Washington Letter. Prom our rejjular Oorrwpondnt. Washington, Not. 9th, 1896. ' It will be noticed that the shrewdest democrat are not attempting to explain Bryan's defeat. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof-" McKinley was elected because he got the mot votes, and no good can come of labored expla nations aa to why and how . This is a good time for democrats to follow the example of Uncle Remus' lox and lay low and cartfully watch the other fel lows .. Although McKinle) baa won, his supporters are far , from being united upon a single one of the questions must wheh be legislated upon, and whether he can secure such legislation as he desires from the next Congress is a question yet to be answered. Tbe con trol of the Senate is still in doubt, and notwithstanding tbe republican major ity in toe house, Speaker Keed'a per-' soual ambition may be counted upon to prevent inn oooy oeiog entirety at me beck and call of McKinley. ". There is nothing in the situation which calls tor any new expression of opinion on the part of the democratic party. Tbe party is thoroughly alive, as it has been from-the day of its birth and will continue to be as long as free and un trammeled opinion is allowed to exist in it is country, but in-as-muck aa it has . uat failed to elect either the president or a mojority of the bouse, it is not called upon to outline a policy. That is for McKinley and the republicans to do When they shall have done so will be time enough for the democratic party to decide what it will do. Meanwhile dem ocrats should join with their republican neighbors in setting as much benefit as possible out of the boom which the cap italista are pushing, and which it u hoped ill be aa permanent aa it Las been sudden. All of ns are in a posi tion to welcome prosperity, no matter from what source it may come, and he who refuses to do so because hia ideas have failed of indorsement at the polls stands in the position of the man who bit his nose off to spite bis face. N Senator Butler, chairman ot the pop -ul'st national committee, bas not im proved hia popularity with democrats by the language be makee use of in an addrees to the people, on the campaign. He starts out by asserting that "the people's party ia the only party that supported solidly and unitedly the great and vital issues represented in the can didacy of Mr Bryan." While technical ly tru, this is calculated to mislead . Be cloaea by making a prophecy, tbat the people's party will be the nucleus around which tbe patriotic hosts xauet and will gather to redeem a betrayed re public and to restore prosperity to an oppressed and outraged people. ' With out posing as a rival of Senator Butler in the prophetic field, I will venture to ear that hia prophecy will1 read very queer in the summer of 1900 when the . democratic party , nominate ita next presidential candidate. Senator Butler means well for himself but ia bis seal a ihia n.rnnnT eanif al nn t nf demo cratic defeat he baa overdone the thing and done himself more barm than good. ' Bryan's defeat i nothing for him to 26,00 votes divided among nine states, and varying from 101 votes ia the loweet to 11.000 in the highest, would have given the electoral votes of 9 additional states, a total of 60 to Bryan, and would have elected him with, three votes to spared -When some over jubilant Mo ITinlAvita ffafa (aa chnnt lha etlaoMl overwhelming nature of the McKinley landslide, jaat call his attention to these acta. How They Were Fooled. We clip the following from the col umui of the Oregonian of tbe 12lh lust. quoted by it with' approval from tbe New xork Evening Pear. It is a hard lick on such as Senator Mitchell and thoeelike him who held out the delu sive hope of 'International Eimetalum.'' The Oregonian will not cease its agita tion of the question-ani here js the ar- - tide in full : ' "A conversation of anr reporter with Mr Hanna yesterday, which ia. confirmed by the report of the Sun, makes him say tbat 'the farmers and laborers in the Western cities' were won over by ex plaining to them that we stood 00 tbe ; St Louis platform, which advocates bi metansm under an international agree ment, and tbat we are not gold mono metalista.' Now the StLouu platform waa diaan btfore the Bryan platform and it is a safe aseumptioa that if itbadf been drawn after the Bryan platform, this passage - would either have been omitted or materially altered. Nothing bas done more to bring us to our present pass than tbe persistant maintenance of tbe belief that there is eoing to be an in ternational conference at which Europe an nations -will agree with us to estab lish and maintain a double standard. There is not the smallest reason to ex. pect any such , thing. ; Fancy such an agreement with Spain, Italy, Turkey f Bossia, Greece, amI Austria! - Even it it were entered into, it would be useless unless it included every country in the wot Id with which these nation badeom--mercial relations or communication! But there ia not the emalleat likelihood tbat any country would enter into it which was not in financial diflSunki'. More over, if f in:h an agreement were entered into. ih-T tii no probability that it would be oberv-l wl.en there would be large profit in breaking it. The last and fine o'ljectiou ia tbat telling people any com muJity can ttekpt above it jiarWet val ue by treaty is Biyanjam pnre and sim ple, and naturally leads farmers and laborers 10 aak why it cannot be kept above par also by : statute. Finally it would be the begiuning of unnumbered woes tor mankind if civilized govern ments undertook to substitute artificial treaty money for gold and silver at theif bullion value. We could not be sure that any popular government would stick to such an absurdity. The people would speedily break away from it, and where ehcu d we be then? Consequent ly it thirt 'international agreement' talk be fcrpt np, and tue public is kept in expectation of eeiiig 'England brought to her knees,' we ebah have no sound .financial legislation this winter.. ' We shall have only inoe compromises and uiakeetiiics The only wy out ot thia uiudJle, aud tj-.e only way to prevent a reappearauce 01 Bryaniein four years hence, is to stop sucn talk, to Day we are a muuouieUilic nation with aguid stand . ard, and do nt care who knows it, and that we onlyjose silver foi ciiiall tliatite." H.jod's Pjll act easily and rpromptly on the liver and bowels. : Cure s:ck head ache. You Can Di Well when your blood ii rich, pure aud noumbiny-. Hool's Kaj-sapiril!a i takes tbe blood ricu en I pure ad cures all blood dueafees, rtsloring' health and vigor. Now who will take the credit for the rise in the Willamette. t y Tbe forgivln, xenial character of Mr Bryan le well illustrated it hia v letter thanking tbe associated preset ' .- A good deal of damage has been done by the rains, but it ia an ill wind that b'ows no good, and a large number of men will be given " employment on "ac count ot the work that will be required to repair the damage. r Let a duty of 6 cents be levied on prunes by the new tariff law, and there will not be enough laborers in Oregon next faH, and all the aucmeding falls, to take care of the fruit, grain and hop crops without working over "time Statesman. What foolishness to talk that way. It will be a matter of supply and demand, and the Statesman knows it. The first thing the McKinley adminis tration will do will be to provide suffi cient revenue to run the government with, without issuing bonds. Newport News. What the McKinley government ought to do to help prosperity would be to reduce the expenses, quit the present extravagance.- The revenue is sufficient and-every intelligent man knows it. Now that the World helped to defeat the democrats it is coming to our aid and gives tbe following advice: The de feated presidential candidate and the democrats who have voted for him will act wisely in cultivating for a while the twin virtues of silence and patience. Wait for the republican blunders and mistakes. They are sure to come! Are not 600 speeches in four months enough for one man T Have we not bad enough of appeals and proclamations, addressee, outcries, boasta and buncombe T There are other elections coming next year, and still more in 1S9S. Give the country a rest I ' The World bas begun on - tbe trust business in a manner to indicate ttiat with it that win be the future fac tor issue It says: "During the last week there has been aa advance of 24' per cant ia the stock ot the Cot tonseed Oil Trust, of ty in tbat of the Sugar Trust, of 55 for tbe Tobacco and Cigarette Trust, S for the Illinois Steel Trust, S for the National Linseed Oil frost and $H tot the General Electrx syndicate This is interpreted to mean that these monopolies undoub'edly the most extensive of modern times are ia no danger from the law which makee their existence criminal and their opera tions a penitentiary offence Ia thia really so? Are laws passed for tbe pro tection of f ir trade to be permanently nullified in the interests of monopoly? What doss Mr. McKinley think about it? ' ; The New York World fiura it out thia way : "It ia a remarkable and inter esting fact, and one full of encourage ment for democrats if they will but beed its lessons, tbat the presidency ba al ternated between tbe two parties with uninterrupted regularity for the past wentr-four years. Neither party baa kept the Presidency for two succeseira terms. In 1876 Tildeu was elected by the democrats, thouxb r.e waa counted out. In 138) Garfield waa elected orer Hancock by a majority of 59 in the Elec toral College. Ia 1S81 Cleveland defeat ed Blaine by 37 majority, la ISS3 Har rison defeated Cleveland by 65. Ia 1S92 Cleveland again prevailed over Harrison and Wearer of 110- And this year Mc Kinley wins over Bryan by a majority of about HQ. Tbe awing of the pendu lum baa thus been regular, , back and forth, every four years. It will be tbe democratic turn again in 1900- They can win then if they are not political lunatics. The following from tile Age of Stee published before election now that elec tion is orer will be read with interest. It is spier at least : Bryan may be elected in November (but probahlr be will not.) But if be is: """-. The world will not stop in its move ment. It will continue to go round and round, like the w nee la in- some street orator's bead, only In a more regular and orderly manner. ' Tbe aun wi.l continue to rise and eet; tbe moon, too, will t bed ita radiance and and tbe stars will illuminate as their wont. ' ' ' ' "; Water will continue to run down' " bil and tre-4 to grow Bp hill. .. -, People, also, will continue to breathe and to eat, and drink and to wear elothee.";.. V:'.f '": . Tbe corn and the wheat, tbe potatoes and the tomatoes, and several other things, will continue to grow. There will even be marrying aud tbe giving in marriage, and occasionally a baby will be born. , j 5 In a word, there will be things to at tend to just tbe same as there are now, and somebody w 11 have to attend to them. -..V ".. V - - ' ...' ! Let' proceed to business and not make fools of ourselvei. Some people are saying now tbat they will refuse to play any more if things don't go to suit them ' in November. If they etick to their threats they will be surprised to find : how many other people there will be to do the playing that is necessary. . Not Jltrch of a Land Slide. Ia Senator 3ut!er's address, as chair man of tbe populist national committee, iesoed recently, be make tbe assertion that if 25 003 more silver repobltcant had voted for Bryan in certain etates. the Nebraska statesman - would have been elected president. . - 19 view of the talk about land slides. this assertion was considered rasu, but it fa rery nearly correct. Let us see IjOok bi. nits laoio, snowing now a change cf little mire than 25,000 votes distributed over mae states, would have elected Bryan : . Electoral ' . f ; State. ' Votes. ! Majorities. California 9 5 000 Delaware 3 2,500 Indiana ...15 ' 22,000 Hentockr 13 500 North Dakota 3 5 000 Oregon 4. 3,0U) South Dakota 4 330 West Virginia .... 0 J-.'.imh Wyoming 3 .200 Total electoral.. GO .... Total McKinley .. W61O No suppose there had been these Changes from McKinley to Bryao : Cali fornia, 2,510; Dataware, 1,255 ; Indiana, 11,100; Keutuoky, 2-il, North Dakota, 10; Oregon, 15'J5; Koutb Dakota, 151; West Virginia, 6,010 ; Wyoming. 101 a total of 25.333. These change would have given every 'one of tbe nine states to Bryan. Tribune. ' For Prscrlptitina, Da wo , Dawson wants your school trade pr. Price", cream zjutmf Yvwdfi Turkey has now days of life ' i begun the declining Mr.Uannabaa began the campaign for 1900. He Is a boss that is a boss. ! Mr Hanna baa been misquoted. He never declined an office under McKinley. Bryan reduced the republican majority in hia county 2000. That was not tad wasiit Portland' total vote waa 16,127 Seattle aud lacouia together cast 15,840, or 237 leea. J At the last election many a voter got an X for making an X. Jacksonville (Fla.) limes. - European capitalists are willing to taka America's gold bonds now. They are getting ue by the throat. MtKinley's plurality has gradually dwindled to about 700,000 and tbat in a very few states, three states alone giving him that much . ' : A great many men who voted for Mr McKinley on account ol the money ques tion do not favor McKinley ism. Tbe future will demonstrate this fact. Queen Victoria baa been Queen of Great Britain during the administrations of Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lin coln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harilaon and Cleveland. There are now in the Argentine Re public about ten million cattle, and the remarks ole thtug about them is tbat they are all descendants of eight cows and one bull which were brought to Brazil in the middle of -tie sixteenth century. Tke'following were some of the educa tional, inspiring banners of the ratifica tion in Salem: "16 to 1 that Holer is dead." "The Iowa Ass could not carry Oregon." "One pair beat three of a kind" "Poor Tom Weleoo." "What's the Matter With Hanna." "The three (Dial traces. The devil, Bark er and Hofer." "Forsive me. bova. I waa mis led again Rigdon." "So more Hoke I 0 1 Smith tor the Veterans." "Ve are the People.' "The Beet Dollar is Good Enough for TJ." '-Great Seoul 1,000 000 majority." "Uive Us Open Mills, More Smoke and Lea Viind." "Who will care for poor Uofr now." Oregon outside of Portland nave Bryan over 3500 plurality. The men who voted for Bryan are aa a claas bard working industrious citizens, tbe producing class, and tbey should reeent such contempti ble language as the following from tbe Oregonian ot Nor. 14: "The rote for Bryan waa mustered by scraping togeth er all the element of dishonesty and dis content in the country, by allying repu diation with anarchy, social revolution with political insurrection, riot and arson with stealing and cheating, and binding them all together with tbe ce ment of political demagogy. It cannot spare a sicgle element without irrepara ble Iocs, since it contains all tbe un worthy elements now, and can hope lo gain none of tbe better." Football will soon surpass prize figbt- iog for excitement. Tbe following from Pittsburg ia a demonstration of tbe fact : Tbe all star aggregation of football play era eompoeed ot HefSefinger, Brooke, Lea, Donnelly, Trenchard and others won the ailrer cup, emblematic of tbe Western Pennsylvania cbairpioohip. lor their employers, the Allegheny Ath letie Association, today by a score of 18 toO, defeating the Pittsburg Athletic Club, but not until tbe police were called on tbe field to quell one of the most bit ter and disgraceful riots erer seen in Pittsburg. The All-Stars started in wita t. T) . ." Tl 11- .. Jl . ( cH t , - - Princeton plarer. was put In at left guard against Bovard. Oa the first mixup Donnelly and Bovard got into a fight. Bovard coming out of it with a badly bruised face, and in the next mix up they got into an awful struggle. Don nelly was knocked dawn cleanly, and while be lay Bovard kicked hita twice. Ibe whole team of Stars then piled on Bovard, wbo waa badly beaten. Tbe police rushed on tbe field and arrested Borard. Near tbe close of the second half, Donnelly broke through the line and, in fnll view of 3,0(0 spectators, struck Stuart full in tbe face, knocking him almost senseless and sending two teeth down hia throat. After The Battle. ; When the news of Mckinley' election waa r.-ceived by William i. Bryan, tbe defeated candidate, at bis h"me in Lincoln, Nebraska, ore of tbe news paper correspondents present stood up and took Mr. Bryan by tbe hand, saying r "I think it ia better so, Mr. Bryan; it must be a g eat relief to you." His keen hazel eyes flashed, writes Jamea Creelman to the Work, tbe atrong face broke into a smile." "Yes,' said Mr. Bryan slowly, "I regard it in some respects as fortunate that I was not elected, considering the fact tbat for four years I would have been confronted by a gold congress. No free silver bill would bare been passed. My bands would hare be tied.'' . Then husband aud wife sat -doa u at the little desk whore for so many years they bare -workd out - iht-ir plan-!. Their faces were very dote together. At. Byan bgau to write a aieseaga to Mr.' McKinlev .' Ho wiote in a loU clear band without the slightest hesita tion, and whi'e hi pen (elidl over ,be paper Mrs. Bryan looe at the word and nodded her bead approvingly. ' ; It waa a touching - sight. - The walls were crowded with the pictures of dead statesman. . On a pile of hool's gleamed the white death mailt of Abraham Lin coln, aod lying besida it were the sculp tured hand of the great emancipator. The silence was ao absolute that the tickiog of the clock could be heard. It wa 8:43. Mr. Bryao's father sat in bis eay ci.a'r, his eigbtless countenance turned toward the Ijithr, his head thrown back (n a listening attitude. It wan the end of a great rerolution. Mr. Biyau re-wrote the message. ; The be stood op read it , ' t How strong and brave and manly he looked., His damp hair was thrown back from his nobte forehead, aud the muscles of his thro it swelled out like the sinewa of a gladiator. There waa no fear, 00 regret in those eyes. Inere was no trembling in tbe big atrong hands, tie looked like a leader at tbat moment. "Will thi defeat hurt the causa of bimetallism 1" said a correspondent. A audden seme of power lightened up Mr. Bryan's face. "The fight bas just begun," be answered, clinching his fist and bringing it down soitly on hia desk, the fight baa just begun. Tbat I all I have to say" MISFI13. Gov. Lord Iibs been mentioned for a place in McKinley 's cabinet. It Is some, thing mentioned. An eastern man paid bet by eating sandwiich made of shaving eonp. and another one painted a ton of coal white. A democratic Utah woman, Mrs. Can non, defeated her republican husband tor st-te senator by 4,000 rotes. Hur rah for Scnatoreos Cannon. The Welcome, a McKinlev paver.savs "The malicious teaching that ail sup porters of Bryan are anarchists bas borne fruit In a cold-blooded murder, in Coos county. Tbe unprincipleJ partisan newspapeia are responsible for this hor- riKln rnmo ' The New York World which eunnorted McKinley so eoergeticallv ia aireadv turning asainst him. A prominent pic ture in the last Wor'd ia an enormous serpent labeled Trusts, with the head of Mark Uanaa upon it, encircling tbe cap itol. Harney county cast about two vote for Bryan to one for McKinlev. and 'Judge" Uaplee.wbocanvawed the conn ty and thonght he had converted every body, received the smallest number of votes of any of the McKinley electors. neicome. A silver republican writes aa fnllnwa from Brownsville : The Oregonian Telled for tariff aa loud aa it could squall.until after the election, then PO tariff chance at all. So after all young n mie Bryan a speeches weren't gas. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, who took an active part nn toe cam panes and is a strong bimetaiiat, ia reported aa having win mat ne waa in lavor 01 keenine nn the fight in the organizing of bimetallic leagnea throughout tbe la tee and never ceasing the neiit until silver is restored ae primary money, with full lgal tender (unctions, irce ana independent coinage. witoout tue aiu or consent ot any nation on cmnu . Homer Davenport, who did Mark Hanna up in alt kinds of shapes during tue iau) campaign, met nauna uet week luXew York. Mr. nanna aatd: "I know you quite well, Mr. Davenport, from your work. I admire your talent, and execution, but damn your conception." uaverj port said : "Of course, no broad minoea man locks upon a caricature as a MMnnal effiMM 10 wtticn Mr. Hanna replied : "Tba'.'e all right. Mr. ravn port; but you had better keep out ot tbe war ot mr wife that's all There teems to be a eontMi ia a tut ia entitled to tbe credit of (retting those eswternoveters out here. Tbe Oregonian says: "The planting ot eastern oysters at equina baa attracted attention in every part of the state, and if tbe cbeme Proves successful will be a great benefit. Tbe faculty of the oniveraitr of Oregon " rrceivwu ine creoit due ttieoi in this matter. Not onlr did ProfeMor Washburn devote hia vacation in tum. ining the bays along tbe coat testing tbe temperature and density of the water, etc , but the other members of the facul- tr contributed to pay bi expenses, so that the state waa not at any expense in uie matter." EVERYBODY Has to Buy CROCERIES. here to do it ia tbe question. Albany people bare learned from years ot exper ience uiai Parker Brothers van nrjroW upon. Tbey keep standard groceries, frwsh produce and tbe beet fruits. Their baked good re uie uesx maue and give satut taction juucu-prices are ngnu Buy your groceries of them. Buy your produce of tbem. Buy your fmiu of them. Boy your baked goods of tbem. They can't come up to oar high t ndard Mniley tbe printer All kinds of job printing at tbe Imprin job office. Choice peaches freah everr day at C E some handsome birthday gem at Will Stark, sheep. Uje for every month ia .1 ue rear. j- it our work and dock unt a rwreeot- w.joacngtijosr mane; back. Mui- ey toe printer. ne keep tbe only complete ttock of printer s stationary lu the county. Smi ey tbe printer. ur. u. w. Haton. pbyvioan aid sur geon, Albany Ur. CalUaaswered prompt' j u. u vi euoncry. il you are in need of a beatinir tor call and examine tbe Royal Jewel at The owwan 00 X Hardware Co.'s. Dn, H. E. and O. K. Beer office anr nsioence in tbe port office building. Spec- nncu w uianaae ot women. Ken this in mind If mr, tender meat, well cut, a jrood place to ge is at Height Bros, directly oppOM'e Tka a.. f ai n urir Kenewer pro motes the a-rowih of tha it naturafoolor and beauty, free the tcaip of dandruir, tetter, and ail im pun tie. to cbaace to 1 that you will be pleased if you get your meat of the Albacy Drew ed Beef Company, Cor. 2nd and Ellsworth treeU. F irt claaa meat of all kind at reaaonable price. You can pay more, bat you won't eet any better errie. You Can pay li. but tb?priuU.get ." eooa 8m Pnre Drugs, Fred Dawsnn'n. BORN. LUDwIG. On Wn... ! Nor. 18, Itw in Albany,' to Mr d .V. i -uuwig, a daughter. All doing well. A business hi ! not ih lntt f-lin-.t ... " v.( ... .III.'", ' Sl'-p work rv. 17 minute to Ut;ii.r with an Irritaliri; skin dieire, or lisckiim x'..Rh that InMst on brctirg into hia baigaiu ntitking. Neither will he wait to heat any lone-drawn-out tory of the caue of his ailment He doesn't care two atraws about a fine spun theory of bow he should treat himself. He may be prediMioaed to scrofula, or consump tion. ' Tbat' be will tell you "ha noth ing to do with tbe case." He wanta to be well. If he can be cured, write out a pre scription and send in your bill. So, here's the first part of the proposition. Pr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery 1 a medicine that permeate the whole body aa water goes through a eponsre. It U a mi crobe hunter and a microbe killer. It is a well-known fact that many persons of ncrof- ulou blood, encourage the breaking out of unsightly (ore, to prevent the disease f olng to the lung. There i no need of ivinr in this state of dread end diacomfort Purify the blood. It can be done. The "Golden Medical Discovery" will cure 98 per cent of all consnmptive cases, also of all other lingering, bronchial, throat and lunar disease. Don't allow a drugrtist to peranade you into taking oincthinr that he says is ' just as good." Maybe it's bet ter for him better for hi profits. Take the "Golden Medical Discovery " the ereatest discovery of the age. In addition, in erder to know you melt better, send to the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. V., t one-cent atamp to cover cost of mailing only, and get in re. turn, Dr. Pierce's Common Senae Medical Adviser. It 1 a book of 1008 pages, illus trated, and is full of common sense talk tbat any one Wbo can read will understand. And here la tbe testimony of Mr. R. E. Fit. pus, of Carry, Ohio, in rrgard to the "Golden Medical Diicbverv " i ' I had a traablesoma kin dlteane. I suffered much from turtle ton. I Nothing helped m natil I tried the 'Golden I Medical Diacowry. A year or two later I had ' tuug- trouble. Again Ui ' Uiaoovciy ' cund me," j TELEGRAPHIC. Hart HI Right New Yohk, Nov. 10. Senor Toinaa Es trada Puluia, tbe Cuban delegate, has re dived a letter from General Antonio Maeeo under date of November 7 : "You need have no uneasiness about me," says Maeeo in nil letter. "Even in the rase that Weyler could direst asainst us sucti an enormous army that I could not meet it in the field in open battle, aa i have done with success now, I will resort to guerilla warfare, and dividing my troop into small bodies of 50 men each 1 will give hard work to even 20,000 soldiers. While Weyler was preparing butrocbal was making mine also." II Depend Wabhinotok, Nov. 16. Tho Ciban situation is pregnant with possibilities. There is not a public man in Washington who does not realize tully tbe gravity of the situation. The president, hu cabinet, Consul-General Lee, and officials and di p'omats generally are waiting for the de velopment of the next fortnisbt with the greatest concern a to the result. All band seem to agree that thermal crisis is con nected with General Weyler s present cam paign against Maceo. II W a iieaeral Nobtr Yakima. Wash.. Nov. 10. The freshet of tbe hut few dan have canted considerable havoc in North Yakima nounty. ibe preoipitatioa of rain and snow has never before been aa great in a like period, and this, taken in connection with a strong cbinook wind, caused the streams to rue at a rate that caught every one unprepared . Just bow much, damage hat been done is difficult to estimate, tor at some points along tbe Natchez and Yak ima rivers thousands ot acre of low ground are overflowed. A Ccetaia f easier Atlanta. Ga.. Nov. 16. Alexander Stephen Clay, of Cobb county, chairman ot we democratic state committee, and ex president ot tbe date senate, was nomi nated for United States senator, to nicceed John B Gordon, by tbe democratic legula live caucus tbu afternoon The nomina tion was made on the Slot ballot. ; A Sateen Seated lUxmCiTT, Or., Nov 16. -Jack Walk ers akxm was last mgbt rutted by four masked men. who robbed tbe till of it con tent. $10. The robber cornered the men in the saloon with shotguns and put (.and siaae gooa weir escape. Washixgtox, Nor. IS. Secretary Mor ton, ia hi annual report, which wilt short ly be made public, will review tbe eco nomical feature of Li odmiuutraiiun and cite figure to show that be ha converted oaca inu me treasury as vuu.wmj or u appropriation for the agricultural depart me-nt durinjr the taur year, or KMAi.uuQ each J ear Thi i in the neighborhood of a) per cent ot tbe appropriation lor tbe . . Uneot tbe principal feature win be a leoetby refutation of wbat be call "calam ity bowler " lie will contend that agri cultural interest are not dVebning; that 11 per ceet ot the f arm in the country are itboutany encumbrance, while tbe t cuabranoe on the remain! sir 28 per cent were incurred in tbe ;urcbaeaad improve ment of tbe land. BetlstwUy may Boox&svTUJt, Out., Nor. 15. A morf extraordinary caie of religious mania u reported from a farmbon near tbe Lock Sault Thrre. or a number ot year, re aided Elijah R.C, bu wife and li chil dren. 1 be eldest on. 1-ouU, 23 year old. rwentlr became iesaae, and announced biuueUaatbe "priore of tbe caadbilU," and declared that (.brut bad appointed hint to refcem tbe world. 1 be mania exteeikxi to the father, moth er and the other children, who neglected the farm and spent their time ia cingiaj; and praying. A St Kveat Bvffalo, S. Y. ior. 15 At mUatjrbf tonight, the turning of tbe switch ia the oitf power-h-wue at Niagara fail compet ed a circuit, wbwb eauaed Niagara river to Sow op bill, so to speak, by returning; a fraction of it reaisUeM energy which ha already swept put the rate of Buaulo, back into tbat city, 27 mile distant. Tbe barnes was btrdtied that bitcbea the facto ry wheel o Buffalo to the graUeact tale ract ca earth. Monday morning, tbe stnet cars of tbb uty will move by fali power. la teniae Loxoox, Nor. 15. Money rate have been firm and there baa reo a brisk de mand tor gold tor tbe continent. It is probable that large shipments will go to India cborUy. Dear money baa restricted business oa tbe tock exchange, but the tone baa been good in all department, ei cept mine, which wre (taguant and de pressed. A cw S"lea4 kjacbea. M'Ktsrtk. Toon., Nor. 15. Last night near here. Cbarlee Alien, a negro, was lynched, being bot to death by a band of men, tor tbe raping of Mis lietue beeJ. a reFpedable white girt, aged 14, aad an orphan. Tbe negro committed the out rage about dusk yederday, a tbe girl wa returning item ue couuu neia. Weiwr Blax s. liavaKA. Nov. 15. No very explicit new na oeen received rrotn taptatn Uen- eral Weyler, but it u I oown that after the engagement at tbe Kobi bill, be con tinned his march into the interior of the mountain toward haroa, and he occeeded in penetrating to point to which no other bpanubcolum bate ever reached, lie ha bad several skirmishes with toe insur gents. The kra larky talc. Faaskrosr. Ky.. Nor. 14. Complete official return have been tabulated by counties, showing tbat Smith, one cf the Bryan e ector. ran JJW ahead of the low est McKinley elector, and is elected . Tbe other 12 Bryan ekctor ran from 300 to 700 bebiod 13 ot the McKinley elector. Tbe total rote ot tbe state was, a fol lows: Mehinley 218,005 Hnan 217.000 Palmer 5.01f? Levering 8.374 McKinley 'a avenue plurality was on 1 tie vote tor e ector. LIlleA at rt Bad. L whence, Kan., Nov. 14. In tbe football game Lere between the tate uni- veruty aud Doaoe college, of Crete. Neb., T L Serf qnartrr back of the Nebraska team, wa so tadly injured tbat he died tonight at II :'0. without regaining oon nciotine. Kansas had tbe ball, aod rerf tackled to Wing hi man down, and in doing so alighted on the back of hi neck. lie wa (KiTied from the field and in a few bouitiaJliiHl, but about 11 o'clock began 'o ?nk rapid!) , and d'ed a few minute later. , Ke Immediate Paazer. WA8ioTt), Nof. 14. Genera' I'itz hogb Lee, cousul-tfcneriU 1 f the Unit d 8tati to C'plm. returned here llii after noon fiom Virsiuia, wneie he hn been visiting Li iatuily. L; talked tonight of tbe rNin Uh Cuban situation, aud while not ilenyinir me poskibiuiy of war witu paln, expieaj ed the opinion that the report that an opt.n rupture a imminent, and that con sequent preparation for trouble were be ing iriune by both countries nnitht be great ly exasrirerated. II a said be bad no knowl edge of immediate danger of hostility. rallies ear, Washington. Nov, 14 The comans- tontr geoernl of immieration, in hu an num report, Sow that during tbe last fiscal leer the arrivals of lnimii'raiit in thia country agreKuted 343.2U5, of which 34i.'.4o3 were landwl and the remaiiuicr de barred and depoited at tbe ext'emw uf th various tteiinubip lines by which they came. ibe atatistiu at Lnnd.tbe commis ionor gent-Ml staU a, ' do not justify theconciu sionthutour alien population U groing in undue pri ponion.'' The relicy. WASniNOTOK. Nov. 14 To a aanator who called upon him to inquire about the wnr rumor in regard to Cuba. 1'resident Cleveland repliod that tbe position of this government was a suited in the last an nual message to congress one of traditioa at sympathy with people struggling for autonomy ana freedom but that never theiwa thi government felt it to be its plain duty to honestly fulfill every interna tionul agreement. Slav. ' I Stovca, Stoves, at Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE, Galkkdab ron 1896-7 1806 Kept. 13 College Year begins . . Wednesday Nov. 2-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thura. and Fn. Pec. 21 Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 23 First Term end ... Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Daya 397 Jan 5 Second term beglna . Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, April 6 Term Examination begin April 8 Second Term ends . . . Arbor Day Vacation of Four Daya April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday JuneS Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday June IS Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon I une 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W.O. A. Sabbath evening June 14 Annual Meeting of tbe Board of Trustee Monday afternoon June 14 Junior Orations . . Monday eveninr June IS Graduating Exercises of tbe Conservatory cf M usic . , Tuesday forenoon June 15 Pejrular Entertainment Tuesday evening June 16 Commencement . . . Wedneeday June 16 Alumni lie-on ion . Wednesday evening Fmir Coursee of Instruction leading up Music coureea, with appropriate diplomas. For turtuer iniorniauon.anamw WALLACE HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY! The Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary! ;g Twenty Copies for Albany at IntroJuctory Price. At once a Dictionary aud an Encyclopedia. Produced at a cost of over $730,000.53 fg P" Fair Itoifs TotesTeliit About 43 PoaEfc One dollar eernrea immediate delivery ot the entire work ; balance to be paid at the rate of $1.25 per month for one year. Send your name and address lo Pa 6e Coaat Newspaper Syndicate, care cf the Dotocxar, and you will be supplied with aampl page lor examination. r . - . . U a book every Oreot.k.- ! J have. The introduction 1 by I!.. brafed Iter. Frank W. Gunsauiue as-1 the eketcbee b, Oliver W. N iron, P. I). The' book ia printed front large, clear new type, on extra laid paper. tfcund in vellum cloth, etr mped in gold, gilt top. illustrated with 14 full-pege bait tones and retail at I1.T&. Any anbecriber peving a year in advance for the weekly or 8 months or more for tbe daily can have it for f 1 extra. THOMAS Dealer in AlBJiM, CUT PE ia recant Unas SXAfia w. radufiMl Xjp. ot all MALP . hi low prices, I- band with Ion W tiff If t.OTO 178 utanlahw L ewoM rvwwta. 1 .' V L J Si. imii. TM iIIH WII.M.laMi CXI f f cu.atiaav .4 klaf I f kibuni, e r9V fMnJU.iDMt: SabrmslBb a 5 f S )-& VV prpT rritbt to so branco soniBa. Sjcndaw j r S" cun fibaDtifallr Ulntrmwcf auW si HMo-asts Mass. 4ti2 X . " 1 1 1 1 thi appan boi ooca. Oar laaltstars amy aa ttm-n t 9s'5Ill?H,,t wr ln plane. Na ana kawars Uie bast . f"V!:r I T-.""1 Prc netawwe ewra, ALBAiW CtGAR FACTO RY , I efOSlCIIBe HOUSE MOVING, wuetu..,. f Iv. atfh lowest price. tn on or ad.lre.aO W Taylor ,4th and SU Albany. Tuesday Monday Tueeday Thursday to deirreea. Well equipped Buaineee and Catalogue free. BRINK, All lands of furniture and bedding, and il you want tho most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ORECOfl. DES 3.' orMinRtad a naw Idas ta wiadmi n"aaivN vtt iopclyOood. emytatat'ttea tanner srllstslaw. WaeasU law te blair W bava repeated! rafessd to fain, 1 end taT tberatoce debated windmill enwhinartoe. end bava. tba enst ftf sriAd nnmmm as I weal tt wis. naken. and er 1 anla Qrn.inalnr. V 1 . Tbrooth grsUiod. and beeaesewe are price 1 . aalaat in dal with, aad beeaoea a ara tha Out ia food ia the awdera etea) wiadmiU aadi 1 1 tnrar.TMt WORLD HAeOIVeNUS MCMTNMI itb windmill eueiNiae bich arada aad lara sslaa. power stroke mbdl with flinders, lower msa una Elegant De signs in Crockery Wate at COFfri & HUSTON'S Sec it IViini'lnlrif , we beUare f f WeasaaesbeH f teet eaale a IHin lack al aesdaewtar i ideas, a Jr AT THE MINES Bmrdmg, lod.iag1 aud nieula may be secured of the ub-1 acriber at the Sontiam mines, at hia place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. tt. W. Wmn. Liu f ' I I III 1 . . TO THE oivkstbc choic or TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE S CHEAT UfilOfi NORTHER!. PACIFIC TU) YIA SPOKANE DENVER KIXKEAPCUS OMAHA Am o ST. PAUL KAKSASC1TY LOW RATES TO ALL EA8TEEN KTn&S STEAM EES EAYE PORTLAND EVERY f DAVp ., fOK .. SAN FRAtlCiSGO Fee rail detaile eal en Ccbaaw ft Mowtwtbi, Albany, Or ADneet . W H HUBbBUBT, UaVi.pAa.Asan K. V 3 S El Lb Praridsel sad Mngr. PORTLAND. OR. EAST AND-SOUTH TKE SHASTA ROUTE ur nit Southern Pacific Co. OaUfarus tspnei Trstse jmmTQum DaBy tVM May U US :S8e. a. L At 11 Ar :44 Im Jo r IlllselL Alb. ll Li. a Ar Bui fi AlBar Aborr tri.i atop at Eajt pjrtland Oregon Oitr, Vfioiinra. 3 lie a. Tur ner. MarbHL. Jefferaon. Albany. Tanirent. Shedi Halaer Eaeeee Creeweil. Cottace Grove. Drain, and all tatiooe trou nV tsebarz o.B t to M in- EAST aoeaacsa aanaBanvr lie I L rrnne ax -r tE3reL HWy L I 1 lira idmt I Ar esig L. I iw aauaae saaaea iUll lit AAesf all Ktln . At bMaaaa L)s MCll L Aibaav Arieetr taere Ar lawMH) l- I Mt PULLMAN EdHT SUEPlFi. Jf Dininar Cart en Cgdsn Beat? SECOND-CUSS SlEEFli.5 CASS Ts Kc IktvMeau atsrams retTUie aa ceiBTaikia lui rui lasnvt TM a I Lt lUtral at arieeara CwwsbW L 1 1 itr a Ezprea rrain daily (except Soadij) at Albanv a a-1 Corral U connect wttb train ot O.C.AF. . 1:1 rm . at I - ,l.tllA& Tr I Through Tickets la sU patents Em aura States. aaabe'waisluLwtraUa trees B. CBelK. Afewt, llbnf a autiiLAa ir itre. wMer astsrert rewind JL5B S00 PACSHC LIF.E. Ta ill rolnU Ma mux csafortalila lister rci4e Ail cars hsitsi I17 sttain LcwESt rates aisd test sartlca Icstnoderi rcllia stack mi sest road feed. Only line tc IraTsl timg winter. The only line running through trai ns from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. Cheap tick tt to and from all parte of c jrvpe Tia au ateamsnip lines. to CHINA AND JAPAN The ihorteet and best Une across the Pacific ocean. CA1UIAI AUiTSlLUS LUI TO flaxomu, rui k ausiuui These etea mere are the finest tbat bare yet sailed tbe Pacific ocean and carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage. For time tables, or any oiher infor nation, call on or address E ) COYLK ASrtt 16 Third St Portland. Or. S N STEELE & CO. Agent. Albany Or. GE ). McU BROWN. D P. A. Vancouver, ti. C 3. G. k I R.1C0. 1 Willamette River Division, Steamer ALBANY, Opt. J. L. Smitb, " VVm. M. Uoa.CapU U. L. Uatcb FreUljt and Passecief. Daily, except Saturdaye. between Cor. rallia, Albany, Independence, Sa lem, way point and Portland. j Unsurpassed accommodation a and Botitniuie eeneciallr bur tii ... r-. .. unn, i icoie parties j 4 vuemaeivee ot this schedule for ut uveimu puiut oetwevn trvallia and curui, leaving m tne morning and re- wnMisi laa a! a . tuiuiuKiuauvaii ine um iven . nor oll5' lvea Albany down river at T a. r Atoany up riwr at 8p.m. except Saturday. H. B. Sacat, Agent, depot. Agt. "VTOTlCE. Cetlar post and shakes for X sale. For particular address. Oris Jcud, Detroit Or. ORTHERM PACIFIC H. K. ilVJ V N. Pullman Sleeping tJars, Elegant Dini g Csxs, Tourist Sleeping Csrr St Paul 'Mint.eapolis Dniotti 'ergo, TO Grand Korkr Crookroe Winnives; Helena and Bntt THROUGH TICKETS,,,, TO Cblcairo Washinetou Pbiladelpbia Kew ork Boeton and aL Point East and Ecutb Through tickdta to Japan and Chita, vis Tacotna and Kortbern Pacific steamdur Co., an American hne. For information, time card, map anC tickeU call on or write O G fcorkhart Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Aet fin rea Aft Portland, Or, EXECUT03S I5PTICE- Xo'ioe hereby riven that the under signed executor of the last U and tes tament of rraaeea m. uauciv. wna, ha fikd hi fiaa! account wun tbe cienc of the county court for linn oaet. P" eron, sad the coon ns nxeo tne xn oay of December, t the hour of 1 o'cioek p. ra. of ad day fnr toe norm oc saia account aad the e Ueroet of said es'a'e. Thi tbe 24th da, o October 1896. W EtirTHKa, VfaATHEKroeo it Tarrs Executor. Au.s l ijtrtu . Notice for Publication Lawo Omct at Oxesow Citt. O UetZlHB.iew. Notice is bereby crivea that tbe foliow- inK nauicd settler be filed notice of bi fnteetioe to make feel proof in support of bictiot, and that ad prosf will be made before tbe register and receiver at Oregon City. Oregon. Uee-mber lorb. 196. rix: Wiiiam lobe te t. ooe ot te hetrf Peter Beet, deceased; H E 1S144 fer the-W W of S W" M ot Sx 26 and ofSEef See 27 Tp 10SR7E. He amesUkefolloenBc wttaesaes to prove ti eontinooos residence upon and csitivation of , raid land, via: Joseph L Peasiy. Oaa. Elein. Thomas A Keastcr. aaxtoo r Kerr, ail of IXroit, Oreiroe. ROBERT A. MILLEB. KegiaUr. Mm-ISmTCHSMaTlCE. Notice t bereby fiee tb tbe nder inedbaabeea appotnted bytbecoBety court of Lawn county. Oregon, adnunss trator with tbe wt.l annexed ef tue estate of Jane Fannin e, deceased, late ot linn county. Or. A il persona earieg- diica against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe Mm wira the prvjper voucberj to me at Atoany, Oreeoa, within six aonUte from tbe date of thi nottce Eiirss & CAK50W. SAjtxExETocwn. Attrs tor Adn r. Adminietraar with tbe will mmmxfd Albany, Orwoe. Oct 6. 1896. " 3ok bereby evew teat tee de signed has been daiy arpoteted exeeeror ot the last wiJ and tcs'einent cf OUver FBckinger. late of tbe eooaty of Lien and tase of Oreson, by tbe cnwMy court of said county and state. AU persons baring claims against caki estate are nereby noti Eed to present tnem to tne eidersigned. at her reBifncc aer U Uicr's Sutioa iLn enanty, Oregon, within six aaontbs truax this date. Dated tii 13lb day of September. 1836. MinAFuauiGs, It AATKXroD k. Wtatt. ExK&tor Att're fcr Executor. Notice for Publication. Laxd Orrtcn at Oxxeox Cttt. 0w fcee. 5cb. 1SS. Koiiee ia bereby gins, that the fallow ia nasd eeltier has ltd woAa of fcie tateetK to make Staal preef in scot eC tun etaim. and thc aatd prsof erill be male before ibe eeesty cjerk cf Line eeeety at Albanr., on iVeember 19 b, 16S6V rut: sir Ahwai Otdee; H E 1 1012 fcr B H e W tMdWefSEofSe 23, Tp 13 3 R 6 E. He asm t foi low -tag sastuH to prove bis oont aeoae as ideeen epee aed enlttrsJion et, said lead vs.-LCIea, AT It., TO Daefortn, Mrs A H Tinotaaa, ail ei IVore'. Orrjtoe. Bouti A al nu, Biaicr. KOTICE CF FINAL SITrilUEXT. Notice is bereby given tbat tbe ender sigwed nave filed their fi-ial aceoont aa ex ecutor of tbe estate ef Janes B Morgan, seed, and tbat the county court if i coon It. Oregon, has set Moods, tbe day of November . IS96. at tbe boorof aork. p m ot said daj, f r the purpose raring tbe same and the settietneet id estate. Any and alt persons bar ary objeerien to said accuant and the settle nnent of said estate, are bereby eoti fied to be present at said time and make the same. Ded thi the 2ob day of Sept. 1S96. Wxathxrpoid X: Wtatt, A'-t) for Err Ai raD C M okoax, f FlTD B JSNKS. Executors. NOTICE Tbe circuit ecurt of the ttate ef ( for L'nu couery. he ctdeed that ait per son B.vtas; daiu for 'abcr agaiet the Albany Woolen Mills Co. file the same ith the clerk of id rot'rt. with the wc- eery po.f thertof. within thtrtv di trout the da"e hereof and that ohjeeie to ac claim if am, be filed in and court witbm ten day ntet the esurarHa o aidSOdavs; r ltdXov. 19 16. LFuss. Keceirvir Notio herHx fim to I eo.r tJ Ib.tobth 11th Ami N.h., 1?, I bled my 6nl account lu the t'out It Cears of Lina ejty 0gi, is the nutter theee'ate el K L Kn- x, dYad, an.1 tbat said Overt his fixed (Mtarday tha 12 a J f Deerwhe-, 1S9S, at tta bear ef ee csetock In the si eteoea of said day a the ae une ror Keaing aa let tied At i Jew lot to the sanw; theitfe all r.aoe e teretted ia i et-Ute ara hrta and and reqnwed to tile ay oi j cbea tbey -hare i-i said Goal eteai t with tb Cl k cf aid CVart en' w betote tbe t.rne store " ntiir ed f r the lettleiseet themf DaU-d this 13 da cf Not, .Kh 1SS6. BM PASK .Admii.i.tra 'e bonis ma h ih il aaeexed h e-b.l ot E L Ral deeed W R tflLYEU A ttrasy itnta ti.-.t ur ilEOEFbH TUK rLUMBKR Tia roofing and pluuhieir h opera house OpfH te fO T T7 KeaerB To- V-V- iVl C getherl la it not bet ter to bur your Bread. Pies. Kolla. Cakes. etc, at a reliable store where they uee only the Beet material whv nf riraa it la you dont want dyspepsia and yon' 1 ever eet it by eating anvtbin from err tore, U. dL BAKERY Be' Ellsworth and Lyon Snd St. O. D. Yakbtu. Proprieto t ' ' i I SUwsrt ft Sox Hardware Co.'