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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1896)
MOCK THE 2 A sore spot, green, .black, or blue, la a and watch the color lade. nnTe ct iinnac mi rUltf v Oli JAUU03 UIL the aorenesa disappear. out. IT IS MAGICAL. WETHERFORD & WYATT torneya at law. Will practice in a ourts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. CFFICE In the Flinn block. W.R. GILYEU. AMnmn at law and Solicitor in Chancery. fViIlertinnR tnftclrt or all noints. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Oregon. " BLACKBURN & S0F.1ERS All legal matter will receive prompt at- ent'on. uraoe; irst .weuonai oun mlding; up stairs. OKTAN YE ft HACKLEHAH, iU Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon jja. j. i hill, wry ktmu, Albany .Oregon. DR. C, U, CHAHBERLIN aOMOBO 9e Mtmmt. Don't be frightened. Cries of repadiaiion, anarchist, etcet era ad nauseatim will not make vots. Star Bakery. Corner Broadalbin nnd First St CONRAD MEYER PR0PRIET08. - Dwior in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meats, Queensware, Venetlea Cigars, Spices; Tea, Etc. Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, sear 3d street. - P 11 It ST HATIO.SAl, BANK, OrUBiRT.ORISOS resident . Vce Presldoat . fatiuer i 4.FLISK ., s.s.touko everything that ia sept in s . good variety andgro eery store. High est pi'-oe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Presidential Electors. N. L. BUTLER, of Polk county. V. L. SPAUGH, of Linn county. E. 110FEB. of Marion county. H. W ATKINS, of Yamhill, county. The campaign of eiacation goes on. Yesterday an Albany man found in a bos of goods a little anti free silver tract. OiXUNTS K.EIT misjeci to eca. EIGHT KICHAN'OK and sl -rpMo ami r, told Kt York 8u rnjidaeo, Chicago u4 roiBaff- i JMOSi sAOSonfayojattla a J. J- WHITJiET Attorney at Law, Albsnv Or. VISIT The "Vile Combination.', 'Tfc true a combination grand i on the way And though some call its attitude frantic. It is gathering strength as from day to day. It nears the wave beaten shores of Atlantic. And it needs not a sage of desert cr mountain. To tell ns wnat all know from ocean to ocean, Tia the pride ot the people, of hope 'tis the fountain. This voice raised from right, causing all this commotion. And those who serenely are waiting the end Of this race, thinking snrely that gold will win it. Will find that is not wbst the voters intend. And there surely is something aerions in it. There is worry and fright, since, the, people's convention, In the enemies campBryan did make a speech. It was not however of bis We invention, It's tone waa Vu tarns that Christ came to tacj. Like a king 'Jt B eMr awaiting his. min ion, Sit rf-ruTw at borne, while from s .V.AtAni tWliliH. w. wwm And the e&rlotta 01 4i- Republicans want thai big trusts and monopolies protected, but tbey don'? want the silver mine owners protected Isn't that lunnv. Every voter should be loyal to oar government, stand by the flag and Amer ican Interests. Tbis is no time to allow Englaud to dictate our financial policies. Mr Mitchell knows very well that tie repnblican party doesn't want interna- tionatittn. It wants a. single gold stand ard, and he knows that as well as that he wears whisker. Ex. "The oo trouble with tin country is a lack ol tonfldenoe." Major McKinley Let na see. We have $169,000,000 less money In existence than five year's ago In. that time we produced (250,000,000 ia gold; borrowed $202,000,000; we exoort- edt300.000,0ii0. Bherman said in 18!X that we ought to increase the currency 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 year at least. Of coarse, with an increase otpopula tion of two million year. Confidence womd be nice to have ; hot what's the objection to more money instead of less? Journal. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS It will take a trial to settle the facts in the esse at Boston Mills in which a yonng mart was shot by a young woman, and both parties are entitled to a sab- pension of judgment. If undur a prom ise of marriage the young woman per mitted liberties which resulted as re ported perhaps the young man got only bathe deserved. At the same time putlt down emphatically that neither promise of marriage nor anything else is justification for anything of the kind voung woman from the very start should assert her womanhood and per mit nothing that leads np to serious sit' nations. Draw a line and never step be. yond it. Be sensible on e'l occasions and Indulge ouly in sensible conversa tion. Look up. Alotofgreas statesmen may be seen on our streets. There is a iriuuua every corner, senator in every crowd, a sage at the front door. If every man doesn't know how to vote it is his own fault Mark Hanna's program is to claim everything in order to create entbnai asm. The order seems to have been sent rIar at behest of Mark Hanna'.0Qtll over the U.S. In view of this Wboappew fct the following dispatehfroea Chicago UU seeps , to the Kxaminer win ne reaoi wnu M : Mark Henna ha thrown np bi And the queer combination on increasing, . And many are joining the w'.ld dem- . .ODl,?.l r, .ith vigor always in- Ana are Tolfer the right, of .U paper. in So tb : needed for our wall -- ;t,r.n in in we nae ---B. have everythins in np-' . ia .i. natterns at from i U""' .rrlf. All our design. cenui w. r ,... .n attracV i i.tut nunDMBuiRi . .. ; m n- thia season. believe . k. artistic ana cer- all - Uinly none can be more aruaic " J. A -n -ni vtnvinw anv one that ieaKlppedlo handle-their or-1 dm than any office in tne valley. W hy .houldn't we be? We have improved rma chinery. the best power, modern TP f borers, fixtures, ere. the only iine print, rs stationary in tne county, d workmen. Our work is always executed promptly and at legitimate prv"- " f I-on't have to trade it out. or tike printing 'f rrt Kuh. come to see os. If our services are not satisfactory you get your money Thone9, Albany. IFire INSURE Insurance YOUR PROPERTY with t v rvM norifnrd. the New York Ub a imnmnr anv one of the rell- he reDresents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment All business will bs Timmrtiv attended to. - OVFIOfi IN P- 0. BLOCS ALBANY. OIL ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SENDERS, Mgi n j ii - v,v nats and wool at buys uu ku t: . j all Dointo in the w uiam ' T "iT-- - aa a eW T ral n 1SK.U W . toe leaaing mm 6 " , 1. niacins vTAr lUUl - " to thinirs to be considered : 1st. Uetagooacomiaj. j di. nnr tnsnrance witn an agent'who thoroughly nnderstanda hm 7-: a v how to write a po- icv. giving you its imi ueuu, had 8 years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of ! iraarantee yon l nave uww m - YeryKespecuou, M ..nFRS lowly creation. . Yon say that onr Bryan u "S l""'. .h.t drives bim from DOl wre Bye-, w V. si:n.. sa mwI " UdotVandnobe falee lare. that are TSMcKinUT. his Hanna-led host. Thongb patient the peop mT 1,0 wUh Tohnmor abd laueh at his folly. The calling ot names be cool. Too truly reminds one ot a tongned polly." Will thev vete lor ui o') misfhs. The public is submitting to the same Windstorm ueiween vurwn uu that was pit up witn oetween woroen and Fitssinimons. Let os have peace. An optician advertises in a Eugene pa per as follows .' iir cnleritv of execution co- tempered with the accuracy of djliber ation makes his adjusUng of glasses the acme of perfection. The report that "Coin" Harvey had criticised the old soldiers in one of his speeches, causing indignation, was one of the common campaign falsehoods be ing circulated to tntiuence voters. It was absolutely manufactured, without a thing to base it on. The name of the Albany young man was not learned, who, when at Kiayton, T.ui waa tn miles further away in t.nm ih.n h had ever been before in the twenty-one years of bis life. Al h.nv U tantvflve miles distant, anu must have the elements of contented ness surrounding it. tstayton Mail. An Atbanv woman who would like to vote thinks It would be a peculiar thing for her to join a political club of any J party opposed to woman suffrage. The harder times are the more a man has to rustle, whether a laboring man. merchant or professional man. Advertising McKinlcy. hands. He admits that he Is not at ail tors that MeKinrey will be electa I. The laboring vote, ba is aow convinced, will almost bodilf for free silver, wr Banna has not sata meee mmn r publication; be has not proclaimed them from the nousewpe, om nevertheless, slated them privately. For the benefit of the readiog pobnc Mr. llanna today authorised one of b'-s Chi cago lieutenants to state that ne tuann., has no doar oi McKinley'e election. .n.t m0, is pi spared to wager UlOOjOOO.if neceswt-y.0nhl n laJ ben oce boold ment of the situation . "parrot- Tis will la In UK. a Don't yoo think that tba people Iiialv rememoer . fbat the nations prosperity most soreiy depends. On electing this Bryan the November ? Of Bryan s, ncr.iowj i.- i n Um ia a mttr of f. u - - - - ,,. . -A K nn t :nT bTS'B Will als to "think it fan". third of rben of never be albaxt, VIBREOKS We are dtlighted that Mr. Cyan Is of over two DOVlUttU.lufivu . tk. ffnrU. Fur IB' moniui jd, j -,... in hia Brooklrn spaech ts said know why these mec are ik rhiraia ticket elected. is w.n ih rrat trnsU, these great coroorations. these great combinations- tne aggregated wea:in-are enjj-e ..:....mimm. Thev know mat tne sr -l-r4l. will not sUnd there to defend the great corporations when ba ongnt w enforce the lis. This ts wen saia .. - clever shot at Mr. McKinley. ere i i u. i .ai.l it. We hope be will keep on saying SHAViNG AND HAIR TING PARLORS. CU1 CI ' 7 RIP-A-N-S The modem stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Tne sold organs still ring their ciaroor- o. rhanres of the &3-Cot dollar. They heat their calamity tom-tom ana go inw bvsterici over thedisasteis that are to . w T a st. lollow the election ot iryan. ury till omit to esp'aitt what is going to make too silrer dollar a w cent afurtha mints arethron open to tree eiinage. The American dollar is now ortn 100 cento, anywhere and every hare in the Uoited Stales, and in tnos oi the world biJes. win bbj j the same amount of prodqets as u gow dollar anywhere in this country, and it is worth the same in Europe or Kamcnaisa as here, mions only the cott ol shipment to America. What is to etiange -.r,tin? What Is lo take away 47 or a& .n nf tba va:oe oi tins ww, a- i.n.j ofsilvr w iiusmnw m the policy of the Coiled Siu1-Coos Bay Jews One of Banna's programs is to run ad rertisemenU for McKinley in agricultu ral papers, red hot stuff. These bard times many such papers are g ad to ob tain the money. If possible be gels the matter in papers as supplements, for m.hinr them free, if not be makes the necessary contract with such agricultural papers as he wishes to nse. An ioter eatinsr case ia renoried from Chicago: In the last issues of the Western Rural appears a full page advertisement lahel- i Km Cammoa Sense tacts lor Agriculturalists and Dome Owners " Benealh this beading appears ia big black type 6ve reasons why the produ cer sbonld use the Uanna gold cure. Though the Western Rural prinU the advertisement, labeled such, it is trne to the maasea ol the pople it represents, and sneaks thus edtoriallv of it. "Wa India attention." says me Western Rural. "To an advertisemeo on another page, paid lor by Mark i.anna'a arnuicate miner. It is insert ed with pieaanre for a number of good reasons, tw or three of which we will mention: 1- Because we nave eonn- dsnce in the 'common sense' ot our rtaders, and believe tbey will apply tne tt ol common tense to this n of mon y by the mitliouaii- syndicate which is akina to domioaie American voters. "2. Because we are conrincd that -k. ho bate read onr pPr. la lU d.scasaions on the money question far fours ears past, or fw four monlbs, or even'for four weeks, know the difference between 'facls and bare aertions. ana between facts that are pertinent and mre plstHades. -A vote for McKinley ts a vote 10 per- neiua'.e tle rilJ siaodard. and oar read- era, be tbey a.ico!tnrUiU or 'borne jwnesofany knd, roa inis a one of the perlinenl facts in this can- The senior class of the U. of O. of Eu gene has the following horrible yell : Boomalaka, Boomalaka, Bow, Wow, Wow, Chingalaka, Chingalaka. Chow, Chow, Chow I Boomalaka, Chingalaka, Who are we? Tk Ihanon Advance ei Is wsrm as follows: A llanna flapdoidle peddltr aavs: "The country can never prosper alii nnuer 1110 cooiroi irew nauc.-. ti.o k.i of "lrw trade" ia the veriest . "IV. .V. - , . - idiocy boiled down, i: is tne vomit oi dishonest demagogues, and is only gob bled up by iguorant suckers. TELEGRAPHIC. The JesepH Babbery La Gbakuh. Or.. Oct. 9. Two more ar rests have been uisde of persons alleged to have been engagtxl in the robbery of the bank in Joseph. Walloa county October 1 Today Tohn Martin and Ben Owenby were examined before a justice in Enterprise and hold in S2Q00 I Hindu to sDDear beore the next grand jury. James tucker, the robber that was wounded at tne time of tbe robbuy, has turned state s evidence, and it was through him that the arreats were uiada. It auneara that the dUo to rob the bank was hatched in a saloon in Joseph, of wnicn uo"n jorjn mvua uiw prupruswr, and that Martin was tbe prime mover in tbe robbery. A Creat Law (Uvea Ila Bea New Yokk, Oct. 9. R G Dun k Co's weekly review of trade tomorrow wilt say: Distinctly better conditions of trade have appeared of late, and are reflected in sime wnat larger emploj ment of labor, in larger transaction and in a continued baying ot material for manufacturing. A great part of the change is due to those irreauti Lle laws of supply and demand which take wheat where it is wanted and gold where it ia wanted. India is waitinir for cariraes of wheat on the way from tbe Pacific states, jost a Australia and booth America were, not so long sgo. A aawfrfe af tba Kalbaalaaaa Siocx Citt. Oct. 9. William J Bryan arrived at btoux Lily from Manhalltown at mis tnorainir, an mar nenina time. Tbe delay was caused by the numer ous demands of people at stations along the line to see tbe t-residential candidate Nearly all night crowds gaihered at sta tions to cheer Bryan. biojx t ails gave iSryan bis nm real re ception in Dakota. It drew one of the largest cnwd drawn Irom three states; and it waa the mot entbuiatic meeting tbe nominee has had at any p'ace uf its size. A clerk or any other employee in order to receive his pay baa to put in full time; but tbe stale's attorney general and the niii.'i nrirata aecretarv. who are naia hv the neoDle. are s sending their ik. inirat of mm Dart oi them IVrhaos Brvsn neop'.e. though, should not com plain, as favorable reports come from their speaking. A Linn county prohibitinlst says Me irinlnf. who ia a member of tbe Metho dist church, rents sMne property in Can- inn for a saloon, that is tne grouna. not owning the building, and that Hobart is vice-president ol a big Drawers awwew tion. He says the Voice gives absolute proof of the facta. Since the Wilson bill went into effect there has been wool imported into the U. 8. than ever before, not a half of what there was when the McKinley law was In effect. A fact that proves con--i., ;-.! that the low price of wool is not doe to foreign competition made pos sible by the Una being iree. Siw Cta Growing ot of the Albany Woolen Mills being in tue nanus ot re- rirr the following tuiU hare beer be gun in the circuit court lor una couniv : !.-: V . i tAn a t Hank minft the Al bany Voolen Mill Co., for fK and .in- J. M. Ralston agt J. M. Moyer i Co., for t040 and interest. , Marr Ma-lv aeainst I. M. Mover et a, for 11503 and" interest. Shartacr ConvtLus, Or.. Oct. 9. Ihe report of James 11 M ihiun, appointnl to examine the books of Benton county, has caused much comment on the sUreeta. 1 he report abowa an apparent tborta in the sheriff 's office of more than ItfJuO. $yX) of Uis amoam uuruiK the incumbency of ex Sheriff t- burn. who retired last June, after serving two term. The remainder is in the ac count of ex-&beriff Uackey, who preceded MrOburn. tor Mai key is now ia British Co nmbia and Mr 0bam left fur Montana a few days ajro. no explanation is offered for tbe alleged shortage. tMlc1rlr Bi iaJlc Arum, fia , Oct. 9 Returns received so far from Wednesday 't elecUoa show that ibe total pcpulirt vote will not exceed ,- QuO. It was 5,i in lf9t. showing a de- create of aboat 11. CO J One ot thefea- tares of Ute elertiwo it that every congrea suai district in Georaia is democratic. and will aend democratic rep-retenUtiree to the next coogn . Aaalbcr a P EeowoD Citt. Cal , Oct. 9. A seri ous tn-igbt-train tol uion occurred a loot 2 o'clock this morning on tbe coast ditisioa of tbe Sontkern PaciSc. between Mavneid sod Palo Alto. As a reanlt of tbecollis toa, the engineer of the treU'Lt train fnxn &an Joss to cin i'ranciaci was killed aad aaotber of the train crew was Mrioosiy in jured. Sm4 T'.aaifW lav Mtraua aaa Bwaalwar Washtsotox. Oct. 8 Benry Clay Tobacco Dealers say, that . . . . - "BATTLE AX is a "scorcher' because it sells so fast Tobacco Chewers say, it is a "scorcher" be cause 10 cents' worth goes so far Its as rood as can be made regardless of s . f - a. cost, ror IV cents you get aimost twice as much as you do of other high grade brands. t... i!Kan Herald slates that a large .nd.onre attended the Dunniay speas t. a. Hv ecloal coooi - ,, . theie were less than tau prr in.tKaladiM and children. If the en v. Mok'mlaa rallevs at Other fcUUlv.v - points are on a par with this one in pwn Vrf onmbers and will re deal of Mark uanna s px'tgn." Tbe Wwtern Riral at length atlsckt anu destroys in its editorial tie patd-Ioi-srateuients In U advertising eolowns. Men advertise qaack medicines to floa The HeraUl again pnblishee an arUfle that appeared in the Omaha Bee in 1SS2 criticising the giving of pensions in a severe manner. Bckre the HeraUl tred ited it to the Be as it belorjged Now i cred;U it to the World-Herald nnjust lv. It appeared in the Cee, a strong re " 1 1; . . M. in aar event Brran Lad nothtns to'do with tbe World-lier- i.t at ihii urn. A an-rai niur u ing mada to prejKlioe old soldiers aeainst t'.rtsn, ttai it m no. wi. i t triotic and loyal, as much the friend ol I ibe veteran as anyone in the I . fe. j The correspondent In tbe Herald this morning la trying to explain why s.l r dollar umier free coinage wal not circolaie for 100 cents the same as now. Ol iV Sauth, United UUs cobkU to Saatos. Hraxil, who U at preteot ia Washington, has resigned hi c &. becaaae of tbe rnie forbidding- c-ce boUlers to take an active part in potitics. In hu lettier to tbe prai detst tendering his resignation Mr sitn say?: "Ct-noaivicz it lo be By p';n dsty to take a part in tne rrvienl poustcu cootesx. a here much, as 1 uodertsand it. is at taae, do o:ber oure wnich my consoenoe can aprrove is hit to me but to rmgn tbe very important o5k T"i tr had the kindot-w la give My plain duly forces me o ta fate ana ts reprwilstinex ! m Atataica ia tt rappon 4 Bryan and ! Swali f ar president and ke-pfei4eut." GurctTta. Mats Oct. S. At nooa a notice a a rxMed on tbe Cape Ann Sv-.iic hank. .If lrt7 t&af ha lCItill-Kl had Lh rioaed. zmiuedia!4v caose tbe news that i This fact nnira a rreai mnn.a to t ace Utt200 1H M 1. .i. advocate of eolnmn . If Bryan voters laa staveo . i ui tka firat intUtice on i tka .am eCTesvoos laimrw . , !nmi LiUh rl.. mvrelv making asertlons a-ia r arnara ma h. .i w I iixiub na - ; v of a nswspaper have been rep-jru-d to float a candidal for the gra. office of presideut of the United Sue. Ilia Pcraonal Character. EEiEQUiiTERS fOR Bi? ' Whites JJc? Ifai all 421 A head of hair or no pay- cre" A-..m rd the acalo. Address Box for Free Treatise on the Scalp- t . . Eaxors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Sotice. " niLQDD POlSPtl ft r'sstxiS Li tlieamSprkeniMlerainasjnrs'rl' --iopiyrnllToa.1 lare ail hotel Wlls. and no we tall to euro. JW"SS ary, Iodide potaah, and atlU baraMhiai pain, UoooosVatehea In month. throat, temples. Copper Colored JP:ZmZ m Prtof fcetSf.Hairor Eybrafallto outTuistbiaSrphiutle BU)(Ft)l)9liU va mrutee 'o core. Wa aolicil the DK."t obet StSSnS.4 enU the world for bailed, tbx skill ot the moM eminent pbyaH iii niT S0OAHO capital behinjl our onoood r. "i- a hninto ntoofa sent aealed oa 1 . : F . I-i If . A-a M I .. 1tfi ilMr nf ABMiMS1 a,i..i,.-vvi t,." ' "I .f.V - V t , k .A t ys .. . a -(,:. v. .'.. :-. ' v ,. r--. . s ... v..... .i . r. 1- . -. -. - S ...'... V j . .-v r : 7 ,T' ' "'' c 1 . - ' " coinage ot silver, aays a eorrespooaeoi in tbe World. The free coinage of :er-woo!d be the greatest protection the American workmafc could have if anrh free Coin tit U f oieg tO dowtst it .nni..iili orofeae namely, bring tbn value of a dollar down to 50 cents out side this conntry. If it is going ta take j two silver dollars to buy one dollar's worth of foreign goods, that will be equal toincrasing the protection of native goods to that extent, and therefore all sincere advocates of protection on (ebich all Eepublicans are snpposea .o wj should support the free coinage of ailver. A silver dollar in this conntry will buy a dollar's worth, but (we are told) outside tbe "wall of protection" we have built it will only buy about 50 cents worth U free coinage is put into operation. Therefore the McKinley protectionists sboold vote f-r tbe free silver advocate, and thus secure tbis additional protec tion. Pro! A. STARK Of B ill & Stark. . Optica! Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Optbaltnic College I am prepared to examine scientifically and Hfirnrateiv. bv the latest and im proven methods of modern science, any who de sire to ba? their eyes tested. Cuaick Block Albany. Orbsoh. i a Wik everv Oreaonian should have. The introduction is Dy uie cw e i..,tA pM Frank W. Gunsaulns and rk ia nrintnd from lance, clear n. tviw. on extra laid paper, bound in iinn cloth, strmned in gold, gilt top. :n...oH ith ir fnll-nsre half tones and retails at il.75. Any subscriber paving a year in advance for the weekly or 6 months or mora for the daily can bave it for f 1 extra. AIMM ORCHESTRA. P. a B i GXE5ST0, Conductor BEET WESTMX Mgr.. INSTRUMENTATION I Vfo., II Vio., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass and Drums Jepet toiiG of jqeAv1 Aqsic -Mumo Furcibhed For- ConoerU, Parties. Receptions and Enter tainments at rea enable rate. Correspondence wlicited regarding en jraKeruents out or town Address Bert WeBtrook, BoMnens Man ager, Kevere House, Albany, Oregon. I LUDWIG Cpposita Pcstofflce-' PLUMBING and tinning at bottom prices. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale & Retail-- DEMISTS ilD B00ISELLEE3 ALBANY. OEEOOH. Pore Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books . in the Market. A writer in the World spesking of the nndsrbanded means being resorted lo oy Mark Hanoa to elect McKinUv tells tbe w a t InllnwiQ: The Beliaice jiaenme Works, owned by the Edward r. aihs rhere are employed in this esiaouso ment something like Itw men. iiere tbe Bryan sentiment is veiy strong. "It a an absolute fact tbat 18 woraiogmeo ... . i t i ....illili t in tnis eeiaouaiiaiBuai. on tbe pay roll of the republican state HimmittM as secret political agitators. Tkir omoanions are Ignorant ot tms c... a an.necL it. Tbe result UU w - ' is that these men have an influence tney conld not oossibly wield were the truth known. The republican commutes has also, I am Informed, upon i pay rolls a larae number of men in another establishment, which employs about 2j00 workingmen. In several ol tbe factories here gold-standard arguments re pinned each wwk to the envelopes containing wages. The repuo.ican cum mittee has also stnt men into tne mm ins districts of Wisconsin to offer 5 In u!n i!ver ior $2 75 in American money . voters present. There wea several re publican voters in town who could have attended as well as not, not m sufficiently Interested to do so. There waa one democrat pretent wto will prob ably vote for McKio'ey, and several mh.t .l-mf-rla orassnt wllO lave nere- tofore thougct they would vol far Mc- ClnU.v bat now say tbey are for Bryan. If Mr Dunnlwar will mase '" tpech in Scio, -we orlieve some of the reoublirane even would give iwiam Bryan their votes. Sew new pouoientaTrat SperV. T V... ranaaladlv said that a honi issue was never rootempiatea aurm io Harrison administration. Tba loliow ing, wblcn la a part of tbe congressional record, show tnatone was just before the expiration of Harrison's term ot office : Treasury pepartmect. Otflce oi me Secretary r Washington, D. C Dc. Id, iy. Sir: Tour -favor of the It. in which you sate tuat me iwiw "- - frequently made in tbe puDiic press anu tlw here that just prior to tbe linie when President Harrison retired from nffim mv nrederenor. the Hou Cbar'et Foster, was negotlaUPg with a financ ai syndicate for the' sale ol government hMide and lhat the bonds Uaa aciuauy haan enaravrd. and asking me for infor mation npon thesubjeel, Isrece-ved, and in response I have tt.e honor to say tnai I have no official Information concern- with no foundation to Item. Oold wilt continue to t coined and increase tbe same as now, and will be in circa LUson just as much as now, which is practical ly not at all in the eart and considerably on the coast. As a matter of fact tboob, there is no doubt that the two coins will come to a partly. It wauld be inter st ing to the News. A dbpatcu from Omaha yesleiday waa as follows: A special to the Bee from Lincoln says: A R Talbot, the present law partner ol Hon W J Bryaa, his declared bis inten tion oi voting for McKioley. While ilia possible tbat Mr will vote for McKinley it is interesting loobartvethe splendid opini-jn he has of yr Bryan. He says: 'Jryen is an upright, conscientious man 1 have never known a 6ner char acter, lam positive that he went into politics with no selfish motives. He is thoroughly convinced that the country is beset with conditions that call lor the highest patriotism, ana he regards It bis duty to help right what he says are the wrongs of the people. I cooia gneyou many instances of his disinterestedness. Two rears azo a man irom iew io: sat in Bryan's office trying to get him lo make a contract to deliver fifty lectures at $100 a lecture. Bryan was poor then. as he Is now. and I nrged him to accept the offer, but he woi'.d hardly listen to ... sa a the man. He said he wouio not speaa for money. He was not in politics Kr kim;L hot -or the people, and be did not aspect" to make anything for hi m aelf. He did not sign the contract. When he was in congress be was offerea $10,000 a year to beeome the counsel of large corpoiation,. but he toiu om officers he would not act as their auor. .f.,nhe orofiuof tne concern. He ha been repeatedly urged to make his wool. home In a democratic state, with the as- . I Lines Written When In a Thought ful Mood". McKinley's election we're) told ia assured. And tbe country s uia win qucaiy cared. Ita effects we already do see ia our town. One thin. Lasgooe up, another gone down. Tbe geld bog no longer hia gold will he horde He'll now throw it out with confidence restored. No more will we look at our conntry in raisa. And even next year well bare good front of turnnea. Hell male it the same with tba rest of oar crops. With apples and melons, with pamp- kins and hope. McKinlev will give na more wagea, more woVk To that end, be himself will work Lke a Turk. m Hell open oar factories to tba Pole and the Hon, To aU toe cheap labor from under the tun And that friend of the poor mas. whose first name is Mark, Will assist in his labors from morning till dark. Then ia bis fine carriage the workman will ride, While now on a donkey be ia pictured I - astride. to the ejea of Mark Banna tiecwee Marth. for more than a quarter of a oroiory toe truftMl treasurer ot toe baak, I bad shot and kn:l himaeif at hU raniai bome at Aemxjatcj. Late tocUnt tie bans ccisJt tU'il that no thortsge could J be found in Mirth's aocount with the in- j asitution brings taM. Alacnrymose demonstratioa each re tnrniitf four tears. Bnt beware, ar dear trieads, a change I von will see, Hia eyes, thia year wet will be dried t nn ior three. i This man, who is now so meek manner ed and mtkl. tmr vet draw tbe tears from your wife 'and your chUd . WoaxtsaGwax. Some street and other orators tell that there were only S.OO0.C0O of silver dol lars coined previous to l'CS. en deavoring to convey the idea that only that amount ot silver bad beo coined. Tbe truth is about fSd.000,000 in halve-, quarters and dime, full weight and full krcal leader, had been coined, making nearlv fHO.000.000 in all. There was then no accumulation of rilver buhion in the treasury. Sow there is about 1300.000.000 in silver in the treasury, mmttof it as a backine to the silver cer tificates, and occask.oaily yon hear some one ignorantly tell a'nut the immense amount ol S'lver on nanu unami - the public crying f jr more. WaBisTox. -Vt- 8- Secretary ie fecderfer. of tne silver party, tody jraw out an eioat on tbe eiecUco. It e gives Lirj an 2-".' electoral rotr. McKinley 107, and pots v$ in tbe dmbtful coin ma. thia i . . M..l. . .r .. 1 1 uut uc-ii-g bmwc up vi tvia Jiwj iatni. .',Z.'2"i sot about 1:15 o c' B the Divide- - Oct. 7. 1898. Mr and Mrs B S Dolt after speading the stumper on the farm have sfais moved into Harrisbarg. Mr J Psrdy has moved onto their tarm. - Mr Carrol who has been Irving in fin- gene foe a y-ar baa returned to his old borne here. Mr BramweU, who has beea living on Mr Carrot s farm rfnrw? his abaeoce. baa rnond to the Fraca Pieree- farm. Mr Pierce and family nave gone to Sou .hern Oregon ia quest of health. tlrPhilpott speat feunoaywttn, vo burg friends. Prof Johnson came down to hia farm Saturday, returning the same day. Grandma Bargeria now confined to her bed, she is becoming quite feebie. Mr Beoney, tbe Eugene contractor who has been for several months erect ing the fine residence for Harre Eon merville, baa jrjst completed the bsw, leaving Harre one o5 the most nandeocne reeidencea in this part of the conntry. Weld en Vedder has jast rCcrned from a visit with hia parents is Marioa coontr. Mr Ctias Grimes and family hve re tnrnedfrom Medford acoompand by Hist Aggie Owen. Mr James Era field has been TisrUeg; hia sister, Mrs John Sosimervuie. M9 Bell Oceman of Eugene, is spend ing the eek with her axeser Miss Laura at Charlie Grimea. Harre SommervUle. Tom Grimes and Wm Davidson are now in tugene look ing after busiaess matters. Miss Edith Kerns of t&gene, began the fail term of school in onr district. Monday, she tetnz re-emptowl ie one of the many proofs of the popularity she attained wluie here lass winter. Mr Tracv. of Trenton, Mo., who has been visiting he Grimes Brothers for- everal weeks baa retumeo nome. ne was more than pleased with Oregon ia general, but especially with the climate. I and daims for Bryan a t except states ana thote in the doubtful ht. Ths fa'loreot the Albiny Woolen Milj la not due to free woo1, tot to hard times Tbe mill has done a good dosioes The low price paid by it tor wool did not affect it, and is products bavs been pro larted bv sSper cent tariff Hard . . , i aaverai cauws Ha.r it. Particularly thi inability to raise tnr enrreut expenses and a amsll balance of practically only tloOO. ares occur in alt tiroes. Thare manv more failnres durirg the t i, M.-Kinler law than there durimr the thre previous years Tbe low price of goods tuskee a small margin for ths woi'en mill during close times that demand flincVrin. and It I Is not fair to lay it at the feetolot free Fail- were three Bis YllIaMaak gtre. Ttuaaooa. Or , Oct. 7. Fire S.e. those broke vesterdav novior . i . . m f I I ii ! it., n i m " w r ..i . timJ, ,h baiidiair was ra a t t . T-! & 1 i inAw .rl IKa i bustseiw houses ia tbe btocK oa the wwtii the Ceatsta SUvellaw. ue of Fint street doe eat of ll l i n . v . rvi s i .-.i !,.'ina. eaaaUUae of Alrred tle Journal. Bp to midnigct. from com. drog store. i tl try scaru-air-jorr. i.;ul .1 -s-.-.i ik. k uuwi teiepoooe enwe. n vi.- total d. tuocratic raaKtntv at ;.190. Tnu I mott's jewelrj store and Cary's wartnoose. estimate is based o,hhi the vute fw AtKia I rar lifaul awtr. ma uo ia. in nuny cam, rt iua io i tv. tievar, tnf ik Hn.I Hwnraa i 1 malsnallr . nHON aiier a is euaae. ine tegiwiure a;"". lfi mZl frinbdeBt m.nwssEt eK-tlk.liv rLmwwvafi. m lwaK ikf inWt I mrwawv - . . . Catarrh lawn-, ae Carea Kk TVlL APFUCATIOXS. aa fSej reach tbe seal of the diaeaaa. Oklarraiaaaaw CTit.Mli na stmt la acsee ss caow . jtae SBBSt taks isteraal lawues, xxmum Catarrh Coze ia tafca tataraa2r. sad ass aa ha hteod Sad Bau a hutto v are BedSctaa. fl phTMaasie a leraa" tba bo tews ia Is the train- Porter. maenbed by on of the actiaa direetiy ow ha raooa mrttexa. Taa hasoUrah-Kierral.rBastaa-S V i. r iff. rrrr Boal by arao.. were heard, and the lory breenht: W find no one miitv of breaking the res- jnlationsof running, hat deficient lodg ment waa shows as to the distaecetrom Sas ChBtwva ' , the fow tuat wtwld make them safe in com- MlJSSKsrXius.Oct. 8. An Ertherville, mencirur to nag again, which, according to insuring practically the unanimous election of ex fpeaser Cri.p to tbe senate to suc ceed senator Gorman . ing any negotiations that may have been turanee that he would be elected to the pending between Seeietary Foster aod Uoi,ed 8'ales senate and kept there the racords of this depart- of his life, hot hs said ne preierreu pending others, but the ment show tbat on tbe 20th of feuruary 1893, he issued an order to the chief of tbe Bureau ol Engraving and Printing, directing that officer to prepare designs for 3 per cent bonds, which had been nrovided for a senate amendment to the sundry c'.ril bill then pending in con- rreas. A copy of the order Is herewith .ia otlr with a copy of recital two'" w" " ,... ... tr, tu inserted in tbe bonds Very Respectfully Yours, J. t" CaiJl, Sec'y. TO H0!. WlUWAM V. AI.LSB, Senate Utiatnber. Uara la the direction of Secretary Foster to tbe chief of the bureau of eu . a h. vill earm to remain in umcom, w tinue to keep hi residence in this city." fhe big daily papers in Chicago are all gold standard oigans, and are making claims that labor is opposed to Bryai and free silver. A pol. of their printers and pressmen shows the following result: Uryan McKinley .... 63 13 .... 62 6 .... 6 10 .... 57 13 55 4 Tribune Record Chronicle Inter-Ocean .. Timeo-lierald The government nnder tbe Sherman act bought silver bullion and paid fr it aliver certificates. Now because tha .rovernment is coining the silver to rvlng and printing radaem the certificates, rei ubllcan ora- treasury Dspartroen. tors are saving, behold, look at the thirteen millions coined in 1890. But when tbe government pays out that sil ver coin abd redeems the certincates- nnt a cent more money is placed in cir citation the silver cola aimpiy taaes the place of certificates, lue volume o money Is not increased and contraction Oar ataaeiaa at Haa ir out of eserv fire bottles ot medi cine sold in thi last five years are S. B. goods. TheS. B Headacce and Livei Cure 1 dm myself ss a geueral Physic. If you are sick and want 10 gei quickest, cheapest and safest method itc in v tha h u. reineniw an uiw r D llroint. Ullhir. Or Ol sa'le by Fosht'y A Masin at 50 cU per bot-te. MARRIED. ALBAHY TRADING CO GROCERIES-and FEED OF At. L KINDS Free de- Cheat seed for sale cr trade livery. - Telephone So, 61 R.N. Morris, M Caveat and Trada-M rltrum4. ud rS-j WW, uiiaa, il pitcnlablo or not. I'M 0(1 rV.r,,HLir. "How to tt tlenu,' wHM cot free. Address, . I ;C;A.S&OVV&G04 ( are t-T O---wof aft. Office of the Secretary; Waai.iii.ton. D 0. r'eb.20,1893. oir. You are hereby authonnea anu directed to prepare designs for 3 per cent bonds provided for in a senats amend. mnt to the sundry civil bill now pend ing The denominations which should , if 1 Oil first receive attention are iuvs anu i,- continues by the government refusing to qoo. of the coupon bonds, and 100s and !.. either bnv or accept silver at i noo of the registered bonds. rtn.n nn extraction, that! ti.u anthorltv Is uiven In advance of s.nrt.rr.mgkf1 tlid fJolUf 80 iCaUCeiUat. W w - a la though it be called a hundred cents it ,.ina aa much as formerly. A dollar under the gold standard that Mr McKinley desires to continue will be as large as a cart wheel directly, while val ues of real estate and farm prouuets grow gradually lew. The go'd UoKar u.J mmn the present standard that Mr McKinley desires to maintain is dishonest 200 per cent dollar. Dr. Price's Cream Caking Powder 1 World's Fair rugnca. awbtu. tbe enactment, in view ot pressing con tingencies, and you are directed to have the preparation of the designs and plates forwarded In every possible manner. I enclose a memorandum for your guldancs In preparing tbe script for tba body of the bond. Respectfully yours, CnABLis FosTitH, Seo'y. To the Chief of the Bureau ot Engrav ing and Printing. Total a" . . t , .. . . I. .-in. at Inn In one ot tne nrmum - . Stock yards, an Australian ballot stood 675 for Bryan and 125 for McKinley. lo another the vote was : Bryan,238, McKin lar 17 A recent poll of Illinois made by tbe Tribune, through its correspondents, showed that Bryan would carry the state by 60,000. This report was sup pressed by the Tribune after It had been mads at great ea-penss. ""How foolish is" the endeavor to create prejudice by crying "free trade" at this time, and right In the face of the fact h.t. il. . avaraire tariff under ths Wilson bill is 41 per cent, exceedingly high. But for an outrageous eitravanance there r..,ld ha no defioit. As it is the Wilson bill raised $12 000,000 more the first year than the McKinley bill, nnder which the revenue of the government nau aecreas Uac DaviVm't. furniture polish. Burmester niBTIS vST!OXrjS. On Oct. 10, 'vm. at the Buss House, in Albany ,bv j Judge Ueo. 1. warion, nir. Bartlev and Miss Jessie M. Simonds, both of Lebanon precinct. BUHL GILOX. On Oct. 7. 1898. at the M. E church, in Rev. n. O. Harmon. Jos. Buhl and Minnie F. Gilson both of Lebanon. riiTRVO WADDELL On Oct. 7ih. 18SH1. at the residence of E. E. Call! well, bv Rev. Geo. E. Henderson, wr, 4. 1: lhirno ana aiiss v. r. uuc, vt Linn county. SMITH-JONES. On Oct. 8, 1896, at the Russ House, Aitwiny, uy ksv. M. M. Lewis, Mr. Lee Smith and Miss Nora Jones, both of Harrisburg. Iowa, special to the Journal cava ibe coun try for miies about is being fcxtred by ! pusses ot armed men in search, of tae biter boroe bank roubera and murderers. Two soopect have been seen at Seven Citr, giv ing tbeir names as Arnutroog aod Urse tLger. it is not known whether tbey are tbe men A man answering tne descrip tion cf one of tbe tuzitaves was seen eibt mites east uf here last night. Very rass KMlas. Chicago, CM. 8. John S. Johnson broke the world's record tor to miles paced and flying start, at the New Gar field pais this afternoon, tie maie the rtdo in 3 :SS 3 5. break in the record pre vious! y heJo by llerio. of 3:J 1-3, made at Louisville. November 1, 1J5. Tbe first mile waa made ia 1 Al d-5, snd 'be second inl:.Y15. eataeralle lae. ave. ATUASTa. Oct. 7. W E Atkinson is elected by a majority of not Was than 2$.- 000. which is an increase over tbe party majority of tsro years ago. Ibe situation is very complex, and the result is largely pnesswork. Fulton county, in which this city is 8ituatHl. Has given Alkinton s ma jority of 1800. where two years it gave a majority of 1800. Bibb county this year gives a majority of 600, and two years ago gave the democrats a majority of 300. In the tenth district, the home of Thomas Watson, the asmocraiic majority has drop ped from 8000 to 2000. It is generally considered, however, tbat Atkinson has carried the state by at least 28.000, snd the returns are expected by bis friends to snow that he has a majority of 33,000. Bryan's Ulaerary. Chicago, Oct. 7. Chairman Cam pan. of the democratic campaign committee, has returned from Michigan, where be upent a day in competing V J Bryan's itinerary through the state. Tbe presidential can didate passes four days in Mkbigin. and in that tiae appears in naif tbe counties and in every congressional district, lie rks at Duluth next Monday niht, and with bis party proceeds to tbe Michi tran. Wisconsin boundary line where he opens his campaign in tbe Peninsular state by a speech at Iron wood. Tea Vasaess Bekate. ri.tjwv iluiv man. inhMvilins In rmame. Appoints SELLING -OCT Entirx lane of Crockery, uiasa Ware, Silver Ware and Fan cy Goods, Rcgarokss of Cost. of Governor Peonoycr. Sylvestcrl Albany, Thursday, October 22, 1 p. m . Kosene. Friday, " Zi I p.m. Rose burg, Saturday, " 24 1 p. m. Sarax. Sswau. axd i bjck Silvxb- The only oScial, aocnra'e and complete biograpbies ot the condhlatea. An eloci dation of tbe great question ot free Silver at 16 to 1, an-l the Tsrioos issaee cf the campaign. The oers hand book, the stump speaker's friend, the free atver manual, ail is one volume, elegantly print ed and illustrated. Who wilt be tne first to set one. Call oa w. R. Blals. It Sam UvrttCverj Way Thooaands of cases of Consumption, Attn ma. Coughs, Colds and Coup are nred every day by ghiioh a Cure. far srserte and Liver Complaint yon bave a printed guarantee oa everv bottle C! bMk s v itai tier. It never falls to cure. For sale by rothayc aiason I jTsaet Warts anawtna. Con-nption. LaGrippe. tienmonis end all Throat and Leng diseases are care by bhiloh'a Cure, ior rale by fssbay Mason. For tret cash ptkee I will ee'I: riiiiu ms rrth 115 far. . .... dinner set, imported goods, worth f4o fat 2509 and all other goods in proportion. People who desire oil and lead tot painting tbeir houses will do well to cad and see me ana ges my prra - byg- , J s UUv" vniss lO CURE A COLD IN OXE DAT T.V. T RMunn Oninine Tablets- All druggists refund tbe money u nam to cure, rdc 750 Biliousness Il caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy to ths stomach. Then follow dluiness, headache. Music Miss Mildred teacher of piano or organ LrilOOJ Pills tnsomina, nervousness, and. ! a not reUeved, blUous rever or blood nolsontns. Hood Dawson will treat you rttf.t. Fittta street, opposite U P chuich r, . t. . 1 piua sumuian iuo woau oymeiii ... ... i,.i,ha dlnlness. eon- Mason touch and thnimie. Residenc i M. .USJS. liieouur aiu w .v . m MWw - -. - GALKsnimo, III., Oct. 7. The celebra tion ol tbe 38th anniversary of the Lincoln Doug's dabate by Knox college today sur passed the expectations of its promoters. The exercises were heard by thousands of iieople. The chief event of the day was an oration by Chauncey M lepew, who was introduced by Prrsidoot John M Finley as the greatest orator of the day. Hon Rjbert T Lincoln, who followed Mr Depew, emphasised the fact that in tbe long run tbe p-opie are always right. Darlag Madera Reknery. FiiRMOST, Minn., Oct 7. Two awak ed and bicycle-mounted robbers swetulo the little town of Sherburne, U miles from here, today, dashed into the Bank of Sner burne, murdered the cashier and a by oiu.,!., avnml 11000 from tbe cash tray. mounted tbeir wheels and escaped before the eyes of the startled villagers. TIlla Oonttipation, csases mors than half tbt i'ls of women. Karl a Clover Root Tew i a pleasant cure for conatipatios. For sah by Foshay & Mason. , . Karl's Ctaver a Tn is a sure cure for headache and nervosa diseases No.hlng relieves so qnictly For sale by Foahav A Mason. Let everybody come to the Stsr Bakery an- get i- 'sves of fresh bread for ft.os Ca&h. CUtTIl, - ' mi roK 1 rads. a gooa work mare seea year old, for hay or grain. Inquire uf Dr. U. W. Maston. A Xalaral BMaaltSer Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood snt gives a clear and beautiful compiexina For sae by Fochay and Mason. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is, unauestionaUy, tbe best preservative of tbe hair. It is also curative of dandruff, teter, and all scalp aflecueus. ""ei sag JJi a aire. Vht. 54c 0aU16Xe ' Flaur, WOO Butter lea Egs7c Lard 6 to 9o Pork hams, 8 to 10c, shoulders 4 to 6. Sides, 8 to 10. liay baled, I5.OO CASTORIA For Infanta and Ouldrea. Clubbing, Offer. Ths Weeklv raocaaT and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers for tlJSo a year. This includes all the pnT Ueges of the Examiners big preaiiuss gift ia May, tbe same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $10 directly to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Bssoct and thrice a "ess, S. Y. World, 13.00 a year. Catarrh Care Health and sweet breath secured bj Shikh's Catarrh Remedy. Price fOcesis Nam injector free. For sale hjtoshay A Mason. tartn Laaa Elder Abn W. Steers writes boss Port land, Ur: There is no medkiae for the throat and lungs that I can recommend to ministers, pubiio speasers and singers, ith the confidence that I can ths S- o Cngh Cnie." For sale by Foahay Ma ons at 50cts per bottle. All kMUUHM It- Ask your phyaicias. jour draggit sad your friends about Saitoh's Cure for con sumption. 1 hey will recommend it. Fd sale by Foshsy A Mason. rv is hmhji v "I am 63 years old; have had aidnsy disease and constipation for S5 years. A w now well used your S. B. Headache and : liver Cure cae year. Used S bottles at 50 cents each. JH Knight, Rotiedse Or." For sale by Foehay A Mason at 5 per ootue . Jewel Coofca, R apgentnd Heaters The Stewart t Sax Hatdsare Co-'s. Pure Drugs,.Frcd Dawson'-. 1 t 9 I,