The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 05, 1897, Image 2

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    Be juat
to all men, including jonr
Mr Cleveland's address will be Prince
ton, N J., after March 4.
Aw r all politics are rotten, a (act dis
cernable with the naked eye.
It has been figured up that it cost
Senator Mitchell $35,000 to try to be re
elected. The thud house thrust senatorial
bonois upon several members, the only
such honors they will ever tret.
Cietu has a young Amazon, who has
lt-aJ her troups to several victories, not
having suffered a single defeat.
A good name is the beet capital a
young man can have- The world wants
ycuag men with clean records.
Oregon is pretty well supplied with bosses, from Joe rUmon and
Jonathan Bourne down to a large nunv
ber ui small fry.. '
There are not many people without
buui' in their eyes, therefore it is a
iwi .dea to look in the mirror before
go siping about your neighbor.
So tar as advertising goes one copy of a
country paper is worth five big city
papers that are simply skimmed, noth
ing bung seen but the big .headings.
Next Thursday Cleveland will go out,
Mi Ksnley in It is most emphatically
koptd that Mr. McKinley"doea not con
inae the Cleveland foreign policy.
If little Nevada etoops to passing
lottery law it should be spanked and
knocked out of its statehood; bat the
law if, once a state always a state.
Itis peculiarly the province of a news
paper to give the news. The only time
when news should be omitted is when it
refers disparagingly to first person pres
It is the ambition of the Democrat to
treat all people fairly, and it is a pleas
ure rather than a hardship to correct an
error, whether from judgment or wrong
information .
There are small and b:g people in the
world, otherwise than from a physical
standpoint. Some small men are the
biggeet and some bis the smallest. In
jiCt that has nothing to do with it.
j There good signs that the Davis
House will get the required forty to or
ganize. If ihere is an organization
will undoubtedly be by the' call for
rpecial session.
The three young men who are on
their way to Carson will Lave an expe
rience before returning if they make the
trip that will be interesting to bear.
Ao doubt it wnl be one they may re
- The Jacksonville, Fla,, Times invites
immigration as follows: "Florida1!
hote.s are fi:Ied with visitors wearing
straw hats and linen suits, and ice
gorg'ks in the Northwest are causing
dangerous floods. The contrast is
markd,and the moral pointed is plain
The recent legislative fiasco will not
have a good effect in the East, let us ad
mit it candidly. At the tame time
people intending to come to Oregon will
cuiii any say, and we ebon'.d rustle the
harder lor a desirable immigration that
wi.i help build up our state.
O-cgrees might do worse than to pan
a law prohibiting the prostration of the
rui,;!- tiih prize fighting literature and
pictures. The art of sell defense theoret
ical y ij a fine thing; bat the prize fight
ixig exhibitions that are b'ppodromic in
their character, money making and
gamb'ing affairs are disgraceful.
The country editor, admits the Boston
Jinrrl, ha s this advantage over a city
paper, that while bis publication cannot
n the nature of the case secure so wide a
circulation, every copy that ia distributed
has a closer an J more attentive reading.
It stays in the home at least until the
week!! issue displaces it. What we may
call the ailaroundnees of 'the country
prees is one of its most striking features
The editor knows bis constituency. The
intelligence, fidelity and capacity of the
mei; who conduct the con o try prats
merit cordial recognition.
The Pendleton E. O has evidently
been having a twist with some neighbor,
judging from the fallowing: There are
soma newspapers as well as" some in
dividuals who do not take up enough
room in the world1 to be in the way of
an v body, and, for this reason, their
commissions and omieasons are devoid of
interest and their -shrill small voices,
though often pitched in a high key, for
or against somebody, or something, are
never reeul'.ful. They simply utter
whispers against the wind and delight
in the little noises and sensations that it
creates in their own ears.
llie real greatness of this grand old
state of ours ia largely in the future.
I'a3t greituegs and present attainments
will seem small and insignificant in com
parison to what the immediate future
holds in store for ns. People are being
attracted to this Western coast and to
the State of Oregon as never before! A
few years it was the poor man, who
looked u'ioij this country as an El
Dorado, where fortunes could be ac
quired without any capital to start on,
whu flock td to our shores. Now it it
the shrewd bnainesa man with capital to
invest who see and realizes the grand
possibilities of the future of this country
who is coming to dwell among us. Ore
gon City Enterprise.
Washington Letter.
' Kr.)m oar roiculsr Comapondant.
W ashimotom, Feb. 22, 1897.
i W J Bryan will visit Washington
..-vs, but he will not probably stay
uauKuration diy. tie will be the
uu'i liii - ' Mr John K McLean, who will
u:v - dinner to about one hundred
fciv - in h:s honor. This dinner wiij
i) - a political event, as the guest
wr ircludea number of personal friends
of Air tiryan ia all the parriea. JJu
during ilr Bryan's stay there will be s
coiif reiice, perhaps several, to discuss
the iinuifcd.ale future of the deoiocratia
Party- . ;
6 i . tor Daniel, of Va.. ia onanftha
VV: '
iouutioniita in the senate, conee
iy Washington's farewell addrese,
n accordance with the ueual res
u was read iuimediattilv after tin.
senate convened. In honor of Washing
ton's birthday, was mav.U better render
e-.i tliau uaual, and was listened to by an
cuiutUiy large number of senator, in
adit"i-i 'o tii- erovlf galleries.
- e , , ,
It is unfortunate in more senses than
one that there Rhould bean Investiga
tion at this time into an act of the ad
ministration by which the step-father of
the president's wife will be largely ben
efitted. And everybody sincerely wishes
that the senate Committee on Public
Lands will find every thing straight
about the Florida land patent for 23,000
acres, which was recently issued to Mr
Perrine, the husband of Mrs Cleveland's
mother, and which the committee is
now investigating. Ex-Congressmau
Brookshire of Indiaua, is cocnsel for the
settlers on this land, whocaitu that the
grant was forfeited many years ago.
The Civil Service Commission has
made answer to Senator Allen's resolu
tion, adopted by the senate last week, as
to the alleged dismissal of two women
from a'braach of, the Agricultural De
partment, at South Omaha, Nebr., for
displaying pictures of Mr Bryan in the
late campaign. The answer says the
Commission investigated the complain
when first made and that Secretary Mor
ton denied that the discharges were
made for the cause specified, or that be
knew the politics of those discharged .
The most significant portion of the ans
wer, especially to those in office wbo re
gard themselves as being protected by
the Civil Service Commission, is the fol
lowing: "The Commission is not an
appointing, or reinstating, or removing
Representative McRae, of Ark., who
was one of the democratic members of
Coingage committee who voted for the
favorable report, with amendments, of
the senate bill authorising the president
to appoint delegates for any internation
al monetary conference, called by any
nation or by himself, took occasion to
briefly Btate the attitude of the demo
crats toward the bill. He said the dem
ocrats bad no faith whatever in such a
methond of bringing about the free
coinage of stiver, but that they bad no
desire to place any obstacle ia the way
of the republicans trying to carry out
the promise made by their national plat
form ; on the contrary, that they were
anxious for the nest administration to
demonstrate to the country what could
be done along that line.
Notwithstanding Senator Kyle's asser
tion that be did not get the republican
votes which re-elected him by making
premises, the republicans in Washing
ton are now counting upon bis voting
with them to obtain control of the sen
ate organisation and to fill committee
vacancies that will exist next March
4th. This confidence of the republicans
is not baaed upon any ragoe expectation
or hope; they do not ea? Senator Kyle
may vote with us, but that Senator Kyle
will vote with ns. Ia voting with the
republicans in this particular ca8,
should his vote settle the question. Sen
ator Kyle will betrar the principles he
has professed ever since he entered the
'senate. As most people know, the sen
ate finance committee, as at present
made up, ia controlled by silver.althougb
seven of ita thirteen members, including
the chairman, are republicans.
Representative Walker, of Mass.,
couldn't;npset the Reed roles, bot he
could and did express bimeelf very vig
orously on the subject, saying In part :
"Under the rules of tbis house, we get
mighty few rights.
Illiterate Immigrants.
The new test of the immigrant's fit
nets to become a resident or citizen of
the United States it that be shall be
able to both read and write. How im
migration will probably he affected by
it is shown by figures collected by tbe
New York Sun from official report
which we nee. Tbey show that of 57,515
over 14 years of age, coming from Italy
daring the last fiscal year, 31,374 could
neither read nor write; out of 57,053
from Austria Hungary, 23,773; ont of
35,138 from Rues .a proper, 12,816.
The three countries, then, will be greatly
affected by tbe new law.
On tbe other band, ont of 25,334 from
Germany, over 14 years of age, all but
750 could both read and write; out of
7,818 from Norway, all but 93 ; out of
18,824 from Sweden, all but 219; out of
37,436 from Ireland, all but 2,626; out of
15,622 from England, all but 850. Thus
all those countries would n"t be mater
ially affected.
Tbe contrast, bowe7er, between these
two sets of countries is greater for the
reason that there must be added to Aus
tria Hangary't list 1,730 persons wbo
cannot write; to Russia's 1.667; to
Italy's, 25.
The percentages of illiteracy are as
follows: Switzerland, .79; Denmark, .05;
Germany, 2.96; Netherlands, 4-16;
France, 4.88 ; England, 5.44 : Scotland,
5.70; Bohemia, 11.45; Finland, 11.82;
Wales, 12.54; Belgium, 14 46; Spain,
15.81; Ronmania, 21.03; Greece, 2621;
Turkey in Europe, 31 43; Russia, 41.14;
Hungary, 46.61; Poland, 47.78; Italy,
54.59; Gaiicia, 60.37; Portugal, 77.69;
tbe Austrian prtvincet not already
named, 36.38.
Itfjwill be seen that immigration from
northern Earopewill not be seriously
interfered with, except that from Rus
sia and Poland. Tbe great stream that
has been flowing in from Italy and tbe
Auatro HuBgarian empire will, however,
be very seriously checked greatly, we
think, to the benefit of this country.
There was little serious opposition to
tbe passage of tbe new law. There wat
sharp disagreement as to its exact terms,
but the principle that the illiterate man
is not a desirable citizen an unfit per
son to share in onr government was
accepted by nearly everybody. There
ought to be a suggestion, therefore, in
the pasrage of this law, by general con
sent, to those of our nortLern critics wbo
angrily resent toutbern election laws
intended to exclude illiteracy from tbe
ballotbox. It is true that tbe practical
effect of those laws is to discriminate
against the negro as a voter, but orly
because the larger part of tbe southern
illiteracy it black. Is black illiteracy
less dangerous than white? Is the illit
erate negro and bis descendants more
apt to be useful t J the country than the
illiterate white wan and his descend
anu, when the latter are almost certain
to be abeorbed into, the mass of the
white population?
Criticism of the kin! to which
we re
it ex
fer does hirm to the extent that
cites resentment because of its
sonableness. Public sentiment
South is demanding freo and fair elec
tions, and will have its way before long
if left alone. But free and fair elections
do not mean that no eet of the qualifi
cations of the voter muet be set up
On the contrary, it is probably true thai
so long as illiterate men are allowed to
vote elections will never be free and fair
in certain parts or the South. Ex.
Fisa Clubbing Offkb. Leslie's Week
ly is the oldest and beet of tbe illustrat
ed weeklies of tbe U, S. It is a model
in its character, as everybody knows.
The regular price is $4 a year ; but you
can secure it and the Wbbkly Dkmockai
for only $3.25, or it and tbe Daily bj
mail for $5.
n.l i I,
When our weather is good it is simply
Mr. Bryan will not attend the inaug
uration. Perhaps some day be may
attend bis own .
$20,000 or $30,000 a month is paid out
on account of the state Institutions, in
Saleoi. What would the capital eity do
without it.
The failure of the legislature to organ
ise and pass an appropriation bill will
materially affect the internets of tome of
Oregon's schools.
Those papers which have the entire
responsibility of the Cuban question on
their shoulders are entitled to the sym
pathy of the world.
An article is beaded, "Tne fitrn
Author." We dare not read it.
refer to the newspaper man, an
short stories, thrilling person
Certainly he straggles,
Uebt Is the canker worm
stops eating, and yet there i
get so used to not paying
makes no difference to then
the canker worm is around ov
Warrants have been issued and are
being served requiring the attendance of
absent members of the legislature.
Whether they will be responded to or
notwilbea matter that will excite a
great deal of interest.
Q W Smith, of Klauaatu county, Ore
gon, recently sold 300 head of catt e to
Fdson Bros., for $10,800, an average of
$36 per head. Yearlings are selling in
Klamath county at from $13 to $15 per
head. These are better figure than have
been obtained for a number of years.
There is every thing it iuuicale a good
sized immigration to Oregon thia year,
legislature or no legislature. Linn coun
ty men should rustle to get some of it.
Small farms should be the rale. Better
have 100 acres unmortgaged, or even 50,
than 100 or 200 mortgaged -
In a recent interview. Senator Black'
bum, of Kentucky, gave it as bis opinion,
that Senator Voorheea ia the logical can
didate, and should be the nominee ot tbe
Democracy for President in 1900; Mr.
Voorheea baa been a firm and aggressive
friend of free silver, and baa the ability
and popularity to make a strong race.
This suggestion, coming fr?m such ft
source, is weighty and will doubtless
receive consideration, should Senator
Voorhees continue to improve in health,
and we sincerely hope that be will,
tireeocastle. Inf.. Star Press.
I came across a new word tbe other
day in Virginia, which a Norfolk man
informed me was spelled "slommicky."
It means dowdyish, as applied to wo
man's costnme that baa neither style
nor fit. Another Virginia word it
"peraute," which in our Northern
slang we should say meant "slick. "
"Bigity" Georgian is ft corruption of
bigoted, and "get ibet of it," means
laterally to get thed of It. "Don't let
on' it universally understood to mean a
disreputable sort of chap. New York
Mr H West, of Kcappuoee. Oregon, who
it building np one of the finest berdt of
jerseyt in tbe Nortbwevt, delivered tbe
milk of eix registered Jerseys, three of
them only 2-year-olds, at tbe Scappoote
crearnery last year. Tne record of tbt
creamery shows that for the year 1896 he
was paid for 1S5S pound of -batter fat.
or an average of 309 2-3 pounds per cow.
This makes an ftverage of over 350
pound of butter per cow, although ball
of the cos's were only 2 year-olds. Tbe
average weight -of miik per cow for tbe
year wat a little over 6000 pound. Ore
gon Agriculturist.
One of the most prominent basineet
men in New York city in earning up tbe
present basinets situation, says: Tbe
shrinkage in values from tbe regular
market quotations of foor yean ago bat
been enormous, running into thousands
of millions. That is, popular invest
ments, which are regularly need at col
Irteial in the banks, ara now worth ft
amall amount of money compared with
their values four yeatago. Tbey have
shrunken nearly one-ba'f." What
stronger testimony could be given
against tbe British financial policy which
bat been forced upon tbe United States T
The shrinkage is sti.l going on, alas!
and no man can tee the end, says an In
diana paper. 1
Tillman's Fork.
Senator Tillman caused a scene in tbt
senate on Monday. He was showing np
the armor plate steal and trusts and
monopolies generally. He charged that
tbe government was paying $1,500,000
too much for ships and that $400 was
allowed for armor plate where $.200 wat
tufficient price, proven by investiga
tion . Then be said :
"Instead of oar controlling the mono)-
oliet the monopolist bavt tht senate in
their viciout pocket."
Senator Bawley at thia charge half
rose from his chair, as though he would
make an objection, then changed bis
"I would bate to sav, or even insinu
ate," Tillman continued, twirling his
glasses ia bis band, "that these araaor-
plate manufacturers have tbelr paid
agentt in thit senate."
Then Hawley rose, beginning : "Does
the tenator dare "
Tillman took the words from his mouth.
"I dare say," he shouted, "that, to far
gentlemen, It can be explained on no
other theory."
Hawley replied:
"If the tenator dares to say or even
to insinuate such a disgraceful thing, he
says what is nntrue, and what is un
worthy of a gentleman."
Tbe galleries wers crowded, and at
this exchange of charges, a deep hush
succeeded their buzzing. Senator Till
man wat nnrofflid. He thrust ft band
into his tronser's pocked nonchalantly,
sod, looking over to Senator Hawley,
coolly returned : ,
' Id 'hat I can only say it is the g tiled
jade that winces.''
"It the senator applies that to me, I
have a sufficient answer,' Hawley taid
angrily. ,
Tsro or three senators gathered around
Senator Hawley, end-avo-iog, apparent
ly, to calm him . Finally he walked with
them into the cloakrojm, while Senator
Tillman continued hie speech.
"I do not want tossy anything harsh:
G id knows I bave got enough vitriol in
me now :"
' Going on with tbe subject of armor, be
taid be could tee no foundation for tbe
state of affairs, except that the manu
facturers had their frinodt ia the senate
There was proof that the government
was to be looted to tbe extent of $2,030,
000 or $3,000,000, "yet," tbe tenator
said, "we cannot help It." TruBtt bad
the government down and their hand
s n.It.owVJ: i''t
Mr. Mitchell has evidently not given
up tne fight, for he continues to send out
documents in bis interest.
It will be a great relief to have the
legislature dissolved and the arony over.
though, it is very unsatisfactory to have
the commissions continued, as wen as
indebtedness in assessments, etc.
The Mullaphy Savings Bank of St.
Louie, closed ita doors Saturday. In
stead of the nBual cause "hard times" it
is declared this failure was due to spec
ulation in whiskey by ita officers. No
wonder it failed.
A young woman in North Dakota, who
has saved up $300, wrote to a resident ot
Lincoln county, to inquire if Oregonja a
able to cast etuis on "iQe'K
the Daily Evening Tribune, be ought to
pay the Chinese tailor for that suit of
clothes he got under the false pretente of
being a custom nouse omcer.
A large number of opiniona are being
given as to tn victor ia tbe bur fight at
Carson on March 17. The prevailing
opinion lsiniavorot uorbott winning.
At ft matter of fact from a pugilistic
standpoint hit record ia not nearly at
gooa at mat ol ritxsimmons; but be
has twenty or thirty pounds su per
nor weight, is younger and at quick
The probability ia that tne man will
win who gets in the luck v knockout blow.
it may be one and it may be tbe other,
as newspaper blowers the men probably
nave no equals.
An eastern man wbo was out here
looking aroaod said in Portland : "Things
ara dead back in Moline, and in - fact
everywhere in the east. Coin ia only 13
cent, oau 9 cents, potatoes II centa,and ,
batter, which I believe bat lately gone 1
np. 20 tents. Just before I left borne. I
bad 10 sacks ot potatoes in my collar for
$1. With corn at 13 cents, the farmer
have no money to buy agricultural im
plements or much of anything else.
Consequently, the factories there are on
ly running on short time, from four to
atx boon a day. Why. I can get 500 men
in Moline to work for me under contract
np to t 1st of May, for 75 cents a day
and find them selves, any time I want.
Probably no one in Albany was as
ranch interested in reading the tetter in
this moming't Herald, of Prof. Lee from
Rochester, N. Y., at the Dkmoceat man,
at .that wat bit home for a loot five
years. He tells of those wonderful fails,
about which Daniel Webster ooc taid :
"Home bad her CVsar and her Pamper,
but Rome in her grandMt day never bad
ft waterfall 115 feet high " lhe actual
height is 92 feet. Tbe Prof, descrip
tion of tbe Erie ftcqueduet takes the
Man about Town back to dozens of walks
over ita top; of tbe East Main bridge to
tbe ict that it it bardlv a bridge at all
bot simply a street built up over the
river, never discevnable to tbe traveler,
but reality from the back windows;
to Power's art gallery, just under w hich,
in the same building, and almost in its
midst, for tbe overflow picture fill the
halls, tbe Democrat man basked for
three and a half yean, and ot tbe new
and wonderful coon boose that Ukea
tbe place ot the old one to which his
dntiee took the Dkmocxat man several
timet a day. and which wat aiwaya be
fore him from the office window. The
article give one a good idea of tome of
the things of a lovely and very lively
o m
Free Lecture.
At the opera bouse, commencing Mon
day at 8 o clock and continuing six ntghtt
by Dr. Del McClaire. tbe lecturer and ex-
amioer-in-chiel for the Orientia) Medical
cioujKw 01 vaicuti and tan t ran-
" 111 ti n smes 01 uiusiraiea lec en coetoroe. on the laws of life and
health; the origin, prevention and curt)
of disease, and give demonstrations of
occult powers.
Private lecture for ladiew only at 3
o'clock p. m., Friday Nov. 5. and for
men only at 8 p. ra.
Special Trip A round the World
R. M. 8. "Aorangi" intends to leave
London March 17th. 1397, via Tenerige,
Cape Town. Melbourne, Sydney, New
Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii and Vancouver.
Tickets good for one year. This rpxial
excorsion is run ia connection with tbe Ca
nadian Pacific railway. The fare for the
trip will be only $560. tbe lowest rate ever
named for such a trip. For full informa
tion call on or address E J (JoyU, agent,
146 Third street, Portland, or , or any
agent of the Canadian Pacific Ry.
The Wxbklt Democrat $1.25 a year
and the Weekly San Francisco Examiner
$1.50 a year, combined for onlj $235.
Thit include all the privilege in tbe 10,
000 premium list of the Examiner including-
ft $10,000 residence and a $4000 gold
(wrea Cfmp.
"My three children are ll tubjecttc
troop: I telegraphoi to San Francisco, got
goi a ball doaen bottles of S B Cough Cure.
It i a perfect remedy. God bless yon for
it. Your, etc., J.H. Oozier, Grant
Pas, Or." For sa'e by Fohay Mason at
0c per bottle.
far t ftldaer
am 6-j years -old; nave had kidney
disease and constipation for 25 year. Am
now well used your 8 . B . Headache and
Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottle al
60 cent eacd. J II Knitrht. Ruttedm
Or." For sale by Foshay, dt Mason at 50c
per bottle.
Properly used, "Perfection" dye
are superior. Insist on having
"Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred
Love has s
long way tc
go to rcaeb
the heart of
the modcra
up - to - date
young man.
When he
look for a wife.
he exoecta a
good deal. Prob
ably be expect
e than be de
serve. Hewantae-ood
look, good sense,
srood attire, rood
health. Tbey usually go together.
An observing man learn that a woman
wbo i physically weak and nervous and in
capable, is likely to be ill-natured too. The
sweetest temper ia ruined by continual
A womsn whose nerve are constantly
racked and dragged by debilitating drain
and inflammation, cannot be a genial com
panion or happy wife ; and she is totally
unfitted to be a mother.
These troubles prevail almost universally
among women largely because of careless
ness and neglect. There is no real need of
them. Vt. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
a positive specific for the weakness and
disease of the feminine organism.
It cures tbsm radically and completely.
It heals, strengthens and purifies. It is the
only scientific remedy devised for this spe
cial purpose by an educated, skilled physi
cian. It is the only medicine that make
motherhood easy ana absolutely safe.
' Mia Lauretta McKee, of Reno (P. O. Bos 735).
TVashot Co., Nev., writes: "I hare discontinued
taking the ' Prescription and will not take
Enore (at present). Ist month I had no
at alt and worked every day without any
venience whatever. It was the first time
I nerer had pain during that period. I cannot
say too much for your medicines, especially
the ' Favorite Prescription ' and ' Pleasant Pel
lets.' I know of a lady who took m bottle of
your ' Favorite Prescription ' and (be says she
wa not sick like she was with her first baby.
This wa her second baby. She think it a
grand medicine. Bo do L"
Dr. Fierce has had ft Hfc-tlme of experi
ence in this particular field. His 1000-page
illustrated book, "The People's Common
Sense Medical Adviser" contains several
chapters devoted to woman's special physi
ology. A paper-bound copy will be sent free
on receipt of at one-cent (tamps to pav the
cost of mailing only. Address, World's Di-
penury Medical Association, Buffalo, N, V.
ame of
ror a cie
ageing and laeamlaa.
Wn!nnTnv. March 2 The national
capital today shelters the outgoing and in
coming president and vice-presidents, and
preparation for tne grana ceremony in
making the change ot administrations go
oa wito feverish hast. Mj r McKini
and Mr llcbart were welconitd to their tu
ture home by one of those glorious bright
days which Washington takes pride in
vlinn in I ha mvul .
Ot the prospective new cabinet, there are
in the citv Messrs Sherman, Gage, Alger,
Gary anu Wilson. Judge McKenna it ex
pected tonight or tomorrow. A possible
cabinet officer, J J McCook, of New Yora,
arrived during tbe day.
rrabably Harder.
Eloknk, Or., March 2. Deputy Prose
cuting Attorney Harris was called to lot
taira lirovA todav to prosecute R II Moibv
for assault upon Marshal J li Buker, of
that nlara. Last nieht Marshal Baker at
tempted to arrest woaoy, wno, viiu oum,
was intoxicated ana creating a uunuru
ance. Moabv resisted and struck tbe mar
shal a vicious blow on fbe bead with a bar
nf iron. Mnabv ii under trmt.
Buker was living at ft late hour tonight.
but tbe attending physician thinks tbt
chances are decidedly againut hi recovery.
The acaate's BemtM.
Salrm. Or.. March 2. The senate b
niirht iWiHmI to dissolve and go home
The attitude of the absent members made
11 .tnTi, at rMviranizAtion an Dear horie
less, and it wa thought best not to add to
the complications of the present trouble
to rue ('tuition. Tbe great stumbling
block in the way of reorganization bat
been Senator Mitcholl- Uu aavice and
bis influence have been powerful with the
absent members.
e MU't Itaatr.
Chicago. March 2. lodge Joseph Mc
Kenn. of California, parsed through Chi
cago today on bis way to anoington.
Wben aked what portfolio bad been
bndired him. ludm McKeuua taid:
"It U undetermined yet wbeher I (ball
be attorney-general or secretary of tbe in
terior That is tbe exact status of the
affair as far a 1 know.
Albert's Oplalas).
Salem, Or., March 2. J 11 Albert,
eathier of tbe Capital National bank,
bold that the action ot Secretary of State
Kincaid, in suspending tbe iwue of cer
tificates of indebtedness -called I to cred
itors of the state doe not affect the tlato
of claims It only euiphaniaes tbe fact.
say Mr Albert, that sucn certificate have
never approved a cUiji. but merely oeru
fisd that a claim bad been prencntrd and
bled, not audited.
iralfte SUTaaed.
AsToatA, Or , March 2 Representative
Grata was arrested early tbi uumimc
by A Mutant bergeant-at-Artn Cotton, oa
a warrant iatoeu by Speaker Davit, of tbe
Oregon lgilature. L nder advice of C. W.
Kalun aid County Judge Gray, be re
fused to accompany Cotton to Siem Boll
tbe hriff ol Ctattop couoty and lhe cbit
ut folios of Attona rffiuvd to aid the
(nrvanVat-arms in reUining custody of
G ratke, aid be wa f oread to leave tbe city
without him.
CXUh Kaftlaad
Loxdojc. March 1. Tbe Daily Chrcni.
ce says there it aula doubt that tbe ten
oos bitch in the concert ol the powers u
due, first, to tbe Ucs of widom oa tbe
part of tbe government, and, wood, to
Use wrath of Emperor " ilium, who, tbe
Chronicle Mjt. deeply reseat the form of
Lord tsUubory's anncuncemeot of tbe poii
ry of Great Britaio toward Crete, and es
pecially tbe r;s Uoo thai Great Britain
ba taken tee lead ia tbe coocrrt.
Istti WsillAe.
Chicaoo, March 1. A special to
Tribune from i FU.. a;a:
From an incautious word droppVi Ly '
prominent slate cthnal luce, it ia ascW
Uioed that the government ba been
leg arranrrmeot for sons da pa
troot Ibroturb Flsrida in crnme ot "n .
sity. The story u that tbe railrt j
nave bees asked to comtsunicatt
Nortbera lines and have special tr.i
ready at a moment's notice to trara-
government troop to all point on
Will Sat Be rmrsl.
WASHrsoTOH, March 1 W J Bryan
I hour in IK mX mILwt nf tlw, Kcm m.
rutted tbe capitpi today, and penl half ra
j newiog aciaaiotiuioe with the wrwpond-
enU be bad known wben a member of or
gnes. tomorrow morning, Mr and Mr
itryan leave for Katem, 111., to spend two
or three days before returning to their
home in Lincoln, Nb.
Saad So Urease.
wooDBtax. Or,. March 1. George
Humphrey, deputy United States marshal,
arrested Sanfotd llilis. charged with con
ducting a tetail liquor buatnem without a
license, and took him to Portiuid this
evening. Mill' examination will take
place before Coiled btate Commiauoner
bladea at 11 o'clock tomorrow morotog.
rvewltar Steal.
F. co exe. Or-, March 1. O P Griffin
died at bis borne in tbi city Saturday
about midnight, and wa bored in the
Odd Fellow' cemetery today, lie wa 64
year old. and wa bedfast for fire years,
bis disease being diabetes. The case is a
remarkable one, aa hi death would not
bave been turprue at any time daring
that period.
tteajsitaMlaw far Besraad.
Salkm, Or , March 1. Governor Lord
today iwued a requisition u.oo the gov
ernor of Michigan for the return of E
Durand, wanted for forgery Durand is
well known in Portland
A Temkle BUaalrr.
City of Mexico, Feb. 23. Tbe latest
news from the mine disaete at Zacateca
bow that it i fully as bad a first report
ed. Fire broke out in the Ztnamoro mine,
the property of the Zombeteto company,
and communicated to tbe Sai Francisco
mine. Tbe Corcish miner displayed
unusual heroism, in attempting the relief
of the improved men. Ten bodies have
been taken ont, and ail show sign of as
phyxiation. There i no longvr any doubt
that 1 iO miners perished.
Allewed Fear Stars.
Loxdox, Feb. 28. It is stated hereto.
day that there i good authority for be
lieving the result of the conferences be
tween repreaeaUtives of tbe great power
at Constantinople and Athena will be tbe
presentation of collective note to Turkey
and Greece tomorrow. Gieece will be al-
'OJtfid four days to recall her land and sea
forces from Crete.
aaejgarattea FreparaUea.
Washihotoh, Feb. 27. Inauguration
preparation are going on going on apace -
In the past 24 nours, visitors have begun
to show tbemaelvea noticeably on the streets.
Decoration begin to flaunt along Penn
sylvania avenue.
Ibe grand arena of the inaugural dis
play will be tbe hort section of the avenue
between i llterntb and betentcenlh streets.
flanked on tbe south by tbe V bite Houte
and on the north by Lafayette square.
Met taaday.
Wabbisotox, Feb. 28. The usual Sun
day quiet of the capitol building wan dis
turbed today by a session of tbe senate,
made necessary to paa appropriation bills.
Large crowds filled the galleries and over
flowed to tbe corridors. Tbe attendance of
senator was even greater than that through
tbe week. Hill took the senate to task for
working on Sundvys. Tbe sundry civil
bill was puceed.
ratal apart.
Pktai.cma, Cat., Feb. 28. -This after
noon Farley Temple, aged 14 years, son of
U Temple, prominent hardware dealer,
and Henry Gerkens, 12 years old, ton of J
H L Gerkens, proprietor of the Western
hotel, played "burglars'' in Temple' (tore
Young Itmple snapped a revolver that was
not tupposeo to be loaded The revolver
exploded, the bullet piercing young Ger
kens' heart, killing him almost instantly.
Ha He Bealgaed.
Havana, Feb. 28. It is officially an
nounced here that tbe statement to the
effect that General Weyler has resigned is
absolutely false.
Music Mies Mildred Burmestei
teacher of piano or organ. System tht
Mason touch and technique. Keaidencf
Filth street, opposite U r chuich.
For tht best drugs, Dawson's.
"Perfectlou Dyes
and Permanent, for
arts Billlitnt
sale by Fred
Paine's Celery Compound is Working in Curing Disease.
Paine's celery compound it working
mirftctes in tbe euro of disease 1
So says recent article by tbe fore in Oft
medical east vitt in Bo-ton
--joining tuowt more conciusireiyvi io my surprise I found an enur
he adds, "tbe astonishing capability ofW anse going on after taking a little over
Pane's celery compound than the I '-.ree bot 'let and I began to fee! like a
thoughtful, open- minded claw of peoole
wbo use it ana recommend it, both ia
public and among their close rt and dear
est fnendt and relative Amor nt
(physiciana) there ia no longer any neti-
fancy in recomm'ndirig this
remedy without ttintof praiw.
About tbe tame time Ibe above article
wat published there appeared in tbe
Boston Joornal.tbe following letter from
David K. Cbasser of 4-',- indsor tt.
Cam bridge port, a auburn of Sor-ton :
"I take great pleasure in; to
tbe extraordinary merits of Paine's cel
ery compound. For tome tin.e part I
have been nnder the treat n.eni of two
well-ko-wn local doctors, but their com
bined efforts proved of no avail . I have
bn for year a harsh skep ic in regard
to advertised medicine, bot bavin suf
fered excruciating paint in the bead,
To Save Money
4 I
j 200 "
i 150
V 200 "
Everything: goes just as cheap.
Stylish neckwear, collars and cuffs
socks, overalls, etc, etc.
Call and see if the above state
ments are true.
Albany Woolen Mill Good,
By the Opera House.
Wall Paper.
Lace Curtains.
Hcture Frames.
Linon Warp Matting,
-Oil Paintings,
and Undertaking
Call on
il Ail kinds of furniture
Dealer ill
Notice i hereby given that I hve teen
duly appointed by trtecounty court of Lnn
county. Oregon, atmieiMratr, wih lbs
will annexed.of tbe extate of John Neloon,
deceased All persons having cla'ms
aramst the estate of aid decd art
hereby notiffed to present the si duW
verified lonie a my residence near-vbedd,
Linn county, Orenon. or to tny ttomar.
Gee W Wrinht, at his law oSice In Albany,
Oregon, witbin six momha from the date
Mart N bison,
Aduir with the will
annexed of tbe es
tate ol tin Neloon
deeoaaed .
Gko W Wright,
Atty for Admr
Dated Jan S, 187.
Notice is hereby given that P Y Duncan
has been duly appointed administrator ol
the estaUs of A I) Knox, la e of Llrin coun
ty. Oregon, deceased, b the county court
of Linn county, Orgo". ""! 'ba be lias
duly qualified a such, all persons having
claim sgainst aid estate are hereby not
ified to present the aie to me hth tbe
proper vouche' undtr oath at tbe offioe of
w R'BiWeu In Al a-'v. fr n within
six months lrom the date hereof v
Dated thm 1 1th day vi
P Y Duncan. Administrator.
which the doctors informed me were doe
to neuralgic symptoms, I determined to
try Pane's celery compound, on the ad
vi e i t a friend
To my surprise I found
new man.
I have for the past 10 or 12
. " ' .1 a ,
yean iuflerei from rjains in the back
and other symptom of derangement of
j the kidneyt ana bladder, and have spent
many s icepieva nignu in consequence
bat now X sleep soand. thanks to the
common tense which induced me to try
Paine't celery compound. I will ever
praise the marresout potency of this val
uable medicine, and at any time will be
giaatogive personal testimony at my
ad lire, should any sufferer tarv to call.
as l cooe oer it tritub to keep tocb a
blessing housed np, and think the pro
pr.etors of Paine't celery compound de
terring of more thanks than 1 can con
vey in words, for making ne a new man.'
A word to other tuSeren :
Goto your druggist for a bottle of
Paine' cery compound, and allow him
to tell too nothing else !
duced the price on
S3.G0 Factj
403 Pasts
5 00 Panti
4 CO Egjs Suits
603 Eopmits
bedding, and it
want the most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest.
Notice for Publication
L,adOf?ic at Okkgom City. Or.
Jan 21, 1S97.
No'ios U hereby (iveo that the following
named ttttl r b lit d notice of his inteo
ti.ia to make Hani rro f ia support of his
olaim and tt tia.J proof will b mada be
fore the K''tr and Raooiver at Oregon
Cin, Oun, on March 6th, 1S97, vis:
OrWian Neubold; H E TJ033 for the S
H N E ,i4M-t 1 and 2 Sec8 Tp 10 S R 4
K. He name lhe following witnesses to
prove bis con-inuou residence upn and
cultivation of. aaid land, v.i: T R Qeorge,
Gilbert Knutaon, Chariest HSckle, CB
Gain, all of Niagara. Oregon.
IIobkrt A. Millkk. Reenter.
Notloo 1 here v glveu to t.'m )aga
voter of hrwol PUt riot No. 5, of lann
oonnty, aUieofOro on. that tha annual
Mchool ete'Hlon for lhe said dlstrlot wilt
bs held at the equity treasurer's offW
in Albany, to begin at the hour ol two
o'clock p m the saeond Mondav, being
the 8th day ol March, 1897. This meet
ing Is eal led for the pnrpnae ore eotlng
tone director to serve three years and one
olork to serve one year, and the tranaao
ton of the business uaual at such meet
f tate thl 20lh JV of February. 18P7
l EHXtN. 4 K ttliTIIHMIU),
n... Dlat oletk. Chairman of Board.
lw, Caevit C-mriof UieSlaU 0 Oregon
jot lite county oj Um.
Gamey Fow!er and W 3 Caesar, p'ain
VV G Morgan, at administrator of th et
tate of Thomas Morgan deceased ; Jamf t
to Morgan as adtniniitraistr etr I tut Mtat.
of Lvdia Morgan deceased-. Marv Aon
9.r7' . .frank Gray ber husband: Agnes
McNeil, John McNeil her husband, John
a,,K., nal morgan his wife: Jme
W Morgan. Vor.-an bia miff W
Piorgso, Morgia ni wie: lane Mor
Ksd, E A Morgsn, Morgan bis wife; Mr
garet Aiaocao, Dan can ber baabsnd; G
L. Btryaer ani Haiti J 8trte.- linn f!o
National faok , ( corporation) wr H Gil
tra, A Bogh, Trustee; Fitt National Bank,
is corporauo&i and Mil on Hale,
To Joba N Morgan and Bath Morn.
hi Wile, tad Margaret Doccaa at4 Daa
can, ber h unbind. Dafendanta
OREGON: Yoo are hereby reqoird io a?
prr aoa snswer n eomplnt bled against
yon to m a dot aoutied nit, by tbe first
day ol th next terra cf this court following
tbs xpiratioa of said samaMMts.towit: br th
4tt MaiMiay in J anc, 1 ;e:n J tb 28 th day
ot taut mooto; and a you fait so to appear
to answer, for waot thereof, tbs plaintiffs
wui apply to toe court for the reHM prayed
for in tbe ecnptaint filed aesinat you harm-
to. towits For a deer foreclosing a eertsfa
mortgage execntrd bv oo Thorn, Morgsn
sd kvdia Morp-ai. hi wife, (omh deeeaa-
td) to the Jarni-Cooklin Alartfaa Trat
Company, to sectire tba payment of $1623,
with interest, aod the farther sum if $100
attorney a fee. Said oiortgags bring open
real estate (ita te in tbs eoanty ot L js.
state of Oegoa, an 4 particularly boaoded
aol deac ibed as follows, town:
Tbe W of tbe D L C of David W A
Ungham; u ! in See 33 and 34, Tp 13.
Math. Bangs 4. W W M. eootaioiag 159
sen more or leas.
And airectio 'e of said property im tbe
manr pr-id d by Uv aod apclieatioa of
tbs prooeeda tberef -oe to payment of the
claim of the p aint ff herein, including
cyt, disbaraeeneata of tait aod mtxonmj i
Th:s rsmtMM is pabii bed bv order of
the Hoaorabls M II Hewitt, jtdg of aaid
Ma4 a d di:l oa te 245 day of Feb
rsarr. igaj.
Geo W Bzts a MorrAim a Hackxbmav,
A:torarf Piautiff
I-;tve Ci ciit Cost f -r Lice, roeuttj of the
SUM 01 Oref-oc.
Taenia Eeadicg, rlott If
John Powers acd Ecily fowtn, defendants
To Foil T Poser, oce of Ut defendants
abore 1 aoed :
OKEGOK: Yon hereby rcQsirtd to
Bsfar said aa-Wt r the eomptaiat of the
abore oame-i plaintiff ia the at7 eat:ted
court new oa bi w .th tbe cWa f f said
ooart, by the 6"t day of the next resa'-ar
term of tbi; coart to be tMgnn and beid ia
the cit of Alhaar, Lran eaaty, Cregoo, on
tbe 8U1 day cf March, 1997; aad yea ate
entitled tha if tail to appear acd aa
sartr said eoacplaiot as Herein repaired the
plaiabS snii apply to to coart tor thai
lief dcaaa4el la bis eomptsiat oa fie ia
lhe store eatiCedocart. akich rei'rf is far
tbe f aradow of a ai-tg3 t?yea by Joea
Por-rs ad Eacly Powen. datd Oetober
19. 1896. of, to and apoa th fotJosriBg dea
eribed raal atate, towit;
1e sorth of lhe sreat Jf of tie D L
C of Aoao T Tboeataio aao E.izabe:h C
Tb eapoa. Is tng asd beta; ia Lisa eoaaty,
aad kasara aa Xoti Scat too Xo. 2334. aad
eiaiai mo 41, beittg parta of SecSoca 9. 10.
15 aad IS in tonbip 13, south of ranjja 1
a-aat ot tbe WUlaawcta Heridiaa, Mr
boaoded aa fclioars; gegiaamsr at a prist 15
chaio aod 40 link nonb and 21 chaisa aad
16 1ms j out of tbt a-iatbsrert coroer of ra d
sectioa 10, aod raaniaj tbraee aoath 3
chains aad 7 1 iiaka, tbeeos weat 8 ebsir
aad 24 tints, thence aoatb I cfcai-J aad 60
hobs, tbeoos vest 62 cbaias aad 71 tiafca,
theaoe north 43 chains, theoos cast 71
cbuas aad 11 haka to tbe place of begia
nicr. cooiaiaiBg 313 acrer. av-re or la.
Wtlch aaid Biortfac aa girea to aecvra
tbe paTRMOt of a ao:e dat4 Lebaao. Or
e, Oc ober 19. 1S91, for tbe aa if f2
an i r after iau. vith ulanatthcra
on at tbe rata of 10 per cost per aaaaa
as 1 f'T jaifmeet ajraiaat roa for tbe mum
cf a-ith iatert tkeraca at the nit of
10 par eeat pr aanam from tka l9'.h day
of Octob- , 196, aad for the cosU aad dia
baraetseata of tbai aait aod for a decree
forealasarig aaU aaortre asd dtrectiEg t bo
laad afeora described to be sold, aad tha
proceed anstog froai ach sale to be p
flied to tb pa meat t4 t'-e ensta asd dts
DararaaeaM and attcrve.V ice aa i -he
pnadpaiaod iatereat de opoa aa a-ite
Tbta saasriKHiS n pa'uh-d Hy nrdfi ' f
th Bmah'e H H HcaiU, jiie f .he
Sore rali'iet m?e at cboili ia
I- Cl j ifAltry tt-e, Jacaary 21,
liS7. Witm sued & Wrarr.
Atts for PUiatdT.
fa tke Circuit Ctmrl ot At State
or tike Cam j of Xosa
Department Xo. 2.
"sry A S Snox and A S KaTx, plain
tiff. -
H C Brigs and Trie Alliance Trast Corn
pan , limited. corporation, defendants-
Te H C Brigge, one of the defendant
abo-e named :
OREGON. Yen are hereby required to
appear and answer the com p'ain t of tha
above named p'sinuff in the above entitled
court, now on hie with the clerk of said
court, bT the Ert day of next regular term
of said court to be held in tht citv cf Al
bany, ia Lias county, Oregon, oo the t?th
lay ct March, IS91. and yon are hereby
to'iSrd that if you fail io appear and
answer M complaint, a hereby required.
th plaintiff wilt apply to tbe court for
the re'icf demanded in their complaint,
for a decree a ajudgln that the defendaB.a
have no estate or intercut or lien whatever
and removing tbe cloud and cancel ing
and declaring tbe deed to be a foryvry and
voia, O2teitoe7 b dsyot Julv. isao. and
recorded on the 20th da of July. 1SS6. In
book of deed volume of, oo page 2i6ia
the record of deed for Lina cooatv. Or
egon, of. to and fvr the following described
real estate, towit:
Beglnntnr at the N E comer of the r.
L C of A S Knox a k1 Mary A S Knox, hi
ife, beifg Xo. Xo. 1193. and claim Xo.
5o in tp 11 S K 2 west of Willamette Me
ridian, Oregon, and running tbenca S
26.4(5 chains more or les, to the S line of
tne N of ad claim, thence V on aaid
division line 120. 53 chain, more or less,
to the w boundary line of said c'alm. then-
X 25 94 chains, more or lea, to the X E
co'ner of the D L C of Samuel Hardmaa
and'ng Kot- Xo. 1202 and claim
Xo. 54 in taid tp ami range, thence east
3.33 chains, thence X 52 links, thence eat
117 20 chains to tue pUveot beirinninir.
con'aimng 01a.70acrTa.a t in unn count-
Oregon, being tne N H of the D L
K. ot aid A t hecx and wi;e.
And tocar.cell and declare void a mort
gage executed by H C Brigs to the Al
liance Trust vompanv and dated Julv 9l1
1(6, and r orded on July 20. 1S96, In the
lecorder's office for Linn count v. Omron.
in dock or Mor' gage 01 on pace &5ti on
...... - .
the ald 20th day ot Jnly.lSjfi. ftwthe
um of y0 and to remove the don j
from pUioUfTa title to said land above
deoerioea by reason ot satd deed and mart
Itage and for t e costs and dUbursements
ottlila suit. Ibis summons is published
bv order of the Hon H H Hewitt. i.f
of the above entitled court, made at the
chambers on the 2tth day of January, 1837,
ai Aioany, itregoa.
Atts for Plaint Jti
No'l 1 hereby given that the under
signed has beru duly appointed by tbe
County court of l.inn county, Oregon, ad
inUtrator of the estate of Joseph C My
r, deceased, late of aid county, and he
ha duty qualified aasucb and all person
having clninis against said estate are here
by requested to present the same to me a'
Albany. Oreoon, propetiy verified
by law provlJed, within ix montoa frou
this datf.
Dated at Albanv, Oregon, tins 16th daj
of December, 1S96. D W Mtkks,
v.Vhitit & NrwronT, Admie'stra
Attjs for Admr.
In thf. Circuit Court for LS C-mty,Stait cf
Frank Kiernan, plaintiff,
J B Stearns defendant.
To J B Stearns the above named defend
OREGON. Ton are hereby required to
ppear and answer tbe complaint of tbe
Love plaintiff, in tbe above cntit'ed court
in tbe above entitled case, bow on file
itti tbe clerk of id Cmrt, bv tbe first
dy of the next rrgolar term of said court.
following the pubitrauon ot mu summons,
which said term of said coon begins oo
the 8th day of March, 1897, at the court
boot e in the city of Albany, Linn county.
Oregon; at d yon are hereby further noti
fied that if yon fail to appear and answer
said complaint aa breby required, the
plaintiff will take judgment tgaintyoa
for the tarn of $25 and tbe cos' an4 dl
bnraement of tbis action to be taxed, and
will also fake an order directing the fol
lowing described land belonging to yon
and attached in tbi action, to w it : Tbe
southwest quarter of section 25 l own-bip
10 South Range 6 east of the Willamette
Meridian in Linn county, Oregon, con
taining 150 acres rrore or less, to be sold
for the purpose of paying such judgment.
Tbis Summons i published by order ot
the Hon Geo a Burnett, judge of taid
court, made t chambers ia tbt City of
Salftn. Oregon, oo the 19th day of Jaa-
r J bas eos ana v n. diltbu.
AUorney fnr PUialift.
Osbo-v CiTT, OaESo,
Jannarv 25th, 189T.
Notice is hereS eiven that the approv
ed plats of survey ot Township 13 Sooth.
Mange 5 taet, ana 10 soom, nangc
Kist, tne fractional plat of rey cr
Township 12 South, Range 4 East, 5 Esat
East, and 7 Eat, and traenowsi pu cr
lonhipl3 Somb. tUnge f r-. nave
been re ijived trotnTne aorveyor ueiera
of Oregon, and on March 6i. 17. at 1
o'clock a. m- o said date, sa'-d plats will
be fitad ia this office, and the land therein
embraced will be subject to entry "B and
after said date,
K.BTTT A VfLLftt, Eeiater.
Wm Gajjwiwat, Reeeiw.
Xotice i hereby gf ren that the under
eigned a admlBtatrator of toe crate of J
M Vv ilaoe. deceased, a Sled hi final ac
count in aid erxte with the county clerk
of Linn county. Oregon, and tbe county
court ha 1x-d Friday, f be 5th day of
March. 1S97, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m.
of said day for tbe Snal hearing of aaid
accoant aad the settlement of said estate.
.ny ard si! perons baring any objec
tions to the same are hereby no iSed to be
present at s-id time and present the same.
Ayomer. Administrator
Seaued past. rpeeificalif aa. sti3 do
iia-3 aad bids an' I ba recejrrd at the)
ofece cf eoantr clerk of tVaa eoaatr. Or;
oa or before the 5th day of Msrea, iS9?A
I o'elocfc K as, for" a aaa bndg aeroaa
tbe Xorth Saatiaai rirer at or aear
btdn arill be eeoaiderad for a tfsaai
and steet brida aa well a wood aoatgaa.
Said bridge to be ecaapleted oa or brfora
Aarat lat, 1SJ7.
The eoart rtmj toe nebt to reject any
aatdaUbid. Doa b ot der cf the eoaaty
Dated U' 15 k day of Feb . 1S97.
C B MosTTacrx,
Ccaaty Clerk. Lina Co., Or.
Notice is herebr that there will bea meet
ing of the stockholder of th Odd FeHow.
Hall Building AsoQatSom held a the Odd
Fellows t-iarary in Albany. Oreeost, oa
Man day, the I iy of March, 1SS7, at 7
OjekicK p m, for tbe porpese of electine,
sere a directors to ere for tbeettsaina;
year and to transact any other boataesa
that may come before said meeting .
Signed this the lrt day of February.
curs Josxth, Sec etary -
Notice b hereby givfa to all persona
iaterested. that 1. the undmig-aed a
tigoee o Prepst and Butler kaveSiedmy
final account in the matter of (aid acsiga
rr.ept, in tbe circuit court of the state of
Oregov for Lian county, and that saaj
final account will be beard and passed op
en by said court n tbe court hense in to
citv of Aibaav. linn cocnty, Oregon, at
i tbe hour of 1 o'clock p m. oo the 2oth day
of March. ISSI - aasixrs i-kofst.
Notice is hereby given that the insaar
meeting of tbe stoekboioer of tbe Albamyfe
Baitdlag Associatioa will be held at itoreV.
of J Gradwohl. in Aibaav, on Monday..
March 15th. 1S97. at 7:o0 p m for the
etectioa of director, acd cch oher bast
nesa a may coroe betore the meeting.
Date Feb- 13'Ji,
W C IwriDAii, F P Xcmss
Precideet. '. Secretary
T. K al IwSKMUi
Solicitcr&lttj. iaPitai. Csssss,
ITT Sew Te--. Waahsaarea. C.
Office established 1S6S. Charges moderate
Correepoadesce requested.
Southern Pacific Co.
Calatoraia Caarea Tnlaa
leave rwJaaa OaOr
raoa Mar
- a. 1 1
Arlts a
119 a 1 Lt
II Ui a Ar
Above tr!a stop t E Portland
Oregoo City. Woodbarn, Salem. 1"-
ner. Martoa. Jederson. aj a
Tannt. Shedd. Hl-eT
CresweJl, Cottage Grove. Drain, and au
stations froca Kxeburg swnt to ana -
eluding Ashland.
aosaaraa aasxMIT
sw L
t&tera Lv
liurt I Ar
Leava Aibaav fcir Lceanea
Arrive al Alaaav troaa Lbaaoa
lmx Atbtnv lor Laasaaa
ArttT it A'bwr fnaa Lsbaaaa
Leave Albany tor Wdbara via
Wsodbara -
. iojIO a
ArriT at Albany troaa woodbara
LaaTeAlbakT tor Katroa
Anivs) al Albany hvam Katroa
Diaine Urs oa Ogsn RJ
Altaehaal Saail Thraaa Tralaa
Ja. a ' -
mwwm vnmw a a,
fori land
Lt ll lira
fcs r a I Ar
Express train dUv (except Sunday) at
ilbanv and Corval.weoensct with train
vXCaVK. K'. .
: ra i v
'.- I Ar
PvrU I
Through Tickets
lo all points ia aaatera statea, Oaaada V
3mm be oatatnaa a loveas rasas nasi v m w
t2nt, Aibaav -
Waer O r if A
rurv'aaa ui.xva Furtjas)
-. t