The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 06, 1896, Image 3

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fee Swtwmit.
Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month
$3.10 per advance, 30c per month
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added if allowed to
run over 3 months. Single copies 5c.
Wkbklv, 11.25 In advance; (1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for
third and proceeding year, when not paid
in advance. Club of five new subscribers
Clubbing Offer.
The "Weekly Democrat and Weekly
Examiner will be Bent to subscribers lor
$2.85 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of the Examiners big premium gift
in May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directly
to the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat and thrice a week
N. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
The Campbell Case
Tii Prineville Review says of the trial
of John Campbell, formerly cf Albany,
for the murder of Isaac Sweurengen :
On the first ballot, we understand the
jury Btood four for murder in the first
degree, four for murder in the second
degree, three for manslaughter and one
for acquittal, On the eighth ballot they
arrived at an understanding, and after
they bad been out about an hour thev
came into court about 11 o'clock with a
verdict of murder m the second decree,
Mr. Barnes immediately filed a motion
for a new trial, which was promptly
overruled by Judge Bradshaw. The de
fendant was asked if he had anything to
say , and not having anything the court
sentenced John 11. Campbell to confine
ment in the penitentiary during his
natural lit?.
Thus ends one of the most important
cases ever tried in Crook county. That
Campbell killed Swearengen was never
denied, bat self defense was the plea of
the defendant, and on this gronnd Mr,
Barnes fought to the last, but could not
make the jury see it that way.
Daring the sessions of vhis trial the
court room was packed, and daring the
last evening of the trial every inch of
room was occupied, the crowd being the
largest ever assembled there on any oc
casion. A great many retained their
seats when court adjourned for supper,
for fear of losing them if they left them.
There is but one expression in reference
to the yjroict, and that is, "It was just."
That there aie others who ought to
suffer for this crime besides Campbell
is our firm conviction. We are not alone
in this idea, either. Swearengen had
some staunch defenders in this matter
in the persons of some of his
neighbors and they manifested that be
lief in a substantial way.
Sheriff Gray left last Tuesday with
John II. Campbell, who was sentenced
to the penitentiary for life for the killing
of Isaac Swearengen. frineviile Re
view. The Democrat is inforu.el that
an appeal wili be taken to lha supreme
A Coming Event.
A correspondent writes the Woodman
as follows:
Albany camp, No. 103, is as lively as a
camp could well be that has so many
politicians in it. At the last meeting
two new men, A. M. Holt and H. R.
ShulU, were introduced and we have
thre more to initiate the next meeting.
A new ten foot flag is now suspended be
hind the consul's station and are al 1
pleased To have ?'Okt Glory" in our
forest. Manzanita Grove, So. 6, will
celebrate their anniversary on tbe 22nd
of November. Besides a musical pro
pram, the aide.Hilaria Jocunda,by Helen
M. Carpenter, will be put on at their
ball. Characters of the degree are :
Moother Gooee Mrs Barnes
Roval Arch Ras-me-taz.... Hiss Vierick
Second a Raz .. . M iss Taylor
Bogy Hani boozier. ...
Celestial Censor ,
Scribeo Inky Waxy . .
Sine Rhino
.Mrs epurger
. . .Mi fa Harnes
.Mrs Boik hart
Mrs Allen
Sagacious Scout.
Miss Montgomery
Mrs Wbie
rnnms filoucus
Medico Examicus
Right Hope Podge
Left Hope Podge
1st Riff Raff Rustler. . .
2nd Riff Raff Rustler. . .
3rd Riff Raff Rustr...
4th Riff Raff Rustler...
Porter of Portculis
Master ot Goat
Dr Davis
. . Miss Vaughn
.Miis Xeedham
. .Mrs McClain
Mi?a Moe
...Mies Looney
Mrs Mover
Mrs Kenton
. .Mis Headlev
Great Scott C
E. Hawkins
Gee Whis
.C. G
L. Vierick
Stage Manager. . . .
..F. E. Allen
AsoTHsa Gus Accipest. Lane county
continues to keep its gun accident record.
'The Junction City Times says: "O-car
Brown, tbe sixteen year old son of Cha?.
W. Brown, of Franklin, came near losing
his life Friday evening.- He and Ted
Lemley were going to Franklin in a cart
and Oscar carried a gun. When near
Burnbam Hyland s be struck a match to
light a cigarette, wh. n the gun slipped
and dropped between the slats to the
cart, the hammer striking on the side
and discharged the shell. The contents
went through the fleshy part of his arm
and entered bis neck and ranging up
ward went through back of the ear. He
was taken into Hyland'a and medical aid
sent for. He bled profusely and while be
had a very close call, tbe wound is not
considered- dangerous. This is the
second time Oscar met with a gun acci-
" dent. About a year ago he was taken
for a deer and shot at. The ball cut a
gash through his scalp. Thie Sb shooting
around pretty close to where he lives."
. Ben Killen, a gold democrat, has been
all over Uregon in tbe interest of Sic
Kinley. The Dalles T. M. says : Benton
Killen, who says "everybody who is any
body, is against Bryan." was on rather a
peculiar mission to Eastern Uregon the
other day. His mission was to visit tbe
federal officers and make this proposi
tion: "If vou will support McKinley. I
promise on authority from headquarters,
if McKinley is elected (and here be as
sures the office holder his election is
certain) you shall be allowed to hold
your office until your term expires."
There is a statute providing punishment
for baying or attempting to buy votes.
Has not this gentleman violated the
law? Is he not amenable? .
Wkke Defeated. In the big game in
- Ban Francisco yesterday the Los Angeles
club defeated tbe Monograms 15 to 14.
Portland lead until the last inning. Tbero
was no doubt one sided treatment and
discrimination against Albany, other
clubs being allowed to play with three
men thrown out, where one man alone
knocked Albany out. Tten in the face
of that the Democrat is informed tbe
Monograms took Flemminz along and
tried to ring him into the game, after he
bad been tuiown out ot Albany.
Am Iowa Ballot. A sample of the
ballots used in Iawa was received in Al
bany today by Mr. N. Needham. It is
24x18 inches in size, has eight columns
of tickets and is certainly an elephant
Tbe Iowa voter has our sympathy. If
lowa is not nearu irom ior a week or
two the reeson will be apparent, after
seeing one of these ballots.
A Bio Coyorg Hukt was had yesterday
at Wards Butte. Ail day was spent at
t. About thirty men gradually drew in
upon the coyote, which was finally shot
in the evening by David West. Six or
eeven shots were fired in all before the
varmint was killed.
The Bryan committee have made a strong
campaign in this county, with linii ed
funds, much more than holding their own
Mr. Martin Payne and Mr. William
Vance, two of Oregon's pioneer citizens
cut up $100 this morning on Oregon. Mr,
Vance also bet $200 on McKinlvy on tb
treneral result with a man who aesired
keep bis name quiet.
The agencv of tbe Canadian Pixific
Railway Company at Albany O'egon,
beon changed to office of S. N. Steele
Co., ISt Street, so if you are going
and want the tent of accomodut.ii u, cal
. on them for rates.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Cold MU MidwiaUr Fair, Saa Frudaco.
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings.
$25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
mgu arm, ugnt running; guaran
teed 5 years.
Friees on Fianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. Will
John. E. Cartright.
The deceased was .born near Harris
burg, in Linn county Oregon.on the 27th
day of February, 1872. He moved with
his parents when quite young to Co
quille City, and at 9 years of age com
menced to learn the printers trade with
his uncle, John Dean, who was propr e
tor of tbe Coquille City Herald. As a
mechanical genius, his appitude was
marvelous. At the age of 11 years he
was capable of making up the forms and
directing tbe entire management of an
issue of the paper.
In 1S92 he moved to Fertland with his
uncle, who started to establish a populist
. paper at that plate. In 1893 Mr. Dean
I iraa MnvinPf.! that AtKnnv afTonttarfl a
better opportunity tor the success ot a
paper ou his lir.e of politics than did
Portland, so moved to that city and
started- the Populist, with Mr. Cart
wright as his foreman. About six months
later Mt. Dean died leaving Mr. Cart
wright in control of the paper, which he
conducted in a clean and capable manner.
until the June election ot liftH. 11 is
party gave him the nomination for coun
ty recorder to be voted ior at that elec
tion. His party was d feated and with
the patronage he could secure for the pa
per he could not see his way clear to con
tinue its publication. In November,
1S94, he formed a co-partnership with
Mr. L. LeMasters to run the Review,and
in February, purchased Mr. Le
Masters' interest in the plant and has
since managed it on his own account. Hia
course as an editor, since among us, has
been one of general acceptability. While
his views were in line with the "Omaha
platform," and over be result of deep
conviction and unfaltering determina
tion, he was not in any senceof the term.
offensive in expression .
Un Jannaty loth ot the present year,'
ha was married to Miss Ella Whitbeck.
Since then his life has been as a sylvan
stream ; no jar has moved the unbound
ed pleasures of his home Review.
Mr. Lake Dorris, of Independence.
spent Sunday with Albany friends.
Mr. Fred Rops and Claud Mansfield
will leave this week for allace, Idaho,
to reside.
Dr. E. O. Hyde has sold his business
at Scio to Dr. Prill and with his family
has moved to Arizona to locate.
John Foshay, a merchant of Albany,
Or., is in town on a business t-ip, and is
staying at the Grand. S. F. Chronicle.
Secretary of State Kincaid went to Eo
cene Saturday. The Democrat is in
formed Mr. Kincaid estimates a majority
in Lane county of 700 for free silver.
Mr. M. D. Phillips recently receive!
his commission as captain of F. Co. and
Chaa. Sears as first lieutenant, positioos
to which they were promoted several
months ago.
Judge Hurley, ex-congressman of Wis.
consin. came over from Uorvauis Satur
day night on the train with the returning
MiMviuiey people. .Many school boy
marks were made and cute things done
for his edification, but the Judge having;
been a republican all his life, considered j
the source and held his tongue.tbough he
is.said to have gotten pretty uneasy. He
will speak at Salem tonight,
Tbe Harrisburg Review was published
as usual this week. Mrs Cartwright ur
a card savs: For the publication of this
isss-ie ol tbe Review, I am indebted to
the skill and ability of Messrs DnEruille
and Millov, of Alban, who 8) kindlv
to continuing the publication of the Re-
view, there is no dennite arrangements
at this time, however it can be said that
there is an effort being made, with
reasonable probability ot success, to
have the paper continued.
Last Tuesday evening, a party was
Eiven at tbe residence of Mrs. M. J ,
Countiss,in honor of Miss Viola Senders,
of Harrisburg. The evening was spent ,
in mus!C. whist and dancinc. lhe erst
prze at whist were won by Miss Goldie
Brandenburg and Mr. Lou Williams,
while Miss Grace Mitchell and Mr. W al
ter Shelly walked off with the "boobies."
Some of the eniovable features of the
evenirg were the readings by rs Nina
Larowe. and mandolin and en i tar solos
by Messrs. U.inord and riovd w arren.
accompanied on the piana by Miss Pearl
Smith Refreshments were served at 11
o'clock. iUJujy Oregonian-
Th O P rr,-i boue waa iroken in a
last niirtit -and a lew thing of little value
Tna recent raisa Lave brought the rier
uo to a good boating stage. The steamer
Albany will go down at 7 o clocc a. m. tcr
A poll of the eighteen hop bnvera in Sa
lea showed 9 Brvan men and 9 for Mc
Kinley. and yet it had l-cn claimed all
were for McKinley but one.
Mr. Tongue said in 1894 that the single
gold standard will make tbe U. a- a bell
for everybody but the creditor class . See
his letter on our editorial page.
An anil- gossip society can been organ
ized by fix young ladies of Pendleton, who
agree never to say anything but pleasant
tilings of people, i ney will probably go
to tbe other extreme. There is a golden
The Brooklyn Citizen devoted a page lo
Homer U. Davenport, the greatest car
tooniat, who's Mark Banna hve been
seen bv every citiz"n of tbe U.S. So re-
niaikable has been Mr. Davenports career
tbe Democrat toroonow will give the
Citizen's aketch of this Oregon boy's life,
In theCaoital City yesterday everything
in the fchapenf flags and thonaands ol yards
of tri colored bunting were displayed tvs
an observance of flag day as suggested by
Ma'k A. llanna. the chairman ot the na
tional republican committee. S'atesman
Halloween was oberved some in Albany
Saturday nicrht. Several gates had lega.One
lady duenmneJ to foot the boys, ana 'ook
her irate into tbe front ball. In the morn-
nir it was gone the bovs suypecting wnere
it was boldly entered tho houe and took it
Al this writing Bill Riles, the Benton
counts orator, is entertaining a hli an
dienm acroaa the street, witn nis peculiar
antics, telling them about what a lot of
ai ver u being coined, but he aoesn t ten
them that it doesn't increae the currency
a cent, singly taking the place Of paper
money. Why can t men oe a uiua
broader and less narrow.
4 IniSLVSh
Of severest trial and test prove
In regard to Hood's SanaparUla
flst. Greatest Merit
Becnred by a peculiar Combina
tion, Proportion and Process
unknown to others which
naturally and actually produces
fd. Greatest Cure
Shown by thousands of honest,
voluntary testimonials which
naturally and actually produce
3d, Greatest Sales
According to the statements of
drueKUts all over the country.
In these three points Hood'
Barsaparilla 1 peculiar to ttaelf.
n n
Is the best It I the One True Blood Purifier.
An Albany Man Robbed of $1015.
August Kroeschel, of the Blue Front
grocery store, let Albany this morning
with $1015 in gold on his person, on his
way to a farm about three miles from
Albany, for the purpose of paying the
money on a mortgage on the farm ol his
father who resides across the river about
that distance from Albany. The money
had been drawn out of the bank yester
day afternoon by h'.a brother Charles for
his father. August was opposite the
quarry just beyond Rainwater's, on the
small hill at that point, a somewhat ob
scure place, when he met a couple of
men. One of them asked him for 15
cents witli which to get something to eat
he told them that he didn't have it to
spare, when one of the men pulled
out a revolver and pointing at his bead
demanded his money. He saw that they
had the drcp on him and submitted
while the other man searched him, re
sulting in the finding of the money. A
diamond stud was also taken, lie was
then told togoon, and the nien disap
peared in the other direction.
following is the description of the
men: One, about six feet in height,
weight 175 lbs, dark hair and eyes, prac
tically smoothed shaved, having neither
I mustache or beard, wearing a dark suit
of clothes, a cutaway coat, a soft b'.ack
hat, presenting a bony and rough ap
pearauce. The ether, a somewhat smaller person,
being about 5 ft. 6 inches in height.sandy
complexion, weigh: 155 lbs, wearing a
brown coat and vest, dark pair of pants,
somewhat round face, practically smooth
shaved, and neither of said partie wear
ing a white shirt, but a sou shirt, and
their clothes being slightly worn.
Mr. Kroeschel secured a horse and
came to Albany and notified his brother,
immediately returning and with others
starting on a hunt for the robbers.
Thetw men were seen at the same
place before, indicating that they were
stopping there for a purpose. One view
is that they ktew about Mr. Kroeschel
having the money and his trip in that
direction; but that is wry doubtful and
Mr. Charles Kroeschel savs it was im
possible foi any one to have known
aucui it. it is probable the men just
uyi-nBi 10 striae it ncn.
The hold UD has excited a treat deal
of interest and brought out various the
ories and comments. In the meantime
the men are escaping for the hills with a
very rich booty and will probabl not be
A reward of t'200 will he nnmnllr
paid for the arrest and conviction ol
etiber or both of said persons.
mm m
2000 Deer Kil'cJ.
J. K. Lea bo was here from Elk creek
this week with another load of fine ven
ison. D. J. Graham aceompanied him.
Jim has killed and marketed some 125
fine deer this season- Tbe hunting in
that celebrated section this season Las
been unusually successful. Of the reg
ular professional hunters, it is estimated
that Lewis Martin baa killed 200, John
Winninghaui 150, Sam Geary and Geo.
Weeks 125 apiece, Cal Winningbam 150,
Thos and Joeph Bolen and Geo. Gill
and about 100, Mark Winningham 150,
and Dave rence, who does Geary's ped
dling and packs out. about SO. These
are principal hunters living in that bec
tion. Tha other hunters come from the
valley U.wns. The finest buck of the sea
son was killed Saturday by Scott Morris,
lie was a six pointer and weighed 150
lbs dressed. M arris has killed about a
dozen this season. It is estimated this
season there has been 2000 deer killed by
hunters in that district, the meat being
either sold or preserved. Ashland Rec
ord. MrsH rooms atSukdds. A sportsman,
wnonas been np to SliedJs shooting
pheasants, says there are acres and acres
of fine large mushrooms there.
He savs
be cot. Id hive loaded a wagon in jnst no
time. Barring about four bushels,
which came from Clatsop county, and
which, although a little too old to be at
their best, fouud a ready sale, all that
have come to the local markets this sea
son have been very small and not in first
Ciass condition, it there are as many
mushrooms about SaedJs. and as fine
ones as the sportsman claims, some ol
the boys there might make a few dollars
i mrui
lc large, mnshrooms.
to this market.
cut from the ,
stems and carefully
packed, without!
beinz all mashed np 1
ith dirt from the
roots, can be sold here in an v quantity
at 10 to 16 cents per pound. It is a pity
mat so many hoe mushrooms should go
to waste when there are people here
anxious to buy them at fair prices-
Oregon ian.
Thb Last Demonstration. The cam
paign closed lat night with speaking by
Congressman elect Tongue. Previous to
tbe speaking the Corvalus flambeau club
arrived on a special train and gave a street
parade regardless of tbe mud. A smooth
faced young mau with eye glasses and a
stove pipe hat attempted to imitate
Bryan from the rear of the motor, but be
proved a very poor imitator and was
not notice.1 moch. It is reported that
w-wm WW a)Ma-aatv I
some hoodlums threw stones at the spec
ial train as it left for Corvallia at mid
night. Such rowdysm cannot be too se
verely cocdemned.
A Rcxawav. A live runaway ocenrred
this afternoon. Tbe team of Mr. F. H.
Hugbson, the gardener, of Cloverdale,
became frightened while standing at
Fi-st and Ferry streets and ran for home.
going across the bridge at a terrific rate,
particularly on the north side.
Mrs. Rufus Thompson and youngest
daughter went to Vancouver yesterday
on a visit.
Judge Wolverton. of the Supreme
Conrt, spent election day in Albany,
where he voted.
Mr. Aler Correll and wife. whoe mar-
riaee the Drmocrat noted recentlv, ar
rived in Albany veerdy and went
to their home up tbe Snntiam.
A big vole waa being polled today. ;
Tb'i H a leg! holiday and the banks are
The felegrtnb office will begin receiving
bu'loun abini 6 o clock.
Tberp i no qneofion but what evrvbody
is glad the campaign l over.
Indge Hewitt convened derxirtment No.
2 o?the circuit court at Salem yjstenlay.
A new divorc cam in Marian ronnf y Is
Arthur tilover againor Jxellie ulover.
The Albany went down this morning
a fog so heavy one could not mh acrom the
Ballots conn, not !. THo who
watch the ballots will get the only correct
Politic had to tak a WW peat today
for awhile on account of the big hold np
across the nvnr.
Tbe amonnf of money -M on the elec
tion would indicate that times are not so
verv bard after all.
The outlook is that there will be no com"
petition on the river this vear.nnle a new
boat is put on, which is improbsVe as it.
venld have no wharf to do business at.
This means bigb rates.
Orifl of the rumor of the campaign t a
port that one of Jacksonville's silver-
tengned orators and Ahland's golden
voicpd sweet singers intend troino' on
double standard nmtime during the hol
idays. Ashland llecord.
The rpgrdsr meeting of the W C T L
will be held Tuesday. Nov. 3. in tb hall
at 3 p. m. sharp. It is important that all
be on time.
Uncle FranV Kitchpn waa urtmil'fd to
citizenship this morning in tbe county
David Horsbrougb was admitted to citi
zenship today.
Tbe Gipsy went up this morning.
Brvan, Rswacl and fBEi Silver
The only official, accura'e and complete
biographies ot tbe condidate. An pluci
dation of the great question of Free Pilver
st 16 to 1, and tbe various issues ct
(campaign. Tbe vo'ers band book,
stump speaker's friend, the free nilver
manual, ail in one vomme, elegantly print
ed and illustrated. Who will be tbe
to get one. Call on W. R. Blair.
DjwjonwanUyo ur school trade
College Notes.
Time aud space prevent our writing
full notes today. We can only say that
we have poets whoso fume will become
world-wide. The following is a late
production of one sf these poets.
O, freemen, sons of fathers bold,
Of mothers true, with hearts all pure.
Who dared the war-black clouds endure,
Who tyrant darkness backward rolled.
0, sons ol eires, who paid the price,
Of that fair gem of liberty,
Bequeathed unstained to you and me,
Shall we forget that i acrslice?
It is a brilliant, sparkling gem,
Bright polished by each freeman's
ban a.
Its rays are piercing every land
- ! l . i . ).....
ice, avttnuu, uaraucs w wuueum,
Our land, it fills with glorious light.
Our happy homes it brightens all.
Nor ever can our nation fall.
bile it is kept so g owing bright.
O, fret-man, 'tis for you to keep,
llus priceless gem lrom every stain,
And sacred keep our national name.
Then all her joys aud riches reap.
Yes, freeman, 'tis by honest vote,
We hold this pure celestial light,
Bv throttling vice, by lifting right,
By hark'ning to God's warning nolo.
Then 'ere we use our ballot right.
Think well aud pon' each question
All things not honest, good or true,
Put down with resolution's might
then as we cast our votes today.
Remember each hi sacred trust,
Down casting far each selfish list,
Ask God to lead and show the way.
0, freemen, then for leaders vote.
Who'll polibh well this Freedom's
Who stand for right, and right alone,
Who'll honest, ever "glory" float.
A vote for Br van fulfills the advice.
for it is against avarice ani greed and
the selfishness of trusts and monopolies
against foreign dictation and is for a
policy that is for the uiast-es.
Protean: Record.
In estate of J F ilendrex, Martha M
H end rex was appointed administratrix.
Bond $2500.
In estate of F M Garrett final settle
ment was set for Dec 8 at 2 n m.
In estate of Stella and Maud Warmoth,
final settlement was set for Dec 7 at 2
p m.
In estate of William R Ray, bond filed
and appraisers appointed.
In estate of C F Croft, petition to tell
perfconalproperty was granted.
In estate of San ford Cochran, bond of
$'G0 approved. Appraisers, S P Barger,
Clint Thompson and C E Standard.
In estate of J M Wilson, 1st and 2nd
accounts were filed.
In estate of Mary and Kate Minert,
money was ordered disbursed.
In estate of Lewis IUy inventory ras
Father F X Blanche t is lying danger
ly ill at his home in Gervais. H;s re-
coveay is thochl to be impossible. j
U.G. Hayne, Frank Kitchen, Sr.,j
Jake Streitel and Harry Starr left ye-i
terday for Fort Canby, where they have
employment working lor the government
on a bfg concrete job.
Hon. M. L. Pipe, who spoke here last
Thursday evening, it plucky, if not more
SO. The train lelt lnm at Albany.
Aj 1
thn wind a l,!m.n .t. !
eqnai to an ordinary Oregon buri- ( .. Nfvad S.s, North Carolina 20,
and the rain was descending in tor-; J10' J'Jth 2.0CO, Tennew 25.-
cane and
rents he ttArted out with a team, and by j
changing tea ir s and drivers at Inde -
at 8:30. McMinnv'ille T. R. I Etectorial vol. 165.
Ben. S. Cook, of the Oregon Land I For McKinley California SCOJ. Coc
Companv, returned home Un evening ' necucut SX0, DeUwsne I0OO, Il'inois
from Marshalitown, Iowa, where he has ' HO-OW. lad.ana 50.000, lorn m.OOO.
been the past six weeks. He as ac-! W.WJ, Kentucky I0.0CO, Maine
comptnied by a colonov of immigrants i "M. Maryland 20,000. MeacbueU
who will make their future home in ih,1' Michigan 2S.0OO. .Minnesota
Willamette Valley. Tbe Oregon Land - " -40.000. X. J. 70.000. XY
Co.. throuith Mr. Cook has done much 24,000, Xorth Dakota 1000. Obi SO 0X).
tTrri lha colonization ol thU t1Vt ,
with a desirable of eastern eeo:e. to-!
Kene Journal. j
a i Electoral rote 2S2.
I In the above at least Kentackv. South
No Que Yet. Carolina, Kant. Oreg-o. Indiana and
California are given to McKinley. Fhcml J
. . .. , , ..., , 'they go for Bryan it would redoes Mc
No clue to the robbers of the $1015 of j Kiniey'a vote lo at least
August Kroeschel has been seen red. A
big hunt was made all day yesterday.but j
tbe men could not be found, nor any re- '
littKlat Irara of them
The robber was a dramstic one. Mr. !
Kroesrhel as he approached the scene of
the bold-un saw tbe two men sitting on a
rail fence. The smaller man as he tie. red i
them asked if he couid let them have 15 l
. ft cu 10 ""nothing to
j' , lJ loId tiem he:!".,a .lhve "Tnt'
T"? Ure ?'an 1? r,m.1 of h,.m
. .
"Throw np your bands, you t of b . j the, dieaje of the hip and knee
Kroeschel started to step awav when the club fwt, crookrd limls and bo.1-
man added: "Make another move, voa "? "eformittea as well as pile, fistula,
of b and! will blow the top off?"1 caurrb and all chronk diseases
vonrheadofL I mean business." Then
kroeschel threw up his hands and the
small man went through his pocket get
ting $1000 in gold in a morocoo pocket
book ia his hip pocket, and $12 in an
other, and seeing the pin he remarked
"damn yon, you have n-J use lor that anl
took it. Then the fellow told liim if
he hear! of his mentioning it his name
would be dirt, and told him tut name
would be dirt, ana to'd him lo go, which
e did. Tbe men duappcarei in the
When Mr. Krofi :hel went iuto. busi
ness, thinking be might need mure mon
ey In business, be borrowed $1000 of
Claus Antony, residing half a mile from
Oak Grove ecbool house, and finding
that he did not need it was taking it
back to Antonv. This was the version
given the Times man who went with
the lien ton county sberui to loot alter
the matur.
Governor TcnDovtr wiil rt-eak" a. Inde
pendence tonight. .
Bon V O Brock ha boucht a half Inter
et in the Wasco Near, aid tbe publish
ers now are Armwortb) & Brock.
Any sarsaparilla is sarsapa
rilla. True. So any tea is tea.
So any flour Is flour. But grades
differ. You want tin best. It's
so with sarsaparilla. There are
grades. You want the best. If
you understood sarsaparilla as
well as you do tea and flour it
would be easy to determine.
But you don't. How should
you? When you are going to
buy a commodity whose value
you don't know, you pick out
an old established house to
trade with, and trust their ex
perience and reputation. Do so
when buying sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been
on the market 50 years. Your
grandfather used Ayer's. It Is
a reputable medicine. Then
are many Sazsaparillaa
but only one Ayei'e. It
; Sense,
Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 4, 1 p. m. The
United Press gives the following result:
.weJvimoy sob, uryan ltw, doubtful 26.
San Fkancwoo, Nov. 4. The election
of McKinley is conceded by democrats.
Examiner gives him 2t4 electoral vo'.es.
(J rove Johnson is defeated for (on
1 lie state tscinmed by both parties.
but indications are it has gone for Mc
Kinley. Probably republicans will have
majority in legislature on joint ballot.
. 'V J . . . .
iiicaou, iov. , ii a. m. it la reas
onably certain that McKinley and Ho-
bart are elected, but Indications today
are mat margin is narrower than was
expected. Returns from the Dakotas,
neniucay, uregon and Uaiilornia are
still meagre.
Ciiicaoo, Nov. 4, 11 :30 a. m. The as
sociated pies says the situation may be
reauceo to tins : certain lor McKinley,
220. almost certaiu for McKinley, 18,
indications for Mckinley 25. Certain
for Brvau 13-5, probable for Bryan 23,
uououui -u.
Portland, Nov.
m. Returns
from two-thirds of precincts in
give McKinley 3,00 plurality.
Later report from all counties but six
give McKinley 5400, which will probably
be reduced by the other six.
Counties to far as heard from in this
state give the following : For McKinley
Multnomah 5:140, Sherman 10. Wasco
325, Washington 300, Yamhill 50, Clack
amas 100, Benton 100.
For Bryan polit 25, Lane 200, Linn
720, Josephine 3'jO, Douglas 25.
A third of the precincts in Washing
ton gave Bryan 15.000 plurality. Rogers
'e elected governor.
The result of the election in I.iun
county shows the following:
McKinley Brvan Palm
East Albany KM 124 1
West Albany 172 109 ;
Albany 17.1 1!6 1
Price 1S 155 1
l-ranklin Butte... 41 105
Scio 37 19 5
Svracuse 13 SO l
Ifaleey 1:7, 79 :t
N I-eh&non s;j 127
S Lebanon 124 174 2
S Brownsville M 91
X " ....115 118
Shelburn 2-'t Hi
Saniiam &4 i 157
Rock Creek 14 , 45
Orleans M j Jl j
X Harrisburg .61 , l(fc
S UarrUburg . . . t5 ; 7S
CVavfordsvtiie . . 61 5 9
Sooaviile 60 61
Tangent 3V , 71
Shedd... 69 111
Waterloo 77 104
Sweet Home 57 S3
Foter, 15 7
Center 40 82
Fox Valley 31 M
Jordan . . 17 109
2014 2734
The prohibition vote a far as obtained
was as follows: East Albany 5. West Al-
hany 5. Albany 4. Price f. IUley 8,
South Iebanon 4, Scio.
S)rracusl, Or-
! leaua 3.
Ihe Result by J-tatc.
Sas FaASCinco, Ca'.iL, Nov. 4.
Bryan carries the folio log Mates with
the mrulu eiven: Alabama, 3Q,0X. Ar
kansas 50,000, Colorado 139.000, Florida
15,000. Georgia 4.000. Idaho 10.CMO.
Louisiana 40.0U0. M;M4ipr4 50.000 Mi-
soon M.WJ. Montana Nebrasci
IV ui..".-.' 1 tAb ntinia
iV0 -
,i -uiii,ii ,vw, joining
vregon JX. Tenn. 200.000. It. L Sf0.
"oih Carolina 5s.X. Vermont 40.000.
est irginia 15,000. Wtscnmtia 15.000.
Cure For Crippled Child rcti.
- ....
P!f t'nal Surg;cal Institute, Xo.
319 Euh ranciseo. iccefully
tr,; c f orthopaedic surgery,
?r ni' surgeons of this institute
4W11irmakfS II . - a 1
-; "v '".V, ' '
?j?S.. J.h,? "l, .I'l",
i nM D,"e " Insutute a national
reputation. Write lor circular. Kcfer
enre may be bad to: Jno. A. Shaw,
Mill City. V. A. Cox, Albany. Hon. T.
L. Daviduon, Salem. A. A, Go!a!et, C.
E., Salem, Harold McClain, Salem, and
h-indreds of others.
ThkXswSsmj Boat. The nov gov
ernment siingboat built bv Captain W.
risk, Lnited i-Laics engineer, for
use on tbe rivers in this retfion, and
which w as launched several days since,
was out Lr trial trip yesterday. The
trial w as very satisfactory, she' having
run the steel bridge lo the lower do k at
ft. Johns, a distarce of six miles, in 31
minutes, or at a rate of a little over 11 W
mile per hour. She has been named
"Matbloma," wh'ch is said to have been
the name given to the Willamette river
or a portion of it by a tribe ol Indians
which once lived in the upper pattof the
valley. Hie is IX) feet in length, ia 33
feet in width aniidship and four feet
depth ol hold. She is strongly built, has
live longitudinal bulk heads, a frame 3d
eet h:gh, steam capstans snd hoisting
engines, 10x12 double cylinder, and.
wiieu she take hold ol a snag, it has to
route or the bot'om will bo pulled out ol
the river. uregon ian.
The ladies of the viMta'ion society of
the Catholic church will give a suniwr and
enteruinniiut at the Academy on Tuesday
evening ov. iu, ueginnmg at o p. ro.,tor
the benefit of the academy, to which the
public is invited.
For Musical People.
Mr. D. M. Bartlett, of this city, is can
vossing Linn county for membership in
the American Musical Association of
Chicago. "Oder which each subscriber
secures the privilege of purchsi-lng t
music, vocal or instrumental, publish
at reductions as low as uu per cent of the
list price. An elegant book of vocal and
instrumental mumc goes with the mem
bership This is a splendid thing and
every lover of music should subscribe.
The cost is only 3.
10 cents is all it costs to gt your shirt
done up Every man can afford to wear
one 01 two shirt a week at this low pric
Collsrs z'j ceDis encn, curia he. per pair,
family washing 50c perdowm, tancv shirt
dreeo, etc., are extra. Once a customer
atwav one, a our work never falls to
Dibit ho. uive us a trim order and be con
vinced. All bond worn. City Laundry
Opp St. Char: Hotel
You Con Bo Well when your blood
is rich, pure and nourishing. Hood'
Sarsaparilla rake the blood rich and pure
aud cure an uoou urease, restoring
health aud vigor.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, headache
Mall's Vegotab'e Sicilian Hair Renewer
is, unquestionably, the bout preservative ot
the hair. It is also curative of dandruff.
tetter, and all scalp affections.
We are spending more
than our profits on Schil
ling's Best tea to get you to
try it just to try it
Your money back if you
don't like it
At grocers' in packages.
A Schilling ft Compaay
Saa ,
f raaciaco
Wheat 66 cents.
Fresh Sodaviile water at Burkbart k
Get your R. and 0. corsets at tbe Ladies
200 of the latest style of new jackets just
received at P. Cohen s.
Beat price paid in cash for jury and wiU
oeas fees by P. Cohen.
Another line of winter shirt wairU just
amvea at tut. uuiiet Bazaar.
Tbe creamery at Junction baa started
up, with about twenty-five patrons.
i us wuti vote ot me lour Albany pre
cincta waa 1144. In June it was 9tH.
Tbe crowd at the opera bouse laat night
was probably the loudest and livest ever
gawetea together in Albany.
i he Oregon L Diversity foot ball eleven
win pity me vy aabtngton L mvenity foot
Gicu mt om n un .1.TOU1 IJKT tin.
aew stamped lin-na doilies and center
piece in dreaden. jewel and Delft deaigna
uv ranini i uie Vtanea oazaar.
Just received at P Cohen's, a new sap
ply ol pluah cape, which will be sold
cheaper than anywhere in tbe city. -
In a match shoot at Corvallia at live
bird John laom, Jr., of this city, easily
defeated Cha Mummery. The purse ahot
tor waa tv.
The Albany city election comes next
Tareeonuncilmen will De elected to saceed
w n tiuaton, Cba Pfeiffer and Frank
1 arrell. a marshal and a city treasurer.
Uuckiogham s Dye for the whiskers U
the beat, bandieat, afet. surest, cleaaest,
moat economical and aati. factory dye ever
lu.ruiw. ii u me genuemen's lavonte.
Shaves 3 for 25 ceott, hair cutting 10c,
by Luey VanXortwiek. tbe chain nion
catKr of tbe Petcinck tbe Boa ton
mrter shop, oppoaite tbe Itaaa House
A little babe in the borne of Ed 6 Horn
ing begin its trip through the world with
but one Land. The child, a wee girl,
it but a week old; it U tbe left band that
i gone, and the arm from the elbow down
u muaiflg. Corvallia Time.
The chicken rie annner crim l, lhav lav
die . f tbe MK church Lut aigbt was
pleadidly goUen np. and well managed.
A belter lookiogand more a'teotiTs corps
of waiters were never selected ta Albany.
reader evening commerdal school in
Brigg's building over Ci aw ford and Iian
ith't pbotograDb gallery. Penmanahin
bookkeeping, anthtntic, etc. Ope even
ing, tor terms call atacbool room, hat
ujciion gurafitced.
Fine omi every erening at lhe Sew
Bowling Alley.
Laanoaa weet water melana b
found at C Brownelia.
Sweet pickle ad olive ia bulk at C E
Special aak of Ladiet wrapper-- 69 emta
estcb. for three day only, at tbe Ladies
Eing phone 9, for Smiley Ute oris! ex
TVy can't come op to acir high stui&ard.
Smiley tbe prister
All kind of job trintiaz at tbe Imorin
job ooe.
Cbokt neafhe fnwb arm Amw at n P
Seme bssocne birthdav rema ai Win
& j-Urka, ibeap. Oae for every month ia
A file line of Cook Sum and T?ai-
er at Tbe Kewart k Sox Hardware Co '.
Clothing cleaned and reMired bv Mra A
E Owen. 3rd between La. worth and Bnwui-
If our work aad stock int a rerrmmf.
ed, yoo oaa get your mney back, imi-
ey uie pnoier.
We keep the only complete stock of
printer stationary in the eoonty. Smi-
ey ine printer.
Dr. U. W. Maatoo, pnyatciaB aad enr
geoa. Albany Vr. CaiUanawered prompt
ly in city or country.
if you are ia need of a beating stotv.
call and examine tbe Royal Jewel at Tbe
Stewart at Sox Hardware Co..
Dr. H. F.. andO. K. Beenomcea aar
recidence in tbe roct ofSce building. Spec-
uu atieuuon given to aiaewae ot women.
Keep thi in mind. If yon want nice
tender menta, well cut, a good place to ge
ifaem it at Uaigfat Bros, directly of-poute
the Deuocbat office.
Tbenof IlaT Heir Reoewer pro
mote tbe growth of tbe hair, and restore
it natural color and beauty, free tbe acalp
oi autamnj teller, ana ait impuntiee.
16 chance to 1 that you will be pteed
if voa get your meat of the Albany Dress
ed Heel tcnipaay. Cor. 2nd and fClteworta
s'reet. Firt clan meat of all kind at
rnuonabie prior.
Yoo can pay more, but yoo won't get
any better service. Yoo can pay lee, but
yoo won't get a good service. Smiley
the printer.
The Marion county precincts
Santiam went as follows:
up the
Bryan McKinley
Bre.tenbosh 69 37
Horeb 91 57
Klkhorn 9 6
Mehama 4 63
tsUyton 127 105
Sailing Noticx. Steamer Farallon
leaves Yaquina for San Francisco Thurs
day. Nor. 6th. Passengers going on
this boat should leave Albany Wednes
day noan.
How Is thi.- Borkhart ft Lee the
druggist are aelling the very beat vitriol
(blue-stone) at 18 pound for l.n0. Cheap
our goou . iow is ice time to uuy, ee
our window.
Dvn Delated Link of infants and
children's cloak have jut arrived, and
they are all beauties, and the special at
traction win be the low price wbicb we
will sell them at. Tbe Ladies Bazaar.
Aii keaaaaeaa It.
Aak vour phviician. tour draggitt and
your friend about Saitoh's Cure forcon-
uttiptton. J hey wilt recommena it. rot
ale by Foshay & Mason.
Sec our window v e hve displayed
in our corner window a beautiful line of
writing tablet of all tizes and prices to
auit the time. Burkbart & Lee, the drag-
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money it It fails
to cure. zee.
For Trapb. A good work rr.sre se-en
year old, for hay or grain. Itquire, of
Dr. U. W. Maaton.
School books cheap at Dawsons
HiLhest Honors World's Fair,
old Medal. Mldwlrrter Pali.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Yean the Susdur
In a few days the senatorial question
will be uppermost.
The registration books of Chicago
showed 40,000 more voters than did the
books of New York. Poor New York.
Whatever the result of the election
every loyal citiren should abide grace
fully by tbe result and work for our com
mon interests.
A Portland minister recently preached
sermon on "Has God left Portland."
probabbly suggested by the recent cam
paign in mat city.
Let every voter who believes in the
United States legislating for berse.f walk
up to lhe polls and vote tomorrow for W.
J. uryan.
A vote for McKinley is a vote for the
Railroad Funding bill, for trusts aid
syndicates and British bondholders and
for the palace car syndicates who made
the republican platform.
The re podia tor Is the man who says
contract must be paid in gold when it dis
tinctly is payable in gold or silver. Tbe
followers of Bryan are not repadiators.
An exchange says : "Nothing short of
necessity would induce as to ask oar
subscribers for money, bat it is now ab
solutely necessary." An editor is eneaJ A.Z1 " 7,"r Zr,
titled what iHn him .rH! AfTr? A'ny. IT00' .commencing at
necessity just as much a any one bisk.
Please do read Mr. Tongue's letter on
our editorial page. It ia a splendully
pat statement ol the silver question no
man baa ever yet satisfactorily answer
ed. Even Tongue cannot answer Tongne.
ben Mr. Tongue wrote it be meant it.
It is cream and a yard wide.
Has any one ever heard a word against
syndicates, trusts and monopolies by tbe
followers of McKinley, and ytt they are
ute greatest enemies to oar aval govern
ment and tbe welfare of the masses.
Read the two platforms and see which is
American and which waa made at the
dictation of corporations.
One of the biggest campaign falsehoods
is that Mr. fdryaa said tree coinage would
create a panic. IJe never said it and
has explicitly denied it. Kor has Brfaa
ever been an actor, or thought of being.
Nor is he a failure, but be is the greatest
success of this generation whether elect
ed or not.
Billy Leage. a former Pacific coast ball
player, once with tbe Portlands, bas
proven himself a treat thief. In the
league base ball year that bas just closed
be stole 99 bases tbe most of any player
in tbe U.S. lie bas not even been ar
rested for it.
Xewsptper buainea most be good ia
Pendleton. TbeE.O. aiitor maka the
following offer: " Twenty dollar will be
paid to the first party forma. ing a with
one copy each of the Walla Walla Weekly
Union of April Zl to May 25th. 1916. ia
doaire, or proportionately for sock sing'e
copies within neb limit.'
Mr. Tongne said in 1894 "not adoTar
of additional silver can be pat into cir
culation as money except by redeeming
a treasury note.'' Will those who are
dishonestly yelling about tbe increase of
ctrca'atkm by tbe coining of silver this
year note that fact. Silver is being coin
ed bat it takes the place of something.
Mr. Tongue knows it now as well as
then, so does everybody if posted.'
It was suggested a week ago that on
election morning the bells ring and the
whistles blow as an annoanccmest of the
beginning of prosperity, a if it were
something that could be eat off in lamps.
We bare had several years of very bard
times, and it is certainly time for an im
proveineat. Let it com.
Jss. Creel man writing to the Xew
York World said : Mr. Bryan towers np
a born leader of men. He may be de
feated, bat if be lives be will play a great
part in the Immediate fa tare. I have
watched him day after day, and he
seems to grow stronger and more self
reliant every boar. Nothing depresses
or daunts him. Hia marreloa voice
e?ttn indestructible and his brain is
After reading the San Francisco Ex
aminer one cannot for a moment doabt
Bryan's election by an overwhelming
mejoritv. Read the Oregonian and it ia
all for McKinley almost Nevada included.
It almost makes ooe's head swim to form
a fair iodgmeat. This may be remarked
though that the Oregonian is all one
sided, while the Examiner is broad in its
I politic, and was the only paper that
paouaoea ivm sno pctcwa iu uu.
Hermann Wolf! started for Germany
latt Wednesday. He came oat to this
country a couple of years ago with his
Lamilv and fAMU. tome time ago nta
family went back to the Fatherland. Mr,
Wolff bi fSOOO in this country on
his departure. Thus, while he is loser.
somebody bas gained. Hi home is In
Northern Germany, between the North
sea and the Baltic While here be made
many friends. Corrallis Times.
I am willing to trust to the intelligence
of the American people to decide
whether this government is safer in tbe
bands of those who believe in Ute ability
of oar people to govern ourselves, or in
the bands 01 the trusts ana syndicates
that have been bleeding tbe people of
this country. I am willing to let tbe
American people decide whether 'our
government is safer in tbe hands of those
who believe in oar form of government
and would die to perpetuate it, or
whether it is eater in the hands ot a few
financiers who cannot think on the
money question until they cable to Lon
don to find oat w hat they think. W. 3.
This has been a great campaign. Oak
land. Calif., boasted of the youngest ora
tor In the United States, Willie Lewis,
acred six years, wbo in a remarkably
distinct voice made tbe following speech :
Lsdiea snd Uentlemen: 1 am the silver
prince. 1 am in iavor 01 ine iree ana
unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio
of 16 to 1 because It is the money of our
country : an American production. 1 ou
needn't be airaid 01 oeinz overaowea
with silver. Oar mints can only coin
$40,000,000 a year, and with 70,000,000
people that would only give us about 60
cents per capita. On the 3d of Novem
ber we are going to eiect a silver presi
dent, who is in tavor of both gold and sil
ver as standard is uie man ior
the people: the man for the country who
says you shall net press down upon the
brow ol laoor tins crown 01 morns ; you
shall not crucify mankind upon a cross
of gold. He is the third George Wash
in, ton. the second ad ran am uncoin
and the first Bryan.'
Our Washington correspondent save:
No such absurd claims are being made
in Mr. Bryan's bebalf as the republicans
are putting out for McKinley, but every
man connected with either the demo
cratlc, populists or silver committees at
tbe ttrvan neaaquanern express toe
utmost confidence in the election ot Mr.
firvan. Thev claim that there sre sev
eral states in the latest Apsley bluff.
that are certain to elect liryan electors
hv majorities of not less than 60.000. and
a "hall a doaen more that will be carried
by Bryan. They also dispute bothAp
sley's and Babcock's claims as to the
number of gold men who will be elected
to the next bouse, ana say mat tne sil
ver men will control tbe house. An es
timate made by Secretary Edgerton, of
the populist national committee, which
is regarded as being conservative, gives
Mr. Brvan 233 certain electoral vote.
This estimate puts down as doubtful.but
probably lor Bryan tne no electoral
votes from Delaware. Illinois. Iowa
Maryland. Michigan and Ohio, and
g:yes McKinley 139 electoral votes.
ThelUse Weaned
Constipation, canws mors than half tht
HI ol women. Karl's Clover Root Tea it
a pleasant cure for constipation. For salt
by Foshay A Mason.
Teacher's Examination.
rouce is hereby given that the regu
lar teachers examination lor tbe loartb
quarter will be held in tbe Albany Col-
1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Nov. lltb.
lwe. Ail applicants lor state papers
will please file recommendation at or
prior to date of examination.
Dated this 21st day of Oct., 1896.
fcopC Linn County.
Thos. IL Tongne states in bis speech
that tbe sheep industry of the United
States forniabed employment to 3,000.-
000 men and that tbe total income from
the industry was f 110.000,000 It will
be seen by dividing 110.000,000 by Sr
000.000 that those men received
per year, iu cent a day and boarded
themselves. We find according to the
figures of 8 tatistkian Eronsen C. Keeler,
that there were in the United States in
tbe year 184, when the McKinley act
was at its senith, 15.048,017 sheep -rained
at 19,197.000, hence according to
Mr. Tongue, it requires tbe time of one
man to attend to attend to 15 sheen and
a very small fraction, or a little lamb,
and that tbe annual profit on eacn sheep
is one ana a loortn times as much as its
value. And now let as look at this
statement in relation to tbe Oregon
sheep industry. He said the loss of this
state from the effect of tbe Wilson act
is 110,000.000 per annum, while tbe
fact is, toe total value of all the sheen in
the state in 18&4, wss 14,433.403, hence,
according to Mr. Tongne the loss was
nearly two and ooe-hali times as moch
per annum as their total nine. Mr.
Yanderburg in Journal. We give tbe
above as a sample of a campaign speech,
and to show bow the attempt is so often
made to poll the wool over DeoDie eve
just for political effect.
War taSUiey
"I am 65 year old: nave had kidnev
diwaae and cooatipation for 25 year. Am
ow wtU uaed your o . B Headache and
Liver Core one yer. Used 6 bottles ai
50 cen'a eaoa. J H Knight, Ratledge,
Or." ForsaJe by Foshay t Mason at 50c
per bottle .
better List.
Following i the Iit of letters remaining
in the Poctoce at Albany. Linn county,
Oregon, Nor. 4, 1S96. Penoas calling
for these letters most give the date on which
tbey were advertised.
Ashpaogh, MrA Mrs. Abbey M H.
Bart, C A.
Harding, G.
Hamilton, B. W.
Mackintosh, J.
Kiley, Cba.
Jones, J. W.
Parker, K. E.
Smith, Walter.
T.J.STrrrs,P II
Tbe pleasant effect and perfect aaliv
with which ladies may ne Sj rap of Fig,
under ail condition, make it their favorite
remedy. To get the true sad genuine ar
ticle, look for tbe name at tbe California
Fig Syrop Compaay. printed near tbe bot
tom of tbe package, r or sale by ail re
SpootiUe druggiiU.
Send 1 our BundU.
Care and intelligence in laundering
dotbes has tad its effect it is responsible
for the saoceas of the Albany Steam Laun
dry, bend along your bundle to the beet
laundry ta the valley, or let Richard &
Phillips know snd they will call fur it.
If yon ate not a patron of the Albany
Steam Laundry tell tbe proprietiars at once
to fnd for tout bundle- Unce actutomet
always a trustomer-
Has to Bay
Where to do it is the question. Albany
people have learned from years ot exper
ience mat
Parker Brothers
Can be depended upon. Tbey keep
standard groceries, fresh produce, and
tne nest lroita. Their baked goods
are the beet made and give satisfaction.
Their prices are right.
Kay your groceries of them.
Bay your produce ot them.
Buy your traits of them.
Bay your baked goods of them.
Instrumental Music.
Mr. II. M. Backensto has located in
Albany where he will give instructions
in instrumental music. He teaches
violin, guitar, mandolin and a Dumber
of orchestral and brass instruments. Mr
Backensto is a musician of well-known
ability in both practical and theoretical
music, and one ot the most successful
teachers in the state.
Boston Roller Mills, Shedds, Or
In order to correct false reports we
would state ere give 40 lbs of flour, in
exchange for one bushel first-class clean
red and white wheat endless nourfor
second grade. We have put in a laree
luroinanacan oo some good cbopping
ior t-jvia pusnei.
Sixxoks & Thompson.
Notice to Shippers.
All i pedal flat and commodity fat rates
now m enect win os wiuinrawa ana can
celled on Oct. 20th. Tariff rates will a-
ply after above datf .
The Way to Cure catarrh i to nrri
fy the blood, sad the surest, safest, best
way to purify the blood is by taking Hood's
bamapaniia, toe One True Blood Purifier.
Hooa's Pills sre prompt, efficient, al
ways reliable, easy to take, easy to operate
Blood Is Life and aoon ths narlt and
vitality of the blod depends the health of
ura wnoie system, uneneacs ktkim
Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best blood
Hood's Pills act najulr and nmmnllv
on the liver and bowel. Cure sick head-
Stoves, Stovts,
Stewart ft Sox Hardware Co..
Jewel Cooks, Rapges and Heater
The Stewart k Sot Hardware Co.'.
Tnre Drugs, Fred Dawson's.
For Prscrtptions, Dawso s.
Bay from Dawson, he sells cheap
the pill autocrat for
For tht; best drugs, Dawson's.
1 rwA f
Too wtU find one eoapon
tndde each two ounce bag
and two eoapon inside each
four oonee bagof BlackweU's
Durham. Boy a bag of thi
celebrated tobacco and read
tb eon pon which aires a
Uat or valuable present and
bow to set them.
Ladies and
Childrens Shoes.j
Yoo can find here heavy oW shoes with
pointed toes and with narraw square toes,
suitable for Oregon winter weather.
A tailor made hoe i Mmetirce too
heavy. Yon can find them here is ail
weight, 'xhe hnes are rtraigh: but they
fit to perfection.
Light weight dress shoes fine enough to
soit anyone. .
Children iboe. some with pointed toes.
ome with sqnare.
Especially fine line of
Childrens School bhocs.
Ladies capes and
jackets, new 1890
Get your wrap
now wh He we have
a good assortment
and reap the bene
fit of the cut in
3. C.&E. R. R. CO.
t Willamette River Division,)
Steamer ALBANY, CapLJ.L. Smith,
" Wm.M.Hoag,Capt.H,L. Hatch
Freiiltf aud Passenger,
Daily, except Saturdays, between Cor-
Taliis, Albany, Independence, ba
lers, war points and
Tnsdi imaged accommodations and
echedales especially for tbe needs of up
per Willamette trsveL Pkeic parties
can avail themselves of this schedule for
anr desired point between Corrallis and
Salem, leaving in the morning and re
turning in doe time the same evening.
Special rates for special parties of 15 or
Leaves Albany down river at 7 a.
m. Leaven Albany up river at 8 p. m.
exsept Saturday.
WaiPSJt, . ii. t. C-CST,
Agent, depot. Agt.
Carat ad Trademarks Gfrtaaaaan-.?
at-Mamc9coadicteiturienc.naT T.
Ova m ooiti l s. PTfrr ots
caaarcor patent a le-a saalaaul
taaotvlrora Waeainroo. .
ncad tnSii. draia or riox. "eS.r
k-. ' arfrae. if itfi ?t oat.
Satff tB foe n t.t . ; i.occwfe .
a raaiaiini . "Ficw Oi ml
at ol r-vc .a tke L'. S i ; c--' -!"-!
mr dec AAJnss.
Fire' Insurance
3T. "W- E? .TT.'Ll?
In the Old Hartford, the New York Un
derwriter Aswncy or any one of the reli
able old line companies he represents. Kote
taken and plenty of time given for payment
on farm insurance. All business will be
promptly attended to.
LADIES, I make big wages at home, and
want all to have the same opportunity.
Tbe work is very pleasant and wid easily
ravels weekly. Ttu i no Deception -I
want no money and will gladly send fall
particulars to all sending stamp. Miss M.
A. Stcbbin, Lawrr nee, Mich.
PIGS FOR SALE. -Several head of Po
land China pigs, about 8 weeks old.
regtsterable. A No. 1 pig for $?, either
ex. if bought within 4 weeks. Call at the
Skeela place 1 mue nortn ot a loany .
p n xiushsos. -
Vanted-Hn Idea
WH eaalMH
of eoau aunpiat
tda: 1 vmr hrtam itn trvajta.
WrHai JOH S WaKPEKU JRii CO, P unit Luor
ajra. Waabuxtoa. P. C lur tbelr tl,u yma uOxf
auTnat wt M haaa aaTcsuwaa vaiuoi,
l vuticura
Iae? ja w , m - n lnaaaMU