The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 25, 1896, Image 2

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    Mr. Slauson's Washington Letter
Washingtok City, Dec 19 Special
Few people, not residents of Washing
ton, or who at least have not visited
here, can understand the righteous in
dignation which has filled the breasts of
the people of this city at the proposition
to ube the magnificent new library build-
ing on Capitol Hill, which has cost eight
millions of dollars, and is unsurpae
by anything in this western world, as a
place for holding the inaugural ball tor
- Pi evident McKinler.
The superb magnificence of this build
ing, bursting in all its glory upon the
senses of the visitor first entering the
grand rotunda is in itself an appeal not
t j be delivered over to the vandalism of
such a mob of unfeeling and soulless
people as experience in the past has
shown are regular attendants upon the
quadrennial national balls -
Vandalism seems a very harsh word
to apply to people dressed faultlessly in
the most fashionable attire, who are able
to pay $10 eacn for an entrance ticket.
Yet there is no other word which will
exptess the seemingly insane desire of
people who come from abroad upon such
occasions, and even of people who reside
here continually, to possess some little
souvenir of any event that is likely to
become a matter of history.
The houses of many people in this city
contain collections of all sorts of odds
and eudaof utterly valueless articles
which have been gathered cere aad there
from hietoric ecenea or dwellings. Aa
such things are not to be had for the ask
ng, these collections in nine cases out of
ten, represent the fruits of some one's
stealing. It must be by do means on
deretood that the person possessing these
worthless articles to which value is at
tributed because of the place from which
they came, themselves did the stealing. ,
On the contrary, in most cases, they
have paid good round prices for them
to those people who did etea! them ; and
there are collectors in this city who make
a business of supplying such hi&toric
relics to peoi la who cai find no better
use for their money, who are, and who
know themselves to be receivers of stolen
goods. If one cannot possess the whole
of any article of hietoric value, the next
best thing is a piece of it, and here is
where the vandal and thief of Washing
ton thrives and flourishes. He finds it
easy to chip pieces orT the stone steps of
tbe Capitol, off the corner of the Wash
ington monument, from the great gilt
frames that surround the magnificent
' oil paintings, from the lace curtains in
the executive mansion, or even from the
upholstery 070a the furniture in the
Presidential parlors, a glass pendant
from the great chandeliers in the east
room of the White House is considered
an especial priu probably because they
are pieced j high above the heads o-
the crowds that only one or two pert
sons have succeeded in obtaining one of
these coveted pendants. Removed from
their place these pendants differ in no
vice from tiitse which encircle an ordi
nary 33 50 hanging' lamp; but it it has
once hung within the White House waifs,
. it becomes iinmediateiv, like Katisba'a
elbow, a thing worth traveling miles 10
Thousands of dollars have been spent
in renewing curtains, carpets and up
holstery in the White IIou?e that would
never have been necessary had it no
been for the pen knives of audacious
vandals who fiock to the Capitol city op
on all occasions of public mement and
carry home with them, for themselves or
their families, some momento of their
visit. Ilow a person can exhibit a piece
of lace curtain, or a bit of velvet carpet
and declare that he or she obtained them
from Mrs Cleveland's 'parlors, when it
mast be known to evervoae that they
could on'y be had by mutilation of the
floor cohering or draperies, ia hard to
understand. Dot people do it, in free
America, by the hundred every year.
Evea the vast coUeclion of valuable
brie a brae, works of art, and relics of
pre-liistoric aze, in the Smithsonian
institute and in the National Museum,
are not free from these attacks. Exper
ience has taugat the government that it
is necessary to maintain a large force of
guard: in these bui dings. These keep
careful watch upon every article that
might be stolen or even defaced. Peo
ple are cot searched when they -'enter
these places, but tbeir canes and umbrel
las are taken away from them, and let a
person but place his hand upon anything
in the building and he will find a guard
standing immediately bv his side, who
warns him that that is not permitted.
So far as possible, everything of any
considerable value is kept in glass cases
with the doors always locked. In dox
ens of places are to be seen framed noti
ces, calling attentiJD to an act of congress
which provides a pena.ty of a 1 1000 fine ;
and a years imprisonment for the steal
ing of anything from either museum. In
spite of all these precautions and warn
ings, however, scarcely a year passes
that there are not a half dozen thefts
discovered, and whenever one can be
traced, a vigorous prosecution and fall
punishment follows.
President Cleveland has been greatly
censored by many people because be has
closed all the gaes to the magnificent
semicircular g-onnds to the soatb of tbe
white house, and has excluded the pub
lic from them except on occasions when
the m trine band has given concerts
therein. No ether President ever did
this before, and the lowliest citizens of
the nation might at all ti nes sit within
- the shades of the magnificent sycaoiores
at any hour of the day, winter or sum
mer, and enj.jy a view of one of the
prettiest of parkf, with its green lawns,
fountains and fljwer beds that any na
tion has given to gladden the ye of its
most Honored citizens.
It is, perhaps, not generally known
why Mr. Cleveland came to c me the
gates and make these public lawns and
Walks private one. It was due to one of
these self same vandals, at tba time
when little K-nb was being trundled I
about in wicker taby carriage by her
faithful nurae. Many ladies would go to
tbe white house grounds in the after
noons in the hope of catching a sight of
tbe President's ba-.y. There was no
effort to check thiaopno admiration, un
til one day a woman, who had t-vtral
times evinced the mo.t warm prai fur
tbe beaut-- a-d briirhtness of little Rath,
attempted, at a moment when thecnr"?'
back wis turned, to clip from the in
fant's head a lock of her silken hair.
That settled it. From that day m this
the grounds have' been closed. The
president's family takes its caiiriK in i
solitude. There are now as many i.tngeg
as there are children and as man po
ficemeu there are nurse. An anar
chist with e b m . would eiari i as good
a show of ctlti4 at ts th rtar of the
white h.i- no as a wiH dresitd
woman wii.'j ; a pair of scior.. Ona
eouhl rx- coir.m-H ;of torie about
.vandAiSsia mujmitted and attempted by
visitors, tj this ci,y. a, B, bLAUBON.
The U.S. produces ona-fourth
gold of the world. '
of tkc
Oar anti-trust laws are all right: The
trouble is with the men paid to enforce
them .
It is more blessed to give than to re
ceive, more blasted to pay one's debts
than either.
Corb9tt and Fitsaimmons will now
have acother big fight with their mouths,
at which they are adepts.
The price for a quarter-page adver
tisement on the outside of the cover o
McClure's Magaiine ia 13,600 for a year
or $300 tor each and every issue.
Has congress the power to recognise
the independence of a nation, that is the
question that may cause a conflict be
tween congress and the president.
Ma. MeKinley went to church Sun
day, looked straight at the preacher,
dropped a coin in the collection box and
then shook hands with the people.
Now we will see how many commis
sions will be abolished. Tbe last session
didn't even have the decancy to give the
public a new deal of railroad commis
sioners. Schillings tea ads. are attracting alten
tion. They have snap in tLem. They
have been heard of clear to No York
City. By the way Schillings tea is all
right too.
A gas trust has been formed in New
York. That ia a small matter compared
with the coal oil trust which affects thea
poor people moat. Both trust?, though,
ought to be fired.
Maceo is undoubtedly really dead.
This ia a peculiar country when it takes
over a week to find out whether a man
is alive or dead. The field for electricity
ia not yet exhausted.
The president returned yesterday from
a duck bunting trip to South Carolina.
Wonder what Maj. McKiuley will hunt
when he ia president. Nearly all preti-
dents hunt something.
"JuBt everything's wrong in this
world," observed the fellow who always
finds fault. "When its 100 ia tbe shade
and yon simply can't live without ice
you have to mortgage your house to keen
your refrigerator filled, and when it goes
down to 15 or 20 below and nobod) wants
ice, tvery ditch and flog pood is full of
the cold stuff. Ex.
A man in Cleveland, Ohio, submitted
to the painful ordeal of having 24 square
inches of akin removed from his left
thigh in order that the life of his wife
might be saved, the having been badly
burned in a gasoline explosion. That
woman sorely his cause fvr congratula
tion . With her life saved aod a hue
band who nas proven his faith bv his
sacrifice, surely she should be control.
A special 10 the Sua fro 11 Ne Origan
eavs: Fotn a g-Qt;ento j ii arrived at
Mobile fro oi 'Jj'.ui u i . is tctrae J tint
work on the PaiauiA canal U aaa in
progress. W.ieo, lli'utjr'ntui arrived
at Panama from CjIoo he found 3duG
laborers, not including the engineer
force, actively engaged. The work ia
being done unostentatiously aad without
an? of the apread eagle display connec
ted with Da Lesaepa regime. It could
not be learned under whose auspices this
work ia being done.'
Advertisements have their special op
portunities. When tbe signs of a revival
or an awakening of trade are showing
themselves, and it is certain that busi
ness activities will be renewed on every
band, it is then, and just then, that the
advertisement baa its special opportune
ty. The fisherman drops his net when
the sh begin to move, tbe epider spreads
bis web when the bnzx of tbe gnat and
tbe fly is heard in the air, and tbe wise
man in business: never fails to prepare
for what ia coming or to use tbe best
methods of letting the people know that
be is doing so Age of Steel, St. Louis.
For five years New York has not been
worthily represented in tbe senate, and,
with the single exception of MrEvar'a,
who slipped in between two warring
wetiens, it has bad no senator fit to rep
resent the greatest state in tbe Union
since Koscoe Conkling resigned "fifteen
years ago. Tbe Millers and tbe Hiacocks
on one sidi, and tbe Hills and Morphys
on tbe other, have been cneap trading
politicians or small factional leaders
After ali tbey compare pretty well
with tbe senators from tbe other 44
states, and in point of ability Dill ia bead
and shoulders above most of them.
Otherwise there is considerable truth In
the Oregonian 's statement, but just
where ia tbe Democrat raau's former
home etate a statesman would be found
at this writing we are unable to tell.
Here's Weylcr.
A vivid pen picture of the man who
is chanted with the terrible responsibil
ity of suppressing the Cuban insurrec
tion was written by Mr. Bappleye, an
American corresponded:
"My journey tbrongb tbe forest of
gold lace terminated before the cloeed
door of General Weyler's official abode.
There an adjutant more bedizeoed than
the rest of tbe dazzling multitude, trod
softly to the portico, gently opened the
way, retired again without saying a word
and we were alone in the presence of tbe
"And what a p cture! A little man.
An apparition of blacks black eyes,
black hair, black beard dark, exceed
ingly "dark eompUxion; plain, black
attire, tiis eyes, far apart, bright, alrt,
aod striking, took me in at a glance.
His face seemed to run to chin, ins low
er jaw protruded tar beyond any ordin
ary indication of firmness, persistence
it will power. His forehead is neither
high vor receding; neither ia it of a
thoughtful or philosophical roan. His
1 ears are tut tit back; and what is called
i the region of intellect, in which are
those mental attributes that are defined
as powers of observation, calculation,
jurigineut and execution, is strongly de
veloped. Weyler is Ian, diminutive,
shrive'ed, ambitious for immortality ir
respective of its odor, a master of diplo
macy, the siave of Eipain for the glory ol
sitting at the right of her throne, unlov
ab'e, unloving, exalted."
Take Laxative Bromo Q liuiue Tablets
All druggists refund the moneyif it fail
1 1 enre. 25c.
Hall's IJair Renewerls pronounced tbe
bent prepaiation made for tuickening ti e
fer-jwth of the hair and restoring that
a inch is gray to i a original color.
If our work and atock isn't as represent-
? :vo ca-n B:t Wat- aae hack. Mui
iey itie printer.
Buy troaiDawsjn, liajslui chjap
Following ia one of the poems oI.Duu
bar, the Negro poet who ia attracting
considerable attention in the East. He
is an educated, bright man, but decided
ly black :
Folks aint got no right to cenauah uthar
folks about day habits ;
Him dat glv' de tquir'la de bush tails
made de bobtails ur de rabbits.
Him dat built degrea' big mount'na hol
lered out de tittle valleys.
Him dat made de streets an driveways
wasn't shamed to make de alleys.
We is all constructed diffrent, d'aint no
two of us de same:
We can't be'p ouah likes an' dislikes, et
we'ae bad we aint to blame:
Ef we'se good, we needn't show off, case
you bet it aint ouah doin ,
We gets into su'ttain channels dat we
jee' caint be'p pu sum.
But we all fits into places dat no othah
onea cud fill.
An we does the things we has to, big er
little, rood er ill.
John cain't tek de place o' Henry, Su an'
Sally aint alike;
Bass aint nuthin' like a auckah, chub
aint nutbin like a pike.
vVhen you come to think about it, how
it's all planned out it's splendid .
Nutbin' done er evah happens, 'dout
hit's so oiefin dat's intended;
Don't keer whnt you does, you has to,
an' hit ahoty beats de dickens
Viney, go put on de kittle, I got one o'
mastah's chickens.
Some Pingree Plans.
Governor-elect Pingree is a man of en
ergy and ideas, aad be proposes to make
thing hum at Michlgan'a capital this
winter, says the Cleveland Plaindealer.
He haa announced an elaborate prograin
of reform, and.wiil leave nothing undone
to accomplish his purpose.
No. 1 on the governor's program will
be a 2 cent railroad fare, tie believes
that it ia unjust to allow one mail to
travel a mile for 2 cnts atd charge an
other 3 cents, but that is being done
when a 1,000 mile ticket is so'.d tor $20
Tbe governor claims that with lower
fares traffic would increase, and the rail
roads would not suffer-
No. 2 on the program is the reform of
freight rates. On this point Mr. Pin
gree says:
It is largely for the interest of the
farmers that I want to secure a law reg
ulating freight rates. High" freight rates
are an injustice to them. Every extra
cent it costs to get their produce to
market ia so much out of their pockets
Competition would do tbe work if we ba-J
enough competition ia railroading, hot
we haven't.
The legislature will be aaked to pass a
state law applying some of the princi
ples of the interstate commerce act to
the state railroads.
No. 3 in order, but not in importance,
relates to taxation of ra lroad property
and corporation property in general.
On this subject Mr. Pingree says: 1
Do you know of any legitimate reason
why the poor laboring man should pay
city, c jootr and state taxes on his cot
tage and lot, while the big railroad cor
porations pay no city taxes and get vtt
almost scot free from Hate taxes?
When I was down eal a while ago they
looked at me in blank atiiie-menl when
lold them that our raiload never
paid acy city taxes. There ouch t to be
a law toouipel them to pay the came
rate of laxea on their sarM-d valuation
as auy man pays on the valuation of his
property, say the farmer of the laboriog
Including in this part of the program
will be aa attack on the trust i and other
Tba newly elected governor has still
other plans, but tbe above outline indi
cates the most important . measures
which be will champion.
Another Scheme.
Mr Treloar o! Miteoun is reported to
have introduced a joint resolution to
amend the constitution so that the terms
of representative shall be increased to
four years; of senators to eight ytere,
and of the president to eiaht years, mak
ing the latter ineligible for re election .
In Mr Treloar's opinion the commercial
interests of the country demand this
cbaoge. He hopes that every business
man and voter in the country, rrgardlees
of politics, will notify him whether or
not he favors the proposed amendment
lie wishes to lay theee letters before the
committee and desires that they shoo Id
be short and to the poiot-
The pnrpose to extend the official
ermj of the executive and congress for
tbe periods specified haa the appearance
of a well planned scheme on tbe part of
the combines and trusts to place tbe
people in tbeir power should tbe scheme
prove successful. . Let the voters w bo
have any consideration 'or tbeir rights
to make such changes as may be deemed
for tbeir interests, make determined op
position at once to any such change in
term of official position as proposed.
Once in power, they would hold all in
their own hands. Globe.
The following comes from Portsmouth
Ohio: "In a flashlight photograph taken
of the office of Attorney W . B. Grice, of
this city, Mr. Grice is seen sitting on a
chair, together with a newspaper that
was on the chair's back. Tbe clerk was
sitting against a safe, the ontline of
which is shown through his body. It is
very similar to an X-ray photograph,
and a number of proofs of the photo have been taken, to be sent to
(scientific pspe-e "
The Greencastle, Ind , Btar Pres has
struck tbe same chord the Democrat has
been pounding at. It says: Ureater
economy, aod not increased extrava
gance and consequent addition to tbe
burdens of tariff taxation, is what the
people demand. If McKinley and tbe
McKinley songress proceed on the lines
now laid down, the republican party and
its ideas of extravagance will be hurled
out of power and buried beneath an ava
lanche of public indignation at tbe next
general election.
8000 candidates for U S offices nnder
McKiuley in Ohio alone. As there are
now only 8U0 .offices to be given to all
kinirt of politicians there will be a wail
ot disappointment gonn afir March 4.
It wa being reported awhile ago that
Kochefeller was to s'art a big iron works
near Chicago in opposition to Carnegie
Now it is being learned as the Dbmocbat
man surmised then, that the two men
are both interested in tbe movement
Depend upon it. it will end in a trust.
That 1C0.O0O bill for a new govern
ment building at Salem is beinu consid
ered again. It gives the Salem bog a
chance to grunt for awhile; but it will
! ena ,n ruul''- il,e .oyernment "
! rl,dJ' ,0 extravagant it has been running
b-hind, arid it needs to draw the line on
jeuaad government buildings that
' ordered as a back-scratching affair. '
Go earlv
To a WilJ & Stara's
holiday goods.
Use Dawson' furniture polish.
Bam Bailey and Job Howard were
fined f 100 and $25 respectively for gamb
ling. It looks tough to single out two
men with hundreds doing tbe same thing
daily. lloseburg Review.
The Newbtirg Independent says that a
Portland firm tells $15 aiid $18 English
worsted suits for $12.50, while a clothing
store in Newburg sells the same article
for $3.50.
The Holmes Business college foot ball
team defeated the Portland Business col"
lege team in Portland Saturday 12 to 0.
The cause is plain. Mrs. Holmes adver
tises mos extensively.
Everybody has been mispronouncing
Maceo. Here is the correct way: Em
phasise the first syllable, M-a, and give
a the same sound it has in "Martha,"
thee finish the word with "theo;" tliua
The Butte City foot ball team oasaed
through Albany last night for San Fran
cisco, where they play the Olympics on
-i.- 1- .1. -11
viiiiDtiuH. as iiicv were mi snormic
Albany escaped any eeriou disturbance.
A. V. Mcore, the ex-God's Regular
Aimv man. has been in the citv aeain
trying to bilk people with one of his us
ual subscription papers. For "gall" this
man Moore surpasses all competitors.
It would be a very pleasing thing if
more American fathers had the regard
displayed by Vircinius for the honor of
1. : 1 - u. -: - : . t . i : ,
uib uauguivr 1 igiuia. m uub agQ auu
nation, though, instead of killing Vir
ginia it would be eminently . proper to
slay a few Appius Claudiuses, and there
are some right in this beautiful Willaui
etts valley.
A nice Christmas idea comes from Dee-
rooinea, Iowa : A year ago Postmaster
toward II. Hunter received a letter from
a poor little girt addreaing Santa Clans
and telling of her wants, which consist
ed of a doll for herself and a pair of mit
tens for br little brother. She said her
father was dead and her mother could
not uuy any presents. Tbe case was
looked up and found to be genuine. Mr.
Hunter thought that there must be
others. So he raised some monev. hunt
ed them out and had Christmas presents
sent 10 overall children, lie is repeat
ing it on a larger scale this year The
carriers look np worthy cases and deliver
preaeois on Minstmaa eve and morning.
Several hundred doliaia have been sub
scribed by business men for the purpose.
Scores of letters have been received from
poor children telling what tbey desired
carta uiaua to bring tbem.
At tbe council meeting last nisht no
reference waa ma !e to the short term
councilship from tbe 2nd ward. The
new council will hoid it! first meeting
on January 4, when the new members
will be sworn in. Mr. Hogoe haa his
certificate of election; but in order to
make everything straight it is probable
a vacancy will be declared and at the
meeting 00 January 12 Mr. Hogoe who
will then have been in the ward over 90
da, formally elected by the ccuncil to
fiU it. Tbe votea cast lor Mr. !!jgue
were all lealon and are not ufwt;n-
erf. The ilh-sihility ia with the candi-
umie not me voice, l le in Ilcationa are , k.,r dnver. inn v-d to n h u rw in faff
row that there mill lw no ctntrt over 1 ty. VVcrt aa I Merman n-re drvwivd.
the matter.
.More (mmhIh.
More rw (foods j;wt received from the
A'il-anv Wooirn Mills store at Portland,
by Wilson K Plain, two doors north of
opera houe. They consirt of boys suds
and mtn s panu aud wc ill l sold at the
btpn.vnl his giois are go:n at,
about haliol whohsale prices. Examine-
1. ia goods and get bis prices I (ore
K!"ciioa hi over Lut not tbe demand for
good meat . Tbis ia tbe aeauoo wbea it u
tuxded particularly. Hight Bros, a-e
bandy and keep a fine supply- Step in.
It Is nobody's fool who buys something
to eat when be i hungry. W ben yon are
boogry and want something nice ia the
meat ane just step into IJaigbt Bros., who
know bow to please joa
IIa to Buy
Where to do it is tbe qcenion. A Hatty
people have learned from years oi exper
ience that
Parker Brothers
Can be derodel upon. Thev keep
standard groceries, freeh produce and
the bet fruits. Their baked gooes
are tbe tst made and give satisfaction.
Their prices are right.
Buy yoar groynes of them.
Boy your produce of them.
Buy your fruits of them.
Buy your baked goods of tbem.
New macintoshes an J box coats,
guarat teed waterproof
L. E. Blaln Clothing CoV.
Bee French tiwxuaiid dnllar Lrw win
Try f awson
once oa f-chool
Pure Druns,.rrea uawson't.
uesuar, uec zj., jbw, at the home ol
Sheriff Gaines, in Albany, hy Geo. D.
Barton, County Judge, Jfr. B. A.
Poindexter and Miss Mav Griggs.
Tne ceremony was performed in the
preeence of about twenty relative and
friends. Warm congratulations lollowed
for the worthy young couple aud a fine
wedding dinner follow !. Mr. and Mrs.
Poindexter are two of the bet joung peo
ple of tbe Forks. They have the beet
wishes of many friends.
MANSFIELD. In Albanv, on Satur
day. Dec. 19, to Mr. and M re. Claud
Mansfied, a son.
When any part of
flie body in t doing
tlie work that nature
intended it to do, it
puts the whole ar
tent out of tune out
of harmony. When
all of the part do
not work well to
gether, none of theia
can work just right
Sickness in one part
of the body is likely
to run into all parts
of the body. It isn't
necessary to be sick
ail over tne nooy. In
order that you may
feel aick all over.
When children stand
a row of bricks on
end. thev knorb tfc
whole row down by upsetting one brick.
That is exactly what happens to the health
when the bowels fail to perform their prop,
er function. Constipation makes trouble
all along the line puts the liver out of
order, is bad for the kidneys bad for the
stomach. It holds in the body poisonous
matter, and because it cannot go any place
else, it gets into the blood. The blood car
riea it all over the system. That makes
iluirgishness, lassitude, bad breath and foul
taste in the mouth, fills the stomach with gas
and causes windy belching, stops digestion
in the stomach, causes tour stomach, heart
burn and flatulence. It makes pimples
and blotches and causes sick and bilious
headaches. Nine-tenths of all human ail.
menu are due to this one seemingly trivial
cause. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation. They really curt it No
body becomes a slave to the use ef the
Pellets. " They cause no griping and are
as mild as tbey are efficient At any drug
store, took out for the drugiriat who tries
'.?, c11 ou ethlng which he says is
"just as good." There la nothing Just aa
good. There ia nothing that ia nearly as
good. Anybody who tells you there is is
mistaken or worse.
We have arranged to give away absolutely free
oo,ooa of Dr. Pierce' great book. "Common
Bene Medical Adviner." It contains 1008 page,
and more tha joo tllusttations. om of them ia
color, 680 000 copies of It hare been sold at tht
reiruUr price, fi.50 per copy. The profit on thia
Immune nn have been uiM in publuhinir tha
present .edition, a copy of which will be cent to
any addraw on receini of
cover cod or mailiug onr. Addre World' St,
penury Medical AaaociitUon. Buffalo. N. V.
The atale'a Assessment.
Salem, Or., Dec. 22 The state board
of equalization today made a formal de
mand on tbe secretary of state for a certified
transcript of the Marion county assessment
roll. The secretary, in torn, made a de
mand on tbe Marion county clork. Asses-
sor Coffey completed his roll today, and
will respond to tbe clerk demand tomor
he total valuation of all tbe tite
property, as returned by the county hoards,
including Marion county, is 142,3;17.1HU,
which is f lti,4S'J,VH les man tne county
boards returned lust year, or $2,108,237 ies
than tbe equalised value of lost year.
Longest Mileage la tall for a la
Chicago, Dec. 22 Tbe annual afate-
ment of construction to be pub'ixbed by
the Railway Age th'a week will show that
during 1'JG only 1802 mile of railway
lines were built in tue united Mttes. inn
is one mile lea tban tbe total reported for
18'J5, and tbe (smallest mileage built in any
year since 1875. 'track waa laid in 38 of
the 44 states and territories. The longest
mileage waa built in California 187 uiiltw,
on eight line.
Wcvler Mavia.
Cikciskati. Dec. 22. A special to the
Commercial Tribune from Key Weet says:
tuai UCUQH rjiri is wiiiK lira
Ge'd again is confirmed tonight by pitsxeo
gem on tbe Havana boat. Preparation?
are being made with secrecy for a forward
movement, 'three battalicns ot newly
landed troop, left by water for the east. It
is supposed tbis is a part of Weyler's cam
paiga. Gomez is advancing rapidly, and
it is tiioagbt neyler will, it poible. pre
vent Kit coming to the gate of Havana.
Cnrc4ai, Due. 22. Tbe failure ot An
gus & Ciindvle, general contractors; tbe
American Brewing, MiJUog tc Elevator
Company, the Lieorge A vteuse Malting
Elevator Co., and George A Wetae, in
dividually, all of these beimr due to tbe
collapwj of tbe National Bank ot Illinois
and small nini on three banks were the
echoes today of the bank failure of yester
day, ttuns were made on tbe Uanlen City
Bansiair k Trust Company, the Hibernian
Savings bank, and the Illinois Trout &
Savins hank, but none of the runs were nf
much importance.
wiutww esr
Washisotos, Dec. 22. Senator Vwt's
anticipated speech concerning Secretary
'jiurj miiiu'ie wwara me Cameron reso
lution filleo the enat galleries to over
flowing today. Minister Hatch, ot Ha
waii, waa aaiung the early arrival. Di
af potntuieot was expred wuen it be
came knomn that Vett would not contitoe
ni remarks which were cut bort by an
objection yesterday.
a fcrral rail
Ikwrox, IKc 22. John L Solaria, the
pugtlut, sat in tbe poor-debtor' ceaeioo of
the municipal court today to exp'ain wby
be bad (ailed to eut!e a li jritl's bill. Toe
case will be further heard January II.
Twa ' a4.
Hood Riveb. Ot. fVc. 21 fWU
Belt. Carl WgoJm and W W K,t
workieg cn tne flume of the irrigation
ditch wnere it crotae Hood nver. about 12
miiet from town, built a boat to he used in
earrj ing lumber ever at tuat point Tee
river u very rapid, and, ahibj (.rosmng-'
Una atlcroooa, tte boat brcame untnir,- 'i
ageabe and started dun treaa, striking j
a rv k, capaiainir and Uirowioif I be ocfr-
tubaio eh-n cut rod at ibe nifity of tbe :
ild, mtbiasr aater. IWt, U-ioir an old!
Ciscixsvri. Ivw.21. Th- lKun-irial
rriline--(iaS t?ta h-y try j
HjHat.j ailt- t.itiitt,: arolhat fr.n-i
rutu.-r to UAl tilj ti .eu-tt .
Wrf et ka4 i.tJu.jriM limna M.itr.d j
toUkoti.e Wj v-jin, u).c!.ily loa-j
teait to t p liestv! (ioiiMx id hi mrct j
ionasu u;ii,iu asu aa&ta CtATa rr
lace, where livcm i ovirruttnio; the
country and keeping- thj (lUiiD grrioi
talal ri'wtaL.
WtutrnikKE, Pi Icc. 21. Atet-
nSc explosion occurred this aftHn ia !
Baltimore abaft, Ko. 2. of the lVaare &
ituoton Company. Over 20 miner were
impruo-ed, bat at a late boor tonight 14
bad been rescued alive, and there waa hope
of reteaaing the others before the deadiy
afterdamp tUtmed the a as vijttnu.
ravartag (Whoa laa, a-raOar.
WasHtxovos, Dec. 21 Senator Cam
eron today presented to the create the re
port i f the loretgn relation comaiitt far
Oracle to the adoption of a joint tvo!uUuo
rvcogoiung the independence of Ux repub
lic of Cuua. The report is an exhatulire
review o this century' icurrwticn b
people ciaiuiing indejt-nuem-e by right it
remit and intervention by any otber na
tion. It waa cs,n inuei t-ntil after the
Reaail ml l:traiajaare
WAj.niSOTo!r. LVc. 21. S-rvtirr
Criulc in bi annual report on the Ut?
01 ice SQaooe !ows
the rer.M, t,i n-.a
govemiaent from aU aourco to hare bea
H09.4 .j.Jt. mad tbeeipenuitnretU -
er.fiVt, wbich teatea a dVS.Mt for the vcar
enoco June t. tsyo, ot ij.3Ji-J4o.
The expenditure for the coming year
are estimated at t?2.293,130. leaving an
-wiuiated deficiency for the tear of 461.
500,000. '
meaty r Slartartea.
JuEKtOAjt, Or, Dec. 21 . Burg!ar
broke into tbe warehouse of Kooter k Co.,
gewral tuttcbatit, last Friday niehU En
trance was made through the trap of the
waur cKveu ery itUle booty was secur
ed, as they were overheard by person
sleeping dose by.
Terras by laaararala.
tisciKSATi, Dec 20. A Conimercial
Tribune special from Tampa, Fla , aj:
Paoeoger from Cob state that report
are openly accumulating that M atari x-u
province i orerrun by Games' advance
forces. Numerous band of insurgent
guerilla alio haecmtted a reign of terror
among the Spanish garrisons in the siualhr
towns, who bardly dare venture outside
tbeir picket line.
All new from the east tide of the island
is that the .insurgents do as tbey pk-ae in
the hill be nod the trocha.
a Baal Wreck
Dallas. Tex.. Dec 20. A special to tbe
New from Shreveport, I--, ay:
About 5 o'clock tbi mornincr tbre was
a bad wreck on the Texas & 1'acitic rail
road, near Sod us. La. Although no infor
mation i given' by railroad otliciais, it is
learned from private sourer that three
men were killed and seven badly injured.
lt.appe. rs that, a a westbound freight
waa bound up a steep grade, a collision
occurred at the fot of the grade, the crash
splintering several car.
Very laaparlaal
San Francisco, Dec 20 Attorney
General Fitzgerald baa filed a tnsutiona!
demurrer in the UniU-d States circuit court
in the case of the Southern Pacilic against
the board of railroad comtuisnioner in Cal
ifornia. Tbe document raises a point of
vital interest to tbe Southern Pacilic Com
pany, a the attorney-general attacks the
validity ot the company's charter and de-
1 1 rnjfi to operate its urantn road in
this state.
Cleveland Stylo
M. DutD, Dec. 20. The explicit an
nounceinoLt in made that benor Dupuy de
Lome, the Spanish tuiniator at Washing
ton, has telegraphed u his government
that be has had a conference with Mr
Olncv, the secretary of state, in the course
of which the latter assuied him that Spain
might rest tranquil until .March 4 at least,
since, despite tbe attitude of congress,
President Cleveland would not recognize
the independence of Cuba.
Will Be aUtlftril.
Naw Yokk, Dec. 20. A special from
Caracas, Venezuela, says:
The is no doubt that the Venezuela con
gress will ratify the Guiana boundary ar
iitrauon treaty wuu r.ngiaBU, negotiated
by tbe United States; that Presidont Cies
po is entirely satisfied with it is known cf
Bciully. Your correspondent has talked
with the governors of four states of the
Venezuela republic, and all favor tbe rati
Qcation of the treaty.
The Proper Thin.
Olvmpia. Wash:. Dec. V0. The Peo
ple's political ciub, at a meeting last night
passed a resolution demanding tnat the leg
islatuie, upon convaniny, make rigid in
v estimation to ascertain if any members are
in possession of pastes over any transnor- i
tntion line, and if k, that such members be
summarily expelled.
&v 2 "
is a book every Oregonian aboald
have. The introduction ia by the ce'e
bratel Rev. Frank W. Gunaaulus and
the sketches b Oliver W. Nixon, D. I.
The book is printed from large, clea.
new type, on extra laid paper. bDund ia
vellum cloth, strmped in gold, gilt top.
illustrated a ith 16 fall-page half tones
and retails at $1.75. Any subscriier
paving a year in advance for the weekly
or 6 moilbs or more for the daily can
have it for $1 extra.
You possess, if you select something
among the many useful and orna
mental articles we carry in stock and
especially such as we have secured
for the Holiday season.
Fancy Baskets,
pfc PtC
1 '
f . " TT- f 3f f 1 I If r-
V KIM a Uv V
select Ut Wsverly becaaee they have learned to know the dif
pTfJPf IPfifpd ference U-iwn a' wheel that isactuai'y hih grade and ce that
n-j 2mi- 'seirop'y c!a:met to le. Some others may be pood but tbe
rXlflCf Waverlr i th higbevt of all high pride. Jw-rcber 3 heights)
5 00. IV! 5 - ard 2S inch t:5.C0 and 4 S3 00.
apt er
ixotaaarotja. ixd
Notice i her-y eien tht the unccr
fisned a du!nWtator of in ett of
i J V rk, defeased !ia fd d bi final c-
S coont i wid e ate with the couo'y clerk
i' L,nn esun!-T' Oregon, aoJ tie coun'y
irt h fixed Monday, te2-'sb cay ot
January. at the t"ur of I o'clock p
re, of raid dav fur the Boat hearing of ta'.d
account and the eit:en-i.t of said rtate
.nT and all person bavifg any ot-jection
to the me are hereby re'tiSed to be ftji
ent at saiJ time and f-resent the ww.
J A ttT
Wrath KT.roKn & Wttt. Admr.
Attre for Adrr.
Notice for PuDlication
Iw S.h. 1SJ6.
Notice i hereby (irvn that tha fulloair.g
nsroad atttl. r h id d notio ot hi lateo
ti m to make final pro- f in rapbort ul hi
claim aud that aaid .cw. will be ma te b
fo' th Ilrguter aad R.iver at Orrg--n
Ctt, Otea.-n. oo JannarvSi'b.
Christian Nanbo'd; l H 7T4 for
Christian Nanbo'd; l'i l . r th J
of N K Jf. Uts 1 aod 2 S.a 3. T 10 S
R 4 E. He t ame tt f t;wing iiiw.w
to prove til coattnaous reidtnenrxn and
coltiTaiioo of, aid Ued, :x: O I H-nk'ir,
B T tieorie, GiUet Kr-oUor,C BGii.iti,
all -f Niasa, Oregon.
lioBEar A. Miu-aa. liogsU'r.
No'i I hereby t'ven thai the under
signed has beeu duly appointed nr tee
County court ol I.inn county. Oregon, lad
minlstrator of the estate of Jieph C -Myers,
deceased, late ofaid couo'y, aad he
has duly quaiibed as such and all per sods
having claims againtt said e-Ute are here
ly requested lo present the same to me at
Albany, Oreoon, prepetiy vrnned as
by law protlJed, wlttiln "ix monto from
this date.
Dated at Albauy, Oregon, tld 16th day
of December. 15y. D w iMtkhs.
Whitket & NawroitT, Administra'or
Attys for Admr..
Notice is hereby given that P Y Duncan
has been duly appointed administrator of
the estate of A D Knox, la'e ol I. Inn coun
ty. Oregtin, deceased, bv tbe county court
of Linn county, Oregon, anj 'hat he has
duly qualified a such, nil ptrsona hating
chums oaint said estates ae herehv not.
ified to present the !aio to me hth the
prop- r vouche under oath at the cflire of
W K Bileu In Ah any, Orecon aitbln
six mon'hs Irom the date hereof.
Dated this 1 1th day of December, 1S9C.
P Y Duncan, AcWutstrator.
I have this day filed In the Courty
Curt of l.inn countv my firai aitouut as
admn;rra tor de boni ron of the t!te
of James Knox deceased and the judue of
said court ba appointed Hie 5th day of
'Jan. lt-97 lor hearleg ohjeclu'ns to said
axont i ml the settle niant thereof.
Dated Dee 3rd. 18D
(S. B. Haiqht, Adn.lnlslrat rof Jiuues
Knox, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that f'.nd ore
on hand to pay outstanding warrants of
the i.ue of i6il6, l.oiu No. 453 to 533, in- interest OH sucu warwm "
ctae with the date of tbi notice,
Albany , Or, Dec. 23, 1896.
Al T ii. A. PARsaa, City Treaa
Rockers, lables,
Elegant De
sins iq
See 11
Are built in
O X 1 1 A.
iIfTvIFA and Best
Pactorv in
p$Z$l Cf gi5h !ltl tne World
A.J. Hodges, .
A sect
Notice H hereby pt en thi' tbe unJer
siiioed bn Uva appointed by the county
toort of Ltsn ccHiety, Oreron, aJmini
fattrr wi'o th wi 1 V.ncxed of the etate
ol Jn Faocieg. deoeaard. late ot Linn
county. Or. A't per-!: baring claim,1
again' saw etJe are rt.-!'r ooul l to
peeot the tne with the proper Touchers
to me t Alaany. Oregt. within lx
month from the date of tbi notice
Elkis & Casos, Sami ei. E Vorso,
Attj tor Adn-.r. Atlmioistniior
wi'h the will rpnexed
Albany, Owon, Od 6. I6.
Notice hereby given that ne under
signed ex-cutri of '-he lt will anrf tes'a
meot cf Nocy Bigger, deceased, has Sled
in the county court ot Linn county. Ore
gen, let ( account a suc't exmtrix
and that said court La fUed Saturday,
the ytb tay of January. 1S96. at the hour
of 9 o'clock a m at tlie court hous in Al
bany, t.)regn, for heanng objection to
aid account if acy, and the setliemeet of
the same.
D R N UtACKiirsx M J IIasbabax.
Atty tor Ex'ix. Executrix etc.
Notice for Publication.
Lnd Orrtca iTOnsaox Citt. Or,
f. 2.
Notie harrr Riven that ike f.Joa
iu! oam'd settler ba tiltd notica of hs
iDlentin to make liual proof in sapnorttf
bise im.nd tht said prf will be male
before the county clek cf L'nn c-.-ui.ty at
Altnv, Clre.on, en Fobrnarv 5.h. 1!9T.
a: Mrs Aouai Oid-n; II E 1 IO-"- fcr the
E J of S W t4' and V of S K t4' of Src
21, Tp 10 S U S E. He osme tha follow
io wunessrs to prora his eont nuoor re
ideoce upon at.d eattiein ot, said land,
is:LCIv--, A T Ive, VO Dantortt,
Mis A M TilloUon. all rl rvtroi-, Orrgoi .
IioBKRT A Miixaa, Register.
Not ice U hereby given that the ender
tigned have heed dulv appointed by the
Hon countv court of Linn countv, Oregon,
executors of the last i! and testament of
Herman Arrcld, dt-ccasa.d. late of said
county, n.l li persons having claim
agairst said estate are hereby required to
present 'he sane to the said undersiirood
t Albar. O'econ, properly veiiGed with
in t-ix month froru the date hereof.
D.ibil at AIVipv, Oiegon. tbi 9th day
of Doceuilx r, ly'.J.
Whit sky Jc Nswport, Executra,
A'tvs for Ex-
Prof. A. STARK
13311X5 fA rhkH
Of Will 4 Stark.
Optical Specialist
Graduate of the Chicago Opthalont
I am prepared to examine acientiScallv
and accurately, by the latest and impromo
methods of modern science, any who de
sire to hare their eyes tested.
.. von
Par tall details call oa
Ccaaaw & MowrcrrH, Albany, Or
a annexm:
(isn't. Paa .Aon
B McKEILL Praaident aod Manager.
Ta all points east
f3jost coinfortablfl wintsrroii'e
ill can jmtal bj item
LtTEst rates and best innce .
lest me Sera rcllls unit
asfl inest road tsi
OsljliiiBtc traTBl during lister
The only line run nine? tbroogb trains
from the AUantie to the Pacific coaat.
Cbeap tickets to and from all parts of
Europe via ail steamship line.
beet line ucroea tbe
I PaciSc ocean.
tima r. nji k irsTimi
ssm i e- '
a s rdeas on every voyajse.
r ime table, or any oiber
tnatioa, call oa or address V:
16 Third St Portland. Or-
S X STEELE CO. Agents,
AJbaay Or.
raacoaTer. B. C
Pajlman Sleeping (Jars,
Elegant Dining Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Car?
St Paa!
T Grand Forks
Heleca and
Chicago .
w ashiogtott I
Philadelphia .A
N.w ork i
Boston and al
Poinu East and South
Through tirkdts to Japan and China, vis
Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamship
Co., an American line.
For information, time carde, nape ant"
tickets call on or write C ti Borkhart
Agent. Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, Aet 'ien Faaa Aft
Portland, Or.
Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Boarding School for Girls.
Thorough instruction Wholesome
diet Homelike treatment. Consider
ing hard times, favorable reductions are
made for hoarders and day scholars.
Studies will be resumed Sept, 1st. For
nrther particulars call at the Academy
or write to bister Superior.
Poland China Pigs for Sal.
Anj one desiring to impiove their
stock ot tioga will uo well to ewe me be
fore buying, at the 6 keels place one mils
north of Aloany, oa Independence road
I have several pigs, both sexes, from
thoroughbred stock, which I will sell at
hard time prices or trade for fat hogs,
chickens, potatoes, grain or feed or sell
cheap for cash in baud. I am deter
mined to sell and will sell almost at a
man's own figure so call soon for tbey
most go Now is the time to go in good
hogs while yon can get them so reason
able, for hogs can't stay so cheap,
F. H. Hcchsos, the Gardiner.
X TANTED. One ot the illustrated
VV historical atlas maps, of Linn and
Ma. ion couuUes, luadeby EJgar William..
ax V-O-, 101 mi m v
ardsoa, tiroadaibia St.
Connecting at Yaouina Bay with toe
San Francisco and Yaquina Bay Stearo
hipCompany Sisisl'laialli'
Bails from Yaouina every S days for
Ran Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Oxford,
Trinidad and Hnmboldt Bay.
Khnrteat ronte between
etta Valley and California.
Fare from Albany and points west to
Baa Francisco
i. 1aa fr San Francisco W 00
.. 6.00
Sound trip,
To Coos Bay .
Cabin V olL'iZXA
To liumboiat Day am -
Cabin owv
The most popular Seaside Resort oa
the North Paciac coast. o undertow
Surf bathing absolutely safe. .
For those wishing to combine hunting
and fishing with aquatic sports, thia re
sort baa no equal. Deer, bear, elk, eon
gar, orook troat and salmon trout, can
be found in abundance within a few
boors' drive of tbe bay.
gff Reduced rates from all pot t
Srowa. Manaeer.
C.Mro,T..r. a- -.
L. W ALOIS, AgU depot. Albany
vir 1 ni
Southern Pacific; Co.
CaiifanJa Kxpnm Tufaw
nam May 11 1K4
t fcur.a. I U
U 11 tilti
11 la 1 at
air a:
. . ( -. C" . . 0
fWona Wooihora, S- m. Tar
r ari. jeaer r. 1,
Tangent, Shed. ey - o?eae
Crew el, CotUge Grore, Drain, and all
-at iocs fro B ebarg iwbt to vti -
aaaaca an
IJOaa I rnt ar rr
V2t a I L AlM-y L S 1 IS r
fcTt 1 kr tt'IH - ' l-a
T -
to at Ataa-rtra-1. a taM
Us Aiy I M fs
AJTTia ml Artaaj trm Lrta S rm
Laa 1.Vut l W xloa n. Warfc
arsnrt, iee
Aniraat alaaay-- WaadV ;rn
Laa J tat Xatraa :; r
arrive at aJbaay troaa Satrata 1-mfi.
PULWAr BtJeFH surpEE..
Diniar Car cn Ogitn Route
SEcoKO-cuss mimz CARS
aaiatdkMl ta all Tfcrnrb Traia
ar sv;4r miMh.
arstaxs reariavat its rwavaiita
sui tvi mtiaatsr
4a I
U Ultra
Erpren raia dily (except -aday)t
AHm.v aod Corral Hroonact w'to train a
oaF. .
steeipeahwatz Kcnct
Tbe motor oa the Altaay street rait-
wav wi I connect promptly with ait trains
t aod from the depot, day aad eight.
bpectai trips wit! n aJ at specta!
let. I. F Cossr. Oodw-fcr.
TorrLi ExrEaTAcrat ctt
The College has estabiiahed a coarse
oi lecture and entertainment for the
winter. Seasoe ticket SI. Tbe College
hopea that the pnUic will respond eeaer
001 t to this coore, as it is iteaded for
all. Sing e adiniaot 15 cents.
The Weksxt Dbwocrat $1.25 a year
aad the Weekly San Francisco Examiner
SI .50 a year, combined fes-caly t5
Tbis ind'adea all the privileges iathe 110 -000
rremium list of tbe Exanuaer tndad
10 a $10,000 residence and a $4000 gold
Woold kindly sogse that bow it the tiaM
lo have your aegstivics made for those
Christmas photographs. Doat wait until
it is too late. Call and see the new "PUt
inos." Price from 75 cents to 20 per
doaee. Regular cabinet aiae $3 50 aad $3
per doaesu Studio oa fust street.
Teacter clRaso &0rp
tMasoa System of Technic)
Caret ul Inetraction of Children a Spec
ialtv. Terms moderate.
Washington Su south of C. P. church.
Dr Adams
t" " r - v 1?'
roricE. CWar porta aad shake
X V sale, for tvtrttcuiar atlaresa.
Oaut Jcod, Detroit Or.
AT 1'llE MINES. Boardiag. lodging
aad meals may be secured of the sub
scriber at the San tiara, mines, at his ptaca
at Uts mouth of Dry Gulch.
H. W. Whit a.
Tla rooongr aad plumbiag-.
he opera house
VT IT L t's Reaa
VW IVI getherl Is it not bet
ter to buy your Bread, Piea, Rolls.Cakea,
etc, at a reliable store where they use
only the Beet material why of course it
a you dont want dyspepsia and yon 1
never get it r mating anvthing from on
tore, . -i.'7. 8. BAKERY ..."
Be KIlBwonfiana d St
. a
, ViSnlGQ All 1063
VTbo ran tatea
or aoa mtm pa.
Viiiw I your tea: ttierja-ar brtag w arvaAa.
wrtksJOHS WBKPEWiCTl.1 a CO, Passa uo
Bar. Waahlnstoa. I. C, tot taaar 1. sm WUI
yyw tj tm aaaaUad toeaataana eaiai.
wwwtw Jf
. "Tai 11 f . -k -
- '" - " XdOaaiffle Lr 1 1 A' .
i rrTVr V. rn:i . it
..r "-uSuxi08
VjT, T " iT tow;rata jraaa tf a. rtSK
V?"'" ant (Fart i
3. -rv-i.--.