The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 22, 1897, Image 1

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Entered tte Feat Office at tlbaay. Or. Beeaad-Clam Mall Matitri
T r CTTHU raktlaher aad Fraprietar
NO. 25
t" "" ,i ,i mw .. i ,111m uiiiu.i..
l Ml II .
AlefebIcPi-epara:icr; r.' As
similating lierocdandRcfuia
tiijg tte Stomachs aiulDc'Vcls cf
ttcssandRcst.Contains neither
Ctonim,Morpliirvc nor Mineral.
3Sot NAac otic.
Apafect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stoinach.DiarrlKca,
Worms .Convuisions.Fevcrish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
lax Simile Signature cf
ilsTrS i 33
fyg?r'Jg''- !xs
' '.
Thirtieth Year.
Calendar for 1S96-7
-Sept. 16 College Tear vjegns . . Wednesday
Nov. 28-27 Thanksgiving Day ces9, Thnrs. and Fn.
Dec. 21 Term examinations begin . Monday
Dec 21 First Term end? . Wednesday
Winter Vacation of Twelve Days
-Jan 5 Second term beeins
Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday,
April 6 Terra Examinations begin
April 8 Second Term ends ...
Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days
Apn! 13 Third Term begins , . Tuesday
June 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday
June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath f-nvnoon
J une 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. VV. C- A.
Sabbatb evening
C- Jane 11 Anneal Meeting of the Board of Trustee?
Monday afternoon
- - iur.". 14 Junior Orations . Monday evenin?
Z a.e ia Graduating Exerns" of the Conservatory of
Music . . Tuesday forenoon
June 15 PCBlar Entcrtair.fiient Tuesday evening
Jane J6 Counienrement . . . Wednesday
Jane 16 Alumni Ro-union . Wednesday evening
Four Courses of Instruction leaine up to (?eirra-s. Well equipped Busbies and
Music conrses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free.
For further information, address
WALLACE HOWE LEE. Prwident, Albany, Or.
ij Ml kinds of furniture
i and bedding", and it
Dealer in
Albany Furniture
A. A Ji
Undertakers and Embalmers,
Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon
No Charge for Hear or Services t
,; ) . -
CiStcHi is set tra ia cse-dxa lotttat oelr. It
is ret scld i bsQu Don't allow aarone to kU
tbs plea or promis. that it
13 u rocd" and -will answer ewry pr
See tiii yoc got C-A-S-T-0-2-I-A,
51 out) ay
1 .A
want the most
complete flour sate.
has them and his
prces the lowest.
Co., Incorporated
Neii) and
Etegant tie
signs in
Ware at COUli
5ec it
One of ihe Bills.
Eurroa Democrat:
Ot all the bills to come before the
present legislature, there ia none of more
importance to our youth, than the one to
remove saloons from cit'ee, where our
state colleges and normal schools are lo
cated. Were our boys to reach mans eel ate,
with no encouragement to the taste for
whiskey, the chances are, they would
stear clear of it afterwards. At any rate,
it is the growing, undeveloped physique,
that it Is trie moat harmful.
Who would build a fine tnaniion on
rickedy foundation ! And how ran we
expect a strong, vigorous manhood, when
at the starting time ot life, energy is
sapped, and the seeds of weakness and
disease are sown I
if it is incumbent on a legislature to
stop a cattle plague by closing the ports
against ct-ntagion, wh should the most
deadly of man's plagues be allowed to
epread without control? L.
k.n8atickalDk.tii Mits Elleu Beach
Yaw," who sang in Salem recently
and.who was hcrd by several Al
bany people, died at Binghamton, N.
Y. ,on Jan. 7. iter death was sensa
tional and sudden, savs a Xew York pa
per She was singing before an audience
and in reaching the high notes :or
which her voice is noted as being higher
than Fatti's ever ivaihed tne jugular
vein in her throat burst and she tld to
death on the stane before her audience.
Miss Yaw was able to reach the highest
note of any can tra trice in the world,
which was due to a peculiar formation
of her throat. In straining to get this
note, muscles of the throat were preeeed
against the jugnlar vein and injured this
by abrasion, until the membrane was
worn through, causing hemorrage. She
had been warned by the beet vocal mas
ters that the result would be so if slie
peisisted in singing so high, but their
warning was not heeded
The Statesman savs the above story.
the substance of which appeared in the
Journal, is discredited in aletn As
Miss Yaw was in Salem alter Cbristmas
had the repotted death occurred on Jan.
7, she mast have had to do some fast
traveling. It is to be hoped the report
is not true.
Hammond ix Oregon. The Oregouian
savs that Mr. Andrew B. Hammond,
promoter of the Astoria-Uobie railroad,
and president of the Oregon Central A
Easterc road, returned from New York
cit laf t evening a id is reg'stered at the
Portland. Mr. Hammond is glad to get
tvack to O-fgon , and savs that the As
toria, railrcad wi'l be completed long be
fore the contract time. Concerning the
financial situation '.n tbteast, Mr. Ham
mond remarked : "Money is plenty and
cheap in New York, and tliore w ho have
rood securities find no trouble in sec ar
il's accommodations. At the same time,
it is hard to realize on weatern securi
ties, and this is entirely due to the uop
alist:c tendencies ot this part of ttie
countrv. The fact that thesoti bad
placed herself on record iu favor of
sound money waa pat ticularly gratifying
toeaetern capitalists, who bare now
large investments here, and are willing
to txteiid the s-tme." Mr. Hammond
leaves today for Astoria, where be wlU
remain aeriral days.
Installed. The installation strvices
of Fair Oaks Circle No. 1 Ladies of the
O. A. R. was well atunded and an en
joyable evening passed. The service -ere
conducted bvttie installing oilieer, Mis
Martha Risley in a dim sacreafull
manner. The officers were installed as
follows: President, Mrs. Amy Living
ston; senior vice, Mrs. Jennie Brown ;
junior vice, Miss Lizzie Meranda; chap
lain, Mrs. Julia Barber; a -cretary, Mrs.
Florence Quim by ; treasurer, Mrs. Mary
Meran-Ja ; conductress, Mies Grace Liv
ingston; guard, Mrs. Nellie Stover. Af
ter the Installation all partook of a de
licious lunch. The rest of the evening
was passed in games, and all di?perst-d
with a lighter heart
Hop Coxtracts. H. J. Otterheimer,
reprrsentative of Li ielitlial A Co., of San
Franrisco.filed with the county recorder,
Tuesday afternoon, 26 hop contract.
They aggregate over 3.0,020 pounot of
this year's crop, for which from 7 to 10
cents paid. Hum A Lachmud.of this
city, bave also eontracted with Polk
county bopgrowera for S8.000 pounds of
be paid. Salem Journal.
Died. M"t Ford, wife of Mr. Ed
Ford, the well knotrnO CAE engineer.
died at ner home in the 3rd ward last
evening, Jan. 13, 1097, at 9 :30 o'clock at
the age ol 3o yeam.aUer a lingering iMnefa
of some lime. She is highly tpken of.
Mrs. Ford leaves a husband and daugh
ter to mourn her death.
Rev. J. N. Densison is lying danger
ously ill in Grants Pasa.
Hon. D. P. Thompson was nnable to
lecture in Salem on account ot illness.
J. W. Williamson bag been appointed
deputy city marshal, for extra duty.
Mrs. C. F. Avers lelt last night for
Napa, Calif., to join ber husband at that
Mrs. J. C. Litt'er received a dispatch
announcing the death of ber mother at
Jones bo ro, Ind yesterday.
The Ladies Auxiliary will meet to
morrow afternoon at 3 -..TO o'clock, in the
Y M C A rooms. A full attendance is
urged as there are important matters
that need the consideration of the whole
society. Also come and see what the
officers have arranged as the social fea
tures of tne occasion.
The Spokane Chronicle of Jannary II,
save: Justice W. W. Saunders lias com
modious offices fitted up in the Zeigler
block w litre he will bold last Ice coott.
He inherits the ermine of Judge Hinkl
Grant 8. Wolverton will be his clerk and
J. F. Casey his constable. Mr Saunders
has formed a new law oartne-ship with
E. O. Connor. The firm of Saunders &.
Connor has a very fine set of offices next
to the justice court room. Mr. Saunders
said this morring: "I shall eive mv en
tire time to the justice work and Mr.
Connor will attend to all the private bus.
mess wnicn i nave liau ana wh'.cu the
hrm may have."
William Galloway died at Shelbtirn
Jan 12, at the age of 49 years.
Joseph R. Grismer and wife will be
the valley next week. Albany will
The 3rd gr1e will give a reception
the central tuilding tomorrow evening
iuhj o CIOCK.
Wm Hydo, the 'doctor' in jail for
practicing without a licet), is in a feeble
Tbo deadlock in the hone continues
Tomorrow will be the taut day on which
tne memliers will draw their pay.
The poHtofficat Eo'a was robbed of some
stamps and ?25 worth ot canned good
luesuay nignt. nr urung is r. M
In two years Attorney General Uletnan
had charge of 43 cases, some of them
little account, for wnicn be received 1 6.0C0.
The recent request for clothing and pro
visions for the needy in our city is meeting
with a liberal response. Uue man, for in
stance left four sucks of flour, for distribu
tion My. Jenmncs of Wallowa has a bill
which provide for the re-enactment of the
oil fee system for sheriffs and other court
officers, or something timilar to it, with
the proviwon, however, that the mileage
and other tees lie turned into the county
treasury to help pay tne expenaea of the
county government, the idea being to hnvo
th litigants bear the coxt of Ihe lawsuits
which they bring or are responsible fr.
Da wo. i will tnsat you rtaht
You can cay more, but you won't
... - -
aoy better service. You can pay less,
tbe printer.
w" -vivo. oiuuej
Salkm, Or., Jan. 14th, 3 n. m. The
senate adjourned to Monday afternoon.
The house is iu a deadlock still. At
2 :45 this afternoon it adjourned until 10
a. m. Friday.
Intho Senate.
The introduction of no v bills was the
order. Following are the most import
ant: Patterson of Marion, to provide for the
transportation of insane persons by
agents of the asylum ; Harmon, to regu
late the conveyance of person to the
asylum, penitentiary and reform st hools,
by sheriff; McCiunx.toaulhoiizeniavors
of towns and cities to bid in property for
taxes; Michel), for the construction of a
portage railway between The Dalles and
Colilo; Driver, providing for the election
of district attorneys; Brownell, for an
act relating to free transportation of bag
giige and passengers.
President Simon announced the two
members to act with him on committee
on rule.", tenatnrn Johnson aud Michull.
Dawson, providing for eiet ti- n of road
supervisors; Smith, permitting school
districts or counties to sell property bid
in a tax sale; Haieltine, to amend code,
nf rcainiiii! to nvrmeut nl taxea l.i aiata
treasurers, calling for pay met. t annually,
June 1st; browntll, by request, requir
ing all road tares to bo c .lit te ! in cash ;
Mulkey, to create the otiice of reeorder of
conveyances iu the county of Polk, with
a ialarj of fS t per annum ; M it-hell, by
title, em)Hwe:iiig county courts to lrvy
tax for coyote isealps, appointing scalp
inspector, etc; I'ru-e to encoursge the
use of broad tire wr.gons, making all
such free Ironi taxation ; Joint memorial
b King, memorializing congress to as
sist the Cuban people ij their revolution,
and to reevguize their government ; Ki
olution Browueil, inotructing the
wavs and means committee to present
the appropriation bill in time to bavethe
same published in the newspapers lfore
the bill must be acted upon. Resolution
adopt d. Concurrent resolution bv Car
ter, that no bills shall be brought in af
ter the 23th day of the session, except
the appropriation bid, which shall be
brought in live daye before adjournment.
Adopted; concu-rent resolution by Me
Clurg. asking for coaimittee to confer
with congress urging the speedy comple
tion of the Nicaumugna canal, adpated.
Senate bill, by Smith, reuniting the
jury drawing to take place trn days or
more before tne court meets, and that
the coanty clerk shall draw the jury in
the presence of the toutity court; Mul
key. to repeal the act providing for a
second jude in the third judicial dis-
The following are among new bills and
resolutions introduced oi genetal inter
est: -
In the Senate. j
Resolution 11, Harmon, that the do-l
ings of tne anoraniceif house is a men- ,
aoce to good government, and that such
organization le urged ; King, to amend j
lien law relative to mines, giviag nunfra
greater rights to recover (or work d.jr.e
i)afir, to regu!at charges aainst at
torneys lor unprofeional conduct and
trial for same; Brownell, to improve the
public highways. t;y regniating the aidth
ot wagon tire. o tires leas than
three !
incbea wide shall b permitted after Jane
1st, 1SS; Caloreath. to crease the ?rd
and lOUi judicial d sir cts. and tlx: sal
aries of judge; Smiib, to regalate and
license doctor and to punish people not
entitled to practice; Curicurren resolu
tion 16, Muikey, pertaining to the Cas
cade reserve and petisinme to have
same throat: open all but 320.tXX) acres,
including Mt. Hood, an 1 pUcmz gtmv
in charge of tity of Port laid; Calbreatti,
to reguiate the practice cf dert d and
aural surgery, and to create a ioard of
dental examiners; Drowned, br request,
to have ah manufacturer stamp all their
producs stating material ot winch soru
are c nioo-eJ ; thiznr, br request, to
amend cosle rrgulation lienor bcene:
Pattrrson, of Washington, to provide for
collection of eos;a in justice courts;
Oowan, to amend act relating to probate
courts uxicg dates for hang semi-annual
account!; MiCiang, to lepeai the state
board of equalization; Ooaan. to amend
code fixing fees of district attornevs;
iowan, to amend code regulating sal
aries of county judges; McCiung, regul
ating, contracting for coumy brid,-es;
ihnson, ty reiiii-t. to the
.anufacture and sale of cigarettes or
garette tobacco or pat'er; tiowan. bv
nxjues ,to amend the act creating soldiers
The bouse during its deadlock has lieen
he scene ot tuanv dramatic speeches.
The following the Telegram is an
actount of one of them :
"V Hen, of Clackamas, requested the
piivilege of making a statement. Thero
were at first ohiections. but the hcuse
subkided and U'Ken began.
It proved to be deliberate announce
ment of the position of the popubs a to the
effect that if an eff..rt was made to om
force to capture the house it wcu'd be
net by force, and be warned the mem
bers not to undertake U
w e want no trouble." raM C'Ren.
We are not here to invite it. We are
all law-abiding citizens and friends and
neighbors This bouse ia made up ot
three minorities, either two ot which is
able to organize it. W henever two min
orities get together we will join them.
tint we want no 'Kansas episode. II
one minority proposes to inaugurate force
there are, excepting myself, men on this
side who can fight.
"There has been some talk of urearros.
too; and I want to say that Americans of
.1 parties have been known to be handy
ritu weapons. "And" continued R'Ken
laughingly, "if it comes to the quest i in
of running, we are not very slow over
here either.
U 'Ren's words were so quietly and
aiilingty deiiveret that they did not
make the impression they perhaps mer
ited. He then went on to sum up the
situation, and said the populist were will
ing to go leiore tne people on Hie recotd
they were making.
"ii you republicans want to settle the
question, let 21 one of you resign and
break the quorum."
Id a caucus 44 members of the legisla
ture agreed to vote for J. 11. Mitchell
for senator and 2 not present agreed to
the proposition, one of whom whs lei-
nert tarter. It will not be surpri"ing if
Mitchell is elected on the first ballot if
it is ever taken.
Two Native Sons. There are now in
Salem, the two oldest native w hith-born
bovs in Oregon, Cyrus II. Walker, of
Albany Oregon, and Capt. J. H. D.
Gray, of Astoria Oregon. Mr Walker
was born Dec. 7, 1838. He served from
Dec. 26, 1864, to July 2:j. I8t$. as 1st
Lieut. Uo. Is. 1st Oregon Infantrv. From
August 1877 to Jidy 1, 181(2 he was at or
near the warm Springs Agency, Oregon,
io years, over Jo oi whieli he was a gov
ernment employee, most of this time
was agency clerk. During the past
years his home has been near Albany,
Oregon. Capt. Gray was born March,
20,18.19. His home since boyhood hrs
jeen at Astoria. He was state senator
from Clatsop -county during the sessions
of 1887-188J. and has been nermnnentlv
identified with Astoria's upbuilding for
many years. naieui journal.
Chang kd Hand. Messrs. Ed Blod
gett and Chas. Rawlings bave bough
the bowling alleys ol Oraven & Hellen
brand at this city and Newport and have
taken charge ol the one at Albany. Mr.
Frank Patterson will attend to the alleys.
Craven & Hellenbrand will goto Spokane
nd open an alley.
Ram A way, The team of Steuben
Powell, in chargo of hia son, ran away
this forenoon. The young man was get
ting out tl e wgon when he slipped and
ten ana tue norses negan kicking, near
ly hitting him, and ran at full speed
" l aj ........ ..,. a m . lull Bimm
but west on 2nd street, turning and falling
Rime x.ju a. corner, no serioim
damage wadone.
Cokvallis, Or., Jan. 15, 2 :55 p. m.
The body of William Rockett, the night
watchman on the steamer Gypsv, who
mysteriously disappeared four weeks ago
at Corvallis, was found this forenoon in
the Willamette, a quarter of a mile be
low where the boat laid on the fatal
night. His skull was crushed, either by
blow of assailant or lall In darkness. A
coroner's jury it now investigating the
To the Point.
Albanv, Oh , Jan
15, 1837,
EmioR Dkmocrat:
An appeal was niR'ie lew oojs ago
through the papers of the city to all per
sons charitably Inclined to furnish cloth
ing, provisions or anything else that
would aid in relieving the wants of the
needv ot the ci: v. After reading the
lpeal for aid it so happened that I was
(ouipelled to visit' outskirts of the
city, and n.i my roi'Vl 1 found quite a
nuiuter of t niuamea itatherirg cloth1
for the wash. Atone time 1 saw une
celestial with a pimti cart full of clothes
and two otrsers witn great bmidla of
soiled linen I tw theui UkeaUrge
bund e from the retidence of one oi our
promin-nt citizene, a gentleman ho de
pends for his support upon the public.
And yet he gives support to a class of
people, who. to say tne lesst are very
ooor associates. Why not give the wash
ing to those who are in nea i. There is
no excuse when plenty of women and
men toi, are reedy and willing to wash
your dirty dud-, A Pop who believes in
making people independent instead ot
IIuw Many.
How manv membi-rs am then In the
Oregon IIojm- of rereer.tatirs? How
roanvot each poutiral party? and ho
many are neceary lor organization T
Ans. 60 ruembiT. b-ingnikle uo of
3i republicens. two or threo of whom
am i.ot CAlifl republicans by some, 1 4
(jeopies, 4 democrAt an 1 3 union bioet
A Jrav's WArtatxc. The followiag
from the Portland Tribune peM a pret
ty fair idea of the ermpoiUoi of the
average jurs : The trial of -.. r ir.l Na
tional t-ank aga:nt the I'h-HtiX Intir
ance Company to rerovrr about 110,0)
I'jM by the Wolf brother's fire, ended at
5 o'clock vestcrdav afernoin, when te
ary retired. The iurv had soma troub e
in reaching a rrrdici. and staid in r-ver
nighu Fifieen Its.'lo; were taken. The
firs. to! 6 to 8, and the voting contin
ue.! until 2 o'clock ia fe m anting. The
p!:n:hl gained ontil the M.h bai:ot,
when the v.-tte stood 1 1 to 1 ia f ivor of
t- e plaintiff Oa the luh bal'oi tise
plaintiff bad tur vtes and the defend-
)snt 1
1 r.e -t exprJ a !etrrrmn(
reciasn in durance until fie cra-k cf
doom, an-1 this hroiht tHe $ over,
U at on t ue I P.h t allot the vote aj c'..-ar
for tHe plainss?.
Fr-dJi Pr-',5 of Jicia, agl C j'- r.
brouiiit t tte dpj" mu'.e -fe-x!. lbs
ci'j. ,fb t grvtndtather. an I j.;l a
charge td .v'u;-.-ioteu oVnt P S Kc:.h'.
Ibe U'tl Msow b rs-v r a It rd I tt
eciioo tforv but be it Ing'-t and ir'.M
lij?"rit boy ed at otk trade r. ro e.f per
fttMjr at t'o:n Thi tr.akts Sf'y c; i: a-tbe-fc.-ol
etdi-r ti-ecbsj-g c-f J i. Kr.i,Hi;.
MrMon.L Stavics The BaptUts of
Portland w VI boCd a ct-moriil service in
the trwcuud Baptist church, oa Fan
Seventh and Ea-t Ankeny street, to
morrow evening It wid be un.ler the
direction of the UAptist mini:erof Port
land. Jiev. Mr. Lewis ii pastor of the
Second church for thre years, djring
which time Ihe new bailJieg a erected.
He bad cnlj entered on his p?lorat at
Albany m bea death claimed him. W. B.
Hail was present at his funeral, and sdd
he was surprised at the bold Mr. Lewis
seemed to have on the member after, to
short a stay among them. There was
the deepest recret. There w!H iikely l
a large attendance at the memorial ser
vice at the Second church tomorrow
nighu Cregmian.
Webs Di?chawjed. Jennings A Eel
linger, keeper of the Waterloo sdoon,
were tried before jf:ice Lorelee Tues
day on the charge of keeping open their
saloon on Sunday, July 1J, l."i. This
was the date of the baloon asevnsion at
that place, and there wa an immense
crowd there, and everybody knows the
salook was open and doing a rushing
business on the day named; yet not
enough evidence was brought out, at the
trial to secure conviction. Advance.
Who Speak Tirst. There is a chance
for Albany people to hear the Unions
tragedian, Louis James, in one of bis
masterly productions provided a sulli
cient number of them will signi'y their
wiliingne to patroniae him and his
trouje. The date wiil be early in i-eo-
ruary provided enough names are regis
tered at once at Burkhart A Lee's.
Cow No. I. Poundmnsier Dunn took
op his first cow yiMterday, ana sys he
will enforce the ordinance in a reason
able manner. A cow stake 1 so it cr.n
reach the sidewalk or public street is
subject to being taken 'urt The ordi
nance is plain on this subiect, in fact
this i a provision of the ordinance the
violation of which has cau-jeJ the most
The Staytoo Mail aays Mr Popp'e ot aa
that place has bjcome biinJ tnrough tne
excea-ive use of totacco.
The pnpils of the 3ri grad t nf the public
achools wi I gin a reicption aud enter
tainment toiiiyht.
lee Liugh'in snc-e.B Mr Cowl, deceas
ed. 88 trer.i'b nt ef the McMinaville Nation-
I Hank. AIM wi oewmea one oi me
v, I 1 c .t .
E J Willoukbbv, of niir Harmluirg has
made an a'gnment to K E Snodgr,i for
Uie benefit of his creditors. Aas;s SSOOO, !
Iiahi.itbs f 14,000.
The Endowment Rank. K of P this week !
at a meeting elected lti louowmg ollicera:
I. a. Curl, oreduent; U w II.Hh.ted'er,
vice president; W M Parker secretary.
On or alwut Jan. 2- Ihe A. O. U. W .
will g've an entertmnnienl at the rpera
limine, ennxbting of a lecluie by the Grand
Lectun r K O Iternn, a program anc a
Thou Whib born of l-orvnllis was fined
$10 thin H-k for permitting a r.ok.-r giiino
in his piiltKin. So nmny hundred dollars
cliangrd bunds as to make the affair very
Sky Me'k, DTJ Monteith, George Fro
man and P I Baltimore are b"oting their
wjoond mutch this idternoon at live b'rts
tor $10 a corner. The first match was won
bj Frotnan.
The congregation of the First Unite!
Presbyterian church met hud night to con
.i.W i.ti matter o the call tecoived bv
their pantor, Itev. George E. Hawts, to the
Firxt United Pi efhtermn church at Uune
h& Nh. I he meet inir protested sg uiiHt
th acceotnuce of (he cull by Dr. Hawes.
Every confidence wai expressed in his pres
ent good work, and the unanimous exires
mon as tnnt the chtrch could not afford
to lose him, ard tbiit he should be urged
toretnMn. Ur. Itawes niu not yet given
hia decision, but is considtrimr the t ffcr
made io him On gonian.
Take Lsxativo Brotuo Quiuine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. 25c.
From the Demochat of Feb. 4 to Feb.
25, 1876.
Let Albany have a railroad connection
with the east and she will have a popu
lation of 500,000 by 1880, j-ibilanUy cried
a correspondent oi the Democrat.
Ono of Albany's many new brass
bands was onranizi'd ami rnnniateA nf
John Kpangler, W, C. Tweedale, Wbit
vjrawiu.d, Wm Miller, Jr. E1 Carter, J.
K McCoy. F. M. Rumbatigh, H Flindt,
H. D. liodley, W. N.Miller and Chas
J J. Murnhv. of Sa'am la hi nn
of a bran new boy. (That's Cheater the
anions etamord quarter back.)
The Lebanon Temneranen Ttf..rm
Club was organized w ith J. L. Cowan as
president, C. B. Montague vice presi
dent, S II. Cloughton secretary. There
were 38 members.
The receipt at a big masquerade ball
on February 14 were 'f -.'87.50. Ticketa
were 2 60. Spectators were charged l.
lhat was '76 style.
A Kloocbman was In the city, 19 vears
old and the mother of five children.
L II Montanye ahd Miss Katie Bay
nard were married at Waytide, Miss, on
Two Farm Houses Burned.
The residence of John Cox, situated
near Lacouib, with ita entire contents,
was destroyed by fire last Sunday, at 2
a. m. The fire originated in a wood box
which was near the fire place. The fire
caught in th a place once before on the
same night, but Mr. Cox discovered it
and put it out, but it evidently was not
entirely extinguished. Express.
The farm bouse of V iley Swlnk, about
eight miles above Waterloo, cangrf fire
and burned down last Sunday afternoon,
with all iu contents. The bouse was
occupied by Orvillo Swink and fanily,
and they were visiting at a neighbor's
when the fire started. It was supposed
to have caught from the flue It was a
nice house and the loss amounts to
about 1300; insurance 1400. Advance
From the Fao Corscr. After Do
ing in bis present location continuou!v
for eighteen years Mr. F. M. French will
soon move into the Oregon Bank build
ing, on fire years lease, occupying the
room need by the bank. The counters
will be taken oat and the room refitted
especially for the jewelery trade. It is
intended to make it one of the finest
stores in the valley. The large 4ate
glaaa fri.nt window, the big vault and the
general arrangement wilt do much to
wards this, It will snake a midel jew
einr tore. Mr. French baa thoroughly
established a reputation for reliability in
business and skill as a jeweler and no
do-jbt the change will add to bis busine
Lrakx to WatTa. Don't be a Phila
delphia lawyer. Learn to write so it can
be read easily. Prof. Lantt is giving
writing teseontat lbecoiieg.7:lS to :15
every week day evening but Saturday,
20 lessons for only JI.50. Send the boys
and girls and go yourself. Wiih such
faci'itie ttere is no excuse for poor pen
manship. Mr. George Fioley, of C -a w f ord it 1 ',e ,
has been in the city on bsistneaa.
AssisUnt Cterk of the Sensle 3. A.
WHton came up this noon from Salem.
The Magazine Ciab will meet with
Mr. K. l Catsck Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
J. E Adcox. tie jeweler, formerly of
Lebanon, Albany. CVrvaiUs, Independent-,
etc, will 'orate in Scio.
Hun. O. T. Porter, of the 3rd house,
circe up from Salem this nooa. He aay
Mr. MitcheP is sore of election.
Mrs. Laura Froman, ol Albany, ia
here visiting her parents. Mr. and ikrs.
N. V. Allen. Philomath Cor. Gazette.
Representative Wbiteaker, of Benton
county, returned horre today. He stated
that it would be several days before tne
botue would be organized.
W. It Dooaca is at Sa'era attending
the legislature. Mr. Donaca ia a candi
date far the Ietanon postoffioe, and is
prbbly seeking and obtaining the
endorsement of some of the most promi
nent republicans in the state. Advance.
Mary E. Tallman and A. M. Peery
were married at the residence of Rev.
Joseph Ho berg on Thursday evening,
January 7, by Rev. Hoberg. Mr. Peery
it one of the prominent men of tne aty.
Mrs, TaUroan is a daughter of T. Good
rich. McVtinnville T. M.
Rev. J. N". Dennieon died at Graota
Pass on Wednesday. He was born on
shipboard Christmas, Dec 25. 1S50, just
as the vessel entered the Pacific ocean
around Cape Horn. When a boy h.e r
tidei tor aahile near Brownsville. He
graduated from Willamette and the Drew
Theological school. Me preached in
Portland. Salem. Seattle and rort Town-
Salkm, Or., July 16, 2:10 p. m. The
house adjourned to Sunday at two
o'clock. No change in tne situation.
Senator Price, of Umatilla countr, is
taking the three days legislative vacation
among Linn coanty relatives.
Mr. A. W. McClain, came no street
today tor tbe first time since his leg was
Mrs. Ruckman and Mrs. Skeelsand
daughter from Washington arrived id
Albany last evening to visit with rela
tives and friends.
Mr. G. L. Walker, of Moen, Wash
burn & Co., San Francisco, is in the city
for a day on a visit with bis ancles,
aunts, cousins, Ac.
Mis Mav Pollcck. of Albany, arrived
-In the city Friday, and is visiting with
the family of Mr. Scroggs, who live just
north of the city. -Independence.
Miss Ball, of Albany, a milliner, of
that place, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs
Soott Laughry nt their home in tbe coun
try Independence Enterprise.
Mr. Oscar B. Marshall and Mrs
Luella A. Hueoev were married in Min-
nsota Lake. Mina , on Monday, Jan
tiarv 1 1. 18117, and arrived in Albany on
last night's overland. Thev will make
Linn countv their home. Mr. and Mrs
Marshall will bave the best wishes ot
W. II. Wickham. formerly a real es
tate agent, etc.. at Ashland, was a can
didate for sargtant at arms of the lower
house ot the legislature at Salem this
week, but went down to defeat with
numerous other candidates. Wickham
now bails from Linn county, at Scio.
Ashland Tidings.
Prof. W. Gifford Nah is to give h
first musical recital in Eugene soon. The
Guard says a young lady of that city re
marked : "1 have had but two lessons
iromMr. Nash as yet. In those two
lessons I feel that I have gained more
knowledge of music than I have ever
learned from all the rest of my instruc
tors put together."
20 Birds Straight.
Considerable interest was taken among
nimrods yesterday afternoon over tbe
shoot nt live birds between five expert
shots, ono of whom Mr. D. B. Monteith
i withdrew on account of poor shells.
Phil Baltimore waa at bis best, and car
ried off the honors, killing 20 birds with
out a miss, Geo. Froman 17, ttkv Meek a
15 and Mr. Oaviness 13. Baltimore's
shooting was quick and accurate.
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world eel-
cbratea lor its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc, healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
KOTAL tMUM osjfSM eB. mr
Genuine fruit candies at F H Pfeilfers.
Two incbe of snow fell at Mehama .
Ring phone 9, or Smiley tne printer
Finest candies and nuts at C. E
Browssll's. Timothy seed for sale at C. E. Brow
keus. Po corn fbat pops can be found at C.
E. bKuwxEXL'a.
Crawford A Harnub for pbotogTaihs.
Prices from ft to fJO per dozen.
UonSdeace ha ncthicg lo do with boll
day prices at Long's ptoto gallery.
If jou want absolutely correct time set
your watch wita French's regulator.
Who pot down the price of c'-othing in
Albany r AnKwer, Wiloo Bjiia.
At Freoeb's jeweiy store yon can boT
spbctacle and e;e giase from loC cp-
A fine line of Cooks Ranges and Heat
ers at The H'ewart Jr. Sox hardware Co.
Cloth in cleaned and n-ira b 11 r. a
E Owes. 3rd between Ell.vonb anu 5rood
. . . i - . t . .
Pcpu ar roods at popi'ar prices ir error-'
eri a4 Qsewaswatr, at C. E. Baow-
Dr. G- W. Mantua, pbyicxaa and ar
geon. Albany Or. CalU answered prompt,
ly ia city or country.
Tbe Peyton Comedy Company wi'J begin
a waeka eagagemaat in Albany tbe fi'at
wek in February.
I be neari asy county has come to Linn
oa rate of taxes tor this year is 15 miili, in
Lace and Washington.
A game bird may be seen at Froman
Bros, wt-icai a dir-ct crocs between a
Chinese pheasant and a groaae.
Isformation (bat is worth its weight in
goid : Get your meats of ab kinds at Hen
ry Sroier's. on Second street.
If yoa are ia ned of a b. rating rtore
call and examine tbe Royal Jewel at TL.
Stewart Sox Hard ware Co.'s.
Dr H. E. and O. E. Beers oSces .ck
reaidenos in tbe rot oSoe building. Spec
ial attention given to disease of woriea.
Among the bidder for tbe big Nertuecx
bridge ii Tillamook count were TUloUon
k Roval, of Aibaay. All the bids were
Next Monday and Toeaday tbe Demo
crat w ill pur ih a very entettaiosng letter
Irotn Mr DrGaff. former Linn county
lady, cn "A visit to Mexico. "
A good resolution for 17 ia to call in
at Uaigtl Bros, and order aotae of their
choice meata. Their cocstanl resolution is
to treat the public well.
For choice meets of all kinds call oa Em
met ft Hrackraaa ia tne Blum berg block,
where they are running their own basiaess
and treating their customer well.
Buckingham's Dye for tbe Whixer
does its work thoroughly, coloring uniform
brown or black, which, wbea dry, will
neither rob, wash cff. nor soil linen.
Cuonty Chairman J. L. Bill has called a
meeting of populists lo meet in the office
of Judge Barton on Monday to consider
legislative matters.
Just down the street at Snd and Ella
worth, the Albany Dressed Beef Co , are
splendidly epnipped for serving the public
well in all kind of chcice meat, promptly
and carefully. Some fine lard on hand.
The Roaeburg Building Loan associa
tion is no" just eight year old. Tbe Re
view sa it is expected tbe twk wiil ma
ture in eight tear, but tne actual cost
value per share 11445 lt'. hardly indicates
it, though it wilt be lesatnan tnree year.
Instead of next Monday evening on Sat
irdav eveniag. Jan. 23 a number of K a of
' of Albany, and other ciues will so to
Corvallis to aut in initiating fifteen new
mom ber. A sosctal train will go to lor-
vallia ia the evening, returning after the
meeting of the lodge.
Mr Peasley. !iing near Wooowille, was
robbed Wednesday evening. Tbe lady
bad draan $750 insurance money from
l ha Woodvible express office and when on
tbe road to ber home she was held up and
robbed of the money by highwaymen. No
dew has as et been found that will lead
to tbe identification of the robhers. Mrs.
Peasley formerly resided in Jacksonville.
Medford Mail.
Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Figs U taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tbe taste, and acts
Emtly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
ivcr and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers ana cures habitual
constipation, byrup of r igs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly oeneticiai in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
byrup of Figs is for tale in 50
cent bottles br all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
84 nAKoaoo. cat. new roar. r.
A Bright Lecture About an Inter'
esti g People.
Asa prelude to the lecture a abort
musical program was rendered, consist
ing of a song by the conservatory quar
tet, Messrs Parvin.Landell and Aim and
M Lbs Aideraon.a piano solo by Miss Alder-1
3n, from Beethoven, without the music,
executed with feeling and displaying an
artistic touch, doing justice to the great
Mmposer, ai,d a base solo by Mr. Lon
dell, displaying the excellent quality of
his voice.
Tbia was followed by probably the
best lecture ret of the coarse.
Robert McLean, of Grants Pass, was
introduced and spoke In a very pleasant
manner on Chili and Chilians, a tab
ject familiar to the speaker on aceont of
an actual residence of six years in that
country, whose people and country be
loves. Chilians axe a Spanish speaking
People. It belongs properly to tbe C
en Mt
a. on accoant of discovery by an Amer
ican, Mr. Wbeelrigbt, in 1SS5. In speak
ing of tbe ignorance of tbe people about
Chili, he referred to a Portland paper
telling about a veeeel bombarding San
tiago, which is 120 miles from tbe sea
eoaat. Crossing the Isthmus of Panama
is not enough to learn the Spanish char
acter, nor waa Dr. William-Taylor com
petent to write about Cbiii after a three
weeks visit there. Americana are so ar
rogant and proud of their own country
that they can see little gocd in other
After describing the trip down the
coast with its interesting features Chili
itself waa reached . Valparaiso, beanu
fally situated, pleases one. Santiago,
tbe Paris of South America, cloudiest
nine mootns ot the year, beautiful sun
sets, palace and hovel ride by aide, sur
rounded by arenaea oi trees. Tbe cut-
lerenl provinces were described, one a
German coiooy ol infidels, where a car
nival of crime reigned Tbe people, all
classes, both high and low. are ibe most
cour;eous he has met oa the face
of the earth, in contrast to the rude
ness of Americana. The lower daises
bave intermarried with tbe Indians and
are sometimes of a vicious character,
but all display an intense loyalty to their
country. Patient, hospitable, improvi
dent, cruel by nature through years of
Spanish control. There are boil fights
tor the church. Xne people are super
stitious and Use o" "rings to St Sebas
tian, whose image they zealous. y guard.
Interesting pergonal incidents were nar
rated, displaying the mean character of
some of tbe native. Then tbe better
aide of the Chilian character was given,
tne happiest people and tbe most mis
erable. In the summer some of tbe
people live on water melons and bread.
tie nas never seen each beaantol wo
men as in Santiago, among tbe higher
classes, educated in Pans, courteous.
delightful people. Breakiaet at 11, for
mal catling afterwards, parties in tbe
evening. Tbe young lady ia protected,
and when married she is true and faith
i here is anotner class, a naif way
kind, too lazy too work and yet trying
U dress like the gentry. They are in
tensely afraid of water, one woman de
claring sha bad not washed for ten years.
The Indians in the south were des
cribed as a stal a art, noble race of peo
ple, of undoubted valor, now being de
graded by tne wbtskey lhat is being in
troduced among them.
The war between Chili and Peru and
Bolivia, which iccurred during tbe
speakers residence there, was graphical
ly described, greatly to the credit of
Tbe farms are immense, carried on in
a modern war by late machinery from
tbe United Slates, and vet beside it are
tbe sickles, and beside tbe modern plow
is tne ancient wooden plow.
A trip over tbe Andes, which vr. Mc
Lean made foor times, was graphically
One good characteristic of Chilians is
that they never laugh at mistakes, like
Americans. In his own experience he
asked at a store for some children, in
stead of figs, which he wanted to eat,
and Uie clerk never smiled.
Chili will play an important part in
tbe sooth and th relationship with tbe
United States wul be an important one
whose closeness we should cultivate.
Tbe entertainment closed with a piano
quartet bv Misees Parrish. Torbet and
uayes and Mr. Uharles tiucdiu.
No. 3s.
The third grada pupils. Miss Mamie
Cundiff teacher, gave a reception and en
tertainment at tbe Central building last
night before a good sized audience of
parents and friends. It displayed
bright class ot children well trained. The
program was as follows:
Song by school, "Mill May."
Welcome by Mat tie Warner.
Recitation, "Tommy Browne tbe Ba
by, ay elma lavis.
ttetitation by oassie 1 bom peon.
Number exercises by both classes.
Song. "Jingle Bells."4'
Recitation, "The Rogue," by Martha
Recitation, "A Boy's Opinion." Iby
Freddie Horuoi-
Sonir. "Down in Tovertv Row." bv
Mae Durell. ---terl
Memory uems. I. 3. 4. 6. e. br both
Recitation. "Who's Girl sui IT" bv
Neta Shults.
Song, "Yankee Poodle "
Recitation, "A Fable," John Graham.
Geography exercise by A vias.
Song, "Red, White and Blue."
Reciia".ion. "The Fairv'a Dilemma."
by Lou Holmes.
Reading, "A Hoy's Essay on Guts,"
by George Maston.
Song. 'My Kitty."
Exercise by A class.
Song, "America."
Tbe program was followed by timely
remarks by J.W. Cusick. W. F. Read,
Dr. Maston, O. B. Montague and Proi.
Tyree, and an inspection of the excellent
'ova't awa4 a?
work ol Uie pupils.
This closes the series of receptions by m eeta every Saturday evenin? K.
th members of the Central school. TbeM Hall. Visiting Knights invited
clusaes in tbe Madison street school will jemj. J. S. Ya Winklr, Com
soon give like receptions.
A Great Walker.
Willis Yidito walked in from Aleea
Monday. That is not remarkable, for
man 7 a man before bim baa walked from
Alsea to Corvallis. Bat Mr Villi to is 6.'S
years of age, he started at 7:30 in the
morning, ana in spite of a stop of an boar
in Philumsrh be was in Corvallis at four
p. m. The distance is between 26 and 30
miles, and the roads are very heavy.
M r. Yidio was not surprised at the feat.
When a yonng man be walked one fine
day from Indiaobpolis to Crawfordsville,
Indiana, 65 tnik, and in the evening
marched several hoars in a big torchlight
parade, Subsequently in the early days
in Oregon, with his wife, be travelled np
jbe Willamette in steamboat. In mak
ing tbe transfer at Oregon City bis valise
was left at tbe landing below tbe fall?-,
and the fact waa not discovered nntil tbe
boat was almost ready to start from tbe
landing above Mr. Vidito went back
tot tbe grip, and the boat palled oat from
tbe upper landing before be got back.
His wife waa aboard tbe boat without a
ticket or money, and tbe case waa des
perate. Yidito started after tbe boat
foot, bailed ber occasionally from the
bore as they raced, neck and neck np
re Willamette, and finally arrived in
tSalem ahead of the steamer. Tl m es.
. . igei a Wtd. I'd Paper, a Tear.
Is larger thas any weekly or semi
weekly paper published and is the only
mportant democratic "weekly" pub
ished in New Yo.-k City. Three tunes
ai Urge as the leading re-rablican week
ly of New York Cit;. It will be oi
--ecial advantage to yoa daring tbe
residential Campaign, aa it ie pab
csed every other day, except Sunday,
Has all the freshness and timelines)
daily. It combines all tbe news
a Ions; lift of interesting depart
a, unique features, cartoon a and
lie illustrations, tbe latter being a
1 these improvements bavw been
.au without any increase ia tbecoet
which remains at one dol'ar per rear
We offer tbia unequal ed newspaper
and the Wkeext Democrat together one
year for $2.00. Satisfactory terms with
Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Boarding School for Girls.
Thorough instrnctioo Wbolesone
let Homelike treat meet. Consider
ing hard times, favorable reductions are
made tor rjoarders and day scholars.
Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For
Hither paxtieulais call at tbe Academ-r
or write to Sister Scperior.
Albany CoSIegc
Teachers for the school vearlS96-ISS7:
ZLxtri M. ParTin. Mas. Doe. director.
Assistant teachers Marguerite Alderson,
B.1U, and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe.
Tborouzn and systematic instruction
riven in all the important branches of
music. Beet eonservatorTtrooros and
latgest musical library nod facilities for
musical work. La-rett number of con
servatory students enrolled of any music
school in the state. Terms low. Send
for circular and catx'otrue, to
auacz Hoi lrx. A. M.
Albany. Oregon.
Maston Block, Albany, Or
Money to loan cn farm security, ail
small loans made oa personal security.
City, county and achcoi warracU boogr.t.
Co lection made oa favorable terms.
F insurance written ia three ol tbe
arg- ccmpanies in u e world, at icwest
Between first and Second on Baker.
Team stabled for 10 cents.
Ladies toilet and waiting room ia con
nection. D. BxmxRa.
Continues in our job department. We
are receiving orders daily from tbe beet
business firms in this and adjoining
counties. e invite tne public to in
spect our work and prices. Work satis -
factory or no pay. iet us serve you.
ixPRixT jo umcx.
Teacher cl Piano & Orpi
(Mason System of Technic)
Careful Instruction of Children a Spe
altv. Terms moderate.
Washington St, south of U. P. church.
TT t-s Reason Tc
iVl iL gethert Is it not bet
ter to bar your Bread, Pies, Rolls.Cakee,
etc, at a reliable store where they use
only the Beet material why of course it
s you dont want dyspepsia and you' 1
never get it by eating anvtidng trom or i
store. U.S. BAKERY
Be Ellsworth and Lyon Snd St.
C. D. YajsnTK.Proprieto
The wot oi on the Albany street rail
way will connect promptly with all trains
to and fromthe depot, day and night.
Special trip will I n ad at special
ate. I- F. Cosx. Conductor,
For Sale.
I bave two houses and lots ia
Dayton, Washington, for sale or trade.
Would trade for town property or a small
place in Oregon. The houses are situated
on Mb street, one house has 6 room, the
other 4. good wells on both lota, peaches
enough for family use cn each lot, near the
central school and cotlegw Any one wish
ing to trade for this tropeitywilt plae
replv to 11. J. Uajiiiax, Aibary, Oregon
K. O. T. M.