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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1897)
VOL XXX71 ALBANY OREGON, F1H1)A FEBRUARY 1 3.1 89T. Eatere. tt tke Fcai ! at Itoany. r. Beeeao-Clas Mall Matfeti w r imns rikinkcr rraritr DOOMED. rj .fa 1 1 3Ar98- 14 - - -- - JvSijetaMePtcparation for As similating AcFcod artdRo'Ju fa ting theSfiomachs andBovxls cf Bcomotest)igcstion.ChK:rM nessandRestContains ncilhcr Opnnn,Morptiine nor xraL NotNabcotic. fUrmStrJ - Apofect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stamach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convuls ions , Fever i s h DSS andLOSS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of "NEW YDBK. Is. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE . SIGNATURE OR "3 ON" THE WRAPPER . OF EVERY BOTTIjE OF "? n HIE EXACT COPTf" OF WRAPFEB. lf" Caitcri la put p la iw iu bottle only. It if sot sold' la butt. Dott allow anyon to saU job asTtiir else o tha plea or promiat that It 1 jtst as good" ana via answer vwy pr"- pose." So tiat JOO got U-A-3-T-O-i-Ii. aoa -J9 Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE, Calsxdar roa 1S96-7 1896-Sept. 16 College Year begins '. . Wednesday Not. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thurs. and Fri. Dee.-- 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 25 First Term ende . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term begins . . . Tuesday Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . Tuesday April 8 Second Term ends ... Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . Tuesday Jane 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon Tune 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. ... Sabbath evening June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon Jane 14 Junior Orations . Monday evenin? Jao 15 Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . . Tuesday forenoon June 15 Popular Entertainment Tuesday evening June 16 Commencement . . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni Re-union . Wednesday-evening Four Courses of Instruction leading up to deirrees. Well equipped Bnsiness and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For further information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. t u KGL!SHBUSirSS COLLEGER P08TLAKD OREGON t-ULL ENGLISH CO FRENCH A business branches. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy. e) BGAEDIHO DEFARTAENT,oLAfc!S COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Barton, eounty Judt; J M. Waten D. L. Curl, Commlsrionert.) Alma Vail allowed rebate of tax. John Conser resigned as Supt. of DiBt. 12. Flem Smith resigned as Bupt. of Diit. 34. Bill of Umatilla county for $953.10' for keeping I B Suiead disallowed. Applications of Jos Weddle, et al, and J L Nye, et al, for county roads granted. In application of Claik R Long et al for road, viewers appointed. Clerk,directrd to advertise for bids for bridge at Gates. Petition of J F Vernon, et al, for al lowance of $3 for Mra Adams disaUowed. A II Yost was appointed justice of peace to fill vacancy at Sweet Home. Bills allowed: Regular salaries. Aid Oox family $6.00; Alberts, $9.00; O T Lubker, $S.00; Alma Vail, $8.00; Saiah Hines, $o OC; RobtUlllock, $6.00; Orin Watson, $5.00; Mr and Mrs Karn ard, $5 00; Mrs O F Junkey, $5.00; Henry Myers, $4 00; Joe Larew, $4.00; Mrs Adams, $4.00; Phoebe Hendrioon, $5.00; J II Lewis, $5.00; Mra Adelia French, $5 00; Jamuel Keith. $6.00; d Bowers, ; Mrs Michael, $6 00; Ken worthy family, $S.00; J M Arbington, $5.00. John Usher, janitor $ 10 00 Fo8hay &. Mason, acct poor 4 13 FLHrtlmea " " 80 Ttioe Brink, acct OH 10 25 A L Brooks aid Arthur Smith 10 00 J R Bruckman, jury list 3 00 S P Barger, jury list 5 00 G V Cruson. roads 3 00 Jos McCune' " 3 06 Glass & Prudhomme, stationary. 2 50 Bilyen Bros., elections 100 G W Phillips, roads 5 10 ETBoiard, " 2 45 Sawyer Bros , 18 75 A F Gouch, " 2 50 H A Hicksr. roads 5 00 T J Stites, postage 88 27 H Hnlburt. deputy sheriff 20 00 A J Lavton. " 24 00 CF Swank " " ' 28 65' H helton. " 34 00 IAMnnkers, " " S9 00 Geo Froman, rebate tax 1 00 Linn Vo Ab Co. road dist maps.. 29 00 N B Washburn, acct poor 6 00 Kose nx, " 3 00 Mav & Senders, acct poor 5 00 DFTioutman, " " 5 20 J H iairympie, diet any 2S 80 s r Berry, bridge 3 60 J M Flaugher, drawing jury 3 00 w Leatin8, assessor, bin I'M w WW Carl Roberts, deputy sheriff 44 60 S P Barger. pre ex 1 00 Mrs E E decker, acct poor 58 00 Burkhart & Lee, acct poor. ...... 2 80 H C Hardman. rebate Ux 2 10 Telephone Co, C H . 6 80 J B Davis, road sopt 10 00 Frnk Frisby, road sopt 56 00 I N Bootherton, ' " 34 00 H A Hocker, " " 34 00 G Stay ton. bridges 1 85 Oregon agt Lulu Clark 5 10 Oregon aet V m Kutiedee 6 80 Oregon agt Jos Crabb 5 50 iicy byers, acct poor 7 w Smile the printer ?7 00 T J Stephens, deputy sheriff.... SO 00 Silas Gentry, roads 12 78 a A staftord. assessor 3 00 Mitchell No Nearer Election. Salem, Feb. 4, 3:08 p. ui. The joint convention disclosed only thirty-eight present. Huntington withdrew, declar ing the action ot the Benson house and jomt convention unconstitutional. Noth ing was done. ALBANY'S PAST. From ilie Pkmochat of June 30 to July 28, 1876. Mr, Edward Goins and Miss Clara Butcher were married on Sunday. June 25. The first copy of the Intelligencer, of Seattle, was received. (It Is now Wash ington's leading paper.) It was an interesting fact that the original settler of Albany, Walter Mon teith, and the original settler of Corvallis J. C. Avery, died only six days apart. Who, in thunder is Hayes, the Demo chat aked. He proved to be Mrs. Haves' husband, lie bad just been nominated (or president of the U. S. At the Centennial celebration in Port land on Julv 4, the englue oi No. 2's won the first prize, a 4lh class engine, de feating three second class engines and one 4th class. Ttie throw was 2,(8 ft 10'a' inches, the nearest being Willamette No 1 of Portland, with 232 ft 8 inches. This wis a victory often referred to, and that will never be forgotten Joe Web ber was chief and William N. Miller, foreman, of the victorious engine. A woolen mill came near being built in Albany the centennial year, but it was not. Mr. Conrad Myerand Min Catherine Radamaker were married at Corvaiiis by Rev. Jos. Emery on July 1.1. Ou their arrival in Albany, Albany Engine Co. No. 1 and the Mechanics Band gave them a genuine old fashioned serenade. Losing Ground. "An UnmitlgatcU Falsehood." J. G. Reed, a brother of the late W. II. Kee.1. of Lebanon, has issued the follow ing statement, endorsed by those whoe names follow: I under-star d the report that was started by some incarnate derl has reached Albany and vicinity, that my brother, W. H. Reed, before he died, made a confession in rega-d to the at tempted banc robbery, which is still frewn in the minds of many people. The following named gentlemen, several of whom are members of tbe A. O. I. W kindly assisted in nursing himduring his long ana painmi uiness, and, with my self b'reby certify thai tbe report is an unmitigated falseboo !. (Signed.) J.G. Reed, . W. Menxies, J. F. Hyde, L. A. Crandall, Ed. L. Umphrer, A. G. Wil liams, W. Manley Cook, V. of V C. B Crouch, Alex Pamah. J. I. Lamber- son, attending Physician. These consti tute the sole nurses and at:endant. MarvE Davis, acct poor. a itamp, Gibson Myers " M Arehart, bounty... Vm J Lackey, sup ... . G C Davi, road sup. H D Klnm, " " . Albanv Furniture Co. . MLudwig.OH. THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding", and it vou want the most complete flour safe, prtundla 1 "U n-A To KLre?on Cit7? waibing machine; HS JJLC XlCtO UJJLCJJLX CbAAVL Xlio prces the lowest. ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer m 8 00 7 00 5 00 5 00 24 00 20 00 66 00 '."2 10 2 00 Cbas Davis, acct poor 2 40 Gross & Ernslberger, nc:t poor. . 2 501 51 c Oaines, board prisoners 25 70 vv r uammer. deputy a tier in 3 w E T Fisbei, surveyor 10 50 K Ktopp, acct poor 2 00 I N Smith " " 6 50 3 C Watson, acct poor.. 7 00 Mrs M F Taylor, acct poor .... 8 40 Geo Alexander, printing 100 John Duncan and H B Sprenger, pre ex 4 00 E C Rogers, acct poor 60 P G Morris, stationary 2 50 Fred Dawson, acct poor 25 50 Oregon agt Elias AUen " 8 90 " " Andv Jennings ... 40 70 " " Walter Woodeand... 39 60 " " Chas Woods 31 09 " " John Dee 6 45 C H Dalrvmple 18 50 Mrs L E Blain, acct poor 1 50 El Light Co 20 00 U P R R Co. acct poor 25 00 Geo D Barton, acct roads 2 25 WCStollmaker 9 00 J M Waters, Co commissioner. . . 12 40 J W Roberts, acct poor 3 50 W L Coon, " " 3 30 J G Weisner, " roads 60 D L Curl, commissioner 6 GO List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventor this week. Reported by C. A. Snow 4 Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, V asb tngton, D. C. CCCuvler. Araeo.Or.. nut lock: G W Drew, San Francisco, saw gage; C T Dnscoll. Mission San Jose. Cal. ri on-re liable bottle; 3 Harrison Vacaville, Cal. fruit nittine and soreadine machine: A Johnson, Oakland, can soldering ma chine; ,E E Johnston, Angers Camp, Cal, case or receptacle for nse by tourists or others; PL Lord, Riverside, Cal, combined pencil sharpener and eraser cleaner; M Morell. Santa Oarbara, Cal, elevator; P j Staparich, San Francisco, die for manufacturing cards for pboto erapiic mounts; J M Thorp, College A Fi.'thy Gang. "Git me five cents to zi the monkev dance," was the plaintive, persistent ap peal of three as dirty looking Italian women as one ever set eyes on On tbe backs of two wots infants, seeminflv oblivious to their nncomtmable sur roundings. And tbe men. trreat. lazv. filthv look ing fellows, with their laiv bears, ap pealing for another nickle to "see tee near dance." or wrestle. These were about the only sights of the dav. Lebanon. Salkm, Feb. 5 In the attempted joint session today only 38 were present, and nothing Jwas done. Tiie oint conven tion adjourned until Saturday noon. . Both bouses adjourn d until Monday 2 :30 p. m. - , About Col. Kelsay. Suggested by an article ia a Rout-burg paper E. R. Skipworth gives the follow ing reminiscent thoughts about the late Col. John Kelsey, of Corvallis : The Oo'onel's salutations to an ac quaintance were really unique. The Col. was always uniform in his salutations, and it was about this way : "First rate John, how you git long?" "Very well Colonel, how are you?" To which the Colonel would promptly reply: "All right friend John, never better, just as stout as I was forty years ago, nearly as stoat as a horse; all very well ; Oh yes I providence I Wall what's, tbe news John in that political pot, out there T" "Not very encouraging. Col." Tbe Col. "Jerusalem !" This reminUcence might be continued on this tine almost ad infinitum, but enough for illustration, it will be re member ad by all the Col's old acquaint ances that in speaking to a friend be al ways first told bow be was. This was a singular peculiarity of the Colonel. In ull Uniform. Tbe Dsmochat has noticed for several days accounts of the progress north through the valley of a French soldier in full uniform, walking from rtacet place He arrived in Albany this morn ing, and at once attracted attention. He was practically strapped, having on ly 15 cents in his possession, and re uses to accept money. L pen being sent to Jas. Laurent !e wxs entertained by his brother Frenchman. Tbe man belongtd ti the French horse soldiery in Mada gascar, and deserted from 'the army He is bound for The Dalies, where be claims to have relatives C. E Pugh has bought W. II. Mon- cey's interest in Uetr store. Joe Smith was fortunate enooeh to catch an otter this week, down in tbe river bottom. J . C. Booth has accepted the princi- palsbip of tbe Waterloo school for another three month, and will com mence teaching next Monday. C. H. Foster, of Unner So J a. ia in Lebanon visitina friends. He savs there is no snow at all between his place and Lebanon, and very little in the moun tains, tie says that a person can cross we mountains on horseback. Mr. C. C. Amos and Miss Pearl Covle were united in marriage last Sunday evening at tr.e parlor oi the St Charles note!, in the presence ot the relatives ol the contracting parties and a few friends, Rev. C. G. Harmon officiating. Mrs. C. II. Duckett died at her home in this city yesterday, after a week's ill ness with la grippe, at the are of about 6 years. Mrs. Duckett was bora in the stale of New York . A little over t even years ago she moved, with her husband. to this city. Her husband died at this place about five years a so. Mrs. E ia Merrill, of Albany, Mrs. Duckett'a niece. was at ner bedside wnen she died Ex press. M.F.Dawson returned from S I'.ein this noon. Mr. Sbrieve, an electrician of Dallas, was In the city today. The Baker City Democrat boasts that it is tbe king pin of all tbe northwest cili. The king pin generally talis first. Hon. Hugh Din widJie. of near HaLey, was in the city today Ijt the Cm time in several years. Mr. L. Got Ue b received the announce ment from tier m an r testerday of tbe death of bts.fatber at the remarkable old age of 83. Mr. Frank Froman returned from Sa lem this noon He is a candidate for game warden : bet it looks as if there will be no legitlature to elt-ct any. Following are tbe orators for tonight : James P. Smick, EUa L. McCoy. M Laura Allen, Marguerite E Hopkt!. Al bert W. Wright. W. Edgar Stewart. Tbe drama "Oat on the Wor!d" !s to be presented at Oakland tonight. Ger trude and Dana Coortright, -recently of this city, Jiave prominent part. A masquerade pirtv was given lat evening at Uie home of" Mr. and Mr. W. T- Baker, a number of yonnf people at tending and appearing in a variety of at tractive costumes. It was a live .:7ir and greatly enjoyed. A cice luet U a as served. Rev. A. Melvin Williams. Mtorof the C. P. chorea ot Vwalia, Caist., and M:w Nona Irvine, granddaughter of Hon. H. A. imne, ot tots city, were united in mamage on ednesdar at tbe C. P. church in Fresno. A host of Linn count v friends wUl wish them the happine and protperity they richly deserve. Whitton. Frnitvale, I . erm incinerator. Cal, contagious Wall Paper, Uarpets, Lineoloum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portieri, Pillows Furniture Bedding. "Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. New Firs O&dkr. Chief Engineer Tomlinaon under authority of the com mittee cn fire and water, has posted tbe following order in the engine bouses. During February, April, June, August, October and December only Ho. I s en gine will respond to fire alarms unless both companies should be needed ; dur ing March, May, July, September and November only No. 2's. One hose cart from each company, and H. & L. track will be taken to every fire. Charges of bribery are very common at balem. Wheat has dropped several notchei, and is now ta cents. Dagces and bears, and monkeys are in the city dancing. Yesterday was tbe anniversary cf Hor ace Greeley s birth. The S. P. depot at Halsey ws robbed of 19.50 Monday night, Parsons orchestra will give an entertain ment in Albany Thursday evening i eb. 11 Tbe man who stole Jerry Reams umbrel la off his front porch last nignt is warned to keep away from Mr. Ream t right arm. Born, on January 28. 1897. to the wife oi M. tj. Kiiyea, of this city, a girl. On January 22, 1S97, to the wife of Howard Montgomery, a ton Early Monday morning II. C.Comnton. of near this city, commenced to cat or split some stovewood. By a miss lick tbe left leg on the inside and just above the ankle was given a beavy olow with tbe edge of the axe. complete! c severing a portion ot the end ot the large bone. Dr. A. G. Prill. M. M. Peery. V. B. Goin and H. E. Palmer, of this city, are uking a coarse of instruction in Phar macy, irom the National Institute of fharmacy, Chicago. It will require two years time in which to graduate. The whole business is carried on by means of the v. a. uait. e wish them success Frees. Durrant will probaUv set a new trill, a tact to be regretted. . One MMinnt of tbe Wcolan (f tbe World foe February. ilmDP Thorn won wU! !rtare in Sa lem tonight on Japan. John R Smi'b i one cf tbe km Jin? rin- didatea fur tbe Lebaqpn r-wto&re. A move is on foot at Waterloo la Htsr a ditch one mile and 200 yardi long . , Coraabia river ntbemen will 6h ibis rear at 4' cent, and already coot act have been signed. Althomzh an alaxxt ecnuiact rvtml of tbe rivet has been maintained inoe the disappearance of Ja Egtin. tae body ha. not betn recovered. George EtfSin has made freqoeot trio do sa the river a far as Independence. Corvallis Time. Gould, tbe deterter who etma t J Albanv and tried to marrr a loans ladr of this city, who wa arretted and taken back to V aocouver, wa sentence! to IS month in Alcatr i proon. Capt Phillip and Limit. Sean aad Bloom are the liusfee d the F. Co. Build ing Awociation and will soon incorporate for the purpose of erecting tbe compary ' new armory, which wiSl be done this ipring Tbe Examiorrand Chronicle, which ar rived tbi morning, devote throe and four pages apiece to tbe arrot of bitkr, the Australian acb fiend. He once resided in San Franiifco under the name of Richard Asche, and it l said was also in Portland for awhile. tJ. Leais. tbe Toledo merchant, is branching out in buines. lie la r tahliebecd a store at Pioneer in the build ing formerly ocenpied by J II McNeil. Mr Lewi left for tut place 'hi niorninir. and will open up his ttock of good. 1 1 in store at Ibis p'ace will tie in chary? of J S Akin, who will emcienlly niAUMge the same. loiedo Leader. Oms A r rust. John Case was arretted at Salem on suspicion of being one of tbe Roseburg train robbers. In all pro bability Uase had nothing to do with the robbery. There was nothing clever about bis capture at all, and it means bigexpens tor nothing. Marshal Dilley who did the arresting is an tli lent offi cer, bat there is no occasion in this case for gushing by any of tbe local papers of Daiem. II S Oarcourt. editor of tke Portland Sunday Mercury, wan arrested Tuesday by Deputy Unite! Mates Marsual Humphrey, on tne charge of having tent through Uie mails a newsoaper containing an obscene article relating to one Mclver, a former reporter on the paper. TIIE LEGISLATURE. The only bill introduced yesterday in the Benson bouse was one by Somen authorizing a free ferry at Corvallis. In the senate. Senators Dufur, Daly and Johnson of fers 1 protests sgainst tbe docision of the president of the senate, and tbe sustain ing of the same by the senate, in his rul ing against the election of a senator. The following resolutions were adopt ed: Ilar.eltine, urging pensions for tbe In dian war veterans. Resolution : Mulkey, for the modifica tion of the Cascade timber reserve. So as to reserve 420,000 acres about Mt tiood, 30,000 acres about Mt Jeffersoo, and 900,000 acres including Crater lake. McClong asked for a reserve of 60,000 acres about the Three Sisters. Amend ment opposed and mhole referred. Senator Holt presented a petition from Central Point to reduce tbe salaries of county officers of Jackxon county as fol lows: County clerk, $1200; deputy, $800; sheriff, $2,000; deputy, $1,000; recorder. $1,000; county indite, $1,000: district at torney, $1,000. Filed. -Aati-cigaratu petitions were presented by Senator Taylor and Mackay. Johnson introduced a petition for a registration law. Resolution : Mulkey, proposing a con stitutional amendment regulating office of state printer. Resolution : King, to amend constitu tion in regard to amending constitution. A petition wss preeented by Hughs asking tbe abolition of tbe railroad, food and horticultural commissioners, tbe board of equalization, also asking that no per diem be paid to school regents; againt subsidies for schools, fairs or homes, to rtduce salaries of supreme jndges, attorney general and district judges. Resolution; King to amend constitu tion providing for a modified initiative and reforendum. Driver presented a petition asking an amendment to tbe Dawson game law, shortening the set so i in tbe interest of tbe farmers. Bill by Mulkey to provide for a regis tration law. Wade, to regulate transportation of passengers, and to prohibit giving of panes. Driver, to promote the speedy organi zation of the bouse and senate, requir ing members to qualify within two days or give their seat. Mulkey, to amend law in regard to opening county roads. King, by teqneat.' declsring mining claim real estate. In the senate. King ntrodaced resolution to amend convolution giving legislature power to fix salaries of alt state officers, limiting same to $1 (XO, and to turn fees into Uie late tres-fnry. The committee on public lands re port -rd favorably upon S B 26, providing an amendment permitting no limit to be placed upon tbe mooct of public land any one party can buy. Smlb objected to this, and the bid was ordered recom mitted. The select committee composed of Senators HaseStine, Taylor and Smith reported favorably npoo S J 11 5, repair ing that S00 copiM of the book "Early Indian Wars of Oregon" be supplied the Indian War Vetertns' association. Pass ed Bill in trod seed: McCSung, to provide for the election and nx cotu bensat ion of tbe slate printer. Jebnton, to regulate fire insorance policies. Ca'breatb, to protect sheep and jo bntndry. Hubsofi, for better enforcement of judirmects and decrees I toan, to amend section 1047 of code. reSat'ng to disbarment ot a'torneys by circuit courts. In tbe Benton house tb formality of introducing tbe following bill was gone through with : Bridges, assessment and taxation ; Crafotd. to regnlate transportation of insane and convict ; Lake, to amend act fixing salaries of county recorders; So ov er, by request, to abolish fees of record er and polir as ex-ofhcio justice and conrlabiee : Thomas, relating to convey ance of real prey erty. In tbe senate. Gener moved tbat ail bills that bare been iotroluce.1 be ordered printed. Do- far spoke against tbe motion on tbe ground of economv. and therefore op posed it, t-ecaose be does not consider Uie bouse legally organised. The motion was loet, A number of bills were read the second time. A senator announced that 66 senate clerks bad been sworn in, and asked for a report, which oa motion was lost. S. R. 20. Johnson, showing that over 60 clerks have been sworn in. and asking that standing committees be required to dispense with all bat necessary clerc. Gowan moved that the resoJutioa be laid on the tab'e. Taylor stated that tbe clerks of his committee were employed at the intance of tbe emirs body. Ta bled by 13 to 15 votes. The committee on fishing industries parted favorably on S B 94. The committee on penal institutions tepnrted favorably upon senate bill 6 The committee on medicine and phar macy reported favorablr upon senate bill 131. with amendment. Tbe committee on railroads reported lavoraoiy upon senate bill j. Tbe select committee to whom was re ferred the bill on the Cascade rsserva tion reported favorably upon S B 16, with amendment, including 50,000 acres raserve about Three Sisters. Bills introduced, by Selling to define snd limit homesteads and abandonment of same. By Price to carry oat the con tract ol state with veterans of Kogua River wars. In the Benson house just three bills wf re introduced, making a total of 82 David, by request, to puoitb persons formine trust, pools, etc. Lake, to amend criminal code relating: to coroner's prooeedirgs. Thomas, relating to distribution of school tunds. V s-. aS?"V y A axJ The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL t'.'.c no;t celebrated of all the baking powders i;i the world cel ebrated for .iis greet leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc, healthful it assures you against alum and cJI forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. t il ffjrarc. aovaa turn eowoca co , new tem TIIE ORATORICAL CONTEST. A large audience was present last night at tbe opera boose to bear six very bright young men and ladies orate to as certain who should represent Albany college at tbe Stabs Oratorical contest, soon to be held at New berg. It was the fifth local contest, and some declared tbe beet. Be it aa it may, it was greatly ap preciated and was a decided cridit to tie college as welt aa student. Mr. Gail Hill with tbe equanimity of a l tepew acted a master of ceremonies. Tbe college band, reinforced by several from tbe Albany band, opened the pro gram with music Tbe first oration was bv Jas. P. Smick on tbe very important subject, "inter- i national Arbitration." tbe necessity of which in an age of peace was set forth and suggesti ons made. Mia Ella McCoy's oration wa on "Two Grave on St. Helena." They are those of Napoleon Bonaparte, tbe world's greatest generalnd Mrs. Sarah Jadson, missionary, me latter oi wnooi was iven credit for doing tbe greatest good gn the world. Mies Manruente Alderson was given a warm encore after being heard in a vocal So!o. Miss M. Lan-a Allen proooanced her oration oa I be Power of Conscience, wboe working she fully portrayed. Miss Marguerite Hopain a oration was "Failure an Element of Sacce." in which it was shown bow big and little fail are in life so o'ten result in the greatest sucrr. Cbas. Candin ma beard in a piano so lo displaying his talent. Mr. Bert ' igtiL, wbo represented the cottage lat year, presented tbe "Paritan rriocip.e, snowing now it wort in our insulations tods, an important factor in the world- W. Ktbrar Stewart's oration was on "Tbe Fanatic." bringing out in an orig nal manner tbe power of tbe fanatic or man ot one idea, in tbe world, using Savonarola as the en tral figure for bis closely connected thought. The radge ot tbe contect were Her. D. V. Poling, Lawver J. R. WyaU and P at ting. Httbout knowing the authors tbey bad previously marked the standing of the orations on foar point, rhetorical excellence, originality, subject matter and style of treatment, tbe aver age counting bait, ine delivery wa marked as the oration were proooanced and coonted half, the average of the three jodges ruling. S . Edgar Stewart, whose delivery ws excellent and whose oration bad been noticeable for its orig inality, style of treatment and rhetoric. was given Bret place, witn Mr. uert Wight a dose eecond Tbe decision wa received in a manner to indicate that it was also tbe decision of the audience aa a whole. An ovster sapper st the eoUeg for tbe students was suso digested in honor of tbe event. The spneial di-trict school tn of Oregon City is 54 mill. Are built in i.i i 1. 1 but? iirgeatii ExiieneTiced Riders and Best - Equipped Factory in H?fr!iRS?f. rJ H nh RflfedBS. tne World select the Waverly because they have learned to know the dif ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the Waverly is the highest of all high grade. Scorcher (3 heights) $85 00, Belle 26 and 28 inch $75.00 and $85.00. MACS BT 4NDIANA BICYCLE lX. ;SDiaAPOL18, 1VO A.J.Hodges, .Agent Bpatui Cv TasaTWSST for tortarln. dirts ring, ivchlng. burning, and Maly akin aad oslp dlMue wlUi low ofaalr. Warn bstfc with Co. vunrsa Soar, aaatl tpPllsttlon of Ctmovaa (ointment), and fall dox of Cnnoo Buol. van. grMM of blood purtAan and Humor oar WlClFfl aT b MM thmgliMt On www. VM 9ra a dm, Coir- SoU Ptm Boatoa. mr - Bnr Catitml SUa Dt WMi.'fw. EEDROUSH HANDS Ann4iB4BMSa A. B. Hammond has gone to Astoria. I. D. Miller visited the state legisla ture yesteraay. Hons. Jason Wheeler and W. R. Bil yeu returned from Salem this noon. license nas been issued lor tbe mar riage of Isaac Tripp and Annie Rucker. C. W. Watts, of this citv. actej aa 1 t . !. . . f. ciera oi tne joint session at baiem " yes- veruay. lion. Kite? Kirk, ot Brownsvl la. wa in the city today on his way home from tbe state bold out. Mr. 8. G. Dorris baa returned from Hamsbnrg. where he has been mliiino- the Review in a good manner for several months. "- w-i . . jriarry raimer the scene naintar. was in Albany this mornimr and went to fcaiem on the boat. His wife went to Balem yesterday. Col. J. B. Eddy has moved to Roan- burg and is holding down the editorial chair of the Plaindealer. also tbe office ol railroad commissioner. Mr. Geo. Hochestedlerof thisvitv has been promoted to the position of Cnlnnol ot tbe unilorm Hank K. of P of Oregon the highest state cilice in tbe order, a ' deserved compliment to a faithful Knight, About twenly young members of the 8. S. class of Mrs. L. . Hamilton met last night in the rooms of Dr. Mrs. Beers and spent an enjoyable evening with em inent statesmen. Each one preseut was to be recognized from the language of the statesman be represented, a feature that was profitable and entertaining. A delicious lunch was served. Are You Thin? Look about you I Sec lot ?ourscIfI Who suffer most rom sleeplessness, nervousness, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, despondency, general weak ness? Who are on the edge of nervous prostration all the time? Those who are thin, Opium, chloral, bromides, headache powders, only make matters worse. Iron and bit ters are only stimulants. To be cured, and cured for good, you need a fat-making iood. Vou want new blood, rich blood; and a strong nerve tonic ' SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phites is all this. It feeds the tissues, makes rich blood, and strengthens the nerves. Book about it free for the asking. For sale by all druggists ajt 50c. and $1X0. SCOTT a BOWNB, New York. Free College Course. President Chapman, of tbe .State Un iversity announce that that institution will con fact a foar year course free; charging only for actual expense. Tbe coarse will be divided into nve de partment of tcdy : English literature, latin, history and civics, mathematics, science. Foar year of work have been planned in each of these department Anv person may lake up one or allot the departments a be chooses. Tbe coarse will be conducted as follows : Any per- ion wbo wishes to take one or more, of tbe studies may tend in his nam. to the University ol Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. The words "Extension Department" should be written on the envelope. He should also state clearly what line of study he wishes to take up. Direction wilt be sent to mm at once iot procuring text books and instructions concerning the details of the course. Questions will be mailed to students covering deumte portion of the textbooks from time to time as they are needed. These should be carefullv answered and tbe answers mailed to the Extension Department of the nnmrsity. They will be conected and returned, together with a new act of questions. Any one may enter whodeeirea. Write President Chapman tor particulars. HOME AND ABROAD. February 16, Boys L'lab entertainment. Ring phone 9, or smiley tot, printer Finest candies aad nuts at C. E Bkowsiix's. Timothy seed for sale at C E. Eaow Haxis. Po corn that pops can found ai C. E. BaowYaxx'a. All shades ia chiffon, aUo new veiling at the Ladies Bazaar. A new line of infant wear just received at the Ladies Bazaar. Linn county i down a owing Oregon about $5CO on delinqast Ux-. Crawford a Harnuh for pbotographa. Prices born $1 to t?9 per dozen. If yon want absolute!? correct time set yoar watch with French's regulator. At French's jeweby store yoa can boy spectacles and eje glasses from 25c np- Two package of garden seeds for 5cts. according to their uaal cotom at Stewart Sox. Tbe tnetLbenbiD of the Maccabees in Oregon has nearly doabied since tbe fall of 1S3S. Dr. G- W. Hasten, pnyvteiaa aad ear geoD. Albany Or. Call answered prompt ly ia city or country. Reerve sear are now oa tale at Bark hart A Lee' for tbe esgaoment of Pa too Big Comedy Co. on Feb. Sta. iBformatioa that is worth ;it weight ia go d : Get your meat of ab kinds at Hen ry Broder ', oo Secood ctreet. If yoa are ia need of a beatisg store call and examine tbe Roral JeweTat TL. Stewart Sox Hardware Co.'. Tbe loore&i accuses tbe Statesman of re ceiving $1000 for (oppcrtiag atitcbeU. If true toat is certainly fair price. Tbe water rate ia Achiaad feat jgt been raised to tl with a little extra for irriga tion. Teat certainly is reasonable. Dn- H. E. and O. K. Beers oSeesj f reaideaos ia tbe post oSce building. Spec ial attraUon riven to- diseases of women- Tbey coo tin oe to piay foot ball down ia Sootbera Oregon. The Easle Point cow boy recently defeated tbe Gold Hill cnia er 20 to 0. Tbe district school tax of Drain, tbe seat of a state normal school, is 30 nulls, mm than the entire tax of Albany, comity, city and cbooL A good reeotatioa for 1SS7 is to call in at Haighl Bros, aad order some of their choice meat. Their constant resotntioa w to treat tbe pabik: well. Tbe Ladies ataxaar are showing new moatia underwear ia skirts, nigbtdewn. corset cover aad drawers for less money than tbey can be made cp at home. For choice meets of all kinds call oa Ea- erick & Brockmaa ta tbe Blnmberg block where they are tunning their own bonnes aad treating their customer wU. lost own tbe street at 2nd and Bis wortfa. tbe Albany Dressed Beef Co are splendidly equipped for serving tbe paUic well in ail kind of choice meats, promptly and carnally. Byasing Hall's Hair Renewer. gray faded, or discolored hair atsamea tbe nat ural color of youth, and mow luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. B cause tbey refute to take part in aa illegal joint convention of tbe booses tbe talesman very foolishly say tbe ioUowics; men are "asnsting tbe pepaiiat enterprise : ' Gesner. Hobsoa. Cal breath. Carter. Mc- Ciang, Haseitine, alulkey. Reed, Laae, Dawson and Hanungto. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Wsa. Lane, ot Plainview, wbo bas been attending to tbe estate of bis late brother A. W. Lane, was in Albany today on bis way home. A letter received from Mr. W. B. Lawler from Paris, by an Albany friend, states that Mr. Lawler' eyes are greatly improved, and tne prospects were that hi sight would be permanently restored. Mra. W. W. William's appointment as postmaster at this place has been con firmed, end he was notified of tbe same last Thursday. Independence Enter prise. Mis Bessie Burkhart, wbo has been visiting with Mis Bessie Butler for sev eral days, baa been very sick at Miss Butler' borne, bat is now getting better. Her brother from Albany was in tbe eity Monday to see bet . Independence En terprise. The Eugene Journal : ". L. Thorn p eon, oi San Francisco, representing in surance, wa in Engene daring tbe week. He attended tbe .Advancement Club Monday night and expressed himself as particularly pleased w ith the remarks of Prof. Condon, whom be uid carried him back to childhood's days, aa be had al ways known of the Professor Mr. T. is tbe ooly son of tbe late David Thom--son, of Albany, and a brotber-izt-law of oar fallow townsman. Lark Buyeu, hav ing married Mrs. BUyen's sister. He is one of tbe native son of Oregon and is proud of that distinction." Only Twenty-One, . Saiax, Feb. 6. Twenty-one answered tbe joint roll call and then adjourned to Monday noon. HEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION . .jga.Wttl Papai a Tear, Is larger thaa any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and ia tbe only mportant democratic "weekly" pub la bed in New York City- Three times a large j tbe leading re-wbiican week ly ot e lort 1.117. 11 m be of -eeiai advantage to yoa daring to. residential Campaign, as it ia pub fced every other day, except Sunday, "-as all tbe freshness and timelines daily. It combines all the news a kmg list of interesting depart 2, unique features, cartoon and lie illustrations, tbe latter beici a jlty. J these improvements havw been without any increase in the cost which remain at one dol'ar per year Vv oner this nncquaied newspaper and tbe Wbzext Dkmoceat together on. year for $2.00. Sarsfactory term wit "7 CONSERVATORY OF MC fbany College f ea "or the school year 1896-1S97 : tiffin twin, Jcs. xjoc director. Aevistant teachers-M argnente Alderson, B. M and Mrs. Joeephine Sharpe. Thoroogh and eystemaue instrnction even in au tne important orancnes w rnosie. Beet conservatory room and latgest moeical library aad facilities for mnucal work, iarren nnmaer ot eoo- serratory stodent enrolled of any music cbool in tbe state. Terms low. Send for areolar and catalogue, to WaU-aCX Hol Lax, A. M. Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thoroogh instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable reductions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For urther ptutieslars call at tbe Academw or write to Sister Superior. Tm Bors Cixb entertainment will be riven on the 16th of February instead of tbe 12th aa announced. The boy will be assisted in tbe entertainment by some rJ k lhanv'a het talent, and tbev deserve a liberal patronage. They will present tbe irreeietable farce "Initiating a Gran trer" on that night, which will show tbe public the manner in which grangers are sometimes treated at an agricultural relieve. The eotertainment will be given in the Congregational church and tbe admission will be only 10 cents. Come oat and help tbe bovs, their entertain ment will be ciioe tuu ot tun. Thorp Dead. Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock E. P. Thorp, ed itor of the Cottage Grove Leader, wss found lying dead, face down in a pool of water a quarter 01 a mite east 01 mat place. A doctor who arrived at the place soon alter, said that Thorp was atricken wi'h a severe attack of apoplexy. He was a member of the Cumberland Pres byterian church, and belonged to the Matonlc order, by which lit wa buried. Mr. Thorp was in the rewspaper busi ness about 25 years r.nd was about 65 year old. A Perrydale.'Polk county Ct inatnan was onioned to the county jail for 30 days for Ktealiniran umbrella. 1N0 one ever heard of a white man being sentenced for scal ing an umbrella, a common occurrence. Prof. Kauematz' silkworm colony, com I Drimnff more than 800.000 worm, at Co- . quille, Or., bas concluded il cocoon spin t nine. The professor av the work ha Leen done much quicker and better this scowm than liefore. and if anything t1 e cocoons are better alto. Mrs Katie Adkin commiiUd suicide by inh&ling chloroform at the Sherwood hotel Thnrtulav niirht at Cottaire Grove. She wa about twenty years or age ana tne wifeo? Wm Adkins. of that place, who keen a saloon. Family trouble is said to be thecause. Senator Mc( lunar has introduced a bil placing the state printer on an annual sal ary of $3000. He shall be elected in tbe same manner as other state officer. A printing plant shall be purchased and owned by the state, by the term of the bill. Electric Lights for Stattos. The Stay ton Mail says: Another electric light proposition is this week submitted to Stayton citizens bv A. L. Shreve, of the fclectxic Light and rower company o Derating at Dallas. Mr. Shreve agree to put in a Thompson & tiuston dynamo of 150 light capacity if the city and its citizens will grant him the necessary charter and patronize the plant to the extent ot 100 liehta. or near that figure. lie proposes to furnish a lb-candie power incandescent lamp, in every way equal to those of other surrounding citiej. to bus iness houses at SI monthly, fortthe first lamp.and 75c and 50c for second and third, the latter figure being the basis of all ad ditional lamps desired. Private bouses will be given a rate ot 75c monthly for the first lamp and 0O0 each additional ones. Where a business man becomes a patron of the company, lamp for his residence may be bad at the minimum figure of 50c each. OSES BNIOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ami refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac eeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its Blood Is Life and upon the purity and vitality of tbe blood depends the health of the whole system. Experience prove Hood's Sanaparilla to be the best blood purifier. llooa's Pills are prompt, efficient, a way reliable, eay to take, easy to opera From Mayor Sctro. A letter with the words, "With the compliment of Adolph Sutro" on the envelope, arrived this morning. The Democrat man hopiag that it contained a $1000 check hastily - 1 c. t . .!MI,i.M one headed "A Telegram From Adolph , prepared only from the most Sutro," showing M r. Sutro's emphatic healthy and agreeable substances, its position on the funding bill. He was manv excellent onalities commend it one ol the potent factors n defeating the to &l arjli havo- made it most Din ana 1110 huwiut ib giau to give him the credit be deserves. T) a It 17a rm? A T- 3 nun rvrrmnif by a MAIL VYPCRT & ACCOUNTANT Complete, Practical, lixactly as Found ta Boaiaeea, My coarse of instrac'ion thor oughly qaa'if t yoa to take chargeof aad keep a set 01 boocs lneniraw iw foratsned. cor terms and ran inrormw- Uon adores. 1 D. H UNTER A O C V Temp, fertiaao, lr. f OT1CE. Strayed, or stolen from TV T l KaovBatte. Friday Jaa 22nd. sbeppard dog, a puppte, yellowisa color, with striped tail, collar and rieg. Abv intoneatioB. or said dog delivered to J 6 Froman. or gun store will warded. be suitably re J S Fboxas. AT THE MIXES- Boarding, lodging and meals mav be secured of the sub scriber at the Saotiam mines, ai his place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. Whttx- 'OR SALE. Baled straw for sale wheat $4 oat $4 50 at mv warehouse M. Sksdesa. Bitvea. KENT. Cottage on 3rd Street ElUwortn. Call oa JUs w . k. EOEFIH THK PLUMBER' Tin roofing aad plumbing. he opera house OpposiU STREET RAILWAY: K0T1CE. The motot on the Albany trtet rail 1, will connect promptly with all train to aad from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n aue ai special ate. t. F. Coss, Conductor, K.O.T.M. Meets every Saturday evenine ?. T. M . Hall. V isitmg Knigbts in viu a tend. J.S.HAS nisiifcttim rf f 17 Let Cs Reason Tc iVl rL getherl Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Bolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where tbey nse only the Best material why of course it a you dont want dyspepsia and you . I never get it by tmg anyingfromorr Store. U.o.BikahI. Be Ellsworth and Lyon Snd St, C. D. Vakpyee. Proprietor For Sale. Don't fail to see "Initiating a Granger' at the Congregational church Feb ltitn. 8 P Early was chosen to represent Wil lamette University in the s'ate oratorical contest, defeating K E Brown by less than I point Early's subject was "America. .-An Astoria paper boasts that Butler the now famous murderer, was once in that city. The DaMocnaT hope he never pol luted the street of Albany with his pre- nee. 1 popular remedy known. I i r r n oyrup ot x igs is ivr taie iu ou cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may uot have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB STRUP CO. SAM FtAHCISCO, CM. lowtfttu. t. urn mot; tfc I have two t booses and lots in i-i- WiakiniAu. for sale or trad. Would trade for town property or a small place ia Oregon. Tbe house are situated ' on Mb etreet. one boose baafrooma. the a wwt well on both lota, peaches enough for family ass on each lot, near the central school and collegw Any one wish ing to trde for thia property wiU pleas, repl to H.J. Haanait, Albany, Oregon NEW HOME LAUNDRY. k Neat ana of ElUworth Street. Fanul 1 washing taken . Particular attention pat to bundle washing and mending,. Satis faction guaranteed. . alas-CnaiSTwaKp j vnuvu p. i r.