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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1897)
g SPRAINS St. Jacobs Oil the foil. Use 0 -and it and promptly feel the cure. That's g PAINS 11 It K, tut that is something sure. KETSsEBFORD & WYATT tornos at law. Will practice in a oarts of the state. Special attention giv 8n to matters in probate and to collections. CFFICE-In the Flinn block. W.R. BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. -. . BLACKBURN & SOHERS aTOKNEYS -A.T XA."W, AH lejTj mattur will receive prompt at-ent-'an. Office, First National Bank ciMiny. up stairs. OKTARTE BACHLEM4N, Attorneys at La. Albany, Oregon. B. J. L. HILL, hydciaa e4 dnrgaoa. OFFICS Corn arry ttrasta, Albany .Oregon. DB.C, U, Cl!A".i3RLIM aOJSIOHOI'ATHIST Treats to mora, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with f . - : . - i ,r f . C galvanic electricity Office on Ferry St, near ou street. IIRST SATIOSAL BANK, T AT.R1NT, OltBGOH ... IfLIHH S.I.TOUKO .K, W. LANG DOS Flair, jsnt TisNsiACTS A QESKaALtMuiWDdlxMlMB AC ' 1 KHPV .-ahii-t in .-aeei. SIGTT ttlCOANOS Midlsaj-aiir n. !' n Ka . 'ors. sw Fnaeiac-- Cfcioco nd t-iUard OL'.S TIOHS tADKca fc.oiki,! tjras. 8 K otto' K W LktSTOX LE 8LAH, l. ifuaa tniul. Sox I rtoroey t Law, Albany . Or. VISIT To our printerr will convince any one that we are better equipped to handle their or der 'ban any office in tne valley. Why sbonlda't we be? We have improved ma chinery , the best power, modern type faces, bj'Cers, fixtures, etc, the only line of print rs stationary m the county, and good worVtuen. Oar work is always evented prompt!? and at legitimate prves. If yon e'en': have to trade it oat, or taka printing b.x"ia- yea can't get cash, come to see ns. If our services are not satisfactory yon get your Uioney back. SMILEY, the Printer. Phon?f 9, Albinj. - 1 R-l-P-A-N-S The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. f 0J,1 pi! 1! Prof. A. STARK Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmic College I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improves method? of modern science, any who de ls re to hare their eyes tested. Cufcick Block Albast.Orbsoh. ISS HELA B. GILBIBT, teller Hi Piano & Orta iMason System of Technic) Careful Inetrnction of Children a Spec a uv lerma mouerate. W ashington St. south of TJ. P. cliorch. 8 RE Insurance YOUR with- PROPERTY 3" ;ld Hartford, the New York Un. -nuittn Ao-eiicyor any one of the reli able ..1 i Jine companies he represent. Note taken a.:: I pleuty of time (riven for payment on farm iaguntnee. All basiness will br prompt attended to. OFFWii IN P- 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OK. we 'ii crtre pa'!, -q. "tut '-Lu bead a-.-xl-, tlia: t- jco., n.'j -cr- r- W , : ftc9 1 e ''" , - I . '---wfif v-'!-''v ' - ' ;.ji vrHhf en oi. - .j ; - s .- ' .fnf J. M. RALSTON f!!'sIi'W? Maston Block, Albany, Or' Mont-y to loan on farm nrii ll ' 4 :nall loacs made on personal feonrity. , City, c untj and gthool warranU bought Co..tctiong made on favorable terms. F iimurance wriuen in three of tlie rg ccmpanies in ti e world, it lowest hten. Dr Adams Cueick Block Albany, Or. ! Of Will k Stark. Star Bakery. Corner Broadalbin and First St ! CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR Dcr in- Canned Fruits,. Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, . Coffee, Etc. Canned Mct Queensvfcrt Veetsb)e Cigars, Spiceaj Tea Etc everything that i Kept in a Rood variety and gro eery store. High est price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCI ASflUT Are Your Teeth Sound ? Usually the teeth are what judicious care or unwise neglect haa made them. Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want of care means premature decay. To t reserve the te tth keen them clean and thus ore vent accumulation on the dental surface. Our powders are the most effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teeth a clear, Bmooth, and beautiful appearance. We also carry a full line of the best tooth brashes in the market, along with every thing kept in a firstrclaea drug house Physicians' prescript iocs a specialty. I. A Cummlng. ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SENDERS, Mgr- Buys and sella wheat, oats and wool ai all point in the Willamette Valley and is the leading insurance agent of Albany. In placing your in6onu.2e there art two things to be considered : 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place yonr insurance with an agent who thoroughly understands hit business and knows bow to write a pol icy, giving you its full benefit, bavin? had 8 years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of loseea. Can guarantee yon I have these requirements Very Respectfully Yours M SENDERS VIEREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CUT HIADQUiMEBS FOR l)e Whites JJetf lfa.i A bead of hair or no pay. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Notice FOSHAY i MASON Wholesale & Retail DSTTGGISTS iSD 00milRE3 ALBAKT, 0KB005. Pare Drags and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. ALBANY ORCHESTRA. .1 M B1CKS5ST0. Conductor ESET WESTFEOOK Hgr INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Vlo., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass andDrunis fepei oiae of qe-vv'fqsic -Mosic Foraished For- Concerts, Parties. Receptions and Ester tain menu at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited resardtne en gagemets out of town r Address Bert Westrook. Business Man ager, Kevere Uouse, Albany, Oregon HELP WANTED 4ALE. XITANTED-SOLICITOES (FOR cam f f paign book, "Krvao, Sewali and Free Silver." auf bonzel br Bryan, written by R. L. Metcalf, Editor Omaha World-Herald, anoointed anthorv Krvan. Contains speeches and platform. Ji. bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. UnlyflJSO. The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid iutfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable wcrk Address The National Book Concern Buil'ting, Chicago. ... ALBANY TRADING CO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trada Tmrtk livery. Telephone No. 61 R. N Morris. Mcr Corner 2nd and Main Sts. M LDDWIG, Opposite Postolce. PLUMBING and tinning at bottom prices. IVafited All $&& Wh ran thine or soma Utopia fw,WwUioem. B. c.,fr thlr sU pnUuSS Vale 1S06. The old maids last chance. Happy New Year anvway. Webfoot spree. has been on another wet Sandow is the naino of a cigar, be mighty strong. Must Itbas been a long timesiuce 7 was In a date. Better watch the old year out learning to write it Mr. Scniers had better think again before he introduces a bill for the es tablishment of a supreme court coinmis sion. The times do not justify it, even though there might otherwise be some reason for one. fhere is lots ot money in the banks that would make things rather lively if Dot in circulation. The fact that it is not pnt in circulation indicates that con' fldence is notyet f uhy restored. Some thing else is needed. The U. S. senators who go home to work for re-election draw their payiright along. Now, really, that is not busi ness, nor la it honorable; bnt it is unfair and there Is no more reason why a gov ernment should be run that way than that a merchant should run his business in the same style. These bank and other failures are proving a very emphatic political lesson that will not be forgotten by voters, at the same time we hope they will stop. Every good citixen should use bis best effort to mike times better and create confidence, thoogh it is to be admitted the conrte of republican leader on this subject has been dishouorable and un derhanded. John Wannamaker is in the fight for certain for IT S- senator. When the Democrat notices the liberal, judicious and persistent manner in which Mr Wannamaker advertises his business we admit that we lose our co'duesa. The newepaper man who hasn't a warm feel' ing for the persistent, always at it ad vertiser, is ungrateful indeed. The DixocsaT admits that it is quite human on this subject. ' A good many of the Dkjiocbat's sub scribers are getting decidedly hot at the maneuvering of the state board of equal ization. The raise in the assessment on tosro Iota and merchandise particularly is causing anger. There was no eanlity occasion for v.. In bo In cases there is notning to make comparisons with, to judge properly. In the case of cattle there might be, bat not with merchan diee and town lots. The people demand the abolishment of the board, and if oar representatives know on which side their Dread is buttered thev will work for doing away with it. Some time ago the editor of the Street Railway Journal of New York began to gather information as to the longent ride given for a five-cent fare in the cities of this country containing over fifty thou sand inhabitants. The result of hit labor appears in the July number of the Journal. The list contains twenty-two cities, beginning with New York, with nearly two million inhabitants, and end ing with Indianapolis, with oyer one hundred thousand inhabitants. - The longest ride for a five cent cash fare in miles is aa follows: New York twelve and one half, Chicago fifteen, Philadel phia eleven and three-fourths, Brooklyn eighteen, St. Louis fifteen, Boston ten, Jereey City eight and one-fourtb, San Francisco twelve, Minneapolis thirteen, Cincinnati thirteen and one-half, Cleve land ten, Buffalo thirteen and tbree lonrthe, Lynn six. New Orleans seven, Washington nine and one-half, Detroit ten, Milwaukee nine, Kansas City eleven, Louisville n".ne, Rochester nine, Denver eleven and one- half, Indianapo lis eleven. On one of the trips of the steamer Aus tralia from San Francisco to Honolulu, after thn first day out, a party of poker players took poeet sion of a corner table in the smoking room, and with the ex ception of the necessary intervals for malaand rest (after lights had been turned ont for the night), played contin uously for the rest of the voyage. The night before the arrival, when the moon was near the foil and was flooding the gently nndulating waves with a bread silver streak, and the air wa warm and langurona, all the passengers were ont on deck after dinner reveling in the beautiful scene except the few aronnd the corner table sitting in shirt sieeves in the close atmosphere of the smoking room attending strictly to business. By and by some one oa deck thooght of them and said it was too bad that they should be missing such a lovely scene, and a passenger went aft and urged tLem to come out and enjoy it. Alter consid erable demurring they left their cards and chips ou the table, and stepping oot ide, tock one brief glance at the moon. Then one of them spoke wbat was evi dently the sentiments of the party "No money in it," said be, and they prompt ly filed bak into the smoking room, took up their places and resumed busi ness San Fancisco Commercial News. The Pendieion K. U. takes an opti mistic view of things at fo.lows: A re cent statement made by Tbe First Na tional Bank of Pendleton show that it has on deposit $500,897 00 and "cash on hand," f300,3t15?. This is a very handsome showing There is more money on depot'.t in the bankt of Pen dleton at this time tban ever before and more money is idle in Pendleton than at any previous .time. Pendleton and Umatilla county people are beginning to have a surplus of capital which should be invested in local enterprises. And that tbe loaning business has quite near ly extinguished Itse.f money will grad ually get into such enterprises and bet ter conditions will result from it. Hav ing to pay interest in the past on money borrowed from the outside has drained this section of much of its substance and destroyed tbe better portion of its vital ity. Tbe hard times effected a partial cure in this regard and. the result is. local money is accumulating and even ten per cent interest will be a rare thing in a few years. Property that a ill pay eight par cent and even six per cent per annum, will lein demand and enter prises will be inaugurated aod the coun try developed by the ne of home money intelligently employed. This will in sure better conditions and wider pros perity (ban ever before experienced by this section. ' , I e: 8 I and cash 10 Miyib. tb - 1 Get the right start. The first day of one thousand eight hundred ninety seven. Coal oil is double what it should be, due to the failure ot the gonernment to enforce the law against trusts. We will soon have the state legislature with us. Coming directly upon the meeting of the slate board of equaliza tion, a donble affliction will be given the people. These tariff manipulators bad belter be careful how they legislate so aa to in crease the cost of the necessaries of life without any corresponding increase of income to go with it. As this it now we might just as well as not resolve on several things, in fact there is a big field for repolving. But resolution Is not enough, in fact a reso lution not kept is a poor concern. Go at it deliberately and not sentimentally; Let all your resolutions be for the better mert of mankind. Before election camnaign orators promised good times instantly as the re sult of McKInlej's election. They said tne rear oi iree silver was what was keeping times bard, and that just as soon as that was settled there would be an instantaneous improvement. aa there, not much. There was a forced improvement, but it was mostly ficti tious. Now matters are seeking their level, and the public is seeing things as they are . In the nature of thina pros perity must be of s'ow growth, and it was unfair and dishonorable for politi cians to claim that McKintey'a election would bring it with a jump. There are 530 regutered citixens of the United States in Jerusalem. Of these, 433 are jews. Ajmostall the others are second Adventists. The Spoffordite there, or "Overcomers," as they call themselves, has recently been increased by an additioo of H73redish Americans mostly from Chicago. The leader, Mrs. Spafford, lays claims to prophetic pow ers, claiming to be nnder the direct pro tection of the Almighty, and she is averse to having any buman power in terfere. We do not snow whether this is a religious or feminine trait on her part. We can understand the Jewt going back to Jerusalem, because there I is where their race first etablisbed its power, ft is there where their literature became marked. They believe that there, too, their race will be restored and united, and, as communications are quickened and cheapened , tbe t rade of the Holy Land because ol the increasing travel there annually, it becoming a feature. It is a region filled with cr,i memories, allhoagh we have beard more than one viritor there sav, "Pa not go to Jerusalem or the Holy Land . It is ail so small and mean and pe-tty, that yonr present reverence for tne pace uJ iu memories will ! shocked by a visit ttere." Ktill, it it tbe place around which the interest of the worM centers more than any other. It it a place that it will be possible, with time and money, to ive great maj-sty to, and not reckon ing time at men reckon it, but by the slow swinging pendulum of the years, 330 yetrt hence Jerusalem tny be the most interesting anj impressive spot nnder the son. Fx. The Petition. Editor Democrat. The mammoth polyglot pet'.Uon to tne governments of the world to abolish the horrors of the liquor traffic, haa lately come out in a new form. It has been presented to Queen Victoria in tbe moet magnificent volomet ever seen. It ha covers engrossed in delicate, artistie coL oring, by the finest artists, with every British name photographed, embelliob ed with tbe well-known monogram, and a white ribbon trailing across tbe out side. Lady Henry Somerset bad these made herself, saying: "The petition sha'.l go to tbe Queen in such a way that the wili know wbat the white nbbon movement means ! Mist Wil!rJ ia anxiout to create a new department of work : One against tbe gambling vice. "A'e read,' tbe says, "of the groteeque election wagers Wbat do yon think onr brothers would say, if we women engaged in tucb f jliiet in such vivacious stirring np of thiegs that ought now to quiet down, in tbe payment of millions of dollars to meet these odious wsgers? One man expa triating himself trom his country ever more, another man never cutting bis beard and going about like Methutaleh, because their candidate had not wen. As every saloon is the home ot gamb ling, I believe we ought to have an aot- gambUng department, and work earoeat- 'J or mat cause ." i ... .. Curious tacts. Stwd'jst is turned into transportable fuel in some paru of Scotland by a very simple process. It is heated under hih steam pressure until the res'nnns in gredients become sticky, when it is pressed into bricks. Oce man with a two horse power machine can turn out nine thousand brick a day. In Paris, where pneumatic tires have come Into use on some of tbe pnbl'ccabs, it baa been found that, owing to the re duced shock tq the vehicles, the cost of repairs haa been lessened fifty per cent, to say nothing of tbe taving to the rerve of passengers and otbtrs, and to the muscles of horses. Anything that diminishes the noises of the city Is a dis tinct gain to tbeconifoit and health of the Inhabitants. Tbe first public library was established in New York in 1700. The first station ary steam engine was put up in Phila delphia in 1773. The first paper mill was pot in operation in Koxborouga, Pa., in 1093. The first straw paper manufactured in tbe country was made in 1S28. The first gold pens were roada by hand in New York City in 1840. Philadelphia was the first city to issue a directory, dolig so in 1785. The first postoffice in the country was that of New York, established by act of Parliament jn 1710- The first railroad was laid io 1826 from the granite quarries of Quincy, Mais., to the Neponset Itiver, three miles. The first telephone wire u stretched from Boston to Sumervtlle, three miles, in 1877. A southern California baby burrowing owl, five weeks old, eats half it weight of raw beef at a single meal, and does not suffer In the least from dyspepsia. It takes three square meals of this size daily, and even then appears to be hun gry at bedtime. An observing physi cian believes that valuable digestive aids for the human stomach can be extrtcted from these owls of large appetite, which will be more efScciout possibly than are the pepsin preparations now secured from tbe internals of pigs. Should this belief ba eon fir mm! tha markat fnv Pott. fomi. owl. ought to be con.Iderable.and ra rlArn.n.l .... . b I V. . m. i.u.uu mi uuui un(ui wtrwgi erablisbment oi owl ranches. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS The paBt week has seen the departure of an old year and the arrival of a new one, a mere changing of figures, really a part of a cycle with hardly a mark to show the place. As one grows o'der this New Years day seems to come more fre quently, the months almost tumbling over themselves o get a'ound, particu larly with the busy person. We cunnot make too uiurb of tee moments. The New Year always suggests tesolu tions. Good resolutions kept are a fine t'ting; but resolutions repeaUdly broken are worse than n.tne. Candidi? the re- o'ution that is generally kppt 1 not put oa until the first of the year, u i now whenever tht is. j With all th failnies and the bad financial policy in vogue there is a pros pect of an improvement, take the whole country over, 18'.) Some one ray 7 is a lucky number aod therefore 13J7 Is bound to be a good year, bnt in trn'b there is no such thing at luck, and one number is no better than another so far as that goes. With iudicationt of war th Democrat hope! for peace, and believe that will be the result Among civitizol nations there should no longer be war. Great differences should aleays be 8tilrd am icably. Washington Letter. From our regular Cornsjxw1it. Wasuisoton, Dec.2Sth. 18 Congress not being in session, tbe tar iff barons were in and around the ways and mean committee room at the cap itol, iu which Mr. Dingley and his re publican associates on the committee today begaa the public bearings upon the several cbedu!rs of tbe proposed new Dingley tariff bill, were the center of attraction. The schedule upon which today's beariegs were bated was that embracing epir.ts, wines and other bev erages. The republicans had expected that the South would be largely repre aented amoog thoe asking for favors under this schedule, but they were dis appointed- The next echedoles to be taken up will be that cf cotton goods followed by that on eogar and tnolassee. There seem to be a general disposi tion to misunderstand the iisue raised between congress and the president by secretary O'ney when be said that the president would not obey a jjict resolu tion even if passed over bis veto, direct ing him to recounts tbe indepei.decre of Caba. because the president a'ooe had the right to decide such questions. It la not contended by tbe eeca:ors who will oppose Secretary Oinet't position that the f riJ-nt has nH the r'gbt to rc9so;t a new stale w ithont reference toon;rss; on the contiary, they free!y i cnreJe him tltt ritht. TbeT c'airu. however, thai a j jint reolat:o of con gress when it becomes a U, whether by ordinary methods or bf br'ms adopt ed by a twosbiids vote over tne presi dent's reto, is just a 0:n l.o nprri the president as any other law. la other words, thet while the prretdsnt may exercise his diecreetion' a u recogni tion in the K ncv ot cjt-irre-.uriil me Hoc, it is in the power of twntHirus of congreta to compel hi at to oly its t'j-U, in recogn;!ng the ind-prndence of anew stale, at welt as asyti;ng l-e The claim that ocgress w nhe-t to dray th presidert's rig'at to act ;rderecdeot ly of it in recognizing cr ato been pat forward to maJJie t:ie ques tion. The question will no be settled soon, anyway, at the Cameron resolution for the recognition of Cuba bau't the Slightett show 10 get through the h.ue. J and will be fwsbt stoutly ia the senate. Tne anooo acement that Representa tive and Senator eievt Money, of M set ., who it a member of the hoae tee on foreign affairs, bad takeu aJvan tage of the eoncreesiocsl recres to go to Coba for the purpose of mak -tig a p-r-sanal investigation ot tbe sitna n, I a ca-ird much grsip in U" ,-n.r.i'on Whi'e everbody knows :!.. Mr. M -n.-y mi an s , there i a dti ; j-tiuo to re gret tae publicity which hat b-e: given to hit trip, because it looks like a .eftrc tioo upon our ttate department and ite agent in Cuba. Confidential agent of the Wanaoitker and tbe Cboate senatorial boom have been working on the frendt of McKin ley In oidr to get him lo throw bit in fluencein their tide. Bu. they have not tocceeded. While there it little donbt that moet of the original McKio ley men wonld rather tee Wanamaker sent to the senate from Pennsylvania tban Q'lay's man, Penrose, who, by the way, it being supported bf the National A. r. A., ana wuoate elected senator from N-w York instead of Piatt, but iter cannot see a gnxi enough chance for either to win to a-lvie McKmlev to take a stand that would make Q'lay and Pia't tbe open enemies of his adminis tration . Hon Wtn S Ilolman, of Iud., whose fa miliar face and rigid views on govern ment economy have been missed from the present house has been elected a member of the next, and is more djter mtoed than ever to live up to the repu tation be made at the "watch-dog of the treasury." When the republicans take the first step towards an increase of ex travagance by the introduction of a new tariff hill, at the extra session, that will furnish more money to ba speit, It is tbe purpose of Judge Helm to make a speech, In. which if he cannot prevent extravagance, he will at least attempt to make it clear lo the people that it exists nnder present expenditures; be will also endrayor to show that the expenditures of the government should not exceed $330,O00.OX) a year, and that if they were reduced to that amount the present tariff would produce an annual surplus of $I00,0W,0O0, which ecu Id bs applied to tbe reduction of the bonded debt. The Pacific railroad lobbyists are so uneasy aboot the prospect of the fund ing bill to come up iu the bouse Jan. 7, that they have followed representatives out of town in order to talk to them ia favor of the bill during the recess. The opponents of the bill are also active, and the four dj 8 it will be under discussion in the house are not at all likely to be dull. Tbe field for activity n railway build ing which the vast continent ol Africa offer I destined to open U the Pacifio coast a greatlv increased demand for her lumber prodnrts. According t.i a recent report, with an area of 11,500,000 up nr. miles, or nearly lour limes that ol tii United Stales, omitting Alaska, and wiih a population of 108.000,000, the entire continent has only 8000 wiles ot railways against the 181,000 of the United States. The few lines that foreign entei prise has already built lie a-nvwi entirely t.ear tbe extreme north or tie extreme south coast, with a few mileaon the west coast; while the vast interior In un penetrated, and transportation on the dark continent, I 1 . s wnoie, ia acki of men. tali being done on the MISFITS. The 306th day of 1890. In twelve school districts county the school house is the adjoining county. in Yamhill situated in There is no une of crying ovr spilt milk. The year is now alioutgone. Turn over a new leaf and rustle for letter times. Geo. Pullman, the palaie carman who wanted Mr. McKinley elerted in order to sae .ho country, has reduced wages 15 percent. A fine Chinese lilly presinted Mr. Geo. Slimeon by expres. in saenger Toner, after being nu Bed for a lonit time and refusing to grow, has proven to be an onion. Senator Mitchell opposed the funding bill and thereby caused thernmity of the H. P That is one thin in Ins favor. Some one says Corbett will pKnJ SHtf,- vuv iu secure a seat in tile -eiiMte. The Journal says the moter line be tween Salem and Mill City will lw built provided the necmsary capital is furn ished. Necessary capital, lU-n-'s the rub with things generally nowadays. The vags are being drivf-n out of Port- wuu vj me ponce arm ui ol course go south, lience through Albany Thev are a tough crowd and it w ill be well to keep our eyes open and our d art locked. The editor of the St Louis ii-lnded the old year b cotumitiiig suicide. At the Lead ol a big and projerous paper he was tired of life. Tt -u cou'dn'l hire the editor of many a country wevkly hardly paying expeneea to commit sui cide. Three b'g guns have been ordered for Fort Stevens at the mouth of the Co lumbia. This looks warlike, bu' it is probably innocent enough Though i the eveut of war with hpain it might ! an important thing f.r the northwest. t . ' - o--t tbre week aim. bound f n Cuba, Mayor lennoyer has dev!ed one ! H -1 who. af.r ih faiiore of tbe expedi bis salary to tha city board of chari lion, were Ian i. J on No Name key. nave of Portland. As it will amount to $'atdii -a in oi:r-,f. sod at least two of them a yer it is certainly a very genero':j -i t, have dfe.1 because of the privaitonf tbey whatever prompt hirn to make :t. As fcave been cimpel'ed to endure. So Name a matter of fact tlio0?u the citr t,ds it ! key i i!na!cd aboot bd miI- BOrtbeat of mighty bad. If $i0 it tuSici. nt saUr- j Key We4. w mg mayor oi roruani i.. co-n;ne legislature should see that. tha: ; is put at Good bye old ninety-eix, You leave us in a fix, All ragged at the knees, Kobbed of all our fee. Disturbed and perturbed. You have kicked ns blue, Knocked ns out our pew. Emptied both our pocket, Sent us up on rocket, Flimflammed and jammed. Come, Mr. Ninety-seven, i'ieae wont you treat ns better? i - . ,. , , , It it iv liably reported that the fight to eecare the reiocation of the count seat ot Jackson county wii! be opened up by j the in'.ro-luction of a bill at the coming . session of the ieeislatare to the quesuon to a rote of the people of the jewpij . uie next it:e na county e.cciionin Joae, IS?S. Tue effort to ew ; cure a suomiesioa of the je-uia to a I vote f the p.P!e i aii to emauale f frtra Medford, i h the idea that i: lo- , cation will male MwH,rd a urung cfm- , peutor wiui J. ...nviJ e AstiUnJTtJ- h"ni! th: Ri-e;ain, wiut a caro c4 irmt I lnjT. and acscittiMt .i;ni-a to SaJrai-.-w j , itw. ;rviit.i t.f ;ne Cuban republic j What -ailed the "tii WiJI" of a) I'.VlfTV Cj f0 uusinesw ia merv:r Uie cuaiuia-.ive eslect o continuity. Ho w na an a 1 the ioatcer it rilll lint irnlrr !'. t.l.u I . ,.. that had beea continued h "r So rears wonld lo u. good ,U ,n t.elve months if once stopped, and very few ra n wouUi careM.y much for it adrer - tig t stopped, its rainmattve effect is lost and tl soager it remains dead :b ur wn ie w maae n enecuve when surcj ano I raters Ink. - Te f akw":ej; U trtren irI Xtw i aM a-m..: I Don't wast fr ite WAiWJ wniie tte waif i ing u g-ol ; lAtgnere over spilt mi!k wLiV there's rn s-itaa its t s. k... j Don't j tbe wM it griBg were bea rw are doing aotbia u nuke U betier. lk.f't teil tb a-nrid joar trulUt. Toil can t t-rrw IJ oa them IV-o t le. toe gram grv naier ,ir feet. Tbe cost can't get ai it here A well-knoan U. f jaleiu wetst shopping svtie days since n 1, in the . : of cTanre A.ThT talced ! w LVl ' ing tbe nmnev to berit fell lMii their bands, striking the counter with 'TTII? m' . . fiT1 ttTxtf ! an nnmisiakable ring. Tnence it van- ?ZlS l ,ha,( w" -,0T ! iahed ntteriy. No .ruonni of cJoJ and I'.Mf r fsb ,ditient search on the r.artol the store !S1tb1 w" ?a? -P""?41 employee ever reveaied u.e faintest trace of the truant 'fiver' and its w hen a boon would per bap have remained a turner very much longer bad not the' little daughter of the lady spoke i of, in pick ing up her mother' umbrella yeterlav, felt a foreign substance in the gathered fold of the ferrule end. Uuicklv un bending and opening the uaibrelU, tbe golden coin, slipped trom its hiding place 111 IllA 1 1 f t I .. lil.fh.P uMjnlAAam.i.t ... the end of the ribs and fi-1. on lie floor The money was at once taken to the store and the matter adjusted, the mer chant having paid over the second live, when the first wat so suddenly and com pletely lost. The "lucky" clement in this "truthful item" is that the umbrel la referred to had been in constant ue tor four or five day by the entire faniilv, the children carrying it to and trout school in the usual fashion children have of bandiiug umbrellas Statesman. atom TO 1ST We offer One Hundred Dollars Wkrd tor any case of Catarrh that cannot in carsd by tiaUa Catarrh Cure. r. J. CHENEtr CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the ondrmifnuxt, have aoowa F. J, Cheney for the lat IS years, and bellow Us perfectly honorable in all business traruartiona and financial'- able to carry cot aujr obligation nww uy vaeir arm. West Tar.' jr. Wholesale nmrmV. -rv-i- Watmra, Kinsax A Manvia, VVboiav-te lirnS lists, Toledo, . a nan a 1 alarrn t lire t taken tntt-rnIre -Kd-In, directly u,n the hloo-t ar.d e"ZT. ewiMtrH'UHI,S HTO. Hall's Farr-ly pills are the bosf. lon't pfroni.e the Chines. Retnemlier Al nany nan good white laundries Putroniie inera, ttiey pon4 their money with vvu ami employ white laoor Have the City Laundry call for your packainM. Keason- auio rauw ana nr t cats wo'k. C. SlMtSON & Sov, Opp St Chat Hotel. Prop's. MARRIED. uuuukks TU VHP. Mr. Ernest Broilers and Mm Lilly Ttiarji, two of Aioanys weu-Knovn and popular vuuuk peopie worn united m marriage in ivrumu i uesuav evening. They returned to Albany on last nights overland after a pleasant bridal trip, mr. and Mrs. Broilers have the best wunes oi many friends. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents dlees Uon and permits food to ferment and putrlfy tn tbe stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, rnsomlna, nervousness, and, it not relieved, bilious fever Pills or blood poisoning. Hood' mil stimulate the stomach. rouse the liver, our headache, dirtiness, eon. hiu ii, Vft vui, uwHwna, uirzmess, coo. TELEGRAPHIC. Wejler-s ftlaleaoeat. OIIavama, Jan. 1. The war correspond ent of La Lucha, of this city, SenorCao arte, has telegraphed his paper the sub stance of an interview which he had yes terday with Captain-Goteral Weyler. whose column he joined at Han Cristobal, inecaptiun-genpnil aMiurred hira there were only aboutMO inKurenU in the prov ince of 1'inar dol Rio, adding : "I I am able to say that the province is pacified. fcitkii(, bullet and Hunger will terminate tne revolution. I will trett the leaders with consideration if tby sur render all or nearly a'l of their followers. Ai riAsr, N Y., Jan. l.-Frank 8. wacK, ot lw.'nselaer county, was inaugu rated a governor of Sew York today. The ceremony 10..11 place , tl;e aiibiv! cnamuer of th: capiM. and was witned j by a lura awtembiaKP. An invocation Ly ! bishop U,De. of the Epiiai dioctj of i Albany, niiened the ceii;tioruea, Governor ! Jvi P. .tlorton delivered an addre of j considerable length, in the courws of which tie reviewed hi ailminii.triiinn i ki i under the new constitution, and the legi- ation during tlie period Belle Itrfratsd. Pa." Fieajici. Jan. l.-The BuUe footoall team suSerd noble dioaster today. Owing to the presence of two men in Ks ranks when tbe lineup wa called wboe amateur standing i denied by the Amateur Atuk-tic Union of the Cu-iffc. uut. Iri. Ue-t Hunipnrey cJasified asl of the players as profeskionaU. In tueir new capacity, tbe went down lo inglorious defeat by a tore of 15 to 4. the Olympict . Twe Maadapa """" Or.. Jen. I. -About II o'clock lat nijfht Charles Jtothery was held op on Fourth !reet and ViO taka from him. An hour later, O C Wileon, a resident of Klickitat oounry. wah while on his way to tbe depot, w.g ordered to throw op bu nand4, and, in complying witn the order, made tome oowe which canned tbe robte-r lo sbctt. to ball striking Mr W jl-on in the riKut tbigb. Afu-r taking t31 tle ro'ber escaped. One arrest bas been made. Tkej Starved J '.KSrttviti, Jan. 1 Tha 6liUter ' ' le't Kerjitiiiri'liin on the Three Fnenda j a fraertt7 . Ui.t.h S!jm.. Jan. 1. A general jco! in a ia tiie iron foi'ndry of Davi . rari.u:'i. ci'cu city, went into enect today. Tbt-rat ranges from 2 to 25 cent andaJteer .'-XJiaen. Tee fact that tbe Urjje foucdariea in Pennsylvania and tbe tit have corumenatd to do tneir own mil work, making it imrxwsibie for thik ' hi a to compete, u given u tbe cause. t J Ike arU! late. t"iitcco, Dec- 31. Tbe oScial canTass j of the vote of iiary'and for presideot was I completed tuday. Maryland was tbe but . . . . ,mr i-, luc bull' The vote 'eatt as follow: ; McKin!y j bryan rainser ...... . j LeTiiag'Vr-jibiti'joV" Lvawy tnati jca: ...... ' UacLette soaaSM j " ! " ! .7.101.401 .6 4T0.&W . I 5.W . 14.3ST SltKtoy's otnraU'y was 6.?42. and bis niaj-mtv j f"flk!!J.e. Fli., Ijc. SI. Toe V jzt r Cscm-w-jre cSorwd at tbe cti!ota- ,j ,tlj, 1 " ' . - r wre CaJic. AiiK-aa- tie nsraber Tt "ft BMe,,f' a ('no. th aoveliKt. who u-n- ",aa 4 w Eijn!tt 1 Elsera Vtaa4e4 j Hav.jcjt-Iec 3l.-Getral B:a. Kirera. 5 t'w wa(i AnUwiw Mac at tbe bead the patriot fw in tbe province ot finer art Six is wounded. aceordiaoto .vk rui bre from Arvmii. It S : was st-tted hm tj.H ereotcj; tbatoeneral i Rivera taSwqoentlv ii-! c-t ti wjo4s It u farter tSAed lit ling uer alTador bun, who wi wtanj4 in an ergageatenl j at t era'j , diea tome uaie la'.cr J anua wuu n C,f viVc" 51 -A.w8 i 1? .! . & from t'-int.'ti. whei he intrviewAi Pivsi I ident e ect Mi Kir.U-v. aiJ: i I "Mii.v M. kii,v-r j, i w- ,.iiiCre aad ! l in arci?rJ wm. r,l suitor V,u r Vi 5 cot: ' resolution, and l . v..-; - a ibi?u d be laaen at ccv. He Uvj conference early ia tie spring. icg tkj Aa Aprtt raal J.le 1 AVS' -T '',wa4,f? ' ""l"' J XTl Tl Ti?, ZT,, '. MootUy lt, was Havana ' "ioncccnt's union," otherwise April f ol djy a' aevtrw New York, lVc Si. R laa it Co.'s weeviy review cf trade will say: There have been mere cwumerriil fail -ores in l?'. thai in any Mevioos m- fyear.with Uabilttie of rJ.WI.0ttJatBtt . I ...... .1 ul year.aa incnnase in nam ber of about 12 per cent and ia liabilities cf 29 per ct nt. VTaeat Taltare. New Yokk. Dec. 30. A HearaJd dis patch from Buosos A re says: Tbe agricultural commission appointed to investigate tbe condition of agriculture io the province of Santa te will make a report to President I'riburn this week. 1 be report will, it is said, show a cisas trou slate of affitre among the farmer ia the province. It will recommend as the only stivation ccmnierriallv an issue of 1,000.01X1 in cier!gj9 bonds to be used in assikimg the tanner in this crisis. . tsaa-t Ukt the ftljrte. Ss Frasciskx). Dec. o0. Levin Bros., grocers, have failed, with liabilities stated by tbe fcrui to be ivSl.OOO. The firm has operated two stores here, two in Oakland ana one in iterkeiey. Tbe Retail Grocers' Association have no tified ths creditors f Levin Bras, that if they accept a settlement from tbe einbar raesed firm of "i1 per cent or 59 per cent of their indebtedness, vtber retail grocers of this city will boycott such whoissale firms as agntt to comprootUo with Lsvio Br a. tore rraapcrliy. ljiiiMtMui am, Ala.. Dec. 80. Toe Com mercial bank, tf Helma, Ala., failetl to open today. H was established in ISS), has a paid np capital of .!00,OtW, and undi vided profit of fiO.000. The New York correspondent is tbe American Ftcbange National, and the Chicago correspondent the First National. H M Nelson", presi dent of tbe Couimerciat. has tor ) ear been prominent ia tiimi.ciul circles. Jlewas! coasidorvd a cousctvutive banker. Tired r Weyier 1 Losnos, IXv. 31. The Madrid coire-j tpondent ot Uie Standard says: j there is much animation in political and military circli"". .-is ihe tide is setting agaun'i v ari-i-i vencra. v eyier, ho, it is expected, v :.i le upeedily recalled, nntesa be gam: -.v.itur.g' successes. II witt rVka Boston. Dc S10. A Jcumat sixn-iai from Concord, N. H., says Snatcir GiU -limrer said today he had no doubt that the. Cameron Cuban restitution would pass the senate before March 4. "If tbe resolutions should pass c ntrm-s 0vr the president's veto,'' said he, "and the president should refuse to act upon them, bo would subjuccbiui-wlf to impeach ment. Walking tit Bryaa New Yokk, Dec. SO The Prosrressi.e Democratic Club tonight decided to work for tbe nomination cf William J. Bryan for president iu 1900 and issued invitations to all democratic organisations in the North to attend a convention to be held in Janu ary- f Some new styles type and borders. Vh nv i.hA attCOnu OtfST. DrittuniZ wnen the second best printing when the best i0000009900)0ee9Q0e9000006eO90000c)00 0 OT 9 P t, faoSBftaaeMtaa,.!! mmmmM , .1 ; i " I At o The Best g SmoklngTcbacco Made HOLIDAY GOODS Will be Sold at Cost by J. wohl. Grad- Mr. Jufins Gradwchl will sell bis large stock of holiday gouds, including China, stiver ware, etc, etc, at the cost of laying down in Albany, in order to cloee t hero out, preparatory to putting in a stock of general merchandise. He baa a fine as sortment and tbe prices are bottom ones. Patronise one who has helped to build np the city. Corvaliis to Portland tn One Day. Toe steamer Albany elegantly furnished, inclndin new piano, rdna between Cor-, vallis and Portland on the following; sche dule: Down river. Toesdavs. Thursday aod Sundays- Leave CorvaUis 6 am; Albany, 7 am; Boena Vista, 8 am; Inde pendence, 9.20 a m; Sriem. 100 a ro; Newberg, 1pm; arrive Portland. 6pn. Up river, Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days. Lsae Portland, Gam; few berg lOOam; ShUm. 3:29pm; Independence, 5 pm; Boena Vista. 730 p to: Albany 9:23 p ra; arrive CorvallU, 11:20 p m. The above schedule means no more Lay over at Salem. Faateat time and a de Kghtfui trip. Portland dock foot Yamhill St. Enwur Stosk. J. C. Ma to. afasager. Supt BiverDiv. Aching Joints Announce tbe presence of rbeamsiism which causes untold snfferiag. Rbenma tim is doe to lactic add ia the blood. It cannot he cored by iiniraesta or ether out ward applications flood's SarsapariUa pari Sea the blood, removes the cause of rbeu malum and permanently cores tbe di sease. Phis is the tertitnoey of tnoosaads of peop'y who once suffered the peine of rbeomatum but who have actually been cured by taking Hood's SarsapariiU. Its great power to act npoa tbe blood and re move every imparity is tbe secret cf the wocperfol cures by Hood's Saraapanlla. Owr ataaaUw at Btsas Focr oat of every fire bottles ot medi cine sold in tb J last Sve nsirt are) S. B. goods. TbeS. B Ueadacte and Lives 'ore 1 use rayieif a general pbycic lf yoa are sick and want to get well, the qaickest. cheapest and safest method ia tc bar tbe S 8. remedies and ase as directed C. P. B itCH, Drarsiit, ihthr. Or." Fot ! by Fo-hty A at 50 ct per bot- ie. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AO druegi ! refund the money if it fails to care. R. and G. Corsets and Corsets. Kid Fitting I bare jtwt received a fall Use in both make of these ceiebnted corsets and am prepar-4 to girerxtravalcecf 50c, 75c and fl ia Mack and slate. Also keep better graces and extra sixes. The S1.00 corset is amrUsy of special outice. Atf to see onr 5fc "Jc asi f 1 . ft) corsets. Samcx E. Yotrso Send 1 oar Bundle.' inteRiceoce ia Unndering it. is responsible t ' - ' s - -t the Aibanr Stewm Lana- '. JrJ. along yoar btuxile to tbe best ' I J 2 it . . it war s . .nrj is ina vaiy, or let jiemi u. Phillip know and be wilt rail fur it. u you ate ay a patron of tbe Albany team Laundry teil tbe proprietor at oaec ! ? ' ' handle Urtce a cnttomei Look; at This. I have 43 Iota with fair boose. All kinds of fruit, all ia on body, close to college and city pabiic school, to trade for reeidece in Aibanv. Look this nn Good make money or for s pecu- '"n. U. w. .waston. Fixt CtrBBtvo Orrra Leslie's Week ly is the oldest and beet of tbe illustrat ed week iiea of the U. S. It it a model mils character, as evervbody knows. The regular price ia ft a Tear; but you can secure it and the Wemit Ikocx.i for only $3.25, or it and tbe Daitv by mail for $5. Taenia wasra Constipation, canvs tuore tbaa half tbe I'l of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea ii a pleasant cure lor constipation. For sab by Fosbay Mason. j Daw wt will tre t yoa rljht. atari's ataaw feat is a sure cure for headache and nerrooa liteasa No hlog relieves to qnickiy. For s le by Foahav A Masoa. We kep the only complete stock o prtnter't stationary ia the county. Smi ey the printer. fse iii,m aad Liver Complaint you bare a printed guarantee on every bottle c! SMIo "t Vital -lr. It nevr fall to care. For sale by Foshay& Mtson CASTORIA - For Infants acl Children. sen WKJJia Instrumental Music. Mr. II. M. Backensto has located in Albany where he will give instructions in instrumental music. He teaches violin, guitar, mandolin and a number of orchestral aud brass instruments. Mr rmccensio ia a musician of well-known ability in both practical and theoretical music, and one of the moet successful eacuers in the state. atjuuwani a Ruoa aiitl cl.-n Minolta uy cigars made by our Al bny cigar tactorv. iou can ray more, but you won't itet any better service. You can pay leas, but you won't get as good service. Smiley the printer. lb it I, Maaarrr v;:at. 7?c 0aU25 Flaur, 4 00 Gutter 170 Eggs 30c Lard 6 to f o Pork hams, 8 to 10c, shoulders ;4 to 6. Sides. 6 to 8. Htj baled, chaat, $7.00, Timothy, 3. Tm o i To Do Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackweli's Genuine L'i'ham Tobacco Yon will find one coupon in aide each 2-onnce bag, and two con pons inside each 4-onnce bag. Buy a bag, radtlvconpon and ace now to get yonr share. TO THE OITBa TAB CHOICa OS TvVO TKASSCONT1SEKTAI ROUTES CREAT UalOfi KOBTsiStriH FAClFiC n ta SPCKAKE DENVflft OMASA r. PACL CASASCtn LOW K TZ TOAI-t eastern cttie-s 'iCKAS STEAatEIW POBTLAAD EVERT t OA VP EAVE SAM FRAtlCISCO For tali detaiia call Craaas A MosrarrH, A:nar.v. Or SB a DDI W H EXTBI.BTjKT. Uiu'i Pa- . Aas JScJfEH.l. P-aaiisat aad Miaagar EAST AND-SOUTH via THE SHASTA ROUTEl OF THE Southern Pacini; Co. GaQfca-aia baraai Tiaaaa s rssaa-Dsfiy nos Mmf It 1 s. 1 1 U lit m tar Az a It m At i s a L.jlJMra aissv taa Ft AWk trvts -"? at Eat Piiad Oregoa Citr. Wnjibaca. Salens. Tar ner. 3tirwa. Jefrs, Albany, Taage-it, Sbedi. Hi-ey Eocene Creewe;t. Cottasri Grove. Drain, and ail statiooa tana Riebarg sxi'-h' to and ia- doding AitLicJ. Wi fcl 11 if ikeL& V 'iS aoaaaras sin, I L fVta ari rr lvtLt Aiiaas Lit I LIS T an j Ar Saaesrs tst A uusa amav lanUNwlrUlvn In IniRal ucr ba Llan Mi k I laasa litnr tor Lsaaacat teln armsstaAaafraak Ueeaaaw SHS F a Lavw Albasv a- Wxaitara vis Waodbasw kraara l-tlO a a Anise at aJbaaybvai meadbsTB Uasa4!akTfar Katm arels at aiaaay traai Kitraa 1 sa a PULLKAr MW SUEPES Axa Duurjz Cars on. Ogien Reutr SECGKO-CUSS SIEIPINS CABS anasare Swall Tkrwh Vealas sat nee ttsalaa. rwBVk.A ita twatatata an Toat BaavlCzasaaSaMa; :sB I Lt Swttaad arittr r L 1 1 lira tot tralAjr Express 'raia daily (except Sanity) at Aibaa,v and Corvai U-coonect wttb ro O CaVF . l.-lr T3S t p.rtUal XJIuuiiaa Ar: -ti Hls Through Tickets to 't poists Eaaksra Stato, CaaaJa ant Zvre eaa bs oataraal at toawi? ralat Imaa C Ik FBaSal Ateav AtdsBT K. kvkaag KIaCBat. tiunr ante Far A rarfaca Onn. Fttitisaw NORTHERN l! I PACIFIC R. R. aa tat A.. u 6 Pullman Sleeping o'ars, Elegant Ding Oars, Tourist Sleeping Car' St Panl Minneapoiit lulutb largo, Tn Grand Forks : Crook sion Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS... TO Chicago ft Wasbmgtoti f Plulale!phia v f New York I Boetoa and al Point East and South i Through tickdts to Japan and China, is Tacoma and Northern Pacific steam si f Co., aa American lino. ! For information, time cards, mapssiC tickets call on or write V U tJorUM Airent. Aibanv. Or. Or A D Char 'ton. Ast en Fas t Portland, Or. KOTIwH OF FIKAL SETTIEMEKT i ; ty as te Of of I have this day filed In the Couty Cu't of bins ceuntv my firal account; acir.'nitratnr de bonis con of the esite of James Knox dew ased and the judge said court has appointed the 5ih tbtt Jsa. 1897 tor bearing objections ip & account nd the settlement tber Dated Dec Srd, 1S96- t G. B. Haioht. Administrator of Jties Knox, deceased, j wr