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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1896)
i- h f: fcwuw haBSMBjEjkealie1aa :W w VOL XXXI 1. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. D KC EMBER 1 1 , 1 89(5. Entered sX tfce Foot Offlee a Hbl. Beeead-Clata Hall Mailers IS FafclUlMtr laaa .rrewrleter NO 19 JtL , . 1 v.. Pawa is ' i-J' . 1 III VctaUcPrqjarationfcr As similating tteroo(iandR:3u?a ting theS tomachs anrtBoWv is c 4A V it: EromotesDiestioTiChccrful ncss andBcst-Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nabc otic. m fimSnJ- at jr in fMmn A perfect Remedy forConsSpa tion. Sour StomaCh.Diarrhoea, and Loss OF Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of "NEW "YORK. r.f I. i wOT-r! j u- -p - j. . i -. 3 s;"jr"!V', M lM 13 Mtanv Eed Crown Milling Co. We have leased Mills for another -. . storage, anaiiq ouy Dnesame : Sacis Fill te fiiiEliei on applicfc F.cnr "X JL M And Feed constantly on hand and for sale. Parties having wheat to tell ot tore ; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and eee us. Flour will be xchanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. . L.Yaaip, 'Id. Eoias, I. S- Allen as3 S. I. Tcmig. tJJ Notincoipwfated. , :fWLAN9, OREGON . ! :irK-VV"; FUU.EHUUSH Own. ' . llftl Hyiy$ i K ' : -" Bt'SlNCSJ, BKANQjES. ?.3'Vi BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, 'TELEGXVPHV. T 0MAS and Dealer ia VUU is be urt at all iiiyf f COMPANY. t'4 if CWew! iSi .C-i n-Wortk, rf j f awAnmte,l.Li . '"W f lls,M.;Im Cf.t. 3 C&f, buat Lsoii, M to 1ot Price, lun grades ". ." hand witn long power sooka pomp, ma -!S3 aa-k. w.i faL. ! inn appears oo Mill, Puaip olcwt thA Wnvfrl CvrlPt)rPi1 ference between a CXpCIlCilucu is simply claimed Sell YMich-;Bfcl.,I.i fi as W no. t cut: i KlflerS'r Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcber u ueigiiw; 85.00, Belle 26 and MADI BY tN DIANA BICVCLE UO. iSDIASAPOLlS, IND Altanv Steam and First Street Between Branch of the Salem Steam . anA fiantM CAnihina und Firm Blankets, Silk Underwear, Ladies Hatg, Sila hats Ironed, Sila Hat. Stif Hat Renovated. ry uonorauie ueaiingana your Patronage. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY JOSEPH ro!irielor SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERT BOTTLE OS1 Cutsria Is pzt vp la css-cks battlas ecly. It is sot sold fa talk. Daat allow aiyona to ssU vra nxthmr rJs oh t!u dim a mnmiw tuat f ls Jst ca good" aai will answer every par- -impose." -TSo tiit tot rot C-A-S-T-0-2J-A. -j9 - SJJ . ? . it ca the Red Crown I year, and we are ' . , , I "1 I I. r. EarKtt, BEINK, ' SI All lr?TVr13 n-p-FnTTti f-lT YA It JtXIL XLlILlla OI lUXIllbUX O bedding-, and it , i x I WaUU ULLU J-LlUa Li I complete ilcrr sate, bas tbem and bis P prces tbe lowest. v ORECOff. thate CUI lnibCS wlnnlarify redocedpnce, t iZ rT7 ,Tnri7inted a new Idea In wmamiu t i.rvii Fverrtfaliic tb farmer sella Is low. maMtoioin, ion, and havo. ) wiut it was, 1 maker, and aret t aioea '8 reduced the eot of wind P"" ZThmii Krmtirade. and beeansa wa are prkj tfaa that ia ood in lb modern atoel MtmM. uvmma uun liuu oihjv m ouoo. iw er Prica sota ke Iwswaecra. - -vh Are built in 3 a.V.n limnaeff jczvni and Best '' Equipped Factory in aoleonnnalorst 1 windouU and j 1 W. bailors I 1 UTm. ..V. .hnrl I f beat aeamloa I Mxraincbat Send now lor t t idea. B intll iigM Cf pgh pdBit tbe World ViAennon lliev havn learned to know the all' wheel that is actually high grade and one that to be. Some others maybe good but the 28 inch tfS.OO and 85.0Q, A. J. Hodges, ;Agent Sveing Cleaning Work, Ferry and Washington, Dye Works, EBtabliBhed 1884. Fai ries of all kinds Cleaned and Dyed. Garnets. Straw Hats and Feathers Dyed and Renovated and Soft Hats Cleaned, Dyed, Blackened and cincress ,vuu-ii w duuiui, uyr, juan Yt Maj Washington Biackhurst Spoke. Maj. Washington Biackhurst, in charge of the Padiflc Coast division of the vol' unteers of America spoke at the W. C. T 0. hall last night to a good sized aud ience on the Volunteer movement. While the Salvation Army is a British institu tion, ruled from London, in as autocratic a manner as Kusaia by the Czar, and without any representation there from this side of the Atlantic, the Volunteers of America are purely American, demo cratic in its organisation, in fact has been incorporated. There are already four hundred poets, fifteen on this coast, and the work is spreading. The Ma., a Chicago man, was private secretary of Ballington Booth, he is a fine appearing man, speaking fluently in a cultured manner, and in a way to hold his aud ience. Last Sundav he spoke at San Quentin, and after his address thirty re sponded to the call for raised hands. Tonight Mai. Biackhurst will speak on the prison work, tie is worth hearing. Some Figures. Twenty-two counties have eo tar re ported their totals of the taxable property for the current year, to-wit: Benton. ,.2 7,243 .. 4,00t$,399 .. 1,84,578 .. 512,032 .. 4,676.219 Clatsop Crook I Curry , Douglas , Lincoln Malheur .. 827,127 .. 1.117.0S9 .. 1.136.351 I Tillamook . . . Union .. 8.133,792 Wat co Baker Washington., rherman...., .. 2,886,6JM .. 2,13.879 .. 4,4l,64o . . ?6,190 . 1.875,710 . 4,021,471 . 4,72:1,049 . 1,076,362 . 2,824,900 . 5,020,421 ,. 1,589,443 . 1.193,667 . 6,00S,415 Columbia Polk... I Jackson Morrow I Coos Yamhill Klamath I Josephine.... Lane. Mr. C. E. Stanard. of Btownsville.wua in the city today. Mr. E. L. thorn peon, the insurance man, came op from Portland this noon. At Salem last evening Geo. C Will. formerly of this city, was elected Master workman ol the A. U. u. w. President Chapman, of Eugene, after leing snow bound un the Columbia pass J ' ed through Albany for home this noon. mw' in R'j. gl uuu Sweetaer Sutherland yesterday afternoon. L. McFarland and daughter Miss Mg gi, will leave to-night Irr llanlord. Cauu. to spend the winter. Tbey will be accompanied bv Mrs. M. A. Burkhart. Mr. u. U. Mctarland is already there awaiting their arrival. roRTMiixrs-LEa wsoorxo. A social event l mach interest occar- red in Junction City todav. At 10 o'clock a. m. at the residence of the t rides fath er, Dr. Xorman Lee, Mr. Fred Fort mil ler, of Portland, and Miss Arna L Lee, of Junction, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed bv Kev. fc. J. Thompson, l). v., of Uorvaltis and was carried out in an impressive manner. The bi Vde, lonkisg beantiful in an e!- eaut cnangeable brocade aiik, and the groom, conventionally apparelled, were ushered into the parlor by Mendelssohn's wedding march, performed by President Lee, of thia city. They tiok their places under a handsome silver bell, where the twain were made one. Then came Lo hengren's wedding march, delightfully performed by Prof Lee, warm congratu lations and a delicious wedding break last. A large display of valoable pres erts were greatly admired. The happy coo pie, accompanied b Albany friends, left at 1 1 0 for their home in Pottland, where tbey will be given a reception t nigbi in the residence all furnished and equipped for their housekeeping. Those present were: Ur. Lie and wife. Dr. Thompson, E. U. Lee, G. D. Lee, Wright and Li aire Lee, Clara bard, Dr. Cbeadie, free. Lee and wife, Anna Jrortmiiler. William Fortmiller. Mr. and Mrs. Ful- som, JSellie culsom, tr'nk H ilhams, Julia. Opal and J no Williams, Frankle farsons, Anna uram, Mrs ' tteebe. Ida BeebeJr. and Mrs. deary, Mr. and Mrs. rleid, Ora Re id, Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Monrebead, Mr. and M-. Frank Moore- bead, Oscar Starr, Minnie Honston, Aellie Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. A. U Martin, Carrie Stern ber. . Bertha Wash burn, Minta Arehart, Ida Shnrfey, lla- Moffit. Blle lla!. Myrtle Busbnell, Edna Cook. Delia Tibbiu. Chester JJicb- ViLrJ received from Mr. and 5Irs. Kellum and Mr. Uaneaker, of Des Moines, Iowa. The Eagene Corset Band has disbanded. The eastern mail doe here last Monday arrived last night. A large amount of accumulated Eastern mail arrived this noon. Ire thermometer was 16 degrees below zero at Prineville last Saturday. Fifz?immons hut night knocked SLarkey out; but tbe referee gave the fight to Sfaraey, claiming a foal. Eogf ne will have a pool'ry tbow Dec. 24. 25 aud 126. Exhibits from Southern Linn have been promised for it. Ecgece is to have a lodge of Elit. It i to be msti'uted in January by D Soli Coben, Depot Grand Exulted Baler. The plav of Virginia wilt be rehearsed next Monday evening for tbe find time. Mr. Kaaniu will be present and conduct tbe same. Alltainng parts will bo ex pected to be preen;. lbe city of Salem has iant twuaed a cor few ordinance and one preventing bots from entering houses of er I re 01. I' is one thing f paits ouch ordinances and another to en force tbem. A i oamain, a booblacr, captured a aparrew hawk on the sidewalk in front of lerry Born s barber shop tbi morning, Tbe bird appeared to be dazed, not other wise was not harmed. EngeneGnard. A benefit is to be given Mr Bert Van Cleve at Coivallia tomorrow night- -'the Commercial D ummer wi'l be presented with Mr Van Cleve in the leading part. It is to be hoped it receives a big patronage On Dec. 9, Wednesday evening of next week at 7:45. the reheareal of the operetta The Trial by Jury, by Sullivan and Uil oert will be commenced at the college un der Prof Parvin . Ah singers are invited to take part in tbe chorus. James DifBn of Grant county. Oregon, was saved from death by hia dog. He had dug into an embankment prospecting for gold wben tbe earth caved in, pinning niio under a heavy load. His dog set lo work scratching the earth away aud succeeded in releasing bis master. Martin Manrin. tbe Frenchman wbo killed Wm. Wilson in Grant county re cently claims that tbe shooting was acci dental, tie claims that be was riding behind Wilson and that his gun was ac ciden tally discharged, striking him in the back and passing through the heart, be was held in 5000 bond to appear befcre ths grand jury. Tuowt Pop Me Several Salem hop men were arrested for disturbing the peace. The result was as follows : Citv Recorder Edea imposed a fine of 140 and costs upon Julius Pinckus. B. O. Schnck- ing plead guilty to disturbing tbe meet ing and was fined $10 and costs. The case of the State vs Pinckus for assault ing . . mcjctroy was dismissed on payment of costs i by defendant. The two cases of State vs Ottenheimer and Livesiey, for disturbing meeting, were also diamicsed on recommendation of District Attorney Uayden at defendant's coat. Tangent. Tangent, Oct. 17. We notice Prof. F. M. Mitchel and his famous dog Pete in Tangent one day last week. The Prof, was out canvassing for drawing charts. Farmers are not doing much farming since the heavy rain and cold weather and a very smalt acreage has been put in this fall Some have not a grain sowed and others have from 10 to H0 acres sowed. If the spring is good there mill be a big rush to put in a large crop. A great many farmers have not dug their poeatoes yet. We want to correct a report which we noticed in the Democrat during the high water. Some one reported that the Ken dall bridge near Tangent on the Calapooia was taken out by bign water, it was a mistake tor the bridire is still standing aa firm as ever. Mr. A. L. Bridiiefarmer informs ns that a lady from California intends startiug ont in Oregon lecturing on the temper ance cause and is coming tills way and probably she will stop at Tangent if the people wishes to hear her. j Butchering hotra haa been the order With quite a good many around Tangent Mr. A. B. Conrad has gone to Oregon City on a business tnp to see about get ting a tarm. Mr, George Henshaw's voting black smith bov m growing rapidly and we un derstand that Mr. Hood isvery proud of being grandpa. Mi. Ed. Piiipps, who has been living in California for some some time, has come back and ia vijitirg his mother Mrs. O. P. Knighton. We understand that most all the farm ers in and around Tangent are holding on to lhair wheat for be'ier prices. When ever the farmer prosper? ever one elso will prosper. We notice Prof R S Hashes in our cit v and on investigation we found that he had taken to himself a wife, we wish them a long and happy life together. Little Rose Bud said he thought Yourg America was dead. Tbe reason whr w did not write is that we have been in the farming business aud did not have time. A revival meeting is under proirrcss in Tangent. My the good work go on. lOI NO AMfcRlCJk. Equal to the Occasion. Mr. Hearst recently gave Homer Dav enport a check for $3,000. Geo. I. Piper, of Portland, was with him when he went to get it cashed. "When he took the M.O00 check to the bank to get it earned I was with him, 'said Mr. Piper to an Oregon pa per. "The cashier informed him he wou d have to be Mentiaed. "However, Mr. Davenport. he sa'ul. 'if you will write the wotd Davenport a it arpeaJS on the Journal rartooot, I thing you doa'l need further identifica tion. "As he said this the cashier picked up one of Davenport's cartons rian on the counter to compare with the signature and alo called several o&iciais of the ban): to witness tbe teU Homer, with the expression, 'that's dead eaty,' wrote bu name, lite bank otbcials seemed greatly amused aud told him tbe signa ture seemed all tight. " 'Now Ur. Davenport,' continued the ishier, 'it you will draw a picture of ark Hanna on the back ol the check cash Mark the money is yours. "Homer drew the Haana cartoon. d l- lar-marks aii, in a jiff, and when the bank officials saw the fn.i!ir outline the cashier counted out the money." A Bio Tun-The A. O V. W. were at Ibetr best in Lebanon last eight. A meeting was held at the opera house where tbe grand lecturer. D. C. Herrin, d-i;ersed one of the biscest audiences ever in Lebanon. Music was furnished by McKnight Bros, orcbeetrr and the Albany Sbake'em l"p Jlub, greatly ap preciated. An elaborate banouet was given tbeA.O. U. W A. D. tUrker and others attended from thi ci'y. and declare it to ha-e been one of the finest affairs yet held. E. O. SLetoHtsrt. Dr. Deitrkh and Harry Bethure had considerable exper ience coming in from i'ulur today .They started in a aleigb, but had not gone tar wben the frail concern went down. An other was borrowed, but it only lated for a few miles' tourney, and a third sleigh was picked np on the road. It lasted them to town, but looked aa if it wonld go down under the two heavy weights oetore ttiey shall reach jJutur. The Dalles T.M. Oregon's Equalizer. The date board of equalization met at 2 p. in. yesterday ana periectea lotiowing organisation: President, A- C. Auldon. Lakevicw. Secretary, H. L. Wells, Portland. Clerk, Geo. G. Shirley, of Astoria. Messenger, Hardy flolman, of Polk county. On motion of D. P. Thompson per diem oi secretary and clerk were bxed at 19 00 messenger at SI 50. The former amount was lO and 3. Sevkbal Bcmovais Kroeschel Bros. are making arran'tucn: t move their blue r ront grocery alote iuu the Baltt' more corner. T. Wandei has rented theore vacated recently by Klein & Dubrnille, in the Cusick block and will movo into the same. The Salvation Army is moving into the Vance block, opposite the Kevere house. Batoac Kepairk. Couniv Judi:e Ter rell went to Jenerson where he met County Judge Barton and together they visited the Ureen a Ferry bridge which was siigiitiv oamaued by the recent high water. Alter a careful inspection these oUiciats decided t hve several piles driveu and a bent put ia under the north end. Mr. Tilloteon, of Albany win ao me wont. statesman. Shot Bute Kocks. Members of the Albany Rod and Uuu Club had a shoot yesterday afternoon at blue rocks for a purse ol 12.50, being 17.50 for first prize and t5 for second. The result was : Geo. Froman 'a, V. B. Monteith 2i. P. J. Baltimore 19, F. H. Pfeiffer 2:5. Grant Froman 17. Pfeiffer was given a handi cap ot o. Land Selected. Yesterday the Wil lamette Valley & Cascade Mountain Wa gon Road Co. made a selection of 2000 acres of land in Crook county. The se lection embraces a portion of the grant given the company for building a road from Albany to the eastern boundary ol toe state in isoy. the uaiics x. at. ine Ptantora uiee ciuo win come un through Oiegon lhe Brut of Jannary. f beir ditto for Eugene is Jan. 2. Albuny will nave tnem tne following day. Scio will have its city election next Mon. day. Maharas Ministries wiil be in tho valley next weeK. . , - One man in one night caught 247 Ch: nook salmon in Coos bay. ine neoer uramatio comnany crave three entertainments in scio tuts week. Willamette University and PaciQo col lege will play foot br II at Salem tomorrow Hon. C. W. I niton it Is reported will take a prominent part in tbe coming sen atorial conieni. fcugene is to have another dmcr store. making six in the city. A Nebraska man is preparing to start it. The name of Jeff Meyers was one of four teen presented for nayor of Salem on the citizens ticket. Dr. J. A, Davidson was nominated. t he Lightning raimn seeder will be on exhibition at tbe store of C. E. Browuell tomorrow. This is a fine thing and citizens should see it. 01R PRICES l are Bargains;!.. Compare them aiitfi oilers: ingle harness $ 5 00 Team harness 18 09 Twa sweat pads -65 3 buggy whips 25 OtHr goods in same pro portion. CALL AND SEE US POWER 4 TOMLIXSON. FEIDAT A Horrible Crime. The preliminary examination ot Wil lard Birchard, wbo resides two miles east of Stayton on the charge of rape, alleged to have been committed on his daughter Minnie Birchard, June 1, 1D6, U. J. itunUey private prosecutor, was held before Justice Johnttoa at .Salem vesterday. Two married daughters.Mr. H.N. and Mrs. J.O. Huntley swore that their father had committed the same crime with .hem from the time they were 1 1 and 12 until they were raairied, that they were afraid of their, father and never told, as he threatened them. 5lr. Carrie thanks, another daughter swore to the taui thing, the ctiuie beginning when she was eleven years of age, and he threatened to shoot her if she told. Minnie birchr ard, now seventeen, swore that her father began the cri e when the was 1 1, making hr believe it was all right. Tl details of the ci given by the Journal show Birchard 'o be a monster l-eside whom Durrani is a gentleo-an Hang ing would be a tame pari tmeni for him. The inquiaitkn would not da him justice. He was held under 1000 bond for the grand jury. It should have been f 100 OX. Such a brute should not bo permitted to be at large under bail. Later His bonds were placed at $10, MO instead if $liJ0, so high that he can not furnish bail, winch is entirely prop er. Mr. Isaac Kegel is in the city. Mr. J. A. Cumming is expected home tomorrow. of Scio. wa in the city today. U. S. Grant and family, of Dallas, were ! victim in bcio tuts week. Luke Thornton, of CorvA'.Hf. has rent ed tlie Kxchaoge faoSel and a i.l cpen it j next Jiouuav. ine papas ot me out grade r.i give a reception tonight, to t.ich parents and friends are invited. Mr. F. S Avers wdl go to Saa Fran cisco tonight to accej-t a position with tbe Ureal b&siern Tea Coxptnf. Geo. F. SimpMn and family are now residing in tt.eir new cottage on Ueir tarm three miles '.uth west of Albar.v. Mis Winnie Chambrrlin will kave on tonight's ovcriam! for ,a Kram-.srv where she wiil go to take Ic-j-mls ia painting I -art Monday was A. D. Barker's 3Tth year aa bscjage nu:er on Uio . P. lie is tbe most popular and most eompe'eut bajra-w iuan oa t rd. i liev. Ja. F. 5 ier! . T 7K.'r-Tsiar of the Chrintian charchalthii city, is now potior of the church a. fc'auU Paula, Ventura county, Calif Jrcta. A Scio yootsz man while wwiunit for his girl to take him to a leap vear party spent the time reading a paper two yrars old, a fact he did not aieoover. Mr. Mat Scott returned last night from a trip to Portland. In the mornios there were two inches of snow on the ground This was vanishing and it was rainiog pitchforks last night. That city gels the lull benefit of the Columbia river climate, and it has been having a terror of a time. Dr. H. A.Davis, o! Harrisburg, was in the city today on Misine?s. A pioneer of 1&S2, he is now 75 years of age, so that over halt of his life has been spent in Oregon. Duing the time be has been thoroughly identified with the growth of Linn county. Mr. W. B. Earr returned this morning from Matcacbnw-Ue, accompanied by his mother, wbo will make her home with him They came by tbe way of the Sante Fe. and enconntrred seme dust. Tbi seemed weicomc. tbonsh. when the accounts of the snow and blockades by the northern routes were read. Mr. Barr thinks limes have Iteen much better in the east than on the coast. TrnxED a LivrsttS os Hin. Last Tuesday night as Mr. D Andrews was going home from bis store, his attention was attracted br a noise in the alley, Looking around, he was surprised to see a man standing near him with a big club in his bands. Mr. Andrews turned hia lantern on the man and demanded what he wanted, at which time the man dropped thecluband ran. Mr. Andrews thinks it was an attempt toh ld him up, hut the lantern flu si rated the man. This was the first time that Mr. Andrews had tarried a light with him. Twice be fore wire had been stretched acrrss the walk at this point, as it is very dark there. Other attempts have het-n made lately to hold people nt Our citizens ahcul J be on their guard. Ichan n Ex press. roauKK Ai.rusv SfAX Oct. J he po lio" rommtsaioiiers have teen hi to re- doce the police force by five mem bcrs, and the unlucky ones whose stars went down are: Moses Waller, J. T. Layne, J. J.Coffey, 11. Lampman and M. Stephenson, the latter being the only colored roan on the force. His own race made more kick about his beim on the foice than anyone else. The police fund, lite ether funds, is out of sight, as taxts are coming in slow and the interest on t5.0CO.000 bends about due must be taken care of. II the interest is not forthcom ing. the law will be planned on tho city in a minute. Bondholders when they have a mortal cinch stand no dillydally ing. The police and firemen can attord to wait, Tribune. Democratic Primaries. Democratic primaries were held last night, when nominations were mado in a very harmonious manner. Ia the First ward J . J. Whitney was nominated for councilman and O. W. Wright for member of the central com mitte. In the Second ward C. O. Hngue a id Alfred Wheeler were nominated for Councilman tnd C, G. Burkhart for mem ber of tbe central committee. In the Third ward A. II. Martin was the choice for councilman and Peter ltiley for member of the central com mittee. Fbom Siam. Mr. and Mra. Jas, Marks recently received a letter from their daughter, Mrs. Kev. Calender who was on her way through Siam to her future missionary home, ak the capital, Bang kok, Bev. and Mrs, Calender were given a reception by the American minister Hon. John Barrett, of Portland, who entertained them in a royal manner. They had a several weeks journey before them among several hundred natives before they reached their destination, with 10,000 in money in their posses sion to be distributed tor the work there. In order to be comfortable thev were then apparelled in the white thin gar ments of the country, presenting a mark ed change from Oregon stylo. our The 1896 Assessment. County Assessor Deakins last evening completed the footings on the assessment roll, showing the folio l-and, acres 688,795 vaiue ot land 4,193,005 Nalueof town lots 1,160,350 aiueoi improvements on land not deeded Value of canals, railroad, tele graph and telephone lines. RolHag stock Engines and mfg machinery... Mdse, wheat and oats Farm implements Money Notes and accts 20,815 852.S80 49,365 78,325 . 250,820 . 120,440 . 48,460 . 668,795 . 23,0 '0 . 198,635 8,337 ..177,130 ....14,082 ..$115,750 ....33,653 ...33,245 8.arj6 Shares of stock (768) Household furniture, etc No. horsas and males Value horses and mules.. No. cattle Value cattle No. sheep and goats Value sheep and goats. . . , No. hogs Value hogs .14.965 Gross value of all property 7,502,440 Exemptions 604,300 Total taxable property e.SSS, o. tons........ HEW A comparison with tbe aseeMment of 1895 will be of interest. It was aaiol: lows: Acreage 6.16,337 alue of land M.257,445 Value of town lots 1.214.800 aiueot improvements on lands not deeded 16,190 331,745 547,535 47,505 849.SJ0 Value of canals, telegrapb,rail- roaa and telephone lines.. Mde and implements Money Notes and accounts Shares of stock (7s4) 51,160 Household goods 23,895 o. bors 8.04Z Value of horses 193,515 No of rait 1 14,439 Value of cattle 10n.015 No. of sheep 23,163 Value of sheep 27.2s0 No. of.'y'wine 8440 Value of swine 16.930 GroM value of all property.... 7,867,995 exemptions Total taxable property 7,245,425 No. of polls 3,143 Lebanon. Miss Jovr Brownell, of Albany, via- ile-1 Mrs. W. E. Chandler awe days re cently. Mr Mart Klam left Tuesday for Le- Und, Southern Oregon, where be goes to work in tbe mines with his lather and brothers. Mis MaJfe Marks visited friends in Lebanon a few days recently. She leaves oon for Davisville, Cal., where she will remain fur aa indefinite period with ber eiitrr, Mr. Eccleaton. A letter received this week from J. E. Adccx. of Bandon. Oregon, aava that bis lie died at that place on November 26. lie eavs be m take Ins emidren to Al bany about the 10th, where he will leave them with relative. Tbete was a mass meeting of citizens last Friday eyening to ductus the mat ter of inducing the Southern Pacific Co. to bring their Oregon ia a line through Lebanon. F. S. Nickereon acted as chair man of the meeting, and M. A. Milier "cvej y ' M K. Miller. S. M, a Donsca were appoin Garland and W. ppotnted a committee to confer with Manaser Koebler. The committee wrote to Mr. Koebler, and a reply has beoa received. Ue gives very tsiUe it any encouragement to tne scheme. L. L. Curinhaw, Ea)., a prominent attorney at Myrtle l Vtal. coos county, f IL. Jiurtenabaw, is v his paresis here, lia is on fcrs ay to the supreme court at Salem. Mr. liurtensoaw is accompanied oy nta wiin. The following "Citixena Ticket" ap peared the first of the week : For mayor. I. r oley ; for couneilmeo, J t lioyle, n Burtekcbaw, S O Iong, N K Reaman, C O IVtersoa. W. B. Donaca: for recorder, ti W Kice; tor treasurer, J F Hyde; for marshal, John Carroll. There will boubtless be one or two more tickets in the field. Mr. J. W. SenfL, agent for the Insur ance Company tf North America, paid X. L mphrev siuv lull tace ot pon;y on the 19sU ot S-ptember. Mr. Senften- iors an enviable reputation in this com munity for tbe promptness and honesty of his companies. Esnreee and Advance. Wit i Be Soul Good times have also struck Salem. The Statesman says: The sheriff's sale of the property, fran chises and contract belonging to the Sa lem Consolidated Street Kailway com pany wilt be held on Thursday, the 31st inst . at 1 p. m Tbe sale ia ordered to satisfy a judgment rendered in a nit wherein E. P. McCornak. as trustee. was plaintiff, and the company was deierd- ant. the sum involved being 19(0.13 ith interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from December 21, 1S&. Tbe sale will re made as an entire single property and without the right of re demption therefrom. QflTB Lxkmplasy. A Coburg man. lohn Diamond, sends five copies of the buscne uuard east, paring tor them in advance. This is very exemplary and is worthy of consideration by men who be grudge the money for a single copy for themselves. Tbe best war in the world to advertise the country is to send a good home naner to relative and friends in tbe east. The Democeat will (send five copie of the Weekly one year for five dollars. Cai-oht Hiw. One Fbehx rtirmn was a riveted in this city today by Mar shai Day in compliance of a request is sued by'F. T. Wrightman. sheriff of Mar ion county. Mirrup is wanted at eaiem on the charge ot larceny. He is accused o stealing one suit of clothee.lbree rings of different descriptions, two breast pins and one Wade A Butcher raxor. All the articles except the coat and one of the rincs were found on the person of Stir run hv Marshal Da. He was traveling as s hobo and was arrested near the de pot this forenoonr i.ugene Uuard. A Bkxefit. The Commercial Drum mer will be presented at the opera house in Albany on next Monday evening for the benefit ot Bert P VanCleve. Ad mission 50 cents. Mr. VanCleve is now entirely blind, and intends to go to San Francisco next week to see it anything can be done for his eyes, uive him big house. A Rex a way. The team of Bates Bros. ran from in front of Stewart A Sox's to- 1 day towards the west. They failed to I keen in the niiddia ot the road and straddling a tree were stopped. The damages weie not large. A meeting of (he Bryan c!ir will b held on Krtduv evening at 7:K0 at the office of G. W. Wright, in order to close np tbe bum new of the campaign. Mr, ltogan has recovered $500 damages againot Clackamas coanty for injuries re ceived from wing tnrown nown an em bankment in 1P&5. She sued for 120,000. Woodmen will please take notice that there is one assevsment for December, Tbia is also the month for the payment of semi anntiol dues. C E. Hawkim. Cierx, Dr. Pi ih of this city is a flrstclass taxi- dnrmUt. A few dav ago he received aa ah in owl from Dr. Hill, of Albany, to be suitably mounted. It is nnusual for Artie owls to be as 'ar south as Oregon; but a number have been killed this winter by Oregon hunters. Scio Press. , A MO gun was r tiled off last night at Froman Bros. In the raffle a very pecu liar situation occurred. I) O Wood worth and Conn & Huston each threw 41, Kobeit Moore bad two chances and Vhrew 41 for each. A dispute then arose whether he 1 owned a quarter or half interest in the gun, and whether he had two chances or one in - throw off. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL B. W.Wilson is serionslv ill at hia home in Corvsllis. Attorney!. J.Shaw of Salem was in the city yesterday. The Y. P. 8. C. E. of the C. P. church gave a pleasant social last even ing at the home of the Democrat man. Miss Mildred Bnrmeatjr went tn Pnrt. land today to hear the celebrated pian ist Miss Zeisler next week. She will be the guest of U. S. Judge Bellinger. The 6th Grade. The pupils in tbe 6th grade save the public school reception last evening, one that deserved the commen lation it re ceived. M ise Barden is at the head of thia grade. Tbe work displayed sur prised many parents and friends in at tendance. Several pieces in nhvsiol rv and g graph y particularly were notice able for the skill displayed. A pleasing program was rendered in the 6th grade room. The school song a greeting song; Ber. Wire offered prayer, Fred Thompson welcomed the guests; tame Layion was neara in a piano solo, B class gave a class recitation in history that was exemplary. Boasell Wallace re cited well ; there was a chorus by the school; Martin Meianer read aneasay; a class recited in geography in a manner to auow tnat taey knew what they were about, there was a pleasing song hy Lil lian Lanning.Gertrnde O'Brien. Clarenc Craw, Carter Lee and Annie McCaaley; MuHnviuiiiui gave a reciiauoo; .Lil lian Lanniag was heard in a nicely ex ecuted piano solo: Nellie Foster read aa eeesy on Science, Millie UoUieb recited. there were som closing comments and the reception closed with a song "Good Sight." The lc Moss Family Broken. Minnie DeMoea Cochran, wbo was re cently ia Albany, died eoddeoly at Wheatland, CaiiL. on Tuesday of thia week, and her remains were taken through Albany to Sherman coanty by her husband and brothers and sister. Her death was caused by blood poison ing from a carbuncle oa the jaw. The remaining members ot the family are disheartened, and it probably means the disbanding of the famous troop that has played on two continents. Tbe de ceased bad bewa married only about three moclbn and was 27 years of age. Tea years agu another sister died while tbe troop was ia California. Tbe Do Moea family has been traveling for 2i years. Republican Primaries. At lbe republican primaries Let even ing tbe following Domination were made: First ward Oscar DmnnaU for coan cUman. F. M. French member centra! committee. Second Ward. U.J. Hopkins, lore term, Julia Uradwohl short term, J. m . Cuiick for member of central com- Third WnrJ.-Lrc-. V. KaJUmore for coon, ilman, free P. Marshal lor com- mittee. A Cor vallU SuIcUs. A startling suicide occurred at Corval- lia about 12 o'clock last night. Arthur Wallace, a man about 55 years of are, sat lown in a chair, pot a shot gun to hia bead, palled the trigger, and toe top ot his head was blown out, causing an un ttehtly spectacle, as viewed immediately after by those who had heard the report and rushed to where be was. Declines the Nomination. Mr. James Shelton requests the Dxw- ocmaT to state that he will not accept the nomination ol councilman made at a meeting last evening, and that he doea not endorse the action. That having been voted for and defeated in the democratic primaries Thursday evening he will abide by the action of that meeting. A McaPKBors Ssaq. A tremendous snag, leaning from tbe river bank oat into the river, smashed several windows and ripped off a piece ot roof on the steamer Albany Wednesday night on her trip np the river between Albany and Corvallis. The damage to the boat by the accident was not ao seriona aa the damage to the nerves of Al Cummins, tbe purser, it was a mgntiuiiy aara night, and Al stood near me dow ot tne boat. Tbe boat was mnking fast time. when the big sasg suddenly loomed op out of the darkness just ahead of Al ap parently approaching him at lightning speed. Ue didn't wait to take a second look. There was muider in that snag, and be lit out for the stern !of the boat. or any other place of safety as fast aa his :ees could carry him. tie managed to elude the danger, as did all of the pas sengers aboard. Times. Special Servtcku There will be spec ial services at C P church every night this week conducted by Kev J A Uurgess, late ofTen, to which the public tsinnted. peciaUy toong men. Uome, we will en tertain you from 7:30 to 8 A) p. m. Topic tor Sabbatb at eleven: Uifos work; ot the HolyGbnat, at 7:30 p.m.. The Church, w e shall be glad to meet the young men , We will have a comfortable houae. We recommend that ward meetings be held in the different wards ot the city on Thursday, December S, 1896, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.,at the following places: First ward, circuit court room ; second ward, county court room: third ward, in oth ot r armers waren-use. in and 3rd wards wilt nominate one M.l.l.t. f.-.- Mn.i.;ii,.l ward two, and choose one member ot the aemocrauc cuy ceutiai committee. Bowuso.-A live interest is being taken in bowling. The Acme Howling club now numbers about twenty-five mem bera. They believe they have four of tbe bust players in Uregon and are willing to bowl any quartet in uregon on the Al bany alleys. Eugene has already been challenged. Tonight after the conven tions a contest will be had between the Para'yxers. O W Watts. Exra Horton, Ed Blodget and H J Hopkins and the Revere auartot .Ch as Pfeiffer J E Brown. H G Watson and F Patterson. It will be for an oyster supper, and the news paper men will participate. Remarkable Shooting. According to the Review last Saturday six Harrisburg nimrods shot 31 geese from a flock in two shots. This is a remarkable shooting story. Besides Quincy Propst, W. H. Headier and George Burkhart are. candidates for sity marshal before the republican conven tion that convenes tonight. After being in the dray business in OorvaKU nineteen years Alex Campbell uas soia out to iee w ens. Ilooa's Pills are prompt efficient al w ays reliable, easy to take, easy to operat mm Dm mm HOME AND ABROAD. New macintoshes and box coats, guaranteed waterproof At L. E. Blafn Clothing Co's. Cut glass That has the ring to it at Will k Stark. Souvenir spoons at Will k Stark. See French's thousand dollar shew win dow. Timothy seed for sale at C. E. Brow sells. These Arctic owls are said to be regular gormandfi. Christmas candies and nuts at C. . Bbowxell'b. Pop corn that pops can be found at C. E. Browsezx's. A trip to Cuius for 15 ceota. China il lustrated, at the college Dec. 11. Nicholas Friday on Mocdar was elected mayo of Station to aocceed Mayor Green. Popa'iar eooda at popalar prices in groo- erv and Qoeensware, at C. E. Brow- Xixs. Happy thvogbts. Chrwtmas prjaentr. and low prices as French's jewelry store. A full line Rogers Bros, silverware for the holiday trade, at reduced prices at .French 'a jewelry store. Tbe democratic city convention will be held tonight ia the ooort house, toe re ; nblican convention ia the opera honae. Do not fail to be present at the opera boate Wednesday evening. Dec 8. You will aee and hear bells, and beds of a'l kinds. The regular meetinir of the Ladies Aid Society wilt be held at the residence of airs IX Hastoa on Monday. Dee eta at 2 JO p m. On Tuesday Dec 22 Presidents Chair man of tbe L of O and Campbell of Mob mouth will lectors to the Pttlic school children. There will be a meeting of eonntr faJpes aod oonnnuaiooen at Portland oa Dee 17 to confides what legislation is weeded. Next Friday there wilt be aa excanion to tbe Celestial empire, starting from the college itfpra. The guide will be Rev Y b Holt. V D of Poniaitd. The enrol !mn? in the public achoota of thia dty haa reached 610, the largest in their history. Several fanUie have moved into the city to send their children toscfaooL Miss Luia Calderof Bmwnsvifie has 3ft red a state diploma. Margeria Dunham . ot this city a state oertilcaia and M Uoreaa Marshall, ot Albany a state life diploma. lite Ladles Aid Socirty cf tbe First Chrtatiaa churci, will offer their doll for aie after Dec. drd. at tbe nuiiinerv store of Mrs Athby. See them aod secure some pretty dolls. Tbe Lubes of the First Presbyterian church will give an entertainment at the opera bom., wedoetay evening. Dee. 9. A ptaaaiBff and amuoe program will be presented. The Hire gives the foiiowinf a candi date tor the CorraUn r U: Kaipa l'ans on. Tboa Cooper, W W Brwtow. G. F. r.gfia. Mus vrur. r Minnie 1-ee aad Eoi'or Johnson of the Gazette. The latter u willing U bould cootinae to b Post- majrter Johnson Thut J Wilcox, of Phisomala, father el Joel 3 Wilcon killed ia an O C E i dest. died at Philomath Thursday night. He eame to Oregew in 1S5J aac readci sear Brownsville f or a good many years. going to bentoa coanty in is, j. tie ' el years of age. McPberson Post Xo 5G A Rat their nual meeting iatt night elected the follow ing officers for tbe ensuing year: Command er J rutibruth; senior nee, Uavidlorbet; junior vice, J B Barber; quartermaster. W 0 Breckenridge: eargeon. I R Bray: chap lain, C H Walker; ocer of the day, lohn Call m; oScer of the guard, Robert Brown; deiegairs to tbe department campment. David Torbet. J B Barber: alternates, S Livingvton, J R Davis; coun cil ot aJnunii-ration, C H Vt alter, S Train. New market next to Knecbi k Mis- 's. Fint class meat will be kept aad patron's served promptly sad welL Many of thoee beautiful baaketa for sale by the Albany Furniture Co., are already sold. Yo. wiU do well to investigate Election is over Lnt not the demand for good meat. This is tbe season when It needed particularly. Haight tiros, are handy and keep a fine supply. Step in. For choice meats of all kind, call on the veteran botcher, Wm. Emeries, ia tne oiumberg btock. l ou will be weu treat ed. Remember we printed the oSci&l ballots at about ooe-ninta of the former price W hy not let as do your job work and save yon money. Imprint job of&ce. 16 chances to 1 thai von will be otetsed it yoa get your meats of tbe Albany urese- ed Beef Company, Cor. 2nd and Ellsworth s;reeta. tint class meats ot all kinds at reasonable prices. It la nobody's fool who bar something to eat wben he is hungry. ben rou are hungry and want something nice ia the meat line just step into Haight Bros., who know bow to please J03 OITO ENIOYO Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, laver and iiowels, cleanses the sys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. eyrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP COk !- tn faUSCWO. CAL e iomviu. tr. w rot; x Just What Miners Want. All who are. or expect to bt. interest ed in mines will be glad to know tha Henry '. Copp, the Washington (D.C. land lawyer, has revised Copp's Proa pector's Manual. The mineralogies part of tbe work has been almost entire- rewrittei by a Colorado mining engi neer, wbo has had years of experience as a prospector, aesaver and superin tendent ci mines and united states sur veyor. Tbe book is a popular treatise ca assaying and mineralogy, and will be found nse'nl to all who wish to discover mines. Tbe first part of tbe work gives the United States mining laws and regu lations, bow to locate and survey a min ing claim, various forms and much val oable information. The price is 50 cents at the principal book stores, or of tbe author. iW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEI ECHO .ga VTctk. Papers. Year. Is larger thas any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and ia tbe only mportant democratic -weekly" pub is bed in New Yo.-k City. Three tunes large aa the leading rermbliean week ot New York Cur. ' It will be of ecial advantage to yoa daring tbe residential Campaign, as it is pub lied every other day, except Send ay, " iae au the treahness and timeliness daily. It combines all the news ' l a Wig Bat of interesting depart unique features, cartoons and aic ilioatrauocs, toe latter beings laity. I these improvements have been jue without any increase in theeoet which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer this uneqaaled newspaper sad the Wetext Dexoceat together one year for 1U00. Sat?sfartory terms with Academy of ir Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instroction Wholesoqae diet Homeiike treatment. Conglder- tng hard times, favorable redactions are made for twarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st- For cither particulars call at the Academy or write to Sister Superior. OHSERYATORY OF IMC Albany College Teachers for the school vear IS96-1S97 : Zlairi M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teachers-Marguente A Hereon, B. 31-, and Mrs. Josephine bharpe. Thorough aod systematic instruction riven in all the important branches of music Best conservatory rooms and latgest musical library and facilities for oKKil work. Largest nmcDer ot con servatory stodenta enrolled of any mosie school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to t IJ CE tlOWR uce, A. at. Albany, Oregon. MESHHi R GUBIBT, TeastBT St Basil ft Orp. (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialtv. Terms moderate. Washington St, south of U. P. church. WAXTEU. One of tbe ihoabated biarical atlas aun. of Lisa aod Ma'ion counties, made by Edgar Williams Co. 173. Call at office W. B. Rich ardson, Broadalbia St. HOUSE VOTING, CsrerBlly. promptly It. at the lowest price. Call oa or address U W Taylor ,4Ui and Maiisoa SU Albany. iirri if wtsm U THE PLITMBKR' Tia rooSnsr sad pJuaihimg. Opposite he opera Bouse PA T T7 Let Us Reason TO LA I iVi P- cetherl Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store w here they use only the Best material why of course it to you dont want dyspepsia and 300'. I ever get it hy eating anything irom orr .tore, U.S. BAKERY Be Ella worth and Lyon Sad bU CD. Yakdtxe. Proprieto CRAYfTORD &HAR8ISH Pljotoiraplicrs, Would kindly suggest that now is the t:me to have your negatives made tor those Christmas photographs. Dont wait until it is too late, t-ail and see tne new - ruu inoa." Pricea from 75 cents to SO per decea. Regular cabinet siie $2 50 and ?3 per dotes. Studio oa first street. HELP WANTED .4ALE. WANTEn-SOLICTTORS FOR cam paign book, "Rrvas, Sewsll and Free Silver." authorise! by Bryan, written by R. L. Netca'f. Editor Omaha tvl,l.nrld a,nnointed anthor bv Brvan. Ct Brains speeches and platform. A Donanta for agents, a tree silver mine ror wwirn. Only 10. The only authorised book. SO per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent profitable wcrk for 96 Address Tbe National Book Concern, tar Building, Chicago. K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday evening K. O T. M . Hall. Visiting KnighU invited t ttend. J. S. Vas Winkle, Com N OTICE. Cedar pcta aad shakes for sale, r or parucniars address, OaiN Jcuo, letroit Or. NEW HOME LAUNDRY. At fiott nd of Ellrworth Street. Farm! wattling taken . Particular attention pat to bundle washiug and mending, Satit faction guaranteed. Jbs Christnkr "DortJLAa EXTKRTAISMKKT Corws JT The College has estaUiahed a course of lectu'ea and entertainments tor the winter. Season ticket $1. The College hones that the puhiio wilt respoad gener ously to this course, as it is intended for alt- Single admisaioa 15 cents.