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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1897)
TERMS. I Uailt Democrat, 25 cents ner month 3.00 per advance, 80c per month -vi, ia advance. By carrier, 10c per "tco-- i per cent artued if allowed lo run over 3 months. Sinirle conies 5c. W kekly, $1.25 n advance; 81.50 at end 5"f Jir; $1.75 for second year; 2 0O for third and preceeding jears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five i subscribers Clubbing Offer. ' The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers for 2.S5 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the resj ular subscription price of $1.50 directly to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a week N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. ALBANY'S PAST. Recorder Henton has found the follow ing facts from the early reccr-is of tbe city on file in his office, and re ently run upon, when the recorders Sice was moved to its new quarters in the Froman oiock: The first city election was held on Dec. I 6th, 1864. Judges of election, A N Ar-' noUi. E H Grilfin and Perrv Watson 1 The number of votes cast was 13-!. ! luerewere two ticKeis, designated re spectively "Citizens" and "Peoples." The candidates were: Mayor, J C Powell and J C Mendenhall; recorder, -D Mansfield ; Marshal, J W Cleaver and Wm Lister; treasurer, 5? Schlusell and :D W Wakefield; councilmen, W F Alex ander. D Beach,G H Baker, J B Comley, L L Markham, J Barrows, J A Crawford, D Froman, J B Sprenger, E G Freeland, iri . ... . . . . . Xf Da...;.....,... T j rr . . tU IQUUIUgbUll 1U UCU IVUtltUU. All? following were elected : Mayor, J C .roweii, still in Albany; recorder, x) Mansfield, now ol Portland ; marshal, J W Cleaver, gone; treasurer, SSchlussell, Tecenuy of Astoria; councilmen, W F Alexander, now of Ukiah: D F.psrh dead ; G H Baiter, now of Hillsboro ; J B Ooinley, here; L L Markham, gone; J Barrows, dead. Of the 133 whose names appeared on the poll book the following only are now residents of Albany: J B Comley, P W Spinks, J C Powell, WO Tweedale, J A Millard, Jno Pnrdom, A J Fox, Jno Brigga, D Froman, Geo Patterson, B W CumiifF. JuMus Grad wohl, Juo Clelen, O Honk, J Norcross, Jas Elkins, M Hale, E D Sloan and A Pearce. Hon. J. S. South spent Sunday in Al bany, returning to Salem this noon. Mrs. 0. G. Harmon and son, of Leb anon, spent Sunday in Albany the guests of Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Smiley. Hon. T. T. Geer who received fSOO f c taking Oregons fonr votes back to Wash ington, has returned home. Mrs. William Lane is lying eerioaily ill at her home at Rowland. . Mrs Ben jamin Johnson went to that place to day to be with her Mr. Weaver, recently from the east, after looking over the "field baa decided to locate in Albany and will soon open a qneensware and stationary store in the Peterson building, with a large stock. Col. J. J. Mccook. the New Yoik law yer who has been mentioned for attor " ney general in McKinley's rabinet, is the attorney with whom J. J. Chariton, form- erly of Albany, now of Denver, studied . law. Uncle Frank Kitchen, who has beer - working several months at the month of the Columbia on the government fortiS- cation, came np Saturday night to see his Albany friends, and will .eturu to : morrow. The Jefferson Review says: 'A more ' honorable man than L. E. Blain never - conducted a business, and he enjoys the unlimited confidence of everybody. II health permits we are confident that he will soon be again at the head of the . aacessful business mea of this section." Mr. A. B. Pax ton, formerly of Astoria, ' baa located at Redlands, Calif., being compelled to leave Astoria on account of his realth Ho is math better since reaching Southern California. He con- tinnea to own the Astoria gallery. -wmch is being Ten by nis Mr. Alerwin, now ot tbis city, will soon go there to assist in the work. Hon. John Burnett, of Corvallis, went to Salem this noon. Mr. Burnett stated ' that though he had been greatly diepleas- ed with Mitchell's double dealing in poli- tics and politically generally, yet he pre--.f erred him to the Oregoniaa-Simon- Bonrne candidate. Corbett, and thought on account of Yaqnina Bay and valley interests he should be elected. He would -particularly like to see the Oregonian eet -down on. "it certainly is possible to elect a man besides Corbett and Mitchell who -would work for Yaqnina and Wet tern Oregon. - The Sunday Oregonian give the fol lowing account of the marriage of s former Linn county young lady, well known in Albany : On last Wednesday -evening a very quiet, homelike wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. George T. Black, ?80 Selmon street. Mr. -James A. Drake and Mira Haidee Black, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas i. Black, collector of customs, being united :in marriage. The parlors of the residence were handsomely adorned, in honor of 'the occasion, palms and cut flowers pre dominating, while the dining-room was -decorated in orange hues. At 9:30, to -the orchestaal strains ot Mendleseohn's wedding march, the bride and groom en tered the room, preceded by little Miss Parmona Rollins. 8 years old, as maid of homor, and carrying a cushion bearing the weddmr ring, attended by Mr. wu. liam Drake, brother of the groom, as be3t man, and Miss Ida Black, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. Dr. Charles E. Ijocke. of the Taylor-street M. E. church. observing the impressive marriage ritual -of that church, united tbem in the bond6 of wedlock, in the presence of members -of the family, and a few intimate friends. The ceremony being completed. Mr. and Mrs. Drake were warmly congratulated by those present, after which an elabor ate collation was served. During the evening - in a moat inimitable manner, and Mrs - ITEa.Pilltrtfl aanirlwnonnrra Charles Hinges rendered two choice se lections. Miss Black formerly resided at Halsey, Linn county, has made her home 4 Portland for manv rears, and is a graduate of St. Helen's hall, and hag ,nt friends in the city wbonn'te in ex tending to her and her husband ibeir v-t wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Drake were the recipients of numerous wedding gilts, ,r nf them coming from former school mates of the bride, by whom she is heid in great esteem. Here's to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON. First in war. First in peace. . . , First in the hearts of his countrymen. TV, pro is a big war in Portland on slot machines. Senator Dawson will receive $130.20 and Senalor Johnson 1176.40. Tii- Statesman publishes an excellent airfare of Hon Lark Bilyeu, the only good .mo vat Driven. ' Sarah E Pierce ba sue Johr B Cole " f Eugene, for $10,000 damages for uirh of promise. Eugene is to have a Jolly Lady Mintrel entertainment nnieri.ii.isc i- rUb Hingbes, of Salem. Homer Davenport hag been ordered to rrson Nevada, to illustrate the big fight totbe'lournal and Examiner. M J Gradwoh! informs the Dkmocbat W sugar has advanced a quarter of a cent and i P0011 ftd vance m0T ' Th National Bank of Pendleton, which i :ii? about the time th Linn County Ua olRVrik did. hasjnst paid a 20 per tTdiA, making 85 per cent m all. Samrt B'ti- int'oduced in I uGfna provides for a salary of $800. Jh,ethe iugPe ef Linn county, $1500 for f2 L'-i!rV $1200 for the reorder, $1800 J . th sheriff and $900 for t he treasurer, fofthesnei' i,:f ;n l, .llnl sheriff will be allowed nn... clerk anu x i--joniities. but not the recorder. A glance makes it iook as ii u was ' n together with a scoop. The rn conty schedule is about as dy nded before election and is probably jboutright. , UT t-T-E I . wwx.oiJAy THE ELKS. HOME AND ABROAD. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 bays 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. , $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine ; high arm, light running ; guaran teed o years. 3aTPriees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. AS USUAL. Sal&u, Feb. 22. The joint session met at noon with 36 present end adjourned until tonight at 9 o'clock; the Benson and Davis houses adjourned until to morrow. There is a possibility of an or ganisation t! ia week and business being done. Senator Hughes ouit the ioint conven tion. McKinley Mitchell of Marlon an nounced his intention of voting for Bourne or any republican for senator. I'adiy Cut and Bruised The face of Bert Br.zan, the barber, looks somewhat like a map. There is a big cut in his forehead and one on the back of his head, evidently made by a sharp instrument, also several scattered over his nose and face genera. ly of a bruised character. The story told the Democrat man by Buran is that ho left the St Charles about 5 :3 1 o'clock last night and started to go to W Xealy'e in the Elkins addition. He had just crossed the track when a man passed him, with two behind him. The man in frort sudden ly turned and that was the last he knew until he woke np in his room in the ho tel this morning. $1 and a silk hand kerchief were miasing. Baxan, the Democrat i informed, also gave two or three entirely different versions to other parties. Fow the- cuts and bruises real ly occurred ia not yet plain ; but perhaps they will be when Bnzan fu'ly recovers from the t-xper, ence. It is pretty certain, mougn, tnat somebody slugged him in a pretty lively manner, Potatodo:n. Mrs Henry Long and family returned home the fore part of 'be week. Link Lillard was a business caller in Stringtown last Saturday. rt ill Rainev has the contract for saw ing a hundred cords of R. R. wood for Jo in Millar. Albert Wiley, of Clackamas county, has been visiting Miss Anna Groshong the pas week. Mr Marks, representing t?;A T. O. X. Co., ot Albany, was around taking orders a few days ao. Mr and Mrs Goshong are visiting Mrs G's parents in Clackamaa county. Some are preparing to n ake early ear- dens. Word has been received of the very serious idnees of Mrs John Rainey, now living near Roseborg. Josbocwav. Two Biles. On or about February 1st two strangers stopped at Ashland and reg istered at Hotel Oregon under the names of Peter Miller and E. Barnes. They seemed to have plenty of money while in Ashland and it is reported that they rolled things high in social games of draw, etc After sojourning for a day or two thpy hired a team from our livery man ,R K Sutton, for ten da? a or more for the purpose of looking over the country. On Monday oi this week Mr. Sutton re ceived a totiee by letter that he would find his team at the livery stable in Al bany apd that he had better come down and get it. They informed him that af ter the inauguration of McKinley and a revision of the UriLf times would te bet ter, and if so they would settle their bill at some futnre date. Mr. Ed Sutton took the train Monday night for Albany to bring back the team. Tlio sports are fishing in oilier fields. Ashland Town Talk. Ynw Antn r-T X n lntfrtvatinr Kav! his dangbier.LnsrmatCD wa8 begun at the alleys Sat urday evening, three games ot ten frames were bowled. The scor9 maae will tell the story : Otto Lee 123, Chas Pfeiffer 109, Chas. Kroeschel 89, P. J. Smiley 102, J. E. Brown 83. Total 506. Average 33 1 1-15. A. R. McCov 96, Dr Beers 91, O. T, Porter 67, H. J. Hopkins 87; D. H. James 78. Total 419. Average 27 14-15. Three more games will be played this evening to end the contest. A Big Sestesce Bert Jacobs, the ne gro, who was convicted last week of stealing a lot of jewelry from Mrs. Deere in the Cambridge biocK last tan, was de nied a new trial this morning and was sentenced to ei :ht years in prison. The judge remarked in passing sentence that tthiie guiit was clearly proven and the offense nndrr other circumstances might have called lor a lesser sentence, the conduct of the defense in attempting to besmirch tbe character of the complain ing witness and humiliate and belittle her, when such course bad no bearing in the case, was abominable and only went to show the utter depravity of the de fendant anl the judge gave him the lim it. Portland Journal. Evidently about six years were given for slander and two for theft. Tn Elks. The new lodge of Elks will be instituted in the K. of P. ball in this city tomorrow night with forty charter member, nnder charge of D. Sol is Cohen, of Port'jind, deputy grand exalted rnler, who will be assisted by Elks from Portland, Salem, Eugene and Hoeeburg. Daring the night a ban quet will be given in the lower room of the Masonic temple witn t. n. neuter as caterer. , The Arlington notel insurance adjusters were here this week to report cn the fire. Tbe insurance of $1,750, on the hotel will be paid, and $2C5 was allowed John Tur ner on a policy ot J'JU on ncueeno a gooas. Junction Time. A Salem Cojtmst. The five week's contest between the "Red" and "lei low" factions, of the Y. M. C. A., con cluded Saturday night. The total amount realized from the c ntst was -20.A. which was aonortioned among the four comoaniers of workers as fol lows: Gentlemen Reds. $259 69. Lady Reds. 4161.50: Gentlemen Yellews, ii:11.17. Lady Ye lows. 197.00. The eon test was decided on points, eacn biuo to- ceivinur credit for one point for each dol lar, turned in. In addition to regular mmherKin receiDts. the first side to turn in ilOO received credit for an addr tional ten points, and in the ba'l game tbe winning side was allowed a credit for two-thirds of the evening's receipts. Journal. Do people bny Hood's preference to any other,- Sarsaparilla in -in fact almost to the exclusion of all others? Tbey know from actual nse that Hood's Is the best, 1. e., it cures when others fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla is still made under the personal supervision ot the educated pharmacists who originated it. I'he question of best is just as positively decided in favor of Hood's aa the question cf comparative sales. Another thing: Every advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla is true, la honest. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Treparedonly by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ax -. are the only pills to take HOOd S PIUS wlthUoodsearaaparilla. ! WILL ADJOURN. Salem, Or., Feb. 23, 12:40 P. M. No effort was made, as was expected, to ad journ the senate sine die. Thirty-live were present in the joint convention, which adjourned to 9 o'clock this even ing. Senate voted to adjoarn Wednesday at noon sine die. Benson house may do the lame at 4 o ClOCK. An OakYllle Entertainment. The literary entertainment and chick en pie social given by the ladies of the congregation at the U. P. church, on last Wednesday evening, was a success in every particular. Notwithstanding the bad condition of the roads, early in the evening the house w..a well filled with happy f ices, all in a most social mood. The program was well rendered. Mrs L. vv. Dawson presiding with ease , Rev. Henderson lead in prayer. Airs. K. E Crawford read the 46th pep 1 in. the littie folkadid nicely in adiatogne. i.uciie Hart recited l am six years old today" with pleasing effect. Bell I'aitison sang a solo in her sweet childish vo'ce. Mr. I. L. Jones gave an address, in a very pleasing manner, on the cubject of character. The thought was good throughout. Recitations were heard from Mrs Cale, Miis Fay Banks, daughter of Louis Al bert Banks, Miss iNeda Dunlap, Miss Ethel Riddell and Miss Anna Yantis, each of which was praiseworthy. The recitations were interspersed with good music consisting of solos, Cuetts, trios, quartets a nd choruses. At the ciose of the exercises chicken pie was served and pronounced excellent by all. Whena'l was over the ladies felt they were paid for their work in the good so cial time nad; glad au opportunity had been given the voanir neoole to develon their literary talrnt. but aside from this a neat little sum of mouey had been re ceived which no doubt will make the heart of the pastor's good wife glad as it goes toward placing a new cook stove in the parsonage Rev. Henderson seems tireless in his work here not only to eerve a pastor of the congregation but to help the com munity in every way possible. 1 he winter term of school closes here on next FriJay which has been very successful, with A. D. Morrison as prin cipal and Miss Yantis as primary. - This makes the third wiater MUs Yantis has taught here. She ia not only a very ef ficient teacher but a .ood acquisition to any community. Miss Ameiia McCune, a bright young twij oi our own community, win teach our spring term. Y. E. T. A Good rhing. Mr. J. Whitehorn is in the city for the purpose of organizing a claas in physical training, a system proving of great ben efit wherever nsed. At Corvallis the training nnder Mr. Whitehorn proved very satis factory. In the class were all the teachers of the public schools anion? others, and they speak in the highest terms of the benefit received. Mr. John Simpson who was in bis class writes the Democrat man personally that bis system is just what is needed. Mr. Whitehorn is stopping at the home of Mr. Jas. Marks, on Washington street, where be may be seen. Among some very compli mentary notices are those from Rev. E. J. Thompson, D. D., pastor First Presby terian church, Corvallis; Rev. Chas. Edward Locke, pastor First M. E. chnrch ; Rev. Henry Rasmus, D. D., of First Grace M E. chnrch ; Rev. J. R. Wilfton D. D , principal of the Portland Academy, and Rev. Edgar P. Hill 0. D.. pasior First Presbyterian church, all of Portland. Fkoh QcARTrriLLB. James McS-rlie is in tbe citv from theQuartzville mioes, where be has bad employment for the past year.- He says that the Lawler company is doing a large amount cf de velopment work, and is getting matters in shape for spring when a large force of men will be put on. There are now about twenty men employed by tbe company and the miK is kept running night and day. Mr. Burch, a civil engineer from Salt Lake in charge of the mine during Mr. Lawler's ab sence, 't he prospects are good for a profitable season. The mountains are filled with enow, the trail from Gates to Qoartxvil'e being covered from six to seven feet, and it Is a difficult under taking getting in and out. Statesman, Ex-Sberiff Jackson was in Albany on yesterday. Mr. Ernest Fuller, a former Albany young man, brother of Mr. Chas Fuller, arrived in Albany last night from Poo otello, Idaho, where he now resides, being a fireman on the L nion Pacific, with headquarters at that city. When be returnee home it will be with one of Albany's fairest daughters as Mrs. Ful ler. r. co.'s MASK BALL. Tbe mask ball given by F. Co. was well attended and was witmssed by a large audience in the gallery. It was a pleasant affair and a social success. Excellent music was furnished by tbe Albany Orchestra. Following is a list of tbe maskers and tbe characters as sumed: Hattie Clerenger, fiie girl. Lizzie Farrell, Spanish girl. Lillie Crawford, June. Marie Parrish, June. Mrs. S. A. Willis, Irish cock. Mrs M. G. Stetter, old maid. Lillian Brenner, morning star. August Boenicke and Ed Fronk, twin clowns. Albert Senders, Spanish cavalier. Lutie Sternberg, flower girl. James Finch, Jonathan. Theresa Baumgart, American Sag. Nellie Burmester, sailor girl. Grace Looney, Scotch girl. Leo Cohen, ghost. Anna Willis, Red Riding Hood. Mrs Cumming, night. Harry Craw, new woman. Chas Fuller, dew man. Otto Banmlee, sailor boy. Chas Buelow, morning eagle. Miss Kiefer, school girl. Cad Warner, morning glory. Mary Hoffman, Scotch gnl. Nellie Dannals. sailor girl. Bi'die Hayes, Little Bopeep. Harry Scblosser, captain. Nettie Kickerson, blonde. Delia Doughton, folly W UJ-Mack, Irish mick. Edith Chiswell, Scotch lassie. - Carl Kiefer, sailor bey. Wait Ellison, Uncle Sam. I. O'Brien, dude. R. Conner, negro. Steve Riley, colored gent'eman- Frank Stewart, Clown. Lottie Custer, flower girl. Enoch Crawford, Ikey Einstein. A. McKillip, clown. Etta Risley, Pocahontas. Rocky Willis, clown. Mis-Chas Sears, foily. Etta Creel, somnambulist. Eva Looney, Chinawoman. . Mrs Guisness, Morning Herald. Clarence Dohruille, Chinaman. Edith Rowell, Turkish woman. Two-thirds of the Goble railroad has been graded. State Sopfrintendflrit G M Ir vin will hold a sninmer school for teachers at New port this ytar. . Tbey are playing football in Southern Oregon vet. Yesterday Kobarg defeated Wiibur 24 to O.i The Y M C A now has nearly one hun dred membership subscribed. It is tbe intention to reopen the hall in a few days. In the bst of voters who cast their bal lot at Albany's Bist election in 1864 pub lished yeterday the name of S E Young was omitted by mistake. Under the ill of th Info T.d wcrd Smith Kearney.of Port land. I h following hrmW. fall to the members of a well anown Salem family. To Richard H Dearborn. $1000: Irank 8 Dearborn. $1000: Mrs E SbeHv " Morgan. $1000; Mrs A L Mct'olly. $1000: tuiu iu jjim ocuit Dozorio, a tuuu. Satisfaction guaranteed when you rse "Perfection" Dyes, for sale by Fred Uawson. We can afford to have you try all five flavors one after another of Schilling's Best tea, and get your money back if you don't like any. Your tea - trade for the next ten years is worth having. A Schilling ft Company 0U f 1 .ill 411 IMPORTANT LETTEK. The following appears n yesterday's Asioria Budget, and is a matter of con siderable interest in Albany : Aisslib, Wash , Feb. 18. 1897. W. 0. Cassell, Eso. , Aftoria, Ore. Dkab Sir: I was in your city the other day, hut could not find you, as no one seemed to know where you were, stating you had no otlice. .now, 1 wish to sell my mill or form a joint stock com pany and move it to Astoria, Albany, or some other good point, aa I find this is not the place for such an extensive plant, and the timber is too small and poor. I have written Mr. A. B. Hammond, who has all along urged me to go to Astoria, and just received a very encouraging let ter from him, but unfortunately he is down sick with la grippe and goes east at once, not returning until April. Now, what do you think? Can we form a joint stock company of say $50, CCO. and take it to Astoria? I will sell the property to the company for $25,000, $10,000 cash and balance in slock. The plant ia a great bargain, aa it cost the old old company about three times that for the machinery alone. I don't know it you are acquainted with the property or not, but if such a company can be lormed, let them send you or some other good mau over to see the property, as there ia no better mill on tne coast than this one for its Site, and it is no small mill either; can saw 80 to 100 thousand feet per day, cut tim bers 100 feet long ; seven boilers, five en gines, large dry ki'na and planing mill with four large planes and molding ma chine, and a logging outfit of 200 tons of railway iron that will lay nearly three miles of track, a first-class locomotive, and 20 loggingcars The entire property cost aa it stands $lij,000. So vou tee we have ouite a plant, nd a credit to any seaport town. T. II. DeCw. Washington KcincmbcrcJ. Washington wis honored in a fit man ner by the Y. W. C. A. at the col'ege last night. A tine program was presented in the presence of a Iarg3 audience. M ia Marguerite Hopkins presided to a happy manner. The audience sang "The Star Spangled Banner," MiasZua Skee'a welcomed the audience in a pleas ing marner. The Misses Palmer were heard ia a violin and mandolin-guitar duet that received an enthusiastic encore. Miss M. Laura Allen read a tribute to Washington, followed by a tableaux "The Washington Family" consisting cf artha and two children ; M wises Page, Allen, Redfield and Skeele sang "Mt Vernon Bells" in a delightful man ner. Mies Ray Toole recited "Washing ton's Birthday." Daring a song of The Cherry Tree behind the scenes, Edward Lee aa ueorge W achington cot down the tree, and was duly forgiven by bis father, because be cou.dn t le.l a lie. Kenneth Fronk recited a bora srwech euie v. Prols. Rowland and Mark save a cornet duet that was well performed, A lab- lean "Daughters of Liberty" lacked suf ficient light to make it appreciated. The event oi lb program was ful Agents", in which a lady whicoo!d: do her sewing by hand was nearly talked to dealt) by four glib agents. It captured the bouse. Tbe program was closed with .be singing of America. A live social followed. Three booths were liberally patronized. At one every purchaser of some paper Dowers received a free fortune trlling by Mis M. Laura Alien. Tbe affair waa a decided succeM. In Danger. The Yaqnina appropriation is being fought in the east, particularly by tbe papers. The Chicago Herald heads its attack : "Millions Dumped into Creeks." and then proceeds to renounce tbe nse of mcney at Yaqnina, and to rejoice over the fact that the continuing appropria tion is probably pigeon boted Yaquina is not in tbe appropriation bill that baa passeJ congress this cession, nor in tbe :un !rv Civil bill, in fact seems to be left ont, it is said because tbe war department did not ask for it. Willam ette and Yamhill, though, have both been attended to. Now is the time when Mr. Mitchell should be rustling for Yaquina, and ditto McBride, Hermann and Ellis; yes and XI r. Tongue. The matter is too serious to be neg'.ected. Tbk Elks arc Hekx, a large delega tion front Portland, Salem, Eugene and CorvalUa. Tonight they will institute the new lode and initiate tbe new Al bany men, about forty, into the- myster ies of Elkdom. Among those present to assist in riding the Elk are: John P Jones, Portland; D Solia Oihen, Port land; R Alexander, Pend'eton; DW Semple, Portland; A W Patteeson, Hep- ner; J A andeii, rortland ; w II street. Portland : 11 J Carman. Tacoma ; D C Minlo, Salem : Werner Hreymen. Salem ; T C Smith, Salem ;L L Toriner, Salem ; b v rnomason, Salem ; E A Pierce. Sa lem; I M JJunn, Portland ; Ralph tra cer, Portland; A D Leedy, Salem; A II Stewart, Salem ; T F Rouke, Portland ; J. Hall, Portland; OK Roosevelt, Pendleton; Chas Hemphill. Corvallis: Thos Whithorn, Corvall s; John Kn.gbt, Salem ; r II D Arcy, L U Patton ; Salem ; S H Friendlv, G R Chrisman, C nodes. F E Dunn, S E Brown, W M Renshaw, O Marx, Eugene; T M Washbr.rn, CF Hulburt. Junction ; P C lWlta, Portland ; B B Tuttle, Portland ; W W Contris, Salem ; J C Mayo, Corvaliis; E C Stone, Corvallis; J II O'Neill. Portland; MM Korf, Portland ; Geo E Waters, Salem ; Thos Mayer, Eugene. A. torn Eh Pbo'ninj The third drown ing from a boat since December occurred at Salem yesterdav. Tbe Journal savs: Cbas. Kreiotr, cook on the steamer Ra mona, fell overboard this morning while tbe boat was anchored at the dock at the foot of State street and waa drowned. Tbe boat arrived down from Independ ence about 7 :30 o'clock as usual and the deck-hands were busily engaged in hand ling the freight to be transported to Port land and way-points, about 7 :45emp'oyei on t he boat heard a splash in the water and at the same time some one called for help. A boat was quickly lowered and a search instituted for the person who nad laiien overboard but with no success. The search for the missing man, -who proved to be Kreiner was con tinued until about 8:!10 when tbe boat left for Portland. .,. fliATCii Snocr A big match shoot was had at Salem yesterday. During the forenoon numerous contests were had for turkeys, &c. In the afternoon a shoot for ten cans ot sntokless gold oust powcier was nad, at Zo live pigeons each. Following was the score : P J Baltimore, 22; O West, 16 j L Kibele, 19; Geo Froman, 23; T Jones, iv; jonn uriintn, to; Alex Lalollet, 12: Grant Froman. 16; A lmlah, 11; Cliff Evans, IS; Sky Meeks, 20; B Harritt, 20; T B Kay, 18; Caviness, 14; D B Monteith, IS; J Ryan, 15. It will be seen thai Albany carried off the honors. The Bowling Contest ended last night with the following acor in six ten frame games, which speaks for the winning Blue ; Otto Lee 239, Chas. Pfeiffer 206, Chas, Kroeschel 190, P. J. Smiley 208. J. E, Brown 156. Total 699. Average 3d 8-10. McCoy 226, Dr. Beers 167, 0. T. Porter ldZ, ii. j. Hopkins lo(, D.U.James 144 Total 869. Lee's average was 39 5-6, McCoy's 87 ' . His last night's aversge was the) very high icore of 43W An oyster supper will be given Friday tlgbt by tbe proprietors ol the alley. - 20 Out of B6. This is the number who passed tbe recent examination in this city, as follows: 2 first grades, 6 second grades and 12 third grades. Be sides these Miss Blacklaw, Afr. 12. E. Munsey and Don Bwanii received slate certificates. DECIDEDLY MIXED. Saum, Or., Feb. 21 , 1897. The joint convention held several sessions and ad journed after a roll call, in a ratber in definite mar ner Simon adjourned the senate to 2 o'clock, declaring under the constitution thskSenate alone could not adjourn sine die without concurrent res olution from regular permanently or ganized house Senate with 14 present, adjourned 10 a. m. tomorrow. Benson house sine dio. to SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Henry Blakely, of Brownsville, is in the city. Mr. W. II. Street, representing the Pacific Elks, of Portland, was anionic the visiting Elks in thecity. The Democrat acknowledges a pleasant call. Miss Mary Haines, of Eugene, came down to Corvallis Saturday to visit her sister, Rebecca, who Is attending the O A. U. sue expects to remain about a week. Corvallis Times. Mr. E. W. 'Allen at the Preebvierian church last sight before a large audience, gve a very entertaining account of Dr. Maud Allen's trip to India, illustrated with stereopucon views. Mrs. Kriens, wife of the cook on the Romouiu, who was recently drowned at Salem, passed through Albany last night for Corvallis, where she will remain with relatives for several month. Mr Kriens was a member of the Woodmen of the World carrying $000. President llawley, of Willamette Uni versity, has won eeveral medals at chop, ping matches and has now been present ed with a d.amond ring for his tkill in presiding ova. the national camp at Denver Salem Journal. Col. C. If. Dairy mple, an Albany at torney, and one of the prominent popu list leaders of the Willamette, has la-en spending a few day in Al land visi'ing his old triend, G. V. Trtfren. and went up to Gold Hill lasteuening. Ha may conclude to locate somewhere in South ern Oregon. Ashland Tidings. rairisaaa v-ircio gave one oi itieir pleasing and sackful entertainments Famous EdleweU. ReUling,Claret,Cham at the G. A. R. hall la-t night, well at- 1 uiji tended uotwitiistauding the n any other i attractions. A pasin program was ) rendered, consisting of piano slos by ChaaCondiff, a recitation .bv Mrs Bar-! ber. a duel by Kelt and ire etewat t, a i vww-italtiMi it Ail. ! 1 1.' 1. 1 r. ., - 1 - Ada ritckinger. a , .. .i . duel by tne Susses lorbet, a recitation by Gertrude O'Brien and a short a.l.lrrM by Prof Torbet. A fine lunch was served and good social time ha I. SoJaiillc Sifting. Sneezing is till very fashionable here good dealot busing in toiletl the hard ' inuicaiuig uiai tagnp is aini doing r: t times. "Grandma" Pound is dangeroniy iU Beside the above remarks" were made with paralysis of the stomach. Mrs W by W. O. Tweedale, who was forced to M Pound is also quite suk. j the .ront by bis friend Alexander, and George Bosquet, whose severe iilnesa ' others. Surge were called lor and re was noted in last week's DxxocaiT, is j spondedto by W. F Hall, Editor Pat iegaining health. j terson and Doug Mtnto, all good singers. D T Wjrrnan of Albany, was here and ... 1 LnK at Walerioo a few davs ago looking af;er ?l.h bn 00 fesUvala the interests of the Oregon Fire Relief! on Ember eves and holy aiea." Association. f The arrangement of the mom and the MisAddie Pughof Salem, pave an ner 'n which the banquet was con- elocntionarv ectertaioment at Mineral Springs Cu liege last night, and. jading j from itienruu applause given bet at i time, the audience was well enter-1 tained. ! Mis Stella Fronk. editref of TVnne- see Town Taik. i visuiog her s itr, ! Mrs B F Simons, cf this vi-ioitf. The coll student celebrated Wah- day afternoon . ! The pupils f Croafoot school will j give a literary entertainment on March ! 3 for the purpose of raising fanda to bny i a bell for tne school. S Miss Moona Frank, who Laa jstt closed a stKxf-ful term of school at Mark's Ridt-e. called to tvtt friend hrrw -atr lay on her way to her home in ! Tennessee. - ..: t t . 1 raised of a I f ark Taln vu L?1S!5 -.V Zl V." ! qual ity called rumi tion, and the famous humorist was asked by the ycc'h if be thought tbatfiib was a brain food as waa claimed by some scientists. Mark, altera moment'a reflection remarked, with all the gravity be could summon. "It is my opinion that it is, and 1 advice yon t eat a whale." It ia your corres pondents opinion that some of the youcg men oi odavii.e, who to deary shewed their ignorance of what is appropriate in their valentine wr.lirg should take Mr Clemens' dine on whale for awhile. last week, advice an I U A. S. t.atcs. Gates, Oa. Weather lovely. Miss Drsy Thomtson who was at- I tending school at Mehama came np on visit Monday. Mrs. R. A. Correl!, f Berry. Or., was in Gate Saturday last. Married, at the Pioneer House, in Gales, Sunday ecening, Feb. 21, Mr. Craik, our genial butcher and Mrs. Jen nie ores. Mr. J. L. Read left this morning for 0.uaruville the he will remain for S3ine lime. A very pretty wedding took place at tbe home of .Mrs. D. Teary, it being the event of the the marriage of her accomp lished daughter Edith to Wil iani H. Iknaca, of Sweet Home. Miss innie Smith and Everett Cramer acting as brides maid snd heat man. The wedding occurred at high noon Feb. ?3. the ceremony being performed by Justice Clark in tbe prewnce of a tew friends. The blide waa tastily attired in en eleg ant seal brown traveling sui. while he groom wore the conventional back. They immediately took thuir departure for Sweet Home where ther will be at home to the many friends after March 1st. Mr. Donaca is connected with the most nign ly respected citizens of Linn Co. We wish them a long and prosperous voyage tbrougti me. kwx. Jones vi He picnic, Urcb 9 Fourth of Idly at Jonevii!e. Fifty Years Ago. OraodfaUier'shatl And within it yoa see, Brandlather's lavorlte cough remedy. Whether 'twas Asthma, Bronchitis er Croup, Or bsby at night waked the house with a , whoop, With Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral Cran'ther was sura That do cold or cough would e'er (all of a cure. In huts the styles change, but the records will show Coughs are cured as they were 50 y ears ago. Ayer's Cherry Pedoral has no equal as a remedy for coughs, oolds, and lung dis eases. "Where other soothing elixirs palliate, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral heals. It is not a cheap cough syrup, which soothes but does not strength' en; it is a physician's cough remedy, and it cures. It ia put up in large bottles, only, for household use. It was awarded the medal at the World's Pair of ninety three. It has a record of 50 Years of Cures. Lodge No. 359 B. P. O. E. Formally Instituted. The Elks held sway iu Albany yester day, resulting in the institution of Al bany Lodge N j. 359, and seventh in Ore gon, B. P.O. E. Tue initiation ot mem bers began in the afternoon in the K. of P. nail nnder the supervision of Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler D. So'Is Cohen of Portland, and the forty members were duly initiated into the mysteries of the order early in the evening. This was ! followed by the installation of the officers and tne formal institution oi the lodge. Following are the officers: Exalted Ruler. J R Wvatt. Esteemed Leading Knight, II J Hop kins. Esteemed Loyal Knight, CG Burkhart. Esteemed Lecturing Knight, J K Weatherford Secretary, 0 G Rawlings. Treasurer, LO Marshall. Enquire, W II Davis. Tiler, Richmond Wheeler. Chaplain, A M Cannon. Inner Guard, John Uolman. Trustees, G W Maaton, P J Smiley. H j Mower. The band then marched to the Mason'c Temple, where the following sumptuous menu was served nnder the committee, H J Hopkins, C Burkhart and Fred Dawson, and V H Pfeitfer as caterer, in the largo lower hall, elegantly decorated with elk head.s American flags and a pro fusion of green fimnd plants: Oyster, Eastern bait shell, Soup La JBIUIU Turkey, cranberry sauce, fried chick en, jerkins, pressed veal, boiled ham, champagne sauce, pica led salmon, pick' eled tongue, sardines, limes. French bread, rye bread, Bo ton brown bread. Salads Chicken, shrimp, cheesed crackers, potato, lobster, lettuce. Celery, pickled beets. French pickles, Olives, stuffed eggs, cbow chow. Peaches, whipped cream, current jelly, Angel food. Devil cake, Copid cake. Prince, Gold, Marshmaliow. Spice, Minnie ha ha. Hickory Nut, Walnut. Bananas, orange,apples, raisins, outa, salted almonds. Black vff nrw.n. . n . . During the feast choice music was furnished by the Albany orbestra. in full uniform. n The banquet was fallowed by sme elo- i . . . . - nuroi mu orwui lauu nndM th loet master J K Weatherford. Th ner responded to aa follows: j "Welcome, G W Maston; 'B. P. O. E ," D Solia Cohen; "Our Goeata," J R W'yatt; "Fraternity," A W Patterson; I Our Baby Elk," by A W.Semple! j"Our Country," A M Cannon; "The j Elk," R Alexander; "The Ladle," P H jU-Arcy; "The Hots," D M Donne; JKT f.01 "JJW- J wn! ue i looeer tlx. H J Honkins: -flnr I SlAle." Kit l' !?oet? aia b7 experienced men to nav " r often see Ana tne cias weat their various ni. uaitvHlc. W e made a hnrrird visit to Tangent jituryand looadevehody busy P?tior had been established since our last "t1,'" , 51 r 51 Foreaier. the popular nurseryman of Tangent, was in oar city yesterday. He has bought the nursery t.V Wl IWITCi ! Rev. Henderson went to LakeCreek to ' nra.'h 1 . .t - . M I K nwnm. mnA aa I ... tl lo borne that night some of T . - - jour people were very nneaay about Dim, but long about 10 o'clock he came borne . , - . night .Tth a friend. We accepted an invitation to dine with lodge Barton yesterday. We found that gentleman enjoying the beet of health and as ready to give asi take a ioke aa he was before he waa electa-!, and be can talk fruit aa well as be can ta'k about county affairs. Tbe Jodge is all right. Lttl Kcaz Be Was Paid Promptly. A samp'eof prompt payment of fire insurance was that to Mat Craft, by me aa agent for the .Etna Insurance Comp any. Mr. Craft's residence was burned onJan.3. OuJan. tha draft waa mad out far the full amount dn on the risk, and on January Ktn Mr. Craft received the cah,at Cosick's bank, just nine days alter the fire. This statement is made l,,1-s lime on account ot contiary re- ports, anu is correct. The above statement will be veriaed bv J. W. Ccsick banker, and by me. W. B. RjcuAJioaox. Tub Caknita company performed at the opera house last Light to a fair eised audience. Tbe tenures ol tbe program were the excellent aiogicg by C Ii. Whiting, whose rich, well cultivated baritone as he sang a high grade :1s ss of music, greatly pleased the audience; the performance ol thirteen year old Addie Favart in coatermonger song and dance. and the co'or skirt dance of Carnita, an artistic exhibition of skirt manipulation in mellow bghta. Two acting; pictures were thrown on the canvas, a cavalry charge and a sparring match, vet impcr- icci, out intercsung. ana uintiratca views were good. Tiik Oratorical Covtest. Eight or nine college students, beaded by the champion FIgar Stewart, will leave for rtewberg rrniay to attend the intercol legiate oratorical contest on Friday. Fol lowing is a list of the contestants: Pacific University P E Bauer. McMinnville College J Shsrmaa Wal lace. Willamette University J P Early. O. t. N 8. Miss George. University of Oieaon F Fisk. Birthright of America Miss Sadie Bond. ' Portland University C P Height, Albsny College Edgar Siewsrt As AcciDEsr. Mr. J. whitesides was serosa the river yesterday alternoon, when his horse ran away, running the buggy against a stump, throwing Air. W bitesidrs out upon his head, tie was unconscious for some time, lie was brought to his home in tbis city and at tended bv Dr. Mas ton. Ilia head waa braised considerably. Somb Camforsia Facrt. The Man aboutrTown appreciates some samples of oranges, lemons and limes, sent to w. C. Hurkuart oy bis orotiier tv -Uurkhart, now at Pomona, Calif. They were raised in the Ellis Model orange grove and are fine specimens of Califor nia fruit. Citkap Kvra. The round trip rats on the steamer Hutb. to Kewberg to tbe state inter collegiate contest will be h If fare, sl.60. Tbe steamer will leava the O. H. & N. wharf at 7 a. m. Friday and those attending may return Saturday. To Pamssts. Parents desiring their boys to be out alter 8:30 o'clock will nlease sive them a written permission; otherwise they will be arrested nnder the curfew ordinance. Ity order of the city marshal. , LAittsr List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1897. Persons calling for these letters most give the date on whicn they were advertised. Anderson, Mrs Nancy Allison, Tom ; Hurley, Koy Hefner, CU Johnson,1 U V Koaell, Kennla Kufiis, Nellie 2 Sumter, Alex , Wingfleld, W II T.J. 8titrs, PM Dawson sells Liverine. Liveriae 50c at Dawson's. Apples at C E Brows ell's. Smiley does our job printing. No blur on Smiley's printing. New laces, laces, laces at the Ladies riazaar. . New ribbons, ril.lmn. t,knn. . it,. Ladies Bazaar. r f? i'ings, veilings, veilings at the Ladie Bazaar. For the latett novelties in jewelry see French the jeweler. For a good physic take Liverine, for sale by Dawson, the "pill autocrat'" Our printing is tbe cheapest became, it ta the best. SxrLET, the Printer. Do you want an engagement or waddincr ring, if so call on French the jeweler. Our work is tbe best, tharefora it ia tha cbeaoest Smiley, tbe Printer. We do binding. Smiley, tie printer. Crawford k Harolsh for nhotoararhs. Prices from $1 to $50 per dozen. . Water white comb honev from California. Jut in at UK B how sell's Tbe Democrat would like what it has cost to try to elect a U 8 senator at Salem Two packages of ear den seeds for Seta. according to their usual custom at Stewart k Soa'a. If our work and stock isn't as represent ed, you can get your money back. Smi ley tbe printer At the Salvation Army tonight Capl Brown's subject will be "A kiss ia the bark." Hear him. lr. G. W. Maaton, pbyctcuus and sur geon, Albany Or. Callsanswered prompt, ly ia city or country Information that is worth ita weight ia gold: Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry Binder's, on Second street.. Drs H. E. andO. K. Beers offices ' residence in (be post office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of wonea. Don't forget the fact that French baa moved Lis jewelry store into tbe Bank of Oregon Building, and ia now ready for business. Mr F M French will ntilirs the large vault in bis store, ba it for the Oregon But. for is t deposit, receiving bcxes on depKit. fbe price of genuine Oliver chilled plow ahaw ba been reduced to 50 rente. Be sure the BAme Oliver ta oa every snare For sale onU by Hopkins Bros. The Ladies daxaar are showing new mnaliaoodersear in skirts, nightgowns, corset covers aod drawers for leas money than tbey caa be made np at home. For cnoioe meets of all kinds call oa Ero erkk k Brock in a in the Blumberg block where tbey are loosing their own Cdaineaa and treating their coctouMra wlh If yon owe Coon k Huston call upon them acd py op Why isn't that a goxi eaoiotioa, tor now ia the pay op time. Jaaoa Wheeler, llartia Payne and S Shape have hea appointed judges and D T Wyman and W S Keliey clerks fur the coming school taction. last owa the street at Sad and Elle- orm, we aioany iTtneo Beet to are splendidly equipped for serving the paMic weii ta an Bieds ot cooks meata, promptly and carefuliy. If von are boating for F M French, yon will find him ia the Oregon Bank build- tog, wish a fine stock of watches, ieweu-v. kc, and spleacid facilities for serviag the puoiie. Batkinghara's Dye for tbe WhUkers is a popular preparation in oa boU'e. and colors evealy a brown or black. A ay r toa can easily apply it at home. Cooid-r jewr ways, think before yon act, aad then gi to H might Bros , where yoa wid Sad a choke ft":a of aieais of all kinds to ord jr from. Yon are bound to be pleased if yon order of them. A aftrnyle of the manner ia which aa ad ia the Democrat couo'a was that of tbe maa who adverUssd bis none for sale. He sold it the next morning, aad has since re ceived eea penooal rat poasea to it. Jodge Bellinger baa joat beld that a soorfgaire for tiOO oa the Ccrvairu car riage factory, made ia faor of C T Brace, is anil nad void Mr Brace waa trying to foreclose il The grsei Mairi Graa will be at New Orleans March t aad 2 Pacific Coast peo ple raa stop off ea their way to tbe inaug aratioa. F irt cfoa ronthera Pacific train will take the public there, aye tne Soaaet L:mited iueif. Willard birrbard-tbe Staytoa Send, who was found guilt) of rape oa his own daugh ters yesterday, at Salesa, was sentenced to twenty years ta tbe peatteatiari, which meant the rest of his hie unless he is par doned out Tbe following appears in the Salem Journal's court proceedings: "Kola Nets vs Pail Xeis. action for moaey. defeataat's motion for new trial argoed. Atnooat of verdict abated to $23.)6.S. Motion tor new trial orvrrnled judgment for plain tiff for 23 48 and coU aad disbcrse ment with orccr to sell attached property. Tangent. Tangent, Feb. 22, 1S97. Five vacant houses ia Tangent. J. E. Jeaka ia very proud of his val entine. At tbe close of Mr. Wood's school in the Fit e ner district last week he gave a very interesting entertainment, which wa largely attended. Tangent U range meets next Saturday with tbe following program : Speech by T P Uaynee, an address by A J Olio, select reading by O W Knighten, recita- by r.lla ttridgelarmer, essay by Minnie Mctibee, German solo by Vtm Dbemier, speech by L B Luper, solo by DS Bndgefarmer. music by orchestra. Grange meets at a. m. sharp. The Focktb ot July picnic at loaesville. rhis landing drama will he presented at the opera house, Taeaday evening. March Ketnember the date and save sear pen nies, it will not require many. A Change in Sugar. Alb kt. Ian. 20th. 1897. J. Gradwoh I informs the general public that he will sed 19 lbs dry granulated sugar fort I or 9 lbs for 60c, in oruerto givaall reooie the benefit to get cnean sugar. Gome one, come all, and take advantage of the low prices before the market changes. A Druaaiat nuwadarsmnit bave a eomnlete knowledge of drag, and "mow inst what to look for. Burkhart k Lee have that kaowledge. They make a spec ialty of compounding all presaripuont us ing nothing but tbe beet grade of pure drugs. Canned wild blackberries ia one and two quart )&rs, cheap at U t browxku. a The Crescent was tbe Etst to nse The other factories the new copy. D tabics,. Choice fardines at C E Brow kill's. If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. My How Sweet. A common remark about those delicate and lasting perfumes at Burkhart k Lee's drug store . We cer- -tainly have the beat in he market and n i higher in price than inferior goads. . "Perfection" Dyes are Brilliant and Permanent, for sale by Fred Dawson. .Mr sic Mies Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P church. Let everybody come to the Star Bakery and get ar 'oavea of fresh bread for f i.os cash. CMavea. Try Dawson books. once on school BIG GEST CHANCE Y To Save To Close Up Business I have reduced the price on all ray goods. 1 j iraji 150 2-00 1- 50 2- 00 u Everything goes just as cheap. Stylish neckwear, collars and cuff s socks, overalls, etc, etc. Call and see if the above state ments are true. Albany Woolen Mill Goods, . W. R. BLAIN., By the Opera House. CITY COUNCIL. Taeaday Evening, Feb. 23. Present iiayor, recorder, marshal, street superintendent, aod eooncilmen I'aonals, Hopkins, Hogue, Martin, Dick ey and Tweedale. Tbe following bills were orde-ed paid : X J Henton $12 20, Walter East $1 23, Hopkins Bros $19 65, ilb ny Iron Works $14 75, John Kmse $5 25, Albany Furniture Co $72 23, B P Unnn $'0 40, Saniiam Lumber Co $5 25, P W Spin ka $4 41. SagarPin A Fix Co $0 50, IC Dickey $5 25, J Dutnond $5 96, HC Wataoo$45. The reports of tbe treaenner, recorder and tax collector were reported correct. The committee on fire and water re ported upon the petition of Dr F E Ad ams, for privilege of laying gas pipes, in I- I , : . i r - una ut (jukiig uv aaojc. c pon mw tian it waa laid on the table. Property owners ia block 35 were, np on motion, ordered to connect with the sewer within tea days, if not already connected. Report of street superintendent, amount ol work done, or gravel haoled, OS loads ta all, the building of crw walks, cleaning of gutters, cleaning of bridge, 6L days labor, etc, d axing two weeks, labor $11 50. Tbe superirtendent recommended the cleaning of alleys ia blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6, betweeo r im and a ter streets and in blocks 17 and IS between First and Sec ond streets. Ordered done. The committee on streets and public property reported that flame near Mr Fromm'a, though not ia danger, eboold be repaired, aad that it won id be when the weather permits. License was granted Herman Boelow and Chris Vandria to sell lioaora. Bills were referred and tbe council ad joarn ed. n. f. mcilwaix Will Re-Open Ilia Store ob March 2nd. Keen that date in your mind, and wait for tbe time before baying. He will present the bnving public with a large and fine stock of new goods pur chased in the east at low prices. He ill also take all kinds of produce in trade. With appreciation for a former liberal patronage be hope to merit a continuation with many new customers. THE PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros where their place ia. Everybody kows They keep a fresh stock ol groceries, produce and oakea roods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable and baked prices and treat their customers well, all aake. You may regret soma steps you take in life tut none taken into the stare of Parker Bros. It is a grett thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but too want it well made. Try Parker Bros. Tbe Modem Way. Commends itaelt to tbe welt informed, to do peeaaatfy and effectually what was formerly does ta tbe crudest Saanner and disagreeably aa well. To cleanse 'he sys tem and Mens no coida. beadacces, aad fevers without nnnlesjstat after effects, ase the debgntful liquid laxative remedy, Syrop of Figs Manufactured by California Fig syrup Company. TO CURE A COLD IS OXE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund the money if it faiU to cure. S5c Call ox Miller k Tamer for first class ti very at reasonable rates. Transients kept for 10c per rig. l ti i ra JCEMR. If vou want to dye easily and permanently use 'Perfection Dyes, lor sale ey l-reu uawson. Removal of r M French to Oregon Bank Building. Go there for jmt jewelry, watches clocks, tepairing&c. Pure Drugs, trea uawsnns. The Weather Tbis afternoon, tonight aad Thursday fair and cool. River 6 5 ft. F.M.tltascH, dbplayaan. Not Exactly Right ia the way thons aads of people feel. It is because thir blood is poor, flood's Sarsaparilla, the Ota True Blood Purifier, will promptly set them right. Hood's Pills are purely vegetabk and do not purge, paia or grpe. All druggists. Hopkins Bros have received a full stock of 1S97 Crawford bicycles. They aw tui mensn. Come and see for yourself We Lead, Others Follow. - . - V ai.d that ia tha reason Hopkins Bros, are the first to die play a full line of the famous 1897 Cres cent and Crawford bicycles. Call and see them. Pay Conn k Huston. Pay Conn k Huston. Pay Conn k Hustoa. Use Dawson's furniture polish. Dawson will treat you right For thl best drugs, Dawson's. Properly used. "Perfection dyes are superior. Insist on having Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Fred Dawson. ET IVioney. S3.00 Pants 4-00 Pant. 500 Fanti 4 00 Boys Suits 6-03 EojSeiits Special Values in ... . Eugiiab Long Cloth. Fine muslins and white cambric Mousaeline de Eet) and CbiSoa in beat Black Silk in sew brocade patters, moat sty oh for skirts. S. E. YOUNG. The Weather Suggests your necessities ; yoor necessi ties anggeet our mentioning a lew of the new things just In. Ban your eye down the list : , Worsted dreea goods, Wash goods. Silks and tenanting, Chiffon, Laces and embroidery. Muslin underwear, Bolero fronts, R'bbrna, Table linen and napkins, Saab muslin and Swiss, Gauntlet glovee. Collars and cnS, Hosiery, Underwear, Big assortment prints, etc, etc, etc. READ, PEACOCK & CO. EAST AND-SOUTH via THE SHASTA ROUTE or i Ht Southern Pacific Co. CaEknfe kxsews Tills Vwtlaaa Dail? Sowia i noaXay UIS t: EOF. a. L Pvtiaad ar ! S IS a Ar I a L IM T m txaiaat L lliii a I At aJbay- Above trains yp at East Portland Oregon City. Woodbura, Salem, lar- UrB, jenerson, Ji j Tangent, Shedd. Halaey t-ogece CreeweU, Cottage Grove, Drain, and all statioea froa Roseburg sntbt to and ia- cJading Ashlaad. aai.aau ass a a L Itari I L atbaay 11 illr 11 Sa c" a I Ian AftraaT cr tkanw Imn at JMeaaT tnm Lshaaoa TSSa a kUi Ln Aibnr tor Lahiam Arena at i bw Imn JJIiaay tv Woodbarm Tia koaata IftdOaa SaSra Axrirv &t AJkanT troaa Lta aJaaaT tor Katrea Ajri at Aiaaay troaa Katroa SMS r Kawaa PULLWAf BUfFET SLEEFESb. Ajn Dittinsr Cars on Ogjden RouU SECONO-CUSS SIEIFIN8 CAES ailta mil Tarawa Tvatwa ea ajtvtaiaa. aTvU raarrujai aaa caavaiua Manv vaal aavlEtasaasij asaa IT. ttUtaiar Peruana Camilla AJ-1S SS t,vi-sara Express train daily (except Sunday) at Albany and CorvalUa connect with train e 0.C.&E. Hv. tra Futiaarl ar 1 ( Lyl Through Tickets to an poiof a Kasani BAfa, Caaa rf MOMM1MH ri " I. " - a ivtuua irtacti. aaatOFAPa. roittea4 Maaarar Portias - i v t - is a book every Oregonian ahoa'd have. Tha introduction is by tha cele brated Rev. Frank W.Gnnsaulna and tha sketches by Oliver W. ixon, P. D. fhe book is printed .from large, clew a ...iia at 11.75. Anv Bubscnter paving a year in advance for tha weekly or 6 months or more for tha daily can have it for l extra, new type, oa extra law pape-, ' " vellom cloth, sttmped in gold, pit top Kith lft full-Dane iiait tonea