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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
Sftc Ucmottat The World's Greatest Cartoonist. Tongue vs Tongue. Before T H Tongue had a gold collar pat around his neck be wrote as follows iu a manner that has never yet been answered by Tongue or any one else : . Hillsboro.Or.Nov. 3, 1894: I have read with some care your editorials in today's Oregonian, as well as the one of a few days ago, in which you depict the terrible consequence of either the free carnage of silver, or coinage of the pro duct o! our own mines. It ia to be in ferred from these articles that the Ore gonian favors the present coinage laws of the United States and is ready to wield its powerful influence in favor of their continuance. Let us look at those laws eqnareiy and tee what they are and where they are leading us. 'Heretofore our silver mines have been a vast source of wealth ; they have furnished employ ment to thousands of men, who became consumers of the products of the labor of others, and have furnished a Rood share of the increased circulation needed by a constantly expanding population to do its increasing business. Neatly all of this has been overthrown by legislation in the last year. We have reached condition unknown to our previous his tory. Our silver mines are absolutely worthless to us as producers of money metal . If run to their full capacity, not one ounce of their products could pass through the mints of the United States, ' or get into circulation among our citt sens as money. Not a dollar of addition' al silver can get into circulation money, except by redeeming a treasury note. When the silver is got out the treasury note ia redeemed and destroyed and the circulation remains the same A. vast amount of silver money is lost and destroyed every year by abrasion and by accident, and there ia no way to innnli lha Wa Cnnatantlv increasing ffj . " j population demands increased silver cir cnlation and the demand is ignored. On the contrary, as the population increases trie silver coin, by abrasion and destruc tion, constantly decreases. This will lead inevitably, if iong continued, to gold monometallism. With tariff laws de signed to increase our imports, while ex ports are diminishing enormously in value, the products of our gold mines, inadeauate even to par the interest on - our public, private and corporate in debtednesa to Europe, what will be the end? . And where will the supply of money be obtained ? A continuance of this legislation means means dear money, with increased pur chasing power ; - it means a decrease in the price of every other species of pro perty, real and personal, in the country, and in the city; it means decrease in the wages of all classes of labor, skilled and unskilled, manual and professional. But worst of all it means an enormous in crease in indebtedness of every class public and private, with diminished power to pav. It means confiscation of the property of the debtor, for the bene fit ot the creditor. It wi.i mats tne United states a para, dise to the class of people who are ex clusive creditors, but will make it a hell for every body else. Even the most gen erous and less exacting creditors will suffer with the rest. Having loaned his money on property with only a fair margin at old-time values, when the power of the debtor to pay is taken away, be finds himself compelled to take pro perty robbed of its value. That it would be downright dishonesty to legislate to enable the debtor to repudiate just f n ancial obligations, ia not disputed, but it is equally dishonest, and productive o! much more hardship, to increase by leg islation the obligations and burdens of the debtor for the benefit of the creditor. It is easy of comprehension why Eng land the creditor nation of the world, - should favor contraction of the world's money and a limitation of moner metal Having no silver mines of her ows. and Vein2 a purchaser of both silver and food products, it is equally easy of compre hension why she should use every effort of diplomacy and legislation to diminish the value of both, bat why the United States, a debtor cation, with extensive silver and Vict stores o! food products to sell, should voluntarily assist in carrying out the same policy, and diminish the value of ber own resources, "passeth understanding." Unfortunately for the welfare of the country it contains too many people who, surrounded by huge blocks of well eesured, interest bearing obligations, are interested in legislation that makes money dear, and everything else cheap; who not engaged in produc tive industries themselves, are anxious to secure the product of the toil of others at the least possible outlay. As business and population expand, our monetary needs will be constantly supplied from silver mines on American soil, owned by ' American citizen, worked by American miners, who in turn supply their needs from the production of other American , workmen. How this result, if accom plished, placing in circulation the entire product of our silver mines, not needed for othfcr uses, and will rot exceed pro bably 50 cents per capita, will disturb business or comunrce or prove detri mental to onr financial system, 1 am at a Ion's to s;-e. In this contest it is fcreatly to be re gretted thai the Oregonian, riubt upon so many qnnstions, should, in the opin . ion of maty of Us tanncheet friends, be wrocg up.; a this, should throw the weijrlit ot its vast influence upon the hand that, while oppressing other peo ple, bt-sre with equal hardship upon the proprietors of the Oregonian - The heart of tb i editor is generally in the right place and stuipathizes with those who are wronged and oppressed, and it ought to be so in thin matter. Wfth the Ore gonian on the right side of this question, the entire west would present a solid front against those who are doing ns financial wrong and laying weary bur dens upon those leaet able to bear them. Thomas H. Tongce. Public interest bat been to universally enteredjn the political outlook, and in the principals who are toengage in tbe coming battle, that the men who are really to shape their destiny have been overlooked. The writers and artists representing some of the largest news papers in the country form no email part of the large army of men which is comprise the - coroooaing forces. Among them are men who have achieved reputation and fame in their respective capacities, and are the chosen ones of their profession They are at prominent in tbe newspaper field as are the politi cal figureheads to the laity, and what they will accomplish during tbe cam paign will be watched as carefully by the interested public as by the politi cians themselves. One ot the men who will do much to shape and disfigure the hopes of the political aspirants ia Homer C. Diven- port, of the New York "Journal Since the time of Naet there is no man who has jumped so suddenly into prom inence in the field caricature. Within four years be bas acquired a reputation which extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and his original drawings adorn the sanctums of most of the prominent politicians in the country. Toey watch his work as closely as Tweed and Blaine did that of Nast. Of all tbe checkered careers t which a man can tall heir, his ia the moat ver satile. He is probably one of the quaint est and most original characters to be found in tbe profession. His academy has been the practical school of observa tion, and there has been nothing for him to acquire but facility; the last was natural inheritance. It is hard to realise that a man who can now make political monarchs bend in fear and submiseioo, baa been a jock ey, a waiter, an engine wiper, a clown, fireman, and a steamboat stoker. But such is Mr. Davenport's repertoire of accomplishments. They were not forced upon him through necessity, of course for bis father baa always been in a posi tion to belp him. Tbey were merely the result and deserts of bis boyish way wardness and recklessness. He was al ways a source of constant worry and annoyance to his parents. When be ran away with a circus during harvest time his father's hair, he says, first began to turn gray, and baa been turning ever since until about five years ago. Then it began to turn to ita original color. It was tbe arrival of this circus wbtcb cut short bis career at school, but his knowledge was afterwards acquired in the manner most seif-made men boatt of. He cares more for game rooeters and boll pups than he does for books, and though he may not be able to quote Shakespeare or Byron, be can sign his name to as large a check as most learned pedagoguee. It ia always interesting to know what event marks the inception of a successful career, and it seems odd mat in air. Davenport's case bis first effort should have been at tbe expense of bis long- suffering father. His younger sisters, possessing tbe same humorous instincts bad plaited tbe forelocks of their pater nal ancestor's bair while he was taicg a nap, and bad tied a red ribbon on it so that it resembled tbe topknot of a nick&ninnv. When be removed bis bat later in the evening to introduce Gover nor Pennoyer to a large audience the red ribbon jumped out and stood straight up, to tbe intense amusement of the audience and the consternation of the principals. It was Homer's first motif and tbe result was conspicuous for a day in the post office bulletin board. Through a friend of bis Mr Davenport later got an offer from the Portland "Or egonian" to make advertising cuts.- The first drawing was a stove, but tbe legs bad such a wiggle and the door such a mark that the advertiser refused to run bis "ad" if the cut had to go with it. He was compelled to seek "green fields and thought and need no letter press to tell the story. No cartoonist can excel him in drawing, and when he introduces an imals into his work he is superior to all. Before the national campaign ia over be ill have shattered many political aspir ations beyond hope. Though be has already achieved much, he la only at the inception of bin career. How little the farmers thought when they need to laugh until their aides ached at his early sketches at Silverton, Ore gon, that with as much ease he could make the whole worid laugh or frown. Author E. Jameson. In Brooklyn Citizen. To Elect a V. S.Senator. The next thing is the election of a U S. Senator to succeed J. ht. Mitchell. Following is a list of the men who will do the business, excepting the represen tative of Coos county to be elected yes terday : SKNATOB8. Name. P. O. Address. Bates, Geo W, rep Portland Brownell, Geo C, rep Oregon City CaibreatL, J F rep Wells Daly, b dem Lakeview Dawson, S A rep Albany Driver, L D rep Eugene Do fur, E B dem The Dalles Gesner, Alonso rep Salem Gowaa, A W rep ....Burns Harmon, C E rep Grants Pass Haseltine, J E Mitch rep Portland Hobson, W H rep Stayton Holt, 8 H peo .Phoenix Hughes, S rep Forest Grove Johnson, A J rep hcio King, Will R peo.- Baker City Mackey, Donald rep Portland Oakville. The election oassed off verv quietly here but the result was not as many had predicted. "Vox Populi vox Del" is an old expression, but "Vox Populi vox Hanna ' ruled here. I ' Judge alarton didn't get home to vote, and many others of our voters were away fiom home. Mr. Done Wade was generous enough to remember us with a supply of fresh rork. We voted as he did, that is we voted as our conscience dictated and he did the same. We again utter our protest against betting. We heard bets made yesterday by young men who were raised by christ ian parents and were taught that it was a sin to gamble. We l-eard a minister once say : "A gambler is worse than a thief." Who is Rev (?) I. D. Driver? There was a man bv that name a few years since who had a debate with Mrs. A. 8. Dunniwav in the M. E. church at Salem, and from the looks ot Mr. V. wtien Airs Dunniwav had done away with bun we would iudtte that he was ready to elide down his inclined plane to that place he was wanting to send ail tne enemies oi Mark Hanna. Mr. Driver is a great debator and alwavs diives everything ahead of biin, but Mrs. Dunnlway didn't drive nor scare. Amicus. McClnng, J H rep Eugene Mitchell, John rep Tbe Dalles Mulkey, B F tep Dalles Patterson, I L rep Salem Patterson, G W rep UilUbore Price, A R rep Weston Reed, A W rep Gardiner Selling, Ben rep and tax payers' league Pottland Simon, Joe rep Portland Smith, John H dens Astoria Taylor, T C rep Pendleton Wade, Justus peo.........Snmmrville SKFBE8KXT1TIVKS. Barkley, II L pop. Wood born I A demagogue is a man who advocates a thing which be does not believe in order to conciliate those who differ from him. A demagogue is a man who it willing to advocate anything, whether he believes it or not. which will be of advantage to him and gain bim popu larity. W.J. Bryan. That la just ex actly what Mr. Bryan ia not. Don't thins: that your liver needs treat- ins if you are bullous. It don't. Ita your stomach. 1'hat U, your stomach i whi really causes the billiousneae. It bas pa! yonr liver out of ordei . tee wnat'a the matter with your (lorn ach. Sick stomach poisons liver and then there's trouble. Shaker DigeativegCoroial is no secret, formula' on every ootue, But it's tin simple honest war it a made, tho hoixst Shaker Serb and other iojm-d ieuts of which ita comtoaed, that make it o efficacious. Any real case o' indigestion and bilious- nea can be cured with a tew bottle oi fcuaker Digestive Cordial. Try it. sold by druggist, price 10 Cfota to (1.00 per bottle. TELEGRAPHIC. An Orrgea t'lijr Affair Oregon Citv. Or.. Nov. 8. A whisky flask wu8 found floating iu the edge of tbe was a note written on a leaf torn from a memorandum book. It wat to the effect that the writer had partaken of the con tents of tbe bottle to kill himself, and that his body would be found at the bottom of tbe Willamette. The writer, who sigwd the name of J Rivera, said he bad been searching- unsuccessfully for bit wife and nod resolved to die. The bottle smells of bard cider. Whether it ia a boax or not cannot be determined here. Aa Election Fight Lkxikoton, Ky.. Nov. 3. About 0 fist tiiflita occurred near the polla today Pistols were drawn in half of tbem. About 3 o'clock, P T Kurnsworth. amnatring d itor of the Evening Argonaut (silver), at tempted to assau t Colonel W V r tsreck inridge Tne colonel ia reported to have drawn hit pinto. Bystanders interfered Ibe affair caused great excitement. The Seat laagre. Nkw York. Nov. 4 At 1 uX A. M. the returns from tne whole country indicate the election of JOi) republican congressmen and 85 democrats. No returns have been received frcm Alabama, California, Dela ware, Kansas, Missouri or Washington the present complexion of the bouse is t4 republican, luj democrats, six populists and one stiver party. Walsaa a I be Ballat-BaX Thomson. G.. Nov. 3. Thomas t Watson, populist for vice Dresident. voted tor John 1 w est. l-ouulist. lor coneTeas, but tore off thit portion of tbe ticket tear ing the name ot the McKinley electors Mr Watson example it bem? lurgelv fol lowed by populists. Mr Watson rcmaineo about the poll several hour. railetf to . Minneapolis, xnov. 3. c. R. Clough proprietor of a tmall hotel wa. so deter mined to vote luat be arose trom a tir bed to go to the polls. He had been handed bit ballot for uihrkinir, when sua denly be toppled oer dead, ilia he'rt had stopped bea lug What fcrwall M. Bath, Me . Nov. 3 Arthur Sewall democratic vice -presidential candidate, was interYiTed by an Atcociated Pre reporter. Said be: "We will be under government controlled by syndicate for tbe next tow yeart.aa well as hy injunction Mr. Bryaa neied 1-IC electoral vote which bos there are tome honest men in country. H. Lojk at fhU. The Election. The result of the election, one of the ai08t remarkable and moat hotly con tested iu the history of the Cniied States is the election of McKinley and Hohart by a majority large enough to settle the contest. Mr Haana, chairmen of the national republican committee aaid he would carry the election and he has be yond doubt. , The result shows that four southern states, besides all New England, Middle and several of the Weet-rn atatts have gone for McKin ley. Never befoie were party lines go looely drawn. While it settles this election completely it does not settle the question of bfmetalllum It undoubtedly paves the way for 1900 Prosperity has been promised in case of the reeolt obtained, many industries it baB been dtclared, aere awaiting tb result, enough to wake things hum Will the promises be kept. Certainly every reader of t he Dxmocbat pastures new' afier this failure, and finally wound np in San Francisco. An admiring friend introduced bim to tbe art manager of tbe "Examiner" aa "the greatest artist in the country.' The faces of tboee around bim fell away into a peaceful smirk at this announcement and Homer tnrnst his precious samples through the linen of bis eoat. He was willinc at that moment to go back to ploughing without complaint. But tbey gave bim a trial at ten dollars per week with instructions not to b too original. When be eventually grew tired of copy ing A B Fr-jst and drawing bridges and buildings it was the signal f-r h'.t dis missal. After a short stay on tbe "Chronicle" he went to Chicago, where be did some serio comic stuff for tbe "Herald" dur ing tbe World's Fair. Mr Hearst of the "Examiner" returned from Europe about this time and noticing Davenport's work, sent for bim. He was given free scope at once, and his successful career dates from that period two and one btlf years ago. When hi fine page car toon of Sam Rainey, tbe Tom Piatt of the Pacific coast, appeared it set every body wild. It was as big a bit to tbe West as was Oilman's celebrated draw ing of Blaine, the tattooed man, and it was the political death of the great owe." WherrMr Hearst bought the "Morning Journal" he brought Mr Davenport with him. The people realized bis genius at once, and lie soon created a sunn na tional politics. His "Eny Meeny Mioy Mo" cartoon waa copied from the Atlan tic to the Pacific, and when ha drawing appeared of Reed punching the bag, the famous Republican leader wrote and asked him for tbe original, ilia success was In-itantaneous. But since that time he has devoted uioit of hit energies and wit and genius to the much-abused Mark Hanna. In deed, Mr Davenport bas been as merci less in his attacks upon the stage man ager and press agent of the Republican candidate that overtures have been ma4e to have the cartoons stopped. The check suit with the dollar marks has wrought great havoc with "Mark" and hascaueed him many sleepless nights. But they still continue to appear, and when the campaign is over bis check suit will pass into history and cqptinue to haunt Mr Hanna, as did tbe famous money bag face of old "Boss" Tweed. It is scarcely credible to believe that this young genius had never earned a dollar from his pen five years ago. Al though he is tlie same unassuming fel low who entered the "Examiner" office wi'.li his water pants and a seedy over coat to cover up tbe patches, he is, of course, more metropolitan. But be pos sesses ooue of the vices which usually accrue from success. He never touches liquor or tobacco and his only bobby, as waa said before, is keeping game chick ens and ' bull pups. Theie is no more entertaining or original talker. His con versation is like bis drawing full of hu&or and lasting impressions. Every thing he does is tinged with humor; he cannot help it. If his drawings were Benson, Henry L rep Grants Paes Bilyen, L dem Eugene Bourne, Jonathan, jr. Mitch rep and peo Portland Bayer, J C rep Portland Bridges, J T rep Drain Brown, J N rep Heppner Chapman, E W rep Brooks Conn, Virgi! rep Paisley Craig, David rep ......... Macleay Crawford, A M rep Roseburg David, J E rep Croy Davie, E J rep Milton Davis, James N rep Portland Dustio, C S peo Long Creek Emery, OC Co Bimet New berg Gill. John Ua Bimet McMinnville Grake, John E dem isloria Guild, H G Ua Bimet Sheridan Gurdane, J S rep Ridge Hill, Geo B rep, and tax payers' league Portland Hague. H A taxpayer' league and Mitcn rep Portland Hope, I W rep Vale Howser, J J peo Sams Valley Hodoo. Harvey S rep Gaston Huntington, B S rep Tlie Dalles Jennings, C E rep Joaepb Jones, E K rep.. Bake Orta Krnse, J H peo Oswego Lake, E R rep Corvallia Dangell, Nat rep Jacksonville Lee, T I dem Independence Marsh, W W rep Cornelius Maxwell, A L rep Portland McAlister, J W peo La Grande Mer i.l, Norman rep Claukaoie Miaener, R K dem Mitchell Mitchell, McKinley rep Gervala Munkers, T M peo Scio Sosler, W H peo Coqni'.le City Ogle, Geo peo Molalla Palm, D G rep... Loraine Povey, D L rep Portland Riddle, Geo W rep Riddle Rigby. W T rep Pendleton Schmidtkio, G F peo Woodville Smith, J N rep Salem Smith, Johnson S peo Albany Somers, John M rep A;hary Stanley, F 8 rep Perry I have 43 lota with fair bouee. All kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to college and city public school, to trade for residence in Albany. Look this np. Good pi co to make money or for specu lation, u. w. Jiaston. IO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAY' Take Laxative Bromo Qainine Tablets All druggists refund the money it it fail to cure, soc NOVEMBER 3, 1896. F. MCILWAIN, CASH STORE. 0 1 Great Special Sale.S J Mens fine shoes. Ladies fine shoes. Hens cork sole shoes. Mens mackintoshes. Childrens school shoes. Dry goods. Hens best oil grain shoes. Mens clothing. Mens fine hats. 25 per cent discount on ALL the above lines. All groceries at cut pri ces. This srreat cut in price is made to close out the stock by January if possible. Call and examine the stock I can save you money. E !K3I?BTBB1S TO THE Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. EAST orvaa rn choicb ot TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL routes.: great union HORTHERH PACIFIC VTA via SPOKANE DENVER UtmAPCUS 0 51 AH A 4jro asm ST. PAUL KAKSAS CITY LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN .CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS EAVE PORTLAND EVEBT 6 DA OB .. SAI1 FRANCISCO rot tall details ! oa CcanAS ft MowratTH, Albmny, Or S ADOKBKS: W H BtJRLBlRT. Gat Pav .Aon Prendeataad Mar. POR1 LAND, OR. Notice for Publication Lakd Orrici at Oreoo Citt, O. Oct 20th. 1896 Notice is bereby riven thai tbe follow-! ing named settler baa filed notice of his! f ntentloa to make final proof in rapport of b claim, and tnax imu proof wilt fee made before tbe reguUraed Orecon City, Oregon. Dwnber lOibJ 18&6, viz: WHliam Jonn utt, one of the) hoimrf Peter Beat, decerned: H E lllix tothWJISWJl8ee26aBdEj4 of 8 E J of Sec 27Tp 10 8 K 7 E, lJ names tbe following wltneaaw to prove bisj con tin no as resioence opon ago ca-trration of, asid land. Viz: Joeepn L, l'euty.Oa. Elgin, Thomas A Easeier. Saxton P Kerr, ail ot IXroit. vree. ROBbltl A- NlLLfcK. HegisUr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTUMENT. Xotice is berebv Ktvn tfcat lie ender- signed bare filed tbe'.r fiaal accoaniv rr- ecu ton of tbe estate of Jame B aforgan. deceased, and tnat tne county eoort of Linn county. Oregon, baa set Slonday, tbe 2nd day of November. IS96, at 'he boor of 2 o'clock, p m of aaid day, in the purpose of bearing tbe same aul tbe settlement aaid estate. Any and H per-oni hav ing ary objection to aaid account and tbe settlement of aaid etate. are hereby noti fied to be present at and time ar d make tbe same. Dued this the 2oib day of Sept. 1SS6. WjtATHEBTOKD & WjaTT, At) for Ears AtrD C Mooaw, Flotd B Jeskb. Execotora. Mrstc Miss Mildrci Rurtneetei teacher of piano or orpin. System th Mason touch and teebniane. Kdenc Fifth street, oppoeite U V church. Oar muUb at Um Peer oat of eery fire xttlet ot medi ce sold in tbjlm five year are S. U. (rood. Tbe S- B Headache and Live) Core 1 oe itirwif aa a peoerai phytic. If yon are tit k and want to get veil. tfc quickest, cheapest and safnt method i K buy tbe S U. rmedie and u aa directed C. P. IWlch. lroit, Uafur, Or " Km by Kowjty & U a?n al JJ cU per bot- evindsetn, a J rep.... ibomas, W E Mitch rep. Thompson, J BC rep.... U'Ren, W S peo Vaogko, TJ rep Veness, J A rep , Astoria Portland Tnala'in .... Milwaukee Cotmrg .Independence Wagner, Henry Mitch rep Portland Whitaker. John peo Corvallia Yoaknm, D W peo Fipren Marvelous Feat of Memory. Maretns tells ns that dnring bis trav els over Earopfl, be met tbe "marvel of marvels" at Padua. The marvel in question was a yoong Coraican, who waa in tbe city for tbe purpose of pursuing hisstndiesat the university. Martens, having beard that tbe you ig man was gifted with an extraordinary memory desired to pot tbe student to the test. The person who baj informed the traveler concerning the wonderful reten tivenes of tbe young Corsiean's mn. ory declared that be wa fco gifted In that faculty that he couU repeat as many aa 30,000 word, if read over to him but once. Maretus and three dis tinguished Venetians agreed to test the accuracy of the statement. A commit tee visited the student of extraordinary memory and found htm willing to sub mit to tbe ordeal. Accordingly tbere was read over to him an almost ioter miuahle list of words strung together pitr.out any consecutive order, and without any meaning whatever. Tbe young man stood all the 'ime with bis attention deeply fixed and bis eye half closed. When the long string' of words bad been read off be looked op cheerfully and repeated tbe whole of the uninteresting catalogue of word with out a single fault. Then, to show how carefully bia wonderful memory had re tained every word, he went through the list backwards. When that task was finished he took each alternate word first, third, fifth, etc., and repeated them until the company was thoroughly con vinced that they were in the presence of the moat wonderful prodigy cf memory t;iat 'he world bad ever produced. On Oct. 29 Mr. Bryan's record was as follows: Number of speeches delivered 523; cities and towns spoken in 423; states spoken in 29; miles traveled since the nomination 17,651; number of words spoken on tbe stamp (estimated) 795,000. What Bryan did In one day. Devoted his efforts entirely to Chicago, speaking in various districts from the stock yards to tbe lake front armory. Slept 7 hours ; talked 8 hours ; speeches made, 10 j per sons who heard bfin, 175,000. .. . It la safe to say that every voter has made np bis mind how be w!U vote. Money should have no Influence in "My three children are H uhji?ct tt croup; I 'ektgrapb:! to Sn Franciwo, tfol ew a bait dowm bot'e of S BCougb Cure. It is a perfect remedy . God bleM yon tot it. Your, etc-, J. II. Ootir. Grant Pan. Or." For m'c by Fotbay A M-u-on a Oc p-r bottie. aunt MiKKtrr. b-t. 66c OaU25 Kljur. H y 3oter 17 3 Egg 2X Lard 6 to sc Pork hama. 8 to !0cabouldcM A toft. Sid re, 6 to S. Hay baled, cheat, $7.00. Timolby, S.O A rial CaaUas New Tore, Not. 2. A Herald special from jackjoovilie ay: Cuban leaders here and in Key Went de clare tbey bare reliable information tbal tbe relations of tbe United &at and fpaxn bave reached a crUi, and that de velopment of great international import -aoo in regard to Cuba may be eipevted lib in tbe txt month. Advice from Havana are that the departure of OcmuI Uenerai Lee from Washington wat can! by tbe critis, and that bu report to Presi dent Cleveland will be such aa will almost certainly twalt in action beiog taken by the United latea. A Bitter Cm Sr Locts, Mo., Nov. 2- Xerer before usee tne war baa ibere bwn a campaign in Miuouri wbvre there was to moch Ut- terce of feeing twtn the opposite panic aa toe one wtucn ckma tonigbt some of tbe leaders in both tbe democratic and republican panics predict trouble at the poii tomorrow. Governor Stone i in St Lonu tonight, and dedam toe right of etcry uua-r. to cast hi ballet thai! be maintained at anv cot. Chicago, Nov. 2, On tbe ow-il Wort: the bailie. M-rene and nntouaied ct-n3-; d-noe men in the hew-iciait 1 camp cf the rvpbbuc&n party and 10 -t at Ujir democratic rind aa weil On neither iae i ( tiMini,nrle, and. in fact, co ure are Uses j two parira ot victory teat there i, on bntb i aide, a foehng n( a'otiibm-nt that tbe ' other ft ! low baa toe aodacty to claim ant- ' ihioj at au. j SUc IspriMaml. ! Sax YuAHCifo. Nov. 2. Tho Wiii- iama, alia Kd Mark, of Oakland. waMhi 1 tuutoin ne-n'ence-d by I nited Su! Lha- ' I tnct ladire Morrow to impnooament it S San Qoentti at hard labcr Jv-r 15 y?r for j j trading improper matter throagh the mail, iiliamc waa tried and convicted t in abort order on Friday last of hanna; j ent a threaieoing letter to Uollie Tray nor. j on receir t ot wuicn i.e committed saiode S Her death ltd to WinUm' armt. aa the! letter wa found among her effec". by tee j I coroner ot Oakland, wbo turned it over to ! the I nited bUlis oSuai. K M :SEILL EXECDTCS'S :f CaUiNKAB FOB 1SS6-7 1SS6 fept. 16 College Year begins . . H'edneedsv Nov. 2f27 Thankogiving lay ?ecee, Tburs. and Fn. IVc. "1 Term examinations begin . Monday Ix-c. 23 First Term ende . . UTedneedar Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term beeina . . . Tnesdav Feb K Washington's Birthday holiday, Monday April 6 Term K laminations begin . ' . Tuesday Aprils Second Term ends ... Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Fonr Days April IS Tliiril Term Wgins . . Tuesday June S Final Examinations legin . Tuesday June 13 Iiaccaiaureate Sermon . Fabhath forenoon I one 13 Addreee U-fore the V. SI. and V. W. C. A. Sabbath evening June II Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon June 14 Junior Orations . . Monday evening June 15 Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . . Tuesday forenoon Jane 15 Popular Lntertainrxiect Tuesday evening June 1 Comoeneement . . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni He-onion . Wednesday evening Foc.r Cocrees of Inrtroction leading np to degree. Well equipped Business and Music co'im, i!h appropriate diptoma. Cataicue free. For farther information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated Canadian j P ACIPIO RY S00 PACIHC LIRE. The Only Transcontinental Route annus TiiouBH wins v FTJPITFlf. fl" t . : I - t. 1 1 .t g .1 . 017 MM UOCU K'TC" UiM IOI B1W signed has been duly appointed execntor M the laat wi',1 and testament of Oliver Fl irk in per. late of the eoontv of Linn and state of Oregon, by tbe county court of aaid county and state. All persona having; claim againat aid estate are Hereby BOti Bed 10 present tnem to the ondergned, at br residence near Miller's Station ia Ltsua county, Oregon, within six months from Una oate. Daed thia l'Hh day of September. 1836. Mast A ructuow. If aaTHEroD k Wtatt, Exeestor AV- va v-r executor. 10 iTUSIIC Notice. wanwaw- mmmm vaaasaaBaaaawawaMBawasjBBaBnnwweM A mil 0 U T fj S Land Office, Oregon City. Ore iron. September, 19, 1&6. Notice it hereby (riven that the approv ed p'al of earvey ot Towvhip 7 booth. Bange 6 Eaat. baa been reofveo freea, tbe Mirvejor general of Oregow. and on Ocuher 29th. 1-6, af 10 o'clock a m. of aaid day, said p'at "ill be filei in tbisot&ce, sod the land therein emVaced will be snbject to entry on and arer said date. Eobskt A Ifitm, WatGaixowaT EgiUr. Beceiver. rl W TO FUST-CUSS sLPPmDniiB, loeists jd mi COLOIIS! 8kFIES ( BJSTON !MoJTKEiL . . . TOBONIO .... ST PAUL . . . . MINNEAPOLIS. .MARRIED. HULBCRT ALBEftS. In San Fran Cisco, on Thursday, Oct. Tbe Wheal rrMpevta. Losrx!t, Nov. 2. The Mark Lane Ex press today er;un?; f antes to bond lhir irrain. aavmg: j "The price in England may react to 2.. j but it hi-uKI rie araio in tveemher. 1 be j j new wneat crop ot Argemice i nw aS,r-1 5ed for priojr bipjnet3t. It i tow Mow ! ;). Tbt give a ehnu jf Ibe futare. a Undertakers and Embalmers, Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon No Charge f r Ilear or Ssrvice 1 1, at i .i.i., .1. ... i i the residence of and by Kev. M. M. F-iX ' --v...-. r.i ii. i-i,i t.i..,..;.n (than r.ogiib. vsiuwvtt wa wi" v-ajis-vi m l t church, Mr. Roy Lizzie Albera. liulburt and Mis ! khra aeala. SaLtsnrnr, MaUlieMaod, X-iv. 2. ! Miss Albera left Albanv about three' Cetil Rhod and li t.m F weeks ago for San Francisco, by war of j bargliert. ctpture.1 ana '. irmd the Par.goi i Yanuina, but waa detained at Yuina J Saturday, kiliing SI rebel, icclud- ' by bad weather. Upon arriving at 3 p. j ing three chief. i m. she was met br Mr. liulburt. and at 5 o'clock the ceremony waa performed. Mr. liulburt is now working at a hotel and tbey will reside there and make San Francisco their home. They have the best wishes of many Linn county people. WILLIAMS HUMPHREY. At tbe residence of the officiating clergyman. Elder Silas Williams, on Oct. 22, 1S9, Mr. Osca E. Williams and Mia Etta E. Humphrey. Many friends ot tbe newly married couple will join in extending congratn. tionr. L3WELLIXG BLEV1NS. On Sun day evening Nov. 1, 1896, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. iilevins near Oakville, by Rev. T. P. Uayne of Tangent, M r. Asa Lewebing and Miss Mary E. Iilevins. Mr. Leweiiing is the popular deputy sheriff, a brother of the well known ex Go v. of Nebraska, and the hrdeiaa worthy and popular young lady, a mem ber ol one of Linn county's best families. Mr. and Mrs Lewelling have the best wishes of a host of friends for prosperity and bappinees. THB doctor may be a good old nan, but even ao, mcilii al ex aminations mid the local -application " treatment arc abhor rent to every modest woman. They are ein ban saving often useless. Tbey should not be submitted to until everything cue mi been tried. In nine case out of ten, tbere ia no reason for them. In nine case out of ten, tbe doctor in general practice isn't competent to treat female diaeaaea. They make a branch of medicine by themselvea. They are diatinct from other ailmenta. They can be prop, rly understood and treated only by one who baa had year of actnal practice this particular line. Thia ia true of Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief con auHing physician of the Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Doctor Herce'e Favorite Prescription, for all derangement of the reproductive or gana of women, has been in actual use for more than thirty yeara. It waa originally aold with an absolute guarantee that ft would cure every case, or that the money paid for it would be refunded. Ita aucccaa baa been ao universal that thia guarantee ia no longer necessary. .The " Favorite Pre scription " relies now upon the thousanda of testimonial from grateful and happy women, in all parte of the land, whose Uvea have been made worth living by its use. "Favorite Prescription " ia aold by druggiata. ' Complete information regarding it, and testimonials from hundreds who have used it, are embodied in Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser, a standard medical work of 1008 pages, profusely illustrated, which will be acnt free on receipt of si one-cent stamps to cover coat of mailing only. Thia work ia a complete family doc tor book and should be read by both young and old. Address, World's DispsnsaAi i"ihi s. I m m i .inlh.Tl.Ahla.JUi , ri t ' . t- ft f and experience Elegant De sites in Crockery Yate al C0NW 5 HUSTOW'S Sec it Tcroufch the Grandest Scenery on Vat Continent. Canadian Pacific K'y Co" Eojal M Steamsip line TO CHHAQiSDH JAPAN Tneae twin cr?w steamers are in every respect snptior to any ship that have vet tailed the Pac-Sc Ooeaa. Ibe route ia XO m:l-M rborter than via any otner Trans pacific line. CAStmiS 1UST21LI1H SiIiHB LI IS TO nowiar, rui lusmiu The shortest Ute to the Colooie. Tbete steamers carry aa experienced Medical man, and a Stewardess oa every rofage. . For tins- tables, pamphieta, or any infor mation, call oa or address E1COTLE 1 Third St Portland. Or. S X STEELE CO. Agent. Albany Or. GEO. McL, BROWN. D P. A. Yancoaver. B. C EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTA KCUTE or i Ht iS cut hern Pacific Go. ACLIInlSTEATCSS K3TICE. Xotice is hereby eie tha' the nnder- conrt of las county, Oregoa, adznmtt- trator with the wiu annexed of tne estate of Jana Fannirg. deeeaaed. late of linn conaty. Or. AH pexaoes baring tUsasm againat aaid estate are hereby aouScd to pretest the same wills the proper voocfaers to m at Albany. Oregoa, withia six Msiot irota toe one o ua sif m Elsxss A Casso. Saxrn. E Ycrss. Attys tor Acrcr. AdmiatstTnir wiih the will rpaextd Albtay, Oreron, Oct 6. IS36. ORECOi c-irn & EASTERH. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at TaqninaBav with toe Saa Francisco and Yaqnina Bay Steam ship Company uismsirMiii galla trom Yaqnina everv 8 days for Saa Francisco. Coca Bar, Port Or ford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. PaStrSGXK Accomodations Cssrapaasrn. Shortest ronte between the Willam ette Yniiey an-i Caliiomia. Fare froaa Aibanv and points west to Saa Francisco CaBtx, one way Cabtjc Eonndtrip.... Bryaa al Baase Liscoljc, Neb., Sox. 1. Mr and Mr Dryan reached their home in this city to day at 100 o'clock, sftor an absence of several wet kg duration. In order to be able to spend the day with their children. it was oeorwsary for Mr Hryan to depart from tbe rule which he invariably followed since bis nomination of not traveling on hundar. Mr Bryan asserted hi unshaken confidence in the success of bis caue, and he has never, since the beginning of the campaign, appeared more cheerful or more hopeful than be waa today. He believe the people are thoroughly aroosed and will suttun bim at tbe polls, but said that if f erchance tbey should fail to do would by no means consider the cause of la metal win lent. The Vfa.hlBsloa Eiectlan Skattlb, , Nov, 1 Ihe most excitiojf campaign ia Wtuthington's lii-lory in cloned, and both rt'pubSiuans and fiiionists claim victory. Chair nan Swutlund. of the republican ftate couimittce, says his party will have 6WW mjority. The fusioniota cimui everything in sight by a majority of 15,0not ao.OJo. Tbey concede nothing, and SeeTtVary Thomas 'aloney, of the earupaiirn committee, says Washington will surely trot.) Ihe fusion tsU from the ticset down. Havaaa la Be Belael. Nkw Yohk. Nov. 1. A dinputcb to tlie Ucrald from Key Wet, Fla., A pronuiient Cuban resident of this city laid to your correspondent that, without awumiug the role of a prophet, the Herald could punitively aunouaoe that tbe city of Havana would be besieged by Maximo Gomca within the next 60 days. To that end he aaid Gomez and all the rebel forces were now marching wertwurd toward the cupital. Aa Oregon Snow alarm. Baker Citt. Or., Nov. 1. Driving through a furious and blinding snow storm is one of the diversion speakers must ex- ret in visiting a mining camp. Messrs L Hand, W M Rasmus and F R Mollis were treated to this novel experience in going up to Cracker Creek, for which place they were billed on Saturday night, Oct. 31. In spile of the inclement we-uher they are pleased with the trip. A Big Wager. Ki:bika SfRinos Ark., Nov. 1. Two farm, each of 440 acres and valued at $5 an acre, or (2200 each, have been wagered on the result of tbe election in Illinois. 11 T Stickney, of Carthage, Mo., represenla tivs of Jasper county in the Missouri legia lature, beta James T l'onieroy, of this city, that Bryan will carry Illinois. Deeds to the two farms have b.en deposited in a ocul bank. II Hayes Live Every Day Thousand of caae of Consumption, A.thuia, Coughs, Colds and Coup are n red every day by SuiloU's Cure. A Natural KeaaltSer Karl's Clover Root Ta purifies the b'ood and gives a cli-ar and beautiful complexion For sale by Fosbay and Mason. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Albany Steam Svsing adn Cleaning Works. Hret Street Between Terry and Washington, Crunch of the Salem Steam Dye Work. Established 1SS4. Ladies and Gents Clothing and Fine Fairies of all kind Cleaned and Pred, Carpets. Blankets, Silk I n.teraesr, Ladice Ha'a. (Straw Ha'eand Feotbert lyed and Renovated Silk bats lrvmed, bila Hats, Stiff Hate and Soft Hats I kaned, iHed, Blackened and K, -nova ted. liy lionorabie 1'ealing and Slr:det A'teuticn to Business. 1 hepe to Merit 1 our t airuuage. aiaemtt T .ClMn. IISSaS fraar? rj I Cahw s rw z&j r i t. i C X as BV M UIV. waaasm IIW .W inl I la-1 i c,iT, I " I I Dm atoo. FtlTT BB!tC br tha ceWeoocern that UU I rniUK.a volwnaru rxtaonl vks. In recent time srurUMMd a aw Idea ia V indent tt w tua sappiToooa. cycymtag taa ssraiN siii Wbe sails low rekisaF V bar rroMMd It refuse and bs tfaeralor delaatcd srtadmiU ooaihtaatioaw ainea "Sa. radneed tha cost ot wind noias tola Taroota (nUroda, and baeaase we an pcica awkacm. -m sal i io nru wiko, ana saiosi n mxw um m of all Wat ta food la tM SMdem atacl HALS IT I. Shim bum i a 1 ia im ... . In km Dricaa. aiata crmdaa aadlam salwa, wi bsad with long powac stmka panpa. with baat vaf f brass ran cvunMta. wmr tnaa Iroa oaas a CH a -li I J- J w prepav Ireicht aa o branch anasa. Saod I 1 boaatuallv Ulastratad catalocsa of '111 tnls appaafs bat enca. 'ill fr" oor Sstast ptaaa. Na n fMUl.Pisasnfiioartaaaaai ap-to-data r aaajr mmt aaawa Use iwaaara. S tow. V 2dht5a Ul it ana. I 1 nvniumoni a arisdmiU and ! 1 owavNAH i 1 WabaUml I Bkaaaabort f W aeanlaas I n men at swwlor i n ititv m r A t -a w a. tbtvs -nr n -r -ar-r- All kinds of furniture and beddingr, and it you want tho most t complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. Dealer iu ALBANY, GREGG??. IX1CUTCRS NCT1CE. Notice Is hereby given that Hie under signed exeentor ol the lut ill and ic tanient ot Frances M O-U'ett, deceased, ha filed hi final account with tbe clerk of the county court lor Linn county, Or. eiron, and the cou-t hs fixed the 8ih day of December, at the hour ot 1 o'clock p. in. of aa'd day lr the he-mnir of said account and thu seitlement of d estate. This the 24th da ol Ootolier 1SIK. W KUlTHKNS, WltATBKBKOKD & WVATT, ExtcUtOT. Atty fvr Kxecu'or. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE KO. 8- Notice Is hereby given that funds are on hand to pv outstanding warrants of tie issue ot ismo, itoni M ;H to 312, in clusive, interest on such warrant ceae I'.li tbe date ot this notice. AI"any,Or., Ocl.7. l!6. E. A. Parkca, City Treas ill Caaaorcat Cxpeaas V:iaa txVmmm Umtl I mi Mar tU lt i tar. a. I L r oruaaa ltl4aaL Alba -l Ui s lr Jte ai ' a M .a Ax t-a a a Ls TX r a Above trains stop at East Portland Oregon City. Woodbnra. Salem. Tur ner. Karioa, Jefferson, Albany. Tan (rent, SheJd. HaUey Eugene Crosweii, Cottage Grove, Draia. and all station) froa Koaeborg soo'.ht to and ia doding Ashland. aaiitS-aot MDta I L l-ur I Lv fctrrs lAr Aibaar At' tp LI Ultra sat S.dSaa I Ar tsc r a I L ra i Ar Albas bshaaoa Albany ns L ISli Ar I eats L I t"V ra PUUtlAr BOrFU SLEEPER. AKP Dinine Cart en OgtJsa Route SECGKD-CU5S SIELFIN3 CARS Aiiaeaesj ta all Tarawa Tenia at SalviaiM. JcretaKk rints Ah aii Malt V a .u 1 1 Sopt Say uat lit Ital At e-orUaad Cjrtain ne Lt Ultra Expreas train dil v (except Sunday) at Albar.v and Corral as connect with train ot O.C.4E. Ry. 9 15.fX 5J To Coos Eav Cabin IS-0C To Homboldt Bav and Port Oriord. Cabin.... '. fS"Cf YAQUINA BAY The mort pnpnlar Seaside Resort oa the North Fart6c coast. No ndertow Stir hilkine arMninte) v aat . For those wiahins; to com bine hnnting and fishing; with aqaalic sports, this re sort has no eqnaL Deer, bear, elk, eon ear. Brook treat and salmon trout, caa be found in abondance within a fee hoars' drive ol tbe hay. a Reduced rates from all points Edwix Stolte, Manaeer. O.Mvo.T. F.dtP. A. . L. VTsuhu, AgV. depot. Albany NORTHERN l PACIFIC R. R; A, lHSa Lt Ar SSirUaa WrMiaa-rtL - .a (Mil Ticliett r571iroxi.R:la. ta all aotat ta tb Bantam Stalaa. avnps eaa ba obtatnad a rata traas C. A rraab, aeanl Aibaaj. R KOKBUB K P R0GEB9 ttaaaaar AaMOrAPA Port aad Oraraa rvctlaad. NEW HOME LAUNDRY. U Nort and of Ulsworth Street. Famil wahinir taken . Particular attention pal to bundle washing and mending. Satis faction gnatantced. Mas. Cubjstkm PiR SALE.-SUam wood saw in Kood condition cheap for cash. Inquire, Mr. R. R. flaron :tr.t C-I.k - . 1 w.... and Broadalbin. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motoi on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and night. Special trips will be n ade at special . t.r Conm Oomtncrnr. Ott KENT. A good home near 0. P. $ arj St depot, call on V, A, Cox. , J 80 SOEEP to let on shares to rrsronsi- Able parties. Call on Senders & Stern- HOTJSE MOVING, Urernlly. promptly Iv. at the lowest price. Call on or addres U W Taylor ,4th and Madison St aibany. AT IHE MINES Boarding, lodging and meals mar be secured of tbe sub scriber at the Santiam minea, at hi place at the mouth ot Dry Oulch. tt. W. Wovrx. UEO E TlhH TBE PLUMBKK Tin roofingr and plumbing, he opera house Opposite LOST - On Lyon Street between 6th andtherepot,aMaccabeepia. Will ive reward lor return ol tbe same to Jirs, Beam. Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant DingCars, Tourist Sleeping Car StTanl iinne,o5h Dnroth eariro. T Grand rorks- lookt A'iBBtptlC Helena aoJ Bmte THROUGH TICKETS... TO 1 T Chirairo Washinatou Philadelphia New York Boston and al. Point East and Sooth Through tickdts to Japan a ad Chin, via Tacomaand Northera Tacine steainahir Co., aa American line. For information, time cants, wane u bckeU call on or write C Bnrkhart Agent. Albany, Or. , . Or A D Charlton, Ast Gea Faa Ait Port lend, Or. To- I I I iVI H rK.; 11. it not bet- Mr to bnv vonrBred.Piea.Bolls,Cakea, tc, at a reliable store where they jase only the Best material why ol courfe iv ta yon dont want dvspepaia and J00 never jet it by eating anything J.?r tore. U.S.MAW" Be Ellsworth and Lyon Sua &. , C D. VAKOTM.Prooneto J.M. RALSTON BKOKEK. Maston Block. Albany, ur Monev to loan on farm security, all - small loan made oa iwrsooal security . City, county and school warrants boognt. Collections made on favorable term. , Fire insurance written ia three of tae argent companies ia the world, at kwet-atea. FOK SALE at bargam good spaa ot team horses. Good harness and wagon. In quire at Postal TeL office.