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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1897)
w 10 THESE FIGURES ARE YEARS, YEARS IN WHICH, SINGLE INSTANCES, PAINS AND ACHES Rheumatic, Neuralgic, a HAVE SAVAGED THE HUMAN FKAMS. I wuoo I a a , OA BOIi CURED THEM NO BOAST; THEY ARB Q Q 1 I I cr,l tr BAf T9 HELD IN PROOF. I , WETESZRFORD & WYATT 'torneys at law. Will practice in a ourts of the state. Special attention gtv en to matters in probate and to collections. ' C FFICE In the linn block . i W.n.BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. BLAGKSUR9 & SOBERS IT OSNET3 -A.T L-tWV, - All legal matters will reoeive prompt at en5"n. Office, First Ntional Bank raiding, up stairs. M OSTASTE A HACKW.H4W, Attorneys tt Law. Albany, Oregon. J-U. J. I III LI., hyddUMid in-reon, OFFICE Cora arty straeta, Albany .Oraffoa. OR. G, U, CliAf.lBERLIN Tmaq fmnnn alri e.rnrea. facial blem 14W Wiuvul - ' t . . Mnmicrit and other diseases, witn c-alvanicBlectricity. Office on. Ferry bfc, near 3d street. . ; v I7IUST ,V'ATI03AL BASH, OF AMAWT, OKatOOS P eatdent . i President .. faaoior.. i trusK K. T tA.K8A.CTS A GEKERALbaklii!bulneS . n imira t I T .... 1, 11 .n sh4. SlOTTKicflASOK aad u"ejrapble tamea'cr, W mNi York Su PrMOlsco.Chlcaco "d p-Uail OL'jXOTIOKS ADS on Uvorabl tints . ' KaaCT.-Jt S K Totma' K W Lvawsox LEBiant, F - . EBWaRS 1 . Box i t v Attorney at Uw. Alba"- Or. " To our printery will convince any one that we are better equipped to handle their or ders ihan any office in the Talley. Why shouldn't we be? We have improved ma chin rv, the best power, modern type faces, borers, fixtures, etc the only line of printrrs stationary in the county, and good workmen. Oar work is always executed promptlv and at legitimate pn-es. If you Con't have to trade it out, or take printing because yen can't get cash, come to see us. If our services are not satisfactory you get your mon?y back. "SM11-EY, the Printer. Thane 9, Albany. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. TBADE Mini. Anyone sendfog aketch sn4 duaulptioa amy quickly ascertain, free, wbetber an invention ia probably pate:it51e, Coam onications strictly confidential, o:lest aeencj foreccring potenta in America. We hare a WasbiiisTton office. Patent taken thxoajtli Mann Co. reoatv special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifoltr tnasrnted. falsest etrralmtioa at ? i ! m. moriina. epeamen copies maa J Book on Patests beat free. AddieM MUNN & CO., 3S1 Broadway. Few Yrk. "iTlOOD POiSDH f-jr&Fi SPEC! ALT YS3ZU?Z 1 uvr crpbiupermuintlr cored taUta 3ciiesaBtrioeaiMlernmKQiinuity. It iron prefer to come here we will contract ebsrge. If we fall to core. If joa fa&ve taken mer- j Knutu puuMo, aoa euit Davw acne con paioa, II ueous Vatchen in moo in. Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper Colored Spots, Clcers oa or part of the bod t. Hair or Errbrti w f&lllne ont, Itistba Syphilitic BLOOD POISON thai we guarantee to core. We eolK-it tbe nott obeti Date curt and cballenKe the world for m cata we cannot care, u'bla dlse&ee tame alwmre baCled th skill of the moat eminent phyafr clans. 3O,0OO eapHal behind our Bacondl lional cDar&oxr; Absol ate proofs vent eealeooa rr.hci-;on- AMreae COOK KEMKDI GO. SOI ttonlo ZUBtie ITICAUO. ILl, , Fire Insurance i RE YOUR PROPERTY with ie Old Hartford, the New York Cn. w i itejJarency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Xotet taken and plenty ol time given for payment on farm insurance. Ail business will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOOK ALBANY. OR. t Cavetts and Trade-M arts cbtaioed, and aO Pat-1 em tnaji'ws conducted lor Mac mm nt. JOun ttrit i eppoeirtC. S. wtcpit Omecf 'nd we can aecarc patent in ieaai&e Uiaii t tmotelrwa WasUinetoo. Send m-jdrl, drawing or phoo., wfta deeerlal V- i We dise, il pitentac-io or not, free oil a'ye w.i ree trai ti-. . ;yo i aecsree. n r?Hirr, -nor toui r-i'eota.- A LDDII6, Opposite Pcstoffice. PLUMBING and tinning at bottom prices. FARMERS FEED SHED. between jfcirst and Second on Baker, - Team stabled for 10 cents. F,iidie3 toilet and waiting room in . ccn- riecuon. u. Bcssabd. J. M. RALSTON fSlaOKEa Gaston lilock, Albany. Or !-y to loan on farm icurity, all iouhm tnaueon personal (eennty. y. -county and school warranto bought. Ci V ttctions made on favorable term: insurance written in three of the ti nipHEws in Uie acrid, it lowest I'lsnOrl .In lffQ!l 1" can thfn lr .' iwm,b4!S A V!SIT IN Sciatic, Lumbagic, Star If akery Corner Broadalbin and First XStt CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR Dealer In Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Canned Meat Queenswaw Vegetables Cigars, Splcea TeaV El. Sugar, Coffee, Etc.. verything that io Kept in a ... good variety and gro; eery store. High est pice paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODflCI A80UT, Arc Your Teeth Sound? Usually the teeth are what judicious Mm nr nnwiae neclect has made them. Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want M ram means premature decay Tn r,rwrvn tha te sth keen them cleaa and thus prevent accumulation on the .win! anrfara. Our nowders are the mnat nfTwtiim and valuable nreparatioas ever offered. It sives the teeth a clear, smooth, and beautiful appearance. also carry a full line of the beet tooth brushes in tbe maraei, aionz im vmj thin k-ent in a first-clasa drug house Physicians' prescriptions a specialty. I. A Cumming. ALBANY Insurance Agency 2tt. SENDERS, Mgr Bnva and sella wheat, oats and wool at all points in the Willamette Valley and is tbe leading insurance agent oi Aioany. in Diacine vonr msnraiisat mere two things to be considered : let. WX a eood company. 2nd. Place vour insurance with an airentwho tboronzhlv understands his business and knows now to write a pot- icv, giving vou its full benefit, having had 8 years of experience in a cerera! office and tbe adjusting of loeees. Can fmarantee yon I have these requirements Very Respectfully Yours VIEREOKS SHAViNQ AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CUT EEAEQDAETEES FOR Lt)i? Whites e Ccvvei. A head of hair or so i?. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 42) for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Pnt in ord er on Short Notice FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale Retail - DEUSGISTUID00milS3 ALBAKT. OREGON. Pure Drugs and the finest and Large! Stock of Stationary and Hooks in tbe Market. AMHY ORCHESTRA A H BiCKEHSTO. Conductor , BEST WI3TPE00X Mgr., 1NSTRUM ENTATION I Vio II Vio., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass andDrums Jepei oixe. of A(t sic -Music Farnished For Concert, Parties. Receptions and Enter tain menu at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited regarding en niremeU out of town Address Bert Westhrook, Business Man ager, Revere Houee, Albany, Oregon ALBANY TRADING CO GROCERIES and FEED OF At.L KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de- Livery. Telephone No. 61 K. N Morris, Mgr Corner 2nd and Main Sts. Prof. A. STARK Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmk) ioiiege. I am prepared to examine scientifically tnd accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who de sire to nave their eyes tested. Cusick Block Albaht.Okeom. HILAR GILBERT,' - Teacher ol KaiiQ & Organ (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spe altv. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of U. P. church. Use Dawson, furniture polish. The world wants young men it can de pend upon. ; O Mors and mora it looks as if there be no compromise. will Woman suffrage prevails in four states and Mies Anthony is happy. Frank Butler murdered a good many men in Australia in a very cold blooded manner. He was traced on board a sail ing vessel that is expected daily in San Francisco, Three Australian detectives are there awaiting his arrival . Thou sands of dollars will be spent to bring him to justice . That is right. Hon Ben Hayden wrote the following letter to Representative T J Lee. U is interesting because written by Ben: 'Hon T J Lee. Dear Sir : Tour con stituents cordially, endorse your course in the legislature up to date and confi dently rely on your good judgment to direct you in the future. We regard the present tangle as a factional fight among the republicans. Let them fight to a finish. Yon have not been called upon to arbitrate the matter, and l would never volunteer to Dart other men's dogs for fear of being bit. Hands off. It is dangerous to interfere with your neighbor's domestic troubles. Pay no attention to anything lobbyists and strikers may say. Rest assured the democracy is with you. We bad better have no legislature than such an one as we have bad for several years past' Tbe following trom the Portland Tradesman is worthy of consideration : 'The man who is looking for the worst of it usually eets it." This is an old ying and a true one. Conversely, tke man who is looking Ur the best oi a thing usually finds it, if it is to be found, and certainly only by sucn an attitude can success be achieved. This vital dif ference in tbe attitude taken by people is nowhere more plainly seen than in mercantile life, and this difference in the moral qnality of the people, or rather in their philosophy and temperaments, ac counts for lunch of success or failure There are merchants who are always looking on tbe gloomy side of things, alaars . fearing competition, always ready to mate a cnt price, whether it is aeked for or not, to bead off some im aginary difficulty; while there are others who, looking on the bright side of trade, with faith in themselves, the goods they handle and, in tbe long run, the stable character of tneir business. Tbey are oa the direct road to success. There may be setbacks, there may be occasion al reverses, bnt this class of people are the ones who succeed il any do. Tbe following cigarette bill was intro duced by request by Senator Johnson "Section ! It snail hereafter be un lawful in this state to manufacture, or cause to b manufactured, or to sell, barter, trade, or in any manner furnish or dispose of, or to to have in possession for tbe purpose of sale, cigarette, cigar ette tobacco. or cicarette paper in any form in the state of Oregon. "Section 2. Any person violating any fthe provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty ?f a misdemeanor, and jpon conviction thereof sha'.l be punish ed by a fine of not less than f 100, nor more than t-"OJ. "Section 3. Justice of the peace shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts for ail offenses arising os ier this cat." The bill carries an emer gency clause, which an exchange says will mean its defeat, as nine ont of ten oil Is with emergency clauses fail to pass. The bill though is good enough one. Tbe cigarette cannot be set down on too bard. The Trontdale Champion aaya: "The Oregon Pottery Company made an as signment in Portland oi Wednesday, much to the surprise of a number of peo pie in Trontdale, wbo had not been paid (or the last lot of work they did for the com.-any in shipping clay from here. Mr V p Pel ton contracted with tbe com pany to let it take clay from bis place, and for two weeks the company was very active in getting out a large quantity ol clay, it is almost unnecessary to say that Mr Pelton bas not been paid.neither have the men tbe company employed to haul and move ir. Some of the members of the Oregon Pottery Company were ont before election talking loudly about con fidence and what tbey were going to do if McKinley got in by way of employing ihonsands of men. McKinley got elec ted, the pottery company has busted aad now a number of tho-e who shouted con fidence with them thick the confidence trick has been bafly played on them a kind of bunco confidence." Beginning with tbe first day of the present year, the municipality of Glas gow, Scotland, crated to levy laxes on its citizens for maintenance ol tbe local government a condition of aflairs which is, we believe, without a parallel in an cient history or modern history. The reason for this extraordinary step is that the city obtains sufficient revenue from the public works, which are all, or near ly all, owned, controlled, and operated by the municipality. The street rail ways, or tramways as tbey are termed there, have for two years been a source ol profit. Fares were fixed, on tbe in auguration of city control, at one, two, three or tour cents, according to tbe dis tance traveled. During tbe first eleven months of municipal administration (July 1, 1S94, to June 1, 1805), 67,046,610 passengers were carried at an average fare of les than two r-ot. Thirty-nine percent ol the fares were only one cent, and et tbe roads made a handsome profit. For the second year they show a net profit of more than 8200,000, after allowing for interest, taxes and depreci ation. These figures are certainly an indication that like results are possible by similar means in the large cities of America. Ex. The followingltrom the Pendleton E O is published as a sample of sarcasm, without the Dkxocbat'b endorsement. for we know nothing about the Salem hotel : "From all accounts the Salem ho tel is as bad as ever and legislation is as correspondingly had, or worse this year than ever before. Brains that are led from consumption of poor ana oadiy cooked food ebonld not be expected to furnish a good product. Thought is just as much the essence it feeds on as any thing else in the world of matter. Tbe Salem hotel Is responsible for the legis lation the people receive from Salem. Responsible for tho "greed" of "the Sa lem hog" and the selfishness and atnb bornness of the rival politicians who are trying to "work" themselves Into the United Htutes senate against the people's will. Hthe capital ol Oregon was at Portland instead of 8aiem, legislation would greatly improve to the people's benefit. The hotels at Portland are in the nature of things better than those that Salem can afford. tn t!xty years Baltimore has not bad a bank failure. A fine record. Several llbany men learned yesterday in an emphatic manner that bicycles will not run on ice. The usual bill protidicg for a county prosecuting attorney lustwul of a dWtrlct attorney has been introduced. "nis Benson bouse is being badly managed. The members seem to go at every thing in a wrong way. The Washington deadlock continues. One thing is thoroughly demonstrated. and that is that Senator Squire is en tirely out of the race. A Pittsburg paper says so much spit ting is done in that city an S might well be put at the beginning of the name o! the city. An exchange says that Harris, tbe new Kansas senator who will succeed Pfeffer, has no whiskers for the political breeses to blow through. Tbe New York World lias been de manding three E's, retrenchment, reve nue and rest from the government. It is getting none of them . A law should be passed prohibiting the appointment as clerk in the state legislature of any relative of any mem ber within the filth degree. Two clerks to a senator and nothing for them to do. A sample of senatorial economy, Tbe bouse would probably be just as extravagant if in session. An English Lord recently declared in parliament that "the wandering ebild will yet come back to its mother," re ferring to tbe United States. Never, though tbe people do seem to hsve been voting (hat way recently. The constitution undoubtedly says absent members of the legislature can be compelled to attend; but no one knows how to go at it. Tbe Benson crowd particularly pat their feet in their months every time they open them. Tbe scheme of Mitchell is undoubtedly to bold the Benson house together until next Tuesday, when tome kind of a Joint session will be held and the farsical form of a senatorial election had, believing that the U. S. senate will t-elp him ont of bis dilemma Representative Micbell of Tbe Dalles, an old newspaper man, should put a "I" in his name, as all the newspapers insist on spelling it "Mitchell" and every com positor knows that is tbe way it ought to be. The name bas the accent oa the last syllable. It loots very much as if there was something in the scheme of Senator Sherman, nnder which tbe government of the United States itself will build the Nicaraocuacaaal and receive tbe bene fit. The present bill nnder which f 100, 000,000 would be donated to a private company is nndoubtedly doomed. The Oregonian says the Benson house is breakiog up. The Statesman tries to convey tbe Idea il ie a power and is in for keeps. Io this instance the Demo crat can agree with the Oregonian. It cannot do anything else than break up, far it is illegally organised aod uncondi tional. Regaid!eaof one's opinion on tbe general situation, the house should be organized riirh: or not at all. A West v irginia paper that comet to ihe Dan oca T office says : Cleveland is a remarkable man. He has shown him self capable of predicting not only tbe policy of his own partv but tbe of action to be pursued by the opposite party as well. lie set the pace which caused tbe country to engage in bring ing about a great tariff reform. Then he was leader of bis own party. Only a few years later he again played his cards bnt with the opposite party and won. Now in tbe (ace of the whole country he bas his own ideas about Cuba, and as il by hypnotism, tbe leaders in tbe nest administration are fast being drawn tc his way of thinking. Certainly, this mauHs a marvel it not a conjurer ! Tbe following from the Pendleton E. O., is about a fallen man, well told: There are hundreds of acquaintances of Ueo B Lash in Pendleton who carry an increased burden in their hearts since the expose in bis affsirs. Tbey sympa thize with his family and sincerely wish It were in their power to render fitting assistance in this their hour of need It is not true that his former frieod hare forgotten bim. They are simply silent in tbeir pity, recognizing that the time to render bim assistance has passed. Not one of his real friends suspected his crime until tbe expose came. Had be spoken "the truth" before 1897 wss ushered in, he conld have obtained all the help necessary to set him in tbe straight and narrow way aad aaved him and his family the calamity that has to suddenly hafalien them. No one ex cuses him for his crime, fie was teck lest in itt perpetration and silent nnder tbe terrible strain that followed its per formance. So far as tbe penalty falls opon him, no one complains. It is de served. He must feel so himself. Bnt it falls upon others, tails opon those deartohim, upon the whole ol society, and the pain and injury inflicted cannot be alleviated or met by any thing that human hands may do. (The following is given the Dkmockat by ac Englishman to show that the En glish nimrods can shoot as well as Amer icans: "The shooting record of tbe champion British game shot, Earl de Gray has been compiled. Between 1867 and 1S95 his total bag was 316,697 head of game, his average for this time being about 10.000 bead each year. In 1893 he readied tbe amazing total of 19,135, ol which 8732 were partridges, 6760 pheas ants, 2611 grouse, 837 bares, 914 ratiits aod nearly 300 various. Of the total oi 316,609, there were 111,199 pheasants, 83,401 partridges, 47,488 grouse, 26,747 rabbits, 2d,417 hares, 2735 snipe, 2677 woodcock, 1393 wild duck, 381 red deer, 180 deer, 97 pigs, 91 black game, 45 cap ercailzie, 19 sambur, 12 buffaloes, ll tigers, 2 rhinoceros and 8424 various. Earl de Gray wbo it the eldest son of tbe Marquess of Ripon, wss only 16 years of age when bit record commenced. He it now nearly 45, and it as hard as nails. and never tires. One of his most amaz ing shooting achievements was in Dec ember, 1894, when be shot at 60 pheas ant! in three minutes and killed 49 0( them. Lord Walsiuiiham, whose name is also de Gray, ranks second only to Earl de Gray as a game shot. His pre serves at Merton hav commanded what Is probably the highest rental ever paid for a shooting of the size In England. Tblawat the 4000 paid by the late Baron de Hirsch for a five weeks tenan cy. Lord Walsingham's greatest achiev ement on the moon wat the bagging of 221 brace of grouse to bit own gun in one day." SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS The past week has seen as mean, disa greeable weather as it is possible to ex perience in Oregon, enow, cold, getting as low as 22 degrees above sero, slippery. sleety, nasty. Also rainy, but the rain is all right; we are webbed for it, where as we are not furred for suow, nor shod for ice. A fish doetn't enjoy swimming on land, a cat can't bear the water, and an Oregonlan who is used to mild weath er doesn't relish anything that l "old. Some one said something about doing something for those around us and lees for ourselves. That is a good idea and tbe secret of genuine happiness. Theory is one thing though, and practice anoth er. A train beid up br bad men, Lungry, lazy men, wanting something without sweating for it. Why so many holdups standnps and knock downs, so many all ovei the U. . 8. that tue sale of small arms is said to have more than doubled. Hard times get tbe credit. Tbe troth is there is a class of men ready and willing to take advantage of tbe times as an ex cuse for their lawlessness. They should be met without mercy. The public safty demands it. The legislature fiasco continues. Tbe Cuban war wiggles filibuste:ingly along. Nevada, little insignificant Nevada, run down at tbe heels, out at the elbow, degenerated, turned backward, d-erted, bas passed a law permitting pnxe fight ing for a license of $3503. There ought to be some wsy for taking su;h little Sales out of tbe government. A state ; gets pretty small that will do that, not! so much because it permits the prize fighting, for all tbe states nearly counte nance it in disguise, bnt because of get ting down t? it for revenue far a partic ular case related everywhere else in the United States. School district 21 with a school tax Of 50 mills is certainly entitled to tbe sym pathy of every Oregontan. Add 13 mills county tax to it and yon have C3 mil's. perhaps the biggest in the United Stairs. WashfniUun Letter. Free ear raraiar CVmaaro'lat. Wasiiisotox. Jan. 25th. 18&7. Senator Gray, of Delaware, will this week present the credentials of Mr- Ken ney, wbo was last week elected tenator by the legislature, aod whose creden tials are properly certified by the sorer -cor of tbat state. A bsrd fight is going to be made bv tbe republicans 10 keep Mr. Keaney out of his teat. Ioaniuch as Mr. Keoney, who is a silver demo crat, w III receive the support of all tle silver seaators, it is ezpcted that the republicans will devote tbeir tffjns to trying to stave off a vote notil alter the 4th of March, when tbey will be elronger in the sepals. .It is said t'tat "Little Blllee" Chandler's scheme of reopening the Do pool application wi,t he abandon ed beeanse of the refaeal oi eome of the republican senators to sopport it. and tbat instead the claim of Ihe ga mil ion-1 aire. Addicks, which has alreadr teo J presented to tbe senate by chaod'er, -he ! is always arounJ ben dirty I in the hoe is oeed. d w ii; be j urged against tbat of Senator elect Kea ney. Addirks bas alwaye got ptectv of j moaey and if ihere are any vota io the t senate thai can be booghl, he n wil u g 1 to spend it. Senator Morgan ha not at anv lime been ove'triencty toward! the ar bitratioa treaty, aod since the Nicaragua canal bill, of which he was an srdrni supporter, aaa eivn its dathUjw by tbe notice from the mir"ter of the greater republic of Central .aierica tbat Sicaraugua, which it a part of that re public, would not allow the eooceacioas granted to Ihe canal company to be eoo trotleJ by the United States, a propcd ia the bill, but would be wiping to open negotiations on Use subject witn thi government direct, lie rcm dpoed to even up things with England by ir ing to defeat the arbitration tr.atr. Sen ator Morgan says that England is mere ly making a catepaw oat of those little Central American government, and tbat one of its reason for wanting ihat arbitration treaty enforced i 10 get hand in tbe control of the Nicsraugna canal. This it would do, if the arbit a 1100 treaty were in loree, or eelting np a dispute with na over the canal and then referring it to arbitialion, i-.- the cer Uinty tbat King Oscar, ol SreJen, would name an umpire who won'.d decide in Kngland's lavar. ftenat r Morgan ie fighting mad about it, and that isn't going to help the arbitration !r--aty any Miss Maud Sulnsker, a young lady of Waihington D. C. was tecentlj an applicant for a position nnder the civil service rules, and probably pasted the most difficult eliminations that has ever neen preprea ty the civil service commission. She was the only one who was able to pat! the examination, but the war department refuses to appoint her to the vacant clerkship on the ground that sue is a womas. The exam-nation required translation into Englien ol technical military works in French, German, Spanish and Dalian; typewrit ing in all of these languages; aod ability to do proof reading am1 prepare uianis- cript for the press 1 know li d - ol modern library methsd; cataloguing, indexing and of tbe English lanKuage and literary composition. The salary of the position demanding ail thesie reqnirment is $15J0ayear. Some very interesting, although rather tardy talk about tt.e methods by which President Cleveland shut members of congress out uf presence, thus depriving himself of -Information he should have had and would have had about legisla tion asked for by the people who are directly represented by the members ol tbe bouse, preceded the pascaite by the house, over the president's veto, ol the bill providing for the establishment of a new division ol the Eastern judicial dia trictof Texas. Representative Cooper told the house of several trip he made to the White house for the purse of explaining to Mr Cleveland why bis con stituents wanted this legislation, and ol his finally being told by private seers tary Thurhsr that it was useless for him to continue his efforts to tee the presi dent, because he had already made np bit mind to veto the bill. It In believed that '.he senate will indorse tbii action f the bouss. A bill of Representative Somers pro vides for the relief of tbe supreme court by the appointment of three commission ers, who shall aid the court in the per formance of it. duties under rules and regulations to be adopted by the court. The commissions shall be atlorneys in good standing, shall be over SO years of age, shall hold office four years, and shall receive a salary of t (to be insert ed hereafter). Appointments shall be made br the supreme coort. If It ever comet ton vote it should fall. We have too maay cominissioni already. S TATE LEGISLATURE. In the house. With only 29 present, Hope, Lake and Misner being absent, the house pretend ed to do business, and ordered the outs" to be cited to come in. Several petitions were introduced and the following bills : Crawford, to regulate the transnorta- tion of freight by a maximum rate law. lioicue, relating to removal and sus pension of attorneys. ilepo, for assessment of non-resident sheep. llu lson, providing for election of road supervisors in each election precinct Langell, to amend state normal school act, providing for converting Ashland college into tbe Southern Oregon Nor mal school. Merrill, to repeal as follows : domestic animal commission, state board of horti culture, district horticultural and agri cultural societies, state food and dairy commission, fish and game warden, As toria boatmen, pilot commissioners, Or egon militia, slate university tax, and railroad commission, contageous diseases and all other eoecial legislation and pro visions beyond the bare skeleton of a government presented in ihe constitu tion. Benson house adjourned to 11:30. Thursday. in the senate. This body did its first economical act bv refusing to nan a resolution fur the customary fat and extravagant daily; calendar. Members continued to introduce new bills. Tbe following were read : King, to provide for organization of irrigation districts. Oesner, to amend section of code, fix ing price ol board for county prisoners. Wade, fixing lees and salaries of a ewurs in the various countie, and other otiicera. Heed, to provide for working of state convicts upon public roa is. Carter, to authorize a free ierry at Coivallis. A larire number of bills were read a second time and referred. A very funny thing ie the fact that the Beoscn house ie doing business without having named any o the com mittees. The Journal says Driver declares ial the 29 should be hanged. Tbe Benson house even ha the ! ick to meet and pretend to do btiin- with 29 present. The whole afiair is ccoin inc ludicrous. In the house. Only 29 members were pn-ent mora ing aod afternoon. The rgeant at- arros announced tbat he bad served the absent member t order i. g them to at- 'tend, and a comiuitte lesroej from Secretary ol btate Kincaid that none bad been sworn That cons all ti e boose basinees The house went through the form of introducing tbe following bi Is: Palm, cnangiog boundary line between Lane and Douglas counties Somers, making legal rate of interest 6 per cent; 00 contracts 8 per cent. Stanley, to establish a stale agricul tural college at La Grande Thomas, amending act incoroorat'eg cttv ot Portland. Mayor and aldermen ar to serve w ithout pay and the boxrd of public works is to elected at large. Conn, exempting homesteads to the value of tl.000 trom aiuthmenl and judicial sale. In the senate. Several tills were read tha second time and the following new tills were introduced: Driver, granun ihar:er to Ihe Ka gene Divinity school. Price, to aboUth attorney feea irovi kn in rromisor r cotes Hull, to fix rmipeoaation of o2:-er a' jlcfc,n count r. Holt, to fix district at'orney in Iir'. judicial dis.rict. Gesntr. to amend military iaas Oregon Mulkey.for protection 01 el-csre wi-e. Ilohson, to amend law fixing time of! annual a,-r (vj ntef iriff 1 Senator llufar v notice that he will offer a resolution, amending senate rule and requiring that no more bult, reso lutions, etc be printed, until the hoo ofrepresentalivt shad bave been legally l organi.'el. Joiut memorial. HaxeUiae, tnemotia' ii:ng tonsr.-es in the interest of veterans of the Csvute Indian war, was read. Joint rwnlu'.jori, iiaaeiunc, authoris ing Ue secretary of stat-to supr-iy 300 copies of "The "Karly Indan Wars of Oregon" to the Indian War Veterans association; 240 cot-ies ordered printod. PkallSVT MllXxa 0 J. Fe YaTO. -11 B. Miller, pretidcal oi ti e O. A C. passed through Albanv ve!erdv ri.-on The DaaMraaT man noticed that tteie were several red spots and oa !us face, bnt thought nothing ol it at the time. Now it is learned that J Fred Yates ws the artist. Mr. Miller hsd accued Mr. Yates of criticising him as president of the col lege. In the oor.rfeof tbe discussion the president called Yates a liar, a hereupon the lawver proceeded to do him np and it took several men t null him off the president of the farmer beys school. Yatea was once a farmer himself. Mr. Yatea was ficrd $10 by the rity and f- nd costs by a iu-tu-e.Mr. Miller was expected to liquidate today. tioon Foa Watkrloj t rep-jrt eome flora Wa'enoo tnal Ciit. Suivyor Fifh er ha recently Soi-iieJ u vr-jing and sit ting grade state fr a water ditch, wi.tch will be about ix mile in length, and tbe power thus gai'iei u-ed fjr manuf cturtng purpoeea. 1 te d;th ia iu rot in tue neiKhborhood of 16.000 anc will Im Iniit bv a stock company, tbe Tho. hay W leo Mill Uo. being the chief aUKsbold' ra. thi r-xrt aloy that if the tirj-.-t i ao cesaful a !l nirine mill, saw m ll. and plaa- ing mill will be among 1 h" .-nI thiLg in store for Waterloo iu l?l Time. AreoKTioswEST Bux. Vomers anoor- tiionment bill which has been arranged gives Linn 1 senator and 3 representa tives Marion county gets - senators and 5 representatives. Multnomah eight senators and IS representatives. Clackamas will receive 2 senators and 4 representatives. Otherwise no county win receive more man i senator ana o representatives Speaking of (be place where the hold np occured the Kiddle ill' says: roinl is an ideal phce for a hold up a dark curve with a rocky I illside "n otu hand and the swift Uunxiua on the other, with a deep rock cut neat. There is a small dairy and remdiince in tbe curve, but it l not known if any one lives there at pres ent. W J Bryan is in Texas, occasionally delivering a lecture. At Houston there were only 5000 people in bis audience. Bob Ingersoll has a big house when 1000 are present. The Cubans are doing some dashing work. But give them sufficient ammu nition and enough guns and they w ould sweep the Spaniards off the isltnd. If you want a uood and clean smoke buy cigars made by uur Al Dany cigar lactory. HORN. EASTBURN. At Kansas City, just across tne uiue tantiam river, on Jan 27, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Eastburn, a hoy, 8,la pounds. asy to Tako . asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's nils. Smalt In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man Hood's saldt " You never know you . have taken a pUl till ft ts all I Ql" 1 1 a. oer." 25C C. L Hood A Co., ll 111 1 Proprietors, Lowell. Mass. 11 W Tbe only pills t? take wltti Hood'a SarsaparlUa. TELEGRAPHIC. A ftkeellag Affray. . Corvaujs, Jan. 23. A shooting affray occurred, this morning at tbe Kiger farm, between Jack Irwin, an employe of tbe farm, and Ed Thayer, well known in Cor ral! ig and Portland. After some words, Thayer drew a revolver on Irwin, who ran into the house, and returned with a shot gun and revolver. He ordered Thayer to. put up bis revolver. Thayer pointed the revolver directly at Irwin, wbo fired his shotgun. Thayer returned the tire. Both then fired a number of shots, with no re sult, except a slight wound in the calf of Irwin's right lea. Irwin made complaint ! against Thayer in Justice Carlisle's court. 0n hearing the testimony, which wss not contradictory, boh parties were bound over in the sum of 9800 each Ibe ownership of a bantam ben eecms to baye been the immediate ciuse of the shooting. a t'ewater Mevenaeat. EaLEX, Or., Jan. 29. A counter move ment to defeat tbe organization of tbe boose next week was set on foot bv Mitch ell men today. It was widely circulated tbat it ts tue purpose ot lit uenaon men, after the ballot for senator next Tuesday or Wednesday, to go home, and thas prevent reoigarjizatiott in the interest oftheanti Mitcbell men, and tbe subsequent election of a senator. It was said today that 17 members bave already agreed to this plan There is no likelihood tbat the scheme will be consummated. It raaaew 1 v AsnisGTOX, 1 an . a. rsy me oecisive ; vole of 46 to 4 tbe tenate today passed tbe bill for the appointment of commissioners 10 an international monetary conference. Thecloaiair of the debate brought out sev eral notable speeches, including those of lioar. Vitas, tones of Arkansas, Gorman, Allison and Carter. It disclosed tbat little oppoxiUon extnted atrainit the bill, the only division being as to tbe expediency of asking bimetalum tnrougb internation al egreement Kellalac Ceeaslerai Tus Dalles Or., Jan. 29. John Gray has returned from the Warm Cpricga aa-encv. and renorts the completion o' tue buildi)Ks built for school purpotei by the STOvero ent a dormitory, aesemhiy nail. cbool building, hotpital. cottage and laun dry. 1 nwr were erected at a cost of TU.W-V. The bui'dmr were accepted on tbe 27m int.. and Indian lnpectT Lane rep- rt tut liiey are thoroughly tatif actor,,. A leer fee Trraawrer CanTox. O , Jan. 23. "I bave been tm- !etvd and hare acafpfcja ths war port foi:o." Tbat sroke General Ravel! A- Algier, of Michigan, to the A :-iaf! Pre repre sentative today. He and Major McKinley bad jut comp eted tbe interview in w oho the formal tender and acceptance were pasted. A lull;- fart Sax, Jan. 29. Now that Governor Sadler, of X'ead t, has kigned tte I pneenebt bill, it u accepted at a settled . . 1 . . . l . . t . . . 1-:. 1 Tact orre icai i&e vuruei 1 imrauw fit win be held either in Reoo or Cawoo, lUAh places are bid ling l r it, but until S'uart irive toe word, no one will know wbkh tawn u to be selected. Jaace Taraer atterteat. Or-THPtA, VV'ah., Jan. 2S. Affr one of tbe bitterest tactic nil 601 ia the his tory of Washington, wbicn bas continued with increasing erergy during the pat thrv wee, JuJv George Turner, of Spokane, wis tonight nominaled for ' I oill Slav wr.ter, to iecd rt Uoo C Si3rc abd Lis nomination wss ai ward made ceanimooa. lie will I elected tosicrrow noc-n, in jvint tesaioo cf tbe leg islature. vt ill Be Trraawrer Cse Castos.O . Jan. CS At "30 o'clock thi rvectn;. Lyman J., preidr&t td the Kirtt XiUica! bix.k of Cbicaso. emerged fro: a tee dtsicg rjoa of the KinVv fct-tue to .1 an as etrbect wtra the Acrited preaaSuod pecial ctTresrod- enta la tell them the wi l or tit ojatct """"HeiKewith Mjf McKinley. -Sr. IK h into V oSrtrtl me the treasury i , I a i.a 1 W hsf r &il ,J Pitw- 11 ts : or icy ai:v u trast a Mbrlt rtfaataaawau CarsoS. Xev Jan. 2S. Tue hill to ? I""" coctasts pae4 tee wui'e thi morning by a vote of 9 to 6. and the Uwn is all e-itercit in cxnrq"ietK The ! bit! was not eoroiied in time to be rresefst j ranch, and so he didn't . o. Oregon In 1 ed to ihe governor today, t at it wiU reach ; .'.ependecl. him in the morctog. " 1 tUT- Biksr Crrv, Or., Jan. JS Aawrt Ueiser. rcacarer of the Bocacxt mine, brought in Iwo gold bricks this morning. valued at ?10.iX fhs u tte oa'put IU staxp. It 1J via atamps nave been rep!ar-d ar? frtu now on tee mill will run ?3 rUtorw Alot MUwi- (t c-ncen- ;t.-aejr mntb. valal at P) rr t-n- bin.wd f.-xm the mine. Tue 1 j0 fcrvr Los er a4 engine is mow tn r'- HrKIrM la Swrrevw SaM irt.'iK. ian. j,. -turry iii-itre.ji. ppu - lal. was ty ein.!td I 'i"l SU es oa - tjr to ".iood Dahcis. I tse r jla td; d; 1 lhn'.f. lj J T F SiM Dnbois ail Fourteen democrat joined th p.-!pulLts tor i'eitfeld, and Ls auo receivtd the vote of the sietrle repoblicaa tneuber oVm-?rrat arent Io 1e1ch. Heitfela's home U I' mih from Fonr Lawi- ton. where he has one of the het farms and one cf the tiot orchard ia Idaho. He it a larce man, being 6 feet tall, and weigh ing 2w poun-J.. The Steaerae Washixhox. Jan. SS Tafaj's 4ie imnt ot Ihe cou.iition cf the treasury thowa: Available cash balance SiX).291.2fr! Go d reserve lft,-JT,57 Tala Wirckrat. AfnuM, Or.. Jan. 27. The soa!h- bnund freight train on tbe Sen t hern Pa cific, which it ft Ashland at 9:15 this morn ing, was wrecked at Gregory siding, on tte south aide of bikiyou mountain, just ove? the California line, and 2t in ilea soath of Ashland, at noon tl.iy . 1 ireiuan John S Siloy wa seriouiy but not fatally in jured, and Ueorge Smith, of VSeufc-rd, wbo was werking his parage touth. was fa tally injured, dying two hours after the ac cident. Tbe otht-r trainmen escaped un injured. Akerawaaa lea!ltM. Wasdixotox, Jan. 27. A crbis in the debate on. tbe Nicaragua canal bill was rea-bed in the senate late today. It brought ou'. an energetic statement from Sherman, in which he foreshadowed a new treaty, by which tb L'niUd States can build the canal without tlie intermediation of a private oncension. Tbe senator de clared that KOvernmenUl execution of the projoct was the only feasible one, and tout all f rivate efforts in the direction had proved failure. Baa arrMeat Soutu Xokwalk, Conn., Jan. 27. The worst accident of its kind that ever oc curred in this section happened shortly before ? o'ciock this afternoon oa the tracks of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railway, wur the East Nor walk station. Five men encaged in work upon; tue roaauco, in euoru io avoia an ap proaching express train, stepped in froat of a local freight, running in the same direc tion as tbe express. Four of them were instantly killed, aad the fifth died five minutes after the accident. A tan's Ksidett Nkwdkru, Or, Jan. 2. Burglars made another raid in town lust night, but were poorly rewarded- Joseph Wilson's grocery, LM Parker's clothing store and A T Hill's drug store were entered, by means of a skeleton Trey, t'arker lost t7 in caxh and Kill n few cigars. Two suspicious looking characters, who were in town yee terday, are supposed to have dons the work. A ratal Family wd Lexinotos, Ky. , Jan. 27. A terrible battle occurred Tuesday afternoon on itreen liver, near Urownsville. The coin. batants were Lugene tamer, J J Carrier, Natnan Scairsrs and Luther Scasres on ona side, and 0 W Uaselip, Alfonso Uazelip, his son. on the other, r our were shot, and two, the HaKlips, killed. A lews Time t'emtac, San Frascisco, Jan. 27. The lono expected Swanhilda, with Murderer Butler on board, bas not yet arrived from Austra lia. Should the ship get in this week Butler will be taken back to Australia on the Monowai, which sails February 4. ' I We handle tbe famous Whiting papers I and print them up for you at tbe samt , price you pay for inferior gradoa. Smiley he printer. aa aw 2 0 The Best Smokf ngTobacco Made 0 OMiuaiiig , eoeeeQw., M1SFI1S. I There was nothing in the rumor tbat nearly all the 29 members holding out, had qualified and would appear today. It is a rare thing that a wealthy per son dies in San Francisco wiihout a big contest over ihe estate. That city is a lawyers paradise. The press of Salem are on better terms than those of Yamhill coontv. One pa per simply calls the editorials ot toe other paper very thin alop,paid for. The Idaho legislature has just elected a Common farmer tor U.S. senator, a great biz, enterprising farmer. Hell get toneaome among tbe crowd of corpo ration tawvers in the senate. One of the state papers, in speaking of Max Pracht's desire to govern Alaska, says : "The Yukon now h two months, one of wbicn is 60 miles wrile; bat if Pracht gets op there, both of them will go out of businei." The Statesman refers to Senator Car ter ol Benton as "one of the ilk known as Simon republicans." Regard less of oolitic or U.e present situation Mr. Car ter is a man of clean character aod is known for his integrity. "This legislator? beata 'em all," said an old hayseed as be cacue down the state house ste-ps. "In w hat re;ct, aaked a bystander. "Commonly," said the o!d man, we find a sprinkling of farmers bneinees men and newspaper men in such a body. I've rutted everv iegisLater that ever s sembied in O ret-on. but this is the first It-tt-later I ever saw where every dcrn member of the hone is a constitosbinal lawyer." Journal- While the large crowd of re preien la lives, senators and members of the third boos were awaitinz tbe arrival of toe II o'clock Kotveborg mail and the delayed overland, a lad, of poeeibiy 14, approach ed a member of the Bessoaite bouse and. after a hearty batushake, inquired: "Are vou going borne to star Sir. : ""o," repted the represeatauivw. " Well responded the boy, who had an answer readv. "You might iusi as well tay." Salem Journal. Old Jndce Pavden. of Polk, met Dr. Driver at vhe door of tbe senate chamber the other day. T ie judge and the doctor la - a..- 111 cm pern inraa-i tor u.xr.T Teirs. r: oea said in his own ? rough and booest 'mat I Vwu n r . r.i mA Ik. 1 . f.-w9 . 1 . . .V. ...V . .V. . - years, bat yoa never caught me among j Sow. Doctor, come ou'side and let me l - , Taa." The doctor, however. I didn't think the prayers ot such men as his frieod, the jade would amount I o j A Ysmtml paper which jumped on tbe editor of the Transcript, received the following cUseical notice : That's right. Clark, ya one-eyed, dsapponted-be came-roa-coaldn'l g-et-to-lw-.epresenta- live, tobacco- uirting chromo, yoa just I , hop onto Snyder, of the Transcript just i becane von know he is awav from home and can't defend himself, yoa confound- I ed sneak. Bet, little as we may be, and s pen as we mav iooc, we are here t ideteod bim ' There, take ! that, yo big "O." and if that is , ...,h ..i- .i ! ,k , r. . i j.oa ciji'j cbew toiiaccoC and knock j yonr other eve out, so that if yoa thange to cue cut," you couida t tee to spit on anyone. I " j The DraocxAT has received a pamphlet containing aitj pages, with the govern ment's frackins privilege on tbe enverr ope and Ueo. F. Hoar's signature np in the corner. It is devoted almost entirely to clippings from the pres showing why the Torrey bankruptcy bill should pass, and is printed at the expense of the gov ernment. Perhaps the bill mav be a good one, for it provides for a uniform system a'l over the U. S. and gives a man wbo hit failed a chance again ; bnt just what business it is for the government to print newspaper clippings by the stack is beyond our comprehension. Some pfople wonder what the SrTremr hers holding out are doing all tbe time. The folic ami trom the Journal will ex plain partially: rVune of the members of the house are earning tbeir salary. Representatives G'll and Munkers spend their time reg ularly in a committee room reading and considering bills introduced. Tbey make amendments, adopt or reject the meas ures, an i keep a record of their delibera tions. A gooa deal of the time thev are joined by the other People's members and grind out cot a little good legislation, which is iust aa legal and as carelullv considered in the interest of the people, as the proceedings of the Benson bouse. Sometimes Gill s;nds out and has the members b roue 'it in who are disposed to l laggards, and give them a good talk ing to and then all go to wo;k. The Statesman hits several men it wat recently lauding to the skies aa follows : C. E. S. Wood, Fred V. Holman and Wallace McCamant have all given opin ions that the preeeat organisation of the house at f-alem "is unconstitutional." These lawyers are without Question trreat constitutional expounders, especially McCamant. Senators Frisbie, Hoar, Piatt, Vilas and Thurston, and other members of the judiciary committee of the united Mates senate have given a contrary opinion. Sow suppose that a man applied for admission to the senate and McC amant s Co. were opposed to me wumumioa, ana me senate judiciary comraUtee favored his admission, where would those great constitutional lawyers McCamant, Wood wnd Holman "where would they be atT Just think ot ii i What about Geo. II. Williams, M. a George, Senator Xewgan and many v'.urir, won. aouiu just common every f 100 Reward $100. I he readert of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at (east one dreaded disease that -ieoae has been able to cure 7 7. and that is Catarrh, uall s Catarrh Cur is the only positive cure known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a const ituiionat disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ectintr directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the ystenj, thereby destroying the foundation of the diaeaae, and giving tbe natient strength bv buildine up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors bave so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer On Hundred lHIlars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial. Address, V. J. t HENRY Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best The Best I 9 t To Bo Given Avny this year in valuable articles to smokers of BlackweiTs Genuine urham Tobacco Yon will find one coupon in side each 2-otrnce bag, and two coupons inside each. 4-oance Lag. Boyabag, read the coupon and ace how to get yoar share. OOOOOOfttOOaOOw00B00w00 MITCHELL AND MUXKERS. Representative Munxere of Linn ia one of tbe people's patty farmers in the legislature who it standing out against a Mitchell and anti-refcrm organization of tbe house. Be came to Salem prairie fifty years ago with his brotbers Biter and James Muckers, still living tiers tie baa killed many a de;r between where the state botue and penitenitary now stand and is still a good shot wtn a nne ana a iuu band at toe plow. SAlter many invitations and much so licitation Representative M ankers con tented to meet Senator Mitchell half way in a Saiem-oyster saloon yesterday, when tbe following conversation ia re 1 ported to have enaoed : Mitchell: 1 wish II r. Knnkerayoa could et your way to vote for me aa senator." M ankers: "Senator, vour public rec ord and your speeches op to tbe June election suited our peop.e in Linn coun ty very well. Yourcoa-ae alter that was in direct conrraaiction to year planet of Mars speech and while I waa elected ex feeling to vote lor yon if we could not elect a populist, your abandonment of independent mmetailurm and sopport of tbe gold standard eoapled with interna tional bimetallism makes it impossible for me to vote for too." Mitchell: "Mr. M ankers yon did not endemand my planet of Mars apeech What I meant was, that it wat aa im possible to get an international agree ment to coin silver under the Cleveland administration as it woo id be to baild railway to the planet Mara." Munkers: i do not understand that yoa placed any toch timitauoa on the proportion. Bat that ia not all, senator. Vour supporter? ha the boose have made it impotanUe for me to vote for yoa. rhey bare jost alopted a reeolatkA de darn g my seat vacant." Mitchell (with embarrassment. "That is certainly a misunderstanding, Mr. Munkers." Munkers: "Well, a3 I know i, that this ia a copy of the teolation I bave had serrd upon me." Aa the old Linn county farmer pulled oat a enpy of the order of the Benson hoae declaring hia teat vacant. Senator Mitchell hastily arose, paid for ibe oyster and that was tbe end of the interview. Salem Jonr caL Coxixs Bicx Here is eomethicg that reads almost like fiction. On the first Sunday of May, ISM, a child waa born to il.t. Certs, a member of the Peyton company, then pUying in this rity. In anrtreeialifm Af th menv kinHnMwew shown tkie mother, she namea her littia dsohgter "Trilby Corral Us Carta." Sow, it is aa assured fact that the Peyton company will appear in Corral: is on the fifteenth of next month and the little CorvaUis will likely appear in tha eading role. Corralus Times. The many Con a lis friends of Mr C A Load, formerly of this city, bat now of Encinitas, California, will read with pleasure the following extract from a letter to the Gaaette : "Yoa can look tor myself and frmiir bad to Oregon in a few weeks. Will go to Sao, I think, Q reside." Corvmliis Gasett. Aching Joints Announce the presence of rbuoiaiioi welch canses naloid suffering. Rheuma tim i d ie to lactic acid m the blood. It cannot be cured by liniment or ether oat ward ap pi ica tiocs Hood's SarsapanJa punfies (he blood, rraoves tbe canse of rheumatism and permanently cores the di sease. This is the testimony of thoosaads of peop y wio once suf ered the pain of rheumatism but who bave actually been cored by taking Hood's Saraapanda. ta grei power to act upon the blood and re move every imparity i the secret of the oaiiffj' cares by lii'a $jrsprilta - 30 Course for T5. The college has decided to offer to tbe public a special rate of tlS. parable in advance, for shorthand and t-pewntinr forth remainder of tbe school rear. With application the student can firieh the cooree tn that length of time. This will certainly put this most desirable study within the reach of ail. The tra tern used ia the standard ar stem of the country today, and may well be called the American system as it ia destined to become universal. Classes may be or ganued either for day or evening work! The course offered ia the regular A months course at an ordinary boaineew college, or which the regular tuition ia o0. For urt her parvculars app:y t the college rfict. Corral" Is to Portland ta One Day. Tbe eauMT Albany eleganUv furnished, including pew piano, rjns between Cor valtis and PonUod on the foilowieg sche dule: Down river, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays. Leave rVvratria dm m- Albany, 7 a it; Buena Vista, Sam; Iade pendence, 90 a m; Sriem. 10 JO a ts; Aewberg, 1pm; arrive Portland. 5 pm. I P river, Mondays. Wednesdays and fn days. Isve Portia Bd. Ram- linkm 10;30rn; Salem. 3 p m ; IadepadeCa pm; BuenaYisU, 7i3D p m; Alhagy Lf P n; arrive Corral lis, 11:20 p na. Tbe aaove schedule means no more ur overs at Salem. Faces' time aod a de hghtful trip. Poruand dock foot Tamhill St. Fjw tokk. l . V. .M ATO. Snpt River Dir. aianaetr. Instrumental Music . ,Mr Backensto has located ia Albany where he will give instructions in instrumental- music. He taachet violin, guitar, mandolin and a nambsr of orchestral ad brass instrument. Mr Backensto is a musician ot well-know a ability in both practical and theoretical music, and one of the moat sacceaafal eachert in the state. Oar wtaadlwa at ateee . Foe out of eery five bottles ot medt cine told ia thj last five years are 8. B. goods. The S. B Headacfce and Livei Cure 1 use myself as a general phytic If you are sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is tc buy the 8 B. reraediiw and use aa directed C. P. B lcb. Drureitt, Uufur, Or. tm sal-by Foahv Mason at 5J cts per be- Let everjrbodw come tn th star Bakerv and get ar losves Of fi eah bread far il Sf Cash. C Marts. We keep the onlr eomnloia atnr n printer s stationarv in tha aWafUvrafw Smlw. ey tne printer. aarti Clever stews Tea is a sure cure for headache aad nervoas d.ases No hing relievet so quickly. For sale by Foahav Jk Mason. For tht best Orug?, Dawson'.