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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1896)
eooooosooooccoooooo Such ilia as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, lOOOOOOOOyxvaoOOOOQl ST. JACOBS OIL WIPES OUT Promptly and EffsctuaHy. .YET.JERFQRD & WYATT torneys at law. Will practice in a ourts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections C FFICE In the Fhnn block. W.R.BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made or all Doints. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. El&QKB'JRiJ & SQFJiERS All iesral matters will receive prompt at- ecfon. umoe, iirsi nuouu bu didm?, up stairs. , Oft TAN UK s HACKLEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. K. J. E4. H1I.L, byclsUj) and iursreon, OFFICS Cora H7 streets, Albany ,Owfroa. DR. Cv U, CHAMBERLIH HOMOHOPATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, "facial blem ishes, neura'jria and. other diseases, with galvanic e'-eotricity. Office on Ferry St , near 3d street. Star Bakery. Corner Broadalbin and First Str CONRAD MEYER PR0PB1ETO -Dealer in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meat Queens vt.B Veset stiles Qgars, Spice. Tea Etc. he jBtmaaL A thread trust Is being spun. Why not turn a football eleven loose upon the island of Cuba . The Dingley bill will be ding donged out of tight. Uissiaiply being used as a foot bail. General Alger s campaign tcur cost $47,000. and the national committee tooted the bill. Which bad yon rather have, a dinner without an appetite or an appetite with out a dinner. Consider it before growl' iJg. everything that U Kept in good variety andgroCTJ eery store. High est price paiilj; for ' ALL KINDS OF rRODUCI iT)OAlL IS A Mi , If A1.3.! t", IIS90! ,. . K . .. ..i this . S. t VO!S . USOlfllS ?iKT KXCilAN -V l' T-rMe irtw! r . W,c vw irk Si.ii r.ii., Ch:co r ntiaer Tp-jatJ - E W Sun, L. run Attorney at lw, Albany. Or. To our printer? will couvurce any one that we are better equipped to canaie tneir or rior than ar.v office in the vallev. Why shouldn't we be? We have improved ma chinery, the best power, modern type faces, borders, fixtures, etc. the only tine ef printers stationary in the county, and good worSnnea. uur wars is aiwjys execateo rromotiv and at legitimate ims. If you ron't have to trade it out. or take printing vc-a can t cet cash, come to see us. If cur ejrvices are not satirfactory you get your money baeff. SMILEY, th a Fruiter. Ilcr.. ?. A'Uij. Prof. A. STARK zss, zuc&Zk ran Of Will & Stark. '.Optical- Specialisl Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmic I am prepared to examine scientifically &lld SlYlirri t.!- Ktr ita Intact an1 m nmi.o. methods of modern science, any who de sire to nare weir eyes tested. CusickBiock Albakt. Oreoob. Fire Insurance 'RE YOUR PROPERTY us Old Harlford, the New York Un. w i j ters A wncy or an v one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note aKen ana plenty ot time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. OFFIOfi IN P- 0. BLOCS - ALBANY. OH. tfSff it2 Wmmm . -, i. ' T-T 'at 4 r f J 'r rnw - . - i -ti Db. f ent p-ji3 conducted jor oc "ate rcc. ' p"ad we csn isrtsre a:ent in lciaa ttsatteMt Seed n-odfl. draviz c phr rta itotettft-f We aoise. pjit-jaa1 vf cot. free of cit of r-tij;a t! ; . m-. .. -.a iy ta4 tn: If A ;.f i : . CRAWFORD &HARHISH Would fciofly aaes? that now is the time to have "'iir negativf made . for those Chiisloihs photographs. Don't wait until it is to late. Call nl we the new "Plat inos." Prices from 75 cents to 120 per dozsn. lU'fjuliir cabinet size $2 50 and 3 per dozen, fctudio on First street. HELP WANTED .4ALE. WAN l EnS0LICIT033 FOR cam paign tiook, "Krvao, Sewalt and y Free Sliver." aulhoiizei bv Bryan, written by R. L. Metcif, Editor Omaha World-llerald. appointed author by Bryan. Contain upt-eohes and platform. A DOnanza for scents, a free tdlver mine for workers. Only I.S0. The only authorised book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable wcrk for t6 Address The National Book Concern, tar Building, Chicago ,ffTnrt 'i i i r l r rtrr rTn MiS HISLA it lilLBfctny- Teaclisr tiffm & Orp. Are Tour Teeth Sound? Usually the teeth are what judicious care or unwise neglect has made them. Teeth can't receive too much attention. Want of care means premature decay . To preserve the te Ah keep them clean and thus prevent accumulation on the dental surface. Our powders are the most effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teeth a clear, smooth, and beautiful appearance. We also carry a full line of the best tooth brushes in the market, along with every thing kept in a firet-clasa drug house. Physicians' prescriptions a specialty. I. A Camming. ALBANY V A insurance Agency JI. SENDERS, SIgi- Buys and sells wheat, oats and wool at all points in the Wiilamette YaHeysod is the leading insurance agent of Albany. an placing your insiirkk.:e there an two things to be considered : jsu (jet a good com pan v. 2nd. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly understands his business and knows how to write a pol icy, giving you its full benefit, bavins had 8 years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of losses. Can sniarantee yon I have these requirements ery Keipecuuny i ours We look for a Maceonic victory now that Maceo has been reported dead, lie has a way of whipping the Spaniards just after his being reported dead. San Francisco's fashionable horse show has begun. The horse is a noble animal and deserves better things than the silly fad the horse show has been run into. An advertisement is headed, "a jump into prosperity." There's the trouble, everybody wants to jump into prosperity, whereas prosperity is only obtained as a rule by plodding. A passenger train was held op inside the limits of St Louis this week in gen uine frontier style. Level headed ban dits. Taey evidently know that they are safe in the jurisdiction of the modern city police force. The Statesman fays that "the thugs keep away from republican Salem." There ate more thugs in Silein than tny ton ij Oreou outside of Portland ind AiVirU, aud what baa politics to do ith thugs ac) way. The Saq Francisco paper dj the pub lic an injustice in giviug the prize fight ers so much notoriety. Toey have done nothing to deserve h. What's the odds what blows were nsed. The whole busi ness savors of fakery. The most cruel sport in existence is a ix days bicycle race. It is an outrage beeide which a prize fight or a foot ball game is tame. A prize Cght lasts only a short time, bnt a six days bicycle race is a long drawn out shattering of tee phys ical system. VIEREOKS SHAViNG AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CUT l)e Whites Netf lfaij? Gji?OAveif. A bead of hair or no oar. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Notice. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale & Retail - ERUGGIST3 AID BDOKSELLRES A.LBASY. 0EK005. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. The foolish statement goinjr the rounds of the Repnb'icao press that "the Dem ocrats lost 300,000 votes in the Sooth this year" is refuted by the facts. The states ot Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mis souri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tenoeseee, Texas and Virginia four years ago gaye Cleveland a ploralitv of I,62d,907, and this year ibey gave Bryan 1,977,251. Repuhlie The Ladles' Home Journal for IS97. An even excellence makes the good things which The Ladies' Home Journal promises unusually interesting and the development of affairs. There- strong. The list is long and Hardy. One j Port of the datb of Maceo was recnlvod SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Every body has been talking about Cuba, and a local interest almost is taken series of papers alone would sell the mag' azine: That is, the three White House articles which ex-President Harrison la to write. No man has ever done what General Harrison wilt do in these arti cles: Show as what "A Day With the President at His Desk" means in one article; in another tell of "The Social Lile of the President," and in a third article desci I be "Upstairs Life in the White House." Each of the articles will be profusely illustrated. Another series equally fascinating ia the one call ed "Ureat Personal Events," in which some of the grtatest enthusiasms which have occurred in America wilt be re vived; those wonderful times when Louis Kossuth rode up Broadway ; when the young Prince of Wales was here ; when Jenny Ltad sang in Cistle Garden ; when Henry. Ward Beecber electrified hi congregation by selling slaves in bis pulpit; when Grant went round the world ; when Henry Clay bade farewell to the senate; when John Wesley preached in Georgia, of which 83 few know . All these memorable events and others will he vividly recalled, told more graphic ally than ever before, and illustrated with pictures which have occupied twelve artists for over a year. A third series is unique and valuable rrom the fact that it will give women scores of ideas for their homes. It will reveal what there is "Inside of a Hundred American Homes," and caretnlly repro duce pictures of one hundred complete ly furnished rooms in homes in this country from Maine to California where with almost biotherly soltciluI, the r port that he was not dead but alive with decided joy. The sympathy for tfi Cuhausis a universal and intense one, Maceo it U said ha been reported dt a l eight times, and on every occasion bobs up serenely and immediately wins an other victory. May his life he preserved until Spain shall retreat and give the Cubans the rights they are entitled to. The continued wrangle aliout the big fight iu the ioldn Gate city einphacisi s the fact that pr'-zi fighting generally Is very discreditable business as carried on. Admitting an interest in who Is the bet ter man there i no certainty nowadays that it will hi decided by a contest. This is an age of fakes, and pugilism seems (o be as big as acy of them . The hobos continue to swarm tbrongli the vallev. All kind3 are they, mean. vk-ious looking (ellowe, and then again a man is seen with a preltr good face. A i young man with a ball and chain who misfits; Durrant continues to live a year and ten months after he deserved to die. Now it is said Macoo Is not killed. It is to lie lhoed he is not filled. Ma ceo is not yet done with his woik against Spain. TELEGRAPHIC. A six day international bicycle content is in progress in New York City. It should bo stopped on account of its cruelty to man. The pace ia a killing one. The Dingley bill was taken up yester day, but it was handled very gently and suspiciously, Several democrats and populist voteJ to take it up It takes 4d vots to elect a U- S. Sena tor in Oregon. Mitchell claims 39. Any democrat or populist who would vote for him under the existing circumstances ought to be hooted. Marie Barberi'n second trial was fin ished in New York vceterdav. She was dervedly acquitted. She is the woman who killed the man who betrayed her, and she eervnl him right. The following appears in the JeiTyrson Review with a aft-r it: "Albany has the best ponndmaeter in the state, E. B. j Davidson. Djring the month of Novem- I l .... I . 1 i o has been scraping juicy mud from cross ber he took np 4 horses, 12 dogs and 8 walks looks as if he had had a bringing uo that should have resulted better. A little bumping around out in the cold, selfish world, soon brings many of the buys down to tramp Jom. cows Of course he is in a row moK of the time, but he executes the law just the same," money. An exchange has discovered that de fective eyee'uht is caueed bv reading - j newspapers on which the snliecription The suggestion that the hobos be given ! has not been paid. Acting on this . .... w... ( hint long-headed publishers will com- noth og toeat, but be referred to the j ?Mi..Mei euWriU.r lo pay in Chief of Poh'-e is one a't citizens should ; advance Ex. respect. The occasion d-m'iJa a cold blooded process- The profeiona! tramp i Tae fiaht jn ifgveue was silver tale has uooe farther than t u entitle I t. It.; consideration, and against gold, and the former won, SI r T now rlnarlment m ii-er! the man Wh Irani,"'1 Willi lam OerOS a t't isr , n u wj, The Oregonian eegseste the increase cl t'os hooe of representatives to 600 mem bers. The propriety of this- is very doubtful. It u not certain but what it would be as well to reduce the number ai to iorrease it. An increase would m;an an enormous increase of expense. What the government seeds now is esooomy not extravagance. If represen tative men were elected to congress in stead of mere politicians there woolJ be more grounds to favor an increase. have also been exclusively engaged b j the Journal: Mrs ST Rrer, who will herea ler have eutire charge of the do mestic depart meat and give a sries of cooking lescons, and Dil t L M Kxly, the famous evangelist, who is to put the result of his life etudr of the Bible in a department entitled . "Mr Moody's Bible Class.'' The artist, Charies Dana Gib son, who created the Gibson gir, will present six fall page pictures showing The People of Dickens," bile Alice Barber Stephens will alternate with Mr Gibson and present her idea of "Sx Types of American Womanhood," show. ing the American woman in society, in religion, in business, in summer in the home and as a mother. MirvE Wil kin, the New England writer, will re vive the old quilting party, the ancient snging school and lbs apple paring bee in "The Pleasures of Our Neighborhood. Sir Henry Irving is to tel! hv to stadv, read and present 'Shakespeare in Small Communities. " Tosti, the soog writer. will give his first piano composition. Sir Arthur Sullivan is to present the 6rtt true and carrect copy oi "The Li Chord" ever printed in America. Regin ald UeKoven, John Philip Suua sod Jakobowski (who rote "Erminie"), have each written a wa:tr., while Ira D Sankey has composed a hymn wtr.cb be considers greater than bis famous "Ninety and Sioe." Ian Mac'.aren will have a Hoi, while Herbert D Ward's hamoroas serial ,eseo. for ruavor. A Terrible lata! raphe, Bituus, Dec. 11. The German Lloyd steamer Salier was wrecked on the mtfbt of December 4, four miles north of Villa Garcia, Spain, two and a half miles fiom iand. Kim must have broken no almmit immediately, s part of the Meaner have already wahed aahors. A d'wpatcb to the Cologne G.i&'tt from Coru ana says Out while it is true tee Salicr l"ft Antwr-rp witn only 210 p.tnngeri. ue embarked more at v.inoijB !iatu'i por. The corre spondent estimate the nuiuU-r of victiou ot ttie disaster at from 400 to 500 the Madder tbe Briier. Nkw Yohk, fte;. H. A Washington special to t!i World ay: I'reidrit Cleveland ha tea called to account by the sultan of furkev. An em- phat ic j rotet was made yenterday by tbe l urkiiiii government againat the language unea ia ine premdeut's miatagn to conjjreo retpetting the ruaacre t-t Armenian and general uindiict of thn government towurdu me t-hriftiiin in the empire. 1 he ntua f ion i lutid to threaten a runt tire of diplo inaliu relations between tbe United States and Turkey. Bradt:el ' Brpart EW i oiik, Dec. II Brad!reel' to- morr w will .iv: Hiere lias been z.0 ioirstovetnent in een- erai irtfU thi .t-k. eapt in holiday si:i.iliii, L'c-sonib!e weather haa austn delayed the demand f r winter goods, and the approach of the period for tx;k!akinjr wil, prolong the ean of duilne weil iot,j thu uwotb. he tendency jf wice is more conpicu J ously downward. "Jl la Ilaiau. Havaxa. D,?c. II. Captain-General J Veyler arrived cae mrein thuiityat 5 o this v?ainsr, ,a boheback, ac cotnpsmed by Lieutenant-C'ol'.wrt ti-l bano and other of hw acd a c&vairy I eta-rt. i'ue tre; t.t Havana were thronsf-1 bad been satly decftrat.-! witn basting in anticipjuon tf the capiain-gnrt-trai' re turn. Mate rraHFrtiy. V. Srrcxioa. Wis . D.c II The .: -..i! iUr.k i t C'cim mc-ce of Du'utb! The Crvaili full ric bo took!. One view of the Aldermanh- msd ' , ,. , .... is that Mr. ilogue ItuigtiieiigaUi t?r - e thing ey and did not even suit U I office of councilman, Mr . tiradwohl ! r -w etiiee is lik the buineu mac who sits ing the l-.ii;liet number of votes crt; ' -doo and dues n-t ad vert i-e. and allows j n eli.aWi candidate would he e;::.'ei the atfresiuve eomnetltor ta r,Uh him . VJ u- i"'-"". out of line. . . l to ( n this n.-.mijijf. A t'ice wa s pi :i .tiicg that owinjr to iaal-th'T toj ,.i!.kacy ra..iey, the direcS.w bad lit-1 cio. J lo i3-;.-ni and exoecVd to tV p-.tir at an farle liaW. T5i tjask is Mad every where, but mud is better than snow for this Saturday night writer with all its po'le purity. The eeieccy of our schools ia some thing weal, need to rejoice over. First class schools are a great thing for any community and Albany's are certainly of a high grade. Do yoO fetl the generous pirit that should pervade tne holiday aon, then give; bet fir! be jist, an 1 pay your debts VjtH:iitjtou Letter. I'fKA t or rnr'ar C.a; adai. WasatsoToji. iWv.tth, 1SJ. The rein of M rk H inna hai opened in WashtDgtoc. H t astrirtfng more attentive froai repub"i an eeoatora mad representatives than tt openinc of con g'eS sad the leiider.i nifoij- cn:u- The Gazette has the follo-v;-. !n iu wriicup of a recent font Ua'l giiue : Tub masterly inactivity of Frazier, the fresh man fullback, was epecta!iy admirable. No man could watch his Military posing anil, call foot ball a brutal or a naty game. He didn't get near another player and te kept his suit clean." That won't be the ettle of the Albany faHback tomorrow. Watch him. l-rfvn Cttl!Ubf -. f 1:11 lis! I.-.. "I ll.l . 5 1- -. .asi leiiri u.e cjpt mi was ' A Qawra la IKe r fxs Fa4sriix, Dec. IJ. I-0ien Lihu...ka.'ari hioobs'ShI tr-day that trstay in (as FraadMo mci!d be brief. She is alri-t-frtjwiajf fjrhT early departsre for Waehsoa-toc. t.f the k; ; to meet her ti-c. lr,ij-s Kic!aci. The ei- qun hi arraiiifj toaiaJ the tor) sow tc morrow tigut. TT3 UuJ n AN ELEGANT BUTTON FREE nith each package of -afaV t wH O? v; A? RAL SWEET CAPO CIGAIfOTES AN OPPORTUNITY TC .T.!AKE A COLLECTION 07 iJTIONS VITHCUT COS" iiiiile'- Ienutr Sheriff C. L. Pcott has keep ng a list of the different ways sher- j r Loess De if! is pel!ed on ad.lressed to ! fUpa'j ic from 1 the Lane county sheriff's office and ro j 1 be lej.i t,i li alive. to the 10. K pcial irlii. . ure i . . . j - county shen a s oflsce andeo! 1 be trad of ti 11 I aiaa cyvaimite far has gotten 22 diflfcrent ways of spell- j tod.y reoivJ a duptuh from Key Mot ing the word. 21 of which, of counse are j making if. :a:e Cesul ', to Spanish re incarrect. The iit is as follow: Sher- i f.'Wta trota Hjvasa .f ibe ai'?5d kiiUog iff, shereil, shearf, sherif, sheriSe, shtrf. j Ac'.ssio Maij. shrif. sherieff. sherriff . herief, herr3. The !Uaurh skiW that a! 9 o'clork lt hireft, schertff. haref, sberaf, fh?rt, j nizbt Vacto wi oain :n Ptsar dl fcio herrif, thtriff. thir-M, theirff, scherifl, ; pr-jrict. asd tiar tu srisy va making hirif, Guard. axeful or-ri!im aic Weyier's f-TC ;Uiatiov the turnmg Weyr's The McKinnvdSe Trans.-ript speaks !E,,ltr, U hi eap- f-.t.. f".A..- it mM!.u not ttre 5 tn!t ?r I-.Vfc.B.1 of irss anJ ia a a.r;.-t i.a- iaiiMma ....'nat in r I ia54tir c-f amnactsca. 13edi eelhns to miners ciirirtcs And lalxrjt everv o:!er bov Intel twi' faaav at the taiirwl tl.n.jr. that Poland China Pigs for Sale. j An; one desiring to improve their stock of bogs will oo well to st me be fore baying, at tbe Steels place one mils north of Aloany, on Independence road. I have several pigs, both sexes, from thoroughbred stock, which I will sell at bard time price or trade lor fat hogs, chickens, potatoes, grain or feed or sell cheap tor rash in band. I am deter mined to sell and will sell almost at a man's own figure so call soon for they most go Now is the time to go in rood , nogs wniie yoa can ge utem ro reaaoi able, for Lopt can't stay so cheap. F. H. H fgbsos, the Gardiner. ". Pi A CUfi, are I A San Francisco dispatch tells of more prosperity: The employes of the Pacific rolling mills, numbering 125 men, are on strike because of a reduction in wagee. The business of the mills has been poor for some months, and not long ago the men were notified that a reduc tion must be made, either in the num ber of employes or in wages. The man agement decided to try the latter plan, but when wages were cut on piece work 23 per cent, the employee strnck, declar ing the wages paid did not suffice tor their support. joicg it. Ccgrts has no favar t i distribute at this e "The ttnrglar Who Moved Paradise," i j, M thm by lh will run through the year, followed y ";ei0. ho have been ree Hamlin Uar.and s new novelette. vtn: !otoiti!ir.nt for their friends, Spirit of Sweetwater. Jenny Liois daughter is to sketeU "My Mother a Cre.:ui or t..e r ... . - . c : . i.n-ati ucr, vwiifc i "fare aoxifa to mS rjinecii n to show "The Personal Side ot the Price 1 0.i,-r nuUUe s;riet IH ari:et pos sible imnie:it theraf;er, and 4ley ret-i;-nize the nrcei!y of c.-;::ni on f A i COIillEf a pare.1 wita tt cij-.wvtte ittt s- :iar as ii -A lirr. Ftsa CtCBBtsa Orrx Leslie's Week !y is the oldest and bet of the illustrat ed weeklies of the C. S. It is a nxdel in its character, as everybody knows. at aaOWS ivsx offer Cae Enadred DoHas Urtrf caycaaeof Cafarrh that eaanot be sand hj iu's Catairk Care. F. J. CHESET at CO., Prof.. Toleda. J. tie Wbienifiied, hare kaowa F. 1, Cfceaer tY tfce last 15 yeazs.aad Ubera hia perfecsty boaofaJble ia zH Iw'n-'i , , ,- lt)M ad SacU3- ai't to cxrrj oat jj2y chiigatiow Bade by tiasr Sraa. W nrr a Txrr-s, VWnir VfnzrrttTzm oxi. fata. Bej. O. " Hau'a Caia.-rtCireL.Utei tabarOrKe, ftxr brectJr mpom the bkxxi ssd na-oal ZiZ. ace of tit tjixtrm.. Price Tie. per bouts. J j kwaaDTBZkiaia. Inrlavm mfe treat Hail s Famly I UU are tbe bet. Bing pheoe 8, for Smtiey las orinter PSetty of SHaRIvEIBS at fLBroden, 3ceets a pound. UonSdedce ha nothing fo do wita khi day prices at Lcg'pio: rlry. i ne iapna pb olcc leads ia sfifes i a f i:-cial i jne ra-atar price is a year; bat you Bd. prices. Cocrsp'et line of I ran Mvnr 11 tnd tti w mir HgitnraaTiginocerToa Hand. rt; i&uri.. ewr3eUn roiiiOer to tin, onle nr it an.t th nii he I a S. i: . . r . , j , n.ciiviMVU KaJIZeS pna exa Mon. h-!e l!anr.a tf there is a U at lru-rintr tbcm l: VTL! rret. The repubii- to otioors. it eho-ifd be wrhrUy and rU 1 2' i7i tT I rejected to congress wiy eforo.. jijv;:! .-Jur.v!i - .a3: t ir ar-'noa :jL?e. c- wa t-i leave kr j ry ::.-:::-a-. 3rd f March j bobtj ni op every ittt. of M'alaa" tn tarn ftna illnatrated artieles. I Altogether, lo magazine gives a list of attractions so interesting and promising as does Tbe Ladies Home Journal, and certainly no periodical does it, as does tbe Journal, for only one dollar per year. If it has become a fad, as it seems, for every girl and woman to take this mag azine, it it an excellent one, and, unlike many other fads, a sensible one. point a wJen a'.'.ora- War n-v ; w o serve A novel case was begun before Justice Filloon of The Dalles. Silas Osbarn wsg. ered $20 tbst McK.nley would not carry Oregon by 2-J00 plurality, and as some of the electors fell below that figure, he claims tbe money. The stakeholder re fuses to pay it over, and the claimant seeks to compel him by judicial process. As there was a like bet in Albany tbe result will be of interest. It is tbe Dem ocrat man's opinion that McKinley car ried Oregon by the average vote of the electors, whatever it is. ALBuNY 0RCBESTR1 .1 KBICmSTO. Conductor BEST WESTf HOOK Mgr., ; INSTRUMENTATION I Vio., II Vio., Clar., Cor., Trom. Bass andjDrums Iepci oite of icv7 l(n sic -Music Furnished For- Concerts, Parties, Receptions and Erter tainments at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited regarding en- ggemets out of town Address Bert W'esttrook, Business Man ager, Revere House, Albany, Oregon tMason System of Technic) Cr rein! Instruction of Children a Spec iahv Terms moderate. Washington St. south of U. P. ciiurch. Dr Adams Cueick Block Albany, Or. ALBANY TRADING CO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade free de livery. Telephone No. 61 R. N. Morris, JHr Corner 2nd and Main Sts. J-M. RALSTON KROKEK. Maston Block, . Albany, Or Money to loan on farm security, all small loans made on persona! tecurity. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. F insurance written in three of the arg co mpanies in the world, at lowest ategy 1 e " . 1 ' ' ' . LUDWI6, Cpposita Postoffioa- PLDMBINO- and tinaing au Dottom prices. Wanted-fin Idea VTho can thin of torjiD mtmpm thing to patent? w, TFKXVT 3$! fnjr bring you wealtti. Writ SOHH WKl)niri titrn j m. d' :L 17. WlT?J&ttJ?ZSZ, on all public work WhatMr. Coxcy Wants. The St Louis Republic says : Jacob 8. Coxey of Good Roads fame has issued a call for a conference of all persons who favor bis nonicterest bear ing bond scheme to meet at the Lindelt Hotel in this city, Jan. 12." in conjunc tion with the call for this meeting Col onel Coxey ha. promulgated his platform for 1900, which is as follows : Demonetization of gold as well as sil ver. Tbe Initiative and referendum and im perative mandate. State ownership and operation of all railroads, wagon roads, water ways, irri gation works, telegraph and telephone lines. Municipal ownership and operation of all street car lines, waterworks, market houses, gas and electric light plants and "all other public utilities. Empty the surplus labor iu public work at not less thaa $l.S0 per day ol eight hours. Government banks ot deposit and loans direct to tne people at coat- Tbe nonintereet bond plan, based upon land valres, will practically carry out the above planks, Equal sutfiage, without regard to sex. State control of the liquor traffic. Election of President, Vice President and United States Senators, Judges and all Postmasters by direct vote of the peo ple. The land for nse of citizens, actual set tlers only. Sptrnlation and cornering the neces saries of life are wore disastrous than gambling in money, and most be sap pressed. A graduated income tax. Public salaries to be regulated by the price of wheat. No increase of the United States Army in time of peace. The right of the posple to peacably as semble in public places tj discuss their grievances to be restored. Compulsory education. . No child labor in factories. All useful inventions to be purchased by the government and made free to all. Trials by juries in all cases when de manded . The prohibition of foreign pauper and contract labor. The abolition of the contract system Things to Discuss. Te ad .ancement club ia F.agene wi:i talk abjat the follow irg interesting things: I Mental tait and experiences of reformers. 2 Reasons why evils are so perststent in the world. 3 Reasoos wby morality is net ad' vanced by legislation 4 Reasoos wby law are sometimes enforced and sometimes not. 5 Reasons why mcral efforts take he tbe form of waves; are such moral waves beneficial? 6 Reasons wby all good men in the community do not unite again! evil. 7 Proposed plans for uniting tbe force of good in tbe community. 8 Reasons why people in general do not take more vital and intelligent in terest in tbe public schools. 9 Is it true that no reforms can t ac complished except by tbe slow process of education? 10 Projects for replacing saloons by other resorts of various kind. 11 The educational vtlue of clean streets, beautiful iront vards and other pleasant surroundings in a town. 12 Tbe mouey value of beauty in a town. 13 Ought party politics have any place in c.ty elections. 14 What aims and motives should in fluence a man In voting at a city elec tion? 15 How far ought the public schools of a town to go ia educating pupils. 16 The city high school as a moral influence on the young meo of a town. 17 What ought to be the relations between t'.e university and the citizens of the town where it is located? 18 What ought to be the relations be tween the univtrsitv aud tbe other pub lic schoois tf the town where it ia loca ted? 19 Is it true that a yonng man is benefited by having to earn money to pay for his education? It so in what sys is he benefited ? Miss Cars Evans and a msuse, the one a leader in a Baltimore public school and the other a resident of the sams building, collided while travers ing their respective orbits, one day this week, and so startling were tho noises which eneued that a panic among the children present was the result. They rushed for the door and down stairs in wildest terror, and citizens who saw them rash tnmultuously into tbe street promptly turned in a fire alarm from tho nearest box. When the engines arrived the entire neighbor hoed was filled with excitement and mothers; but finally Miss Evans managed to explain most of the trouble, and in the end it was decid ed that nobody had been hart or was ikely to be. So rejoiced were the as sembled taxpayers at this that terms with Hanna in order to uo so. tliona has no particular repect or rev erenre for anylhioi except moo-v. He went throng!) the pretense of littening to protttta by The local republican againt the selection of a gi.i d mocrat for chairman of the inauguration com mittee, bat he nev-r had aa idea o! giing back on the promise be Lad made to the clique of millionaire real etate speculators t- select the mm t!iy bad nnid for the plc, bosh as a reward f it hi emmpa'sn contributed end a a naeacs of putiing a man tinder their con trol in a way to gi into the fod gracet of McKinley and ir?!o a local office where he can inflaenee the expenditure oi the District of Columbia fonJs in a way to benefit their iavetmen'e. If I wanted anything from Hanca, I should Imtil up lbs millionaire who hsd contributed lo bis ccmoiiltee, tor a backer, Instead of bothering with political icfineoce. Mark regards poUlics as simply a qteation of money, and not of principle?, and I make the orediction right now that lbs mil lionaires of ths country will be far more influential with the McKinley adminis tration, than the politicians. How to do OGibing a hite pretending to be trying to do something, witi be the motto of the republican leaders daring the prerent sessicn of congress. It has been fulty decided at Canton that an ex tra session of congress shall be called to ps a tarif bill, and that nothing must be done at this session to give the repub lican opponents of an extra session, of whom there are many, an excus for saying there is no necessity for one. Under the circumstances this will not be a difficult task. The regn ar -appropriation bills can eai!y be manlpa'.ated so as to take np all the time of the rhnrt session. Thoee enemies of the democratic party who had somehow, most probably be cause they wished it, gotten the idea that Senator Hill intended to attempt to knack the bottom oat of things by mating a speech to the senate in which be would pay alt his political and some of his personal debts by telling things j that ought not lo h told and saying' things which were best left uniid. hate been burking op the wrong tree. Sena tor Hill may think he lai folitica! wrongs to avenue, but it can be Mated npon the very highest Authority th& himu'lf that h hasn't tho slightest ; lea of assuming tlia r!e of a pui.iic avemter on the flor of the senate, and that instead of trying t idt'ii the breach between democrats lie wiil endeavor (j the extent of bis infiiienea to bring about a better state of party feeling. Representative Berry of Ky., who was re-e!ectel, has this to say of the election In that state: "On a fair and pquare vote Kentucky would have gone for Bryan by at least 25,000 majority, liut mouey was naed without stint, and it is one of the most potent factors in modern politics. There is always a ! vn j; eeota f t csvtcES UHaSta. Since tne an : nougnrntents were made irom the pulpit i.t v and i list Mjrvisv siirht. it has been decided lo i-i ice t nave ir e ooai wrvicee u ine loorcn Oi i Christ, cor. of bih and Jackson Srs Siae Bejui? ' Dec 13th. as follows: Preacb- ,. ,, " ng lw:' a. m S-andaT school 11 a. iiavv:.-.v. Iv- 10 -It .4.4t MZers-In. Junior C.E.:5)D.m. Y.P.S.C. tij:-n ot; K. 6:30 D. m. Pmchtse 7:30 D. m I ri:itf:,-4 i.: iI it Seer i -e. u.e t.-r..?a! M .. ha. aatretdrfed to ."-:-:i!s.rf Lost tie cttOKssasiw. at I he i;V r "is r-Jipe, tui cocirms te aa- Tbe Laneeboro Joarcai jrs: We tare that the oldeet man in aiieneeot tocaat ballot at the lata election at a i aoonoerK ct that Mtiw w. kti:ed on Ue reeident erf Thoagh bowed I tf?.t' - i.K .i . .... t to . rr" r ' " . - .- aw-j i ia c-jtTjvua cmuiaitKiesS oi M i w Ctrrcjeda. Monarty went to tr pons oa im ; ioi? and dropped ia a te for B.IJy i fcreryoce cordially invited. ASTBtat UASX. Bryaa, aad we tidnk be deserves a letter of thanks (rxtni she d;'J neighed son o? Nebraka for hit act a it isn't often thai even pmidentia! candidates are to'ed far by men of soch great as. BnssHl rar Atrtm Astoria. tr.. IW. 9. Word a re ctivta fro.u t'hadweil this nvming that a yocng nun, of the casie of CKx-n. employ ed cn ravt ranch rer tnat plare.drowoed in th and CUrk river Monday even ing hut. It uresis that li nn tcwk a iki M or. day aftroon audatarted f-.r .fce ranch of VV I icalU. after ruiik. waa nt sctn ajraia A euvh the fo"iow;nir d.iv r- soited in tbe discovery ot tiiecpied skiff, while a ruiie frttr ' ti river the emfir nii:k cmvs were luni !l ja'.ir to ward the bay. The Twelfth Ntetu Fcstiva. Everyone who ooe enj.-y a feast of c od thing will aure'y ta s&tirtied on Wednes day evening Ian 6th. as the ladies cf the J Congreffational church, are mukiuir a speo- ! ial etfrt for a mil fiat on this late. it I be ng the 2.h night alter Chrutmam doe notice of place and pmpram i;l be giy.'n later. HOLIDAY GOODS Will be Suld at Ct by I. ClraJ- Weill. Mr. Julius Gradwoht iil reH hi large stuck of holiday gOvals, including tjiina, si.ver ware, etc, etc, at the cort ot laying down in Albany, in orb r to close them out, preparatory to pulling in a stock cf general nierchnndiw. lie has a tine as sortment and the prices are toltom onc. Patronise one who has helped to build up the city. atari' Closer Stoat Tea is a sure cure for headache acd nervous niaenes No'hlng relieves o qnickiy For sle by Fobav -. Mason. A Salarat lieanllllrr Karl's Clover Rh.i Tea ;u.riiies tt: bood n give a ch nr and l!itiful comp'erioa for .re ly roHti;y anJ Mi. Oar nratxtlox ' Nam tiur out of eery tire lrottlo d medi cine Bold iu thi hut live year are S. l. gcKKti. Iheb li lleaiiiKT.e iiml l.ivoi t'ureiuse myself n a .-eacral physic If you ure siik and want lo t.i.l. well, tl:( qtiictcKt. cheapM.t and Kifext mthwi i tc huv the S H. medie and iim; directed C. P., Dniiriist, lliifiir, Or " rVi hI by Push ty A Mas n at &U ct er bot-!e. Tke Tariff Kill WjumtsoTOS. lec. 10. The hoce ' and ceacs caaitrit'e wiil been work WJo?e si.e holiday recee ore a the tari? MM, hich i to he ti e chief fea ture ib the po::cv id the ir.toaiing ad-mini'tra's-iR, aet i';l eosieavcr to rer fect the bi! s !t !? t- -..-.-r-' t the houe t! it .v,H - .- ..-, , a- tn? .... .... i-n,; uri. i M4mn ey ... ..u .. .-! ,.- ;rvivea lite tarii! Uas. aeelde4ty Wei Taoch . I lt Sice the 1-t of No vember lo loche of rsia hss fjaU-a ia this ritr, while hot 36 icch was reirferwi during the previusi li m-Mths. The kwa roor tiil c0Bt!Boe. Lav Ivsog di'lntta of lb city are rliwdtsl. baf!3K"nt in eren.l houaes being: under water. The ritr Iridre over irurf-oet axe be:ns valdi-J, a fain are eutertainei that tue rss'i if w.Ierj wiil weaken f;uB:a!ion. Take a Ce-I IIiLt-u..B., Dec. 20. 5n.:t.'y before noon tJiay, in the i'tecve trii!. the court adjournal! until tomorrow Ciornm g. to irtve the attorney for tee defense time tn which to rracg? the line of the deiene. The tat ta s-ed eiht days in exjmicing- 57 wi!ee. i onaw hcics rccail,. KUat ia m i.,iv Sr Loo. Ike. 9 Tee Iron Mountain ft eipresi. outgoing, wa bell op one utile from the anion tation within the city limits, tonight at 9;il0 by six masked men. the cf tbe express tar was blown oj with ilvtauate, but no plunder was swuitw. One of the E?n stood in the center of the track and waved a red lantern, signifying that daBgvr was ahead. Use engineer1 stopped the train, and no sooner bad be! done so than to m isked men jumped on ihe cni'ino cab and presented revolvers, ! tellinit him to hold the engine still oo pain ! of death. Two othr rubbers made for the I express car, white tne rem.iininir two stood gu .it! ouUu -Jo. In less than 15 minutes the whole thing wjis over, and the con ductor hastened to the neareat telephone anu liouncu ice police. lae laadiac bjh. Wjsuimjtox, Dec. 9. Chasnuaa Tow. cn, of lue 1 acibc railway comniittee, had a exultation with Speaker tjeed today, at which he urd the advisability of the ccranitttee on ruW brinpinj; in a sjiecial or- icrioriue consu.ew.ivei the fandim? Mr Tower aie l lint time 09 giveu. To-rT. Yoa aooaU Know that enery loiUecf our syrap Tola Tr sad Wild Cherry that is sold oa a guarantee to care wat. osa, boarxenes aaa ail diseaees cf tne Ucgs. Yoa a ut acknowledge that it w aid be the beight of folly to gQaran tee this medicine gtlet we have positive evidence that it will relieve and core tbese x-nsplaiats. UrsxsAKT at Lek. Drogg Uts. To CURE A COLD IX OXE DAY Take Laxative Promo Qaiatne Tablets. All rs?s; rf-d the money if it faiW to I-e! everybody coase to ti Star Bakery rK get 4- )oc ot fresh bread for cii. CMarsa. ( iremcn's Election. Albant, Oa., Dec 9, 1S96. The election oi Albany Fire Desert- mem will take place at the council chamber baU on Dec It, 1S96, for elect ing a chief engineer and assistan chiel engineer. The polls will be open from 1 o'clock cntil 6:30 o'clock. Ai.Barr STEtmACBaJt, Sec"y Daxciso Schoou A dancing school will be organised at Armorv llall next Wedneeday eveninz. Nov. IS. bv J. P. Feaeter. School nights evtrr Wednes day and Saturday. Wednesday nights win d nevoiea exclusively to instruc tion. Saturday nights general practice and social dancing. Several new dances will be introduced. Terms, gentlemen. r month ot eight lessons, 13.60; ladies. Music by the Albany Orchestra. era at ine Kewsrt a Sox hardware Co. . Tey can't come tp to aar tubtf -oiar Staiiey the prister We keep tie only eocnptete loca- 0 printer a Mationstry 10 the eocaiy gmi ey the priater. Dr. G. W. Kas.,41. Mtrqeu t ao geoe, Albany Or. Ca:U answered prospt- 1 1 - , t j L-a .re ib - t satjag itc-ve. cad and examine tie Rctal JeveiatTbe Stewart A Sx ILirdware to.'s. Drs- H. E-andO. C Beers cScee aac reswleoce ia the pest cSce bsuldic Spat ial atntioa given to dieas of vcmeo Sotan-rtylpt?peaadbordi. Why buy tbe sacotki bst pristisa whew the Imt coratsaemore? Snuiey. the muter. Wekandiethe and print them op for yoa tt is prtee yon paj for i&fericr gradet. Seal? tbe prutor Ton can ray more, bet ran m.r ... any better aerviae, Yoa can pay lew. but yoa won't get as good service. Smiley the printer. CJothinf dniW a t k. it a E Owen. 3rd between Elkamak iJ Rnwi. aJbta. it; Removed, Removed. il. - rtvtii-tpt a and Ltver Comphunt jou hive a printel gua'autee on ec. v Oottie c! Sbllo's Vital Imer- It never falii to cure. For sslfl by Fiwhayft Mason ri I -ii purchasable element, and when money rAst'tm , is as plentiful as it was In Kentucky this year, there Is no tronble in get'ing mer cenary recruits. But the democrats elected seven out of the eleven congress men in spile of tbe corrupt methods of the opoosltion, and two years hence tbe democratic ticket will sweep the slate." several boors afterward did it occur to them that to call out the fire engine entails on the city an expense amount ing to about $100. McKinley coht-nue to have lota of not for callers, hungry office seeks', endavercus Try I'awson books. once 011 school from a long fast from the public pap. Who envies a president? The Bake TCity "jali is repoi tt"d empty, a remarkable thing for a mining town. Dr. Price's Cream batclng Powd. World's fair Hte-lutst AwsrC. It Save Live Kre jr R . j.i'Miu.l) of c.i of t.'ouauuiptlon C jijvfus, Col l-i and Coup sr 1 1 nr .Shiio i's I'ure. A. t'arl Horth ttanw la. Cini"iMpli3. hi'irippe, fneinunia and '! fh'Mi' 41 i L in,? dMeaseA are cure nv S'ltl i 'i t'iir. For or Fashay MiBOIi. ALRtTl MAKItrr. v-'b-'t. Tic Oats 25 Flwr, It Ki Mutter VXo Eggs 30t Lard 6 to 60 Pork hums, 8 to 10c, shoulders .4 to 6a Sides, 6 to 8. Hay buled, cheat, $7.0?, Timothy, $3. h 11 -5!u:e, ueior te Loll. lay reoesa Srvaker Keed promiHl to call the com mittee on ruh s hvotb-r today or torn Jrrow tor cousider.i:ioa ot Mr Powers re'ika. T rail, l. Kaow New Yuuk. Doc 9. Michael II IV Yountr. of Saa Fr.incisL-0, sailed today on ths New York, iKvimpanied by Mr De Voting, ih-y nr Koing to tjH'ad (he Cliriatuua holiday with their caiidren, aiio aro in sohoii iu P.-uis, iictore tho .'eanu-r cail.d, IV YvMingti.lil it rcp'rtcr he is cr,li i.ut cVif riiia will receive auiUblervjiuiLou iu McKinley cabinet. tVne for Lffeet New Ycuii. lo. t. The V.'oild Key I'rlv.u Havana advices llatly deny ihe Spaniah report that Maceo has been killed T'-o story was concOi-ted at the palace to counteract tho Ki effect of Macfo's suc cess in crossing the troche between two Spinish forts ceiur Can us without losing a man, The Imprint oce is now located in its new and commodious brick oace on t trst St., next to the Rasa House, where they are better prepared thaa ever before to ei ecu te your orders for neat and nobby job pnaung at bed rocK prices. Cail and feet our pneea. Send 1 our Bundle. Care and intellieence in huoi clothes has tad its effect it is reepoi for the "access of the Albany Steam I dry. Send along your bundle to the laundry in the valley, or let Richard. Phillips know and they will call fur it. If yoa aie not a patron of the Albany Sieani Laundry tell the proprietor at once to send 1 jr vour bundle- Once a castomei always a customer. Carea a. My three ch'ldren arell tubiectti croup; I ielerphe I to San Francisco, eot eot a hall doaen oott esof s li Congo Cure It is a iwrfeet 'emedy. Uod b'e you for it. Yoar. e'e J.H. Ci osier. Grant Pa, tr." For sa'e by Fohay Jt Mason at (Ic p'- b !c . Many of ihoe beautdul ba.keU for sale by the Albans Furniture Co., are already sold. Yo't wi I do weil to investigate Oa the ticket. H ill X Stark for yoor holiday trade. Tbey hare U.e g?ods. Ooihlng" Chcaw. The Albaav ITwin Mm chased bv ,Iaoa Eiain, is going Lst. oecaase tbe bamins ar i ia-Ana ia all wool suits for only fi. All the goods - r"K""w. .'v is iie time to bar, when economy counts and yoa win find it economy to get d arable, well made clothing at remarkably low price-, at W. Blain s, on Ferry itjm near opera TO CURE A COLD IX ON E nY 5 LuJte Bromo Quinine Tablet. Ail druggists refund the money if it fail to core. 2cc. Instrumental Music. Mr. II. M. RirloncrnK.. 1 r. Albany where he wiUgive ins tractions in instrnmenul music. Ida teaches noun, cnitar. mandntin an.i . -.i ,f orchestral aJ brass instmmenta. Mr Backensto U a musician of sreli-known ability ut both practical and theoretical music, and ona nftha ..1.1 eachersinthesuu" -w f. EYERYBODT lias to Bay GROCERIES. Where to do it IS tba nnaclTui 1 . people have learned from years ot exper ience that Parker Bmlhar Can be depended upon. Thev keep sunilard groceries, fresh produce and .C,1 fruUs Tl ir UkedgcoHs re he lst made and give satisfaction. oy jour of thetn Luy your produce of them, buy your truite of tbm Buy your baked goods of them, Taenia aatea Constipation, canses more than half tka i is ot women. Karl's Clover Root Tea t a pleasant cure for constipation. For salt oy toenay Mason. Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, eonsti. patlon, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's run. They do their work ! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Til fij. !r:i ttjwim f kat wsa Lavish matkbiau for the hol idays can find a lanre assortment of fine Uncus, stamped in all the latest designs and a complete line of Filo and wash embroidery silts in all the leading art shades. Our lunch cloths, center pieces and dovlies are stamped on fine Quality 1 linen, and can be bought tor the price of Prepared by C L Hood ft Co.. Lowell. Mass. . -tamping, at the Ladies Eaxaar. The only Pill to tak with Hood's Sarsaperilia. ew mark t next to anient & Slis- s. Mrst ctuss meats ;1I t i.ent auli patron', served promptly and ael Election is ever iut not ihj .Wund f. good meat. This is the season whtw t needed partWuiarly. 11-ight Bros, a' handy and keep a fine sop;lr Step in. tor choice meats of all kinds, call oa tn veteran butcher, m. luuerick, ia tti Bluaiberjf block. Yoa will be well trea ed. Remember we printed the oCctal ballc at about one-ninth of tbe former price VYhv not trtT na t3.!'. yrair iiK ar.-ra- and aaT yoa money. " lmjrintjobo3io, 16 chances to 1 that voa will be plet; if voa get your meat of tbe AlUarv Irerf ed Peel Company, Cor. 2nd and Diswortj srreeta. First class meats of all kinds rl reasonable prices. - It la nobody's fool who bnvs some'.hiiii to eat ha he is hungry. W hen yoa L hungry and want something nice ia til meat .'ioa just sten into Kro.. wli hjw now to please yoo easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. cents. All druggists. Pills! ( If our work and stock isn't as repreter.) ed, yoa can git your money back. SbiJ ley the printer. j i It you want a &ood and cle smoke buy cigars made by our A oaiiy iigar laciorv. Dawson will treat you riftht. f