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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1896)
Clubbing Offer. Tho Weekly Democrat and Weekly l.aaminer will lie sent to subscribers for $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directlv to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a weak. N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. TER3IS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month $3.C0 per advance. SOc per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Weekly. $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for third and proceeding year, when not paid in advance. Club of five new subscribers for $5.00. College Notes. BR. HOLT'S LECTCRR. 'second of the series of The popular I entertainments was given Friday night. I - no unwrnui cousiHteu or & nmntirrA j.... .. ,. . . . Holu lecture and a sonc bv Glt chin 8 7 rtainment'was markf d bv in. the Collejre ibis entertainment was markf d bv in creased attendance, close attention and general satisfaction with the able and lieB3iiiK manner in wnicn ur. lioit handled his siibiect. Evidently the and ience desired more information on China and the Chinese, and, undoubtedly that which waa desired was impressively given by the stereopticon views and the explanation ot them by Dr. Holt. Among the first pictures thrown upon the canvas were those of Confucins whom all China with its teeming mil lions worships and of the god whose death was caused by chiseling the earth f.-om chaos. From his bones rose the mountains; from the hairs of hs body sprang the forests from the sweat of his brow rivers began to flow and oceans to roll; and last, but greatest of all, from a gryy-back on his head sprang the human race. Following these were pictures showing the origin of the Chinese language. The words sun, moon, light, man, etc, are represented by characters. Written lan. Kuage is never eposen and the spoken language is seldom written. At this point Dr. Hole read the Lord's prayer. Amusing, imbed, were the vies rep resenting Chinese modes of trav-1 and of agriculture. Glad we are to live in a land where we ride not in the original ' Pullman" car and where we plow not "with sticks for a mould-boird, st cks for a share and sticks for handles. Impressive were the representations of the modes of trial and criminal punish mentin China. There one jad:e does the work of a judge and jury ; hamboo ing takes the pi ace of the roc pile; slic ing the body and chopping off heads in stead of the penitentiary or gallows. Some of the cities in Chins re beau tiful, others unique. Some of the tern pies are magnincent, others curious. Vet much mora desirable are our citiei around which are no wal's ; much better our churches upon which luck is not caught and in which we worship and praise the living God rather than idols or earth or the heaven9. Aggressive missionary work is beine done among these heathen. The Gospel of Jesus Christ only can break the chains of conservatism, lift China from its de graded pomiozj and place i( on an equal footing with Other nations. Sttltts. A Crowded Co car. There was some talk in the capitol yesterday as to the advisability of action being taken by the next legislature to relieve the supreme court irom the overplus of business on irsstanaa bv creatine a commission com- ree members to hear cases nr l 1 1 . mnn mnre uina Mil r i ' i ntr h-it rut t i to bring its business np to time and keep the docket clean. Representative JoLtn M. Somers, of Linn county, is now at wDrk drafting the bill to be introduced in the house and it is being modeled after a similar measure passed in Indiana a number of years nao. The business of tlr- supreme court has grown to enor mous proportions in recent years and the commission, if created, will be a great help to the judges in their exacting and important duties. Statesman. Former --alek Mas. A young Salem ite, who is temporarily residing in San Francisco, writes a friend in this city whil3 poiog down Market street in tnat city recently he founl a lar,:e crowd col lected before the show window of a drog store. Pushing his way through the young man found a large sign above the window bearing the following inscription : "Your crayon portrait, large size, taken free with every purchase of 50 cents Prof. Clyde Keller." Inoida the window "Prof." Keller was seer; hard at wort making the portraits. Clyde Keller is well known in tbiM:ify .having been born acd raised here. ituit-cinan. Judge W'olverton spent Sunday with Albany mends, Mrs. H. G. Colton, and daughter of Portland, are in the city. Mr. Frank Baker and family moved to Portland to reside. have Dr. B. F. FuiIft will leave this week for Reno, Colorado, with a iew of locat ing. ,,. , Miss Leora Mcar'and If it on last , night's overland for Hanfcrd, Cal., where she will join her father, to reside. W. II. Parker h returned from Sa lem where he has been working in the state printing office two ninths. Mrs. Cha. Wagner, has returned from Portland, where she has been several days attending Mrs. Rev. Condit, to whom was recently born a child. The eocial given at the G. A. R. Sat urday evening was highly enjoyed, though the attendance was 11 nf larva an account of the severe weather. The pre- gram was a good one. Conee, sandwiche and socibiiity closed the pleasant event. "The woolen mills are running. E L Dixon is the new mayor of math. Pbilo Mrs Wjalt of Harrinburg, mother of J E Cart wris-ht, received the8200O from the O U W on the 10th He carried a beneficiary in the Woodmen aixo, payable to bis mother. The case of the ftate vs James Dixonjfor trilling HharleR Rice, at a haquliatl iran-.o. June U. was snbeitfed lo the jury al Rose- but vindicated law. Tleb bills of ex burg at 9 o'cloek thia moening. After 4 penses above quoted are public property, hours' deliberation, the jar brought in a and are verbatim aa presented to the yerdict of acquittal. Cass U Barloir, of Barlow, was arrested by Constable McLown Saturday at Oregon fl. It. nn tlltt pllftrirA fif Pmlw77tamanl TV. . The complaint was made before Mavor Mrrni 7il. ut ucuiT'iiiid una ui lur htht-k. . 1 i I 1 it . .in.. l Iholders of theJefunc'-Barlow-Will Mpt- atti'eCoropapy, and charged Barlow with mbezzling $4000 within the last three eare. when ne was bookkeeper and cashier .f the corporation. The foremen a election was in progress v,; afternoon. It was decidedly mixed. lifter considerable uianenvering and ev- jral changes toe xouowing were wug run: pnr chief engineer. I L Tomlinoon of the f H & L Co, Chas Medin, of No 2's and Art Holtof No. 3's: for assistant Geo K risb No. l'sand Albert Sfellmacher of. No. ir f The Stanford U tee ijlub will not e in Albany 1 any will b m the w . w as follows: "December 24. Tacoma: Deera- hr2i. Sea:t'e: December 2fi, Victoria: "rtowmber 28. Vancouver: Dec?mner 28, Vancouver; uec?mner Jjanoary 4, Chico; Jamary 5, Marysi-iile; Qaouary 6, Sacramento. i 1 Following are the new officers of the L 0TM: Lizzie A t;raw, past Jaay cm Imander: Mm J Seirs. lady commander; Mr M J Slilen, hsut couiuiaiiiler; Vrs CrJe'lie Lamhon record keeper; MuZula Vinn, finance seeper; Mrs M Ahhv, chaplain; Hrs C Howard, sfargean; Miss Bila Stellmauher, master at armp; Mrs Bsser, sentinel; Mrs Lon:a AoUerson. picket $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 cho:ce"catgut" Banjo la strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice ' strings. 'catgut" Violin E $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; nijrn arm, light running; guaran teed 5 yeara. a9ff"Prices on Pianos. Onrans. Banioa rout uu application. E. U. Will Albany BIG FEES. Justice of the Peace Courts and Deputy Disc; Attorneys Come High in Linn Couniy. Editor Democrat : With your permission I ahonld like to present through your columns for the consideration of the tax payers of Linn county the great source of expense the justice courts are to tho people, under !he P,e3nt la nd P!J "nar " istin fe At the outset I want lUslinctl-v "nderrtood I make no criti- cism, censure orcast no reflections upon any justices or other oilicers individual ly, but I do consider the system all wrong, if the officers are to receive their compensation from fees collected from the connty or unfortunate defendants. For the information of those of your readers who do not have the opportun ity of becoming conversant with the law regulating justices, constables and disU attorney fees I quote you some of the provisions of the statute, as follows : Justice Fees. For issuing any sum mons, writ, warrant, process or order, 50c; taking bond, 50c; entering judg ment, $1 ; for swearing witness, 10c; tak ing aifidavit, 25c; for taxing costs, 50c; for making jury list, $3 ; etc Constable fees. For serving summons, order, writ or process, 50c; for serving writ of arrest $1 ; committing person to prison, 50c ; lor summoning jury, $1; attending court. 50c. etc. Diat. Attorney fees. Before justice, on conviction before jury, $10;; tie tore justice without jury, $o. etc j Xow it will clearly appear even to the ! dullest comprehension, if there is no business there will be no fees, hence no bread and butter, resulting in the incen tive to make business by instituting Livolous suits and piling up unnecessary expenses on the county. 1 feel it my Juty, occupying the position I do at the hands ot the tax payers of this county , to present for their consideration in a brief manner, some. at bast, of the very numerous criminal cases together with the verdict and ex penses to Linn county in the justices courts since July last. I cannot efrain, however, from your readers at tention to one tea;ur which suggests itself to the observant, that like the -Mohammedan pilgrims with their faces turned annually toward Mec ca so nearly all these cases come to Al bany, parsing over or around the other 12 justices in the county. lhe hrst bill ot costs Use present court audited was the case of Ed Cree, charur- ed, I believe, with assault. The facts, I bavr been reliably informed are that s6me boys imbibed too freely in bug juice on election day, last J une, result ing in a scrap. Une parly was arrested and instead of being tried by a justice near home waa brought to Albany, a distance of perhaps 25 miles. A j ury summoned, many witnesses examined, a verdict of guilt returned, with sentence to pay fine of fivb dollars. Linn coun tv held the sack and waa compelled to disgorge $93.05. The constable and wit nesses traveled on nines in this case at statute rate of 10 cents per mile. 2nd Case. Jorgeson Brothers, arrest ed on change of assanlt, brought to Al bany, jury summoned, evidence showed another scrap, this lime in ihn mellow saads of a potato field, fought three rounds in presence of S or 10 persons. jury concluded it could not nave oeen much of a mill, three rounds and nary a scratch or diop of blood in sight, verdict not guilty, once more unn county paid b e costs of $55.70. Still those interest ed were not satisfied and a separate in formation was filed against one of these boys, but was finally dismissed without trial. Linn county coming to the rescue with payment of costs assessed at $3.60. Aeain. Mr. Gniseadoffer, an old resi dent and very esteemable citizen of the county was arrested on charge of shoot ing a deer, away last ieb., brought to Aibany, 40 miles, s ood trial, evi dence "that he neve-r kill-d or maimed a deer in bis life, verdict not guilty.whicn all who heard the trial agree a righteous one, cots $77.95, Linn county again com pelled to stand pat and liquidate. Con- stable and witnesses traveled 532 miles in this case. Next: The celebrated Carr case, re sulting in lack of evidence to convict, cost to Liun county $72.70 in justice court and smcting like $100 in cireuit court and ot-Ner expenses. Once more Two boys arres'ed fcr killing a deer, one plead guilty, lined $50 which he paid and the money was divid ed between the Ju&lice, Special Consta ble and Deputy Dist Attorney, and found insumcied to satisfy them and a bill for $13.70 in addition was certified to the county court, whici under this beautiful, grand'dele -table system we were forced to Dav. Howl do vib 'he co'inty court had discretionary powers on payment of such bills. " Still it seems the law was not fully vindicated in this deer racket. and two more boys wete arretted for chasing this same, poor identical deer with a dog, brought to Albany, inea ana found not guilty and the costs of $100.75 paid from the hard earnings ol the tax naTera of Linn conntv. &19 miles were traveled by Constable and witnesses in tbi? case. Taxpayers where do you get off in such ca'es. Once again: Wm. Baker was arrestel I believe, on lhe charge of letting a cow into tome persons pasture, brought some 20 milts to Albany, tried by a jury ol nib peers, who brought in a verdict ot ao qn'tal and charged the stale with mal- icious prosecuiion. 1 dose, for I guess -The state took her she was guilty, and Linn county looted the bill of $!G.y0. i have only reviewed six out of thirty-one of like cases prosecu'ed since July, all resulting in the same verdict of acquittal, except one poor tramp wbo is languish ing in the county jail, it cost l,iuu county $11.60 to get him in and it will cost her $10 more to get him out. And now my taxpaying friends of Linn county, brace np and be of good cheer, for you have the blessed assurance inai you are basking in the beautiful, glaring I Hiinlii'l.t of an enormously expensive, I county court for payment, and lei u oe f Qli7 understood the court has no discre- Makes lifo misery to thousands of people. It manifests Itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings, ruiininz eores, boila, salt rlicum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarce ly a man ia wholly free from it, in some form. It cling tenaciously until the last vestisre of scrofulous poiuon is eradicated by Hood's Bursaparilia, tho One True Blood Purifier, Thoimnds of voluntary teetimonials tell of suffering from scrofula, often so. 30. Hnlirritad and most tenacious. Tiosiuve- ru Sarsaparilla Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., lowcll, Mass. lie ure ti pet Hoon's and only Hoop's. nxi are th het atter-dlnner HOOd S PlllS pills, aid dilution, a. Scrofuia tion under the law only to credit the bills as presented and certified to by the Justice, if in accordance with the law. The county court is simply helpless in 1 mdtta. T wifih !fr Witru ndiAvarliia for I am convinced that the fees they wonld'ntbuy their blotting pads. In round numbers $900 has been paid for theso comparatively useless prosecu- tiona since July, nearly as much as the roads and- bridges for same period of linui Wif h C(t nl nnnniii tnxpR nn the rolls of Linn countv it seems a shame for this cruel and useless expense to be tolerated. The only relief from this burden of tslature, and as that body convenes early j next month, immediate action should be ' taken by every one interest l.(and every , one paying one dollar of taxes interested.) , Call meetings in every school district in county, discuss the proposition of legiB- MtiveaDoiisument oi the present justice courts, wiping out the present iniquitous assessor laws, and all othet useless and expensive systems that have fastened themselves upon the public. Organize at once, fire petitions to your members from Linn county signed by every voter in the countv, and I feel certain our members will see that relief comes quickly. The county court can transact all the preliminary criminal business, without any extra compensation, and the sheriff can supply the constable place on his present alary and still be happy . Geo. D. Barton. Holly Echoes. The recent cold snap caused a loss of fully 50 per cent of the potato crop in this part of the county. Kfmor VnA .n.l f.m;i f rml ' ville moved to our town during the past 1 Jf. used very profane language in the week Mr. P. will soon be insulted as air- Mr. bwann then left. The shov merchaut and postmaster of Holly. i Pfr w8 denied by the r indleys. The buildines and lot west of Main MfaJl'-'r "XH Tl" W consisted ot Messrs. Stewart, sold a few days ago to G. W. Pugh, one c icn' Kaitimnr (: .,! UmZ cf thepcpefou8farmertofthiswintly.'xK"n,,BllImore hear8 nd lio Robert Field's saw mill at this Dlace ! started np a few days ago for the m-' tCr 8 runa 1 Holly was well repseaented at the schoo. entertainment at Crawiordsvule on the evening of the 11th inst. Miss Francis Jenninea of Crfwlorda- ville closed a term of school in the Moss district last Friday. Mias Fanny Ham illon s school in the Mealy district closed cn the same date. The pupils of Holly school and their parents are planuing to join forces in n-m-i.4r. f'v, l -ri : I ' will . . iit,r.r in,;nm-n .h, i which they wiil enjoy a supper prepared by the parents. PeliUons are .eing cumulated in some iout disad vantage that naturally result parts of this couatv praying for a bounty ed in its defeat. The boys ma !e the trip on coyote scalps. There is greater need , in Baby's wagonelt, leaving Salem at 6 of a bounty cn the h-da of shea killing 'a.m. Saturday, hut. owing to a break dogs, as everyone familiar with the facts. I down tnat happened while enroute tbev knows that for every dollars worth of dtd not teach the "scene of Utile" until droperty destroyed by coyotes, in this 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. They had county, five dollars worth i destroyed S to prepare immediately for the game in by doga. But still better than ; which the Albany team proved too much a price upen the heads of such doss ; for iue local team, since it averaged 10 would be a law compelling everyom lbs heavier to a man than did the Salem owntna a doz to keep it on his own uani. The only incident that marred premises, or compel the owner to mua- the pleatare of the trip anl which rould rle the dog if it runs at lanre. apparently not be avrrted; was the theft It is earnestly hoped that the next ; of some of the Salem boys' be!on;;ing session of the Oregon legislature will while the game waa in proctwa. Myer not concern itself so much in making jllirrch lost a$dpairot shoes while a large and unnecessary appropriations ' numte of the lioxa lost sums of money and in providing means lor meeting j between 50 cents and a dollar each. A them, as in planning to reduce taxes, I return game will ptol-ab'.y be j Sayeil at salaries and other expenditures. ) Salem daring the holidays Journal. A sood way to begin this retrenchment I The -Mbany team did not a'verage over 2 would be to knock the "fee system" out t or 3 Pund IEOrp accordmg to rcp-jf: of every department, loth. state andj1 county. That military luxury, the O. , snouia te reconstructed so that it j would be more useful and less ornamental and expensive. If a better road law i cannot be enacted to take the place of I the very defective one we now have, let I us have a law providing for the election i of road supervisors after the manner of j holding a lamp in hi left and only hand, electing other precinct officer, a law, when it expoded, burning his hand in a specifying that all roads built hereafter traoner, and setting fire to the in the' state shall not have more than S things around from the door to the wi per cent grade, is needed. j iag. Mr. Hawkins, with only one hand the qnalitt and the quantity of Gro-n,i 'hat b dly bjrned, grabtd some rer's last message indicate that he has ' bed clothing an I after a hard fifbt ex- proattd by the practice he baa bad on i that line in the past, bat wttb all wisdom and immensity his latest fails to make clear to the minds of those who bear the burdens of taxation, why the government should not abandon the bondmakiug business if it goes out of the bank'cg business as ia suggested too. w v tw IMII !' S5ven on the college campus Saturday afternoon. It waa also big foH ball on ' asmall scale, well played Though the! hovs ended the game covered w ith mud i i. u.u language a clean tme. Evenly match ed, the Tornadoes and Cyclones did en enw'ic work for the supremacy. The Albany eleven were raid to weigh an average of two pounds more than the finltt l n I ft . n MA. I 1. : . 1 . they won. thojgh, for in the line Salem LA (nti. ..V ... .it ;i , ! stronger. A 1 ban. 'a .trench wa hind the line. Stewart at full back and I Undgeford and Sternberg plaved the star games for Albtny. Stewart's tackl ing was low enough' to suit s Cross and Bridgefcrd and Sternberg's rnns around the erda were effective. Bridgeford made the only touch down, near the end of the first half In the second hail the Cy clones slowly pushed the Tornadoes through wter and mud almost to the goal when the whistle sounded and the game ended 4 to 0 in favor of Albany. Owing to the water and mud it was im possible to kick the bail effectively and fumbles were frequent. Vernon Jack way, of Albany College, performed the duties of umpire, L'ncoln Brown of Sa lem, referee, and L. Laughead, lineman. A large crowd witnessed t he contest and got a good idea of foot ball. A CoMPtaisT. A gentleman complains at the Democrat office that this morning Poundmaeter Davidson killed a dog at the dog pound below the St. Charles hotel and that he did It in a cruel man ner, not only shooting the animal twice bnt beatirg it over the head so the blows could te heard at the hotel. The objec tion was not to the killing of the animal. which as poundmaster he had a right to uo.uui 10 me manner oi execution. Newport's new city council are W S Wtiitten, J 11 Maine. Ge Ford. Wm Wright, W L Ihivi. nr War en. S 11 Ma- ley and 0 II Williams. Objections. Obiections have been made to the final accounts of M. V. Leeper, administrator of the estate of 1J, Bowman. Da ember 8th the heirs. America Bowman. O A. Hnwmaru W. II. Bowman, Nancy E. Miller and Maria L Jones, through their attorney, J. E. Wyatt, objected to the al.owance of said hnal account. The administratoi appeared by himself and his attorney E. V Uiln llnl lO.I. il 1 4 J . iviiBvii. Aviciuuvr ion) whb lizeu for the tiling of an amended final ac count by the administrator. Times. For Christmas. 1 Your grocer will sell you : &CluT S Best tea, and re- t tUm VOUr money in full if ' j ,. ..i . VOU GOfl I llKC It, T Tr ; lie IS our a?ent to this , . CXlCm, ana WC want no K,-.ffr lmcmwc ut-ll(-r UUSinCSS. A Srh,,""f Company fo CASUS. Dn . f AssauU. nnj lnc other for Larceny. Two cases were in progress this after noon before Justice Hawkins, anil a jury, of an interesting character. The first was that of Lewis Findley, residing be yond Larwood, for assault upon L. .L. Swann. Mr. Swann as special deputy constable went to Mr. FIndley's place with a writ for thn nt, nrlnntnt of anrh personal nronertv aa he had. No one was at home, and he took possession of . some things itt a shed. Mr. Findley and . ins brother U. Is. rmdiey came up, when j he demanded the horse and cart they i had under attachment. Mr. Swann's version was that they refused it and ordered him off the premises within live minutes or be would not go at all, that Lewis took hold of him and shoved him 1 aside, and then went to the house lor a revolter referred to by them, and that : . "r 71"' F " ti,. . . r ,i. two bro. hBr- for uMn. ni .t..hed nrnr,rt t lhat is Iiika n.l far after attiuliment Fror.t a Salem View. The "Salem Cyclones" met defeat at the hands of the Albany eleven Satur day. The frame resulted in a score ol i 1 to 0 in favor of tee Albany team. It w very warm Iv contested came and the Salem boys speak very highly of the treatment received while in .Moan". A Fiery Experience. Justice C. E. II wkin met with a fiery experience lat evening. He was ungui - ned the names, loiuy he was around with the band bandied no and a priiate secretary todob: writing ior him. Firemen's FJcction. The contest yesterday was a warm on j, every disable vo'xr in the city casting hi ballot. The re) i't was as follows. . T 1 n ... If L I . . 42 U CI 34 as Me.Iin, of So. 2 s Arthur Holt, of No. 3's roa assist ivrcHtxr. , , " ... t, - en. r.. ricn, oi -o. i s A. if. stellmacber, ol No. 2's The officers elected are rvlialde young iren who will work faithfully in the in- tcrest ol the city a propert . Liwnsw litw bn issued fc- the marriage of J. A Cain and fna Tycer be-!1"1 F. G. Warner and Ions Miller. Mr. John Anslyn, oi Spokane, arrived " Albany last night lor a month s visit He has been braking on the Northern Pari tic, and desired to take a rest from riding snow plows for awhile. Dr. O. W. Lowe and wife will leave this week for the Doctor's old home in North Carolina, where they ill spend the holidays. They wiil t'.itn go to New York City, where the Doctor wiil teke a poet graduate vo-r-e in an opt:cal coilege. after which they will return to Oregon, nd in a short time to Eugecc. Eugene Guard. A than) and Jefferson will bavj a !nirg match a', the al' sny aiiejton Tlicri-ia evening. The in'eivta'e oraturical consent will l beld in Port and Kcxt ma(.ti2. Who will Albany send. i The wie man get a move on and ad vertise; but he doeot stop wi,h tte holi days, he keeps at it month afu-r month. There ant poor people in Albany 1uv are the one who deserve to br rememberi-d also.eiuring the holiday seasons, lie char i'able. "Ed Hiruin. of Priuevide. arrived in thecity laof niiht. ,1r Harbin bus just finUhed building a new hotel in Prineville, and is here for ths purpose of bujing fur niture and fixtures for the new hon'iery-. The Dalles T. M. The Statesman says: The Oregon Quintet concert club, consoling id I'rof. Z. M. Parvin, Messrs. Lundclland Akers and the Misses liulburt and Aider son, will give one of their charming concerts at Unity chu:cb on M0111U7 night, De cember 28th, assisted by local talent of a very higher order. A Good Tmxti. The marshal is work ing up a scheme hy which poor men in the city may be assisted. Under it wood will be purchased by our citizens, cross the river, chopped and brought to thecity, thus giving employment to sev eral men during the winter and help ' teep the wolf from the door. We are closing out our immense stock of Dolls at closing out our immense stock of Toys at less than cost. White and Decorated Haviland French China. Great Painted Novelties. Now isyour time Corner First and Ferry ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dkmocrat of Nov. 21 to Dec. 10, 1875. The Steamer Pacific sunk about 30 miles south of Cape Flattery. Only two men were saved. The Uurllmrt & Hock well troup were among the lost. Potatoes were $1.20 a bushel during November. Ans Marshal'- livery stable, will, all his buggies and twelve horses were burned at 1 o'clock on the morning oi Friday, Nov. 2tl. This tire has often been referred to. A purso of over $1500 was raised to assist him in rebuilding. The Democrat said it did not believe that better time than that of Goldsmith Maid could ever be made under the most favorable hosspices. The time has been lowered by hu.idreds of horses many seconds. A Goldsmith Maid would be alow now. L. 11. Montanyo, a talented young dis ciple of of Wackstone, lolt on a three months trip east, it was rumored after a life partner. Under a big head "The Event of the Season," a long account was given of the marriagrtof Win S Peters and Mies Au relia Hlain at the U. P. church at 7 p m. on Tuesday evening, Dec. fl. A spirited city election resultel in the choice of Capt. V. U. Humphrey fori mayor, aoieaunn .auuh i a r iter py 47 votos, M. A. Baker defeated C. E. Wol- verton for recnrtler hy 2 vote. F. M. Westfall was 23 ahead of Geo. numph. rev for marshal, J. 1. Titus was elected treasurer. Win. Kalston, Frank Parton. . Gray. J. L. Harris. .N. ISaum and J. F. McCoy councilman. B. F. Purdom and Virona A. Cooper were united in marriage by llev. Bower- sox on Dec . 5. VIRKINIUS At the Opera !Ioue, Friday even nig;, lice. in. It is now many years since the "Yir- ginius" of Knowles was first prtmounced by press and public the best acting tra gedy of the modern stage. During that interval cothing has bten produced to render this critical sentence less just. and, with the exception of "Venice Pre served" we can tali to mind no acting tragedy in the Knglish language, out of Shakespeare, 'hat la worthy to be placed by:tsside, these are the words of that great dramatic critic "Haalitt." This is the play that is to be produced ur.'ler the auspices of the Masonic and K. of P. orders by a strong cast under the dirtw tion of Prof, and Mrs. Itasnm. Krcure yonr tickets today an I be ready to tare them reserved Thartday at 9 a. m. Following is th cast of characters: Appios laucSus. A. It. Caanon ("aius Claudius H. A. Liningr Dental a J, S. Van Winkle Numitorius L. M. Curl Icilius 1.. L. Swan Marcus ...F. E Allen Titus C. E. How land Ijicsqs Joe Sternberg Vibulanns O, E. Propst Spuri a Oppins A. r ree:k-n Servius Arthur Simpson neius James llanter Virginias V. M Kumus Virginia Mrs. W. M. lUs.nut Si-rvia Mi.s LiUlan CrawiorJ Soldiers, CiXizent anil Lictors, by mem Ur of the two orders. Iks olEce oens ThursJay at 9 a. tn . The rHnJmater Statement. Poundmaster E. B. Dav;dKn states that he pot toJ v to dalh yr:rday accanling to law, thai he S lot each one of them once, ihat the report that hu tiyat the doc ued cruelty in any way is not true, liei ajs be ijmply execut ing the !, which he will roQUr.ce to do as long aa he l!! theoiS.-e. If pnrii Is cecery it i'l le fortlieoroicg. E. B Davssksun, Poundttiu r. III.T l-H. Ft.l?w;n t tbf I'M t-f fettr r-:n4io;r.g in the Pt,aw at A!ny. linn ccnfy, 1 ftWMimutirveiliedVcowticai,io4,.,-,',,f wlftlMf tla w ther tw adr(rtid. too. ITaindealir. A pplegait, Mrs E Brook, "J M Cole, Gar5r Mrs Stowt, Bettie Swift, V S Tj eer, Ina T. J. Srr. P M rcraoaa; Mr J A rower, tion; Mrs Joan PorLTat Sinws. tieo. D. G,-odhce of i IatKan. orre; Mr U U Spreoger, lady Sa'em, the poulzry show nun of treson awilint. i'l I in Aibany'on Thursday the ITth i of this month to t'k poultry nhows and i get acquainted with the Linn conntv j ponhrvmen. Mr. C. E. Brownell's'poM Mr . C ?rxit of Ohio. Grand lee otfice grorry wiil I bis head jaar'ers. ' tJriol the 1 O G T will lecture at the Mr. CicoJbite i accomplishing much f r j court bw tonight at 7 :30 p m Dec Iwb our poultry i tcresta and cur breeders ; 'o or the t"0CTnings f-jliowing. She should alfmake his a'jtiaainunce. IU ; i -ul to be a very able peaaer. Ibe wm stop oil t.ere two or more dars. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. R. M. Catdwe'l, of Lebanon, waa transacting btftine in the city today. Dr. J. L. Hill delivered bis regnlar weekly lecture be'ore the students ol the medical department of Willamette I ni versity yestrrday. At 8:30 oVWk this evening George F Rogers and Mi Blanche A!l"ert, second daughter ol Hon and Mrs. John II. Al lien, wi I be nni'.ed in wedhk-k. The ceremony will be performed at the .1 bert resident on Winter street, in Uni versity addition, bv Rev. Wm. Siwle, pastor of the first Pteshyterian tbutcli. 8tate;nsn. A letter r reive-1 in Albany from Pan Francisco was to the effect that Bert Van Cleve could see out of his eye and that his sight would probably be entirely re stored. The Corvailis Times says: "Geo. P.ingham received a letter Monday bora Itert Van Clcve, who ia now in Pan Francifco doctoring his eyes. In this letter IWri statcc the occiilist raid the nerves of the eyes were para!yitd and that id time they would te all rijhi. They were some Ijetter when ho rote." '1'hc Two Findley Cases. The case of the State agt Lewis Findley of Larwood.for axsanlt upon L. L. Fwann, as spM-ml constable, was nnisiieri ia't night ly the jury returning a verdict of not gu'.ity. This inorning the case of the State agt I,cis Kindlcy ai.d his brother 11. C. Findley for larceny, consi-t'ng in the taking of property under attachment was tried before Justice Hawkins and a jury consisting of V. M. Baker, John Fox, Jas. VanWink'.e, F. E. Allen and P. J. Baltimore. The fury brought in a verdict of guilty Sentence will bo given touicrrow. The caso will be appealed. For the bcit drugs, DawsonV. - the stock never was better. Everybody come! Streets. SCnecht & fVleiSer. HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat 114 cents. Holiday goods at Foshay A Masons. The latest in kid gloves at the Ladies Uuzair. Roll J gold ring for children SO and 5c, at French's. lliey are lilt's beauties, and entirely new, tlione 10c bangle pins, at French's. Ko'ivcnir spoons, engraved "Albany Oregon'' 15c ut French's Little diamond tings far childien $1.00 at French's. An elegant display cf fancy work U shown at the Ladies Bazaar. It & li comets, 75 cents and upwards at the Ladies Bazaar. fut glass That has the ring to it at Will & Btarkt. Souvenir spoons at Will & Sfarks. See French's thousand dollar shew win dow. 1 .n-thy seed for sale at C. E. Bnow NElXa. Odrktma candies and nuts at C. Browwell's. Por corn that pops can he found at C, E. Bmuwk ell's. Souvenir t.txona finely CnUhed at H. bwerw jewelry olore. I art-nut and bet stocc of holiday goods at Kt-nhayife Maooi. A big banquet was tendered arch bishop Gn" in Portland last night. 600ca of measles were reported in "Ha w alia. That is a measly city. Von can buy gold 61'ed watches aa low as $10 at French's jewelry store. An elegant line of watchei, jewelry A il fr ware, can be seen at 11 . fcwerU. A wagon load of apples in Eugene re tailed at $1.50 a bushel on the streets. L Loie Fuller will exhibit at Salem and E igene Thtusday and Friday night of this week. Albany is mUeing a good many big at-traii-nt, bat perhaps it is money in oar pockets. I'opu'ar roods at popjlar price in groc eries and Qneenawair, at C. E. Bhow xtu.'s. Happy thaghfs, Cbnidmas pr$enf(, and low pricca at ! reach's jewelry tore. George Emerick has b m ou'trd as night watch at C'orvallu and Wm. Skipton elec ted. A full line Rogers Droa. tilrerware for the LoUday trade, at redoced pticee at f r-ticli's jewelry store. luf.innation that is worth ita weight In go d : Get your meat of ah kinds at Hen ry yroter's, on Second street. Have jru seen French's display of Cbrut m g'Xk'- It will cost Tuu nothing to louk tbeji over, and note the prices. Mr. .la. L Cowan expect to take carge of the Warm Spring agency in a few dry. Hi comciUion haa been mailed to him hi bend baying beea approved. S. A. Perk'c. of T acorn a, was private ccrrUry tU Mark Haana during the cam-i-a-a . He it ow ia Taooma, aad u kept Uy meeting jKoe le-ker. ilal! Hair Kner It pronounced the be, prepsualion maie f or thickening tie gr-iwtb of the bair aed restoring that a hich ia gray to lU onginai color. linieniber Keecht Meir are closing cut their cni)4e!e tttrk J dolls and toy I t than oot . Call oa them for the lt bargaUk is thi lire ever offered in Aibacy. Fcr a grol dinner oa CbrUtnii day go 1 1- tie W CTU ball where yon wi'j rvccite foe uri itte riar anoru, wricn ine Udse cf the Firt ChrMtian Church are erjl4eff preefi"ing ia n eWaat manner. IX) col f rgt lbs time and place. Tie (mill Sre kw which baa marked til jer over i't immediate pttdecsMora crRtint3el lai laofct.h to compeaat for the ias'sieg c-ix in wmiani. ior the entire Cfjt ih ansciiot wa oo'y $iS4.0t'?. made up f f 117.K'7 m ItKuidtng and fl3d,&I on ttr cftnten".. The m f Novem lerial3i were fJd5,33 and ia liM Tatr and t'rvw Ut week poonid ont voiixe t- in two day with a hand mortar at Ueir lJ.4 down Ro?ue Rtv. They are rrrparinjr to oend anther carload of r ta A J. 1 be ore tA to be packed w.1 I J, f Foslowtt:g are the new c.Sct of the Oak I"ia Grange at SfcdJ: H B Spreng er, mater; s S Mjer. overseer; Jona UavU. lectorer; Kay Myer. steward; T B J hpicnor, at !aot steward. Mm Clara lari. rhaptrlo; 1-rank rowers, secretary; Too Myer. p.tekeir; Mn T B Sprenger puu ic wcoraiaiy uiwj w k free. The Same Old Sarsaparilla. Thafa Ayer'a. The same old sarsaparilla aa it waa made and old by Dr. J. C Ayer SO cre off. In the laboratory it ia different. There modern appli ances lend apeed to akill and experience. But the sarsapa rilla is the same old sarsaparilla that made the record retire. Wby don t we better it? Well, we're much la the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry: Doubtleaa, " he said, "God might have made a better berry. But doubtless, also, lie never did." Why dont we better the aaraapariUa? We cant. We are tuing the mam old plant that cored the Indians and the Spaniard. It haa not been bettered. And since r make aaraaparilla com pound out of aaraaparilla plant, ire see no way of improvement. Of coarse, if we were making: some secret chemical compound wo might.... But 'we're not. We're making the same old aar aaparilla to cure the eame old disease. Yoa can tell it'a tho am eld marBtxparilla be cause it work the im old eurem. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and if Aver, ? Judge Barton in Salem. The Salem Journal gives the following : County Judge Geo, D. Barton, of Linn county, Is in the city before the State Board of Equalization, a'so W. F. Deak in. assessor of Linn county, will appear before the board. He says there are $20,000 outstanding in Linn county for 1891. The delinquent sale for 1891 will take place in two weeks. The entire tax system is very lax and needs overhaul ing as it allows the large taxpayer to k?ep his money back while the poorer pay up prompt. Judge Barton Is a strong Bryan man, but believes in a new anion party. He does not care what it is called but wants it to stand for American principles, as against Toryism of every description. Hedges not believe the people can be uniieu ior cardinal principles 01 reiorm unuer any ot tiieoid names. lie aays The name of democrat stands for free trade and that will never be accepted. The name populist will not do. The people have associated with that name socialism and other offensive ideas. The new American part) of the future mutt avoid these extremes and stand for pro gressive and economical government by the people as against the combination of paternalism and officialism. Judge Barton Is a populist and a farm er bat a well balanced business man. His conceptions of public duty will be appreciated even by those who have nothing but sneers for populists in poli tics. Judge Barton ! an enterprising, public spirited official, has ideas and convictions and is disposed to carry them into public affairs, and aa many believe not to public detriment or at public cost. The Judge's views on justice court fees, ai published in the Dbmoc&at are given. Probate Record. Notification from asylnm filed that Mr. Thompson, committed on Jnly 24, 1896, had been discharged on one months leave of absence. In estate of Ro'jt- Johns, third account filed. In estate of John Settle, a f 175 mono ment wss allowed erected. Wm. J. Drinjaard and Mary Drinkard were appointed guardian of Geo.. Clara and Lena Drinkard. Bond, $11,000. In estate of Lewis Ray. personal prop erty ordered sold. . Will in aitate of John Nelson admit ted to record. Mrs. Nelson appointed admx. Bond, flOOO. In estate of II. Arnold appraisers were appointed. Inventory filed. Vlue of estate about f 1000- Final account filed in estate of Jas. Knox. In estate of B. II. Allen inventory filed. Final faeconct filed In estate of Ira fettond. Citation groatsd ia estate of M. C. Hill and B.C. Hill. In estal ef B. A. McCartney, settle ment per mi 04 oa aaah basis of $1664 In estate ot A. I. Knox, P. V. Duncan appointed administrator. Bond f 16,000. In estat of Jos Pearl, aale of real property confirmed. In estate of F. M. Garrett, final ac count was approved. In estate of Jos. C. Myers. D. W. Myers was appointed administrator. Bond $1000. In estat of E. L. Knox. nl accoant was approve) and administrator dis charged, apon turning over property to legal nesrs. 2nd aect filed in estate of Thomas Morgan and Lydia Morgan. Important Suit. A sail involving th transfer of prop erty for tie alleged parpoee of defraud ing creditors is to come np in the circuit court for Benton coanty. The) basis of the suit is the transfer before death by Jobs Botbeil ot his farm ia Benton county to bis nephew. W. M. Rotbell. The act happened ia November 1S&, and M. V. Leeper, administrator of the es tate oi John Rot hell is the movie; party in the suit. Mr. Leeper alleges in the proiiale court that ba haa been able ta cad only personal property in the estate and that it is vaioed at only !6; that the claims agas nt the estate and the cost s of administration aggregat $l,?S; that ben be tbooght be was going to die Rot hell transferred over 3J0 are of land in Benton conntv to W. M. Rethell, and that the transfer -was wholly with out consideration, made for the purpose of defrauding creditors. The court or dered the administrator to prosecute to final judgment, and to institute the nee essarv action to have the transfer de clared nail and void. Times. Tux Fata Boats met in Salem yes terday. The fair for 1S97 will be held from Sept. 30 to Oct. & The reports showed that the total receipts for this years' fair were only T,26.J. of which the very small sum of $2,835.33 was fcr g te receipts. The committee appoint ed for next year wer .: Speei program Do LuhmaU, McAJ ister and Baker. Publication and advertising Myers, Baker and Moody. Program and attractions for the fair Mvera, Baker and Moody. $100 was paid the Rural Spirit for pub lishing the speed program for 1S96, and the other papers got soup. So did the fair. 10 cents wiil be charged for admittance to the grand stand hereafter for men and boys. The following officers were selected: President, D. P. Looney ; secretary, C. D. Gabrielson ; treasurer, A. Bush ; chief marshal, w . L.. feimeral ; superin tendent of pa villi on, tV. U. Savage; general toperin'.endent, F. K.Derby; executive committee; Messrs Darbin, Scott, Albert and Baker; finance com- niittee, Messrs. Myets, Albert and De Lash mutt. More Goods. More new goods inst received from the Albany Woolen Mills store at Portland, by Wilson R Blain, two doors north of opera hoase. They consist of boys suits snd men's psnts and ill be sold at the low pricas all his goods are going at, about half ot wholesale prices. Exam ine Lis goods en get bis prices before buying. ITrntr It Tp. Senator Mitchell has introduced a resolution asking the sec retary ef war why nothing bad been done with the provision ior tue improvement at Yaqnina bay, where $1 .0CW.000 was authorized, and the Willamette and larahill river, on which IJUU.WU was authorised, to be under the contract sys tem, by ail means push it. Musical Recital. The pupils of the conservatory, under the direct ion ot Prof. Z. M Parvin, will give one oi their popular recitala in the college chapel on Wednesday evening, ie c 16th, lor the beneutot the Y. W. C. A. Admission 15 cts. ; children 10 cts. Every one is most cordially invited to attend. For Christmas. less than cost. Great reduction in reduction in Hand E rafiMe Mm I , 2 r vv f'i 1 , i it f ) ", liflcaiiMi' .jj: Blackweli's Genuine ILL VURHMii Too wtn Sod ooceoopoB lnX t oroet Bar !(. md UM cnapoa maa mem aam to DO YOU A mans or boys suit, Overcoat, Slippers, Tie, Hat, Silk Handkerchief or Smoking Jacket. Just the things present. You can little money at L. E. Blain ABOUT HALF Of the Wholesale Price Is how you can secure Albany Woolen Mill Clothing a t WILSON R. BIAIN'S. Just the thing for a present for man or boy. FerrF Street, Albany. ARE YOU GOING Remember the QiiUrtn and triends oa Christmas. To This ia a year that soggest sensible presents, those that will be appreciated and be useful aa veil as ornamental. Ton can pet them at Fosbar i Masons. A finer stock has ntrrr Un seen in oar citr. It embraces an elegant line of boots for roong and old, The best assortment of Bible by far in the citr. An e.egant line 01 a.bama and otber plash good-, Some fine toilet rssss, A choice lot of the best pei fumes. Some beautiful vase ainl A large assortment of up to date no tions, from wblcn 700 can not fail to se lect something at a reasonable price that will be suitable for a gift. Don't bay until yoa have seen them. HOLIDAY GOODS Wilt be Sold at Cost by wohl. J.Grad- Mr. Julius G rad wohl will sell his large stock of holiday souds. including China. siiTer ware, etc, etc, at the cost of laving down in Albany, in order to close them out. preparatory to putting in a stock of general merchandise. He has a fine as sortment and the prices are bottom ones. Patronise one who has helped to build up the city. Tola Tr and Wild Cherry coajrh rup. Toia Tar and Wild Cherry cough syrup. Tola Tar and Wild Theny cocg-h syrup. Tola Tar and Wild Cherry Conh syrup. Tola Tar and Wild Cherry ceogH syrup. Tdu Tar and Wild Cherry cough syrup. Tola Tar and Wild Cherry cough syrup. Tola Tar and Wild Cherry cough syrup. Every bottle guaranteed. Christmas Fsstivitik? are near at hand, float worry and work yenrself to death doing your washing at home, but send it to as.Mre will give yoa a satisfac tory job and our price are correct. Call and t our rate. Cm LAtrxnaY. 0. Simpson & Son Prop's. Orp. St Charles Hote.. New macintoshes and box coats. tjuArar teed waterproof Kt L. E. Blaln Clothing CoV. Jewel Co oks, R apges and Heater at The Stewart Sox Ilatdware Co.'s. We are This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made b nd two amtmm lwld ehoanet cK jmir br at KMjue ia praest. g WANT 1 1 for a useful Xmas get them for very Clothing Co's. DnESd GO JDS are seUing well because tbey mae lueful tresenti. ror tiat good whi:h are always accetabie yoa can find a large assortment aad especially good Taloes. HAXDEKCHIEFS made of lae, Enea and silk, narrow and wide ben, em broidered, at prkes that will eeti teem. KID GLOVES. Foster hock and bet: 03, embroidered tack, newest smew. 4 special line of Feettr patent 5-book em broidered bacat to be sold at 75c a par. The shoe department is as complete a if 1 dealt in aotiung not snoes. S. E. YOUNG. ANOTHER Big Cut in Prices. We find ourselves stocked with more cloaks than we ought to have at this time of the year, and we are determined tnat not one of tnem snail remain on our bands. To accomplish this we hate de cided on redactions to prices that are usually made tn January. These goods are all new, staple styles and shapes. This will give you an idea of the values. Regular price $ 3.00 now 2.50 " 4 00 " 3 25 " 4 50 " S 60 " 6 00 " 4 SO - 9 00 " 7 25 " 10 50 " "So ". IS 00 " 13 S5 e:c e'e etc If vou want to bay a jacket or cape we will save yoa money on it. READ.PEACOCK & CO. HELP ANTED .4 ALE. WANTEn-SOLICTTOES FOR cam paign book, "Krvaa. Sewall and Fr Silver." autbonai bT Brraa. written by R. L. Metca'l. Editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed anthor by Eryan. Cos tain sptecbes and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers Only 1.50. The only authorised book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Out&tfree. Uegtn now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable wcrk for 96 . Addreas The National Book Concern, tar Building. Chicago. Fire Insurance 'RE YOUR PROPERTY with m Old Dariford, the New York Tn. widen Asencyor any one of the reli able old line companies he represents- Note taken and plenty ot time given for payment on farm insurance. All business wilt bs p-otuv tly attended to. OFFICE IN v 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. ALBANY TRADri G) GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale ci trad. Freed livery. Telephone No. 61, R.N. Morris. Mgr Corner Snd and Main Sts.