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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1896)
jMlflMtUHM M Hit it II M fclso? Don't idle St. Jacobs JiU i U5JS vu " and youTl find out how quickly and VVETHS..FO..D & WYATT torneya at law. Will practice in a ourta of the state. Special attention gi en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the i'linn block . WR.BiLYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. ' BLACKBURN & SOF.1ERS All lopd matters will receive prompt st ent on. Office, First National Bank eliding, up stairs. OKTAMTK HACK LEU AN, Attorney s at Ut, " Albany, Oregon. 8. J. I HILL, u hydciaa and iarjreoil. OFKICK Corn rry stnsu. Albany .Oregon. 00. G, U. CHAUBERLia dCOatOHOPATHCIST Treats tnmors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with ga'vanie. ieoiricity. Olfiee on Ferry St, uaar 3d street. , IRsr 'Tik.Al, HA1VK. .5. W UASOUOS . . v i . i - v j - - - .t . . . ..... rr.i.- ftnfiial r. aM . . --. : . 4 oi ;.'jral arais. rQUOTC&S forws' K w axa.a' Bun, -v fc. Fun Bavaaaf.Sox ArVirney at Law, Albany, Or, loop poison I itary EypnUia paraianantly and In 1 to 1 ail. ion van trwwu m wu j u. yoawrafarto com bar. w wul osntnat to py railroad iar. and notal bill, and ao WT, iodide potash, and will have aa ana palaa, Mueoaa Patches In moath, Sore Throat, I'linplea, Copper Colored Spot. Cleera on -any put of UmsUxIt. B air or Ey.brows tmUing oot, it is Ibis Syphilitic BLOOD POISON that veg-uvante toenre. Waaolieill.BMolsu nata eases and cnailnncw the world for s ea-w we cannot core. unls disease has always fcaified the skill of ta most emifleut physi cians. 8500,40O oipiial bebind our nnopodt Bona. gmraniT. Abeolattroofcts(aiefioa arpliotioo. AddreM COO II KKMECY CO, u iumiao, HT4T.AG47 ill, Prof. A. STARK Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthaimk Allege. I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improveo methods of modern science, any who de lire to have their eyes tested. Cnsick Block Albast.Orbgor. RIPA-N-S The modem stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. a. a a a o i $ t-. ?S f 'r f.-..: ' I Czwezu and T raoe-Mario. ot "jLaxi. Ora Ff B Cppfsirt I K. PTnroma -no we ran jtfiite paieot in ie' u-m naa Ttna.1 enwtsirfin Wascingioa ' 1 Seed inxjcl, iiairin c oho-. , ta -ctfp- tr j. We ad'ns?', .1 rtv'e " r. free ot a ri te c iio "- CS C Si Ik .n f'f !: t: CRAWFORD &HARNISH Pljotogr aefs, Would kinHI o?jeK' that now is the time to have your negatives made for thoa Christmas paotocraphs. Don't wait until it is too lae. Call nl nee tbe new "Plat inos." Pm-es from 75 en's to 20 per dozen. Itepular cabinet size $2 50 and S3 per dozen. Studio on Kirtt street. MBSHELA R GILBSBT, -. tecte ol Hano & Organ. (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialtv. Terms moderate. Washington fit. s.mtli of U. P. church. Dr Adams fWi?XiCnBick Block HELP WANTED .4 ALE. w ANTEn-SOUCITORS FOR cam paign book, "Bryan, Sewali and Vraa eilirr " Gnlkn.L.I k I! writtrn by R. L. Metca'f, Editor Omaha V orld-Uerald, appointetl author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free siUer mine tor workers. Only $1. 50. The only authorized book. 60 percent. Crrxiit given. Freight paid. Outfit irce. Begin now with choice of lerritory. Permanent, profitable wcrk for 6 A;MresA The National Book Concern, T Builri'msr, Chicago - . WAi'ht.--One ot lue liiuH'ateu his'oricn atlas map. of Linn and Ma1 ion 'Minlies, made by Edgar Wi'liams & Vo , 1878 Call at. oflice W, B. Kicb i'rdson, ijroatiaibin Sr. - VT0I'H:K. "tinr wk(s and hioMi lEORflLGIfl,! !U1 Of tVillAStark. ' aao adaafsvi re rrra. I MIHIimHMHHHH turtly it SOOTHES and CURES. T Star Bakery. Corner Brondalbin rnd First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR -Dair In- Canned Fruits, Canned Meat Glassware, Queensva.-w Dried Fruits, Yeet Wes Tobacco,S32SLCigar8, Sugar, Splcea. Coffee, - Ta Etc. Etc everything that u sept in good variety and pro eery store. High est p"e paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCI Are Your Teeth Sound? Usually the teeth are what judicious care or unwise neglect baa niaae mem Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want of care means premature decay To nreeerve the te :th keep them clean and thus prevent accumulation on the dental surface. Our powders are the most effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teeth a clear, smooth, and beautiful appearance, vt e also carry a full line of the best tooth uruaoes in uie maraet. aicii' a uii vwvrj thing kept in a first-class drug bouse Physic ana' prescriptions a specialty. I. A Cumming. ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SENDERS, Xgr o Buvb and eella whe-at. oats and wool ai all poiota in the Willamette Valley and u the leading insurance airent of Albany. In placing your instzrai.:e there an two things to be considered : . 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly understands hit business and knowa how to write a pol icy, giving yon its fnll benefit, having bad 8 years of experience in a gererai office and the adjusting of losses. Can guarantee you I have these requirement v ery ttespectiuuy x ours M SENDERS VIEREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR CUT TING PARLORS. HE AE QUAE! EES Ml Dtf Whites JSei l(qiif Qicnv en, A head of hair or no pay. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 41 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Notice. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale St Retail DEUBGI8IS ABDBCOKSElim A LEAST. OREOOR. Pure Drags and the finest and Largest mock of stationary and .Books in the Market. ALBANY ORCBESTRA. J 1 B1CKBHST0. Conductor EESTWESfFEOOIHgr., - INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II VIo., Clar., Cor., Trom. Bass andDrums epettoitc of ne-vtffusic -Hosio Furnished For- Concerts, Parties. Receptions and Epler tainments at reasonable rates. Correrpondence solicited regarding en gagemeta out of town Address Bert WesOvook, Business Man ager, Kevere House. Albany, Oregon ALBANY TRADING CO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade xree de livery. Telephone No. 61 R. N. Morris, Mgr Corner 2nd and Main SU. ' J. M. RALSTON BKOKEK. Mastcn Block, Albany, Or Money to loan on farm teenrity, all small loan made on personal lecurity . City, county and school warrants boaght. Collections made on favorable terms. F tumirance written in three of the arg ccmpanies in the world, at lowest ates. I LUDWIG, Opposite Postofflce. PLUMBING and tinning at bottom prices. AT l'HE MINES Boarding. I.alging eenber a the Hantiara tnine. at bis oiace m ... ..... , .nt. H -))BL Mi. McKinley, as president will be pirtizau enough to buU the most partiz an. ' A wonderful occurentje is reported in Ohio. Good proof is furnished that a citixiun ot that state refused an office. No man in a community deserves be ing respected mora than he who is will ing to do anything no matter how hum ble. The Democrat is told of a man whose family is in need who spends most of the littie money he gets for whiskey. Doesn't that make one indignant ? The Oregonian has a hhjh regard for Mr Cleveland and a poor one for DP Thompson and J H Mitchell. Now who is to be congratulated ? Tbe prediction that Palmer and Back- ner would not carry a single county or township in tbe union was proven false bf Dudley township, Kansas, wuete Palmer got 3 votes to 2 for McKinley and 1 for Bryan . 123 years ago yesterday some American patriots threw '.no Boston Bay some tea. It was thoroughly steeped, and the peo ple of tbe U.S. continue to taste it. Now as then we do not wish to be dominated by England, bat Bnanclally she is cer tainly getting her clutches on our throat. Some days ago it was published that the Portland hotel, reported to be tbe grandest on the North Pacific roast, was payintr well, and that a dividend of (7, 000 was male. Licking up the record it tsfonndil at the hotel property is on he a!esuiiit roil fit -only 15,000. Tue .iroperty is aorth about !.00t),000. frihone. A Bjs ton paper says: -s indicating Jie quality of the Oregon spruce, we learn that it is sold by some of tbs Pa cific coast lumber manufacturers down in the Missouri River territory as pine inmber. This spruce Is said to resemble fir or pine more than it does New Eog land spruce. Many of the lactones which were cloned before the presidential election and re-opened after the suceeee of the republican parly at the polls, as an object" lesson to the employes theiewf, are being cloeed again because the peo ple have no money to purchase the goods manufactured. This is another object leeeon, and a legitimate one. loo. Times. A genius ha discovered the following: To te-t the heat of an oven nee a bit ot whtte paper. If it horns at otce the oven is too hot for anything ; if it tarns a dslicate brown, itin-licetea pastry hrat ; for cake it will ba dark yellow; light yellow shows the proper beat for biscuit and sponge emke, or any cikes requiring rather alow baking. Fr ma!a the first heat ehonld Ba strong, to keep tbe juicra in tbe meat. A young Is ly named Mies Florence Bwkwitb, of Mjunt Pleasant, Iowa, safTering iiom an attack of diphtheria, received an injection of anti-tozine, which has been proclaimed to be ao an tidote for that disease with tbe result that in five minutes tbe young lady was dead. Tbe aoti-tozine was administer ed after a consultation of physiiao,an 1 with tbe fall consent of the parents. Ex. William E. Cnrtis.-writing from Wash ington to a Chicago paper, says that Mr. Cleveland told Mr Hanna he had more curiosity to see him and know him than anybody be could thine of. He is also said to have complimented hira upon bis management of the compaigo, and to have said some things that cannot pro perly be repeated, rnesw things that cannot properly be repeated are the very things that the public wonld dm, like to know about. Things that cannot pro perly be repeated in public print are either very eacred or profane. Did Mr. Cleveland sav thing sacred or p'ofane? And about whom or of what were tbey said? An exchange sajs that "The Albast Dkmockat accused tt e Oregonian ot hav ing been "placated" in its attitude to wards Senator Mitchell, and tbe latter paper in reply pays tbe people of Oregon the following compliment (?): "The Oregonian bas not been 'placated.' It recognized tbe nseleecnees of opposition and waa silent, Mitchell's opponents in tbe republican tarty coo Id alwars have beaten htm, bad not the democrats come to his assistance. By experience the Oregonian bas learned that tLe sure re sult of its protest against him ould be to bring to bis support democrats enough to carry aim through. It did not care to witness a repetition of this contest and i'-a result. Besides, it has learned that the people of Oregon care nothing for moral or immoral character.' As a matter ot fact it was some other paper that accused the Oregonsan of being pla cated. The Dkmocbat has learned that tbe Oregonian is not o! the placating kind, particularly with Mr. Mitchell. The breech is old and too wide. Portland Politic There is a political row brewing among tbe republicans in Portland on account of 20,000 that was sent there to be turned over to the gold democrats to educate the people. The latter deny having received it, and Chairman Uirech admits that it came, but refers to George A Steel. The latter gentleman says that If it did come Chairman Uirsch can give all the information desired. . The gold democrats feel that tbey have not been treated fairly in the premises, and the qnestion cow is "who received the 20,000?" There will be a fight in tbe next legis lature when the election of a successor to John H Mitchell comes up. The Dolph men will remember the session of 1895, when the latter came within one vote of an election and the republicans had seventy-two of the ninety votes. A deadlock ensued and McBride waa chos en a few minutes prior to final adjourn ment. When Senator Mitchell departed for Washington he laid claim to only 49 of tbe 90 votes, and some ot these are populists and democrats. The lalte. were favorable to Mitchell prior to his ' flop" Jul v 16th on tbe money question. The republicans have a majority of twenty-five in the coming leicUilature, and there are a number of republicans sncb as ex-8enanr Dolph, ex Senator Corbett. Governor Lord, Joseph Simon, Solomon Uirsch and others who are pei- fecily willing to succeed Mitchell, whom it is claimed cannot be returned by re pub'iran vo'ea . alone, Mitchell men downed Dolph two years ago, and a re tarn compliment may be expected this time Ex. It may be too wet to ride a bicycle, but never to ride a hobby. Tom Reed is saying nothing, but he is doing some tall thinking. The Dingley bill is dead. That was a foregone conclusion. Why not quit your had habits now without waiting for January 1, 18Si. The happiest mau to the world should be the one who is out of debt. Another lie nailed. Tbe American flag was not insulted in Turkey. Let there be enough sunshine in the home to keep the children there. Princeton is meekly submitting to Cleveland taking np his residence there. Look over our columns and see who wants you to buy holiday goods of them. Mr, Henry C- Briggs was the smooth est swindler who ever operated on the coast. Why not send the Weekly Dkmocbat to some of yoar friends as a holiday present. Try it. Lawyer Berlin, of San Francisco, re ceived $15,000 for settling the Bacon es tate. He wanted more. Same day it will be really known wbetbrr Mr- Moceo is alive or dead. Now it seems about eveo. The sale of 70,000 bushels of wh-at e'ored in Albany would add ennaidrrahly l t.i the improvement ot time locally. Kt Pr-iJ-i.t ilariiwn ail! no, take a rae for leas than 15.0)0 His head U getting as big as his grand'ashcr'a bai evitli-utlv. Nowadays the public is coueUnlly beset with dangers. Who knoas where to look for a swindle. It may come from any direction . Weyler has been hanged many times in effiir. That will not rid tbe world of Weyler though . He deserves iug with bemp. hang- Tbe price of wheat has undoubtedly made money more plentiful in Oregon, ihongb many of os are nut able to gvt onr bands on it verv f wt. Tbe DExoratr and no doubt many others would be satisfied to receive is the form of a Christmas remembrance jast what is "doe and owina." A man in New York s''e this wek was frex-n stiff white 'aktag a cutter ride. Again we arie to rvuiatk thai Oregon is good enough for o. Wiil the senatorial contest end this time like that of two years ago. in the election of a dark horse and the downing of the star player in tbe drama. There are things to indicate it. Pe-haps not tbonaH. Maria Barberi the New York girl, who killed the man wbo betrayed ber did jast about right, at least tbe jury dUt right in acquitting her. Sacb cases call for prompt and emphatic action, and il more betrayers are killed it will be a good thing for tbe world. Campanini, tbe tenor, woo received as b-'gh a 1000 a night died poor. That is the way of tbe world ; now if but really what object is there in a man dy ing rich. Campanini no doubt bad ao immense sight of fun with that $1000 a night. Tbe state fair baa been gradually run ning down, like the Linn county fair of years ago. Take the state appropriation from it and it wonld just about go to pieces. Oregia is entitled to a first clan state fair, and it is to be hoped some, thing will be done next year to set it to rnooing in the right channel. The in dications are rel:y pretty good for an improvement. Spain's army numbers, or did a tear ago, men. Of these 200.000 have been sent to Cuba. Tbe home army has 129,000 men nnder arms; 31.000 men are in the Philippines, and 6000 in Porto Rico. Spain's treasury Is empty and no nation of Europe will make her a loan . Wbat in tbe world can she be hoping for by trying to prolong the fight in Cuba. -Fx. The number of federal poeitions nnder the civil service role, which was lS.O-O nnder President Arthur twelve years ago, bas now risen to nearly 90,000,wbile tbe number of excepted places in such branches of tbe service is reduced to less than 800. The order of President Cleve land of May 6'h last added more than 40,000 places to the classified service. Tbe fewer arbitrary appointments the president bas to make the better for the people. Credit to whom credit is due. Tbe Pen dleton E. O. says: "Baker county war rants are selling at 65 cents on the dol lar. Wh?n the populisms first obtained power in Baker two years ago last June, ber warrants were selling for 65 cents on the dollar. The rise is attributed to the economy with which her affairs have been administered since the peoples party was given the reins of government. The showing is a ereditable one. There is still p'enty of room for further im provement. Asia is supposed to contain 850,000,000 people; Europe, 376,000,000; North America, over 100.000 000; South Ameri ca, 4,U0U,UW ; Africa, 190,000,000; Oceanica, 45,000,000. Total, 1.000,000, 000. Of this number, 400,000,000 are ret down as Buddhists and Confucians, 200, 000,000 as Brahmins, 180,000,000 as Mo hammedans, 8.000,000 as Jews, and about 400,000,000 as various kins of Christians, one-half of whom are Roman Catholic and one-hall belonging to the Protestant and Greek churches. "Pope" was originally "papa" and 'Czar" and "Kaiser" are both Caesar. "Tblmble" was originally "thiinibbell" as tbe thimble was first"" worn on the thumb. - "Dandelion" was dent de leon or the lions tooth . Vinegar is taken from the French via algre or sour wine. Domine, Ibe old name nsed for a preacher is derived ftom Domiuus. Lord ia the old Anglo-Saxon was lia- ford or the loaf distributor. Sir was originally the Latin senior. Madame is "my lady ." Slave was originally a person of noble lineage, not the slave as now applied. Try Tawson books. once on school ! SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS If men would display as much shrewd ness and energy in business as some men do in swiudling operations they might move tbe world. The sagacity of the swindler is sometimes astounding. Sometimes we feel like raising serious objections to so much rain, but our an ger is appeased after reading cf the storms ot the East. The following from Pierre, South Dakota, for instance : Oa of the mysterious circumstances of the blizzard two weeks ago is tbe disappear ance of W II Lewis, who lived fifty miles west of this city. He followed a bunch of 2500 sheep into a storm and no trace of either man or flock has been found. For two weeks riders have been search ing the country for miles, and while they migbt mist the man in the ecope of country over which tbey traveled the large flock ot tbeep has disappeared as mysteriously as if the earth bad swal lowed them up. Tbe search will be con tinued until some trace can be found, if ucb a thing Is possible. A Bilverton girl joined a dramatic troup and has started out in the world. Tbe odds will be against ber, and it will be only by a stamina of character few possess ilialehe rises above her surround ings and keps her record clean. The Sharkey Fitzimmoo decision' this week ought to pat a stop to boxing in San Francisco. It embraced tbe point j that as given they are tbe same he same a, prize , ul have no stand- oke that. fights and being unlawful in before a court. Siu The trend of t'ae day seems to Ihi een sationaiicm The hig papers are full of it, rotten stuff that aould put to shame the A-feti th'e-. MutT thai appeal' to the lower (aiou-, deT;iiu and dg?a.i ing, mut-h of it a.l'iout a redeeming feature. As p..n!e .-rru lo want the! rough in athletics ao they seek the rough in lilatatnrn. It al lea-t ia a l i tr.ins for l ho paper mills. This is the last week befoie Ciirittmss. Are your hearts n&c:eutly enlarged for the approaching occasion. Santa Ciaus is about pupoUr enough to be elected President of thisgrealcoun try; but he is never mentioned. Beit caul to his credit be is mt a poiitic'an. Wasainjcton Letter. Tmm vns regular Cue"aalat. WaSBISCTOS, Iec. l:h, ISW. There Is a great deal more in tha an nooncement that tbe repablican mem hers ot the house camoiuteeon ways and means hava bejun work oa the tariff bill hleh th.v .re to attemot to n.a. at th. . . . extra session oi .ne r.e ewareee io held early in tbe sprite an I that the committee are to grat hearings to man nfactarert at o ice fian ar-rrar upoa the surface. Ther. are reaon to believe that this acnoaocement a burned np as a part of I e p'aa to elect tepab.'ican senators enooah this winter to nak msjjrity for that party. The teooS;in ler:.c? mmmhiee ot tbe eena'.e t ic- . " . ., ,, . ,1 ceeueaioeeiung 4ir. .noaa , "J take this job of electing eua!or in Ken tockv. North Carolina, So:h lAkou, 1 ana oaut .a en-tn coins maae up into .i ....twwie fca!pktariaga The nntuber of p,ect thattheonlv lever Mr Hanna relies npon for tnccees is m jn-T. I'f the men the expect to get b:g g v eg puii through tbe "piotecuon" of a rrpubliraa j larij bill bearings beJore the committee ther can l-e shown than tbey are to gel wbat tbey want and thai b pat into tbe bum; to farniah what Mr Uaina wants- morecah . The same talk A ban I a "m derate tar iff" which Is now being givaa to news paper men wa prevalent when work was began on tbe McKinley hill. The remit will be a bill that will probably be more radical than tbe Mciviney bid was. It Is true that maay ! the republican would really like It see the bill made moderate, but it Urqaaliy true that the men wbo made repnbHcaa eocres possi ble this yeir are determine.! thai (he doties shad bj bub. PreiJeni Cieve land ha gme to South CAro'iua oa a fishing trip and corgreMio tn are j Ko'ar ty charging him with having run away to escape the E-Q ieen of Hawaii, who is coming to Washington to present him with a bill of damages for fat. ore to f i -Sll his promive, oot of marriage, hat of a restored throne. The populists in congress are a little by about expressing for publication any opioion about the inmpna beta -en Se J ator Marlon Butler and Tom WaUon.but it is plain that sme of thsto, especially thoee from tbe Sutb, believa that But ler will have o do something to show bis resentment or lose bis influence with the popo lists ct that section, a G -org-lan, who is not a populist, raid ahout me recent pnase oi 11: "mere were fighting words in that signed article of Watson's and when I was a young man it wouldn't have been a question of pub lishing a similar attack npon the other partj. To have said that a man 'tells an nnlruth merely for the cas ia". pleasure 01 having deceived' would have meant duelling pistols and an early morning meeting in tbe vicinity of Bladensbnrg in the good old days " There ! no idea that Butter will do any'hiuit more than to call Watson another II McKinley is hall as wise as his ad mirers think him to be be he will quick ly lei it be known among the republican senators tLat Proctor of Vermont, la not to be the administration leader in the senate of the congrers, a position now assigned him by rumor. Senator Proc tor Is a nice ecough man In his way, but be has not, either as a member of Har rison's Cabinet, or as a senator, show n any of the qualities needed for success ful leadership, and tbere is do reaoa to believe that he posesses them. There are already a number of republican sen ators who do not feel over cordial to wards McKinley, and if be isn't very careful, he will be In hot water ahuott as soon as he is in the white house. Win. Sulhvan was down from Mill City yesterday and talked encouragingly of the future of that portion ot Marion county. The new owners of the Niagara mill are preparing to enlarge the plant and in connection therewith will put in machinery for a pulp aud paper manu factory, The above was a news item in yesterday's Statesman. The future of that portion of Marion county is iudeed an encouraging one. The Oregon Central railroad will be extended over the Cat- 1 . 1 . 1 . . .1 cauei now, sure.'y not taier man uie Buiuiunr 01 aojo. i win iviiu kiiQ iruua ( , ana I. : 1 1 ... . . a i. n ...... L. 1 line east and west through Oregon. The wonderiul resources of the great Santiam region will then nndergo rapid develop ment. No doubt about it. Salem feels encouraged, too, because that railroad will pass through this ciiy, aud the trade of that section will be ours. Statesman, All of which is both pleaaiqg and atnus ing. Use Dawson's furniture polUli. ! MISFITS. Lees than two weeks of leap year and then there will be eight years before the girls get another chance. Better make hay while the sun slant's. The state tax levy will be ma le next week. The Dkmocrat predicts it Viil l. 4.3 mills, the samo as the last, notwith standing reports of a red n tion. Tbe re ducers are not running things now. Lebanon is prosperous 'the Advance says: Mr. Mueller has Bel pianos this week to Mus Ilda Elkins and Wm Rob bies, and organs to tho M. E. church, B. M. Donaca and Sirs. E. Goan. Mr. C K. Jackson of the Pendleton E. O., is heading a movement to send aid to the Cubans Tbey certainly need tho right kind of aid. Let the U. S. recog nize them as belligerents and they will get the aid they net!. The court at San Francisco awarded the $10,009 to Sharkey, not particularly Ixjcause he was entitled to it, but t cause all the parti -s to the tight were Urn breakers, end were indictable as such, and the injunction was not enti tled to consideration before the court. The Journal shows how the sheriff of . Marion county charged H.M each for ; conveying prisoners from the county jail ! at Salem lo the penitentiary, 8 prisoners iC06tir!gi,6.50. Tuey were taken emgly though sentenced about the ratne time, t evidently in order to keep up the cos a J .erv e iiere nearly ui-ru (-.-ems 10 m milled effort t) ro'i the p-oil tbrou city and other goverunn-nts. Ji'hss just n t.roug.,1 to light ipSan Francis. that the city was paying double and rMe ,tl,e -n"UCn retail price for the drugs for the county jsl, receiving h' s- (mv nuj wuurn uiiii-. me mau who burglar11"0' " " n'Ud' ' lb'e' ' ewindltrs have leen ia the sUte liingghrs for linen, claiming lo repre- isent Uids A Kin j of P.trtlan 1. Tlserc are it jiea when pwopie nee 1 to Veep the r eyes open. IKju'l trust every ped !! r 1 that comes along, bay vour 1 1 repuU le merchant, who na . j'X find in the local papers. Will the merchant alio in !j ever cese to advertii? Yet a ben t e trees grow npHJe down; when ilu-'ie be-; gar wears a crown ;. when uv form on ' the sun; ahen gold dJ!arget toocheap; 1 when women secrets kee-; a hen the ' sparrow weighs a ton; wl.en tue 8U forget t swim; when satan sing a hymn; when girls go back oa gum; when th devil forget his erh?ujes : lpn nitnm til. mtkMi i.lunl iii(.,Fn, when its fun to brvak a tooth; wiiea all lawyers elt the truth; when cold wat.r makes vou drunk : when vou like to taic!l a skunk ; when a drummer has ro lrw ; hen thee tuings ail come to pass; the nian ia'. s wiee aui nfiTieci 10 aavcniee. Ex near loan last week and the pareala not home I knowing what to do lor the child, which ! had symptoms of pneumonia, were per- toaded bf an oJ woman t. eitn two i PA! ,Hve and arap Utechild op in them j Tne child improred ot coarse nod wonld -1 if arm cSo'.its ha-1 ben nted instead oi caukina. T:it worn of it was that l i ci we:e ielt to die instea l cd tms k;ii el a soon as the skins were tat a . f U the cats had beer. kinn-l a'ler beinj- ; ' :nei toe ict w-mim ua.e .4.i iwa si -ill u ; :t-r i ornr lixtuni u Icietv: Ureg'in C.ty Cv.!-::r. lle JICAlirsr' l. .. a s Tiie S!cMir.r.i:!e T. u C. Coo!r rw-, froai w:i Arl hur, ,;, ; Pa.-.auia. ao ItV.i . a if Central The nntuber of p,ect IT.TTT J fJl , "w7L'a'.I' riui wtu i,ikc m isiu, uuui craa u 1. TUe idea is unsoa and tue c-jias v n. wj ituu-lii. ,i nc, r i iti. Wt t i . . . i r . n . j n ir . . . - litem valuable to Use boueewiie. The -r..- ... 1 America is enjoying proaoerii and that aUclaaeea except the poUticiaat and rev- o18!iorwM are cos tented and diiag a gi-iod husinesa." A Wnnra Deer. In one of the win dows of Snipe .V Kimmeralv's core i exhibited ou. of the curn cities of the age. it is a mouou-a oeer nun targe ura&ca ing en;lers and natural in every respevt except as to ilicolor.a bic: is snow w hue. The animal was kiiied on the drt near t rineviile aiwul a year s; and was bought bv P. P.. PomJeiter.of that nSace. ho t .:)' il to Portland and bad it mount i. .,.-:. ..i... : ed by a well known taxidermist if tha. city . For a number of ears.tbe "white deer" had twen even each year t y hunt ers on the desert and ha 1 proUabiy ben part Jid ofienrr a:id loader Uaa any o;her d-r in the suite, tiaiiiy it lei'i uuder aa expert hanlers unerring aim. and is sow an object not only of curiosity, "jut adaiualicn. Tames Mounuunevr. ttom TstsT U'e offer Cue Hundred Dollars Sunrd tbe any cam. of Ca'arrh tUl c.a t cund by tiaU'a Catarrh Care. F. J. CHESEV JS CO.. Psr-ps-, Toledo. O. W. th. QQir:a2, hATo tsown F. J, Oienrjr tor Vta laat IS year, and bcl'rro hha perfectly boaorat.Io In ail bosiacitrcirctions aad financial!- kYa (a carry oat aaj oVia-ioa aoade by their Cna. V4-err Tar-. 'i'n(-;je "r!.T?s"0.O. VtAUPta, Ki-t- Maavot, uLo;u)m,1).-j. Kail" a Ca'arru tMre tasca Ir-.terr t!rt fnif directly "s tun Miv as i mi-.w ,'ir tarea of tbe Yft(iS3. T W. T-er Ixiitfi. ty aU UrriUt-i. Tcsiii.aali 1-ec. Hall's I Tills are the be f. F.Vr.RYBODY lias to liny GROCERIES. Where to do it is tho question. AH-any people have learned from years oi exper ience UlBl Parker Brothers Can be depended upon. They keep standard groceries, fresh proline and the best fruit a. Their I led poods are ibe beat made and give sausiaction, Their prices are right. Bny your groceries of them. Buy your produce of them. Buy your fruits of them. Buy your baked goods of them. CnmsTMaa Trees and beautiful ever greens at the West-side nursery tree yard, 3n Ferry Street between lt and 2nd St., opposite old postollieo. These evergreens for snle from Ulst to 2lth of IVc. Alter the holidays wilt have all kind of fruit tics vines and small fruit. Your orders aolicit.xl, call and make selections. J. A. IIvmas. Pr.ip. TO CURE A COLlTlN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. For the best drills. Dawson's. MARRIED. LANDIS-NEYERS. At the Abbey uouse, Aewpuir, ur., iiec in, imw, Mr. George A. Lniulia to Miss Maud M. Nevera, of Tol -do, Rev. Dr. Town send, otHciating. The Farrallon crew and others trave our newly married sheriff a rousing char ivari. Armed with tin cans and the ships gong, they assembled in front of the Abbev House, shortly after 10 o'clock. and the racket they raised was a caution, while the vessol s lac whistle echotd through the hills far and near. News. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In site, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said : " Tou never know you have taken a plU till tt te all over." J5c C. I. Hood s Co., Proprietors. Lowell. Mass. (Pills fkasaBBssal TELEGRAPHIC. There Was tttbllag. Cincikjut,. Dec. 18.a fpecud to tbe Commercial Tr.bune.froin Key West, says: f Prt from Havana state the Spaauh soldiers m Pinar del Itio are deserting quite rapidly, and that sickness on the trocha and deseruons have made reinforcements necessary there. Weyler is keeping all tbe troops he can in Havana. the news from Matanzas province is duquieliug. ibe palace officials refuse in formation as to tbe results of the engage menu at loco and Purga lono this wk. U la known the Hpanun lost many men and much provisos, -arm and ammuni tion. TIe aiereas Cae. HiiXsnoKO, Dec. 13.-Thejury in the Sleeves case retired for deliberation today at.J l.M., and had evidently reached no conclusion at 11 o'clock tonight. Aftej the jurors had been instructed at length by Judtfe McBride, be noii!icd them that if tbey did not raach a verdict before , be would be ohliged to leave them until t morrow night. Sew AppalalauraU S ai km. Or.. Dec H. Governor Lord toJ.iy made ti.e tallowing appointments: Benjamin Young, of Astoria, member of tbe board r,f recent tf tbe eUle normal school, at Monmouth, to succeed A S Ben nett, tor the ti-rin nt tir vr. tn cnA U .. 2). 1901: J W Jv r.l-r ,.l ff.rA ber ot the lard of n-genu of the state normJ school at ve,ton, t -ucoeej tieo W ueLb. for a fcrta.ot six years toei,d Aprils, 1;J0. ... . V, . ' "r1" vVa-i . Dec. 18. The nigbt of liwmSjer 10, 11 kvrx, the hotel-kerr at Ovchut, cotuitt.ted micide ty hwjUng He wis a tingls man, about 4 ers of tfi, ani haJ teen x,u the beach Hi .m l . .1.,. nimlt. He wwt a nsrlti man shout 4S p.tcher and t.raph Tptor andop ed U,e rirt televmph otfoe in KoMHjorg Or ; H bad twice U for aitempted to lake bw life bv poisoning. His termer home was i AlontiiOUtu 2 ' Bn.laeu af ike Week. i Nkw VoaK. D.c. 18.- Bradatreet to- rourrcw wtii t-y : WLtnesaie tntde continues of luiidler io .ii;e i itnexperfed. pratucsuly tLe only intl-e WliolMie hnea l:02 IU n.js. cancl.e. fruit and nuts. Tie we -tzit-r icilerfeied i!u eaunab:e buineca Auicit at nuny oecter i nuJirr than in pnosiing er, in lb: a larrT preror tion of po'eba? are of a cheap grade of s gotis I tw oonard tead-nty of price '' Pi:u;,el t a fortniat ajfa is continued. ' develope Twa lbtaa. Wiscis-cro:?, D.-. H. Tbe moetingof the (ienaie coiumittee on foreign reUtiooit , was niif'-jnaBt in two rwpecta. It resulted in an anru. n! t j report the Cameron s r.o!uii3a l-r Use reOjjnnica ot Co ban in- dep-cdec. and it deieioped. through tbe ; t' Ai.-nutit tt awen-ury U ney, the adminis- . J o : i r.ui 'i i tXHicy ! ""n ,n La'jA "i T Iaalaraitasi E4J. Wmtir.w it- it -n. : JU, pd ti itnmtiTajioa bill, known as ; tt Llge btil. wita a nw seclion provid- protld msr tisil tLe exi-ftuina w all cot apply to ! prnc-o arrivinij- Irani Col danag tbe 1 ooUaoaoie of the present duordr there, j 1 11 1 i. ,.f l - . : . . .t I i ...-wm. v . -r irrev-cT uaaa tlUsea "Ped, the 1ol vote being 62 I lo . , ... Bj ? r- . r uom cmu.i 10 ,& V11 ' tr over lo; ! 0,4 cannot . r4 aad wnte the i s '-" or uunr c -j.-strr or some wagaaje. tm a adaiAaai tmmt- : znst ever iti iuT in wsUs i.ia. i;r tuiii t pectorjlUt price. An elezant book of vocal and : g7.-Vr"t.! or liiacr oaJw prau- ... ---..i. t l rttu aaa WI .le. A Harrtbte (rlaae. C.mujcoTUK.0.. Ivc- IT. Two rair- tat "J.;r-.ea ao-a ca-Tie-j M xo and ro in- t a .tirtn ct-:a tr.til ta:r, erbich I . . " 'sla -rwiog a . ... - i.shotisuib ucec Ma v a as.4 eer infant danhter. Bonn ' "r-ir-..rr.!? ; -nc it . . i iranKU. i zxe J -y died to a st-art Usie. asd tre moioer ; . ..... .fti'uj , w w j avhu ; i . u .11. ,rt -.m , i .t . 1 r"" i . nocnasTta. N. Dee. IT.-Herrmann, w aTciaa. dea today cf bean dtteaae f V at uieat sa.iey, aeari t; n; to tJrad!ort Uu remaias wul te frw.trJ--i t Se York. tl-rmAaa 'j3-ktl tit eotri-nieat at the Lyorasi t:ieater m '.ta aiy ut eight, and later was eaiertaioed at loo Genesee Val ey Ciub. 1 ' l isosjiATt, I '. A special t tie Commeriai-Inbane frvm Key rtest ava: .. 'lm..B.' 1 "f.iB" l'om ! niTiiu iA;e iDi riffisri ot hsstlicr near j the true were r!- ia 1:avi. , ,v The aioveuieolf o- " -.-. i, ;.. kfr.- rt. i nv.T t e.jjvti u -j ! I. isu f r3rtar.t oper.! joa uu.. j t at Tee repirU ia Havana tt.i il.-, L cai djat have lewiluerd twoo!-?. 4 hat a B.j D M'MisNVtiXE. Or. Dec 1. ira i ood. aged 1 1. on r! f , 000, near Ifci city, a fe ao, won xni-i"-rabJe , !ocl laxre br kulinir a Uac tn-ar with a I clnb. Tre animal was d:cvered and dogs were eft upon it and brought it t-J bay near a crees. 1 ae t-oy appr -,-ched from oJ,MU,.,.J,.t10- rnia3 .no. husk 11 wa. i(! w-r. oui It mi a joor;, beir, amply ab:e to kill tte lad if u had get a chance. Cwltiy f Xaaalaaas:er RoeRncRo. tr., Pv. IT. In the caee of tbe state ts Ned Sutherlin. for killing Henry Brase. at O-akland. September 19. ISS, the jnrr ar S o'cloca tbis eening trough, in a verdi X of manslaughter. Hare. Alive ajrala. KfcT WEsr, Fla . fV-c. 10. Passongers arriving here toniirht from Havana repsrt that An omo M.iceo it alive and well, and is in the province of -t it ant as. 1 be p ingtr say that all of the festivi ties that were going on in Havana lo ce'e hrj(o his death have been ordered stepped, since it has become kaown that he is alive. A Big Eastern Starts. Nitw Yokk, Doc. 16 The northwest snnn which struck this city about 10 o'ekxrk lat ciht grew in violence until at it o'clock this morning a bowling gale of 50 miles an hour riured. The storm, which cannot he called a blizxard, because lack -ing the elements of co'd, was the worst' since INS?. At daylight five inches of snow bad fallen, and was being whirled alxmt by the wii.J. As the day woe on the wind abated and the scow fall dimin ished. Maalia Beategew Nkw i'ouk, Dec. 16. A Herald dis patch from Manila says the provinces of Bulacu), Cavite and Laguna are (till rebel strongholds. The Spauiah garrison, unler General Aguirre, holds tbe town and for tress of old Cavite, though surrounded by rebels, except on the coast, where the t-pamsn ttoulla dominates. Tbe situation at Manila is very strange. The citizens are living in a stale of siege-. nui aumirauie order is preserved, fcxecu lions are of such common occurrence as to cause not the least excitement. Will Sat Beitca Havana, Dec. 16. The corresnondent of the Aiwoi-iated Press is authorised to deny the reports from .Madrid that General Marin, governor of lVrioiiico, is tc relieve General Wejler. ibe hitter his not re signed, nor does he think of resigning, and he has the coctideneoof the queen. I he bellnre:tin pioiKvitious contained in Mr Morunn' resolution in the senate are received ci.'ily here. aanipie mt Camera Weather Minni.KTows, N. Y.. Dec .16. Ferev Midviletirook, Prank Ri'e and Patrick l'ow- ers, sous of prominent citizens of Florida, took a rule in a sleigh last uutit, returninir at midnight. Roe and Power attempted toassixt Midtttebrook from tho sleigh, but foi'nd he was frozen stiff . HOLIDAY GOODS Wilt bo SoU at Cost 'by J.Grnd' wohl. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will tell his large stock of holiday gouds, including China, i.ver ware, etc, etc, at the cost of laving down In Albany, in order to close them out, preparatory to putting in a stock of general merctiandise. lie haa a fine as sortment and the prices are bottom ones. Patronize one who has helped to build tip the city. . ...... v,, . v, lummjl . '"'1 - tl.- -Tv . 't2, ' - "- --- - - -jT - - i -- IT rVa . m.. .rr.-r "V B .EST with a big B. Blaerwcirs Genuine Ball Lrarbara la Id actaas by i coupon fnaide aaeb two pons lnalde aacfc tour eoaoa bac of Blackwell's Genuine Durha .Caw! Smoking Tobacco Raf a bac of thlaeelatrratwl tobaoeo and read tbe coo poo wnicBcivaaauatofyajiianfpraaainsaaanowiogtatncaa. A DowLward Career. 1 Every young man can make something of himself ia tbe world if be wilL Or be can do the opposite. The following from the Corral! is Timet contains something to think about: "Move on" is tbe older policemen hies in the ears of tbe person wbo stops for a minute on tmsy thoroughfares in New York city. The order unexpected and strange grates on the feelings of tbe ver dant visitor to that great city, there is menanre to tbe possible criminal ia tbe quiet command, "move on." The arrival in town of yoan? Sid : Unor. nmetimM knriwn a. !Cui" 1 Mrnre trancnieed Fridar. and it ratla tn minj tte mvatic "move on." Oore a Kr'icmr .Inrd t eanahla nt nr IhinM Kid -Moore is become a disgrace to tbe rate. W herevee he eoea Terdancy witii a taste for ia roped in and robbed, and alt the wiles that opiam soated brains can practice for ill-getting gains are resorted to. Once tried at Pendleton on a charge of murder, re peatedly driven oot of various towns for bis meanness, this "Kid" Moore is liter aiy without a epot on eath to go to where be ia welcome. Daring bis year of abeence bis wavi have not mended. Scarcely three hoars after bis arrival in town, be began to work his old methods for procuring opium, and, if allowed to remain, the rts to which he will stoop to get the drag are only to be measured by his op portunity, for willingness he' will oot "Move on" is the legend that should be whieperea to "Kid" Moore. Corval- lia is not big enough for bis sort, and on- Ul be betters bis wars. aU the work! should say to him 1 move on. For Musical People. i Mr. D.M. Bartiett. of thisdty. Uean- vossinz Ltaa count lor membersaip to the American Musical Association of Chicago, nnder rbtca each enbacriber t secures the privilege of porchafing any mosic, Tocal or tnatrameaul, published, at redactions as low as 90 per cent of tbe j inetrumental mucic goes with the mem- , bership This waepieodid thine and ,Trrtnr,-At mncte lrtnlA snWri The Cost i l Only tJ- Lanaa wis a i so MAtexuLs for the hoi j idai are can End a larve assortment of fine linens, stamped in ail the lateet designs ;ml a rmn ru line rJ li ninit auh I embraiderr silaa in all the lead-m. art .'soaoea., vnr tnnca ciouia, center pterea . n.i ii c.mrM., m. nMn j linen, and can be boacht for the orice of 4 iiampicg, it uis Laui9 iaaaar. S .. . ... e xeep tae oo:t complete sto.-f o i rrinter s stjOioiury in the ecaaty. Smi eytbepnnier. ' liall s Hair Renewer eniors tbe conn ' W and rtroijr of ceopie all over tbe , avilixed world, wbo ote ittorcatore and j seep 'be hair a natural color, j TZmTT I If onr work and stock tsnt as repreeent i ol. yoo can gci your money back. -vmi- : ley tbe printer. i 1 aH. Clever stese Tea it a are rare for headache aad nervoaa r.;ie N-Vn.j relievea so qnick-y. t -r a.- l.r ; ..uiv Hasoa. We handle the famoas Whiting papers, and print theca np for yoo at the same i price yoa -) for inferior gndc. SmiSey s tee rnnter Thee r-tn't mm, Ia -me Illicit .1 in 1 19 Smiley the printer King phone 9, for Smiley tbe printer UonSdeace baa nothing to do with holi J iay prioea at Loag's pboto gallery. The Iraprin job oEcc leads in sMle j j nru-e. fomnlrt. lim, ,S prices, lomoiete line tt mn en aaoD4ry on nana, A fine line of Cocks f Ran gee and Beat ers at me tvart c sox Hardware Go's. Dr. G. W'. Maston. pcriaan and mr ceoa. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ijr in uij or country. If yon are ia need of a heatinir stow call and examine tbe Royal Jewel at TU s;vrt & box Hardware Co. s. T , T- r- i-ra. n. c. ana v. o.. tx-ers omcee M p.-siuence in ine poei omce bniklmg. Spec ial suenaon given to aiaeasea ot woraen- Ctothin. cleaned and repaired bv Mrs A E Owen. 3rd between ElUworth anu airoad- albm. 1 oa can pay more, but yoa won't get any better eerviee. Ton can pay lew, hot vou wont get as good eerviee. Smiley iue printer. Some new stvles tvneand hnrnen. iVh ; bny the second best printing when the best costs no more r &nuiey, the printer. For choice meats ot all kind, call oa the veteran butcher, Wm. Kmencs, m tne Bio. oi berg block. Yoa will be well treat. ei. Remember we printed the official ballots al about one-ninth of th formar iri.- Why not let ns do your job work and save jou money . 1 mpnttt lob once. 16 chances io I that von will be pleased Vo Pl our mets o tbe Alhanv Dress ed Keef Company, Cor. 2nd and Ellsworth afreeta. i mt class meats of all kinds at reasonable price. Alcaic. Misa Mildred' Burmeetei leacuer oi piano or organ. System the mau ecnnique. Kesidence rum street, opposite U P church. Send Y our Bundle. t.are and mtellince in lanndering ilothea has bad its effect it is responsible ty,s . i tae Atoanv tsteam Laua ury. Snd along your bundle to the best i?l . rj c ,n T"'T or Merril D t hillips know and he will call for it. o il you aie not a patron of the Albany NTnani I v Sll a t ' . (.vi? wi i ue proprietor at on to sjnd fvir your bundle. Once a custouiet always a customer. Removed, Removed. The Imprint office is now located in its new and commodious brick office on First SI., neit to the Rusa House, where tbey are better prepared than ever before to ex ecute your orders Kir neat and nobby job printing at bed rock prices Call aad .el ur price. Fix a Cu'nBtNG Orraa. Leslie's Week ly is the oldest and best of the illustrat ed weeklies of the U. S. It is a model in us character, aa everybody knows. The regular price is t a year; but you ran secure it and tue w xkklt ikmocat for only 3.25, or Rand the ; Daily by mail for 5. A Malwral Shsawttaer Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complex ins For a'e by Foshay and Mason. tacit. Yoa will find oooce bag. aad two Tangent. Tangent, Dee. 17. The entertainment which was given at tbe granite hall on last Tuesday night was not attended by a very large audi ence on account of revival services going on. Mrs. S. . Mills has gene to Portland in response to a letter stating that ber eiater is lying very low with typhoid fever. Mr. Albert Hudson took a business trip to Lugene on last Monday and re turned Wednesday. Mr. David Mann baa been on the sick list for some time. We are glad to hear that Mr. W. W. Powell's three children Ida. Cfeeir and Johnnie wbo have been quite sick, are , getting a great deal better. We notice Mr. Gejrge Ac is able to be oat again each a severe spell of sicxneee. lie mien is io go to V yomm; some time in the spring. Be. W. B. Moire, of Shedde. nreach- in tbe M. E. church sortth. on laat San- day morning and evening. Hon. Wm Stone nf Fair-view, was seen npon onr streets on Wednesday and says the roads are almost impassible between Tangent and CorvaUa. Born.ia Tangent on Dec 13tb, to the wife of Mr John Anderson, another girl . Nathan Barber and Carter Shar a ,t down tbe Caiapooia in a boat, do-k bunting today. , Tbe nareery men are digging a large number of trees for shipment. There bas not been any arrangements made cr anything said a boat an enter tainment or a Christmas tree in Tangent aa yet. Tbe people of linn coonty should call a meeting for tbe purpose of dieasetng ', tne qneetioa about good roads. It is one i which ahonid interest every good citizen in the cocnty toward letsiauoa for a uniform system of road improvement. MUe Bessie Setflemire intends to spend Cbrieunaa at her home in Taogta. She is going to scUooi at Salem univer sity. There wCI be a Farmer's Institute held ia Tangent at the grange bail on Wednesday and Tharadaf , Dee. 33 and 31. Bring yonr lunch batketa well filled for there will be a basket dinner both days, so come prepared to stay. Tbe school children intend to have a speaking on next Wednesday and the school will be oot until after tbe holi day. Yocxc AjfEKICA. Fee s T am 65 years old; nave bad kidney die-e aHl constipation for 25 year. Am now. eli gsed your 3. B. Headache aad liverCnie cms vear. Used 6 botties al 50 cen'a' -" . JH Knign?, Rnttedfe, Or." Forcaie; Foahay & Masoa at 5Cc perbotUe. If yoa want a aood and clean smoke buy cigars mfrjde by our Al bany cigar lactorr. Stoves, Stoves. at Stewart t Sox Hardware Co." -sitoves TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the raonev tf u fails to core. 2Cc Dawson will treat you rijtht. , Let every body co-ce to thj &ar Bakrrv and get 4' 'oavea ot treh bread for l.o Cash. CMcrca. R. and G. Corsets and Kid Fitting Corsets. I have just received a fell tine ia beta makes of these celebrated coroets and am piTepared to give extra valnecfOc, 75c and 1 in black and slate. A Iso keep beer radea and extra eiaea. Tbe 1.00 corset wcrtfay cf spedal net tie. Ass: to see car e 75c and $1-00 corsets - Sauckl E. Y crsa Instrumental Music Mr. H. M. Backecsto baa located ia Albany where he will give instructions in mstrnmental mnfic. He teaches violin, to i tar. mandolin and a number of orchestral aJ brass instruments. Mr Baekeneto i& a mosician of weli-knowa ability in both practical and theoretical mnaic, and one of the most eaccessfnl eachers in the state. Cnees an. "My three chUdrea are all aubieettc croup; I telegraphed to San Fraacisco, eot go a bait doaea bott'esof S B Coegk Cure It is a perfect remedy . God bteyoefor it. Your, etc J.H. Ooxier. Grants Pass, Or." For aa'e bv Fo&bav A Mason at Oc per hittle . , Oar Maadlaa al Slans 'Foer out of everv five bottle of saedi cine sold ia th lat Svs vean are S. B. goods. The S B Headache and live Core 1 use myself as a geueral physic If yoa are sick and want to get weil. tac quickest, cheapest and safest method i K put uie s tj. reaiedie ana ase a airecreu C P. B ucb, lragist, itofur, Or ' Fot sain by Foshiy A Masoa at 50 cU pet bot- e. CASTORIA For Iafants aad flbnTwn km waas Slwnn tt II Save UveatKvery Bw iuoasAads of cav ot Cousaaptioa Antim. Coughs, Colds and Coup sr ri a? if oy Shiio'i s Cure. A Fart Wwu aa.wina. Cons-iBotion. LaUrippe. pneumoaia end all Throat and 1,'ing diseases are cure bvStitloV Cure, tor sale oy Jssaay Mason. The Ulan Conciliation, canwa more than half the ills ot women . Karl's Clover Root 1 ea i pleasant cure for constipation . J or aalf by Foshay & Mason. JewelCooks,Kapgesand Heater at Tbe Stewart & Sox H aid ware Co.'s albavti staaairr Vh-t. OaU25 Flaur, 4 i Butter 173 Etres SOc Lard 6 to Se Pork bams, 8 to 10c, shoulders 4 to 6 Sidea, 6 to 8. -Hay baled, ch?at, T.C0, Timothy, - Sfcr-i -w 7