The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 26, 1897, Image 2

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Let the senatorial caucuses go
Now, some one ssya
doeen't care.
Senator Mitchell
There are 45 states,
probably bo No. 46.
Oklahoma will
The senators are now taking
tarn at working tor nothing.
The pulling and hauling at Salem con
tinues. Mitchell tb Mmon or Simon vs Mitch
ell, whichever way you please, there's
the rub.
Both senators and representatives re
ceive '5,000; members of the president's
cabinet 3,000.
It ia settled. The Oregonian Bays em
phatically that Mr. Mitchell ia not a
republican. Now Mr. Mitchell what
do you think about it.
Mr. Grover Cleveland intenda to write
a boat. He will spend the remainder
of his lite in privacy. He certainly is
able to do so, it is said having made con
siderable in Wall Street speculation.
There ia yet time tor the state legisla
ture to drop the senatorial quarrel and
do some business. There are a number
of tLings that ought to be done, and cer
tainly there should be an effort in the
line of doing them.
Dr Steinitx, the great chess player.haa
cone at least partially craiy. The in
tricacies of the game are enough to turn
ones head. At the same time it is
doubtful if cheas itself ever affects any
one. On the -contrary it 'should be a
good drill for the mind.
Weneed.a few George Washingtns
nowaday", men really patriotic, not mere
ly politically patriotic, men who can
rise to the height necessary to meet the
emergency and battle for the good of
our government and not merely for the
good of themselves. Now it seems to be
a mad rush after spoils.
An unusual incident occurred near
Fossil the other day. Beaberand French
sawed a tiee m?asu ring 13 feet, in diam
eter, and tlcugh they sawed until the
tethofthe saw came through on the
opposite aide, the tree waa free from all
support, though they pried and chopped
and wondered and talked, still that tree
stood there, and still the saw remained
pinched. At last they were- obliged to
go kome, leaving the tree standing on
its stamp. Next day the tree was down.
It had apnarently sprung or slid from its
stamp, striking perpendicularly in the
sandy soil at first, making a hole five
feet deep and as far across.
The paster ot the People's church in
Kalamazoo, Mich , is a woman, Mies
Caroline J Bartlett. Miss Bartlett baa
been looking forward to thia profession
ever since she was 16 years of age, bat
owing to the opposition of her family,
the realization of her wish was deferred
for some years. She took up journalism
in the meantime, and twice occupied the
place of city editor. When ehe took the
church iatCalamazoo it waa a small and
insignificant one, but the congregation
increased so rapidly nnder her charge
that a new edifice had soon to be built
It ia a "seven day church," Miss Bart
lett says, with a free kindergarten,
classes of all kinds, and clubs for young
men and women.
Another new woman has been beard
from. She is at Butte Montana :
Abont two-thirds of the way across the
flat east ot the city a woman, Mrs M
Friix, is engaged in sinking a shaft on a
claim kiown aa the California. She is
performing the work bereeff, and, in ad
dition to this, ehe splits her on cord
wood, takes care of the horses, attends to
her household duties and spanks the
child en herself. The shaft on the claim
is cow down about 10 feet and ia si ill
going. Although working to a disad
vantage (she fills the bucket and then
climbs op the ladder and takes a tarn at
the winclasfc) ehe is making good head
way, and finds encouragement id tbe
fact that she has struck a streak of gold
bearing ore which assays wall. Mrs
Frill is tbe widow of the late William
Friti, and prior to taking np her resi
dence on tbe flat occupied er own house
west of Missouri gnlcb.
me uvea ct some peop'.e are -open
books: the lives of others blank bocke.
xne greatest difficulties lie where we
are not looking for them. Goethe.
vv never realize now mucn we are
capable of enduring until the test comes.
Selected, i " - - -
Education tg the knowledge of how to
nse the whole of oneself . Men are often
like knives with many blades; tbey
know how to open one and only one; all
trie rest are buried in the handle, and
tbey are no better tban they would bare
Deen u mey naa oeen made with One
made. Many men nse but one or two
faculties out of tbe score witli which
they are endowed. A man is educated
who knows how to make a tool of every
faculty bow to open it, how to keep it
sharp, and how to apply it to all pre
tical purposes. Beecher,
We could all be great men ite could
be measured by the great things we in
tend to Jo tomorrow. SalecteJ.
urtat parties represent in their be
ginning greit principles; in their old
ageg eat preidices. -Ignatius Donne
How much yoa read.ii of less con ha
qence thin how much you think about
what you have read. Selected.
Governments, like clocks, go from th
motion men gitre them; and as govern
mantk. era mla ear. I i i
vu....u..Jy.uwa oy wen, so
by them they are rained, too. Where
fore governments rather depend upon
men, man men npon governments. Lei
men b good, and ttie government can
not be bad; if it be ill, they will cure it.
" "'eu ub oaa, let me government
be ever so uood, they will e'ndiavnr to
warp anil spoil it to their turn. That
therefore, which 'makes a t o?d constitu
tion, must keep it, viz- men of wisdom
and 7irtue, qualities that, because lhey
descend not with worljly - inheritances,
must he carefully propagated by a . vir
tuous education of youth; lor which
after years will one uor to the care and
pcodecse of founders, and the eucceesive
n) "9iry, tlmu to their parents, for
thir private patrimonies. William
. Peon. ;
The most civilized nations are as near
barbarity as the moat polished s'ieele U
to rust. Nations, like metals, are only
po'.ifiiud oa the surface. B varol.
The public are invited to a a ;.' a
our new store in tue Bug of Oregon build
IDS, next to Fosbay & M-.soa's W storl 1
d -sj
rilCf kAra
- I 4 " ,
Most Important Cabinet Office.
The most important cabinet" office in
the opinion of the Democrat is that of
attomey general, though not generally
considered such. The prosecution of
trusts is the greatest and most import
ant movement that can be taken. There
is a crying demand that the trusts ehail
be put down. They are a menace to
public welfare. With their powers it ia
impossible for a small concern to exist.
They centralise wealth, foster stock
watering, which ia no better than high
way robbery, and greedily grasp evsry
thing in sight. The Standard oil trust it
making the people pay nearly doable
what they should for oil and is pouring
millions into the pockets ot its members
annually; the' sugar trust eaves for its
few members $20,000,000 annually, and
the people all the time toot the bills
All the time the government lias a strict
law against their existence. The en
forcement ot it ia in the hands ot the
attorney general, and no cabinet officer
today has a duty compared with this in
importance, no matter what might be
the case were there war, or likelihood of
war. Now this ia of all questions the
most important one before the United
States as a nation and in a general, po
litical sense. Olney has been unfaithful
to bis duty, but faithlul to the trusts
The attorney general should be a man of
fearless character, incorruptible, if it ia
possible to find such a man, cr.e in whose
eyes millions would have no influence
for doing wrong, for a million dollars
would be a small matter with a trust
making $20,000,000 a year, and there are
several doing that or nearly that. - There
are other serious questions, but just now
how great ia the need for a decided check
to the greed that is robbing the common
people for the benefit of a few, and bow
crying ia the demand for an attorney
general who will unflinchingly do his
duty and with hia last drop ot blood right
these great octopuses that are leaching
out and gathering every thing in, while
the masses bw eat and a:he for a tew
paltry dollars a year. Isn't it necessary
that something shall be done in the in
teres t of the people and against the in
terests of the grasping, greedy, eel fish
Buta'terall, what could an attorney
general do nnleea backed by the presi
dent. The president has shown no tan
gible signs yet that he will name an at
torney general who will fight the trusts.
But the people are getting their eye
Some Examples.
The following are some of the interest
ing examples given the teachers in the
recent examination :
mental ARrrnxmc.
1 A steamboat wboea rate of sailing
was 16 miles an boor, sails np a river
whose current ia five miles aa hour, and
is gone 21 hours and 20 minutes'. Row
tar did tbe boat go?
2 A, B and C can do a piece of work
in 24 days; j of what A does equals
of what B does, and of what C does ;
in what time, at this rate, can each do
3 A, B and C eat 126 plums, of which
A owned 80 and B owned 46, and C con
tributed 36 cents; bow much of the
money oxgbt A and B to receive if A eats
twice as manyas B and B eat twice aa
many asC?
5 If I retail flour at a gain of 12 per
cent and sell at wholesale for 2 per cent
lees than retail, wbat is ray gain per
cent at wholesale?
3 Twelve credits, (a) Find tbe miss
ing element or term la tbe following:
Tbe interest is $5.82J; tbe rate is 6 per
cent; tbe principal $63; tbe time is
? (b) Tbe interest is $$8.20; the
rate 7 per cent; the time 3 jears,
months; the principal is ? (c) Tbe
principal is $940; tbe interest is $432-40;
the time 7 years, 8 months; and the rate
is ?
4 Ten credits. The longitude ot St.
Paul, Minn., is 65s 4 minutes 55 second
west, and of Berlin is 13s 23 minutes, 45
seconds east: wbat is tbe difference of
longitude? Wbat ia the difference in
time? When it is twelve o'clock in St
Paul, what time is it in Berlin ?
9 Ten credits. Seventy horses can
eat a lot of grain in 72 days ; in what
time will 3 limes aa much grain be con
sumed, if 10 borses are added wben the
grain is eaten .
1 With what subjects is geography
correlated? Give illustrations and rea
7 "The proper teaching of geography
presents the earth as tbe home of man
kind." From this standpoint present
for teaching Mississippi river, Merrimae,
Hudson, Columbia, Rubicon, Willam
10 What bas determined the location
of tbe following cities : Chicago, Lowell,
Pittsburg, Spokane, San Francisco.
8 Wbat general commanded the nnion
army at (a) Sbiloh? (b) Antietam? (c)
Gettysbnrg.'(d) Chickamsgua? (e) Cold
9 (a) Wbat caused the railroad panic
of 18937 (b) From what sources are rev
enues secured to meet tbe expenditures
of tbe government of the United States?
3 Name the principles that regulate
grammatical nnion of words and sen ten
5 Diagram and analyze "The vile
strength man wields for man's des'roc-
lion, that does all despise, burling bim
from tby bosom to tbe skies."
The Pendleton E. O. pats, it pointedly
as follows:
The failure of ths Oregon legislature to
organize is a scandal npon the state. If
it were a populist or democratic or fusion
legislature the very air would be filled
with condemnation. The membership
of the legislature is largely republican,
CO of tbe 90 members at least professing
that political faitu. f here are two fac
tions of the republican party responsible
lor the "hold np" and the failure to or
ganize. The Mitchell republicans and
tbe anti-Mitchell republicans are the
name by which these , factions are
known. They are divided principally
on the money Question and the chasm
between them is deepened and widened
because of long slumbering dislikes be
tween ambitious members of the rival
That is an awfnl cycloue that is sweep
ing tus way lrom Nevada. If the two
men fight as tbey are blowing they wil
knock each other from one end of Neta
da to the other in leas than a minute,
and we hope they will.
Any one knows
that a life insurance
earn $103,000 a year,
president cannot
nor 150,000. nor $25,000, and yet those
are tbe salaries of old line insurauce
companies' salaries, and lh people foot
the bill.
. , . a
MilhA'a tlAae aaia4A u. i ,
at weight, 225 poundr.
Now, what will Governor Lord do.
You can almost hear the Turkish Em
pire gasp.
President McKinley owns a farm of
163 acres. He recently eoM a car load o'
apples tor 3 cents a bushel. Not much
returning prosperity tn that.
The following authentio and reliable
hews ia from the Salem Statesman:
'Almost before she realises it, Astoria
will have connection by rail with the
outside world. And almost before she
realises it Salem will have a line to the
sea and over the Cascades. The good
times are within hailing distance."
The Demociat likes to give current
opinions on important questions. Here
is the Pendleton E. O. 'a on one: The
Portland Oregonian yell- that Oregon
has been degraded and disgraced by 30
years of Mitcheiham Probably so, but
Mitchell's successor promises to be no
better for Oregon and the greater num
ber of her people than Mitchell. Simon
ism Is not any better tbau Mitchelliem
for the people of Oregon.
OurSodaville correspondent gets en
thusiastic over an important subject as
Supt. Irwin's recent suggestions in
regard to giving morals and civil govern
meat a more prominent jdace in oar
public schools, should receive tbe earn
est conti leration of tvery parent, and
some Action taken at tha next annual
school meetings that will insure greater
attention ir thee? two important
branches of the child's education. Edu
cation that does not loot to tbe proper
development of the ti o al sensibilities
is pernicious, because :h quality of
character determines lav' whether an
education is a curse r a blessing.
Therefore character buiU'.ng should be
uppermost in alt school work. A proper
understanding of the relations of the
citizen to tbe nation i- also of prime im
portsnce in a government where every
man may stand at toe wheel and help
guide tbe ship of etate. ' If our boys and
girls are fully informed of these relations
and taught to think intelligently of their
duties and privilege as future American
citizens, tbe next generation of voters
will not be. content to have their politi
cal convictions like their clothes, ready-
made, as is the case with far too many
voters at present. Haste the dav when
demagogues do - not manufacture tbe
politics of the masses, and whet to be
good voter is to be an intelligent
Sodaville (till retains her reputation
as a moral town . The hearty coopera
tion given by tbe majority ot her people
daring the revival meetings ot the past
month exhibits a spirit that is coca
me -liable. If tbe high standards of
social parity and morale, that reformers
tell ns mast be held op to oar youih
if they are to become ideal 20; h century
citizens is attained this spirit most
thoroughly permeate society. It civili
sation is to" march onward there mast be
that purity of motive, that loftiness of
purpose and that nobility of manhood,
and womanhood that will rise above
denominational distinctions snd cause
each individual to work in harmony
with bis fellows for tbe elevation ot ths
Nearly Highway Jtobbcry.
Mr Bavemeyer on tbe witness stand
Saturday gave the first exact figures
that have ever been mads public con
cerning tbe actual Sugar Trust profits.
Prior to 1886, be said, tbe profit in re
fining waa 19 mills per pound 15 mills
of which was given by the tariff or an
tverageof $33,000,000 profits per year
npon a total invested capital of $24,013,-
008 in 1890.
eince tbe formation of tbe trust and
the decrease in the protection tbe profit
bas not materially declined. Mr Have
meyer gives it as follows for tbe past
eleven years :
Set ptofit. TdtsJ
Her lb.
tion, tons.
1.888 851
1 15J
1 012 19.964.365 f390,666,966
Of this total profit Mr Havemeyer taya
tbat from 75 to 80 per rent belongs to
the American Befiuiog Company o
Sugar Trust.
The actual amount ot capital invested
in sugar refining in tbe United States is
given in the census of 1880 at $27,432,
503 and of 1890 at $24,432,600. Mercan
tile and Financial Times.
What They Did.
Following is wbat Oregon's senators
and representatives did front Fstirnary
I to February 13:
In Oregon r turning for reelection.
Amendments offered by, to Indian
appropriation bill.
Petitions and papers presented by,
f rom Newberg, Oreg . Baptist church:
for Sunday rest law for District of Col
ombia 1857.
Against interstate gambling.
Oregon, citizens of: against Lond pot -tal
Citizens of Corvallis: for amendment
of postal laws.
Publishers of: for Load postal bill
Religions organizations of: against
interstate gambling.
For industrial commission 1857.
For Sunday rest law for District of
For legislation ia interests ot morality.
Reports mad by, from committee on
commerce, Chattanooga Western Rail
way bridge.
Committee on Public Lands, forfeited
railroad lands, vamroads, canals and
Bills and joint resolutions introduced
by Belieu. M. B: to pension.
Remarks by, on settlers ore railroad
Sond in your order and we wilC call
your door for your laundry and deliver it
vlllinnt ..I...... t. ....
nnuuu.uavuai)(i:i uno U9 a bum, wo
will guarantee you will be satU&ied. Fine
finish to dress shirts Lace curtains re-
newea. free mending department for
bundle work. City Lauxdrt,
Opp St Cbaa Hotel.
Fi.vb Clubbino Offer. Leslie's Week
lv ia tbe oldest and best ot tbe illustrat
ed weeklies of the U. S. It is m model
in Ha character, as everybody knows.
The regular price is $4 a year; bat you
n amissa S asm! llii Usnvrv- tiuiaaiaaii
iod dvku r a eatava sua v t aaa u a AabnawsaA a
t 1 SD OK . I LL . r. 1 1
mail for 5.
The Portland Mercury is a warm advo
cate of J. H, Mitchell lor U. 8. senator.
The second forty days haye been be
gun. How lqpg, oU bow long will this
agony last.
Senator Driver yesterday
made the
following dramatic speech
"Hofer. thou art a liar."
A duel has not even been thought of.
TUo fM'.nwi no BtatAH have never been
represented in any president's cabinet:
n.i,frrr,i Flnrida. Idaho. Kansas. Mon
tana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Is
land, South Dakota, lexas, nmuiugiuu
and Wyoming.
Th fartv dava so often referred to in
reference to the state legislature only ap
plies to the length ot time for which the
members can be paid. They can meet
as long aa they please but can receive pay
tor only 41) days, mat is iue law.
Astoria is getting high toned. An or
dinance has been introduced, on recom
mendation of the mayor, prolti luting ex
pectorating on the streets and sidewalks,
and nxing me nne lor violations iwnwi
at from 2 to f 10 or imprisonment not to
exceed five days.
If the editor ot a newspaper were to
snap at all the inducements field out, be
i . ; it i. MM
wouiu soon do a miuioneira. a u
the paper according to tbe popular no
tions be would be in the poorhouse. It
he published Lalf tbe items sent to him,
he would be in jail halt the time and in
tbe hospital the other half. Welcome.
George W. Adams, of Chicago, who
in 1894 engineered one of the greatest
corners on oats known in the history of
the Chicago board of trade, committed
suicide this week by shooting himself,
in order to keep from starving to death.
On a bill head he wrote just before the
act, "I die hungry."
The Examiner and Journal will be
completely in it in the great Corbett
Fitxsimmons fight, lhey bsve srrAnged
for exclusive reports from tbe fighters
and the referea, Maldoon will write ex
clusively for them, and Homer Daven
port, the leading artist, wilt make me
pictures of event there
A letter was received yesterday lrom
Mr. Sevey, who recently left Astoria for
Roesland, says the Astorian. Mr. Sovey
says he was somewhat eurprited at the
appearance of the town. It has a pop
ulation of about 5000 and the houses are
built as closely as possible. There are
bat few buildings of any consequence in
the town. The principal street is but
four blocks in length, and the general
appearance of the town is that ot a wool
ly weetsrn mining camp. -ir. bovey
says in bis letter that buiinesa is quite
brisk and that the people ot the town
expend a great increase in population
tne coming summer.
Mr Douglas bas secured a divorce from
his wife, Mrs. Jennie Douglas in Los
Angeles. He did it because she was a
new woman. In bloomers every morn
ing sbe mounted ber borse and went
banting, leaving tbeir only child with
the servant. Here is her strange phil
osophy: tor a woman to remain at
home witn ber children and do nothing
but eat and sleep is narrowing. The
borne is all right, bat life is too short to
spend much time within its walls. A
woman wbo is alway at home most oc
cupy bar mind with something. So sbe
goseipc about ber neighbors and helps
to make caore misery in toe world, rim
becomes a slave to ber husband and bas
no will ot ber own. Sbe loses bet mas
cnlar strength. Tbe children ahoold be
left with trustworthy servants and tbe
husband ahoold eo with bis wife.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All draggista refund the moneyii it fails
o cure. 25c
gr t KMaev
am 65 years , old; bavsbad kidoe
ditease and constipation for 25 year. Am
now well oaed your S . B . Headache aad
liver Core one year. Used 6 botle al
50 cents eaca. JU Knight, RuUedge,
Or." For sale by Fcahay; Mason at 50c
per bottle
Car ffM..
"My three children arel! subject tc
croup; I telegraphed to San Francisco, got
got a ball dozen bottles of S B Cough Cure
It U a perfect remedy . God ble yon for
it. Tours, etc., J. 11. Oosier. Grant
Pass, Or." For sa'e by Fothay A- Maaon at
Oc per bottle.
Too can pay more, bat yoa won't get
any better seryi-e. Yoa can pay lesa, but
you won't get aa good service. Smiley
the printer.
A la' Ee assortment of cardin reeds.
white rioter, timothy and bine grass seeds
just recattea tresb at
C E BaowasxL'e.n
RAMSEY FORGET. On February 21,
at tbe residence of tbe bride's parents,
in Albany, by Justice C. E. Hawkins,
Mr. Alvin T. Ramsey and Miss Phoebe
Forgey both of Albany.
Tbey bave the lest wishes of many
CKOISAN. At tbe family home, in
Moant Plesssnt, Linn county, Oregon,
va neuneeaay, reorua-y 17, l7, at
6:30 o'clock, p.m. of heart failure,
Mrs Eliza Croiean, aged 71 years.
Deceased was tbe relict of Michsel
Croisan bo died Anril 1. 1894. and h.
been a resident of Oregon since Novetn-
Der.iwH. bne wss broadly known and
highly respecte for her many v'rtties.
Sbe was a native of Ksrsnnf, Baden,
Germany, having been born there on
May 10,1826, aod came to America in
1852 and was married at Free port. Mi.
nois, on June 1, 1858.
8he was a devoted and consistent
member of the German Lutheran church
She was laid to rest in ibe Kingston
cemetery, rear Mount Pl'aeant, on Fri
day last. Statesman. Tbe deceased was
a cousin of ex-Sheriff Croisan.
Down Brakes, and Reverse ( "
When a train is discovered rushing; on to a
fng-bUul col
lision, it is a
thrilling: in
stant as the
and reverses
his lever.
Brakes alone
are not
enough; the
whole pro
pelling pow
er of the en
gine must be
reversed and
made to work
in the oppo
site direc
tion. That is
how it is
with disease.
There are
tlmea when
ths system is flyfny along the track of dis
ease at such a frightful pace that no ordinary
methods will prevent disaster. There are
plenty of medicines which act merely as
brakes to "slow np" the disease and put
off disaster for a little while; but that isn't
enough. What ia needed is a medicine that
will Instantly reverse the entire wasting,
degenerating process.
When people are losing flesh and strength
and vitality, with the life ooalngout of them
day after day, they need Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discowery, which acta directly upoa
the vital forces, completely transforms the
entire nutritive organism and totally re
verses the wasting, debilitating process
which is at the root of all diseases.
It enables the digestive and blood-making
organs to aupply the circulation with an
abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. It
stops the wasting of tissue, builds up solid
muscular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
tiles llerv Whitman, of East Dickinson.
Vranklln Co., N. V., writes; "For nearly ten
months I have had a bad cough, and instead of
vetting Better, it
by a friend to ti
citing better, it grew worse, until I was advised
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
tne nothlr
I hesitated at 6rat, for it seemed to
to irv ur. merce's uoiaca Mraicai
ng would give relief only death,
C rents were anxious about me, ana I was saia
have consumption. X tried your medicines,
laad before I had taken many doaes there waa a
treat change. When tbe second bottle was empty
ij had no cough an was a sreat deal stronger. 1
A Wsekl ArmlMlre.
London. Feb. 23. The parliamentary
secretary of the foreign office, George N
vursun, mm oispawnes in ms nuum ui
commons today from tbe brilUh consul at
uanea, contirming the announcement mat
an armistice of one week had been ai rang
ed between the MuMnlnians and Cnristians
at Selinos, island of Crete, at tbe instance
ot the British, Italian and Russian consuls.
Mr turzon added that tbe British consul
had done his best to calm the Christians,
intimating to them that the solution of the
Cretan troubles rested with the great
The Lut Msaey
Washington. Feb. 23. Hie house
sent tbe naval bill, the last of tbe appro
oriation bills. to ths senate today. Bout lie,
cnairman of the naval committee, was in
charge of the measure, and duplet ed such
skill in its handling that its provisions
aroused little opposition, and it was passed
practically without amendment. Barrett
made an effort to seenre an authorization
for a drydock at Boston to cost $1,000,000,
but, after a somewhat acrimonious delmu-,
the amendment was ruled out of orer.
Very Hl.h Walrrf
Cincinnati. Feb. 23. Lao t nih'. in
the absence of news of tbe great t loud -burst
at tne headwater of the Masionira
bela. no one dreamed tbe river here woold
reach a maximum of over "0 foe Opin
ions changed today, when it was learned
that a flood in the Allegheny was coming
down just late enough to pile it cn tb tt of
tbe Jionongabela. lonignt. Ike ngnai
service predict that 60 feet will be reached
at Cincinnati by tomorrow
as Bcalssew.
Havana. Feb. 23. General Fiubuh
Lee. United State coasalireunra'. bai per
sonally bandied the rorrepondmil of ibe
Associated Press a written t-t.iU-uieni wiv
ing that be bas not resiguod. '.hu lwinie
ly Sfttini? at rest contrary ttutemeuM uncle
in New York.
kkeri al HI. Aacet.
WooonuRS, Oi., Feb 23 roe p.t
office al Mount Aragel waaetaerrd by lur
tare Iat night. Entrance w effected
through a rear door, aome time during t he
latter part of tbe night. 1 be potoihoe
safe waa blown open and about $100 in
stamps and $75 in money taken. After
looanir the posto ffice, the Guru lars tried to
effect an entrance to Barney Oswald's sa
loon, but were frightened away by i
batcher, wbo slept in bis sb p in tbe ad
joining building, ranies are scouring
tbe country loosing for them.
y Sea film as t ark.
Carsox. Nev . Feb. 22. Some excite
ment was canted bcre this morning by a
meoasge from white settlers at Verington.
in Maoo Valley, 50 miles from Canon,
calling for 50 armed nulitiameo and 50
extra stands of arms to be sent on a special
A Piute andian was killed by a hit
man at Yerinoton yesterday by being struck
on the bead with a crowbar- Tbe lodiana
became enrased aad teat raoners to alker
river reMTvaUon. wLich ia a part of tbe
Pyramid Lake reservation- 4U the male
Indians from Walker river came in to
Mason vahey after having seat tbeir squaws
to tne mountains.
Governor tadler sent Adjutant-Oeaerai
Galatha on a special train Uut morning to
investigate tbe trouble and report imme
la CMS.
Washisotok, Fee 22. Tbe bouse to
day passu! the general deficiency bill sod
began tbe cootideraiioa of tbe tart of tbe
money bills, that providing for the nival
eUtMuhmeat. A Ions; debate recurred
over tbe propriety of tee appropriation of
1.3UU.UW lor tbe boatbern faotx: vaiimmo
nnder tne jadgmeat of tbe c wrt of claims.
but tbe boose, by a vote ot IvZ to 133. re
fused to sVike it oof . Tbe numbenwho
favored the appropriation for tne repay
ment to members of Use last coarfre of
saiarie withheld from them on account of
absence carried tbeir fight ino tbe boose,
but tbey were beattn, to 122.
TtM (rrtaa War.
Caska. Feb. 22. So ioorsota
killed by tbe cannonade of tbe warship in
tbe tarargeot pouuoa stear bete yecrday
Tbe damage was purely maientl
Ibe French aad ItsJua wanhipa did ant
fire because tbe Greek Dig waa lowered by
the iruargents before tbetr time came
Fifteen Christians, indodiag three anns
of tbe FJia convent, were wounded by tbe
bombardment. Five tboosand in-onr-tiU
arrived wiihia half aa boor after the tiriog
Ire Beatawcsl
New Yoas. Feb. 22 X dispatch to tbe
Herald from Havana, via Key el. sats:
Conil-woerJ Lee ba resigned tits
letter teoderisg bis resignation, aeoVr cer
tain condition. ges by tbe next mail, lie
determined some days ago to take socb a
step it be were not opbeJd ia his efforts to
protect ail American cilueas ia Cuba.
aaew Saerea ta
MrLwaCKKB, Feb., Advices from North
ern Wiaoonnj are to tbe eftVt that a vio
lent snow storm bas raced all day. and
that railway and other traffic is practically
ratal awa.
Ecvsse, Or , Feb. 22. Gorce Wiaob.a
I'2.narild ber. waa rroliathlT faiallv tn.
I iared last eveoiog by a kirk from none.
1 he boy it a stepson ot Lafayette lien
dricka, wbo lives near Cobursr.
What er,a ss mi tea
Washisotos, Feb. 21. Tbe sundry
civil appropriation bill contains an item
for f IrXl.fXO for completing tbe work pro
posed for improving the navigation of tbe
entire Willamette river, from Lonreoe to
Portland, and also for the lock and dam oa
the Yamhill river, which is to give deep
water st all seasons to (be town ot Mc
Minnville. Tbe estimated cost of both im
provements is 1200.000. of which HO.OOO
was included in tbe last river and harbor
bill, and now the present appropriation of
1160,000 gives all the money required.
Tbe contract for Yaquiaa twy baa not jet
been let, and therefore, like some other
harbors, could not bs appropriated for in
tbe preeent bill; but tbe '25.000 appropria
tion in Ibe last riter and harbor bill wil!
be expended in completing the old project
at Yaquina, and it is thought that this has
bad something to do in delayina? the ap
proval of the project for the $1 ,0U0,0X con
tract. In the present appropriation bill there is
also 200,000 for tbe Pot Viand custom bouse.
asaa the Ilea.
Columbus. O., eb. 21. (-.ovrrnor
Bushnell tonight gave out the following
statement to the press:
" Vben Senator Sherman resigns to enter
the cabinet of President McKinley, I UI
appoint to succeed bim lion. Marcus A.
iianna, of Cuyahoga count, to serve until
hia successor is chosen by tbe 73d general
assembly of tbe state. I trust this action
will meet the approval of tbe people.
AsaS. Busiiselu"
Dorsal rare.
Salem. Or., Feb- 21. Today has len
a very qmet one. Nearly all tbe members
left tbe city Saturday, aod most of them
will not return till tomorrow. There is no
change in the situation.
Senator Mitchell tonight said substanti
ally that so far as he was personally con
cerned, he did not care whether be was re
turned to the United Stater senate or not.
He had served three terms already, and was
content to retire on hia record if it should
be decided that the interests of the state
could be betkr served by some one else.
An Baswele4 Event.
iKDiAiexpous, Feb. 21. At 10:c0 this
morning, a baby girl, weighing 8? j pounds,
was born to Mr and Mrs Benjamin Har
rison, Or Henry Jameson being the at
tending physician. Mother and child are
doing well. Mrs Lieutenant Parker, of
fliew lork. is with her sister, airs Harri
son. Air and Mrs Harrison were married
in 8t Thomas church. New York, April 6,
1890 . The ex president is in his 64th year.
ae ef the Earliest.
IIiLlJSBORO, Or., Feb. 21. Michael
Wren, ajred 73 years, one of the earlitwt
settlers of Washington county, died at bis
residence near Ccntervilte lust night. De
ceased was born June 5, 1824. end came to
Oregon in 1841, from Winnipeg. For a
number of years he was in tbe employ of
tbe Uudsou's Bay Compeny. With his
wages he purchased the right to the land
on which he made hie borne.
Whiskey slid It.
fJalON. Mo.. Feb. 16. Dr Arthur Due-
strow, the St Iiouis millionaiue, who on ,
February 13, 1894, shot and killed his wife '
and child in a fit of drunken mire, in that 1
city, was hanged in the courtyard of tne
county jsif here, at 12:59 P. M. today.
Never Fails
Astonishing Record of the Great
Paine's Celery
Paine's celery compound bas never
yet failed to cure
Where all other medical treatment has
failed to relieve Paine's celery compound
bas succeeded time and time agais.
John w. Boyd of Mishawaka, Ind.,
ears of his owi case :
aL-at winter I wss taken down with a
verv severe attack of nervous and mus
cular rheumatism, so bad that f could
not lie down, sit np, or stand, witnoot
the most excruciating pain. I was all
the time under the care of taoof the
best ph sicians of the place, bat I did
not improve. I took diftere-.t rheumatic
cares and need an eectrfc btttery a half
bocr each day for. 10 days, wttboat any
"Finally I concluded to try Paine's
celery con. pound, and to my surprise af
ter using one-half of a bottle I a as able
tn Mt out and vo:e on election dav. and
before 1 need the whole b tle I went to
work, and have worked every day since
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains.
Hcture Frames.
Linen Warp Matting,
Oil Paintings,
and Undertaking
Call on
BV-w. rawer a
T ' -V. ev
N L A. l. s-
Noi is hereby z'rvn tbat tbe under-
sifoed has beew duly arpointed by tee
C'oua'y court ol 1-inn county. Orveon. ad
intsbrator of the es'ste of Joseph C M y
r, deceased, la'a ofsaiJ roomy, aod he
has duly qualified soo and ail persons
baviec chums against a:.l eUte are here
by reqoestrd to prevent tne same to me at
Aioany. ureoon. prcri;y virioea a
by law pro I Jed, witiiia n montn from
this date.
Dated al Albany. Oregon. Ud 16:h day
o lecember. 1S96. U v Mvcas,
Whitssv & NewroHT. Admie-strator
Attjs for Admr.
Notice is hereby gien that P Y Duncan
has been duly appointed admlnt-trator ot
the es'ate of A D Kno. ta e o Lb.n coon
ry. Oregno. decessed. b ti e county court
of Lino coun'y. Or-iron, and bat be bas
duly quali6ed as such ail prwos having
claims sgainM said e-tJ'ea'e hereby not
ified to present the sie lo me litis tbe
propr vroche'S undt oath at tbe office of
W R Bilyeu In Al ay. Oregon aitbin
six mon'hs lrom the date hereof
Dated this 11th day of r-eniher,lS96.
P Y Dcncax. Administrator.
Laud Orric-t at Oreuox Citt On
December 28 h. 1836.
Notice is hereby given that tt'e approved
fractional plat of Towni.bip 13 tsMilli.
Range 8 East has been r ce'ved fora the
survemr general of Oregon, and on Feb
ruary'8'h 1897, sf 10 o'clock a. m.. of said
dale, said plat will be riled in this office,
snd the land therein embraced al l Se
subject to entry on aod at er m'J da'e.
toBSKT A Mi Lisa,
Wat 0 allow IT K siter,
Receiver .
Notice is hereby given that I hive been
duly appointed by theconn'y court of Linn
county. Oregon, adniteitrat"r, wi'h lbs
will annexed.of the estate of John Nelson,
deceased All persons having claims
arsnst the estate of said deceased srt
hereby not iff ed to present the same duly
veriSed to me at my residence near Sbedd,
Linn county, Oregon, or to my attorney,
Gee W Wriht, at his law office In Albany,
Orcsron. within sis motxha from the date
hereof. Mas NkLsom.
Geo W Wr.ic.HT. Admr with the will
Ativ for dmr . annexed of the ee-
Dn'ed lan 5, 1897. tate of John Nelson
Notice ia l-ore'i nivon that iheapprov
d plata of survey of Township 13 South
Range S Eti a 13 Sornh, Range 6
East, the fraotional plat of urev o'
Township 12 South, Itunges 4 East, 5 Eist
6 East, and 7 East, .ted fractinal plat tf
'lonshlnl3 South. Kanue 7 East, bave
been re lived from the Surveyor General
of Oregon, and on March 6th. 1397. at 10
o'clock a. m of sai.i date, sa!d plats will
be riled la this office, and he land therein
embrscod will be subjeot to entry on and
after said date.
ItoBT A MiUJta, 'Register.
Ym Oaixowat, Eeceiver.
to Cure.
I have gained 20 pounds in weight and
am feeling first rate.
"My wife bas aUo teen taking it for
nervousness, and thinks tbat tnere is
nothing like it. we both recommend it
t all our acquaintances, and yoa are at
liberty to use this letter as yoa see fit,
for it truly worked wonders in my case."
And Paine s celery compound is work
ing tost such wonders in every state.
county, city and village of the country
Tbe reader most know some one wbo
bas tried it. Ask tbat person if be or
sbe wss not at once "benefitted !
Don't let a dealer palm off anything
else on you, however; for there is as
mu:h difference between Paine's celery
compound and all tbe ordinary aarsape
rillas, tonics, nervines and compounds
ss there is between an electric motor and
a bov'a windmilL
There is power to cure in Paine's cel
ery compound.
need and
Elegant De
signs in
Ware at C0IY11
See ii
Saied plan. rpceitiealtcas, sr-aia de
i rs and bds ii t-e free it J at th
cttVce ef ecaatv e'erk of L aa eaaty. Or
oa or before th-5'h day of Mrch. lS97,at
I a clock p as. (or a waoa brdga acmes
the !r.h Seoliaai river at or n a Ga es
lidsari'.l he eon id -red f a taspsjaioe
and I'fl bridge aa w"l as ar J da-i;st.
.ii r-tid.-e tn be oonaplctrd oa or befere 1$97.
Tbe eoart iwerres tne rtsit b f eject ary
and all Lid. I) jo by order pf the coeoty
Ited tVs 16 h day of Peb , 1K-.
C B MosTAcnt.
CVaoty Cwl, Lina Co.,
Notice Is hrrebr that there will he a meet
mg- of the stock holders ol th-s Odd Fellows
Hall auil.ime AssocitHon held at tbe Odd
Felloes Library in Albany, Oreeron, on
Monday, the lM djy of March, 17. at 7
o c ovk p tn. for the purpose ot electing
seven directors to serre lor Iheensuing
ear and to transact any other business
that my com befere said meeting.
Signed this the lt dy of February
i ucs Joseph. Secetary.
Notice is hereby givee that the under
signed as administrator of the es'ate of J
M W tlsoD. deceased, has filed his final ac
count In ald es'ate with the county clerk
ot Linn count. Oregon, and the county
court has tiled Friday, the Vli d.iy oi
March, 1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m.
of said day for the final hearing of said
account aod tbe settlement of said estate,
any and all persons having any objec
tions to the same are hereby no ified to be
present at sid time and preeent the sanie-
B S Martin w P Warmoth,
Attorney. Administrator.
Notice for Publication
LanoOffics at Orsoon Citt. Oa.
Jan. 21. 1S97.
N.lioe is hereby fivea that the following
named sttlr has tit-d notice of his inten
tion to make tinal pro. t in sopport ol his
claim and taid proof will be made be
fore the ltcjuter acd R,toivr at Oregon
City, Oifit-n. oa March 6th. 1897. via:
Christian Neubold; II E 12033 foi the S
ij N K j. k ta I and 2 Sec 3 fp 10SR4
b. lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence up-s snd
cultivation of. said land, v.i. T B George,
Gilbert Knutson, Charles I Hinkle.CB
Gains, all of Niagara, Oregon.
Kobkbt a. Miixaa. Kegster.
Notice Is hereby given to all neranna
interested, that 1, the undersigned as
i ignee of Propst and Butler have filed my
final account in the matter of said assign
ment, in tbe circuit court of the stale of
Oregon for linn county, and that said
Bnal account will be heard and passed up
on by said court n the court house in toe
city ot Albany, linn county, Oiegon, at
the hour of 1 o'c'ock p tn, oi the 2yth day
ot March, 1S97. Fnklin I'sofst,
Attignee. .
Plows, Harrow s.
and Disc Cultivators at
Now is the time to buy-
Grass and garden seeds in bulk and
in package.
Iaitvs Ci cait Coirt for Linn eounty of ths
State ot Oregon.
Tbooia Beuiiog, fbintiff
Jobs Powtn aad E nily Pow defendjot
To Emily Power, ore of ths dcfeadtsU
above tmtd :
OKEGON: Vtm tic hereby nqoircd
1 aipar aod ao.w?r tbe compUwt
of the
1 -1 . A .. mA . I '.I W ...
boteaamad pUiitiH itbabo7a entitled
iit tw m i n hi witn tbe CITK r I o
court, b tbe fi-at dy of the et reeo ar
term of Ihir ooart tn be bon i d he d in
ibe city of Albany, Lino e-ooty, ti egoo, on
tbe 8th day ct Hxcb, 1807; and y&a are
aotiticd that if va Lil " appear ad a
swer aid cmcplaiot as herein required tbe
pKittiff will in!y o tbe coo it tor there
lief dtmanded in bis complaint on fife in
ihealoveWiit-ed court, wbkh rel'rf m far
tbe foreclore of a wi-ntyase fc'yen by John
Powers and Emdy Po. dt-d Oc'-Ofter
19. 1896. t, 'o sod apoo tbe lot owing dee
nkA ml estate towit:
Tbe sorth A th r. et of tte I L
C of Asks T I tu-a.) m end K.iibeth C
?bo!poc,lior ixt bea i Lino foooty.
ud halWB Natiht'-OB 2o. 2334. aat
claim so 41. b-tnit pert of Scttons 9. 10.
15 sad 16 w toot ip 13, matb cf nnKe 1
west ol tb Wiijimite Midiao, being
boaodtd folloes: JWioniD2 at a pt lot 15
chaios at-d 40 Uoks aortb and 21 chaise acd
i 1.-1,. ...t,f th acatbweet cor OCT of sad
eectoa 10, aad raomng tbeaee eoatb 43
cttaies aod 7 1 link a, tbeace wet 8 cbaus
aad 34 links, tbtnue south I eha aad 60
hake, tbeace wt 62 chains aad 71 liaaa,
IIukm uxia 45 chaise, tbenoe test 71
chu.i aad II hake to u e place of begin
Bins, eot.uu.lng &18 acrrr, e or lea.
VYLtcb eai-J marHae was gien to eccnre
tha Mtriwavt: of AV BO's? ditt i Lebacoe. Or
eg, Oc ober 19, 1894, lot tbe ran cf $222
doe ooe jr after aaw, who
n t the rale oi 10 ft aeot tT sasass
ml f-r jadjsmett sgataat roe Ijr tbe ram
nt 1222 ata interest ttereca at tha rate of
10 ner cent p-e asaaai from tba i9:h dy
nl (Vt,V . 1A96. aad for tbe coats and dis
barsemcata of tbia sail aad for a decree
foveelosing eeid anortgtge aad direetitg tie
Luula above detenbeO to be aoia, asa in
proceed arising f offl sacb sale to be p
plied to to payment of thm cost aad die
oareemeata aod attoraej's fees and lh
sa.l iatcnat doe bdob saWl Beta.
Tka ibkbmi a On Hi la bed by erdet it
the Honorable H 11 Hewitt, jedge f the
above eatitled eeart, sad at chambers ta
tbe City cf Albasy Uregoa. jaaaary Zl
JS97. M aATBSr FOBD Ct " Iin,
AUt s for PUiatiff.
fn (e CrVcait Coarf a Ae Stale
OJ Ortom
fot At Coaoaty Xiaa
Departmeat No. 2.
Mary A S Knox ltd A8
tiff. r
H C Brurss snd Tba AUUaoe Trust Corn-
ran . limited. ccTprtion, defead-
TsHCBriggs, xvf tbe dcfendasU
abo-e named:
OREGON, Yea are hereby required to
aorear and answer the coin p amt o tne
above aamed p'ataul ia the above en ti tied
court, nw oa file with tHe clerk ot said
court, bv the fift dav of at reirular term
of said cr art to be held ia thi city cf At
basy, in Lino county, Oregon, oo tbe &b
j - r V 1 -. J .n Ihm1
Ot M asIUI, ili ami J
no'ified that if you fail to appear and
a.r sakl eomnlainL as hereby required.
tne piaintiHe will apply to tbe eoart tor
the re i-f demaaied in tbeir complaint,
tor a decree a 3iudeni that tbe defeadaau
have ao estate or interest or lien whatever
aad removing tbe cloud and canceling
and declaring ibe deed to be t forgery and
void, date! tbe 7 h day ot July. 1&6. and
recorded oa tbe 20th da of July. 1&S. ia
hook of deeds volume 5 5. on raure 216 ia
tbe records of deeds for linn eooctr, Or-
egon, of. to and for tbe followtng described
real estate, towit:
E-rgtna!w at tbe N E corner of the D
LCof A S Kaox ad Mary A S Knox, his
wife beieg Not.Xa. II- a"ddaim No.
&5intpll S K2 westol Wirametto Me
rdian. Orgo, aad ruanicg tbeace S
26.46 ci-ain, more or lcs. o te S line ot
toe N S ot ad claim, tbeace W oa said
.i.ri.ion bee 120.5:1 chain, more or less.
to tbe w boundary line f sad calin.thearje
x 25 9a chains, more or ics, n ibj j c
corner of tbe D L C of Samuel Hard tn an
aad wife.beingNot-No. VJ02 and cUim
No. M In said tp and range, tbeace east
S.S3 chains, thence X52 liaas, thence eat
117 20 chains to tue plaeeof beginning,
coa-ainiag 31S.75 acres, a' ua i Lino count-.
(.Ires on. sao-e heiag tbe X H of the D L
C of said A S Ksxx and wife.
And toe '-cell and declare void a met
gage executed by H C ttriggs to the Al
lience Treat Com paay and daied July 20.
1S96. and re. orded on July 20, 1SS6, la the
lecorder's ofSce for Linn county, Oregosi,
in bok of Mortgages SI oa pairs 556 oa
the sakl 2tKh day of July, lsjo. for the
.nmof il'iO and to remove tbe don J
from pUintiifs title to said lands above
described by reason of said deed aad murt-
sasre and tor lie costs aau uouemeis
of this suit. This summons is published
bv order of tbe Hon U H Hewitt, judge
of t be above entitled couH. mad ar the
chambers on the 2oth day of lanuary, 1S97.
at Albany. Oregon.
aATnaaroifo 4 WTTT,
Attrs for riaintJTt.
Im At Grcmit Coast for Lin Ccosfa,&afe sf
Frank Eiernan, plaintiff.
J B Stearns, defendant.
To J B Stearns the above named defend
ORE'JON. You ate hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint of the
above piamtin, n tee aoove cntiuea court
in the above enHt'ei case, now on file
witi tbe clerk of said court, by tbe first
day of the next regular term nf satd court,
following the publication of this summons.
whicH said term of said court begins on
be 8th dav of March. 1&97. st tbe court
houte in tne city of Albany. Linn county,
Oregon; as a yon are nerehy turtner noti
fied that if rou fail to appear and answer
said complaint as hereby required, the
plaintiff will taVe judgment against yon
for the sum of $275 and tbe costs and dis
bnrsementsof this action to b taxed, and
will also take an order directing the fol
lowing described land belonging to von
and sfached In this action, to-wit: Tbe
southwest quarter of section 25 Towahis
iv oouin imuix o css ut s"c ,1 tuamette
Meridian in Linn county, Ureson. con
taininir 160 acres mors or less, to be sold
for the purpose of paying auclrjudgtnent.
This bnmmons is published by order of
the Hon Geo 11 Burnett, judge of said
court, made at chambers in the City of
Sahm, Oregon, on the 19th day ot Jaa
aary, 1897.
f J Bassoh and V R BilYbU.
Attorneys for PlainUft.
Notice 1 1 here' T given tn tha lear
voters of school Din riot No. 6. of Linn
county, state of Orevon, that the annual
school election for the said district wid
be keld at the equity troaaurer'a otfl.e
In Albany, to begin at the hour ,ol two
o'clock p m the ssoond Mondav, bains
the 8th day ol March, 187. This meet
ing is called for tha purpose of eotlac
tone director to serve three veara and one
Clark to serve one year, sod the transao
ion of the business usual at such meet
fHte this 20th Jay or February. 1897
F AU.BN. J K Wiitnsur a,
Diat clerk. Chairmen of Board.
FOR rent chap, a 3 ton safe, with
burglar proof chest. Esquire of F.
Al. French.
X at ice u hereby siveo to the legal
of Kcbool V'utnC. No 5, Lioa CJeoty aUU
cftOregOB, tbat tbe aosoal acboof" atettiag
of eatd du-nct will be held at Central
rchool boildiog oo the firet Monday, being
tbe first day of March, 1897, at toe boar
Of 7:30 pm 4a id saeting u called for
the ccrLoae of hearioz cWi'm aad direetora
rerrte nl for tbe traoue'ioa of
Other botlBee- bb&I at each oilus.
Dated tbis 20tU day of P.brea, 1897
Atus; F E Aixs. Clerk.
J K WaaTHearoa, O-airmaB.
Noi is hereby given that Uke a"sn
meeting of the stockbot(rs of tbe Albany
Bnildiag Aasociatioa will be b4d at etore
of J Grwobl, in Albany, on Monday,
Mrcb 15t. 16S7, ttluXl p m f or te
election of directors, ard at eh -o'hey bail
cesi as may come be ore tbe meeting.
Date. Feb. 13'.h, 187.
Irendent. becretery-
Kutice ia hereby cisen ihil f - nds are
oa haad to pay outnUndicg warrants ot
ct tune ion, con -u !
ciaeive. iatereat on cfa werranlt will
eeae with tbe date of tbi notice.
AfaaaT, Or. Dec. 23. 1M-
E. A- Pasaea.Citi Treaa
Tbe snotof oa tbe A I baa y street rail
way will connect promptly with all trains
to and from tbe depot, day and eight.
Special trips will be aade at special
I t,. t. F Co. Conductor,
asn '
0 M Al A.
Far tall details calt oa
CraA3t & MoSTarrH, Albany, Ot
sa asoaassn
Uti'l Pas .Asssi
MCNEILL P-ileat aad Xaaagec.
P oilman Sleeping cJars,
Elegant Ding Gaxs,
Tourist Sleeping Car-"
Grand forka
Heleca anf
Sew Ttork
Boston and al
Points East and South
Through Uckdta to Japan aad Chiaa, vss
Tacoraa and Northern Pacinc steaaishic
Co., an American line.
For information, time cards, maps nntf
tickets call on or write C G Barkbart
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Cbarlton, Ast laaa Agt -
Portland, Or.
Connecting at Yaquina Bav withtn
San Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steasa
Sails from Yaquina everv 8 days to
San Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Or lord
Trinidad and Humboldt Bay.
F ssGia AccoMODATtoxT o-trarASSiu.
Shortest route betweei. Willam
ette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany and points west to
San Francisco
let class to San Francisco 10 09
SvaaaAea J
Round trip u-x
To Coos Bay' .
To Uuraboldt Bay and Port uriora.
Oabin 110-w
The most popular Seaside Resort oa
the North Pacific coast. Ho undertow
Surf bathing absolutely sale.
For those wishing to combine hunting
and fishing with aquatic sports, this re
sort has no equal, xieer, bear, elk, cou
gar, brook trout and salmon trout, can
be found in abundance; within a few
hours drive of tha bay.
JsV Kedocea rates xrom all pot i
Edwix Sto, Manager.
O. Maya.T.F.diP. A.
. L V auoss, AgW depot, Albany
P Rata