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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
nnni6icniMiMMinnnmiH Kind this. It makes no difference, MUSI of the Muscles, Joints, and Bonca WWWMMttlIUIIIim ETHERFOEQ & WYATT torneya at law. Will practice in a ourts of the Btate. Special attention giv sn to matters in probate and to collections. CFFICE In the Flinn block. Y.R.BILYEU. Attornev at law and Solicitor in Chancery, Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. BLACXBURH & SOMERS 1TOBNET3 AT XA."W, All logal masters will receive prompt at ention. Office, First National Bank cildin,'' up stairs. OXTANTK AHACKLEH1N, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. a. J. L. HILL, bycSclaii and Surgaoa, OFFICE Ooro wtrj (.rata. Albany .Oregon. BR.C. U, CHAMBERUH EIOMOBOPA.THIST Treats tumors, strictares, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St., near Sd street. I 17IRST HATI03AI. UANK, OF ALBA5T, OBJCaOti ractdant .- Vlaa Prfatfdstt. . ibiar , 8,K,OUNa W. LANGION ACCOUNTS R8P1 subject t erwe. JOBT KXCklAKO K Mid tot Taj hit tnuT r, oM cwYork 6u Fraadasa, Cascade uhi Failaim 'LC0TION1 aVOSoa btanhia ana. cr&acrcaa Youst' . . K W aJtssi Sua, L. Fra Csaraaa F. Sox fj' WBITSEY Attorney at Law, Albany . Or. To oar printery will convince any one that we are better equipped to handle, their or ders 'han any office in tne valley. Why shouldn't we be? We have improved ma chinery, the best-power, modern type faces, borders, fixtures, etc tire only line ef printtrs stationary m the county, and good workmen. Our work is always executed rromptly and at legitimate pnres. If yon c'on't have to trade it oat, or take printing because yon can't gat cash, come to see us. If our services are not satisfactory yon get your money back. SMILEY, the Printer. Tirana 9, Albany. Fire Insurance 'RE YOUR PROPERTY with ie Old Bariford, the New York Un. writers Aeencyor any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P." 0. BL0C ALBANY. OR. '. (K t j - -J B3 PJ, : : i - "3 ? - at ' 2 CmraJM and Trade-Marks Mrotd. aud all Fa.' I est tnnarss concocted lot cc -a te r rra. loon (m n osposrrr, C 3. xirr oreiect 'aa we can arrnre patera, tc lesa ""aa aiaa tMn avte(ron Washington. I Scad model, dravisg o ptxeo.. ants ert J . We ad-ise, J tj'wub'e or 110 (fee off fcarjte Ont .'06 no. Sue ti- . .-" satire A P-evt.rr, "Hot -t;ht rj-i;s. aak )st ot sr-ce .n the U. S - iy jp'ji I cat fr . A-lrev f Candies, Hats and Coufcctiouerv generally, ibe largest aud best assortment id Albany at F. H. PFEIFFER'S. HISS MA B. GILBIBT, Teacier ol Fiau & Orm (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialtv. Terms moderate. Washington St. ejutu of U. P. church. Dr Adams CuBick Block Albany, Qr. Cppasits Postoffioe. ' PLQMBING and tinning at bottom prices. ALBANY TRADING CO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat wed for sale or trade Free de li very. Telephone No. 61 R. Hi. Morris, Mgr Corner 2ad and Main Sts. iJEO E FIsh THH Pf.1T THE PLUM BUR Tin roofing and plumbing, he opra nouae Opposite A VISIT If r LDDW1G n Chronic, Acute, or Inflammatory Is cured by Star Bakery. Corner Broadalbin mid First St? CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETU?. -Dealer in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Mct Queenswt. VeKetle Cigars, Spices. Tea Etc verytbing that io sept in a good variety andgro( eery store. High est ptce paid for ALL KINDS OF PROD 0 CI Are Your Teeth Sound? Usually the teeth are what judicious care or on wise neglect has made them. Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want of care means premature decay To preserve th a to sth keep them clean and thus prevent accumulation on the dental surface. Our powders are the moat effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teeth a clean, smooth, and beautiful appearance. We also carry a full line of the best tooth brashes in the market, along with every thing kept in a first-class drag house Physicians' prescriptions a specialty. - I. A Cumming. ALBANY Insurance Agency 31. SENDERS, 5igr o Boys and cells wheat, oats and wool at all point in the Willamette Valley and is the leading insurance arent of Albany. In placing your intraratfe there r two things to be considered : 1st. Got a good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly understands his business and knows how to write a pot icy, giving yon its fall benefit, having bad 8 years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of ioesea. Can guarantee yon I have these requirement Very Befpectf ully Yours M SENDERS VIBREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CUT HE AE QUARTERS FOR D Whites Ifai A head of hair or no pay. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors lioned and Set and Pot io ord er on Short Kotice. F08HAY & MASON -Wholesale tt Retail nmim isb Boomum A LB A ST. OREGON Pare Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. ALBANY ORCHESTRA. ifflBlGOISTO. Contactor EBSTWESTPEOOIMgP., INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Vlo., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass and'Drums Iepei ohe of se Afqsic -Music Furnished For- ConcerU, Parties, Receptions and Eoter tainmenta at reasonable rates. , Correspondence solicited regarding ei-g-jgemets out of town Address Bert Westroolr, Business Man ager, Kevere House, Albany, Oregon Prof. A. STARK Of WiJI & Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalinic vouege. I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, bv the latest and imDrwiw methods of modern science, any who rde- aire iu nave tueir eyes testeu. Cusick Block Albaht. Obxoox. CRAWFORD 4 HARMISH Piiotogf aiders, Would kindly suggest that now is the time to have your negatives made for those Christmas photographs. Don t wait nntil it is too late. Call and see the new "i'lat inos." Prices from 75 cents to 20 per dozen. Regular cabinet size $2 50 and f 3 per dozen. Studio on JTirst street. "VrOriUE. "edar post and shakes ior XI saie. or particulars aaaress, Obim I ooo, Detroit Or. W. E. Gillet'n Letter. Hovma, Locikiana, Dee. 13, 1896. Mr E A Parker, Dear Fiiend : I Lave come to a stop for awhile. This is about 70 miles from New Orleans by R. R. I came here last Sunday evening and have been working since Tuesday ; would have written before this but did not stop long enough at one placo. I will try and give you a little Bketch of my trip : I left San Francisco Oct . 28, on the steamship Acapulco, for the South. There were about ltt cabin pas sengers, 18 whiteB in the steerage aud 85 Chinamen. The weather was a mue cool and windy, a little cool for about three days out ; then we laid our over coats to one ewe and did not have any more use for them on the boat. I will not say-any thing about the accommo dations for there were none, and what we had to eat is not mentiooable. Six of the passengers were going to New York city, the rest were for points a'.l along the coast. The Chinamen were for Salens Craxe, Mexico, and Panama. We stopped several times but the boat anchored ont from the shore in some places over a mile, and they took the passengers and freight ashore in small boats; so there was no one went ashore, except the onas'who were going to stay, for they charged one dollar for taking thtin ashore and bringing them back. A couple of the places the natives brought out fruit to sell ; they sold most of it reasonably. There was not much of anything of interest. The land when ever we could see it was mountainous and it looked very dry and hot, with a few green echrube scattered oyer tbem. We put in IS days and I got so tired and sea sick that I gut off before we got to where I started ; it would have taken 8 or 10 days to have gotten thsre. I got off at San Jose, Gaatania?a, Centra) America, Nov. 12. I had to pay one dollar to land, (that is 50cts to go ashore in the bsat and 50 ctstolandon the wharf), U. S. money, or two dollars Goatamala money. There is nothing at Sao Jose but the railroad buildings, custom hooe and a few na. live huts. It is so unhealthy that white men cannot stay there. We ooly stopped there loug enough for the custom house officers to go through our baggage as the train was waiting that goes to Goatama la city. We left San Jose -about 10 a. m., and got to Guatemala city at 5 p. m., 75 miles distance. It is on top of the mountain, a very nice location for a city. Along the railroad are a few corn Gelds, some about knee bub, some I as set eO, and some dry enough to pick, a few banana and a few coffee farms- '.ona tbe coast it is low and fiat and very unhealthy ; nr. one iives on that nart of the land. Ills very nice after you come to tbe mountains. The city is built op very much differ ent from any placet ever n before. there is a high doba wail e'ear around the whole block, so vacant lots; the bonnes and Mores are inside if those a-.'.! . It is very bard to tell a store fro in a residence; there are a few two itory hotels, except those and the Cath olic churches the rest are one story The streets are 40 feet wide, paved with tone. The side walks are about 5 feet wide. There are co vacant blocks it. the city, that is there is a high wall all around,o if it is vacant it don't look so, unless it is a few that tbe city has for parks, which are kept up very nice!. There seems to be a good many people in the city bnt oot much work going on. Living is pretty high ; a working man cio't get along on less than two and two and a half dollars a day and then won't get much. Tbe first class hotels charge 4 and f5 a day. They are making preparations for a fair next May, are'putticg np some very nice buildings. I hardly think they will get tbem ready by that time. If many people go tt ey won't get any accomoda tions for they can't accomodate wbat few people there are now and they are not making much arrangements at the ho tel. It will rnly'Uke about two davt to see all then will to be seen, so I don't tee wliy any one would want to spend much money to go that far. Carpenters are about tbe only clas of American laborers that can get much to do. Tbs rest of tbe wora is done by tbe natives and tbe colored race. Common laborers only get $2 and $2.50 per day, tbey don't bave much kit after expen ses are paid. It is no country ior any white man who bas not a light job in the shade, he can't stand any bard woik in the sun. Their money is not worth much, the first gold I exchanged I got $2 30 to one of gold, the next I only got 12.25. I saw some get as high aa $14 of Gaatamala money for $5 of U. 8. gold. It depends some on bow bad some of tbem wants tbe g"ld, if a man bas any of their money and is going to leave the country be can Hardly get rid of it. I stop pedf our days tn the city, saw there was nothing around there for me so I shouldered my valuables and started for Zacapa, a distance of 123 miles, that is the distance between "the railroads, they are bnllrMng from this side to Gua temala City, tbey get the supplies from this side so they work from this aide. It is a very good mountain trail, that is for moles, rbey either go on foot or mule back and as it costs from $30 to $40 to go on a male tbe most of tbe common people go a foot. It toox me six days, I am minus a couple of toe nails and can hardly wear a shoe yet. I started oot alone but there was another passenger came along about 5 o'clock and we trav eled together. It was rather lucky for me for I could not ask fur anything to eat, this fellow had been in the country sometimo and could speak their language very well. Tbey all speak Spanish. 1 stopped two days in Zacapa, took tbe R R from there to Port A! harries, stayed thereone day and boarded a steamer for New Orleans. It only ought to have taken six days to bave come across but we were caught in a storm aud were oat nine days. 1 was sick most of the time, just felt mean. The steamer we came on to New Or leans was loaded with bananas, so when . A a a aa tney uegao to get ripe we Iiaa all we wanted to ea, we just helped ourselves and no one ta:d anytbiny. WE GlLLKT In one of Richard A. Proctoi'a won derful mathematical articles be shows that there are no less than 0G5,013,5.'i'J,- 600 ways of making a whist band, and that there is only ouce chance in 158,- 733,389,000 and then, of course, tbs dealer' trump must be taken1 of bold Ing 13 trumps. T he Whole Story of the wonderful cuns by Hood's Sarsapanlla is soon told. It nukes the blood rich, pure and nourish ing. It cures acrotula, catarrh, rheuuia- iiktL, flood's Pits aie easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestioe, headache 25o. 364 days to another Christmas. A great many old maids are to be con gratulated over the fact that they have allowed t'e last leap year for eight years to go by without proposing. A farmer object very emphatically to the proposition of lion J M Sowers to have a commission of lawyers (or the supreme court to enable it to catchup, lie say we have too many commissions already. A Salt Cake City man is nn enthusias tic believer in the transmutation of sil ver iuto gold. He says that it has cer taiuly been established that gold and sil ver are merely the effects ol eluclrical vibratious making the difference in the metals, aud the difference ran be made up by science at an immense p.oflt. If there is anything in this it won't take very long to settle the 16 to 1 question. All previous records for speedy Justice were broken at Little Rock. At 2 o'clock in the morning Will Howard, stole a yoke of oxen, five miles from town, brought them there, sold them and squandered the proceeds, lie was ar rested by the police, turned over to a justice of the peace, held to the grand jury, indicted, tried in c.rcnit court, con victed, sentenced to the penitentiary and was wearing stripes at 11 :20 o'clock the next moiuing. The Republic ears that the man whu bet that Bryan would carr a greater number of states than McKintey wins The electoral votes of California and Kentucky are divided. Thosj Statu were carried by neither or by both can didates. Of the remaining 43 states Bryan carried 22 and McKioley 21. That is the score it the view is taken that Keutucky and California were carried by neither. On the theory that Bryan and McKinley both carried Kentucky and California the score woulJ stand Brjaa 24, McKiuley 22. In both tt.e divided states tbe election was very cioee, and in each of tbem one democrat ic elector was chosen by an undisputed plurality over a republican opponent. Venus is the earth's nearest planetary neighbor and on that account is an in teresting subject for a "note." Her greatest distance from tbe sun is G7,u5, 000 miles, and her least 66,757,000, which makes her orbit otariy circular. At times, when she gets between us and the son, she is only 4.000,000 miles away. At another time (when the planet is be yond the son in a straight line from u) she is 163,000,000 miles from ns. Venus is 7,700 miles in diameter, which makes her volume 92 per cent that cf the earth. On the earth tailing bodies travel 16.09 feet the first second ; on Venus, ooly 13' j i feet. Venus receives twice the light ! and heat that the earth does, and ber year is only si day and a fraction in lecptu- Ia response to a request from the Ex aminer W.J. Bryan defines democracy : I bave not time toansweryour questions at length. In a broad sense a democra cy is a government which the people, and a democrat is one who believe in such a government. Ia a party sene democracy is defined by tbe Chicago platform, and the person aba soppoits tbe party and its platform caa call him self a democrat. Tbe platform is eu- tirely satisfactory to roe. In my jadj menl it applied democratic principle to present conditions. If a minority bas a right to give a party definition of democ racy, then there may be as many differ ent definitions of democracy as there are persons who desire to wear the name. It is beautifully leas: Tbe official announcement of the vote in the recent election is being given oat from day ta day by the boards of ran vaeeers in tbe various tlaiee. McKin ley'a alleged plurality of "more than one million" grows less, and Bryan's vote more and more. Tbe Philadelphia Record, a republiran paper, isthefi-st newspaper vj issue a statistical a tnanac , for 1897. It gives the total vote tor Mc Kin lev 7,062,43, for Bryan 6S7,3iO and for Palmer 133.710. Tbe prohibition vote is near 100,000. and the Bryan and WateoQ vote 150.0O). The latter should be counted for Bryan, and if this be done McKinley's plurality is ooly 355,204. Taking the vote for Palmer, the prohi bition vote and the nationalist vote into consideration, UcKioley's majority over all is exceedingly slim. A Washington dif patch says that J. 8. Coxey of commonweal fame arrived iu Washington today to resume bis efforts to secure congressional action on bis schemes for good roads and non-inteieet bearing boods. Mr . Coxey has deprived himself of bis mustache sloes be led his famous army upon the capitol. and, ia commemoration of that historical evrnt. wears cut! buttons emblazoned with the legend "Keep off the grae." He had an interview with Chairman Waiker of the house banking committee and filed specifications of bis financial scberaes. Coxey says he intends to send a copy o his latest pamphlet to every voter in the United States. His platform includes demonetizatlot of both gold and silver, government ownership of public work, the income tax aad public sa'aries regu lated by the price of wheat. Here's about a funny robbery : Thomas Keaner, a truck larmer living Just north of Spar'a, a small station cn the Mobile and Ohio, was robbed in a most nniqne manner. Keaner is sup posed to be well-to-do. He dropped into Sparta tor a little relaxation and a lew drinks. He got both, and then took a few more drinks, further increasing his degree of relaxation. Early Sunday morning he started down the Mobile and Ohio tracks for home. He had a jni( that was only to be beaten by bis in tense desire to add to it, but his money had been spent. When he neared borne he started lo sing and was violently in. terruptedbya man with a pistol, who commanded him to bold up his bands. This be did, and the robber, who had been joined by two others, ordered him to undress. When they had secured his clothes they leisurely searchei them, leaving Keauer shivering in his under clothes. In the search of the pockets the highwaymen found a pair of dice, and Btrsightway sat down upou the track to shoot craps for Keanei's clo'bing. Piece after piece changed hands, and Keaner became interested, tie frequent ly applauded a successful throw, and finally accepted tbe bantering offer of one of the thieves to shake dice for his underclothing. He shook and lost, and when divested of bis underclothes by the rang be "shook" tome more, this time with the cold night air. He was coin maoded to go borne and he did so. No one knows what explanation lis made when he arrived there. Sunday morn ing Marshall Ralls, with a deputy searched the vicinity, hut to clew to the Identity of the robbers was found ir- i.i.. i . . - . , . ucauni h uunoin tu give a Uascr IptlOll oftbem.-Republic. MISFITS. The mails are full of bundles. ! Rathrr short I tin f.ii..l.f stockings will be hung It costs $3 50 to take a the jail in Salem to the mile and a half away, hog with a vengeance. prisoner from penitentiary a That is Salem If President Cleveland instead of shooting ducks would turn his gun on VVeyler and his army and kill sixty in a day tie would do a big thing for the world . The school children of Eugene have named and uumbered all the streets of that city in a neat manner at a cost of ouly 1.00. An example school children in other places might emulate. Police JuJiio Cainibcll was f-auta Ciaus in Rev. Kdward Davis's church in Oakland, Calif. He made his appear ance on a bicycle, pedaling op the aisle in a red suit. Sail has been brought to foreclose a $108,000 uiorliiasjo on the Perkins Hotel, Portland, indicating that prosperity is not yet sweeping full blast through Port land , When you look over your accounts for the year pause and think whether you owe the printer, yes and the butcher, and the grocer, and the merchant, and so foith. The Pendleton Tribune tells the fol lowing: Cnarley Fraxier on Saturday night dropped a nickel in one of the many card machines that are now to be found in this city, and got five kings. The fifth king must have got into the box by mistake, as no provision is made for a prixe for five cards of a kind. Tbe mayor is now engaged In prepar ing bis annual uieeaget which he in tends shall be fre bom all political al lusions or inueadoes, and is not to be on the line of his Tcanksgiving proclama tions or replies to the president. It wilt furnish good reading and food (tr thought during the dull period which follows the holiday aeaaju. Oregonian. A Meiry Christmas. uuurror. a leirai iioiiaav ior the nearartaner aa aroll a f,.e,.,r. Il:k.i - . .. ! not look for tbe Dkhoouat on the front --- -i-r---- . v. . , porch. The press will rest. Tomorrow is an optimistic day. Look for the good in every thing. Don't atop nntil yon nave iouna tue ortglil sidt ol tilings. ttuuK os omers more than yourself. Let fvur wan ua p out. illuminate your countenance jut for one day, and Love every tndy. As the result of Rsv E. A. Rosa's re vival ia Ashland 1.'7 penplo joined the uiuerent cnurcnes. ihe manner in which he was appreciated was shoan in the single closing ccUecl:on of 130.60. The Record says: There nvr was such a lar-rearlim? revival he!. I in ih, -! and no preacher ever hammered so sui ceeslully at unrighteousness and general moral corruption and had the fnend:y ympitliy of so many p f!e at the end ' For .Musical lciplc Mr. D. M. Cart'.ett, of this dtr, is can v owing Linn eonnty for membership in the American Musical Association of Chicago, under ahich eaca euMcriber recurea the privilege of parciitsing any music, vocal or instrumental, pabitshed, at reductions as low aa W per cent of the list price. An eh-act boo of vocal and mttramental maic goe wi;h the metn- tersbip Tins is a stt'eodid thine and 1 every love of tnttsic should subsvni. i,iB to" Ladic wtsnisa nnw.iL fur tbe bol- LT!'eifn!.!Jll !l the ltl deeign. Itlara can nn.l t lr. .unrfmitnt nt tt n i. iiu, vt . .tx. muu mm shades. Oar lunch andd-)lieear atampt-d on fine quality , .. . y..m , , afowx tbut TTaeScr One. Uoocirrd DoIUrf SUa'ard tit any cam of Ca'arrh UiAt cab no be cared by taa Catarrh Care F. J. CHENEY Al CO.. Pre.ToItda, O. Wa tio Doden;;scst, have kaava F. 3, Cbeoey foe tha last IS year.. aot beUcr bias perfert'y kcaorable la all batineutrixu-uoas aad Csancia.)- V' la carry oat aay c uatioo anade ty lelr tn, Wci rn":.Wi'-v TVTSFns.TcWo "J. f Toiean. O. nsh'X'alanb Cunj I tsVea l-ti-rs-. i"tAc. In l r-.iv i""0 lo bk-i i4 ni.- i. fceaf jfrt-as. fru tv. Iw sc v aU IrrufaiM. t.'-- lla!i,s Ian :y;ri!l!.te lie te f. Gobble. Gobble. G3jbV. leave orders for Cbrifcias Turkey, Geeae. Cbicken. duck, etc., at Schraeers. He will bave the finet aaortment in Alcnv. For the best drua. Dawson's. IO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Q iiqine Tablets All druirgits refund the moneyif it fail to enre. Hall's It air Ren"wer Is pronounced tbe beat prepmation m:'.e for thickening Ue growth of the hair and restoring that which is gray to i's original color. Cut elisa Th it hn toe rioj to it at Will tc St arks Go earlv To see Will & Start's holiday good. If our work and stock isn't as represent- ei, you con get your money uutx. Mul ley the primer. All KecaaaaBeaa 11. Auk your phiicin. )our druggist and your frtenH about Shiloh's Cure for con. umpUon. 1 hey will recommend it. Foi ale by Koshiy Sc Mason. .MARRIED. HOCKENSMITII KEITH. At the St. Charles hotel, Albany, Or., Dec. 21th, 1896, Mr. G. T. Hockensmilh and .Mies Pulpha Keith, both oi Halsey, Or., tiev. M. C. H ire oficiating. NYE COXXELL, On Dec 22, 189(1, at the home of Win Kuhn, Mr. Granville Nye and Miss May Conned. U. Loe lace.J. P., olliciating. BAM FORD CROUP. In Eugene on Dec. 23, 189o, Mr. Chas Bsroford, of Albany, and Mrs. Croup, a former res ilient of ibis city for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Bam ford have the best wishes of Albany friends for happiness. DIED. WALLACc.- On Dee. 24, 1896, at her home near Albany, Mrs. Annie, wifeof J U Wallace, of cancer of the stom ach, at the aj.e of 64 years. The de ceased was an old resldentof the coun tv and was highly respected. The funeral took place yesterday and wag conducted by Rev. D. V. Poling. Constioation Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It I retains the digested food too long In the bowels , and produces bUiousuess, torpid liver, null- LrOo gestlon, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, In somnia, etc Hood's Pills 01imafanllxllaa mw.A lta result. e.nvna.i.,..M. mu. inrimmHit,. . ' "" .."e. TStwL cos! Fillsl TELEGRAPHIC. The Cuba Wr. fVmCII,W.Pe ar,--A pecml to the Commercial Tribune, from Key West says: Jiuvana advices are tlmt Gomez' ad vance guard ha captured I he town of Las assegii, lu Sinta (jlara province, taking he enure gam d afl tbe stores. A Uayana fo Matnnza. this morning, to U wnt to the front. Great exertions are be ng mtijle to get a strong frce to oppose General Gome, and three lines sro fting forced to get the Cubans en'angled be twoen them and crushed. 4 Haralat lr Hrjfer, KeyWesttothe VHJ --. "m .nkw ions, lc. 25. - A siciui fctCitmsbiD r. . Kivera wn is in command of the army of Maceo, hi Wut a formal wnrninir to Gen eral Weyier. G-ni-n.l Rivera notiQed ti e -panijh captain-irenfral that if he persint- the country, the Cubans will make repris tur kpaujard. whom they .uy cap- A Big veto:j. Sax FsjAKciato, Dw. 2',. -The Butte eleven d. fctd tie Olympic toJay bv a score of 18 to 0. The result wa quite a surpnaeto the Olympic, as thy wnr con fluent of adoring m Usiat one to.icaion again Uutte. Butte ued onr,fth te.t football game ever put uu in (lie Weft Jier strong line bucking and ex- ceiiem team work proved tv) much for ber n opponents, j10 were lighter and ia poorer condition as a team. Aa Aaabltloa 5Io. Pout Elizabeth, Cape Colony. Dec. 25. At a banquet tendered to Cecil Rhodes brrebe made a rp.b-, in Ihe course of aliicu he declared that hi public life wa not ended, and that ne wouid not uive up bis seat in parliament until be was turned out. lie acccrted that no savant, country can re jain a part of A f rial. Cape Colony, he said, must be the domioaid power south of Central Africa. Darrak frr Thrve Frlrad New iokk. Dee 24 A U'ArM ..;i s from Key Vet save: j I be lon.str flag of Cuba bu mrt U e! red and je'low banner or Castile op.n tr el eas. 1 he shrapnel, shell and rifle voi't ? " of a brave nii!,u!r have made antww j the roar of Fnaaiah 1-i-noun.h.ri n I 5 ; gained for Cuoa Libre tbe Erst victo ; be ocean. It was done by the ijli's. ing ateamer Three Friend. A Uvc f-hritiaaaa Blaaer NoiiTnviLLE. Ky., Dire. 2 A fa'al tbooimg aSray oi-urrei at l.u.v ntioa iraiar e r.n. ir i . j : i i. , u inner. Alter fl'.PEftr. llai went out. and on returning ; said to have eo Mr Harri and Medley in acompro - mining rXKltiaa. Both men irr rt,i t. and orened hre. Medtev wja hot fUiin and Harris twice. ilrdW i. tk-aJ and Ham til die. i aa a fcreal Deal Wasuixotox, Dec Z rnare i toogeT aay doubt that the roecersl n ration treaty between the United ute: and Great UriUia i pracUcaily compltted vj mo aaiuiacuon or botn vaxtrnm-rt ad tbat its presentation tocoogre ninr i be expected in the cearfatnre Jwveral i o- mend menu have been age?ed aoJ axrMed Iru.ji lim t.i iima.m. progrea of tb J oegotiaiions, bat it ia now i conaJentiy beuevei the copy which wa j f Jrwardl to Lard Saiwbury" by tsr Jaliaa j I'ajncefote autmt a week ago wi'l at on- e j receive the fornul aptoval of the Uriti.h premier aad te retArced to WashiCfc-loa. Bnaa trnarlaf. ATiJtxTA. Dc 23. -V J I rvso arrired in Auania r.:c -i tr-a i, ;;tlf . At ao e4r:y tout tt; tc.jrc:s CO at U..J Ksn;:,:i u.j hf ti-ir-ruor At-! ajr;a aud i-.v.r;aj t tt? cxecn::ve tsan loa, hew h- Si rvrjjin a the girtsa- or ru-t " ir..!4 ! i e-ss- in A?Uc'.j. ; tseo lirM3 ud? his eppearaaoe n tl Sects pJai forta, the .r tnd opera bodice, which el w 14 tiled, iir - Bryan was cat red hea be ipjiievL i:c tolie for one c .-u. ca tbe eetiia ritu- ' plea of gl dUauhip. i Male a Traia f - , m.. ... ( irv, uk. -j, u:-J9 ujae ni,,.c tkmmA the crratioi there , f t jame and the triio-rbir:g indjs- - r. ma lie j fcjj nphj tm4 lh ' ft' s-etse tsr.ilit of it f oortb .at. Tt-y bad cot been heard froa. lei r !" Tlti W, ,v, , , iJA""te , 7 . leaj4. wiil continue t.t Im eterT.1 in I-.-. Al . . ,. ., " I. i oimii. raricg the errera.5..iiKe be- " - . M V'U K.U,WUU.U. fop ieen tsu gi-ercmeot and :-pain. tbe Ca- CAuiaa yteaj h repeateuiy lepfl n-frrel loiraicl hich .Spain rak-ht diw-ii to f o low :n srranting boaie ru e to bar! Cuban cCoeuU, . I-c. 2t A H.tne dipatcb lo iy: AM in icasicn hr aeem at trsiiu Lai Un-n prep&nog I-ntiost the Ne av to prove that f.r tbe ev-nt t.f waritke ouip tcaUon - "n i-aies. ice ounitM u..uuuviutr vi r cato.ui Ol can- ridges bas Iwn ordered at Breccia, and four cruinert bave I ordered from tbe Aocaldo yard ia Genoa. A kftta aow. Xkw Yokk. Dee. Ti For the first lime in several year. New Yo: k ba ewy pros pect of enjoying a white Christmas. Joo begon to fall To-a.iav Bigot, and continued todty. About 9o'il.i-k tbe weather turned coldrr. Six inches of now fo!i in Boston EVF.KYHODY Has to Buy GROCERIES. here to do it is the question. Albaby people have learned from years ot exper- iciive mat Parker Brothers Can be depended upon. They keep auiuuaru groceries, ireen produce and the best fruits. Their baled poods are the best made and give satisfaction. ltieir prices are rtgbt. Buy your groceries of them. Buy your produce of them. Buy your fruits of them. Buy your baked goods of them. Business is burning in our line. Peo ple are taking advantage of our first class work aud low pi ices. InrRurr Job OrEicg. I's here, Q Will A Stark's t-legant aEsorlment cf ui. vw ware ior tee holidays. A personal invitation. To see Will 4 Stark's derant stotk of goods for tbe holidays. Ti-lu Tar and Wild Cherry conch svrup. ..... ... . ,u un , Jf WtlfU v.ui. Tolu Tar and Wjui ( henv couch svruo Tolu Tar and Wild Cherry Couth syrup. loiu larand w iiit t berry coug"i syrup tout taranu viui t;nerry cougb yrup, Tolu Tnr and Wild Cherry couh syrup. ioiu lar and Hd Cherry cough syrup Every bottle guaranteed. BuuKtiAitT & Lke. Chhihtm.8 resTlviTiM are near at hand I on t worry and work yournelf to deal ti doing your witching at home, but send it to us. we iil give you a satisfac tory job and our prices are conect. Call and get our rates. Citt Lavs dry. i. Nimoson & Son Pron s. Orp. Pt Charles Ilotoi. On the ticket, W ill c Stark for your They have the goods. bo'iJay trade. We handle the famous Whiiirc papers. innd print them up for you at the same prite you paj foriiifcicr grndoi. Smiley t'rlntM jacw macintoshes and b t. coats. c.,.,..,.. teed waterproof vt L.F. Illain ClithliisCoV. Ntitico Teachers. The 0 C & E R R will make a rato t to teacher ultemling the nnnoa' convent !ou at Salem of one and a fifth fare for tbe round uip. Good uuul Ulst for return - . pure D rug8,.frca lawson'tt. Notico for Publication. Land Officb at Or hook Citt, Or, Oso. 23, 183S. Natioe is hereby given that tbe follow ing named snttler ha liltd notice of Li intention to make tiaal proof in aapport of hua'sim, an,l that said prv.f will be male oeiore the county cl'rk cf L'nn eonnty at Albany, Ore .on, rn Fahrasry 5'h. 1897, vis: Mr Aoial Ol.lw; f I E 1(032 fcrhe HolSW M and W of S K i of Sec - , ipwn uoi, ne nsms the follow mi wimesara to prnva hi cont nnoar re deone npnn ar.d caltivati'jo of, laid land, viz: U V Ive-, A T Ives, V ti Oanfortb, "I'SA M uliotsini, a:lrl rtroi Oregon. l'.OBKur A Mu le i, Il gutor. EXECUTOR'S KOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the 't-nder- aigned have beei dulv appointed by tbe Hon county court of Linn county. Oregon, executors of the laid will and ttamet of Human Arnold, deceased, late of aaid couoiy, ann an portions having claim a!d estate are hereby required to present tbe aiie to tbe said underaignod t Aibapy. Oregon, properly ve'iSed with in six nionto from the dale hereof. DU'd at Allny, Oregon, this oth dy cf December, I'o.NKAniN AaxoxD, Robebt Arnold, Wmitnkv k NewpokT, fcxecutrs, Attys for Kxs- ADMiKiSTHATCHS NOTICE. Notice la herebygUe-n ihaMhe under signed ha beea appointed Ly the county court ot Ijnn county, Oregon, admini falnr with the wii! ar.nexed of te ette ot Jana Fanning, deceased, late ot Lino connl'.. Ail perxori bavicg clirca again' said e'ae are hereby notiS-d to present p,e rac with the proper vouthen to me t A loan y, Oregon, within six mon'hs from tbe dte of this noi-o-Eluik & Cakjiov, Samuel E Vorso, Attfi for Admr. AJimniatra-or wih be will noex-d AJ'-A-?y, Orvon, Oct 6. IS36. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. No'ice is hereby given that P V Duncan ha been duly rp"iGtd admiol'trator ol ihe estate of A D Koo. Iae ot Ltr.n coon ty. O'egitn. kepd, bv tr coun'y court of Linn coun'y, Oregon, and "hat he has duly quaUSed a ucb. ail persons having ctaimt gaiat Mid eU!- are hereby not- ; . -1 n r . An 1 1... . . .-a .A M IU PrT r v,och!?' uB"r oatn et tbe cffi of ! k' Ilt!.', ,!l Al Oregon ith!.n ; ix mon't iro-n the date hereof Dated ti 1 Uh day of flerember, 1556 P V Discas, Administrator. KOTICE CF FINAL SETTIEMENT. Xot ice i hereby given that the onder- Mjrn'd a adm'nUtratnr of the etite of J i-' Pi Ice, deceaied. ba CI d his final c- S c?,nt ia 11 ll ' U eoutfy cbrrk ! - . j " j t . . . . - . " s Jaury.. l"-5-! hor ol I o c ockp m of 1 JaT 1jT H1' c' K?Hf? 01 "i(J "'"'i1""" '""' wi wiu ctmib bv and all reraons having acy objection to be same are hereby nrmSed to be prjs ent at said time and present the nmg. J A Paasv VTK.ATass.roRD "tatt. AJxr- au? fr AdTr. ' fTnt.irA for PuDlication LOm:t ats Citt. Ot. iK-s S Is, ISSfi. Xa'.ist i berrSy ttvm that tht f.u;oins mwi -ttl r tu !"l-d native of kn ictes ij -a to ke?.:il r-r- f i otrtrt ot bi -" A th.t Mni ?rv4 W'H l male t-f.w- ;r i:,"jj tr l fiweirtrrt )? jr-n tif.v. O r. iai,aarf Sj'h. 1?7, tm: N".fcn.c; Tr L S 774 far tHe S f X K V. Lot 1 a?d 2 .v: 3. T 10 S HtE, H r-am f e f i'kii g iuew 13 '(or MSaaa raeKapo acd ca:t: a'ioo o', ;4 I-td, vrz: C I lUnk.e, HTt-Wie, Oii'et KtEtos,C BGauee, aU i-f X afaa. Orefc, RiBfxar A. Miulex. Hejter. KOTICE OF FlXAt SFTTLEMEMT rli Ia i,arkt c i co. trit nA i.l i.-neJ exco'rix of "be it wi"i aai teta- i taeot ct XiHry Uivger. dscea-d. ha Sied i in be coon'y conn ol Una county, Ckre acconnt a acH executrix .and that Mid coart La SveJ Satardav. . . . . . WWW li ar 2 ct section to : . , I . ... eat ct the uj. pgi; p. ,rKn,--,x ., ! A .' AO.MI-JISTSATOS' r.QTiCS No'l u hereby t'vtn that ; signed ha beeu "duly arpoiul ; t'oun'y cvmrt ot Linn ; rainitrtir of tbe e te of Jj r".. !r;, ar- t.irvgon, a t I . er, deaed. U: v( aid couy, awl he : na ua:r qitiiSol ss u:ii U ll pe'eots navine claim arfamt -ai.l estate r h by reqated to prewnt tr.r isje o me at Ait-anr. trekn, prvpe"y vriaed as t-y ia provued, wuinn tbi daV. Iied at AilAftv, Orcg. of Deoeral-"-. 1S'... Whitney i XawroKT. Attyt for Adnr.r. ;x rrior!tc f:oa b. H i 18sh day i' v Mters, AiaiinMrator NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. i have tbU day filed In the County Cu't of Lino countv my final account as amfn;:ratnr de boni "non of the estate of James Knot deceased And the judge of said ceot ha appointed the 5ih day of Jo. 1S9? for bear'rg objections to said account nd the settlement thereof Dated DecSrd. 15 G. B. Haic.iit, AdmlnUtrat. r of James Knox, deceased. THE RUSH Continues in our job department. We are receiving orders daily from the best business firms in this and adjoining counties. We invite tbe pnblic to in spect our work and prices. Work eatis- tactory or no pay. Let us serve vou. Imi-kist Job Office. l-ADlEb. I make nig wages at home, and want all to have the sauie epporturitv. Tbe work is very pleasant and will eatly rayai weeaiy. rhts is no deception. Iwant no money and will gladly send full particulars to ail sending stamp. Miss M. a., btebluns, Lawrence, Mich. CITY TREASURERS KOTICE KO. 12 .1 I I a .a. a notice is nereoy Eiven mat tm!s n on hand to iav uidstanding warrant of the iMue of SC, bom No 4o3 to 6.Ti, in elusive, interest on such wsrra'its will cea with the ilate rf tbi notice. Albany, Or, IVc. Si. ISiHl. E. A . Parker, City Treas WAXT::i.-One ot the illustrated liH'criCii! atlxsinap. of Linn and Mat ion v,autiea, made by Edgar Williams &Co,18Tjs. Cuilatothee W. 13. Kub- ardson, IJroudulUiu bt. RIPvVN'S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. o BIACKWELIS I mm. w- 4 To will Shad isuruu cac tw omme kag, aa4 two im latatde caef tamm eauaea twa; ot Black, wrll'a Dau-haaa. Day m baa; or tblm ccUtnrnted rA Uaa o poa whlrh Give a Its et valaaM. prw cata aaut how Vm ajet tkcaa. EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTAROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. (lrei CxBTaas Traiaa Umn Pwtiaaa Dally avnta tvm at.y ii iK4 8 Hit. a. i.r Am I arid At t:a a ! T r ii a I Vw Albkay 11 Ui a f Ar Above trains od at East Portland Oregun Cttv. WooJhqra. Salem. Tur ner, Mar-on, Jenenon. Albany , angent, Shedd. Halser Eueeae Creswed, Cottege Grove, Drain, and all stations f rota fiiaeborg s'ht to aid in- ciaoing huatt. lA, I I law . aonavaa su'mih l"if I Lt rorUaaa Ar -K-r ll-jralL. Albany (. l Ur fcS'H I Ar lltoeawer L.I S Or. taaaaoa aaaara Lmr. A!hiar fer LebaMa 791a Arrira at AXauv Croat Lanao Mil a Lea. A!bai tor Lanaaoa Ir i im a Aibaar (ruoa Lroaaoa Mi T a Laan Albiay tar Wood burn ria Waodbaca - braara lOstO a a krrir at Albany fro Woodaara ura LanAllurlc Ssrroa s5 r lm at Aitaay Inoam Satroa I QS a PGUKAr- WW SUEPEFl. AJTD Dining- Cars on Cgdsn Route SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS Attack (o all Tfcraax Traia Vea( : KvMmI utsui arf AAa as roBValLx aa tj eaati 40a a . a lt sal Ar eantaeS Cm, ArlSja ra Lv lltra Exprees train diiy (except Sanday)t Albany aad Corvai:i connect with traia o O.C. t- txx. Mrai P .rJml ar I n 12kr j Ar ILJLaavilS Ly I SAS Through Tickets to al pea sa Eaatarn Ai4. Ca?aAa aa4 Za7, eabieuori at k-vac ratal Iraaa C K FKOSS1 rt, A:ar & kOAMl lK K t B.Ka. Wafae tatarafl raruaat 15D S00 PACIFIC LINE. Ta all Foists m TH3 East comoriaiDia tsKrrcT6i AIlQ-alis UJ iiy Etean ' "rTjrt is and best saritce ioii2odera rcllis? nsri 433 finest read bed. H f tvewal rfn-w. 3f., rpiuted bv trejuij uiiDMi kiUI&l UtUlu SUKi I The only line ranain? tbronsh trains from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. Cheap tickets to and from all parts of curope via au steam snip lines. EMPRESIM TO CHHA lull JAPAN The shortest and Pacific ocean. best Use across the CA5U3IAN AmiLIAS IHS TO nowLt c, fiji k iumux Tl steamers are the finest that hav .sailed the Pacific ocean and car i experienced medical man, and as rdeee on every voyage. i im tables, or any other infer nation, call on or addnss E 1 COYLE Agent, 16 Third St Portland. Or. S N STEELE CO. Agesta, Albany Or. GEO. McL. BROWN, D. P. A. Vancouver. B. C I C. & E, R. R. CO.I t Willamette River Division,) Steamer ALBAXY, Cjpt. J. L. Smith, rreigui ana asscusef, Leave Albany for Portland Sandays, I Tuesdays and Thursdays. unsurpassed accommodations and rhedules eepeo'ally for the needs of up er Willamette travel. Picnic parties san avau tnemscivee ol this echedule for inv desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving in the tnorninir and . turning in due tme the same eveninir. fepeciat rates for special partiea of 15 or more. II. L.WAUBXX. Agent, depct. rzii nnn Trininmi i Saa Va.mdnat a a aaaaaat aTtawrr. saa .VaAllia m..Jt tm 1A m uauaeh& I7"r io. aaa aatia.tas at aoa tot uaaaraaaeteaaoearaaaMKaaraaty. it roaaratarso er-aia aara wa mul auumot ebai t,tt tall to aora. If mm haM aaaa Boar- CUTJ, lodtaa aoluh. aii ain kiM aetiaa aaA Puua, naoaa ratehaa In aaoata. Bora v aeoas mplea. l'uppr t olorvU anota. I'lcara oa sav pan of thaixia. H.i.n, r.hroi falllna out, H Is this SrpaUlUa KA-)6u FOISO.N u4 aresroaramtMloenr. Wauri.3bBKio Bat eaaea amt taakanc tha world I obaU- lor a baOlixl the .kill il la moat aiutaaut phrsi- naia o rav clana. 300,000 eapilal babloa oar anooutt. ttonal narantr. ABoiutnrvoraantaaaleeoa applwatiua. Adttraaa t'OOR, KKMriUY CVAa M MaauBM 'Aaiiuila. AUtCAlaO. Ali. . GISL WAXTED. To do housework, family of five, must be willing to work, no bummers need apply. Address ox STJ3, City, stating terms. WANT .4?,TTmiw TO.THE erves m choicb ot TWO TKAK3COXTISH.S1A1. routes : GREAT PACIFiC VIA DEKVE 0AHrt aa SFOKAfiE KIKKEAPOUS ST. PAUL IAHSA3 CITY LOW KITES TO ALL EaSTERS .CITIES fXTE AX STEAM EKs EAVE PORTLAND EVERY OAS .. soa .. . SAN FRANCISCO par rail oetai cal CruAX At MoTm, Aioo. Or a ADDaaajs: W H HTJELBllKT. (JaVt Fa- Ae K. McKELLL Preadent and U.aager. PORfLAXD. OR. Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed np disylay wa poor type, old fashioned press work bad paper cheap noUiing as it oaght to be? Well take yoor next job of printing to Smi Iev the Printer and m ll Ml EiiiL P. E. Importart). Tbe prite icr do ing t will be right, too. alley's prinriaz t I printing. .RECOFi CEfiTRAL &, EASTERN. YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yanoina bar with ta San Francisco aad Yaqoina Bay Steam ship Com pony worn mi Sails trom Taquina evenr 8 davs for Saa Francisco. Coca Bar. Port Orford. Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. AcTOMoriATioxe "''rarasin. Shortest roote betweex. . Willan- ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west to San Francisco 1st class to Saa Francisco $ 10 00 3tuka6S 6.C0 Round trip ITXC To Coos Bay Cabin $&C To Humboldt Bav and Port Orlord. Cabin 0C YAQU1NA BAY The most popular Seaside Besort on the North Pacific coasu Xo undertow Surf bathing abeoi utely sale. For those wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this re sort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, con- gar, brook trout and salmon trout, caa be found in abondanco within a few hours' drive of the bav. fV Reduced rates from all pot i Eswnc Stosi, Manager. C M AVO, T. F. is r. A. . L. Waloex, A it. depot, Albany rVIORTHERM 111 PACIFIC R. R. is-. TJ N P oilman Sleeping cars, I ElQggjj Dill g CaTS. Tourist Sleeping Car9' St Panl Minneapolis Duiuth rarjto, TO - Grand Fork Crookston vVinmpe Helena and -Bntte THROUGH TICKETS,.. TO Chicago Washinetou Philadelphia New York t Boston and al Points East and South Thro u eh tickdts to Japan and China, vi Tacoma and Northern Pacitio steamshif Co., an American tine. For information, time cards, laaps am tickets call on or write C O Uorkhart A Kent, Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton. Ast ien Taaa Axt Portland. Or. Fix CxrBBtso OrrK. Leslie's Week lv is the oldest and best of the illustrat ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a model in iu character, aa evervbodv know. I The regular price is $4 a year ;" but you lean secure it and the Wuklt Dtxotiui I for only $3J?5, or it and tbe Daily by mail tor $5. EAST