pric
es and terms before you buy.
3 lb
I 15
1 25
t 50
2 25
1 75
New Cash Store.
Over oe mile of ribbon artistically dis
played ia the west show window.
Kew asaortments of ribbon ia sew
Double facsd satin,
iflack velvet ribbon ia vamnr widths.
now brings 113 a few new fab
rics to show you every one
a gem., rreity cneccs, neat
I StriDes. Crinkly leilOWS ana a
t . . . . .
I others that STiS.ce for
bids telling cf- The choicest
of the lot will clip away first.
. . -1
I Call OlteJ and make yOUXSell
I at home at our store.
ur tms
Southern Pacific Co.
ssv rsrtkksM DsBy
rmcm lUjr 11 ists
:See. a. L
x I S5 a
Lw rS r a
ItHll W
UOS t Al
Above train tp at East Portiaaa
Oregon City, Woodbam, Salem, tar-
aapoa, Jefferson, .
Tangeat, Snedd. Halsey Eugene
CresweU, Cottage Grove, Dmia, and ail
stations frota Easebnrg sontht to and u-
asssKaa asuBsss
Mi L fwtlsa ar
traLv albsay VliSI
Vm AIKmt tor tab J m
jLmT Kitr trom Lbo 9tUA
bss ai kw lfl I
imwtl'" trass trtB I"
Us SltMT Woobr t Wsodc
anissAlsssff trass modbra SaSra
Usan.T Sstros,
asrtw st albsay trass Kstesa
Dininr Cars on DgTlsn koum
all nrstrlst
Ts4 Ks mtThlsa.
uisui raarLaan as ts"
an nsi asiaTtsUptaasssy
Lt Ultra
tWMinia daily lexceot Sunday) a
Alhanv and Corvsl U connect with train e.
0. CAE- Kv.
lrl v
TM I ax
v I 1
Through Tickets
osabobaMdtowsrl fros c V f aa.
P .
rorVsm Ora
What We Know
about Printing.
Some people writ books about
what they know about printing.
Thai neoole nay for tbat work.
Some people could writes great
deallirW book entitled 1 -hat
I don't Know about Printing,
ad (till have some room left. Our
plan is to deal in cold facts, no
theories. We print ever, thing
and let tbe people judge. They're
our court and we'll abide by their
verdict. Lowest prices, fcswest
type. Seeforyonrselves.
City Official Office.
DrTPrke's Cre m Baklnz Powder
WerUTS Fair nigaes w