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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1897)
(T TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month IS.CO per advance, SOc per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over 3 months. Single copies 5c. W EBKLY, $1.25 'n advauce; $1.50 at end of year; 1.75 for second year; $2 .00 for third and preooeding year, when not paid in advance. Club of five iw subscriber fir $5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Dkmocrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers for 3.85 ft year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 direct! v to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a weok JS. Y. World, $2.00 a year. KILLING TIME. No Change in the Program Yet. $6.00 buys a good' Mandolin with, book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buvs one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 bny8a5-drawersewing machine; high arm, light running ; guaran teed years. fsffPrices on Pianos, Organe, Banjos sent on application. E. TJ. Will Albany. WHAT A COY DID. The following from the Toledo Leader is about a former Albany boy, the son of Henry Crowded, The story is almost equal to some in story books : A boy less than fifteen years old was tned and convicted in this term of court. The yonthful burglar was from Ya quina and the circumstances as related to us are about as follows : T. W. Gorman, one of the merchants of Yaqvina, had been mussing small sums ot money from the money till ia his sioie. H finally contrived a plan top the thefts and to catch the thief. Last Thursday night Salkm, Or., Feb. 1, 1S97, 3 :!4 p. ra. The house took np routine work this af ternoon with no change in the program. J ji r Gorman and one of his sons secreted I themselves in the store and watched for the appearance of the thief or thieves. Tennessee Gatherings. By Jucto Putro.) TuiKEssu, Jan. 30, 1S97. Frank Skipworth of Lebanon, was vis iting in this vicinity last week. The literary last Saturday eve was at tended by a large and attentive audi ence. The election of officers was the main event of the evening. The society by their choice disposed of the by-laws s used by former presidents and will hereafter be governed by the Black-laws. After the balloting. President O. D. Mo Knight, announced the result as follows: President, James Blacklaw ; vice oreei dent, Annie Blaeklaw; secretary, Bert Blacklaw; Sergeant-at-arms "Wm.J." Blacklaw; critic. Blanchs Simonds. We do not see why Misa Simoad a name should not be changed to Black law as we desire to be governed by law if it is only Blacklaw. Strange to cay the first fonr named officials are from Lincoln, Keb., Bryan's home. We think the literary will prosper as never before under the Blacklaw administration. After the election the debate was dis crseed at little length by both sides and was won by Jas. Blacklaw, leade r of the affirmative. Question: "Praise of Co Iambus and Washington." The literary is a great source of learning as -ell as pleasure. Miss Annie Blacklaw closed a success ful term ot school hero last Friday with a debate by the scholars. Bert Black lawandTbos. McKnight, leaders, the latter winning. Miss Blacklaw ia de- i serving of much praise f.r the upbuild of the neighborhood. We now have a fine school bouse organ which is mainly to her credit. By her skill and prompt ness ehe has made every social and en tertainment a success in every particular. She is a resident of this place, has taught ix ainerent successful terms ot school here, and will teach tne spring term, at wnicn time she will possess a state d ploma. . Potatodom. The lagrippe lias a grip on the families of El. Snyder, Tom Skelton and Ralph Zacheling. The families of J. B Davis and George Birchird were visiting in Benton county last Sunday. Mr. Charley gnyder and sister of In dependence were visiting in this neigh borhood last week. Any one having carpet to weave will do well to call cn Jlra. Birchird. A J work warranted. Joe Talt.of Albany, was a visitor at G. L. Thompson's last feunday. The String Town Literary is in full blast. Good programs and a crowded boose every Saturday night. The ques tion for next Saturday night is : Nature does more in Bailing Character than Ed ucation. The logging firm of Holt & Metoger finished tneir work on the Island last Friday. They talk of moving (heir camp np near Corvallis. In returning from visiting his best girl last Snnday Lester Con&or had the mis fortune to break down his baggy. At present the baggy rests by the road side. Josa. and another eon, Frank closed op the store at the usual time and in the usual mauner, leaving the watchers secreted therein. The watchers did not have long to wait, for in lets than half an hour a noise was heard at the lront of the store, and in an incredibly short time a noise Vas heard at a trap door in the tear of the building and a figure appeared through the door and made straight for the money till. Quickly opening the money drawer both hands were thrust into the contents thereof, bnt before be could transfer the contents of the nioner till to his pockets Mr. Gorman who bd been concealed near the money till. turned the licht of a bull's eye upon him. aud emphasizing the order with a loaded revolver, told him not to take all ot it. To say that the purloiner was surprised is putting it mild ; he was paralyzed, but his astonishment was not much greater than was Mr. Gorman's when the Hash of a ball's eye lantern revealed the iden tity of the person at the money tili, for it was George Crowder, ft boy not quite 15 years old, ami one that he did not at all expect to see. The hoy was so sur prised that ha stood like one petrified un til Constable Watkina was summoned and took him into custody.!. It seems almCst impoi&iblo for a per son to enter the building by the way of the trap door. The opening is only about ten by sixteen i aches in eiie. The building sets on piling nd when work ing the trap door open he m it have held himsvlf up by a beam, and to rai.i the door with a weight on it mist have re quired both nerve and strength. That the boy had an accomplice is be yond a doubt, as some one was beard to run away when the light was flashed on the culprit in the store, but who he wa, and whether it was man or boy is not known. The boy could not be induced to divulge the name of Lis accomplice and the result is, that for the preentat least, that person rill escape deserved punish ment. The boy's father is in California, where he went pome time ago to secure work. The mother, who lives at Y'aquina, was heart-broken over the teiribie affa:r itto which her sen bad strayed, and she ia universally sympathized with. The boy was taken to the reform school for a year. MITCHELL KNOCKED OUT. The Senate Refuses to Permit u Vote. Salem, Feb. 2, 2 :05 In tho senate President Simon ruled a resolution to vote for U. S. senator out of order. Sus tained sixteen to twelve. Nayes, Brow nell, Daly, Driver, Dufur, Uowan, Har mon, Hazeltine, Hughes, Johnson, Pat terson of Marion, Price, Taylor. Carter absent, Simon not voting. The Benson house cast twenty-nine votes for Mitch ell, one democrat, Gratke present. Hunt ington ot Wasco, voted for Geo. II, Williams. Tangent. Tangent, Feb. 1, 1897." 6ur public school will be out in three or four weeks and we do not know whether the school will be continued or not but one teacher could teach all the scholars by that time. Mr. Alfred Long, of Moscow, Wash ington, is in Tangent visiting his many friends and relatives. Alf is a nice young man and says be has a fine ranch in Washington." Tangent people are glad too ate it rain ing e gain for cold weather does not auit webfjot people. William Morgon of this place was visit ing iu Benton county near Wella station last week. Miss Minnie McGhee has been o So- davilleon a week'a visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Olin, who have been vis iting in Douglas county during the win ter came baca and stonried a dav or two with their neice. Mrs. Ruby Anderson. There has been several cases of la- grippe in Tangent recently and many sick people. Mis Minnie McGhee is down with pneumonia and lung fever. The members of the M. E. Church elected the following officers for the en suing year: Supt, W Morgan; assistant supt, W O Hudson; tec, Misa Uotlie Mcbonigal: assistant sec. Dora Hiett: treasurer, Misa Ella Bridgefarnier. Librarians, Minnie Scott and Phebe H iett ; organist, Mra Mollie Lnper ; chor ister, L B Lnper. Mr. Jesse Moses of Alee a was seen upon our streets yesterday. Prof. A. W. Moses and wife who have been visiting their many relatives in Tangent and Corvallis for some time returned to their duties of instructing Indians in North Dakota. Yooo America. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. A Schilling & Company Lyons. XCCO fcTlTE WE1T1IEK SEBVKE ta:ion," Albany, Or. Month 1. umnjry. Jan. 1337. M-an temperaoTp, 39 73 Maximum temperaiore, 59; date. 20, Minimum teropt-mtore, 23;dje, 26'. h To 1 nonfil 4.27 lachew. TuUl precipitation 2.(9 inch. No. of cleir days. 2. No. of pa.tly cloaddsys, . No. of cloody day', 99. VxUs of light frost, 0 Datiof killing frost, 9, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 25, 25, 27. 28. Dates on wh-'cb hail fell, 0 Date! cn which sieet fell, 2Gth. Dates of thunder (tonus, 0. Auroras, 0 Prevailing direction ot thewind.N. C G fcl HKHAMT, Volunteer Utwerve.-. February 1st, 1897. The warehouse of the Oregon Central & Eastern Hallway was broken into a fewnightaago and a quantity of mer chandise abstracted to the aicoant ot about seventy-five dollars, being the property of Gibson Myrea. A search warrant failed to locate the goods. The residence of Harry Lvona, a eon of Jas. C. Lyons, and a blacksmith by the name of Beaucamp were searched by the con stable, Swank, with no results so far as to finding the goods. TheA.O. U W. have the bills out for a masked ball at the hall on the 12th insti The Fox Valley postofSce has been discontinued and after February 1st ail mail matter for that office will be stop ped at this place. Mrs. David Oiburne, who waa report ed to be in a dying condition a short time ago with hemorrage ot the lunga and consumption is much improved and re covery is assured. This ia a remarkable case in some respecta aa she waa to low at one time that she waa expected to ex pire almost at any moment. Corvallis Times. A fancy dress party was given at the residence cf Sir. W H. Parker last Sau nrday. Old Mother Goose, Jack and Jill. George Washington, Qneen Victoria, Little Lord Fontieroy,and queens .fairies, clowns, base ball p'ayers.etc. werw there. Those present were Gertrude O'Brien, Maud Chit wood, Addie Sebiffer, Lena Yiereck, Treeeie Baumgart, Floceie Knecbt, Lena and Nellie Miller, Fay Hogue, Fay Williams, Lena Simpson, Einia Parker, Jessie Clifton and Bessie Parker, Winnie Rovce, Lovd Anderson, Walter Hays, Floyd K.mi, Clarence Parker, Harvey Parker.WUlie Anderson. Clarence Craw, Oscar Baumgart, Wes'e Wire, Gerald Crawford, and Eoy Woods Prizes for the best sustained characters ere given Wesley Wire, O-car Baum eart, Clarence Craw, Fay Will.ama and Fay Hogue. TLe party waa a very pleasant one. Bkcacsx Fro Baser Cut. A young man from Baker City was in the Wil lamette valley. Of course everybody thought be was a miner, and here was his experience as he toid it to a Baser City paper: "A farmer near here thought be had struck a gold mine cn bia farm and created quite an excite ment and on beoring that I was from Baker City, (which ia equal to being a mining expert here) asked me to ex amine and make a report before he com menced to tear up tne earth. I rat on some high top boot, a canvas coat and got a gold pan, . etc., to show them as near aa possible what a real live expert looked like, examined and reported the mine -a follows: 90 per cent gravel and 10 per cent common old mud." Pbotkacted Man-iso. The sermons yesterday at the Christian Church were listened to by appreciative audiences, the house being filled to its utmost cap acity .Thee were seven additions. The eermon in the morning on the necessity of preparation for the judgment diy was followed by the usual gospel invitation and five responded. In the evening the subject was "Conversion," and when the invitation was again given two more respond id, and while the choir sang "Riest be the tie.-' the audience ex pressed their interest in the converts by a warm handshake. The preaching will continue throughout the week, the sub ject for tonight will be the "Conversion of Paul-" An invitation is extended to everyone to come and participate in these meetings, thort srrvbea com mencing at 7 :30. . Didn't Weitb It Several weeks ago the Democrat mentioned the receipt of a very pbsene letter by Mr. Ed Davidson, iben ponndmaster. It was a "terror." t)is morning on complaint of Mr. David son, and by virtue of a warrant issued out of the TJ. 5. court at Portland, Dep uty U. S. Marshal George Humphrey .nested Mrs- Nancy C'arkr-'Tbe letter waa siened by Nancy E. Clark. She was tkn before Justice Hawkins and promptly discharged. Mrs. Clark, who has no m'ddle name, states that she did not write the letter and knew nothing nhont it. It was probably written by some malicious person, and one at least is suspected. Crook County. CM. Elkics and El. Harbin went over to the Agency on Friday of last week and returned last Sunday evening. Mr. Efkine informs ns that the govern ment buildings at that place have been completed and that they have been built npon the most approved plana and re flect great credit upon those having the work in charge. A wild cat or lynx caa.e to the resi dence of Doug Suiead at Port one night last week with a No. 4 beaver trap on its toot, and entered the chicken house throngh a axall hole through which the chickens enter, and killed 17 of them. Piling them np in a corner he lay down upon them, and when Mr. Smead went to feed them the following ncoming only three came tor their teetl. Air. binead. thinking the boya had played a joke on mm, went to investitrte and found Mr. Cat to dispute his claim. Review. Georce Humphrey spent Sunday at home in Albany. Bev. Lindsey, the Evangelist, has ac cepted :the pastorate oi the Baptist cburcu at lndependenc. Mr. Jchn Dnmond returned on Satur day from Sault St. Marie, Mich., after an absence of a year or two. Mrs. J. K. Weatherford returned yes terday morning from San Jose, Calif., where she has been visiting relatives for several weets. President Hawley. Of Willamette Un- tion of Woodmen of the World, left last Saturday for Denver on Woodmen bus- i inesa io be gene nntil t eb. 9. Miss Nona Irvine and Mips Lora Vance ill leave on tonieht'a overland for Cal ifornia. The former will go to Visalia bere she will become tee wile ot tne tiastor of the C. P. church Eev. Melvw Williams, a former talented student and graduate of Albany College; the latter will enter Mills Kami nary. Both will have the best wubes of our citizens gen erally, Oregon has eleven labor exchanges. The person who exchanged umbrellas with same kind of handle at U. P. church last night, will please re-eichange at Burk- nart ic Lee a. - The school tax of Astoria is 7 mills. The total levy for the city u mil.s. The salaries ot the city omcuiu nave beea re duced 20 per cent. New Kewaed. k. Koehler, manager of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon withdraw his first offer made by his com pany for the arrest and conviction of the (nan who were implicated in the hold-up .i Rnaormrir on Thursday night and sub nmtd the following: "The Southern r ifi On., and Wells. Fargo & Oo., jointly will pav a reward of $1,000 for the :, anA .nnvictinn of each robber en gaged in the hold-up of train No. 15, on January 28th, two miles bouth ot Rwe- burir. Or., tne atanaing rci . .kJZa htr w'bIIb. Fareo 4 Co., is with- and will not applyto this partic ,vvr,F Tin xct number of men . nrami in the hold-uo ia not known Two were seen but it if likely there were several more, no accurate oeeunp""" can be given at present. TCiibi8s Change Mr. Ed Sr.hmcer has sold his fish market on Ellsworth street to Mr. Jacob Norcross, an old and reliable resident of the valley, who will hereafter rnu it. Mr. Scbmee-, on the 25th, will go t Salinas, Cal., for the benefit of his he .1th. The BrlghtNinthGrndersdoCrcilit to tho Public Sciiools. One of the pleasaniest school enter tainmenta of the series of very enjoyable ani profitable entertainments was g'ven last night at the Madison street school in the presence of an audience of the parents and invited friends. It waa un der charge of Miss Nettie Whitney, teacher oi tho ninth grade, who now be gin their work in the 10th grade, and conferred great credit ou all concerned. The exercises were held in the hall, neatly decorated with evergreens and the class's colors. The program was opened wit l a finely rendered overture bv Miss Joyce Brownell. Vernon Ramp delivered the address of welcome in a pleasing manner. A song by Misses Stewart, ilarkness, Dannala and Mar shall was sung in a beautiful manner. Miss Edith Rowcll, cf the new 10th grade, delivered the class welcome to the new members of the 9th grade In words fit for the occasion: MUs Gra Harkness . ave a reading in a voice well commanded and very pleasant ( Misses Sternberg aud Brenner were heard in a well rtndered piano duet ; Claud Lamb son gave a recitation and Mida McCoy a humorous reading, bcth good; Ketta Stewart, who has a rich, strong sopiano, waa heard in a vocal tolo that was warmly encored. She promises to be come one of Albany's leading vocaliata. Mary Montanye read a thoughtful essay, Bessie Payne recited well, the quartet again Bang. Mias Addie Chamberla;n gave a pleasing recitation. Cart Rankin pronounced an oration containing some excellent thoughts, May Miller was I eard in a welt executed piano solo, Ethel Bentley gave a recitation, a abort funny dialogue took, and the program closed with a mandolin duel by Misses Sternberg and Brenner that received a hearty encore. Ttie program displayed a ta'ent not often possessed in so marked ?."' yyl" P"P'l' Ud the foilowi... bill. rrol. Tyiee at toast master, a .m.m,.;.,. ' m... If your tea is good, it is cheap; if it is not good, it is dear, no matter what you pay for it you had better drink water. But good tea is belter than water sometimes, be cause it tastes good, and whatever tastes good makes the stomach work right So good tea Schillings Best is cheap. STATE LEGISLATURE. President Simon plainly states t). no legal ballot for U. s. Senator can be taken until both houses have been legal ly organised. The r'imp house ia unable to do any thing because nothing can be secured on the strength of ita legal organization. One of the senators was telling what a very bad man Joe Simon was, when a man at th? table aeked him if that was true why it waa that the republicans elected him unanimously. In the Benson houe the following bill! were introdaefd By Crawford, re lating to the liability to euiployes of rail way corporations; David for laborers' liens on crops; Hope, to regulate the iracticeof medicine; Lake, to improve lighways; Langell, relating to district attorneys; Soiuers, reapportioning the state; Bridges, for building a rldiors' home. In the senate. (senator Carter has by request present- it Dim WORK. Only 38 Mitchell Votes Could be Secured. Sa'lkm, Or., Feb. 3. The legislature pursued but little routine business. The Mitchellites in joint convention muster ed only 38 votea. Reed, Hazeltine and Lake withdrew. The convention took a recess to 7 :30 this evening. With u dh. : i..;.. " 10 muu lie best thonch.. rvwihl. toa.ta tera ' ?r. " "hcnsH and empow heard from Director w. F. Read on "the relation of the school "Loar-i to the peo ple;" by Judge Hewitt on "the relation of bard times to the public tcbools;" by B. F. Ramp on "a businens man's view of the public schools," by Rev. Dr.Wire on "morality and the public school," bv F. P. Nutting on "the press and the public school." by Attorney Curl on "the hi b school, the whole being rounded np by Col. C. B. Montague, who put h e seal of ottice to the business. A delicious lunch of ice cream and cake wis served. daring part of the time Prof. Torbtt ta in beard in his beat strain In which he tbroroughly endorsed the Inch school department of the schools. No one left without a warm friendship for the pub- lie schools and particularly the high school department. Probably a Fane. Considerable interest waa taken in Al bany last week over a fu'l page illustrat ed article in the San Francisco Examiner about a blind girl at Paloose, Wash., who it waa asserted reads readily throngh her finger tire common writing, des cribes photographs, tells the time, de scribes things transpiring for miles around, etc, which was mentioned in the L'ehockat, with the statement that being skeptical aa to the truth of it, a frier d in Palouse bad t?n written to. Tcday a rapnse from a reliable party waa received oi tbe character anticipated. below is the substance ol th answer: "Aa a rule people have thought it a fake, and I doubt if there ia one buti nese man who does not so pronounce it I do not think there are nve pertons in thecoma unity who do not think ita trick to get mony. One very la tell gent lady saya the ot ly thing that seems part nnding out is now uie tamtiy oi te eirl in continue to exist in such a uiihy place aa they reside in. The rest can all be accounted" for. None take any stock in this affair except a few of the very cedalons. it is the same as any other fake, for the money ttiere U in t. ered to establish and maintain a free ferry across the Willamette river, at Cor vallis, Or., and to accomplish that end shall have the power to buy, build or least a ferry, grounds and equipments therefor, or may in the discretion of said court hire or employ other persons to furnish such ferry, grounds and equip menta and run the same as a free ferry a: ail reasonable hour j provided, that Sodavlllo Sittings. Rev. M 0. Aleridge, pf Stay ton, haa just closed a very successful aeries of re vival meetings at the C. P. church. Mr. A. gave a leciure last night at the Min eral Sprirg college, ilia subject was Christian Science and Spiritualism. In some respects tbe lecture waa unique to aay the least. Tbe C. P. church people are justly proud of the new bell for their church. Its mellow tone have been waking the echoes of tbe hills during the nets, II. Johnson and J. Waasom of Leb anon, were here yesterday to attend special meeting of th regents of Mineral Springs college. We are glad to report that Uncle Jeee Parrish ia recovering from his recent ill ness. Little May, daughter of John MlanJ, la uBugi-ruusiy in wun dropsical paralyaia. There is a great demand for "confi dence" buttons here just now. If the fellow who made those with the pretty jc.iow uacagrouna, ana whicn wete so pientuui neiore the recent presidential election, will only come to the rescue now, and give ni tbe confidence buttou no doubt he would toon be in a way to realize hit wildest dreams. Elmer Hull and Mra. M. O. Aleridge and children went to Stay ton yesterday. Rev. Aleridge leavea today for Nashville, Tenn , whither he goes in tbe interest ottheC. P.chnrch. Oar people, with one accord, are in fa vor of the continuance of the deadlock at kalem unless it can be ascertained that the disg-accfol methods practiced during the last two sessions will not be em ployed iu the present cession. If the aame Hock that looted tbe state then, and other birds of the aame feather, are to have ontrol now we hope the deadlock will be a forty .day affair. 8. A. L. Holly Echoea. Special Values in I UNDERWEAR at in conductine said ic-rrv it shall be Uwful for said county conn to prescride rate of j Prof. E. Neil, principal of the Craw ferriage to be charged customers for j 'ordsville school, is dangeroualy sick crossing said ferry during the hours be- i a" typhoid fever. Miss Emma Tivey tween S o'clock in the evening and 6 1 nM charge of Mr. Neil's department o'f oeioca in the morning. taul county I acnooi at present, court Is hereby autbo-iaedto do every-j tnmg necessary completely aa do." to main natural aid ferry as person could Of severest trial and test prove In regard to Hood' s Sarsaparllla Greatest Merit Secured by a peculiar Combina tion, Proportion ana rrocess unknown to others which naturally and actually produces Tbe Payton CotnwJy Company will be here all of next week and give enfertain inenti every night during wek 1'be Pay tons are very pi pular in Albany and will do a good business here. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Awirded C"d MrxUl Midwinur Fair. San Francisco. 2d, Greatest Curep Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements of druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's EareapariUa la peculiar to lUell. Ho5fl Sarsaparilla Is the best It Is the One True Blood Purifier. u , , are the only pills to take rlOOu'S PUIS with Hood's Siirsaparilla. J. M. Wallace, president of the Salem Water works, i j in the city. C, W. Hellenbrand Jr. and Homer Craven left yesterday for- a basines visit to The Dalles. Salem Journal. Homer Davenport returned to Xew York fc'unday evening. His Euronean sketches surpassed the best efforts of any of Punch'a artists. Superintendent Burch of the Lawler mmea came across he hilla last evening by way of Gates. There ia no anow at tbe mines, and the work is being poshed. Mrs. Gerky of Yreka. Calif., ia In the city, the guest of her sister Mra. W. W. Koweil, arriving on this morning's overland. Mrs. W. R. Eilvea went to Junction last night on a visit with her father. She waa accompanied by her son, Walter, who will remain several months fcr bis health. Mr. Charles Knott, a former Albany butcher, arrived in Albany on the morn ing overland, after an absence of nearly seven years, epent mostly in Stockton, Calif., and will locate in Albany or in some place in tbe valley. Rev. Geo. Garrison, of Grand Ra tikis. Mich., who has been visitinr G. W. Thompson, went to Albany this morning after a short viait in that city. Rev. Garrison will leave for bis eastern borne. balem Journal. Salem's total tax is 31 mid, iust 9 mills more that Albany's. Sunday niaht tbe store cf Roner Bros. at Goshen, was rubbed of 12i0 worth of goods. The Moscow, Idaho iffational bai.k and tbe Ualcesdale, Waih, First National bank have cloeed their doors. A bi'I to abolish capital punishment has passed to its third reading in the house of the vvanbington Legislature. 1 he recorder's office and council cham bers are now in the From'-n block in i pleasant suite of rooms. Ten new members last-itrht were initia tedmotheAO U W. This occasion was a pleasant one for tbe numbers. This is ground hog lay. As be cast shadow it is to rain six weeks, but he did not cast a very distinct one and tne Demo chat predicts the rule will fail Mr faa Van Winkle baa received a check aVfV7rt t J 1 l m . xor tiw; irom tne oraer or. M accabees as guardian f Johnny Myers. $300 was paid Mr Myers previous to his death as a disa bility tund. Johnny start out in life we' situated financially, and will no doubt use bis money to good advantage. A tax of Wz mills baa been vo'ed for the support of the scl oois in LaGrande district. Tbis makes a total of 43 mills oo La Granda city prooerty, tbe municipal tax being 10 mills and the state and county 24. F. Com par ys 2nd term'of dancing school will begin on Wednesday evening of this weea. the invita'ions must be presorted at the d"or by both ladies and gentlemen. Ho spectators will be allowed at the scboo'. Saturday night socials will begin at 9 o'clock. By oidtr c?m. A Success. One of the moat successful and pleas ing entertainments ot the season waa the Eubiic installation of the omcers of the . O. T. M. at tbe opera boose lat Fr.- day evening. The metnbeis of Uis K. O. T. M. with their familiex and invited rueeta of the L. O. T. M. were present in larze numbeis and were all filled with genuine satisfaction with the the pro gram pn sented before tbe installation. The installation ceremonies which are very beaotlfal and instructive, were con ducted by Mrs. Nellie Lambeon. After the installation ceiemonies the guards of the hive performed theditiicuit but beau mi Lady Maccabee drill, showing 'the most thorough training. Tbe entertain ment was pronounced a succeis in every respect by all present. Gcest. In the senate on TursJiy a large num ber of bills were read the second time, no new bills were introduced. Ia the illegally organised home t-n Waeeday tbe following schedule ofwajes as introduced: Chief clerk, f 7 00 a day ; journal clerk, 5 00; readinit clerk, fVOO; calender clerk. S 00; doorkeeper ,$3.00; tergeant-at-arnia, 4.10. Conn moved to labte. Loet on roll call, 19 nave and 10 yeaa. Adopted. riBUT KXUD1XG etus. Py Benon, to rgu!at takinj salmon in Roge River tributaries. ' Chapman, to amend thco! laws relat ing to apportionment of school taxes . Crawford, to amend law rviatinz to re cording aale of ival properly on decree oi a court. Gordane. relaiin? to district elections in districts oi 23,000 or iea iu- naoitants. Hudson, relating to richt of aay for county roadt. Mars-b. reiaUnar to floating the nazover . school building. . omert, relating to taking of testimony. Stanley .re-latin? lo election of r.r-rui-1 ing attorneys. 1 Mr. A. S. HamPI will take a photo- David filed notice that he wou'd move ! iraph ol the aehcol tomorrow, which will reconaideiation br whit-h report of torn- delight the small Johnnie. M !H Fiannv .1 a m lilon has been employ id to teach the primary department. The Holly school cloted the winter term January 29. , Farmers in this section who thought that the November freeze had ruined their fall rain were agreeably aorpria-d daring the mild weather of the pa month to see that their grain waa faat recovering from the e&ecta of the freeze. Jasper Keeney and family who recent ly arrived Irom Southern Oregon, where i Ley have been spending the winter, have moved into the'r oew boose just built on Mr K'a place near Holly. Holly has another fatal case of court ship. Atk the minister for particulars, he knows all about it. Mrs. Lvdi Green waa vUiting her sisters at Sodaviile a few day ago. Prof. C. Bigbee of Sweet Home, was intei viewing tome of our cititenaon the 30sh ult. I- A Simons left yesterday for Soda viile for tbe benefit of bia health. Rev. Winter and local minister are holding revival meeting at Sweet Home ihiewMk. L.A. S. Oakville. tuiitee on calariee was adorned . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ! The fruit grower are beginning to "alk I about drier an I the prospect of a large . yield of fruit. They seem to take more j intereu in preparing to take care of the j fruit crop titan they do in tbe election of j a l"nitl State Senator. I Mr. W. L. St John, of Peoria, made as ' a pleasant call today. We took a walk in company with Mr. j Ham ill through the grain field ol tbe Mrs. Wm. Fortm filer returned this noon from a visit in Corvallis. Rev. W. A Smirk, is in Fa'eiu a'tt-1 latter named gentleman and can safely ing in a series of meeting. I T that we neTer aaw a better proepMct Mis Carl Hitchens. of SaJetn. is io the lor ?rln-.. Mr- H- VM ben rlowinf and it ofh-f ..,..un r i i i sowing au winter, liowever nia una is JrTK-B at Last James Nevine, sup erintendent ot Pinkerton's detective agency at Portland, today informed Messrs. Ladd A Bush that Chat. Freyer has been sentenced to ten years in the -lenitenliary of Tennessee. Freyer, it will be remembered, last November se cured $30 on a $75 check to which he forged the name of Rev. Kantner, tbe same being on the National Bank of Commerce of Tacoma. He baa since been arrested at Summerville, Tenn., for a forgery there, and on January 21 was sentenced aa above, under the name of Cbaa. Thompson, alias Cba Wortling- ton. Ilia identity as Cnaa. 1-reyer was fullv established. Salem Journal. city the guest ie. Mrs. Nevin McCormick of Shedds. is visiting at her mother, Mrs. J. A. Mil lard. Mr. Tho. Wkite went to Oakland yes terday cn a viait with his daughter, Mrs. Prof. McObee. Crawford St HarnUh went to Salem today to hold np the legislature with their camera. Mr. Jos. Biiyeo. of Marion county. was tn the cilv yesterday on a visit with hi too Hon. W. R. Bily'ea. Billee Tailor, who has been cmoloved at we uoiiinswortu bakery tor sonej time past, leu on the went bound traiu yesterday afternoon tor Medford. Ore gen. baker City Republican. A former aiuany man. W. R. Calloway's Will. Comk O.. A letter received today by County Clerk Moat ague tells about ten families that intend to come to Linn county to better their conditions. Tbey will want ten quarter sections oi cneap land. Being an industrious reliable claas of people we will welcome tbem here. Thet Oriaizeo. Eight prominen Benton and Lincoln county men were in Albany this noon on their way to Salem. On their way down street they organ ized a lower house and eiecteo it. a.. Renaell srieaker and proceeded at once to business when tbey reached their ho tel. The Pavton Biir Comedy Co. opsts next Monday night ia "Is Marriage a fallute. f high and dry. Mr. Smith baa some nice spring flow ers in his aindow. Code Billy Morgan ia strain able to be around. -Mrs R. A. Bam ford ia slowly recover-in. Mr. II. M. Stone ia viailinz friends at Salem. Uncle Ike Watfon still hold the tort at the ' white home " A little friend of our made ns a very acceptable present in tbe way ot "good thing to eat" but we refrain from giving her name. Many thank. We want the legislature to meet and enact a law to tax doga and we will let tbem adjourn. Lttlx Rosa Ba. 34c and 50c During our MID WINTER SALE, j f LL BLAIN Clo. Co. 1 Smmiisiiimmi DECIDEDLY SENSATIONAL. Hon. J. J. Howscr Claims a $40,000 Offer for His Voce. Hon. J. J. Howaer. of Jackson county, according to the Journal, waa offered 110,000 for bia vote yesterday. At aboat davliebt. in fact hut a Fule before day, a stranger waited on Mr. Howaer. who waa aroused from deep by a "proposition to break the blockade in the legu'.ature " The man who awoke Howaer Irom sleep sent another man to Howeer who made him a cash offer for hia vote. He bad tbe stuff. The money waa in bill, $-300 packagea, and the man had not lea than $15,000 in Ma inside coat pocket, which be showed to How aer. He pulled out at least a dozen of these $000 package and laid them on tbe bed. j "They said : " We find itia in yoor power to break ihia deadlock. Your conr.itoent do not demand of yoo that Too. bold np thia legislature. Yoa had better consider thia propositien. It will pat yoa and yoor wife and children in good circumstances." At l hi Uowier rot mad and need strong language to make tbe fellow quit preaei ng ua matter, and caul : "Oentltv meo, it ia my sincere iodement that I take tbe stand that I do. and 1 know that my people will endorse nr wvrk. and to accept thia $ 10.00 J purse woe Id be to betray the people. I will never ee'l my coasUtaent for money. I'll hana by the imu nntil I am dead before I do that." The stranger then left. HOME AND ABROAD. February 12, Boya Club eotertainmenL A flat key fooid I it yoor. King phone 9, or fiauiey tot. printer Finest candies and nuts at C. E Baowxiix'a. Timothy seed for sale at C E. Bbow- XtLU. Opera bowe February 6ih, "I marriage a failure." Wheat ha dropped several Botches, anl is now 69 cents. Po corn that pop can be found at C. E. BaowxEix'a. opera boose caraiva! A Rcxawat Bor. Marshall Lee Uii morning received a telephone message from George White, of BrownaviUe, to arrest hi son. George, fifteen year of ag. and lock htm up nntil be arrived. This he did, Coding the boy on the streets, and pntti eg him in tbe calaboose. Tbe boy left home, tired of the parental roof, bound tor ban rranciacoin bis mind. Mr. White arrived from Browns ville on tbe local There aa some talk of having the boy eent to the retonn school ; but the matter bad not been settled at pre time. Biggest Yet. Lino county' glory is short Uved. The Danoraar recently pabliahed tbe fact that a GO mill tax bad been levied in a district in thia county, probably the higheet in tbe U. S. It baa been generally referred to. Now cornea Lane county, tbe land of the deadly ahoUrnn, and peppers tbis into shreds. A district in the mountains at Jones's sawmill baa levied a 90 mil! tax, whicb with the county tax will make aboat 107 mill. Itia a new district and a$o00 school house is wanted. The will of tbe late William Richard Calloaay has been admitted to probate. The instrnment ia dated April 8, 1S90, and the witnesses are Henry S. Pemot T.t;i; named In t&&ZiVl flJZ$H '7 IC. -el- . . . 0' , ? Protracted Marnsc. The meeting at the Christian church continue with in creasing interest. The subject to be considered is aa follows : Tonight. "The Creed and Discipline of the Cuurch;" Thursday, "Consecration or the Power ot Christ in the Heart and Life" Fri day, "Faith;" Sunday a. m., "Repent- ante; p. in", "christian Baptism $12,00. and Burrill and Carrol i loway are designated executors, to serve without bond. The heirs are James G.. Burrill. Carrel Calloway, Mrs. Laura Rickard.Mrs. Ann Smith, Mrs. F. Smith, Mis. Lillie Taylor, Mrs. Mary Hon, .Mrs iA.r.e Kipiey, Mrs. viara Lima?, Mrs. Fr.nkie Hamcl, and a grandchild, Leslie Drummond. To Carroll C Calloway is bequeathed 320 acres, being the south halt of the donation claim of MarkCahoon and wife; a'ao all farming implements, warehouses, barns, etc. Laura Rickard receives the 125 acres lyina east of the right cf wa of the O. A C. R. R in the north half of said donation land claim, and out of the same tract Mrs. Lillie Taylor receives 40 acies. The remainder ol the said tract, lying west of tbe right if way goes to Mr. Lizzie Ripley and contain about 13.' acre?. Burrill Calloway receives $5. and the remainder of the real, personal or mixed property in tbe estate is to he divided, shard and share alike amomg tbe other heirs. Letter ol adminiotia tion have Wen granted to tfurril and O. Calloway, aa executors. Corvallis Times. every nicht at ? :30 except Sunday. A l corOial invitation is given to eveiyone to attend. as maovsno. An Albany man is diagoatro: tie caw an item tn a paper published in bia former home state Min nesota, about a beautiful winter acene the photographer bad taken. He sent for it and got a acene of a few brown looking tree, a slight fall of tnow with the stones sticking np, and a horse and cutter and none and barer, with indication that the wheel were running the easier, in tne a.-ene. He expected nig snow anit, six icet oi snow on tne level and tree white w tin tne element. Oratorical contest at tbe Friday evening, Feb. S. inee will be a b-maess men at Corvaiha tsorrow evening. The Seoter Payton Big Comedy Co ear- tie aa orchestra of seven pieces Crawford k Harniab for photograph. Prices from II to CO per dozen. If yoo want absolutely correct tioe set yoor walfb with French's regulator. At French's jewedy store yoo can boy spectacle and eje giasee from 25e np Tvro package of gardes seed for Sets, according to their usual custom at Stewart Sox'. Tbe Ben'oa county fljcriLg mil's have beea iaertporated with a captUl work of $32,000. Dr. G- W. Maatoii. obroaaa aad an geon. Albany Or. Cails answered prompt ly ia city or coaatry. Iaformatioa that ia worth ita weight ia go d: Get yoor meat of alt kind at Hen ry Broder. oa Second street. If yon are ia need of a tea nag stove call and examine tbe Roval Jewel at TL. Stewart k Sox Hardware Co.'. Tbe Woodman, pahliaoed at Dallas, con tains a retnarkaoiy foil epuouie of Wojd maa new from all over Oregon. Prof W. Gtffora Nasi concert will be given at ike Coagregatiooal church ia Eo- j gene oo Saturday evening, February 13. ' Dr. H. E. aad O. E. Beer oSeea me-' residence in the post ooe building. Spee- tal alien Hon given to rtiarasrs of worjea- P. Cohen has just received aa elesant tine of the very latest style of new dress goods, shoes, ic. Come and examine. Friday night tbe oratorical coo test at tbe opera boose. Rescued seat at Bark hart it Lee 15 cents. General admusloa 10 cent. A rood resolution for 1?S7 is to call in at Haight Bros- aad order some of their choice meats. Their constant resolution i to treat tbe public well. A French soldier ia full uniform is com ing: "P the valley oa foot aad was at Eu gene yesterday. It is thought that he is a oeaerier from some French vessel. For choice meets of all kinds call on Em- erick k Brockmaa tn the Blnmberg block where they are tunning their own boainea aad treating their coftooers weil. I art Wb tbe street at Sad and Ells worth, tbe Albany Dressed Beef Co are splendidly equipped for serving the pa'rfie well ia all kinds of choke meals, promptly and carefully. Petition to tbe Itsislatore bare beea Always Up-to-date An Shoes A Laced Shoe., fancy boring. crck proof calf with solid sc4 for damp weather $20 A Laced Shoe, dongola kid, high cat ...52 50 A ba&d-tarn flexible sole ia three tle of to., narrow square, needle aad Colom bia ...$3 50 S. E. YOUNG. CaO UJ WO az -t Ci z z o wOJO c - - Notice. GooDTtMPLABS. Regular meeting ot Albany Lodge No. 66 I. O. G. T. atG. A. R. ball earb Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. At tbe next nieetinr it ia ex pected that eighteen new member will le initiated. All Good Templars are cordially invited. The charter members of the organization of Elks are requested to meet tomorrow nieht at ?::) o clock in the office of Weath erford s Wyait for preliminary arrange ment for the orgatiiation of the lodge. Wnx Orate. There will be oratory at the opera house next Friday mgbt. bix eloquent voting men and ladies otthe college will ora'e to see who will repi rent tho collrge in the inter-co'leciale oratorical content. Everybody will be invited to attend. Whereas my wife having left my bom without jost cause or provocation thia is to notify tne public not to trost ner oa my account, a 1 wtl pay no debts of her coa- tracung J. 1. Alk irk. No Change in Sugar. A lb. XT. Ian. 20th. 1S97 J. Gradwohl inform the general pontic that he will el SO lbs dry granulated sugar for ft or 10 lbs for ouc, in oruer to give all reoola the benefit to set cbesD socar. Gome one. come all, and take advantage of the low prices before tbe market changes. A Druggist Aowadaystnnst bars a complete knowledge of drug., aad know jost what to look fx. Burknart k le have that knowledge. They make a spec ialty of compounding all presaripbenf us ing nothing but the best grade of pare drug. A Rica Harvest. It costs no more to sow good seeds than it does to sow old and wortniess stoca. Mow toolish is the per son who rails to get the best to sta't with no doubt you bave often thought of this, when your trarden has not dona very well. "in you og along in tbe aame old way this year, or use a little forethought and send to James Vick' Sons, Rochester, N, I ., tor tbeir Catalogue which contain a list of all that' new and good ? Their seeds are always reliable sure to grow and never disappoint. Send ten cents for Catalogue and deduct tbis amount from first order. Really coat nothing. Clothing cleaned and repaired by Mr A E Owen, 3rd between Ellsworth ana 4rod-albin. Fifty Years Ago. Who could Imagine that this should be Ih pJac where, tn eighteen ninety-three That whit world-wonder of arch and dome Should shadow the nations, polychrome... Here at the Fair was the prize conferred On Ayers Pills, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, Blace tbey started 50 year ago. Ayr's Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public And that means that Ayer's Fills accomplish -what is promised for them; they cure -where others laiL It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the World's Fair medal of 18G3 a fact which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. Hood's PUN act easily and promptly on the liver aud bowels. Cure sick head ache. You Can Bs Well when your blood is rich, tiure and nourishing. Hood's Sarsaparilla nakes the blood rich and pure aud cures all tioou uiueases, restoring health and vigor. KNOCKING A I' YOUR DOOK. Bond in your order and wo wi!l c.ill your door for your luundry and deliver it .1 . . 1 . . .... . 1 WllUOUl extra Clllirge. viiveun a trim, we will iruaranU'e you will be satisfied. Fine finish to drees shirts. Lace curtains re newed. Free mending department for bundle work. City LxusfmY, Opp St Chas Hotel. It you owe Conn iinston call upon them ncd pay up. Why isn't that a goad resolution, for now is the pay u time. Pay Conn k Huston. Pay Conn k Huston. Pay Conn k Huston. No. 1 'swill bold their first meeting in their own hall, recently vacate! b the city council, since the change, tomor row night, ine rt. u, vo. wuimeetin the hall Friday night. Don't fail to attend the Pentcr Payton Big Comedy Co.. the week . ot February bt'i. The Modern Way. Commends itselt to the well informed, to do p'easantiy and effectually what was formerly doos in the crudest manner and disagreeably ns well. To cleanse the Sys tem and bieak un colas, neaaarnes, ana fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup ot Figs Manufactured by California Fig Syrup Company. Properly used, "Perfection" dye are superior. Insist on having "Perfection" Dyes, tor sale oy r red Dawson. i.ctt;r 1.1st. Following is tho list of letters remaining i in Mm I'natnftim at Albany. Linn mnntv. I Oregon, Feb. 2, 1897. Persons calling. for these letters must give tue date on whicn they were advertised Allen, F Nelson roust, .1011 n Niley, Eva Ueefer, Frank Woolery, Jennie Blevens, Alma Hendryx, U F Owen. A J Smith, Inia Young, Geo C T, J. Sutis, I'M THE PLACE TOMUY Your Groceries aud Baked Goods Is at TarVer Bros. Everybody kLowa where their place is. They keen a fresh stock of crocerie. produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all a. ike. You may recret some steps you take In lifo tut none taken Into tbe store of Parker Bros. It is a ereat thing td oe well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread la not much but yoa want it well made. Try rariter Bros. R M Robertxon's feed store will hereaf ter be located in the Moel er building on ll worth Street. Teacher's Examination. Notice ia hereby given that tbe regular l . ' , rt teacnerw examination ior uun county, will be held in the Albany College, Al bany Oregon, beginning on Wednesday Feb. 10th, at 1 o'clock p tn. So applt rant will be admitted to the examina tion who ia not present at its beginning, Dated tbis ztitn day 01 Jan. isy . Richmond Whkkukr, Co. Supt. A KisnoGRAPU. Cant. Levh. of the Salvation Army, on February 3 and 4, at the barracks will give an entertainment with the Kinetoscope. a wonderful talk ine machine. There will be speeches by Gladstone and Salisbury, music, etc Aemisaion 10 and & cent. Mr. Geo. Gilstrap. of Moscow Idaho, has purchased tbe barber shop formerly run by tne case rror. air. unstrap cornea highl recommended aa aa all round bar ber and invite the public to give him a trial. If you want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory "Perfection" Dyes and Permanent, for Dawson. CaO UJ o o a CJ 00 o o o u O o 'A Ph nHQRTHERtl 111 PACIFIC R. R. 15. u Vy, Pullman Sleeping Oars. Elegant Ding Gars, cucnlated la Beaton coaaly. aakiaa: that I ToTirisr. SleeDlIlfr C&r teas follows: Coua-I salaries ia that county ty judge. $500 per ax nam: county clerk. 1900; county recorder. $900; Ueacorer. tdX; sheriff. ll.VW: school so oennt cod ec t, 00; assessor, $600. By asms? Hail s Hair Kenewer. any. faded, or discolored hair assume the nat ural color of yonta, aad gtowi luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. reopieot noseoorg wm nave to oav taxes a follow thia year: County, state. school, etc, 20 mills; special district school tax, 4.S nulls; city tax. & mill; total 29,4 miits; z mm less utaa last year. Bowman and Warner, the taster whe are at work about tour mile botow town. have accumulated between S00.OQO and 400,000 feet ot balm and white fir log. lney nave beea anxiously awaiting a um- cient rise ia the Willamette ia order that they may raft them to Oregon City. lorral lis Time. A select masquerade ball will be eivea by Company F at the opera boose. W ash ing oa birthday, Monday, Feb i. u- cedent music baa been secured, and every effort will be exbaasted in making tht aa event of the season ia the manner of fancy costume, sociability aad refinement. V) atch for further announcement, Butler, the arch fiend murderer ot Aus tralia, waa arrested on the Swaahitda at San Francisco yesterday morning, the ship arriving after a long delay. He was sur prised. This arrest will cost Australia aboat 10.000, three men having come all tne way trom Australia for tbe purpose. tie is accused ot having murdered at least twelve men. TO THROUGH TICKE TO St Paul Minneapolis Dnlnth Fargo, Grand Fork Crooketon Winnipeg Helen and Butt Sisif Chicago Washington Philadelphia New ork Boston and al Point East and Sooth Thronirh tkkdta to Japan and China, via Tacoma and Norther Pacific steamshir Co aa American line. For information, time cards, map antf ticket call oa or writ C Q Barkhart Agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Cfcarltoa. Ast Gea faaa Agt Portland, Or. 1 & EASTERN. R. and G. Corsets and Corsets. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE v.,uiia at Yuinins Raw with tne San Francisco and Yaqnin Bay Steam- Kid Fitting J hipCompaay I have just received a full line in both makes of these celebrated corset and am F re pared to give extra value of SOc, 75c and 1 in black and slate. Also keep better grades aad extra aixea. The $1.00 corset i worthy of special notice. Ask to see our 50c 75c and $1.00 corset. Samcbx . YotJKO Try Tawson books. once! on school are brilliant salby Fred Let everybody come to the Star Bakery and set 40 wave of fresh bread for $l.o cash. OMbysb, M y Ho w Sweet. A common remark about those delicate and lasting perfume at Burkbart k Lea' drug store. We cer tainly bave the beat in the market and no higher in price than inferior goods. Satisfaction guaranteed when you vse "Perfection" Dyes, for sale by Fred Dawson. If you want to dye easily and permanently use 'Perfection Dyes, tor sale by I red Dawson. Dawson will treat you rUht Use Dawson's furniture polish. Pure Drugs, trca uawson's. We handle the anion Whiting paper and print them np for yoa at the aam price yon pay for inferior grade. Smi le tie printer. , ihai'ftiaM Bails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Or ford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. sg.k AocoxonaTioxr "arAssxij. Shortest route between -- Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west to Ban Francisco 1st class to San Francisco ... iu w Stkxaagb Bound trip To Coos Bay 0hin e0- To uumooidt cay anu ror vu. Cabin YAOJUINA BAY The most popular Seaside Keaort oa the North Pacific coast. Jso undertow Snrt&aJhing absolutely saie. For those wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this re tort baa no equal. Deer, bear, elk, coo gar, brook trout and salmon trout, can be found in abundance within a few boors' drive of tbe bay. Reduced rate from all poi i Ebwih Ston, Manager. C. M aro, T. F. P. A. , L. Watioas, AgU depot, Albany