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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1897)
V . TERMS. Oailt Democrat, 25 cents per month $3X0 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier,' 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 6c. Wbsklt. tl.25 In advance; ( 1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 tot third and proceeding years, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five ww subscribers fr$5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Kxaminer will be sent to subscribers for 2.S5 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 direct!? to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a weak N. Y. World, 2.00 a year. A Sample Honorable. A newly-arrived stranger in town started up Commercial street iu eeirch of information about Oregon. In front of a grocery store he encountered a huge well-dressed mushy boyish individual, about six feet ana a half high, weighing 230 pounds, and carrying a tiead on which you could tut beefsteaks, in a somewhat drooping position. The Bt ranger accosted the big man : "What is the population of Salem?" "Dunno." "What kind of school system baa Ore gon?" "Dunno." "Oh, perhaps, ou don't belong here?" "Yaas, I belong to this town." How does Oregon rank among the states for agricultural products ?" "Dunno." "What do you do for a livingT" "Oh, I'm just a member of the Oregon legislature." 44 Indeed ; then you must be able to tell me whether your government is friendly to manufacturing industries?" "Dunno about that. All I doknow is, the state institutions have always been mighty friendly to me, and I don't know now I am going to live without boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ooh!" 1 The strangar was dumbfounded with amazement and was heard to ask what institution that man had escaped from. Journal. KEG OS &TATE WEATHER SEKTH'K Sammary. Station, Albany, Or. Month Fob. 1S97. Elevation abova at a lew-l. 217. Mean temperature, 43.23 Maximem teraperatnre, 59; d .te, 2). Minimum temperature, 30; date, 17, 21. Mean of miiinrao temperature. &I.93. Mesa of minimum temperatarr; 37.32. Number times maximum tempera f re 0' or above, 0. Kamber times nichnnm temperature E2' or below, 6. Number timet minimum tf rr-p xatur 40 decrees or below, 30 . Total precipitation 6.30 lncW. Greatest precipitation in 4 consecetive hoars, and date. 1.20, 15th No. of clear days. 8 . No. of pa.tly cloud? days, 4. No. of cloudy daya, 16. Dates of light frost, 17. 21 Dates of killing frost, 0. Dites oo which no felly 11th. Dates oo which hail I -ll. 0 Dates on which sleet fell, 0. - Dates of thunder storms. 0. Aororas. 0 - Prevailing directiop of the srind.S & N C G cskhaix. Volunteer Observjr. AssiGXME-vroF A- M. Havukr. A. M. Hammer Saturday evening made an as signment -of his property to S. N. Steele for the benefit of his creditors. The deed of assignment was filed with the county clerk and the case has been placed on the docket of the circuit court in its order. The deed shows the assets to be a lot in the Brasfield addition to Yaqaina - heights, 38.31 acres in Benton county, mortgaged to secure a claim of John Conner, 6 stares stock in the L E Blain Clothing Co. lots 5 and 6 Albany, mtged to B & L A and to secure note Mrs Stub blefie'.d, some mining stock and a note of S W Boss for about f U. Total value not given. The liabilities are about $11,500, as follows: W L Vance,3O0O,David Link $250. W S Dodd, $300, Etta Stubblefield $i250, Margaret Hammer $1150, D Wilson $1800, Albany BALA $1935, John Con ner, $1000, F B Prater $400, L E Blain Clothing Co. $600. A Thumb Off. Mr. Albert Brownell residing in the southwestern suburbs, met with a peculiar accident yesterday. A neighbor came in and told him that a dog was carrying off a chicken. This bad been a frequent occurence on the part of city dogs. Mr. Brownell started for bis shot gun, which was leaning up in a corner, but noticing some dust on the gun took an old pair of gloves, and resting his left hand on the edge of a box about two feet above the gun, gave the gun a brash. It had been left cocked. The g'ove struck the hammer and it was discharged, the coaten'.s unkindly strik ing Mr. Brownell'a thuuib, taking off the end up to the joint. Dr. Mas ton was sent lor and dressed the shortened thumb. j Arm an Office. A number of law yers desire to succeed Dan B. Murphy as (J. &. district attorney, a fat office. The Oregonian says those known now ' are Chas. W.Parrish of Grant county, and that Senator G. W. McBride advo cates the claim of J. C Mooreland, of Portland, and many of his friends be lieve be has more than an even chance. Congressman-elect T. H. Tongue, of the first district, favors John M. Somen, of Albany, at present a member of the leg islature and of the Benson rump house. while congressman .Ellis, of the second uistrict, supports James A. Fee, oi Pen dleton, ex -judge of the sixth district. Bass Ball. The intercollegiate base ball league was lormea at Itewberg bat nrdav morning with the following as of ficers for the year: President, C F Fisher, O 8 N S; secretary, D V Kuy kendall, U of O; treasurer, W Glenn, Pacific college. Games were scheduled to occur on May 1st between Albany and Corvttllis, and Newberg and McMinn ville, the winner in the first set to play with Eugene on May 15th and the win ner of tbe second set to play with Mon mouth on tbe same date. Tbe winners of these two games will then play the final game on May 29th. Ok Fibs. Last Thursday afternoon at her home this side of Jefferson Mrs. H. W. Foreman narrowly escaped a sad fate by burning. While sitting near the fire her dress become ignited in some manner and it was not until her cloth ing was almost entirely consumed and her hands bady burned that the flames were extinguished. Bowliso lbe second contest between the two local business men team close Saturday evening with the following - score : mc joy iu, eeers va. ti opting 79 Porter 105, James 97. Total 463. Pfeit far 78. Lee 91, Smily 90, Kroschel 87 Brown 92. Total 440. The former team thus won by 66 points. In tht two con- testa the latter team were 74 ahead. The Annual Meetino of the local nnion of the Y. P. 8. 0. is. ot Albany will be held tonicbt at the Presbvcerian church when officers will be elected and arrange ments completed lor tbe wotk for tbe coming year. 'Lettsr List. Following is the lift of letters remaining in tbe Postomce at Albnny, Linn county. Oregon, March 2nd, leyv. Persoi for these letters must give the date on wbicn they were advertised. Ban man, A A Swinton,L Hoffman, J H Schiman, A - Irwin, Manuel Tisdale, W J McDonald, Bessie Vain & Roeenbry Wheeler & Merrill T. J. Stites, PM Pay Conn Si Honton Pay Conn & Huston. Fay Conn & Huston . $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 18 choice,'catgut' Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dosen steel Violin 1st or Sad strings. $25.00 buysa5-drawersewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years. JPSF"Price8 on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. CIRCUIT COURT. Following is the docket for the circuit eourt which convenes iu Albany next Monday morning. D2PARTMKNT 1. G.H. BURNETT. JUDGE. 19 old cases and Jacob Garman agt G W Gar man, rec personal property. R W Fisher agt Harvey and Ella Stew art, rec money, attachment. S E Young agt A J Smith, rec money. Thos Charman & Son agt W J Snod- grass, recovery money. N M Newport agt J R Bollinger, rec monev. Corbett. Failing & Robertson ait J C Roe et al, rec money, attachment. Susan Zeigler agt J P Carter, rec mon ey, attachment. R W Fisher agt H fetewart et al, to set aside deed. E F Wyatt agt E J Willoughby, rec money, attachment. M F Turner agt J N Rice, rec money, attachment. N M Newport agt G V ilaauis et tl, rec money, attachment. P R Kelley agt W E Kelley, rec mon ey attachment. Wm Cams agt E J and E T Willough by, rec money, attachment. J S Hoffman agt Jas Bilyeu et al, rec morey, attchment. F L Dodge agt Perry Bilyca et al, rec money, avtachment. L Flinn, receiver, agt Adam Grant et al, rec money, attachment. Foshay & Mason agt Geo W Luper, rec money, attachment- Rosenfield, Smith & Co. agt T A How ard, rec money, attachment. Smith & Jones agt Maria Millet, rec money, attachment. R L Sabin agt J G Gross, rec money, attachment. J W Geary agt Sarah Pearl.rec monev, attachment. Elizabeth Cox agt E A Schiffler et al, rec money, attachment. W L Vspce apt A M Hammer et al, rec money, attachment. John Conner agt L E P.lain and E A Sclrmer, rec money, attachment. A Bush, trustee, agt A F Komrei, rea money, attachment. Braumsweyer & Co, agt J L Hansard, rec money. . S Z Taylor agt Chas Pfeiffer et al rec money. Smith & Geary agt Sarah Pearl, rec money, attachment. Mrs J M Moyer agt Mrs M A Calo ay, rec money. DEPARTMENT NO. 2. 23 old cases and Laura E McLaren agt Wro H Qaeener etal. The Investors Mtge Secy Co agt Laura Higgins et al, foreclosure . Sol Holden agt T W Tillman et al, foreclosure. Mutual Benefit Lf Ins Co agt Geo A Hick's etal, foreclosure. Chas Gill agt Wm Workman et al, foreclosure lien. Mary A o Kncx et al agt H C Brigcs et al. suit to set aside deed. Thos Reading agt John Powers et al, foreclosure. Assignment ol E J WJHoughby. Wm Lane agt E J Willougbly, fore closure. ' W P E'more et al admr agt A P Talent et al, foreclosure. W P Elmore et al admr agt Wm II Pearl et al, foreclosure. Dundee Mtge Co agt Jas and Mary Crab tree, forec osure. Henry Suesens agt Gassie Suesens, divorce. J Garoey Fowler and W J Carson agt W G Morgan admr, foreclosure. D Simons agt Henry Stewart et al. Mary Josie Miller agt Eliza Brown et al, partition. Assignment L E Blain Clothing Co. Assignment L E Blain. Frances D Murphy agt S Thompson et al, foreclosure. Amanda Long agt G W Rogers et al. M M and N M Owen agt S W and O G Marks, foreclosure. Missonria Tycer et al agt Eveline T cer partition. Sarah P Blakely agt Susan D Keeney, et al, forecljsure. Adam Grant et al agt L Flinn, receiver Albanv Woolen Mill and Bank British Colombia, interpleader. Mrs Alice Richards agt H F Merrill, confirmation. John Conner agt Jas Hunter et al, con- nrmation. J H Kerr agt D M Egberts et al, con firmation. - DS Smith agt Rasper Vandran et al. confirmation. W J Vanscnwver & Co agt G M Coffey et al, continuation. Annie G Spinney agt O P Cird et, al, confirmation. W E Curl agt M L Ramsey et al, con firmation. German S & L O azt Portland Con etruv-tion Co, motion for sheriff to make deed. Kacbe Bros & Co agt R N Thompson et al, confirmation Board Sch Fund Com agt S E Young et al, confirmation. Board Sen Fund Com agt Caroline Groff et al, confirmation. W W Howes agt S W Marks et al, fore closure. Assignment A M Hammer. Will Lecture Miss Nettie A. Olds Oregon's daughter of oratory anj mueic, wno aas oeen lecturing loruuguuuk iu, state in the interest of a better evstem of achool work, will address the citizens of this place at the opera bouse, weonesoay and Thursday evenings, March 3 and 4. Subiect Wednesday evening, "The Needs ol a Practical Ke lirion." inureaa even' ine." What Shall the Harvest Be?" Be fore and after the aidress aiiss uias win entertain the audience with songs, reci tations and violin solos. Lveiy one wel come. All free. Is needed by poor, tired mothers, over worked and burdened with care, debili tated and run down because of poor, thin and Impoverished blood, Belp is needed by the nervous sufferer, tbe men and women 'tortured with rheumatism, neu ralgia, dyspepsia, scrofula, catarrh. Help Comes Quickly When Hood's Barsa par ilia begins to en rich, purify and vitalize the blood, and sends it in a healing, nourishing, lnvig oratlne stream to the nerves, muscles and LrOoDp . , orgaI)g 0f the body. Hood's Barsaparilia Personscalling . hbiIrt. n the weak and broken down sys the weak and broken down sys- tem, and cures ail blood diseases, because Sarsaparilla fnJQOCtlS fa the One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. St. prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. are the only pills to taks HOOd S PlIlS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. THE DAVIS HOUSE. Salem Or., March 1st, 2 p. in. House roll call showed twenty one present, Justice Moore administered oath. Ten assistant sergeants appointed to compel attendance. Adjourned until Tuesday 3:30. Oakvllle. . The annual school meeting was 'the great attraction yesterday, the election of director and clerk passed off quietly David Shearer waa elected director and Wm Barton clerk. After the election, Rev.G. G. Henderson introduced a res olution makins it the dutv of the teach ers to reouire the reading of the Bible every day ia school. Thin resolution was carried by a large majority and a teacher that don't like to read the Bible had better let the Oakville school alone. Mr. Will Morgan, of Tangent, passed through yesterday, he had a lady with -him. Call again, Billy 1 1 Mr. Michem will move into the white house lately vacated bySjJncle Ike Wat son. Mr R L Smith called on As yesterday. He is able to be around although he is not feeling very well, he has had a long siege ol lagrippe. LtTTLB Ro 0 Albanv Stood Well. The Albany delegation to the state oratoiical contest at Newberg, returned, home late Saturday night on the Rath. They reported a fine time and excellent treat ment. Mr. A. W. Wight, of Albanv college was elected president, and Al banv chosen as the place of meeting next year, after a hard contest between this city ad McMinnville, Albany winning 35 to 30. In the oratorical contest Edgar Stewart did credit to Albany college. He was given third place. His average on the merits of the composition of his oration waa the same as that of Mr Fisk, who won, Fisk being given a higher per centage on delivery, while nr. Bauer qoeesad In between by ot one par cent above Mr. Stewart. The general average of the three being very close. Mr Fisk, who won, is a fine looking man, thirty years of age. The delivery of J. Sherman Wallace, of McMlnbVille College, whose 4 home is near Lebanon, was said to oe fine. Mrs. Lee. The Guard speaks of Mrs. W. S. Lee, who died at Junction Friday night, as follows: Mrs. Lee was a type ot tbe noble ""pioneer women, who have helped so much so make our state what it is today. She waa a cu.tivated chris tian woman, a kind mother and was greatly loved by her neighbors. For many years proceeding her d?ath she was a consistent member of tbe M E church south, and while sealons in the work of her particular denomination, she waa Catholic in spirit, rising above the confines of narrow denominational ism . Eight children live to mourn her death. They are Dr Thomas Lee, of In dependency who is a member of the E resent legislature, m t Lee and A U ee of Junction, James Lee who resides near Junction, C O Lee of Albany, Mrs llallotBuena V lata. Miss Mary Lee ol Junction, and one other, whoee came the Guard was unable to team. Mr. F. L. Such ia in the city. Senator Dawson attended the meeting of tbe senate at Salem yesterday. Mr. "Ted" Piper, ol the Oregoniaa spent Sunday in Albany at the homes of Mr. t. W. Langon and ilr. L. D. uusick. Howard Stubbletield'a fifth birthday was celebrated Saturday afternoon at the home of Jas. Marks in a becoming man ner. Miss Mildred Barm ester rave a mnsi- csle at her home on 5th street Saturday, greatly enjoyed by her Urge class and a few friends. Mr Louis Dindinger. upon whom an operation for appendicitis was performed haturday, is doing well, and may re cover. Mrs. feole was in Albanv Saturday after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Toole immediately succeeded her and la now ill. We hope to see tbe family free from sickness soon. Mrs. Toole's daugh ter is in the college and is making an ex cellent record as a slu lent. Tbe evangelistic meetings at tbe Bap tist church under the direction cf Evaa gelist Lindeey, continues with increasing interest. Meetings are held at 10 a. in, and 7.30 p. m. Tonight the sermon will be illustrated by blackboard draw ings. All are invited. Mr. Jas. Thomas, of this city, baa re ceived news of tbe Bi dden death of bis son, Robert Thomas, at Natiocal City, boutfeern California, trom tatty degen eration of tbe heart on February, being found aead in bis bed in the morning Ue had been engineer on tbe Santa Fe, running into Los Auzeler, for ihireeu years. A paper says be was a brave, popular man. who never flinched from duty. The remains were taken to Min nesota for burial. Mr. Thomas was Guy years of age and was worth $60,000. Are tout grocer for Shilling' Best soda -goes farther than any other. Tbe Cnemawa Indian school is seven teen years of age. In the recent teachers examination in Gilliam county all of tbe claw of 9 failed. In Crook county only one faikd out of 17. Tbe Stanford fresh roe a defeated the sophomorei at base ball 26 t 9 in six in nings. Chester Murphy, of Salem played econd bae for the f resbtnen. In the recent rabbit round-up near Prineville over 700 rabbits were killed. Several thousand made a break at one place and nearly all got away. Hon E Hnfer, of Ue Salem Journal, was invited o apeak at I be Sunday School of the Chemawa Indian school yesterday on The Love of Home This made tbe Statesman editor green with envy and he remarked "what has the poor Indian done to be thus per9cuted. MARRIED. LONG KNIGHTEN. Near Tangent, on Sunday, Feb. 28, at the home ot the brides parents, Mr. and M rs. Loy al 1 Kniehten. Mr. Alfred Long and Miss Ada Knighten. Bev.T. P. Haynes officiatine. Quite a 1ase anembly of relatives an 1 many fiiends were present to wit ness tbe ceremony. A Doun.uni repast was served. 1 be bnde is one of lan- eent's most estimable young ladies and is liked by all who know ber. Tbe groom is a fine young man, of good babitr. ueuasanne rancn in tvasa ineton. Many will unite in wishing them a long, happy life together. They will depart in a few days lor washing-; ton, where they will reside. A correspondent says : Miss Knighten is one of Tangent's fair daughters. Mr. Lone has a treat ore in Miss Ada that is above fine gold. Mr. Long is from Lincoln county, Wash., and is well worthy such a helpmeet. Tbe wedding was a delightful affair. The only sorrow that the bride is soon to leave ber many friends for ber fata re home in Washington. The dinner. served for about fifty guests, was all that an epicure could desire. Mrs. Long will oe greatly missea in our league, ouuuaj school and church work, as well as in the social circle. The parental home is left without a single daughter. There were quite a number of valuable -pres ents. Their many friends wisn mem a continued honeymoon. FULLER CHERRY. On Sunday, Feb ruary 28,1897,at the heme ol tbe bride's narenfa Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. Cherry, Mr Ernest Fuller, of Pocatello, Idaho, and Miss Itha Oherry, ot Albany. The ceremony was Derformed by Rev. Humbert, of Castle Ro:k, Wash., and was followed by a fine wedding dinner The haDDV couple were liberally remem check from Mrs M J Fuller. Mr and Mrs Fuller will remain in Albany atvut a week before leaving for Idaho, icey have tbe beet wishes of many. The following were present: Bev and Mrs Humbert. Mrs M J Fuller, Mr Chas Fuller, Mr and Mrs HC Uarkness, Mr and Mrs Wm H Parker, Mr and Mrs I R Borura, Mr and Mrs L E Parrish, DUU 1TJ raj y y AA UOBUiDTt iM I aUU is A I V J. M Potts, Mr and Mrs J W White, Mrs V r Tl UJ1 If. saewl Mm V Howard, Mrs L Price, Mr L L rotts, T . . . n O..I . I TT LMint uage, airs a u cursor, mrs a-vniy ; inaoaing aim ror Dig recent letter to Taylor, Mrs Al Boencbe, Misses M J ( Speaker Reed in behalf of tbe Indian war Long, Edith CbUwell, Marie Parrish,) veterans' bill, and saying that the bill Julia Patterson, Ura Aarkneas, Bessie Parker, Kovia Payne, Itetta Taylor, Messrs Pat Brannon.Oleva Parriah. Fred Borum, Mr and Mrs Cherry and Alfred Cherry. TUESDAY Coining to the Willamette. The Pacific Northwest says : This spring will Bee a great influx of a moBt desirable class of settlers into the Willamette valley, which, through ju dicious advertising, has been attracting great attention throughout the east an one cf the most fertile spots in the north west. Colony movements are already in progress in a large number of eastern states, and a flow of immigration is set ting in towards the Northwest, and par ticularly the Willamette valley, that promises to become of considerable im portance to tbe tnture welfare of this country. Many of these movements are being quietly managed, and no definite information concerning them will be given out by interested parties until they have located their future homes in the northwest, and by contracts and options secured themselves against any specula tive raise in price for the lands they in tend settling on. News has just transpired of a col. ony, compose 1 ot about 50 families, llvinn in and about Moline, the great center for the manufacture of ag -cultural implements in Illinois, that is also about to locate in the Willamette valley. H. G. Wright and D. O. Reynolds, both of Moline, who were sent on by the in tending colonizers of Moline to ascertain whether the Willamette valley waa all it was reported, have just concluded a JO days' trip up and down the valley, and yesterday left Portland for tbetr old home, delighted with what they had seen and prepared to make a favorable report to the Moline people. Syracuse. Mrs. C. Buciner is quite sick with pneumonia. Lester Conser is attending school in Jefferson this winter Mrs. Goodlon, who is spending the winter with her brother Mr. Abe Farlow, ia visiting friends in Albany. Eugene Fisher and wife, of Millers, are working in a store in odaville this winter. Messrs John Conser and J. Soellineer. two of our most successful farmers, are holding 3000 bl and 1700 bl of wheat re spectively, awaiting an advance in price. Mrs. W. S. Wainslev who has bee i confined to ber room all winter ith rheumatism is slowl recovering health and strength. Last Thursday evening a dance was given at the residence of Mr. Frank Spe'linger in which was the social event ot the season. 28 numbers were sold. At a late hour the guests departed feel ing well pleaded with tbe evenings enter tainment. The school house in Dist No. 32 has been treated to a new roof and has been promised a coat of fresh paint if tbe weather clerk will permit. The sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. I-illie Rainev which occurred Mon day. Feb. 22nd. at Walker station. Lane county, waa received with expres sions ot sorrow by ber many mends and relatives in tbia virinitf. She waa a dangh'er ol Mr. J CPhiitippi who form erly lived near Millers. When 11 years of age her parents removed to Coburg where she hvod until June. 1896, when she married Mr. John Rainey. She waa highly esteemed by all and ber ul timely demise is regretted by ail. Belinda Jane. Taosx Seeds Cams. Mr. Joha H. Mitchell will accept the thanks ot the Democrat tor 2 packages of early pea e?ed, tbe verv earliest; 2 packages oi cucumber Si-eJi, Japanese climbing; 1 rickage of onion seeds, lellow Mrasburg; package turnip seed. Purple top strap leaved; '2 packages turnip seeds. Safe Crop. Tbsvare marked "Congression al distribution tre." The Democrat ist glad to-vliaerveh.nLoaKh the Senator is in Oregon his pmsve secretary back at r aabington is attending to bis cuty. STERXOrnCAS ESTERTAISRINT. H. W. Weaco, of Portland, will give a stereop- tican entertainment in the M. E. cnurch Wednesday evening, March 3, under the auspices of the Ep worth League. The views presented will be ol Uregsn scene ry and industries, and are tbe very that can be collected. Ibeae views are identical with those used by tbe Pacific Northwest Immigration Board in adver tising Oregon throughout tbe East. Corns and bring your friends. Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Admission 15c and children iuc Foibth OE JrtT AT JoSESVlLti. The Ladies Auxiliary of tbe Y. M. C. A. are preparing to give an entertainment at tbe opera boose, Tuesday evening, March 9tb, when a unique program will be ren dered, composed of music by tbe band, songs, addresses, drills, marches, etc, such as are seen at a Fourth of July rel- ebratiou in Jonesniie. there will be booths where refreshments will be sold. Tickets, 10 els. Remember tbe date and come nut to enjoy a hearty laugh. Maccabck EimutO!!. On next Fri day evening at 6:3) o'clock a tpecial ex - coruon uam win run is aaere ji . ' . 1 . l' - " ft. 0,1 new members will be initiated into tbe Maccabee lodge, t le eicurtiou train re turning afterwards. A special meeting will be held Thurs day evening by the Albany tent to make arrangements for the same. CiBcrrr Cocbt. The following new cases have been docketed : Wm Faber agt Mary Hite and Lee Mounts, recovery of money, attachment. Wm Coy agt Philip Langtryet al, fore closure B M Sloan agt Lulu Prushaw, recov ery of money. Mrs. J. W. Strange, of Kotebarg, is in the city. Mr. Cbas. Monteitb, ot Spokane, Wash., is in the city. Mr. Ed Huston, conductor on tbe overland, came op from Portland this noon. G. W. Wrrght. J. X. Duncan and J. M. Somers had business ia the supreme court at Salem yesterday. Mr. C.L. Buck and family left this noon for the east on a trip, taking with them the best wishes of many friends. Miss Woodin and Mrs. A. L. Martin, of Vancouver, Wash , are in the city the guests ot Mr. A. B. Woodin, uncle oi the former. Ex-Councilman Gradwobl has been confined to his bed several days by ill- nees. His many friends will hope to see turn out again. At ineir nan. last evecing. the mem bers ot tbe Harmony Concert Band were treated to a tine lunch, given by some oi the lady friends of tbe band in honor of trie birthday of one of their members Mertice Gray. Mrs. O E. Hawkins le!t today for St Louis, as one of the delegates from Ore gon to the National (Jonvent'on of the Circle of Woodmen of tbe World, to con vene there on March 0. The other del egates are Mrs. vanOrsdall, of Pendle ton, Mrs. Houthwlck, of Salem and Mrs, ciUoon of the Dalles. Y. P. S. C. E. The local union of the YP80E met last evening at the Pres byterian caurcii and elected tbe follow ing ollicers for tbe ensuing year: Pres ident, Carlton Sox; vice presidents, Minnie Riner ot the Congregational ebufeb, Mrs Bell Irwin, of the O. P.; Joa TvfAM. rtf thfl niariaf ian 11 IT.ti.n- cf the Presbyterian; J W Ach.son, pi the U. P ; secretary, J H Lewis : treas urer, W F Galbraith, J C Irvine ia per manent correspondent secretary. It was decided to make an effort this year to se cure the '98 state convention for Albany. Your money back tf you don't like Schil- Wn na mt aAfl Ibree Albany yceng men left Sunday night for Carson, Nevada, determined to see me great ognt. For $50,000 the Willamette Valley Flour ing Mills of Salem, yesterday transferred all of its right, title, etc. in the brick mills Mr located on North Front street, to the Salem c touring mills. Governor Lord yesterday received left. from Representatives Hermann and Ellis, I . 1 1. 1 . I : ,. . . . ' will probably pas, unless Speaker Reed refuses to recognize ote of them to call np tha nuninra 'I lia irjulio. ,a;.1 i. the onl obstacle in the way of the Dassara ofthsbill. r " Money backjf you don't like Schilliiigs Best. Tea and money at your grocer's.! A Schilling & Co San Francisco us ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. The annual school meeting was held in the central school building last even ing. Mr. Weatiierford presided, The clerk F. E. Allan, read his report, which bowed the following: dumber of resident children between 4 i and 20 years of age 1080 Number ot pupils enrolled during the year 617 Average dailv attendant s.'j numoer oi teactiers employed, all having first grade certificates or life diplomas jg Kamber of children not attending any school 232 Number of teacher employed in pri vate schools, ma'es 5, females 6, total 11. Nurrberot pupils enrolled in private schools: Males 94. females 63, total 157. Estimated value ot school houses J and grounds $1000 Estimated value school furniture. 3,000 " " of apparatus.... 500 vv a Amt ot insurance on school build' ings and furnishings average salarr of male teacher .. i: ,600 116 45 50 50 Women teachers, 12, at per mo. . Two, at per month One a portion of the tim at. . . . Number ol months taugut, nine. Number of private schools, three. Number ot school houses, two. Per cent of tax levied this year 1,''. Amount ot schcol funds on hand at commencement of year 780 72 Amount received on tax. .. . 3,281 06 Amount received from county fund 4,218 04 Amount received from state fund 1,142 40 Amt received on rate bills 63 00 Amt borrowed from J W Cu sick A Co 1,350 00 Total ree'd during year Paid teachers wages.including one month on previous year, due at timo hut report was made Paid for repairs, including painting buildings Paid for furniture Paid for fuel and incidentals. . Paid for janitors Paid for aaur rent Paid interest on bords 10,821 52 7,336 S7 536 46 22S 09 t27 SO W7 80 141 00 J, 200 00 Tangent. Tangent. March lit, 1S37. The farmers have employed their time in a live manner daring ihe good days we bad by plowing for spring towinx. Some farmers did not get any (all wheat soaed at all and fall oil are damaged by tbe freeze in Nov. Mr. Natban Barbet, who was badly hurt by a falling shed last Wednesday week, we are glad to say is getting along as well as oruid be expected and he is able to be np and around. Mr. L. It. Lnper informs us that be shot a white owl tbe fore part ot lat week and caught it and took it home to try to see if he could make it live but it died in two days after bo brought it borne. It measured 5 feet trom I p to tip. Rev. Little Rose Bad, of Oakville, waa seen upon our streets one day last wk, and ol coorje be wanu-i to find the strawberry blondes ad-fres. Any one wanting a girl to do general house work will piesu call oa Mr. Will Morgan near Tangent, be knoi ot a young ladv that wants work. Mr. Will Scott took the overland on Thursday night (or Siaaoa, California, to work-in a logging camp for the bl saw mill at that place. A Rot ax AstTlEa' A few days ao Dick Zahn, who resides in A'sea valley, bad occaron to paae through one ot the forests of bis neighborhood. As he pass ed along bis foot struck what be at first supposed to be a root sticking out ol tbe ground On examining it, be tvaad that it was tbe point of an elk born, tie procured a spade and excavated tbe ant lers and they turned out to be fouteen pointers. A fourteen point aniler i eared a "royal enter" and they are very rarely found. They were very even and beautiful and from the fact that they were buried in tbe ground together with the bones of tbe elk. ann a (alien 1 tree lay we the skeleton, it is pre .1 n- 1 , sumed that the tree bad struck the ani mal when falling, thna killing and in terring it at the same time. Times. A Nnv Oonpaxv A new corporation is the Oregan Uas utt iieaung ana Power Co.. of Albany. Tbe incorpora tors are F. E. Adams. W. F. Galbraith and Alfred Freerksen. Capital stock, 110,000. Object, to do a general lighting and power business. IsNowOrxs. Mr. H.F. Mcllwain ia again in bis store witn a new stocc oi goods, ready for serving the public The price shown in bis advertisement. lnJ1. ca'o that he intends to be p tne iopte bridge over the hard times. Ue v. id ot ter bargaina in all departments. It Wa RaucTijiO. Ws(dburn has just had a live cae. The mayor Walter Tooae, A. Prevoet, R. Guisa and Rich ard Huntington were arrested lor piay Inir draw noker. Thev were upon trial found "not guilty," and discharged. Wm Yarrow, a private detective, wis mo complainant. The men had i arrow ar rested for carrying concea.el weapons and be was sentenced to fifteen days in tbe county jail and to pay a One of i-o. NolVinar waa dane at Salera lo-cay, ex cept the meeting by the Davis houe. with out a quorum. After.... Taking a course of Aycr's Pills the system is set in good -working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. lie who has become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking AVer's Cathartic Pills. i 1 ' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mies Alma Breckenridge left this morning tor Artona. Dr. Golden, a resident of Albany 20 yean ago, came op from Salem today. Miss Edna Price came np from Salem this noon on a visit with Albany friends. Mrs. ' Fred Fortmiller, of Portland, went to Junction this noon to visit ber parents. 0. W. Hellenbrand, the Salem reetuar ant man and Mies Mary A. Broady were married yesterday. W.J.Henderson, of Oakland, Calif., is in the city. He and John Hansbaw, formerly cf Albany, are preparing to op erate a paying mina at Grants Pass, and will make that city their home. J J Scrafford return! from Albany yesterday, having visited a couple of weeks with a married daughter, who re sides in that city. Times. C W. Watts, editor of the Albany Teleenope spent last night in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Filloon, and l.'it this morning for his home. The Dalles T. M. Mr. Watts retnrnad home last night. Wbi'.e In Portland bt1 witnessed the arrest of ViTtU Conn by Sergeant Glen Uolman, Conn 'gnoring it in a dramatic manner with scorn. Tuesday afternoon, March 2nd. was the time and the house of Mr Frank Kenton the place, where assembled one pf the happiest parties tnathas met for a long time in Albany. A number of Mas ter Ralph's personal friends met to cele brate the 3rd anniversary ot his birthday. Thoyall enjoyed themselves hugely and the occasion will long be remem bered by those who participated in the festivities as one of tbe bright spots in their lives, Davenports Signature. The hotel register at the deport was kept warm today. Last nigbt Mr Homer Davenport the celebrated artist, known all over tbe world, passed through AI bany. As the train stopped a lank, fine Woking gentleman went np to the regis ter, made a few bold strokes itb th pen and then boarded tbe train, which stops only a moment. An examination of the page revealed tbe (ace of Mark Hanna, a cigar in his mouth and dollar marks on bis collar, while below it were the words: "Yours truly. Home Daven port." Several hundred people probably have examined that register to-day to see a few itrokes ot the man who get fi'X) a week for making pictures. I'orciog Attendance. Tbe Journal says: The Oregon legis lature reached a crisis never before heard ot in the history of the slate It may result in calling out the sheriff's posse and possibly the militia. I be ergeant-t-arma ssot oat by Speaker Davis to compel attendance of quorum met with with resistance both in tbe courts and at tbe bands of lbs Mitchell lawyers and managers. The report reached Kalem that tbe four members arrested at Portland. Hope, Conn, Jennings and Gurdane, were sur rounded by a crowd led by Capts. Bel cher and McGinaisof tbe a:itcbell posh who refused to allow them to bo taken into the courts or to be taken to Salem. These four recalcitrants were escorted about tlje town, with a firm determina tion to resist all arrest, and all efforts to secure attendance. Tbe plan seemed to be to pursue dilatory tactks and prevent ail organ isiion. Mr. Sumer's Arrest. The Statesman gives tbe following ac count of the arrest of Mr. Somen by a Davis boose sergeant at arms, showing tbe proceeding to be as much of a farce as the proceedings of tbe recent Benson house: Representative John M. Somera of Linn county bad business to transact la the circuit court yesterday afternoon and at 5 minutes to 3 o'clock be eete-ed tbe etst door of tbe court boose and started dosn the ball towards the stairs leading up to tbe court room. As be reached a point in front of the record er's office he was confronted by Charles Parmenter, one of the Davis ramp noose assistant sergeant-t-arma. who served a warrant npon him commanding him to appear and take bis seat in tbe bouse of representatives. "I do not recognise Davis' authority, sir," said Mr. Somera. "Well, recognise me," waa tbe assist ant's response. "Yon are no bigger than yoQrboe,and as I don't recognise him, I certaioly will not you," was Mr. Somer's answer. Mr. Somerstben proceeded on h'e way up to the court room and Mr. Parmen ter followed but wbes the court room dr was reached tbe latter tamed beck and came down to tbe main ball where he loitered for fifteen minutee and then left the building. An Odd Document. Among the peculiar documents on file in the county clerks office is tbe follow ing recorded in volume 1 of miscellan eous records; which we give without the names, as we know nothing of the pres ent residence of the partie : Swbet Ho. Sept. 21. '79. This cer tifies that I did circulate a slanderous re poet against Kv. . which was told me on Williams Creek, Josephine Co., a i e port which I do not propose to prove to be tbe truthful report. I know noth ing myself againut a'd and ought not to have said anything and hereby ask pardon. . In Oregon. The Patton Ccmedy Co. are now ia The lMiie. ."few bicycle and driving gloves at tbe uaa-es ttataax. John Simpson sras elected director of tbe Corvallis school district ou Monday. A store tor the sale of ladie ffooos is being opened next door to Wasnburn A Allen s. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of Albany will be held at tbe resi dence of Mrs. A. B. Wor din on Thursday the 4th of March, at 2:30 p m. In tbe estate of W R Callowa the ad miniktrjitors have Bled an appraisement ol the property. The appraisement is as fol lows: Personal, 61S; real, $11190; total $11,708. Corvallis Times. A Cosrno Bckolaby. Burglars en tered W M Yanduyne's general mer chandise store and the poetoitice at Co burg last night. Tbey got altogether alwiit $45 ia eoods, stamps and money. The entrance to both buildings was made by prying open the front doors. Tools to worK witn were prucureu irum c Power's wairon shoo. This is the fifth time within the past year that Yan duyne's store has been broken into and naturally no money is lett in tne ouiia ing. The safe waa blown open some time aco and since that time has not been in use. The burclars last night cured a pair ot men's sboes, some men's . . . ... , bats and a quantity oi canneu goous, amounting in al'. about $20. They then broke into the roetotlice. which Is con ducted by M 11 Skianer, and secured about $23 worth ot stamps and about $: in money. Guard. Aitkr Thim. L tl McMahan, of Salem, in the city today. lie ia one of the 19 serseant-at-arms appointed by tbe house at Salem to enforce the attendance ot absent members and it here after Rep resentative Palm and Yaugn. Mr Yauirhn is too sick to return to Salem and the sergesnt-at-arms has not yet found Palm, who is probably somewhere in the woods near his farm. Lark Bilyeu left for Salem on the early train this morning. Eugene Uuard. Tub Right Wat. The Monroe cream erv Question lias taken on a new aspect It all hatiuened last Saturday when fteonre Reese, ot Albany, lectuied here on the dairy problem. The present out look is favorable to a co-operative cream erv and a committee of five, consisting of Ed Williams, Joe Edwards, Wilbur Starr. Mart Hewett and M LBarnett.bas been appointed to investigate the prop ion. interview our citisens on the ideas sot forth, and report on March 15th when another dairy men's meeting will be held in Monroe. nmsi. HOME AND ABROAD. A Conpon in every package of Schilling's Best soda.. Try it For fruits Of all kinds. Go to V, II, rfe'ffers. Dawson sells Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Apples at C Bbowmeus. JonesTllle picnic, Vtircb 9. Fourth of Idly at Jonesville. Smiley does our job printing. No blur on Smiley's printing. F H Peiffer keeps everything in season. There are thirty-six teachers in the Sa lem schools. For the latest novelties in jewelry see French the jeweler. For a good physic take Liverine, for sale by Dawson, the "pill autocrat" , Our printiDgig the cheapest because it is the best Smilet, the Printer. Our work is tha best, therefor It ia ha ebeaoest Smiley, the Printer. Crswford k Harnuh for photographs. Prices from tl to ?0 per dozen. Water white comb honv from fVlifornia. Just in at O E Bnowa six's . Tbe nickel in tbe slot machines will have to go from Portland after Thursday night Two packages of card en eaeds for Beta. according to their nsual custom at Stewart t Sox's. I four work and stock isn't as reoraaent. ed, you can get your money back. 8mi- iey ue printer. Dr. G. W. Maston, physician and sur geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt' ly in city or country. Information that is worth its weight ia go d i Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry Broder'a. on Second street. For choice meats of all kinds, and prompt afteotion call upon Wm Emerick Son, two doers west of Knecht t Misers. Drs. H. E. and 0.". Beers offices .at residence in tbe cost office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of woeiea. When tbe scalp is atrophied, or shiny bald, no preparation will restore tbe hair; in ail other cases. Hall's Hair Ren-wer will start a growth. The price of genuine Oliver chilled plow share has been reduced to 50 cents. Be rare the nAme Oliver is on every share For tale only by Hopkins Bros. U yon owe Conn Huston call upon them and pay np. Why isn't that a gold esoiution. for now is tbe pay up time. . Va, V hunting (or F M French, you will find him m tbe Oregvn Bank build ing, with a fine stock of sratcbes, jewelry. x., and splendid facilities for serving the pablic owpir at Burkhart and Lee's drug tore and examine tbetr stock of e'esx Havana cigars, they certainly haTs a fine Irie and altars try to please every one that enjoys a good smoke. . Dat forget that pure fresh drags is j wum yo noi ia your prescriptions " " sc. Ban ban a ixe are careful and kow bow to coo pound ail pbysieiaBS prescriptions. Consider your wars, think before yon tv, ma go io uatgni Bros yon wul bad a choke stoex of aseata of alt kinds to ordar from. Yon are bound to be pleased if yon order of them. In five staU oratorical coctesis the L'ni erity of Oregoa has been victorious twice. Mr Fisk after h'e refine from Newberg Monday evening, was gives a loosing re -ceptioa in Vulard Hail. Scholars are not allowed to enter school under nx jen of age, and jet ia tbe re port of tbe Eugene public schools tbe toi lowing appears: "Number reaidert pupils to district carolled under 6 years of ace US. Woodmen have tws notiSed of assess ment bl. payable during March ca account of these d-sth: Albert Norton, Poebio, Colorado. .000; Avery K lohawoa, Ida ho Springs Colorado. 12.000; Fred Tardia A Umeda. Call f or oia, $3,000. John E Smith. Mon anient. Colorado, C3.000; Emaaoel Tells. La Junta. Colorado, (3,030. Phillip U Young, Portland. Oregon. t2,000. Tennessee Gatherings. (By Nirto Putro., Tex5Esks, March J, 1S37. C D McKnigbt and wile were visiting relatives at Knox Butte last Saturday and Sunday During tbe fall and winter P L Wal lace bad tbe misfortune to lose three of his beet farm burses. Annie Blacklaw and Elbert Mousey, of this place, ncceeaiully passed tbe teacher examination for state diplomas. Chas Rose will graduate in tbe spring at tbeSaatiam Academy of Ltbanoa. Eev J W Craig has been cood acting re vival services at tbe school boose tbe past two weeks, and may continue an other week. Five conversions have been made and it ia thought many more will be made in a short time. Sunday even ing between 60 and 60 came forward tor prayers. Rev Crosse, tbe evasgeliathaa am vea 10 assist in tae meetings Tbe annual school meetina- of the dis trict, (No. 102 took pace today at 2 o clock p m , with T. P. McKoigbt in tbe chair. For director, Edward Myers and Geo. W. rt rer were nominated. Myers ree'd 1ft votes while Wverrec'd but 6. CD. McKnight and). H. Frook were named for clerk. Fronk ree'd a sufficient number of votes to elect him. Boto director and clerk were sworn in. Following are the present directors of tbe district: J. D. Fronk, chairman, P. M. Schere, Edward Myers ; tbe present clerk. J. M. Fronk, retiring clerk. J. A Demand; re tiring dir actor, T. P. McKnight. A contract for eight cords of wood waa given to C- W Myers, at f 1.25 per cord. As R. R. Rrnoa, There is a strong ru mor that the Southern Pacific has bought the O. C. A E. or is negotiating for it, and somethings to indicate it, and that tbe line will be extended into Eastern Oregon tbia year. Rumors, though, are so often ill founded one baa to take all such with allowances. Disd. R. S. Roberta died near Spring field last evening Ue was an old resi dent ot Linn county, residing near Leb anon for many years, and leaves many to mourn bta death. A hvse assortment of garden seeds. white clover, timothy and blue grass seeds )ust rcceited tresu at C BsownzLL'e. Physical Tsatxiso. Tha nhvaical training system of Prof. Wbiteborn which he is now teaching here, is prov ing s very interesting one, as welt ss one that is very satisfactory to those taking. It is entirely different from any otber svstem ever tntroonced here, as one will appreciate at once. it is especially a good thing for tboae seeking to improve tbe health, or to i dues the Mesh. Prof. Whitehorn's class es are daily growing, and it will pay all interested to investigate tne system. bee mm at Mr. Jas. Mark's. The Largest and Finest assortment Of fruits, confectionary, nuts. Ac . in Al bany may be found at r II Pfeiffers, near ly opposite the Democrat office. See bis Oranges, Eastern oysters, uananas, uoast oysters, Apples, Celery, Lemons, Cabbages, Limes, and all kinds confectionary, nuts. 4o Canned wild blackberries in one and two quart jars, cheap at U fc. DROWN ELL S, THE PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kr,bws where their place is. They keep s fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of ail kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all alike. You may regret some steps yon take in life but none taken into the store of Parker Bros. It is a great thing to be well fed. Par ker tiros keep good groceries. A loaf oi oread is not mucn but yon want it weu maae. lTy raraer tiros. A new line of stylish dress skirts' from $1.75 up, jest received at tbe Ladies Bauer, Call and tee them. BinuGles, H. F. McILWAIN'S New Cash Store Opens March 2nd, 1897. Hei Stock, Hew Styles, Hew Prices. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries. A r buckle Coffee, per pound. Lion Coffee, " " . 60 lbs fine salt 20 yards W Muslin Mens fine sboes 5 gal Pearl oil 6 pairs mens 10 cent socks. . 20 lbs best granulated sugar. M M g ,f M 20 yards Standard Prints... Good toweling, per yard.... Great bargains I can save you H. F. THE HOUSE WILL DISSOLVE. Sauk, Oi., March Srd, S4& p. m Tbe House roll call showed 29 present. Adjourned till 7:30 tbia evening wbes tbe bouse will dissolve Tbe effort to force the Mitchell members into tbe boose failed, though served not a persoQ appeared. There is a division of opinion as to woetner Governor Lord will call s special session in Mar. thoozh a rumor ;jU.tit efiect. ALBANY'S PAST. From tbe DrxocxaTof April 29 to Jane O, Uli. The Y. P. C. A. was organized in Al bany. Wheat was fL30 on May 4, and f L40 on May 1L Albany bad a VUlard House, Odeneal a xagmr proprietors. A grand railroad rally was held In Cor- vallia in the interest of tbe xaquina road. Hon O N Denny was appointed by President lis yes to s Chinese consulate. He waa referred to as one of tbe Mitchell crew, but the beet. L N Liggett, new editor of tbe Prine- viite Keview, was president of tbe board ol nre delegates. The elegant residence of Wm Rum- osugn m a.yon and ta streets, now oned by J W Cubic k. was completed. Ground waa broken on Mar 17 for tbe Yaquina railroad, tbe first grading being aooe at vorvaiua. No. Is fire bell which now does tbe ringing for fires and fire meetings ar rived ana was placed in toe tower. It weighed 1490 pounds and waa declared to be tbe best -andine? in tbe state. It cost between fotIO and $700. Tbe paper was filled with items about the Silver Weils Mining District across tbe Cascades, over which there was s good deal of excitement. A ten Dound girl appeared at tbe home of Jas Elkins on May 31. The first telephone pat np in Oregon wss one between tbe offices of P H Ray mond and Mr White, a jeweler, of this city. Though the offices were 200 feet apart people could converse through it very well. Jndge Broooagh spoke is Albany on "Tbe Second Coming of Christ," show ing that we were then in the very last days. Since then tbe Jndge has contin ually been forced to extend tbe time a little ahead, and now we are only fifteen moo Lbs on. J Mr D G Clark killed two elks at one hot near Bellknap's. Best of All To cleanse tbe system in a gentle and tro'y bflneScial manner, when the Springtime comes, use tbe true and petfrct remedy. Syrup of 6s- One bottle wilt answer for all the family and cots only 50 cents; tbe large aixe$l. Bay tbe genuine Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Com pany only, anl tor sa e by au orugguta. The Crescent waa the Girt to use Tbe otber factories the new copy. D tabic,. We Lead, Others Follow. axd that is tbe reason Hopkins Bros, are tbe first to dis play a mil line ot toe tamoos is? v'w cent and Crawford bicycles. Call and see tbenf. 1SB S00 PACIFIC LINE. To ill Wa last Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, luxurious dining cars, elegant day coaches, magnifkent tourist cars i ad free colonist sleepers from tbe Pa cific to the Atlantic without change. MOST DtmSCT AXD CBSAPKST OUTS TO Kootenayl It is. Ill n ) sujojlx crrr, District X sossLastn ao AU points ia the Okaaag&n Country. Get a pamphlet siring a full description of this wondtvful country. Ask tbeaoent for a copy of tbe mining laws of British uoiumuta. . Lowest rates to and from ETJEOPiD via alt Atlantic steamship lines. Canadian Pac. By. O'o 's .Royal Mail Steamship Line to China and Japan. CAK ANAS AVSTSAUAN STXaJUS use Honolulu, rui Ann AtraxsAUA. Tbe shortest lioe to the Colonies, These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage For time tables, pamphlets, or any in formation, ceil on or address. S N STEELE k CO, Agents, Albany Or. E J COYLE, Ag't, 146 Third St., Port land. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN, D. P. A. Tascoaver.B. C The Columbia, the Ajax and the Wind sor Lines. We will sell you the beat wheel on earth, or a cheaper wheel i." you desire it. Call and see us and get our pric es and terms before you buy. S TEWART A SOX nDW. CO. 15 IS 50 00 25 00 60 25 00 05 .. 1 in every line. money. McILWAIN, Cash Store. Have just received tbe above style in grades from $2 50 to$4 00. fresh from tbe manufacturers, the newert and best shoe out. Tbe lace shoe is tbe proper style and tbe coin toe tbe correct design. S. E. YOUNG. The Weather Suggests roar. necessities ; your necessi ties suggest our mentioning s tew of tbe new things just In. Run your eye dqjrn tbe list: Worsted dress goods, Wash goods, I Suks and trimmings, CbiSon. Laces and embroidery. Muslin underwear, Bolero fronts, R:bbcna. Table linen and napkins, Saab muslin and Swiss, Gauntlet gloves. Collars and cuS, Hosiery, Under sear. Big assortment prints, etc, etc, etc. READ, PEACOCK & CO. Krosche! Bros. Cash Grocers. Will now give the following duccmcats for cash: in- Ar buckle coffee, 6 lbs for, Lion " " " $1 00 1 00 Java and Mocha coffee, per lb. 33 00 25 25 20 00 70 50 20 25 25 25 25 15 05 25 branuiated sugar, 19 lbs..- 1 w bite Javy beans 13 lbs.. Bee table peaches, per dos " " apricots, " " Aeeorted pie fruit " " Cuttings nd Gold set tomatoes pr da 1 1 1 49 bunches ot matches for Gold dust, 3 lb pkg Lsnoz soap, 6 bars for Polo Schillings best soda4pkgs Arm A Hammer Brand soda, 4 pkg 100 lbs silt Best flour XXX sods crackers, S lbs Teas seTing from 30c to 75c, for 25c to 45c Five gal coal oil Table Syrups. 5 gal keg rock candy drip.. 4 ? 44 44 ....... 5 " extra honey " 4 4 M 44 M 1 gal cans ;".""" 1 44 " rock candy K gal cans rock candy drip ij ex honey 44 First class baking powder with take stand or fruit stand Corn beef, 1 lbs cans 85 90 60 ! 90 60 60 65 SS S5 40 15 T OST. Between residence of R. M. lRobertaon and tbe U. P. chares., a pair of gold rimmed glasses. Return to ft. M. Bxibertson DISSOLUTION KOTICE. Notice is hereby giws that the copartnership of Emerick k Bruckmas bas been dissot ved, Mr. Bruckman retirintr. Tbe busi nets will be continued bv Emerick k Son Indebted oesa will be hqnicated by M Emerick to whom accounts should be paid FOR SALE. Pure wheat chops, $25.00 per ton sacked, also i'o. 1 white seed oats. M. Sksdkbs. I C. k I R. H CO. (.Willamette River Division,) Steamer ALBANY, Opt. J. L. Smith, FfeliU and Passeuief, Leave Albanv for Portland Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurpassed accommodation s and Khedutes especially for the needs of up ser Willamette travel. Picnic parties tan avail themselves ot this schedule for my desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving in the morning and re turning in due time the same evening. Special rates for special parties ot Wor more. H.L.WAXX, Agent, depot T? OR SALE. A fresh milch cow. and JP calf, cheap, ten, Spicer. Inquire of f S JUough- ROOMS TO RENT. Calf on Mrs. Owens, on 3rd Street, between Broad- albia tad bilsworn.