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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1896)
P4 t mm VOL XXXI!. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18,1890. Katered et Ifce FcoS at tlbaaj. Or. aa Bceeaa-Claaa Halt Halleii r P . itmre PIUr rrsrllr NO-20 , - aT 3 ,' S&srf- iM f"w.T( iM P4 JfcgctaUclVeparauoT-frr As similating uteroodandlicgula tag the Stomachs arjllicv.-ci3 of ItomotesDigcsSon,ChrcrfuI Ttcss and Rest.Contains neither ChMumMorpbine nor Mrnrral. lYOT NA3C OTIC. V Apcrfect Remedy forConsttaa- tiort. Sow Stomach.DiarrhoeaJ ?1 Worms ,Convulsions.Fevcrish oess and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Sif nature cf ' NEWYORK. if' 2, iii ' - 1 232 r a o ,, - war,-. v-l. jss: I EXACT COPT CF WRAPPEB. Albany Red Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage , and to buy the same Sacts will ts MM "a; apSlcaliGi Ym And Feed constantly on hand and for gale. Parties having wheat to (.!! or tore; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Ftoar win xchanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. W- L. lm . Id. Coins. - B, D. EaiPctt. J.-5-ATenaii3 gjS' Ifotincoipated. c . ; i ,' "i s' Bv5IStSri BRANCHES. r-'ij B03KXEEP1N 3, SHORTHAND, TELEOiiAPHV. II Altanv Steam Dveing and .Cleaning Work ' f irst Street Between Ferry and Washington, Branch of the Salem Steam Dye Works, Established 18S4 Ladies and Gents Clothing and Fine Fairies of all kinds Craned and Dyed. Carpets. Blankets. Silk Underwear, Ladie Ha's, Straw Has and Feathers Dyed and Renovated Silk hats Ironed, Kiln Hat, Stiff Hat' DM Hill uuunit uai, uuii. Eenovated. By Honorable Dealing and four Patrona??. fjg coii ti.e vrvrlv eefcoMoxir-od Terence between a wheel that is actually hih grade and one that EiPCIieiita jflgimpiy claimed to be. Some others maybe good bat the RidCfS'' Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcber (3 heights) - $85 ou, Belle in apa MAIBT INDIANA BICYCLE VO. iJTUIAHAPOUI'f WD Atn CfMMn trrthsanW l JLS 'SIT 'im. ' S2- -JIT AJL.tM in recent C0MPANT. OfIook SnrnB nd bare ainca '89. eolB.Heb . ; Kirnm , ,tv i nron(r,o , ct. .. '(: jittt of ittttru.DOTB-E 4 WH"r.'W , t,'"m5!Sir fa low . 9 hand with FsoruJll-IlMtron w. bra tnbe Ua i beaotitnliy tHi. hhimm rnnx Mr nuu, tnunn J.H,'iaUaii Dealer ia he 4? 4 c k t s ALBAN Y CIGAR FACTORY j .1. .lOMCPli SEE THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE or 13 ON THE WRAPPER OP EYEST drtcrfa is jrct vp is ore-aiia bottles saly. I) - Is act tall ia balk. Doat allow anyone Xo sail -.T13 tcythfcg ebs oa ths p!a or pmsias that it 1 Jtl -- c S.E. Yew- and Soft Hate-Cleaned. Dyed. Blackened and - r . , w Strictest AUeatnn to B i-.-o, t M SValJ-r . ;U i. ""sr Are built in l&VKIFAl andBesfc Equipped Factory m W cf psb 5fsdE? tbe World Wause tliev have learned to know the da- z incn fio.w ami tcw.uu. A.J. Hodges,. Agent Innfflrilv rmAocA me oriinf ed a new Uea in windmill jTm jc ' " fen m-7 ' wa?pn. or "V and lWw. d to lote. V Water Supply lioods. Kveryuiinj roe lanuer .c.i. Un. l. m win. WahavareseatedlTrefaee tbereiora defeated windmill combination. reduced tbe cost 01 wina power grautnae, ana !! that is rood in the modem tower, T H WORLD HA. OIVBM HAL. IT. WINDMILL WUBI nrice,hiharade and large lone newer atroke oompa, cylinder, lower than iron imma tritfat tA AO branch DOHSeS. iiltutraud eataloRne of op-o-data Snt MiMf Ikir Initatora lausi ciaws. no nam or rrac eoxu aw aavwa H) . ' "y? BRINK, and have, V Ice maker, and are 1 ihaMMonfiDaun, a ateei windmiU and I ' ilea. Wmakebort ft with best aeamleu f J 1 art. inch at I bend now lot I ida, aa A I nave us -jr i All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete floi:r safe, has them and his prces the lowest. OPsEGOfJ. E's-nprlcUir THTJESXDAY COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Buton, eonnty Judge; J II. Water. D. L. Curl, Couuniaaioiwn.) Oregon agt Otha Hall, pre ex $03 95. Continued. Continued anolicaticn of A Evani for county road. Bill 0 II Dilrymple $5 continued. Three bills of W F Deakina, assessor for $768, were continued. Petition for appointment of J O Sabin aa J 1' to succeed i Cartwrigt dismiss-d. Bill for feea in Oregon agt Geo .'argen een continued. P R Buck man was appointed J P at Harrisburg. Bill Dr Hunter, acct roc-r $10.00, dis allowed. Petition for bridge at Gates placed on file. The following bills were ordered paid : Regular salaries of county officers. Aid Cox family $6; Ken worthy family $S; OLubker $S; Alma Vail S; "b Hines 3; RGilloch 6; J Dobkins $i; Alberta $9; Oren Wilson 5; Mr and Mrs Barn ard $5: Mrs Junkey $; Jas Larew $4; Mrs Adams $3; Phebe Hendricaon $5 ; j If Lewis $5; Adelia French $3; S Keith $6; Henderson family $5; L Coleman and wife $5. DE Cbeadle, rent $ Albans Water Works XV E Harden, bridges F A Powell, road W II Meranda, acct poor Santiam Lumber Co, bridges. . . .-. J Atkinson, aid poor O F vwank, deputy sheriff Geo D Barton, Bridges 2 00 20 00 48 SO 2 40 68 15 3 00 3 00 24 75 10 25 6 00 100 00 1 00 19 25 75 65 10 5 40 15 00 8 00 10 CO 17 CO 60 25 9 25 5 00 2 25 9 50 11 15 2 00 20 CO 7 25 1 SO 20 00 54 00 54 00 54 00 46 CO 25 40 SI i 'ler A Turner.roada and bridges W H Davis, surgical operation.. U F Rairp, acct poor G W Willis, bridges E Rojje.-8.acct insane J C Goodale, bridges J C Poweil.prel ex J X Duncan, fees reltie McDonald, acct poor Mrs F M Taylor. " " J P Wallace, " Silver lmnrint. printing G L Gray, roads Cn Koberta, deputy sheriff Wells Fargo, acct poor Fred Dawson, stationery " " acct poor ,.. Mrs Hatcher, " " Electric Light Co P Cohen, acct poor Scio Press. printing Portland Hospital, acct poor F M Bediield, work on assess ment roll G W Rice, work on asa'mnt roll. ELUtnphrey " " . W F Hammer " " " S W Reece. indigent eoldier fund Mrs Peck, acct poor 32 40 Stewart & Sox, bridges SO 65 V a JJaviJson, work on assess ment roll W H Kaltuder, bridges Mrs Davie, acct poor J S Smith, deDut sheriff H F Archibald, acct poor..' 20 00 25 20 8 00 47 00 T 50 4 45 1 fO 5 70 2 40 5 00 SI 88 6 50 5 35 167 44 J 00 1 00 6 00 4 50 7 40 T 00 5 00 3 50 23 CO 500 17 00 W 70 100 75 62 30 45 S3 5 00 75 10 00 3 45 5 71 F W Cole, elections Chas Davis, acct poor J w Newman, roads.. W C Jackson, roads and bridges. HCHarkness, " " " . A Hulburt " " ' - SBTilloteon, " " " . CI s G P Stiers. elections J H Torpin, bridges.... HilSt iiecKer Mrs Aclienbach. acct poor JC Harden, H C Watson, - ' Mar ft Senders B F Ramp. GWMaston, M C M Davidson, " icajno..... John UfherJanitor , Oregon agt Wm Baker " F Moore " E Martin Santiam Lumber Co O U Dalrvmple, diet ally newrrn tnion sjo... P Cramer, bridge Frank Aikin, roads and bridges. PW Spink, " . Livingstone & Kintx, roads and bridges J Livinestone, roads and bridges S P Williamson " " FFrisby JLeedy, " CW Stoker, " " PG Morris " " " H Roberts " " MS Cameron " J A Smith " " " Enterprise Lumber Co Mrs 1 J Kirkpatrick, elections. . . TJ Stephens, " Ella Mendenhall. ! ... G V Knmp, J W Blavnev. at i W Bell, rebate Ux D Barnard & Uo, stationery. . . . Fosbay A Mason, Stationory.... B F Titus, elections Jas Elkns, elections Phil Bitter M Cranial! " Orecon agt Samnel Chapman.... Ii tieeler, supts omce.. Telephone Cq. ".. .......... Ii Ueddes.t lections T J Stites, postage.... M B btartevaot, deputy sheriff. . Thomas Brink, C II ,,. Taneent Grantee, elections. ...... Oregon agt John I so in, Jr A unraming. acct poor B C Windom, acct elections D L Curl, acct roads O W Warren, acct C H John Atkinson, acct poor L'r J A Lamberson, acct poor. . . 61 Waters, commissioner DLCurl ..... Oregon agt F E Sherwood ...... Adjourned. Card of Thank. wm The undersigned wish to extend their thanks for the liberal patronage and large attendance at the Bell Entertain ment last mirht. and esnectallr to tbe band and others taking part who gener ously did so muck to make it a success. Mbs. 3 W. Skaks, Mrs. 8. N. Thball, Mbb C. F. H oh LAM). Committee. I Tub Dixos Case. Mondav Roseburg Review: "In which Jams Dixon Is charged with the murder oi C harles Kice, will be called at ociock lomorrow nurninir. It promises to be a hotly con tested trial. L Bilyeu conducting the prosecution assisted by District Attorney fates. J W Hamilton is leading conn- h.I for tha defense and Judge J F Caules will assist him. Other lawyers retainer by the defense are Judee L Lousrhary W W Cardwell and Albert Abraham. SeV' eral days will probably be consumed 'jy the trial of this case' StJEVEVWa OoSTBACt APPROVED Sur vevor-General Habersham has received notification from the commissioner of eeneral land office that the survey of W E. Campbell's contract., in tbe land grant pf tbe Willamette Valley A Cascade Mountains Wagon Koa Company, been approved. Of the five contracts sury eyine lands in that grant last year, hub is me urst to m appruveu. have been rejected and one has no- . i r . i . i . m a wo been heard from. Uregonian. Hoais Shrds. Mr. D. Bussard rented of John Fox the property at corner oi uaker ard second btreets five years lease, and will at once on a erect 400 feet of sheds, sufficient to stable 120 horses. He expects to have the sheds completed in about one week. - -. makes of these celebrated corsets snd Leg Beoeeh. A. E. Holmes, residing prepared to give t xtro vulue cf 60c, 75c acroea tue river, wno run tlie Street El in rilnrk and a ula. Alan J. sprinkler last summer, on Wednesday Urines and extra sizes. The 11.00 coreet was xicxea oy a nprse resulting in the is worthy of special notice. Ask to see our breaking of one of bis legs. Dr. Ellis 60c. 75c and tl-00 corsets. was sent lor and attended him, cSaxukl E Y ocko THE BELLS AND BELLES. Au iminenoe audience attended tbe Bell entertainment at the opera house last nii-lit civen by the ladies of the Presbyterian church. It was a grand success. Tuo new college band opened he entertaininent'wilh some excellen music, when the curtain arose for the first performance, that of the celebrated Swiss Bell ringers, from the Old World It was composed of Monsters, Hopkins V inn, Cusick, Mason, Steele and Gal- braith, born musicians, and was cyclonic in its effect. Misses Hopkins and Cros by were heard in a piano duet. A Merrv Sleigh Rid., and a doub'e quartet sang evening ueiis," ootn good, when nine little girls with Florence Thrall in tbe lead as tbe belle of Broadway delighted the audience with their drill and song. Mrs. E. W. Langdon sang the Beils of Sevelle in a manner that always brings compliments. A tableau. Wedding Belle,was pretty. Miss Auna llouck played"Albanv IWIla" well. Winnie Royce recited "Auction Bella" with bell effect in a fine manner. The double quartet sang the "Yankee Sleigh Ride' with Uie bells jicgiing. Mr. John Tait gave a splendid dumo bell drill with electric effect. Miss Alderson sang nicely Bride Bells. The gem of the evening was the drill by the belles of different nations, in which Miss Flora Mason represented Scotland, Alico Porter Spain. Estella Porter China, Velle Irviog, Switzerland, Mrs. Nina Ortell Ireland, Minnie Mc Farland Japan, Liilie Wyman Germany, Maud Crosby France, Mrs. Chas. Sear Italy, Sophia ffotick Persia. Hattie Ball fc.gvpt,Lydiaiialbraith England and Mr. c. u. VusicK Uie UniUU S.atea. each in national costume, with IW. of cour that oi Columbia overshadowing all rs. This was one of' the prettiest things ever presented here. It closed in the form of a tableau. After the precratn closed several booths were Itbetallv patronized and sociability preailed. Oregon'. First AptlcfSLct. It is now 70 yeacs sinlHist apple seeds were planted "la Oregon, being brought here by a Captain Simpson, so the West Sid of Independence, 3t, from London'. The taner aara tha the seeds wereiropped into Captain Sitlip son's p-Tcket by the woman who ate tbe apple tht held them, and the told the captainio plant theui in the great w.5r- dernecs to which b was going. I" pop bis arrival on the Pacific coast, ik u. tr illing reminded him of this incident, and, leeltng in his pocket he found tae see is still thera. They were plan ana itom inem sprang tae Lrst asrjiie trees la O regno. Two trees grewirom these seeds, one of thm bearing worsen apple, and the other a beaaiitJrfeJ one. Seeds from t'tiese apples werayp!antJ br the UudSgn Lay Company and, in tiits way severafDr.'har.iawe're started. The Tbe first intrdjtotfton of iratt trees di rect into Oregon was in 13i7, whn Hen derson Lew .dung brought about 7C0 t'ees and sh;ubs acios the plates in a wagon, the trees bein several month on the journey. This load was doabt'ets the most difficult to handle that ever crossed the plains, yet it has been truly said "tnee trees contained health, "wealth and comfort for the old pioneers of Ore gon Arthur C Wallace. Tbe Times gives the following sketch of tbe man who recently ccu.uu'.l-J sui cide at Corrallis : Arthur C. WalUue was a kioJ hearttit old man. He was botu at at Golden Hill. Maryland. May 10. 1S27. and died: aged more, than 63 years. In early hie be learned the carpenters trade, and in ISf he sa:led by tbe Isthmus for the gold neida of California, lie spent a year in U e country, making wheelbar rows and doing other work for the min ers, and returned to Maryland in IS. In 18.4 he returned to California and until 1861 bad bis nps and downs in the mining camps of the state. It was in 13-31 that with bis partner he was tbe owner of a 110 mule pack train, and was carrying supplies from C re-cent City to tbe miners ot tbe Altbou?e. It wa in those days that tbe Indians, then on the rampage, attacked tbe train, and rip tared a lew of the mules. It was while be operated this train that James Haves of this city, then in the mining regions. knew Wallace 3i years ago. In Wallace came to Corvalle,but left short ly lor tbe taker City mine, returning two years later to farm and work at bis trade in this vicinity. The rest of his life, except a year spent in California in 1872-3, was spent in Benton county. Who Wilt Be Councilman. It has been discovered that in order to be a councilman a perton must have bees a resident of the wart from which be is elected for the period of ninety days preceeding tbe election, Unnnance i ;o. bee. VII, and that air. U U. tlojue re cently elected councilman from the 2nd want bad been a resident of the ward less than ninety days. It thii is insisted on a special election will have to be bad or the council may nil the unexpired term oi Mr. I'leiller, who reeizncl, then makins; a vacancy; while Mr. Hopkins is elected to succeed Mr. Gradwhol, whose terra will expire this year. Hon. Jefferson Meyers was in the city yesterday. Mike Rceowav. the hartie- Is now to cated at Butte, Mon., and is doing well Arthur G amber a student at the U. rf O. at Eugene, has returned to his home here on account of illness. ProLD.V. S. Reid. principal of th Eugene public school, formerly ot Al bany, was baptised and became a mem ber of tbe Christian church recently. ThrEvnin;r TeWram of New York t;uy is onering prizes lor tho liesl pro- aucuon oi amateur cartoon work, tlenr F. llollenbeck. formerly of this cilv but now temporarily located in Xew York City, is one of the competitor". II sketch is reproduced, hy the Tiiiegram one at the best that has been sent in. Eugene Guard. Mr. HollenU'ik redded in Albany (or awhile. Crogon Cily has a thrivirg l ati'sjiina Fr inx Pavey Is a Citndi.lute tor c'crktihiD in the SKNATti, not in the houxe. From 21 Salvation Atmy mile box pri- va'e Jwbn Krui yss'erday collected c tnbutons amonnung to over f i. The funeral of Jos. Mevers bxlav wn under the auspices of tbe Maccabee. of which be was a member, carrying fclGOO insurance, and wa largely nttendod. 11000 insurance was carried on the pro- . ... M J ' II -I . Ill" - peny oi uomen Williams, tuiineit at Lawson. t500 on th bouse aad C."00 on tbe furniture, ibe proper waa insured the with C U. uurkbart s sirency. Mr. Chas. Medin decllnog fo ornenlttm nomination of No, l's for asistnnt chif. the Drmochat is informed that Mr. Ma has dia will prooubiy be the nomineo of No 2's fot chief. for A letter from Samm received bv Csmt. saitmursh, of tbe Juvenile foo'bsll . team. this mcrning Ktated that Salem team would lie hero Saturday. The has tbe teams will p'ay at n average of pounds. R. and G. Corsets and Kid rittfL - Corsocs. I I have just received a full lino in both OUR PRICES are Bargains .. . Compare tfjcui ditt, others inle h3ni8S3 8 5 CO Team harness 18 09 Two sweat pads 65 3 buggy whips 25 Otfjr oods in same ro- poriion. ' f CULL RWD SEE US POWER ii TOMLIXSOX. Foot Ba'l Turaorrow, There should hi a big crowd on the cal ejje cdutpcB tomorrow afternoon to see the young Tornadoes of Salem and the Cyclones of Allany meet on the gridiron. The chrysauthemums will tiy, with less than HO pounds under them, for that is the limit. The Albany boys have been doing hard work and if the Tornadore ran get away wi!i them it will be only by hard work. They will une upas louovs: Salem. AlJIAVY. Hunt, Thompson, Salt march, Ash by, Dickinson, Ovrus. Wratnerford M-ircuSitia, Stero bent, i:riiIgclord. Ramp, Lambson, Harris. Farrar, Jones, Mclntire, Sims, 1-an.en, Davis, Hodgkio, Hittliop, Bradley, nircli, Moran. c r t It re le c-b r h b 1 lib f b tub Sclo. Mrs. Carrie Ho! man, of Salem and or ganixer of the Degree of Honor and Mrs. A. D. Barker, of Albany, came over Tuesday in the interest of that ordei . Mr. and Mis. C. S. Haraish, of Al bany, cause over Monday for a wetks visit anions Scio frieod. While here Mr. II. will operate the Scio Art Gallerr? Mr. A. B. Chriinin returned last wwk from a visi. ta Heppner. Uresoa. He iaics laai nue i.e was mere the momesr resiUered ".0 degre. iviow aero. While returning he vtt on a triu that wa anoa bound ..r acteral boar. lie aiio !,- thai Eastern On-oa pw e (ceoi u nave but iU;e of esllser the eoaa lecce or proeperitr that wa talked !ul so dunng lUe eiectlan The Sclo ciiy election passed off vert quietly, ahe fj.sjaine were eitsned: or mayor, V A Eamj; recoroer. It iicuon; inrnal, I A Munken; treas urer, rrant tjiU: councisajen. S M Iin- lei, J 4 l-tur. is lioin, t J :n-, jonn tiii:,.'u:in iiar.M M i'eery. rsN. Lebanon. Kev. iJolsariiide west to Portland ve- er iay to tee cm soa, who lost h:s eve- titrt an-l sense of heannc in an :on accim-Ei lu Idaho a lew days ago. Mac&jr Koehlrr write that it wtvsM CMrl 12j,0CJ to brin the Urwoian lise urvmgh Liin-n aa J tae cuattrr has been drojipeJ. John Morgan arrived at Lelnon Eastern Otec-ja. lie crol the snow on snow shoe, and walked the rett of the way. J. C. Maver and E4. Kel'eaberrer ex pect to leave the first of the week for Southern California where tfcey expect to go into business. Jsjef MulliT, irxvclisz calenaa tor the W iley 15. Alien coaioanv. has been town IhU wot-k. He sold Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Smith a IV)0 piano, which is Christmas t rwent to Miss Pet. The piano is the largest and finest ever brought to Lebanon. Express and Ad vance. Gospel .Meetings ClocJ. We have jal closed a very interesting meeting at the C. P. church. Mr. Bur gess is an interesting speaker, present ing tne wort uittiiuiiv ana earnestly. As arraneed for more than a month auto Rev L. l) liick. tne ?vnoilical Missionary of tbe Oregon Synod cf the Cumberland rresbyteruurehorch, will tiegin a series oi meetings at the Cumberland Presbv tenan church ol this place, Dec. 27. l$9o. au rnnsiian people w bo can work wiin ns 'or the salvation of ouUare invited to attend e desire to tee many bronchi o Christ and the build nir unof Zin. we clerire to reap in this meeting tbe seed sown in tbe past, "Come thou with ns and we wilt do thoe cood.for the Lord has prjiuisiHl irooil con erning Is rael.'- w. V. McGce. Pastor. Form en Ohbgo Mas The f!!owln dispatch taken from the Examiner of Dec. 8, leils about a former Oresrn man. dautthterof whom resides at V kville in this county : "Rev. Dr. LewU Albert Banks, pastor of the Haosonplace Meth- oaist bp'scopal Church. Itronkiyn, is alx'Ut to leave that chu ch. He X ve as his reason that he find that he have tbe united and harmonious sup port of nil the olhcial member of the church which be had supposed he would receive when he accepted their cail .ast June. Dr. thinks was recently he pro hibition candidate for governor of the state, and, according to one of the paetor s friend, his participation ia pol itics offended some of tho church mem' tiers. Another partisan of the doctor declares he is too go-shewd and modern a man for old fashioned conservative peorle in the ehnrrh, who want every thing to go on as it d d years ago. Dr. Banks, who catered the ministry in Or egon, has occupied pu'pits in Seattle, Wash., and iJo?ton." A Bad Hoy. tJwnra himitHt, a mx teen year o!d loy of School Distrii-l No. ?5 has lio--ti scivi'ig a short sentct-ce in ' tho county jail. lie was taken to Uttsk bv tits tenciior lor neing too l.imiiiar ltn the girls, when lie lu.t the calling Ibe toaeher a vtiiirar name, ue was ar rested and taken liefore Justice Shelton ! at Scio mid fined " and costs, w hit-ti ho retusci 10 pay, w nn UO was nrJUJUl . . . .i. i i . . tbe l-lim county jaw. Stoie.v From a Drusmkr. W. R. Watson, a San Francisco traveling man, had a crip, containing among other things $75 in cash, stolen at the South ern l'ueiiio passenger station in Salem molt Jllllb. .U4. -i ai;. tuu uu the lioor under the ticket window in the waiting room and purchased bis ticket. He then went out of the room and upon bis return found that his property hud disappeared. Don't Feed Tuem.- Marshal Lcc makes the v ry judicious request that all hohoe applying for food t e referred to him. U ibis was done by every citizen of Albany it would not take long to rid our vicinity of hobos. Most nooolu wish the HO an excuse to refuse tramps begging and g this offers an opportunity that tuiould griiBpeU at once. Far t e KMaey "I am G5 years old; have bad kiJnej disease and constipation for 25 yert. Am am and now well used your S. B. Headache aud Liver Cure one year. Used fi bottle at 50 cent oacfl. JU Knight, Rntledge, Or." For sale by Foshay & Mason at btx per bottle. frst Anniversary, Manzanita Grove No. 16 will bold their first anniversary at their ball to night. It will be a live event for Wood men and their families, who are invited to be present. A feature will be the presentation of Helen Carpenter's side degree, Hilaria Jocunda, with the fol lowing viry interesting cast: Mother Goose Mrs Barnes Royal Arch Raz-me-taz Miss Vierick Secunda Ua MissTavlor Bogy Bam boozier MrsSpufger Celestial Censor Miss Barnes Scribeo Inky Waxy Mrs Bnrkhart Sine Rhino Mrs Allen Sagaciou Scout Miss Montgomery Primus Piloticus Mrs White Medico Examlcus Dr Davis Mationer Mist Vaughn Right Hope Podge Miss Need ham I-elt Hope Podge. Mrs McClain 1st Riff ;Raff Rustler Mrs Moe 2nd Riff Raff Rustler Miss Looney 2rd Riff Raff Rustler ....Mrs Mover ....Mrs Gotheb 4tb Riff Raff Ru-tler. Porter of Porte ul is. . , Master ot Goat Great Scott tiee Whia , Pilgrim Stage Manager...... ....Mrs Kenton ...Mrs Headley ,.CE Hawkins ..CG Bnrkhart L Vierick FE Allen L'on. C. II. Ralston, of the custom of fice, was in the city today. Judge Hewitt is holding an adjourned term of court at Salem. Miss Clara Cohen left last night for o-n r raociaco, to spena in. winter. H. E. Palmer is to enter the office of Dr. Prill at Scio and study pharmacy. Rev. J. R. N. Bell has resumed aa naa- tr of the Prtsbyteriau church at Baker Cty. Mr. F. L- Such, of San Franeiarn ia in the city looking after bis Cioverdale in terests. Tbe Mazazice club will meet with 1K' Lvdia (iaioraitb tomorrow afternoon at Uo clock. A Burns entertainment is to ba eiven at Corrallis Dec. 21. Judge Burnett is to recite Tam O' fhanter. Edward Mills leturned lat nivht fmm Portland, where he received treatment for bis amputated finger. Mrs. Dr. Foley, wife of Lebanon's new mayor, has been in tbe city this week the g xat of her sister Mrs. L. C. Marsha)!. Dr. Holt, of Portland, arrived in AU baay this nocn and will give bis China lecture toniirtit. On Sunday be will preach in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Wilson Elain came nn from Port land lfi night, He secured more Ail-any Woolen Mills eoode from Mover A Co. to meet tbe demands of bis business. Brady Burnett is attending the Port- laLd Law School, but will probably go to California in January and Uke a law coarse in Stanford University. Gazette " bich means another crack foot ball man lor Stanford and tbe caampioa mile runner of the North weU E. E. Morgan. Portland's ch amnion ail round athlete will enter Stanford Uni versity in Jansary, and U1 at once Uke the lead in that university. He is on doubtediy the best on the coast in bis field and will prove a treat atnniaition. Ttiree of the best alb lei ? of the college. Mcn- ao. Murphy and Fisher will be Ore gon men. A fine picture of Miss Maud Hoffman ill be found in the Christ mas Peterson. U-gcther with a nice notice of tbe former Corrallis young lady, in which a short tkclch of Cer career is siren. She first on ereat admiration in Boston as Jo'.iet. She then played one season with E. S. WUlard in small parts and two seasons with WiUon Barrett in bearr roles, or- imaating the pan, of Berenice in "The Sign of I i.e Crow," making a srtong im pression I or tier cn emotional work. She is now with the Daly Company. playing second lady to Ada Rebao in a line of coined? parts. Peterson savs: In spite of ber sncces she is very modet, desiring first to be a Tars artist, iben hoping to be a great one. Hay U IIS to tUO a tio at Uood River, fiamlin's WizArd Oil Company are in Roseburg this week. Sid Moore, the tin bora, waa in Albany bt night and ii given one of Chief Lee's carru, Kt'.n telett tbe city. G. W. Surer, of Portland, foimerly of tbe big agricnttaral iropleroeot Era of Staver A Walker, died suddenly Testerdav of heart dUeafe. His partner waa killed by a gnn aocidrnt, in Lane coonty, aboat Sve years aco. Ia a IJ:tiio to !';t of Grocers already printed that are eliinar tbe new beaJtb irtBk Ccffeelene, B. F. Ram?. Kroecbel Uros. and 5. L. Beccer bare each added it to their stock and will be glad to supply aeyoat wna it. It has been erroneously renoried that tbe aUte tax lvy will be only 3 mill. As a matter of fact it will be at least 4 nulla. probably 4K mill. Se-ivt-u t Eincald never said it would be 3 mills as has been repcrb-d. 3 is a much as it ought to be inousu Mr J C Stone, grand lecturer of tbe I Grand Lodne ol tha IndonmdMt OnWnf lUooa Tetnpiar. will deliver a public lec- lure on the a ict of temperance, at tbe court bou on Dec 16, 17 and 18, at 7:30 s ii x p ra- Admission tree. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL D. S. Busev. of Harrisbure. was in the city tooay. Mr. Thos Johns, of Minneapolis has lieen in the city several days in t..e in Icn-sl ol the estate oi tiobert Johns, of wnom ne was a nephew. Art Holt has been nominated for chief engineer of the Albany fire department by Chemical Engine Co. The election I next Tuesday. If the Jefferson boys could rote Art wonll get there, sure. Jefferson Review. W. K. Price came cp from Tolo today for a flying visit with bis sister, Mrs I'oweil ol. aan rrancisco, Cal, who was returning borne on the overland train from a visit with relatives in Linn coun ty. AHand Tidings. A Rare Treat. The lovers ot legitimate drama will be pleased with an opportunity to witness the rerdition by our best local talei.t, pnder the directorship of Prof, and Mrs Rasmus, the great fivetSCt trBgedv Yir- ginius. The ca-t is a strong one, the costumos the finest ever worn in ttiis cit and the play one of the great dra to I mane prouuciiuns ih uir pite. 1 .: it.. matic productions ot ttie age. Tbe cast of u0 people are being drilled nightly, I lie ataning will be perfect in every de tail and nothing will be left undone to make this the dramatic event of the sea son Retnemter tho date, Friday even ing, yec ism, itvu. Mt'ST Be Exttsped. The railroad commisMoners in their reviews of the conditions of the different Oregon roads. says of tho O. C. & K. among other uuhes: ine loan is in very lair conui- tion. and its equipment is ample for the services required. The operating ex penses, which Include the maintenance of way, exceed several thousand dollars tbe gross earnings, so in at mere is no return in liuht for the purchasers, even on their first investment. This road must be extended tended before it can be but where? Tbe most promising seems to bo over the Catenae mountains to the region ot the Deschutes and Crooked rivers, and perhaps finally to an Eastern connection. CnAKOKOfliMK Until further notice! ewsasaei.a it. he Steamer Albany will leave Albany ortland on Mondays, Wednesdays riuays. returning leaves roruana nosdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I I v v- HOME AND ABROAD. Holiday goods at Fosbay k Masons, Tbe latest in kid stoves at the Ladies Bazair. E L Dixon is the new mayor of Pbilo- math. An elegant display of fancy wrk la shown at the Ladies Bazaar. RAG coraets. 75 cents and upward at tbe Ladies Bazaar. rnt plans That has tbe ring to it at Will k S larks. Souvenir spoons at Will k Sarks. See French's thousand dollar shew win dow. Timothy seed for sale st C. E. Enow XXXLS. Christmas candies and nuts at C. E. Bbowxklx's. Pop corn that pops can be found si E. Bbowkeix's. c! Souvenir peons finely finished Ewerts jewelry store. at H. I areest and best stocc of holiday soods '- at Poshayft Uaaons. Too ran hur oM fin-J ..K. . - T ' wr jewelry store. An elegant line of watches, jewelry k , lil er ware, can be teen st H . EwerU. ' Popa'ar roods at popjlar prices in croc- enea ana cjneensware, at C". K. iiaow- XaXLS. ITsppy th. nehta. Cbristmas ren. and low prices as Freacn's jewelry store. Lee Drown raa tna contract t jt repair ing me approaca to the baaUam bruise at Stayton. The peraoa who exchansed nmbrellaa ! with Mrs L iereck at tbe Woodman en- terUinmest last night will please call and reexenaage. A foil une Roeers Bros, silverware for tbe holiday trade, at reduced prices at i rKa a jewetry store. Ioformatiosi that ia worth its weitrht in gold: Get yoar meau vf alt kinds at Hen ry Sroder s, on Second street. Have you see French's display of Christ - mat gooc's. It will cost wa nothing to look tbeax over, and note the prices. Hail's Hair Recewsr eniova the eoafi- ence and patronage of people all over tbe cjtiiiM world, wno ewe it to rttore and keep the hair a natural color. Tbe public is invite! to call and see the ekvnt selection of band painted china and fancy needle work at tbe ait rnomc on l bird nrn door to a. a. f odin booje from 10 a m to 5 o m. Remember Enecht at Meiser are ciotinir out tneir omipiete stock of dolls and tors for less than oot. Call on them for tie btvt bargauu in this lice ever o?4 ia Albany. Cbariea McColloeffh arrived al Corrallis Wednesday, from Albany, with his mi and pile driving appwratoa. He will be eaptoed bv Jotrpa Kennedy on the work cf repairing tbe O R N" wharf. Times. G W. Boggx, the defaaitinz Taccma beasurer, most serve five years in tbe pen itenUary, to tbe Mpreme court of Wa-J-ington says. At one time be was coomo ted with tbe proposed iut!aw railroad. A social will be eiven at the G A R ball Saturday night. An interesting program wi:i be presented and terreabmests, hard tack aa4 (bog) served. Everybody is invited to attend and trend as eo joyabte ev eaiog. Admisioa lu cent. Tne Harnsbarg A O U W elected the followintr officer: P M. W Damna Smith; M i . U r llToe: r inaaaer. A I Hill: Overseer, C Myers; Recorder. Mr C E Haxaoa: tin.C It Holt: Recover. D C Holt; Guide, G Gooding; IW, J R Cart wright; OW, W T Porter. A Bush of Salem pva indindoal taxes on tl).U0; John H Albert on 45.C11; Judge Bomett on 46,3; Judge Boi on t-l,5I3; G G Binebain on $o,8b0; Dr W A Cuirk on 5 JUoO: Fete D Arcy on 7.- tnd; i w laeoport on Co.S25; G S Downing on 112.121: W II Uoiines on wl4,Q-.0. Mrs. Sarah B Coop-r. perhaps tbe best known woman in San Francisco, noted in Kutdergatten end literary circles and her daughter, committe 4 suicide yesterday by tonung tbe gas on. airs. Cooper was one of the principal prosecutors ia tne Rev. Drown scanoai. mm has preached and lectured, and duruur the war was a nsrse. Tbe affair has censed a great sensation in au r raneuoo. The Best Way. Tbe register. Col. R. A. Miller, has been receiving an unusually large num- bei of letters from persons livinetbrouith- oat the east and south inquiring aboat paplic lands and tbe state in general. Heretofore suca letters were only re ceived from people living in the middle wrsi, out it s mougui urn tneee letters are the result of advertising bv the board of trade and tbe immigration board. The land office officials could handle large quantities of statistical matter from the different counties if it waa gotten np in Computet or pook form. L,inn' county as sent in a few little printed books, neatly arranged with maps and tables showing the resources and advantages of that county. When ever information is desired regarding Linn county these books are sent in. This gives a direct benefit to tbe coonty and is a material aid and time saver for the register. Counties wishing to spread advertising matter win find Col. Miller a valuable agent as he only corresponds with per sons interested aad who are likely to be semer. Oregon caty rresa. isrTKD Tut Bam. Mrs. William Rirchard. of Stavton. and one ot her daughters, Mrs. Carrie Shanks, yeeter day visited the husband and father re spectively, who ia conned in the county jail awaiting the action of the grand jury on a cnarge of illicit cohabitaJon with his daughters. Tbe two women spent an hour with the prisoner, in the pres ence oi xiepnty e-beritt fc. is. cooper. ! The visitors were much affected at the meeting, but no retractions were made by them as to any part of the testimony I given at the preliminary hearing of the case in uie justice court. statesman. a kkmarkari a AioN-ni. l'asue savs the weather of November was tbe most phenominal ever recorded in Oregon. The highest precipitation was reported at McMinnviIle, 20.47 inches, at Rose- burg it was 9.91. at Pendleton only 1.84. The lowest was at Vale 1.63. The lowest temperature was at Lakeview 14 below, the liwest at Portlaud waa 11 above. The warmest at Portland was 60 above. The co'd was beneficial to fruit tree. Tin Second Lector. The lecture by Dr. Holt, of Portland, on China, last night, at the College, was a pleasing event. The stereopticon views greatly added to the effect cf the lecture, Tbe audience certainly gained a vast land of information about China. Introductory to the lecture was a song by Prof.Parrin, aIZTl A Iderann and Mr. A tar. Tl, ntr- before it can be ex-1 tainnient closed with a song by the Glee be expected to pa v club. lost promising field! t r,i.. i... t,. i n. In Mondavi issue the lecture of Dr. Holt will be reviewed in an interesting manner by our college correspondent Multus. fori Ask your physician, jour druggist and and ; your friends about Shiloh's Cure forcon- on uraptton. J nev win recommena IW cot ale by Foshty k Masoa. II i f I W i The 5th Grade. Tbe 5th grade papils of tbe public school, Miss Anna Farrell teacher, con ferred great credit on themselves and tneir instructor last evening. Tbe work done displays a model and up-to-date system and thoroogbnes in details. Parents and friends present were greatly pleased with what tbsw saw and learred. The program presented was as follows Hong by the school, A Happy Greeting to aji: welcome addreea by bmiiv Thompson; a piano duet by Flossie Knee tit ana ora Darren ; recitation by B class in geography, on tbe ew tnz. 10 -I stales ; vocal soio by Eddie Don ham: essay, "Little Things" by Addie need, a piano solo by Addie gcbitner: recitation by Harry Wilkins: vocal solo by Eva French; recitation in history. Colonial Period. , displayed a marked knowledge of oar early history: piano soio oy Alls Met eron : recitation by w u- lis Teller, who told of tbe bad treatment boys get in tbe world ; song by Claude Di;key, encored ; recitation by Fred An urFT ? Plno to' ny aora lAirreii; recita- V.00 DT Bauer;.P ,f7, JHf u ."""w. w HrAvn ind Uirr Watnw-hnilr IVuintt I w ' 1 " iilT .... ." j I spoke with flowery eloquence for five or VWJI SK JIUULavuB CalllCU UIUU " ten mlnntes. Tbe work of the pupils in drawing, spelling, etc, was displayed and ",",'"7 wmmoiwi uyua. Erownsvillc. Prof. R. F. MJchener has been quite sick in Cincinnatti, and baa been in tbe hospital for several days, bat at last re ports waa improriiig nicely, Coonty Sort, Wheeler made therrJor 00- Satsfactory terms with Brownsville public schools a visit Thurs day. This office acknowledge a feas ant call. Mr. Wheeler went to Craw-1 fordsrilie this morning to attend the teachers' institute. D. C. Powell, aged aboat 50 years, who waa born and raised ia this community, committed suicide by hooting himself, at his hoa.e ia Cayocua, Cniifornia, on December 1st, 1896. "Dave' Powell was well known in this community, and many are expreaeiona of regret beard from car citizens that sic knees and fi nancial troubles should pray upon his mind to such an extent that aelf-des- troctSoa was irresistable. He was a bro'ber of Mrs. H. A. Stanard and C. J. Powell, of this community. Times. Foot Rail. 1 tie Tornadoes, ot intern, arrived in Albany at 2:30 o'clcck this afternoon after a wet and muddy trip in a back drawn by six horses. It was nearly press time befcre the Tornadoes and Cyc tones had faced each other for business on a very wet and muddy EeM in a rainstorm. Waut Mjuuues. Hngh Camming, of uaisey, una countv, is a married man. bat it looked for a time last Tuesday as though be was doomed to live in single pseteeunesa, ihe yoong man is less Loan twent v-one years ot age and when be came to Corrallis after a license to wed a Benton county i irl he was not armed with tte neuat "parent's consent" for the use of tbe countv clerk. Tbe friend along with him couldn't swear that the prospective groom was ot lawful age. aad all around there was a heap of trouble. Finally tbe telegraph was resorted to. A A dispatch was sent to the parents at Hsisey, and after a period of waiting that seemed years to the anxioas yoath. the answer came, and with it a license was quickly abtained. Up into the coonty judge's office the couple hastened, and in a few solemn words Judge Hut ted gave tbe world a newly wedded couple. The bride waa Miss Ada Jones, of Benton coonty. Corrallis A Yxar Old Geova. Manzanita Grove, j No. 6. Woodmen of tbe World held their I first anniversary exercise last night It I was a success and a very enjoyable affair. The side decree Hilaria Jocaadi was all I its name implied and was greatly appro-1 ciated. Miss Bessie Butler was heard ia I a piano solo, Mrs. C. O. Lee in a vocal I tolo, Mrs. L. L. Swann in a recitation, Mica Liilte Brenner in a piano solo and Messrs. Hawkins and Headley in a vocal I duet, all well received. A Lax Co. Oansa. The count y conr made an order today directing the aliens I to make ana deliver in au cases en en a s deeds on execution sales. This will be a saving to the individual interested f3 in each ca?e. The decision of the court in volved the crnstroction of section 9 ol the act ol 1S33 relating to sheriffs and clerk's fees. There is no donbt of the correctness of the court's rating. E. R. Skipworth appeared before the court and argued the matter for the litiganta. Ctuard. Volunteers of America. We are Volunteers tor God and conn try. Our first service will be held m the olunteers' armory on Second street next to Mr. Ramps Grocery, Saturday, Dec, 12th, where we will continue as fol 'o ws : Regular service every night 7 :30. t naay aiternoon z ssu renwcwi meeung. Cant. Smith, of San Jose. Oat., is ex pected here to take cnarge oy tne lout mat Oaft. Wtasca Taoareox asm Wrra. ft Vf if Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ceuUy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Laver and iJoweis, cleanses tne sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrop of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac - .oKiA ,i,f ..l, in JV I'MICtQ aVt UIO PvUUinvxi) xlVUt a its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it I ail anu uavo inaue ii uie mwi I popular remedy known, , Syrup of Figs is for f ale in 50 I v -n j ccut uuium v v oil jeouuig auuij- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 3ak muicmo, CAL. List of Patents. Granted to PaciSe States inventor this week. Reported by C. A. Snow ic Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opt. U. S. Patent office, Wash ington, D. C. J Pnchtel. PorJand, cigar Iray; EB Caterline, San Jose, Cat., toilet paper liolder; C J Clark, Kingsburg, aU fastener; T Fates. Bridgeport, Cal , ear coupling; F Gutzkow, San Franeico, re fining coppery silver bullion; G Ham mond, Mulberry, Cal., solder tor solder ioz aluminum; W E Howeil, Los An geles, ventilated receptabie; B D Hams Gold Beach, Or., can-heading machine: J T Ludlow, San Francisco, wire rope way; CJ Meyerholz, Mountain View, Cal., bong; C O Perkins. Petelnina, Cal, handpiece for dental engines ; KS ;hle gel, San Franeiae j, rotary engine ; A B r-hearer, Arroyo Grande. Cal . fruit drier: P 3 Stuparich, San Francisco, cut ter lor bevel cards; 31 Tebbetti, ban Diego, CaJ, bottle. HEW YORK WORLD. TKB1CE-A-WEEK EDITION is larsrer tnas any weekly or eesti- veekly paper pubiiehed and is the only mportant nemocratie "weekly" pub- iaKArt in Var Vn k f!itw TI,rutL M Urge as tbe leading rembiican week. of Xew York Citj. It will be of -ecial advanUge to yon dnring the r i : : "rculwa -f-. P.1" iied every other day, except Sonday, " "M au tne Ireeonees and timeliness daily. It combines all tbe news I a long list of interesting epart ii, nmqne features, cartoons and .lieiliostratiocs, the latter being a Ulty. J these improvements have been 4au without any increase in tbeet which remains at one doi'ar per year ne oner una nneiuaied newspaper and tbe Wrkxt Dehockat together one COUSERYATORY OF MQSIG Albany College Teacbera for tbe school year IS36-1S37 : ZLnri M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teaebere-MargueriPs AJdereon, B. M., and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Thorooeh and rvstemauc instruction eiven in all the important branches of music Best conservatory rooms and latgeet musical library and facilities for mnitral work. Largest nnmoer of con servatory stadents enrolled of any mosie school in the state. Terms low. Send for areolar and cataloftie, to ... if t r ai l a now i .ga. a. ji -Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thoroozh instruct ion Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable redactions sure made tor Doarcers ana cay senoiare. Studies will be resumed Sept. let. For nrther particulars call at the Academw or write to Sister Superior. RIPAN-S The modem stand ard Fanuly IMedi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. WANTED. One of the iltostrated historical atlas maps, of Lion and Ma ion counties, made by Ed ear WiUiasu ACo.lSTS. Call at W. B. Kich- ardaoa, Broadaibia St. N TOTICE. Cedar posts and shakes for sale. For rarucalars address. Oris Icon, Detroit Or. AT PHE MUSES- Boarding, lodging and meals mar be secured of the scb senber at the Santiam tcines, at his place at the month of Dry Gulch. H. W . Whitx. GEO E FIH THR PLUMBER Ha roofing aad plnmbig. Opposite he opera house 30 DIVIDEND DC 10818 wocie roe ea vo ami ski oa crwaaos- pi rbtaalC-.' i" earn nv NEW HOME LA UXPRT. A Mt and of Ellsworth Street. Fsmil wavhinw taken . rarticuiar attention rai to bundle washing and mending. Satu guaranteed. illKS- CHRistsiK MOVLNU, Carerully. prontp'ty the lowest price. Call on or address GW JT. Taylor ,4th and Madison Sis K. O. T. 31. Meets every Saturday evemnp . T. M . Hail. Visiting Knights mvitea t ttend. J. S. as DixiJt,tJom fT , TT Let Us Keascn To-L-V J lVl H. eetherl Is it not bet ter to buy yonr Bread, Pies, Roils, Cake, etc, at a reliable store where they nse only tho Rest material why of course it a you dont want dyspepsia and yon'. 1 never get it by eating anything from orr store. U.S. BAKERY Be Ellsworth and Lyon snd M. C. D. Vakdtx. Proprieto STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motoi on the Albany treet rail- ... . , t ' 'il 1 1 . : ! t0 and from the depot, day and night, 1 Special trips will be made at speci ate. I. F. Cos. Conductor. wav will connect prompuj wtia an iraiaa ial CITY TREASURERS N3T1CE KO. IU Kotlce Is hereby given that funds are oa hand to pay outstanding' warranla of the iue of i896, feoni No 401 to 453, in clusive, interest on such warranta will ceae with tbe date of thi notice. Al'JSiBy.Or. Dec 4, 1896- E. A. Pahkek. City Trees LADIES. I make big wages at hoaie. and want all to have the -same epporturity . Tbe work is very pleasant and will easily pay $13 weekly. This is no deception 1 want no money and will gladly send foil ' particulars tc all sending stamp. Miss M. A, Stebbins, Lawrence, Ms h.