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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1896)
John Sbermaa knows a good thing. He is willing to continue as XT. 8. aera tor from Ohio. Union has a curfew ordinance that begins operations at 7 :S0 p. m. Albany also has a curfew ordinance . The Albany and Salem boys last Sat urday played a good clean game of the -dirtiest football one ever saw. The big San Francisco papers seem to like to quarrel and call each other names as much as email fry sheets in country cities. They loore their dignity in a wonderful manner. There doesn't seem to be much talk in republican circles about international bimetali&tu promised by Mr Mitchell. An extra session is to be called in the in terest of the trusts and monopolies. A good way to benefit the country would be to display a scintilla of economy. .Electoral vote since isou: Lincoln, 1S6 ...;....-,... Lincoln, 1864 ..... . ..... . Graut. 18fiS Grant, 1S7"2 .-. . Kaves, 1876 Garfield, 1SS0 Cleveland, 18S4. Harrison, 1SSS Cleveland, 1S92 McKiniey,1896 ...ISO 216 214 22 175 214 219 233 277 264 The following f rom Washington is sig nificant: When asked to explain the motive of his motion in the senate to take up the Dingley tariff bill, Senator Alien replied: "I bad no motive, ex cept, as we used to say in the army, "to feel the enemy.' I wanted to satisfy myself and the country a to the attitude of the republicans towards this measure, which they have professed to be so anx "ous to have become a law, and I think I have at least succeeded ia demonstrate ing that they have no intention of trying to do anything.'' IIanna"s Campaign Fund. The New York Journal declares that Mr Hanna'a political guarantee fond to protect him against all moneys ad vanced in the late campaign exceeded $16,000,000. Mr Hanna drew from every state cast of the Mississippi and also from Iowa and the border line Southern slates Kt-ntackey, Tennessee and West Vir ginia. New York city largely guaran teed $3,000,000 of the sum bat perhaps it would be the better way to give the table itself . Here it ia: Sew York 52,000,000 Pennsylvania '. 2,500000 Connecticut 1,000,000 Massachusetts 1,500,600 Maine, New Hampshire, Ver mont 500.000 N-w Jersey 1,000,000 Illinois l.OOO.OW Ohio.-. 1,000,000 Southern B'.ates 2,000,000 Western states 2,500,000 Total $16,000,000 Perhtps tome of the contributions from leading families, syndicates and corporations may be of interest. Here are a few : Gould family.. $ 50.000 Lazard Freres and connections. . 50,000 Brown Brothers & Co. and con nections 55,000 Reidelbach, Ickelbeimer& Co and connections , 50,000 II P Flower and connections 23,000 Morgan & Co and connections.. 100,000 Vanderbilt fam'dy 250,000 Vermi'ye & Co. and connections 50,010 Morton, Bliss & Co. and connec tions..... . 50,000 A WonderWl Horse. Tl l - . . . - . xue mMi intelligent norse mat ever lived ie now being exhibited in London, where his performances have astonished even those who for a lifetime have stcdied the wisdom of bis race and main tain that it is superior intelligence to that of Alpha. Alpha is a cbesnut horse who can per form tricks that no do? would ever thick of attempting, lie is almost human in he kaen perception he shows of" physi cal eoni.tions, and he appears even to comprehend the workings of rifles and other complicated pieces of mechanism which he mak.a use of upon tbe stage. Thi intelligent animal has a compan ion name I Beta, who is much smaller. Betveen tne two of them they seem to comprehea! about the tulitst intelli gence that is to be foond in tbe animal kingdom. These two animals appear upon the stage of tbe Aquarium in Lon don with bells tied to their forelocks and without toe assistance of a prompter or any other adventitious aid, they play "Home, 8weel Heme," the tnne of uni versal application, but of American ori gin. Much more surprising than this, how ever, is the performance of Alpha in drawing a portrait, A cos r Be pencil is grasped in tbe teeth of the animal, and Mr. Shaw who exhibits him, holds a A drawing board just under bis mouth. Slowly and carefully Alpha proceeds to draw the portrait of Mr. Gladstone. Tbe big uore, the high collar and tbe sunken mouth of the great English statesman are carefully by the horse, and he can be teen to scrutinize the line a he proceeds. The ear, the hair, tbe coat collar, and even the ehading nnder the eye are al) carefully pnt in b r this' equine artist The liKeiies is unmistakable when this pen picture of Mr. GIdtone is com pleted. As it is displayed to the audience Al pha looks around and appeais to enjoy the applause which Invariably greets his performance. He wags his tail and a look cf atitactlon comes into his eyes. G A more difficult trick is then performed by Mphs wiib the assistance of Beta, bis little eoinoacion. A target is set up at one end of the stagp, and Beta comes out "wi'.h a-gtin etrapptd to ler back- Without any assistance from the mal attendant, Alpha carefully places bis companion in position until the muzzle of the xnn points directly at the bulls eyeot the target. To the trigger of the pun a abort ttrap has been attached, and this Alpha takes in bis myutb when the moment to fire. -New York Journal. riie Whole Story of tbe wendjrful cares by Hood's .Sareapanlla is anon told. K makes the blood rich, pure and rouriHh- lng .nuicraaia, eatitrjb, ibeuma- Hood's Pils sir rafyfo talc, eacy to rperaie. Cure indigestion, headab l a h.'rc. : Will A Stark' ehwnt awort neat 0f il. T 3 ware for the holitlayi Fuokirgham'sDje for She whiskers is ihe Insft, handiest, afet. surest., cleanest. " J""," - ;uu aiiMactory dye rver nvented Jt ia Ibe gentlemen's .'avorite. A personal invitation, .. rk'a e'e?ant tock of guvuj io ilb ooiwaya. . decided "Hungry for office," is a common newspaper heading. Comment is . un necessary. Rev . Brown was in a meeting in Chi cago, when he looked up and saw Mattie Overman, Not a very wonderful thing. and yet enough to fill columns of news paper talk The usual silly talk about Presidents has begun about President elect McKin ley. Every time he eats or goes to church the news is flashed all over the U.S. Tho American people are getting warmed up. They believe Meceo was foully dealt with, murdered in cold blood under a flag of truce. It this is true there is big reason for indignation. Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper did not' commit .uicide nor did she know her daughter would ; but she feared a calamity, for suicide run in the fathers family. It is pleasing to be able to believe that a woman of Mrs. Cooper's character would rise above such cowardice. California wants a member of McKin ley's cabinet badly; but it will probably not get him. The matter will be quar reled off the coast. The Democrat would like to see a member in the cabinet from the coast because it would be of great advantage to this part of the country, but there is said to be such a stnte over it that it will end in nit. When there was but one republican paper published here the city was very largely republican, but now there being two republican papers here, they can elect only one councilman. Stan an other republican paper here, ana every thing will be everlastingly democratic and there will be no necessity f Jr elec tiona, for they can run the town and pass democratic ordinances to their own sat isfactioo. Independence West Sid. The recuperative power of man ie wonderful. He is an enigma above all animals. This is proven by the recent six days bicycle race in New York. At the end of the contest the men were said to be complete wrecks, pitiable look ing objects, and yet a dy after wards they appeared all right, fresh and ener getic, most of them displaying no effects of the wonderful contest. Oj the con trary tbey gained in fUeb, one of them nine pounds due to the enorm ms quan tity of food eaten and le:hargy of ttie man. More prosperity is reported from Penn sylvania. A dispatch from HoNidays bnrg says: The First National bank, the oldest in this section of the state, and one of the original 57 national banks o! the United States, suspended hasinee this morning. Tbe following notice was posted : "Oa account of tbe heavy drain upon this bank daring tbe past 34 days, especially tbe last two or three day?, tbe board of directors has decided to sus pend business until farther nance." Banks at Martinson rz and Villiamebarg failed as.a reaalt of the failure of tbe Hollidaysbarg bank. Tbe Ma-tiusbnrs; Deposit bank was established in 1370. This remarkable advertisement laiely appeared in the New York Evening Post: "Parrots. African gray parrot. No. 1, Major McKinley. Vocabulary unlimit ed; full o! brilliant epseebes and witty remarks, and, as his name implies, a solid gold bird ; guaranteed to wear well.' Price, $600. No. 2, Doke of York, a great talker, college graduate (in Eng lish, not football), hie only fault being that he never knows when to stop talk, ing. Price $500. No. 3, Tom Reed ; a talker fall of life and go. Price, $100. Mexican double yellow head parrot, talks well and eirgs part of 'Way Down on tbe Snwanee.' Price, $100. G. H. Ho!den, 240 Sixth avenue, 15th and 16th streets." "Tbe thermometer twenty-tbree degree below aero, and I am wearing four shirts in order to kep myself warm." That is what Oliver Davis writes to his father, Caleb Davis, Cor vallie. Oliver was born and raised is Webfoot, and the mild climate be has been accustomed to experience makes a temperaiure of twenty-three below, tolerably chilly. Ue is at Genesse, on the Nez Perce Indian reservation Idaho, where he went with his young wife last October. He is farming three hondred acres of land, rented at one dollar per acre from the Indians. He had 32 pigs when the cold snap came on, and before it ended thirteen of them had frozen to death, and tbe tails and ears of several more of the surviving piglet had also been frozen off. Corvallie Times. BlgEtgures. One cf tbe most strik'oK facts io the report of the interior department is tha;, during the last 31 years, or since tbe eloce of the civil war in 1865, tba govern ment has paid out for pensionsincluding the cost of distributing them, the enor mous sum of $2,034,817,769- The amount paid last year, $138,214, 61 94, was nearly 1600,000 less than tbat of the previous year, and far below tbat of 1893. Still, once more tbe prodigious annual sum of $141,000,000, which is more than double tbe average of the 31 years, is required, that being tbe esti mate for the 12 months beginning July 1. 1897. It is, therefore, absolutely cer tain that the aggregate pension outlay since tbe war will, within three or four years, have exceeded the amount of the whole interest-bearing public debt, when at its climax. In fact, years more at tbe present rate of appropriations will put tbe pension expenditures at tbe top. How is it tbat, nearly a generation after tbe c'oee of tbs war, tbe pension outlay is five -fold greater than it was a do7n years after the war? For, in 1875 it was, If we have tbe correct figuras, only $29,436,212; the next year, $28 -257,390; the year following $27,963,752; tbe year after that, 127,137,019. The causes are three, one being the in troduction of the policy of paying ar rears of pensions to those who were put on tbe roll, as established under Hayes; a eecond, the opening of the rolls to new classes of pensioners, scores of hundreds of thousands strong, a for example, in the dependent-pension, act; finally, the raising of the rates ot pension, which is a constant procets. Secretary D. E. Fran cia, in hia annual report, proposing to increase by 50 per cent o -ie such clats. Commissioner Loch re n long ago es timated that, in the ordinary course, the pension roll would be decreasing in number by tbe year 1895. But here Is 1897 at band, and ebb tide haa not yet set in. There are now morn pensioners than ever before. The latett figure give us 970.678 names on the roll; and, if a' table before u is correct, the number for last year was 970,525, for tbe ' preceding ( year, 969,544; for the year before that, 6.012 N. Y.Suj. A little scraping would be a benefit to the business streets . The world owes a man can make it. a living if he In Hamburg dogs are taxed according til their size. Miss Yaw who is to be in Portland hat the highest voice of any one, in the U. 8., as high as $5 a seat. A Califoruian claims to sleep standing. One may expect almo't anything from the people of that state nowadays. Twenty-three is apparently a luck) number for Major McKinley.' lie will be the twenty-third president, the regi ment to which he belonged was the twenty-third Ohio, and ha will be elec ted by the electoral vote of 23 states. A Massachusetts doctor, and he is sec retary of the state board of health, de clares that the decline in the death-rate of women from pulmonary diseases be gan five years ago, the time of the first general popularity of the bicycle, and has continued since The rapid respir ation it induces strengthens the lungs and assists them to throw off foreign substances. If this is true it is certain ly one great victory for the bicycle. The state is likely to pay the electrician who performed services at tie reform school $15 a day. tie was directed to do work without any question as to hi price. According to the electrician, the reform school is getting off easy. As high as $23 or $30 a day, he says, is often charged, and he has received $50 a day. Alt of which is a sample of the manner in which people try tocinch the govern ment. A telegram from Cripple Creek, Col. says that the town board of that place recently removed from office Town Marshal James Marshall and Deputy Thomas Clark for malfeasance in office This means the dethronement of the king of Cripple Creek, for since it ha been Cripple Creek, Marshall haa been boas of tbe camp. Marshall is one of the characters of the west. Ex-Gov. Horace Boies, of Iowa, given out the following : "The issue of the future is already clear'y presented. It is no longer a question of whether or not we shall have free coinage at lft to 1, bat it is a broader question of whether or not the nation is to be tied to a gold standard and receive its paper currency through the instrumentality and at t!.e will of tbe private corporations, or have for its nse a nationl enrrenry bastd upon go'd and silver alike aid controlled by the government instead of by syndicates and combinations- must prepare or a broader issue. The time to begin ia now, and tbe way to begin ia w organ ie." Tbe following in the Republic cover a point owr wfcirh there has been con siderable discussion : If "carrying Ken tacky" is taken to mean getting Ken tucky's electoral vole entire, which was doublleta the understanding of the bet tors, then tbe one who bet that McKin ley would Lot carry that' state should win, fr he bas not eoUeo the whole electoral vote of Kentucky . Under that understanding neither Bryan nor Mc Kinley has carried the state. If on tbe other band, "carrying Kentucky was Ukea to mean jtetnoK or. 01 nioie cS-c- toralvotea less than the wbola number, ... , then both have earned it. Therefore, ruling out technicalities and after- thoughts, tbe only fair ay of deciding such bets is to declare them a draw. i tri: h i..t an order extending the bonwio-house collect 'Ol and deiiyery letter ylem so aa to provide for tbe sale of postage and specUi delivery sumps through orders to letter carriers on slips contained in a . n: i . ii- . UU,HUS uuit...! aui. ...uK w be famished by the Postal Improvement Company. Th! order provides for one of tbe most radical improvements ye j made in tbe postal system. It will be ! tried in Washington at once, and. if found practicable, extended generally. It affords the conduct of one's business with the postoffice at borne, at least so far aa ordinary transaction ara concern ed, and it ia expected to largely increase stamp sales as soon as the system be come general. The bouae-to-hoose col lection of mail by means of ingeniously contrived boxes has already been adopted and extended to 2-5 free delivery cities. A great many would like to go to Cuba and help whip Spaniard, and there is a universal aentim-nl in favor of vic tory for the Coyans. Bu. g-xng to Cuba is not all sentiment. An Extern paper pit it pointedly aa follows: The beat information that can be g:ven yon abou oining the Cahan insurgents j tbat you had better stay in Missouri. The mili tary operations there are mainly a bush whacking kind of guerrilla warfare, io which the Spaniards and the Cuban mulatto? manage to make a great deal of talk without doing one another much barm, except in the way of and pillage. The Jayhawer and guerrilla war on the Kansaa-Missouri border 35 and iO years ago was bad enough, but this Cuban business is worse. You could get neither glory nor profit out ot the war. You would be a mere filibus ter, and your plight would be a sad one if the Spaniards should catch you. A Strange Life. A strange story comes from Hancock county, Tonn., which is verified by tbe best citizens of that coromnuity. About fifteen years ago two strangers who had been traveling through east and Kentncky with a hand organ and a monkey bought some mountain land and built a cabin on it- Tney were Henry and James Bocacio, and were joined shortly afterward by a woman, the wife "f Henry, the older. They had no chil dren and got along very well for eight years, when the wile sickened an 1 died. Two years later James also died. Henry continued to live in the same place. Travelers passed along the moun tain road conld hear the strains of the organ at all hours of the night. Few perona, if anv. visited BooarfSo, and he lived alone. Finally some young men ventured to 'he cabin window. A Strang sight greeted their eyes. bo:acio wa seated on a fitoue grinding bis organ and seeipingly ouconecioug of h surround ing. A dozrfO rats were keeping step to the music, while colled where they could be teen were two huge black enakes who seemed in the most rapturous delight. If the mnsic was quick the motions of tbe rata were quick, and if slow and measured, so were they. At last th scene changed. Henry was asleep and each little animal hied him self away to his hole, f his was kept op until Bocacio died, last year. fJe never would talk about his friends and com- pauinns After his death the joung men of tbe neighborhood gathered to lay bis remains away. Th organ was brought forth and at tbe first strain the rats and snakes came out. MISFITS. Raffiintz has been carried to such an extent in Albany Marshal Lee says he will see that the law against u k eniorceu. The Oreeonian is now alter D. P. Thompson in a very lively manner. This reads tunny, but it is a lact. strange things happen continually in this great northwest. Maggie McFarland, has just fallen heir to $50,000. At the time she was in a dance house in Spokane under the name of Maggie Hamilton. At the time Mayor Belt bad lust ordered the dance balls closed. A story was recently told about how a Mrs Dickinson at Mt. Angul, being prepared for burial raised up in her col- tin and bad afterwards nearly recoverel. It proves to have been a fake. Mrs. Dickinson died and remained dead. Edward Hale of Ireland won the six days bicycle race ia New York City Sat urday night, having gone 1910 miles, J. S. Itice of Wilkesbarre, was aecond with lbs:! miles. The meu had to do their eating while riding, as they fell asleep upon dismounting before tbey bad time to eat. After the first day they were mere machine in the hands of their trainers. Immense audiences witnessed the contests. On last Monday Prof. Edwin Morrison received through tbe mails a live bat all the way from Southern California It was sent by Edmund Kobmson, irom Artesia, no ia aiwava alive to tbe in terests of Pacific College. Tbe darkness inside the mail sack was probably not specially inconvenient to tbe bat, but provender, in tbe way ol Hies and mos quitoes, must have been raiher scarce on tne way up. Ibe bat measures fifteen inches from tip to tip. New berg Graph ic. The following swindle is being aoiked in different counties in Oregon. Swindler No. 1 calls upon a farmer with a patent wagon tongue and informs him that he is on his way home, baying made a good tiling out of it and has only one county to sell, lie tells the farmer he can have it for (100 and if he wants it to write to him. In a few days swindler No. 2 cornea along, lie has heard that the farmer has the right of tbe county for the patent waeon tongue, and, a he has made a big thing of it in Pennsylvania, he wants to buy the right of tbe county and offers the farmer tir0 and pay $10 to bind tbe bargain, ibe larmer write No. 1 and send to him bis note for $100. He never bears of either o' tbe men again, bat ihis note comet up for collection in a neighboring town, and he is out $A. Oakvillc. W. II. Lee, president of the Al any College preached here last Sabbath. tr. R!nh Ynti miiti m. fthnrt viit i in An .i.. ! ii ramM in m hia itp V vih aa good an excuse to visit the school. ... ... . , . . ... . -- y He w prepanne bimaelUor una - sionarr work. He will probablr go with i the colour (of men) to the St. John is - lands. Perbapa! The past week has been one of rrin and h'gii water. Mr. Courtney, of Cor- allis and another man went nj. Chutrb street in a skiff lact Tbursdav, which is aomethicg very uncommon ia OakviKe. v, ., . . , ... Ker. G. L Hendesan went to Albany Fatordav evenme and Breached there on fcabbatu rctorniDg on Monday. j fitm -Dat w known a the asd-1 Last Saturday was the 49th aoniver-; rnt cae. Tha krmoa of tie circuit j sary of tbe birth of one ol the correa- court fur theuuirictof Oregon found n -nondenU of the Dwkhbat. AltiioagU I fat.r of the govermneof contention, but the day was wet and dumal the scnUj . wa reTeTied ly ths ctrcait court of ap-S sat in private and looked back on ' peal. The -hif i j.tica'a ottnitin in turn I ! the past, bat when the noon boor r- nena tiicii wa m mim uing ior ft iu j ""h'TTrlr led with a nice loaf or bread br xl rs. Hamiil, which was received with thank, j Age slowly travels in ttn tracks ot the ' newspaper tuaa. j The people of oar town have deckled ! to piva entertainment on fv j There wUl be lota of candy and nnta forj 5 all the mle boys and orirla. Ob. don't don't we.ishthatwe werea email Johunie asrain and M onr of ! '. , . i. ir;, ... . ,nrt . oa Christmas. Come over Young Amer - j ca and get something to eat and sharpen you,r We ow you baven t had all j you could eat since U.e last picnic, fciir , j u v. I uiacng ana cuius mooana evrrrwneir, j ! but we have seen colder weather. L'TTLE ICoss El D Flic Weather. Tonight and Tburtday fair and cooler. River it.Oit KM. Kntxof, di-play in an. An Important Difference. To male it apparent to tbonnuds. who . think temelve ill, out i bat toe yletn simply need cleansing, i U bring cum'rt 1 home o taeir heart, aa acoeiive c -nuition j ia eaily cured by ming i?)rup of Kiga. J Manulactund by tbeClifonu Fig Syrup vuiopis; on y. ana eoia ojr an uraigiats. Pure Drugs,. Fntil Dawi''. L'sw: Da vr son', furniture polish. BjyfronD a ss cheap On the ticket, vviHatSurk for joor ho iJay trade. i oey nave the good. do early To ihw Wid & Stark 5ne holiday goods DIED. CIIABTREE. At be.-home at Crabtree, on uec. in, isw, alter a lingering il! ness, Miss Ora Crabtree, at the age of i yearr. Tbe deceased was a student in Albany College last year, and was a young ladv of lovable character, high minded and pure, who will long be remembered for many excellent qualities. She was the daughter of Mr. Frank Crabtree. BILYEC At Jefferson, Tuesday, Do cember 15, 1896, after a lingering ill- iirsa, uiae uuyeu. Healthy, happy children make bet. trr men and women of us all. A man is hardly himself until he has the dcvclon. ment that responsi bility bring. After the child comes, the father and mother both plan and prom, ise what shall be done with It A lit tle care and a little planning before birth Is often more important than any thing that can be done after. On the mother' health and strength depend the life and the future of tbe children. A weak and sickly woman cannot bear atrong and healtbTchildren as well expect figs from thistles. Most of the weakness of women fa utterly Incx cuablc. Proper care and proper medicine will cure almost any disorder of the femi nine organism. Dr. flerce'a Favorite Pre scription baa been tested fn thirty years of practice. It ia healing, soothing, strength ening. It is perfectly natural in ita opera tion and effect By it nae, thouaanda of weak women have been made strong and healthy have been tnnde the mother of trong and healthy children. Taken dur Ing gestation, it make childbirth easy and almost painles and insure the well being of both mother and child. The following letter la only one of thou sanda of similar one : Mrs. ytoaaifca Whit," of Victor, W. I'a., writes i I commenced using the ' Favorite Pre crlptlon' when half through my period of Cregnancy. I used four bottle and felt like notlier woman. My time of labor waa easy tnd rapid. I hav a dear, strong, healthy UtU oy baby." Dr. Pleree's celebrated hook, "The Common Sense Medical Adviser," will be sent free to any address on receipt or ti one-cent stamp, to cover coat of mailing only. Th book contain timafile value to every woman, A veritable med ical library, in one volume. Address, World' Wspcjuary Medical Association, Bu-aio, N. V, TELEGRAPHIC Morgan Ie t uba. Wabhikoton, Dec. 15 Senator Mor gan, of Alabama, held t'no attention of the senate and wijl filled galleries for an hour today by his earnest advocacy of a strong and decisive policy in dtiuhiitr with the Cuban question. The proni'iieiico of Mor gan in the Cuban debute of Ust session, when be bad charge of the Cuban resolu tions reported tr.mi tbft committee on for eign relations, (rave special intercut lo hii speech today. Wm I'lfihtlag. Cincinnati, Dec. 15. A utecial to the Commercial i'ribuae from Key Went, FU say: fighting is reported went of the trocha in the.l'inar del Kio section, where the in sut gent force under General Maceo's auc ee-wr, Oenerul Runs Rivera, has taken the held against the vpani-h force left there by General Weyler. No details are re ceded yet, but 50 wounded soldiers came in jevterday from the neighborhood of Ar-teuiiaa- Fapt.palar Wer. Maduid, Dec. 15 It is said that much dissatisfaction is felt in eovernment circle with General Weyler. The government organs cay be should have remained in Pinor del Kio to prosecute the war, rather than go to Havana to receive an unmerited ovation. It i rumored that General Murin will be appointed to succeed Weyler. Will Be lint. Sax Francisco. Pec. 15. "Seekers after home will divert their thoughts from Uklunoroa and Indian territory, aaul M i,or Charles E Wordeu, agent of the United State at Klamath. Or . and rum to Kla math a aoon aa the lodlans have Lorn al lotted their land in teveralty. When thu ia done, about 1,0.003' acre of a f.-rule and beautiful countiy a any in the world 1 will become part of the public domain and subject to homentead entry." T Bets) Ik Cabaai Pejsdletos, Or., Deft 15 C. S. lack- son, of Pendleton, ha starte t a popular u Inscription to- help the Cuban. Mr. Jackson cay be ha Leea atked by promi nent citizen rf Pendleton, Portland and oih-r citie of Oregon to bead the move ment. Locally, there ha already been offered hearty tuppjrt. Treatary aialeatrat WAsmxoTost, Dec. 15 Tl.j-' U'e- ment ot tbe cunJuioa of the traury show: Available cau balance 2i6.0U,627 Gold rwerre Hi ,:ij3Uy" Blaa la rHtrru. j WASHtXGTor, Dec 14 The final vote of the immigration bill will be Ukeo ia the i teuate next Thurtlay. at i p. in., arcwd-i ing to an agreement reached today. little j diHil i rntertaioed a to tie measure, a , it b&s already (Mated tbe boa and wiii be I ', in conference if-re the b'.iniin ( Call renewed bu attention to tbe Cu?an que; ion oy ir.ree rewMa'ioa. one being a ! bitter denunciation of lb wanner in which it is aiieged lioner! Antonio Maieo bad l l,H.l r,,l . li ... ..I 11.1 i other reolotKM by CaJl rei'jeed tbe : pr dent to deiaaod te rvSe. ol Coiled i tVi"'e prwo" at the S.paidi pen! mk t iiemeni on ite uiaad oi l-uu and ) ! u Mvraarv CI rial ler !,.! ..I : . AmeHalc, 4 ln VrnUh prn. . . i j l-,-ra.i aui... WAnioTox. IV . ll.-Chi f JoUc! u lvT anooun-.vd to-Jay U cpmioo of tfa T" a the caw ot the L msed j ! f1 ta trewi 4 t aiifumi. and rV Vf,S-?J v'- tntiAjnatt Usie 5 to a.uaSs land nr IVulUnl, t.trvn.f !7' i s.. :.... . rrxer- in circuit ccwrt of appeal, mnd ; sucl ctmwnuuo AWut 20 ifm so : ' V " "' """ "lb! ; 3e-uia. ; j j J SwWealr &u j 1rri!l)t, ju. Dpt. It. TcU tjwn I j ' toright wtta indignation J airainrt pain. 1 oi!y 2-X) citlK-nt of tte i P1, V l'b!t:r fae d Pr-de. 1 ! vvSse in dennnci.t:oa ci hnaio wer- I ne in aennnci..uoa gy it vjier was rii-g j Up on a o.e, tired al frein tnuty revotyers I creed. tOiWtter with a Snan- ; V"1 "f r,u'a- prerasW j cemonnrs-n. j j " ... ., . v o tw fi r, tvs. rt tny. porrtaMn? as-n cr ti Y wr i that 730.WJ people neu Aurunu-r during tbe rttsnt campaign. He furliwT !aea in Lu et'iaat tuat lue men mho ni!e-i McSvmiey pai4 tbe rail. nad compute aa rvens- of more than $1 each. 1 tii inli-jte the raiiwar receipt were clowto l.OuO.QQO. The Caatwlatr Wslcknl HV4XA. Pec. 14. Th Coiled State conflate in ttt city t under a rvial guar cf arrd poiK-tcw. ibe rr,,aii tion it taken by tne c!r.ili autbnriti-a. owing to the fe-r that the in uatioo - ". pree.i uy .-rMnii syuiptbii-r avuind tne United !!ato would 6ml ea to an aUack upon tbe contoute. Thete have been fren igis of the btntile fctlmg agatntt th? Coiled Mate. snate liMMUt Xew Yurs. !. II J.wj.h H.Cboafe ba written a Ie l--r anRoumin ibat I e will l a caadi-late fr eiee ion lo the I nlled Mat na.e in u-ceion to !- tlJ O lit I. aai lag ladtaait WAsnisoTOX, IVc, 13. The headquar ter of the CnUio legation in this citv wa the ct- of intret to a aumbcr of cal'r today. ho had come to express to Snor tjnesxda their sorrow at the death of Gen eral Maoeo. and to offer tbeir sympathy, and in some case help for Ibe Cuban. These callers included a number of con jrreiwmen. and tw a Moators. whiwe oam the Cuban repreentattvathvlined to revea'. who told bin; of their desire to e,oiii action by cngr.- that would lc o. awitt -ance to tbe insurgent It lal ed MKDrouii. Dec. 13 Medford'a di!i:i- mir and rehning company proerty ws soiu ai rnblic auction vwterdar. tie K.- cciver Jlax Alrllier. It was. wuh the ex ception of a small amount of wfciaky, pur chased by P H iheia. cni of the principal stockholder, tor belwen S20U0 and .!.- tMg. The t.rotiertv onirinallr crwt about $10,000. it baa been in litigation for more tliad a year, and the sale waa ordered by the circuit court to oav the costs of litiga tion. A 4'vrr Baralary. Seattt.e. Dec 13 The cleverest afe- cruckin( jub erer perpetrated in thu city piav at an early hour tlii niormnc. The wholiMiilo liquor houe of V A Hack, on tViubiCLdon Stret-t. v. an entered, the bouee broken opn by um of drill aiii wedge, and toW in monrv. a eo'd waltn and scuie nutrgets tukn Ttie entrance to the building wn trained tbroiiirh a rear loor. liicU was opened ilh the aid of a jimmy. The lrM-r Thtas WASHlKOTOtr. 1W. 13 The npirotia- tion between tbe United State ana Ureat uratain for a treaty of ireneral urbitrntion covering differences botween the two Etta- lull speakinar dahiIimi. nresent and tiro pectiye, haa advano-d to a Btugo of cora- pleleneM far lierond what th nulilin has tial reanon to believe. Tl'e purKM of Hecrelury Ointy and Wr Julian l'aunce fote i to conclude the negotiation w.tlan tbe nxt thiee weeks. Blda't Sitll Tbem NEW YOHK. D. 1!VThn i.ion ahn finthd in the Bix-dav bicrela raisn lft th truck Katurdajp ni(ht in a pitiable condi tion, i ney were apptireutly human wreck. After 24 Lours' ri'xt lh miliorilv of thmn looked as well aa unual. Few of them complained of the effects of the tremen dcu. strain. Thore who were the leader said today that they suffered only from awhile trails and nutubnoss of their hand and wrists. Remcvcd, Ucmoved. The Imprint office i now located in it new and commodious brick otlioe on Fi(t St., nt to the Ha House, where they are beUer prepared than ever before to ex ecute your orders for neat and nobby job printing at bed rock prices. Call and Bet ur price. Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. Calsnbak roB 1896-7 1890-Sept. lrtCollfge Year beg'ns . . .Wednwfey Nov.' 20-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thurs. snd Fn. Dee. 21 Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 23 l irst Term endr . . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days '.197 Jan 5 JHfcond term begins . . . Tuesday Ktb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April ft Term Examinations U-gin . . 'i'ueaday April 8 8ecf nd Term enda . . , Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday Juno IS Baccalaureate Sermon . Habbath forenoon lune 13 Addretts before the Y. M. and Y. V. O. A. Kabbatb evening June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee Monday afternojn June 1-t Junior Orations Jjuc i Graduating Exerciac-e of Music June 15 Popular Entertainment June 1ft Comnenferoent June lft Alumni Ke-union . Four Courses of Instruction leading up Music courts, with appropriate diplomas. lb at For lu rther information, WALLACE ! t. 1 , , - -?""'' ' , - s ' ' : k. " . . . . - ' 1 - ,- - . - 1 i a book every Ore-ot.ian ahoi!d have. The uitrolnetioa i by tlie c"e-t.raie-i Kev. Frank W. Gonaa'.as and the sketches he oiiver W. Nixon. P. I), rhe book is prin'.ed from lars. clew new type, on extra laid paper. bJin 1 in veUuai cloth, ftrmpe-l ia go'.J, eilt top. Ulustra!el iti W fall-p? half tones and retails at V... Any abscri'er paring a rear in ajvn? f-r the weekly or 6 months cr mot f jt the daily can have it for es'.ra. WISDOM T I UU IJU32CJ, 11 VUU among the many mental articles we especially such as for the Holiday season. Fancy Baskets, Rockers, etc., etc. ALBANY AOUIXISTEATOR'S KGTIUE Nstic is hft'aHv ei- lo I c'.- r r.l that on th lUh d t f X ivnulwf, 1 tilvd my tinai account id t!ia V-nt tv Our f Liun e n4 Of'1", '' mrt-r o thvraa! of K L Kn x. 4.tI, an.1 thx ait CWtfa. rH'l 12 h U of 1-ormlte. 1S S l the lumr itont o.clnc in lb- f -. ' V " li'r he tima for h:in( ' -c-.l a 1 " mrs to th samr ; tnv f. e U !.: o- trwled in i-t tv li.-iu.) .iu: nd iroi.l to ri! ' ' j c t.n ti.y ti.a h7. t . aid final . count watt tho IV k t id Court on o- boloia lh- tiina atove mntivivd f thettlinnt thereof. I)td thi 13 dy of Novvmker. IS9G. i M pay. si: AdninUtra de bit non fh th ill annexed th.wt ot E L Kux deosarl W R 0ILYEU Att. roJy I ni i i-.r kl NOTICE OF FINAL SF1TLEMEKT. Notice Is he'eby tflcon that 'no under signed exxntria of he Ut will an-t lesa menf of Nancy Uijijjets, deceased, bft tied in tbe coun'y court ol Liun county, Ore iron, her final account as uci executrix and that said court has fied Saturday, the Ulh day of January. 1S96, at the hour of 9 o'clock a m at the court house ia Al bany, Oregon, for hearins objection t said account if any, and the settlement of the sume. 1) R N Blackbchn M J IT,sRAnA5:. Aty for Kx'ix. Kxecutrix etc. EXlCSJTORSKPTICE- No' ice is hereby ucnthat the under iiiisneil exemlor ol the lat tHniulic tamenl rd FrHUCe M O.inett. decesfcd, ha filed hi final nc-oant with the cUrk of tho county court for Linn county, Or egon, an-l the cni-i h i Bs?d the Slii day of December, ISM. t 'he liour of 1 o'c'ock p. m ofsa'dday f r ihn hp.irinjf of said account and tho e t'emcni of tald e-i'it'e. This the 24th d i. ot OotrW igJ6. V EUtriiRNa, WEATrfKKKJKO & Vt'tATT. EaHJU'or Att f.r Knif u or. KOTliE CF FINAL $iniEEHT. I have ihi ;h,t Hied In te Cm I of Lti n cr-untv my fii a! account as adni'iii.rt"r tie bom t.on of the ts'ate of James Knox oeor Bed and the jutli3 o aaid ennit ta crointcd be S.n day cf fan. 18U7 forhearii'K ohjetltcns '0 aec"unt nd the settleraent thereof. .. : i Dated Deo 3rd, 1SIW ! 0. B.HAtonT, Administrator of James. Knox, deceased. j Monday evening1 the Uonservatcry of Tuesday forenoon Tuesday evening Wednesday Wednesday evening to !vre-g. Well equipped Business and Catalogue free. addn HOW K LEE. President, Albany, Or. i I 4. . n. 4-1 Z Z5tlW.l useful and orna carry in stock and we have secured b!es. FURNITURE CO. E!eaci De signs in Crockery WareatCOKn & HUSTON'S Sec n ADMIMSTRATOa'S NOTICE. Jlswiee i herehv iriven that P Y lancan hg hven tluly aij-i,itetl admtni-trator oft ih -K'ate of A b Knt, la'e ot Llr.n won- j ty. 0'fn, Oceaffd. bv tle county com 1 ln coun'y, Orrjron, ard 'hat h has tmiv oua'tGt d a fucb, all persons hating t lairoi. scainxt stJ e-tatca are hereby not. irl U p'rtent th ssoie to me lith the prrp r vuche' under oath at the office of V K in Ahany, Oregon aithin mx mr."h 'rom the date hereof. ljte 1 this I ith day cf IVcorcbpr, 1S96 V Y I'fNcax, Ai'mlnUtrator. AOMIKSSTRATJS'S NOTICE Ko'i i hereby jlren that the nniie. sisnfd ha l-,i du'v appointed by tbe oun'y court ol l.inn county, Orvjran, a I miuistrtor of the estate of Joseph O My ers, deceased. h! of said count v, aod he has du'y qualitit-d a such and all person having c!iiti against said ette are here by requested to r.rnt the same to me at Albany. Oieo,in, pr.ipeily Tri5ed it by la proxiiod, within ix mo . to fiou this iiU I'atcl at .M'.-anr, O.cinn, tt i 16th day of b -oember, ISiHi. U MlfKRS, WHttNEvA N'awroRT, Adtuiu'atraor Atty for Ad"r. Notice for Publication Lanu Orricx at Orkuos Oitv, Oa. Oct SOib, iSDd Notice i );ivpn that the fellow iir named settier has filo.1 notWe of hi ftittuitioii to make final proof in support of his cNlin, and that said proof will be ade before ti e r oister and receiver at Ort'uon Uivon, lec-mber 10 h, 18, via: Wj ham John Be 't, one of the hobs i-f . jivr B,t. deceased; H K 11144 f, r t hn W ia' of S V U ot Sec 8 and E H of S i: -X of fee 7 1 p 10 S H 7 E. He mime i. ie following witnesses to prove his pmUnuou residence upon and cultivation of, said land. Sit: Jos'ph L I'easly, Cbas. Eigin, Thomas A Kesslcr, Stutun P Kerr, allot IWrnit. Oreaon. R')Eltf A. MILLER, Regiatw. DMIMSTRATOaSNOTg. Notice i hereby cUen th Ibe under, tigiu'd l. bcea uppointed by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, adminis trator wiUi thq wtU annexed of the est.te of Jin Fanning, deceased, late of Linn county, Or, AH pewtis hsving clunis agaius sia eia'e are hereby noiin-.-d to prent the same with the proper ouchert ! to me H Albany, Orepon. within six ... ,it, tl.i. .1 .(..( il. ,il . ! tLKIK VANJSON, SAMCEl. fc, 1 Of NO, Attj for Aomr. Administrator; wuhihewui annexed Albany, Orwon, Out 6, IS90. f TO THE En w OrVCS THB CHOtCB Ot TrVO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA? via SPOKANE DENVER MIXKEAFCUS OMAHA AXD AD ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW KATES TO ALL EASTERN iCITIES OCEAN STEAM EES EAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAVf roa .. SAN FRANCISCO For tall detail call on Ccaaax Sc Mohtbith, Albany, Or a ADDaaa: W H HTJELBlKT. G'l Pa .Aoaa E. MCNEILL Pridetd Manager. PORILAKD. OR. 15D S00 PACIFIC LINE. Ta all points east fhsiiast csafortalilB wlstsrrci ill cars h3'.t8i Ij Eteaa LcTest rates ani best ssrf.ce Isstncdera rcllin? stack ana finest road bed Csij lice to traiel farmg winter The only line ranninc through trains from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. Cheap ticket to and from all nana of Europe via all steamship lines. i TO CHISA JLfiU JAPAH The ehorteet and best line acroea the Pacific ocean. OAS U1!1I AUSilllIAS L15E B05vLf r, FIJI k ACST1ALI1 Tl steamer are) the nei that sailed the Pacific ocean and experienced medical man, and fhav icar S a rcess on every voyage. l iice table, cr any other infor taaiioa, rail on or address E I COYLE Agent. Uo Third St Portiaa.. Or. S S STEELE k CO. Agents, Albany Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D P. A. Yaacoaver. B. C ORTHERN PAG I FIG R. R. U afv Poilmjia Sleeping tJars, Elegant Ding Cars Tourist SleoDinsr Gar' St fan I Minnearoli Dnlnth ranro, Trt Grand Forks Crookston vVinnipe Helena and Butt THROUGH TICKETS,.., TO Chkatro VCashint:tob Philadelphia New a ork Boston and al Point East and Sooth i t Through Uckdto to Japan and China, ris lacoma ana rortbrn rauno mJiir Co., an American line. For information, time cards, nana antf iicaeta ran on or write U O tfurkhart Agent, Albany. Or. ur a v Cbarllon. Ast Gen Faa Art rurtiaou, vr. 1 GiE.R. R. CO. v ulamette Rirei Division,) Steamer ALBANY. Capt. J. L. Smith, Freirjt aud Passenger, uany, except Etnrdays. between Oor- Tains, Albany, independence, Sa lem, way points and Portland. unsurpassed accommodationa t Khedules estec;ally for the needs of no- i' : n i i iiinuicito uwvei. i icnio parties an avail themsclvea of this schedule for my uemreii point between Oorvauis and alem, leaving in the morning and re turning in due time the same evening, fpociai ratea for special parties of 15 or Leaves Albany down rlvs. at t m. Leaves Albany np river at 9 HO p, m. a!tnt Va(naJa U. L. Waldks, H, b. Sact, Agent, depot. Agent. EXECUTOR'S N3TIC: Notice i hereby given 'hat the nder siirned have beel dulv appointed by thr Hon count court af Linn county, Oregon, executors of the last wilt mni testament ol H.rtnaa Amcld, deceased, late of said county, and all person having claim aarairst said etate are hereby required to present the same to the said undersignc-d at AJbary, Oregon, properly verified with- in six nioutha from tbe date hereof. Dated at AlhanT. Oreeon. tbia oth J. tno! ' CoRRABiN Arnold, Kobkrt Axaold, wuitnbt wpot,, hxecntr, AttysforExs- EAST AND-SOUTH THE 8HA8TA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. nnm Mmj 11 1ST .vtr. . I Li 10 Al f t; a L 1 Ht r m AlbMiy a Frwd UUii if Above trai.i gtOD at Eat P irtlsuid Oregon City, Woodhnrn, Sakm. Tor- oer, lianon, Jefferson, Albany, Tan?ent. Shedd. Halxey Zajene Creawe'd, Cottage Grove, Drain, and all taitoca irojj lMebcrg sutbC to a no m clodinsr Achland. aoancaa iuiv,n a I ut tfr&r f L - I Ar ParuB4 Albuy at r L ; 1 IS r L" S t Lean A!bsy br Lcfauna 7 SB Arrive at AJaav Iron LAoon di a Leava Albany lor Urinnon t 0 r Arrive at Albany f rum Irfmanm sS t H hmfw AJSuit tor W.j1 a-a rim Waodbant brasrrlt imt) A n Anrrc at Albany from Kuadbsrai t.Mrm LcavaAIbakV for Ittm r Arrive al Albany Iw Silroo 1 rf& niLUKr Earn, znmn. AJfD Dinine Cars on Ogden Rent SECGNO CUSS SlELaVS CARS iUMaal (a all TkraMTia 4rwt ac4 sivmm. aaywias rKTl.ASa as rwavasaia Man. vvai anT(Csaaptaaajav IUn IL I AT Porttesa CirvaiHa Ar Ultra Exprest train daily (except Sunday) at Albany and Corral it connect with train o O C.F- r... . lMi V T3r j Ar ar i t JtcXmariOe Through. Tickes taalpiiawbi E t-n. raaaiaaaI Zr eaa be Vima a. mm fm C & aKal fL AftW, Atbwv k aoAtii-ii: irtw. Ibniir taH O I f 1 iRECOH CENTRAL & EASTER?!. YAQUINA BAY ROUTF Connectir.: at Ttqains Bay with to Ban Francisco and Yaquina Bay Sten ahipCooipanv StsamsMB "Faialli' Eafli trom Yaqaina ererr g days for Boa Francisco. Cooa Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humboldt Eay. wuc a Aoco orTKsr Ebortest route ltwee . 7illan ette Valley and California. . Fare from Albany and point west to San. Francisco 1st class to San Francisco t W 00 3tBXAGX ,"C0 Bonnd trip SK To Cooa Eay To Humboldt BaT and Port Orford. Cabin. YAQUINA BAY The most popular Seaside Eeort on the North Paciac coast. " No nnderso Sort bathing abaoiuleiy rwte. For those wishing to combine hacting and fiihmff with aaoauc sporut, ttiis sort has no eqnaL Deer, bear. e ear. orook trout and aalioon (cTt, be found ia abcsJanca" attlbin a few boars' dri-e of tiie bay-. gjtg" Red need rKH from all pot l Ed-in Sroxa, Maisaar. C. MaTO.T. P. A. . L. Walokx, Aju depot. Albany Notice for Fubii cation. Land Ornca t Oaaeox Crrr. 0. Sot. 5. KoUac i hertt e vrt tbat tbe f lo ioa hbhI cettler ha EUd of ba iottoo to ak mul pro of ia saptsnrt cl biaeiaia.and tht savl rriof arill be aaaia before Ik cxmr'.J ckrV cf L'u urlj at Aleavav. Ore.-, rn Dwwoibtr 19 b, 169S, nz: Mrs Amci Cid; 11 E liOSSKr'he E fi of S W i4' M W i cf S K H cf S 23, Tp 10 3 K 6 E. He srnws te t.iow iai; anaasn It prov bta cent saoar rv idesKW apoa aad e!tiv;ia ot. aaid lard, ria:LClv., Allrw, YG Dftk, MfS A M Ti ots n. aU rl Uetrrs', Onga. Eoaaar A Mnxa, K-s5- Notice for Publicatica LadOfmc at Oauios CiTr. Oa. re- S 1ST . Notios i hereby iire tiat tii f:'oiie liawj atU r h l 4 inmc- of bi weB ti o to aaafca tial i-rvv f ia -.j,:ors- ai I u dais sa t tbat .aui ?rf 1 n;a !c b -f ! the Krgt-ter ar-d K-o-ivrr at O Ci-v. Crr-' n. on Js?ars So k. l?7, via: Chr-tiao Xab.Vd; PDS TtC4 W tb? S K of N K V. Lota 1 a4 2 Nf 3, T 10 S K 4 E. Utaooet- f.l?srujr aitoeasta to pro? ea coa-naa retdetc eoaai - d caltiva'ton of, satd Uid. vvr: C 1 Hnk!et HTGorje, G:l-t Ktassoo.C 8 Gatjes, ail iif Xafaa, Oregon. Robert A. Muxr. Reirter. COME Let t's Eeascn To- reUierl Is it not bet ter to bay vonr bread, liee, Kolis.Cskea, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of fours it s you dont want dyepepea and yon 1 never get it by eating anvUdr.g Irom rt store. U.S. BAKERY. Be K'levnrthand Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yaxdt-k. Proprieto N EW HOME LAUNDRY. -t ii ott wahir taken, rartn-nlaratteotjoa pa i to bundle wahius and mending. Sati faction guatanteed. J!tca CHttrsTSEB LTOTJSE MOTOti, r-rertxlly. promptly A X it, at ttM lowest Mlf. t all on or address U V Taylor ,40i and Vaduo St Albany. Vanted-An Idea T'4v yar Ma: tbv vsay tii W ffc tea tttit as aoawaur IhlU UMWUl VtHtv Ww; thv n, lirtw a. Wrtw JOHS WSXtDKKbTBS ft 1P.i aifc aara, WaatUBmuu. IX c, to air at.u aa IHt n' l. hna.ira.1 taantiuaa lm Mistafes, Eli ffigj uot tnings spelled wrong and all m ed on dis-vlav waa poor rvpa o fashioned press work bad pFf cheap nothing as it onght to bcT Wet take your next job of printing to Srng ley the Printer and - M Ee BG28 EiilL j P. S. (Important). The rrite it r ing t will be right, too. U alley's printing i il printing. - rPiLODD PDISO! OAGPECIAITY Frtmair.saa oBaarvca-lv . U Uan avDhuia aarminttv anra a 1- 'aaava. TusuliNaaukoatr ta saa avioe BodaraaaMt caaraatj roe an rar to com ham aa will torn T." we tail to aura, lfvoa to rauruaa far and beta tails. aatt. Jry, Iodide putaib, aad au have laaaa bm. ail 11 aara actta a n...k. UATlbW a. aewoa rwtohea In nou tohea In nouth. hore T ttaaatlaa. Cudmi 4 1 st. - aTnef UiaVxlr, It air or EyVbrow UilT . urea po ot, U -Ihi 8vplUU BLOOn POIMXJ rusrsatM U on ra. We atkUctt aisa asosc o& n Bate ea tea ana cballwta that world fi. WVt3iUOCUN, -'T Tl-TBSa fclttl"- taullcxt the aklll ot tat aauat eiuloaut uh cuuaa. VOO.UOO ea cltal haaim mrJT tonal tvaatr. Abavlute woofs east stwM aoMjeuiua. AlWuna COOK KKH1J1V aWl Miwsi xial fmi .ia. itJk