The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 27, 1896, Image 1

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in ii hi
A L BAN Y (MO.N, Fill D A ' , S O V E M B U li 2tf 1 8 ) ii
Entered cC tfc Pat.! me a Ubaay. r. Btesad-Class Mall Mailt I ;
r r HfTTiao PiMltker aaS freprteter
lS.T'""WWW"-" ,s.f suawi iM-WSM.'.! WIIIH,UH t s s'lesu
slnUlating ftefoodandRw uni
ting tJteStamachs andBowais of
aaaaManaBaMB i i
OjaumIorphine nor KixraL
Not Nahc otic.
ypinWft Isftt -W
. - -srtjsswwaisr
rfi fliiraiss fa's I
Awrfect Remedy for Cons Una-
lion. Sour Ston&ch.DiarrhX)ca.
oess sndLoss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
! v3
l - wijljajiM)w -vst 13 set scia la baa.
i " ' i i:S joss.
Cisiaria h yi tp la oac-s!ia bottles (Ely. It
Dos't allow aayaee to sell
pl? a premiss tbit it
vlS saswer ercrr pt
3-& tint yes gsi C-A-S-T-OS-I-A.
g . EXAvF WPlCf WiAFFE2.
Mbanv Eed Crown Milling Co.
We have leased the Red Crown
Mills for another year, and we are
now prepared to receive wheat on
storage , and to buy the same
. ; Sacts if teMJ cr EiKcafeii Kcir
And Feed constantly oa hand and for eale. Parties havinsr wbcat to wll o?
tore ; we will try and make it to their atlvaotaae o call nd see us. Flour will I
xebanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore.
Xt incoi puated.
."Are built in
the largest
and Best
mtr fiSfeHJjMfetto World
select the VTaverly because they have learned to know the dif
PrtlPf iPtirpd ference between a wheel that is actually highgrade au one that
t ipCIICllUU is simply claimed to be. !?ome others way ce good but the
RiflSrS" Waveriy is the highest of all hijth grade, (3 height)
fi5 00, Be! le 23 and 2S inch $75.00 and $85.00.
; A gent
v'-vJ: ' - f VSr4
?:.. FL-i... English Crn. il,'!
r:K4 BOABIS KFAiuftSllT"' LASSES fel
Annie G Spinney act O P Card, et al.
foreclosure ot mortgage. Judgment for
plaiutiff. .
In matter of assignment of Georee W
Drinkard. Keal property ordered sold
at private Bale and cause continued
Ephriam Haner act John P Donaca,et
at, coDnrmaiion. uontmueu.
Board School Fund Commissioners agt
n m uociiran, et al, bale ordered con
firmed. G W Loftis ag. Geo Westenhousen et
al, recovery of money. Continued.
Milton Hale agt J II Townsend, et al.
Present sheriff ordered to make deod.
Milton Hale agt J T Tate et al. Pit-sent
sheriff ordered to make deed.
a f mm ar.a s e rrura gt A a l i nm,
partition. jJecree of partition granted.
Scott Ward, John Huston and ET T
Fisher to make partition.
John T Shea agt Angust Miller, disso
lution ot partnership. Keceiver dis
charged and case dismissed.
JMMoyeret al agt Albany Woolen
Mills Co., order appointing receiver. All
parties h iving claims for wages are re
quested to intervene and set up their
claims in 30 days, objections thereto to
be tiled in 10 days from the expiration of
Skid SO davs, notice hereof to be given
immediately by the receiver in the Her
ald and Democrat.
John Connor agt Jos Hunter, foreclos
ure. Judgment bvdelaait.
II Brvant act J M South. Present
sheriff to make deed.
Mav & Senders ast Red Crown Roller
Mills Co. Present sheriff to make deed.
Holly Echo.
John Nye, who returned from Crook
county a few days ago via the eantiam
route, reports there were thirty miles of
snow on the Cascades, and three feet
deep on the summit when he crossed.
There have been several cases of bil
ious and typhoid fever in this vicinity
during the past two weeks. Mr Perry
ucuueen and two ot her children were
the worst cases. Under skillful treat
ment all are recovering.
We are informed , that the vouneeet
child of Mack Mots and wife, who re
cently left here, died of strangulation a
few days ago at the parent a new home
ioCrvok county.
Frank Robinett is building a black
smith ehODOn the farm ntar llollv.
Oliver McDowell's shop at this place is
alsonearing completion. We fear our
friends who hammer iron have imbibeu
an over dose of "confidence restored." as
we cannot see wnere two blacksmiths are
going to find constant work in this
lbe republicans of (Jrnrn fordf-
vule had a ratification hoodoo and
supper last Wednesday evening. Seven
tat turkeys were stolen about that time
from a flock near there, and a geutieman
who ooght to know, says the republicans
must aave done it as no democrat would
have taken a part of the flock.
A petition asking for the pardon of two
inmates of the penitentiary who were
recently sent there from ibis county, is
being circulated here. It the decision ol
the court that sentenced the criminals
is sustained, and the pardon withheld.
we think this community will be better
for it.
Now that the national election is past
and the people are again turning their
thoughts to local affair, let ns begin to
consider w lat needs to be done at fratetn
when our next state legislature meets.
Our laws relating to the assessing ot rail
ways and other earners should be given
a thorough overhauling.
The lime for holding oar stale elec
tions ehouid be ebacgvi from June to
The sections of the Oregon cbool laws
relating to teachers cvrtitirates and di
plom's, teacher's examinations and the
duties of county school superintendents.
should be so amended as to provide for
but two grades of county certificates; to
require all applicants for diplomas, be
fore being granted the same by the state
board H rxamtners, to pass examination
before the county board of examiners ot
the county in which they rreide, the
Questions of such examinations to in
elude those now given to applicants for
county ceruhcaies and the additiona
questions "now given to applicants for
diplomas. Instead of the present ex
pensive and almost useless provision re-
quirine the county tuperintendeot to
visit all the ecaoois in his county at least
once each year, there should be a law
requiring him to hold annual township
institutes in all of the townships of his
county where school distiicls are organ'
Dr. F. I. Ball arrived in Portland to
day alive, after a very exciting and re
markable experience. A dispatch was
received in this city by his sisters stat
ing that he had boon sandhngged, taken
Into the hills, robbed and kept two or
three dava before cottini? awav.
According to his account of the affair
Dr. Ball was at the Kalama wharf when
jumped upon by three men, choked and
gagged, robbed and taken beneath the
wharf, when he was made to accompany
the robbers 14 miles into mountains,
where he was held prisoner until 3 o'clock
yesterday morning. He lost his way and
did not reach Kelso nntil 6 o'clock last
evening. He was relieved of $:!5, a col.
lege pin and watch and chain, the watch
being returned. The men seemed like
Sea ula lid Sentenced.
John Scanland, who was arretted a
Lebanon, a short time since, on a charge
of passing counterfeit $5 pieces, and who
when a.Tanged entered a plea of not
guilty, appeared iu the United State
court Wednesday and changed his p'ea to
guilty. His counsel asked the court in
pasting sentence to consider theycuth of
the prisoner, ana the lawt that he had
been led astray by older and more cor
rupt persons, with whom he had been
associated, and also t'iat by his pleading
guilty he had saved the government the
expense of a trial.
The Judge received the case and closed
with: "Considvrinz the prisoner's
youth, however, and his plea, the sen
tence of this courv will be that he be
confined in the penitentiary for the term
of three years and pay a tine ol $100.
"Three years," gasped Scanlend, with
a look'of mingled astooishmeut and hor
ror, which showed that he had been an
ticipaing something not so severe, aud
he sank limply to his seat.
A number of arreta for counterfeiting
have been made in the region about Leb
anon and Waterloo, ami back in the Cas
cades, says the Ore-toman. It is Drettv
well known that there are teveral pvrsor
in that region who are engaged in coun
terfeiting, and that tliev make confeder
ate and tools of unsophisticated youths,
no, tured by the prospect ol "maSinj
money" easily, are induced to undertake
to pass oS the base money made by the
older, more cunning scoundrel. 'That
Scanland was a tool of this gang is shown
by the tact that the planting machine
used in finishing the bogus coin arrived
from the east addressed to him, and that
be took it from the express orhce at Leb-
aflSUl an.! ft 1 J nvn.wfcrca.M, An 'I'k.
authorities have a very good idea oi who
the men are that compromis this gar.g
of couatetfeiters. '
are Bargains ;
Compare tljcni ami) others
inole harness 5 5 CO
Team harness 18 OQ
Two sweat pads- B5
3 hnggy whips 25
Ottjr goods in same pro
portion. CHLLflND SEE US
to Dec
1 he Complete Keluras.
.Mr. Kagcnkort All Right.
Mr. Aozost Pacenkopf ot Wells, who
was supposed to he di owned, reached
home all right. When he left Albany U
found that t he water was too high lor
him to reach homo safely so he went to
a friend's and visited until he eou!d
travel more easily.
At tk llcvxg Or E. O. Smith, of
this city, baa returned from a t ipio
the mines al Anidem,Linn county. Dor.
ing the severe Morm of Ut wek, foar
feet of sd"? full at the summit, but since
then a Chinook wind has sept it entire
lyaway. Likcrekand Canal fork are
now raging torrents and luipas-jble lor
borees. Tlio only way to make the num-
eioua cioings is to "coon" it over the
togs, a somewhat dangeruus experiment.
Al the mines the nun is running at luu
blast, and about filly men are tow em
ployed in getting out ore. This for.-e w ill
be cutdo n some wbatdaring the winter.
as the ore vein in the Kea and i b;Ve
Bull claims is being easily worked. Dr.
Smith has several promising claims in
the district, some ot which are making
an excellent showing in rtturns for de
velopment work- Manager W. B. traw
ler, in charga of the company's affair.
will leave for htirope next week, and on
his return it is expected that the work
wid be carried on far more extensively
than in the past. Oregouian.
Sale, Or , N'ov. 20, 1836.
Special to Dmgou-.
The complete official returns of Oregon
areas follows: Caples, 4,T00; Geer,
W.779; Smith, 4S7U; Yoran. 43.&BK;
Butler, (N L) 4,7Ji); Hofer, 41.6 6;
Spaugh, ,;! ; Wa't'ns, 48.519J Bow
eruian. Bugbt. Busier, (Leslie)
Srtl; Hnrkins, 8.9; Oox, 97": Holine,
8-tt; Seufert, 79S; TreacUard, 802.
At Uut Buy.
M'S. Ed Carter, of Albany, arrived
Saturday eveuing, to stav lor a few
months for the benefit ot her d.ujjhtei 's
The temers Farallon and Alcatrax
sailel Momlsy morning at 9 o'clock for
Sao Francisco and way pons. They had
been detained in po-l several days by the
stormy weather. News.
Otto Krostad has goue back i .to the
dru store, and these doll Uses it thus
throws John Aikinoutof a job John
expects to go to the vailev soon lo Gal a
Toledo came vry near being short a
marshal last Thursday night. Cbas.
Buhl, who fills that putiiiou, eat some
moked salmin that was wrong in some
war, and Ihe result a a a severe rae of
Newport has been le.'t without steam
("boat connect ton with the entside world.
The mail and passengers have been car
ried for the pat six weeks la a aU
boat. If a person at Newport wants to
catch the early morning train at Ya
fyima he must get op the n;'at belore.
Ko Ixdepmuest Boat. Messrs. F. X.
Derby and George CoHica, wh5 hare
been negotiating to pet a line of inde
pendent boats onto the river between
Salem and Portland, have aboal con
cluded lo give up the eoler prise. The
rates have been raised to ahoat foar
times what they were, and this move
was made to secure a reasonable tariff,
but as the merchants are not all agreed
upon the matter it has practically been
dropped for the present, o at least nntil
the high water subsides. Journal.
L.A 8.
Altai) v Steam Dveing
and Cleaning Work.
first Steet Between Ferry and V.'sbington,
Branch of the Salem Steam Dye Works, EstablUfcel 18&1.J
Ladies and GenU Clothing and Fine Fairies of all kinds Ch aned and Dyed, CarpeU.
Blankets, Silk Underwear, Ladies Ha's, Straw Has and feathers Dyed and Beoovated
Sils bats Irotied, Sik Hah, Stiff II at and Soft Hat t leaned, Dyed, Blackened and
Renovated. By Hon jraole Dealing and Pretest Ateuti n to Bufiiossn, I hope to Merit
Tear Patronaife. Watdemar Nelson.
HAUUBBcaa, Xov. 17, 1596.
W. S Brown vimied Albany Friday,
The Gvdsv came no Fridav beinz the
first boat lo make a trip this winter and
will make weekly trips hereafter.
C. F. OveTbauzh. O. B. N. traveling
passenger agent, was in this place Satur
"Fruits of his Folly," a five-act drama
will be Di-oduced here Thursday, ov.Zo,
by local talett for the benefit of the band.
Mr. Geo. Howell was passenger on
baturday s local for Albany.
Miss Tillie Darueil. of this place, and
Mr. Jno. Ditmer, of Portland, were
married Tuesday in Albany at the reel
dence ot Mrs. w. 11. iMvis.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Canter returned
from Albany Saturday where they bad
beer called by the death of Mrs. Can'.sr
sister, Mrs. I rank Dorm.
The river cansed bv the continuous
heavy rains, is higher at this place than
it wss at any time last winter. The high
water has injured the dams of the water
ditch but repairing prevented an over
flow. About two inches ol snow fell
Monday and willcanse higher water.
Air. Ulian. llellenbrand, ol Albany wa
in this place Sunday the guest of friends
All kinds of furniture
and bedding, and it
you want the most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest.
Dealer in
Ekce'vkr Appoixtko. A short time
ago the Victory placer mine (formerly
Capt. Nash a) near Glendale, was at
tached, the creditors being the Albany
Iron VVork,for$J00; Harry Livingstone,
km.7b; and Philip Merriam, $661 75,
the last two being labor claims. The
foreman was placed in charge of the mine
by Sheriff Agee, yestertay. However .on
Rpolication of Capt. Nash and Merriam,
Judge Fnllerton placed the mine in the
hands of b. w. ba&dei, as receiver, and
Denutv Sheriff Stephens went out today
to place him in charge. Boseburg Ke-
' Mfl fi COSIPANV.
"" 7 3 fi f CWaWFj Stt ro.
at. H citj,Miittoii, .
fc'Ti port. Do Koim.
BBSS V A B.i unmue, i. a s
!tT K!SI!tE br the onW conoern tbt ever
UU I rttl volontarily rsdaeed price,
In recent timet orizinated a new idea in Windmil
Wstftr KiiodIv Goods. Cvervthln tiie farmer sells I
Wbe arlis knr to him ? We h renetuedlr refitted
Bad bare therefore defeated windmiu combuutioa, ai
since '89, reduced the con cl wind power, to ft wha
x iaroiUiO arauraoe, ana ncauawB mxe price uvr
-4. uIm n deal with, and because we are toe sole a
,w of au tost is goco in m nooero sreei wiiiuuini i
3 tower, THSJ WORLD HAS) QIVaN us s
hand with long power stroke tramps, with be
m brass tribe cylinders, lower than Iron i ones a H
T. u. iht tn so branca booses. Bei
Deaauroiiy uioTOmwi , - - ' r
true appears not once, vur - - j -
printw latest piaas. No oo kawwe the I
mm, tunp or rncs am i' -
i jiejyu i w imwmmttm mm uwn iw m S" mi-mm1 1
s low. V
U wsa. I
and arel
(loatorsf 1
1 1
Je belien I 1
lake short I I
seamless t
i incb at
bow lor J
l ss A J
Dr. Maston, of Albany, was called fo
Brownsville last tnday evening, m con
sultatiou with Dr. Starr, regarding Mrs
O. H. Cable.
Mrs. W. A. Calder went to Albany
Saturday, and on account of the high wa
ter was unable to return home until
TuO'dav. Her position in 'he school
room was filled by Miss Lets Cooley.
Arthur Warren returred from Alberta,
Canada, last Friday, to which place he
went two or three months since. We
are informed that Arthur does not par
ticularly admire tueuanadian climate.
Mrs. E. E. Cable has been quite poor
ly for some time, and in hopes of improv
ing her health she and her husband will
leave for Los Angeles, Cal., to spend the
winter, ust as soon as she recovers sui
jficiently to stand the trip. Times.
The Ula Wasnrai
Constipation, canaos mors than balf the
His of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea ii
a pleasant curs for constipation. For salt
by Fosbay & Mason .
Mrs. Jude J. B. Mir can aud M:as
Lixzie Morgan, of Hernando, Miss.,
mo-her and sister of Mrs. H. C tVatson,
arrived in Albany rnd will spend the
winter at the borne ot Mr. vt aison.
Attorney C. M. Charlton is down with
an attack of typhoid fever, and is quite
a sufferer. This family has been sorely
afflicted for a mom h past with a very
sick child and the little one was scarcely
well when the iatuer was etrtcxen down.
ts!em Journal.
The church reading circle will meet
in tie parlors of theM. E. cbnrrb at 7:0
p. to. Friday, Nov. 20th. Subject for
the evening is, Oliver Wendell Holmes
and his works Evertone is invited
No admission fee, no collection. Come
and spend a pleasant and profitable
C. W. Cobb, a fomer res'dent of Al
bany, has just re'iied from theGroes-
becs. lex., .New bra, alter running it
three years and is now in the insurance
and land business. His brother was
elected district judge there recently.
G. V. Hunt, the well known rai'road
contractor, arrived yesterdav from Port-
i , i t f. t.. , ,i n it..!!-
ana, ana leu iaiuiguii.r it aim nana.
At ii recent Mr. Hunt is not building any
roads, but has his eves open tor any good
contracts that my be let in the future.
He will probably be a com pen or for the
contract for building the Cell So ship rail
way whenever the government is ready
to call for bids. lue Dalies 1. 31.
fe.The National Christian Endeavor con
vent ion of 1SU7 will lie held in San Fran
Cisco. J. iv. Eaer, the national secc
tary, is now there arranging for the
same.- He has selected a l'ucr scout
consisting of live, whose rirtiues the
Examiner gives. The central one is
Seymour W. Condon, formerly of En
gene, and prosecuting attorney ot the
second district.
Of the class of seventeen examined bv
Superintendent Wheeler and assistants
the following passed and were granted
ceruncaies: ie;ne snoderiy, si. M
Dungan, Henry Uayden, Mabel Hayden
tnez riaie, j enersoii; tester w. iiumpl
rey, Foster: C. A. Keal, Crawfordsvllle
Miss iirey. lebanon: Tessie W eddies
Sweet Home ; Clarence Ingram, Soda
ii!e; t race Michael. Lebanon .Mrs
W. A. Calder of Brownsville, passed the
examination lor a state uipioma at:
Luther Wiley of Lebanon, and Margmi
Duuhain of Albany, for state certificate
What's ths Dsrrnjissr. A sttial
tmeetsog ol the board oi tru.tws of the
insane afvium was caaed yesterday for
i he pqrp.e of taking action on report
of Superintendent D. A. t'aiue. The sa
jjerictfcOt't'isS rvrorted the atrium to be
la an over rrowded comiiltoa and that a
great D'i tuber ol tuot phtne fiends who
are col inaatie were being sent to the in
stitution from 1 ffervnt counties H tti
state and. as it sesrned not to he the pur
pose of the law which reUbUsSsd the
asj lam lo treat invalid of ibis kind, he
vked the sanction of ibe board in f rsd-
ig notK lo each of the conmv ftidses
of the state to the e.Tect thai reo?i ad-
durtni to the morphine habit id be
promptly d:chatgt ua'ee ii appeals
that insanity arramrxnies the haUc
I he board ordered tfie sooersnteiHleni's
recommendation lo be adoptl. Salem
Stateman. If a man is insane bat'a the
difference whetbr morphine. hikev.
love or trouble ts the cause. If iv is not
insane be should be kept out. If he l
the cso has Dotliinr to do aith it. It
is rrolailv true that most morrhiie
fiends are n4 insane, but if the are the
asylum is f r thtn iat as much ss
for any bodv. The stste eis mere
thorough and comnetetvt examination ol
Rev. W. W. Davit and family are cow
located at Aiaes. where Rev. Iiv. has
succeeded Rev iAinbotiocn as ps$lor cf
the Evangehcal church.
Invitations have been sent out by ibe
popiis of the 8th grade central school to
a reception, given Friday evening Nov.
'JOth. A se'ect program of music, ewavs
and recitations wiu he rendered and an
exhibition given of their work.
f Mr. R. K. Online, who is connected
with the Chambers' Hardware Co.. of
Erene, is here on a visit lo his brother-in-law.
Rev. Wallace. Oakland Cor.
Dr. E. S Thompson, the popular pas
tor of the Presbyterian church, starts for
San Francisco Monday on a double er
rand. Ho is to officiate at the wedding
of Mr. Fred Yates and Miss Wiles,
Thank.ogiving evening, and wiilaUend
the annual meeting of the Seminary
board, of which be is a member. Cor
vallis Osteite.
Rev. E. A. Roes tins bejon a revival
in Ashland. The Record savs: "Though
From the Democrat of Oct, 23
It, 1874.
Tlio Dkuocbat contained frequent
mention of the inventions of Dr. E. O.
Smith, the dentist, from ;dental apparat
uses 10 an augur, ror me latter he was
offered o000. ( vV'ho uses the Smith au
gurjnow.) Dr. Plummer opened bis di ng store iu
Albany in October.
Three October births were sons to the
wives of Rev.S. G.Irvineon the23rd,and
E. F. Sox. on the 29th and a HanohtAp in
the wife ot B. W. Cundiff on the 2ith.
New buildings going up in every part
of town.
The present Dsmocrat building wss
begun, Geo. Patterson aod Bart Crook
were the contractors.
An appeal signed by B. W. Wilson in
behalf of the proposed Ysquiua railroad
was publibhed. lie showed bow it womd
raise the rrica of wheat 23 cents a bushel,
a sav ng of $750,000 annually in five val
ley counties, that the road would he a
paying investment, the carriage of wheat
alone would bring a revenue of $125,000
a year and other freight would produce
in all a revenue of $200,000 a year. (All
owhtch is quite interesting now.)
T. J. Elites was principal of the public
Pat Farrelf and family u oved to Ea
gene lo reside.
t At the city election Dave Froman beat
Judge Maid win for mayor 200 to 158: M
A Laker was elected recorder; H Fox
marshal; Allan Parker, J L Hill. L
Kline, G F Simpson, Geo Settlemier
snd L E Blain, councilmen. The de
feated men were G A Hill. W R Cannon,
8 Montgomery, G W Gray, W H (ioltra
and N ttaum.
At the Sc'o election D. P. Mama was
again elected treasurer, and H. H. Hew
it wss one of the aldermen.
From the Dkmocsat of Dee. 18, 1874,
to Feu. 19, 1875.
Mr. E. C. ProUman (Portland's pres
ent V. M.) and Miss Kate Lyle were
married on Dec. 17 at the residence of
the biides mother by Rey. Gtary.
The editor of the Dittoes r got mad
and said be would receive no more four
bit complimentary tickets for 45 puffs of
shows. The rule would be dsv for what
yen get on both side.
Three marriages were M. Barkhart and
Aureila Thomas, Allen Chtrlton asd
Louisa Poindexier and George Knox aod
Margaret Cox, on Dec. 20 and 22.
Contributions for the Nebraska grass
hopper rufercrs were being made.
The steamer Albany was completely
wrecked in the river between Uarrichnrv
and Pewia.
BUI Cannon appeared in a aleish on
Jan. 13, a rare Ihio'g In Albany.
20 or 30 baildings were in course of
ronstrnctioa ta Albany and not one in
There were two hotels ii Albany, the
St, Charles and Exchange. Hale Back-
ensiotook carm of the latter in Feb
The Grange Store Company was incor
porated in Albany by R Conn, A. Looo-
ey, A. Maiwl!, L. Lester and Dr.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. .Latest U. S. Gov't Kcport
Li V W 1 vy V
Robert Wakefield, bnilder of the Al-
oany bridge, has I ten in the city several
days this week.
O. B. Winn will leave on tonight's
overland for San Francisco, where he
wi.l act as beet man in the Yates-Wiles
wedding, to occur on tt e 26tn instant.
Msrius Mai cellos of the college was
called to his home at Roeebnrg this
morning on account of a stroke of par
alrsis received bv bis father Key. Mar.
The pupils in the fith grade of the pub
lic schoo Leave a receolion last evening to
their parents. An eniovable m-ocrram
was presented .and disolavs of their work
made. The idea is a crood one. Parent '
. i. , . . . . . . 1
snouiu ue sept in Close touch with the
school work of their children.
"pink ot
V w. .uwv 1IIIU inCUUJ pSSeU tUQi
examination ami rvivMl m;ha f.'
teach school, was Chester Humphrey. ' oe a'"T amiiure to-, are aJreavdy
ily 13 years of s-e ,a- lm WI
Plettynf SPAEC-EIBS at H.Broders,
ceou a pound.
The Torch o Ueason is Uu same of a
new paper at bilverton.
The vo'.e iu Curry county was practically
ui no use, oeing a ue.
Uoofideace has nothing to do with holi
day tirices at Long's photo gallery.
The new U. 8. Eagineers boat Mathlo-
ma went op the mer this afternajn on its
first trip.
The steamer Albany will leave Albany
at 7 o'clock a m and go through to Port
land tomorrow.
Wheat is 72 cents today. Big rains in
India have stopped the drouth, and the
future of wheat, an nocertaiuty.
The Starton Mail came oat in blood red
color this week and boasted of being in the
condition, ' so much for the
Many of those beautiful baskeis for sale
nnattnre Co-, are
I do welt to investuaie
of Foster. He is only
and averaged over 80 per cent, sufficient OOT
for a second grade certificate, A re- If yon desire
mark ably precocious boy. , healthy hair of
A most eniovable social waa nr.. eeowning ornament of both aexes. use only
der the auspicss of the Y. P. S. C. E. of HaJ,' egefable Sicilian Hair lie newer.
a Inxorions erowtlt of
i natoraj color, nainre's
ie revival is lo be held in the M. fc
hor-Th. the revivalist i a memlrof the
M. fc. Church South. His name is E. A
Kos. and he is a Georeian. with the
bell-lire-and-damnation si vie of ll e cel
ebrated feani Jones. His ineUi.xl o: at
tack is to begin on the christian people
first and cook their goose so thoroughly
and completely that when he gets around
to the world if sinners he butchers them
all up together for a grand rossU Alter
they become convicted'of their sirs the
battle is really over "
Wist Alj. Uuht. The gchubert
Symphony Clsb and Lady Q-jartci of
Chicago gave I concert last night before
a lance audtenoe, one of the most pleased
a !-d bmt aatVaed gatherings ev r ta Al
t' nr. Master Tommy Porcelt in his
iim solos, recitations and songs waa
worm the price of admission ; so was
Mis Delaney the soprano with her clear,
rich running high; so was Mrs.
Po'ceil. aith her wonderful contralto or
trass; so was toe versatile Mr. McPike
with his read.o; so was the orchestra:
to was U:e qna-tcl. That is w hat people
said ; hence the audience got five times
the worth ol i heir aney, a b.g thing
these bard limes. The Company is one
of rare musical ta'ent and (Werves all
l re encora ams heaped noon them.
Master Tommy Parceii is a remarkable
child, whose gniu is rarely approached
n one so young or mice as old.
C. P. ennrch, at Becker's ball last even
ids. iuv euienauoment ot tne tveuing
was begun by a piece of instrumental
music rendered by Mr. Lee Powers, fol
lowed by a male quartet consisting of
Messrs. Brjant, Mcknight, Johnson and
Becker. A charming duet waa sang bv
the Misses Becker aa-1 Edna Lear. Mies
Lillie McOhee pleased the andience by a
recitation which was followed by a banjo
duet, skillfully executed by Messrs. John
Ch'dswell aod Lee Powers. Master Roy
Worley was heard in a recitation. This
highly pleasing program was closed by
the male qoartet- The quartet was high
ly complimented. Alter the program
refreshments were served, after which
the evening was speedily passed away.
At late boor the large crowd reluc
tantly broke away from these pleasures
and departed. Ve hope sacu socials
will occur more often.
The members of the M. E. church and
some of their friends, iociodmg the Man
about Town, spent last evening with
America s most versatile author Oliver
Wendal Holmes, coet. nroew writer-
physician, ptofesaor. scientist, philoso
pher, wit, in the pariors of the church.
It was the first of a series of monthly
meetings with imminent authors, and
the success of the present one speaks lor
the future gatherings. Miss. Winnie
Chamberlin read a paper on the poet
ical siae ot tne author's hie and Mr.
A vers on the prose ride, both talented
eSorts. Mr. Lather Elaine read a well
compiled synopsis of the events cf the
past monlfita entertaining leal u re. Mr.
Holmes com posed two hymns. The an
Jience sang one and Miss Heaser m a
pleasing vota the other. Then were
readings front the author bv Mr. and M r.
Collins Eikins. Mr. F. E Allen. Mi
Hela Gilbert and Mr. Newport and Uiaa
Eva. Simpson recited in a detiehtinl
manner bis "Aunt Tabitha." Cbe "lit
erary" was presided over with ntre grace
L. , r . ttp- n
"j jura. lis-.
Iancsss Ratxrau. The otai rainfall
so tar this month is 14 inches, while the
average for November is only 4.7 inches).
This will bring the avt rsge for the year
u !!) r man nnai. ine aoovet ta me
recrrd as Lent hr air. John Rrimra fnr Kis
own private edidcaiion . Though be has
resi-med at government observer be will
continue to keep the rsinfa'l record.
So Him Men W. t utott.-The "oldest
inh ibitact," last Tuesday was quite con
fident that three inches of snw nver
fell here in the Willamette valley belore
at such an early date. Of course the
Guaid reporter recorded the fact. Today
we were told bv at leat two pames that
on Noverater 17. 1872. just exacllv 24
vejirs prior to last Tuesday that live
inches of snow fell right here in Eugene.
We hnnted nn our newspaiier hies and
fonnd this to he correct. e also found
this item in the issue of Nv. 23, 1872
Durb a the past week we have been re
galed with regular winter weather, some
of the nights ire forming in thickness
fromfoneto two inche V t-ugene uunrd.
The Dkmox hat of Nov. irj, never men-
tione I it. but said : "Nights cold and
bed fellows In demsmt, ana noted the
fact that iilteen inches of snow, fell at
The Pall, h and 4 or 5 feet in some places
in baste, n Uregon.
A lot of wnol sold in ha Gnindo Wed.
natdiiy for b4 to 8 ten's. That U not
i noogh o.' a jump lo excite sHention.
The Isil'us of ti-e First Prrvbvt&dan
Churcb nrn pieuaring lo give sn enter
tainment tit the opiTu house, the SLHond
week in December.
TLe team of O. Os'eT. uecanio Mgbt
ened at the motor this sfornooii and ran
away, eat on Firs. S'reet. They were
stippetl after a good rui with no damage.
Kvbry biminfss man kbould roe tbat his
name is in the local paper continuously if
only in n line space. Thnt is one way to
help restore conliJoite. Betides it is business.
A Eltctkical Bcbs. Alout 8 o'clock
last night a coil in the armature of the
large incandescent dynamoct the Eugene
Electric Light Company burned out,
causing a stoppage of that machine.
Several business houses and private res
idences were left without light. The
company at once took tlio machine to
pieces and are repairing it today. The
scci'lent is known as an electrical burn.
No kno-sn cause can Iks ascribed for an
armature burn, the insulation on
about 800 feet of wire becomes charred
and allows the naked wires to touch each
Other and renders the machine useless
until tho wire is removed snd new wire
sgain wound on. Eugene Guard.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. zee.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World' Fff 'r Highest Award.
Toe Wi'lametle istomUir?.
FirM some trow then some rain.
A pleasant literary svenira-at Ibe if. E.
cborcb tcaigh
A Eoreo dronir ist diclas Efieea rro-
prirUrj medicines of bis own make.
flir t-ibm farmer tost seventeen head
of rstile and a number ot sbp by the re
ce4t flood.
lie beiera TSC A rinj to way a
rame of ndoor base ball with the Albaey
1 31 U A.
The 5c'o Prs is very pointed oa the
recent sppointmeot of Warm Spring
The S. P. trains continue to run irrego-
lafiv. tner arrive wbeo they arrive
The Oregon City washout is what does it
Co! fa-re Grove now bat no newspaper,
The Moderator, published by H. W, Ross,
ia suspended publication because ot tn
sufficient support.
The court boass st Albsrv it in need sf
repairs and additions. This is a gsod tirne
to nave tne matter attended to. Jlatenal
nJ labor are cheap. Lebacon tx press.
f old an extremely low price on a side-
ocmra inaore yon to vuy oner cee too ur
ban? r u'nitnie Vo. the day before 1 nsnks-
stving. tbat dale beioif their special side
board day.
TheOher company will be in Alhxnv
week after next. The Orerosj City Press
says the company is much above tho aver-
ai-e and well worthy the people s . patron
Ivst night a burglar attempted to enter
thr leMdfnce of 1. R. Bomm. but a lady
friend wb j wss visiting thre beard' him
aod screamed so loud the man skipped at
lightning speed.
Over 6000 bushels of wheat were sold st
Jn'ctioi City yesterday to millers for 75
cents pfr bnabel, net. For etntrt it is
wort1) only T", net, but tbe miners nave
ratted tbe price.
It istjid thst thee wss a numbr of ir
regularities at both poling pl.ioes in Scio
on elecl''nu day. One arrest ha been made
lot wo are unable at this date to give any
of the i3ipoed facts in she Scio
At two o'clock on Wednesday. November
4, the wle of the Ne York Jouroal for
tbat niornirg had reached 9.'i8.Pf), snd of
the Gertran eddion 8:1603. 'this ia the
highest w.t!ern!rk ever reached by a New
York ds'tlv. Printers Ink.
Tbe average sa'ary ed ttw'e sebco!
teaohers in Ureiou the present is
M43.13 p'T month. The av raire last year
wss S4H.44. Ibe aveiigo tor lai'y teach
er is $S7.42- The value of ooom proper-
tv in the ktate Is 2.9Sil.3IJ.17 The num-
i . ... i o .j .
uer or teacuers is .M'li.snu i"e
number of pupils torolled Sl,2"2, which is
a gi over last j ear of over 3.000.
College Notes.
Since ocr last communication one new
student baa been enrolled, Mr. Hans P.
Hansen. Mr Hansen is a candidate for
the ministry of the Presbyterian cbnrch.
Musses O.lie Baltimore, and Maud De-
yoe of Elk City, were welcome visitors at
tne couege r noay.
The first Wet are of the collesre tectare
course will besin on Wednesday evening
oy it. i. u. t mver, snDject: "I be Le
vekrpment Theory of Creation." This
lecture should be attended by everyone.
Besides tbe lecture there will be several
musical selections. Season tickets (for
ten lectures) are now for sale at the re
markably low once ofl. All dlixena
and friends should be on the lookout for
students having tickets for sale. Single
admissions may be obtained for 15 cents.
The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C.A. are
planning for a joint Thanksgiving meet
ing for Wednesday, Not. Si at 11 a. ta.
Rev Manabardt of the Evangelical
church is expected to speak. Friends of
ue course are invited to be present.
Tbe college social Friday night was a
bowl'ng success and was one of tbe most
enjoyable times spent at college. The
program, refreshment, "anli-Oaaker and
decoration committees) deserve mock
praise for their work. The following
program was rendered: Muic. colleen
band ; violin solo with mandolin accom
paniment by Missee Neva and Lois.
Palmer; instrumental solo. Miss Mary
Stewart; acclamation, miss Mamie Al
len: song. 'Three Little Maids from
tbool," Misses Page, Allen and Skeels;
mandolin solo, Mr. David Ootiieb; cornel
soio, air. unas jucuuiioogn.
nt wsreusnie treta laio iota ot
trouble. Here is another: "O. Gale. O.
Joe, come, cornel U, but I was frighten
ed. 1 didn't know what to aav." Of
course she didn't. One could tell where
her thoughts were.
) How would yuor dining room ioow with
a 6oe oak sideboard in tt. Specia. side
b.srd dsy with the Albany Fomitnre Co .
Nov. 25th, or next Wednesday. 1
It Is nobody's fool who bays someUuns?
to eat wbea lie is hungry. When yon are
bocerj and wa'.t aometbing Bice in the
meat .irs just step into BLaigfat Bros., who
kn -w bow to please yo.
Tbe Hughes Brothers, who farm about
seven miles sooth of CorvsJlis, sold their
hU Thursday to H. P. Fischer, pro
poetor of tbe CorraJIis Floor Mills. The
price that Mr. Ptscher gave fnr the wheat
waa 75 cents per bashd. Corrsllia Ga-
We sUnd corrected. Tbe Brownsville
Times correctly says: Tbe Albsd Demo
aat is wrong ia sutiog thai tbe open Cbi-
we pneatan; season enoea -November la
The open setwon for killing pbswaant for
the market Uosed theUth. bat tbe open
lor kiliing pbeaeaat for one's own
rue will not do-e until December 1st.
Ring phone 9, for Smiley tne printer
Sweet pickles snd olives in balk at C E
Spectacles and ere tr'-as-e. all crices at
Do too wiut a watch chain? French
has some bargains.
Cboicrvt butter in the ctr SO call cer
ron at t . t onea a.
A Bne line of Cooks Ranees and Heat
ers at The biewart A Sox Hardware Co. 'a.
Those tiMMGt and weddins: riaec at
Freacn's are beaaties, eaca one folly enar-
The Ira print fob offiot leads ia styles
and pnees. Complete late u pruuers
statiooery oa haod.
Election is over tot not the demand for
goodineat. This is the season when U I
neded rarticn ariv. Haight Bros, sue
baa4y and keep a Sue supply. Step ia.
For choice meat of ail kind, call on the
veteran botcher, Wra. EnMrica-. in t.e
Blamberg block, i oa will be well treat
Remember we ptioled tbe official ballots
at about owe-tunta of the former price.
Why not let ns do tout job srurk and cave
yon moaey. lmnnt job omce.
Feawers evening commercial school ia
Brigga building over Ctawtord and H sm
ith's pbotocraph gallery. Penmanship.
bookkeeping, arithmetic etc. Opea even
ings, r or terms call at school room, rsat-
ufacttoa goranteed.
3 Pages a Wett 15$ Papen a Tear.
Is larger than any weekly or aemi-
weekly paper published and is the only
m porta ni aemocratic "weekly" pnb
ished in New Yo.-k City. Three time
as large as the lead ing republican week
ly ot aew tors. uty. it wiilbe of
ectai advantage to yon daring th
residential Campaign, as it is pnb
bed every other day, except Sundar.
ai baa all tbe freshness and timeliness)
a daily. It combines all the news
ith a long Usl of interesting depart
ents, nniqne features, cartoons and
apbic iUustrations. the latter be-Inr
All these improvements bare been
nade without any increase in the cost
which remains at one dol'ar per year
We offer this or. equaled sewspaper
and the Wstsxt Dkmoout together one
year for $2.00. Satifactory terms with
Albany Collesre
Teachers for the school rear 1S98-I3S7
Zimri M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director.
AsFUUnttsscers-Margnerite Aldereon,
B. M and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe,
Tboroogh and svstematk: instruction '
riven in ail the important branches of
music Best conservatory rooms and
latgeet musical library and facilities for
mntieal work. Largest nni&ber of con
servatory students enrolled of any marie
school in tbe state. Terms low. Send
for circular and catalogue, to
i aXLACZ Howx Lex. A. M.
Albany, Oregon.
How to Secure an Encyclopedia
Dictionary at a Nominal Price.
Tbe Pacific Coast Newspaper Syndi
cate has sttch cnboonded faith ia the
merits of tbe New Encyclopedia Dic
tionary tbat it baa adopted aa original.
uaenu ana wooiit ontque nian to ia
trod ace the work. -
Tho Syndicate believes, and with
much reason, that a limited number of
sets of tho dictionary scattered among
cultured homes will create widespread
comment, because of tho auperkxityeof
tho book w ben compared wtta outers
that have up to now been considered
The subscription nru ot tbe work is
112, bat the syndicate now offers aa ia
, rod uc lory twenty seta in Albany for $1
cash and $1.25 per month lor a year, bat
Dromnc acttra ia wcuuii ta om u
take advantage ot the opportunity, for
these twenty sets are snre to be allotted
within a very few days.
In order to taxe navantaneoi tne oner
send vonr name and address at once to
the Pacific Coast Newspaper Syndicate,
care of Tax Dimockat and yon will be
supplied with sample pagea tor exami
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific States inventors
this week. Reported by C. A. Snow 6c
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. U. B. Patent office, Wasfi
ugton, D.C.
M A Baker, Los Angeles, coilapsible
and aejustable mold pattern jL De Rome,
San Francisco, bicycle; FLGuillemet,
San Francisco, air brake; J J fiolioway.
Las Angeles, unremitting rotary car
fender; G B Littlefield, San Franeisco,
stove Bd; E L Maxwell, Los Angeles,
guard or screen for urinals; H S McCor
mick, Oakland, Cal, register for folding
mattresses: A T Snell. Santa Rsrrr
Cal, safety pin.
Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Boarding School for Girls.
Thoroajrh inetraetion Whoksosce
iiet Homelike treatment. Coorfuer-
ing hard times, favorable reductions are
made for boarders and day scholars.
Studies wQl be resumed Sept. 1st. For
trrtber particulars eaB at the Aeadem
or write to Sitter Superior.
Taacler of Rsno SOrpii
(Mason System of Technic)
Careful Inetrcction cf OtZdren a Spec
iaifv. Terms moderate.
Washington St. soalh of U. P. chcrch.
HOrSEMOYrSG.CareraHy. pronsp'ly
It. at the krwest twice. Call oa or
address G W Taylor ,4th and VaJison S
"TOTU-'E. Cedar posts and shakes for
sale. For narttraSars address.
Was I coo, t-etroK w.
Tin rooEng and phimlasg.
he opera hoasa
VV ) iVi lL ther ! Is it not bet
ter to bar roar Bread, Pies, Roils, Cakes,
tc at a reliable store where they ose
only the Best material why of coarse it
ks yoa doot want dyspepsia and you' 1
A 2a. aV uS.u sstaaw-s wests I rv.T sraaW
tore. U.S. BAKERY
Be Ellsworth and Lyon "nd bt.
C D. Yaxdtkx. Proowta
AT THE MLNES. Boarding, todgisg
and meals may be secured of tbe sub
scriber at the SaBttam mines, at his place
at the month of Dry Gulch.
U. W. Whiti.
StimMtxTAU The McMinnville La
dies' Republican clnb have sent a fine
collection ol Oregon rosea lo Major Me
Kioley. Tbat flowers were imbedded in
Orecon moss and and protected bv a tin
uoa. time rum wrrs uioooiiog ta vrw
Kn doorvanls on tbe 7Ui of November,
ist week. J. M. Stark, of this city, sent
a nne bis potato and several little ones
to the president-elect, Independence
Lokiat rhls.
I have 48 lots with fair boose. All
kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to
college and city public school, to trade
tor reside-we in Atoany. moi saw up.
Good make money or for specu
lation, ta. w.nasion.
Xotice ta hereby shew that f-.-ads are
oa hand to pay oubsisndintr warrants of
tbe issae of i396, bom No. S43 to 401, ia
clasive. interest on S"ch warrants will
ceae with the date of tfci wesuce.
APiany, Or Nov. 3. Iiat-
E. A. Paxkxx, Cit Tress
Tits Piosgea Qt'ARKy. About CO men
are now employed at Pioneer stone qunr
ry in Lincoln cotinty. The company is
opening up tbe new ledge on the south
... ..... , , i . ,
sine i.i tne canyon, nm oickui cuanneier
teing moved over to that side last week.
The old ledge is still being worked by a
large lorce ni men. mime irotn tne south
lodge will be quarried soon. Toe stone
on this side lies in four ledges, the first
being two feet thick, the second five feet.
the third four feet, and the fourth five
feet. Thiscompany is now working on a
San Francisco con tract, which will require
several months to fill. It is also work
ing upon a smalt contract of about 2500
oubic feet for a government light house
on iue voiumuia.
A crowd o' nieu was tskiog in the
words of wledotn which fell from the lips
of an oracle standing at the corner of a
certain street.
"I believe in a high protective tariti I"
yelled the oracle.
A man accosieu mm.
"You believe in the protection of
American industries?"
'I certainly do, sir."
"Well, do von believe fn it indepen
dently or with Enaland'a consentT"
The man retired. Tribune.
If you want a Rood and cleon
smoke buy cigars made by our Al
bany wlgur lactorv.
Ast Accomodating Pkrr. Jo; Burton
brought in from Burton creek in Linn
county a handsome buck late last week
which dressed 140 pounds. He reports
deor running thick in the foot hills.
This fellow came trotting down the trail
and refused to stop when Burton hailed
him, receiving two shots at close range
and falling within reach of his Winches
ter. Tbe specimen will be mounted
whole bv Taxidermist J. P. Davie and
given room in his place of busineas.-
otaywn luaii.
Trb FtNAt DivioKND. A final divi
dend of 10 ( per cent, 40' in all, baa been '
declares ior the creditors of Job's bank at
Corrailis. Iu tbe first report the liahid-
ties were given a $224;? 13.17. avaets $2',-
4IA AO A 4 .... 1 1 I : - 1
m-WfK IVH.I eUJlUttliy r?iU.ateA
!ia",$I5,5d. Job Bro. Ix:t 9lo pe cai
.11.; i;
oi uemjr rtneveu or iiauuity.
Married, at the Revere House, in Al
bany, on Wednesday. Nov. 18. 1SI,
bv Judire Barton, Mr. Austin A I ford and
Miss Ella Davis, both of llarrisbur, Linn
Saii.ino NoTtoa. Steamer Farallon is
due to sail trotn Yaqnina for Sun Fianciaco
tVedneadav Nov. 5th. Pasaengers should
leave Albany at noon on 24th to connect.
paign book, "Rrras, Sewall and
Free Silver." anthorisei bv Bryan,
written by R- L. Metca Editor Omaha
Wcsrld-UeraJd. appointed anthor by Bryan.
Or stains speeches and platform. A bonaox
for agents, a free silver mine for workers.
Only 10. The only authorised book. 50
per cent, uredtt given, xnogn pu.
(satSt free. Begta now with choice of
territory. Permanent, prohtb9 wcrs tor
96 . AiWress ine national oooa vonceta,
tar Building, Chicago.
an ot Uh worth Street. Famit
wa hir st taken . Particular attention pni
to bundle washing and mending. Satis
faction ssianteed. alits CHRisrsxa
Kheumatism Is a Foe which gives
no quarter. It torments its victims day
and night. Hood's Saraaparilla purifies
tie blood and cures the achea aud pains of
Hood's Pill are the best family
catbartio and liver medicines. Gentle,
reliable, sure.
A Rater! ateaatiaer
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood
snd gives s clear sd beautiful complextns
For la's by rouay and Mason.
Dr. Pr lea's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair highest Award.
Both the method and remits -when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the tste, and acts
E?ntlr jet promptly on tho Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not aoceptany
, substitute.
ass AMscttco, est,
touisrut. at. r ir rosx r.
LADIES. I make big wages at hone, and
want all to have the same opportunity.
The work is very pleasant and will ily
pay $13 weekly. This is bo deception
Iwant no money and will g'adly send fell
paLTttcalars to all sending stamp. Miss M.
k Stebbins, Ltwrence, Mich.
W st. M t i . i i eonsTi
sasSr saS vo intsst sio oa crwtu
...... - - sms. seinss.
rm m
woria to cask
The motot on tbe Allny trcet rail
way will connect p-omptly with ail trains
to and from the depot, day night.
Special t ips will I n ade al special
a. e. t- F Cosx. Couductor,
Ths cicu:t court of theiUteof Oegon
for L'na county, has orde'ed that all per
son having claims for labcr against the
Albany Woolen Mills Co. file the same
with the clerk of said court, with ihe nec
essary proof thereof, within thirty davs
from the date hereof and that objections
to such claims if any, be filed in said court
within fen days alter Ue expiration of
said 30 days.
Dated Nov. 19 1S06. LFuss.
Receive t