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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1897)
lift 11 MIIIIJ m ii VJsVWJU VOL XXXI i. tke Pout OiUte at tlbaay. r. Hall Hallrri ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1897. S r imilS rMIaer aa4 srsrlr 27 IF : " nfll Si k fi y o' Argetah!c?reparationfor As similating therood artdRegula ting the Stomachs andBovcii of 0 SSL'S : . vr RomotesticstioT.Chcciful ticssandRcst.Contains neither Ctoram.Morpbjne nor Mineral. KotNahcotic. JJti, SmJ- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarriioca Worms ,Cknvulsions,Fcvcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature cf NEW "YORK. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE - OF - BACKED DOWN. SaIkm, Jan. J 8. Senate adjourned till Monday alternoon. No move made to unseat absent v members. This afternoon alter reading a veral bills Benson house adjourned till tomorrow. Davis bouse met at 9:30 a. m. this morning with six members. Adjourned until 9 :30 a. m. tomorrow IS ON THE WRAPPER bottile of EXACT COPT OT VRAPFEH. S IT i? tmm ' ' ageM - ii,-"- -. i Uutana U p-rt up ia eas-chs botUss only. It 3-U set soli fa bni. Dent allow anrou to sell ft- 7ra anything elm on the pip, er promi that it jim as geco" ana ml answer erery pr 4-ce toss yoo get U-A-tf-T-y-jUJ. Cf Thirtieth Year. E ALBANY COLLEG Calskdae fob 1S36-7 1396 Sept. 16 College Tear begins . . Wednesday Kov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day T-cess, Thura. and Fri. Dec. 21 Term examinations' begin Monday Dec. 23 First Term endf . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term betrins . . . Tuesday Feb 22 Washington's Binhday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . " . Tuesday April 8 Second Term ends ... - Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday ' Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sahbath forenoon iune 13 Address before the V. M. and Y. W. O- A. Sabbath evening June J4 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees . . Monday afternoon "June 1-1 Junior Orations . Monday even:.n -am-1 graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . . Tuesday forenoon June 15 Ponlar Entertainment Tuesdav evening June 13 Commencement .. . . . Wednesday j one lft Alumni Reunion . Wednesday evening Millionaire to Poverty. The following flora the Oregon ian ia about a man who about twenty years ago ran a music store in Albany. It was accidentally developed within the last few daya that A. L. More, who waa recently arrested by a police officer who suspected him of insanity, was formerly one of the wealthiest ,nd best known men of Southern California. Moe waa seen in Oregon City a few daya ago by a former acquaintance, who at once recognised him and learned from him some of bis adventures since coming to Portland. He once lived in Portland, but went south a good many jears ago, and met with remarkable success in real estate speculations in Southern California. H ia for nne waa at one time estimated at $1-, 000,000 But looseness of business meth ods and several kiing speculations made way with bis fortune, and three years ago lie suddenly disappeared, leaving be hind him his wife and three children destitute. The affair for some reason was kept quiet. Mrs. Move never made a report of her husbands disappearance to any of the authorities, but quietly went to work in her home at Santa Ana to earn a liv ing for herself and family. The next person to recognise Move, so he said, to acquaintances who saw him in Oregon City, was a deputy sheriff of Multuomah county, whose name he would not divulge. The two men had known each other in California when Moye waa a nun of wealth and influence there. The officer at first insisted on writing to his wife, but Moye, dually persuaded him not, and through the officer's media tion waa released from cntody. He is now, according to his own Btateruent.en deavoring to return to Santa Ana, earn ing his way by repairing musical instru ment. He says he still loves his wife, and wonld have returned to her before. but he baa the best ot reasons for keep ing away He thinks that, if he can reach Southern California again, and get started in busiress, be will be able to ac quire a competency in a little while, so that be can provide a good home for his wife and educate his children in the way he had always planned to. The Dejiocbat of Oct. 20. 1S76 under the he 1 of "An Infamous Swindler" gave an account of how A. L. Moye, I came to Albanv. made bis beadouar- ters at John Foshavs bookstore, and can vassed the county for organs and other musical instruments. Finally he sold notes amounting to $'-,200 on prominent l.i nn county tanners, to lieu Kohn. ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dkmocbat of Mav 5 to June 9, 187tt: The Willamette Woolen mills at Salem were burned. Loss $125,000. No. 2'a eteamera was received in Al bany on May 8, with appropriate cere monies, rroni a Us inch nozzle it threw water 2S5,ls feet, a solid stream 22l. Two clubs made un of bovs between 14 and 16 years cf age were organized. Of the eighteen boya not one is now a resi dent of Albany. Among them were Frank Ketchum, Lonner Ralston, Harry Parker, Bert 1'arton, Will Kideout, Man ny Cohen, Ed Roberts and Harry Upham. On May 24 No. l'a gave their annual fete In those days the firemen were strictly in it. Chas. Kiefer and Dr. G. W. Grav and family were among those who went to the Centennial. The Democrat was under obligations to Charlie Fronk for some wild straw berries the young man captured. Work on the present depot hotel was begun June 10. Henry Villard famous in railroad cir cles was in Albany May 25 The entire Democratic county ticket was elected. A won? those detested were S A Dawson for sheriff, J R N BUukburn tor judge, and MrUusick for clerk. From the Democrat of June 9 to June 16, 1876: A big camp meeting was held at Roberts bridge by Rev. L. A. Banki. (Kev. Banks is now one of the celebrated preachers of the U. b ) Mr. Isaac Young, father of S. E. Young died cn June 2. Waiter Monteith. Allanv's firs. settler. died on June 11. He cauie to Albanv fn 1847. At a college entertainment a dialogue. "Matrimonial Advertisement." by Ileitis Miller. Annie Geiaendorfer. iola Lane and Master Vanny Smith, was splendid, being received by a storm of applause. The first announcement was made of the nomination of Samuel J. Til Jen for president. A' Farm House Uuriicd. 1 he residence of Mr. Schneider, .four miles this side of Corvallis, ia Linn county, was entirely consumed by fire, together with nearly all tbe contents, Monday morning a'wut 4 o'clock The family only had time enough to get out. The fire started in the woodshed, h w is not known. Mr. Schneider has owned the place only a short time, hav ing bought it of Mr. Hanniball. The houe was insured but not the content. List of Patents. Granted to Facific States inventor this week. Renorted bv C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent otlice, Wash ington, D. C. II P Aodreet-n. Seattle, heel plate; T A Clarke, Portland folding trestle; A G Debhn. Seattle, track attachment f ir hi- Then he skipped out and ma week or net controlling device; PS Malcolm, two it was discovered that tbe notes were Aortland, tooth powder receptacle; W forgeries. He was captured at Lowell. II Martin. National Militar Mom. Ij Michigan a week oftwo later, brought Angeles count v, Cal.cribb counter; L back and on March 17. 1877 sentenced to Meudelson, San Diego, Cal, car coupliug; the penitentiary lor three vearj. After O 11 Pieper, e'.ectrical coutrol ing ap wrring a year he was pardoned and in paratus; A ShackMon, Merlin, Or. niu June 18.8 aeain came to Albanv and cilaee bottle? C V Four Courses of Instruction leading np to deirrees. Well equipped Music courses, wiin appropriate aipiomas. catalogue tree. For further information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. I opened a music store, but soon left and bad almost been fonrotten when this item appeared in the Oregonian. K. of P ELBcnojf. At the meeting of the U R., K. ofP., Columbia Division No. 4, last evening, the following offict rs were eierteo : J. R. Wilson, Sir Kt Capt. P. H. FarreU, Sir Kt Lieut. O. . Prorata Kir k"i ll.r.M Business and j W. M. Parker. Sir Kt Recorder. L E. Carl, eir Kt Treasurer. About the middle of February a public j jusuuiauon. will ne lieio. corset steel rein'orce; M F Triler. attle, paper cutter; C E 'heeUod, Se attle, bicycle s at: H W Williams, San Leaudro, prepayment attachment lor meters. EUGLISHandBUSIMESS aa ja a. PORTLAND OREGON Ft.'LL tNGC.ISH COL'P? FRENCH ASJ BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKK.EEP1N 3, SHORTHAND, TSUeG-lAPHY. ED.SD1MS t?ARTftEaT' LAE1ES Sffl K. O.T. M. Gurnxo. Knishtsof the Maccabees: The Ladies of the Macca bees extend yon fraternal ereetine. and take pleasure in inviting yon and your I families to a public ins tallalion of their ot&cers on the evening of January 29th I at the opera house. A short nrWram will be rendered, follow ed bv installation of officers. By order of L. C. Albanv Hive No. 2, L. O. T. M . Gosph. Sebvicxs. Tbe preaching services continue with increasing inter est at tho Church of Christ. Subjects ff9 thm nVMAltl nnai)awfiMi a m ,a VtJZ'W, "Types of tbe Old Testament." Every fea !) lone in tert a ted in religion shou'd come! and study these important subjects. Good sinking, briet bat interesting ser mons on imporuni in ernes ona a coraiai welcome to all ia the order of service. Nsxdsd Badly. Repr sentative Lake ot Benton county went home from the legig attire, it was said disgusted. Yet terday Representative M teener, one of the two democratic members attending the rump house, backslid and it was necessary to have Lake in order to go through with the farsical proceedings todav. ota Albany rig was wnt after him and he was brought to Albany and reit to Salem on the morning overland. Ax Eabthui-aee. A Newport dis patch states tha ilt section wss visited by an earthquake shock at 2:45 p.m. yesterday. The shock was ot abUt three seconds durat on, and houses were shaken until tbe dishes on the shelves rattled. Tbe vibration appeared to come from a northerly direction and were accompanied by a slight rumbling noise like thunder. Reports from Alsea bay state that tbe shock was felt quite plainly there at about the same time. PEIDAT TAX LEVIES. Levies have been made in Linn county as follows: SCHOOL IM8TIUCT8. Brownsville 3v mills Halsey Dist.65 2i ' Dlst. 115 15 " 124 Lebanon 3 Albany. Sodaville... ... Dist. 74 " 37 " 32 Crawfordsville. Diet. 112 " 67 21 FOB CITY PVWOHS8. Halsey Sodaville Brownsville Lebanon Albanv Waterloo poll tax (2 oa 4 J l 4 13 14 60 21 and 50 years. .... li mills ... 4 " ... 3 " .... 4', ... 8 " tiiiiles between Lebanon. J. B. Wirt has opened a real estate of fice in Lebanon. Mies Alice Ambler is in Albany this week visiting friends. The total tax lew on property in Leb anon this year is mills. Miss Dnmond returned Wednesday from a month's visit in Albany. Mrs. W. W. Rowell and Mrs. D. F. Hardman, of Albany, attended the Mac cabee installation in this place Thursday night. A. D. Barker, a prominent member of the A. O. U. W. lodge, of Al'jany, as sisted In the buual of W. Ii. Reed in Lebanon last Sunday. J. 11. Wirt was circulating a petition in Lebanon this week, asking for a daily mail service between Lebanon and La comb. There were only a few whjie f sign the petition. Willie Booth is canvassing for W. J. Bryan's new book, "The First BstfJe." Willie it doing well with the book, and ia talking silver doctrine right along. He has already cold over twenty books. G. L. Ke and Jas. Hanterof Albany, were in Lebanon Monday to see about establishing a skimming station in this city in connection with the Albany creamery. Thee gentlemen will return again one week from Saturday and lay the matter before the farmers and busi ness men. VS ife Wanted Must be a good cook and know how to make good bread ; must be of good temper, and a christian lady, with no children; must know how to take care of chicken, and love to see a good garden and dowers. The man's age is 55 years, he is sober and indus triou, and ua no tebacroor whiskey. Inquire of, or write to, IVer LaForge, Lebanon, Or. Express and Advance. Entirely too Bi&. The Hatchet, of Washingtoj county, gives the following as the salary ol t!Ue superintendent of education, vis: 13S life diplomas at f .50 . 4tl college diplomas at tl. 363 state " at S3. 477 state certiScatej at f I ... 00 1.11 09 8T0 00 1 JOS 00 0 I Ml for sixteen this o:M ad 1 to tliie This is what lie received months work. For a vear amount to IJI.783.S.S Then f 1.S00, and a liberal iliovinw for trav eling expenses, and we have, if the statement of the Hatchet be trae, nearly 17. (M3 a yc,ar. A case fur oaie live pruning. The Rump Ai'JourncJ. Salem, Jan. 29. The Benton hocse adjourned over to Monday at 2.30. Ye nees, cf Poik, declares an agreement is being signed by 21 refuting attendance after Tuesday. The Davis bouse will continue to adjourn from day to day. THOMAS BRINK, All Muds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, OREGQfl. Dealer in A Fisht Itf Talk about water run ning up hill 1 Here is a case where river has commenced to ran from its month to its source. Dead river is tbe name of a slough that cuts across from one part of tbe vv lllamette to another among the islands near Booneville, and in the years gene by there was a rapid current f i om west to east. Of late the water became siuggish in its movement snd a rear ago ceased to move at all. This winter it runs quite rapidly from east to west. This seems somewhat "fishy." but it ia told as a fact bv eood reliable men. Corvallis Timea. In thiib Obdeb. Senator Daw eon baa introduced tbe following bill, which seems to be ail right : "Section 1. That section 2467 ot title IV of chaper XIII of Hill's annotated laws of Oregon, as compiled and anno tated by William Lair Hill, be amended to read as follows : oe tion 2467. Oountv orders ahall be redeemed by the treasurer according to their number, date and issue. A Jcdical Eiu. Serator Calbreath has introduced a bill providing that tbe 3rd judicial district shall consist of Mar ion Linn counties, and shall hold courts as follows: I a the county of Marion, on the second Mondav of October, the sec ond Monday of Februaty.and the second Monday cf June; and in tbe county of Linn on the second Monday of March, tbe fourth Monday of June, and the fourth Monday of October. Thai a tenth district shall be established consisting of r. iv. X- i -ii l t . l . ' roia, iamiiui anu aiiiboiook cououea. That judges shall be elected separately for tbe two districts to hold from the lit Monday of June ISM at 20C0 a year. Tbe same as to district attorneys except aa to compensation. Bio Cattle Sales. Some heavy cattle sales have been made in this vicinity, savs the Crook county Journal several local cattle owners having disposed of their entire bands of caltie, to be deliv ered next June. The prices at whicb thev sold are as follows: 1 vear old hei fer, $9; 2 year old better. IIS; dry cows, f 14 ; cows and calves, $17.50; 3 year olds. 23. Anions those who Ktd are Frank Hoffman. D W Claypool. O A Graves. P B Uavis. Sinih A Sichel and Sanders Logan, W F Mellick, of Mon 'tana was the purchaser. Meeting of Mate Camp. Indian tvar veterans are requested to meet at Salem Feb. 2d, at 7:30 p.m. The Grand Commander T. A. Wood, wld apeak of what is being done to w core proper legislation in behalf of vet eran, in Washington, D. C , and what should be done by voters to further their interests ia this direction. AH veterans throe auout tbe state who can are requented to be present. The Saleai camp will prcvidea hall to meet in. Albany camp especially invited to at tend. Jasox Captain of Albany Camp. HELD UP. The Overland Stopped and Express Car bombed and Robbed. One of the most thrilling railroad bold ops in the history of the Pacific coast occurred about 11:15 o'clock last night, two miles the other aide of Roeeburg. At that pltue a flag signal waa given ahead for the train to atop. Tbe engi neer, Dick Morris, stopped tbe train. At M) rile Point a man evidently a tramp had climbed upon tbe blind baggage, but as it was a common proceeding, nothing was thought of it at tha time. Wnn the train stopped he climbed over tbe tender, with a mask on bis face ani two revolvers in bis hands and cooly inform ed the engineer and fireman that he would run tbe engine. In the meantime as tlte train stopped the conductor, Sam Veatcb, and Brakeman Carter, jumped u on the ground to see what was the mattsr. t wo bullets whistled raat their heaJs and they were not alow In getting into the passenger cars. Butler, the express messenger, open ed tire door ot the car and tired twice and then fled into the front passenger car. As he did so a bomb followed him striking low, but causing a shock that broke several windows. Then t wo men appeared, uncoupled the train between the expresa and paasenger car and U new man in the en.ine pulled the train up two or three hundred yards where it stopped, as the air coupling bad not been properly broken ard the brakes were set. The engineer waa ordered to tbe ground, and the fireman aiipped off the other side and ran for Roeeburg. The engineer ws marched to tbe ex press car, and ordered to torn hia back, when bombs were thrown under the j sales. The small local sales were bio in up and the contents, which were not much, taken. Tbe big tale containing the valuable remained intact. One ot tbe men went to the mail car and order ed the door opened. The clerk Chas. Piper, brother of Mrs. E. W. Langdon r! this city, opened tbe door, and a man about 5 feet 8. weighing less than ISO, appeared fully masked. "Quick now, hand out tbe registered sacks," said the man very coolly. Charley gave bim one, which was al most empty. "Tbe other now." but there was no other and tbe fellow left, a man on tbe outside cussing him ail the time for his slowness Mr. Piper thinks from the talking that there ;ere lour or five men all tcgettter, b'lt only three were seen. Then the men tied in the darkness. The tfnnbs had eet fire to the express car, and it was biazmg fiercely and no: fa ir. could be gotten from it. It waa fail ot drummers trunks and all were burned. A jewelry drummer stated at this city on tbe arrival of tbe train at 10 o'clock Ilia: be lost flO.OOO in samples by the fire The end of the mail car was bad.y burned, and would hare beeo enlrieiy consumed, but for tbe prompt action of tbe mail clerk Mr. Piprr. who, with the eagineei Mr. Morris, worked faithfully wub water in saving the car. During the hold up a bomb struck under the car ani Mr Piper said to tbe DxwocnAi man that it seemed as if it raised tbe car a foot. The passengers did not get excited The front car contained several drum mers, who proceeded to bide all their va'uabica very quickly, but it was on necessary as tbey were not disturbed. One immigrant with his family was on the front seat of the car when the first bomb was thrown that broke windows ali arouna him ; bat be simply kept hia seat, and there was no screaming. In the meantime the fireman had fled like a deer for Roveborg, never stopping until he reached the city. Superintend ent Kiel !s himself was there. An en- gice was tecured, a poe of men fully arn ed called out. and it was only about bail an boor before thev were at tbe scene of the hotd up. lour separate tracks were traced for tome distance from tbe train, but the men were not se cured. Tbey had six hours of darkness) in which to escape. The men could not ne sunicientiy described to be identified if captured, so well were tbey disguised. it required about four hours of bard work to clear the track of tbe debris of the burned car. When tbe train reached Albany at 10 o'clock, goodsiied crowd. wbo had heard of theaiTair, was present to see is, and learn the particulars. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL tl:e j.:o3t celebrated of all the baking powders In the world cel ebrated for its greet leavening stiennh and jo purity. It makes yout cakes, Liscuii, Lrcad, etc, healthful it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go. with the cheap brands. ' .lovALiottb'sa; ii W WUtWM. ftAUM aftairfceTaa a . IIP IT-OUTOI- THE 8TH GRADE. "Not for school bnt for life we learn.' This waa the motto of the 8th grade class of the public school, tbe members of which last night at the Central build ing, before a large andience of parents and invited friends gave their graduating exercises from the grammar department into tb ninth grade. Tbe eighth grade room was neatly decorated for the occas ion witrt tbe class colors, while facing the audience were the con te nances of George and Martha Washington. "I wish I were vonnar aeain and in school" said a ladv in front of the Man a boot Town, and his heart gave a big tbamn as be remembered tbe school bov days when be placed a star part ia one of tbe exercises of the evening, "A thorn among the roses," Tbe prcgram opened with a welcome song by the schooL Kev. D. V. Poling offered prayer. An interesting history of tbe class was read by Sarah ee!ey, full of cute bits. Frank Williamson read an essay about the general be most admired. It was Grant. Miss Emma Brenner, pleated U.e aud ience ia a vocal sol. Jennie Crawford's essay was 6a social pnrity, a timely etfort. Abbie Hyde recited with fine effect, displaying excellent talent ina Ciine and Edna From an and chorus rang "Convent Bella" well. "Tbe Tboro Among the Boeee," a live comedy waa presented in a bright man ner. Charley Stewart, Clarence Turner, Nina Uiioe, Erma Carter, EUxabeth Pat terson. Pearl Cameron, Meredith Ban kin, Emma Brenner and Ola Norman taking the parts in a very fine manner. This is a genuine school drama. Vicn-e Mayo was beard in a well ren dered piano solo. Minnie K. Merrill read an original class poem in whicb appeared prophecies oi eacn memoer ot tbe Class. It was a bright effort and displays a splendid poetical taient. Miss Minnie will be heard from. A class eone was beard Miss Ona hughea pronounced a well pretared valedictory. CUss K sansr one of their sones. Prof. Tyre delivered a abort, practical scares to tbe class, tall ol sensible sg gesuons. Tbe efficient teacher Mrs. Lambson extended ber thanks to the audience and an adjournment was had alter a delight ful school entertainment. HOME AND ABROAD. Okatobical Contest. The annual 1 cal intercollegiate oratorical contest will take place next Indsy. Ken. 5, at the opera house. There are six contestants this year and as esch one is an orator of recognised ability, this contest promises to be one ol tbe mon interesting ever held in this citv. Everyone should at' lead and thus leud encoursgement to his or her favorite. A Sample. The following from the MrMinnville T. a cample of the i est less spirit ol the day: The week past has witnessed two notable changes in political opinion, the first being J. E. Maseru who was an snti-Mitchell man up to his visit to Salem. 1'pon his re turn i. wss learned that he was a staunch Mitchell man. The other chance is Woi Campbell, the prominent repulican war- horse who wasoncea democrat. He was a Mitchell man first, last and all the time up to last week. In the November campaign he hail a shoe box of Mitchell buttons which he vieoroufiy pea (ilea about. Now he is an anti-Mitchell man of the regnlar anarchistic stripe. Wall Paper, uarpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains Rugs, Portiere, Pillows Furniture Bedding. "Picture Frames, - Linen Warp Matting, Oil PaiD tings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. MVJ bshHJ .Vs g A re built in "JlV. 1 A. tno iu; gtjb IYG1FA and Best uuuiuycu Factory in iigMo! pflh the World Baled the Waverlv because tliev have learned to know the dif- EvrtoerlonrpA ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that EA.pCi ieilcu is simply claimed to be. Someothera maybe good but the RilCfS" Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcher (3 heights) $85 00, Belle 21 ard 28 inch $75.00 and $85.00. MADK BY iNDIANA BICYCLE OO. :BDtASAPOUS, IND A. J. Hodges,;iBenl Mr. J. B. Wyatt returned todav from his trip to San Francisco by way of Port land. Geo Lash, of Pendleton, the embez zling recorder, waa taken to the peniten tiary yesterua'. uapt. Humphrey, ol this city, is well acquainted with him. and says be was one of the best liked and most trusted men he ever knew. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Power last even ing entertained several ol their young married mends in a pleasant manner. It waa a live affair from beginning to end, touched up with games and seasoned witb ice cream, etc. IirBTON-MAHSIIAU. WEDD1XO. Mr. Edward Huston, of Conn & Hus ton and Miss Dorena Marshall were united in marriage at 8:30 o'clock Wed nesday evening, Jan. 27, 1897, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. A. G. Marshall, in Albany. Tbe ceremony waa performed by Kev. Arthur Cane in tbe presence of a few relatives and Mr. Hus ton's partner and family. It waa fol lowed by a fine weddine supper. Mr. snd Mrs. Huston were remembered in a liberal manner with some valuable pres ents, the happy couple were warmly congratulated and have the best wishes of the people generally of this county. wher? they have spent their lives, and wnere tbey are respected and esteemed by all knowing tbem. They have begun housekeeping at tne home of the groom in third ward. The pofttofGce at Fox Vallev has been discontinued snd Lyons will hereafter be usfid. The tVaehington county Hatchet is botteBt supporter of Mitchell in Oregon. It should m ve to Salem. At a meeting of the Salem Rimntnllio Club tonight the Rotbchild family will be discussed. Tneir history will be given. Sheriff Landis, of Lincoln county yester day went to ' Salem with Geortre Crowder, a boy sentenced lo tbe reform' school on account of having robbed a store. Will Reform. John Patterson, the Scio constable who got drunk and was arrested in Albany a few days ago, upon returning borne signed an oath and ac knowledged it before Justice Shelton, to be filed with the county clerk, agreeing never to drink intoxicating liquors agsrn. Good for l'atterson. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Judge Wolverton is in the city on a short visit. Representative Smith came np oa last night's overland to remaia over Sunday. Barney May ot Ilar -ieburg, was in the city during the week on bis way to Port land to accept a position w itn at. belter M. G. Willing, the Waterloo railroad man. was in the city tbta week. He thinks he will have cars running into Albany from Waterloo by July 4. henator Wade, ot I mon county, came up on the noon train to spend Sunday wim iir and .Mrs. .N.eedliam. Mr. Wade is a relative of Mr. Needham. Rev. Rrichard returned to hia home at Purallup this morning earlier than be had anticipated on account of tbe sup ply for bis pulpit having been taken ill. Miss Cohen and Miss Bessie Burkhart, who have been visiting for several days witb friends in this citv. returned Thurs day evening to their home at Albany. b lem Journal. I. H. Van VV inkle, who has so faith fulv served the association and field day team in the respective positions of Fna- luent ana Manager, tendered bis resig nation ar he has been obliged to sever hi connections with "Old VV illamette for the present, at least. F. E. Brown was duly elected to fill the vacancies csused by the resignation of Mr. Van Winkle.-Salem Journal. Good Shooting. The shoot at Harrieburg yesterday brought oat some of tbe best gun manip ulating yet aeea in the valley. The great contest of the afternoon was between six men, three from Albany and three from Harrieburg at 15 birds a piece for a purse of $40 for highest acore and $20 for record highest. The score was ss follows: Monteith 1 01111111111111 14 Baltimore-1 111111 11 111111 15. Froman, Geo-1 1011111111111 1-14. Meeks 1 111111111111 1 115 Cavinees 0 1010111 1 withdrew. Grimes 1 111101011011 0010 Ia tbe ahooting Monteith nsed tbe second barrel only 2 times, Baltimore 3 times, Frotnan 6 times and Meeks 8 timea, a fine record. Baltimore and Meeka divided the first pri2e and Monteith and Froman the second. While it waa not a contest be tween Albany and Harrieburg the acore speaks frf itself. It ia doubtful if any three men In Oregon can shoot witb tbe Albany trio. VP. Letter List. A Bio Shoot. Ten Albany nimrods. anion woom were l I Baltimore, B Monteith. Gei and Fraok Froman, V II Peiffer. Frank Huckleman. Heary Wil- lianip, Hei, C'ebn. Fred Blount and Mr! Rupert, went to llsrrsburg today to a big live bird khoot. Kitrtit men, probably four from Albanv nnd four from llarrls- huiif were to nu.xt at u a person, tue winner (o tuke the whole. Wast as Offics. Petititiona for fed eral ollicea are flying thick around here these days. Among tbosetbat have been circulated were Dr Carter's. Silaa How- ell 'a. Frank Stanton'a and H. L. Huff man's for Indian agent,and Ed Stanton a (or loiedo post ottice. loieao ieauer. Following is the lixt of letterx remaining in the PontoHice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jan. 27, 1897. I'emons calling for these letters tnunt give tbe date on which they were advertised. Ambers, Madge Cave, Mattie Hoffman, J.H.Mr Mitchell, J L. Sceil, George Welsh, J. VV. T. J. Stptkb, P M Oratorical context atth9 opera house enday evening, heb. 6, PBflPLY Itmplu, blotcbca, blackhead, red, rooifh, oily, notby akin, Itching, ncjily scalp, dry, Ihln. and faUInf hair, and buby blemUbea piwntod by CcncDBA Bur,Ui moiteBoUakln purify, ing and beauUfylng oap In lbs world, as wtll as pr..t and iwowt for toltot, bath, and Bumry. Itrara IiMtAthraai Sate BLOOD HUMORS Fmninciittr Chiiwt T . CUTlCUBA REMkUiai. Mail Carrying Contract. Mr. Geo. Harris bid the lowest for carrying the mails to the 8. P. trains, $22.Sn and has received the contract, t nder the con tract ten "round trips a day during the week and four Sundays have to be made. Mr. Harris will earn his money. State Superintendent Irwin lectured at Sodaville last night. J. A. Wilson and Jas. Towell and oth ers returned this noon from balom. Representative Somers came uo this noon on hia first trip to Albany since the legislature mot. bonator uawson also returnel, and several distinguished lions passed ttirougn tne cu. .. Genuine Webfoot now. The acreage of hops this year wiH prob ably be big Tho Weblintf sisters played last riclit to a good sized and pleased house. About the only crtticism they receive is their En glish accent. A WaiUbnrg preacher wants $15,000 damages from an editor for ciiiicUinsr his eermon. Ilfl hed better go back to Eng land, whence he came. Any one who thinks taxes here are high will please cogitate over the taxe of Baker county, where the county and state tax are 28 8 milla, city and school district tax 17 5 mills, a total of 46 3 mills. Dr. Levi W. Ballard, who croxspd the plain from Ohio to Portland in 18S3, died at Auburn near Seattle yesterday afternoon after a long illness, acred 82 years. He served In tbe Rogue River Indian war, acting as surgeon. Twenty For more than twenty years we have been telling: now Scott's Emulsion overcomes the excessive waste of the system puts on flesh, nourishes and builis up the body, making: It the remedy for all wasting: di seases of adults and children but it isn't possible for us to tell the story in a mere stick ful of newspaper type. We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book, telling: in easy words how and why Scott's Emulsion lenef its, and a postal card request will he enoug;h to have it sent to you free. To-day would be a god time to send for It. SCOTT a BOWNE, Nw York. Judge Bronaugh'a Lecture. Tbe fourth lecture in the regnlar Al bany College course was delivered last evening by Judge E. C. Bronaogh of Portlaad. in tbe U. P. church. Tbe Judge is an elderly gentleman, with white hair and beard and forcibly reminds one of tbe description giren to tbe venerable patnarcba and propbeta ot old. Dot is nevertbeiese a ecboiariy and instructive lecturer. Tbe evening a en tertainment opened with a song by tbe college quartet, Dr. Parvin, Meters. Lnn dell and Akere, and Miss Halburt. Judge Bronaogh was introduced by Prof. How laod The Judge entertained tha large audience present for nearly two boors with a mental picture portrayed ia tbe most interesting and convincing lan guage, fully supported by Bible quota uons. to prove tbal we were fast ap proaching the end of the present age. Ue said the Bible tsxt aa printed "the end of the world," waa a wrong transla tion, and should read "tbe end of tbe age." That he did not know, and tbe lxrd only did, wben tl ever, tbe world would come to an end. He claimed that tbe present age would soon pass away, and that in its place wonld be prepared on thia earth a new earth aa it were newly appareled and a bt abiding place lor ail tboee who have teen faitbiu. unto the end and have proven themselves worthy Christians. The Bible is reliable. He said prior to 5896 years ago all was chaos, but that on or about .September a), wbat we call tbe autumnal equinox, years ago, God started tbe planets in their coarse the earth to make its diurnsl and annuil revolutions and in fact created tbe solar system with all the natural laws govern ing space and matter. lime waa beiore that, bnt creation datea only from that time : and the theory of geologists and others that n an existed prior to tha Mo aaic creation Jas nothing to enpport It. He aaid the earth waa corrupt when God destroyed it by deluge reading Gen. 6 chapter, 12tb and 13th versea. He aaid Christ had foretold when the end ot tbe age would come, reading from St Mattbew, 21th chapter. That aa tbe artn waa corrupt when destroyed by deluge so would the world become again an 1 trouble and sorrow would come, and are here now, fully confirming the prophecy and proving the end of the aze near at hand. lie said that dav" sometimes meant year" in the Bible, quoting Esekiel chanter 4. verse 6. Tbe mdee showed that each prophecy which he read had been entirely fulfilled and with chalk on tbe blackboard he it lustrated the chronological- divisions aa measured and foretold by the Prophet uameiana others, witb mathematical I certainty. lie also proved tbettba Turks were prophesied to bold away over tbe Holy iJind 1260 years, and tbst that period would aoon end and the Turkisb empire would pass away. The Jews are rapidly congregating at Jerusalem. He cited Luke 2lat chapter and Daniel 8th chap ter, Daniel lltu chapter and Jeremiah 30th chapter. He closed with an earnest appeal lor I christian! to live mora Godly Uvea and I be prepared when Christ should come. lie aaid this thing of christians playing progressive whist and other card games waa making but poor use of the time given them by tha gracious Father. I Christiana ahould abstain from worldly thinga. He waa given close attention and bis lecture waa evidently highly appreciated. Properly used, MPerfectlon, dyea are superior. InsUt on Having Perfection" Dvcs. tor sale by Fred Dawson. February 12, Boya Club entertainment. Ring phone 9, or smiley tb printer Finest candies and nuts at C. E Baowmx's. Timothy seed for sale itC . Baow- IKUt. Poa corn that pods can be f ooad at C. E. Banwrax's. Crawford Jc Hamuli for pboloeratbs. Prices from SI to $?0 per dozen. Tbe Aablaad school district on Wednes day voted a tax of 8 nulla. If you want abaointely correct time set your watch with French's regulator. At frenca s jeweli y store yoo caa bay spectacles and ee gUsse from 2Sc up Skimmiag stations for tbe Albany cream ery will probably be pat ia at Lebanon aad BrownrrU'e Dr G- W. Mastoa, pnytaaa aad SOT geoa. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt Iy in city or coon try. Information that is worth its weight ia goid: Get yoor meats of all kinds at Hen ry Sroder'a, oa Second street. If you are ia seed of a beating stone call and examine tee Royal Jewel at TL. &wart A box Hardware Co. 'a. Tbe mail robbers secured only f IL50, a migtity ist'i taol for so raoca trouble. A reward of 1C00 each is of erei f jr the con viction of tbe robbers. Mr. F. L. Kentaa ha rented tbe oSce room jart vacated by Mr. J. M. RaUtoa and will tell fruit, vegeJablcs. Arc, a sooa as ready fer boatpesa. Mr. J. M. Rabtoa baa moved bis real estate aad loan office into bis build Dg just neatly rearraagd oa Second Soee. just eat et tbe LtaxocaaT ca. Toe regular meeting ol tie Ladies Aid society of Albany wu be beld ax the resi de ce of Mrs. E L Cpham oa Monday tbe let day ot reb. at p. m. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers oSoes a or residence ia the port office building. Spec ial atteauoa girea to disease ot women. A good resolution for isvi is to call ia at Uaigat Bros, and order some of their choice meats. Tbeir constant resolution is to treat tbe public well. lnm or gray bair ad bald beads, so d'sptesmag to many people as marks of ag. may be averted for a hag time by nauut Halt a Hair Kenewer. Tbe Baker City K-poblicai newspaper plant waa attached. City Lditor fc. C Steifeo sued for $504.60 doe him aad bis son for labor performed. The plant was released from attachment by Mr. Alley. the proprietor, filing aa indemnifying bond. Tbe Corvallis Gazette received the fol io wins letter from Graafier. across tbe nver. oa tbe ay to Corrallia: I have today found a lace shoe aboCt 100 yards from my bone. Its size is about six or even, and as 1 took it to tbe boose. I was informed by my wife that oar little boy bad found a pair of robbers shortly after Jim Egtia disappeared. Tbe rubbers fit the shoe exactly and tbe robbers contain some dirt sues as cannot be found ia this neighborhood Please inform Jim's rela tives about it. As my place ts only half a mile from wbat is caiicd Dead river, it ia possible that Jim was killed aad carried down to Dead river ' HEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WFEIC ECiTIGN . . s WetL 14 Papen a Tesr, la larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published and is tbe only mportant democratic "weekly" pnb ished in New Yo. k City. Three times aa large - tbe leading rewblican week ly of hew York CH-. It will be of eeial advantage to yon during tha residential Champaign, aa it ia pnb fced every other day, except Soniday, " as all tbe freshness and timeliness daily. It combines all tbe news a long list of interesting depart at, unique features, cartoons and lie illuatrauooa, tbe latter beinc a OltT. 1 these improvements bavw oeea without any increase in the oust which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer this un equaled newspaper and tbe W stilt Dzhoout together oca wear for 12.00. Satisfactory terms with GQHSERYATORY OF HDS1G fbany College fea -iKrtbe school rear IS96-1K7 : &Lri ramn, Una. Doc director. Assistant tchi-Margoente) AJderson, B. M., sad Mrs. Josephine Sbarpe. Tnoroogn and systematic instrucaoo even in all tbe important branches of music Best conservatory rooms and latgest musical library aad facilities for mutical work. Largest number of con servatory etadenta enrolled of any music school in tbe state. Terms low. Send tor circular and catalogue, to atLacx rlowx Ln, A. m. Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Tborocgb instruction Wholesome liet Homelike treatment. Consider ing bard timea, favorable redactions are I made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For i urther particulars call at tbe Academw or write to Sister Superior. THE RUSH Continues ia oar job department. We are receiving orders daily Irom tbe test business firms in this and adjourns counties a invite tne panne to in spect our work and prices. Work satis- tactory or no pay. ietns serve too. ufikt job umrx Dr Adams Albany, Or Vividly remembering tbe enjoyable leap year party given by tbe young la dies of East Albany, tha young men dewing not only to repay them, but to far outshine tbem in social entertain ment, gsve a most successful party at the G. A. R. ball last evening. After an interesting program consisting ot a piano solo by J. L. Tyree, declamation by John liar re tt. a selection by mate auartet consisting of Messrs. Cone kl in. McKnigbt, Johnson ana Becker, banjo solo by Lee Powers, vocal solo by Jas. Corigan, and a langhable and well played farce entitled "The Cat Without an owner," all took pan in the grand march. A delicious lunch waa then served The remainder of tha evening was apent in playing games and enjoy ing other social amusements. .v. I CITY TREASURERS NOTICE KO. 12- NoUce is hereby give that fcrnda are oa haad to pav outstanding warrants of tbe ioe ot isub, nom o 400 o aoo, ip aiusive. interest on such warrants will eeae with tbe date oi this notice. Albany. Or. Dec 23. 1. E. A. Paaasa. Citj Treaa from cae at." -i's mw m. 0X1$ I5IVJOYQ Both tha method and mmlts -when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant rV T iVTICK. Strayed, or stolen l KnoxBntte. Friday Jaa 22nd. sbeppard dog. a pnppi, yellowish color, with swiped tali, conar ana ii"K- w information, or said dog delivered to J a Froman. or gua share will be suitably re warded. J S Faoxaw. AT l'UE MLN E5- Boarding, raging and meats may be secured of tbe sub scriber at the Santiam mines, al his place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. Whits. MEO E FItt TRK rLUMBKR Tin roofing and plumbisg. OpposiU ha opera house STREET RAILWAY. K0T1CE. TK. mobw on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with alt trains to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be uaae sr. special I. a? vv-a"-r . K. O. T. M. M eeta every Patnrday evenmr a . T. M . 11 all. Visiting Knights 10 yitta tend. J.S.i as wuiXL..cni Pjrupoi r iga is uiku; n is piuui, w w w-' Let Os Reason To and refreshing to the taste, and acts yy jy gather I Is it not bet- eenuy yet proinpuj va me niuueys, 1 ter to buy yonr isreaa,ne, imii,-"i Lav nss Dawson will treat you rlaht . iu .v.. I ... ri;hia atmw where they tem effectually, dispels colds, head- m???ZI LT' .v .1 r...:' ... 1 v.v,;.,..l a yon dbnt want dyspepws and you . I " J "tt t, D .1.-V t V constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in . . . . 1 i ' 1 . ' its acuon ana traiy Denencuu in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI3 SIRUP CO. uk nuKusco. cal Looavms. sr. um roar. AC. store. Be U.S. BAKERY. Ellsworth and Lyon Snd St, C D. Vakotsb. Proprietor For Sale. I have two ' houses and Ws in Dayton. Washington, icr saw r Would trade lor town ("r""j : tw The houses are situated o 5th street, one boose ha 6 rooms, the other 4 good wens on own k-""-enough for family use on each lot. near the central school and cotlegw Any one wish ing to trsde for this property will please repl to H.J. Has-a. Albsry, Oregoa "TV , KV HOME LAC2iPKX.-A Noit IN aw? of tlUworth Street. Fanut washing taken. Particular attention pai to bnadle washing and menJing, Saus faction guaranteed. Mas. CnaisrsKBp