The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 20, 1896, Image 1

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1 &. a. a. a
111 I I i --
Entered & tae Foot Be a Ukr. Or. Beeead-Clats Hall Hanoi
r r RCTTIItt raalUbcr a4irrr1etT
&TcgetaUcIVcparationfor As
similating theroodandUegula
ting thfiStomachs art-Bowels of
it :
ticssandRcst.COfltains neither
3)ium,Morptune nor Mineral
Arcrfecf Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca.
Worms .Convulsions .Feven srv
cess and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
7' v-
OF '
Story of a Ilat.
Seven montha ago Mr. W. W. Rowell
bought a new hat. At the very outset
of Mr. Row 11' ownership of it it disap
peared, and while the indications were
that it had been taken there was abso
lutely no ciue to where it had gone. The
hat, like a loot umbrella, was soon tor
gotten, and would have remained bo,
but for its return to the owner this morn-ir-g
by mail. It was in a bad condition
indicating hard usage. Under the band
was Mr. Kowell's name, and with it was
a note from San Francisco, from where
it had been seat, signed by Will Hubble,
a former resident of this city,! in which
he acknowledged having swiped it, at
the time remarking that he, would never
return it until a republican presiJent
was elected. A rather sarcastio bit of
information waa that if he wished his
pay fur it and a small account be could
get it by avttling two or three other
small bills which he owed and taking his
pay oat of it.
This was an incident in real life that
doesn't happen often.
Hark'shubo, Nov. 11, 1898.
Mis j Lizzie Farrel, of Albany, is in
the city tbe guest of Mrs, M. llendrex.
S. Q Dorris of Albany, has assumed
charge of the Review and will contihue
its publication.
J. L. Fuller, assistant manager of the
Royal Ins. Co., will remove his family to
San Francisco this wee, that place being
his headquarter?.
The young ladies surprised the band
boys with a nice lunch at their rehearsal
Tuesday evening. Uarrisburg is very
proud of the band and do all they can to
assist and encourage them. .
Petiticna forJaa Sabina and J. R.
Bucunum have been circulated and sign
ed by our citizens for justice of the peace,
vacancy being caused by death of J. E.
Cartwnght, and an appointment is ex
pected aoon by county judge.
Miss Lydla Hay is visiting in Bowns
ville. Mrs. Geo. Isham has gone to Southern
Oregon for a visit with her parent.
Miss Edna Markey is spending the
week in Albany visiting relatives and
Mrs. Mary McCulloch of Arixone, is
here, the guet of her sisters Mesdames
Dr. Mendenhall and Walter Brown.
Miss Hatti Geary, daughter of Dr.
Geary formerly of this place now of
Junction City,, died at the latter place
Tuesday evening.
Election is past and while some com
menced rejoicing the 4th but at present
they ate very quiet. Others that .were
quite blue the 4th are more hopeful at
Grandma Thompson is visiting at Sa- United Slate grand jury this morning
returned an indictment against John
Cutark U wrt n fa o-ije aottks oely. It
is act sold ia bulk. Boat allow aayoat ta seS
too. savtUr ah e the vise r anaust tkat it
; ia "jest aa good" aad "win answer avary ps-
-eo tbat yea get C-A-8-X-4K&4-A,
r pose.
a" at
-fc pt jlodeM,
he Indestructible 'Maywood
THIS S75.00 COat
Host SeHs. S. - Al
0. 3. 1;S3
fan 1. lSS
Jam. SI, ISM
Othnr i'rudlnic
Yuq May wtHxt" p tbq ttrrrvynt rimntr trpre rrerraade. Adapted for all tuna o
loads and riders. Hada of mtcixi thai i tatui. innch tmt fnr;,-; afrspie in const rac; ioz
easily taken apart and pot UigetseT: fa&a few p.'r:-r 1 of svefa wfry ronMrocttoa that its pant
riU bold tptfether vea in as acci ient ; co itolUir t-iMr- to (to!; tt every nnnrti m twua
that cannot be broken; so simple ttsX its adju. .. - ;rt acrre a. its -nt3rciQ(r parts: a ooe
tieee crank in place ot a dozen p&ru; alwar Tf.ur lociw rsiiable atui rapid truportauon,
' K A i K Im pro Ted double diamond. raAtt.iuru lor tkroe year. !ade of i-Uaca cold
Tolled steel rods ttonabess and stmiifreet metri fa- its weisht known;: joined together wtth
aluminum bronxe Stcines ta anch a lajn r lb-.' w is impossible to brrk or any irt work
loose; a marret or noveiiy, ajnipiic:' v ac'i aar-y.iai y; me rreevsot cotnomation of lneeuoit
In bicycle mechanism known, to huti t a iraip
that frsnies continually break aai frartsrc at 1 v
in cannot be repaired. WHKiii. -js-rnfth: -r t
and brass nipples. HUBS Laree bsrrc. p-i r
can A Writrht Qnick Bepair. or some hli?t
bearines to erery part, inciadinz wheels crnr.I -.1
CONS Best quality tool steel, earefoSl- tein
hardened centers, rear adjustment. C'liAXK
teeted by patents; no cotter pina. BEACH-S t-y
C4or7J. FUU.VT FORK Indestructible: fort .
BABBereTsible and adjustable: ensilv sr .
Dtohed if ordered. SADULE-P. A F tillli-i-Kat-trap
or rubber; fnll ball bearinie. Fi::
nickel plated. ach Bicycle complete with '
enrdinc to tires, pedals, saddles, eu, JT to I
S is our Special Whotesalo Price. T
for leas. To quickl? in trod ace too "JUjrwoai
bare decided to make a special coupon off; r . .
reader of this paper a chanoe to ret a nrat-cla? rr.
iewest Friea eyer offered. On receipt of S& n
we will ship to anyone the above Bicycle, ce-
and irnarantee safe delirary. Money refund
represented after arriral aud examination. '
C O. D. with priyilese of examination, for SS6.:
rorided is sent with order as a iruarautee r
A written blndina; warranty with each Bieycl
ahanea of a lifetime and you cannot afford to le
Sanity pass. Address ail order to .
aa Wast Van Borca Street, Baaioj, CI1ICAC
-.., fnxev joints and tnbibc. as ya know
joints and tnties when they are backlef
i,-.' ccod rtma. piaao tre tansent spoke
t "tifcs ""Anm-rton" Howpiye or Hit
nnecinatic tiie. lifcAKl-SOS- -B'"
- . rnue bead and pedals. Ct F8 AS.r
. i aad hardensd. CttAlKS Hleb cradt
1 ilebrated oae-ptee crack, faliy pro
i ..Jarcst. inches. GKABi.
iue from run-barrel s;eeL UASlJUi
- ' cr position desi-ed- rate's horn fur
- 2 etQ-- s . 'EOAXS
-i - :!ffht parts
. np. nca r- --Rot. ao-
. '544
Ct 3
I )
tip v -
'.- J No. i 4
4H iHi
lem at present.
The ground ia in fine condition for
plowing, and the farmers are improving
the time.
Messrs. John Raney and link Liltard
returned to dig their spuds, tbe former
from Ooburg and the latter from Leb
Elmer and Gilbert Groahane talk of
taking a visit to Clackamas county in the
near luiure.
Grandpa Eanev arrived hero from
Missouri about two weeks ago. He will
make this his future home.
School closed in District 8 hut Fri.lav.
School will again commence in about two
weeks. ,
Frank Thomoson is direinir a
of very fine potatoes just now.
Quite a cams of looker are lrwate.1 on
the Island at present, cutting white fir
and balm logs. Joencway.
Scanland, charged with passing counter
feit money. bcanlanU owes bia arrest to
bia belligerent disposition. About Octo
ber 4 he passed tevtral counterfeit $-
pieces in the town of Waterloo, and, get
ting into a fight, left the place to avoid
arrest and proceeded to Lebanon. Here
he again became involves in a row and
waa arrested on the charge of a eeault.
When taken into custody he waa seen to
throw from his person a purse. This
on examination waa found to contain
three spurious 5 coins, and bis arreel as
a counterfeiter followed. On hearing of
the arrest a hotel man r amed Leabo, of
Waterloo, appeared and identified the
prisoner as having passed a counterfeit
coin upon faim. V nen arraigned this
morning bcaniand was wttuont an attor
ney, and asked to be given until tomor
row to plead, which reqnett was granted.
jars. Sarah C. wife of Frank O. Dorris
A Ragged Apfaib. Tbe Man about
Town had no idea there were so many
rare chrysanthemums in Albany as there
are, some of which will be displayed at
uen.u I. u. nau lor tDree days, at-
are Bargains ...
Compare thein mith otfiersb
Ingle harnBSs' .i- s 5 CO
Team harness is 09
Two iweat pads 65
3 buggy whips : 25
Otfir goods in same pro
portion. CPU AND SEE US
Ttic airywuillunium Show
Tbe chrysanthemum show began last
evening and will continue afternoon and
evening through tomorrow night. It is
a success, and the di. play is being great-
. i . . .
r approciea py lovers oi nowers. ine
uffy, toweled, frauled. stringy, razeed
collection contains some choice speci
mens. Trilby and Xivens, first cousins,
stand out in their richness. They were
prize winners at Portland. Tbe Enfant
deadens Mondeo is a remarkable chrrs-
antbemum, individual in its glorious
makeup and throu:i the east has at
tracted great attention. The Viviand
Morel is most conspicuous on account of
its immensity, while the Florence Davis
is endearing to the tlower crank because
of iu delif acy, being characterized by a
M . ; m. . . . it f it r
laree and dark, like its namesake a solid
flower. UncJ Sam's many colors give
it its name. Then there are many inter
medial grades, such aa youne men dec
orate their coats with, etc. The array
is one that calls out all of ooe's poetic
sentiments, and no one ahould mits re-1
injt ibp Sigbt once.
An att-active feature is a Japanese tea
boolb, presided over by Misses Mason,
Irving and Oaibrailh, in a manser p!eas
ing and in kewping with the artistic sur
roundings. Mmee Irving, C and iff and
Ream are entitled to great pnise for thus
permiltinz our cttiseaa Vfom such a
choice collection of autumn's lea ling
dower, with iu wonderful freaks and
and daughter of lira. B. F. Ashby, was I ternoons and evenings beginning tooiuLt.
bora in asco countv on Jnna 13. 1878.
and moved to Linn county when a child,
residing most of her life here. She was
united in marriage to Mr. Dorris on June
ISiT-'. in IS93 tbev moved to Cal
ifornia for the benefit of her health.
which not being benefitted they returned
to Albany a few months ago, but she grad
ually laueu, ana aiea oi consumption on
Nov. 11. She leaves a husband , a daugh
ter three years of age, mother, two
brothers and two sisters, aa well as many
friends to mourn her death, the waa a
young woman of excellent character
hit uly beloved.
The funeral took place at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon.
'Good nee gracious, but some of them
are beauties, from great bis fcot bail
heads down to little lossy things. It is
a raxxle, dazzle, ragged exhibition of
some famous plants with big and Utile
names, just like those that all ever the
U. S. are now causing so much attention.
The display are mostly front the con
eetvatoiics'of Mrs. it earn, Mrs. Irving
ani Mrs Cundiff, and no o.ic should
miss investing 10 cecils. Step in any
time, afternoon or night.
PDSTLKiD D!iim v- V
10':. v..". - FULL ENGLISH COU
Fj ' . FRENCH ASii .in.v. '"K
i'yi'-A Bt'SINt tJkAKCHtS. .- tf-2j
J. A. Wilson attended the Mcinley
ratification in Portland yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ortel moved from
Comstock to Albany todav, wben they
will reside temporarily. Mr. Ortel will
return and finish up the business there,
when probably in January they will
make a trip to Chicago on a visit with
the latter; parent. ,
Mr. G. W. Riley, the painter, who re
sided in Alhany for a couple years, and
Mies Susie Jacobs, both oi Oorvalls, were
united in marriage last Tuesday, Nov. 10,
at the parsonage of and bv lie v. E. J.
Thompson, D. D. Mr. Riley was in Al
bany this noon on his way to Ilalsey
where he has a paper hanging contract.
He makes a pleasant benedict.
Judge and Mrs. C . Wolverton last
even i lie pleaaently entertained tbe Old
Folks Whistclobat their borne on Cbem
eketa street. First were awarded
Mrs. D. A. Paine and Mr. E. M. Waite.
while Mrs. E. M. Waite and R. B. Flem
ing received the boobies.-rSalem Jour
nal. - .
The second social of the W. C. T. TJ.
was given at their hall last evening and
proved a decided success. The attend
ance was Urge and tbe interest great. A
pleasing program was presented consist
ing ot two songs Dy Messrs Akers, Ham
mer, Poling and Lee,splendidl v rendered,
an enjoyable reading by Mies Maud
Crosby, a recitation well presented by
Miss Julia Taylor, a solo by Mrs. 'Lang-
don, always received with appreciation,
and a character reading by the inimita
ble Mr. Steele. Partners lor a delicious
lunch of cocoa and wafers were chosen
by matching; verses on irrexularlv cut
cards upon the corners of which were
parlor matches neatly tied with ribbons.
Has created a ereat interest and was a
well managed feature. A warm social
sentiment prevailed. These socials will
te held reeuiariy tbis winter and the in
itial onea speak for their success.
2129 votes were cast ia Astoria, at the
recent election.
An astrologer who doesn't ray bia debts
. . . . .. .. -
is approaching rrom me sootn.
Tbe Virtue mine, near Baser City sends
in t2n,000 every month. That baa a good
ring lo it.
The ereat Nelson Bennett, of Tacoma. is
said to be a complete financial wreck. An
execution was recently made against him
II Alt - 1 A . - .
V,. 10-f,Df I. a,uanL. w"ea waiqooiea ucrau
tAAw fco u laesaay. inn beats tbe balem market or
I6YGLE5. andBest Ub
FaCtOrV in 1 Corvallis on Saturday wid probably have
lm!.H 1 vue opponumij w vsisi in ruryiD(r ui
w WAAU. AMunt nf iha (I A. ( k tha Tt rJ 11 t
It Dios't Work. A carpeo'er and a
banker of this dty bet a f-'j.OO hat on the
reeult of tae election. The banker won
and the carpenter trld him to go to a
certain store and buy the hat. The
banker went, but concluded that a 15.00
bat was more expensive than be needed.
so bought one marked tiJA) and pur
chased an umbrella with tbe other 12.50,
tbe bill being charged to the carpenter.
When the bill was presented to the car
penter he refused to pay tor the umbrella,
savins: it waa not included in the bet.
The ctber man now has to pay for the
umbrella and has received oniy a $2.50
hat when be could just aa well have had
a 15.00 one. Democrat.
Coat ot to Albast. The Btateeman
says : F. N. Derby returned from Port
land last evening whither he went yee
luiOay morning lor the purpose of mak
ing preparatory steps toward securing
a freight and -aenger steadier for the
river route between Portland and this
city. He has two spiendid fast river
steamers in view and has made arrange
ments to' secure one or both, provided
the business men of Salem- will back him
by giving sufficient patronage to make
the venture a profitable one. Xow ia
tbe time for tbe merchants of this city
to secure freight rates on a reasonable
basis and Mr. Derby and bis associates
will be teadr to meet business men who
are battling- with excessive freight rates
and are willing to be dealt with In a fair
and reasonable manner.
McCrba Not Lost. Deputy U. P,
Marshal George Humphrey came down
from tbe trout yesterday, an ere be bad
been to subpoena witnesses in the cat e if
the U. S. against W. 11. McCoy and Jas
McCrea for burninir government timber.
It seems that they set fire to some tires
along the railroad and i he fire spread. It
was reported that Met Tea waa lost, and
the Dbmocsat yesterday gave tbe deputy
marshal's experience in hunting for him :
but it transpires that he simply had
made a trip into the mountains, and a
bndge being washed away could not get
borne. The men will appear at tbe
proper time. ,
Fatal Result of a Storm.
A terrible storm prevailed along the
Siostaw Sunday. The stage driver who
arrived yesterday gave the Guard par
ticulars of the result :
A fatal ratastronbe was the result of
the stotmd miles this side of Head of
Tide whrre the Indian Creek road leaves
tbe main hiutiaw road. Aa old house,
the property of Mrs. Punk, stands al the
junction of the two roads. It waa built
partly oi lumber and partly of legs and
was insecure from aire and had not beeo
occupied for some time. William Ab-
bett, with his wife and iwochild'vnjind
hi brother, who bad five children, from
Indian. Creek, had started out to tbe
valley. They reached the jurx-Uon of the
roads nen the storm overtook them and
camped for tbe night. .Tbev so-ightthel-
tertrom tbe wind !asd raia :a :r,e de
serted ho aw The storm increased in
violence and raced with releutiee
deetroction through the foreet about the
cabin. At 4 o'clock Sunday nrornicg the
building suddenly yielded, gave way to
the storm and came down with a crash.
Searly all of the ten people in the
wrecked structure were pinioned doan
by the falling timbers. Mrs. Abbe It wi(
of Wm. Abtiett. as struck on the head
by a talHne beam which crushed in her
skull, the died in a short time. The
other members of the party suc
ceeded ia extricating themselves from
the ruins, none of tbem having suffered
sertoos injortea.
B. B Rod well, of Ltoon. left yester
day for Montesano, Moo., to reside.
Mr. Robert Andrews, of the Custom
office, at Portland, w eat to Ilalsey yesterday.
The Uaeaxine club wi'.l n.eet tomorrow
afteroocn at 2:30 o'clock with Mies Em
ma PleiSfer.
Mr. A. Hackle man arrived home from
Eastern Oreeon yesterday with abend
of horses. He encountered considerable
snow on the way.
Hon. JeST Mrers spent a few days at
Home last week. He slate that bis la
ther ia much better and will soon be aV.e
to coiue home. Scio Pi ess.
Victor Moses, a member of the senior
class of tbe O. A. C, haa been apt-ointed
deputy county clerk by Clerk atters
and last week entered upon tbediscbarve
of his official duties Corvallis Gazette.
Prof. Johi M. P.loss is now located at
Muncie, Ind., and is doing well. He has
been appointed msnager for the Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association, one of
the largest concerns of tb kind In the
United .tate. Corvallis Gaaette.
Oregon Against the World.
The following from the Scio Press is
very readable:
C. It. L'.ud. of Encinatas, Cal writes
us: "I have been watching tbe co-umns
oi tne frees lor tbe past lew weeks, in
hopes to see some real estate ads; as I
expect to be among you before many
months and may wish to secure a home
in your town, it Is something unusual
to raid a paper that baa not a string of
real esUtJ adj in it. It may speak well
fur your county, as no one wants to sell.
It may seem strange to some people that
weategoinc to leave the beautiful cli
mate of Southern California for the
rainy climate of Oreeon. It ia tma that
California has a moat perfect cli. ate.
but with it she has fleas, which will
nerrly run you wild. Tbea again, it is
next to impossible if you live away from
the city, to get any green vegetables for
six or seven montha fn the year, and the
water ia very poor unless you have cis
tern water. Business ia very d'lli here
Work is cut of tin question and people
seem to be living on each other. Of
course we know what we will ge in Or
egon, as we have lived there before. We
like to see rain. We also love green hills
and plenty of vegetable!. We are look
ing forward to the day we can start for
Linn county.
Lots or Nikdi is Yesterday afternoon
the circuit court waa getting ready for tbe
trial of a case against Wilbelm 4 Sons,
Monroe. It was to be a Jury trial.but the
point waa not reached where the select
ion ot jury was in order. Ia the
case the Wilbelm's are soed by a New
York firm for the sum of (120. And the
whole bill was for sewing needles. Tbe
Wilbelm's ordered or at least intended to
order, 4,000 needles. When tbe ship
ment arrived from hew York there were
4.000 cards of needles or enough needles
to supply all the retail stores in the Wil
lamette valley enough needles to sew
patches oa the pants of every soldier in
tbe Uerman army. The Wilhelm'a ob
ject to paying for more needk than bey
needed The New Yorkers want ray tor
all the needle they shipped out. Times.
LrniXO. Mrs. T. J. Stitee who haa
been visiting relatives in Lebanon, re
turned to her home in Albany Tuesday.
Tbe Lebanon reoablicaaa ratified on
Monday evening. There waa a torch
light procession, with the usual accom
paniments, followed b sneaking ard
cannooadiog on tbe public square. The
speasers were nr. LAmoersoo, W. at.
Brown, Hiram Baker and T A. Swan.
Fritnk Thorn peon lef Tuesday for Berry.
to resume work in the saw-mill at that
place. Mr. Thompson informs ns he will
be an applicant for the dosi office here as
soon as the republicans ccme into power.
air. lDompeon is a cnppie and certainly
needs it- Local papers.
Arm a Hons a. Marshal Dilley, of
Salem, waa in Albany yesterday in hot
cbase after T.C. Sharpe who waa riding
"Black Alder, a running borse.throoh
tbe country. There is a suit over tbe
horse and at the Jnne circuit court it
was decided to belong to Dora lien net t,
but the case was appealed and Sharpe
kept the horse pending tbe same.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
IT- .
PUCE - -
Wheat 70 cents.
Medford U to have a ladies band.
All kinds of wild came at SchmHw's
market. ,
all prices at
the city 30 cents per
winning 600
PoectacJej and eve u-l
Do roe want a watch chia 9 Fnuvli
has some bargains.
Choicest butter in
roll at P. Cohen's.
Max Pracht ia accused of
on toe recent election.
The Salvation Armr'a self dil
u uegin next Monday.
An elegant line of fancy ne k . int
received at the Ladies B-zaar.
Those eneaownumt atui drt; .
F reach's ate beauties, each on fuilr tmar-
The Ginsv will ran ni- f-- -i k
Hairisburs. Encena ia tin nn
have a reliable boat frame.
Tbe eonal anff pan- .M.v4t-i .
in Idaho, which makes four states ia which
women ean vote. Wyoming, Color-do,
L tan and Idaho.
Mr Wm Emerick will orea hia w ma(
maraet in the Blumberg Vock next Moo-f
College Notes.
As Euc Ctrr Bar. Another unique
election beu reported from Elk city.
L. W. Deyoe and Rnfe Simpson tan
roosters on the electicc, the condition of
the bet being that tbe losing party should
deliver the rooster whenever the winner
should demand it, day or xubt. Kofe
lost the , acd Low he is loosing sleep
tretUng about when Deyoe shall claim
that rooster. Leader.
Cakd or Tha is. The nndcra'gned
w'ubtcexend their thanks to those
who assisted or offered their assistance,
during the iUoeaa and after the death of
Mn. fcarah Dorris. acd for many acta of
sympathy and kindness.
F. O. Doaats.
Mas T. E. AkHBT Fawar.
New Law Firm. Blackburn A Hcmers
and Judge J. N. Duncan have formed a
partnersoip for tbe practice of law and
today tbe new firm of Blackburn, Sonera
A lmnean moved into a suite of rooms
in the P. O. block. Tbis is tbe first triple
law partnertmp Albany baa bad.
. a 1 ztA i
Dwigbt L. Moody, the famous evange
list, has made a o.ntrsct witn the La
dies' Home Journal, by which he will
conduct in that m sparine a series of pop
ular Bible studies in the form of a great
National Bible Claea. It will b made
into a regular and permanent depart
ment of tbe Journal, and la to be known
as "Mr. Moody's Bible Claw." The
evangelist will tiereonally If ad hia unique
"Bible Class" each montu in trie expo
sition of some of the vital Bible truths,
and will naturally ap.ieal t a large cir
cle of readers.
F. P.
defeat of the O. A. C. by tbe U
lootbaii. remaps not.
.i. n r i i -i . , l.-i i . . r .
ocictk mn in avenv uecauMj inev nave leamea to anow ijh uu- uown in sontnftrn iirvirnn riiirirmitv is
EXft-f ICftC-d Ierence between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that I being experienced in iearving which coun-
iiutw naveriy is me bignent ot an nign grade, bcorcner ta neiguisj
a w, tse:ie zi and 28 inch J7&.U0 and fSd.00.
A.J. Hodges,,
was begun in jotepbine county, Oresoa
and ended in Del Norte C5nnty. California,
where the murderer belonired. Where
should he be tried.
Mtanv Eed Crown Milling Co.
We have, leased the Red Crown
Mills for another year, and we are
now prepared to receive wheat on
storage, and to buy thesame
Satis will le MisM oi application. Kcnr
And Feed constantly on hand and for rale. Parties having wheat to sell or
tore ; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Flour will be
changed for wheat on the same terms as heretofore.
W. I. Tarn U. Coins, . E. D. Barrett,
t H- Allen anil S. E- Young.
Not incoipuated.
"Ttf '-ni i J tt?'Zfrfj'ti''vi , ri . . i joasrflnly cures Uuk..), v.. ..
. 1 vl 1 T 'Pb-$ I f '. ' ' u WakafaliHnS. Iwl VlusUty. Kigl..: V...
--ll CTJ l a. J - M.llr..thnHlASntl I.fWiVRr r: .t- .1 ' -J '
Tl . Tin lfln rti..r.-J. A. CliMA..Nt,.M Hl MUIJIMA '. AM' V.V- " SU. ; .
The cae of tbe slate vs Frank flows, of
BrowumMe.charged with bunting deer with
bounds was tried before Justice Powell
yesterday resulting in tbe deftndant's ac
quittal.' u. w, Wright, jwq.. represented
the defendant, and U. 11. llaliymple ap
peared lor tn state.
A visit to tbe W. C. T. U. hall late this
afternoon showed that the arrangements
therein were completed for tbe chrysan
themum exhibit. 'The flowers, manv of
them are floral wonders, marvelous in the
fantastic yet ever beautiful forms they as
Mr Henry La Bouchee, the celebrated
Frenchman, fter remarking that be was
not certain but that he would have voted
the democratic ticket if be had been an
American but for tbe coinage question,
Rajs : "America's worst product is its dot
larocracy, wbcie members have literal I v
nothing to recommend tbem. The odds
are that either they or their parents ac
quired huge fortunes by I be most ques
tionable means. Asa rule ther are iiroo-
rant and vulgar, building a house in order
to dazzle by ostentatious entertainments
and buying pictures for which they only
Tbe Salvation Army is making ar
rangements for its annua! Self-Dental
Week, which takes place throughout
the United State from Nov. 16th to the
22nd. Members of the army and its
friends are asked to abstain from lux uries
in order to raise money for the purpose
of establishing food and shelter bureaus
in large cities for the poor and i.eedy .
fw.uuu is expected to be raised in the U.
c. for tbe purpose.
Will Pheiffer this fljornincr took a ffenu
ine tarrantular from a bunch of banaonas;
but it was dead and hence is sufficient for
only a mere mention of the lact. Tbe
tarrantular it tbe only animal that makes
a door to his bouse and locks it on the in
side. Mighty smart beast.
Lebanon is to have a bowlin? alley.
'As high as 13 cents has been offered f.
hops in Halero.
'lhe Journal says seven men in the wool
en mill there gtt 1 1 25 s day.
.- McKinlcy's plurality in California has
been reduced to less than 2000.
The steamer A Ibany will leave at
o'clock a. m tomorrow for Portland.
Bryan carried Spokane county by .1034
Tbe total number of votei cast was 6713.
The Santiam at Startoa rose within
inches of tbe high water mark of 1& 0.
Dr. Davis, of f larrishnrg, last Saturday
told his crop of hops, 138 bales, for lOJi
cents per pouna.
License was issued today for marrlnirn
care because tbey have been acquired atlofOle Benson and Minerva woodecf
high prices; selling their soul to anyone I both of Sweet Home. .
who will enable tbem to hobnob with rov- officIai bal0t rued i Pan Francisco,
alties, and their daughters to anyone who wai about the size of the Democrat and
wm iwier a uuo uu lueiii, contained 385 names.
their own country and institutions and re- . ., M, ,
carding themselves as in every respect su-1 ,. "r. ;, ' T
UUllrai yr tjun wua uuinMsuii vu eev
lbe pauenjrer rate on tlu
been reduced to I4.S5 for the
bet nen Albany and Portland.
M students fmm tbe U. of O. at Enpme
went to Corvalli today to participate in
tbe football game tomorrow.
As indicated by the dixpatchea hnt ia
asaiu tipwarc bound and today U T3 cents
U olden are cn tbe auiioos seat.
At tbe meeting of the Sre dVleiritet last
eveninir arrangements were mde frr a
erand L-bntmas ball on Cbn tma ti,-ht
The farmer who raised anoles In clover
Aney retail at cents a ponnd. A little
sack lull costs more than a bushel most
Whitman county. Wahiocton. rit
a total vote of 8.200 give Krvap a plural
ity ever McKinley of 2.012, a ventatle
local land slide.
A petition wilt he presented the county
court asking that the bounty on coyotes be
rniMvi to in some piacrs tby are be
coming a nuisance.
There is not a town in Oregon, 'hat pre
sents a better inducement fo a bnk of
small cai'itat well conducted than Toledo.
It is a good opening. Lender.
An old horse collar is on exhibition in
Eugene. The collar is made of wool, and
was brought across tbe p'ain in 3T3 by
B V Powers, who lives north of PpringSeld.
The sale of the Hotel Kugene bv Charles
Baker and wile, of 3n Francisco, tbrouuh
Chas. Lacer, agent, to S'ephen 8 meed,
of Camp Creek precinct, for 9 000 was
consummated tbis atternoon. Yesterday's
The Budget gives the names of forty
republicans who are candidates for the
Astoria post otnce, prominent one being
Sara Elmore, F L Parker, J V hw, Ben
Worsley, C J Ourtis. and Ur. Jay Tuttle.
The r port that the grade of the ten
miles of tbe Astoria road completed tad
been seriously damaared by tbe recent rains,
it transpires wi. entirely unfounded. Tbe
road bed has not been damaged.
T. L. Dugger, of fbe Sclo Pres. a few
days ago lot about half of a finger bv a
paper knife fulling upon it Tbe lever
slipped and when the smoke arose the end
of one of his flagors was alone.
Of ders are pushing theBtajton Chair
company almost beyond its capacity for
manuiacture. n n oraer tor twenty dozen
la on tie bona tor a many, ana from stv-
eral other cities in uregon, Washington,
ana laano aiau.
A good many tramps are around. Tbey
are eo promiscuous ia tbe south east
suburb that nothing of value ia left in
the O. P. freight office, which baa been
broken into several times recently.
Mrs. J. M. Ponaea, ot Lebanon, is run
it tog Albany relatives lor few days.
Prof. Helen Crawford, of tbe O. A. C
Prof. Jane Morris, of the Salem public
schools, and Mr, Horace Powell, of San
Bernardino Call I., are in the city today
boiding a reunion.
The Maeaxine Club met this afternoon
with Miss Emma Pfei&er. This is oom-
poeed of a number of young ladies who
meet onoe a week at tbe homes ot tbe
members, do their fancy work, while
members read aloud, at the present tame
from Du insurer's last novel, and enter
tain each other generally. A number ot
ple eant gatherings have already been
day morning with a choLe
meats. uc him a rail.
Klectioa is over Luf not the domaaJ
good meat. This ia the season when It is
Meded particularly. H'lght Bros, we
bandy and keep a fin appiy. Step in.
8. G. Dorris has eharM nf fa H.-rf..
burg Beview. at least temporarily. The
paper is offered for sale.
Toe open Chinees nheaaant
tomorrow. The birds have 1mm nmi-
wett slaughtered, and respectable boaters
will leave them alone now.
The drain-' an- finhin- n..i J k.
Waterkn wooIm mill ,n-
Lebaaoa. Tbe Waterloo null will man
pfacture cbth and send it to bslem to be
Veal A Sod ar milin. ,.
Ilfht their factor with tk.- -2-
Tbey are doing a big batioess, makiiw
uuve abipmeau all oer the Northwest.
West Bros lJ P-Masnt Hill n.l.- -JJ
Jo 8 H Friendly 2300 boaheisof wheat, oa
"awa oi ears, tor 75 cents per basnet. The
3lewrs West have Ue wbeat at their farm
e4 will deliver it at once. Mr Friendly
a4o purchased about 40u0 beabeU from
othr parties today and yesterday.
An event of popular interest waa the
Dickens CarniTal cite bv the Lulwa f
he Preabjteriaa church Thorsday Bight
Tbe affair bad been uncn ulaed aooct.
ad aesrty all the people ia owa were
there, soas partiapun s and ether aa
spectators. Corvallis limes.
A suit has twee cow meaoed in tht iaa-
Uce euurt at Athlasd again W VI Colvig.
m. r eieatoB. Koot lay lor, s U tloit and
;k N So las, as members of the Brroa aaioa
e-ecotiws comnune by E I Kaiser, of the
alley Kerora. The soil u brought to re
cover SJ6.75. ctaimed ti be doe him froai
the d feedaets for priarieg done darieg
the Ute campaign. It ia stated that tbe
deteedants ta the case are prejanog to
coatect tbe suit to the hut extremity.
Riflg phone 9, for Smiley tbe Driater
Cut yoor K. and G. corset at the Ladies
A not her line of winter shirt waists just
arrived at tba Ladies Baxaar.
Lsncums sweet water nveloii can be
foaadatCE Browneila.
Sweet pickles and olives ia balk at C E
A 8 ne Use of Cooks Raasea and Heat
ers at Tbe Stewart A Sox Iiard ware Ca 'a.
QothiB cleaned and meired by kin A
E Owen, 3rd between Ckworth and Broed-
Fee wars eveninir eommocial school
Brin's bnitdieeover Ctawford and Hi
sh e photograph gallery. Penmanship,
bookkeeping, anlli-etc, etc. Open evea
togs, ror terms ceil at school room, ba.
lafactioa guraateed.
Another progressive step. This week
we enlarged our domain by tbe addition
of Akers of ma steal fame. This ia a val
uable acquisition, besaase it greatly en
hances the prospects of a gloriooa future
'or Albany College along the musical
Misees Elizabeth Irving,Madge Marks,
flattie Swan, Ave Baltimore and Mil
dred Bonn ester visited as yesterday.
Yesterday closed our week of prayer.
All meetings were well attended, aod
we believe that of those who attended
none regretted, but went away feeling
spiritually strengthened and -leased.
Certainly there waa no one present at
oar last meeting who was not deeply
and indelibly impressed as Mr. Xhun
mitt, in stirring tones, spoke of the need
of grace of God in our hearts, urging ap
rons to aceepi this grace and pointing
oat, by living exam plea, its wonderful
transforming power upon the lives of
men. w hen sncn words as those spoken
by Mr. Dummett make as to see more
clearly the ereat temptations with which
young ten of today have to battle and
to which tbey odsa yield, truly we
OJgbt always to pray that the saving
grace of God may be abocdantly poured
A rain we call attention to the nomlar
oi i lecture course soon to be entered upon
I These lectures, varied in the character
W ask Help In Behalf of the Fallen.
For want of heln financially wears
compelled to cloaw the Adelphi niaaion
work in Albany, at least "for the pres
ent." M e have endeavored to pay our
wn personal expenses and simply ask
he friends to pay the expense of rent,
ights and fuel for tbe ball, but have
ailed in that. We are now 110 behind
and don't believe it right to continue aa-
lees we can leel assured ot meeting tbese
expensee. tl e are willing to sacrifice all
to rescue tbe pet isning, wmcn we oeueve
we have demonstrated since coming to
Albany, do you want the mission to con
tinue in your city, if so come up to the
help ot the Lord and help the fallen.
We desire to thank those who have so
kindly contributed and pray God's bless
ing upon all. i ours in Ubrist.
W. L. TnoMrsoif akd wirx.
Winter has arrived and the beautiful
rain baa begaa to descend, and the sweet
soug of the Irfg is heard in the land, the
concert troupe of Thomas de Feline" has
gone into winter quarters, the politicians
are all bossed op so "adieu" to profanity
tut the warm aaya oi spring arrive.
Jodse Barton made a harried visit to
his home and while here he butchered
his hogs, (that is be bossed tbe job.)
Some of oar people are going to Oor-
veilia to day to ratify the late election,
bat it is too rainy for some people. We
know if one thai will not be there.
Don't all speak at once.
Mr. Bam lord will take his swine to
market to day. We are glad that we are
not a tog today.
Oar banters were out all day yvwterday
as it was the last day they could huat
China pheasant for the market-
Mr. Ralph Tantia was in oar city yes
terday, lie visited the school and we
surpoee be called on jndg Barton.
Uome again, Kaipti i
Little Kosa Bco,
A KaSaral (! See
Karl's Clover Root Tea purities the blood
end gives a clear and beautiful complexion
For aae by rosbay and Mason.
Brains snyi: "There's only one right way
to auvmise ana mm is 10 cummer your
name, your location ana our business so
into the
Meet Pav Foa tux Wilbelm
and Sons. Monroe, will be com
pelled to pav for the 100,000 needles
a JSew York firm shipped tbem, no mat
ter how long it may take them to dis
pose of the lot. That waa tbe verdict
rendered bv a iury of twelve men Wed
npadav afternoon. Tbe trial occupied
all the afternoon, aud in his testimony
Adatn Wilbelm, Jr., stgted that there
were more needles in the lot than tbey
could sell in twenty years. The value
of the needles tho firm at temped to order
amounted only to 1 80: the value of
the needles they are to pay for is $120
hesides the freight from Kew York.
ArriR Mast Yiars. In 1883 Louis
Trrennort 'who now resides near M osier
came into The Dalles with a pack train
from the unoer country, having witn
him a bundU of sold dust valued at
ahnnt 20 000. He sat the bundle down
while he talked witn some menus, ana
when he went to pick it an again it was
oone. Where it went to Mr. Davenport
could never learn. A few days ago a
man named Bernard appeared ia The
Dalles and asserted that it wm one of
Mr. Davenport's mule drivers that stole
the dust. The matter will be investigat
ed, and possible the mystery ot the dis
appearance of the valuable package may
yet be solved. The Dalies T. M.
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific States inventors
this week. Keported by C. A. Snow A
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. TJ. 8. Patent office, Wash
ngton, D. C.
1 8 drown, Eureka, Cat., neck yoke;
J Brusle, Oakland, CaL, cloth or twine
cotter: M M Csn3eld, Seattle, device for
operating windows: W B Cantrell. Se
attle, step or extension ladder; A C'hev
anne, Grass Vslley, Cat, shifting appa
ratus; II M Copland, fecotteburg. Or, ore
separator; WG Curtis. San Francisco.
ear und retort for wood-preserving plants ;
e r inenr, epragne, waen, nut lock ; tt
B GaleSan Francisco, valve meet anr'im ;
F G Gaechlin, San Francisco, letter-box;
WL Hall, Spokane, lifting jaek; FA
H-lir- c- t.r.i ri .-i.i,.
der; JT Hare, Fmno, Cat, bay-loader;
i Heba, San Frandeeo, plug for barrels;
u-wbud, cu x ranciaco, imm wr
bine : G Hoffman. Snokane. Wash, rsmh
listener', C L Ho wolt, Santa Rose, Cel.
ironing table: B Holt. S'ot fcton. Cat.
link for driving chains; J H Jeseen, San
rranetaco, stocking; a w jeasnp ioe
A nee lee. notishine machine: C W Jnni.
Ellensborg, Wash, automatic air brake
retainer; M D Keeney, Anuoch, Cat, ap
paratus for cook ie g paper stock; JD
Keller, Santa Clara, 61, rotaey pump;
E E Knight, San Francisco, railway
spike; D O Livermore. Los Gatos, Caf,
sash lock; E K Morrill, Truckee, CaJ,
iruil box : H J BolIaoB, ban xranctseo.
gas engine; CG White, Woodland, Cal,
rotary engine; U U White, n anatcbee.
vt asn, water elevator.
f"inrs-ifiB- m
iliiaBU iru
and delivered by some of tbe most prom
inent ana aoie mea ot the state, promt-
ses to ne aa lateuectoat treat aeeood to
none tbe citizens of Albany bare ex
perienced. Two more bare been added
to the lis of lecturers. Dr. Hill of Port
land, and BevJRobert KcCain of Grants
rasa. Dr. Driver, who is the first
the docket, wiil lecture Wednesday
evening Nov. 23, oa the "Development
Theory of Creation." Oar program wili
have additional features; Sot insutuce,
mane by the college band, glee club,
wtu i tw weiBucn ut iamcaomemvarj.
Another feast has been promised ns,
and we look forward to it with eager an
tkipatioa. At rtaien times during the
rest of the year the members of ar fac
ulty will deliver lectures to the students.
We expect to receive from these lee-
fores much rich and novnshirg intel
lectual food.
Oar foot ball team, though in its in
cipieocy, baa been beard of and reeog-
nuusd in other parts of the state. ery
recenMy a chsl enge was received from
tbe team of Newberg CoOege, which will
probably be r. ceiveo.
The Cicero and Iliad elasaea went
th rough that awful ordeal known aa an
examination on Thursday of this week.
uteooraaauot tbe Cicero class passed.
uus uoj oi ui uima ciaaa iaiiex. Li na
beee saested that he chanee hia
of action.
Last niirht waa a night of social frath-
enngs. Tbe senior normal class gather-
rr-u at rrot. Aoroet s, and indoiged t
weu, we koovr not what, tor three or
fear hoara. The junior and senior class
teal classes gathered at the residence of
ooget ti. iiewiu. xbe eveninc was
enjoyaHy spent in gabbing, reaucg.
amging, gaming and eatine.
It ha been authoritative! reported
that the Hercoieavn member of one of
oor most advaaeed 'Is asm waa recently
transported to tbe reventh heaven of
Tbe heaven was his best snri s
parlor; the bliss waa caused by beins in
the preeenoe of one whom be- coanaers
aliDost angelic. So enchanted, so faci
nated was this poor boy tnat be coo Id
not tear frmself away from that parlor
and her presence that niht: soheiast
jned over nizhuand retarned to
us own near people the next day.
farascr Cwrerf.
Poor cct of Sre whs
seffsr nervocsne-
wvntal gry,s:t ar
at" tbebi-ea,'ajbst
paring the penalty ct
carty cxcewirn. Tkv
tima, reclaim yoor
manhood, regain racr
Dejnt daraalr. Send foe book wili
rrpis-atlrp and prooca. Hailed tsealed) tree.
EE1E I2EDICAL CO., Boffalo, M. T.
$ Pages i Wfta. 151 Pa?cn a Year.
Ialaner thaa any weekly or eemi-
weekly paper publ-hed a ad is the only .
mportant deoiocratie "weekly" pab
iabed in 5ew Yo-k City. Three tunes
aa Urge as the leading republican week-
y ot J lore uty. it wiu ne ot
nedal advantaee to yon daring tbe
Presidential Campaign, as it is peb-
Uahed every other day, except Sunday,
ind has all tbe tresanees am timeuseea ,
d a daily. It eombinea all the news
ritba long bet of interesting depart
aenta, V-uqae featares, cartoons and
aphie iliu-uauons, the latter being a
AU these improvemests have been
nade without any increase m theeoet
which remains al oce doi'ar oer year
We oBer thu nne.u-ed newspaper
and tbe Waxxxv Dkhoolat together oae
year for $3.00. SAt -factory term with
Too Mcca Sow. Dick Vandevert. of
t-rook coontr. who recently noraaed
load ot eappbes here, and left with ha
foar horse team for home, after
sreea sua tne snow on tne uaacade
moontaiaa. retarned here yesterday. He
says that several wagons and a part of
ten men attempted to cross the range bat
were eompeUed to absutdoa their wagons
in tbe snow and carry oat their supplies
an their backs. Tbe Know when be left
was about eirht feet deep, Beretofore tbe
road haa not generally closed lor a month
later. Mr Vandervert will drive his
wagon to Portland, taen ship the outfit
to The Dallea, and then drive on to bis
home. tiaard. This means hia waler
nis winter
I ISaum B.&L A. The annual meet-
tog of the Salon B. L A. waa held
yeeterday. Tbe aaeociaUon ia S4 montha
old and the book value per share is
tlSS.10, a rain of K4.10 per share. 629
shares have been loaned apoa, 2,16- is
sued m ail. and 1.013 withdrawn or can
celled. The report indicate that it will
take about three years longer lor tbe
nm series to mature.
Ox or THi PsosraafTT B-rom. Ev
ery extort ta being mad to make tt ap
pear tnat prosperity ia retanung witn a
jump. Certainly everybody woold like
to have it return, bat the public wants
the troth and not hiohlv colored reoorts
sent oat merely tar eoect. A sample
a dispatch in the Sew York Herald sar
in, the two bis chair factories of Albaav.
Or., employing fifty men, had started up
arcer election, on account ot tbe reeult.
wne.-eas tbey bare been rannina nsbt
aioog aotng good businesses.
Wht. In July foar sacks of wool were
stolen from May A Senders at Hams-
burg. Aa arrest waa made and the pris
oner liberated on bail. Tbe .tie view
wants to know whv the recent srand
Jury did nothing at all with the
rior to others on account of their dollars.
the United states is not to he a mere
tocracy and olisarcbio power these
oribles, who have been increased and are
pcreasing, muetgreatly diminuh.
count of insufficient business
Silets precinct, Lincoln county.
McKinley 76 to Hryan So. Uonsu
difference from the June election.
insititingly and so thorough!
turn their step
people beads that if they walk in their
sleep tbey will Instinctively
toward your store.
I In Dahkkwh. The Dallea has been In
dai knees for twelve months, lbe elec
tric light company offer to furnish 20
iikta at ti2 a ii-htand not a cert less.
Albany gets fifteen at less than $9. The
council of The Daless are taking steps to
put in kerosene lamps.
Both the method and remits when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cares habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to- the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, rromrt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable Bubstances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for eale in BO
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist frho
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
nuKooo. et.
tovfSviUE. cr. ww roc, r.
In OovrmsT Hands. The commer
cial department of Albany College ia
remarkably good hands. Prof. Lenta
proving to be the right man for the place.
He recently received a prise from the
Heetera fen man. bis work being- ad
judged one of the three beet in the com
petition among a large number.
A Para Mnx. It is reported that
McNeil Bros, will probably start a paper
mm at Albany to manuiacture ait kinds
ot finis led papers, in connection with
the proposed pulp mill rt Niagara. The
Lebanon mill will continue to manufac
ture straw paper.
, Change of Banking Hours.
On and after November 0th, 1896, tbe
banks of Albany will open at 9 a. m.and
close at 3 p. m , every cay except San-
days and holidays.
Fikst Xattoscal Bask,
J. W. Cvsujc A Co.
Jrsr Wait for the 'Commercial Drum
mer and vou will never regret it. This
is one of the strongest comedy dramas
a-er nroduced in Alhanv. and with Rnrt
r. an uievs in tbe leadine comedy role.
success is assured. Remember the night,
Tuesday Nov 17. Admission 25 and 35
cents, eesta now on sale at liuranart x
Lee's drag store.
MiNtsTKBAL Mtrnso-The Min literal
t ngrvsv tatVAVU win iiv--r luutruay a vr m u.
Nov IS. at tbe Y M O A pailorv All
fall attendance is desired.
G. A MansHAaor, sea. pro tern.
Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Boarding School for Girls.
Thorough instruction Wholese-ae
iiet Homelike treatment. CoosMer
ing hard times, favorable rednctioss are
made for boarders and day scholars.
Studies will be returned SepU 1st. For
orvber particalars call at the Academw
or write to Sister Superior.
Albany College
Teachers for the school year 1SS6-1S97 :
Hjnri M. Parvin, Has. Doc. director.
A-Rstantteachers-Margaente Alderaon,
B.1L, and Mrs. Jasephxoe Sharpe.
Tboroogh and systematic instrnction
riven in all the important branc&esoi
music Beet conservatory rooms and
latgeet moeical library aad facilities for
mtfeiral work. Largest ncatber of con
servatory students enrolled of any music
school in the state. Terms low. Send
lor areolar and catalosroe, to
Waixcx Hovi Laa, A. M.
Albany, Oregon.
nrjiDOD ppisoi
atsja low I
7Qsrafwra mm hste wa wl oatraok
so w nBtvmt ta-w and aosrt a-ls. aa aa
suais.n wa oaistsis, um aa-a
vy, kKlie Mtaaa. aad actB kai
satasL Kaaowa rwaesMW la ssoath. e
ka-s artfas aaS
ss-ML-tnat iirswsi-ois.8srTsi-m
tUBMa. Copper rvlsets liMta. Clo
T o ta boa.. It mtr or i y o o . ..
mv a Uwyvain-M anoim oiom.4
wea-au-u-Mwto-a-- Wssalars
sis rsm ul w-Uaw Va wrorld far
MM-rwcamMte-T. a Sinsis a-s alwaya
.cfficami. txi.
paign book, "Krvas. Sewall and
Free Silver." anthoHsel by Bryan,
wrttfa-a by R- L. Wetcaif. Editor Omaha
Worid-Herald. appointed author by Bryan.
Contains speeches and platform. A ooeania
for agents, a free silver mine for workers.
Only 1.50. The oaly anthoriaed book. 60
par cent. Credit given. Freight paid,
(atfitfree. Begta bow with choice of
territory. Permanent, profitable wcrk for
96 Address Tbe National Book Concern,
tar Building, Chicago
Notice ta hereby given that fvads are
oa hasd to pav outstanding warrants of
tbe itaoe of i96, horn No S43 to 401, in.
elusive, interest on such warrants wi'l
ceae with the date of thi notice.
Albany. Or.. Nov. 9. 1S96-
K. A. PAaasa, City Treas
TtraKBTl Another ereat alanghter of
innocenta for the W. CT. U. hall
thanksgiving day. The Baptist ladies
know how to cook and serve the turkeys.
be sore aad come.
' Teste til Raiii & Ortm
(Mason System of Technic)
Careful Instrnction cfChUdren a Spec
ialtv. Terms moderate.
Washington SU south of U. I . cburcn.
The motox on the Albany street rail
way will connect promptly with all trains
to and from the depot, day and night.
Special trips will be " ade at special
aieC " I. F. Cosn. Conductor, -
, Dr. Plica's Cream Baking Powder
WorMf Fair rUcaeat AwarO.
MeeU every Saturday eyeninr T. O
T. M . HalL Visiting Knights invited t
ttend. J.S, Vas Wci4X,Com