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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1897)
iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii Mind this. It makes no difference, fEUi of the Muscles, Joints, and Bones WWItHHMHIIilllll IHL. CtETHERFOilD & WYATT torneys at law. Will practice in a ourts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Flinn block. " WR.B.LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrjron. BLAQXBUR3 & S0F..ERS 1TOBNET3 .T Xa-aVW, All legal matters will receive prompt at ention. Oihce, First National Bank ui tains', tip stairs. jyOXTAM'SE fe MAC liXKMAN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. D li. J. I. HILL, ftyctdMs and nrron. OFFICE Corns wry stroma, Aibsay .Oregon. DH. C, U, CHAMBERLin aO MOHOP ATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street- - MT-ST JiATIO.111. BANK, or ALEAHT, ORBOOlt P.ea!rt . fioe President . shi or i, .... iFUira S, R.YOCSO .K. W. LANOUON T tAKSACTS A GENERAL banctaj'baaiMa ACCOUNTS KKPT subjec to he. SIG TT EXCHASOB and t"i-pole treas'er, o oq Ke ?ork Sw mnesoe.Cbieagoan r-Uard COL'jSCTIONS JADKoa tatorsMs trasa S E ToosW L BLAIB, C. W LASmox L. Fuaa, . Fuss. .1 .V-torr.ey at Law, Albany, Or. To our printery will convince any one that we are better equipped to handle their or ders i ban any office in the valley. Why shouldn't we be? We have improved ma chinery, the best power, modern type faces, borders, fixtures, etc the only line ef prints rs stationary m the county, and good .workmen. Our work is always executed promptly and at legitimate pives. If yon "on't have to trade it out, or take printing because yen can't get cash, come to see us. If our services are not satisfactory you get your nionay back. SMILEY, the Printer. ' Phone 9, Albany. 69 YEARS EXPERIENCE. fc-W-- DESKS, " ' COPYRIGHTS 4 Aurora serHlfiia- a fiketrii and dwjiuihm ma owcaiT ascertain, tree, vbeiber an lnTentlon la probablr patentable. Communications strictly On&dential. O'des aeencr f or aeearinff pat ents In America. We have a Wa&Binstoa office. - Patents taken through At ana a Co. reoelra tww uuuw id toe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, besntifTtity UhHCiBtod. ranrept rtrrnlfJoa of f l-jO six months. SpeciDm oopie ami Eakd iswA ui rATsAiB teat tree, ftnnrtwi MUNN A CO., 361 Broadway. Ktw Yark. gjiDDD POISOII , uary cypouis peraucenur eurea nitn iaCars. Ton can ke treated at soma for f " ? :fi roo prefer to come hera wa will eontraot ft-' to par railroad lare and hotel bill, and no ebsrge. It we fall to cure. If yon hare taken mm. -cry, iodide potash, and atiU bare achea end Ksa, M wjoqb Patches In month. Bore Throat, tuples. Copper Colored 8 pots, Clcera oa any partof the body. H air or Eyebrow alUnr out. Itiatbia Svnhilitie BLOOD POISOX thai wa frnarantee to cure. We aoudt ttte noat obatl atata caaea and cnallenge tba world for m ew we cannot enre. l'bta dlseaae has always bailed the skill of the ixiont emioentphyai dans. 00,000 capital behind oar ttonal iraaracty. Abaolnte proof annt sealed oa anoUcetkin. aUMreas COOK REMEDY COat Fire ' Insurance ''RE YOUR PROPERTY -with ie Old Barf ford, the New York Un. w iiterg Airencyor any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note TaKen ana plenty 01 time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bs promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. J- M. R ALSTON BROKER. 2 Door East of Democrat Office. Mon-y to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal fecurity. City, conuty and school warrants bought. Co- tctiona made on favorable terms. l ira lumirance written in Ihreeoi tbe lrg t,;clllpanif8 in the world, it lowest xateu. TRADING GO GROCERIES and FEEDOF ALL KINDS Cheat ecd for sale cr trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 61 It. N. Morris, fllgr Corner 2nd and Main Sts. MISS HELA B. GILBIBT. ' Teacher Gt Hano & Organ T i 3Iuson System of Technic) Curtfr.! Inetrnction of Children f. fpe altv Terms moderate. -H'aaLicgton St. south of U. P. church. Dr Adams JCusick Block Albany, Or HOME LAUNDRY.-i ; Noit ' iilfworth Street, t'arail r .t' p. Particular attention paj 3 ushiig and mending-, Kati .ja.-i-jtted. Mas. CuitlsxNKK A VIS1T $3 Acute, or ' Inflammatory is cured bv Star liakory Corner Broadalbin and FirstlStt CONBAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -dmi in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queensvr&.- Vegetable Qgars, Spices j Tea Etc everything that is Kept in good variety andgro eery store. High est ptVse paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCI Are Your Teeth Sound? Usually the teeth are what judicious care or unwise neglect has made then. Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want of care means premature decay. To preserve the te ith keep them clean and thus prevent accumulation on tbe dental surface. Oar powders are the most effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teeth a clear, smooth, and beautiful appearance. We also carry a full tins of the best tooth brashes in the market, alone with every thing kept in a first-class drug house Physicians' prescriptions a specialty. I. A dimming. ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SENDERS, Hgr Bavs and sells wheat, oats and wool at all points in the Willamette Valley and is thi leading insuiance agent of Albany. In placing your insurance there art two things to be considered : 1st. bet a-good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly understands his business and knows how to write a pol icy, giving you its full benefit, having had 8 years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of losses. Can guarantee you I have these requirements Very KespecuoUy Yours 31 SENDERS VIERECKS SHAViNG AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CUT HEADQUARTERS F0& !) Whites JTc ITqi 3fo"Vvei. A head of hair or no pay. Cores all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalo. Razors Honed and Set and Put in 'ord er on Short Notice FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale It Retail DRUGGISTS &SD00miLEES ALHAJIT. OKEGOH. Pure Drugs and the finest and Large block of btationary and Hooks in the Market. ALBANY ORCHESTRA ,1 Iff BACKBESTO. Conductor BERT WESTFROOK Mgr., INSTRUMENTATION Vio., II Vio., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass andDrums Iejet toiie of neqsic -Mosio Fnroished Concerts, Parties. Receptions and Enter. tainments at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited resardlnir en- ggemeu our or town Address tfert V eetnrook. Business Man sger, Revere House, Albany, Oregon I LDDWI6, Opposite Postolce. PLUMBIN G and tinri ing at bottom prices. FARMERS FEED SHED. Betveen Firtt and Second on Baker. Team stabled for 10 cents. Ladies toilet and waitrsg room in Con ner, bon. D. Btjssabd. Prof. A. STARK Of WUl k Stark. ; 5 Optical Specialist Graduate of th diiram : ftntiioi.t College. , " I am Drecared to uremina anfanK(TMlla sod accurateJv. bv the latest methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cusick Block AiAAXT.ORKSon. 0k Mmmm Wu Mtwtut. Ureece did not fry in vain. Grofer Cleveland will th4tb. March out on People wh don't need it nave f money. plenty Think of tbe wasted thunder in the senate chamber. A man just trom Chicago says Albany is good enough for him. It continues to be a very uncertain quantity what Uanna will get. The man who gloats over another's misfortune is a wretch indeed. Two big New York biscuit trusts have been having a war. It is to bs hoped some one got burned. Daring 1S06 in Washington there were S145 births, 2311 deaths and 2133 mar riages. A good record Tbe Sugar trust makes $20,000,000 a year off the people. That comes pretty near being robbery. A town in Arkansas is called Credit . It mas. be a murderous place. Credit has killed many a business man If the presidential election was to take place today the result would be materi ally different from tne recent one. After all congress has not dons anything itself. It has been trying to do a great deal; bat has failed in nearly every in stance. We must take thing as ihey come and make tbe best of them the Dem ocrat doesn't know of a .much better policy than that. "Where Ignorance is Bliss" very cute ly says an exchange, which suggests that eastern men sometimes should mind their own business. Wade's anti-trust bi 1 may be a good thing, but it evidently will not have a chance to 'paTSs. There is undoubtedly too much trust and trusting, considered from any aspect you please. A gentleman in the office this week made his thirty second annual payment for tbs Weekly Dkmocbat, paying a year in advance. His record is a clean one and he always receives a long credit mark together with the others who do likewise, even if they have not taken the paper since it started A late president of one of our colleges once said, "The habit of standing id is, waiting for deal men's shoes kills the life in many s rich man's son. It is a paralysis of body and mind. I can pick out nearly everv boy in this college whose idea of life is to spend the money which somebody else has earned. His looks, bis acta, his talk, are infected with a dry rot." The future prosperity of our country will depend more npoa good schools than any other element. The future education will bave in view not only tbe knowledge of the student but as well the character. It is coming to be thought as much thep-ovioce of ths school to make good men and womsi as smart ones. The improvement of the world is to be through the proper development of the child. The Prineville Review tape Brother Diver on the shoulder as follows: I D Driver was a disappointment. In tbe first place be is a crank ; and second he don't know anything. He was so foolish as to revamp the old anarchy charge against those who did not agree with him, and tbe way be was roasted from that time on was a caution. Yon see, he charged bis oppooeoU with be ing anarchists, a lawless mob, and then made a passionate plea for tbe senate to disregard ths provisions of the constitu tion in reference to a quorum, and, law or no law, proceed to take a vote on sen ator, and the way be was scored was fnn for tbe boys, and tbe way it hurt was j evidenced by the way be squirmed. Kosslana. ' A correspondent of tbe Tomahawk gives the fol toeing interesting facts: Bosstand is now a town of 7,000 people, and it is invariably described by those wbo ought to" know as unquestionably ths most active and promising new min ng center in tbe world of today. Its growth to its preeent proportions has been almost magical, for witbin less than two year Its population bas been mul tiplied by at least one hundred fold, and its visible and known wealth in mineral bas risen daring about tbe same period of time from practically nothing to hundreds of millions of dollars. Then there was not a paying property in tbe district and upon none of the few loca tions then made bad any considerable amount of development been done. Now more than a, score of mines in and im mediately adjacent to tbe town have reached soch a stage of development as entitles tbem to be designated a pro ducers, and many others give promise of soon entering that class. It is needless to say tbat this rapid rise in tbe fortunes of Rossland in particular and of Trail Creek camp in general has brought with it quickly acquired wealth to many in dividuals. .Of three who have grown suddenly rich from Borland mines. psrbaps the most noticeable instance is that of Judge George Tamer, of Spok ane. Mining is not tbe only means of mak-? tng money here, lor real estate bas "gone op" in Rossland during the past two years from an average value of nothing per lot, t J a present maximum valne of not less than $8,000 for a 30 foot f rontags on Columbia avenue, . the principal business street. According to location real estate values all over the original townsiie have during tbe same time increased proportionately, and no one believes bat tbat. values will cootinus to enhance until very high figures bave been reached. Fortunes bave already been made here by merchants and hotel keepers, too. and more will be made in tbe same way. No one acquainted with the situation will dispute, that indica tlons all point to the probability, yes, to tbe certainty, tbat the population of Reseland in six months from now will be three times greater than it is today. We all know what tbat means to tbe man of energy and experience who em' braces tbe opportunities always offered by a boom, for money leaking. But, of coarse, tbe big money in this and other sections of British Columbia has been and will be mads in mines and mining stocks, and in these lines will doubtless be tamed tbe attention of a large majority of those who seek fortunes in this section, for years to come. Try books. I'awson once oa school Bill's In Trouble. I've got a letter, parson trom my ton away out w eat, An' mr ol' heart is heavy as an anvil in my breast, To think the boy whose futur' 1 had once so proudly planned Should wander from the path o' right,. .V t . . an' come to sioh an end 1 b8nl8h ded "t. I told him when he left us only three short years ago He'd find himself a-plowin' in a njighty crooked row He'd miss his father's counsels, an' bis mother's prayers, too. ' But be said the farm was hateful, an' he guessed he'd have to go. I know thar's big temptalisn for a youngster In tbs West, Bat I believed our Billy had the courage to resist. An' when be left I warned him o' tbe everwaitin' snares That lie like bidden sarpenta in life's pathway everywberes. But Bill he promised faithful to be seer-' allowed He'd build a reputation that'd make as mighty proud. Bat it seems as how my counsel sort o faded from his mind, An' now ths boy's in trouble o' tbe very wustest kind I His letters came so seldom that I some- bow sort o' knowed Tbat Bi'ly was a tramptn' on a mighty rocky road. Bat never once imagined he would bow my head in shame. An' in ths daet'd waller bis ol' daddy's honored name. He writes from out in Oregon, an' the story's mighty short; I just can't tell bis mother; it'll crush her poor ol' heart 1 An' so I reckoned, parson, you might break the news to her Bill's in the Legislator', but he doesn't say what fur. Post. Ths woman's suffrage bill was refused a place on the calendar in the Kansas legislature, being killed in the committee. Tbe more eastern men nave tried to interfere with Webloot politics the w oe s they have made matters. They sort o' need Mr. Psnnoyer to tell them to mind their own business. After all that Bradley Martin ball in New York City last week was simplv a vulgar display of wealth. As a party it was a very dry affair, with' ut a bit o' fan, and little enjoyment. We have been bearing right along About bow lbs White Swan mine near Baker City has been paying immensely, and vet recently liens amounting to 14500 were filed against it for debts. Evidently there are some mining liars np aronnd Baker City. Both Cornell ani Fitxsimmons are telling bow easily they are goirg to knock the other fellow oat. They know jast bow to do it. All of whcb makes o ie very weary from a pugilistic standpoint. The great fares is nearly over, from tbe present oat look. Tbe present s sion has been a Mitchell and anti Mitchell one from the start, with the pro and eon contingent inside tbe republican party tse!f. The senatorial coolest is at the bottom of tbe Thole trouble, and time will only emphacise tbe placing of tbe trouble directly to tbe credit of lbs Mitchell and Simoo factions. Tbe di grace is a keen one. Haory O- Osvtmeyer in the great sugar trust case answered tbe following two questions nesrly together "Are you solo to control tbe prodact or fix tbe price of sazar in tbe United Stales?" "Ws are not." "well, tbee yon control tbe oo'put and the price of refined sugar in the United States, do yon not!" "We undoubtedly do." The latter is undoubtedly tbe truth. and the people foot tbe bill. Governor Lord addressed tbe following letter, in behalf of tbe Indiao war vet erans, to Speaker Reed, of the natiooal bouse of representative : "On behalf of the veterans of the Indian war el 1555 6, in Oregon and Washington, I bave the booor to request your kiodly offices in bringing into consideration in the bouse of representatives the favora bly reported senate bill for the relief of these veterans. Their service tn tha nation and to civilisation were great in dted, and recognition bss ben too long deterred. If you bave time to coosidera measure whose merit and justice seem to me beyond any doubt, foil informa tion about it would be promptly sup plied by Oregon's representatives in con gress bryan's Book. Hers is what Bryan's book rill con- tain: A biography of Bryan, by bis wife. All the speeches of Bryan, including "is Sundsy school and county fair ad- Three portraits of Bryan's ancestors. Seven different portraits of Bryan himself. Two portraits of Mrs. Bryan. Four portraits of Bryan's childien. Two full psgs plates of Bryan residen ces in Illinois. A full page plate th- present Bryan residence in Nebraska. A view ol the interior of the latter. A map of tbe travel of Brrao. cover ing his first and second political tours. A map of ths route taken by Bryan in bis third and fourth political jiurjey ings. Ths intineraty of Bryan in his tri umphant marches, carsfully calculated in miles and fractions of miles from point to point, with tbe sum total accu rate! noted. Got It la the Neck. A number of replies bave been sent by members of tbs legislature to Cornelius N. Bliss, prssident of tbe American Pro tective Tariff League, wbo wired the anti-Mitchell republicans Monday not to fail to elect a United States senator. The Bliss telegrams were sent in Mitch ell's interest. Some of the replies ars: "I bave lived in Oregon nearly 20 years, and understand the situation here batter than yon do. Oregon is rich in senatorial Umber. Have Mitchell with drawn, and we will quickly send yon a sound specimen. "Geobos II. Hiix." "Wire John B. Mitchell to withdraw, and we will elect a sound-money, pro tective' tariff, straight republican United States senator. No equlvocator will rep resent Oregon. Gkobos W. Riddlb, "Rep. Oregon Legislature." "When we elect United States sena tor will have one so that we will know bow be stands on money, as well as on other questions. J. C. Baycb, "Bouse of Representatives." ''Perhaps I understand tbe situation in congress. I know the conditions in Oregon. I am for sound money and pro tection. Wben did yon join ths silver Mitchell 'pnsb'? Jambi N. Davis, "Rep. Oregon atate Legislators.'' Dr. Price's cream Baking; Powder .Ami dad Cold Mtdal Vidwiatar Pal. Sss Prsacfcea, . SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS A good msny papers coming to the Dkmockat this week have had a good deal to tav about raising sugar beets. I there is money in them the mire the better. t us raise suuar beets and Postmaster Craig, otKuuena, certainly jumped into the -Ore when he used the government's money to pay his honest debts. It Is a splendid thing to want to pay one debts, and ths man who makes ths effort is deserving of commenda tion and of being patted on his back more than any cat, but stealing tbe money in order to do it can find no jus tification in the Dkmocbat'b moral code Mr Craig should have thought again until hi head almost burst open and have concluded to do the honorable thing. A good rule to follow is to never use money belonging to another person, no matter now small. Ksep trust funds absolutely separate, not mingling them witbyonr own. You cannot fairly do any thing else. When a man who has lived an honor able, upright life, meets with financial reverses, he deserves ths sympathy and best friendship those around him can offer. No member of the legislature has beeo criticised more generally and severely than Rev. Driver . Even his iwn partv papers tail to have a good word lor him. The tjroth is he is an impracticable, childish man, with a poor balance wheel. Intellectually io a general sense he is a man of great calibre, but specifically be lacks those practical qualities that make tbe good legislator. Hinisb-rs are loo apt to fly off on tangents when it come to public matwrs, and it is not certain but what they bad much beuvr kn-p oi of politics. We need good mn in gov ernment affairs but they shontd be prac tical. Of course there are some lawyr who are just as wh!maicala Mr. Privr, bat not generally. It would be a great deal more gentle manly i: Corbett and FiUsimmona.about whom so much Is being said ibw fc'rb ruary days, would arbitrate iia--ad of fighting. While it would nut offo so big a field for newspaper scoops, it ould save a great deal of uoneceeaary blow . Washington Letter. fnai r naralar Corraapowlaat. WasHisoTos, Feti. 15th. 1887 . Another billion dollar ennprras! At-1 though the exact Sgore cannot be given until tbe last appropriation bil has beep passed, i is already known, and admit ted by tbe republican chairmen of tbe committees on appropriations of both boa re scd senate, that tie total appro priations will not ooly exceed one billion dollars, bet that Ihey will go enough beyond that amooot to break tbe high water record msd by the previous billion dollar republican congress by ao alvance of thirty or forty million dollars. This, loo. In the face of the general re publican bowl about tbe insufficiency of revenue provided bv the present tariff bill. There la Utile doubt that tbe republican leaders bavs ailoe the appropriations to pile up, although spparestly fighting far economy by shut ting out bills seen tor tte smallest pub lic building. In order tomak the deficit ! big enough to excuse the tariff bill they are engaged io concocting. Ia a speech made by Pension Com missioaer Murphy, in'snewer Io resolu tions commending bis administra'ioa ol tbe Pension Buresa, presented by a committee from two Pennsvlvanta U . A R. Posts. Mr- Murphy told for the first time in public, the instructions given him by President Cleveland wben be appointed him commissioner of penioo. Whatever may be one's opinion of manv of his other politic, it is difficult to see how any man could have ontliued in a faw words a more iust sod patriotic pen. sion policy than president Cleveland did when be said to Commissioner Marpby Mr. Morpby, I think tyoa know my ideas of ths Pension Bureaa and Ibe pension system. They are jot these: In claims comiog,np for tbe aciton of the Bureau, where you find the cae of a orthy soldier who aervrd bis country fsithfully in ber boor of danger, you will be lenient with him and give htm tbs benefit of a reaeocable doubt. Io set tling the claims of thswidoss and orphans, yon will act io the same man ner, not waste no sympathy on tbe un worthy." It should be placed to tbe credit of Mr Cannon, Chairman of the bou-e commit tee on appropriation, that he reported adversely tbe resolution appropriating $500 for the erection of a stand for tbe use of senators and representatives and tbeir families on inauguration day, on tbe ground tbat senators and represent- a'ive should psy for seats, just as other people do, if tbey wish to sit down to view ibe ineagoral parade. Senator Quay Is reported to have a letter written by Mr. Hanbs. before Me Ktnley's nomination, demanding that tbe Pittsburg Iron and Steele Manufac turers put np a Isrgs sum of money to be nsedln Mcldnley's behalf, and to bave threatened to make it public if tbe McKiole 7 crowd attempt to get to gay withbim. Qiay i now in rer nsTl vanla. where he went to help his ton 'Dick" ont, in the libel suit, which has been thrown on his shoulderr by th publisher of a Pittsburg paper. When a democrat, or a popnliet, uses such. language as Representative Calder head, a good Kansas republican, did before tbe houss baoking and currency cimmittee, of which he is a member, certain republican editors invariably call it "anarchistic raving." The text of Mr. Calderhead's remarks wss tbe bill nsming thirteen American millionaires, among tbem Andy; Carnegie and .PLil Armour, as incorporators of tbe "Inter nation American Bank," with authority to establish eight branch banks In other countries. This bill or a similar ooe bas been before this committee in sever al congresses, and it eras only when an attempt was made to push it through the committee when Mr Calderhead spoks sgalnst it, in part as follows : "The whole United States is in a condition of unrest. Tbe uuderhalf of the country believes that it is injured, and injured largely bv the power of aggregated wealth. The actually believe it, Tbey believe it to such an extent that large areas of tbe country need nothing but a leader of ability to give us an insurrec tion. That is ths truth, and that is the political storm that will follow any at tempt, direct or indirect, to incorporate ths men named here into a private bank with a capital of millions of dollars, and the plea that it Is dons for tbs benefit of international commerce will not answer I tbat mob for it Is a mob which only j needs a commanding general to lead It. If tha leader should happen to have the ' military Instinct, it would mean civil war." I Dawson will treat you rlaht Much in Little Is especially true of flood's Fills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine Hood's chest, always ready, al- nav sj ways efficient, always sat- ffZ& ill at btactory ; prevent a cold 111 a3 or fever, cure all liver IIU. sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc Vie. The only Pills to take wltb Hood's Barsaparllla. MISFITS. Wonder if Gov. Lord's getting pretty yellow. message iso't Secretary of State Kincaid's position will not be sn enviable one the coming two years. People will endeavor to use him as a football. A picture in the Statesman shows that tbat paper appreciates the truth. Over t e words "The Story of the Hold-np'' it shows knives being flung irom tbe hands of Scott, Corbett, Joe Simon and Bourne, all republicans, except perhaps Bourne, at a body called the legislature. Hon. E. Hofer of the Satem Journal is pushing bis ideas on tbe American pri mary system His idea is to have a sys tem tnat will take Irom boese tbe power of running primary elections end patting it direct y in the hands of the people nn der an Australian ballot system. Tbe present boesism is a disgrace to politics and Mr. Hofer'e Ideas must command at tention. Send 25 cents to him for his pamphlet on tbe subject Tbe Roeeburg Plaindeater says that it was said tbat a commercial man lost $t000 worth of jewelry in the burned ex presi car at he time ol t'.e hold-up at Sandy Point. There tits been much digging in the mud and dirt iberealjoiits for the melted gold. Hitherto sll that has been unearthed has proved to be copper, under the test of the acid. Some Idea of the prices fiesh meat brings in isolated sections ran obtain ed from the experience of the Thorp party, whkh '.eft Juneau. Alaska. last September, with a drove of .-at tie for Circle City, kilted ball of tneir .i-attleat Pelly, and tbe remainder at v hi'e river, and opposite Cloudyke enroontrred an ice jam, which -topped further progress As soon as the ice hardened u!ficient!y tbey dUmbarked and ld all of their meats at prices averain? 50 cents a ponnd foreverybing edible, while the refuse brought 10 cents a pound for dog isod. Jim Bait, of Newport, bas teen for several days at Salem, save Uj- Gorvalii ! Times, lie was in Corvallis Thursday, and brought with him from tbe capital 1 tbe lolioalng leislative stor. Jim stood with a groop ot men wben Joe Simon approached The wily politician was apparently looking for somebody. "Wbo are yon looking for, Simon?" Inquired one of the group. "For an honest man," replied Simon. " What do yoa call so hoot t man," asked an ot ber. A legislator who don't sell hisv rte both to Mitcbe'l and the opposition," replied Joseph. The following from tbe McMinnrille Register gives a sample of the greed for spoils: Tbe people without regard to party demand ol public eemnte. re treot hmenl and economy in public ex penditures, and it was supposed that there would be an boneet effort on the part of members of the legislature to ecooomite. Our Senat r Ca breath is a boat the most shameless of the whole gang in this matter. lie voted to defeat a reduction of this army of tax eaters the other day. lie has put on the psy rolls of the senate the fo.lon iog crusib pickers. txv-wit: J. W. Hobbs, county clerk four years; R. L. Conner, deputy sheriff six years; J.O.Rogers, deputy recorder four years; Brown, nephew of Senator Calbrewth, and A. H. Pape. These all bad rlerkships in the senate through tbe ind jerce ot Senator Cat breath. It is reported that new law firm will open basiness in New York city shortly after the tih of March to consist of Pres ident Grover Cleveland. S-reary of the Treasury J G Carlis'f aod Postmaster Geneial Wilson. T-e same authority says that this distinguished firm is to be tbe legs' adviser of ibe sugar trust. Ex. When a man trie Io commit suicide noaadavs the papers call him a disciple ol IngersolL That's toogh on the suicide- HXI. Tbe readers of Ibis paper will be p'eased to learn that there is al k-al .ne dreaded disease that scieine hm ln able to cure I?1? ,U fB, J bt is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure is Ibe oe:y pcwitive cure known to tbe n.eoicai frairratty. Catarrh being a consUtu iunal disease, re quire a cooatitutionai treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal! t. acnes directly npon the Mood and mucous tir faces of the system, thereby dewtroving the foundation of the dUea-e. and giving tbe patient strength by buildio op the -n-sututioa and aasisitag nature doing itc ork. Tbe proprietors have so rnueh lalih 1? iU, rnrtJr Poser. that thev offer tine Heodred Dollars for anv case that it fails to core. Send for list of tetitr iul. F.J. CHEN KY Co . Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist. 75c Hall' Family Tills are the bet Mceic Miss Mildn-3 Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. ' Rneidencv Fifth street, opposite U P church. a SiaMeaSaae Planter. tioiBtiiDAt K. Wash.. Feb IS. Prank Castile, a stnrkraan. stabbed Jobs Bock st Cleveland, this morning, in an altercation at a masqnwade ball Beck dropped dead. Ctsttie surrendered to the sheriff today, and claims tbe act was committed in self defense. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Til fi tails VlfaAlU Sf l sn wrr;iw KNOCKING Af YOUR DOOR. Send in your order and wo will call 3ur door for your laundry and deliver It without extra charge. Give ua atrial, we will guarantee you wilt be satisfied. Fine finish to dress shirts Lace curtains re newed. Free mending department fog handle work. City Iaukdrv, OppStChas Hotel. Special Trip Around the Wo rid B. M. 8. "Aorangi" intends to loavo London March 17tb, 1897, via Tenerigr, Cape Town. Melbourne, Sydney, Now Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii and Vaucouver. Tickets good for one year. This rpecial excursion is run in connection with the Ca nadian Pacific railway.. The fore for the trip will be only f5o0, the lowest rate ever named for urh a trip. For full inform tion t all on or address (j Coylo, agent. 146 Third street, fort land, r, or any agent of the Canadian Pacific Ry. , . Maaarr. Vtt. C9; ' OaU 25 Flaur, 4 (Ki Butter Xiyit Eggs 13c Urdfito&o Pork hams, 8 to 1 i)c,houlder 4 to t :. i Sides, to 8. Hy balel, ch. $7.03, Timtby, $3. TELEGRAPHIC. I The Cretan War. Nkw Yokk. Feb- 19. A Herald special from Canea says: l'.ntiah warshiDi have prevented me landing of Greek troops from Alphtos. A lurkiah steamer oa arrived, bringing many wounded women and children from tbe Selino district, where the Turkub troops are now proceeding. The landing parties fiom foreign war ships have received orders to resist ener getically any attack by tbe ureeks. Aaalbrr War Ship. Wabhihotos, Feb. 19. The navy ap propriation bill for the fiscal year has leeo Dracticallv camntefod bv tbe bouse commit tee on naval affairs, and may be reported to tbe bouse by Cbatrman Boutelle tomor row. Tbe bill carries, about SJ,UUU,UUU, which is about $3,000,000 more than tbe appropriation for tbe current year. Ibe committee decided to put in tbe new bat-tle-sbip recommended by tbe subcommit tee. It is to cost, including hull, armor and machinery, not more than $3,750,000. The afaat laapartaal S)Ssee. Castox, O., Feb. 19 Tin published report tbat Colonel J J McOok, of Nee York, has been tendered the portfolio of attorney-generaf cannot be verified. His name is believed to bave been presented by friends in connection with a cabinet position. It is thought, however, tbat Judge McKenna may be attorney-general. A Itw CaMaet Kaa. Castox, Feb. 13. James A Gary, of Baltimore, arrived at Canton, this morn ing. At 1 o'clock this afu-rnoon, Mr Gury, wbo had been in consultation with tbe president-elect for several hours, gave the following statement to tbe Associated Press: 'Governor McKinley has tenderer me a portfolio in his cabinet, and, while it is not definitely settled which one. 1 am a suted it is one that 1 can accept." Itii Sske. Tufeka. Kan.. Feo 19 William I Bryan sxike to five distinct Torka audi ences today, addressing tuny I'j.uuu peopw He came at the invitation of the Ute . . . - J 1 1 L t L- U AM ,. M . cniA Kauai." " He sry-ke entirely on corporations and monopolies, eacbewic part'san politics, lit other pc1h 4 were devoted to the sLver ques tion. rfrateS Taesa. CixcrsKATi. Feb. 19. Toe Commercial Tribune's special from Havana says: . Accordiag to couriers arrived here, uo mer u preparing for active work. A severe fight occurred between some of Gomez' bands and a detachment sf Havana volunteers from V". filer s vangturd, 66 mile east of Santa Clara, on Sunday, the insurgents defeating the Spanwh troops and capturing one piece of artillery and 40 men, including forr oSioers. raaacal the Vrarha. Jacksosviixb, Kia.. Feb- 18. A spe cial ic the Citiin from Key Wet says : Private information has been received of tbe whereabout of GeoeraJ Gomez- Ue has succeeded in slipping by General W ey lev and u now between him and Havana General Gomtx gave the command far an advance, with strict orders that any man tbat struck a match would be court-martialed. He then advanced on the Moron trocbt. in tbeeasVrn end of the islrnd. with 5000 cavalry aod 10.000 yjfa-try. Ue advanced on the fort at midaigbt, and. wben be saw be was discovered by tLe Spanish, wbo fired on him, he ordered the Cavalry to charge. I bey swooped down npon the f-jrt and captured it. and the arcoie army went thr ugh tbe troc&a Staasui Oat SUaaalkral. CiavtxaXD. O., Feb. IS. It bdefiniie ly settled that Uanna will not go into Mc K inter's cabinet. Hanaa anaoacced this morstcir Uiat he is determined to remain in Ohio He wid contest the legiriatare next winter for a ft II term in tbe Untied States senate . In fact. lianna's support er nave aireawy a.u.. rsthler rktw. Pir.&ai. S. Feb. li Te break came ie the senatorial deadlock this nojn, when Kle was reJectd. Ibe republicans voting for him. having dropped Pkkier- The republicans of the home voted almost solidly tor Kile, and Ibe reuUican of the aenate began at or to change to him. so that before the vote had been annoonoed eocoth change had been made to give Kyle 6.1 vo-ea three more than were neces- sary toeiect. Thr rhUilsaaa War. New York. Feb. H.-A dupstck to tbe Herald from Manila says: Genrrai La Chambre. wbo has ocrcpied Santo Dotaingc. is now advancing on Sill- ing. and will attack tbe rebel forces within I tor the sarawas . f the Albany Steam Laaa .ur; ttmi somber of trocr em- i dry. Send along roar handle to the be picked cut cnWwbed.' Ibe b!terits employed are two Krnpp baUeries of eight cratiuieter. oa battery c4 atae and two mortar of 15 cent 1 meters The t crlaa War. , , , . Losnox. ieV I. A it-r-es di-patch from Canea sa.'- j Tne iir-mrgents La- tntimaled to tee; ronsat that they now prvpoe to atuc ! iislepa ia the near fnlure. j fee insurgents wbo are operating with f the linet torce were uservea ounagj Wednesday advancing nearer to town, j Tbe admiral commanding the foreign i aen-of-wsr threatened to send marines to j fore the conwlale to move the fig unless j theOreek consols complied with the re- j quest of tbe power ia this particular. j a stay stareereat. CtvriMiATf Feb IS.-lVnny Cv.Vaiar. ol the Manbatiaa Ashley .. tonight la the first round of hi boiing bout with William Wngbt. While his limp body was being carried out ol the arena into a dressing room by his seconds, tbe specta- inrs, none ot aon sai-j-ic-a i -iu brain, chetred lusUly for the iiule bUcs boy. n!bt, woo naa oeen prooaiioea bo had been victor oyer bim. ST far fata. Daixas. Tex.. Feb. 17. The V.w. tn - iu .k. n; . n"'"- I" ""'Mi, anrMirrtf nMiala.ltIa 1 WUICO l ivm-l-. vnin. i-4lij, raix-j w there: "One of the largest Cuban expeditions that bas sailed from the Golf ccast equared awav tonight for the Uueen of the Antilles, from l'asa Cabajlo. midway oetween vor- pus Christ i and Galveston. Tbe expedi tion consisted of 300 thoroughly armed frontiersmen, mostly from Colorado, with 40,000 rounds of ammuntUoa. The BUII rassfaU Wasbiwotvw, Feb. 17. Tbe immigra tion bill now goes to tbe president, the last legislative step having been taken in the senate today by an agreement to the con ference report on the bill. Strong oppo sition was made to the report, but on tbe fiaal vote tbe (needs of the measure rallied a email majority. Ihe vote being: Ayes 34, noes SI. SllTea Ciwece t n. CoxsTASTiNoi-LB, Feb. 17. The sultan seems to be well aware that Greece would not have acted as defiantly as she has done without having at least one powerful friend behind her, and it is this feature of the complications which is having the most calming effect npon the Turks, who also sec in the abandonment of Crete to Greece a possible loophole of escape from further and much more important change in the map of tbe Tutkish empire. Saewesl fader. Cakson, Nev., Feb. 17. When Corbett rose this morning, he was surprised to find nearly ten inches of snow on the ground, and while the champion ia anxious to be at his quarters at Shaw s Springs, he will not go out until the weather cleats up, and in the meantime he has to be content with playing poof and taking dumn bell exer cises in his room. Ths Hare The Belter. Kkw York, Feb. 17. For seeral days reports have been current in Wall street that another competitor of the sugar trust, more formidable than the A r buckle Broth ers, was about to spring up in Brooklyn. Tbe capitalist referred to is Claus Doscber, who is reported to be worth 16,000.000 and was one of the organizers of the Brooklyn Refining Company, which sold out to the America Company at a handsome profit" Wsyler pad Sasallnax. Havana, Feb. 17. Captain General Wryler was received at Sancti Spiritus today with enthusiasm. The local author itses and sn immense crowd gathered to aocUim his arrival with shoats of joy. Al most all of the houses in town were deco rated in honor of the event. Over 5000 cases of smallpox were report ed as being registered in iiavana today. Use Dawson's furniture polish. M I WiewaawMgaaaiiS". "M SI i m?mm ; 4: - Blackwell's t ESI ULL BURN i Tea at!: fin-1 m v.u,vn InaVla eaeft 1 aonec Iif tUj. r tif .jjo and am bottotmrmittutmattpxooia Tangent. Tangent, Feb. 19, 18&7. David Peterson of Lebanon, was seen in Tangent the middleof tbs week. Born, in Tangent, on Feb. Hth, to tbe wife of James Jenks, a girl, a genuine valentine. Ail are 1 ring nicely. Our attention has been called to the fact that some young ladies misconduct ed themselves st the Thursday evening prayer services. An Epwortb League ill be reorgan ized at the M. E. church on next tun day afternoon. Mrs Sarah E Mule leaves today for a months v. sit bf r son Usorge at Co bJrg. We bad the p'eisore of listening to a well rendered program at the closing of our public school yesterday afternoon. Quite a large as-iembiy-of visitors were preeut. tseiow we give me program . Son 'Tis well to tave a merry heart, quartet; recitation, Ibe Dead .uoiue, Mabel Tiadale; recitation, uia iron Sides. Clarence Radford; recitation, Choosing a name, Rachel Bvrd ; recita tion. Troublesome Neighbors, Golda Kniifbten ; song, Addie Smith, Locbie Haynes; recitation. Tbe little girl who didn't like crue GeorgT'e Bievins ; reci tal ion. Mine Vambly, Willie ObermeU er; recitation, George Keicay ; recitation, I've something to teil yoa, Grace Foiter, Musket Drill. Privates Needham and Have; recitation. The end of the play, Bertha Mam; recitation, Toe fruit we bring, Ixwie-co Chase; dialogue, Tbe Goesips; read ng. An boar of horror, Olin Haynes: recitation, Grandmothers Beau, Rosa Orcutt; recitation, Tbat Eor, Lime Neweom; song, quartet ; recita tion, I's Queer, Clarence Scott; recita tion. Wbitefoot and Iightfoot, Anna Reeebnrg ; diaiogue, Tbe li istory Class, rximarv pa pi is; recitation. Little Black- eyed Rebels, Geneva Woolsy ; recitation, Ernest Cochran ; recitation. The Rising, Doliie McGonigle ; soog, Erma Scott and Rachel Byrd; recitation, :Rova Hays; recitation. Oar School is Closed. Pbebe Hiett: dialogue, two tittle cvU; recita tion, Liu le Orphan Anna, Erma Scott; read nr. Enoch Jenks. Prof Bernard Marks ia the efficient principal and Miss Dora Starr, assistant. in toe primary aeparunem. Yorso AxxxiCA.. Tq cure a COLD IN ONE DAY Tat- Lative Brorao Qiinine Tablets. AU Idraggi! refund the money if it fails to ' care. 23c j J v,rfi.- j " - Wfiereas my wife having left my home j without jat came or provocation this is to notify tae pab'ic not to trust her on my f seooont, a I wi 1 pay no debt of her coo- tracttag J. D. Alaukk Send 1 oar Bundle Care and inteilureooe in laundering clothes has tad its eff act it is responsible ; laundry in the vailey, or let Merril D. j Phiiiip know aod be wt!l call fus it. ; If yoo aie not a patron of the Albany ; Steam Laundry teil the proprietor at on of : 'O od f JC roar band.e- Unce a custom! ' always a csttomer. i arl flairr Sa Tea is a sure care for headache and nervooi teases No bing relieve so qnickiy. For iie by Fohar tasoe. " at Focr out of eerr Snj bottles ot medi cine sold ia thi last five years are S. B. pxV. The 3. B Headacce and Live Cure 1 use mysecf a a general physic. i it yon are sick and want to get well, Um i ? .u , lf ? . . . uia, -ji I. v.. ' rowiay ot Mason at 50 cts per bot- K. aod G. Corsets aod Kid Fitting i torseta. I have just received a fall line ia both maaea vi isese ceieoratea corsets and am prepared to give extra value cf 50c, 75c and ' 'ck a,i slate. Also keep better !B'-w " eiira aiaw. ice i.w OOTM r,i, -E- ..I 1 1 .."l Sawr sx K. Yocko Fixb Clcbbinq Orrxa. Leslie's Week ly is tbe oldest and best of the illustrat ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a model in its character, as everybody knows. Tbe regular price is $4 a year; bat yoa can secure it and the Wxxklt DanocaAi for only 13.2o, or it and the Daily bv mail for 15. Instrumental Music. Air. ii. m. rtaccensto naa located in Albany where he will give instructions in instrumental music. He teaches violin, guitar, mandolin and a number of orchestral a.d brass instruments. Mr Backensto u a musician of well-known ability in both practical and theoretical music, snd one of the most successful eachers in the state. You can pay more, out you won't set any lie tier service. You can pay less, but you won't get as good service. Smiley tun priuurc. Par I SMier am 65 years old; nave had kidnej disease aid constipation for 25 year. Ass now well used your S. B . Headache and liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottle at 50 cents eaco. JU Knight, Ratledge, Or." For sale by Foehay; A Mason at &0t per bottle . A. Druggist Auwaaaysmust have a complete knowledge of drugs, and know iust what to look lx. Burkhart A- Le bave that knowledge. They make a spec ialty of compounding all preaaripkonf os- ing noising out tne nest trraoe ol nnr r urug. "PerfecUoa" Dyes ara Brilliant and Permanent, for sale by Fred Oawsoa. Pay Conn ft Huston. Pay Conn & Huston. Pay Conn A Huston. If you want to dye easily and permanent ly use 'Perfect ion Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawson. Removal of F M French to On goo Bank Building. Go there for iwr jewelry, matches clocks, lepainng o. Pure DruRs,.frea ua wson's. This l s is tne very best Smoking Tobacco made. Genuine oac sad menopons la4 sack THE PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros Everv body ka.ows where their place ia. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers weU, all -a.ike. You may regret some steps you take in life tut none taken into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a greit thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bred is not much bnt you want it well made. Try Parker Bros, C Choice sardites C E Baowseix's. Hilio. Mack! The boas barber ia snavicg for 10c, gives yon first class work, scd all that a.oes with a shave, 3 chair and 3 first data barber. No waiting, best shop ia Albany, all neat aad dean, jost oppoci'te tse DgnoCatATofBce New Ucee, lace. Bazaar. bees at the Ladies Tbe Modern Vay. Commends itaelt to tbe well informed, to do pewaE.t;y and effectually what was i.niM, ,ifw i m rt mmc nasar sss disagreeably as well. To cleanse ibe sys tem and bieak up colds, headache, and fever without nnplmanst after e&cts, ass tbe detitrhttal liquid laxative remedy, fiyrap of Figs. ManBiactored by California Fig yrop Compear. No Change in Sugar. Au. 3TT, Jan. 20tk, 137. J. Gradwohl informs the general public that he will aed 20 lbs dry grana'ared eager for CI or 10 lbs for 50c, ia oruer to give all peopse the benefit to get cheap cagar. Come one. come all. and take advantage of tbe low prices before the market chaagea. IOCUREA CjOLD IX ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe moneyif it fails o core. 25c Canoed wild b'aexbenies ia one and. two quart jars, cheap at C E Baow3aXt.'s. Hopkins Bros. have received a full stock of 1S97 Crawford birye'e- Tbey are ia- Come aad see for Toorsett Catrra Craans. "My three children sreJl subject tc croup; I 'eleerapheJ to San Francisco, got got a half dosea tsott esof S B Cough Care It is a perfect remedy. God bi-s yoa fa it. Yours, etc, J.H. Crosier, Gnat Pass, Or." For aaV by Foshay st Mason al Oc per bottie. - ratios. Do. Feb. 16. Dr Arthur Dne strow, the ft Louis millionatae, who oa February 13, 1-V4. shot aad killed his wife aed child in a fit of draakea rage, ia that city, was hanged in the coartyard of the county jil here, at 12 :59 P. M. today. HIS S00 PACIFIC UKEa TOJLUPMIaSt" Solid vestibule trsjes, eoasistiag of pal ace sleeping cars, huurions dining cars, elegit day coacbes, auagatScent tooriit can ind free colonist sleepers from the Pa cific to the Atlantic without chaa-e. MOST DISJECT AJ50 CHXATkST XOCTX TO KootenaTl ' lininsr 5 ?Axcsr, saw iB2nrxa, XLkMlAS CRT, District j KXI305, XALSO. Taart, KOSSLAXn AXO All points ia the Okxnsgan Country. Get a pamphlet giving a full description ot this wonderful country. Ask tbe attest for a copy ot the mining laws ci British Columbia. Lowest rates to and from ETjroJbJ via an Atlantic steamsnip lines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo's Boyal Mail Steamship Line to China and Japan. Canadian arsraALiAJi' stxaxck uks aosoLcxtr, rut as a acsraAua. The shortest lioe to the Cckmies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess oa every voyage For time tables pamphlets, or aay ia formaUon. call oa or address. S N STEELE k CO. A gents. Albany Or. K J COYLE, Ag't, 146 Third St, Port land. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A. Vancouver. B. C 3. C. k I R. R. CO. i Willamette River Division, Steamer ALBANY, Opt. J. L.Smith. Ffeiiljt and PasseQaef,: Leave Alhanv for Portland Sdndsvs. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurpassed accommodations and K-heduiea eepecially for the needs of np er Willamette travel. Picnic parties san avail themselves of this schedule for inv desired point between Corral lis and Salem, leaving in the morning and re luming in due time the same evening. Special rates for special parties of 15 or more. H.L. Walmw, Ageat, depot. the Wbbxlt Da-Monta i 9h a vear and the Weekly San Francisco Examiner $1.50 a vear. combined for ml S2J35. This includes alt tbe nrivitpfrM in tha S10.- OtO premium list of the Examiner includ ing a 10,000 residence and a M000 gold nugget. Or. Price's Cream Batant; Fowdef warMooUM,dalaidwiaF.SaBFraaaea.. I UUVkWa,