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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1897)
1 ; : , 1 " VOLWYl!. Entered eS the Foot Ofllee at llbany. Or. aa Becomd-Clai Mall Batten ALBANY OillWOlN, T K II J A . J AiS U A It Y 2-9 . I 897. rrCTTM VOL XXXI!. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. JAND AHY 9.1897. Catered eS tee Fool Ofllee at llbaay. Or. a Becomd-Class Mall Mattrrt llBer sad Praarletav NO. 21, NT trrtuMlmtuiimmims n 1 f, jfl 153 it! AYegcfeblcIVeparctton.fbr. suraiaunginciooaanaii-Siia- i firUStamadJsandlio-.vcbicf V5U xTomotesTDtgcsfon.C&eenuI tjessandfiest.Contains neither Opjum,Morplie nor Mineral. NotNabcotic. i.t IS! it?l 11 - HirmJteJ Aperfat Remedy forCons'Jfsa don.Sour Stomach,DiarriKea, Worms .CortvtdsionsJevrish Dss and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of "NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY Or VRAPFF.B. i il . . -t rr ... -lt , lift r , .I., 1 Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. Calssdah foe 1896-7 1S95 Sept. 16 College Year begins . . WeiJnesJ? Nov. 2627 Thankpgivin? Day reoeie, Thnrs. snd FrL Dec 21 Term- examinations" begin . Monday Dec. 23 First Term endf . . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term begins . . . Tuesday Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuesday Aprils Second Term ends . . . Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Fccr Days "April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday Jane 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon Tune 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C- A. Sabbath evening . .June It Annua! Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon "JunelJ Junior Orations . . Monday evenin; ' Jojik lis Gr&daaung Exereus of the Conservatory oi June o Pvnlar Entertainrsent Tuesday evening June 16 Comnenoement . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni Reunion . Wednesday evening Four Courses of Instruction leading np to decrees." Well equipped Business and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For further information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. Rjl PORTLAND OREGON felJ FULL ENGLISH COt:?.F. ' StT I ' FRENCH A.: J CUi AAN. X ff t'iyA ' BUSINESS BRANCHES. -i t rfl Eoc:ikehpin3, Shorthand, telegraphy. tKf pfelf4 B0A8B1BS DEPARTftEilT'" LAMES m THOMAS Dealer in vou aLBAHY, Wall Paper, Carpets, Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil PaiDtings, , ' and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. select the Waverly because they have learned to know Hie dif PfftPflCtlCPf! ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that msj V is simply claimed to be. Some others may be good but the RiflClS" Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcber (3 heights) $85.00, Belle 26 and 28 inch $75.00 and $85.00. . , MADKBY tNDIANA BICYCLE CO. ..RDIAMAPOUS, IMP THAT THE FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 33 OK THE WRAPPER OF EYESI BOTT3L33 OJP Cartoria is tret rp in oss-sirs bottles mly. It g is tot am ia eaiz, Uoat allow as as to s&a J-.I yon anytikj ls9 oa lis plea or, pnnai t 1 t h " "ics sooi" and "will aas r rrary pr pp-ffie." ce tint y rt O-A-S-T-O-24-i. BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding, and it want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. 0HEG0H. Are built in 11. -. L yn,- viio largest KKSVCIFA and Best 1 ' -, , jiiquippea Factory in jiglUJef pgb the World A.J. Hodges, ;Agent THUESDAT AN ORGANIZATION. 31 Members Elect Benson Speaker ttuout Disturbance. Salem, Or., Jan. 21. At a short ses sion of the houee Crawford for the reg ulars announced that thev would attempt organization at two o'clock under the opinion of Senator Hoar, that a quorum consists of two-thirds of those sworn in. Salkm, Jan. 21. 3:20 p. m. The Ben son faction organized and elected officers with Benson as speaker 34 mem bers Davis kept his chair. Adjourned to 10 o'clock Friday. A Letter from Asia. A letter dated Nov. 23 received by Mr. Jas. Marks ttiU week tells of the safe ar rival of Rev. and Mrs. Cavender at their missionary field of labor at Lakawn, Laos, Asia. The trip was the longest any missionary lias to tnaae to reach their field of labor. They were much pleased with the looks of the country, but especially the mountains. They look more like home than anything else. The trees and flowers and fruits, everything. in fact, is different. The houses are not quite Americanized, the river is very large, or rather wide, but the farther up the shallower it had gotten until they caa stopped on the sana-uars six or a dozen times the last day. Sometimes they would stop and take a walk on the bank, sometimes with their shoes and stockings off, wade out, and end up trio evening by a bath in the river, tsome of the tut sets are beautiful, hart'lv describ- able. The wild flowers offer nothing to beat America. They anticipated ban anas and pinv apples, but only cared for on Einuot oranges. Among their na row escapes was trom the explosion of bottle cf amonia, the striking of a rock that nearly upset the boat. At Lakawn they have a lovely house, much better than they would have thought of bavins t home. They were to take an elephant nue to ctung Mm. a tour weeks trip. going as the guests of Mrs. Dr. McKean. i. bey baa cone the rounds and found every one lively, add were surprised to hna every thing so nice. Mr. Dalrymplc Spcaks. C. II. Dalrymple was in Salem ye?ter- day and wa9 interviewed by the States man. He said : 'It is my opinion that il is contrary to the interests ot the populist party to prevent the possibility of organizing the Loose. I believe thev are putting them selves in an attitude that will be dirhcnlt to explain to the people in the future, and are sacrificing the party in order t.i demonstrate the pnwer they happen to have because of division in the republi can ranks. I believe every member of the legislature, regardless cf party, is elected upon his promises to attempt to secure some reform, or pass lelorm measures, and X do not believe any mem ber would have been elected had he stated prior to his election that be would hold out and prevent or oppose an or ganization of the bouse. 1 believe it to be the duty of every member to take his seat and pot binuelf on record The excuse of some oi the popolist I have talked with that they are justified in akin? the positioa they have becanse they wid prevent extravagant legislation by so doing, is erroneous, i.cir hrst duty is to assist in the organization and give anv member of the house an oppor tunity to fulfill bis promisee to the peo ple. Then if the republican! pass outers contrary to tboe measures, the populists Lave done their duly, and are cot le sponsible for what they caunot he'p and for the legislation they cannot control "I have labored several years to or ganize and advance the interests of the popuust party. The fact of my wcrk may be seen by reference to the vote ia mv own county, which gave Vanderbnrg a majority over Tongue of over 1000, making it the banner county of Oregon ; and I iew with alarm the position that is no r taken by populist members of the legislature, which, it seems to me. endangers the very life of the party. The Misses Webling of London, England, in delightful enter tainments, will be at the opera Louse January 28. PEOGEAM. Piano solo by Miss Elsie MeFarlane. "Helen and Modus." by Misses Lucy ard Rosalind. "Sunshine and Storm." descriptive dance, by Misses Rosalind and Lacy. f iano Solo by Miss Lime Mcrarlane. As You Like It Act III. Scene 2. Act rV, Scene 1 Fhakespeare. cong a Little japanee," by Miss Lncy Webling - 'Lonir An." An historic sketch of the days of Oliver Cromwell, introducing an oia English dance ot the period of "Columbia" A patriotic sketch, writ ten especially for the Misses Weblinz, introducing the Irish Jig and celebrated uigmana swora Dance, I he above is the newest, the most nmque, pleasing and interesting pro gram ever presented to an appreciative audience. Do not fail to hear this trio of Artistic Geniuses. A Silvek Wedding. One of the nleas- ant eveiils of last week was the celebra tion of the twenty-fifth wedding annl versary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meepelt, at their home three and one-nali southwest of Scio. Many relatives and invited guests were present; also their entire family, with the exception of Miss Anna who is a student at the Chicago Theological University. The day was spent in social converse, interspersed with music and elocution, until 4 p. m when a bountiful dinner was served in Mrs. Mes pelt's hospitable way, of which all few ted sumptuously. The guests re mained until the shades ot eve began to gather, when vbey departed, wishing their host and hostess man v happy re turns of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Mejpelt were the recipients of a numoer ot saver pieces. fccio i Tees. Osce as Albaxv Max. Ihe following refers to the estate of a mac who was a shining legal light in Albany sixteen years ago: Thomas A. Jordan, admin istrator of the estate of Charles 11. Hew itt, deceased, was allowed by the county court yesterday to sell a second mort gage, held by the estate, on lots VI and 13, block 67, Sellwood. for 810. The purchaser is K. h. Randall. Hewitt was a well-known lawyer, and he was shot and killed at Sellwood several years ago. For Divokce. Henry Suesens has be gun a suit lor divorce against Gussie M. Suesens, Chas Denny is co-respondent and the complaint alleges that the de fendant is now in a bouse of ill repute in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Suesens were mar ried at Mill City on Feb. 6, 1891. Diko. B. F. Myer died suddenly xuesuay evening about o:w p.m. in i chair in the hardware store of bis son II. C. Myer, in this city. He waa read ing a San Francisco paper that arrived the same evening and seemed in his cus tomary health, having opened up the store in tbe morning. Mr. Myer was among the first settlers in this end of Hogne Kiver valley, coming with the Walker party of men and women to the number of about ISO, who left Van Buren county, Iowa, March 22, 1853. Record. Dawson will treat you right Use Dawson's furniture polish. IN MEMORIAN. COL. JOHN KKL8AY. At a meeting of the Indian War Vet erans held in camp, at Albany, Oregon, on the 20th day of January, 1897, in formation was received of the death of our esteemed comrade and veteran, Col. John Kelsay, who served his country in Rogue Uiver Indian War in 1835 and 1856, and who died at his home in the city of Corvallis, on the ll'tli of this month. Whereupon a committee of three was appointed to draft a pi earn ble and reso lutions appropriate to bis memory. Whkrkas, in the death of Col. Kelsay, the Indian War Veterans of Oregon have lost a beloved companion, an upright and honorable citizen, one whose valor never failed him, and who when he saw the right did not fear to maintain it, one of the pioneers of the state who did great service for his home and his country in redeeming these lair lands we now oc cupy from the British Crown and the savage foe; one who perhaps did as mui li as any other singla individual in establishing our magniiiceut system of 6tate government, in building up her in stitutions ana making her a peer in the sisterhood ot states. uoi. Kelsay was live all brave men broaa in his views and nnseLish in his principles and has spent much lime and money to promote the interests of those who gave their service in de'ense of the homes or the pioneers against the ene mies that surround them, and the ad vanced stage of legislation by the general government in favor of and recognizing the value of service uf the Indian War Veterans is in a great measure due to bis enorts. In the death of Col. Kelsay the Indian vt er eterans have lost one oi their best men. one who was to have been presen, at inn ro-union anu auures inn as semblage upon the history and achieve men's and necessary legislation to prop erly recognize the services of those w ho in the infancy of our country gave it .heir bervices and facd a relentless foe without assurance of any reward. Therefore be it Resolved : That ir the death of Ool. Kelsay the pioneers have lott one oi their best mem bers, the Veterans a brave otlicer and the state a good ind honorable citizen. itesolved, That liasCauipextend to his idow and childreu our hearttelt sym pathy and condolence in this their sad beieavemeou Kesolvd, That a copy of this preamble ana resolution bespread upon the records of this Encampment, a copy be furnUhed ine press lor publication. Respectfully submitted. Jonx B. McFaslasp, S. a, vmt, E.T. T. Fiheb. Committer. Dr. J. L.lliil Is at Sa;em watching proceedings. Geo. Parsons, the Por;3and Orchestra mai, is in the city. Rev. E. N. Condit and family are now stopping at Walla Walla. Mrs. A . D- Barker. Mies Ma.nrie Bark er and Mrs. C.C. hrcue relumed last night from a Degree of Honor trip to Lvont. Mr. Hail, administrator of the estate of Rev. M. M. Lea is. Mr. Lewi, and Mrs. Ct amrerta.'n came t o from Port land this na m. P. L. Miles, U the U. S. Armv at Van couver, was in the city today to subpoena i. iV. Williamson as a witness in the c e against Chores for desertion, Mr. Williamson having locked Mr. Shores up when be gave himself op. Hecry E. Huntington. J. C. Stobb. rd viee-pnsiident. Manager Kohier and Superintendent Fields came to Albany last nisht by war of the west side. The wo former went to San Francisco on the overland. Mr. Huntington, a nephew of C. P., was greatly pleaded with Ore gon and the management of Ike road. Rev. O. E. Ilawes. pastor of the First United Presbyterian church, received an invitation yesterday to become pastor of the Sscoud United Pnsbvterian church of San Francisco. This is tbe second ca'l Mr. Hawes has received this month. and b-s conEressiion is more than le.sed to learn that be has declined both offers. Oregooitn . The oew officers of she Degree of Honor wt -e installed last &:;ht, after which an entertaimeg program was given. Une who was present speak in? of the program says the Barker-War jer Irish Comedy Co. appeared in brilliant nni- torms and lull brogue. All did excellent work, but Warner's management of the trombone was worthy of special note. We understand they are to iro on the road soon, sod have several engagements, songs by Mrs linisness and b. . Steele and recitations by Mrs. Ramo and Mrs. Cn completed an enjoyabl evening, af ter which those present repaired to the lodge pari r where a bountiful supper was served. Several genuine bold cm are reported from Salem. Tbe Oregon Pottery Co.. ol Portland has made an assignment. Over tbe word. "A thorn in Mitchell's de,' the hummer rives a picture ot Jon athan Bourne. A meeting of assessors was he'd in Sa- lera yesterday. Ase$or-elect Su7ord waa present from Ltnn county. Tbe Tribune of Ililo. Hawaii. Hawaiian Island, is on our table. It m interesting and Displays an appeara nce of prosperity The Democrat is informed that C. H Dalrymple last evening waa relieved b District Attorney Uayden of bis office of deputy for Linn county. The Peyton Comedy company wi'l be in Albany the first week in February, with bis band and a good trou. He will Vie given pood fconses. Mr. Peyton looks very mucu use non. iar miyeu ot hugene i i : it -. anu it wm oe wen xor mm to Keep away irorn caiem. t T " . , xsanv i.nrinier jesTcrany atternoon, se cured a UOjal flush in a slot machine at the Monogram cigar store. A Roval flunh calls for 10 worth cf goods. Although there are a Iarire number of the machine in town this ia th first that bin rolled np i. T?.... 1 II,,, I, L'.. - ' 1 T- I rolled up ia Albany. Tbe total lax levy this year in Grant' Pass will be 40 roil s or 4 per cent. The county ley is 17; sUte 4; general school ii ai.u cuy levy o. n you have been as sessed at I I0U0 vou must preoara to nav 40 to the sheriff by the first of April 1SU7, says tbe Courier. It is a big thing to be defeated some times. Moorehead was beaten by Iark Bilyeu for a $3 a day job. and immediute- ly got appointei to a 10 a day job. More tnan tbut Mr. Bilyeu only dre pay five days, while Moorehead will hang on to the job at least 40 days. Aching Joints Announce the presence of rheumatism wmcn causes untold suffering. Rheuma usin is due to lactic acid in the blood, it cannot he cured by liniments or ether out ward applications Hood s Sorsuparilia purifies the blood, removes the cause of rheumatism and permanently cures the di sease. This is the testimony of thousand of peoply who once suffered the pains of rheumatism hut who have actually been cured by taking Hood's Sarsapariila. lu great power to act upon the blood and re move every impurity i the secret of the onparfdl cures by II jjd's SarsApirilla. Coming Lkcttjhk. D. O. Herrin, grand ecturer A. O. U. W., will lecture in the opera house on Beneficiary Orders, Tuesday night, Jan, 26. The evening will be enlivened by music and sung and the celebrated screen work of the order will be given to the pnblio of Albany for the first time, Tbe stereopticon pictures anu lectures connected with them are very impressive. Steamier Fabaiick is due to sail from i Yaquina Tuesday, Jan. 20th, for San r rancisco intending psssangers should leave Albany at noon on 25th, Tilt RUMf . Salkm, Jan. 2i 3 p. m. The senate adjourned to Monday afternoon. The Benson house wa not recognized. It did not notify sentte of its action The Benson taction adjourned to Monday at t X 4 V. Gen Assistant Sa-geunt at arms was appointed, tried t keep speaker Davis out of tliu chair, bulfailed. A tempor ary organization wfil meet from day to day. Si itchell will ttj to secure recogni tion by senate of Benton organization by Monday. CollegS New ttudents enUfing this week are Messrs. William andplydo Peacock. Within tho last t-to weeks we have welcomed as visitots. Misses Bpsbio Butler, of Imlependente, Edna Breckea ridge, Ina McUulloitybi Lois lyer. Foster , and Messrs. Linton, of bpok.'.oc, and Leslie ruiu.iT. i-rcaideot Le started for Sew York on Monday in the interests of the college The faculty and students were wo massed at the train to Mi him farewail and to wish him the best success in bis missi n As the train pullnl out the air was reson ant with the wild whoops and cneers of me college crowd. The Y- W. O. A. held its reirular cab inet meeting tast Thursday. It was del initely decided to organize a class in bible study to begin work at once, and a committee was appointed to secure the services of a competent instructor. The A. C. L. S. held its reeular meetine last Friday, and alter an interesting pro gram, including a spirited debate, the installation of the oew officers lock place. The new president. Mr. J. Tortel, as sumed his position with great dignity. Prof. Torbet conferred a great favor upon the students last Monday l-y in forming them that Mr. iley spent Ml. bath in Lebanon. The annual contest of the College Or atorical Association will take place on Friday evening, Feb. 5ib, and this mean that six members of the association a re working hard for the lion rs of this con test, which promises to be one of the closest ever held in Albany. Last taturday evening, while Miss Ethel Reddel was deea in the mysteries of Plato, a sudden ring at the doorbell, a jolly crowd of seniors and juniors with a few friends bad come to make a social call. Games and delicious refreshments constituted the evening's enjoyment and a pieaani urue was was reported oy a i. I buse present WvTe. Misses Alien. Hop kins, Peck. Page, Morris, McCoy. SaU marsti. and Mctitrs Jakwsy, U'rnberg, H;il. Eridgford, Marcelius. Smick and Wight. Prof Scott, oa Wednesday, delivered a lecsu-e hefor tbe student etstitbd,"Th Advantage of a Classical Education. Une fault only can we gnd with tins lec ture that oz. laving too nmrh stre on tbe judgment of uiany br:gbt, pretty giris. S;tTTV. To Sxur r TkiaT)irT i, W. Ace of Tangent, a few dav ae- broosrtol his little girl, ajreJ 5 year, to Sa'.vm for the purpose of having her eyl tr'ed by local oculists. About three years ao the lid of the child's rirhi eve U-iaa to droop, becoming s-j bd that the ye was cootmoaii closed, heannz t?il the f iht of t! littlo girl would be im paired, if not dettroved, Mr. Ace o,'ht he bet nsedirt.! advice he could itnu. H. was much t ratitini to hut an oc. liat examine the child's vision aa I pro nounos it unsmrnrt. expiainmj that he muscles of the lid bad weakened canting the Utter to droop. T e ;: unst presen td a coarse of treatment which, the fond parent of tb bit! girl hopes, will surely restore tbe Uf-K I strength to thj eye lid and a per- manent core. Statesman. The Pus raar man was familiar for years with a like case that b'1ed the skill of experts. Mr. Henry Lyons, ol Lyons, is in the city. Judge Tandv. of Harritljcrj, was in tbe city yesterday. Hon. II. B. Miller, of tbe O. A. C. came op from Salem this noon. Mrs. Ir. C. Watson and mother have returned home from Sodaville. L. L. Swann was taken ill last evening and is at the home ol Dr. Davis. Mr. I. D. Miller, of Millers, who has been ill for some lime, was in the city today. Mr. Geo. Alexander, of tbe Ibancn Advance went to Harris burg today sus piciously. If on. O. T. Porter, who has been atchiog proceedings in Salem .returned home last night. Chief of Police Lee went to Junction ast night in response to a dispatch an nouncing tbe dangerous illness ol his mother. Mr. A, B. Seal, the well known drum mer wrs in tbe city today and loosed into the Democrat's front door. Albany people are always glad to see Mr. fcal. Rev. H. F Wat! see, of Portland, is in tbe city and wi'l conduct Communion bervices at the I, l . church on fcun-iav Tonight a preparatory sermon will be preached. Tom Parrott. lie famous base 111 man, psed through Albany on last night's overland lor the Klamath Hot Springs to limber up his Ituibs Jjr Ibis year's games On account of ill I ealth Mr. W. R. Graham expects to leave in a ic' days for Seattle to reside with his s n Robert. He will retain bis Albany prrperty and return when bis health permits. Colonel Kelsay and Benjamin Hayden entered into an agreement in tho eariv days of Oregon that when cither should die the other should deliver some marks' at his grave. Mr. Uayden is the survivor, and was t Corvallis to carry out the terms of the agreement. At the state conversion of the Wood men Circle at Pendleton Mrs. Kate Young was elected rrand guardian, IMrs, C. E. Hawkins, of this city, is grand at tendant and a delegate to the national convention at St. Ixuis. Miss Yaw, with her very altitudinous voice has been in Salt Lake City this week, simzins a high as ever. The re nort that she died at Binghamton, X. Y. from the high notes wearing her throat out and bursting the jugular vein, proves to be very fakey. Albany doctors say it would be impossible Hon. Tolbert Carter, of Benton county came up this noon Lorn Salem. The senate adjourned until Momfkty and be had just time to reach the tram by run ning like a doer. I he outlook was very uncertain for any business in the house, and there were indications of a disagree ment in the senate over the matter on Monday. Wheat 74 cents. Williiini Moore, of Enuen, has pur chased the Uarnaburg Keview. Rev. Yoakum, a member of the lcgis lature from Baker county, will preach In tbe M E Church south in Lebanon next Sunday. Tbe Albany Choral society has ben or ganized at the college with nearly fifty new members. The charier will be Kept open several days longer. Tbe Portland Tradesman, a new produc tion of Portlnnd. bo on the cover of .this weeks issue tbe picture taken by Crowford & Paxton of Rev. D. C. McFarland stand ing heaids some wheat taller than he is. It is a well gotten np commercial journal . rr t SMdaey am 65 years, old; have had kidney disease and constipation for 25 year. Am i now well used your S . B . Headache and liver Cure cue yer. Used 6 bwle at 50 cent ec'a. J II KnlghJ, Rutledge, Or." For sale by Foshay k Mason at 50c per bottle , Pure Drugs, .rreo uawson's. An Old Matter. Last evening's Salem Journal contains a sensational article, purporting to be a dispatch, and reading: Pobt Towkskso, Jan. 21. "By the steamer Alki the news comes that a great number of people in Alaska are highly exorcised ovi-r an announce ment recently mad to a favored few to the effect that ex-United States Marshal OrvilltsT. Porter of the District ot Alaska is net to l prosecuted on a charge of em bezzlement under which be was indicted several yeais sgo by a United Stales Grand Jury. Several ineffectual attempts have been made in Alaska to bring Por ter to trial, but excuses on account of sickness have thus far saved him. Now the information comes that United States Attorney Bennett has been instructed by the special agent at Washington to dis miss all proceeding against Porter. It is rumored that this action is a result of the efforts of United S ates Senator John II. Mitchell, ot Oregon, on whote recom mendation Porter received bis appoint ment during the regirce of ex-President uarrison. The tone of the above indicates that it ts gotten up in connection with the sena torial tight. If so, regardless of politics, it is an unfair proceeding. Albany peo ple are familiar with the fact that' it was a deputy who did the embenxling and that he went to San Quentiaasa result. Our people have supposed that tbe whole matter was settled some time ago entire ly to Mr. Porters credit. Tbe article undoubtedly does bun an -injustice. Teachers Institute. rohowing is tbe program for tbe Teachers Instilue to be held in Lebanon January 23 and 30. 1897: jaxcaut 28m 7:30 p. m. Music by Public school children. A J dress cf welcome by Mavor I Foley. Response by County Supt. Wheeler. Music by Public school scholars. Recita' ion. Lecture by President Miller of Corval lis college. satt an at, 20. Addresses will be male by Prof.Tvree. of Albany, Prof. Chapman, of Eageoe, rrots. Handle and Truelove.of Lebanon. A large attendance is expected. Every body is invited. A State Gokykxtiois. The annnal conventioa of the A. P. A's has been in sestioo in Salem this week. DelemLM from 173 councils were present. There are I9i in the state, 76 of which were in stituted in Is'. A member upon being interviewed oy in Journal said Ibey er- noi lasug any hand in the legists tare though 3d represenutives and 7 senator were members, that during tbe recent campaign it it bad not been for the A P. A. McKirk-r would never have carried Oregon as tby va!e-l soiidlv for him. They were not Ci!.tiog laci were taaseg practically no ran n it. Niw Corxcir, Chambess. Tbe eom- mhl appointed by the city council isave selerted two rooms ia tbe From an blcck for council chambers and record ers court, toe same have alnad r been psoered for tbe purpose and the ' actioc wii! be ratified by the council at its next n.-uc;. The new rooms will be oceo pied probably next week The present qoaner wi'4 be occupied by Albanv En sine Co. No. 1 and the UAL, Co", the purp-iee for which they were originally intended. The rent of tbe new chamber's vili be i3 a ye.ur. Lr.a no Mi Leva Scott. of Albany iin the cit. the guett of fccr cousin Mis Leila WestfalL A private letter cived this week from Los Ancle county, California. mvs that RaS liialt and party are camped near Downey, in that county, and are picking oranges and hauling them to the packing house. They are perfectly de lighted with that coantry. The letter siso stale that John Unger and family are camping near that place Express. SOCIVL AND PERSONAL The Magax'tne club met this afternocn with Miss Olga Hewitt. R. L, Carroll, of Berry, is in the city on his way to San Francisco, to make his! wood contract. j Mrs. C. E. Hawkins returned this noon from the meeting of the Wood-1 men's circle at Pendleton. Mrs. Kendrick and Mrs. Martin went to Let-anon today for a week's visit with the latter'a daughter.Mrs. J. M. Donaca. Miss Bessie But'.er was visiting with her iriend, Mis Bessie Barkliait, of Al bany, during tbe week. Independence Enterprise. Tbe students of the college last even ing gave a reception to the new students, of whom there is a large number, an en- ertaimng program wai given and a live social time had. Tb S. S. of the ConeretraUonalcharch as elected oilicers as follows: SupU. W. lican : assistant, u. U. tlocue: secre tary, . B Peacock ; Treas., Adda T. George; librarian, Geo. Edge. A pleasant surpri-e was tendered Mrs. . C. Hoeue Thursday evening by the negree ot nonor. A leatureol the even ing was the presentation of a Past Chief Honor badge. Sociability prevailed and an eegam tuncn was served. Thos. S. Pillsburry started for Hot prings, Arkansas, tor the purpose of bathing in the medicated waters rf that pUce The ex-mayor will be greatly missed by hrownavule friends. His family will remain here for the present, . . I , t ... rm ai leasw orownsvni limes. W. . Savage of Scio: P. G. Morris treasurer ol Linn county; M. W. Walk. er, ol Lebanon ; and Frank Deawum, ex assessor ot Linn county, were arrivals in aietn yesterday to look after some matters betpre the legislature. States man. The speciafdeptities sworn in at Salem to keep speaker Davis out of the chair and as well to preserve order in Salem generally contains several well known n Albany. They are Tom McNary i-rank rarrell, Jas Pen ine, Kert Savage, Ab Mead, Geo Townsend. Charles Chat I ton, David Baird, Ed Arnold and David Scott. A Texas Letter. Jas. 8, 1847 Mr. Lon Holman. of Albany, who has arrived at Sananseio. Texas. writes that ho is greatly pleased with uiecuange. i nat times are very good mere, plenty ot money in circulation Since he has been there there has been 15.000 bead of cattle shipped out of that part of the state. Ilia nearest neigh bor sold ouo bead for f 14.000. . lie says: "There is mora grass on ono section of land down here than I have seen in this last five years and; for climate it can't be beat. If the election had gone to suit me I would not have boon here today but as it is I am where 1 can look over on Mexican prosperity and may be able to get a few silver dollars. "There Is plenty of money in Mexico. Wages are $2 and 13. This ia a fine bee country One man in this part has 150 stands of bees and sold 11000 worth of honey last year. Good bye to old Oregon nd the onl.l .l.n.l.,..) Instrumental Music. Mr. II. M. BackenBto has located in Albany where he will give instructions in instrumental music He teaches violin, guitar, mandolin and a number of orchestral aui brass instruments. Mr Backensto lb a musician ol well-known abilitv in both practical and theoretical music, and one of the most successful eachers in the state. HDfwA n i: :: o t 0 0 0 The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated cf all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc, healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration chat go with the cheap brands. ovac uait feme HOME AND ABROAD. The Douglas county tax levy is 20 mill. King phone 9, or Rmitey the printer r inert candies and cut at C. . Bkowszix's. Timothy teed for sale st C E. Brow sers. Pop term that pops aa be found at C. E. BawwsacVa. Fresh Colombia ri smelt at Ed 2:Lmeera. First of the smtun. Freth Columbia rirar Ik fit h market on Lyoo Street. Crawford Jk Hannah rbutrmrV Prices from It to fi) per dozen. If yon want absolutely correct time set your watch wito French's regulator. At French a ie wet y store von can bav ptctc!e and et e gUuoe from 25c up- Clotbiflff cleaned and rentured bv Mr A E Owen. 3rd between Ellsworth aa. AmA. aibin. Dr. G- W. MaatOB. pb ictaa mad an t, geoB, Albany Or. Call answered prompt ij m cwj or ooasay. Information that is worth i!a wicrht in go d : Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry iiroJer c, on Second street. If 50a an ia Ded of a healiair do call and enmio- the Bovml Jewel at TL. stsvArt & box Hardware Co. "a. Drs. If. E. and O. K. Beers ofSe? ur reid?nce ia tbe pott office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of vorm. Mr Ed Burton and Mr W J Poller, iwo aiem ladle, were stood on by a lone man one night thi wees and relieved of a gold aicn ana f A natobtrof our cirizen rMarrwd Um igbt from Sal i. where thev hive hen veral day for civers porpotes in connec tion with tbe regulator. Oa lanaarv S3 Jnde Bimun?!i. nf Port I And, will ferfnre at th college on tbe lAJB-Giail ct tee lurlcith hmnin and IK cod of the world. A arood resolution for IS97 ia to rail in at ILaigbt Bros, and order some of their choice meat. Their cocstant resolution u to treat tbe public well. For choice me-U of all kind call on Km. enck Jt Hrockraaa in the Blamberg block, where they are running their os basines and treating their castomert well. Tbe assignee nf the Job estate at Cor- va,;i ha been discharged. He collected J96.1S2.C1 and paid oat JS4.S73.83 in dividend and $11 JOS 93 in expenses. The Evening- Time of Hamilton nn- Tbere arj not. perhaps, in th- Ikimiaioa of Canada today three more talented enter tainers than Rosalind, Peggy and Lacy ewing. Tbe statement in th IEimrtiT Kf District Attorney Hayden had relieved Mr. II. Dairy oipSe of his ' commiiioo a deooty, made on authority of a Salem com munication, the I'emocsat u infonaed was Mcorrect. Jut down the Street at 2nd and Ella worth, tbe Albany Dressed Beef Co . are splendidly epaipped for serving the public wen in ait etnas ot cncice mean, promptly and cxrefnlly. Some fine lard on hand. C B Dalrymple ha a long double column communication in the Statesman address ed to the populist members urging them to take trWr seats ai.d help organize tbe house. Tbe main reasons have heretofore been given in H e interview ot Mr. Dal rymple ty the statesman. Tbe Steamer Rath is expected at Albany at about 4 :30 o'clock, with ten Knights of rytnia trom rortiand. thirty trom Sa lem, and several from Independence and other place. They will be joined by a oel- egaticn from Al jany. Tonight fifteen Corvallis mea are to be initiated at Cor vallis and a big time it looked for. i be state convention A. r. A. in staaion this week a 6a leas elected the following officers: F A Alexander, of Corvallis, state president; George A Hall. St Helens, state vice president: C O Uosford. Multnomah county, tte ckplaln; J T Hayne. Port land, state secretary, reelected; J W Eddy, of Stay ton, state sergeant-at arm; Clyde bran, of Mafferd state guard: L L Mc Cartney, of The Dalies, state sentinel. Death ot W. II. Reed. William H . Reed died at Lebanon this forenoon, Saturday, Jan. 23, 1S97. He was born in Iowa in ISSb and came to Oregon in 1849 when thirteen years of age. tie took part with credit in the Indian wars of 55-6 He was married in 1859 to Miss Parrish, who with two child ren, survive him. Mr. Reed was in bus iness in Lebanon for a good many years and leaves many who will regret bis death and whose respect he held. Mrs 4. (team ot una cnj ia a sisier. Decidedly Drunst. Constable J. W. Patterson came over from Scio today for the ostensible pur pose of arresting of C. E. Penperlin an escaped convict. Instead of arresting his man he was arrested himself. Pat terson went to the Rusa House in a very intoxicated condition and proceeded to address fifteen or twenty men in a drunken vocabulary. Suddenly he drew a six shooter from his pocket and yelled "xou a ot b s" and swung it around promiscuously. The men tied in doublequick time. Acting Marshal Wil liamson was at the depot and so the sheriff was called. Assisted by Deputy Harlanlllulburt they succeeded i a gel ting tbe man into the county iail, after he bad profanely vented nis spleen along the streets. "Good TiMruARs Attention. Our lodge will not meet Monday evening Jan Zotli, as another order has the room en gaged ahead of us. We wilt meet Satur day evening Jan. 30th at 7 :10 p u, at the u a k nan. j . fc. ADAMS, B F. lUnr, Sec. C. T. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who ! think themselves ill, but that tbe svslem I simply needs cleansing, it to bring comfort nonie o tneir nearts, as a costive condition ' i easily cured by using Svrnn of Fira. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, and told by all druggists. tm Co TO TOE PUBLIC. EorTOK Demockat: Will yon permit me brief space in the Dxoolat to notice an article going the rounds of the press intendei to do me a personal injury. Tbe reioblican officials in Alaska nn der tbe Harrison administration bad continual warfare with as diity a gang of scoundrels aa ever went nnwhipped of justice. Max Praeht of Ashland. Or couector oi customs, was indicted by this gang in 1391 for the faithful perform ance of his official duties. Tbe gang never interfered with me while 1 waa L . S. marshal of Alaska. My official term expired April 4, 1SSH, and in May, 1395, while in Alaska at tbe request of then Attorney General Olaey to appear aa a state's witness against my chief deputy for the stealing of public records, forgery and perjury, the gang set upon and in dicted me for the embezzlement of gov ernment funds which I bad faithfully accounted lor in my account current and voocbei on the 30th of June, 1893. Col. Joseph Mnrray of Fort Collins, CoL, special agent of tbe treasury de partment, was sent to Alaska in May, 1335, to attend ccirt daring the trial of my chief deputy and to note bow justice was administered to scoundrels and re port his findings to the government. CoL Mnrray made his report severely cnu- cising the coTnption in Alasca, the im possibility of getting grand juriei to in dict or petit juries to convict parties zuiitv ot vio.aUD? tbe prohibitory laws cf Alaska, and also severely crilicisinsj the district attorney of Aiasxa lor the mancer of procedure in the prosecution of my chief deputy. For this unbiased and truthful report CoL Murray, special tienrr agent of the government, was indicted at the November term of court, lately closed in Aiassa. tor criminaUv libeling courts and grand juries in Alaska. The gov ernment at Wasbinztor. D. C will now likely take a hand in the matter and some very interesting developments will follow. For vindication of mv character for honesty and integrity and for the faith ful d scharse of m official dalle, while V. S. marshal of Alaska. I respectfnllv refer the public to the following named gentlemen : Hon. Lvman E. Knapp, ex- governor of Alaska, now resident of Se attle, Wash , Hon. rren Trnitt, ex- judge of Alaska, now tesident of Moscow, Idaho; Hon. Max Praeht, ex-collector customs of Alaska, now resident of Ash- Ian i. Or.; Hon. Edwin T. Hatch, ex- coiiector of customs of Alaska, now resi dent of McCoy, Polk county. Or. I am reidv to stand or fall by the ver dict of these gent'emen , who are all con versant with the facts a nd Circumstances leading np to my indie tment Jn Alaska for the embezzlement o r misappropria tion of public funds. R espectfully 1. trom m. Late U. S. Marshal Dis trict of Alaska- Paor. McGtc Assacitsd. The news come, from Oakland that frot Mclxee was knocked down and kicked severely by Ed Settle Monday evening. Tbe lat ter conducts a card and billiard room in connection with a barber shoo and it is- alleced that some of the public school boys gamble there in a small way. rrou McGee attention waa called to the mat ter by patrons of the school and repri manded those accused of this conduct. and meeting Settle on the street after wards was attacked by him. almost with out warning, so it is said, the professor being no matcn pnysicauy tor nis assail ant. Settle could not be found when Deputy District Attorney Riddle visited Oakland, but it is reported tolay that he appeared and paid a tine of about $20. Roseburg Review. Prof. McGhee ia a former Linn countv man. a gentleman who will do his duty regardless of conse quences. Ix thb Schools. At a meeting of the board of school directors this wees. Miss Julia Tavlor. was promoted to the 10th crade as assistant of Prof. Tyre ia the hioh arhnnl donartment. a DOaitioa She bas tbe talent tor humg wen. ansa ina McCulloch. supernumerary, waa etectea permanently as teacher of the 3rd grade, already having displayed excellent qual ifications as a teacher. OXC ENJOYQ Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts trentlv vet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, byrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-, ceptablo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for talo in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Io not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. SAM fUAMClSCO. CAL LOwsvtuE. tt. item rone, ate. To tbe Minority. Tbe following poem is dedicated to the worthy members of our legislature wbo will not consent that the rights of the minority of the peoples representatives shall be ignored in framing the laws and shaping tbe destiny of oar noble state: Well done, well done, ye noble band, Who stand for law and troth and right, Who meet the spoilers band to band, .Nor fear their frowns, nor fear ;heir might. Who say ye never will consent. To have tbe people bought and sold, But will their wishes represent, Who have a higher price than gold. Your spirit brings to mind again, The men who made this coantry free, Who broke off every galling chain. And staked their lives for liberty. Go noble patriots, forward go. And lift your banner to tbe sky. Quail not before poor country's foe. Your names untarnished will not die. And when the battle's fongbt and won, And yon return with honest heart, With pride we aU will look upon, Tbe brave who took their country's part. J. H. CoKjrwAtx. Sodaville, Or. HEW YORK WORLD, THFUCE-A-WEEIC EDITION , .igesa Wttt.l5CPa?m altar. la larger than any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and is tbe only mportant democratic "weekly" cab- Is bed in New York City. Three tune. as Large as the leading retablican week ly of -New York Citj. It will be of eciaJ advantage to yon daring the residential Camoahzn. as it ia nab- iie4 every other day, except Sunday, "" Has all the freshnees and timelines. daily. It combine, all the news a long list of interesting depart iz, unique features, cartoons and lie iliostrauons, the latter being alty. J these improvement hay ceen without any increase in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer this unequal ed newroaner and tbe Wkzkxt Dkmocxat together one year for $2.00. Satisfactory term, with Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Gtrls. Thorongh instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider. ing hard times, favorable reductions are rr.adefor boarders ax d day scholars. Studies will be resume i SepC 1st. For urther particulars call at the Academy or write to Sister Superior. COMERY AMI 0F1SC 7 ban y College fei itortbe school vear 1SP6-IS97: usn - x"amn, jtins. uoc airecioc An?tant teachers-slarjruenie Alderson, B. M, and Mrs. Joeephine Sharpe, Thorongh ana srsremaue insimcaaD riven in all the important branched music Best conservatory rooms and latgest musical library and fatalities for mrjiLiral work. Largest nni&ber of con servatory ttodenta enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to Waixact Hows Lxx. A. m . Albany. Oregon. HISS EELi B. GUBEBT, Teader A Rio & Drp (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spe aJtv. Terms moderate. Washington St sooth of U. P. church. FORK EN I. Cottage on 3rd street near Ellsworth. Callow Mrs W. R. Bilyeu. L' ST. A uik miUen, finder pleas leave at Dr. Hill's oface. FOR SALE. Baled straw for sale wheat St cat H SO at mv warehouse 51. SB KXS. AT THE MIXES. Boarding, lodging ami meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at his place at the month of Dry Gatch. U. W. Writx- IJEOEFIsh U THK rLUMBKR Tin roofing i ad plumbing. OpponU he opera house For Sale. I have two houses Tand lots in Dayton, Washington, tor sale or trade. Would trade for town property or a small place in Oregon. The house are situated on 5th street, one boose has 6 rooms, the other 4. good wells on both khs, peacoe enough for family nse on each lot, near the central school and college. Any one wish ing to trade for this propeuywui ptease reply to n. j. nmu, an)i orv A ,T "L7 Let Cs Reason To l I J IV I P. aether! Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Piee, Rolls, Cakes, tc, at a reliable store where they nse only the lesi materuu vj w. vwis-o you dont want dyspepsia and you. I never get it by eating an vingfrom or t tore. . . -i5 , Be Ellaworttiand hyonnaou C. D. Yakdti. Proorieto :EW HOME LAUNDRY. A Nott X iu? of Ellsworth Street. Famil ant? I washing taken . Particular attention pai to bundle washing and mending. Satis taction guaranteed. Alas. Chbistskk New macintoshes and box coats, a rat teed waterproof L, E. Blaln Clothing Co's. n Wkkit.t Dxxocbat $1.25 a year and the Weekly San Francisco Examiner $1.50 a year, combined for only $2.$5. Thi includes alt the privileges in tbe 110, 000 premium Ut of the Examiner includ ing . iu,uuu resiuenoraau uw ifwt nugget. LADIES. I make big wages at home, and want all to have the same opportmity. Tbe work is very pleasant and wid easily pay 15 weexly. ims is no aecepucm lwaat no money and will gladly send full particulars to all sending tamp. MU M. JL Stabbing, Lawn nee, Mich. STEECT'KMLWAY! K0T1CE. TWi mnlra on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with aU trains to and trom too oepot, uy "" . Special trips will be maae at special ate. t-F. CosJt. Conductor.