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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1897)
1 SPRAINS fi St Jacobs Oil the foO. Useg 0 - - - -and-' it and prompUv feel the cure. That's 0 0 PAINS all. but that is something sure. VVETHERFORD & WYATT torneys at law. Will practice in a ourr of the state. Special attention giv ei to mutters in probate and to collections. 9 mcii In the Flinn block . W. R. B1LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrt'on. .- BUGXBUaS a SOftiERS TTORNETa .A.T L-aVW, All legal matters will receive prompt at enb'on. Office, First National Bank ciidin?, up stairs. " OSTAHTE fc HACHLKM4N, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. D B. J. 1. HILL., byddsiudjunwi, OFFICK Corns rry street. Albany .Orojron. DR. C, U; CHAMBERLIN EXOIXXOB OI"AT3 Treats tumors, strictures, facial biem- tahra. neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. OiSce on Ferry St., near 3d street. IsiST 3AT103AL BANK. ON ALBANY, 0RS60S P ssldeal . los President . shter LFLINK g,K,TOCNO W. LANGDON AC JO!TSTS K.BPT subject to sheet. fimiTvipiiivae hi) t'?-r;hi tauter, sol- K Vork Sn Francisco Chieao aod "la i COLTjf!TIOKS A.0Son tatorabl tirms HUOKW' SSTonf a W Lsawsoa - LEBiar, L. nor . C. 8. Fuss. . J J- WHITS El .:;ornsy at Uv, Albany, Or. VISIT To osir printery will convince any one that we f re better eqnipped to handle their or der - b.m any office iu the valley. Why couldn't we be? We have improved ma chinery, the best power, modern type faces, bo'c'ers, fixtures, etc. Uw only line ef print rs stationary in the county, and good worVuiea. Our work is always eiecated ; rouiptiv and at legitimate prKes. If yon t'on't have to trade it oat, or take printing becae yen can't get cash, come to see us. If our services are not satisfactory yon get your mon?y back. "SMILEY, the Printer. Phnn5 9, Albany. SENDERS' GOMPAWES Always Pay. , o No question a'nont full and prompt pay ment i f lots- by fire on insurance placec witu tbe leading agent of Albany, M. San tera 'WsfiatHs Insures People For' D m't al.ow yonrv If to be roped into the various "Local Jlutuals" now being pushed on ;o" as being "cheapest in surance," when- jou insure you do aot want to worry about getting voor money in case of loes. 24 SENDERS Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. - 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. 4 rm-ti- DESICNS, COPYRICHT8 fc Anyone seTWTfBir B sketch and dcaolptlon but qmckir ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Coram unlestlrms strict! confidential. Olden areccr furseeurina; patents in America. "We bave a Washington office. Patents token throuffc Jtann A Co. xaosrre special notice in the AMERICAN, 1U beanMfnllT lllnst rated, largest etrcolstioa of Mr scientific Journal. eekir. terms S3.00 ayear; tlM six moutns. Specimen copies and xLAKB Boo. OS Fatests sent tree. Address MUNN & CO., 381 Broad war. Pew Yan-k. , Fire Insurance "'RE YOUR PROPERTY with sa2T ,"7"- IT TTiiTl? e Old Hartford, the New York Un. w titers Airencyor any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will be promptly attended to. OFFICii ,IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. 1L0QD PQISOU r I ; -V5 asr. Von can b treated at borne fo? ,'. v .-'.tie saiETjrioe under name euanuitr. li " w pny railroad fare and hotel bills, and no u wo fall to curj. ir yon hare taken mer- i'ry. iodide potaHb, and still nave aches rod r - " linoug rsrhea In mouth. Sore Throat, I-iEii .vs. Copper Colored Kpott, tlcera on r.y y jI'Jib boly.liuirorKvbrows fr.lUna; nut, it !, thin Syphilitic IIUIDD FOISON Uiat we srisa antec to care. We aoliritUieinostobsU iito . sua cbitlleneo the world (or t caw wis riisrsf t cure, tiii dbease bag always bHllisid the nltill on the most eminent ph ysi ciutiS, .50,00 capital behind our onoondi tloial TOnujiy. Absoluteproofnaentsealedoa T.p!U?iii.ju. Address OOK tM1 ibMiu&'o Xaiuolc, 4;UIOAa(A TsXlV J. M. RALSTON tltlOKVAl. 2 Dniir East of Democrat Office. Mom y to loan on farm security, all will loans made on personal tecurity. it; , county and school warrants bought. Co' fctionR made on favorable terms. Fire iwurance written in three of the I irx t ;ompauies in the world, at lowest rates. . ' Book Keeping ught t v MA II, sn KXCERT ACCOUNTANT Complete, Practical, Hxactly as Found in Buaineri, My course of instruc ions tbor ouyh'.y qurt'if v you to take charge cf and kwp h tt of liooks . The highest reference furn uli-ii For terms and full informa tion ad.'rer., L. D. HUNTER A 0 U W Temple, Portland, 0 COMPANION WANTED. One that hax a farm or is uned to farm life pre if red, an I of suitable age. I am 50 ytart old, a uon nser of tobacc anl whiskey. Some nivans. Address, J H., Box 626, Albany Oregon. ' - " ' -t Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First ts CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -Dealer in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queensw& VeetbJe Cigars, Spices, Tea Etc everything that io tept in Hood variety andgro oery store. High est pt'-oe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODOCI VBrv it- Si-- Are Your Teeth Sound? Usually the teeth are what jadicioai care or nnwise neglect has made them. Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want of care means premature decay To preserve the teh keep them clean and thus prevent accumulation on the dental surface. Our powders are the most effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teeth a clear, smooth, and beautiful appearance. We also carry a full line of the best tooth brushes in tbe market, along witn every thing kept in first-class drag house Physicians prescriptiona a specialty. I. ACumming. VIEREOKS SHA.V.NG AND HAIR CUT TING PARLORS. EliBQUmiES f OS Dtf Whites JSeiv' Ifai CfrtfOlvetf. x hMirl nf hair or no iaar. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on tne beat p. Razors Honed and Set and Pat in ord er on Short Notice ALBnHY ORCHESTRA J M BiCKEISTO. Ccnluctcr BSlTI8TPE00IIgr INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II VSo., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass and.Drums Ie)ei t,oie of nc-v?fqsic Mosie Furnished For - fWarfi Partim. Rprpntinns and Enter. tainments at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicitea regarding en gagemebi out of town Address Bert Westrrook, Bosiness llan sger, Revere House, Albany, Oregon ALBANY TRADING GO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone So. 61 R. N. n orris, Mgr Corner 2nd and Main Sts. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale & Retail ' DRUGGISTS AID BOOmiLlES ALBANY. OREGON. Pare Drags and the finest and Largest btock ot btationary and iiooks in the Market. M LDDWIG, Opposite PostofflCB. PLUMBING and tinning at bottom prices. Prof. A. STARK FKCS Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmit College. I am prepared to examine scientifically ind accurately, by the latest and improve methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cnsick Block Albany. Oreooh. HELA B. GILBERT. . - J Teacher ol Piano & Organ (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spe alty. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of TJ. P. church. CB2 v -- mm. Dr Adams f " ' , rj' . ':;.": Cueick Block ahc Jlcmortat. Joe Simon is a stayer The farmers are following the plow and running the seeders at luil speed- While tbe Mississippi Oregon it is very serene ; has certainly bad its day. is raging, in but Webfoot Mr, Hanna, the greatest egotist of the present century, got there with both feet, to use Chicago expression. No such legislature ever before con vened in the history ot the world as tbe recent one. May it never bave a coun- terport, A duel between Eer Driver and Edi tor Hofer would be a pleasing diversion, whatever the weapens, from tongues to cannons. J. M. Hippie, a brother of fuhn Mitchell, has sent 50 cents for Weekly Oresocian several months. Tr the! He pat his feet in it in a decided mauner. General Lee can't be blamed for get ting disgusUd and wanting to give up the Cuban mission. Tbe coarse ot the govercment has been a very week one. An Albany man declares that the only party that will not be accused ot dere liction in duty in reference to the recent legislature is the prohibition party. The next election will be fought oat on the records of the recent state legislature. It will take a genius to make beads or tails of it. Being a small minority the democratic members cad be blamed with little if any of the proceedings. A Kansas boy smokrd 1200 boxes ol cigarettes, sayed the pictures, sent theni back to the manufacturers and asked what he would get for them, tie receiv ed this reply : "Smoke 1200 mora and we will send yon a coffin." Tbe Benson house per diem allows Soniers (123, no mileage being claimed; E. R. Lake also claimed no mileage. Smith and Munkers are not named even tor tbe five days they served ; bnt Lee and Bilyeu who never recognised the Benson bouse or answered to roll call in it were allowed per diem and mileage. All of which ia entirely immaterial, as tbe bills will probably never be paid. Tbe cause of tbe indefinite adjourn ment of the joint convention ia now easily understood from the following from the Journal: "McKinley Mitchell told tbe joint convention when his asms ras cailed that be would not again sit iu tbe joint convention unless 46 mem bers were present. It sent a cold cLill down tbe back of tbe whole doable ramp from which it has never recovered. Mr. Mitchell of Oervaie was as good as his word and today did not sit with them. Be has some regard for law and the constitution. Tbe Prineville Review says: Hon. G. W. Barnes, of Prineville, who has been in Salem the past six weeks, came np from below Saturday night, and left this morning on the stage for bis borne. Mr. Barces had been presenting the claims of Eastern Oregon stock raisers for tbe opening of the Cascade reeerve. With others interested in tbe same measure, he aecared the signatures of m'A tbe representatives and all bat two senators to a petition praying congress to throw the reserve open to tbe bearding of stock thereon. This Mr. Barnes tbinks, will be full as effectual as a memorial from the legislature would 1 ave been. A Chiiwood man thinks be has solved tbe gopher problem. Gophers threw np their little hillocks in bis Cbitwood door yard, and tbe man sat and evolved. A six inch bit of fuse with one end buried in a bit of paper shaped tike and as long as a candle two inches in length, is tbe implement of destruction that is to go for the gophers. Ins:de tbe paper there is gun powder mixed with other chemic als tbat wden exploded produce carbonic acid km. Carbonic gas kilts everything will kill a man if he b shnt np to a room with it, and it will kill gophers. To operate tbe exterminator, the rase is lighted and tbe package ia inserted in the gopher bole. The openiog to tbe andersroand passage i filled quickly with dirt, and then the powder explodes. Tbe carbonic acM ga io great quantities is formed, and the gopher inhales it and promptly dies. It is drciared to be eer tain death by tbe inventor wbo is in town introducing hie Tacbioe. Times. What Bean Soup Will Do. Are yon morbid, hypochondriac, look ing at tbe world through jaundiced spectacles? Does it seem to yon that everything, including yourself, is going wrong, that pigmies rale the earth, while giants groan in chains? Does the sky seem covered with clouds, and tbe sun appear to be a mourner standing by its own grave? Do tbe birds all sing dirKes and the flowers smell of graveyard mould? lathe psalm of life snog to a funeral march and tbe stars mere lan terns Lang by deep vaults, corpse-laden and offensive? You don't need medicine; throw it to the dogs, ii tbey are foolish enough to be deceived thereby. Give your pbysi cian his walking papers and a note for n!s dues, and try a course of old-fashioned bean sonp. In a very few days a change will come over the spirit of your dream, and you will be a new person, both physically and mentally. A mar velous, a stupendous change will be rougbt; and you will imagine that yon are moving in an entirely di tie rent sphere from the one in which you groan ed and lamented a little while ago. You will be an optimist of the thirty- third degree, and you will repeat with Alexander Smith "This world is very lovely 1 O my God, I thank thee tbat I live 1' Your eyes will gaz9 unflinching ly upon tbe iuture, no matter in wbat shape it may present itself. The sky will be a shining canopy of pure delight, and the night will be radiant with in numerable stars. The melody of the birds will seem to echo from tbe npper spheres, and the perfume of the flowers typify the fragrance o tbe celestial gar dens you expect sometime to see. Do you have tbat tired feeling? That lassitude that forbids all physical exer tion and makes you wish to spend most of tbe time in rest, either awake or asleep? Cast aside your hot biscuits and gravy, and pork chops and tea and cof fee, and try the glorious, wonder-working old-Iashioned bean soup. Soon the light will return to your eye; the elastic ity to your footsteps ; the strength to muscle and nerve, and yon will really feel like extending a challenge to the winner in the forthcoming scrap be tween Corbett aud Fitzsimmons. Jack sonville ITla. Times-Union . fir tl.t. Ictfet drtifis, Dawson's. Scientific Eagles do not have different mates every reasen as do birds generally; they pair for life, and sometimes occupy the same nest tor many years . Most British geologists are now pre pared to admit that the earth has pasd through several glacial periods, instead of only one, as is commonly supposed. In the mountains of 8weded, Norway and Lapland all vegetation would be destroyed by the Norway rats were it not tor the white f "xes, that make spec ial game ot the rodents. Birds differ very much In the heights to which tbey commonly ascend. Tbe condor, largest of vultures and of all flying birds, has been observed soartng over 29,000 feet, or about five miles and a half, above the le7el of tbe sea. The m isle toe is a true parasite, for merly never growing save on the branches of oaks in moist situations. Ot late years it is extensively raised in greenhouses, the crashed seels being placed upon slabs ot bark in situations as nearly as possible approximating its original habitat. George Isaac, a German scientist, and three assistants were blown to atoms by an explosion of acetylene gas, on Dec. 12. It is said tbat he believed be bad discovered a non-explosive variety ot acetylene, and tbat Emperor William had been attracted by his experiments with the manufacture of the gas, and was soon to visit his laboratory. The forest department In India is now paying its way handsomely and more, tne profits having been going np steadily s'.nce 1875. While for tbe five years ending with that tbey stood at eleven lakhs, the profits for tbe five years end ing in 1895 were fifty three lakbs, or just short of five times as mocb. That not only animals bat plants also will have some ot their juices or liquids freeze in the winter time is wall known. Twigs will snap easily when tbe ther mometer is below sero because of being froien, and ice crystals can be readily discerned by tbe microscope. But tbe Question, asks Meeban's Monthly, is do tbey f reeie solid ? The contention is that the active living cells cannot do this, and still live. One ot the most wonderful things about eagles is their power of vision. Their eves are mqch better and stronger than ours, and th-y bear not only to look upon tbe son, bat they can see mnch more distinctly than we can. Even baby eagles can see tbeir parents at immense distances coming to feed tbem, as tbey plainly rhow by their cries, before a homan eye can possibly make tbem out in tbe clearest light. Curious Facts. Of fifty-six cases of typhoid fever, about one-third were said to be traceable to tbe eating of raw shell-fish . In Arrsn, where ibe maidenhair terns grow plentifully, some of the inhabi tants dm it as a substitute for tea. Returns show that sixteen persons in a t Loo sand who are confined in Junatic asylums have been made insane by love affairs. A French savant says that many per fumes aid health by destroying disease microbes. Thyme, lemon, mint, laven der, eucalyp'.as and other scents prove very useful. Tbe most costly tomb in existence is said to be tbat which was erected to the memory of Mohammed. The diamonds and rabies used in tbe decorations are worth X2.000.0M. Toothpicks ot orangewood are whittled by the peasants of Spain and Portugal. Tbey are brought toonr shore io large numbers by the steamship officers. Tbey are strong and flexible, and instead of breaking tear, so tbat there is no danger of tbe end suddenly snapping and re maining between the teeth a character istie of tbe old soft wood toothpicks The present area of New York, inelud -ing the recently annexed territory of West Chester, East Chester and PelSam, ia 8&S5 square miles. The area of Greater London (Metropolitan Police District) is 6SS 31 square miles ; Paris, a little over 30 square miles; Chicago. 1S0.H square miles; Philadelphia, 129 33 square miles. The Greater New York will contain 359.75 square miles. High civilization does not seem to favor extreme length of life. A German statistician finds tbat the German em pire h.s but reventy-eigbt subjects over one bnndred years of sge; France, 213; England, 10; Irelaod, 578; two! land, 46; Denmark, 2; Belgium, 5; Sweden, 10' Norway,23; Seitseriad, 0; Kpain, 410; Servia, 575; Roumaoia, 1084; Bulgaria, SS83. The last named country has a centenarian for every thousand inhabi tants. Tbe oldest man in tbe world ia beiieied to be Bruno Cotriai, a negro of Rio Janeiro, wboeeageia 150. A Mos cow cabman is in bis 104th year, and Servia, in .ISM, bad three inhabitants between 135 and 140, with eighteen be tween 125 and 135. In narrating "When Lincoln was First Inaugurated," in tbe March Ladies Homo Journal. Stephen Fiake writes in terestingly ot tbe memorable journey from bprlngfield, Illinois, to the Nation al Capital, and tells of Mrs L'ncoin's efforts to bave ber husband look pre sentable wben receiving a delegation tbat was to greet tbem noon reaching New York City. ''The train stopped," writes Mr Fiske, "and through the windows immense crowds could be seen ; the cheering drowned tbe blowing off steam of tbe lo comotive. Tben Mrs Lincoln opened her hand bag and said : " 'Abraham, I must fix you op a bit for these city folks .' "Mr Lincoln gently lifted ber upon the seat before him; she parted, combed and brushed bis hair and arranged his black necktie. " 'Do I look nica now, mother?, be affectionately asked. "'Weil, yon'ildo, Abraham, replied Mrs Lincoln critically. So he kissed her and lifted her down from the seat, and turned to meet Mayor Wood, court ly and suave, aod to have bis hand shaken by the other New York officials.'' Tbe financial success or a paid enter tainment depends in a measure upon its being judiciously advertised . The news psper is the medium (or tbat purpose, ft U not only a iewsgiver, but it is an advertiser, sad its columns are its stock in trade, hence it is entitled to reasona ble pay tor tbe work as much as the mer chant is for tbe goods be sells. The complimentary tickets a paper gets are newspaper courtesies for tbe pleasant things said afterwards and are not pay for tbe advertising. That Is a reasonable rlaln, proposition that makes clear the situation in all newspaper offices run in a business way. The Democrat charges for advertising, like otter papers, and this includes tbat of any business or affair conducted for money making. The Dkmocrat Is always glad to notice snd help advertise all social, religious and other entertainments, meetings, &c, that are not money making affaiis, free, and will always consider it a favor., whsn notices are handed in. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS - Another week pieseuts a worse min ors at Salem than ever. Two houses and a joint convention have adjourned sine die, two houses have not adjourned, and yet there are only two houses in all. Tbe bouse tbat recently Insisted on an organization now insists tbat there shall not bo one, and the one that insisted that there should not be one, now is working for an organization. In the sen ate an adjournment was voted, ami part of the senate did adjourn ; but tl e presi dent insists that it was out ol order and with twelve or thirteen followers is meet ing any way. If tbat ia not confusion worse confounded then we do not know anything about chaos. The slush is deepening in Carson. Nevada. You ran almost hear the splash in Albany. Newspsper snterprise continues to be in the wind. Tbe Examiner and Journal hired tbe prize fighters and referee ex clusively to i e port the big contest. Now comes the World with John L fin'.livan in tbe field as its special reporter, and be will be at tbe contest; also one or to other celebrities. What the other big papers will do for talent to equal these arrays of brains, is an enigma. The Cuban situation is jnt about as bad as ever, without much prospect of mending. Tbe United States continues to allow Spain to shove its fist around under Uncle Sam's nose. It ie an Interesting la;t to contemplate, now that tbe Benson house it Wt. ibat Mr Benson never had enough confidence In the structure to appoint a commi'tee, a fact that te-is its own story. Dorlig the week it was' ratnrel (hat a crowd ot If gtslators whn wen' Vi Ro-e burg had gone on toCarso . headed y Senator Driver and Representative Soniers. Evidently a joke, hut our is prepared to believe most any thing iheee days, and they do say tbat in early day the Senator from Lane was some hat on tbe muscle himself. Who is tbe happiest man in town this Saturday evening. Doa't all bold np your hands. It is tbe man who has dons the most good without telliog every body about it, aod we don't know hi name. Things often depend upon wboee toes are pinched. The Carnival ot tbe Go!Jcn Gate Editob Democrat: During tbe week commencing My 3, 1S97, it is propose J to h j! 1 in San Fran cisco a gathering ot tbe people of tbe Pacific Cjast, and such stranger as an attractive program may invite from else where. A series of events typical of tbe financial, agricultural, mining an-1 man nfacturisg resources ot California, com bioed ia a number of rnacoiticent pag eants, is contemplated, which will vivid ly portray, by mean of pared and other features, these idea. In order to carry oat tbee pUos, early ia the present year tbe execo'.ive com mittee of the carnival of tbe Golden Gsta was formed. It was originally intended to bold tbe carnival during the month of October, but the mercantile community brought each a pressor to bear upon tbe committee that it was deemed ad visable to postpone tbe aUsir urtil Spring. Tbe interim ba been filled 10 with actioe preparation to arraosiog tbe nuaaereue details of the onain. Tbe nrogram as outlined by ibe com mittee wilt be divided into eix data sod nights. Tbe opening feator ill he the reception of tbe King and Q i-eo of Car nival with tbeir retinue, ny a o'-v-etioo. which will exceed in nuip 6uc and numbers anything ever seen I'-er- A ' -. ,.r n- public coronation will take a bly an an Ness Avenue, sh.rr ih mnltitade wiirbesble tos it fr-.m seats provided by the committee. Tbe second day will be known a California da. I? is expected on tbst day I ha- -v-ry nr ganixed body in ban Krn i-ri r -Oi mercia! and manufacturing , will be rer.rentd by t. The third 'ay be der el : and aquatic displays. Assu .e b devoted Io school chihir will role the town. Tbe Cf ' dys will eunuia temtores . not as yet been fully e'abo;.. j. One of the features of the t those days a ill be a eerie ut laminations of the city. from the Water Front, ai.d n the Ocean Bach with, pvr.-. blazing bon-fi re on the U'"-.-. p. ing a scene ot surpassing su.en t e 1. ,,.f lib 'S f : i..c- and grandeur. The following from the Si-sur R view is about Homer Davenport: "I intended ne-er to tell this, tint I will Wben I was in St, Louis, getting tuy first impression ot Mark Haona, I was seated in a corner of the room- I sup pose he took me tor a bashful delegate An old colored gnntlexian emer-d the room aod approaching the manager of Major McKlniey's campaign, said : "Is dis Mistab llaoner?" " "Yes, sir," the great man replied. "I'se D icUh Browo Lom Q-wy." the other explained by way of introduction. "Ob, yes," the millionaire politician said: "we bave corresponded. But tow did yon know me?" "I k no wed yoa by yer picters," was the explanation. "I hope not thoea in the New Yoik Journal," Mr. ilaona smilingly suggest ed. 'Yes, sah, by dent ones- Ley don't looks bit like vou, Mitli Banner, but I knowed yer in a minait by Vui, some bow." Mr Mitchell could have served Oregon better by remaining in Washington and helping to attend to tbe interest of Ya quina. He might do tbat much to spite the Oregonlan and Portland, always in imxal to the interests of Yaquina. The average man takes five and a half pounds of food and drink each day, amounting to one ton ot solid and liquid nourishment annually. In seventy yesrs be eats aud drinks one thousand times bis own weight. The lethargy of the U. S. government In reference to Cuba is very aggravating, in tact raises oos's Ire. A lot of fool newspaper men hang around Canton. The big eastern papers must pick out their poorest material to attend to the Canton wrrk. A Change in Sugar. - Alb ry, Jan. 20th, 1897. J. Gradwohl informs tbe general public that he will seil 19 Iha dry granulated sugar for fl or 9 lbs for 50c, in oruer to give all reople the benefit to get cheap sugar. Come one, come all, and take advantage of tbe low price before the market changes. Musings. Tbe future of tbe seamstress is secure in the survival of the fittest. It is natural tbat when some people rise in the world tiny get giddy. The new year's new leal looks as though it had served 30 days. The men who hang about a saloon, oc casionally bang np the bartender. The obituary of tbe deceased husband ia the widow's recommendation for ex cellent taste. Wben a young man begins his long Stsyings it may be sure ttia bis short comings are forgiven. Peace of mind cannot be disturbed without breaking the piece, however in significant the fracture. Wben a man gets so besotted that he thinks a drink would save his life, it is then we I Io consider lb worth ot the drink Couple the things you mtiit remember with the gossip that is given jou to say nothing about, and memory will be yours. A compliment is an opinion, so Is a derogatory remark. And A the first isn't the latter surely im't worth a profape adjective. "De worm may hah turned,'' said Uncle Eben, "hot I dnub' ver' much if he would bey done so, wus he connected wif a gnods'nn." After years of msrned life, it then dawns on the pair iha the hoi.eymoon was nothing 03; a peri -I i -ii-p-rnled mentality and milit wedL n p events. Adams Freeman The C'relaa W ir, Cakdia. Crete, Feb 20 -'he Turks, tuviog been ruroibbed ar-os by the gov ernor, made sortie fur the purpose .t oc- copying strategic point, auund t'aniiia. They stltrke-l nd nflic'ed a evere ! on tbe Christians. The coiumnders o theeeascls ancbofed in tbe hxrbor i-ro- tested to tbe governor ag-inrf wbat they claimed was a violation ot tbe armistice. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inrentor this week. Reported by C. A. hnow A; Co., solicitors of American and Foreia patents, opp. U. S. Patent otlice, Waou ington. D. C. ti Black. Pasadena. Cal.. fmU-iar: F Bossong, Ellenabnrz. U ash., iwine- holder; W Brown, Portland, Ore,, fruit- j in the crowded galleries, and such dramat grader ; O A Chritensen,Ore?own, Ori- ic personal exchanges between tbe conpic sluice-bcx ; D S McCotium, Kens, Oreg., nous 6gures of tbe senate as to make tbe animal-trap: O E MeKeag. Los Angeles, j day ooeot tbe raot memorable in the au Ual., coffee roaster; i Ncrdwall, Seattle, j aals of the upper brao'.b of coocrre. Cuba Wash., rowing mechanism; If Sand-'was the theme, and it seemed to siii ail bam, Spokane, Wash., producing molds the pent-op emotions of months, it brought for peperniakirg machines; J U Tabor, about the corn plete displacement of appro Loa Angeles, thill-coupling; . Welsh, Los Angeles, Cat , fruit-eUcer. ToCoTTAtis Gkov. The material of the defunct r-tartan Times is to be used on a paper at Cottage Grove, wbe.e it was shipped this week. 3ecraliy tbe newspaper at that place suspended by tne death otus editor. Horace Mann, ! 54 ltcbeil. Palm. Hope and Price arrived wbo edited the Times up to tbe day of m Roseborg tbis afternoon, and were met iu suspension here will p with the j by Major Masters and a dekgaiion of cui plant to Cottage Grove and take charge Uu In tbe evening tbe courthouse was of the enterprise. Mr. Mann and his eU filled bv those snxioo to bear an ex Wt I W,te Mt TeKertUT lot ibtt P'-a. ) planation why tbe lsnh iegidalan failed Mail. ' to organize. . 100 Reward! IOO. Tbe readers of this paper will be p'eased j 10 learn max mere 1 at itMtl .ne dreaded disease that sciebce has teen able to care ia all IU stage-, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curs is the on'y positive cure known to. the meoica'i "fraternity. Catarrh being a owstitu utsJ dueae. re quires a coG.stitviiiUciir-u:. Haifa Catarrh Core i ioternaiir, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous ur face ot tie ytem. tlsereby d-troving tLe foundation of tbe dioea-e. and giving tbe p.Uet.t strength by bui!dm up tbe 00a- tuiuuun and amixttng nature in doing tU wore. 1 oe propne or have to ma- h tsisfc in its coratit power. tht tbey uS-v One Utrdred I oltar f any csm tiut ti fails ta cure, head for list .i U-tur'-ciai. Add eas, r'.J. IUE.V;V Co., Toledo, O. S-id by f uggifsts, 75c Hall's Family Ptils are tbe bet Instrumental Music. Mr. II. M. Backeneto has located in Albany where be will give instructions in instrumental cunsic He teaches violin, guitar, mandolin and a number j of orchestral aJ brass instruments. Mr l;4cken!o b a musician of weii-kooan ability in both practicai and theoretical in owe. and one of the most succeaefui eacbers in tbe stale Send our Iiundlc, Care aod intrlligeooe ta iwin.lrrirf -tothes has tad IU eSi it m resv--nsibie tor the aocewwi f tbe Alhu am Lano drv. NnJ along tour Min.l to ins best , Utindrj in (tiet tale, .r e Meml D. j I'ulhps know and lie t 1 tail I it ; If yon a-e a-4 a patron the Albany 1 - . am Laantlry etl th- r i4ietne at OBCC i s-tid f it vur bjod.e oc cnttomei ays a castnmev K. and (i. tirscis ail Corset. Kid Fitting 1 haw just received a faii line in belt: mike, of the- celebrated rorets and am .-rerured to give'xlr l;ie tf 10c, 7.Vaud 1 io 1 lack and c'ate Also keep better t- es aod extra site. The $1.00 corset i. w r'.hy of special nvti.e. Ask to see our oic . 5c and fl .t0 corseU. .saii-kuK. You so KNOCKINt; A f YOUR DOOh . Svnd in your order aod we will call yocr door f.r jour laundry and deliver it without extra charge. Give u a trial, we will guarantee you will ! satiefied. Fine hnish to stress shirts Lace curtain re neweo Free nieodicg dt-pHftment for bundle work. City Iwtt'SURT, Opp StChas Uotel. &arl' riavrr Keel Yea a sure cure for headache and nervon c acases No blng relieves so qnickiy. or sale by Pohav & Mason. Oat'ataadlas at Meat Focr out of every fire bottles ot medi cine sold in th) last five years are S. B. good. Tbe S B Headache snd Live Cure 1 use myself as a general physic. If you are sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is tc buy the S U. remedies and use as directed C P. Bslc-s, Druggist, Dufur, Or " Fw wil by Foshiy A Mason at 50 ct per bot e. We handle tne am out Vhilini nanera -f and print them up for you at the same price you pay for inferior grades. Smiley r t.i." You can pay more, out you won'r get any better service. You can pay less, but vou won't get as good service. Smiley the printer. Uae Dawfton& furniture polbth. MARRIED. UAUR PRICE.-On Tbursday.Feb. 25. 1897, at the Congregational parsonage, by Rev. D. V. Poling, Mr. Louis Harr, ol the Albany brewery, and Miss Ber tha Price. They have the best wishes ot many friends. Liver SB is Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills.. 35 cents. All druggists. Pills Prepared by C I. Hood tt Co., Lowell, Mass. Tbe only PIU to take with Hood' Banaparttla, rd OOdi S TELEGRAPIIIC Tbree Leaeso-ae Hea. Washington, Feb. 26 The lat six days t t tbe session are suspension days. All the ordinary rules are suspended, and bills can be passed and resolutions adopt ed by a two-thirds vote of toe house. To- . day was tbe first of these six days, and the hcuae celebrated it by passing the senate international monetary conference bill. D -spite the seeming divergence of views on tne money question, tbe bill was passed, after a lively debate of two hours, by a Vote of 279 to 3. Those voting no were Henry, republican, of Connecticut ; Johnson, repub lican, of Indiana, and Qaigg, republican, of New York. The Times. New Yobk, Feb. 26. R G Dun & Co.'s weenly review of trade tomorrow will say: tienuine improvement in business does not come, like tbe breaking of a great dam, with a rush. The growth for some weeks has been encouraging, because in nearly all lines it has been gradual and moderate. I ho rupture of tbe steel nui and other combinations in the iron busi ness has brought out a vast quantity of iraun wnicn nas been held back. Ret Beaches It. Ealem, Or., Feb. 26. Governor Lord was aKei today wbetner be would call a special session of tbe legislature, in tbe event of tbe failure of the house to secure an organization . ue said: "lour inquiry touches a point that I have not reached in my calculations. 1 bave been anxious that tne legislature snouid enact an organizsuno, and proceed to matters of legislation, and I bave been ready, when otbciaily notified, toco-oper ate with tbe legislature in giving the peo ple remedial legislation. rr-feaM- Blcataraat, Jacksoxvillk, Fla., Feb. 28. The dynamite cruiser Vemiviun, now at thi pott, has been ordered to leave a once and join tbe Marblebead, which left tbe month of the St John", river Tuesday and is now at Key Wert. A d'pa'ch from Washington received by ) Captain i'tltsbury, of the Vesuvius, said tbat a superior naval officer would arrive j in the city today, when tbe veael will pro - i soutn with him. I.......7 eMe4. 1 ATns3. feb. so. At a secret meeting I of th . government deputies, jost held, it j w-, unanimously decided that (ireece will , . pnrt ny go eminent favoring a f or ; ward policy ia Crete. It eta Was ifce ttiat. WAuisoioi'. Feb. 25. Tbe senate was . storm swept today by such pa$umte de. bate, such extracrdinary democstrauons pnaiton bills, threatening tbeir Luiore, and tbe adranrement of the Cuban ques tion to tbe very front of senate boainesa. Why Yhey faUeal rxaaLar- Rosebcrg, Or . Feb. 25. Senator j Driver. Reed. Harmon and Gowaa and i Representatives Benton. Cns-f Jd,Soar, 1 . - r-i t. : i j Tjere were speeches by nearly all of tbe meiuber present, wboexpssaned at some ! Wogtb their ccum. Saaswlflr rarstaaesl. Wasbixotos. Feb- 23 Sen or d Loo, tbe Epamsh minuter, tonight rewired a cablegraa (rim tbe Date of Ternan stat rng that tee qea has cumed tbe pardon of Julin Sangaiiiy. it is staled at tbe legation that this ac tion was agreed open al a cabinet Electing some davs ago. Six. Set Krs4ae4. WASnitoros, Feb. 25 This afternoon . . . . 1 1 : 1 . . . . j axnzjry A&uruex sua 1 reiur-ni VJneiua b,4 received the General Lee, nor had he been sdvised of any such re-iv-naiku Sector Hate received at the ca;ttot a le'mm fram Secretary Oinej. which says ie ezK. t: at,j Lee nertr aked for bit pas-ports, never atked for warships, aod that tbe whole story a to his tendering his resignation i a fake. srverrwa nils starc'ara. SaATTLK. Wh-, Feb. 25 Bursr?r I seeea to have taken rwtaeagioa of this city. rot esca mget during tne last week at least one or two places ot ba.ine bare been eoteted and bargiarized . Last night there were two barglane. Ibe Jery ssore of S lenuneh3Hpn, Firtt atenoe &ai Wash ingtou street, was looted, and tbe PctSc Tailoring Com pacy' 1 tore, oa Third ave nue, was also entered a LV.r. c rat Keeestltoa. New Havks. Feb. 2". If W J Ptao cbensbed any kard f-eSi:t toward New Daren oing to the incident which marked bis visit here but IVober. while campaiva ing. titey will iuCkX assaml y be forgot tea after tonibc 1 be reception accorded to Mr 1'rTsn was bm! hearty, and. when he appeared en tee taitt of the llrp-Tn tbe ater to deiirer his lecture 00 "BimetaltMn." be faced a representative audience tbat pructicauiy n led tbe theater, lie wt sc- coried frequent applaue du;ng bis re mark. The lecture lasted tw uoors A Sew arkiease WABlWiTON. Feb. 24. Senator Butler, from the committee 00 lostutbces and poat rads Uxlay made a minority report, pro pping a subf'itute f ot the Loud second class mail-T bill. Tbe substitute provides for the pun hje of railrv-sd cars for trans portation 01 mail, declaring it to be the policy cf the United States to carry mail in car Mending to the government, and pay the railroads mileage rates for hauling them. Senator Butler says in his report that to make tbe changes provided for in tbe Loud biil would be to leap into tbe dark. rrtatrr kaarked !. Facramesto. Ca!., Feb. 21. The pre. men employed in the suite printing office quit work this morning and refuse to go back. They say they have received no wages for six weeks and tbey see no pros pect nf getting any. The state printer h-u accordingly closed down tbe entire plant, and the legislature will be unable to trans act any business until the pressmen and printers go back to work. The real cause of the trouble is tbe veto of Governor Budd of a bitl appropriating $75,000 for the use 01 me state printing omce. The Irat !. Oirsnos- Crrv. Feb. 24 .Tbe first of the fedetai office in this county to become ripe . 1 - . - ,1: - 1 . i"r uie new n-puuucaa Huminisuution IS the register ot the land otbje. Colonel Robert A .Miller's four-vetrs, term ending on the 6th of next August. He was th first register of this land otlice to be ap- poictea iroci outside tne district. Among those more or uss actively in pursuit of in dorsements for the otlice register are: Ks- tieceircr jotin t nisbury, and exuut litasurer M L Moore, of this citv: Charles Holman, of Meadowbrook. in this countv Senator J W Maxwell, ot Tillamook coun ty ; and a number ot others. ryaa Basqarlrd. Washington. Feb. 24. The banaiiAt whth brought W J Bryan to Washington was cvren tonigbt by John tl Mcbean. al his residence, on I street. Tbe affair was entirely of a non-political character, and was the occasion of bringing together manv ot Air uryan s oiu irienus ana acquaint ances. Before tho banquet there was a general rty-eption in which tbe truest of honor was introduced to those wbo attend ed. What th rwers Did. London, Feb. 24. A dispatch to the Times from Vienna says : Tbe powers have agreed to give Crete extensive autonomy, i bey will insist tbat tha Turk-nth tmons and admitiintriitinn withdrawn as quickly aa possible, while Greece will be required to evacuate the island and withdraw her ships. II she re fuses, Piraeus will be blockaded. The Baah far Alaska. roRTTowNSBND. Feb. 24. With the sailing of the steamer Al Ki today, the tush to Alaska for this yi r began. She carried 120 first clars and 55 steerage pas sengers. All of the steerage and 100 of the first cIahs passengers are bound for the Yokoo country. A dozen voung women are go ng to Circle City. The steamer was loaded to the guard with general freight and mining machinery. . ' "Nv 1 WVfl ,ZPT with a bbi R. Blackwell'e Genome tw J Durham Is Id a class by Itself. Too whi una counon Inside astcfa two ounce bag, and two pons inside eacb foar none bag ot Blackwell's Oenuina Durham Smoking Tobacco Hu7 a bs tr of th t eetebrt1 toheeo w txich Kivc at 1 ixlof wUaWM8 premeui -voa now vu uj MJm.W MISFITS. Attorney-General Idlemsn says tbe rulings of Mr. Simon are in accordance with tbe constitution. It is pretty certain tbat no one can ever accuse Governor Lord of interfering wuti tbe late lamented legisjiture. A Baker City girl with two suitors, named Mann and Moors, very properly dec iced to be a Mann. Condon Globe. A man ia reported so economical tbat J h took this year to die in, wben every- ' thing is down ani it will be easier to draw bis last breath. it is said to be tbe parpoae of th e Davis and S mon bouses to proceed with . bufinee it a quorum can be secured, quorum Tk. .;,.- . v. ;,-.,; . I , JH-Lat 'js-- If -.V&-;eWj V.V JiV .'?V e"4 ' - .as. jwiiiaiso taxeau xinos 01 prod nee in Wbeat is several cenU a bnshel more; trade. With appreciation for a tornter in Albany than in balem. W beat ia one J liberal natronage be hopes to merit a thing that has not been held np in Sa- continuation with many new enstcmera. letu, but rather knocked down by tbe i knocked prevailing prosperity. "ii'em people will ish to keep tbe legislature in eees-on jast as long as poa S.cie. It is a big basinets enterprise tor tbe capital city, which revel in govern ment pap. It is said that Governor Lord was never notified tbat there was a state le -Ulatare in ses&ion or even trying to be in seon. Therefore bow could tbe governor act. The Portland Telegram continaes to throw iu spite at W. J. Bryan- Wben it sbooid hare been bis friend no paper in Oregon has said more venomoas tilings atiout iir tryao than the Telegram and it evidently intends to keep it up. - m Times most be improving. Clais Spreckles is building a $6,000,600 hoaee 10 tan t rancico. In it tiiere will be six bathrooms tbat will eon e"j0,G00, no two ot which will t-e alike. Tbe sugar item paUirhed yesterday eaiiiy accoants tor this. So mach is being said of Crete it will be of interest to know that it is only lot) miles long and 20 wide and contains about tbe same population as Oregon It is attracting far more attention than Oregon's recent senatorial ght. Tbe populist editors are holding rival cnnrenUonsin Memphis, Tennessee, and Kansas City, Mo. In tbe Memphis con vention 1. .D. Mays, of Pomeroy, nasn., anown ia Jl.banv. is com one ot a ctmnuttee of three appointed by tbe Membhi converts jq to investigate) tbe charge that President Paul Yandervoort, of Nebraska, is a pa:d republican spy. In renewing the subecription to the Dkmocslat a subscriber in another state, a former Aibanbtan says: "it is tbe one letter tbat comes regn'iariy and re quire but one answer a year." Tbe i lea eugeted is a gooa one for a news paper sermon. Certainly tbe man who writes fifty-two letters a'ye-r ia entitled to one answer a year, isn't be. Speaking ot tbe address of Mrs Clara Hoffman, who was recently in Albany, the t! Isr.i i.-cord makes tbe following ortgiual statement: "Tbe advertising preoeedtng ber gave tbe public to believe that tbey were to bear a polished lectur er. In thi tbey were disappointed. Mrs. HoSmsn is not a poiisbed "orator. Her abilities are more those of a driving. poebing, organizer. Her ta)k was plain , f irasc ana coarse and did more real.soiid good tor the .C.I. C that evening tn an could be acconit-lishej by a montii of orafjrical flapdoodle. The committee 00 commerce ia the houe of representatives yesterday di rected Representative Allncb. of" Illi nois, to report to the boose a bill prohib iting tne transportation ol pictures or uwnpuuBs 01 pnxengnta ny mail or interstate commerce, and fixing the oiuinium peoauy at nve years unpns- onowiii ror violation ot tbe law. This bill applies to tbe transmission of reports from one state 10 another bv telegraph, but is not intended to interfere with the anuoancement of tbe occurrence and re sult cf tbe tights. Tbe following dispatch sect to an east ern woman who had sent out a manifes to against Oregon women meddling in politics, is ot the Pennoyer style and is decidedly interesting: Anna Farter Pruvn, Albany, N.Y., President Anti-Suffrage Association (whatever that is:) Oregon legislature is quite able to mind iu own business when it gets ready. Do likewise and be consistent. Tbe women of Oregon are setting tbe example Abigail Scott Duniway, President O. S. E. S. A. An nie E. Jeffreys, vice-president and Sec retary pro tern, balem, Or , Feb. 24, 1637. The Prineville Review is responsible for the following : A young lady of this city was thinking of suing her ex-eweet-heart for breach of promise, and as she would need the assistance- or a lawyer to conduct the case she approached a Re view man and sUted that the desired to consult an attorney and was referred to Justice Biggs as a competent officer. She started ior Mr. Bigga' office, and the reporter followed at a respectful distance. As the door was open a little the follow ing conversation was nearvi : "ou say," remarked Justice Biggs, "that the young man frequently eat very close to yon?3 "Yes sir, was tbe reply, with a hectic nusa. "How cloeeT" "Close enough so's one cheer was all the satin room we neeied " "And you say he pat his arm around you?" "No, I didn't." "What did you say, then?" "I said he put both arms around me." "Then what?" "He bugged me." Very hard? "Yes he did. So hard that I came purty near ho'ienn' right out," " hy didn't yoa holler?" "Cause." "That's no reason. He explicit, please. Because what?" "Cause 1 feared he'd ston " Th attorney could not stand the pressure any longer, uu. icii oa nis coair and had to be carried out and placed under th town pnniD for the purpose of resuscita tion, tie wiu recover. A correspondent in the Eugene Guard (tvesthe following as an actual occur rence in the -Monday session ol the sen ate: Tbe roll call proceeded without inter est nntil Senator Reed's name was reached, when he arose in a howling manner and addressed the chair and holding in his hand what he said was a communication from tbe opposition stat ing tbat if the senatorial question be drooned and no ballot be Uken this ses sion tbey would come in auu organize the house. This seemed to somewhat arouse the blood ot tbe salmon cannery senator from Douglas, wb broke out in a oice of fury and asked : "What in fa I coo- X ona -V od read the coapcro-- g w my mm m. -H'lTimir 1.,,-M IMIir do they take ns for- a lot of d n fools!" And reading a little farther and getting mixed np and disgusted at himself, knowing fnll well tbat be has no busi ness here and tbat he oaght to be home slicing salmon, he demanded: M Wbo in b 1 is holding np tbe legislature?" At this juncture tbe Hon. L D. Driver, D. D. in all his dignity arose and said: MI don't know who in h lit holding tip this legislatrire, bnt J do know wbo in Uregpa is b4ding it np." benator Johnson, ot Lin 1, seeing tbe disgrace those gentle men were casting upon the state moved an immediate adjournment. n. F. McILWAIX Will Re-Open Ills store on Mxrch 2nd. Keep tbat date in your mind, and i"f "ZJf ti t 1 vP'-'.? sari 1 1 iif nsisTin T f nA i n, ir. j nnltiti asa-t t i ; -' , 1 , i large ana one wi ot new goods j -wr cbased in the east at low prices. He If Ton Wish to purify your LlooJ yon should take a medicine which cores Llood disesu. No other medicine has anch a record of cere as Hood' Sarapariiia Hood's Pills are easy U take, easy to operate. Core indigestioa, biilioosBeaa. 23c. SUGAR CJIEAP. Come and See. J Gradwohl informs tbe general pab lie that be wiU sell for net cash 19 lbs granulated sugar for fLOO. Ail other merchandise, which is too nnmeroos to inention. at same rate for net cash. I I incite the general public to come and price my goods and satisfy yourself. By tbe sack Extra C. 4"1e, granulated 5c Subject to tbe change of tin mar ket. CASTORIA Tor Infanta tn& ChMna. Qsfaa. CSL't (piilS, sf as 4 Call on Miller k Tarner for first class livery at reasonable rates. Tranaieats kept for 10c per ng. iflLLaa k Tcjlvesy. If yoa want a aood and clean I emokc buy cigars coade by our Al oany cigar lactorv. "Perfection TJryes are Brilliant and Permanent, fur sale bv Fred Dawson. If you want to dve easily and permanently use 'Perfect ion" Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawson. Hopkins Bros hive received a fall stock of 1597 Cr wford bicje-e. They an im mense. Come and see for yoorself Properly used, "Perfection" dye are superior Insist on having " Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred Davison. The Weather" TfcU afternoon and tonigbt riia, San da v cc-a-kma! rain, statioruxv temr-ra:nre " Riwa-ifeet. - t . M. French. dispUymaa. The Modern Way. Commends itsell to tbe well informed, to do p'eaiintiT and effectually what was formerly doa in tbe crudest manner and disagreeably aa well. To cieacse be eys reui and bteai op colds, headaches and fevers nithout unpleasant after effects, ase the delightful liquid Laxative reosed v. Sirup of Figs Manafactcred, by California" Fig Syrap Company. .. . Let everybody come to tft Star Bakery, aid get 41- Vaaves ot fresh bread for li.oa Csh. C Mxvaa. aLSASY attxrr. 'ht. ft); Oats 25 Flaur. S4 00 BuUerKXi Eggs 13c Lard 6 to 5c Pork bams. S to 10c, shoulder 4 to & Sides. 6 to S. . Hi? oilil. ci;a', $7.03. Titathy. S. TO THE E A OIVCS THI CHOK I Ot TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VTA SPOKANE KUKKEAPOUS AMD via DENVER OMAHA AND ST. PAUL KAHSAS CITT LOW KATES TO ALL F. ASTERN .CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS EAYE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS ..son.. SAN FRANCISCO For tall detail call oa CvaaAtt St Moktsith, Albany, Or oa annamssi W H HUBLBTj KT, Gxn't Pas .Asa U.'NEILL fraaident and Manager PORTLAND, OR. fill P) -'teTO