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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1897)
Curious Facts. Welds says that the annual dew fall of Great Britain is equal to 2l,61,S37,355 tons. As late as the year 1345 the people ol France entered, complaints against caterpillars, and bad lawsuits to stop their devastations. It is worth remembering,' especially ' when staying at hotels, that ii the bed clothing is hot sufficiently warm, two oj three newspapers spread between the blankets will insure a comfortable night Same Chinese, after having labored for years in foreign countries to amass an independence, will gamble the whole away during the first few days ot their homeward voyage, and have to work their passage back in the next ship. The great city of London, . divested of fabie, began on the bank of the Thames, eurroumled on all sides except the river by a bulwark of forest, interspersed with, and Paris lose on an island oi the Seine, with a protecting wall of water all around. It is not generally known 'hat when a person falls into the water a common felt hat may ba mads use of as a life preserver, and ijy placing the bat upon the water, rim down, with the rm around it, pressing it slightly' to the breast, it will bear a man up for hoars. - The experiment of making paper stockings and gloves has been going on for s Jme time, and stockings to Bell at 'three cents a pair are proposed. Solidity and durability are given the textare by a sizing bath of potato starch and tallow, and when finished its appearance is e.'mtlar to fabric goods. A Calais man, who has been drinkirg a glass of cold water before each meal far three mouths, because his physician s lid it would make hi in thin, met a thin man the other morning, who has been try ing the eame plan six montLa on the advice of anotner physician, who told htm it wonld cite him fat. The following simple experiment m il' perhaps interest some of oar readers: Take a tumbler and lie over its mouth a piece of cheese cloth or otner open fabric ; immerse it in water, and when partly or entirely fall, invert it, and lift it care fully out of the water bottom niwarda The water will not run oat, but will re-1 main suspended in the tumbler. For a single passage to America a big liner, with 547 cabin passengers and a crew of 237, carries 12,550 pounds of fresh beef, 780 pounds corned beef, 5320 pounds mutton, 850 pounds lamb, S5 pounds pork, 2000 pounds fresh fish, 330 pounds veal, 600 fowls, 200 chickens, 100 dake, 50 geese, SO turkeys, 200 brace grouse, 15 tons potatoes, 30 hampers of vegetables, 22' quarts ice cream. 1000 quarts 6f milk and 11.503 efrgs. The Government of Old Ireland. I hare been fretting myself over the grievance of the Emerald Isle. Viz: tier over taxation. I feel quite relieved to find now that it is not old Ireland that's overtaxed, bnt only the whiekey drinkers. . It happens that a much larger pro portion of the "craythur" is consumed there than b7 Uie other portions of the United Kingdom. The following solution of the problem has been proposed by the "London Spec tator." by no means a temperance pa per. It is this: That Irieh men agree to boycott wbhcey absolutely! That wiil instantly pat an end to the Irish grievance which is that Ireland contrib utes too much to the revenue. K'? whisker revenue for the tyrannical Raxo& Treasury. Think what a triumph that weald be for pst-iotisn, and also for temperance I The eame might be suggested to our friends here who fee a grievance in tax ation. E;ghly per cent of this is in duced directly, or indirectly by whiskey. Ii is a larger question than that of finance. . L. Scientific. In eo dry a region as eential Australia frogs are found in fair numbers, creeks and c?ay -pans "swarming"' with them. As the waters dry up the frogs disappear in their barrovs, remaining till the rains come again. "Certain sptcies of them,' says Sjtncer, "gorge themselves with water before tbey go into their retreats, and in times of drought the natives dig them out and obtain enough water from their bodies to satisfy their thirst. Recent statistics show that the supply ot natural gas ia the United States fell off one-half Iroml888to 1895. The de--cline has been less in Ohio and Indiana than in Pennsylvania, the product in the last named state being worth more than nineteen million of dollars in 1888 and less than six million dollars in 1895. Owing lo the adoption of less wasteful methods the falling off has not been so rapid since 1801, bat it still amounts to an average decline of five per cent every year. - ' Long ago It was rdiscovered that bab bles of air rising through water do not move with great epeed. This, excepting for great depths, is not more than a foot a second. If, therefore, a bubble of air ! is caught in a stream of water which flows downward, and the rate of speed of the stream i3 more than a foot a sec ond, the bubble will be imprisoned and will be carried down with the stream. This phenomenon may be observed in all waterfall?, where the whiteness of the water ia d;ie to the air which ij carried down in it. Expensive deposits of ancient volcanic ash in southwestern Nebraska have late ly ben turned to uaefol account as a source of pulverized pumice, which has become an important article of com merce 1'rof. Salisbury of the Universi ty of Chicago, after examining the local ities where the ash is found, concludes that it was deposited in water at a time when that region-of country was covered by a lake v, hi ;h is supposed to have ex isted late in the tertiary period, and the ash is beiieved to have been borne thith er by wicdn. A man np in Umatilla county hasn't lost a sheep from coyotes sino adopting the three-dog system of wa'chfulness, anys the Moro Observer. He keeps just tnree ttoo.l lioundg, which can make a gool run atier the coyote, and are not - to ih-mie litem s.ngle-haaded. For two oi tha hounda, he makes a comfort ab e aud atm bed under a ehed.and lets ti.eiu xo loose at night. The third hound he tu-8 to a pogt on the side of the corral tun feel eat from the sheds. The hound has to k..ep awake on account of the cold, and m ou the alert for any coyotes which way come piowling around during the ii!lit. When the hontd knows a coyote has approached, he sounds theiote of waruiu, and the two loose hounda rush out from the sheds and make for the coyore. The next night lie puts out an other of the hounda, and allows the on-s which was out the night before to Bo under the shed. Since adopting tb7 plan not one shsep has been killed bv coyotes. . 3 Vl8 Wevler. The Benson house is doomed. Let the people elect the senators. -That is the right wav. Isn't it just about as bank as to wreck a ship. bad to wreck a Which is the bigger dictator, Mitchell or Joe Simon, it is difficult to decide. Senatorial fights are disturbing affairs, disgraceful to legislators and people. Most people talk as if the whole state legislature was a discredit to Oregon. here is said to be a big opportunity in fealem to make money, if yon are member ot the legislature. should there be a farsical proceeding resulting in the nominal election of Mitchell it cannot stick. There can be no election until the house is organized. One of the senators has baen getting up a general appropriation bill. As pre sented it looks like the work of a senator, Several hundred thousand dollars needs knocking out ef it. The legislature certainly should meet long enough to pass a general appropri ation bill, abolish toe railroad and a few other commissions, repeal the mortgage tax law, and one or two other things. The weli-cond acted newspaper is the beet and most economical medium of publicity available to the general ad vertiser. George R White, President Potter Dru? and Chemical Corporation. Corbett and Fitajimmons are again being permitted to open their mouths altogether to wide for the public safety. Could they be sewed up until after March 17 it would be appreciated by the public The Northwest is froaen np solid, Why don't the people of that icebound section move to Florida and share ver ennial spring with us? Jacksonville, Florida, Times Union. This refers to Montana, Dakota and Minnesota. Ore gon and Washington are simply the northwest of the Northwest. Eagle valley, appropriately styled the "Garden of Eden," is again to the front as a successful competitor for the prises offered by Wm Henry Mauie, the seed grower of Philadelphia. John Frsur is awarded a $50 check for the best Mr rot exhibited, and Silas Carter a like gam for a paramo. Lion county was ahead $50 on account of the big Douglas turnip. Oregon is eertairJy the lend of big things. A meeting of Indian war veterans has been called to meet in Salem today (Tuesday) at 7 :30 P. M. The grand com mander intends to have a talk with all the veterans of the state who can make it possible to be present on that occa sion, regarding the bills in tbeir behalf now pending in Washington, D. C. The men who fought tor oar great North western commonwealth deserve recog nition at the hands .of the government. Here are some Ticies-Union pointers: Rum and death are two great levelere. Hard work is a specific for the blues. Give it a trial. Yoang man, in the voyage of life sUer clear of the breakers. The divorce court is often a close sec ond to the curtain lecture. Tne tail of a deg is often mora joylul than the tale of a novelist. Home prudes would refuse a legacy unless it was called a limbacy. A setting hen is like a candidate, anx ious for the returns to come in. If too want to be happy,., instead oi popular, spend less than you earn. Many a man gets -broke because he never knows when to pat on the brake. It is doubtful if the female angels ask one another if their halos are on straight. The boy with a nickel is, as a general thing, much happier than the man with a dollar. True charity abideth ofteaer with the poor than with the rich, because true charity meaneth sacrifice. Here is a little trick that will help ont an evening's entertainment when con versation begins to lag. A boy gets np and says f o the company : "I lave in try pocket something that has traveled thousands of miles by aea and land. It has been handled by hun dreds and thousands of people, and yet no one has ever seen it- It lives in a bouse of its owe, but it was never out side ot its house. I can exhibit it to you here, so that you all will see it, and then it will disappear eo that yoa will never see it again. What ia it?" The the company begins to guess and guess and guess,' and by and by they give it np, completely discouraged, and ask to be shown the wonderful object. The boy promptly takes from his pock et a Brazil nut or any other foreign nut, calmly cracks it in the presence of the company and holds np the meat. "You see this meat," be says; "it has never been seen before, and it never will be again," and he calmly put it in his moatti, chews it and swallows it. Stamp Collectors. "The gatherers ot pottage stamps tbat is those of whom a record has been made now number 60,000 , persons in this country alone," said a pout office department official, "and the army, enormous as it is, Is constantly on the increase. There i scarcely a city or even larged sized town in this country where postage stamd j are not delt in. Of coarse, in many cities the stamp bus iceBs is carried on as a side line m con section with other business, but tbere are a very, large number of stores where stamps are delt ' in, exclusively. On Fourteenth street. New York, there are now, and i.ave been for several years, a half dozen wholesale dealers in postage stamps and at least a dozen retail deal ers. ' - ''Some of tbe wholesale dealers have several men on tbe road, traveling from place to place looking up and disposing of rare stamps. In-Europe the stamp eraze is ttimply enormous and eeveral foreign houses have drummers on the read in this country constantly. Only a tew days ago in this city L knew of a 00 cent internal revenue stamp ot the war series being sold for fOOO. In one day afterward tbe stamp was Bold for $700. inother strange thing in connection with tbe stamp craze is that it seldom affects women. Wben women do catch it, however, tbey have it badly. I know of a stamp belonging to a gentleman who resides here, though at present he is traveling about showing it to stamp enthusiasts, which was issued by a short lived republic, and which is valued at $2,000. Its value comes from the fact that there are but few of them in exis tence." Washington 6tar. Or. Price' Cream Baking Powder T.orm rair nigosit Aledal d Diftma. The banks continue to break. The fight at balem is becoming a des perate one. Who will win. Mr Bryan's book is finished and will soon be delivered to subscribers. Mr Bryan went duck hunting the other day, but it is doubtful if he can shoot as well as Cleveland. Mr Mitchell is paired ith another senator. That is the way he earns his salary of about $500 a month. Of coarse those smart detectives will fiud the Roseburg train robbers. They have to in order to retain their reputa tion. An Eastern Oregon exchange accuses the S P of being a party to the legisla tive noldup, and therefore used to hold' ups. The Oregonian takes great pleasure in announcing that Treasurer Gage's fin an cial policy is directly opposite to that laid down by John H Mitchell. Now that Mr Mitchell hashed a quiet us put to his senatorial aspirations for the present it might be well for the house to organise and do some business Tfcat is the proper thing. Detectives need to be watched. Thev are just about as tricky as the men they eeek to trap. Theie seems to be a spirit abroad amocg them to convict men for the reward regardless of tteir guilt. Tom Plait ga-e a $5000 banquet the other night, nearly a year's salary senator. That is modern politics. New York woman is to spend $500,000 on a ball. That ia modern eociety. In the mean time thousnn' are crying for bread. That is modern hard times tie only is advancing in life whose heart is getting softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain quicker, whose spirit is entering into living peace. And the men who have this life in them- are the true lords and kings ot the earth they and they only, Raskin. Mark Twain ia ia London broken in health, . seeking to get np and ahead again. The creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, two of the most or iginal characters in fiction, deserves something better than that. So far as Joe Simon is concerned per sonally, he is on a par with Mr Mitchell, that is bis motives are just as selfish. They are both working for their own in terests according to the Dsmocbat's observations. Mr Gage, who will be Mr McKinley's Secretary of Treasury, poeeesees lbs Mc Kiniey idea on which tbe recent cam paign was run, more thoroughly than any member yet selected. He is a thorough gold bug and is qualified other wise for the new administration. Tbe mastery of self is tbe end of true living, an J this mastery is shown, not in tbe negative attitude, by tbe things we do not do, bnt by that-jnental power that compels the mind to the positive attitude, the forcing of the mind to do tbat against which it rebels. Tbe Oat look. A Cass County, Texas, girl has -11 fingers and toes, according to report. Tbe Democrat is decided iy skeptical on tbat point. A bill introduced by Senator Harmon is as followe : "Section .1 'Any person riding or driving any vehicle, whether such vehi cle is drawn or propelled by animal or other power, nsing any of tbe public roads in the state of Oregon, when met by anv other vehicle shall aeep to the right, and, wben overtaken, by any other vehicle, he shall likewise keep to the right, allowing such rider or driver to pass him to the left, so as in both cases to permit such vehicles to pass free and uninterrupted. "Section 2. Any person who shall violate any of the pioyiaions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50, or im prisoned in tbe county jail not more than 25 days." . Ths Poor. Christ said, "The poor ye have always with yon." It was never truer than to day. The poor are increasing faster than tbe arerage of population, faster than tbe very wealthy and faster Iran tbe well to do middle classes. Probably never in tbe bistorr of city life in Amer ica have there been so many respectable people out of work. We mean by this people who in former years have bad good positions, bave bad fair salaries or have heen in business for themselves and able to live decently. Every day t co res of applicants for positions go about tbe street, into etores and offices and even into tbe homes of well to do people, asking for womethiog to do- Weary, almost broken hearted, men of good babits, well bred and capable of filling positions of work and ot . trust make up this number. Tbe hardest psit of successful life is tha inability to help this class ot people. They are too proud to beg, tbey are willing to work, tbey offer tbeir service lor tbe smallest amount of money, as they say, "Just to get a start again." Then tbere are others out of positions, men and women, the work people of the city. Raid a manufacturer yesterday: "You do not know how many people are oat of work. It is terrible tbe nam ber of people that come to our place and KAot something o do. We have to tell them that we have been obliged, because we did not have orders, to discharge some of our old men . It is hard, I tell yon." This is in brief a picture, a living pic ture, not painted, not imagined but one of sober reality. There is something more, too, in these pictures than simply these heads of families coming into the offices of employees and asking for work. Back behind 'hem are other pictures, wives, children, a place they call home; sometimes partially paid for, sometimes a rented house or rooms, with scact lur niture and now ecanter tables; old clo.hee patched and worn, because there is no money with which to buy new clothes ; a little tire in the grate or stove kept down as low as possible, because they do not know where the next ton of coal is coming from. You, reader, are an artist, yoa have an imagination yon perhaps can paint the picture, you may know something of tbe reality where disappointment comes from effort for a place to work, from day to day, with no reward. The disappointment yoa may be able to reproduce in your picture, where hope is almost dead in the face I turned eyes of children look at them wonderin8 '-velarid -?indeal- r. MISFITS. Chinese New Years began yesterday with fire crackers. As there is no lear oi hiotihindnr nntraires here as in San Fran cisco the fun can proceed with impunity, and Joss be appeased. Putting an ad In a single or few issues of a paper and then withdrawing H is like letting a life insurance policy lapse after one premium has been paid. bx, A republican in Albany today said he had read the Oregonian twenty-five or thlrtv veara. but be didn't propose to read it any more. Cause, its anti-Mitcli ell tight. T 3 1T T1 1 f C 1. n n In 11 un old. is 6 feet 3 inches tall and is well pro portioned. He wears a no. ia suoe which pinches his teat. Young Black is growing fast and it ia thought will be a big boy some day. Rev Driver in the senate yesterday arraigned Uov. Lord and Secretary Kin caid fr not recognising the liensor. house, and likened President Simon's ruling and the bouse "hold up" to the Southern Pacific hold up. Rev.' Driver is now in nis elements. The first legislature of Oregon met May 1st, lasted three days and enacted laws enough to amply provide for car rvisg on the business of the country. The members voted themselves 1 1 .so per day and board, and the entire expenses of the session were 87.50. fcx. Col. J. B. Eddy in writing to his paper, the Plaindealer, about the third house says: CapU Humphrey, for some in scrutible reason hasn't shown np this time. Why this is thus 1 cannot under stand. Cap "lost a foot celebrating Fourth of July on Meacham Creek about three years ago, but that does not necessarily incapacitate him from holding down a chair and spinning a Mocbauaen. The third house is much concerned about him and a committee of inquiry is likely to be appointed. The gosaiper should be muzzled. One of tbe worst features about smaller places is tbe never ending gossip. Every body's business is everybody sise's bus iness, and mountains are manufactured regularly oat ot mole bills. SUGAR CHEAP. Come and See. J Gradwohl informs the general pub lic that he will sell for net cash 20 lbs granulated sugar for tl.00. All other merchandise, which Is too numerous to aientioo, at same rate for net cash. I 1 invite the general public to come and price my goods and satisfy yourself. By tbe sack Extra C. tc, granulated 5c Subject to the change of tie mar ket. Special Trip Around the World R. M. S. "Aoraogi" intends to leave lJDdoa March lvtb, ls97, via Tenenge, Cape Town. Melbourne. Sydney, New Zealand, Fin, Hawaii and Vancouver. Tickets good for one year. This rpecial excursion is ran ia connection with tbeCa- nadiaa Pacific railway. Tbe fare for tbe trip will be only t-ViO, tbe lowest rale ever named for such a trip. For full iatora bon call on or addreMi E ) Coyie, agent. leo i bird street, rcrtUed, i r , or any agent oi uie lasauun raciac Ivy. Send lour Bundle Care and intellieence ia laundcricg slothes has bad its effect it is responsible ror tne tocceaa r tbe Albany bteam Laun dry. Sid along your bundle to the best laundry ia the valley, or let Sferril I). Phillips know and he will call fur it. If you aie not a patron of the Albany Steam Laundry tell the proprietor at once to send for your bundle- Use a custom! always a customer. Ceres a p. "My three children are -.11 subject tc croop; I telegraphed to Sn Fraocio. got got a half doteo bottles of S U Congo Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God b!t yoa for it. Tours. Cc J.H. Ootier. Grant Pas. Or." For sa'e by Fotbay A Maaon al Oc per bottle. CASTOR I A For Infests and Children. Atne. tf wf tutu, stamairr. Vh.i. 60; Oats 25 Flaar, $4 Ki Hotter 17X j Eggs 13c Lrd 6 to 6c Pork hams, 8 to 10c, shoulders 4 to 6. Sides, 6 to 8. U'f btlei, ca-f, $7.03. Timitby, 18. For the beat drugs. Dawson's. MARRIED. MISNER GREEN. At the Catholi parsonage on Monday afternoon. Feb ruary 1, IS97, by Kct Louis Metayer iur. it . j. m inner ana hiss Agnes Green both of Linn county M BORN. TROXEL. Near Millers, on Sunday. Jan. 31, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. J.Trox el, a boy. BRYAN. On Sunday, Jan. 31, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. Ham II. Bryan, a girl. Air most tvtrr raaa D Ar&ersca has some digestive trouble. Whca men meet, the greeting usually is T,Well how are yon?" That de. velops health talk. The man who has no stom ach or bowel trouble is almost a curiosity. Trouble yi'.rr en take no of them- n selvee. They work ' as if their bodies I were made of iron and their brains of steel. They eat as if they had copper stomachs and bowels of brass. By and by, overworked nature re bels. Then come headaches, nervousness, bad blood, liver and kidney troubles; health Soes and strength goes. It is really won. erful bow much abuse tbe human body will standi It is equally wonderful bow quickly it will recover from abuse if one helps in a rational, natural way. It wsa to give just such help that Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets were prepared. Tbey are for constipation and torpid liver, and in curing those derangements cure many complications and resultant diseases, such as sick and bilious headache, dii. ness. sour stomach, loss of appetite, indi ration, or dyspepsia, windy bclcliings, r heartburn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of tbe liver, stomach and bowels. Tbey are mild in action merely supplementing nature. They are tbe result of years of study and experience, and there is nothing else like them nothing so effective. If your drug gist tries to sell you something else he Is either ignorant or makes more money out of the other thing. We Give Away Absolutely free of cost, for a LIMITED T1MB ONLY, Tbe People's Common Rente Medical Advi-ert By R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Conuilttag hhy.i- dan to the Invalid; Hotel and Surgical I intitule, fi book of loog Urge pages and soo Ultutrntlous, a strong paper coven, to any one sending si one-ceni sump to cover coa oi mailing only. laillnir i Over 68a,ooo copies of thla complete Family Doc tor Book already sola In ciotn biudlng at regi price of World's DisrsMsaav Medii AasouaTiOM, ib Maia Street, Buttalo, M, Y. 7 11 TELEGRAPHIC. Inipcirloat Bmd. ' New Yoiik. Feb. 2. A special cable gram from Frankfort-on-lhe Mitin to the Evening Port says that tbe ltarlin commit tee ot bowers ot Oregon iunay as avi gat ion Company 5 per cent bond have re ceived a piint bid of 45 from tho Northern Pacific and Ureat Northern railroad com panies for all the stock of the lUilway & Navigation Company represented by them, the purchase pric to be pxyable July l, with 3 per cent interest. The hid in con ditional on its acceptance by nt least 83,- 000,000 of stocg. The Briber- Iavi-ll,aloa. Olvmi-ia, Wash., Feb. 2. ITie sena torial investigating committee held e ses sion tonight and heard further evidence from Representative Warner, of Snoho mish, who was accused by Calhoun and Hqaire of offerinsr to sell bi vote, and that of 20 others in combination with him, for I1000 in cash and $r000 continent on Squire's election. a Medfor Affair. Medpord. Or.. Feb. 2 Mr Eaton was shot in tbe left leg by John Ed wards in C J Hall's saloon, in this city, bust night about 9 o'clock. Tbey bad quarreled over a game of cards, ana Edwards pulled a gun. It is thought he intended to lire into tbe floor, but they had clincqed, and juat as Edwards fired Eaton tbrew out his left foot and the ball struck the leg just above the knee. Edwards then left the saloon and baa not yet been apprehended Aa M Capital ataraed If abbisblbu. Pa., Feb. 2. The Penn sylvania rtutt capitol was destroyed by fire this afternoon. The legislative balls are in rams, and a new structure must rise from the ashes of the buildinar that ba served as a meeting place of the state leg islature since l 22. The flames, witbin the short space of one hour, ate up ft, 500.000 worth of property. The inefficiency of the liarrisbur volunteer fire department is generally blamed. la Ike raa4e Wasbisgton, Feb. 2. Tbe feature of tbe senate today was a very spirited debate on tbe conference report on the imotixra tion hill. Gibson of Maryland oppo-ed the report, and Lodjre delended it After two bour' struggle tbe report went over, and ine .Mearagua canal mil was taaeo np. Vilas continued bis remarks. Teller al-o entered tbe debate in opposition to tbe measure. Wane Tfcaa Ever C arson, Nev., Feb. 2 Senator Mills, of this county, introduced a bill providing tbat tbe admission to any glove contest or prizefight should not be 0j tl. Tbe hill was referred to the com nittee on public moral raMaet WaLlng. WasnrxoTOs, Feb. I. It U oLdentood among Ma-sarhu-etu republicans that ex- Congreatmaa John 1. Long baa been ten dered and bes accepted the office of secre tary ot toe nary in tbe incoming adminis tration. Pes Moinkj, Feb. 1 . Ex-Cocer-awmaB lames vt Uon. of Iowa, announced bis acceptance of tbe cabinet portfolio MrVViUoo stid: "It ia true I bare been invited into President-elect .McKinley's cabinet. 1 have accepted. Tbat is all there is to say about the matter." It is generally known that Mr Wilaoo will be secretary of agriculture. Pa Fa asci sco, Feb. 1. lo local po liUcal circlet there is now little douirt that Judge Jowpb. McKeana. of tbe l"eitd State circuit court, will be the FaciSc coast reoresenUtire in the cabinet. atari mrtrrUorm RrtEBfo. Or , Feb. 1. Tbe officers working up the train robbery ca.e no have tome dews upon which theories are based, but tbey keep them ek-wly guarded Tbe ugar-aric mask found ou tbe trail has been identified as one tateo from Mr Lindtey's barn, and the eight before the robbery he ran a maa cut ot the bars Tbe general opinion is tbat tbe robber caoieto Roseburg. Tho brt informed claim that a great rorr-ri it in store for the people of Rmebarg at an early dta- ' Taking IbrtrTIa-- WASHrstGTojt. Feb. 1. Tbe Nicvagua caoai diii occopiea ioe sraaie mow oi in day, but do prevrwt wai matie toward a vote. Morgan, ia cbsrg of tbe metaute, ought to serore aa agreenxsit to vote to morrow or rbunday. tat the eppooecta of the measure, led by Vila- and lUntel, re sitted an r agreemest. While ai:iimmg any purpose of obstruction or fUiou-terieg arauut the bill, the oppositicu inited it was of such grare moment a to demand complete ducuoion . railing Ii la MrraUltoa Lewihtox. IJaho. Feb. I. Tbe Indian oa the Nex t'eroes reservation, bave beeo rud about $rJ9.rj:0 of the Is0.lXJ. lle amiahs and the North Fork Indians bave not reeacbed the agency at Lapwai. owtog to cold weather and snow oa the moon Uin. Of this sum, about HO.tVJ ha beta deposited in the banks. The remain der is being put ia circulation by some aad boarded by the cocservatir s element. Ii rarll WasnKtcrox. Feb. 4 The comrara tive statemeut of the govi-rnmit receipts and expenditures shows the total receipt during January to bave been t'2-i.SS6.1''4. and tbe expenditures This leaves a deficit for tbe month of fej.'AVi.S'Jj. and for the seven month of the present fUcal year a deficit of 3.S.4,79-J. TTa Caaaa War. !Iv asa, via Key Wt. Ian. 31 Oe pite rumors lately circulated to the effect tbat tbe insurgonts were completely demor alized, and that the Cubans bad broken in to scattered ban il of SO or so in the pror ince of i'ioar del Rio. news has been re ceived that the insurgents have blown a passengrr train op, caunnir much dmage and Miderable Ima of life. Although tbe ( .jtT prohibited tbe publication of the news in Havana, it soon leaked out, creat ing a sensation, and the liveliest discussion in pt'aces where aroups gathered. Aaaiaer Bis Trw-4. CtscissATi, Jan. Ul. Tbe Enquirer says: Three representatives of a gigantic Lon don ) ndicate are in this city for the pur pose of gobbling upall the biggest brewries here, and success has so far crowned tbeir effort. '1 hey bave purchased an option on 16, and tbe deal has proirreaoed so far tka ls.i loM ..--. Iw...... a i, : a L. ii i. ( mortgages tbey hold, for tbe purpose of knowing just how tbey stand. The deal will be closed the coming week, the amount to be paid for tbe lot aggregates FJ,000,000. One-half will be in ta.-h A Sample rroe Jail Jackso5viiae, Or , Jan. 31. J C Hop kins and Frank Murphy, held for burglar izing the store of D L) M inkier, in .shiand, about thiee weeks ago, and who were con fined in the county jail here awaiting the action of tbe grand jury, broke jail 'ant night, and have cot been recaptured. They were confined in the corridor, and could go in and out of the cells at pleasure. They succeeded in some ay in removing the staple which arid the bar in (he lockbox, and as tbe lower bar was not locked, they had only to slide it out of the way and the door was open. At aieamer Hlpla PiiiLADKi.rniA, Jan. 31. The United States steamship Brooklyn, the latest priue of a peerless navy, calculated to withstand tbe fiercest onslaughts of shot and shell, today lies almost entirely helpless because of a narrow ledge f sunken rock in the Delaware river, above Marcos hook, Pa., on which she struck heavily yesterday afternoon. Her lower double compartment forward were stove in. The Beveaae Bill Washington, Jhh, 31 It is now abso lutely certain that a majority c n now be counted on in the eeante to pas a tariff bill. It is not certain jut where the votes si-erconiing from, but tlie republicans say that votes will be secured. It is certain . L . . i . i . r .. aiuva uuiiuiuk vu ran tun ta-atimu vuaiiri turn some or toe ueiuuuraia ma vuie aw m i tariff bill. cr. at at least, refrain from vol- iog wben the bill comes up. Seaatorial Baab Oltmpu, Wash., Jan. 31 The filth! Washington legislature yesterday finished, when it adjourned for the usjal Sunday re ces, three weeks of the prescribed two months' session, and as it ia an actual weekly expense fo tbe state of about $7000, some $21,000 has been expended to accom plish little more tban tun election ot United Statos senator. Mrjsic. Miss Mildred Burniestei teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite UPchatoh. Plows, Harrows. Seeders and Disc Cultivators at ... STEWART & SOX'S . . . Now Is the time to buy. Grass and garden in package. f- ';: -. ' , i - - . - ; i - - t '.- , , f r 1 t I ft . - -- -t - J ar (v - , 'i is a book every Oregorjiao ahoald hare. Tbe introduction is by the ce'e braled Rer. Frank V. Gunsaulos and the sketches b Oliver VV. Nixon, P. D. The book is printed from large, cle new type, on extra laid piper, baund in vellum cloth, strmpe-l ia gold, gilt top illustrated with 16 fnli-pse half tone and retails at $1.75. Any subscriber paring a year in alvance for the weekly or 6 months or mora tor the daily can hare it for 1 ecu. iJsL"i?t.'r fr Z$n.T?r.r- 'zr.- - Hon. t c e A LL x:ho are r. t. W. J. Do-' mediately vilh Cn 5 His ticcTr - 1.1s rust lr. rr. The results A re.!x2v of - AGE'TG WANTED Mr. Bryan has zv.rx. -vnc I h'. tntcr.'Jon cf devoting otic-half of ail roya.: bimetallism, mous sale. There are ! Address W. B. C0NKLV CCAi,UNY, Pcbiishers, 341-151 Defirtoro St Gi!CG0- - SUMMOKS. im tke Cirrmt Court for Lim CVa.&a of Orrgom: Frank Kiernan, p!a;n'i7. n J B S eams defendaot. To J B Stearns the above named defend ant: IX THE NAME OF allE STATa OF ORKUON, Yon aie hereby rqu'-red to appear ard answer the complaint of ibe above plaintiff. In tie above cntieJ court in the above entM.en caw. now on h- witii the clerk of i4 ciurt, by tbe first dy ot the nest rvRoUr term ol aa'd crurt. followinft the pobiicaliun of (hit summons, ahich aaid ttrra ol said murr iiecirWoa tbe 8th day ot March. at the court hoote in trie city of Albany, L'on Aour.ty, rej;on;asd yon are hrehyJunber noti fied that if you tail to srpear and anawer aid complaint a brcby reqaired, the plaintiff will tale judmnt ax'iu't.tou for the sura of $27 and tbe cov n I din buremeHof this action to N taxed, and will also take an order d rrctir.jr the fol lowing decnbcd land bdonlntf to ou and at'ached In thi action, 'o wit : The southwest qurte' of aection '2b Town bip 10 South iianje 6 ct of t'-e Wi'Umette Meridian in Linn counts Oregon, con- I Uinm 160 acnn mora rr e to be old i - " . for Uie purpose of payia uch judgment This Summons i puhhaurd by order of the Hon (too II Burnet), judge of said court, made at chamber i i tbt C'itv of Sam. Oregon, on the 19' b dty of J .in nary, 1897- t' J Bas Rose and w R Bilvki. Attornes fr Plaintiff. STOCKHOLDERS MiETiHC. Notice tsbcrebv that t' ere will ra meet Ing of the stockholders of th-i Oild Fellow Halt Building AssocUtl-n held at the Odd Fellows Library in Albii, trecon, ou Monduy, the l-t day of March, 18U7, at 7 O.e'ock p m, for tlie purpose of electing seven direclois to serve tor the ensuing ear and to trsnsact am other business that may come befere said meeting. Signed this the lt ti-y of February 1SS17 E A TaKKIH. JfLif s Jossru, Secetary. ' 1'renident. KfTICE OF F1HAL S TTLE'rSENT Notice i hertiby given that the under :gned as adinln'atritor ofihe es'ateofj M Vv tlsoo, deceased, has filed hi final ac count in aid eg' ale with the county clerk Ol Linn county, Oregon nd ths county court ha fixed Friday, 'he- 51 h day of March. 1897, at the bour ol 1 o'clock p m. of said day for ths Snsl besrinit ol aaid account and the settlement of said estate. Any and all persons hsving any objec tions to the same are herrby notified to be present at s-id time and prwi't the same. W P Waiwtii, Adroini-trntor. Notice Land Oric at Oregon City Ou December 28 h. 1896. No'lce is hereby aiven that the approved fraction! plat of Township 13 Soulh, Range 8 East has been rroe'ved fiom the ............ Mur.1 nt llrAMfi unJ nn Vnh- i ruary 8 h 1897, l 10 o'clock a ro . of aaid i rfatn. said nlat will be flied in this otlice. and the land therein emoraceu i i e ' subject to entry o and ater sa'u da'e, s Bohebt A Millkr, Wm Oaiioway . Register. Receiver. seeds in bulk and J Ilea, and Elegant De sins ia Crockery Ware al COnn rS HUSTON'S See u r-jf ' v. - - ' . " .;i' - - T::. - ..'Tii - .. - Oryea's Book z zzdt ol non. m w ;.ou!J correspond im fhz 7crk will contain f"t fitlr-n tv his wife snceches of Cit ciriyicrn of IS96. fJ;t nailuCul situation . . Tit cause cx v r ::..' izdic'icns cf an cnor- Notice. 0eox Cixr, Oreo"X. Jinnrr rtb. 1S37. Kotice is iiereb.. given thai the approv ed plats ol aurvey o Towobip 13 South, Range s Eat, and 13 Soutn, Range t Eat. ibe fractional pats of-or-ev.of Towntbip 12 South, Kange 4 East. 5 Est. 6 East, nA T East, and frcti"ol plat of 'lonstip 1 J Souih. Kang7Ewt. bave been te uived from the Surveyor General of Oregon, and on March 6:h. 1S7. at 10 oVoca a. m - ot i i date, a d plats will be riled ia this office, and ibe land therein embraced will be subject to entry n an after said date. , R. bt A Mills a. E-vUter. Wm Gaixowat, Receiver. ADM NiSTKATOrS NOTICE Notioe is berebv c'ven tbat I hsve leen duly appointed by teconn'y court of Llna county. Oregon, atmieitratr. wi'h the will annexed ot ibe estate or jonn .e:-oo. deceaed All p-reons having claims ara-nt tbe estate of said deceased are hereby Bo iled to p.'r-sent the saT.e do'' veriStfJ to me at my roidcnce near 5 bedd. Linn c.ninty, Oregon, or to my attorney. Gee W Wnabt, at hts law office In Albany, Oregon, within six month from the dale hereof. Mart Nelson, G K W Weight. Aduir with the will At-v for Admr annexed of there- Pa'ed Jan 5, 18y7. tte of Jhn Nelson deeaed. AOMINiSTRATCR'S KOTICE No'i t hereby riven ' that the under- inned has beeu duly appointed by tfce Couniy court of Linn county. Oregon, ad tnlstrator of tbe es t ot jivepb t; My rs. deceased. U'a ofaid county, aad he haa duly qualified as Mich and ail person baving clima tsinnt said ettc are bete by requested to present the same to me at A'lbanv. Oreoon. pivpetl verified as by law provUed, witia ix montoa from this date. Dated at Albany, Oregon, tin 16th day of December, 1S96. D W Mtrhs. Whits"t & NtwpoitT, AdmiuWrator AUys for Admr. ADMiKiSTRATOA'o KOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbat P Y Duncan has been duly appointed administrator ol ibe estate of A l Knox, U'e ot Lion coun ty. Oregon, c'eoe'n.-d, by the county court of Linn conn'y, Oregon, and 4at he has duly qualified a such, all persons having claims sgain.t said eUte are hereby not ified to present the ssuie to me wlith tbe prop-.-r vouches under oath at the office of W R Bileu In Aany, Oregon within six months Irom the date hereof. Dated this 1 1th day of December, 1890. P Y Duncan. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S N31I2F. Notice is hereby given that the under signed bas been duly appein'ed by the county court of U.n county, Oegon, administrator of the estate of Thomas Holt, deceased, late of Linn county. Or. All persons baving claims against the ee tale of said deceased are hereby notified to present the we, with the proper wmch era, to me at my residence ia Jefferson, Oregon, within tix months from tbe date of this notice. Dated this 30th of Dec, 1896, Emciks k Cannon, Grant Holt, Attys for Admr Administrator SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Slat ol Oregon ot the County of Loot Department No. 2. Mary A ii Knox snd A 8 Knw, plaintiff-. H C Briggs and The Altiance Trust Com pany, limited, corporation, oereno- ants. TaHCBriggs, one of the defendants abo-e named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the comprint o thj above named ptaintif is the above entitled court, now on file with tbe clerk of said court, br tbe nrst day or next regular term of said court to be held in tht city of Al bany, in Linn county, Oregon, oo the 8th day of March, 1897, and you are hereby no'iBed that if yoa fail to sppear and answer said complaint, as hereby required, tne plaintiffs will apply to the sourt for tbe relief demanded in their complaint, for a decree a Jjudglng that tbe defendants bave no estate or interest or lien whatever and removing tbe cloud and cancelling and declaring the deed to be a forg-ry and void, d'tei tbe 7 b day of Joly. 1896, and recorded on tbe 20th day of July, 1856. n book of deeds volume S3, on page 216 ia the records of deed for Lsnn eooctr, Or egon, of, to and for the following described real estate, towit : Beginning at the N E comer, of the D L C of A S Knox a id Mary A S Knox, bis wife, being Not. No. ll$- and claim No. 55intpll 8 R2 weatof WUIameUa Me ridian, Oregon, and running thence 8 26.46 chain, more or less, to the 8 lice of tne H of atd claim, thence W on said (iiviaiou line 120..W chain, more or less, to the w boundary line of said claim, thence N 25 9a chains, more or leas, to the NE corner of the DLCof Samuel Rardman and wife. being Not. No. IS2 and claim No. 5 In iaid tp and range, thence east 3.33 chains, thence N hi iinae, thence eat 1 17 Hi i-hmtni to toe dare of beirinnine. containing 318.S acre, a'l in Lino eount-, Oregon. an being the X 4 of the l L C nf uid A k'rti and wife. And to CJr-celi and declare vote a mort gage executed by H C Erigg to the Al liance Trr-st Company and dated July 20. lS6 and recorded on July 20. 1&96. In the lecorder's office tor Lnn coonty, Oregon, in brk of Mofgagea 31 on page 506 on tbe aild 20th day of Ja'y.liS, fur the fam of $12u0 and to remove tbe eionl from plaintiff title to said lacds above described by reason of said deed and miU fca ar.d tor t w costs aad dbaraments oi tfci suit. ThU summons U published bv order of the Hon U H Hewitt, judge of foe above entitled eoor. made ar tbe chambers on the 2sxh day of f aauary, 1837. at Albany, Oregon. A CTHntrOBD t WTATT. Attyt forFalntJIi. SULfUOXS. la t-e Cicait Coart far Lien eoonty cf tbe Slat of Oregoe. Thomaa Eeadiog, tLdatiff x Jhc Poweta asd E mjy Powers, defeodsata To'v Powers, oc of thadefcadsata above kaaed: IS THE SAME Of THE STATE Of OREGON: Tea aie henbv rcqsircd fat apiar aad aawr the complaint of tha above aamai pUiitiff ia tb aboT cafctied roart u oa bit wita toe ciera 4 aaia ooart, by tb fin day of t. text aea'ar terra of this eoart be bgan and ked ia tha eitv oi Albanv, La e aaty, tregoo, oa Ib f'M day t4 Starch, li'j'i asd yw are aotabed tKa.r if v- tail to appear aad aa awtr aaid eeacpUiat, u hereus required the laiBUff will apply to the eoart tor tea r lwf desiaaded ia l.ia eocspUiat oa 6 is he above nuCrd acart, wbica ral'ei i. Ih the foreCHMcrc of a -a 3rtge oyea by Joba Powers aad LmJy Powers, dated OcOber 19. 1S96. of, to acd upon tha folio wing des enbed real eru. tow.t; The north i.' of the west J,' of tie D L Cef Amos T Tbnnra and E'-ixiberh C Thjmnaoe, lytatf'aad fccaj ia Lias eoaaty. and kn"o as Xouneatioo Xj. aad claim no 41, besG parts of Seebona 9. 10. 15 aod 16 in towaaaip 13, aoctb of nM 1 west ot tba WiLa-aette il. rulan, tiag boaaded as folloas: Befiaaiac as a pciat 15 ehausa aad 40 licks aortb and SI caaisa aad 1 lmki at of tht aaBSbwert eoraer of sad ! sect'os 10, aad raaJuag tbeBca aoata 43 i .i. . m. A Ti Sink- tkMIM Wat ft eftUM aad 34 ucka, tbeoce aoatb I chaii aad 60 hati, li.cKx wot 2 caaiaa asd 71 links, tlesea aorik 43 ckaiaa, tbeaoa tact 71 eaaUaaad 11 hakstotbe plaae ot begta aicr. eoBUiatag 313 aer-r, a or leaa. tlch aaid raartfcage waa givea to aecart the pat meal of a Bote dated Lebaso, Or era, Oc ober 19, IS94, for the saa cf 3 doe obs r after dale, with iatanat there on at the ra-o oi 10 par cast per aaoaai at fv jidmest i(iint rew for tVctia f f"f- ta iater-et vte.-aca at tba rata of 10 rer e?ot jt aoaaai fraoi tba f$Jk day ol Octoiv , 1S96, and tt i eoata and dis barerou of taw acit at.d for a deerae loieclounc U n orte --d dtr-etiag the lie .'a 4idee-bed tobeaold, aa-t the pioeda viS'Bg f oa aacb mla to be ap t i.-e-t to th- pa. meet rf te ceaU aad dia burwawBta and attorseyV fee aad tbe principal aa S iatert dde epoa aai1 a-tte. "O'asaaimos n pallhd f erdat f ibe lioaarahie H 1! Hewitt, jacjre ff tbe above -wtitled eoart, m-ie at chmtrs ia tre Ci:y of Allway. Oreeno, JaeBary 21, 1SSX. Weatse. roBD & WxaTf, Alt s for plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land Ornca atOssoox Cttt, Oa, Djo. 23. 1S96. Kotle; ia kerer-j given tbat the LJ War ing nam-d attler hai hltd aoCoe of ba inteotioo to make tiaal proof ia aapsort cf hiae'tim, and thtt said prxif will be male before tbe oevnty clerk cf L'nn ooaoty at A I ban v. Ore .on, en Febraary 5-J1. 1S97, v i: Mr AKUrai Ohieo; II E 11032 fcr tbe E 54 of S W and Sr K of S E S of Sec 23, Tp 10 S R 6 E. He aamea fie f jllow i( wiiBeaee to prove bis cant aaoar res ideoee bdob asd caltivatioo nf. aaid lead. via: L C !, A T Ive, V G Danfortb, airs A M, all cf I 5tro-. Ongoo. Ro&sar A M il l s i, Rigutsr. Notice for Publication S Las,d Orna at 0koos Citt, Oa. Jao 21. 1SS7. Xj'.iea is hereby (iveo that the following named tvttl r hs til d notice of hi iatea li o to make boat pro- f ia aupport of bis jlaim asd tbat aaid proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon Citv. Oreiron, oa March 6t, 1S97, via: OrUtian Xeubod;;H E 1AKS5 foi theS 4'N K,4.Ktland2Sec3rp 10SR4 fc. He names the following witbesseato prove his con incous residence up m and cultivation of. said land, v.i; T B George, Gilbert Knuton, Charles I H inkle, C B Gains a'd of Niagara, Oregon. Robert A. Miiam. Register. EXECUIGR'S K3TICL Notice i hereby given th It the ender- I signed have bee J dole appointed by the,1 Hon county court of Linn county. Oreson executors of the last wilt an j testament of M irman Arnold, deceased, late of said county, and alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to prearni me aTie to tne said undortigaod n.'oarr, ureeon, proD-riT verified with in six mont'i from the dat boranf . DabHl at AlVmy, Oregon, this nth day of December, 1996. txxtupiNA Aasoui, . ConaT AasoLD, MiTSKT e rvawTroatr, Execntrs. " IO 3. G. & E. R. R. CO. t Willamette River Division,) Steamer ALBANY, dpt. J. L. Smith Tfeiiat and Passenger, Leave Albany for Portland Sandajs. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurpassed accommodations and Kbednles especially for the needs ot up er Willamette travel. Picnic parties tan avail themselves ot this schedule for iny desired point between Corrallis and $altm, leaving in tbe morning and re turning in due time the same evening. Special rates for special parties of IS or more. II. L.'Wauhc, Agent, depot. What We Know about Printing . . . Some people writ books about what they know about printing. The people pay for tbat work. Some people could write a great deal larger book entitled Wbat I don't Know about Printing" and still have some room left Our plan is to deal in cold facts, do theories. We print ever-thing and let- tbe people judge. They're oar court atd we'll abide by tbeir verdict. Lowest prices. Newest type. See for yourselves. IMPRINT JOB OFFICE. City Official Office.a TO THE elves rax choic or s Tr70 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES LP.EAT UNSOfl F.0P.THERN PACIFIC Tl A SPOKANE UIKKEAP3US ASD VTA DENVER OMASA AID ST. PAUL WLXSASCITY LOW R.TKi TO AtX EASTEES .CITIES fjCEAS STEALERS EAVE PORTLAND EVEBT $ DAV8 roa .. SAH FRANCISCO Por taB detaiia call aa Ccasa ft MonrrH, Albany, Or a annaa-a: W H HUB LEO KT, Paa .Aaaa M iEiLL Preailaataad Maager. PORTLAND. OR. soo PACinc um. T3 all points cast EuEost csmfoptaljls lintarrsu'e ill cars Ir.tai tj stm Lmst rates asi test uniw Isst Esiera raliia? isock aai fines, road bed. (MjlisBts traTEl during winter The only IinernnBtn tb-oogh trains from the Atlantic to the PadSc coast. Cheap ticket to and from all parta of Europe via all eteamabip lines. HFRESSIJSE TO CHHiiftllJiPAH The shortest and beet line across tha Pacific ocean. chum issmiiii un TO E0I0LF T, riil k ICSTHUl Tl steamera ai tba finest tbat haT tailed toe Pacific ocean and ear i experienced medical man, and a s rdeaa oo every voyage. k ime tabiea. or any other iafbr nation, call on cr addrvee E 1 COTLE Agent, 14S Third St PorUaad. Or. S N STEELE & CO. Ageata. Albaay Or. GEfJ. McL. BROWX, D P. A. Taacoaver. B. C EAST AND-SOUTH -via- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF TH& Southern Pacific Co. OtaUTtoreia baraaa Tulaa - Pattiaaa taOy I raoa Xay 11 I -1 Sor-i iV. a. L lMa Lv ll.lia a Ar fmiial aiaaa; Saa rraaetaa arK lS a At Above train stop at Eat Portland Oregon City, Woodbara. Sakss, Tar ner, Starto. Jefferson, Albany, langeat, Shedd. HNey Eoseae Creewell, Cottage Grove, Drain, and all stations froia Rjsebarg 'o' h t to and cloding Ashland. tatSM aa:.av 8a L lbrs L rra la. Fsnla4 Albany AT 11 Itliai tMinrai saAsca LaavAlbuiv tcr Latftanoa Arri- at ataaav trN Leaa ISO Stli a Laara Albany tor TUtuaoa AniTaatai'aaajrtraaa Lebaiua er Ua-a aibanj Ur Voedtmr via WeoUbg-- . , . ' IfelO a ani-e ai AibaBT traaa aaedb-n Mil UaAlbav tor Natroa Arri.- at Albtay troai Katroa Mll miuk am SUEFERV. ND Dininar Cars oa Ogdsn Route SECOND-CUSS SLEEFINS CARS t lata taalt Tbraaib Tvala . - ar amn!M. snatu raaTLasa as ctAia Mai mi 4It tSiearlSaauaj :Sea fell r a lv Ia rortlaad CaevaUia Arr !, lt a Express traia dilv (except Sunday) at Albai.v and CorvallMcoanact with train o IHSSSl V p.rUaa,l McMtaanille ar br l iU Ml 7:S Ar Through Tickets to al p.ilata ia Faatacn Statas Canada atx) Xnroa caabeetMaioMiMluw-aSrataa frosa CkltVla ( Albany aoauLStl Maaagar Part'aaa Ovaaw. iristti. aaturart foniaad Chbap Rxtrs to Portion d. Tba Albanv leaves Albany for Portland oa Sun days, Tuesdays and Thursdays making tba run through in one day. rare to Portland. $2.00. Round trip, 140. EAST