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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1896)
I V : ' : : : - ' . '"" - i VOL XXXI 1. ALU ANY GKEGON. FRIDAY NO ill 18315 Entered tC tfct Feat OlSee m tlbany. r. NO 15 ecneClss Hall Maltett v V V V I I 7 ) ii - --- i -raXctabfePreparatianfor As similating foeToodarvdRegula-tir-g the Stomachs andBowels of RomotesBigestioaChcerful 'ncssandRcstContains neither Opium,Moiphine iwrlLocxaL KotNahcotic. iBxJmnm Ii ill; " now: Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stotnacti.Diarrhoca, and Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of "NTTVV "YORK. " tj EXACT COPTT OF WRAFFEB. : i J ill , '1 The Inaestructible ''Maywooa BICYCLE. os gest Modern, , Host ReliaHe. lost Dorabls AMD STRONGEST Wbeei on Earth. PATENTS 1I " WITH COUPON. V Fw?'-J . ' The "MmywryvT i the ttrrmnrst mrt timpVrf rrernade. Adapted for all kints e Xnuls and riders. Hade of material thst lovfth rml vtrp: pir-iple in construction, easily taken apart and pat together; lias ierr far-; is of snea wiry isn.t ruction that iu para Will hold together even in an accident: no boiiuir to.ii-c U croiiii in at every contact: a frsnx that cannot be broken; ao simple that its adjusniie prts wrre as its oocnectinir parts: a one tviece crank in place of a dozen paru; always realty ! irire roliaole aad rai-id trsuportation. FKAMK Improved doable diamond. puui! tnr Ihrw ye&r. y.iuie of fe-inrh eoid rolled steel rods (tonehest and strong eat rartaJ for its weight tnownt: joined toeetber wita alnminnm bronxe fittings in ruch a numx-er thz l impossible to i re- k or aiy zt work loose; a marvel of novelty, simplicity and dura:iIU; tixe cresttt iion-siQaMoa of iniretxaity In bicycle mecbanimn known, to boil 1 a frame ' T !,t j', brawn Jr iutc ar d tobicir. as you know that frames continually break and fracture at t, ?a joints, and tnhes when tbev are bnckled rn cannot be repaired. WHlilil 39-inch; war. wood rhr.s. rtano wire tangent spokes and brass nipples. HUBS Lam barrel patf- n. TIKK"-Arlington" Hosepipe or Jiar can A Wrieht Quick Bepair. or some other n- --;-ss tmemaatie tire. UKARl-VOS--KaJ! bearintrs to every part, including wheels, crasx, -erin bead and rvdals. CVPB ASO vuxiA uen ouauty tool scee. careiciir term hardened centers, rear adjnstment. l'KiSn. tected by patenM no cotter pins. BEACH Shcr, Morn FROJfT FORK Indestrnctibie: fork -. -BAB-Reversible and adjostahle; easily ad- Dished If ordered. SADliLB p. & Gltlia liat-tr&p or robber; tall ball bearino Fl nickel plated. Each Bicyele complete with Bordinc to tires, pedals, saddles, etc, JT to f to la oar Special Wholeaala Prieo. Ke-. for leas. . To qnickly introdaoe the "Haywao: have decided to make a special coupon of?-: reader of this paper a chance to cet fizst-clOR lowest price ever offered. On receipt of SUM we will ship to anyone the above Bicrele. sc. -and Enarantee safe delivery. Money 'refui:- i i represented after arrival aod examination. V. C. O. D. with privileee of examination, for a. j . provided $5.00 is sent with order as a a-narantec o written binding warranty with each Bicyri ahacoe of a lifetime and yon cannot aflord to let asity pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' UNION, H Wast Vaa Barea Street, Bxsioi, CH1CA& m ; UGL!SHan COLLEG mm Full Engmsh-Coui?. BUSIStSb Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Teleg s.- - in w - 1 1 t p Mr Albany Red Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another now prepared to storage, ana to buy tne same Sacts iill lie tasM oa applicatioiL "Four And Feed constantly ort hand and for sale. Parties having wheat to sell or . wyi try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Flour will be xCh anged for wheat on theame terms as heretofore. W. L. TanoV'.- IU. Boils, 1. D, Barrett, H. H. illen an3 8- E. Ycung. gjf Notincoipurated. rri'prirPfl ference betwpen a wheel that is actually high grade and one th fcXpeilCll5u is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but tl ti'lAPtS-r '-Waverly is the highest of all high grade. bcorcher (3 height nlU $85 00, Belle 29 and 28 inch $75.00 and $85.00. . MADE BV INDIANA BICYCLE VO. HDIASAPOL18, IND '-Kr.Cm-''- afnst3 SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE " SIGNATURE OF IS OK" THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTTjFi ow Casta! Is ml up la cm rin oottisi cc!y. II ii act gold la balk. Scat alls autoes to toll yoa anythlsg els on tts plea or promise that it is "jsat as good" aad "will answer wary par pas." -W See thai jxm ret O-A-S-T-O-S-I-X be WBSpea !-5l ITTW THIS S75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE Oct. S. 193 Jn i. ISO? Jan. CI. lStW Others Pendinc Hid hardened, tail SS Hirti erads) celebrated one-piee erank. folly pro . ijaest. a' incbe. OfcAB - -E-iefrora ron-bcrrei mL HANDLE :ny position oairea: i horn fnr- : odje. - EUAU- iHrht part jot, at, ao- . 1 V - -I w- . ed, as .. tip m - V 1. t , V No. USINES OREGON wm BRANCHES.' year, and we are receive wheat on Are built in .2 the largest ICWfcLFA and Best iuquippea - Factory in the "World A. J. Hodges,. ;Agent --a:- cely cures fjnr.-Tkly, omnftni.lvifi . 4ftt4 memory. 1 vi limin l'i.t-f -Vol )fnl.-i-.f, Vl.ailty. tiUMlv KrcH , ri-tL"iff BnU wstinir luuaiHJj oaufK-d .rfij. V'Utawtsio cplr iJ.s. IxanerveUntj . r.3k.'4iiioiwlusilniyirwisaiil plnitiib vf-.w vi wrttox;: 1'i rfii. .i 'numrvrtfvp-UA. Wrtie us. tree) . . .... r . i wraiir, vr'.ltl Uwtlmonliils end "r.,V-- , 1 tfywt'laMmt. ftWIMiiliU' , t. w. -r.iz HUU CUn MnwiHTwisl.fMSi v. M'- Al',iU.lrist. . 1: tV LAI1ES Wk TJbdL U BS"DA"Y" FXECTION NEWS. 1'he Result. Kkw York, Nov. 5. Returns received by the Associated Press op to 1 :45 p m. today state that McKinley bas carried the loiiowing states : uaaiorm.m uonnecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indian, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, JNew tiarapsmre, ivew Jer sey, few York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin, 260 electoral votes, and that Bryan has earned tne following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouii, Montara, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carclina, South Carolina, Tennes see, Texas, Mrginia and Washington. 167 elector ial votes, leaving in doubt W yoming, Kentucky and South Dakota, 20 votes. Colorado: Brvan'a majority in stale is 120,000 to 130,000, Adams dem, is elec ted governor by 12,000 to 15,000, legisla ture strongly silver, not single straight republican chosen. Kjcntcckt: Democratic chairman, Sommers says Bryan has Kentucky by 2.CO0. - New York, Nov. 5, 2 p. m. Chair man Mark A Iianna just issued a state ment in which he fays McKinley has 265 electoral votes sure and that he (eels confident ot 13 more in Kentucky, 2 in Wyoming and 11 in North Carolina, which are in doubt. Nebraska For Bryan. Caicago, Nov. 5 Omaha and Dong lass county complete, give McKinley 12,344, Bryan 11,7 73, McColl, reo for governor 11,41S, Holcomb fusion 12,040. The Omaha Bee concedes Nebraska to Bryan by from 5,000 to 6,000, says Strode in first and Mercer in second congres sional district are only republican con gressmen elected and that the fnsionista will have nearly two thirds majority in each branch ot the legislature. The World Herald claims Bryan's majority in Nebraska will be ten thousand, con cedes Mercers election but says in first district Strodes is close and will require official count to decide. Tennessee and Kansas for Bryan. New Yore, 3 a. m. Kentucky at this hcur gives McKinley a plurality of 1634 with one republican county nnrdported and estimates on two. Tennessee gen erally conceeded to bryan. Kansas goes tor Bryan and Sewsil by small majority. The Next Congress. New Yore. Chairman Babcock eavs he has complete reports from 193 con gressional districts that have elected re publican. 135 districts have elected dems or pops, and 23 districts in which returns are incomplete. These may all be classed as doubtful with prospects that at least one halt ot them may go re publican, which would make the total republican membership in 55th comrresa 207. It is safe to say that under no cir cumstances will the membership fall be- row -AJ. Th electoral vote stands about 26 1 to 1S7 in favor of McKinley. .Missouri, which some wera gotrg to have bo for McKinley stives Bryan about 60,000 majority. ai Chan ley camra three sou in era states, Maryland by 32,291, West Vir ginia by 19,000 and perhaps Kentucky by 2UU0 or or less. Uolorado leaj for Bryan with a major- ty of 100.000. Kansas, Nebraska. Ten nessee and North Carolina at first count ed for McKinley are for Bryan. rennsjlvania pave McKinley the big gest majority, 280,000, New York aeernd with 559,879. Illinois third with 168.716. Ohio giTea him 53,733. Election Notes. Jefferson precinct went for McKinley 145 to 123. The strongest McKinley pre cinct in Marionjcoonty was Auroria 95 to I. Lincoln precinct was a tie 97 to 9. Mr. Hobart eivee sold democrats ereat credit in the election of McKinlev and Hobart. They undoubtedly did the bus iness. The Examiner is a newspaper. It did. like the Democsat, admitted McKinley' election just as soon aa the returns showed it. Gov. Bud J. of California, said: "It is the duty of all true Americans to give to the administration their support, and 1 hope that the prosperity promised dar ing the present campaign will follow the election ot. McKinley." Everybody should endorse that. Bryan carried the sheep county Uma tilla by over 200 and Penale'on which bad been estimated at 200 or 300 for Mc Kinlev gave him only 40. The E. O. crows over the fact The majority rules. The vote in Colorado waa about 6 to for Bryan. That potato patch will continue to ran. Pingree was re-elected governor ot Mich igan. McKinlev'a plurality in Oregon is only 2,392 with Urook, Uurry and Harney to hear from, and the will probably re duce it a little. Lake and Klamath counties both gave Bryan majorities,' notwithstanding their great wool interests. Lincoln gave Mc- n.iDiey oniy plurality. Governor Taylor will continue to fiddle in Tenn. by about 8000 plurality, 10,000 Denied Bryan. McKinley's plurality in Marion coun ty is only 389. Uoos county gave tiryan 454 plurality. Bryan's plurality in Washington is a little over 10,000. It will take the official vote to decide Kentucky and Wyoming. Mrs. Mary Y. Marvin died in Spokane from the effects ot the sews of Bryan's aeteat. The next house will have 201 republi cans, 124 democrats and 21 populists. The total vote in Lane county waa 4,801. and Bryan's average nlnralitr was 377, just 300 less than in Linn. 45 proh - bition votes were cast and about 65 for Palmer. Cabinets are already being built for Mr. McKinley. Gold and Palmer demo crats are certainly entitled to a elite. . Outside of the towns the vote In Linn county changed very little since the Jane election. The Lebanon Advance has not lost courage. It says: "Bryan will be the next president alter McKinley. Jas. A. Campbell waa re-elected pol: judge in San Francisco . lie has a h lice hold on the people. San Franciseo will have a new board of supervisors. The famous eight have ooen dropped. A supervisor elect of Alameda innni v. Calif., looks like Horace Greeley. They can mm -uonest old loin wells," Jackson county gave Bryan just 978 plurality. The gold democrats cast less than 8 per cent ot the total vote and hence can not appear hereafter as a party in Ore gon. McKinley's plurality in Oregon has been reduced to 2,042. Crook county gave McKinlev 4 nlur. ality. Kentucky, Wyoming and South Da dota are now claimed by both parties. Call to Our City Pastors. The pis tors of the city will meet in the Y. M. O. A. parlors on Monday Nov. 9, at 10 o'clock. It will be necessary to reor ganize the ministerial union of the city, and arrange for union Thanksgiving service. A full attendance is desired. D. V.I'ouito, Sec, now DONE. A subscriber at Tangent aekt the Dkm ocrrt to give the particulars of the elec tion of a president by electors which we doas follows: JJThe vote is for electors, the number of whom in each state roust equal tne whole -umber of represeutativea and senator j from the state in Congress. lhf Hectors are reiuired by tne con stitution to meet in their respective statempon the same day, and congress has decteed the second Mond ty In Jan nary following the elcctioi as the date. The electors vote Binaratelv for d resi de d t and vice president (one ot whom at least shall not be from the same state as the oluctor) and the list of votes after I being signed, ce rtiu -d and sealed, is trrusmitted to Washington, direct to tt 9 president of the a nate. Congress is reo aire 1 to be in sa sion for counting the ballots l the electors Ujon the second Wedaesdav in the fol 1 iwing February the preaiuent of the senate and house f representatives ointly assembled. A maioritv of electoral volte elect the sreaidenL and likpwisA the viivnrmi. lent. It no one has a maioritv, the election goes to the house of rt pnsent itives, the three (or two) candidates having the highest number of electoral votes being voted upon by states The representa tion from each state has one voie; there must be two-thirds 01 1 e states present for a quorum, and a majorityJot the states elect the president. II tne bouse ol representatives tans to choose a president before the next March 4th, theories president acts as president. The vice president will have been elected previously, in all human prob ability, because if be has not been nam ed by a majority of electoral votes at the joint session of congress, the senate is directed to select him by majority vote trom the two highest numbers on the original list, a two-thirds quorum being required for this action. Beyond the provisions ot the constitu tion, an act of the forty-ninth rongrtsa covers all proceedings in the case ot dis pute, and also exes the presidential suc cession in the emergency of death, resig nation and disability in the following or der: Secretary o( state, treasury, war. attorney-genera!, postmaster-general. secretary ot the navy and interior. But uua acting president most nave been ap proved ty the senate as cabinet officer. and within constitutional requirement for presidential eligibility, lie is com pelled to convene eontrr immediatelv and with twenty days not cp. The dates above in the pending presi dential succession matter fall as follows: Election, November 3, 1S96; electors vote, January 11, 1897; congress counts vote, February 10, 1S97. College Notes. Politic! Politics!! ro!itic!.'! The clou J of political anxiety and un certainty, which has been hanging over a for some lime, has been dirfel'ed and the bright fan of peace sheds tu enuiscoi rays upon n. As a result ot the election some of oar members are sleepy and sick at heart, while others are wide awake and jubilant. In previous notes we sig nified our intention to ratify the election ot the successful candidate regardiest ol party, aad we intend to carry out our purpose soon. Lou ot noise sna gooJ ?) music by our baud of infants. They have learned to play one piece quite cred itably. Come one, come all, both great and small, and listen to the music iu our ball. The new students this week are Messrs. Bernard Jakway and Charles McCol- lough. The arrival of three young men bas been looked forward to with eaer anticipation, as their services are desired in toe toot-bail team and la the band. Misses Mand Croshy. Nettie Black man and Edna Brecketuidge cave us a brief call thu afternoon. Give ot another )uint," girls. Lost, strayed or stolen ! A ten-year old, curved handled, $3 SO umbrella. The finder will ba amply rewarded In returning the same to Prof. TorbeL. It is perfectly natural to suppose that hi eldest son, white making a recent call at the home of one our fair lady student, left this umbrella on the porch. and, upon taking his aeparture. he found, mpch to bis dismay, that his papa's nmbrella swipeo." The Erodelphian held an interesting and enthusiastic meeting last r rnlay at ternooo. A good program was rendered including a spirited debate on woman suffrage. This debate was ably handled by both sides. It was characterixed by eloquence and "wind on the one side an! sound argnment and "fire" on the other, or vice versa. Girls, won't you invite the boys next limeT We, hereby, give notice that the A. C L. H. will hold its regular meeting on Friday. A good good program is prom ised. What student, with any observation whatever, bas failed to see the evident attraction, during chapel, of two of the junior members ot our time-honored, re vered and beloved faculty? The Oratorical Awoe'atim will hold its annual business meeting on Friday for the election of oMicerg. A movement is on loot by the colleges ot the state to amend the constitution . Wake np! Lets have a soc'al soon ! Htvltvs. Those Oyster. Mr- S. II. Friendly has received a letter from Gov. Lord requesting that the ex ecutive committee of the Board ot Re gents allow Mr. Washburn, the biotoc- iat ol the university, to superintena in conjunction with Fish Commissioner McGuire, the planting oi the consign' ment of Eastern oysters in Oregon waters. Mr. Washburn spent last sum mer iu studying me conditions prevail ing on our coast and will shortly publish a report ol his work, as soon as word reaches here that the oysters have ar rived Mr. Washburn will proceed to x aquina. Eugene u uard. Mr. Steve Riley and brother left yes- . t t r -:t ! . i . I - " . teruav tur vaiuuruia uj way ui l aquina Mr. A. D. Barker has returned from his California trip greatly improved In health. Messrs. Lundell and Akera, students in the Conservatory of Music last year, are expected in Albany this week to re sume studies in the school. 'Key. V. C. Kantner, .D. D.. pastor 1st Congregational church of Salem, is a vis. tor oi ttev. Holing ot this city. vt. Kantner was formerly president of Lafayette Seminary, and at one time was a pupil ot t'rot. tiarper, ol Glncago. The result in Wasbinnton rrobablv means the reelection ct squire as senator, The Dkmocrat is informed on irood au thority that a number of vie were bought in Albany at iz apiece, and that it was tne program all over Uregon. The election returns were received here earlier than ever before. The two opera tors are entiled to credit for the efficiency of the service done here. A "tourist' In tbs city yesterday de clared he was offered $2 in Salem to vote ior jmciviniey, ana nave me man s name who did it. He declared it was being done generally. Hops are rhing, and are 11 cents. There has been a shortage and the present de mand will clean out this years crop, leav ing none for next year, which will moan good prices. Mr. Pennoyer is accused of having said that he would resign if McKinley was elected, and that now he refuses to do so. That is no more than a great many said they would do it Bryan was elected. Anti eieutiuu uirmw wo iiji uureaaouauie. Dr. Price's Cream baking: Powder Awarded Ool4 Msdal atldwtatar Flr. Saa Francisco, OUR PRICES are Bargains ... Compare them rjjith ottiefsfc inalB harness' S 5 GO Team harness 18 CO Two sweat pais 65 3 bom whins 25 Othf ioods in samcrtto portion. CALL AND SEE US POWER & TOMLINSON. FEIDAT THE REFERENDUM. Editor Democrat : The silver question has been decided. The matter has been referred to the pro pie and they have voted by a tremen dous majority for the existing gold stand ard. It seems wise to acquiev in this de cision for two reasons. One is. major ities should rule in tliU country. The other is, the advotatea of the gold stand ard claim that capital la idle bee a tse of timidity caused b- the agitation for free silver. The prosperity of our country is far above party success. If the republican administration can restore prosperity, let no one put a sirs w in the way. It the agitation is continued, failure to restore confidence will he chartitd upon such agitation j The circulation of silver money at its present ficticious value is a serious prob lem, as present conditions, if continued, will flood the world with counterfeit coin, which cannot be told trom the ireneine. This may force an international acree ment as to a new ratio, which will not be 16 to 1, but may not go so low as 32 m I. Such an agreemnt will Dot embrace free coCnape ot silver but that metal will hereafter lie nsed for subsidiary coin alone. We might as well acquiesce gracefully and promptly. The votes are against as. 1 can do so easier than most .(or I have at all limes ex messed the belief that free coinage at 16 to 1 by this country alone wouiu eventually u not immediately re soil in silver becoming the basis. Be ieiving this it msy seem Strang that I did not support the republican ticket. Aa Rudyard . Kipling says, that is an other story, whicl- may be told later. I C llOol'E In .Mcmorian. WnEEiAS, on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, IS93, our lata brother, J. E. Oartwnght, In obedience to th proclaimed ejirt it is appointed unto man once to die, depart ed litis life and the necvxnity of being ever prepared to meet the given message. Therefore be it resolved, That in his sudden an4 untimely death oar lodge has Km a true a id worthy brother, the coenmnaity an exemplary cuiwo and his wife a kind and loving husiiand. Therefore be it further re solved, That Use bereaved wile and mother are hereby assured that wiUtlhem we m um the departure of lirother J. K. Cart wright and extend to tiiem our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in tLis their sal bereavement, liut the on. who note l lie epamws fall will not lea re them. Kesulved farther, That the loisr room be draped in mourning for thirty days. tbe resolu tions be spread on the nmiu'ei ot the lodge, and a copy given the family, aad the papers for pubilcatin. C. K. Mat ox, Jas McDokaixi. J. R. Bix-exa. Committee. Aous tfiuortD.-la the game of base bail Tuesday at rao Francisco the Tofts Lyon defeated the Sonograms 10 to 4. The former made 13 in the first two tn ning. They balled Fennimore all ove' the held. "Oh, but it was an awlul slaughter! The .wcaderiul Fennimore. the very mention of whose name inspires terror tn the hearts ot ballplayers' up Orison way. was np in the air so high that Jacob a ladder will be needed to bring him down strain. Out of forty- seven oranie biters at bat he only struck out two." Never heard of it before. Next Saturday the Moooerams will play the Alerts. What would any of these clubs be in the hands of the Colts with Fleis- ming in the box. A Rtt a Fin. Wm. Sullivan, of Mill City, returned home today, after bring ing in the election returns irom iiereo nrecinct. With his partner William has located a mining claim near the Qoarta ville mnes. They have a fine ledge of free milling ore which promisee great things. They have ben offered $5,000 for a third interest with a further pay ment of $20,0u0 when third interest pays out a certain amount. These men are to he eong-ralulated on their find, as good judges eel' mate tne ore worth Irom two to are tnousana OTiiarsa ton. jour nal. Mr. J. B. Nelson, a prominent Seattle man, has been in the city. Mrs. Z. T. Drais. ot Gates, Is in the city the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Bruckman. Mrs. Sutton arrived in Albany yester day from Astoria, and contemplates opening a restaurant here soon. County Superintendent G. W. Jones, of Marion county, and a.iss Cook Mart- tall were married in Wood burn yester day. Hon. Binaer Hermann went through Albany to his home tit Rosebtirg this noon. He snramr alonir towards the dining room like a boy, the election evi dently having gone to sun him. Bryan's plurality in Lane county was 3S4. About 1000 more votes were cast in Mar ion county Tuesday than in June. Tho nuwints nf ths coiioiv Clerk for UC tober were $4.16,20. of the recorder 131,20, Tl,. W. in it at Goshen on Nov Rev Brink married Henry Bxk and Anna Berkshire. A O Kmmtad has traded his sawmill at ToMo with Moses Gregson for hla farm near Philomath. The U of 0 will play football snd O A C at E.ugene tomorrow afternoon with chances in favor ot the U ot vj. Th norlnmshin of S. H. and G. II 1 Ku!m. hjs lfn dixsolved. the latter retiring on account of poor health. TtnainAaa linuites in The Dalles were Cosed yesurday and even bod j celebrated the opening of tbe locks, politics were foigot- ten. Tbe Dkmocrt will now spread Itself in aivinifthe news of the day. particularly local happening's. Wafch for it every evening. Mr. Robert Crawford today dog pota to with nins prongs, weighing six poimus, lacking an ounce, no wiv denes reRtored. Rev. Riley Little and family are now located at 6126 Lexington ave., Chicago, in a flat, with pleasant surroundings, and near his field of work.' Tbe Democrat is informed that' Mr. Qutncy Propst's name is beisg mentioned tur the office of Marshal on the republican ticket at the December election. Deputy U. fl. Marshal George Hum nk. .inn Tlmnnn and Waterloo voa terday subpoenaiog witu-sees for the Scan- innii counicrrcit case ou av iu e I" S. court. Election Day at Junction. J oscTiost Cm, Nov. 4, 1896. Editor Democrat: i v e thought a bit of news concerning the election at this place might be ac ceptable to yon and yonr readers. t The day was ushered in with a cloudless sxy, with a slight fog, but soon nto a most beautiful, typical day. sym none of the triumph of a righteous cause; the cause of free silver. .This presidential campaign and that of ,. The ml i"ue of the campaign of m was the freedom of four millions ol black slaves. The real issue ot the cam ps gn oi 1890, is the freedom of sixty millions of white slaves. A slavery a truly as ever existed, bating the single fact ot the rights of property. Practi cally we have been sold out to th. moo y Pwer I Lom bar J street, London, maa v ati street Hew York, and are nseri by them as property excepting bartei and sale. The social event of the day waa an en terpnse of the Bryan wtmen in provid ing a free lunch for Bryan voters ano their families. It was really a sumptu ous feast mora than a lunch, for, eatable of moxt .very description were furnishes' in great abundance, ao that when it wa all tastefully arraneed on the tables. a enthusiastic wimen only can do sue! tnings, ana men embellished with ft nooa ot most lovely flowers, it waa . most inviting sight. Ei. ht hundred persons were fed. Thro hundred ot whom were voters. The spirit of th. occasion was mos hearty and iovous Hopefulness ot fina triumph was plainly visible on ever taee. The manner of the whole affair wa conducted in a dignified way, yet not de void oi a genome enthusiasm, lor wt were fully conscious that we were ap proaching the end of the greatett earn patgn in the history of the American re public, and we are siaroreiy glad that we could show our appreciation of thi matter in this way. A J cscrio n okas. St-spcndcd for tne Winter. The milling experts and U.e aatayen employed by the Leadoo Exploration Company to do development work on the Locky Boy claim at Bine Kiver haw suspended operations. -Three of the men returned to ha a Francisco last night- Mr. Geo. L. Baunt, superiuLen I ent, Mr. C. Quarre, his assistant, Mr. Rich W hit, and one other r-ntieman ill ieate for San Francisco touuht They will be sent out during tba winter to oo wore on th. company ,s Uaufoniia property. I hey have remained over in r.uirene a day to settle up the company account before earing for tba winter. It is not known what course the ecmpany will pursue in the spring. It now has a large number of mine in the Blue River district bottled. The date ot bondage oo these will expire on lb Jin msu vbe company has the priv ilege of re-bonding the mines for a per iod of three or six motilhs and will prob ably do this. About tAW0 has been expended dur ing the present season in improvement rk on the Locky Boy claim alone. Guard. Receipt for a Good Town. Grit. Vim, Push, enap. Energy. Schoix. Morality. Uarmeoy. Cordiality. Advertising. Talk about iu Write about it. Cheap property. Speak well for it. Help to improve it. Advertise in it papers, (iood country tributary. Patronise its merchants. Elect good men to office. Help all public enterprise. Honest competition fa prices. Mate the atmosphere healthy. Faith exhibited by good works. Fir all loafers, croaker and dead-beats. Let your object be tbe welfare, srrowth and promotioo of your town and its peo- ptv. cjwm pni vi uiw puoiic spinieo men, ana aiso ue one yoarseu. New Claims. B. Fuller bas taken up the Humbug placer in the Santiam dis trict, Isaac Madill the Apex quarts mine,! A. It. t aouetie the Adelade. M . H. Law ler has reiocateal the Red Bear and the Gold Finch. W. P. Coooway et si has taken op the Coarse golj placer and T. O. Thomas tbe Bed Rock placer. From the Orient to tbe Occident An evening with tbe Golden Sacred Flowers of China and Japan, in all the i queenly beauty. A burst of crimson glory, A fluff of yellow airings, A bunch ot blood- red jory. Budding, blooming things. A towxled lot ot rainbows, A fraxxled ball ot snow That's part and parcel ot a Chrysanthemum Show. A 'mum show Nov. 12. 13. 14. A rare treat is promised on the above evenings to all luversof this autumn a oeen of flowers. The show will be held in the W. 0. T. U. hall, commencing on Thursday evening tne iztn. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody. Admission 10 eta Tbe show will be open both afternoons ana evenings. The Y. M. O. A. At the rerular board t '. I ! 1 . .a . II ' 1 (Deeuug last uigtlfc ino loiiowing Bland ing committees were appointed : ig committees were appointed : Sr-ii- mi Finance W F ead, Wm Fortmiller, P J Smiley. Vacancies F J Mil er, r A Younj, LTomlinson. Entertainment W F Retd. E E Gofl. Pi Smiley. Devotional W II Lee. C E Sox. A W Foehay. C F Howland. Athletic C W El kins. F P Nnttinir. P J Smiley, A W Foshay. Aiemhersuip is cioli, U Sox, O w Elkins. Music 8 E Irvine. S N Steele. W H e. . - - Invitation W F Galbraith. F S Slell- macher, A W tosbay. Over a Mcle. Oiha Hall was arrested at Sweet Home yesterday by Constable r reu oiount, on the charge .l stealing a mule.and was being tried thia afternoon netore justice Hawkins tor the offense. Hall claimed the ownership of tb. ani mal and went and helped himself to It in uiai anii went ana neipea nimsen to it in i s1. y, , , , ' a neighbors pasture, and thereby hung Laver and Hovels, cleanses the ys the point of dispute. r tem effectually, dispels colds, head Wheat is 60 cents and there are irood reasons fur believing it will so hiehrr. tne permanency ot tbe market, thouuh cannot oe judged tor certain. Cnrvallis will ratify McKintsv's election on Wednesday, Nov. 11, and Albany prob- tuJAl i' rdf Wlo-wg. thongh the day is not yet set. Eugene will ratify tomorrow night, - . Boston Roller Mills, Shedd. Or in oroer to correct false reports we would siaie we give w idsoi nour. eiciiaiiKo ior one uusuet nrsi-ciass clean .1 l i 1 n . i . red and white wheat and less floor for second grade. We have put In a lares Tur.b,.1".nd t,n .d0 wom S001 topping ior i-iutu pusnei. Simmons dt Tnoiirsoii. 8pecial aalo ot Ladies wrappers 69 cents each, for throe days only, at tbe Ladia Bataiir. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report SOCIAL AND PERSONAL "Bashful Harry." the eenial drummer. is in tne city. Mr. Wm. Ralston returned this noon from his trip to Olex. Mrs. Dr. Kitchen, of SUyton.bas been visiting tn Albany thia week. Mist Emma Reeder.coast secretary of be Y. W. O. A- is in the state and will spend Sunday in Salem. Mr. Robert 6baw, of Lafayette, has - "n in the city the truest nf hi frienH llM rs. Conn & Huston. m Wilier J. Ilolman passed throngh CSl jo yesterday aftemooa from Quartx ti. e for Enreka, Utah, where be goes to ft .JeDt the position of electric! MiHruvr 1 1 a large mining plant. Salem Journal. Mrs. Clara Noel, of Globe, Arizona, arrived in Albany this morning, on a "it and is the guest of her father, Mr. Obas Kieffer. Mr. Xnl at filnl ployed in one ol the big mine, there. HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat C6 cents. The De Moss family exhibit at rVmaii; tonight LOOK Oct for the ttramm nl tk U.I.H Social. Turn Reed refttsl to stop at Salem Didn't have time. Aa eleeaot line of fancy ne A wear met received at the Lad tee Bstaer. Keeler II Gabbert haw started I ho Ava lanche Jour! st Caayoaville. Twenty-five tam-U of ovetera nmmmi dtroegh Albany yesterday for Y aquina Bay. Hamlin s WtsaH OU Oonrvrt red Sw. salty Compaay will be at ladepeadence aett week aad ia Albaay later ' Wm. Mack, the boss bather, withes to icnoonoe to the people of Albany that be sin be eosxiidVe for city wmrMial la the December e'ediom. A New Yore state ticket used ia th rr- cent eVction pre-enta aa intereatieg ap- evrance. a .ample may be eea in the Uhmoc rat's art gllery. Ia a bowlios; same at Craven k Hei'ety- biaad's lat atht tbe Revere Home beat beparsitaers?61 to 335 ia 30 frames, aad t cost aa oyster supper. Yerferday a'ternooa Frank Tharerar tempted apoa a wtger to hor 1 4 out of 1? live birds, lie oniy killed 12 aad bene; oat to Mr. Ttot. 2ttJemi7- F S Price, a roanr maa from Abutted. Cal. has bought a half inte-ot ia the Ixb aaon electric light and wattrsystema. frum i s uognea c feces Advance. t fKoy PeocW are talAlnir of a ehrraaa- ihemom abow ia a few weeks. There are esveralfiae co'leuioos ia ihe rity. Mrs Ream has an eieraa. aaaortaveat. some be ing eigtt or aine inches ia diameter. The U of O foot ball team has received a challenge from I he Iowa Urarevity foot Ua1 team, wfciih u makiag a tour of the west aa4 will protb!y he accepted. The low an will alto r-Uv VnMaonuh aad the O. A. C. The ladies of the viitaioa society of the Catholic churrh will give a topper aad eetertai-mt st the Ac rat o Teeaday evening Nor. 10. begiaaieg at 6 p. as-, for Ibebraefitof tbe academy, to which the pa She is invited. "Dickens Carnival" will be Drewnted at Orval.ii oa Thursday ervning Nov 1?. rKalUwIt. M- -Tta MnT elf will excel an thing oaeata. No po litical parade during the past campaiga will ia the least compare with it. Admis stoa ocly 10 cents.'" This waa presented ia Albany test year. Ring phone 9, for miV-y the printer Fresh Sodaville water at Bars. hart a Lee's. Get your R. aad G. coneta at the Ladies Bazaar. '2DQ of the latest Mtle of new jackets tost eceived at P Cohen a. Best price paid ia ca&h for jory and wit ness fees by P. Cobea. Another iise of winter shirt waists lost arrived at lot. Ladies fiaaaar. Loscioe rweet water melon caa be fooae at C E Brownetia. Sweet pickles aad olives ia bulk at C E BrowaejiA. A fine line ot Cooks Raneea aad Heat- era at The Stewart Sox Hardware Co. "a. Toe creamery at Junction has started up, with sbout twenty-five patrons. Clothing cleaned and repaired by Mrs A E Owen. 3rd between EiUworth and Broad- albia. New stamped linens doilies aad center pieces ia dresdeo, jewel aad Delft designs net received at toe Ladies uasaar. Jat received at P Cohen's, a new son- ply of plush cape, which will he sold cheaper than anywhere ia the city. tfucktaattam s Dye tor tbe whiskers is tbe best, handiest, safe, sorest, cleanest. most economical and satisfactory dye ever invented. It is the gentlemen's lavonte Shaves 3 for 25 cents, hair cutting 10c, by Loey VaaNortwick, the champion hair cutter of tbe l e sines. ccesCat toe Uoa ton CNurber shop, opposite the Ross House Fee iters evening commercial school ia Brim's building over Ci aw lord and Hare ith s photograph gaiicry. renmaasnip. bookkeeping, anthmeue, etc. Upea evt ings. tot terms call at school room. 61- isXaction guranteed. BNJOYO Both the method and results when Syrup of Figa is taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the. taste, and acta crontlv yet nromntlv on the Kidneys. aches and levers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- uuceu, pieasing to tne taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effep prepared only from the most .,,1.., i i ...,. ;,. I v-" mxu nn uipou lt? wuvoj w I many excellent qualities oommenoi it I tn all and havn mails it tha moat i nonnlar ramixly Vnown. I Kmnnf tt;.i ;a tnr rata In itn in Z ..i v -n j I ITUb UULUHS U V ail IHKlllllf Ui Ul' I . . . . P. V gw- Any reuaoie aruggwi wno I mar not have it on hand will Tro- cure it promptly for anyone who I ,;i.. " U Tv . " ,.B"" uv "P "J uosuiuie. J CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. $ah nmusco. est, lowsvuu. nr. mm roue ar. BsA ' r m ff Tbe Official Vote. ' Tbe official canvas of tbe vote of Lino county was made yesterday afternoon by County Clerk MooUgue and Justices Powell, of Albany, and Shedd, of Shedd. It showed the following : Mccnrury rucroa. John F Caples. : 2054 T.T. Geer 20S4 E. L. Smith 2069 8. M. Yoran ;...2O50 BRYAJI ELECTORS. N.L. Butler E. Hofer W. H. Spaugh Harry Within pro memos EutcroRa. D. Bower man C.J. Bright Leslie Butler O.E.Uokios.., FAutea txacToaa. Lewis B. Coi A.M. Uolmes. ........ ........ Frank A.Seufert Curtis J. Trench ard Average McKinley vote Average Bryan vote Bryan's plurality ,..2736 ...2731 ..2732 -.2733 .. 71 ... 73 ... 71 ... 71 ... 38 ... 32 .31 .. 30 ...2056 ..2733 677 Same Old Joe. An oid letter of 1860 was fonn) in Portland a few days ago. The Oregoniaa made note of ft, with the following re sult: Mr. Joseph Webber, the well known pioneer fireman, called at the Oregoniaa otfiice last evening to claim the letter mentioned yesterday as hay ing been foaad on the street. He ears Mr. H. W.Corbett presented each of the three fire eompaoiea ia the city at that time with $100. He waa assistant fore man of No. 1 at that time liKSO and John 8. White waa foreman. Mr. Henry Failing waa secretary. Hen. George H. Williams president, and W. S. Ladd was one of the members. Foreman White went to the Umatilla ageocy aa farmer, and has been dead many years. Mr. Webber is well known to tbe voinnteer firemen of early days on this coast. He came o San Francisco in '49, and 44 years ago waa assistant foreman of Pa cioc company, No. 8, in San Francisco, under r . Crowley, so long chief oi police there. He came to Portland in '5, and remained here tilt '69, when he removed to Albany. During his residence here be waa constantly connected with the fire department, having been chief sever al terms. He moved back to this ci:y six years ago,aad has several sons filling important positions beta. Mr. Webber is 63 years old, bat la stoat, jolly and ap parently as healthy and strong and well as he ever was. He was macb pleased to get back Mr. Corbett's letter, which he baa had ever since I860. Goo Accident, Yesterday aflerxoon about 3 o'clock Robert Brown aad Thee. He3roa were returning from a bant east of Albany and were esar tbe Jewish cemetry.when yoang Brown said be world discharge his gun and racing it pulled ths trigger. It bad been loaded with gold dost pow der two heavily for a gun so old. for it had seen many yo-ara, and ho rtt at tbe breeching, leaving tite barrel in one band and the stock in the other. The pieces lew into bis face catting it badly ano in juring the left eye. Tbe li-1 waa closed at tbe time, though, ao that tbe inmrv was not so great aa it would otherwise have been, and it ia possible the eye may be saved. It waa in fact already weak and of only a little service. Dr. Ctam- berun attended him aad dressed bis woanda Tis Jrmtxa. On Tuesday. Nov. 10. it will be ten years since tbe oedicatioo of the Sister Academy. This imttitatioa ha- sii ce iu first opening been a credit to the city, and faithfully and uatiringly have the Sister labor ed ia tbe interests of education. Although the formation of a nrtooo character baa always been tbe principal aim o tbe Sister in train ing the yoang, yet the intellectnal tram ing baa by ao means beao neglected. lnej are op wttn tne times, teaching all the necessary and mwfnl tmneSaei science according to tbe beet methods, of fering aiso ample opportunities for those who desire to make tbe fine arte an es pecial study. To celebrate tbe tenth an niversary, a sociable will be given at tbe Academy under tbe aasnieea of the "La dies of the isitaUoa" for the benefit ol tb. Sisters. The management is in able hands, aad tbe committee will spare no pains to mate toe evening pleasant and enjoyable for everybody. Door will be open at 6 o'clock n, m.. and sapper will De served trom that time on. Game and amusements are provided tor, and some fine mosical selections bare been pre pared by tbe academy pupils. Tbe Sis ters aad the "Ladle of tb Visitation" extend a cordial invitation to everybody, Do not fail to be at tbe Academy Tues day evening, aov. it), to celebrate tne "Tin-jubilee" with tbe Sisters, pupils ana rneoas oi the school. Ths Astoria Road. Tbe work on the first ten mile contract foe tb. railroad line above Too rue point- baa last been completed by Corey Brothers. Yester day their men broke camp and commenc ed bringing the tools, material and hors es to tne city, un drove of twenty no-see arrived a hoot 4 o'clock, and the tram cars, rails plow, scrapers, wagons, shovels, picks, etc, will be shipped on a barge to th. city this week. Tbe balance of the horse and men will come in aa soon as tbe last lot ot small staff bas ha been loaded. A warehouse ia being constructed at emtio point where an ot tbe small tools and equipment liable ... . T to ee damaged oy tne weather, will ne stored. The rails and larger material will be stacked up near tbe warehoose, and for the present tb. horses will be corralled at the same place. The entire Character ot tbe wort: is evidence that tbe A. and (XK.R.S is being built for heavy traffic at the outset. It has also been clearly demonstrated that Corey Brothers know how to build a railroad Astorian. Night Suiool. It is the intention ot the college to open anight school this evening, &ov.6in, to continue all tbe winter, in which penmanship, book keeping, shorthand and tyre-writing, and any other studies for which there is a demand, may be taught. The college stands ready to meet th needs oi the community as far aa possible, and it is hoped that the community w Jl appreci ate the opportunity, and that many will avail themselves ol these advantage Th. class in penmanship is already as sured and will begin regular work Fri day evening at 7 :30 oclock. The tuition tee will be moderate and accommodated to the site ot every one's purse. For further information with respect to this matter, you are respectfully invited to confer either with President Lee, or any member ot the tacuity. You All Wakt to bay. a good laugh now that "prosperity" ia assured, so don't overlook the "Commercial Drum mer' at the opera sous on Monday the 16th ot November. Mr. VanCleve baa surrounded himself with tb. strongest amateur cast possible to get in Albany Don't forget the date. Its just what the doctor ordered. Foa Tsina. A irood work wiare setea years old, for hay or grain, laquire uf Dr.U. W. Mastoa. Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regu lar teachers examination for the fourtlt quarter will be held in tbe Albany Col lege at Albany, Oretron, commencing ae 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 11th, 1896. " All applicants for state papers will please file recommendation at or prior to date of examination. Dated this 21st day cf Oct., 1896. RlCHMOKJ WhEELEB, SupU Linn County. FAILING MANHOOD General ud Nerves DebUify. Weakne-s of Body and Hint, fcifert of En cr t,ionrm-t ia oii or Yoniig. Hobost, Koble Manhood folly Kestoroi. How to abtnre and fc tree art hsn Weak. L a 4eveioeii Portions of Body. Ab-olntely no failiis;Bme Treatment. Benefits in a da v. rr from SO buim and Fanua Countries. Bead for Dwmjrtire Book. e. plalnnapd proofs, mailed taeaied) free. ERIE MECiCJU. CO.; Biffa!a, N.T. EW YORK WORLD, THEJCE-A-WEEK ECITIGH B Pages a Wet. W Papers a Tear. Islarser thas any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and is the only mportaat oemoeraue weexiy" pun ished in New Yo.k City. Three times as large as the leading repiblkan week ly of New York City. It will be of special advantage to yon during the Presidential Campaign, as it is pub lished every other day, except Sunday, snd bas all tbe Ireebnesa and timeliness of a daily. It combine- all the news with a long lul ot interesting cepart smffnt. unique features, cartoons and . graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. AU these improvement nave oeen aaade with oat any increase in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per year We ofier this one-puled newspaper aad the Weekly Democrat together ose year for $2.00. Satisfactory terms wUb G05SERY1T0BY OF MOSIG Albany Collegre Teachers for tbe school vear ISM-lsS? : Zijiri M. Parvin, Maa. Doe. director. Aamstaat teachers-Margoene Alder-on, and Mrs. Jorephise Sharpe. Thoroogh and evstemauc instruction given in all the important branches of music Beet eooserratorv rooms and latgeet mosical library tad facilities lor mmical work. Largest nnnber ot con servatory ttodenta enrolled tf any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular aad catalogue, to I Wallace Howe Lex, A. M Albany, Oregoo. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girb. Tnoroogh instruction Wbotesone diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable redactions are mad for hoarders ana aay ecrtoure. S todies will be resumed ept 1st. For nrtber particnlars call at the Academv or write to Sister Superior. frniqoD poison U lSsaya. toe eaa ksBwaastat sm fee , lilim taarmsCT. ht iroeseafwseefe aere wewtUeaasiae aw as pay raiiroaa tars ano fexwd aa. aoS as axawKwetaaaieare. Uyoa aa-e aA aer iry. KxliAo woSash. moi sQ BKveacftsees MMiesraicka(laBia,(Taraat, Fta. ptva. Coppv Coloewd eoa, nejers oa sartor tbe boer. uaArer trjworwwv. biuh . asjUwSywbintae BIOOD TOI0 itsas i ea i a a lew T i ei a W s it ii n r t ai r m sans ea mallssisa ta wori4 far a aeABeat the aaAll attatSMSteavseal phy I awnlim nsvoTv. MS COOS RF.MKUT CO. , XiH..HIf..AlJ0, UI, . RIPANS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the f 2 common every-day ills of humanity. ci I Oi UeXP WANTED .4ALE- WA5TTEi SOLICITORS FOR cam paiga book, "Kryae, Sewalt aad Free Silver. authorise 1 by Bryan, written by B- L. Metca. Editor Omaha Worhr-Berald. appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A oocaaxa for agents, a tree surer mine tor worcers. Only $1.50. The oaly authorise! book. 50 percent. Credit given, rnagtii paia. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, prohtaoh wcrk for '96 . Address tne National boos concern. tar Building, Chicago CITY TSEASORERS KOTIiE 80. 8- Notice I hereby given that t nl are on head to pay outstanding warranU of . tse itaoe ot isao, -om o o svz, i"- clusive, interest on such warrant wnl eeas wi'dt the date of tbi notice. AI1env,Or.,Oct. 7. IS96- E. A. Parker. Cit Trees STKEiT BJUIWAY K3TIGE. The motoi on the Albany treet rail way will connect promptly with al lrins t aad from the depot, day and nij-tit. Special trip win oe n ade at sprciat a e. I- F Cosn, Conductor, fflSSMLA B. GILBS1T, Teacher ol Ym Oria (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Sjee ialtv. Terms moderate. . Washington St. south ol U. r. cnurcu. K.O.T.M. MeeU every Saturday evening xm V.O. T.M.Hall. Visiting Knighu invited to ttend, J. S. Vas Wisklx, Com NEW H OME LAUNDRY. At N ci t and of tlh worth Street. FamiJ washing taken. Particular attention pat to bundle washing aad mendirg, S-itia faction gutranteed. Mas. Cubjstneb Men tend! y. i