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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1896)
TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month f 3.10 per advance. SOc per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. Wkkklt. tl.25 n advance; ?1.50 at end of year; J 1. 75 for secsnd year; $200 for third and proceeding year, when not paid in advance. .Clubs of five ew subscribers fir $5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly hxaminer will be sent to subscribers for $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners bigpremium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg. nlar subscription price of $1.50 directlv to the paper. Isu't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a week N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. CITY CONVENTIONS. TKMOCRATIC. The Democratic City Convention was held in the court house. A big crowd was present. Mayor Burkhart was elected chairman and J M Ralston secretary. C C Hogue, G W Wright and W R Bilyeu were appointed a committee on order of business, and reported accord ing to the following proceedings." - The ward nominatioms were ratified unanimously. .Nominations for marshal were called for ; Frank Farrell nominated VV A Cox ; L H Montanye nominated C O Lee; A D Barker nominated W A Mack and L M Curl nominated V A McClain. J W White, P J Smiley and G W Wright were elected tellers." The ballot resulted as follows; Lee, 232; Mack, 30; McClain, 12; Cox, 11. ' Upon motion of L M Curl the noniina . tion of Mr. Lee was unanimous. The oitice of treasurer was left to the central committee. REPUBLICAN. The republican convention was held in the opera house. S S Train was chosen chairinn, J A Wilson secretary aud P A Goodwin as sistant; O W Watu, E D Cusick and John Twav tellers. J W Cusick, Dr W H Davis an J John Robson were appointed a committee on order of business, which proceeded as follows: , The ward nominations for councilmen and committeemen were ratified WT F Read nominated Q E Propst for marshal, J R Wyatt nominated lieorge Burkhart and W'N Miller nominated VV H Headley. Two ballots were had, as follows : 1st Burkhart 50, Propst 49, Headley 10, blank 6. Headley 's name was with drawn. 2nd Burkhart 69, Propst 56, blank 3. E A Parker was nominated fcr treas urer without opposition. Thb Wallacb Scjicidb. Mr Arthur Wallace, who committed suiciue at Cor vallis Friday night, mention of which was made in the DicxocRATSaturaav,was a brother of J H Wallace and Mrs Wash Anders jn, of this city. The particulars of the suicide are given as follows: Af ter leaving his watch with a friend, and remarking 'hat he would (urnish the un dertaker a job in the morning, Arthur Wallace, a mechanic, aged 70 years, went to his loom in the Vincent hotel last night, and, seating himself in a chair, deliberately ble v out bis brains with a shotgun. "Wallace came to Oregon irom the south about 33 years ago, and lived in Benton county nntil his death. Al though given at times to excessive drink ing daring the last few years, he was ai rways industrioui. and was generally well liked. Several years ago he owned a large farm near Monroe, but lost it through foreclosure proceedings. Of late years he often threatened to shoot the parties con nected with the foreclosure and to end hisrowa Jife, but otherwise was very peaceable, and his threats were generally regarded as due to the influence of liquor. , Jie owed a few bills that he spoke of Fri day ,but money was due him from several . persons for whom several persons for whom he worsed, an 1 he wo aid have re ceived it in a few days. Staytos Wasts It. Just a little con centrated effort on the part of the busi ness men and citizens of Stay ton would seenre the redncing plant of the paper mill to be established at Albany, if the eame is builded. We have every re quirement, even to the thousands of tons of balm that is so valuable in the pro duction of paper. If Stayton allows an enterprise of this kind to slip through its fingers and go to Detroit, as talked, it i should never uoso willingly and without I an effort to prevent it. Mail. Bio Failcre at Jcscnox. J. M. How ard, the Junction City merchant and farmer has made an assignment to IV. S. Lee, of Junction City, for the be lefit of his creditors. Mr. Howard's liabilities are $12,937.93 and hU assetts, $8, 125. There are a large number of citditors.but Wadham & Company ol Portland are the heaviest, their claim being $2500 The assignee has given londs in the sum ot 26,000. Guard. Lord Sholto Douglas and wife Lave been in Portland. Charlie Baldwin has gone to Cleve land, O., to reside with a eisler. Miss Lillie Farrell has accepted a pos ition in the Dallas oolen mill. F B Tinkle is now located at Deniponi Tex. The Dehocsat is under obhgs" lions to him for a copy of the Herald o! that city. W. T. Drnmmond and family recently of Cheyenne, have bought the residence j at 4th and Jefferson and will locate here, j llrg. Drummond is a professional nurse. Mr. Curt B. Winn, the Chauncey M. Depew of Oregon, returned yesterday morning from his trip to San Francisco, where he had been to ree that his friend J. F. Yates was properly married. Mr. Chas. Fuller, who has been with the Wizard Oil Company the past week is in the city. The company, previous to Mr. fuller's engagement, tiaa tele graphed for a tenor in Chicago, and having come out he will take that part ' with the company. Congress is in session . A good many potatoes were frozen or washed out. These Arctic owls are said to bo regular gormaoda. The Salem pnstoffice i to be given a new location, and there will be a big ttrife for it, ! The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the YMCA baa been incorporated by the following of ficers: Mrs Etta Goff, president; Ava Bal timore, secretary; Mrs Susie Tbrall, treas urer. The Rescue Hooe team and the Cyclone Hose team of Eugene are to play football. As the winners are to receive 80 per cnt of the gato receipts it promises to be a very live affair. Corinthian lodge, A F and A M, at the reinilar meeting Siturday night, elected the following officer; V M BedSeld. W M ; T J Bat'er, S W; J N Duncan. J W; Sfc, C B Winn; Trean, t W Langdon. The prize at the bowling alley Saturday was won by Minnie Senders, 45 for ton frame. Miss Minnie is a remarkably fine bowler, and experience no trouble at all in defeating nine men out or ten. The Amafenr Musical Club is the name of a musical organzation made np of pis piit of Miss He'a Gilbert. Vias Anna Foshav i president Theresa Baumgart secretary ana Ei ma Wat's committee on programs. Mibb unoert na a gooa sizua and enthusiastic c'as of students. On Thomda evening. New Year's eve, the WCTO will give anothw one of their popular enter ammeni. it win ne a watch fO-i I. The pablic are cordial'y in vited to attend, especially the young peo ple, lief i-eah men tn will be served and the meeting will last till the niilnipht bells rinsr in the new, A small admission fee of 10 cen wnl be charged, Th new officers of the Degree of Honor A O U w ar: Pat chief honor. Mm Mary R Hogue; chief of honor, Mrj N H Allen; lady of honor, Mrs Li-ig'en; chief of cere monies. Mrs T J Stitex: racoid r. Mrs Walter Parker: nnancicr, C C Uocu: ' ceiver, L KGray; inside watchman. Kiti'li' Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas. VUnisweiii iaay unuer, nine oicnargue; are easy to take, easy 'outside watchman, Mrs A I) Paraer, HOOd'S PlllS" to operate, cent. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25 eta buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2ud strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; mgn arm, ligtit running ; guaran teed 6 years . frricea on Pianos. Organs, banios outiii uu application. E. U. Will Albany, SOCIALISM AND ANARCHY. Mr. O. 0. Hogue delivered a lecture at the Congregational church last evening on Socialism an 1 Anarchy. It was illn. trated by several crayon sketches, one of wnicn, -me Jbmpty stocking," was so pathetic, that it drew tears to many eyes buu vausea a tnroDoi sympatny in every breast. lne lecture waa mainly devoted to snowing that anarchy and socialism are not identical but really opposite theories. The anarchist believing that all ills are due to law would do away with all laws except those of nature. The extreme socialist would extend the operation of the law till all property, excepting that pertaining to the home should become public property. Every civilized country ia more or less socialistic in its public ownerships of roads, pot todices, parks, libraries, public scnoois, etc., etc. He expressed the opinion that the present age of competi tion had reached its renith and would soon decline. That all iiatioos and sys tems of society were like individuals in their birth, growth, maturity and decay. and that we could not expect the present state oi society to oe an exception to tne general rale. That it was the duty of christians especially to note the signs of the times ana prepare the way ior the new era loaieau oi retarding its progress. The lecturer quoted Carlyle to prove that the evolution of English "society though occupying 250 years was better tlian the French revolution, which required only four. His idea seemed to be that we should experiment with the view to making the condition of the lower class more bear able and retain what proved satisfactory. M. Hogue showed there were many forma of socialism but dealt with only three, communism, co-operation and state socialism. He said little regarding commnni?m, except that the early christians ptacticed it successfully for 500 years, and that most societies organized on this plan had failed. In co-operation he showed the im mense strides made in England, Ger many and the United States in co-oper-tive stores, factories and colonies. He ommitted (perhaps for lack of time, as he said he was cutting his talk down) to show the most striking socialistic move ment on co-operative lines, that of fra ternal societies for insurance, etc. The speaker depicted the growth of state socialism and gave a few results. The closing remarks were an appeal to Chrtetiansto lay aside prejudice andwork fcr the Golden Rule, A 'arge audience listened to '.he lecture with the closest attention to the end. COLLEGE NOTES. All the students who left town dur'ng Thanksgiving recess have returned and have gone through another week's ordeal the awful ordeal of preparing for ex aminations wh:ch will soon come. During Thanksgiving recess consider able repairing was done. One furnace was torn down and remodeled. If it works satisfactorily the others will prob ably be repaired during Christmas va cation. The next lecture will be given at the college on Friday tight, December Hth, ! by Dr. Holt, of 'Portland, on -Oina." j Owing to the fact that Dr. Uoit has re sided in China twelve 'ears, that bis lecture (steriopticon) will beentettaini g and instructive. Marius Marcellus was heartily wel comed back to our midst Monday. Bnt he did not come empty handed. He brought a fossilized braciopod This, together with Prof Torbefs snipe, is a valuable addition to oar museum. The A. C. L S. held its regular meet ing Friday afternoon. An excellent program was rendered. The new mem bers deserve to be highly complimented for the SDirit. reparation and literary ability manifested in their rendition. The Erodelphian society will hold ite I meeting next Friday. It is rumored I.,:, .u. ..U n.nk.ra .11 Iw, initiated into the "myitic shrine." Of course, the boys are invited. Tennyson Jl has risen in our muist. His production is hereunto Bnbtended : Prcf. Lee announced Saturday morning That the foot ball team was dead. Let all put on their mourning. And every student Dow ins uean. It died of a t-roken heart, And not of a broken pate. Let the body now depart. To I'L) at a two-forty rate. Stcltcs. K. O.T. M. Election The followinz officers were elecled at last review :, J. 8. VanWinkie. . Commander, E. U. Will. L Com., J. F. Trouman. B. K., N. M. Newport. F. K., D. W. Bumbaugh. ' Prel., H. Setwart. Sergeant, B. N. Morris. Mat. A., J. W. H. Hammell. let M. ct G., J. B. Chitwood. 2nd M. of G., L. Love. Sentinel, G. W. Goff. Pkt.,D. F.Kay. The City Election is in progress to day. A typical s'ormv day for it A good vote wag l!ng polled, but not a full vote The ladications were mat Le wsuld be elected by over 100 majority. It was thouzht Mr. E. A Parker would defeat Mr. Blank for treasurer by 500 or 600 majority. Mr. Parker is satisfac tory to everybody. On councilmen there was a ereat deal of uncertainty. Con tiderable independence was . being dis played in voting. Dakctxo School. A dancing school will he organized at Armory Hall next Wednesday evening. Nov. 18, byj. P, Feanter. School nights every Wednes day and Saturday. Wednesday nights will he devoted exclueively to instruc tion. Saturday nights general practice and social dancing. Several new dances will be introduced. Terms, gentlemen, per month ot eiiiht lessons, $3.50; ladies, $1. Music by the Albany Orchestra. Co I sac Proved by the statements of lead OU ICS ing druggists everywhere, show that the people have an abiding confidence In Iiood's Barsaparllla. Great CI 1 rnp proved by the voluntary state U ICS merits ol thousands of men and women show that Hood's SarsaparilU ac tually docs posses? f- . over disease by purifying, en- rultCI rtching and Invigorating the blood, upon which not only health but life itself dcpeivts. The great 0,i si -i -" of Hood's Sarsaparilla !n WUVlC99 coring others warrants you in believing that a faithful use of Iiood's Barsaparllia will cure you If you suffer Iron any trouble caused by Impure blood. Sarsaparilla re - Is the One True Blood Purifier. All drnggists. l Erudls TUESDAY The City Election. There was little excitement in election yesterday. It passed off the in a drizzling rain in a remarkably peaceable manner. The vote was aa follows : for marshal. 1st ward, 2nd. 3rd. Total, C. O. Lee 6 118 Geo Burkhart.... 83 73 201 385 74 230 Lee's majority 150 FOR TREASURER. E. A Parker 133 125 142 400 FOR OOU.NCILMKX. 0. P. Dannals.. 97 J.J. Whitney.. 52 Dannals niaj.. Long term H. J. Hopkins A. Wheeler 45 116 83 33 101 92 9 165 109 56 Hopkins majority Short term C. C. Hogue J. Gradwohl Ilogues majorit A. H. Martin Wm. V. Baltimore Martin's majority The total vote cast was 626, being 151 in 1st ward, 200 in second and 275 in third. The voting was very indepen dent, party lines being disregarded, as usual. Two democrats, three republi cans and one populist were elected. A California Letter. Mr. O. 0. McFarland, who recently went to California, has located at Han ford, where he has rented a building and will open a general merchandise store. He writes home that it is a great country, with wheat fields of thousands of acres, in which yon use ten land twelve horse teams plowing 25 to 40 acres to the team per day, alfalfa fields evergreen, looking like clover, orchards up to 1000 acres, grapes in hund.-eds of thousands of acres, white geese by the acre, quail and ducks and Jack rabbits in droves; only fifteen days in the year without sunshine. From Hanford one can go fifty miles in any direction without a hill and hardly a stone. In the back ground ia Ml. Whitney, in the eaat the great Yoeemite, in the west the Coast range. Hanford is about half way between San Francisco and Los Angeles, nearly aa huge as Al bany, with more business. Hon. J. K. Weatherford is home from his California trip Attorneys J. R. Wyattand X.M.New port were "in Salem yesteiday. Col. John R. Fellows, who died yester day in New York City, is a cousin ot Mr. Bal O. Fellows, of this county. M. E. Brink, is the new K. of R. and S. Luna Lodge No. 65 oi Prineville. Her man Sicbel is C. C Ex-Sheriff J. K. Charlton was in the city toxiay on his way to Salem, where he bad b-ea to see his son three mem bers of whose family had been seriously ill Mrs. Mendenhall, mother ot F. M. Wadaworth, died at Yaquina last even ing at the age of 89 years. She was an old resident and respected citizen of Oregon. J. A. Gumming has returned home, coming by way of San Francisco. He and C. B. Winn saw the great Fitxsim-, mons-Sharkey fight, and do not believe there was any foul as decided by the ref eree. Mr. Cramer, of Mill City, who was incensed because his wife was commit ted to the insane asylum, upon going to Salem, was thoroughly convinced by soperintendant Paine that she was in sane, and Mr. Pain says the comrjiit mentwaa th necessary andproper thing. A very pleasant surprise party waa given lat evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. uyrus ll. na.teroy their irtnxu and neighbors, about fifty ot whom were in attendance, the occasion being the 5Sth birthday anniversary of Mr. Walker, who was born at w ai flat-pn ( hitman a mission) Oregon Territory, Dec. 8. 1833. As Mr. Walker ia the oldest hite native son ot Oregon this event has more than ordinary interest. Nor did the guests come empty handed as was evidenced by the substantial lunch served during the evening. Songs and games and social converse rapidly whiled away the Lonrs until near midnight, when yonng and old, with loving words and happy smiles, bade a cheering good night and hied away to their homes. 4.31 inches of rain fell in Astoria during the 24 hours ending yesterday at 5 p. m. Virginias will be given its first rehearsal tonight. Prof. Wm. Bmihos is in tbe city and will have charge of it. At the election in Salem yesterday Dr I A Richardson was ek-rted mayor; E C Dil ly marshal and Ed N LMea recorder. A boys foot ball club iil plav a S.em boys club in this city next :atordiy after noon. It p-omtes to be a hot game. fhe E. W. M. Co of Brownsville paid , J on two car loaa of wool from Hepoer that is nigh enough touiteeo a railroad H W Ross, recently of the Cottage Grove Moderator, has bought the Broad Axe plact and wilt start a republican paper in tugene- 'there was a good attendance at the opera bouse last night to witness tte presenta tion of the Commercial D rammer. It was well presented and great'y appreciated by the audience. E V Earl was given an examination be fore Justice J W Vaughn at ttai:eGrov Saturday op the charge of gambling and found guilty. Oe wa bound over to the grand jury under $100 bail which he gave, A Portland Paper assert that the Morn ing Journal is to be started in f ortlan 1 aa a branch of tbe Examiner. Toe Democrat doesn't believe Hearst win start a paper in Port land. I his is already to a certain eiten his fi-jia. One issue will satisfy the public rnetber Hearst is back ot it. James Cameron, of Helix, baa. within he last few days, sold his 1894 wheit for 674 cents a bushel Be offered it two years ago for 40 cents a bushel, and could not make a sale at that trice the net offer made to him at that time waa S74 cents. The Oregon Central k Eastern, and the Sampler valley railroads, which refused to furnish tbe reports in regard to their business requested by tbe interstate com merce commission, and which were man damused by tbe United States court, have handed in their reports. Oregonian. The Dalles T-M. Dec. 6lh says: The Columbia river at this place was a grand sight this morning, xt was covered with ice that is from a foot to 10 feet in thick ness, and tbe rise of tbe water bad bulged the ice np in the center of tbe river some three or four feet, making it have the ap- per ranee ot a mountain in tbe middle. sloping off gradually to either s'de. High water on tbe Columbia is expected, The Chinook it is thought ha melted most ot toe snow. Ladics wishing materials for the hol idays can find a large assortment of fine linens, stamped in ail the latest designs and a complete line' of Filo and wash embroidery silas in all the leading art shades. Uur lunch cloths, center pieces and doylies are stamped on fine quality linen, ana can oe oougnt ior tne price of stamping, at toe iauies Bazaar. The Twelfth Night Festlva. Everyone who does enjv a feast of gjod things will surely be satisfied on Wednes day evening Ian Ctb, as tbe ladies of the Congregational church, are making a spec ial euori ior a real least on mis date, it be hg the 12th night affei Christmas, di e notice ot place and program will be giyen later. From the 4th to and in lading the 7tb, of tbo current month, thirty-four chattel and five real estate mortgages were satis fied in tbe ofrce of Marion county's re corder The aggregate of tbe former class was (8.554 10 and tba latter $1 500. Statesman- - Go earlv To sea Will & Stark's fine holiday goods I's here. Will k Stark's legant assortment of sil ver ware for tbe holidays. . . WILL START UP. Judge L. Flinn, receiver and Mr. Mo Ghee, superintentent of the Albany Woolen Mills, returned this morning from San Francisco, where they placed contracts sullicient to justify starting up the woolen mills and they will do so within a few days, tunning as the busi ness justilioa. This will be pleasing news to our citizens as welt aa to the employes of the mill. Holly Echoes. There was an important business shift nere during the past wek. The entire stock of general merchandise of A. F. Hamilton was eold to J. l Hon, of Sweet Home, who has since removed the coot I a to his store at the latter place. This cuange is not nitidiy received by our people, as they are unwilling to lose a man wnoso business relations with them has been so agreeable as has those of Mr. Hamilton. Hereafter he will give ins entire attention to ma larm near Crawfonfcville. A shocking rccldent waa narrowly averted near here a few days ago at the tiome of Perry McQueen. The roof of the house, in which were his wife and two children prostrated with fever, waa discovered to be on fire by a neighbor who hurried to the scene and apprised air nicvu jeu oi ine perilous situation o his wife and children, and assisted in battling the fire, which was put out at ter it had partially destroyed the roof. The wile ot Murray Barrett who has been languishing with typhoid fever for sm-ral weeks is still in a critical condi tion. A teacher's institute will lie held at Craw fords vilie Dec. 11 and 12, aud it is hoped there will bo a large attendance of teachers and parents. Miss Lizzie closed a successful term of school at Sheridan district on the 27th, and retarded to her home at Browns ville. We are informed that Elmer Fcgh of Orawfordsvitle, will soon place a stck of general merchandise at Holly . A petition for another road between Holly and Saeet Home is being circu lated here. The road is certainly need ed, as the present one is dangerous as ia proven by the various accidents that have occurred on it. If the petitioners for the new road are gi anted their re quest it is hoped that the viewers will nee to it that the road ia located on ground suitable for the parpos, and not where it will always be dangerous and often impassable as is the condition of a! road located in this part of the county. The moat disgusting thing connected with the locating of the road last refer red to is the fact that it could have teen located upon good ground and made 30 per cent shot ter had not the private in terests of two individuals been made paramount to those of the public. L. A. S. Farm Itcnvs. The weather for the paot month been very unfavorable for farming. has Owing to the lateness of the season there was a small acreage of fait grain sowed, not more than half the usual amount. There is but little sign ot damage by the freeze of last month. mi - . i l . , ,, k-. .Ifrl. Ti Ul" - ? P, rrr .I in , T ir .?u ." " 'll. . JT "'r;!; ""I ground may be somewhat injured by the c-Mi. mere win oe a urge acreage oi cram !? -7ft f g.Moneof WethertSeld Ure Uoi O. ion. there will bo a eboruire of both wheat i ti.:. : 1- . .: 7 and oats for spring sowing. , grain on hand wwl do wed lo bold it for i the home demand. . it is surprising how many of the farmer i ahowed their potatoes lo remain in the! ground unt I the pre-ent time, and now 1 there is a chance that half of them are! injured by the cold. it jeems to be pothi-g but neglect on ( the part of the farmers to allow the fruits oi their seasons lator 13 remain cnctrol for and go to wste. I tee no aoples rot ting in the orchards as is usually the caae, and the only reason for this is tbe almost total failure ot the entire fruit crop ot Oregon. The raise in the price of rrain came to late to be of much help to those who need it most, for the larger part of the grain had passed Irom the hands of the farmers before the advance in the price. But ibis will have a tendency to fctim nlate the farmers to be a little more act ive tn their wore, and sow more grain, for it is expected that the price of grain 1:: oe good tor the next vcar at least. Fakxu Tajccsst, Or. Oakvillc. The Eastern mail arrived here last Friday after a delay of a week. When we lead of the storm back there we re glad we are ia a place where cold weath er is not known and storms never come Last week waa a werk of accidents here. The Undents of the district school were plavia.- "shinnv on the campus, a young lady was accidentally struck on the kne? which disabled her lor a lew dara. Mr. dbangb, who resides tn the western part of town, discovered a blaxe in the roof of his hcose, and in his baste to extinguish the fire he f irgot to ring tbe alarm but hastened to the fire alone and soon had the fire put out, but bis "fire escape" was out of order and he slipped and fell to the earth, strik ing on bis arm, but not with lorce cnongn to break any bone. Accident ro s hap- Jened on the campus. Some of the ohnnies were practicing with a "sling hot' when a large chicken came along and proposed to be a spectator, but the Johnnie changed their minds and made bim the target, with the result 01 -nuoca- mgalowr at the second enot. me owner of the bird appearvd on the scene and a settlement was male. Our base ball nine are making arrange menu for a grand ''Sociable" in the near luture. They bare uot ui-lc out a pro gram as yet. Tbe land sale of Mr. Muaphy waa compromised and Mr. M. ia still in pos- f . I T .11 t I. ' . session 01 ma sinan iruit isrui. Lrnu Hob 1 Bro At Lbhaxox. The free silver ticket won in Lebanon yesterday, about 125 to 75. The fo'.lowimr were elected: vt u Foley mayor. John Carroll marshal, Geo W Kice recorder, J T Hyde treasurer, J G Boyle, 8 O Long, K B Beeman. BO Peterson. A Lmphiey and jonn ;uoms councilmen. Fifty Year Ago. President Polk In the White Rons chair, While in Lowell waa Doctor Ayer ; Both were busy for human weal One to govern and one to beat. And, as a president's power of wilt Sometimes depends on a llver-pllt, Mr. Polk took Ajrefs Pills I trow For his liver,- SO years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pills were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping medicines. Being carefully prepared and their In gradients adjusted to the ezaot necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was in stantaneous. That this popu larity has been maintained la well marked in the medal awarded these pills at the World's Fair 1893. 50 Years of Cures. ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dkmocrat ot Oct. 1, to Nov. 5. 1875. Under the head of ''New Tailor," no tice was made that W. It. Graham had opened a tailor shop in the Houck build ing at First and Washington streets. (Mr. Graham is now rutininga ihop only a short distance from the same place ) A suggestion was made that ten or fllteen acrea bo purchased across the rive, for $300 or $100 and he improved lor a city parte, timt in a lew years a bridge would be built and then Much a park would be ot inestimable value to Albany. . Nearly 150 buildings wore erected in AU.any during 1875. The Linn county fair was again pro nounced a failure, one reason given be ing a great scarcity of ni ney. The hand engine during the fair threw water 180 feet through a 1 inch nozzle. G. W. Davis was appo'nted postmaster at Peoria. Wheat was 80 cents at Aleany, when 95 at Salem. Now Albany loads in price. The Democrat raised two roosters and a cannon over the election ot L. F. Lane to congrens by about 300 majority. Linn county's majority for Lane wa 237.1 Several Elections. 676 votes were cast in Oregon Citv. E. G. Oaufield was elected mayor. It. U. Wilson, a formei Albany man, is one of the new councilmen. W.J. Furnish wa elected mayor of Pendleton, Geo Lasii rtcordur aud John Van Oredall marshal. A. J. Uoodman ia the new mayor of Indejieudcnce, w. rt. Williams mardhal and ll. M. Lines re o-t!er. Was AiTRBxriAiKi). A new Columbia bicycle was found a lay or two ago lean ing against a picket fee'ee nn Bob Haw ley's place two miles north of C'eawell. The wheel wan about 200 yards from the wagon roM'l aud lrom appearances had been standing there in the storms several weeks. The valve of the rear tire was broken or lo t and the tire was de'iatrd. The wheel evidently had been lidden by some one until the lire became deflated. when it was deserted. In the, tool bag a note was found which said, "This wheel belongs to a man in Kugen: it is the eet one 1 ever rode." The no'e waa i-neI, 'Seldom Seen." The wheel it supposed to lie lh properly of Dr. W. Kuykoudai! of this city, he having had a Columbia atolen from bis residence about two uion'lia t go- Eugene Guard. Tub A. O. U. Wa last night elected the following otheeis for ite ensuing year : C C Hogue. M W ; O P Danualn. foreman; I W Whit, overseer; A II Martin, recorder; A Savior, receiver; E A P ker, financier; V 11 Warner, guide; Jas McHargue, I G; William C Farley, O W ; A D Barker trustee. It is an interesting fact that of the above four were also elected to o:tk- under the citv fovemment. Grand Lecturer D. O. lerrin was present and gaw an enter taining addreas. A bandet was sprvad and the the Shake Em l'p dub gave sev eral lively songs. Eakit -The PExa at here by actnewledgcs the receipt Imm U. 8 Senator John H. M.U-hea oione big - j o:kage of bean, one of beeia itowtano i Extra Early, one of cucumber, lung n t ..1" , t .,, .. i-,..... hn, lh- i(l ;,rt tn mi.nmw,r .w..t ... ;i i- BUdlodaiL. The K'a or P. The fallowing officers were elected by Laurel Ijo-igv So, 1 K. of P. at their regular met-linj: Monday even ing: E It IIton, CC; Jas T, V C; J K llaight. Prelate; I S Van Win kle, M of W ; t E Propsl, K of H and ; U W Hocl.Ji.T. M of He; V G lUyae' M of E; A W uiltnacher, M at A; riaus I'.roders, lO; X 1) Conn, O G ; H A Leininer, trustee. Lcurr 1.1 t. Following U the Ht d k'.tr re-sjuolpg in i'rm Poitaf at Alisany, Linn coocty. Oregon, IVe 8, 1 -'.. 'l tailing f:r ihtsse k-tt mi matt give l!.c i'f on which they were averUM!. Armstrong, James Italev, Nell IU11.J A Meats, Maurice E Oliver, H D Haols, Ete! Hchi2kr, Mrs Geo Moxart, Mrs Payne. J U Koe, K.ia Woodward. E O T. J. Srm. P M SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J. C. Goodale, of Coburg, was ia A!- tany today. "Rill" Htrtlcs, of Corvalli, wasdo icg Albany today. Miss Kit'ie Galbraith went to June tion this noon on a v'sit with friends. Mrs. A?d:t.n will lactone at th- W C T C hall next Monday editing. Particulars la'er. Don't fiiil to bear Prcf. Burrbendir Mer lon with the wurll ;rcnoword Swiss lU nrgers. Jas. Fennel' ot Enreta. Cah, is in this city, a guest of his brother, P Fennell, of the Cook hotel. Salem Statesman. The P. 8. C. E. of the Congrega tional church enjoyed a pleasant sociable at me home ol .Mr. c. U. 1 log no last evening. it. 1. A. Kichardton. the new rr.avor ot Salem, it-Aided tear Scio when a boy. went to the Lebanon Academy and has practiced his pofceaion in McMinnviile Dallas and Salem. He is 5e tears of age Miss Mad re Marks will leave tonight for Davis, California. whre she will make her home with her sister Mrs. Key Lccletiton. Last night a farewell party ! was tendered her by several of hr friends. A pleasant evening was spent. Jack Thomas who went to Portland a short time ao in search of work, re turned on the Monday evening. Jack says that he had no success in his search ar.d that Portland is the dullest place of its site he ever saw. Corvallis Times. Fight t Ith Tramps. Three tramps last night managed to get enotiRh money to buy whiskev. Then they tad a free and eay lime. On their wav to toe ocpot one 01 tiiem stole an unbrella from C. C. llogue's porch. Po liceman Williamson was notified and with S . W .Keece proceeded to run lh em in. This waa not an easy job. as two of I them resis'ed. tine, the umbrella thief. I aas hand cuffed and the others were fin ally gotten along, Chiof of Police Lee ar riving m 111110 to ueip nnisii the job at the city jail. As they went in one of them gave the Chief a blow in the face and was promptly krockrd down with hi cluu.and had to tiave las wounds dressvd on account thereof. After being in awhile they set fire to one of the beds, and nearly smothered from the smoke, a hoee was put in through the window and the llames extinguished. They will lie balled and chained and be made to do I street work. A fourth man was also put tn for vagrancy. Hie man, wno struck Chief Lee. Louis Sires, received a total sentence of 2d davg and work on the street the vag got five days; the umbrella thief, F. P. Sher wood, who declared that be did not know what be was doing plead euiltv before Justice Hawkins and recceiyed a ren tence 01 do nays in tne county jail. The other man was to face the recorder this evening. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousnnda. who think themselves ill. but that the system simply needs cleansing, ia to bring comfort nomo o tneir oeans, as a costive condition is easily cured by umg Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by tbe California Fiir Svrun Company only, and sold by ult druggists. Je xv cl Cooks, R argrs And Heater at The Stewart k Box Hatdware Co. 'a. Stoves, Stoves, at Stewart k Sox Hardware Co.'s Stoves Roasting Schillings Best !tea in ban Francisco costs more than roasting other tea in China or Japan, but it makes tea better. You don't have to pay the difference, though. It comes out of our profits. We make money in giv ing up profits. Queer! a amming at tmpjof San FraiKix-o HOME AND ABROAD. New macintoshes and box coats, guaranteed waterproof L. E, Rlafn Clothing Co'a. The lutest in kid gloves at the Ladies ISuzasr. An elegant display of fancy wrk is shown at the Ladies Bazaar. K & (i corset. 75 cents and upwards at the Lidiea liazaar. fut glass TbiU baa tbe ring to it at Will ft SUrks. Souvenir spoons at Will k Starks. See French's thousand dollar shew win dow. Timothy .seed for sale at C. E. Baow KKl.LS. Christmas candies and Buowxcll's. nuts at C. Pop corn toat pops can I found at C E. Biiowsu.111. Souvenir spoons finely Gouhed at 11 Ewerts jewelry store. A trip to t'bina for 15 cents. China il- lustrated, at the college Dec. 11. Not a single prohibition vote was cast in Lake county in tbe recent election. An elegant line of watches," jewelry A sil er ware, can be seen at U . fcwerU. Popu'ar coods at popsbur prices in groc eries and goeensware, at C. E. Baow- Happy thmghta. Christmas p "swots, and low price as French's jewelry tore. Alexander Kail, who has resided near Junction since l$i2. died on Dec Sat the ajeolri years. A full Una Rogers Bros, silverware for the boliiLiy trade, at reduced prkes at Trench's jewelry store. Tbe llomet it again to be put on the Taenia route, an i it will run with the . - . VII, WJ another boat. rarsj on, increased bustnats demon din r I fall's Hair Renewer enjoys tbe coaS Vnce and patronage of people all over the dvi!id world, who dw it torttore and keep ce hair a natural color. Tne public it invited to call and see the eiegant selection of hand painted china aod f.ocj- tewdle srork at tbe ait rooms on Third St., n-xt door to A. b. VI todin's boc from 10 a m to 5 o ra. Tbe Ladies Aid Focu-tr ct th Vtrt ChrUtian churci, will offer their dolls for m iu-r iec. 3rd. at the millinery store of Mrs Aibbr- See them and secure some pre'ty doil. Tbe man who gnesse nornt to tbe number of dimes in a bottle a. Vanr'ort wick s will urceive a hair cot aad ahae fms. Iters will be guessing every work. Lawrence Stovai! and fleibert Baaer.two bj killed a tiMfl erd lynx at Solphor siogs mxnOuaher an exciting exper ieoc. Th?i were attacked by the animal bat kept cool and fired. At the election in Jefferson J H Roland was elected mayor, two Ermlv rmmU , P H Ep; ly. marshal. F B Sacktt treasur- -t. m Uureo, fc Uarpni. U Ilolt. A li-fe, utto ttuUy ana G W Kictsrxlson Aldermen. i5 votes wxe cast. A social will he given at tbe G A R hall Saturday olyfat. An ioterettibg program will be pmsaated and refrahmaiU, hard tack aod (bog) served. Everybsdy is inrited to alteaa and spend aa esjoyaUe evening. Admiostoa 10 orata. The gaa nmpo'jy rstSd off by Robert ) Woodwork aad Cons t Huctoa was oxight. Mr Mire receiving rJO for h: ha.f intemt. and but eight ws again raiSed. Harry Cu.s. ic and ilr Kelsey cored it on 47 aod F U Mi'ctxsl a lamp oa 44. whirf Perry Conn got tbe booby throw. Barley Chapi. No. 8 A F A M hut eight elected the following cfSoert: F E Allen. M E H P; C B Winn, E E; H L Waiden, E S; F M KedSdd. C of 11; F J MiUer. P 8; W F Rd. R A C; K VV Langdon. Treas; J PUaibraith, Secy: Ed wud Waahbarn, G M 3d V; D H James, G M 24 V; John Bntteraoith, G M 1st V W E Baaer. SeoUnei. CorroLKSE the great sutwit'tnt for oof- fe bas just been iolroJuced in Albany and you are orgwi to try a package and pnve ua menu wnicn will save your Health, aa none of the m' effects of coffer are found in j tb:. and sates your mocey by Wing 00- ha.'f cheaper to the consumer. Tbe follow ing grcotrt hav it for sale, S E Young. O Meyer. J A McFeroo. Parker Bros, Coaa & Huloo. C E lirowntll and t E Allen. lbe Corinne Extravagant Company played in Roteburg at 1 1 aod II .50 a seat. and bad a good audience considering the pnc. lbe Keview says: Ibe Coriana Extravagiuiaa Co. played only in one town between San I ranctsco and PorUand. nat urally selecting Koseburg as tbe most 12- ponanr. t mi theaire eompamea tel dom stop at little towns hks Eugene, Al bany and Salem." No 1 boy stop at quiet places for a rart. New i&eat market next to Knecht k Mis et's. Firt class meats will be kept and patron's served promptly and well. Election ia over tut not tbe demand for good meat . This is tbe season when It is needed particularly, liaigut Bros, are handy and keep a fine supply Step ia. For choice meats of all kinds, call on tbe veteran butcher, Wm. Lmerick, in tne Hlainberg block, louwillbe well creat ed. Remember we printed the official ballots at about one-ninth of the former pnos by not let us do your job crk and save you money. Imj-nnt job othce. 16 chances to I that von will be nleised 11 voo get your meats ot tne Albany Dress m . . I .. ed fleet Company, Cor. 2nd and Ellsworth s'reeta. First class meats oi all kind at reasonable prices. It Is nobody's fool who buys something to eat when he it hungry. When yon are hungry and want something nice in tbe meat iine just step into llaight Bros., who know bow to please yoo A Live Experience. Bernard Marks and Claud Vnnk went out to Lebanon last Saturday in Mr. R. B. Vunk's carriage, to see their girls so rumor says. 1 hey evidently saw them lor it waa 5 o'clock Monday morning, af ter spending a pleasant social night, when they left for home intend! n to come by way ot la-gent, where Marks was to stop and take charge of bis school at 9 o'clpck. They bad gone about two miles wnen tne noroe ran away mashing the buggy up until it looked as it it lid bwn in a Nebraska cyclone, The horse skipped out. Mr, Marks man aged to get the use of a horse and reached Tangent in time for school, while Mr Vunk walked toTalman in time for tbe cars and came to Albany by rail, after very decidedly unpleasant runaway ex. peri-nee. The horse was afterwards re covered and the remnants of the buggy secured and brought home. Dumb Bells and Electric Lights One of th attractive feature of the Bell Entertainmont, will be the Dumb Bell exercise with electric lights, given by Mr. Talt. Hood's nils set easily snd promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick head - acha. . . . 1 Oil UUll lie well wubu your uniuu i rich, pure aud nourishing. Hood's Sarsaparilla riakes the blood rich and pure and cures all blood diseases, restoring health and vigor. A personal invitation, To see Will & SUrks elegant stock of goods for the holidays. CITY COUNCIL. Tcesoat evening, Dec. 8. 1 resent Jlayor, marshal, street sup erintendent, and Councilmen Tweedale, UuKon, Gradwohl, Farrell and Dickey. Tbe following bills were ordered paid Abner Johns, 2 90; Hteam Laundry, m & a Davidton, Z: j A Uumond, 2I 12; II O Harkness, 4 40; W H Bay. lias, f 1 05; J W Hammell, $4 05; Mrs M Jfctetter, 12 2.'; N J Hen ton, 23 60; cost bill, $2 85; J B Tillotaon, $42 39; 8 Conn, 3; El. Light Co, $139; UQ Burkhart, $2; E b Davidson, $7 50. The committee on streets and public property reported in favor of locating the two pew arc lights at 7th and Elm sta. and 4th and Main streets, and they have been ordered placed thus ; that the light at 5th and Jackson streets be raised to the required hight and that 3 lights be put in No. 2's hall. m,-. ... iiftucDinui iuc cvmpsnj read showing that tbe city was eotit to all the lights in the'enginefjionees fr ane irancnise 01 the company waa tied free. Tbe report of tbe city officers on the canvass of tbe vote at the recent ciiv election, as given by the Dexocbat. The petition of D. B. Monteith and others asked tbatbl2 E A Albany be taken from tbe fire limits. Petition ofG. Q. Turner asked that bl No. 10 be taken from the fire limits. Both petitions were granted and ordi nances ordered drawn providing for the same. A. F. Knmrei, et at. asked for a cross walk. Petition erantod. 3 font to be put in. Ordinance bill No. 331 making the fire limits same aa now. exceotinir ex. tin pting property east of Lyon street, heretofore in the limits, was read. Mi. Gradwohl moved an amendment taking from the fire limit all the erty south oi second street and block 10. between Ferry and W tahington. as well as that eaat of Lyon street. Tbe amend ment waa adopted, Gradwohl, Farrell and Dickey voting aye; Tweedale and uostoa no. The ordinance waa read twice, and waa continued. Farrell and utefcey voted aye to read ordinance 3rd time; Uradwohl, Huston and Tweedale voting no. Tbe superintendent of street waa in. strncted to fix the new cistern in the 1st ward. Councilman Farrell roorfel that a. saloon waa being run at 1st ard Baker without a license: bet Councilman Dick- ey stated that the saloon keeper claimed 10 m running it tor Mr Baker, of whom be had purchased it. nntil thai 1st rr January. Bills for services of ituim an.1 i.ka of election were ordered paid at 12 eah. A warrant waa ordwi lrv. rn v,. collection of tbe delinquent taxes. School Report. Term report of District So. 27. Linn Co., Or. Term beginning Sept, Hth, ending Dec 4, 1336. Numbers are pupila't average grade : Martha Susl! masher. 93: Cor Stll- macher, W; Lyda teUmacber. 83: Urx Moat, 82- Ed Moss, 84; George Moss. 88: Windfield Jordan. 00- Tnik. Jordan. 93; Harry Jordan, 86; Frank Scott, 4 ; Cora Scott, SKI; Charles Hun ter, 61; Kobert Archibald. M: Marl Churchill, S6; Scott Charchill. 87; Limns Kouerts,vz; uienn Honter.W); Clarence Kay, S4 : Jesaue Kay. 85: lienril kar SS; eerie i Liggett. 93; Willie Liggett, &; urereu ugji,w; uoariee Uggett, 89; Richard Jone. go: Johnie Jooea. 79- Jeatie Jone. 80: Alma Joaet. 81 Jobei, 84; Lilly Morgan, 90; Oda Mor gan, Lottie Morgan, Beadie a organ, 93: Wyma Duncan, 80; Arietha Caanoa. 94; Roy Cooper, W; Cnthbert Cooper, 90; Kay Roberta. 85: Those ue.lher absent nor Ladv during- the term : First month Windbeld J or Jan. Ta."i- bert Jordan, Harry Jordan, ben me Mc gun. Willie Liggett, Jecaie Liggett, Dora Mom, Cora Mcllmacher, Lydia fctell macher, Cora Scott, Wyma Duncan, Ar ietha Cannon. feecond month Beanie Morgan. Jeade Ligzett. Jeese Kav. Lvdia Budlmac he-. Cota Scott, Wyma Duncan, Arletna Can non. Third month Bennie Morgan, Jesse LtggeU.WiUie Liggett,Robert Archibald, Frank Scott. Jene Kav. CUrenee Kav. Cora t-cott, Lydia Stelimacher, Arietha Caoaoo. Dora Moea. o. ot visitors present. 13. Total en rollment during term, S8. ilajuox F. Wood. Teacher. llarrisburg. Gaaaiaarao. Dec. 8, lS9r. Wm. llay, of Gold Hill, Oregon, spent a few days of last week with hia brother, jerry uay. J. P. Jones. General Pasawnr aura nt s. r. uo., was in town taturday. The Gypsy came nn Sunday, and passed on np the river to where the bid snag boat was sunk and took on board ail the machinery of value of same which was purchased by parties in rorUand. P. J. Smiley waa in toen on bnaineaa last fcaturday. M-a. Maurice Sender and child rev were in uarnabnrg last week tba crueata 01 o. aiay ana lamuy. ar aa " Meeara D. and W. II. McCnllv. of Eastern Oregon, brothers of Mrs. M. J. utre, were here on a visit last week. The U.S. school and Pabti sch"ols ill give an entertainment and Chriatmaa ladder on Christmas eve. Misses Pauline and Amy May returned on laat Thnradav. th lsitr 1 m,.. an at tended visit tc l ortland ana Albany and . . 1 . . r . ,. - uie uuwr irom Aioany. Mr. R. A. Ramov visited Junction ti.a aril 01 tbe week. Mrs. M. Hendrtz went to Albans- last riday for a visit with her daughter Mr. ur. gravis. Dr. Hunter will remove to Halsey soon Faix nocss Be ax to. The house of Golden Williams, . Lawvon wa burned at 6 o'clock this morning, having caught irom a Hue wane breakfast was being ?tten. Most ot the furniture was saved, he boose and it contents were insured in one of Jos. Talt companies. Tn FtasMRX. At a meeting of Albany Engine Co. Ko. 1 held last night, Ueo. E. r ish was nominated for Chief engineer. and Chas. Meuin, ot Ko 2's, for assist ant chief. At a meeting ot the Chemical Co. Arthur Holt was nominated lor chief. The U. A L. Co. will meet Thursday night and No. 2' Saturday nLjht to make nominations. I Gradwohi's store in the O F block will be sept open until after the holidays. Dur ing the season M r Gradwohl will be aasisted by Mr Jas Callahan, an experienced clerk Lojkal This. I have 43 lots with fair house. All kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to college and city public school, to trade for residence in Albany. Look this np. tlood plrceo make money or lor specu lation, u. v. itiaston. On the ticket. Will & Stark for your They have the goods. ho'iJay trade. Slaughter in Wraps, Look in the Ladies Bazaar Windov They mean business. No foolishness. Mcsic Mis Mildred Burmestei teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. For Prscrlption Dawso i. For the best drugs, Dawson's. 1 1 If you want a good and clean moke buy cigars made by our Al any cigar lactory. Buy from Dawson, he sells cheap Pure Drugs,. Fred Dawson's. Use Dawson's furnlture'pollsh. t,ri Or 11 aT if Your I Christmas I li mm 1 M two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how togetithem. 7? i" 'f "J 'I s iniMvja aw sahskacsWai EVERYBODY Has to Bay GROCERIES. Where to do it is the question. Albany people have learned from years of exper ience that Parker Brothers Can be depended apon. They keep standard groceries, fresh produce and the best fruits. Their baked goods are the beat mad and give satisfaction. Their price are right. Bny your groceries of them. Boy your prod nee of them. Buy your fruita of them. Buy your baked goods of them. fin oie 18 Election. Albast, Ok., Dec 9, 1896. T elat on oi Albany Fire Depart- m el V .1 take place at tbe council chi rab r hall on Dec 14, 1896, for elect ing m chief engineer and assistant chief engineer. The polls will be open from 1 o'clock tnttl 6 :30 o'clock. Albert SrcxuLacHgz, Sec'y. TO CURE A COLD IN OXE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists ret and tbe money u it fails to core. 2c c. Clothing Qicap. Tbe Albany Woolen Mill clothing pur chased by Wilson Elain, ia going fast. because the bargains are tig ones. $12.50 all wool suits for only 15. All tbe goods in proporUor. ow ta tbe time to bny, when economy counts and you will find it economy to get durable, well made clothing at remarkably low price at W. KLaxn s. on t erry street near ooera boose. R. ani G. Corsets and Corsets. Kid Fitting I have just received a full line ia both makes of these celebrated cornets and am prepared to give cstra value c 50c, Toe and Ilia black and slate. Also keep better grace and extra size. The $1.00 corset is worthy of special Dothe. Ask to ate oar 50c, 75c and 11.00 corsets. cawcax E. Yoaso. To-Dav. Yon aboald know that every bottle of oar synp Tola Tar and Wikl Cherry that is sold oa a g-saraatee to core oogbs. eoids, hoctneneas aod ail diss sees t tne longs. Yon laast acknowledge that it would be the height ot foily to guaran tee this medicine onfaaas we have positive evidence lb at it will relieve and core these awnpiauta. Bcasaaxr k Lejl, Draggist. To CURE A COLD IX OXE DAY Tak Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. AO drnggists reload the money if it fails to care. 25c. Let everybody come to ta 5tar Bakery aod get v loaves of freah bread for Sl.oe cash. C Mavma. luuii Bauer. Wtit. 72c Oata 25 Flatr, 04 SoUer 172 Eggs 30c Lard 6 to 6c Pork bams. 8 to 10c,shouldera 4 to 6. Sidea. 6 to 8. Hay baled, cheat. $7.00. Tinaotby, Announcement. ALBANY Auction Company. Owing to the holidays be ing near at Land and having a largo lot of stock to di play oa my center counters for the lioliday trade I will discontinue the auction sale at present. You can always buy at auction prices at pri vate sale, which will enable my customers to make bette, selections and nave your owni lmv si o-raminn nrcoi ... P 1 oarg&ms tnat wm ue onerea. The 1 1 Wm M M must close out all stock soon as Dossible. We have great bargains for you in all lines of merchandise. Call and ex amine our centre counter dis play and save 50 per cent of your money. F'kgs best red tip matches $ 05 bArbuckle coffee 19 3 lbs Fairbank Gold Dost wash pdr 5 lbs choice rice 41bsbett raisins 4 can beat corn or tomatoes Mens fine $3 00 shoes for Men plow shoes for Large lot ladies shoes, sias 2 to 4 . Mens fine holiday slippers (l oo grade) Men all silk ties, SO cent grade. . . . Large line silk ties Hnelineslik handkerchief A good line handkerchiefs 5 cents np Mens sock from 3 cents per p dr up Alt wool Oregon scarlet flannel per yard....... 25 Call and examine these great bargains before all are closed, l ours for bargains . Albany Auction Co. Dec, 9th, 1896. Its 11 O-T Albany people have always had confidence in Uncle Billy Wright's horseradish. It is hot Huff and they know it lie is here with a cargo as well a with some fine celery and radishes. A r and meals may be secured of th sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at his place ai Sit moutb ot lry uuicn. U. W. Whits. Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and ffl old, are to be given to IfS smolcers of BlackweiTs Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each i LINENS. fABLE CLOTBS lrih linen, good value SOc, $1, H.2j aod (I. SO per yard. DKSXEnvNAPKlXS- A 19 inch and a 20 indi grasa bleached linen lor $1 .25. and 18 inch linen good pattern, for f 1. A 22 inch Irish linen for $1 50 doz. A 21 inch Irish linen, heavy quality, forf2adozea. 1-silSinch napkins, traced 50e pr dt-zen. TOWELS A hemstitched bock towel for 23c tiest value by far we have offered. Bother good one is a drawnwerk knotted fringe, colored border towel 42x20 for 25c each. USES For needle work, for centerpieces, for for doilies. The round thread tied that draws easy. WHAT Would be a better Christmas present for your wife than a pair of those Al bany woolen mill blankets for 1-5. S. E. YOUNG. ANOTHER Big Cut in Prices. We find ourselves stocked with more doaka than we ooght to have at this time of the year, and we are determined that not one of them thail remain on our bands. To accomplish this we hae de cided on reductions to prices that are usually made in January. These good are all new. eta Die etvlea and shapes. Tbts will give yoo an idea ot the values. Btgnlar price f 3.00 now 2JM ' 4 00 " 3 25 ... 450 " 3 65 " 6 00 " 4 50 " - 900 725 " " 10 50 " 7 85 18 00 " 13 85 - etc e'e etc If yoo want to boy a jacket or cape we will save yoa money on it. READ, PEACOCK & CO. S00 PACIFIC LINE. 0 all pciiits east Us most ccElcptIflilitarcate iHcanliB'tteibj stean Lcrest rates asi test gsmcs IcssCiaien rdlin Etoci ani finest rcii bed. tolj line to traisl during Yinter The only line running through trains from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. Cheap tickets to and from all parts of Europe via all steamship lines. EMPRESS LEtfl CUM Uill JAPAH The shortest and beet Ene across the Paciac CIS TO EOXOLF U, HJ1 k 1CSTEE11 Tt steamers are the finest that hav .sailed tbe Pacific ocean and car 1 experienced medical man, and as rdess on every voyage. V ime tables, or any other infor mation, call oa or sddms E 1 COTLE Agent. i Third st Albany Or. I GEO- McL. BROWS. D. P. A. I Vancoaver. B. C rVlORTHERH ll PACIFIC R. R. 3 Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dinlag Cars, Tourist Sleeping Car?' St Psnl Minneapolis Dulutb Fargo, TO Grand Fork Crook ston Winnipeg Helens and Butte THROUGH TICKETSi... TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New lork Boston and al. Points East and Bontn Through tickdts to Japan and China, vu Tacoma and Northern Paohc teamsnir Co., an American Une. For information, time cards, BaaDsanc" ticket call on or write O O Burkhart Agent, Albany, Or. - Or A D Charlton, Ast Gsa Faas Agt rontua, vis bbsssssTssssssssbs a. IIIaal.....llY. '