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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1897)
VOLXXXTi. Entered s& tfce Post OBlee at Ubawy. r. as eeead-Class Mall BJatlrirt ALBANY OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 15,1897.. r r KITTIlfi FwfclUter aaa rrwwrfelwr X 0. 24 ! II . HI . KKHII KVI.O V 'I' n mt. H I linn III. I WJIJII, 1 mill HeAiiiaiB - -i iiiimi ' T -Vr-ii-itm-- - --Trl Lt'intiliiiiuiimitniHHiwKPwwnmfrrt Tj L i AfcgebbleIVcp-rationforAs-slmilatiig theroodnnclPcuta Ung the Stomachs amlDcvcis of it fa IVomotcsT)tgcstion,ChcETfi!l nessandRcstContains ndtrtcr OpiutQ,Morphine ikr&acroL Not Nabc otic. '3 :1 IK I jBxJmnm - &Cmimm Mi A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW "YORK. till SSWlrfr? i yW2JjRS5!i'!? EXACT COPT OF VRAPPES. I-1 i-H Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. Calekpab for 1896-7 IS96 Sept. 16 College Year beg;ns . . Wednesday Nov. 28-27 Thanksgiving Day wesd, Thars. and Fri. Dec. 21 Term examinations begin . Monday Dec 23 First Term end? . Wednesday " Winter Vacation of Twelve Days VJ97- -Jan 5 Second term begins . . . Tuesday Feb 23 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Exatninatiocg begin . Tuesday April 8 Second Term enda . . . Thursday Axbor Day Vacation of Focx Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday 8 Final Examinations begin - , Tuesday Jane 131-Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon lone 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. 0- A. Sabbatb evening Jane 14 Annual Meetinz of the Board of Trustees Monday auernojn June 14 Junior Orations . Mondayevenin Jau-i ia Gradnatiog Exercises of the Uonservatory oi June 15 Pedlar Enter! aita i June 16 ComTienrenject Jane 13 Alumni He-anion Fonr Coarses of Instruction leading np to Itlusie courses, with appropriate diplomas. For. further information, WALLACE Altanv Eed Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on Sacls ill lie toislisl And Feed constant!? on band and tore- we will trv and me it to their a. I xebanged for h heat oo the same terms is heretofore. , W. U. Sflinv E. D.Earrstt. 3. H. A1:ed aal S. E. Yuaa . gj7 Not iucoipufatod. PORTLA!;0 f: - V- . . ' i L . .- " J t'Vi.L LNCi'.liH C'".:--- :;i's;lss BttAf'.aittj. BOOXKECt'ir'a, SHOUfHAND, TlEGItAPJIY. mmm kpastmeutm lames THOMAS All and Dealer in you he ALBANY. Albany Steam and Cleaning Work. First Street Between Ferry and Washington, Branch of the Salem Steam Dye Works. Ebtablished 1884. Ladies and GenU Clothing and Fine Fabrics of all kinds Cleaned and Dyad, CurpeU. 'Blankets, Silk Underwear, Ladies Ha'B, Straw Hats and Feathers Dyed and Renovated ; Sila liHtn Ironed, SilK Hatx, Stiff flat and Soft Hats ('leaned, Dyed, hlnckeiied and Renovated tl JLn irable D; jliojf aa l A'teuti n to BuHinesa.I hope to Merit your Patrouage. Waldemar Nelson. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY t. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF S3 ON THE WRAPPER BOTTLE CXr? Casisr!a ! net nn !a KtLa n!r. Tl - t- fc-n. Tt..u n - . .n fLis ebm tfcsjfca er promi 5i J58 tad "will answer sway t- siaSs y5 '?". Z. bo WJ1T&41. Tneedav forenoon :nt Tiieedar evening Wednesday Wednesday e veiling deirrees. Well eqnipjed Boaineos and Catalogue free. addrese HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. u applicLli-oi Fjobt for sale. Parties having wheat to cell or van laze to call and see us. Fl:mr will be OREGON i.-! BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding, and it want the most 3 complete fiour safe has them and his prcesc the lowest. OREGON. Dveing Prtnn'icUn' COUNTY COURT. (Oeo. Burtnn, oonnty Judn: J Water. D. vuri, uoouuuwoQra. i Petition of W II Davis et tl for road granted. In petition of Jos Weddte et at for road, Thos Morris, J Shea and A J Mc- Ulure were appointed viowers, to meet January 26 Boundary lina of mad diet 13 chang ed as prayed ior. Road dist 7 changed and new district 7 established. In petition of J L Nye et al for road, Thos Morris, A J McClure and Jerry Shfa were appointed viewers to meet Jan 26. Bond of J P Galbraith ta commander of McPbereon Post was approved. Bill of J W Bentley for $12 acct poor, was disallowed. Thists the annual settlement season with road sup-r visors and is the busiest term of the year. The court will aleo have supervisors to apootnt. the 200 names for yearly jury list to draw, tax levy to make and assecement to consider and will probably be in session all day tomorrow . W O Riggs was appointed constable of district 11. Application E A Evan et al for road, continued. Bill of I B Smead of Umatilla county for $933.10 for indigent poor was con tinued. BiT.8 allowed : Salaries of Judge Barton, County Clerk Montagne. Sheriff Gaines, Record er Hardman. Treasurer Morris. Supt. Wheeler, Deputy Montague, Deputy Levelling. Aid Cox family, Alberts, OLubker, Alma Vail, Sarah HI ties, Robert Uillock, Orin Watson, Mr and Mrs Barnard, Mrs J u ii key, H Myers, J as Larew, Mrs Adams, Phoebe Hendricson, J K Lewis, Atfena trench, I uoienian, S Keith. J S Morris, road sop. J Bradt-haw, " ' , A Asche, " " , Llluber, " , D F Aikins, G L Grunshaw, " , EGCji, " . BCummings. " . .1 58 00 28 00 28 00 27 00 SO 00 41 50 53 23 22 00 20 00 8 00 42 00 30 00 G II Warren " " , WEGilbens, " . DC Swan. " . AGuslafson, , w H Cooper. " " . 20 CO A C Buck. v m ifii C H Whhne-, 16 30 IS CO 10 00 74 00 2 00 32 00 22 00 60 00 B E Grimes, A A Xe!. J C Saitniareh. Jode Pearl Peter Smith. C B Tycer. fc. L Hummer. J G Weisner. 32 00 Drawing jury Dist 8 7 00 J S Wad lie, roads 12 25 F Dawson, poor and autionarv. . 9 00 P Cohen, acct Door 1 50 C J ebedd. drawing uief'ce iurv. 3 00 Drawtnz iarr diat 2 7 00 J C Saltmareh, roads 4 00 u riard;n. acct voir 2 15 J P Uahn, election and poor.... 8 00 W H Millhollen. loads 10 00 J S Smith, deputy sheriff 47 00 Wm Christensen, reads 1 50 JBTilloUon. btidges.... 1 40 O PCoshow, elections.... , . 2 50 bicker A boo. lumber 12 S2 J C Davis, t took icspcrtor 12 50 O P Coehow, acci poor H CO Arinur ton, roads 1 00 Sawyer Bros, lumber 6 00 td Meeker, roads 4 59 M C Gaines, board prisoners 52 85 M Hale, rebate tax 1 60 J A Cummiog.staliouarT 1 25 E T Fisher, surveyor. . . . 40 00 Mr' W Bailev, roads 2 60 T A Riggs et ai, drawing jory. ... 7 00 ur. lei. co. miscellaneous 4 3i EEHammack, aid Dobkins.... 20 CO W H Hesman, road 1 70 Wm Fromm, rebate tax 4 75 Harrisburz L Co. roads 18 50 j r vramer, roaus.. . i Way s Senders, acct poor 5 00 Judge Burioo. roads 1 35 J reck, acct poor I 60 D C Swann, roads 26 85 t Dawson, acct poor and station ery ll 90 X B Washburn, acct poor 4 00 W C Farley, acct poor 2 50 M V-Koonlx, road 9 00 B F Ramp, poor acct 7 50 V J Vilibank,acct roads 5 10 AG Marshall, roads 81 Smiley the printer.. 17 35 Or. Tel. Co.. miscellaneous 50 Mary E Davis, acct poor 8 00 J P Galbraiib, Indigent soldier allowance 10 00 T J Mephens, deputy sheriff.. ... 4 00 Jaa Hunter, road aup 10 00 W A Lane. " - 30 00 Dan McGregor, " 20 00 T W Swarreneer. " 32 00 JohnBinghenner," 20 CO w v Kobnett, " " a to D D Hackleman. " " 40 00 John Usher, janitor . 10 00 u & u K K. acct poor 7 bt) E Bker, acct pojr 12 D E Cheadle, " 2 00 J fctites. postatre 23 00 G D Barnard, stationary 313 85 John tiammeu, acct poor 75 J Duncan, a'ty lees.. 2 50 S P Williamson, roads 1 50 O C & E It R, roads 10 00 Stewart & Sox, " 5 54 Crume & Davis. " 10 41 B Til'oteon. et al. Green bridge. 133 34 a ioioing, roaus io M SUtlord. roads 1 80 GCCoolev, " 87 Lee Brown & Co, roads 11 13 S V Hall, acct roads 4 39 G H Lawrence, toads 4 45 A B Uudleson, roads 1 75 C W Stokes, roads 34 80 Dalglencb dc Everet. roads 4 70 Sanliam Lumber Co, roads 11 57 ft. u Mii'er, roads 1 &0 8 A Kickerson, roads 24 CO i M Bilyeu, roads! 8 05 Halsey Tel. Co., roads 78 Portland Hospital, acct poor 10 00 Elec Light Co 20 00 Alex Sumter, roads 11 77 Mrs M F Taylor, acct poor 8 40 C L Blakeelee, rebate tax 10 40 W T Larwood, road sup 114 00 G F Harold, " 62 00 E Clark, " " 27 70 John Grimes " " 19 40 M J Monith, rebate of tax 7 20 Inqnest Roy Warren, bill $33.85. 30 35 W K uardman, reoate tax 2 50 75 00 W II Roberts, road sup.. Wm May, 88 30 8 00 50 00 T J Upham' David Burkbart, O S Mullen, 45 00 18 00 40 00 J C Killer, Thos Harrison, E Warlord, 28 00 16 00 32 00 J Pierpont, W F Wyatt, C Stockton, 48 CO 24 00 15 00 W S Vt alker, Albany Fur Co., coffin J A Finch, rrinting J O Lyon, acct poor Mrs E J Tate, rebate tax John Denny, acct roads D L Curl, " " Miller & Turner, acct poor....'.. Chas Davis, gravel.. M Gardeman, road sup Train & Whitney, printing...... G II Dalrymple, distatty Oregon agt Otto Hall, fees.... 19 75 5 00 4 90 2 70 4 35 5 00 !6 00 in 3 50 4 10 65 95 11 70 2 20 59 66 " " OOFox, " .... " T Johnson, " .... " Lewis rindley " " andOFindley J " " 'S W Faulkner...... " Wm Hyde Geo D Barton , 0 E Hawkins, acct insane 94 55 1 45 26 85 3 20 2 00 M waters, commissioner 16 40 Bill of 0 U Dalrymple, $20, disallowed. A levy was made as follows : State, 4 mum; scnooi, o mniB; genersl county. i?t,i nd,ent Midlers, 130. Total, louiius. ttoaa supervisors were appointed follows: l.JPQueener; 3, Chas j vine ; 4, W U Roberts ; 5, S S Devaney ; o, wm May; 7, U D Compton; 8, is A Poindexter; 8,, W H Beard; 9, G W Harris; 11, M A Fitzgerald; 12, John Conser; 13, J Clem; 14, David Burk hart; 15, John Millard; 19, EEHammack; 21, Isaac Whealdon : 22, 8 II Brvan ; 2.1, D A Wade; 24, W E Githens; 25, V H Robnett; 26, E Johnston; 31, C U fycer; 32, Joile Tearl; 3, Flom SmiUi: 38, 1 0 Isom; 44. J W Urimes; 46, W W San ders : 49. . Ice Webber, 61, J W Ilalsey; 53, Ubbe Peters." The following names were drawn for the iurv panel of 200 for 1897 : Albany O F Merrill, W E Baker, P O Anderson, J R Brown, J W Propet, R Marsh, A E Bloom, M Senders, M F Dawson, PY Spink, H Bro lers, SN Steele, O W Sears, F W Blumberg, E E Davis, B F Ramp, H Hulburt, J W Roberts, W W Howell, Z H Kudd, H SheUon, P J Smiley, W C SteHmaker, J L Tomlinson. Shedd Paul Amis, J M Rarton, G B Pugh, F Ackcrman, H Snrenger, N Crume, J Y McOune, L N Allen. CrawforJsv.llr Wm Ireland, George Finley, J O Kos, G V Ktimp, Eiios Mas ters, C C Kendig, D F Robuett, Walter E Yates. Crabtree H A Hecker, JK PTale, Geo Youne, Enoch Mil er. Lebanon Henry Klnm. John With ers, E E Taylor, Jos Buhl, W F Moist. John MoNngle, Eb Keebler, Chas Pugb, T C Peebler. Geo Cheadle, G T Colton. N 3 DaUlciFh, H Y Kirkpatrick. J W bcaniana. Tangent J II Scott, J W Baldw'n, E D Barrett, J B Barber, Jos Simpson, A Blevins, S 11 Brvan, L A Churchill, M L Foreter, W D Jenka. J E Owenbv. Larwood C P Hasaler, Jas Craft, W J Guver, J V tiainex, A C Gaints, Jas Hassler. A L lUchareou. Oakvilie D A Wad-, J L Jones, Chas Davis, Lon Stone, Waller Smith, R L Bam lord, Robert Smith. Piainview II C Laswll, J R Parker, Ja Nichols. Moses Parker, M Schneider. Mill City E A Hester, Thos Barns, A V Hall. ilalsey L N All n. J 8 Ramsey, S S Let-per, M Coon, N II liau-ma'n, Jas Bond, Geo Simmons, T A Powell, Geo Cummicgs, S L Hye, Wm Ribelan, Jas Pearl, Van Owen. Millers John Sheiton, J J Spalinger, John Schoc ling. Peoria Ed Stover. G W Spicer J R IVxiglas, Frank Smith, X Bridges, Wm Baltimore. . Hoiley T J Phiipot. J F Barr, A F Hamilton, Sara'i Sawyer. Sodaville F M Haien, A Cheshire, A P Fiory, Jas Vanderpool. Waterloo J H Tarpin. G II Coshaw. Josh Lindsey, Chas Youueer, T L Rice, J W Bishop, G B-Uinger, Geo Steirs. Kobert Cary. TallnianAl W Swank, EE Ilammark. La comb H J IXjwnicg, Enoch Syl vester, Wm Loofborrow. Sbeiborn J W Miller. I B Couev, A C Cbrisman, Fred Goocb. Harrisbtirg M Cunningham. P W Marr, W Ha-ton, W M lwvidJ, Geo Alford. John Bach, W S Kr ,n, X C Bishop, O C Canter, J W GoodUa, John Grimes, Harre Sommerville. Kingston O A Wheeler, Thos Foil is Brownsvillo C 11 Cable.W M Uoitert. J P CavenderI D Autl.urs, Frank Hvde, G McKicney, Geo Mcilargue, Fred Wil- oor, liert lempleton, A L Kirk. Jo Hume, W O Smith, W W Waters, F 11 ebber, Geo V late, Geo Stanard . t owiand D Pierce, 1 bos Turner, J D Wigle. Scic -T J? Miller. R E Hib'w. B E rrdau.G L SmtherUnd, T J Mongers, tt U snsier, X L. IJugsrr. U M l'errr, Kobt Gary. Jordan M V I'.iirea. G W Arnold. Chas Kicbardwn, Lew llaber, Syh-eeur uicitara Sweet Home Person Hams. Ch Kirk. J W Yot. B K Burnett. T A How ell, A J McChire. O F Biebee. Piainview Scott Ward. Isaac Wheal don, Wottb Hu!on. John Morgan. Peoria S E U.tiiens. L II Ficher. Foster O G Ericbson, T X Humph rey. Death ot Rev. LcwU. Rev. M. M. Lewis, ja-lor of the Bap tist church died at 10:35 o'clock today at tbe Baptist parsonage. Aboot 12 weeks a?o he was taken ill with typhoid fever. A lew davs sgo be got up Irotu bis iiities and haA improved when be overate and a rel-p- followed. Perforation of tbe bowels resulted ia bis death. Rv. Lewis was pastor of one of the Portland churches three vears. He was a young man about 37 years of age, of marked ability, an eloquent talker and a logical reasooer. He had been in Albany only a few weeks when taken ill. Hie death has caused gnral sorrow among his chnrcu members and ail knowing him. The deceased leaves a daughter of a Vint ten and a wife, tbe latter ot w bom we understand is in California. STtsrAcroRH.T Scm.EX At a meet ing of the cr-ditora of the Enterpris Mill uo held last niztit mine oui--eo Ke'ly -t Curl a settlement was mide with the company and arrangements made for cootinuing operation at tbe mill at once. Mr, Roe will ret tie and Lee and Dvkeman will tie in charge The mill has a large number of good or- det s ahead . Th Pbobable Levy. The state levy bas not yet been made, ll will probably be 4j mill. The county lev . w idl! made, without waiting for the stale levy, before adjournment, probably tomorrow on tbe basis of a bo t 4' j for the state. and it is thought will be small enough to make tbe enure levy only 13 mills, z mills less than last year, which will lie duly appreciated. W. R. Blain returned last night from Portland, and will now have in nock some new dress suits, mens suits and boys clothing which will be eold at bcV- tom figures. Mr. Ed Power, of ttalem. and Mr. Power and consiu from the East have been in the city the guests of .Mr E. L. Power. Rev A. L. Copley and family have recertly removed to Salem from Albany and are now residing in I A-pot Addition Journal, Mr. L. E. Blain returned 1 et nisht Irom rorlland, where he bad been on business. His brother. Jay Blain. who bad been having a siege with carbuncles, was able to be at bis ollice. Mr. Geo. Thompson has sold bis in terest io tbe Combination shop to bis partner, Mr. I. R. Borum, a first class barber, wbo will hereafter run it, in a manner to satisfy the most fastidious. The installation of officers bv the i. O O. F. last night was the occa-nn for i fine time. Grand Deputy Harvey of Junction waa present and conducted the ceremonies. After the installation the Rebeccas tendered the lodge a surprise with a delicious lunch that was greatly appreciated. Wheat 75 cents. Martin Rowley, supervisor at tbe insane asylum, died Tuesday. The freight bhuse at Jefferson was rob bed of a few things Tuesdaj night. Chas Wood was srrested at Lebonon yesterday fur a&s tulting Chas Myers. Dep nty tMirympie posecuteu me case. ml A very interesting procram wan renuered at the Soul ber n Methodist Church by the League Literary Society which moots semi monthly. la tbe bowling contest of 25 games of 10 frames Mr hd tilodgett leads with a score of 36.40 with F Puttewon second with 35.52, having completed the content. The following mining: claims have been filed with the county clerk: A B Country man io the Silver Bell; G M Freemae and C W Moore to tbe Aurora and Littld John nies. Cheap Ratfs to Poiitland. The I U lMnA. 1 1 fnM ltAHlan1 MH G.,H days. Tuesdays and Thursdays making run thiough in ono dav. as Fare to Portland, $2.00. lr Round trlj., 3.50. Mr. Cowan na Iudiun Agent. The Dalles T. M. says: Although J. L. Cowan has had charge as agent at Warm Springs only a short time, he is proving an efiicient official, giving perfect satisfaction to the Indian as well as the government employs about the agency. Mr. Cowan took hold of affairs at the agency in a business like manner that Instills conlidence among all parties. Before assuming charge he required a full invoice taken of all the government property on the agency so that full accounts can be rendered during his administration of everything. On assuming control, Mr. Cowan as- semuieu an me liuiianson the reservn tion in a body and informed t'lein of bis purpose to exert every effort to advance their interests and lalor for their wel fare, and impressed upon them that he came as their frieu i, not to institute new syaUims, bufto perfect tlioen already adopted. The new agent certainly suc ceeded well in gaining the conlidence of the Indians and convincing them that be is conscientions in Ins efforts in their behnlf by sanctioning their holiday cel ebrations and attending their Chrmtmas a id New Year fetiviuo, allowing them all the privileges consistent with the regulations by which he is goverened. The contractors w ho have been en gaged in constructing government build ings at the sgency sre welt satisfied witb the treatment they received at Mr. Cow an's itandn. While he was exacting in every detail as to the fuldilment of their contracts, and insit,.t that all work should le completed ntrictly in accord ance with the spectticutions under which tt;e were working before the work was accepted, he was fair in all thine, and exacted nothing not called f r in the contract. Certainly the appointment of Mr. Cowan wa ag jod selection, and he wiil be able to accomplish nuc& for the betterment of the half civiiiaea people whom he i expeceJ to govern. Th Discixo School at vfce armory was well attended last night. It prom isee t be the greatest social suci-ss of tbe season. On Sturdcy nights after 9 o'clock a social wiil be given. lhoo at tending the school will be entitled to the social free, and otheta holding iurita tionswiil be charged 50 cents. Ptof. Richards gave a verr interesting lesion last nieht and he inteadf teachma sev eral new dances during the two months coarse. St Pkesis baiSted band drew a 4th of July crowd on our s reel this after noon, and gave a great tieet perform ance. At-ner Green in bia pertaler sell ing expedition attraed general atten tion. Tonkht the fun will be continued at the opera house. . FHIDAT Daring Robbery. Tfce Southern Fc:Jc depot at Myrt'e Creek wts nbbe 1 at -out 7 oViot-k lat night and l-'O or tnorw tatee. Earl Hoopengamer, the Orera'or, was in the depot akme stanJic? by the sieve when a tnutM man ertervd and ordered hi.-n to opea the safe. iieUtooeUl it was a Joke; bat soon saw it was buineM and did sa ordered, lie robWrgtir.2 tbrrKth tie s&fewbile Hoopengamerwason hi- krees ty order ot 3ir. Ulter. He ts en knocked Hootwcgarner oa live bead end ramaacked the otii e gt-eeral'y Whs e he was doing tt Hoopenarn-r'wbo bad been feinics; inrecaibility, S(-d from the building to the town a iti.e aaar an J a search was began for the robber, $.vl he was atnetl this rnor;;ng and j:aced in tbe jail at Rcebti-g. A Tramp'si Big Fine. While perronallr and socuilr Ma nicipal Judge Sweek is tbe toast am iable and mild-mannered ot men, yet when occopy ing bis o.ftcal seat be will have no inning. To4y a hobo tramp, -and, o.rbap. something worte. tacie-l le Twcey came ;cr him for roaming the streets, and 4u.t; haeex primpUy coed him f 1CW. This i the greates; "fine ever im posed here for a like offense, the cual one being from ! to (10. licnre the loan's evrity in this instance create! no end of surprise But there it a story connected with this Aboot a week ago tbe Ponlaod General Electric Company asked Chief of Police Uoberuon fr about 20 men to do a few months' excavating work al Oregon City. The pay would be l.X per day, out of which i per week woull be taken for tmwrd and lodging. The cit jail was full of boboe doing sentences of from 30 to GO davs. and the chief picked out five of the likeliest of the gang for a trial. Wtihin 21 hours of their arrival in Ore gon City tbey ran away, showing con clusively that they wned no work, but were cut out for b -ging and stealing. Among that quintet was Tracer, who uad .he temerity to return here with .be above result. Portland Telegram. E0.CAIT0 tub OcrAhios The Si Per kins Company did a very emaU thing last night. Alter advertising the gal lery for 2- rt nts tbey declared the two front rows to be reserved, pracuculy the whole gallery available to eee a perform ance. One man with the tight kind of sand took a front seat and refuted to rudge. The rest of the crod in a lew minutes took the spirit o' the occasion and made a rndi and filled the feat?, thus balking the unUir proiosit:ori. Demitv U. S. Marshal Geo. liumoh rey has been in the city. Hun M. A. Stiller is in the city on his wof home Irom Portland.. It is reported that Bert P. Van Cleve has hilly recovered bis eight. License Iirs been issued for the mar riage of Geo. S. Jones a,d Clara A. Kinder. Mrs. E. C. Proliman, wife of Port land's P. M.. is in the city the guest of her mother, Mrs. Lyle. Mrs. J. II. Simpson and daughter Merle are in the city on a visit, the guests of Mr. D. 1. Montettti. W. C. Campbell has sold his interest in the Imprint to bis partner Mr. Finch and in tbe spring will enter he New York law school. Messrs. Jamea McCain, O.H.Irvine andW.T. Vinton have formed a law and political partnership. They occupy trie oinces in me ngnt nuuuing, over Kay & Todd's atore. .UcMmnviltd T. It, Mrs. Martha Hoflnaa, mother of the now famous actress, Maud Hoffman, ar rived in Oregon tins weetc and has U'en the cuent of Mr. D. P Mason of this citv Miss Maud is now wuu I'aiy, under Adu kehan. but next year she will be with Willard as loading lady, when the Dkm ocrat predicts tor tier a oritiiant career as an actress. Jos. R. Ralston, of Olex, Gilliam Co. formerly of Oregon City, had a stroke of paralysis on Christmas duy, and hia con dition has been regarded as critical CVer since. Mrs. Ralston is in Arizona visit- inn one of their sons, but has been tele graphed the cad nnws. Mr. Ralston has many Inencs inroiigiioui ine state wbo will learn with tregret of bis sad afllic tion. Mr. O. II. Ralnton, !n the custom service in this city, ia a brother. Dis- pilch. word receiveu in Albany is tnat Mr. Ralston ia gradually improving and is considered out ot danger. Ths now officer ot the I. O. O. F. int enrolled are Jo Tenka, N G; Henry Kirch. vieeKTanu; . jvk., uiiui I. II v " ' Gradwohl, Trea: b A Parser, permanent secretary; M Mitcneii, conuuetorj Fred Bruckman, waruon: u w a mpion, outnide the Al Gordon, A S Holt, right and left 8 -up guaruiun: iiuim wuu, tuaiuo Kuiiraton; 1 porters; W C Tweedale, right and left U supporter; KijHurabart, John Reese, right and left vice O supporters. At the .lllnes. After being idle for a short time the mines started np again t few days ago and are running steadily, it ia reported in remarkably rich ore. A pocket of porphery '.a said to have been struck, lo-tnensjly rich, just bow cannot be learned. Several months ago a pay chute, it is declared, was run into that yielded 75,000. The policy of the com pany is to not allow any of the business of the i iill to get out to the public, hence the dil'iculty of learning anything re liable. There is no doubt though that there U some rich ore in the diggings. Mr. Ltwler, who is in London, the Dkm- ocr at is informed la there to sell new 1im' to the same syndicate, and not to dispose of tbe mines to a new company. Slate Tax Levy. Salem, Or., Jan. 8, 1897. State tax levy made today is four mills as against four and eight-tenths trills Ian year. This will mean 124 or 13 mills for Linn county. Tub Gazette's Oi'ixios Speaking of the Eglin affair tbe Corvallis Garete says: VV bile rumors of foul play were rite awhile, there is nothing to warrant fuch a theory. While the affair ia eer tainly strange and myaterioas, it is beet explained by tbe assumption of stupor or temporary insanity. It ia higly prob able that when the buggy was upset, Mr, Eglin received some injury iu tbe bead, unknown to hit companions. It ia not impossible that he, a stableman, should retain enough reason to handle tbe horses and yet lose all knowledge of locality. Fi'Neral Services. The funeral of Rev. M. M. Lewis will be held tomor row at tbe Baptist church. After the services the remains will be taken charge of bv tbe A. F. A A. M., of which tbe dccead was a member, apd will be boried in tbe Masonic cemetery nader their etupice. Rev. Lewis was also a member of tbe A. O. U. W. Mrs. Lewis and a sreond daughter are re siding in Columbia county with her parents. Since bis illm-a tbe aged .mother of Rev. Lewis baa passed away, dying on Thanksgiving day. Si-noaxt-T Bmco. A strange story comes from the country east and north ot StaytoQ a few milea in which it ia stated that a man named Popple was s'ruktn saddediy blind, hut Saturday. working in tbe hop Oelds . It i averted in the report that Popple called abrapty to his companion that be could t.ot tee, and was at once conducted to bis home and medical aid summoned. The unfortunate man was apparently stone blind. He was taken to San Francisco for treatment, Staytoa MaiL Some day ago, while Rev. F. M. Gta ham was relamiog borne from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. William Pound, who lives aboot one-half mile south of town, while crossing Oak creeton a log clipped off. and down he went into toe cold, chilly, rippling correnl of tbe little mountain stream. It was not long, bow- ever, until tbe foam began to rise and the water to sp'atb, reminding oa of tbe bate spuming wafatr it tbe m goty rean. Us made a landiog all right The Reverend i col mach ot an imtner- ott-.ft, bat has learned I tat tbe process not destructive to lue. Sodaville cor. Li press. Dtao Mr Wm. R. Callowar. a idebt of Well f..r minf r AiA nn Tuesday Jan. 5, at Corrai'iis. at the age I about .i. of paraivais. He was a ouv. neer resident of Linn county and was a man generally respected and eseemed. A bother if. C. Callows r resides at Tangent. Xsanso Moaa Powta. Veal A Son today received a bis 60 horse power en gine and boiler, which were being placed in position ready tor rse. On account ol their increasing business tbey were oblijred to greatly increase their "power. becce Iras move. Turn a will be a special meeting of St. & A. M. at 1 Johns Lodge No. 6i A. F, clock sharp for tbe purpose of attend ing the funeral of our late brother M. Lewis- All Masons are cordial I v in- ited to le present. Er crder oi tbe W. M. Vxar Promit. The Aetena Insurance Company have ajosted the Iomoo Mra. ;. A. Cra it a property which was de frayed by fire last Sunday mornicr. Jan. 3rd, and iniUocted W. B. Richardson to pay Mrs. Craft the monev whenever the calls for iu Tbts is prompt settlement. St Perkins and his company played to good sited bouse last night, giving sat- isiaction. Aller tbe show was over bi '.ayed to a smaller house, in which tbe performer was fuller than tbe audience. Clackamas county ii being soed for $710 namageatoa threshing outfit that went through bridge. Prof. Condon i writinir a book on the U-eoloey of Oregon. It promises to be a valuable addition o Oregon literature. The Tornadoes wiil Wave at 5 o'clock to morrow morning fur Salem to play tbe yciooes. It promite to be a baUfe royal. Tbe Magazine Club will meet with Miss tvabimpton. Seventh and Monttfomerr. wevnd bouse from the corner, oo Saturday afternoon at half after two. At a meeting of the directors of the Y. M. C. A. last evening it win v-ted to close the rooms, temporarily and apply all tbe funds to tbe payment of indebtedness. It w to be hoped it does not prove permanent. Mr Elliot, of Kansaa City, is the cham pion wing shot of the U. S. In a recent content he killed 94 out of 100 and 3 others that fell out of the boundaries, to -his op - ponents 90 The shooting was at Njw Votk tity at very live birds. Tne news has gone abroal. The Tele phone KegtMer of JhCMinnvslle, says: "Ski Meeas, the celebrated wing shot of Albany, was beaten in a live-bird contest by Geo. Froman.' By the wav, a match between Mr. r ronian and Billy Martin of that city would be an ioterealing one. The Eugene Guard has it figured outt Tbe steamer Uypy has quit running to Uarrisburg on account of lack ot buunefts. nays the company. The true reaon is that the r'ilruaa and the river steamers have made a combination and everybody is therefore patronizing the railroads. Tba manner in which that new cement walk went down in front of John Fox's properly occupied by Parker bras, and buultz Bros, waa very commecdab'e. be gun Wednesday moraine by Koiert Wil son, Frank Kitchen and Jack Hatntoell it was completed before noon today and sev eral hours were lost yesterday on account ot rain, lbere is new a complete line ot cement walk on the south side of First Uroadalbin to Ellsworth. Willuim R. Calloway was born Dec S, 1827, in Suneex county, Deteware, died on Jan. 6, and was aged 70 year, one mouth, 1 and three days. In bis childhood be moved with hu preot to Illinois, and after a few years residence in that state, tbe family took up their, residence in Cat loway county, Missouri, where Mr. Callo way waa married at tbe age of 19 years. in lMli. dm log toe uaiitcrma gold excite ment, he c&nie to tbe coast, but remained only a few months. In 1S64, he crossed tbe plains wuu nis lamiiy wuu train in which be was captain, ana seuiea on ion old Cushiuan place In Linn county. About a year later be purchased the ur, avi rann on Soap Creek, in Benton county, where be lived until last July, when he came to (Virvallis to snend his remaining days. Mr. Calloway has been in poor health for severrl years and for some time previous to hia demise was confined to his home. He was the father of fourteen cbildien, eloven N . of whom survive him. Gavette. Diwioa will treat you right yfwA n . The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes yout cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap . brands. 0 MMU. uum mamMm ea . mrm tflM HOME AND ABROAD. Genuine fruit candies at F H Pfeiffers. Ring phone 9, or Smiley tbe printer Finest candies and nuta at C. F.. Brows ell's. Timothy seed for sale at C. E. Bkow- xeus. The tax levy fa Benton county is 20 4-10 mui. Tbe Ertt vote for O. S. senator wi'l be oa January 19. Pow eora tbai corn can lt fnond t C E. L'aowsrjj-'s. Crswford k Harnuh for ttbotoerai ha. Pricea from tl to 30 per doses. OoeSdeece has ncthiB fo da with halt day prices at Lcog'i ptoto gallery. A fine line of Cooks Runs aad Heat ers at The S-.ewart A Sox Hardware Co 'a. Cloth in cleaned and repaired by Mrs A E Owen. 3rd between Elbwortii mau 4nwd- albin. Popa'ar eooda at popjlar prices in eroe- eruw aad Qneessware, at C. E. Bbow- x2jx a. A shoot at live birds between local aim rod wj in progress this afternoow on the Albany ru Dr. G. W. MaAoa. peyticiaa aad sur tws. Albany Or. Callaaacwered prompt ly is city or country. Iaformatioa that is worth it webt ia go d: uet year raewu of ah kinds al Hea rt Broder'a. oa Secood street. If you are in need ot a bewtiag stw call and examine tbe Rorml Jewel at TL, SHewart box Hard ware Co. 'a. Dr. H. E. and O. K. Beers oSeet wo reMdeooe in tbe port oSce boilding. Spec iaj aiaeanoagirea to aiaeaaes ot woraea. Umatilla cocaty ba pat ia a bill of 1900 for keepiag laaac Snvwd, ooce a res ident of Una roaatj, bat for severd yerw of Umatilla cooaty. Tboogh coa Lin tied it will ot coarse be dualkwed. For choke meaN of all kind, call oo tbe j veteraa balcber, Wm. Emeries:, ia tee! Biamberg block. You wiU be well treat- i ed. Tbe man haod.icg a ran "cannot be too 1 careiol. Gaa are rot foot baJu. Albacy j IVm. Ot coarse not, bot they are jost wa j aaageroas tx Tbe Jacksoaibte times ronttnaes to etne, though irregularly, with Charley X irk ell at toe head. He seems to be equal to tbe occasion. Lina coo nty ' state tax this year wi'4 be I2s.272.tS As moch wa Crmk. Carry. Josephine, Lincoln. Mil hear, Marrow and Sherman combined. A good resolution for 1?97 is to call ia at tiaigbt Bros, and order some of their choice meats. Their constant resolution is to treat the public well. Rev. Lewi ai a member of tbe Wood men of tbe World. cajT .Lne $3,000 inor- aace with his two daughter as beneociariea. He waa 32 years o age, betas' bora in March, 1S64, The revival meetings con'inue at the V E. Chorea every night except Saturday night. Preacbinffby the pastor. Co siderabie iatereA is manifested. All tie cordially isvited. 1 chaaces to 1 that you will be pleased if voa get your meats of tbe Albany Dress ed Beef Company, Cor. 2nd aad El is worth s-reeta. First class meats of all kinds at reasons We priors. Tbe Benton county coort has ordered a ait brought against ex-Sheriff Osbora, tor whatever baiaace is due the county, S3.60S.73 being tbe amount claimed, wnich is disputed. Jat down the street at 2nd and Ells worth, tbe Albany Dreued Beef Co . are splendidly epaipped for serving the public well in all kinds of chcice meats, promptly and careftllr. Some fine lard on hand. Tbe Toroaloes swept from tbe streets of Albany early this morning behind several horses oa towards the Capital city, where they were wiping tbe ir nd ibis afternoon itatbe Cyclones. Certainly a txnado ought to do op a cyclone. The legislature in joint session will con sist of 56 re ablicaas, 7 democrats, 17 pop uiiaU, 3 Mitchell republicans, 2 republican and tax payer's league, 1 Mitchell repub lican and peoples, 3 union bimeUlic aad 1 taxpayers league aad Mitchell republi can. T. S. Corapton kit Saturday sold to Chas Fib and wife 12 acres of land iut north of the city for tbe sum ot $500. .Mr. Fish and family are late of North Dako'a and are much pleased with Oregon. Jefferson review. The Times ears: "It has leaked out that the usual serenity ot the board sesoioo was interrupted by Secretary late, who in a strong speech arraigned President Miller. declaring the presidents administration to bav been autocratic aaa much warlike, and in very many things a failure.' Mrs. Jennie Melcher, who was on tria' yesterday for manslaughter ia aiding to produce aa abortion on the person of her daughter, May McMahon. waa acquitted by tbe jury in 30 minute. Mrs. Melcher will be tried January 16 for testifying falsely before tbe coroner's jury. Portland i iiuuoe. ibis is tbe woman with whom tbe Maples had some trouble. W000MKN Installed. The installation of officers, of the Woodmen camp and urove occurred lat night and was an event of much interest, carried out in the Woodmen s customerv euterprising and live manner. After an impressive installation ceremony a fine program wa presented, lunch was served and amuse ments enjoyed until a late hour, rot- lowing are the otllcers installed : Camp Consul Commander, F E Al len; Advisor Lieutenant, 0 Watt; Clerk, 0 E Hawkins; Banker, 0 G Burk bart; J-.scort. M Bronson: "Sentry, Jaa Mctiargue; Watchman, W U Ueadley; Manager, A M Cannon. Grove. Worthy Guardian, Mra Allen; Advisor, Mrs Yierick ; Great Magician, M -,8 Hawkins : Banker, Miss Montgom ery; Clerk, Mrs White; Attendant, Mies Lillie Farteli; Inside Sentinel, Mrs Markhart ; Outside Sentinel, Mrs Da vies ; Manager, Mrs May Sperger. I We keep tbe only complete stock o printer's stationary in the county. 8roi ey tbe printer. :: SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Frank Froman of this city, ia a candidate for game warden. Rev. Kleiwer will preach in the Uni versallst church iomorrow at 2 p. m. Councilman Barr Sloan, of Moomoath, is in Albany on a hunting expedition. 1. E. Carl, of Boo. was in the citv to day and bid ia some property on sher iff's sale. Mr. Cramer, wbo waa taken to the asylum from Mill City has been released at 'least temporarily. Editor Alexander, of tbe Lebanon Ad vance, was in the city today, acting in somewhat of a suspicions manner. Dr. J. A. Geisendorfer. formerly of Lnn count v. was recently elected mayor of Arlington. Hurrah. Senators Dawson and Johnson, aad Representatives Smith and Mnakers are all ia Salem prepared for basinet a. Some of them will be heard from. President Lee will leave on Jan. 19 for tbs east. In the apportionment of col leges by the Presbytery. Albany waa given to New York etata aad President Lee will go to that stale to worst. Mrs. Jas. Eglin. wife of the yoocg man mieeiog at Corvallis. was in Albany yes terday to learn atoot her husband's con dition whence left the city Friday night. Mrs. Eglin ia a sister of Mrs. Frank Ketchnm, aad is one of Corvailis's most estimable and highly respected ladies. Tribute to Rer. Lewis. Tbe lateral of Rev. M. M. Lewis waa argely attended this afternoon. Rev Woody preaching the sermon. The Portland Tribune pays the deceased the following tribute: Rev. M. M. Lewis, pastor of the Ban- Uetchnrcn ot Airway, died inuuucity yesterday, aged 37 ye re, leaving a wife and three children. He was tormerty Stor of the Second Baptist church of t Portland of which be took charge about three years ago. iiia congrc Uon had a smalL inadequate ertinca tor services, and Kev. Lewis at ooce set oa foot a scheem to build a good church He bent all bis energies in that direction at tbe expense of bis health, aad suc ceeded in raising f&SOO and tbe building waa commenced, wbica will cost f9,iAM when finished. This was a piece of en terprise on tbe part of Mr. Lewis which commended bim to tbe people. Person ally he was free aad open hearted. He is not close eommnn:oa in its literal lutuuu ins aaa sa aawaawa easily approached by was likeo not only by tease, bat was every one. He waa bis panshoners, bat by an wno anew h;m. Rev. Woody, of the Paofie Bap tist, and several people of this city bays Kne to Albany to attend tbe faneraL ,rge floral offerings were sent np this morning by sorrowing friends. Rev. Lewis was called to Albany about three months ago. He had not been well for about mo months, and a few weeks sgo was tak-a down with typhoid fever. He was np tor tba last tew aava ana yeeier day ate a hearty meal, after which he grew worse rapidly and oiea in a lew hears. His daughter is down with tbe same fever. Hia mother died at Win lock, Wash., on tbe day before Thanks giving, and hia father died 10 years ago. He leaves two brothers in Winlock. Two Fiaa Alarms Fire alarms hart been rare things in Albany lately: but last night the city had two in quick succes sion. The first at 8 -30 caused by a fireon der the big boiler at the dry house of the Sogar Pine Mill and r ixtore IO. irom.uie hot bricks at tbe foundation. J R Ellison. the nightwatch. turned a small hoeeltor protective porposes oo tne names wnicn were spreading rapidly and the firejwa s extinguished attar a close can. vmy few moment later anotner aiarm w given on account of the chimney at Hen ry Williams resaaenco Darning out. m thw cut of ebimnevs burning out no damage was done and the bra de partment was not needed, ir-cnn nrant a sood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany eigar factory- ISIVJOY Both tba method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts trently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tbe most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for anyone who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. SAM FMHCISGO, Cat COLLEGE NOTES. Having spent Christmas vacation in "larking," turkey-eating and resting,tbe students witb pleasant countenances, in creased strength and recuperated bodies, have returned and settled down to bas inets. Two things are indicative of the pro gress school is making, the addition of one new department and tbe admission of several new students, f he new de partment is German under the manage ment of Miss Peck, wbo comes hubiy recommended. Tbe sew students are: L A Wiley, Emma Davis, Eat-new Cole, Harry Schloeser, John Barrett, Edward Barrett, Clifton Bntier, Clarence Bnnh nell, Owen Beam, Dale Strange, Effie Denny and Arthur Moon. Photographs are now in order. Pic- tares of tbe college building and tbe commercial students bave been taken and wdl be used in next year's catalogue. Again we are enjoying intellectual feasts. President Lee has delivered tbe first of a course of lectures prepared by tbe faculty. His subject was, Tbe De nominational Coilege Its r lace in the rxiocational system of looay. ur. U. H. Chapman, of Eugene, will lecture Friday evening, Jan. 15, on "Education and Democracy." It is hoped that the citizens of Albany will take advantage of this opportunity to hear such a subject delivered by so able a man. examinations were given yesterday to the c Liases in tba course of reading on Snow Bound, Visicn of Sir Launfol and Webster's Reply to Hsyne, In one of tbe recentreeita turns of the French class the following dialogue oe- cured : Teacher What does Platonic mean? First student like Plato. Teacher Did yon ever hear of Platon ic love? Second student Yes, sir. Teacher What does it mean? Second student Unmixed love. Third student Love which ia not sen timental. Sophomore Why why what does that mean? I never beard of that be fore. Teacher Lookinz at the dock) Well, hardly know whether I have time to delve into tba depths of such a subject before such untutored minds. At tba meeting of the Zrodolpbian so ciety last evening; the following officers were elected: rreeideot,fc.thel liedaeld; V ice-pves dent. Mies S keels: treasurer. Orpha Fisher, secretary, Dora Page; en uc, Mamie Allen; sergeant-at-arms. Isabel Jackway. STtXTtrs. HEW YORK WORLD. THRICE-MEK ECITIOH .i2 ifctL 15$ Tipm Tear. Is larger than any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and is tbe only mportant cemocrauc weekly pun ished in New Yovk City. Three times U large the leading remblkan week ly of ew York CU7. It will bo of -eaai advantage to yon caring ta residential Campaign, as it is pob ived every other cay, except Sunday, " Has all tbe freehns acd tiroeiineaa diuly. It coca bines all the news a lncg list of interesting depart 2, unique features, cartoons and aie illustrations, tbe latter being a alty. i these improvemesta bavw been jmiS without any increase in theeoet which remains at or dol'ar per rear We offer this uaeq waled newspaper and the Wexkxt DsaocaaT together one wear for I 00. Satisfactory terms with ily G0HSER7AT0RY 0F1SIG Albany College Teachers for the school year IS96-1S97 : Zimri M. Parvin, Mua. Doc director. Asnstaatteacbere-Margnenta Alderson, B. U and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Thorough and rrstematie instruction given in all the important branches of music Beet conservatory rootrs aad latgest musical library aad facilities for musical work. Largest number of con servatory etodenta enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to Wallace Hoi Lex, A. M. . Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholesomn diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard time, favorable reductions are . . . , . , 1 , made tor noaraers ana aay cnoiara. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For urther particulars call at the Academv or write to Sister Superior. t !: THE RUSH Continues in our job department. Wa are receiving orders daily from tbe beet business firms in this and adjoining counties. a invite tba public to in spect our work and prices. Work satis factory or no pay. Let us serve you. Ixfkixt Joa Orricx. MES HELL B. GILBERT, teller ot Hasa & Drpn (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spa altv. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of V. P. church. ! C. & L B. I CO. 1 Willamette River Division, Steamer ALBASY, Gpt. J. L. Smith FfeiStt and Passenger. Lewv Albany for Portland Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays. TJnsurpaseed accommodation a ana rhedules especially for the needs of up er Willamette travel. Ptcwe parties tan avail themselves of this schedule for iny desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving in tba morning and re turning in due time the same evening. Special rates for special parties of 15 or m0r' H.L.WALPK. Agent, depot. f T7 Let rt Reason To I JCL getherl Is it not bet ter to buv your Bread.Piee, Rolls, Cakes, ... . t1i.Kl.Anra -whAra thev dm oniythe Best material why of course it , s you dont want dyspepsia and you 1 never get it byeatrngaaymg from or, "b! Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. (J, D. VAX DTK. PrOprietO.