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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1896)
3 iiw wjs volxxxiu Katered ce cue Pest ttaet a Aleaay. r. Seeead-Clasa Mall Matin i ALUVNY OREGON, FIUDAT. OCTOBER IG,I896. IViHiniH rabllabcrM-JrVsprteta; AOH - ri 1 it -; . - . . ! Hi ' i . , It,-' & U L' i mi in- mi in-ii'i i. .i . , i,aai Vs. JSStfietablc Preparation fcr As- fromotesTHesUoaGheeiful Tvcss and Rest.Contalns ndther Opium,Morphine nor JfiacxaL KOT NAHC OTIC. rmrn SmJ.- St Aperfect Remedy for Cons fipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of , TTEW 'YORK. T1 ft s vi EXACT COFYCT VHAPFE8. I4 The Inaestructible '"Maywood BICYCLE. i (East Podssa, . Post RtlSafcla. Pt Barabit o ' STRONGEST J Feb. St. lil Jlay 17. lh1 The Maywoud to tbJ itiwuiut 1 timo'iM Mr-wrfe mi nu.?. Adapted tor ail frtaas oS nda and riders. Kade of materiiJ that is ., o?A mwi k fry,- M3,pie la cosisncuoik easily taken apart aad pat together: ass few parn: Is of snei;rT .-,rruction thM Us rait Will bold toirether f Ten in an acci ient: no bIuvr tout;:? to crn -i. u i-t FTerr ivt: a Irani tbat cannot be broken; ao simple toat iU adf iAUnr jvirrs wrrvc : .- coanectice rut: a one. aieoe crank in place of a dozen parts ; alwayi reni to r"re reSir ! ! .is-irari i tntc Tru;ioa fH tM ft Improved donbie diamond. Ruarauittrd Jor thn- ?ru.r. iJajeof ;-tu h itikl tolled ateel roda too.jrheat and atrneat metal fir ii weiAt kriv-: joia5 tzf i ? r(-h alaminnm bronae fittinea in sxcb a manner li.-t it it 2nos!-lo ! l-i-?k crttr rert wurk loose; a snarrel of novelty, eampiirity and dnra' ?! ty: i rrecrt frarir.ition oV rajc.-nni'f la bicycle mechanism known, to bail I a iinue wit bout h'tat-u .int ts.-J tci:nii. t y.K: iio that framesoontinaally break and fractnr? at brazen 'nt.ciiU tat-a thpv 9rc feic!d - In cannot be repaired. WilLS t-inrh: warrartotl woodrini. jho v,-c 1 s aad brass nipples. HTJB3 Larse barrs 1 pauem. titi Arf.Uiiia"' Hcsy'r- OE -iJr-caa Wrisit Voiclc Repair, or some otaer iir-trlss j.n-iraatic tut. itzit.VOS e:" beartnira to erery part, tncladine bcei. crank axle, fa?aj aad irtl?Jr t l"S A Ml COSfcS Bewt quality tool steel, careiclly tefnpere! aita harUjne!. ii.i f - S z'Ti hardened centers, rear adjustment. t ltANK Oar celebrated one-pjec-vjtoir- ItJ c pro tected bypatent: no cotter pins. REICB-Shortest. inches: loass-i. T I-eica. fcAIt 64 or 72. FRONT FUKK Indestrnctible; fork cmira made from enn-birrel tL IIA.XXJI.E BAA Reversible and adjustaie: eUT diusted to 3n position i'?gircd: ram hot n tec. Sished If ordered. SADDLE-P. A GiJ'iini, or eoine other firju-dasa mke EiULS B4nvp or rubber; full bail bearing. f'NWt. ijiameied in black, wiio all Vfcfrt ptrt Bickel plated. acb Bicycle complete with tool nsz. pemp. wresc& aad OiUr. tTeisi-t, sorriinf to tins, pedals, saddlea, etc 27 to ponsds. $40 la Mr Special Wholesale Price. Kever r-.tore eold for less. To quickly introduce the "atuywood Elcycle, we fiayo decided to make a special cotnu oJer, tivme erery reader of this paper a chance to iret a Brat-claa the lowest price erer offered. On receipt of tui.oo n ;i mnm we will ship to anyone the abore Bieveie. i-e-nrely crated, and marantee safe delivery. - Moay -e'euded if not aa represented after arrival and examination. We wil ship C.O.D. with privOece of examination, f ir S.O0 and connon pro Tided $6.00 is sent wita order as a euarmat of rood fiUk. written binding warranty with each Bxrrrle. This is a abance of a lifetime and yon cannot aCord to let t- por -nnity pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' UNION, to Wast Yaa Bsvea Street. Ba of, CrUCAaO. HX. HtfH'H i l l Albanv Red Crown Milling Co. We have leased Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage, and to buy the same QarV? uriTl lip fiinmlipi. nu . aimlinstinn Fniip UUOiil "i it uu iiuiuuituu And Feed constantly on hand and tore we will try and make it totneir advantage io cau ana see as. cioor wui w xebanged for wheat on the same terms as W. L.Yaiw, - f cL Boms, 5. H-Allen ani 8. Ytniig. Not incoipurated. PORTLAND ttf: ImJ v- 'Puix English Cot"' ;-. BUSINtSS. BKANCHES. - '-- Booxkeepixg, Shorthand, telegraphy. mmm departaemtlaIiIes OH AS All and. Dealer .in Vflll J nft -a.w ALBAP-Y, mmmtmmmmmmm in Ji gtjl-asa"ya. PrWOU laemwly ..t."..,, ,-t; .!.. t & i n ASM Y CIGAR FACTORY jf, JOSKI'II. SEE THAT THE FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER . OF EVEBY BOTTTiR OF Caatsrla ia rat bp la eas-sha aottiat only. It !a sol sola is balk. Don't allow aayaes to nil yon anything elsa ea tie plsa or promise that it isHjvtaa good aid "win tan every par pom." aTSee thai job get OA-8-T-0-X-I-A. wrapr-aw 9 THIS S75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE Jan. J1. IS Othrrs IV nnlnc .... TTTt 4 . Cs2p?a He. Zl 03 sooo ran tF SCMT WITH NO. 5 f-A ...Bicycle... the Red Crown ua ujipiuuiiii.. i.uui for sale. Parties having wheat to tell or I heretofore. E. D, EarTttt, -OREGON BRINK, kinds of furniture . t ' i b 6 QUinS. and. ll 4 WITH COUPON . IKS". Wfisri ill .Wn Tif. t.hft TYlOSfjIsay something about the rebellion and ' . pnTYin Ot.O t m V CnTfl wxjjtwuw aw "-J hflCl f.hPiTI nnn m S, awa.wB prces the lowest. OBECtm Proprietor, THXTBSDAT COUNTY COURT. (Qso. Bwtnn, aounty Judgs; J Curl, Cotntaiaslouera.) M. Water. D. L. Petition for relief of Mrs Ida Porter, uisai lowed, mil John Jenkins, account roads, disallowed. Petition of VY W Crowder for rebate tax, disallowed. Reaination of Wm Dick as supervisor of Dist 25, accepted. Bill J 0 Hardin, acct poor. $3 60, dis allowed. Petition. WB Blanchard, rebate Ul, $4.50 disallowed Petition of Carl Roberta for bridge.dis al'owed. Petition of W H Davis etal, for county road, continued. . Upon petition of Isaac Bates et al, new d ordered eaUhliahed. Bill of W C Stellaiaker, acct Paulson, 139.00, disallowed. ' Owtinned. bill of tV F. Deakins, as sessor, for $444. . Bill of 0 H Dairymple for $10 Jon-en. sen and Moore cases disallowed. The county judge was authorixed to use oil for lighting the court house unless he can make satisfactory arrangements with the electric light company . Bills allowed: County officers J adge Barton $100.00 ; Clerk Mantaue, $166.0-5; Sheriff Gaines, $166.65; Recotder Hardman, $150.00; Treasurer Morris, $S35; Supt Wheeler, $50.00; Deputy Montague, $50.00; Dej nty Lewelltng, $50.00. Aid Cox famil-Y $5.00; Kenwortby family, 3 00' Alberts, $9.00; Lubker. $S 00; Vail, $8.00; Hints, $3.00? Kotiert Uillooch, 6.00; Dobkins, 6.00; O Wat son, $5.00; Powers, (10.C0; Mr and Mrs Barnard, $5.00; Mrs Junaey, S.OO; 11 yer, $4.00; Jas Larew. $4.00: Mrs Adams, fS.00; Phebe lieudriceon, $5.00; J H Lewis, so.00. John Usher, janitor $ 10 00 A j mil, acct poor S 00 W C Stellmakeracctpror.- 5 00 B F Ramp, " 6 00 W O Farley, " 2 00 M C Gaines. " 25 Geo Werts, coffin 18 00 H U Hardman, acct. roads 14 80 Ed Miller. " 3 72 J Binsenbemer " " 7 50 R W Moees, " " ... 13 60 M Truax, 1 66 G V Crnson, " " 14 55 Stewart A Sox, " 117 00 P U Preston. " - 40 00 II U Hardman ' '20 ii J P Uahn. " 8 00 D T Pittaford. " g 00 Sautiam Lumber Co acct roads. . 14 75 Goltra fc Kurubangb, " .. 2 15 r utmp, acct luel 3 75 W Neady, " 7 20 W U Tel Co. dist attr 1 OS Or Tel Co 4 10 Tel Co 3 60 i Stiles, postage 10 00 H 0 Watson, acct poor 9 00 Frank Aikins, roads 4 90 J W Roberts, roads 1 50 Irwin Hodson Co, stationary 10 00 S W Recce,indigent soldiers fund. 17 00 J Matt Smith, road supt SO 00 Oregon agt Paul Perry 20 60 Di Clara M Davidson, acct insane 10 00 F D Allen acct roads 2 00 C G Washburn, meet 0 H 25 J L Hill, ex insane 5 00 G W Masters, acct iteane 5 00 P Cohen, acct poor 21 75 R R Hyde, acct poor 8 TO V Dawmn " 3 00 Mary K Davis 8 00 F Dawson, eta.ionary 4 05 Imprint, bill $2.00. sheriffs notice 1 00 A L Gnstapor, roads 10 20 W M Roberta, roads 18 50 Harriaburg Lumber Co, roads. . . 18 59 E F Fiher, surveyor 4 50 W H Goltra, rebate tax $ 27 60 Wra Ray, roads 300 D L Curl " 15 30 Geo D Barton, roads 3 M C Gaines, board (risonert 49 43 11 C Hardman, rebate tax, bill $4.62 2 02 Mrs U Peck, acct Door 5 70 J P Wallace, acct poor 10 00 Mrs M F Taylor, acct poor 19 80 Strayney A Mitchell, acct poor. . 2 00 J X Dnniao. miscellaneous, bill , $25 00 10 00 Elec Light Co 27 71 1 H Scott acct poor 8 00 Carl Roberta, roads 50 34 S P Williamson, acct poor 1 50 Enterprise Lam ber Co, roads and bridges 47 77 J S Smith, deputy sheriff 19 00 W E Savage, roads 4 00 W P Elmore, roads . . . 22 60 Downing Bros acct bridges 44 40 Wm Dick, supervision 24 05 The court today waa at Sanderson bridge, examining tbat structure, doing little office business. Oregon agt Frank Robson 41 25 " Chas and George Jor- gensen 60 60 " sgt George Geisendorfer. 77 95 " JohnCatlia 35 40 " " Paul Perry 13 60 " " Bruce Lea bo.. 25 80 " " Robert ForetJ, bill 43 40 00 Inquest Elizabeth Bond bill 956 65 57 70 fW Cole, constable fees, bill $15 05 Oregon agt Henry Bray don 9 65 41 53 16 70 19 32 15 50 6 00 2 30 1 00 7 60 bd Trcer W O Muller 4 Son, roads. . . W F Garrett, sect poor Cable 3c btanard, acct pour. uu Le, teiegrapaing H J Mones, stationary C H Dalrymole, Dist Atty J B Tillotson, roads 95 00 3 50 6 45 13 40 9 00 Silver Imprint, printing , M V Gill A bon. roads J M Waters, commissioner. DLCurl. Straney & Mitchell, liver , 2 00 3 00 J M Waters, bridges F Garrett, acct poor Oregon agt John Smith 1 65 7 15 6 10 47 55 36 00 Oregon " " Scanland "Jas tjrab M Ludwig, acct 0 H Campaign Literature. Oakvtllc, Oct. 7. As a person travels through this county they will notice along the loadaide num erous large envelopes addressed to some of our people and marked, "Part of JCoo gressional Record,'.' "Free," and on the opposite corner is the name of some one (perhaps an ex M u.) Many ol these are cast away unopened. Aow the queation arises, Why are si many of these public documents printed? Who pay a lor them? We will see what subjects they treat ol. The fit st we notice is entitled, "Import ant extracts irom proceedings in con gress relative .to sectarian appropria tions." ibis reads all right and I am qlad to see. that after 30 years of such voting that the g. o. p. has got its eyes open. This same document goes on and awes the vote on the question, and along with Bryan.oi Nebraska, i see the names of many republicans, among others is the l name ot nermann, we notice mat me speakers are all tilking on old issues I overthrow of slavery. They have llenifthy platform but they don t use Jmuch of it. Why not say something I about "woman utirage- ana uiev nave a "TempetBnce" plank ol which Ihey are nroud. Why do they not write and speak on those two planks? Now, we would like to see bow muuc tney vsym patbize with all well directed efforts for the suppression of intemperance." Will some, leading member oi the g. o, make a lew speeches in this state on that plank of taeir plallornsr ur is their sym pathy like the Priest and Levite who svmDathized with the wounded man on the road side and passed by on the other siuer It is the duty of every voter to read tbe platforms of all parties and carefully compare and study them but it is a fool ish waste of time to read all of those "Public Documents." A. y. Smith. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder .Awarded Cold Modal Midwinter Fair, San Fraacswa, USED A REVOLVER. Mass Ella Thompson Shoots Farlow Twice. EJ A shooting affair occurred at 9 o'clock last night at Boston Mills, a few miles from Shod J, the particulars of which are substantially as follows, as given the Democbat: Miss Ella Thompson, aged 22, daugh ter of Mr. Thompson, of Simmons & Thompaon, proprietors of the Boston Mills, became pregnant six or 'even months ago. She accuced Mr. Ed Kar low, son of Richard Farlow, aged 85 years, who resides about seventy-five yards ffom the Thompson home, with being the author of the condition, and has been trying to induce him to settle the matter by an honorable marriage. Far'.ow refused, and now deuiea having been guilty of the offense charged About 9 o'c ock last night Miss Thompson called Farlow over to l.e-eslie was standlngir. iront of her lathers recijeuee. He went over and the matter was discussed for a short time entirely unsatisfactory to Mins Thompson, who pulled -a revolver, Sa calibre, that had been concealed, and I nred directly at r arlow. Thf ball struck him in the pit of the stomach ; but it Bnst hit the cordage on his shirt and was turned, simply scooping a hole out, and going out witnout any serious damage, lie turned to run when she tiled aain, striking him in the small of the bark. The ball passed through Lit body, hut around the abdominal cavitv, lodVtna: near the navel in front. Dr. Mas ton, of this city, wa sent for and with D'. Janes extracted the ball and dressed the wounds. Mr. Farlow is not id a serious condition. Mis Tliompon waa taken in charge by the Justice of the Peace, and was to be given an examination today. If held she will be bailed out. The affair has canned considerable talk in the vici-ly. win the sympathy apparently in lavor of the young lady. The Linker Cnw. The $5000 damage suit growing out of the arrest of A . t'.laker, for wheal steal ing at Albany last year, will not be heard in the Multnomah connty courts. This morning the case waa transferri to Marion count tv Judge Shatiock on motion of the defendant, T- ". Smith, for a change of venue. The motion for a change of venue was tteard on the ground that the defendants witnesses weie all away from f is coun ty, and ths c!ctendm "claimed that the cause of action originated in Linn county and not here. 15 laker was arrested in September. 1S95, on complaint of Smith, who charg ed him with stealing "heal frum an ele vator in which urnier s Lea. waa stor ed. The charge was larcenv bv baile?. Blaker wis kept in jail here three davs. and then the grand jury at Albany in- vesugm-eti me cuarge. 1 be examination eauited ut a dismissal and an exonera tion. Biaker felt that he had suffered public and priTate difgrace, physical and men tal a cony. Ion of reputation, friends and credit He sued his accuser. T F. aisth. for t-VXX) damages. He aked in addi tion $275 for lawyer's cotlini: him that sum to get hit freedom. later c onusej opposed the motion for a change of enne for re-nons set out n an am land tied liv attorney Joiin Hall, for the plaintiff. September 8 In this the plaintiff said that the resident of Lino, to which the defendant sake I the cause to be transferred, are preju diced against the plaintiff and that he cannot obtain justice at the hand of a juiy in that county, and that to allow it ou.d he to the plaintiff a denial o jus tice. Judge Shalt ack therefore considered it fair euoiuh for both side to coenpronvsn by hannit the case tried in the Marion county courts, and it will he beard at Sa lem, maker, the plaintiff, has been out of the country since his case a tiled. Irram. McKlnlcy Ratification. Lcsaxos. Oct. 8. The McKlnlev rat ification last night waa a success if a crowd makes a success . There must have been nearly C00O people there all told and out of th t nrmber here were probably about 500 voters and two-thirds of them weresiiverile. A Unit 130 were over from Albany. "Gov." McConnell addressed tbe crowd for about one hour. then W. L. Tooze. ot Woodburn. for about twenty minute. He could hardly talk there was so much cl-eering for liry an. It was appelant to all that the lire- men were in tbe majority. The speaking was to have been held in the opera house but aa it only hold about 450 people it was beid at the Santiam Accademy campus, by ten the speaking waa over and Mr. Tcoze proposed three cheers for McKinley and after the Mo- Kinlev men cheered the Ilrran men cheered in great shape for liryan. Just belore the Albany train started to return it is reported there were two or three fights. R L. Carroll, of Kerry, was in the city today. E. L. Brvan. of Corvallis, was admit ted to tbe bar yesterday. Barney May. of Ilarrisbiirg. is iust re covering from a long illnea Ralph Moody, sot of Kx-Governor Moody, was in tho cily today, tie ia making political speeches. II. V. White came dwn from the mines yesterday wi h Mr. Graham, an expert miner from California II. M. Perrr returned this mnrnim, from a trip to Southern and South-western Oregon, where he took a look at the mines. He wil! go to tbe British Colum bia mines in a short time. - Mr. ant Mrs. D. P. Mason. Mr. and Mm. F. E. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Seelev. J. P. Ualbraith, O. B. Winn, N. II Allen and T. J. Butler went to Portland yesterdav attend the meeting of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templars. Following are the eolleire ofhtera of the junior elan: Manns Marcellna. president; Marguerite Hopkins, vice president; Ada Morris.sec; lJert Wight, treasurer; the Jbrodeipbian society have elected these officers: Mamie Al ien, preeiaeni: Ada Al orris vice ur-i- aent; Mary Stewart rec. secretary; leg ate Hacklemaa. cor. secretary Eihtl RelGeld sergeant at arms. Tbe pi ice of honi bat an upward ten dency. 169 tickets were 'sold on the Lebanon excursion taut night. Brakeman George Hiippernett, injure! in the Roseburg train wierk lias mure died, making three victoma of tbe acci dent. . . The V'cConnell rallv at Lebanon last night driw a big crowd, a large number went from Albany headed bv t be baud. The Shaketn Up Club wont along. When the train lft Lebanon lent nlaht several hoodlums stoned I be rear car. Sev eral were hit and a few fights ocenred. Alt partie should be allowed to ratify un molested by otlient. Hnodlumlsm is never excusable by Yale-students or Lebanon young men, or any one else. A political apeakprin mnkinir a miiahr effort not far from The Dalle heimn his speech as follows says an exchange: "Par ents, you may have children, if not your children may have." Hnd clewed with "there is not a man, woman or child in tbe bouse who ha not arrived at t be aire of lift v years, but that has felt these mighty truths thundering tbnugh their minds for the pan centimes. rw ulaims The following new claims have been Bled for mines in the Santiam district: By L. L. Howard to tue virun rinse; uy tsyrou r uuer ana San ford McKae to the Poorman Quarts y Fuller to the Fuller .Quartz claim by Sa n ford McKae to the liumbolt, and by W. B. Lawler to the Lawler. OUR PRICES are Bargains . . . Compare ihcm ciitti others ingle harnBss"! 15 CO Team harness 18 00 Two sweat pais 65 3 buggy whips 25 Ottir goods in same pro portion. CALL AND SEE US POWER TOMLINSOX. HOME IN SAFETT. The Cupvtnnd Bros., of Toledo, Back From Their Scaling Expedition. ; Several days ago the Dsmoc-rat pub lished an item from the Tulodo paper in which a fear was exprrgtl that tne sealer Vera, in which theUopeland Bros, shipped nine months ago, had been wrecked, as it had not been heard from for some time and there had been dias ter aniung sealers off Japaa. In view of the fact the Ukmoout man was consid era W v surprised this oom when tbe Portland tiain arrived to tee the young men particularly interested in the fact jump from the train, weather beaten, but on their le-s aud iiealthy. They had arrived at Victoria and without even wailing to receive their pay from the master of the vessel bad taken the first train for their home at Toledo, so anx ious were they to see their mother. They reported a hard trip and poor luck. The total kill ot seals was only about MX) where it i generally about JOjO, and Ora anI Jean together ki led only 141 where Ora alone on the last previous trip kiilrd nearly 400. Ora nearly died on one ocran and the bcy were her'y drowned en tao or three orsasions. Newt Williams, of near Newport, who was on aneiher sealer, re turned f.oni Victoria aith them, lie alio bad a roujh time and poor lurk, was under the loai on one occasion and came near never seeing dsj light again. A happie crowd at the prospect of getting home were Merer seen, and we are in clined to think the? aie nearly tatisfied with seal Gabing, erhaps not. This waa CMa's fourth or nfth trip. He ba al wars made the biggest kill oi bia crew, and iia-s a splendid reputation as a shot. Cha. fifft has returne! front the Blue Ksver Mines Rev. B. F. FulVr ret jrne.1 io Albany yesterday from a trip to Netraka. L-cent ba Ijeen i.fue-1 for the mar riae of L. J. Sm:t'.i and Norm Jones J. U. W !on weat to P ortland la-.! ay, where be will viait seperal previous to attending the grand lodge k of P. Mrs. T (i. Hopkins went to Sa'era on this morning's overland, to atiornl her mother, Mrs. E. C fan.l, who is ii!. WVlneday Examiner ha an excel lent picture of Rev. C. M n. itera tor over a nteeticj- of the Baptist Central Association in Uakhtnd. K. Hiatt. Bill Shs!', Tom Parker, Alex f lavis and John Kellcnberger, in company with Jtbn Cuger and family, left at noon t-day for Phoenix. Arixona. Exprees. I. R. Borum aad P. Leninger. of Al bany, were in Lthauon lat Tuesday making arrangemen'e for tbe Manlvlin Club to give an entertainment in tbe Academy on Oct. 16. Lebanon Ex pre. Tu surnticc: at Ue it! fair i re p;r ei oa.'l J. M. Somew a4 (J. A. Dotrit are to kare a j det ae at Gsburg. Mr J C Bilyeu told his mp ot bop tet 6. 4 st pear pound. Hop are attil r sing. Hon'o Go E ChaaiWUin and John Bamett will apeak ia Letan Sa'urday evening. Geo Iu Maarer. a- ! r oITnlby, and aa a-tit on Ha-pes for maty year, died in London yesterday. On Friday evening Oct 16. at the opera house the Albany Orchea'nt will give their nri nan ror tue seasrm. 1 ueir new mouc l be watched f'r tib interest. The Eti'r- says tr-at st Waterloo W R Bieeo made a tone mA frrwa aitrwe inwh and hi logical argument made many vote lor t.rjan. G R CattU. ho Hro a few miles sooth of Lebanon, ha sld aboti' 10.0U0 dweo et'trtit ti is season. He bas between and (00 cl. liken. Tbe Scio cra,mery i-. bting teorgaoired anu will cnticue to run. J S Morris has been tuadssonerintondeat and Mr Carter lio wilt iit bim in runnipir it. lo Hssl-'tt aid Mr lltndman have re ceived intelligence tbat by the death of aa uaclt at W!ni.ojrtno, IVaware. bvle- corae beirs Io an e-ht'e worth l,0CVuX). Advance. About .ViDOro-xIs of(y!are mark -ted 10 Usance ea..h tear. About 2. 00 cor S used at the homes snd buine bnu e the paper mill takes 'JOOO cord, the ece'- ior factory 500, and tbe railroad company odj. Advance. Upon apnearino- liefore the justice at St-cld yetrday Mins K la Tbompaoo. who th t Kdward r arlow. waived examination and was he'.d tinder il'XX) boiids to await the action of the errand jury. Bonds were promptly furnished. Pribaslv Grit.TV. The Express tells of the arrest of John Scanland. who was held for thn U. S. grand jury for count erfeiting, as follows : At a favorable op portunity Marshal Ritter caught the young man and his horse, and there was no escape for John. Seeing this, he at once was seen to throw awav a small pitckage.which was quickly picked up by some one and given to the officers. Up on examination the package was found to be a fur-lined pouch commonly ued for carrying coin. Inside was a soft piec of cloth neatly covering in layers several (ltiarter-eaales some already elided others only partially so, and still others In their unadorned leaden Hate. This discovery was at once telegranhd Io the U. S marshal at Portland. The capture ol Mcanlatul was not a surprise, as it lias been known lor some lime that, he was uspected of counterfeiting. His father ' is a res'iected I'ltum of this place. Ilia mother has recently died. He has mar ried sitters in this county, and one single sister. W assiom at Liberty. Mor Ban Wassotn. sentenced to the penitentiary for Hie in I sua, wuose sentence was commuted by Governor Pennoyer to take effect in May, 1HU7, was yesterday released from the penitentiary by Governor Lord. It was found that this was necessary in order to firevent ins insanity, as tie was gradually osing his mind iinderconBneroent. Wes sons was taken home yesterday and is at his fathers In Lebanon. He should show his appreciation of clemency by an In dustrious, temperate life. I tare trsap. "My three children are ill subject tc croupi I telegraphed to Sun Francisco, got KOt h half doiten botUesof S 11 Cough Cure. It is a perfect remedy . God bleas yoa for it. Your, etc., J.H. Oorier. GranU Past, Or." or sa'e by Fotbay & Mason at Ac por bottle ALBANY'S PAST. From the of Dec. 27, 1872 to reo. , i73: A big fire occurred in Portland on Bun day, Dec. 22. The Albany tire company waa sent for and made the trip on a special train In about 3 hours, bu. were not needed. This was an event to be re membered. Wheat was $1.20 per bushel in San Francisco and only 70 cents in Albany. Perry Raymond received hla eartifiraia of appointment as P. M. on Christmas. "Billy" Parker, (now foreman of the Herald) waa tbe city carrier of the Wexc lt Dkmocrat. There weie 81 marriages in Linn coun ty in 1872. Maj Gen J F Miller, Lieut Cols C B Bellinger and Wm Thompson left for the Modoc war. They expected to get away with tbe Modocs. Tbe total disbursements reported in running tbe city of Albany for 1872 were $7,040.39. Hon. T. J. Stites moved from Harria burg to Albany and became principal of the Albany schools on Jan. 13. 187S. " W e venture to aay his stalwart figure will bring some of those hoodlums to time shortly. He ia big enough to wield a railroad switch over them." A charivari party were called the "Al bany Modocs." Maj. G. M. Strong made his appear ance in Albany and opened a dancing school. Telegraphing 10 words from Albany to any part ot the U. S. east was $20. From the Dmocbut ol Feb. 7 to April 4, 1873. Married on February 12, Albert Bond and Cornelia Better. May their newly covenanted bond of union prove a bless ing to themselves and to posterity. The editorial page contained freh ac eonnta ot tbe great Credit Mobilier af fair. Joab Powell's death, which bad occur red awhile before waa being discussed. A Kev. West bad criticised Rev Powell, when a rorreeposdent took np tbe de fense. He said "the Rev. Joab Powell wa an honor to all such acallawaga, liar and hell-bounds as this deceitlul hypocritical pop." Mr Powells name will long live among the pioneers of una couniv. V . C- TweeJale bomrht out X. 3. Da. Bois & Co., grocers. Prof John Foabay purchased the nosu office book rtore of Raymond A Wheeler. norn to air and Mrs Mom Sternberg a daughter. Judge O. . Denny waa appointed consul at Arnoy, China. At a cojietca entertainment T. P. llackleman, Oilie Irvine, Florence Tate, Libbie Althooae and Clara Price were among the participants. an towa man wanted to know it it would be sa.'e to come to Albany on ac count of the Modoc war. A notable case waa a nit brG.W. Hail against C. O. Harriet foe' 110.000 damage, the result of a personal to coonter. The plaintiff recovered II. SaaUam Miners. The following appear ia the talem Journal: A.'a. Oa,, Oct 5, 1S9. We, the signers of this contribution believe in tbe free coinage of both gold and silver at tba ratio of lo to 1. We believe that tbe volume of money reero- lase both price aad opportunities (ot proepenty. vt e appreciate that bv open- in our silver mines tbe prodact of rold will be greatly increased : that ire sauce of the sdver ores carry gold, lead, copper sou uisomuj, wuicn in ioe wona s mar ket wilt bring nearly, if not quite, one cold dollar for each aUver dollar pro duced. Kurt her. that at present we have tbe gold standard; we denounce it as tbe primary cause for tbe failing iff of val ues, labor and price. Wa appreciate that among tbe nations we are tbe larg est producers of silver, and cannot bar silver discontinued aa a money of ulli- n.ate redemption. Kegretung that tbe gold standard has made it impossible for our cootnboUoot io be larger, we respectfully subscribe: W B La ter 15. Dr E O Smith tl. W U " bite$l. C W Moorll. E M Hartoiu V) centa Wm Lewis 1. Burcb $4. F llortoo t, F B Vaughn $1. EC Neal It. Geo M Freeman, $5, A J Yaeger 50 cents. e. .-area si, j furen mi cents, J L. vitnnn U centa, J U Gairns 60 cents. W L. Ber- ioger 50 rents. Total. $20. A check for the above amount baa I een forwarde I to the Bryan Union Bi metallic campaign beada natters at Port land. The Oak Crec Lock Oat. Eoiroa Democt: I infer that "Fair Play" that answered the Oak Creek- correspondent is not a lawyer bat a Irar. He presumes tbe bouse waa nsed for similar meetings, and i locked against this meeting it waa premeditated, and waa a aumcient ex cuse for breaking into tbe bouse. It has been over two year since the bouse waa used for similar meetings, and need then by the consent of tbe directors. In this case there was no outrage or otherwise. Tbe directors are supposed to have charge of the house. If they tell the teacher to lock tbe door in tbe evening when school is out he ought to do it. Fair Play leaves the impression tbat tbe directors were asked for tbe use of the house, and tbey refused to grant it. Such is not tbe case. fc.ven it they had refused he states an untruth when be says it "justified the means adopted to get in." Another un truth waa about the '"spleen." Shame on a writer that baa no regard for the truth. A BBTAHrrx. List of Patcuts. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. 8. Patent office, aah- ington, D. C. J W Barnes. San Francisco. Cal.. ma chine for reducing bituminous or asphait- ic compounds; J Buchtrl. fortiand, band B re extinguished; J r coersoie, e-atem Ur . combined pulveriser, weeder. and cultivator: T B Gilmour, Dayton, vt ash. draft device for air tight beating stoves ; I N Hibberd, Port Costa, Dal, preparing wheat for cleaning; A A Honey, Tacoma, electromaanelic adhesive device; H Owens, Montoiano, Wash, foldingchair; W Ti Roberta. Portland, lock: M It Schav. Tacoma, Wash, screw driver; O II Watson. Riverside, Cal, bicycle seat support. Kxi.iiiTH Templars. The following of- ft ivr. of the Kniahta Templars A. V. A A. M. were elected yesterday at Port land ; R S Bean, of Salem, R E Grand tfommauderv: L C Marshal. Albany Deputy Grand Uommanaer; jonn n Oteland, of Portland. Grand General iasimo; J P Galbraith, of Albany, Grand Captain General; 0 B Winn, of Albany, Grand i'relate ; I u fccnerson, oi s ort land. Grand Senior Warden; H S Jordan ol Salem. Grand Junior Warden; 11 U Whitehouse. of Portland, urand areas urer; James F Robinson, ot Eugene trraou ivevoruer, t a hiikuhu. vuiuu n..n.l TlAarAr N H Roonev. 1 r, . 1 lif m T.iAn of Eugene, Grand 8 word-Bearer; Geoll Hill, ot Portland, Grand Warder; Gus laf Wilson, ot Portland, Grand Sentinel. The eleventh annual session will be beld at Eugene on tbe second Thursday in October, 1897. DooBOTOit KaTCUta. Mr, Bynnm Doughton and Miss Mamie Keebler, daughter of E. Keebler, were married at noon, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1896, at tbe home of the bride's parents, about four miles south ot Lebanon. Rev. II. S. Mhanolfl. orealdins elder of the M. E. iti.tiKh Konth. officiating.' The contract. ing parties have the beet wishes oi a boat l trieuus, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report a a sim a a w. ay a m a IA W C SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. At. Baylor left (or Alsea today on a visit with ber parents. W. R. Graham returned this noon from Seattle much improved in beaitb. Mr Jas. Murray, of Portland, is nn on a visit with bis Albany friends. Mr. Frank Kitchen has returned 'mm Salem after working on the big capitol ewer tor nve months. Miss Abbie Wrieht is teachine- thai Granger school in Benton connty. She waa in aioany loaay. A snrorisa party waa tendered Miss Mary Stewart hut evening .at the home of ber father, Mr. C. U. Stewart. A pleas ant time waa bad for several boars. Mrs. DR. N. Blackburn returned to Albany Monday, accompanied by Mia Grace Blakely. Miss Grace returned home yesterday with ber father. Brownsville rime. A. S. McDooald and family have mov ed into tbe Ambrose property ia tbe eastern part of the city. Mr McDonald ha been engaged to teach the Warren school, and will commence next Monday. Browasvilie Times. A live social time was had at tbe meet ing of tbe Woodmen last night. Mayor C. G. Borkhart bad charge of tbe enter tainment of tbe members, and set np tba ice cream in a happy manner. Tbeee so cials are proving drawing affairs for tbe woodmen. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the U. P. church beld an enjoyable social last evening with Mia Mary Cnndiff. There wee bubbles, game, refreshment and a mu sical program participated in by Mrs. P. A. loung.Mtas Mildred Bonn ester, ltm Bertha El Us. Mrs. Nottire and Meters. Acbeaon, Sox and tbe Irvine brothers. Some One Flopping To-day. Laaaxos, Oct. 8, 1896. EnrroB DxaocaaT. Isn't it strange that the republican leaders fail completely in ateertaining tbe drift of politics in this connty and that it ia left for aa Albany Music dab, half of tbe members of wbkh seem to be beard lees youths, wbo sang out here last w edneedav evering. to first drop on tbe condition of affairs? Now, yon can take an old republican beel -horse like J. W. Ctuick, and bia letter which yoa pub lished a few days ago show that be doesn't know there is any defection from the republican rank in this county. On the other band this music dob, the members of which probably know more a boot church anthems than poUtics.hare happened to just stumble right on to tbe true situation. They realise tbat a great change is going ca, and that if republi cans dc not get in and do so tie lively work, tbe continued drain away from their party wdl soon leave) it without an orranuaiioa. The boys showed a degree ot bright neas almost roon omental in the selection of their leading song, and re publicans will do wetl to beu thetr ad vice. It ran this way: Throw oat the life line Throw oat the life line Some one is flapping today. This pat as in mind of that passage la holy writ tbat says "fiocne things are hidden from the wise and prudent and reveat-d to babe and sucklings," Hardly a dav mM bv oat here that wa do not rake in some republican flopper, but we didn't know the Albany folks knew it- Parts Mill. A Bio Moaroaox, A blanket mort gage ha been filed in the clerk's office of thi county which is probably tbe most imposing document ever placed on record here, being covered with about twenty seals. It u given by the Astoria and ColumNa River Railroad Ctompany to the Central Tract Company of New l ork, and covers all of the tine ot rail way projected by tbat railway company, namely: from Portland to Astoria and from Astoria to Tillamook bay and Ne halem liver, and ia to secure money al ready advanced or may be advanced in the future, not to exceed tba sum of $8,000,000. This does not necsarily mean that a railroad will be constructed to Tillamook immediately, bat it will come undoubtedly daring the next three years. lillamook Ueraia. Mas. Faxstso's Wru.. The will of Mrs. Jane Fanning, wbo died recently, has been filed. It waa I made Jane 1. 1&89 and make provision as follows: To Nanrv . Smith. Marv liUUiand and Jessie Gilliland each, $100, to the Freed- tnen s missions and ministerial relief ot the U. P church, each $100, to foreign missions $200, of which $100 is to be spent in each Egypt and India; to Waits- burg Academy $100, to Nancy J. Ander son all tbe remainder of her estate. Wut Birr Rhtkxbp. Bert Van Cteve returned frem Salem a few dava ago. whither be had cone to accept an encasement with Palmer's Theatrical Company. Bert reports that Palmer is no eood : that b went on a spree at fa lent and "bilked" everybody he had any dealings with, and, farthermore. that his dates have been cancelled ait over the country. Consequently he will not appear tn this city aa has bn annoonc ed heretofore. Corvallis Times. Soxx Sourness. A cavalcade of Tj. S. soldiers from Vancouver passed through Albany this morning, aoout tarty strong. As nearly as tbe DaaocauT could learn tbey were going somewhere for nothing but the trip, just where they didn't know, rorty soldiers on horseback mAke a somewhat imposing sight and make a man feel as if he wanted to be have himself. About 600 infantry are at salem and may come np tbe valley. Tbe 8. P. Company, aping the corno- rstians ot tba east, is giving object lee- eons in finance in Southern Oregon. The Times is informed that one of its en ployes waa recently paid off in ten-cent pieces, while another sot his month's pay in quartern, it is hard to believe that anybody would resort to each ridic ulous tactics. Tbey will act as boom erangs, howertr Jacksonville Times. Asa matter ot lact the company has al ways used a great deal ot silver paying bands. The Stats Fan. At the state fair yesterday Kittitas won the 2:19 racing race, best time 2:19. Tbe 2:27 trot was won by De Linn, I. B. Moeher's of tnis city. Multnomah, of this city, was third. The attendance is small. v Movxa A Co. Assign. J. M. Moyer A Co., the clothiers, who were attached by Lowensteia A Sons, ot Chicago, tor $8759.37 as a result ot a misunderstand ing over accounts, today filed an assign ment to Ben belling. Tbe assets aggre gate $113,879.17. and tbe liabilities foot up $64,942.14. In the schedule of assets the merchandise stock Is given at $86 647.4 The ledger accounts amount to $7577 41 ; bills receivable, $8377 37, and there is a claim against the Albany wool' en mins icr yw oo. telegram. ine wkkklt wsaTociuT t.So a vear and tbe Weekly San Francisco Examiner $1.60 a year, combined for only $2.35 This includes all the privileges in the 110.- - 000 rremium list of the Examiner includ ing a $10,000 residence and a $4000 gold HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat 64 cents. A number of Albany people have been at tending tbe state fair. McKnigbt Bros. Bugo won the 2:18 tmi at tbe state fair in three straight beats Best time 2.-22. Tbe ''Garroters,' once presented in Al bany by local talent, was to be gives ia Tbe Dalles to-day. TheCapt. of tbe S. A. at Corvallis advertises to noose the binreat bvnoerile I ia tbat city at the meeting tonight. Work on the capital sewer at Salem has bPPd. the $15,000 having been exhaus- ted and the work is leas than half done A boose to house canvass for members of a ladies McKinley Oub was made yester day and a dab wa to be organized this af ternoon at tbe court boose. There will be speaking tonight at tbe Oak Grove school bowse across the river, by Hon. H. C. Watson, befote tbe Bryan club- Get ready to attend the first ball of the Albany Urcbestra on next Friday evening. Mtsie until I MO or 2 o'clock. Ticket only 50 seats. The Junction City Time taja a roerry goroend took ia $153 ta six days, tiring nothing to snow for it, and yet people complain of hard times. The Taqoiaa Post red the coatrart for pristine: 9,00 ticket for Lincoln county at 29. Voar rimes as nuury ticket will be printed ia Lias cooa'y for $29. Tbe Corvallis Gazette saa thirty men were Sgbting at oae time at the Lebanon rally. By toe time it reaches baa Fran cisco there will have beep at least ooe thousand ia the scrap- A1 the same it was act ereoitable to anyone. Tbe De Mra famity will else a coo- cert ia tbe First M . Chorea aext Tbara. aay evening. Oct. 15. bev inning at 8 A), jut after prayer meeting, thus (riving everybody a chance to Imar these woadea fol mastoaas. Tbe Jefferson Review snakes seme very caustic remarks ia lefercaea to the pardon got Horni vy aasom. wbo Dsrderee Mr. Grnbb. sad Mrs. Grohbs' toss of muney by the failcre of Mr. Cowaas batik A joint deba'e will be beld at Pleasant Bill Sarnrday sight between Jadge W. S. McFadden. of CorraJiia, aad Hon. I. M " Sotners. of Linn county, thav fr-rmer ret re aeatiag the Bryaa force and the latter the sieaiatey soppofers. Lageee Gaard. Ne asmes of Presideatial caadidates of tbe Prohibition party have been ed with the secretary of state, and beoce none are named on the oaciil billot, it u under stood there are two sers of acminees, a regolar middle-of-the road Prohi. and a tree stiver Proiu. Journal. Tbe Dssfocaar thoogbt it cad aa item. A yoaag esaa waa reported to be ia jail for wram cCease. A youns? lawyer is aao said to have vmted the jail for a case Tbe yoaag man had beat there fee- eurae time, aha t lag and cutting the hair of the u males. Speakiae of ex-Sheriff OaUa-n's apparent tbortage in account the Tiatesof CortaUia says: His friend fully believe that, oa his arrival bocae. Mr. Othora wi't Le abe to account tor the apparent ahortagt, if not all. at least Use chief portkw of it, will be explaiaed away, aad that arrearagea, if lay there are, will be prooptly mH by bim. Ring pbooe 9, for itey the printer Tey caat come np to aor high st aiard. - Smiiey the printer All kiads of job printiag at the Impriat job afSce. For the latest strie ia iob priatlaaT call at the Imprint job o&ce. Money saved by renins' toot job print- tag at tbe Impriat job off ce. Beat workmen, latest stile, cat price. at tbe Impriat job office. Sweet pickle aad oGres ia bulk at C E Browneti. Choice reaches fresh everv day at C E BrowneUs. Luscious sweet vrsuer melons caa be fooad at C E BrowneOa. Mr, si. C- Miller is rtviaa embroidery leasoa at the Revere Hotel. See tbe elegant line of stationary, cheap at Borkhart aad Lee's. There will be tlx dollar worth of prises given at the aew howtiag alky. If von eompue the work and stock, well get the job. Smiley tbe printer. Some handsome birthday gem at Will & Stark, cheap. Oae for every month ia toe year. S00 ladie wrap. icketa aad capes, of tbe very latest style, joat received at P. Cohen. See our window W have displayed ia oor corner window a bean Unit Use ot anting tablets of all aises and prices to suit the time. Borkhart Lee, the drag- gists. Do Not Experiment in so Important a matter as your health, rortry, enrich and vitalize yoer blood with Hood's Sar saparilla and thus keep yporseif strong and healthy. Hood's Pills are tbe beat after-diaaer pil: ataist digestion, cars headache, ti cent. For Prscriptions, Davrson's. Gladness Comes With a better nnderstandirg of the transient nature of tbe many phys .cal ilia, which 'aniiih before proper ef forts gentle efluita pleasant efforta rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forma of sickness are not due to any actual dis- sasa, bat simply to a constipated condi tion ef the system, which the pleasant family laxative, S.trnpof Figs, prompt ly removes. That ia why it is the only remedy with millions ot families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly py ail who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is tha one remedy whfc'h promote internal cleanliness without debilitating tha argaoa est which it acts. It is therefore all important, tn order to get its oene- tloial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that yon have the genuine arti cle, which la manufactured by the Cali fornia t g syrup uo. only ana saa py til reputable druggista. If In tha en Vivment of aood health. nd the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afllieted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most akillful physicians, bat if hi need of a laxative, cne should have the best, and with tha well-informed everywhere. Syrup ot fig stands highest and ia most largely ' ased and gives moat seneral satisfaction The Moyer and Mill Property. Mr. J. M. Sloyer baa written Mr. S. S Say, of Browasvilie, the following self explanatory letter. I suppree yoa have beard by tbi time the trouble that we gr.t into Portland? We have arranged everything and will open the store today. Had an assignee appointed and will take charge of busi ness here at pre ent. We bave $45,000 to onr credit after paying all indebtednes, no that I consider that we are perfectly safe in Portland. For tba Albany Woobai Mill Co., I thonght it policy to have a receiver appointed, L. Flinn is receiver. The mill was shutdown yesterday ing when the receiver wa appointed, bi!t will probablr open this morninfir aeaii.. and the mill will go ahead with busine s for tbe present. I do not know bow w t will arrange matters, bat at present if any come to yoa and bave any fear of on r not being able to meet all our liabilities yon can tell them not to be uneasy; that we have plenty to meet everything tbat come against ne. All we atk is a little time 1 bave th asenranee that the war w have things arranged now a e aril!, have no I u tore trouble. tut" n rr WEwrUV CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victim ef Last JHaeaaw shoold scad at coco tor a bona tfaatoxpiaina bow fail rcaoiy vizor is easily, rrnlckly and i-rmaiwrriU j restored. m bss ss Serine from wsaaaca caa af ford to ignore tlus timely advies Book tells bow "(ail etrrcaih. k setutiuieat and tews are imparted to every portioa of tho body. Sent with positive proofs (sssJedj ret io axty magna applies ram. EEIE MEDICAL CO.. B'JFFALO,N.Y. G0NSER7AT0SY 0F1SIG Albany College Teachers for tbe school vear IS9&-1S97: XLxtri M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teaeber-MargTjerite Aldereon, B. ML, and Mrs. Joeepbine Sharpe. Thorough and systematic instruction given in all the important branches of mask. Best conservatory rooms and iatgest musical library and facilities for motiral work. Largest aoavber of con servatory student enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalorne. to vt kit ter Hoar, A. 31. Albany, Oregon. HEW YORK WORLD, THH1CE-A-WEEC EDITION S faga i ffttL 14 P-pera Tear. Is larger tha anyweeklr or eemi- weekly paper paUi&hed aad is the on?y mportant deaocrane weeuy pri isbed in Sew YoVk City. Three times u large as the leading repsblicaB week ly of Sew York Cuy. It will be f special advantage to yoa dirricg tha Presidential Campaign, is.ta pao liahed every other day, except Sunday, and has all "the freshness and timelines of a daily. It com bines all the news with a tnog list of interesting depart ments, nnicue features, cartoons and graphic iiiUKrauoos, the latter being a penalty. . AU these improvements have been made without any increase in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer this oxtequaled newspaper aad the Wbkkxt Ieocwit together one year for $2.00. Sstiiactory terms with daily Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Tborourh instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. - Consider ing bard times, favorable redactions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed ?ept. 1st. For farther partiealar call at the Academw or write to sister superior. J.M. RALSTON BKOKEH. Maston Block, Albany, Or Money to loan ea farm security, ail small loan made oa personal tecmity. City, county aad school warrants bought. Co-lections made oa favorable term. Fire iasuranc writtea ia three of the largest companies lii tW eki, at lowest rates. - ...'-':;' . - ... . Mats IMes.IMHr- Got things spelled arrorig and all mix ed up disylay was poor type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well take yoor next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and Ml Be toe Slit P. S. (Important). The trite tor do ing twUlberigbtjtoo. miley's printing u good printing. MS HH1 R GILBEB T, TeachEr A Ham & Orpi (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialty. Term moderate. Washington St. south of U. P. chnrch. Dr Adams Custck Block Albany, Or. HELP IV ANTED- A ALE. WANTED SOLICITORS FOR cam paign book ."Rrya. Sewall aad Free Silver. autborixei by Bryan, written by R- L. Metcatf, tdtu tnaata World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A boaanxa for agenta, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1.60. The only authorised book. 60 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin bow with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable wcrk for Vi . Address The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday evening in K. O T. M . Hall. Vis ting Knights invited to ttend. J. S. Yajj Wlnklx, Coin. SHEEf FOR SALE. 40 bead ot ewes by J.Ross, S nn'ei toath etst oi At mill