The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 15, 1897, Image 3

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t r
Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month
$3.1 0 per advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over 3 months. Single copies 5c.
Weekly. $1.25 'n advance; J1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for
third and proceeding' years, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers
for $5.00.
Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Democrat and Weekly
Examiner will be sent to subscribers for
2.35 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of the Examiners bis? premium pi ft
in May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price ol st.oo direct! v
to the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat and thrice a eok
N. Y. World, 2.00 a year.
To the Citizens of Albany unci Tic
inity. Whereas, there lain this city a nura-
bar of persons for want of employment.
who are unable to meet their necessary
wants, antf a few od persons, some wid
ows with small children unable to per- I
f . 1 . V. li v i i i
tut ui ittuur ii it cuuiu oe naa.
And, whereas, the Ladies Aid
has not received more than ekrht nr ton
dollars from the public in the past year
. and as the funds donated them by the
state belong in a special manner to the
Orphan's Home and cannot pe used as a
fund for general chanties.
And, whereas, the County board is
spending two hundred dollars per month
ior me reuet ot tne poor in this counry
and yet many calls for help have not
been answered.
Therefore; we the 'undersigned, after
vreiui consuieration and consultation
with many of the prominent citizens of
this city upon the subject of relief for the
neeay, nave concluded to eav through
the city papers that if those who are able
in Albany and the adjoining country
Trould contribute a very small amonut in
anything they mty have to spare in ar
tides of f iod or clothing the wants of the
needy of our town would be amply sup
plied and no one would feel embarrassed
as the result.' -The
proposition submit'ed is, for ajl
wno uesire to give a donatioa in money
to send the same to Mrs. A. H. Martin.
secretary of the Ladies A;d Society, who
nas expressed her willingness to receive I
and receipt for the same and deposit said
funds so contributed with the treasurer
of Baid society, airs. J. K. Weatherfcrd.
to be held by her subject to the order of
the several ward committees of said so
ciety whose business is according to the
constitu ion of said society, to look after
wants of the needy in tlieir re pec Ire
wards and who will kindly and cheer
fully see tbat a proper distribution of
what is contributed is made according to
real wants of those in need, and who are
hereby requested to keep a torrent ac
count of the business so done at-d report
the same to the secretary of said society
eo that if need be the officers of said so
ciety mav be able to make a full report
thereof for future reference or publica
tion. - m
It is further requested that all articles
- of food, clothing wood or what ever may
be given to meet the numerous wanta of
a needy family, be left in care of Stewart
& Sox at their business house near the
post office in this city; or with Mr. S. E.
Becker, merchant ia the ea3t part of the
city. Said parties are to receive and re
ceipt and care for said goods and hold
them subject to the order of said ward
committees, who at present re, for the
first ward Mrs Ida Irving; second
ward, Mrs. E. S. Upham; third ward,
Mrs. A. H. Martin and Mrs. J. K.
Sow the undersigned hereby express
their thanes for the cheerful and hearty !
response to the call r r articles of cloth- j
ing made through the public tchool by j
which many were made warm and happy.
And shall not this good work continue j
for surely there is not one citizen of our j
city who would want to hear the cries cl
the hungry or naked and allow thm to
-go unanswered. And feeling certain tha, j
as fast as those in want shall make
known their condition to the several i
ward committees their real wants will be !
promptly met.
Respectfully submitted br
J. M. Marks. !
F. P. NcriTisG, W A. Sxick, j
3 Meter, C. B. Mostagce,
David Tokbet, H. F. Ramp,
C. U Chambeblis, C. . Bbowxell,
31. H. Ellis, T.J. Sines,
Oeo D. Baktox, H. Bhyast.
H. Teres, W. H. Davis.
S. 8. Teals, Coxs Sullivan".
X Barb Case The saloon bond of
Ben Woidt. of Corvallis. has been de
clares forfeited, the result of celling li
quor to minors, lie only recently paid
bis license of $250. He was also" fined
$25. He will trv to recover $200 of the
A CoxcxBf. The Albany College con
cert company will gve a concert in the
Congregational church on next Tuesday
evening, under the auspices of the Y. P.
8. C. E. of that church. Admission 15
cents, children 10 cents. The program
will be published later.
The tax levy in Benton county is 20 4 10
All things must give way to tbe sena
torial contest.
The first vote lor (J. S. tenaior will be
on January 19.
The old C. P. church, after standing
nearly forty yeara is beinz torn down by
R. B. Vunk and W. C. Breckenrilge.
A drove of fifty or sixty Elks will go
through Albany tomorrow for Eugene
where they will institute a new lodge.
Jennings & Bellinger were arrested at
Lebanon Saturday ior keeping a saloon
open on Sunday and were to be tried today
before Justice Lovelee
Tbe Postal Tel. To. have opened and
-will maintain an office in the State hnure
.during tbe session ot legislature for con-
yenience of its patrons.
The state tax levy tar Marion county has
' been placed at 18 milln. Tha fevy lor gen
eral county purposes 8 'J mills is more than
double tbat of Linn county.
The tax levy for Clackamas coun'y has
been placed at 25 mills, one less than last
year and 12 mure tban Linn county's. Our
citizens certainly have nothing to kick at
this yar.
We sash to thank tbe business men of
this city for the asHigtance which they ren
dered us. Especially do we thank the
faculty of the Albany College for I be fayors
which we, a town team received ai their
bands. Albany Tornado Foot Ball xeam
Deputy prosecuting attorney Dalrymple
returned Saturday evening trem Lebanon
and Lacomb, where he had been to prose
cute severs caes. Chas Wood was found
frailty of assault opou Clinton Myers and
fined $15. Toi Crabb, Ed Young, Henry
iiasler. William Rut'edge and Lulu Clark
were each fined $10 for disturbing a relig
ions meeting.
A Good Templars Lodge-bas ben organ
ized in this city, as a result of the labors
of Mrs. J. O. Stone, grand lecturer of the
state. All peniOBs interented in temper-
ancc work arecoroia'ly invited to attend
the meeting Monday eve, 7 :30 p. m. ia the
G. A B ball B. E. R- MP,
f F. E Adams O. T.
A progressive beneficiary order is the
Knights of Maccabceit. IVelvenew mem
bers have been admitted recently. Sa'ur--day
night the new otiicers were intalled
as follows: EU Will, commander: J F
Troutman, lieut ctd; NM Newport, rec
ord keeper; J W Rumbauh fin., kfener
lienry Stewart, chaplain; R N Notris.
sergeant; J W Hiuimell. M of A; A
Barnes. 1st Sf G; LL'wig, 2ad MG; U W
tjoff, sentinel; D K Kav picket,
Badlv rSciLDgo. The two year old
chi'd of Mr J. R. Douglas 'recent'y
reached up to a table and pulled a cup of
hot water upon it, the water going down
its sleeve so that the skin peeled off the
arm and breast. It was a bad scald. -
$6.00 buya a good Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 bays 16 choice "cat gnt" Banjo Is
; strings. .
$1.00 birys 12 choice '
'catgut" Violin E
$1.00 buya a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light running ; guaran
teed 5 years.
firPriees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. Will
The County Court Orders the Ac
turn ot the State Board ot
Equalization Ignored.
In the matter of the raise of the assess
ed values of the property of Linn coun
connty as returned by the state board of
equalization for the year of 1S06.
I The order having been presented to
' 1,10 county court, by the secretary of
1 state, as authorized lv in state board
f equalization, raising the asseesed val
. : i 11 ..: . i .
nation ot ail citv and town lots 10 per
cent, merchandise and accounts 10 per
cent, and cattle 25 per cent, from the
assessed values as enumerated on the as
sessment ro'l ct Linn county for 1S96,
as lawfully made and returned by the
county assessor, and it appearing that
this arbitrary and unjust raise of assess
ed values ia not warranted by fact, just
ice, equity or law, and it further being
shown conclusively to the court that the
property affected by said order is assess
ed by the county assessor as by law re
quired at their true cash vulue, also
realizing that it is tha exception to find
a net productive piece of property among
the enumerated city and town lota on
the basis of present assessment, also
having evidence that the cattle of Linn
county are assessed at fully their cash
value of todav, and farther bePeving that
the legal Iv elected and qualified assessor
of Linn county is amore man com petent to
judge of the true cash vaiue of the prop
erty he views and assesses, than
state board of assessors, many of whom j
never set let loot in Linn countv, also'" "". "". hj uw
that a with this I M sending her to the asylum. I believe
unwarranted and MleiiMl order from the
state board of equalization, would cause
additional work on the assessment roll
to the cost of $500. a! oi which would be
wrung from the- already heavily taxed
property owners of Linn county. It is
therefore ordered that the county clerk
ofLiun county, Oregon, be and he is
hereby directed .io make no changts in
the values ot the property enumerated in
'tie assessment roll of Linn county for
the year of 1S96, as was equalized ly the
county board ol equalization and' the
county court. Jons M. Waters,
Geo D. Bartos, D. L. Curl.
Judge. Cointuissiocers.
Albany Won.
The Tornadoes in the foot ball game at
Salem Saturday afternoon defeated the
Cyclones of that citv, though ihev had
been strengthened by the addition of j
several university men. Two ouch
downs were made in the first hall by hard
work against a heavier line. The States
man gives the lol'owicg one sided ac
count of it:
Yesterday af'eraoon tne gridiroi in
Xorth Salem was the scene of an -xcit-ing
game of football between the "Tor
nadoes" of "Albany"and the "Cyclones"
of Salem, two juveni'e teams of some
practice and merit. Die ecore went to
Albany at the ratio of 8 to 0. and was
won. so sav the Capital Citv boys, by
the "fossing" and dilatory tactics of the
visitors Iron Linn.
I Ion ever, there was j
,1,,. .. .... t ....... , , . ..n l
noise, the customary ""skinning" and ;
bruis-ing and the inevitable plaster of i
old Marion s mud on every stitcb ot
clothes the youngsters wore. And they
were happy.
LivstTBGEB vs Oxioss. Wm. Toner,
the express messenger, and (Jeorge Slim
son have started even again. Recently
a Chinese lily given Mr. Slimson by Mr.
Toner turned out to be an onion. Later
a terrific smell that oervadea Mr. Toner
generally turned out to be some limbur
ger cheese carefully concealed in his babi the state insane a-jlom bad been accepptcd .T "holJl ohtamicg reiiet. He
band, snd Mr. Stimson is now doin'g the r ' took a course of treatment fn.m "ner
smilinR. msnn the Healer" at Portland, among
From as Wox. The shootinz match at
10 live bird s at the Albany range last Sat
nrday afternoon resulted as loliows : Oeo.
Froman, 9, missing the second; I. J.
Baltimore 8, missing the second and
fifth ;D. B Monteith o.missing the third,
fifth, sixth and tenth.
Mr. Frank Davis liss returned from a
trip to Halsey, once his borne.
Mr. Charles Bates attended the pool
try show in Portland last week exhibit
ing Borne of his fine fowls.
Prof. J. Whitehorn, an eminent erec
ialtist from Portland, is in Corvallis, cor
recting impediment f speech.
Mr. and Mrs. Tho-. Holman, Mrs.
John Holman and Georgia Luna spent
Sunday in Albany the guests of Mr. John
Holman at the St. Charles.
Mrs. R. A. Vosa, of Woodburn, haj
spent the holidays with G. W. Cochran
and friends at and near Tangent and will
return home this week.
Hiram and Damon Smith, who have :
been visiting in Crook county, arrived
here last night and left on this morning's
train ior their home at Harrisburg.
The Dalles T. M.
The following account is given of the
marriage ot a former Albany man, a
member of the alumni of Albany Col
lege: A pleasant wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ren.
ington, on Chapman street, Lewiston.
Idaho, Wednesday evening, December
30, when their eldest daughter, 5etta A.
and Dr. John A. Geisendorfer,-of Ar
lingten, Or., were united in matrimony,
L. W. Sibbitt, of the First Preebyteiian
church, officiating. The bride looked
charming in a beautiful gown of whit
brocade silk trimmed in chiffon and
peat Is. The groom is well known through
out the northwest. After congratulation
lunch was served and at 11 o clock the
newlv married couple departed amid
showers of rice, slippers and test wish
es. Dr. and Mr Geisendorfer will be at
home to their many friends after Jan
uary at Arlington, Or.
My flow Sweet- A' com noa remark
aoout those delicate and lasting perfumes
at Burkbart & Lee's drug store . We, cer
tainly have the berit in the market and to
higher in price than inferior goods.
"Merit talks" the
Intrinsic value of
Hood's SarsapariUa.
Merit In medicine 'means the power to
cure. Hood's Sarsapariila possesses actual
and unequalled curative power and there
fore it has true merit. When yon buy
Hood's Sarsapariila, and take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure Is there. Yon are not
trvine an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs ot disease, strengthen
the nerves end build up the whole system.
ts the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier,
?re pared only by C I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.
it - ro not purge, pain or
(Oeo. Bu-ton. county udg; i U. Wftten, D. L.
Curl, Commissioner!.)
The county court adjourned Saturday
evening after transacting the following
additional buBiuess and closing the
docket for the January term.
The contract for tracing the maps of
road districts on the present ownership
book was let to the Linn Oouutv Ab
stract Co. at 50c a district.
Bill of W. F. Deakins for $90 continued.
Bills allowed :
W F Deakins, bill $758 reduced to. $581 00
Accepted by Mr. Deakins.
The allowancs is at the rate of
$3 for Mr. Deakins and $2 for dep
uties, for which the bill was $3.
V L Curl, county commissioner. . 12 00
Uncle Billy's Side.
Last week the Democrat published an
article from the Salem Statesman in
which JJncle Hilly Wright, a frequent
visitor at Albany, was accused of sending
his wife to the insane asylum, after treat
ing her cruelly, and to get rid of her,
and that he bad an Albany girl at his
home for no good purpose. The public
is entitled to the other side of the affair,
which has attracted soma attention
through the valley. Dr. Reynolds, her
physician, has published a Bta'ement in
which he says:
"I have been called to see Mrs Wright
various times since 1S94. She has been
in feeble health, weak physically, and I
was told by her husband that she had
several times threatened todestrov her
self. I was calli-d the morning of Dec.
30th, and found her greatly excited and
learned from he' hustMnd'that she had
attempted to swalkw a bottle of lauda
num, which he took from her, and he
was holding her to prevent her from get
ting it. I asked Mrs Wright if she did
not know she would be held responsible
for an act of that kind ami be punished
for it. She said, No, God wonll not
punish her for destroying her life, that
she was doing it for the pure love of her
husband ; and she asked me to give her
something for that purpose. Mr "right
came to see me the next morning, lie
stated that his wife then had it in thought
to kill the children, and he aked what
he should do for her. I advised him j
that aa she was in that state of mind tho '
only safe thing to do was to commit her j
tottie asylum to protect herself and
children from her. Mr W right exclaim
ed "'My Ood ! She has always been a
eood woman, and I don't want to do
that." I told him that was the best
place to take care of het and the chances
woa' b"er ll,ere for ner recovery.
the action taken by him was entirely
due to my suggestion "
Mr Wright's three sons d --agree in the
matter, two being against him. and one,
Samuel, living at home, for him In a
statement Samuel says: Please do not
censure my father for what he has done.
1 believe be did the rust he knew under
tbe circumstances. I have asked Dr
Reynolds and be said he told my father
a year ago that it would be lor the lt
for him and the little children to send
her there; he said that ho couid not, bat
ten the worst came he had to. As to
his using violence to her, I have never
seen it. I Uave known her when she
would get mad that wry to try and kill
him. 1 want to do what I think is right
as one is as dear to me as the other.
When I was borne I did a'l io my power
to keep her from doing ary violence.
M y father could not hire a girl to come
there to work for any length of time un
til she would have to go. so I hired the
girl and aa it is now before the public, if
the will
come and ak me 1 wul leii
therm who the girts were that he hired
and the ones that 1 hired.
Tin Farmers quiie generally through
the county are plowing and sowing a
fast as the ground ia ready. Some are
patting in fall wheat and some erring
Hon. Tolbert Carter arrived in Al
bany this noon from his Benton county
farm and left for Sa'.em todav. He has
been ill and it was feared be'wonld cot
be able to attend. Yesterday a dispa'ch
was taken to him in tine stylo with a
fine rig, Lut Mr. Carter, waited until
today and came over in his own outfit.
The action of the cont court in refus
ing to accept the raise of 8seinet in
Linn ccunty. wiil be appreciated by oor
citizens generahy.
Curkturt & Lee Lne l-e formalty not
Ifird tnat their bid of $517.) for druf for
Everything at Salem seems lo have in
view the election of a U . S. senator. Yes
terdsy the senate was quickly organized
in the interest of Joe Simon, as given by
the DchocvAT. In th house there was
an all night Cuban bushwhacking war
fare, the object being to throw the or
ganization over oniil today, so tbat the
ti rt vote will not take place nntil the
26 h. Ralph Moody called tho bouse to
order, Davis and Smith were named for
temporary speaker. Upon vote Moody
declared Davis elected, though it is ss
aeserted Smith had a majority. Davis
appointed a credential committee con
sisting of Barkley, Stanley, Thomas,
CRren and Bilyeu. The committe
took its time to report. They evidently
didn't feel very bad against Moody for
they immediately tlected him temporary
clerk. During the day a live time fol
lowed, in which Representative Somers
endeavored to take the lead with V'Ren
as leader of tbe opposition. Several ef
forts were made .o elect a temporary
speaker in place of Davis, but Davis held
the tort, in a republican caucus 11 L
enson, of Josephire, was chosen
C. W". WattH returned from ?alemthin
noon, lie reoorts a very live time. A
man is hardly taft without his shot gun
Mr. L E. Hamilton received s dis
patch fiom Thornbury, Ont., announc
ing the death of his uiother.after a short
illness. -
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Mcflwain will
leave tomorrow for GlenEllvn. III..
where they will visit for two or three
Mrs. S. Irvine returned this noon from
Portland, where she has been ' several
days the guest other daughter. Mrs. Jay
ciaiu .
Mr. G. A. Robbins. successor to C. B.
Whiteaker as Schillings Best man for the
Albany district, was in Albany today on
his first trip. Mr. Robbins has been up
in the Idaho district. He is an agreea
ble young mtn and a rustler.
Dr. and Mrs. Tern pie ton gave a very
enjoyable dinner yarty Wednesday even-
ng. The guests were: Judge ana Mrs.
0. N. Denny, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dodd
and Mr. acd Mrs. M. O. George. Ore -gonian.
The marriage of M. Joe Hinkle and
Mrs. Delia ahan took place in the
Umatilla House parlois last evening in
the presence of a few invited guests.
Judge W. L. Bradshaw otliciating Mr.
ljinkle is an oia resworn ol orookcouuty,
and was for many years one of tbe cattle
kings of that section, but at present is
engaged in business in Prineville. The
Dalles T. al.
The vieit to his parents in this city of
S. II. Moses, ot North Dakota, was made
the occasion last Monday of a pleasant
amity reunion ot the parents, children
and grand children of Rev. f, A. Moses,
pastor of the M. E. church south, now
serving bis congregation for the fourth
year. Besides liev. Moses and his wile,
there were six grown children, four sons,
two daughters, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law
and two grand children, and on
Tuesday a special dinner was served at
the Hotel Corvallis with the happy fam
ily gathered at the table. From dinner
they repaired to the gallery where a fam
ily group was taken, and in tbe evening
a number of friends gathered at the
Moses' home to celebrate the reunion.
The father and mother are natives of
Virginia and Arkansas, respectively,
were married in 1858, and have been
residents of Oregon 21 years. Corvallis
; vats, ... -
Probate Record.
In the estate of A D Knox, inventory
filed, real nrooertv. $10,874.75: personal
property $2,372.50. Total, $13,247.25.
In estate of J C Myer inventory filed
personal Dronertv $829.35: persona
property ordered sold. J n Van Winkle
appointed guardian of John 0 Myers,
minor. Bond $0000.
In estate of Jos Nixon, John Denny
was appointed administrator.
In guardianship of Jus Drinkard et a!
Dona approved.
In estate of Jas McMahan, executor
was directed to turn over property bo
In estate of Wm O Osborn et al, cita
tion for sale real property ordered l-suud.
In estate of A II McCartney, final ac
count set tor i cb. 5.
In estate of Thos Holt, Grant Holt ap
pointed administrator. Bond, $2000.
In estate of John Nelson , bond of $ 1000
approved and appraisers approved.
Io guardianship of Helen Spencer, 6ih
annual report men.
In estate of D B McKercher, who wa
murdeied by Loyd Montgomery, l'eter
riunie was appointed administrator. Ap
praisers appointed.
Final account in es.ste of Jas Knox ap-
Final account in esteate of Margaret
Myers approved.
Notice received of discharge of Alice
Cramer from the bkvIuiu on 8 months
leave of absence, to t o iu charge of her
son. - .
Notice lece'ved from Supt Payne that
Charles E llobson, was discharged Irom
asylum on Jan 6, on ti months leave of
U 2nd semi-annual account filed in estate
of John Settle. Executor permitted to
pay Mary E Graham monthly allowance
of $10.
In estate of Xarcy Bigger, final ac
count approved. ' ,
In estate of Jas Pearl.saleof real prop
erty apprvvcd.
In guardianship of Me'va Miller and
Lilla Lewis, V It Hall and John Foehav
were appointed guardians. Bond of
$4500 approvtd.
In eafate of Mai inn M Lewis, W B Hall
was appointed administrator " Bond,
$t6S0. W J Hart, J L Tomlinson and 11
F Merrill were appointed appraisers.
Ten n (Msec Gatherings.
(By Nmto Prmo.)
January 11, 1&D7.
J. Q. Saink went to Hamilton creek
r. L. Wallace ha been having ome
trouble of Ittt with to very sick horses.
T'i litcriry society purchaw.! a new
lamp for the school h uee last weex.
The sin;iojf school is progressing nice
ly, itb small but attentive uicuiU-rehip
of fifteen.
Of late the Htfrarv society has been
getting more and more interest Sr.g The
election of our literary wa held under
the regular Australian USiot svstem. I
nummnMl r,n,iiIIH K.frMh.n:i
had campaign speaking. It was the
closest election ever held at a literary
society in Tenn. It resilted as follows:
PresidenS C. J. McKnitfht, "wheat '
standard," vote 20 to 19; vicc-pr-a, Ar- f
tnur tsartley, "potato preen oa
20 to 13; secretary. Thos
W. S.," nd Annie Blacklaw
tied. It) to 19 : Thev drew cu
Blacklaw was winner. For sergeanfat-1
arms, J. Q. saink. "P .."21loIT:r
criuc, uiancne riuionjf, -w .
19. The debate of last eveuiog or the j oi Airrana xatitji was on m i
ilia aicNnigiit, teauer ot tne a;s. liie
society is a great help to the oeiehbctr-
bocl. lor great learning
T. P. and C. D. Mcknight are going
to grub about 5 acres for John bwink
and about 10 acres lor themselves. This
ia an example of "resiorvd confidence"
and cHow greae.
Why do we not hears McKinlcyite i
say that confidence is restored aad that i
the hanks would fail if ilryan ba.1 been
elected? They have their reasons writ-
ten down, day by day tltroagh tiie pa-
pers, in black and white. Aain we at k '
wby on errlh are municpat eKctums of
Massachusetts ail turmag Bryanward
hen that state gave Mckisley ach t j
majority. Because the promt of cold
bugs are not being fuiuUed.
rsTEO roa 10 Drs. John Lynch, a
youog roan, who resides at the west end
of Fifth street, eomjleted a iO-dav fad
at 3 o'clock this aiternoon Yvnrh has
been a sufferer from inEammatory
rhevmatism of the stomach and has!
tried many remedies f jr tha core of he
disease without obtaining relief. He
other things, but t no good Having
teen told that to fast fur JO days would
effect a cure of lhediseae which tor
mented him and threatened his life he
resolved to try it, and 10 days ago began
fasting and since that lime has eaten
nothing and drank nothing but water
For the first few days he felt the pangs
cf hanger, especially when tho meil of
cooking victuals reached him, but alter
'hat has not sufTeied very much for lack
of food and has decreased very little in
physical strength. He is unable to teil
just what effect the fast wiit bav, but is
resolved if it does not cure to try it again,
making the number of days 30 instead
of 10 tbe nxt time. Lynch was given a
little prepared fo'd at 3 o'clock this af
ternoon. Eugene Guard.
n . - . t. r i ,'Suit. and O. A Archioall was elected
Dso WsLL.-The may friend of j Mi$llnt CMjtier. !
Dr L. L. Irvine, former v of thu c:tv. : .... .!
will be glad to read the following from i
the Arlington Record of Jan. 1, a dc- j
served tribute it an able phvsician :
"Dr. Irvine although a resident of Ar
lington but little more than a year, is
well known as a skillfull physician and
surgeon and has been quite succoa-dal
with his cases here. He caiuu to this
place from Albany in it is stale. In the
professional fi?ld Dr. Irvine has had a
wide a no varied practice, havi ig nerved
as attendant physician in the t'alcm
Hospital. The doctor now enjiys a very
lucrative practice which is rapidly in
creasing "
The engine of Aih;.ny r.rvire Co. No 1.
is being repaired, and i declared out of
service until further notice.
Hon T T Geer was selected to carry the
Oregon vote to Washington. It ia an
Tb3 Pacific funding lull was defeated
yesterday by 106 to 10- in the boue, which
i radically nettles it.
Joquio Miller writes in tho Sun,.sy Ex
amimr almut hin Denny piieaounU which
he recently I iterated on bit LVifornia
Iine county lax levy in low. lielnsr on
ly 15 mills, yet 2 nails higher tbau that or
Linn county, which so far w thu !oci in
Oregon .
Sugar Iihs drclioed. ,r,0 tents tx-r 10(1
poundo. Mr. Gradwohl informs u, nnl in
new selling at V f.T granulated and 14.50
for coffee 0- Now is a good time to buy
before it raies again.
Ufrt Kerrigan anil F B Civne. tirr, rrrfc
I athletes will cuter Stanford t'nversiti. all
of which is very oignilicant. tty the way
Stanford expects to send a team eaut next
Elitor Ka:fw;r. ot the Ashland Uncord,
sued the llryan ciiinpaign committee for
SiO.75. He got soup. Such mm should
never come before the public. If n editor
gets left he should grin and bear it.
The Stanford Univfmity (ilooclubin its
recenl northwest trip, on returning home
and counting up their receipt fonnd thai
they were 4AQ behind j but they had a fine
time and were splnndidly treated. Tbe
snortagn is easily accounted for Ly.the lai
mat tney uiu nit stop at Albanv.
The Examiner publ'mlim a bit picture of
Mitchell over the following: This is the
senator anti-n:ooopoii(s ot Oregon ara
fighting. Tie legislature of Ot-pgon,
which m?cts Monday. wi: select a senator
to succeed John 11. Mitchell, who is again
uui.vesi.iiig mr uis minor, miicnoll is an
out-and-out corporative
man. a railroad
attorney and ontho has tho reputation of
Bprvinir tha rornorHt.irtna Anmlnnin,. U'.
with greater fi.'elity than he does tbe peo-
pie of the state of Oregon.
"Editor Finch, of the brewm Citv Her
aid, is tn the city. bulem Journal.
Rev. Robert Leslie, of Portland, has f N. V, Ckc he, Sec.
accepted the pastorale ot the baptist' 1 1 11
church at Eugene. J We handle the famous Whit in? papers,
Mr Buck, a brother of O. L. Buck, sr! aid print them up for you at, the same
rived in Albany a few days ago from VTia yu Pa or fericr grndos, Suiiley
Iowa and will visit for savers! wppka. mthw printer.
From the i Democrat of Jan. 14, 1870 to I
X'eu 4, joio.
The hrst poem Joaquin Miller ever
published was printed in the Democrat
read an item in the DiiMocuATof Jan. 12
W. 1$. Rice became sole agent of the
S. P. office at Albany, Jas. Elkins retir
ing because Dot an operator.
Judge R. S. Strahan returned from
Pulifirniu and IArnf...l . All
KSfSpfsTS; iftufc partnur8hip
v ........... . , nlUUUy JOr
The now wagon bridge at'rl mnnn vac
completed and was declared to be the
best in the state.
All the Albany women wora ctr;.....
stockings and tied backs.
It was rumored that the wiwt ;.t
road would be built, through to Jnr,, ;,
(A standing rumor ever tiuce )
Articles to be Isent to the (!.ntnnn;.l
exhibition were exhibited in Portland.
iave inompson was nominal e.l for
governor of Idaho territory by '.he Pres
Hazlett, the famous
pilgrim printer,
was in the valley.
llie Evangelical Church was comnleted.
with Rev. Josiah Bowersox as natnr
The total cost of building and lot u
J. II. Burkhart and Mis Eiizi It.
Miller were married near l!urlimtnn
Iowa, on the 13th of January and arrived
in Albany Jan 31.
Rf gerS it Allen (S 111 Were nrnnri.,l.ira
of tiie Albany saw mill, doing a big bus-
l'rof. L. P.ilvou, (now a
member of the sta'e leg-nlatiire).
teacher of a school in tfie Forks.
How He Died. Several davs aco the
Democrat mentioned the death of Frank
Oree in Arizona. A Jerome paper gives
the particulars a follows: About B
o'clock Tuesday mlit, December 21,
branlt Uree, a yoiins man who ha been
working around tbssmelier of the United
erdeLopper company during the past
I wo or three p'onttit. while emoloved in
oiling the tua'hii,eiy conncected with
the mud Uiixitii; machine, which pre
pares the lininn for the converters, fell
against the cogs, which turn the roils,
and some portion of his clothing being
caugut ne was urawn in and mangled in
a hnrrihla manner hi. . l:nA
most torn from his body and the lower I ,Thl! f!iow"if? rresU for the violation
part ot his la e being torn olf. His chest j o( CI,-r ordicancea were made during the
was lacerated to a pulp. Death must i A?,ult 5i bosiy language, 6;
have been instanUneous. Hi body ! Jruok '"J disorderly, 4; fast driving. 2;
chnrged the machinery causing Uie pro- j fiijhtinff, 4 ; res sting officers, 4 ; violating
pclhng bell to leave the wheel and the ordinance, I; vagrancy, 10; total 24.
machine to stop. There was n3 one near ; Hgt in the city jail have been fur
to see the accident aal the first indica- i ""'fd -02 tramps and vagrants, and 400
tion that the accident had occurred was I eu b,ve "n lornished sick and dea
civen bv the machine when it rtopied J ,,,i,tal persons, as were deemed
The machine iisd to be taken aiart ,0 ! W3rthy and suchersona as were willing
remove the bod .-. Frank Cree came to
jcrome srom Aitiaov. Urenon. sod as a
i . ...
steady and iaduMrioaii youog man cf
about tLe age of 21 ycais."
Ir Won't Be Lono. Mr Knox Hain' t
who as at Water ioo yerrday report
tLat a remarkally lively small city. Mr.
Wiiiins has hi; road" i;earlv graded,
about two aecks more work will finish
it, and le hasabitut enoiiifti ties out
ftt ' " b"
'u.!er. A company I.
ll I a
been in-
I"! . I.1.. a 'Vs rt
."iTf I t , i, f""rS ",s.,,
11 il'D '-r lflore au B,n
e .. j.
indin birfr -ver.l
i ;u t.,.' t. t. JL
v.,: tin Irom it are a
l lirA limi. Tl.i ti,l.
"Ilo:ra.,on of th nanry f
V4 v -M .v vii r s,;i"n S iiu lilt
A Isv r-r? : t-i K .
!rirt.n ant.i 1-..... . I.-.L. i,
j PursUnd a'l a3a o tn'itti'.e Un? nc !
UoJirt Koftfe. A!tjr.t tiira witi c mef
aVut the .HDth .f tit tueeU
tttir IJt.
on i the 11(4 ti U '.! ! r-naiaiei?
Mn l,je 1 oi'-tiw at Aiv. Lies tuisir. i
'-""f 1, 1S?7. Ifiwti atiheg j
i miv -n- lr.ii iTf luecMicvc wtiicn .
they were adverb!. j
p.oms.J. H Frown. I3.
CJeHand, Kobert Dooebew, Maw. to i
Jones, Bey.
eiaon, Frra 1
Uirich, WiUio
T. J. STm. P M
Mr. J. B. TP.loUon went
this noon on busincs.
Mis D. B. MonSeitb and dvtil.icr re
turned this coos from Port'ai'L
Mayor Elmore of Rrownv:l!e and W.
nSV:iC an l . f
1 1 . armouiti, oi near that city were in
j Albany today on buiBs.
Mr. William R1eton basie'.r.rned from
Olex, where he left hta brother Jo. IU1
ston conssde.-ably imjroved in health.
W. S. Clark retained Saturday from
Albany. Hs was over at Linn's capital
for month working in a teieg'aph of
fice. Corvallis Times.
At the election of offirs of the Fint
Aationil Kank, L. M. Hjrton, ai8iant
cashier. reiane l to enquire in oilier our- !
V w Aiiny, urne.i ;
l !'.r ;!omt' ?. . tfr V 1V't,v,1M
i at tne nome ui Mr. ami Mrs. It. A.Jonn
son on inter Mret.- -alem Mates
man. W. M Bai'.i.'S. the new oight watch
man, has been a reaident of Alb my for
two years, and of Linn co-tnty fr a'.iont
twenty yer. He wa at ouctiina mar
shal of Scio. A gentleman w iso has
known him for years says be ii a cteady,
reliable man, fcaties in the fHTformance
of his duty.
Dr. J. L. f fill came up from Paleni this
noon- He reported a hot time in the
legliltture. The i.lea among thojc ob
strncting orginizalinn is that tho state
is lieingdone a favor by keeping the ieg
islatuie froo, meeting ami gasiiig had
las. It is doiibtfui if there is an urgan
iation this week.
Clam! Vunk and Ed Power are getting
tip a desk directory and blotter that is a
nice thing ard dierwa 'he pitrouago it
fs receiving. Every sutwriiier will re
ceives blotter and they w ill l posted in
prominent places in Aibnnv and through
the county. The cost is nominal. We
are g ad to tee Ihi-te thingi done byre
liable home young men
NccJjJ Lcgislati u.
Siikdp, Or. Jan. 12th, 183".
Editor Democrat:
The citir.cns of Shold precinct loilny
met to discuss nedod leg shilion, Mr.
Jonas Davis presiding. Tiie committee
on subjects for discussion presented the
Resolved, That it is the Bense of the
voters of Shetld that the law creating tho
State Militia should lie repealed as it is a
burden on the taxpnyersnnd oflittlo use.
Resolved. That we, the voters of Shedd
precinct, are opposed to a law Itcing en-
" . .. -..i . I .i :.
acteu inai uoo winwi umnnui niiiiin
corr.orate towns to appropriate the tax
levied on the protierty to the maintain-
ance of the public schoo s within said
corporate towns, io:n ci which were
parsed. After ilisciinsion the following
was laid on tne table until -next meet
ing. Jan. 19. 1807.
Resolved, That the legal voters of
Shedd precinct are in favor of a dog tax
of 11 on males and $'2 on females, to he
paid to and held by the county treasurer j
lor payment oi snuep aiueu oy uogs and
all tax remaining lifter paying for ch
sheep, at the end of each year, to be paid
into tiie public school fund of the county-
xne com miss ons ior game and lien,
asylum, penitentiary, deaf and di
( school, blind and refcrm schools,
H. nn.l
i !.-.. . .1 rt hnrt ti,lr urA wan labun f .... , :
the table aud resolutions passed asking
the legislature to abolish ttiem
,-k," vote ExtiuitTh: SAim.-t fak r f Or- nT OB BieaiUiT. .ml in
McKmshi.l .. i" . it , I c noisy inaleqaat ior tne parposes
. "1 '-'I :7L: i . ,u ?fc.7jal. Thereisnoapanmentio
ta and Mix ....i ... ', .. it tor conSsntng lemales.or the youth.
Schilling's Best teagro
cer gives your money back
if you don't like it
It's one thing to say
money back, and another
thing to do money back.
We say it, and your ero-
cer does it; and we pay him.
A Schilling & Comptar
f rancuco
Tcebdat Evk!iso, Jan. 12, 1897.
Present Mayor, recorder, chief of po
lice, Chief Engineer Tomlinson, Pound
ui aster Davidson, street superintendent,
and Councilmen Tweedale, Danoals,
Hopkins, Martin and Dickey.
Upon motion of Wm. Tweedale an
election was held to fill the vacancy in
the second ward. O. C. Hogue was nom
inated by H. J. Hopkins and upon mo
tion elected unanimously.
Judge L. Flinn presented a petition of
Mrs b J. Tate askins for a reduction of
assessment. Uranted.
I ,
I d
Mayor Utirkhart read his annual ad-
res, wtiicn will be lound on our edt-
lo"ll.e; . . ,
as follows :
Ways and. Means Hopkins, Martin,
Ordinances Tweedale.IIopkint, Dick-
Accounts and Current Expenses
tio;ue, laeeoaie, Martin.
Streets and Public Property 1 wee
dale, ilojrue, Dickey.
fire and Water--Dickey, Hopkins,
License Martin, Hogue and Dannals.
Health and Po1 ice Dannals, Hopkins
and Martin.
The report of Superintendent of Streets
Hoffman was read and filed.
The report ol Chief of Police showed
. . .
i "e lOliOWtEg:
" i P'orm wcrs tor the ci y in return
or nip pame. iwi lew crimes nave Men
committed, and these of a minor char
acter ; some petty thefu have been com
ml'tci. and in most a'.l cases the prop
erty stolen baa bta recovered, and the
j headed. The money vatne ot aniciea
; stolen would not in the aggregate amount
to $:to.
I Theie have been trn eaaea if mn.
. itijriiii disease rvnorteil and mnl im.
r" r. ' Imniti.1.1. I.l.n an
. . i . r r.
Uent Uie spread of the tame, and the
! citizens generally have complied
UI niUry Us and assisted ia
1 Urtin the health of Ute city.
One thing tliat the city is greaUy in
need ol if a new city put; the present
whom it may becyroe necesaary to take
! lc,o costody, and It is not jut nor rcor-
i a It rit-lil to rimi torn nenoea
in the
J frT.TT
1 wi.U 'a(WW, ErWUM
Ttctons clasw. Oa this
f accrmnt it is very oirhcuH to enforce the
, -.-. i i
' mart every night being fud of vagrants
' I would therefore recommend that ai
' wn at deemed practical, steps be taken
lor the coo!roction ol a Dew nil.
In a
hrt time I will submit to your booor-
y pians lor a jail, wtiica will, i
I stiapted to a city ot this size. Such s
i j.iil can be cotstructed for a very reas-j
oob:e aaiount.
i Tbe petition ot J M Ralston asked pcr
; minion to remodel the building occa
j .cj by K M Kobertson. by patting on a
ne roof al extending it four feet to
street. lieferred to committee on fire
ana water to comer tin caiei engineer
with the power to act.
Ttse petition of U C Turner nd 82
others aked f.r th appointment of R
" I'onn as poundtnaster,
Linn Engine Co. No, S recommend!
: O C Lle'an a engineer of amiJ company,
j Albany Engine Co. No. 1 recommend
!el Wm N Miller as engineer of said com-
paoy and for nigbtwatch.
Applications of John Rants, W E Kel
ley, FM West fail, A K Bloom, GW
I Barkhart, S K-. for street superin
! tcn-icnt were read.
Application of John Jones for engineer
to Uow'iurg to' No; l's and nightaatch was read, al
I so apslica?ions of J W Williamson and
W M Raili&s for nightwatcb.
The recorder was directed Io advertise
i for bids for city printing. lumber and
MMrlincr nnjnn.N within fen illrL
I Salaries of oightwa-chmen, engineers
and slree' supeiintendenl were ordered
to be the same as tatt year.
lUitou for street superintendent were
taten a follows : Tb first was Burk
hart 1. KanU 1. S W Ross 2, Westfall 2.
f M Wrstlall was elected on the third
ballot, receiving 4 ballots, Kanta 1.
For engineer of No. l's and night-
watch. Jones received 3 and Miller S on
i first ballot, and Jones 5 and Miller 1 on
second ba.Iot.
For nightwatcb at large Williamson
received 3 and Bailis 3 on first ballot
rnd Williamson '2 and Bailiss 4 on sec
on,i ba;tol. liailiss was declared elected,
O 0 Cielan was elected engineer of No.
1 2's by acclamation.
h or citv attorney II U atson receir
eJ 3. blank 1, Weatherfortl 1 and New
port 1 on first ballot, and Watson 4 and
Newport 2 on secon i ballot.
I-or poimdmaster: K U liunn received
1, Ed Davidson 1, Xt Payne I, and Dave
Froman 1. on firt ballot. Dunn was
elected on 3rd ballot, receiving 5 to Geo
vr mis' l.
Councilman Tweedale. after a short
speech, moved that a special committee
tie appointed to investigate in rr I ore nee
to a place for a council chamber and po
lice court with an idea of giving this hall
to No. l's for their meetings.
Committee Tweedale, Hogue, Mar
tin. A bill ct $47 for freight on 23 tons of
coke was ordered paid.
In the,..
Rain Storm
the man got very wet. The
wetting save him a cold. The
cold, neglected, developed to
a cough. The cough Bent him
to a bed of sickness. A dose
of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral,
taken at the "start, would
have nipped the cold in the
bud, and saved the sickness,
suffering, and expense. The
household remedy for colds,
ooughs, and all lung troubles ia
Scad for the "Curebook." too paces free
J. C Aycr Co, Lowell. Mass,
o o o
is a success because ot the high quality of
goods and the low prices required.
On account ol this success we are rapidly
G ermine fruit candies at F H PfeiflVrs.
Ring phone 9, or Smiley the printer
Finest candies sad nuts at C. E
Bkowjckll's. Timothy seed for sale st C. E. Bkow
vsxis. Pop corn tbat pops can le found at C.
E. Bssjwj. ell's.
For futare efeience we will remark that
it snowed today.
A bny came to the bom of Senatit John
soo at Scio, last &aody.
The Steamer Jith Is atbore on an Alsea
spit. Heavy winds did it.
Crawford k Haraish for pbotograt ta.
Prices from 1 1 to fJO pr dosea.
UonSdedce has nothing to do with holt
day prices at Loog's ptoto galiery.
If yon want aUoluiely correct time set
your watch witn French's regulator.
Who pot down the price of c'othirg ia
Albany r Answer, WihxmBtaia.
At French's jewehy store yoo can bo?
spectacles and ei e giatee from 25c np-
Ir Chapmaa's lecture at the cot'ae Fri
day ereoinsr will be one worth bearing.
A fine line of Cocks Ranges and Heat
ers at Tbe wart k Sox Hard ware Co. 'a.
Clothing cleaned and repaired by 2!ri A
E Uwea 3rd between EilnworUi aac tSramd-
Popalar roods at pop jlar prices ia groc-
erv-i and gaeeaswaie, at C. C Baow-
Dr. G. w. MaoB. pcyiaaa and ar
geoo. Albany Or. Call aaawered prompt,
ly ia city or coon try
A patent has been granted E W Beemaa
of Albany for a ekeck botdiojr and ditri-
tioUBg device.
The total rainfa'l daring 196 was 9
inches, tbe doh for 19 years being 14
inefcet above sormaJ.
Iof jrmatioo that is worth its weight ia
go d: Get yoor neau of ah kinds at ilea
ry Broier'a. oo Second street.
If yov a- ia Ded of a beating- stove
Royal Jewel at Tl
Stewart k Sox Hardware Co.'s. j
Tbe total asiooot of delinquent tax in
Lane county Kv f -r year is only frSStiXl.,
probably pot ciaaJ by any coonty ia Ore
gon. lodrs Fnllertow eWant 110.000 resi-
deoce was baroed at Kosebars yesterday
mornioK. ioclodinfr part of the Judges'
large hlirary.
Mayor C. G . Burkhart has been p point
ed U. S. Volunteer weal her observer foe
A!baay.aad will bereafter watch tbe barom
eter, tbermometer sad rain gauge.
Dr. H. EL and U. K. Beers offices aac
residence ia toe post office building. Spec
ial attention gives to diseases of worjen.
A good resolation for I 97 is to call ia
at liaigfct Bros, and order some of their
choice meats. Their constant resolution ts
to treat tbe public well.
For choice meets of all kindi call oo Em
crick ir Brackraaa in tbe Biumberg block,
where they are ranoicir their oww bosines
and treating tbeir cottomers well.
Jost dows the Street at 2nd and EHs
worth, tbe Albany Dressed Beef Co , are
splendidly epuippd for serving the public
well ia all kindi of chcice meats, promptly
sad carefnlly. Sotne fine lard on hand.
Tbe new todce of E'ks was onraaiaed ia
Enireoe ywterday with the following of
ficers: . J L Pays: esteemed lead is g
knight, S II Friendly: e-teetred loyal
knijfbt, I L Campbell; esteemed lecrariog
knight, S M Yjiwd; secretary, J F Robin
son: treasurer, F V Osburn; esquire. C
Marx; tyier. V McFarland; chaplain. C E
Loomn; iroard, G R Ctrismaa; organist,
J O Watts. W M nenthaw. b N Rooy.
George Fiher. R M Ihiy and G A Dorris
were electel trustee.
A Salem paper say the legislature bold
np U a scheme of Bourne aad imoa to de
feat MitcheU Shou'd the bouse fail to
organize by Satarday there will be no fur
ther expens t) tbe state, the constitut-on
providinfr that "a quomm being in atten
dance, if eitber houe fnil to effect an or
ganitatioa withia the first five days there
after, the members of tbe bouae so fai'ing
shall be entitled to no compensation from
the end of the taid five days until an organ
ization shall have been effected.'
Mr. Link Couey, of Lebanon, pawed
through here today.
Mr. Dunn, of Peoria, passed through
here today on his way to Albany, lie
seemed to be in a hurry.
Mrs. Mosebv, of Sodaville, formerly ot
Cottage Grove ia visiting friends here.
Mr. D. A. Wade made a hurried call
this morning. He says he was appoint
ed "Wos of ie road" which means good
roads for "Doug" knows how to make
roads, we favor the plan of making good
all the roads we undertake to work, if
we have to double our assessments and
we favor the use of gravel in abundance.
We can see tbe effects of plowing and
throwing np roads. Gravel properly' ap
plied and good drainage ia what our
roads need.
Mr. Herbert Coon, tho nimrod. called
on us this afternoon and presented us
with a tine nice duck. Many thanks,
V witnested a game of ball on the
school campns. The players were all
young (under 16) but we never saw
better playing and from tbe way they
handled the bat we would rather be ex
cused from fighting with them, however
they are all peaceable and pclite. .
Our frog (Johnny) has gone into win
ter quarters. He was hopping around
yesterday and singing, but he don't like
Lrrnt Boat Ben
Bbnton Couxty Sales. Tbe following
have been recorded at Corvallis :
John H Simpson and wife to R M
Crawford 1-16 interest in 624 acres 2
miles n w of Corvallis.
Geo. Simpson and wife to R M Craw
ford 1-15 interest in 524 acres i miles n w
of Corvallis.
D W Rumbaugh and wife, etsl, lo
Elizabeth Kumbaugh -W aeres near
Wells; 1.
If you want a Rood and clean
smoke buy cigars made by our Al
and get the best patterns.
E. Blain Clothing Go.
State Legislature.
In tbe senate.
A commiUee of five was appointed on
clerks snd their pay, Dawson being one.
An assistant doorkeeper was dispensed
with on economical grounds.
The usual resolutions absat codes for
members, examination of treasurers
books, insane aeylnm, penitentiary, ttc,
were passed.
Tbe clerks of the committees were
voted $3 a day,
Senators were ordered supplied with
3 in sum p sand $1 in wrappers.
Tbe tern perat ore of the senate cham
ber was ordered st 60 to 70.
Johnson introduced the first bill, one
to repeal the state board of equalisation.
Among the other biU was the follow
ing: Daly and Brownell, to repeal railroad
commission; McClong. tj define taxa
ble property and amend tax taws ; Daw
son, to amend section 2794 tax laws;
Harmon, to provide a registration law ;
McClnng, reducing legal interest to 6
per cint making the limit 8 per cent on
contract ; Brownell, fixing legal interest
at 5 per cent; Daly, to amend assess
ment and taxation law ; Dawson, mating
county treasurer's pay overstate taxes
semi-annually ; fnoe, to create bens up
on crops bv laborers; Mcdan, to de
fine qualifications of voter at school
electi jo, making proper-. y qoaUficatioo:
Smith, to protect persons furnishing ma
terial for public work, requiring bonds
from contractors to corporations;
Brownell. to regulate examination of in
sane pers 5ns; Dawson, to provide for
deduction for isdebtednesa in as
sessment; McClung, fixing salary of
district attorneys and deputies in judi
cial district NoT 2; Patterson, of Marion,
to regulate salaries of county omcers;
Mcdang. to abolish private seals.
In tbe boose.
Tbe day was spent in Elibastering, tbe
required forty to make a quorum never
being present. A continual wrangle
among those present was kept np, lead
by Somers.
1 oe loiiowing Irom tha Journal, is a
I demand tbat we go to work
and transact business. Vhv are all these !
seats emptv? i
V.r.K. .11.... t . . r. n,. t
I am a farmer.
want to get on my bind less to ask for
information. I came down here with
honest intent to work and am in earnest.
I saw men walk when the roil was called.
I stayed nntil midnight last night. I'll
stay until morning tonight. (Applause.)
Smith, of Lion : If toi gentlemen are
in the majority, go ahead and organize.
Thirty men cannot rua this business.
Yoa have ran this legislature so long
that yoa have as idea that yoa can do
anything, law or no law. Yoa take yoor
part snd no more. Yoa are a minority
and ai a minority can not organize this
Abjoarned an til 10 o'clock today.
Sena-e committees were appointed.
Johnson of Linn, is chairman of agricul
ture and mining and icon commerce, in
surance and banking. Dawson is chair
man of roads and highway, and is on
public lands, railroads, and ways and
means. Tolbert Carter, of Bentoo, is
chairman of hortacultars and is oa claims,
and roaos and highways.
Cax Leak Notbdmi. His relatives
snd the public now concede that when
James Elin so mysteriously disappeai
ed the morning ot Jan. Snd, that be
stimbled in.o the Willamette, and that
his body ia now somewhere along the
river bottom, says tbe Times. Theories
ot murder and a bidden body or a skip
ping from tbe country, tbat for a time
were rife have mostly died for lack of
corroborating circamstanses to teed up
on. Search oo the Wil'amette for toe
body has been constant and persistent
ever since the day of the disappearance.
Alter tne tiring ol blasts under tne water
and a season of dragging the rivers' bot
tom came a regular patrol of the river
between Corvallis and Albanv. Each
morning a small boat leaves the Cor
vallis dock with a coup!e of men aboard,
and thsy float down the current nntil
they reach Albany, watching the drifts
and banks and brash as they proceed,
snd in the afternoon they pull back
home again, alwaps looking for the body.
Another boat novers along tne banks in
the vicinity of Corval'.is, and oat ot this
vicilsnt patrol, supplemented as it is, by
sn offer of a teward for iu recovery, the
body, after it ris's. can hardly float
away down the river without discovery.
Pleasantly The officers of
Alpha Temple No. 1, Rathbone Sisters.
were installed last evening by MrsYirgil
Parker, dist. deputy grand chief,assisted
by Mrs. H. H. Hewitt and Mrs. Geo.
Uochstedler ss grand officers. Atter the
ceremonies there was an entertaining
program. Dusts were heard from Rev.
and Mis. Poling, Rev. and Mrs. McKee
snd a solo by Mrs. Jas. Yaa Wink'e.
Several Jbeauti ful tableaux were given,
and an address was heard from Jadge
Hewitt. A fine banquet was then spread.
Following are the othcers :
Mrs. tj. V. tiogue, r. U.; Mrs. Knox
Faight, M. E. C; Mrs L. M. Curl, E. S;
Mrs Geo Wright, E. J.; Mrs H. R.
HyJe, Manage F; Mrs E. U. Will, M ol
F.j Edna Allen, M.ofR.&C.j Mrs
Clifton, P ; Mrs L. E. Moe, G. of O. T.
Come and See.
J Gradwohl informs the general pub
lic that he will sell for net cash IS lbs
granulated sugar tor $1.00. All other
merchandise, which is too numerous to
mention, at same rate tor net cash. I
1 invite the general public to come and
price my goods and satisfy yourself.
Lsars to Wbot. Don't be a Phila
delphia lawyer. Learn to write so it can
be read easily. Prof. Lanta is giving
writing lessons at the college," :15 to 8:15
every week day evening but Saturday,
20 lessons for only $1.50. Send the boys
snd girls and go yourself. With such
facilities there is no excuse for poor pen
manship, ADrucfilst iNowadaysruust haves
complete knowledge of drug, and know
t'ust what lo look tx. Burkbart & Le
ave tbat knowledge. They make a spec
ialty of compounding all prenyipbcnf us
ing notning put tne best grade or pure
AJl the small pieces of
dress goods, ginghams,
outing flannels, and cal
icos are on the remnant
table at remnant prices.
Read, Peacock
& Company . .
We have too many capes and jackets
in stock and have decitU u to take another
liberal loss now, while there are yet sev
eral months of winter before cs. Here
is ao idea of bow we have cot the prices :
Oor $15.00 jackets reduced to $11X0
- - a w
- "800
" 7 00
" " 6 50
- - 6 CO
"5 00
" 4 00
" 250
" " 175
13 00
10 50
10 00
2 50
Canes rednewf
in earn
I The txek is woctb
eometung ao call
Has to Bay
Where to do it is the question. Albany
people have learned from years ct exper
ience that
Parker Brothers
Can be depeoded open. They keep
standard groceries, fresh produce and
tne best Inuta. Their baked coccs
are tbe best made and give satisfaction.
Their prices are right.
Bny yoor groceries of them.
Boy yoor produce of them.
Buy yoor fmlts oi them.
Buy your baked goods of them.
oalroaixe the Chiae-e. Remember Al
bany has good white laundries. Patroaiza
them, they pend their money with yoa.
sad employ white labor. Hate toe City
LauBClry call for your packages. Reasoa- -able
rates snd rt cass work.
C Sivrsox jfe Sox.
Opp St Chas Hotel. Prop's.
If yoa owe Coan Huston call uron
them acd pay up. Why isn't that a good
resolution, for now is the pay op time.
Rheumatism Is a Foe which gives
no quarter. It , torments its victims day
and night. Hood's Sarsapariila purifies
the blood and cures the ache and pains of
Hood's PilU are the best family
cathartic and liver medicines. Gettlo.
reliable, sure.
Notice to Tax Payers.
All delinquent taxes must be paid by
Mondav, the 11th dav of Jan.. 1S9", as
after that date cxts will be added.
C. O. Lis,
City Marshal.
Mrsic. Miss iaildrcd Burmestei
teacher of piano or organ. System the
Mason touch and technique. 'Reeidencs
Fifth street, opposite U P chtach.
Stoves, Stoves,
Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.
Pay Conn A Huston.
Pay Conn k Huston.
Pay Conn A Huston .
Jewel Cooks, R arges and Heater
The Stewart & Sox Hatdware Co.'s.
Yon can pay more, but yoa won't get
any better service. You caa pay lens, but
you won't get as good service. Smiley
the printer.
An Important Difference.
To make it apparent to thousands, who
think thenielve ill, but that tbe system
simply need cleansing, it to bring comfort
home o tbeir hearts, aa a costive condition
ia eaidly cured by using S)rup of Figs.
Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Company only, and sold by all druggists.
Pure Drugs, rrea uawsnn's,
Let everybody come toh "Star Bakery
and get 4- loavci of fresh bread for fi.oe
Far t SMMJ
am 65 years- old; nave had kidne)
.liflMtut aint eontination for 5 Years. Am
now well used your S. B. Headache aad
i iver Cure ene yer. Use! 6 bottles al
50 cents eac'a. J H Knigit, Rut'edge,
t)r." F.-irn'e by Foshsv A at 5'