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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1896)
1 W MP VOL XXXI!- Eaterea e tne Coui ffle Utaij. r. eeBl-riass Mall Killot ALBANY OREGON. Fill DAI , OCTOBER, D.I teal III 77 r i St .AetaMeIVcparatioaror As similating thcrocdandRrtiSa ting the Stomachs anlBa.cis of ftomotesDigcstion,Ciceiru! ncssandRcst.Contains neither Opiuin.Morptiine norlHacraL KotNabcotic. ' r A perfect Remedy forConslipa Jtion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish. DCSS and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW "YORK. I y.a .i.ig - wausisrg j.'... i m 9 - I EXACT COFr cp RAPFEa. -' of - - The Indestructible '-Maywood O BICYCLE. M ftosi Bodeja, Past Rellshls." gott Dosabls WD STRONGEST wstej an Earth. DCUGLE PATEST9 i Feb- 54 1831 The "Maywood" Is tbe aJrongwf at tim.-v'trt tfe-,5ff -Ter nsir. Atfe'cl tor m;l Jti--r 4? toadm and riders, lfade of material that is o'rt j.-trc :;Vf ta cjgiri-tic- easily taken apart aad put together; his lew jrar:s: i?cf !! rsrreK:.!ruittoa !tet taxis' will bold totber even in aa acci'fent: no boliuw tT!.'i;!e to us;. m every cosititt; a tvtu that cannot be broken; so simple that its aojastirir j srvs rt -. 3rtU: oi o- W crank in place of a dozen paru; always readT toeire reis.;j !. Mngii'tt'irT'innt. FKAMJi Improved double diamond. ;ojiraot-l i"? thr- o; 'ciiBn.'- rolled steel rods itonehest and strr.Dsest metal im it Ttii-jis t .-t.)-: k;xi!M vo?: a aluminum bronze fittinirs in snch a maancr thr.; it is i-.n o r:; -i cr ai j- !rx loose: marrel of norelty, simplicity and fiurxi.iriT; ir -:rc. v i : rr :- i:-,b of -'; i ; . In bicycle mechanism known, tobuil i a irimc witu.-u:- : .r ' i . . . :c r a" iec-w that trameseontinoally break and iractjre u brazr-i Jf:-:!. ! -v , ;"e". Lr- r-Mrf -tf in cannot be repaired. WiiEKiJi i-inch: warrant- a -vt-oc v" 1 --. riii and braes nipples. HUBS Large barrel poll ens. T;;i-;- . " .? '-.; oe't'er aan c Wrieht Quick Bepair. or aome otarr rt :) vr"i-; ti 'VjViiVr !;-. bearines toerery part, inclndrns wheels cncl! aii.-. .c?rin fc a;: "j'l. ?. 'f'f ."! CONES Beet quality tool stee. careirJiy tesspii-ixl and iur--ej( ;'. v -rt-tf nardened centers, rear adjustment. CRANKS irj or;--rj?T 4 rrk -'- tected by patents:no cotter pins. KEACH Shortest. li.-n- s: l..:.jit "a, -... -l"f: 64orT2. FftOXT FORK Inuestrncti'ule; fork crowa inaaefroiatma--js.Tn.-i 9-ivi ::AM: 1: BAB Rerersible and adinstaMe: erjsilr Adiamtd to mKi-um - 1 . - - uuucuuoniemL. oawki xr. a; ! trlfnam. or Rat-trap or robber; fall ball bearing. flSKII nickel plated, each Bicycle eomniete witn totl cording to tires, pedals, saddles, etc 27 10 3' $40 is oar Special Wholesale PrSce. Sever b--:fcre sold for less. To quickly introduce the "liijaooa" Tievcie. we have decided to make a special corra of?-r. ei .-iri? erery reader of this paper a chance to set a firor-ciass w.'ccl at t! Jowest price ever offered. On reeeir-t of 1 T..u ' cntwm we will ship to anyone the above Brvclo. etci-e!T elated, and guarantee safe delivery. i!ony --fund("l it -.01 as represented after arrival and exaujinat'or.. 'nt wil ehio f C O. D. with privilese of examination for tnd roiir-t.a provided 15.00 is sent with order as a gT-ararte of ocJ faiih. A written bindins; warranty with en-ua IS.cveie. This is a chance of a lifetime and yoj cannot aCord :n let th por -sunUy paas. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' VSiCS. SB3 Wast Vaa Bun Street. Bx --oy, CHICAGO. ILL Albanv Bed Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage , and to buy the same . Sacis till lie MM And Feed constantly on band and for sale. Parties having wheat to tell or tore ; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and eee us. Floor will be xchanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. W. L.YauT, Fd. Goins, , " H. I. Area an S. I. Yew- Notincoipuated. Efl G LI SH and COLLEGES PORTLAND . FlXL ENGLISH C' !''"". FRENCH t.S: Gi. BL'SISfcSJ. BRANCHES. BOOXKEEP1N j, SHORTHAND, TELEGKAPHY. OABDlliG HEFAKTAEHT" LAMES JilSaa select the Waverly because thev have learned to know the dif- FrftPtf PtlfPri ierence between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that J CAptiiuittu jaeimpiy claimed to be. Some others maybe eood but the I riiuriia vmenj n iuc uiiiot $85 00, Belle 2 and 28 MACK BY NTDIANA BICYCLE UO. HDIASAPOU8, IND - JHE BOYD GRAVE VAULT: 40,000 Human Bodies Mtrtiltted every yssr ea Oissssfiag Tables la Msdiosl Collsaes lath Darted States- Protect ths dead. Thousands of craves robbed annually. No grave, regar'ees ot location, is safe from tue ravages of the ba nian ghoul. Tue Bora Gaava Vault affords positive and alwo lute security against the Grave Bobber, and protect both casket aud body from dampness, mold and decay, and front burrowing1 animals and vermin. 4-5 For Sate by Albany Furniture CO THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER C? EVERT BOTTTiE OP Cistcria is wrt nn In cae-cbs battles only. Ik ;U act soli ia balk. Doal allow sayans to nil MK3 itS " "J0 Bd" answer every par- Ssoee." thai Tm rot C-A-S-T-ft-KJ-A. m B THIS S75.00 COM PLETS BICYCLE WITH COUPOrs- Jan.ei, 0'hr Pennine : otii'-or !fr-ni . i-i-i aamp!-?d in l.lscv. wi.L Ki Ltr r--z. porno, wrerico a&d f-U pusao. -?"?-5 Vfc VcJ' ' "" IS" SBMT M7K No. 5 t!vY--l ...Bicyci-r... u applicata E. D. Eamtt. " B U S i M S OREGON g A re built in ,FA and Best m -W aw. VswMkt - B aa Equipped Factory in G? filga l?&Ce the World ui u nii griue. BcorcDer (3 heights) inch $75.00 and $85.00. A.J. Hodges,,4 gent Is Absolutely Air-tight sad Wsterproof. Made wholly of Bessemer steel and malleable iron, and is prac tically indestructible etiouldb need in every interment. Over 1.1,000 in actual dm. For sals by all undertakers, Manufd by Tba Champloi Chemical Co., Springfield, Ohio. 000 A uvSy K;r-J -y. -T " V vial THURST3A.y BIG DAMAGE SUIT. Chas. J. Bishop, the you -g man who was injured by an exp'osion at the San tiam mines on February 14, 1896, has sued the LawW Gold Mining Company, Limited, for $10,500 damages. Accord ing to the complaint the plaintiff was working in tunnel No. 3 at $2.75 a day. On Feb. 14 the plaintiff fired three blast?, and the next morning supDoain? thev had all gone off, wab at work around the places with his pick ax when some of the powder, which had not been emlod. ed on account of ita dangerous and un safe ciaracter, was exploded bv the Dick ax in the hands of Bishon. who v struck by flying fragments, (lis right eye was blown out and destroyed per manently and he was badly burned. bruised and cut in and around his face and head, affecting his hearing perma nently. The plaintiff was obiigetf to re lenquish work and go to a hospital in Fortland for treatment where he was confined five months, incurring expenses suiuuuunit to lhe plMinuff s attorneys are Cox Cotton, Teal Aldinor, of Poiiland. iuniime r.rii aamage suit against the company, and the result wi'.l be watched with great interest. Wiix Start Up. The S iem Woolen Mill are to be started soon, recent orders having justified the same. In the fol owirg will be found a sample of the pre varications of some papers, bv order of Mark Hanna, for political effect: The reason for the sudden determination of the management to start the mill at this time is lhe fart that T. B. Kay during his recent trip to California, was much encouraged by the number of orders he received from merchants aud clothitg manufacturers. The business men oi that and other states realise that repub lican success at the polls in November nas oecome an assured tact, and are anx ious to push their business enterprises : therefore they readily gave orders for gooa 8 to the balem lactory. Mr. Kay reports lhat this. only, is responsible for uie activity displayed by the company in starting the mills now. Pri.vtinq the Ballots. Count t C.erk Montague today opened the bids for printing the ballots, 38,400 for the Nov ember election. They were as follows: Glass & Prudhomme, $54.00: II Y Kirk- patrick. of Lebanon, $43 00; Silver Im print. $29.00; CY Watts, $32.64; Smi Uy the printer, of Albany, $to.60; Cav- enrter & Brown, of Brownsville, $36.03. lhe contract was let to the Silver lm print, the lowest bidder. The contract cl!s for 19,200 colored and 19,200 white billot s. Miss Zula Wkn went to Salem yester day to accapt a position as clerk in the W. F. office. Messrs. Calender and Brown and their families, ot the Brownsville Times, were doing Albany today. Mrs. M. Fennel!, proprietress of the Gxk Hotel, who so badly wrenched her right limb about four weeks since is able to be about, and can move about wii.b the assistance of a crutch and a cane. Salem Journal. A farewell reception was tendered Rev. J. T. Abbett and family last nigiit at the church previous to their departure this week for their new home in Eugene. They will take with them the beet wishes ol our citizens. Eugene is to be congratulated upon securing the service of so eificient a minister. A FABZWELI. KCCKPTIOX. The farewell reception tendered Rev. J. A. Cieland last night at the college previous to his departure for Montreal, where he will complete bis theological studies, was one of more than ordinary interest. The college rooms were eleg antly decorated for the occasion and large company of members, attendants and college students were i-rewut to par ticipate in the pleasures of the evening. A program was rendered of much merit, Miss Alderson was beard in a piano solo, skillfully played, Mrs. E. W. Langdon tang "Winkin' and B.inkin', (Dutch Ln' laby) at her beet. President Lee delir ered the farewell address and presented Rev. Cieland with a tribute ol respect, emphatic in its character, for in it was embodied, besides expression? of love and esteem, a unanimous call to the pastor ate of the church upon tbecompletion of Rev. Cieland 's studies in Montreal. Mice Vida Mas ton followed on behalf of the Juniors bv presenting Rev. Cieland wuh a beautiful volume of Jas. Whitcomb Riley's poems, when the recipient re sponded to both in a happy manner with much leel ng. Rev. Ril'ey Little was called upon and spoke in fit words to the occasion. Prof. Lee was heard in a vocal solo, "Lead Us Oh Father," and the pro gram closed with the selection "Parting and Meeting," by the choir A delicious repast was served in an artistic manner in the society room and sociability was of a warm character. During the even ing .lira, isieiana, mother ot Kev Ice land, was remembered with a f i ait dish overflowing with choice fruits. Nicely managed, auspicious in its character the occasion was one that will be temem- berec. The Immigration rooms have been closed. The Altona and Romona have resumed their trips between Salem and Bomona. A meeting of ths Bryan clnb will be held at tbe court home on Saturday evening at 8 o-clock. Dave Campbell bas been retired as chief engineer o lhe Portland fire depart ment. and r. ueuost appointed in bis place. W. M. and J. II. Sullivan lave tVn np the Warrior mining claim, and Wm. Sullivan and W. T. Clark the Banner, in tbe Santiam d'strict. on Ben Batterwortb, an Ohio congress man sent out to Oresron for thucampaiirn. will speak at Albany on October 14 He is prominent in political circles. Constable Fred Blount re'nrned to Kl hany last evening from near Sodaville with rranK Kobison, charged with burning barn belonging to Mrs Hamilton. TTT , I 1 . n warren uuoen. aiormer aiem vounir man is sketching for a Denver, Colorado piper. Like Davenport, hi pencil is do- ine some live work far Bryan. Gilbert is said to oe remarkably good. Squire Farrar went to Harrislmrir to look after hop business. He sayslii demand is more active. Choice lets bring 6 cents and i'A has been offered . The outlook is more favorable Salem Journal. Tbe Democrat bas tbe privilege of sam pling several peaches from the trnit ear dens of Mr. Chas. Rideout, near San Jose, taken from a box sent bis mother of this city. Tb'-y are immense fellows aliout 10 wenes in circumierence ana oi one navor. Young Robison is this samebov who was tried a year or over ago on the charge of dealing a horse belonging to a relative He is related t Mrs. Hamilton who had him arrested for burning her b rn. examination will take place tomorrow The be- tore justice uawkins. Tbe Presbytery of Oregon of the U. P. Church was in session this afternoon to accept tbe resignation of Rev. Little as pastor of the U. P. Church. A unanimous invitation has been extenCed Rev. O. V. Wmhart, now in Allegheny Sennn'ry to accept the pastorate upon the termination oc uis studies Jennie Melcher et al, authors of the plot agatnxt the Maples, were held under 300i bonds. Tbe case bas caused a great deal of talk, 'lhe Tribune says: The defense will a'tempt to establish tbe fact that M s. Melcher was the mother of the child al leged to have belonged to her daughter. It l staled that an effort will be made to hive Chief Minto before lodge Snattuck for arresting the parties in the court bmnw, in contempt of the Judge's order. It is also intimated that s.tionswill be com mented against the chief for damages for false imprison ment. The case promises to be sensational and lively from now on. Pr. Price's Cream timing Powdnf Awtided Cold tirtA Ktatsr Fair. Saa Fraaasev The Question ot the Hour. EniToa Temockat: Before the free silver question we see all other questions, sink into insignili cance. Each party has its one only method for mitigating hard times. There is another remedy that all par ties might combine on, and then which ever ciui.e into power many ills would be doctored. As long as the entire result of the peo ple's labor, for one day in nine, go to support the biggest monopoly of the laud, the cry of labor against the mo nopoly of capital is vain. As long as fifty million more dollars are spent for liquor than for the entire governmental expenses of the country, the cry against their extravagances are in vain. As long as six hundred million dollars can go to the saloon each year, "times" are not o "hard" but that people make them harder yet by their own (oily. The circulating medium needs replen ishing, indeed, fas hard times tie it up) while as much as its entire volume tins to pay the drink and tohacco bill of the United States. L. Obituary y On Monday evening Sep. 2Sth, the death of Mrs. Mary Jane Cox took place at the residence of her daughter Mr. Knox, of this city. Mrs Cox had lived to the advanced age of S2 years. She was born in county Antum, Ireland, and sometime after her niama.e sh came to the United States where she reared 4 sons and 5 daughters. Twenty two years ago, after the death of her hus band she came to On-gon with her fam ily, and hai lived with her son at Knox Butt. Ftr several year her hea'th has been failing, but the'iilnea which prov ed fatal did not present ilwlf until about two werks ago. She displayed the spir it of the true rhrisuin in iter Hie, and as the end approached her childlike faith, her patience, her gent:e resigna tion to God's wiil, were lovely to U-hoid. Besides Mrs. Knox of Albany, other daughters are Mrs. Campbell of Port land, Kan eide matron of the Pahie's Home, Mrs. Knox of Portland, and Mrs. A hiteside of Chicago. The funeral took place on Wedcejxlay morning from the reidenc ol Mrs. Knox. Rev. Mr. Abbett an Mr. Cieland officiating at the service. Upwarp Wheat is gradually amend ing in price, a fact tha will I e" pleasing to everybody. It is now 51 o-ms Uii an upward tendency. The Examiner says: The primary cau.e of 'be advance in prices is thenar scare in England over the situation in Turkey. England needs wheat and is forced 10 buy it in America. The wheat crop on lhe conti nent is small. In 11 us la, in the Dan ube countries, in the Argentine and in India the crop Uiia year does not by any means meet expectations lu the ware houses at Liverpool and London the stock of wheat has been smaller in the last six mouths than it has been tn many years. The supply has been little more thin enoush to satisfy the de mand. The prospect of war has increas ed this dernund to n very Urge decree aud England as already indicated, must come to America. This condition of af fairs baa greatly strengthened prices. It is expected that prices will be main tained as long as ths Ecg!:h market re mains firm. McCokxeu. Istrtrreo George F. Mc- Connell, the defaulting treasurer and keeper ol records and seal of the Oregon t - . i r . . . . . I . I . . s . . ivniga aw i viiiiae, was miiitie'i ujay on three charge ol lorgery ot inSorx. ment o bills of exchange. The 5rt i the forgery of a biil of txchanre for $33 on the First National bask of Crvallist July 14, lo. The name of 1-M. Sar gent was forge i. tight tilaiM at- peared before the grand jury. The tec ond is a bill of exchange on the First National bank of Hillsboro for $Vt, with the name of K. M. Sargent forged on the f'-k. The third is for $4 on the Eu gene Loan and havings bank, iued on the Lonlonand San Francisco bank of Portland. Tele-Tain. Tn Scio CreamcT. When the Scio creamery started it was remarked in this city lhat a creamery could not 1 run on the plan props sed. the result, the Democbat regrets to know verifies the statement, lhe press gives the situa lion: The proprietor of our creamety. Mr. E. It. Catlerlin has gradoaUy UlVti hehind with those who have evn furn ifhing the milk and a meeting of the patrons wss calied last week to adjust matters. Mr. Catlerlin asked for a few davs time in which to raise money to meet tbe deficiency, which was granted. Mr. J. A. Biiveu being placed tn charge of tbe plant temporarily. Mr. Catlerlin ishopelul that he wil be a hie to make collections and arrangements wh-rebv he can continue in charge- f the p'ant, and we eiacerely hope he may succi-ed. New Obciiestha A new orchestra has been organized in this city which pro poses to be prepared to furnish firt cias muic lor concerts, receptions, parties, halls, etc New and up to da!e music will be played, and there will be no ex cuse lor sending away (rota Albany lor music. Following are the members: Henry Backensto 1st violin and conduct or; Mrs. rord viola, ueo. Washburn clarionetle, Jas. Coon cornet, Bert Westbri-ok tromtone, Vrank Wood hoes, M Gray drums. TowAfcns Portland, The completion of the raitr-iad to New Astoria and Flavel will tie celebrated by the Astoria & Co' umbia River railroad officials tomorrow by an excursion over the line if the road. A number of the most prominent citizens of Astoria have lxn invited to partici pate, and a number from l'ort'and are also expected t6 be present. News. Ax Epitob Cased A cane was broken over toe head of C. H. Kislx-r, editor of the Roeeburg Review, by Burt). Brock- way, who wasthesuhjectol a jokein that journal the other day. The latter was held under $-VX) bonds for assault, and will probably be fined. Brock wav claims to be considerable of a joker himself,nd the general impression is that he made a holvshowof himself in attacking Mr. Fisher, who was not expecting such a turn in aQaira. Times. SBoncTio.s Cabb. Mr Arnold Sum mer of this county, has brought suit in the Circuit Court for Marion county, against Amos Strong, the well-known restaurant and mining man, for $000 damages. He accuses the defendant with seducing his daughter Anna C Sommer, aged 20 years on February 22, 1&'J5, and who on Jan. 19, 181)0, gave birth to a child. Hns. W. If. Bi.yen and H. C. Watson are the attorneys. The case is one that will excite general attention on account of'the prominence of the defend ant. Licenses have Wn issued for the mar riage of W. A. Gilkey and Elizabeth! Sommerr, Emmet E. (Joon and Winnie G. Thompson, and Joncoli Buhl and Minnie F. Gilson, The Fairmont Bryan club will moot next Siturduy evening a' the school boiiie across the river, when Judge W. S, McFadden will address tne meeting Mr. Eugene Palmer is president of the club. There will be a corn soc'ml at the W C T U hall next V ednes-doy evening, Oct 7, to which all ate cordmliv incited. An in teresting p'Ogram is being prepared. On next Tuei day afternoon at the VV C T U hall a special meeting will be held. We ixust all the nienibers will be present. Mas W A Smh k. Pies Supt pro tern, Florida will hold an election on Tues day and Georgia on Wednesday. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder World's Fair llixasst Medal and Olpla OUR PRICES are Bargains... Compare tlierr, aJitl. others insls harness"' I 5 f 0 Team harness 18 00 Two eweat pads 65 3 baggy whips 25 Other goods in same pro portion. CALL HUD SEE US l'OWER TO.HLINSOX. A PREVARICATION. One J. N. Da via after speaking at Leb anon leturned to Portland and told the Oregonian lhat he was unable to find any Bryan iueu there who mere out spoken and aggressive in the cause of populism and free silver that night. This may 1 accounted tor by the fact tint the paper mills are being run by the U'Neil Bros, and t'alahsn. who have a monthly payroll of $1200, ar. l have paid to the fanners in the la t year more than $ 10,0i.j for straw, to be made into paper. The Express tays: We publUh the above clipping from the Onyunun to let the pMpi see a sample ol the pre tentions of the gold bn r-!-s. This gentleman rauie here aud spoke. That was ail be did. lie made no cocTerta ivr McKinSey. His speccii was the poorest delivered here during this cam paign, and our republican friends til admit the fact. The majority or the voters here are ondnubtediy for Pryan. U'Xeil Bros, don't run a political "ma chine at their nail. Thvy are strictly businra dim. If a p-jll of the mill em ploye was had. a large ruaj-mty of tiietn would be for Bryan. The Advance says: The piper mill company are for free silver, and. while they da not in anyway apply the coerc ive methods adrptd by t!e "liannaites, ail their employes, wish but one ex ccptii n. are for tlse people's champion, V . J. Bryan. The Orejponiaa is certain ly the most corrcpt and dishonest news paper now published, and i a disgrace to honest and reliable journalism. Newspaper Morality. ErM Pisiout: The publisher of a newspaper Las the legal and moral rijht, willain bounds, not siectffary to here est out, to publish as an adiertaseasent anything proffered and paid for ; but it should appear as an advertisc-meat and be clearly ds-signat-ed as nch. cthcrwise the publisher practice a doc-Tl ion which oeghl nt to be tolerated. The editor of a n?par who oat to lhe enemy is as on tomptible as tie lawyer w ho Ivtravs his ctienl - Mark H-ci.a aid his fneuds have urilimiteti means at their command tor conducting "a cam a of educa tion" Uioe reairu a market for their influence. Wby shoald Ibity not thus invent their mney? If o.csfal it means for them thousand for every hundred invrtnj. The opposition have no fun ?a to expend. The money bags are all on the other side, but the people are aroused as never before and will not soon forge who their friends were and ho betrayed them io this campaign. UBMavtK. M C Bond la begun a suit for di vorce against M. O. 1-md. L. H. McMahan. of Salens, went up to Tangent this noon to speak tonight. The family of Mr. Chas. MrRn, the raiiroad man, was increased on Tueday by the addition of a girl. All doing weSi. Mr. Marvin Turner has returned from Foley Spring, in Lane county, w here lie reports the tst.esl outing he ever had. It is glorious place f ir fun. At the Cumberland Presbyterian par sonage at 6 o'clock la't evening, Septem ber 30, Mr. K. J. Will .ughby of Lint, county, and MUs Anna O. Horenson ot Lane county were unite! in the bonds oi noiy wedlocs. We wish this young couple much joy in the-r new relation, and a life abundantly tilled with nseful- ne Eugene Guard. lhe following graphic account ol a Bilyeu lKu" wedding is given bv a correspondent in the Scio Press: On Tuesday morninif. September 13. at the Catholic chnrcb in Bilyeu Den Mr. John Foltx and Miss Ma.g"ie Pepperling were united in niarriakf. At the time of lhe ceremony, the Jordan Brass Band rendered several i i cve of tine music as a compliment to the happy couple, as Mr. Foltz is a member of the band. In tbe evening a tew of the bovs clubbed together and gave them an old fashion ed i harivari, in which Prince Goodman was master of ceremontvs, so our infor mant who was absent at a hop jsrd. stau-s. l he evening was spent in sing ing and social amu'emrnts. during which time refreshments in the way ol pie and cake was served together with plenty ol good water all oi which was heartiiy enjoyed by thoe present. A bo a band is beunr oiitanu d in Al bany with Henry Ba'keaato as instructor Our little neighbor down the river, Sa- l"in, is 2 or 3 ceuis behind Albany on the price of wheat. Ben Btilterworth will make only three speeches in Orecon, Ashland, Albany and t'orti.inu being tue places, Hon G W Wright, of ibis city and Hon M A Miller, of Ib.nou, will speak ut l.a- comb tomorrow evening. Mr Wright's campaign song at the end of his article on our editorial pngo is wel gotten up. ti e best we nuve Kvn. Kmu it Ilia two l-os Angles boy urtimcnns, tn Albany laid year, were sgsin in the city t xliiy discounting munic on their h'rp and Mule. At (ho Mitchell ratiGcntinn in Eugene Julius (foldsmitb told 7",0 Itryiin and Lr0 McKinley badges, says (he Guard. The crowd was a Bryan one. The Roscburg Review sajs that wben Willis Dunniwav stwke in thnt ci'y the aiitlienen nenrly a'l lelt by the time he hud flnikhnl. Dunmway's name calling tloeen't take with the people. The Oregon Woodman says: The Albany emocuat in irivin happenings of long n from the filiii of its paper is uivintr old Oregonians much valunhle reiiiiiii'cent reiuiing matter. Quite a number of oar Wuler'otmns have gone or are going ent of the moinuins. Some intend to stop in the vicinity of Burns, while others will feck their fortune in the aoigliborhood of lhe Utt Perce res- irvation. Among the Intter in Fred (ins. and Mr. K' wtnun s lumily. Cor, Express, W, D, Wallace and T. N. Stoppenback accomplished the feif of riding to Albany on a tandem within 24 hours, tbe distance ridden being Ii4 3 miles. H. B.Hewitt Bccnuipunieil them f s fur as Albany and buck to Hubbard, when troub'e with his chain on account of rain and mud cotn- , peileil him to stop for repairs. Oregon - tan. Pnwson tho pill autocrat for ! tublets. Buy from Dawson, he sells cheap. ALBANY'S PAST. From April 5 to June 14, 1872. Wheat dropped to 60 and 65 cents in April. The campaign I his spring waiahot one. The principal democratic speakers were John Burnett. 8 T Chadwick, Geo Helm, Col Tal, J VY Nesroith, and Gov Grover, while Joa G Wilson, Judge, Heady. R P Boise, A O Gibbs and "Old Flaxfake" were speaking fortberepub cans. Croquet was at fever beat. Mathew Achison and family of Albia, Iowa, have just arrived in this county with the design of making it their future home. Ed Beach, J fl Evans and Wm Miller left for Colfax to make their home. The Dolly Varden craze was in vogue. The Homoletica of Corvallis defeated the Athletics of Albany 38 to 19, all boys, while on the same day the Athletics ol Corvallis defeated the Quicksteps of Al bany in the rousing score of 1 10 to 80, all men. A big supper followed. The name "Exchange" was first given to Mr.- Murry's house opposite the St. Charles. The Santiam ditch project again being taken hold off. When this is built mills and factories will open np as if by magic, etc. At the Jane election Linn county went democratic by an average majority of about 225. I a the state Jos G U ibton de feated John Burnett for congress by a small majority. The Democbat referred to D P Mason. druggist of Scio, as one of tbe gorgeorueet boys tiiai ever mixed powder or turned a pill. From June 14, 1872 to Kept. 6, 1872. Twins is what is the matter of the new ly elected county clerk, J. H. Uacale uiao, a boy and a girl. C 1 Burkhart received $3 a bushel for 150 bushels of Mammoth winter wheat on an order from Pennsylvania. Dr E O Smith opened a dental office in Albany. (The Dr is now opening naces op the Santiam ) One Salem paper called "Ben I loll i dav" "lhe railroad bog" and another "the licentious old reprobate." After gelling tbe road what did they care. The name of Horace Greeley for wes idenl and B Gratx Brown for vice pres ident appeared at the bead of the Deko- ckat's edi jorial columns. The trial ot Stale Treasurer Sam Mav for embezzlics $14,000 resulted in hu ac quittal. The DiCKocmar pronounced it one of tbe most shameful caricature np co justice that ever disgraced a forum. Even the jury mid there was no doubt of his Aibanr eeUbraled the 4lh with Hon. C O Curl as orator. The firemen were the renter of attraction, beaded by the veteran Joe Webber. Gold as duoted at lH'-.Wal tendeis 87c buying, fcS.c seiung. The CbrysUd Palace cirou exhibited here. 'Our elegant friend and fellow reveller by tbe sounding sea. W W Martin, of Salem, who is a worker in silver, tie. prc-sentesi the ed-tor a llh a silver band surrounding a cane, etc (Mr Martin is the same gentleman who melts silver down at Salem for object lessons ) Wheat. Wheat continues to aj ranee and to day is quoted at M cents. Whether the mar act is a permanent one or on y a curry is uncertain, but lare are things to indicate lhat tbe price may remain firm on account of tbe increased Euro pean demand for w beat. Lo FajioTTtrti. Mr. A. Wolverton was rominc to Albany this afternoon on a load of straw wben he fell off, meeting with a serious accident. His right leg was fractured at the neck of the femur tone. He was taken to bis borne and Ir. Wallace was called and attended him. Rica CiAiHs. Dr. K. O Smith, the veteran miner, was in the city today. tie thinks be hatt struck it rich, makire some good discoveries in a new field. Tbe teu't was the riling of two claims in the name ot Jo Surman adjoining the i-aaia toue at yaamville. S-eVX TJ BDA. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mies Eticaheth Carother. of tbe Leb anon public schools, is In the city. John Foshay and Mies A. A. Foshay. of Albany visited in Eugene over last night. Eugene Guard. C. McIIargen and F. Feck, of Albany. paid Eugene friends a short visit last evening. Sugene Guard. W. A. Long, of Lebanon, has bought the city delivery business of R. J. Gock rell. of Corvallis. The McKinley speaking advertised for me oak ureek school bouse last outfit did not come off and no club was organ ized, only a lew pulling in an appear ance. Following are the officers of the Junct ion City Bryan club: W. W. Ogleaby, president: Houston, vice prest- ueni: ti. w.nsu, secretary: O. M McFarland, treasurer. President Miller, of the O. A. C. is at tending strictly to business. He bas siarled for a tour ot a number of Oregon cities with a stereopticon. The views to te presented all relate to tbe O. A. C and it work. The Junior Endeavor society of the V. P. church last evening tendered their late superintendent Miss Ava Baltimore with a surprise parly, a veiy pleasant affair, greatly enjoyed by the thirty o forty Children present. Rev. E. N. Condit and family have moved from Los Aneeles. Calif., to fort land, and are located at 312 Cherry St. l he vemochat hopes to see Kev. Condit, who intends to toilow the mtnitty, per manentiy located in uregon, Hon. O. T. Porter and N. M. Newport spoke at Tallman last night. Mr. Ru pert conveyed them and eight friends to the scene; the crowd was so heavy they dished the front wheels, and it was 1:30 before the gold standard men arrived home. A recent letter to Prof, George Coote from J. M. Blosa announces that the ex president of the O. A, and Mrs. Blosa are now settled at Muncie, Indiana. Prof. Bloss has an excellent educational position, with a talary scarcely less than that received as president ot the U. A 0. Times. The Stanford Senior eleven defeat ed the Frtshmen at loot ball on Wednesf day, 4 to 0. The Examiner's tele- I cranhic account contains th follow ing (''The freshmen were fatally handicapped by Murphy's inability to play on ac count of a recent injury. He ia the cap tain and quarterback ot the freshmen team aud one ol Its star players. " Dipn't Takb a Paper. Mr. J. E. Burch, several years ago a frequent vis itor in Baker City wben he was traveling route airent of the Pacific Express Com pany, now located in Ogden, Utah, in employ ot the same company, is in linker City and was a caller at the Dem ocrat last evening, says that paper. Mr. I Burch is tbe holder ot $2,C0O in Baker j county warrants, principal and interest, which he has just ascertained are among the $17,000 cf advertised warrants can celled at the last term of county court Mr. Burch ia at loss to know what to do to be reimbursed and feela hta predica ment keenly and which could have been averted had he been a aubscriber to the Democrat. Here ta a moral: Don't speculate in a town or county without subscribing for the leading newspaper of the place of investment. Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report iDVfefl HI 1A v cy AC50Z.UTE5.Y HOME AND ABROAD. Mrs. f.C. Miller is giving embroidery lessons at the Revere Hotel. See tbe elegant line of .Utionary, cheap at burkhart aad Lee's. There will be six dollar worth of prizes given at the new lwling alky. All kinds of job printing at the Imprint job office. For the latest style in j.jb printing call at the Imprint job office. Money saved by getting your job print ing at the Imprint job ofFce. Best workmen. Ulet styles, cut price, at the Imprint job office. Sweet pickle and olive in bulk at C E Brownei Is. 1535 vote have been registered in Walla Walla. Choice peaches fresh ererv day at C E Brownells. Loscioas sweet water melons can be found at C E Brownells. The College V. M. C A. is holding a convention in Oregoo City. A fine line of Cooks Rangt and Heat ers at The S'ewart Sox Hardware Co . Some handsome birthday irem at w;il St Slarkt. -heap. Oje for every month in tbe year. 500 ladies wraps, ickets and caw, of tbe very latest stv lea. iot received ai V Cohens. Clothinir cleaned and reoaired Lr lira A E Uwea. Srd between Ellsworth and P.rrw.l. albin. Dr. G. W. Ma: uo, pnvnciaa and ear geon. AloAny Or. Calls answered prompt (y tn city or country. The Hsrrv L. Patau Com,?v CVi ar in play in Salem stale fair week with Bert VanCleve io comedy parts If you are io need of a Leatins- tlA. call and examine tbe Roval Jewel at Tbe Stewart at Sox Hardware Co.'s. Dry 11. E. and O. K. Bvwrs ofEc an refidence is the pot office build in? Spec ial umiuou given u disease of women- Emily Ususe, rf PortJand. a in the public scho.l. bas toed one of the school directors for 12.000 damage to her char acter. Kep this in mind. If von want i. leader meats, well cut. a good place to get 'hem is at Haigh'. Bros, directly oppmve the DEWoraar office. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair lsewer . ua)atioaiy. the best prciraEre of tbe hair. It is ao curative of dandruff. tetter, and all scalp a5ctice. Tbe Lftdis Baxsr has irst rfwivMi their new kid c4ori for th enminar season. Call aed look them ov-r, al! the late t shade aad rotors. Too have never seen their eoal for the money. 16 chanees to 1 that voa wilt ! nVsasd if yon ire your meats of the A'Harv Dress ed Peel Company. Cor. 2od and Ellsworth rreeta. rirvt cU meaUcf all kinds at reasonable prior. Tbe To'iedo Leader ars t bere are fears of the wreck of the setliog boat Vetaon wbich Ora and Zenaa Corjefand have bew huot- ing ca the roat of Japaa. NottUg ba been beard of it for somttime. There is aosolateiy OTtirj? io the fo'Sow mg trotn lb Salem Jo-irnal: The ruro-r is growing that t-e S. P. Co. has bought the O. C. E that was formerly th t re- goa PaciSc. Tbe -Scia'f of tbe S. P. bare bseo making several tiip u? to the moon tain terminus. A geothmaa from Patera is in the city making arraogemefcti to erect a iarge seed for farmer to staed I heir teams cnier wbea iter come t 'own. A smalt charge will be made for the pririlese of staodimr tesun under the shed. Eocene Guard. Ths regular mo-tin of tb La lie Aid Society of Albany will be held at the r.i dnce of Mr S S Train oa Monday. .Vt 5th at p m. The Chairman of Ad visory Committee request toe member of that comaiiitee to mret with her at the same place at 2 o'clock. When the Salem local left th depot yes terday morning. Engineer Hannirn' watch indicated a deliDuaency from ached - uie tirce, of exarttt 21 minutes. Aa ad ditional bv in time of five minute, was made at Orviron CUT. but the "ioeal cm- sou ball' roiled into the Portland depot promptly on t me. Journal. Fred W heeW a Corvallis barber, while out pheasant bunting was attatked by aa angry bog. la self defease be shot the animal, t.'ow tbe sow had a litr of pig, and W heeler was made to pay $20 for the sow aud pigs, as tbe farmer said tie puz ere no good without their mother. heel er has the pig and prorocs to git his money ores. Back From Texas. Postmaster T. J. St ilea returned last night ft cm Dallas, Texas, where he had been with L. C. Parker, W. T. William son and R. L. Harris, as grand repre sentatives of the Oregon lodge L O. O. F. to the meeting ot the supreme grand lodge, a notable and successful gather- ingot prominent Odd telloms in the United States. Thev were treated roy alty and were greatly pleased with their trip. v hili gone Mr. htites stood upon the ton of Pikes Peak with its rare and cool almospheie and was below the level of the sea in the hot southern desert en the trip homeward. Mr. Sates met ith a strong Brvan sentiment, particu larly on bis trip down through Colorado, and it looks as if the entire coast states were for him and what he represents. Tbe unique illustrated catd of the rep resentatives with their pictures in tne corners, a big salmon with an apple in h.s mouth, the inscription "Hebfootert are we," on one side and their names and addresses on the other, and their buttons with a picture of two webfeet and "Oregon ItfHJ, I. O. O. F." upon them, took like wild Are and nothing there was in more popular demand. Or egon was well represented. Dr. J. F. Hksdrick, of Harrisburg, who died Tuesday night Sept. 29, &t. at 11:30 o'clock, was bora in Knoxville, Tenn., May 27, 1826, he studied medi cine in New Orleans in 1S51 and 1S52 and came to the coast in 1SVI, residing awhile in California and British Colum bia. He graduated from Willamette University in 1856. He resided in Can yon Citv three years, then in Lebanon and ia-i8t8 located in Harrisburg where b afterwards resided. He was married o 1867, his wife and on-j daughter, Mr. Dr. W. H. Davis, of this city surviving him. He was a man of ability, promi nent as a local writer and in politics, aud leaves a good record aa a citisen. Tin Operetta "The Triumph of Love' was presented in Salem last night and will be repeated tonight. Mis Ethel Hughes takes the leading part of Regina and Mra. Hallie Parrish Hinges of Amorita. Miua Huelet is Honora. Bail M. Wagner and D. A. Dinsmore take ths leading male parts There are about rne hundred characters in the play. Miss L. Newraayer ia manager and Mist Genevieve Hughes pianist. The cos tumes were obtained in San i rancisco. Axelc Dislocatrd. Mrs. A. Skarr, of Albany, who ia visiting ber parents in this city, met with a painful mishap Monday. In company with her brother she was enjoying abuggy ride, when the horse started to run and the lady became land jumped from tte vehicle, alighting in sucn a way as to aisiocate tne cap oi 1 her left knee. Dr. Hawk rendered the necessary surgical aid and she is getting along nicely. Jefferson Review, PSJfwE GATHERS SENSATION. The Melcher case, in which Doe Maple and wife, formerly of this city, were mixed np, continues to gather sensation io Portland. May McMahan, daughter of Mrs. Melcher, has made a confession. Tbe Maples are again made important parties in the case. Last evenings Tele gram says : "Some time ago W. H. Maple, daring bis wile's absence in San Francisco, was a barkeeper in a saloon on Second and Ash streets, over wnicb Mrs. Melcher lodged. The woman frequented tbe sa loon and got on very intimate terms with Maple. In facMbe became so infatuated with him that she suggested an elope ment, to British Columbia. Tbe tempt rees, though, did not succeed in alienat ing her temporary lover from hi wife, and wben Mrs. Maple returned home tbe Melcher woman was deserted by him." Mrs. Melcher wrote letters to Mrs Ms pie about her husband under tbe name of Emma Gray, which she finally showed her husband and demanded the truth. "Mrs Maple is a determined woman, possessed oi much more force of charac ter than ber husband, and she made him "care." Marie made a clean breast ot bis reiatii.ns with Mrs. Melcher, and identified the letters signed "Emma Gray" aa having been written by ber. It is just possible, too, that be gave tbe whole story awav.becauseof the woman's betrayal and vilification of him . At the conclusion of the conies ion lr. Maple ordered her husband to write Mrs. Mel cher, making an appointment with her, which resulted in their meeting in tbe McKay building on tbe 14th nit, Tbe narrator of the foregoing added that Maple never laid his band opon Mr Melcher during tbe progress of Uie scrim mage. M r. Maple at first began punch ing Mrs. Melcher with ber ambrella.and when titer got in close quarter Mrs. Melcher obtained poesesek-n of tbe um brella and commenced retaliating in good shape. Maple then jerked the weapon from bis wife's antagonist, and the two women went at each other with their fists. Mrs. Melcher, at length realizing Mrs. Maple's physial. superiority, bounded down stair. Tbe original story with retard to tbe assault, published on the unsupported statement ot Jars. 31 ei cher. is stigmatized as a tieie of false hoods. Insignificant as the Melcher as sault case originally was, it daily de velops a new and startling sensation. The primary insignificance of this matter has indeed blossomed out as the most re markable criminal episode of the current year La May McMahan' confessoa she ac cuses ber'stepfatber H . L. Melc&er with attem pting to criminally asea ultras; ber in July, !94. She was rescued by William Aufdioger, a farm hand, and a genuine love match followed, and thev made ar rangement to elope on J uly 22, lM,but tbe plan was frustrated by ber mother. The last time she saw Auidineer was on Jnly 1". He disappeared and has never bn heard from since. She afterwards found things belonging to him os the farm and believes he was murdered. About tbe same time airs. Melcher' house at Oregon Cdy, with $3CO0 insur ance on it. was burned. ow a miiiooos murder it hinted at. That Gabbled Tkassuatio. The Oregouian today publishes Bietnare's letter on tbe silver joe".ioo in German, with tbe translation hereofote riven. which it declares to be garbled, and then Eire the correct translation. Mr. Max Baumgart, a good German student, of this e.ty, sav the new translation is carbled itaeif and is not correct. Even the new translation is a strong express ion for silver, practically as much as the Icrmer A Brrrox Snirs Mr. Ben Barker of W aid port. western Lane, was in the city today. He has been seilinsr camr-aian buttons through Lane county and has disposed ot 2,000.of which only 110 were McKinley .a. Go ing np to a crowd he says "Hurrah for Brran and McKinley" and then proceeds with business. Having ran short of Brran buttons be bought np what he could find in Albany. Xxis vs New. Mr. Kola Xeis, of this city, bas sued bis uncle. Mr. i'bil eia. of Salem, both well known hop buyers. in the Marion count v circuit court on several accounts, as follows: $1,095 with interest at tbe rate of 7 per cent from Slay I, ISS4, to date ol judgment; t2oO with interest at 7 percent from March 8, "95 ; $570.3) with Interest at 10 per cent from June 10, 1S95; $2Sl.W with interest at o prrceai uvm muj i, 1S, and for $200 attorney 'a fees. Watch Lost. Miss Or McFarland veeterdav lost an open faced cold watch. bet ween First and Fifth streets, prob aolv on Brosdalbin street. The finder will please return the same to tbe own er, or to tbe Pkxockat office. Ended Wxu. Mrs. Dr. Geary, of Junction, on Tuesday on her way borne on a bicycle lost her hand bag contain inrr valuable papers and $230 in cash M rs. Geary in bunting tor tne oag met a man whom sue suspected and w. ueary followed him up. and finally by threal- enings made him own that he had the bag, and he gave it up and then ".ippea. Stoves, Stores, at Stoves Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.. Gladness Comes l ith a better understandirg of the V t transiont nature of the many phvs- ra.1 ilia. whic vanish before proper ef- forta gentle efti is pleajiaot efforts rightly directed. There is oemfort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of sJknra are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, S-rrupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it ia the only remedy w ith millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all whn valun crood health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal eleanliuesa . without debilitating the an-mn- n which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get ita bene tu.lal effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which ia manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and eoia ny all reputable aruggista. If in the enjoyment of good health, ind the system 13 regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. It sniicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, me should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and ia most largely lagedaruigiyeamofctgeneraJaatiafsKUon List of Patents. Granted to Pacific State inventon this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. IT. S. Patent office, Watii ington, D. C. U C Abenfelter, Spoksno, Wash., hanging and sliding door ; T B Barney, San r ranciwo. multiple etreoit-cloer for electric tr.p-pulling devices; T F Ha erty San Francisco, center bit : J Johnston, Los Angeles, boo, net bolder; B E Keen, Los Anzeles, wrench attach ment; P Lsrktn, Saa Jacinto, Cal, track jack; 8 H Milter, Stockton. al, diet gang-plow; J Morbard. San Francisco, om position of matter for sewer cr water ?ipee, etc; J S Muir, Stockton, Cat. berapentic electrode ; A i O'Neal, Sin Francisco, flower holder; i Porteous, Fresno, Cal, combined plow and seeder; D Williams, Wilbur, Math, poison-dropper. FAILING MANHOOD Seaeral aad Kfrvees Detrility. vvsexnss of Ryiy aad Ki-i, i-ilrrj of Error or 1 tr imi tn GM or Yocrjt. Kftbast, Xot Manbond fuliy lusomd. How tn ciarg and Strengthen Weait, I'n ievtjti Portions cf Body. Absointeiy uo-faiUng-'Ekdne Treatment. fceneCca ia a day. Osaatraea. Bead for If iiptivs Book, ai pisnalina aad ntoofa, utie& m a lerii tree. ERIE l! EC I CAL CO., Boffaio, H. Y. HEW YORK WORLD, THFJCE-A-WEEK EDITION IS Tzga a Wed. Papen a Trr. Is larger tbas any weekly or ee mi weekly paper published and is tbe only mportant democratic "weekly" pun ished in New Yo.-k City. Three times aa large aa the leading republican week ly of New . York City. It will be of special advantage to you during the Presidential Campaign, aa it is pub lished every other day, except Sunday, and has all the freshness and timehsesa of a daily. It combines all the sews with a long ILst of interesting depart ments, unique feature j cartoons and graphic iliuflraiioce, tbe latter being a specialty. All these improvements have been made without any increase in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per year W e oner this uneqoaied newspaper and the Waxcrr Dxmocsut together one year tor tlXO. Satisfactory terms with daily Academy of v Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction WholesxHce diet Homelike treatment. Coo!der- ing bard times, favorable redactions are made for tnarders and day scholar. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For further particulars call at tbe Academy or write to Sister Superior. GORSERTATOBI OFHflSIG Albany College Teachers for the school year 1S96-1SS7 : Zijui M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teacfaere-Marguerite Alderson, B. M., and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Thoroogh and systematic instruction given ia all the important branches of music Beet conservatorr rooms and latgest musical lit rary and facilities for musical work. Largest number oi con servatory students enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and cstakrue. to ' Wallace How Lex. A. 51. Albany, Oregon. GOATS WANTED. Any owner cf treats wishintT to let them out oa share will please confer with Jas M Marks at Albany. WILL BLACK STOVES. Do joa want your stove blacked cheap aad well for tbe fall and winter. If r leave order for B B Dunn at Stewart At Sox's, or see pertoc&lly. DRESSMAKING. Hisses CWm and Morris have opened dressmaking rooms at tbe residence of A. B. Woodin Cor. Broadalbia and Srd St.. and are pre pared so do fasbionabie dress niikic,f a easooable rates. Give them a call. T70R TRADE. Five acres of good tim- 1 brr land nine mile south or Oreeou CUT. for 4ve acres of land within ten miles of Albany, or wul sell tor JX'Jo casa . Address, Arthur Dug, Albany, Or. ' FOR SALE. A first class piano bamia account noa delivery. at a Call on Agent S. P. Co.. a, depot. HOME WANTED The Ladies Aid society desires to secure a home for a boy of 14 years of age. apply to Mrs. A. B. N oodin for particulars. SALE OR TRADE. A good weak team, weighing about 1200 lbs apiece. forsa'eor trade, aad a No. 1 good milk cow for sale or trade, cheap. Call on F ii Hughsonatthe Skeela place across the Wiilamette. UEOEFD-R THR PLUMBER Tin roofing aad plnmbiag. Oppos.te he opem house PIGS FOR SALE.- Several head of Po land China pigs about 3 weks old. reetsterable. A o. 1 rig for $i either' ex. if bought within 4 weeks. Call at the Steels place 1 mile north of A lbany . tl IlCOHSOX. AT 1'HE MINES.-Boerding. lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at his place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. a. W. White. HOUSE MOVING, Carefully, proaip'ly lv. at the lowest price. Call on or address ti W Taylor, 4th aud Madison SU Albany. A BARGAIN in an improved farm. 80 acre near Woods Station. O. C. E. House, barn, orchard, good ssriag, 23 acres ia grain aa much more ready for plow. Price $700. Terms easy. Addr-s. J. . HorraaK, Box 23, Albany. rT ,f 17 Let Vt Reason To V V iVl LL gether 1 Is it not bet ter to bur your Bread, Pies, Rolls,, tc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why ol course i t Is you dont want dyspepsia and youll never get it by eating anything from or r tore, U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vasdtxs. Ptod rie to NEW HUME LAUNDRY. At Sotta and of Elhworth Street. Famit washing taken, rarticular attention paij. to bundle washing and mending. Satis faction guaranteed. Mas. Cueists er SHEEP" FOR S ALU -40 head of ewe by i . Boas, 3 miU-s south east of Al, any. - Men teatifv from 0