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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1896)
I 1111 ifi li it I si VOL XXXI! AMI ANY-OREGON. I'KIDAY.OCTOBE.R2l.-IS96. Entered c6 tt TclJ Otnee llbaay. Or. aeeead-tlass Mall Mallei i rvr- intut man' 'a 4trrrft Slid Ml Ik Ii f 1 n rrSn cbbIc?rcparaticnror As similating theFoodandnuSa Ung the Staunchs aralBcnveis of ProfflotesDigesUon,ChccrfuI ness andRestContains neither Opium.Morpttine norlfiacraL KotNahcotic. j&t foiJis!xmnrczzR aTSSwwaaf llaliji iT A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convukkns.Feverish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. ac Simile Signature cf TEV "YORK. I .. iS EXACT COPT OF WRAPFEB. aapiaun oTS, i--i-i'-- , w t - --. ' ' Jsayttiag else oa ths jka or premiss that ft V1 Hfc'-Sl Jisaarwd-aadwiaaaerswrypuw :1 The Indestructible '-Maywoocr BICYCLE. ns BJast JEadmib Host Seuafcte, Itoot Dorabis PATENTS i . ISM 1 Jlay 17. 1X81 Tta "Slaywood- to Vis ttroivKst e ; mda and riders. Mart, of mate mi that tS.ZTf31 afIt mD1 P"- oseiiKr: bas ia par.? ; wuilHMa toeetaer eves in uimte; naiioliuw t mo wv L-aa," yJ SwT1T ' " WITH COUPOW- Wbea bo harm. g a pjoustE ' JSKAJLE Improved dcable du-nood, irasrantM for U-n y. .rf. Jade f j-j. , f,. roued ssed rods (tancfaut and stroao mn&l i'r :s -.ei At ka. -tit - ta-i ioei-r vib JlmmnnM 4hi iumo in radi .minocr sfer i ii.i;iiI9 iiriiu:;i loose; s marrel of novelly, simplicity and dBraJ-.-1't- : ein-t. .mw. uini o': l ia scar tolMCTOteaiesnimtaowa. MbaUi inane wiU-.j iv-t b,m ,., s a . cui- r nipples. HCBS-Lanre barrel patters. TTEl-"A ;i4 V V : o p!r o.'iur pa Wrieht Quick Bepsir. or some ctacr first-s3nicr.Tir.iccic if i-KAittM. SiaiV fC?? !?'TerT !art' 'oclodirur nhec-io. crrik a?:l .rin- . : a pr-i. Js :. nest qoslity tool steel, carelcuy ten9crnr! or. I U-sr-.i ""ted . HA - v-i;i- ti mc hardened centers, rear adjoacstent. iiAJili Oar ce'eh'si-c ta, -m. i it ?L r "V 1K1. Imlestnicnbi': ion ctr;v-n miefror 41: r--, rre' ti'v;! mAMII :. nistwd if ordered. SADliLi-p. ,fe Gift: aa c Poire otbc fl li'-c-as, - -T At. - S IP bCfin " 'IS' 1 ' elt tt -fJ t-rbht t 2ir5- P'"- Each Bryde cornpiete nii tool has. pmn, sndo.irt. r wdui to tues. pedals, saddles, etc. 27 t . poudS L Is our Spadol Wholesmle Frire. ic-fr uciesa. n quicuT rniroaace tns "j; yv oatt" reader ctf this paper a chanee to irst a fir-; cLjh r:eel at '.jm iowest rnoe ever offered. On reoeirr. . f -.. . nl camm we will ship to anyone the above fiiirt -Sc. - ecnrelr cct-Juaf ana marsniee sue delivery, ilr.r.-"- rU ,deit if hoc represented after imnl sod ramirj .iio! "JFc ml eu C O. D. with priviletre of examination -'or .os snti ctnaort provided S5.00 is sent with order uiei rT? of cwj bitU. A written binding wsmntv with eai H;ctc1. "r;rr u a. 'Snaooe of a lifetime and yon cannot a .on-: t ti wt.jr unity pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' fWOM, aS Wast Vaa Bm Street. Bnn -. CtSCaqO. ILL, Bit select the Waverly becanra they have learned to know the dif ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that is simply claimed to be. Some others msv be good but the Exfterieiiced Riders averiy is the highest of w, i.ic -a MABHBV N DIANA BICYCLE uO. -IIWASAPOIJS, IND THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT; 40,000 rhunaa Bodies Msfitstad evsry year ea Diasssfisg Tabfaa ia Msdwal CsOsoss . Ia (ba Uartsd States. Protect tbe dead." Thousands of gram robbed annnaUr. So (raT, reganm of location, ia safe from tl TaTagM of Us bo mao guoul. Tba Bora bsara Vault affords pontin aad abao lnt aeeoritT atrainM tba Grars Bobber, and protect both eaaaet and body from daneaf, mold soft oecay, and from borrowing 4-5 For Sale by Albany. Furniture Co, GLiSHBUSINESS ni l UaU.&Ue? PDRTIANO Full English cotir . FKEWCHfCDGCRMAW. EUSINhSb BRANCHES..' .bookkeeping, shorthand Telegraphy. BOAIBIHG DPAKrnET't LAIliS Mbanv Hed Crowrr Milling Co. ttt t w e nave leasea t.nG H&rs nrnwn TtTI 11 , jP ii JLJJ-IAIO J.I.J1 CLLIKJ LlltJI now prepared to storage, and to buy the same Sacts will le furnislefl ca applicatioiL Flcnr And y eea constantly on hand and for sale. Parties hswmg wheat to tell or tore ; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Flotir will be auuauBwu tor wiieat on tne same terms w. L. Tarn Ti. Boins, v N. H. Allen ani S. I. Imgi- Jy Not incoipu.-ated, SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EYEBT BOTTTJE GB Cuteria Is ast aa ia eos-sba lottlsa rathr. It ia not sold fa fcrlk. Beat aUsv airnos to sell 5if- it n wry c THIS S75.00 COM Pt-ETE BICYCLE Jsvru SI. 1999 --tttei. .'-.-.i-im for aj kbn c .4 toc -ry? , sple til ceuotrj. ut-r. i oi ocii i . ctB-rn-rtir. thnt tt.- rat wse to cr. a . t very couiac t lnr br scld ' Bityt le, w ' a. 4- I1 ICHT .VIT: CROES .14 No. 5 Are built frn o tVo lo-rfyaarfc nVf ES. and Best Bquippeti Pactorv ra (Tr gish tb e World all high grade, rcotcber (3 heights) jucu Tio.uu ana v.uu. A. J. Hodges, : Agent hAbsstotely Air-figlrt aad lSaTSvsesoT. Made wbolly of B( iluer ateet sad aialleabia Iron, and ta yrac ttcallyindeitraoUbU. Sboald b naed in srery Interment. Orer K,m is actual as. For aala by all ondartakers. Jtanafd by Tbf CbnalM Cse!ul Ct , . SpriagSaid, Okie. a ff OREGOM -s . : , V KZdLr. ailCl Wft nTP receive wheat on as heretoiore. I. D. Barrett, HOT mm 1 THTJBST3AT Probate Record. in estate of Hugh Kickeraon, ne la ventory nied. In estate of Lewis Ray, deposition or dered taken as prayed (or. In estate of J. J. White, inventory filed; real property, $2246.13; personal, (3015.27. l'roperty exempt from execu tion was ordered set apart fot the widow, and personal ordered sold. In esta'e of Jos.' Harrisoa, additional allowance tor widow granted. In estate of Thoa. J. Harrison, insane, first account filed. GcrrEAW Rkucs. The memory of Charles J. Guiteau, the assassin of Pres ident Garfield, has been revived in Sa lem by display of relica by a business house. The collection is the property of F. S Lull, nephew of John S. Crocker, who was warden of the Washington city jw it during the time of Guitean's incar ceration. Among the collection is a piece of the hemp rope with which the assassin waa hanged, and also a piece of the cotton rope that his hands were tied with. tsch ta about IV inches long, Warden Crocker died two year ago, bjKt Mr. Lull has a certificate in bis uncles handwriting thpt the hemp memento waa cut from the rope that hanged Gui teau. The collection also contain a bot tle of the sand need in teatinir the strength of the hangman rope, a crib oage board made from the ltd of Uuit- eau'a coffin, and a lock of his hair. A relic among the collection that attracts special attention ia a facsimile of the bul let that was aimed at the prisoner by a jail guaid. The bullet, alter passing through Guiteau a coat and a photograph in his pocket, struck the brick wall and flattened out. The shape of the lead when picked ap bore such a marked re semblance to the bust of Guiteau that it was preserved, and facsimiles have since been made. Ex. Tut Concert given last evening at the Pearre Memorial church by the young people of the Baptist church, waa a very pleasing affair, entertertaining in "very respect. The McKee family.consistin of Rev. and Mrs. McKee and Uorwin. Ed- ard, Ralph and Carrie, forming a pair of stairs, gave some excellent.'songs and recitations, rendered with much talent. All are musical with a vein of linmor that adds to the performance. They were heard in solos, a u art eta and cSor- nses, being assisted by other members of the school. Alias ttoee le?pelt recited well, and the quartet Basso lrofondobv Rev and Mrs McKee, Mr Hart and Miss Allen was particularly rood. At the close Miss Annie Mespelt, lor whom the concert was Riven, spoke some farewell words before leaving for Chicago to enter a training school preparatory to making her life work in the missionary field. Rev McKee has now given five concerts to raise money for the work. Coeerko foe Bktas. The Salem Journal tells the following: The Me- Kinler meetina- at Gilbert it Patterson's bopyard near Kola waa attended by about 100 voters, half and half Bryan and silver men. Hon. John M.Somere, of Albany. poke. The crowd voluntarily cliee-ed "ilumih for Bryac" at the close of his speech and be cot op and gave them an other talk. They cheerad for Bryan again. lie did it a third time saying he w ould ccme back as oiten as they cbeerrd for Bryan and the crowd, who were anx ious to so on with a dance cheered for Somers. C. B. Moore, of Salem, tbeu spoke and reprimanded thecromd tor treating Somers as they had. lie talked a lew minutes and proposed three cheers for McKicleyi and even Bryaa men joined in this and the cheers were given so the dance could be begun. Mr. Somers left today for Aumsville w here be speaks this evening.) Lite Sfhtskuso Tl Rotates sprink ler team had a livelv runaway this noon. The team was in front of ibe Albany Furniture Co 'a store.aa the motor rested. when for some reason cnesplainabie, as tney are need to the motor, they started on a run up Lyon street. In frcnt of Hyde's fish market the sprinkler was uppea over, throwing Mr. lloimes on and injuring one of hie feet some. The teams of David Burkhart and another man did some live rustling to get out of the way as the Holmes "earn broke iooee from the sprinkler and fled op the street 'o ttu and thence west six or seven blocks when they were stopced by J. A. Warner and another man. The outfit was broken some bat the damage was small. A Sett Thuo T11 eke. When J. B Wilson returned from a visit to the Wil lamette Valley a few weeks ago be brought with him three China pheas ants, commonly known as Denny pheas ants, Decmae 01 loetr introduction into Oreenn by Judge Denov. of Portlrnd Mr. Wilson Lopes to do for the Walla Walla valley hat Judge Denny did for the W-llatoette. It would be a good thing if others would follow Mr. Wilson's example W alla VtAila Statesman. Mrs Hart and family left titis week for sa ein to reside. Mr. F. E. Allen and Mr. G. L. Black man returned this noon from Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Adams returned tbie uoon from tbe Bay. and the Doctor is now ready for business at Lis parlors. Mr. George E. Davis and Miss Sadie Chamberlain, who were united in mar riage at Toledo last night, accompanied by Mr. nd Mrs. George W. Davis, came over from tbe Bay this noon and went to Salem. The happy couple have tbe best wishes 01 Albany Irieods. Thecrtstal weddiiigof Mr and Mrs II Howard was celebrated last evening; at the M ciia'ies hotel A surprise was given them, one heartily enjoyed by a happy company 01 mentis, as well as ttie recipients of the crystal favors of the evening. Alter refreshment toasts were responded to by Rev Poliog.W F Crosby ttzra Morton, j it wyatt ai.d oi U Mer eer. Those present were : Kev L V Pol ing. Tessie Saltmarsh, Mrs Lena Min- cytaa, Kate Meyer, EmmaSmead, Sarah Wlti,lS l llorton, J it Wyatt. WF Crosby and wife, L J Sacry, Mrs Martha Smith, H B Sacry and wife R R Finley and wife, Eva Howard, W w Howell and wife, Mrs Isellie iamtigon, Mrs Martin, W Y U Mercer, Kinnie Hoaard, Virl Sacry. Amrast Bronner. a Puiilatd bictcle thief was teat to jail for one year. Tbe Harrisbutir D. of H. wit (rive an old time "Missouri bee down" at 'hat city tonight. Hon. J. M. Somers wiil speak at Mill City tonight Last night he waa at Auras- vine. Tbe Bryan club at Harnehorg has for its officers Mr Con Myers, preaidmt; D S Busev. vice piesident; J b uartrigbt, iec- retarr; TO Mackey, treat urer. It starts with a large memoernhip. A party of hunters on tbe Kebaiem a e reported to bave killed four elk the other dav. Wben tliy returned to ban! the elk uut of tbe woods, tney touni two large black bears afte' tbe carcasies. In order I to iret tne eK tney naa 10 am ine oears which tbey did. 1 At San Francisco Tuesday Oliver Win- I field WtnUtorp was sentenced to life im I a, 1 .1 U.M ia fej connection with Campbell, tbe Hawaiian millionaire, whom he kept nrisotiev two davs in a cottaee at the west etvo OI taiixornut iirwb in tun uupe ot 1 . rt t t l . I . 1 1 . . caring a ransom of zu,uuu. Judge O, N. Denny says Oregon will go for McK.inley. rie figures Multnomah coontv out 6,000 for him and Eastern Ore gon 800 o l.OOO In bis figure be allows Linn county 600 majority for Bryan. Lans nnd Douglas are each given 400 for Mo Ktn'ey. We are inclined to think the judge has done some poor figuring nt on ly in Eastern Oregon, bat as wellln West gru Oregon. WoKKOFTHB Immigration Eoahd The immigration board is now receiving about 60 letters of inquiry per day, the replies to wh'ch involves a large amount ot latmr. A personal letter is dictated to every inqotrer. Home ask that infor mation be sent to a number of their friends, which necessitates the writing of a teparate letter to each. The toard has only two typewriters employed at present, and, although they sre probably the baldest worked typewaitera in the city, they ctunot keep up with the work. A large amount of literature is also mail ed daily to those who write letters tf in qilry, and several persons are kept busy attending to this. -Oregoniati. Will bb Soi.i. The fine residence of Ex-Mayor J. L. Cowan will be sold at U. S. Marshal's sale at the front door of the court houje to-morrow at 10 o'clock, by Deputy U. S. Marshal George Humph rey. The sale has caused consideiable interest and it is picbable there will be some bidders. Somib Official SiIooting. The Colncee pheasants out on the "Albany prairie" were pepnered aristocratii-ally this fore noon, operintendent Fields, Master Mechanic toung r, and a couple of other F. men. were piloteu hy Air. (Jasper Vwmlran to the lairs of the Celestial, and returned with seven or eight fine fellows dropped whilo on the wing. They were greatly pleased with the experience. A km Rbokkk. The six year old daugh ter of Mr. Chas. Blake was playing on the back poch of Mr. Blake s home to day, when she fell off, striking in such a way as to bre.k I Kith lone ot one of her arms teiow the ellxjvr. Ir. Maston was called and set the bone. Mr. Blake has been confined to hi home several weeks frowsts Ue being cat off bile work ing on the O. C. & E. bridge. Poundniaaier IVifiUn yesterday aid tOxUy took up tele d-gli'-riorf around lh Street, without the r quired co lr and name BILL SVKES AT FOLEY. FotaT HoT Srwsoa, Sept. 23, W5. Eurroa DeMoou: If yo t will allow me a brief space in your paper I aill try to give yon a few items from our camp at F-Jey springs: There are at present 48 ramps com posed ot 123 persons, 'his includes board ers at the Foley Hotel. n e have five states represented. 1 're- gon, Waahtogtoa, Idaho, Ohio and Min nesota, al-00 mtuonalttiea. American, Uulcb, English, sfotrri, Irish. Jew, Sweile and Chinese. The camps are arranged in street, making a very heauuiui appearance. Ihe camp groun s are tbe nntt to e found :n the Cascade mountains, they are wry dry, being cleaned ev-erj morning by the mansge- ntent oi tbe springs. 1 here is a second Niagara FalU situated about tf-ree tr.iii south, caKe-t Horse creek tai:. The water pours ever a precipice about eu feet in heigl from one point about 1'9 mt!- north voo can sew from alt fenasta to Mt HikkJ, on a clear day, making one of the finest sights to bis seen. There is an abundant of game, such as deer, bear groose and tiah. To give too an ides of the amount 01 game killed in one day, 00 tat Tuesday there sere 6 deer, ?ia trout, 9 grouse a d1 several pigeons killed, tbe riier catf tiing 1.6 of tbe trout, which is the largest ratrtt of the season One person, lu-v. Frank Goodellof Uickrea'l, caught 12T t oot and kl'led 2 deer ia one day. On last Saturday J odge Wro Clark, of Portland, while stroiucg back, of camp came sud denly noon a bear and two cubs, which he dispatched in a lew moments. Harry Craw, of Albanv, when tie left home brought two bate along, but now neither will tiU Ibe csnse is that on the first fiohii; trip of bis life he captured 106 of the sutCKied beauties. One of the most laoghable events of the trip occurred on last Monday, which . was a hah eating rontcet, won by James Nairn. 4 Balstoo, he devoured 46 mountain trout out he baa not eaten anything since. Mr. Nathan Eurtch.of Kiereall arrived here two weeks ago Ust Thunder. lie is so cririnled with rheuatatian that he had to be carried from the stage. Af ter taking the course of SI baths be has entirely re-overed and has now taken the contract to supply all the widows about the camp with fish, which he has soiceeded in doing so far. 1 be evenings are passed away in con certs, dancing and taffy pulling, the day is spent in bunting, fishing and moun tain excursions In alt it is the most pleasant outing ever spent by the writer. Bidding you g-xxl night 1 remain Kesri, BfU. STK. A Bridge Accident. Mr. G. W. Tayor on Wednesday wss crossing the bridge near Marion Propyl's, on a big load of wood, when the brdge. without any cool reason therefor except a poorly propped foundation, gave away in a slanting manner and the cntue out fit was t recipitated to the bottom sev ral feet below, a bad mixture of horses, wood and man. Mr. Taylor bad one tort badly bruised, his wairnn wa armoiiidi- ed, and the horses e;e ttily raved hy cutting the harnesses to pieces. Mr. Taylor says the bridge was not in a safe condition and should not have been kept opn lor ute as poorly propped as it waa. Loa. ' apla tr.c-tcd. W. H. Maple, f-.rmerly of Ih's county wss arrested in Portland yesterday on complaint ot Mrs Jennie Me.cheron the charge of manvlsughter. The charge is that Maple assault ad 'Mr Melcher while mciente, causing the dtathol the infant. Mrs. Maple had accused Mrs. Melcher with being too intimate with her hus band during her absence in Calitorr.ia. and was present when the arrantl aris ing from the general oasrrel was made. and is also accused bv Mrs. Meleheroi partii in it. The child was born prematurely from the effects of die as sault and bore marks indicating the same. Mr. Henry Tyler, of one of tbe Salem livery stables, was in the city to-day. Three former Albany ladies are now teaching in the Salem schools. Mrs. Alice Dodd is in the Central school. Miss M. J Morris is first assistant to Prof H. C Jones in the East school, and M it. Adda Hart i assistant of Prof. Garland in tbe N h school. Salem ia fortunate In aecur ? the services of such com petan t teach'' John Mtnto bas resigned as Chief of Police of Portland and L. W, Robertnon has ben appointed He formerly resided in Independence. Kt the end of e address lout night Judge Bennett as- Fall tbe Biyan men to rise. JSesriy the entire audience aroee. leaving so fw thst tbe speaker told them they might as well make TV unanimous. Tbi was tbe trntb of it and not as some one reported, only half. The secretary of Shite has compiled a list of alt the county off cers of Oregon and Senators and Representatives, with the terms of the county and commisainnett court, a great converience to the public. Call at the Democrat ; office and impact if interested. Missionary TicA.'i he ladies of the Congregational Missionary Society will give a Missionary Tea Saturday after noon, Sept. 20th, at the residence ittrs, v w. uugur, vtriwtrtm ma noiitis ot 3 p. m. and 5 p. ci. Public are cordial ly invited. - nr. PH' r.m Raklno- PniaMr , World's Fair Mlgbcst Medal ana Diploma. OUR PRICES are Bargains ... Compare them Oithotfiersh imle harness Team harness f 5 00 18 CO 65 25 Two iweat pads 3 baggy whips Other goods in same pro portion. CALL AND SEE US POWER TO.MLINSO.V. EXrilLSl-STIC BRYAN MEET . , ING. .-- . Judge A. S. Bennett, of Tbe Dalles, addressed a good-s ted and enthusiastic audience ot Udiea and gentlemen at the court bouse last night. He said this was not a fight between the ao-cal t d repub lican and democratic parties, but a fight for the preservation of the rights of free men On the one side were arrangrd the standard Oil trust, t'.e greedy rail road and money loaning corporations. sugar trust, and every combination oi capital seeking to get tueir fingers in the pockets ol the people through manipula tion of legislative enactments; and on the other aide were those who bad out groan partixaashio and were rallviue around tbe standard of that houeet and leanees American cituen, W. J. Bryan, who propowa that no trust nor uniaaiul a-gr-ga.iion ot capital shall find room any longer to feast off the producer and coutoojT by prices fixed by nniaelul trusts. He shoaed from speechee de livered by candidate Wm McKintey in im and in lssr prior to ClereUnd'a election that l ! low pric .a of all farm produt ta ere due to world wide caueee tie allowed Uial the hundred-, yea. ovr a thousaud labor strikes and lockouts oc curring in IS'l and more than ooe boa and strikes and lockouts occurring in 1&2 had not been forgotten, and the statistic of those proofs stiii remained tetaidiees ol campaign stories to lbs contrary. Tbe ilsun-Gormaa Unff was not passed until lS'.M so that in laci the failure of 1 s.'3 were under the Me Kinley Uf iff act. But the judge showed that tfce gradually declining prices prer i us to 1MJ mere produced by aorld wid- cautes. Silver had been until bwmii 163 primary money, that is money of Ian redemption in the 1. S., but when the U. S. demon! icd silver, that is Uok f torn its faact tons as money of final re demptma, other countries lo.loweU suii. Silver thro became and is now in moat countries token money ocly A token money is money that is redeemable in the primary money or money uf final re demption of a country. As there ta leas than four htiiions ot gold there is srd hereafv r "ill be greater than ever a scramble among the nations of the earth to obtain this gold not that they expect to circulate the guiJ. but that the de sire to keep it in govt rnsaent van' is and so tanks ma mosey tA baa I leJemptiou as money to redrvoi He token money. Now silver wss fortnrriy equally wi'ib gold a ni- nt-y of fiust rnletnptioa. and had a place lung of gold as primary mony. Ihen our government coold either redeem its tokrn mocer, consists ing of outstanding paper mcoey jn either gv id or silver. Tbe rvernnent's stiver then stood for something Now n&der a conspiracy to increase the purchasing power of the gold, silver is declared to be no longer a mosey of final redemption. Silver now sinks to the mere level of a token money and may just as well have no more intrinsic value man paper, tor it is under the new order of things to be considered as nothing unices redeemed in g-ld. As r4d is limited and as values must cecesaarily be adjusted to the measure of the a hole amount of money of fiual redemptioa ia a country, it fol lows that aa the money of final redemption becomes scarcer that values and prk-re of all pro duets, and lands, fail. This has been going on alt over tbe world as a result of a gold standard, ami as a consequent no taritl under heaven or on earth could now or ever change prices until the money system, the great primary cause. ts Changes 1 he scarcity 01 the money of final redemption if gold, increases the purchasing price of u:h dollar, and it in tr.ecl bas become so tar as measuring values a -JU per cent dollar. We must return to a bimetallic lasis. where silver and gold shall be equally tbe money ot final redemption. Tins new-fangled idea ot redeeming silver in gold is a monstrosity in finance. tie said the law ot inmnction that en abled the court to try men witho it giv ing litem the ueoem of a jury trial was a proceeding that needed the condemna tion of all liberty-loving people. It baa come to a poor pass when to a ftee coun try, courts ct-t so sacred that they are above the criticisms of the ueo.'le wbe formed and made them. Lincoln was brave enough to denounce supreme decisions and as he a at a cham pion ol the liberties of the whole human race and a deliverer in his day, so even now W.J. urvsu. following in tbe loot- tteps of the immortai Liucoln, appeals to the people, who believe in lue rights knd liberties of the common people as distinguished from the evnd cales that rally around the standaru ot AlarK nan na. We want an American president for the American people, run uuiicr a sys em that is American, one that will bring prosperity and peace. The court house was nearly lull and cheered the speaker repeatedly. Bryan men were asked to stand when more than thr.ilourths present arose and gave three mighty cheers lor W. J. Bryan the next president of the Lnited Stales. ton Trespass. w . . John was ar rested lust evening for fepaesing while hunting pheasants, on the iarm of John McOtine. lie says bo thought he was on the farm of J as. Nanny, where he had permission to hunt. That is the way of the world. The well-to-do ninv rods from the city are allowed to hunt all of the country, but a poor man with on a cent gets nabbed at the first crack, Johnny waa allowed to go, on his owe recognizance, and will be examined be fore Justice Hawkins on Monday, at p.m. Thk Cowan I'Roi'krtt ooi.d. The J I,. Cowan property was sold at U. S Marshal's sale at 10 o'clock this forenoon by Deputy U. 8. Marsh. 1 George Hum phrey, and waa bid in by Mr. Wallace McCamnnt, attorney for the plaintiff the Bank of California, for $5,000. There were two other bids. The property bas been rented by Dr. G. W. Maston, who will move into tho residence as soon as fitted up for the purpose. For two or three years there has been a great un certainty as to who owned this property, and it has oeen auoweu to run down. It will be pleasu g to see the transformation that wi'l take place in the artistic and tasty hands of Dr. Maston- Death ok Mks. Fanning. Mrs. Jare Fanning died at ber home iu this city. this forenoon, after a lingering illness, at the sgo of 89 years. She waa a pioneer resident ot Linn county, a woman with a clean record, noted for her benevolence and kindness. Mr. Fanning died about oj prober ten years ago. i He dressed had been a 01 tne v. v, church and the churches from which it sprung about sevonty.flve years, since a young girl. Tbe 'luneral service will take place to morrow at the U. P. church at 2:30 o'clock, to which all are invited. Obituary- Lm inda Farwell Bonar was born Nov. a, jeoa. at Miners, Oregon, Blie was the fourth danghter .f Mr. and Mrs. Horace Farwell, of Plalnview. Decern- ir V9, 1815, she wss happily united in marriage to D M. Bonar, of Plainview, Oregon. This was one of those favorite mingling and blending of loving hearts. in itrc sue Decame converted and united with the Evangelical Association and always lived a consistent christian life. During her stay in Albany she was tbe accepaie . h. Superintendent of tbe Evangelical church, also president ot tbe Y. P. A. lor one term, over which she presided with grace and dignity. On Sept. 22, 1896, she died tn the triumphs a living latin in jesus iter. u. o. Fin her. of Portland, conducted the fun eral services from tbe U. B. church, at Plainview. on Thursday, at 10 a. m. and the remains were laid to rest in Sand Midge cemetery, followed by a host of friends. That Moroa Mr. Wilkins. the. rail. road man, returned yesterday from a ousinets visit to rortiand. lie says bin company will have to incorporate in orur to force right ol way through two or thrte farms. lie says be will com menre laying railroad iron in about twenty days. Advance. . Mr. Wilkins ia said to be grading the road from Wa terloo without any preliminary survey. foiiw some people wben be builds a railroad be builds a railroad. If tbe g vernment had done that way with the Willamette we wools! have had a nav- igaoie stream the year round. Tut Salem Local for rttmrtra ara float concerning tbe removal of tbe Sa'em local from its regular run between this c:ty and tbe northwest metropolis, mention of which was made ia the Journal several weeks since. It is bow reported that 00 tbe 1st of October tbe local will be discontinued, although it ia p-eeih'e the train wilt be operated ontii after fair to accomodate the crowds. Journal. HOME AND ABROAD. Mr. V. C Miller i rivlM embroidery lessons at the Revere Hotel. See the elegant line of stationary. cLms at Uorkbart aad lee's. There will be k't dollar wo th of nriaes given at tbe sew howling aJUy. 4.11 kinds Of IMJ rrintlncr al th Imnrint job oLee. For tbe latest styiea ia iob trin:W call at the imprint job o&ee. Mooey saved by irettino- roor iob rriat- iog at tbe Imprint job offce. Best workmen. aft alt Us. nit nrinta at the Imprint ab ostk. Sweet ri-kle and oiitsa ta lxtIV at V Browaetia. Choice peaches fresh irv a at f! G Brows;. Lotcioot water melon earn t foono at C E Brovoeit. ' . . . A fine has of Cooks Easm-a and Hai ers at Tbe bewart h Sox Hardware Co 'a. CtotkiasT cloned aad rmarred k ura I K Owea. 3rd brtweea rJUworth aad Broa4. aJUa. Some baadsome birtbdav ceeca at WiM X Starts, -bear. Otf fur crnrv the year. 509 iadiea wr3. iarketa and cane r,f the very hurst st) lea, jast reoei red at p. Oheos. TLe Cablic ia!e nl iMiiinnHt t.-rea tVw Loe coosty win Use place ia Knew urn jajoaoaf. Dr. G. W. Maston. pavtcsaa aad sor geoe. Albany Or. Call ana wcred protapt ly ta city or oooatry. If 50a are ia nd of a beaiinir sfcew. call and examine tbe Roval Jewel at The Stewart it Sox Hardware Co. a. Ir H. E. aad O. K. rVers aRemm aw reidaace ia tbe rest office betiding Spec- tat awmtioB given to diseases of womea- A croase flew into tbe Bnaa Hoaaa aiwt bi aader a bed. where it waa eaitinrwl It bow is a member of tbe Yaadraa collec tion rt tbe depot. Kep this ia mind. If von want nk. tender treats, well rut. a good place to get 'hero is at Hatgfat Broe. dirvxtly oppoat'e me i'kmocsat orcce. Whatever may be tbe raoae of blaBdiiiiw toe tair way be restated to its orunnai trooroy tneose or mat potent remedy Halls I egetable Siciu'a Hair Benewer. Tbe big Mctvialey it flobart rally was rrogrrsa at ozena Ibis afteraosai Mitchell aad Hermann wrethe snaskers. A barbecue will take obueat o o'clock. TbeMiwe Ball rwnectfull invito tbe ladies cf Albany to tbr fail aad wiata exhibit ol pattera bats aad bonnets aad other novelties ia mill liters. Fridat aad Saturday, hept 'h aad 2&b Tbe Ladies Bazur has t-af rsmiewd tbetr new kid rtoves for the cnmins- seaaoi t-sii ard 100k tbem ovr: alt tbe latent sbaJes aad colors. Yon have Betr sen tbeir erjuai for tae money. 18 chtntes In I that von will bm nlevsed 11 voa get your meats of tbe Albany imsa ed lieef Company, Cor. 2nd aad Ellsworth s reets. First elaa meats of all kinds at reasonable priors. Otbo Halt baa traded bis clars iimt aniitk of tbe city to a lady by tbe name of Wright lor a ranch in Sweet Home, and bas moved with bu family to his new home Mrs. Wright will become a resident of oar city. Jefferson Review. A man going by tbe name of Harry Bel- mint, whose name is Harry Rigdon, wss oeia yeMerray aitei nooa oy josiice to well under fZ50 bonds for obtaining money fiom Mat Baamgart on a bngot order on Old Kidsr of Portland. Ue was a 'rest ed in Salera by Marshal Lee Tbe liltie girl who wss lost for a week ia the woods over in Union county recent ly found a piece of quarts wb'ek contained tbd worth ot gold, ti father separated toe gold and bas deposited it to bar credit where it will remain unul sue .becomes ot age, when principal and interest will be paid ber. At Stanford yesterday the Freshmen de feated the Seniors at football 6 to 0. Chester Murphy of Salem ia a member of tbe r recbnian team and u a candidate for quarter back on tbe University team W expect to see him not only get the place. but to make the beat quarter back Stanford has ever bad, such is the confidence ot tbe Democrat ia young Murphy as a fro ball player. In Ibe circuit court Jame Hayes bas hrongbt suit against the alniiniatratnrs for the foreclosure of a mortgage on tbe farm of Pryor Scott, deceased The nura ber of acres in tbe farm is 359, and it one of the finest bodies of land ia Benton county. The am unt sued for including attorney's fees is $6,193, to whu h accrued interest 11 to be added, raising the total to the neighborhood of $7,000, Corvillia limes. The Med ford Mail tells about a disaster to a former Albany man: Ira Phelps, the printer. Is a bicyclist of widespread ability slackened up on him a bit while returning from t en'Mi t'oiot one evening tu s week, and his widespread was for the length and bread ib ot several or more rods of tbe high way between Me' ford and the above naw ed place. . The covering of oee side ot his face was considerably removed ana be bas not been doing a thing since but spending bis wages in arnica baths aad adhesive plasters. Some People pay very little attention to tbe mauner in which their laundry is done. It your col lars return to you with yellow and broken edges or our shirts with broken neck bands, you can eliminate this trouble by patronizing tbe City Laundry. We guar antee a)Uur woik. Special attention to tbe trade usually handled by French Laun dries. Goods called for and delivered. Free mending for bundle work. C. Siiipaoic, Prop. Opp. St. Charles Hotel. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Laicst U. S. Gov't Report . IA V SSOaLWYEElf aUIwaE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Tbe Zigzag club will take a moonlight bicycle ride out to Oak Creek tonight. Mrs A. B. Woodin went to Portland on tbe morning train on a visit with her son. Mr. P. Y. Duncan has retnrnnl from Victoria. B C. after an absence of seversl months. Miss Louisa Weber, of Corvallia. well known in Albany, has opened a kinder garten school in tbe former city. Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany, is in the city to attend a meeting of the faculty of Willamette medical college. Salem Journal. R. D. McClure. the btrher. wbo has been working for "Billy" Mack during bis hunting exoedi'loa. returned to Sa lem yesterday. 1 Miss Helen Ho'sale has ronw tn Port-1 land to take a coarse in stenography and type writing at Holmes business college. Corvallia Times Mr. Masher, son sod several assistants went to Salem this morning with a large string ot fine horses, among them being Ooar D'Alene, Multnomah and De Linn, an entered tn elate lair races The new members at the college wer-i tendered a reception last eight, A pro gram of merit, consisting of recitations, music, etc., was rendered and about twenty minute speeches were called for The CorAslWs Osteite says that "Hoo. . R N Blackburn will make a tonrnf Benton county the second week in Oc tober, speaking ia tbe various precincts for so and money and a protective tariff." Mrs Percv A. Youna? accomnanie Miss Barmester on ber regular risit to oar city Wed needs v. It was Mrs oong's first vint to Jefferson, bat those bo bad the Pressure of meeting tbe lady hope cer visits may be frequent in tbe future. Jefferson Review. Jaa. B. Titus, wbo wss a leading busi ness man of Albany 20 years ago, was visiting old friends hereabouts the first of tbe week, a guest at tbe hospitable farm borne of Grandma Loo ev. Jef tenon Review. He should have con tinued bis journey to Albany. Meavra. Craven and Heleabrand. re turned from Frisco on tbe last steamer. Sunday evening thry dosed tbeir popo lar bowling alley, which was kept run ning during their abseaca by tbe re doubtabl "Spot," and departed borne to Albany on the excursion train. New port -ews. J. B. Marks returned last nigbt from nursery selling expedition throtur h tr, 41- country. Ue reports a strong Bryan sentiment there. A dub waa nrganixed with forty four members byjadge Mcraddes. wbo delivered a live addreas. As Mr. Marks came home man in tbe too of a fir tree cried oat: We are for W . J. Bryan." The Woodmen at their social last even ing bad a particularly enjoyable time. A pleasing proeraa waa rendered and a lunch served with a menu of twelve ar- tidea oc a btiad billot fare. Moatoftbe fifty present selected sufficient to satisfy them : tbe young man thocgh who thought some "pick me oats" would be samcirat for a lunch was unable to appease bis eppeUte with tooth picks. Oregon AMKin t ion of Nurserymen. AtaATT. Oa.. Sept. 24, "96. Tb eifhth semi-annual coo rent ion cf the Ore. on Aesoartion of Nursery men. will be beld at tbe Oonncii Chambers, in Salem, Oregon, on t nday, October 9th, itsss, commencing at 1 :: p. m. auis oate waa decided oa by tbe exe cutive committee In order to give those ia alien Jane an opportunity to visit the d.t. f.;, .tiM wiiiiiiM 1:. - - Alsextt Baowsxjx, Sec wiu. Wait roe thx Ligulatfex Foreman Earl Lace and a (mall force of men are bosily engaged bringing tbe state sewer to a finish. The huge viaduct haa been entirely covered to tbe alley way between Summer ami Capital streets and ail man-hoies bare bevn constructed. Tbe excavation for the state eapitot branch haa been concluded to Court street a tea inch ripe having also been laid to 1 hat street. Hoik ot excavating from the street to tbe state house pre paratory to making connection with the twr pipe, was commenced this morn ing and the immense job will be crm pleted by the middle of next week. The work oi constructing the sewer will not be further prosecute' this winter. Jour nal A Saucm FtcHT. Roes McCornack and Alex Sbepard. bad a sham encounter this forenoon, iu a Sa'em saloon. Bo'h men are well known amateur ecranpers. and the fight was fierce and ho, while it lasted, the proprietor only stopping it by sending for tbe police. McCornack was aaocxed down promptly aad trampled opon bard. McCornack had been drink ing and was very abusive, but he rot the worst of it from tbe start. Tbe men were separated before eerioas damage waa done. Journal. "How Mabcts Whitman Saved Oaa- oox. is a book every Oregotuan should bare. Tbe introduction is by the ct b rated Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus and the sketches b. Oliver w. Nixon, D. D Ihe book ia printed from large, clear new type, on extra laid paper, baund in veiium ciotn, sum pea tn gold, gut top. illustrated mita lo full-page halt tones and retails at 11.75. Any subscriber paving a year ia advance for tbe weekly or 6 months or more for the daily can have it tor f I extra. Make the Most ot Yourself. It is the duty of everv man to make the most ot himself. Whatever his ca paciliee may be, he is sure to nnd some place where he can be useful to himself and to others. But he cannot reach hie highest usefulness without rood health and he cannot have good health without pare blood. Tbe blood circulates to every organ and tissue and wren it is pure, ncu in iieaim it urnc-a umui w the entire system, but it it is impure it scatters disease wherever it flows. Hood's . ? V i . 1 : .. I. .. 1 . 1. ... scatters disease wherever it flows, ttood s Sarasparilla is the one true blood pari - fler. It cures sslt rheum, scrofula, c tarrh, dyspepsia and rheumatism be cause these diseases have their origin in the blood. . Oar ausdiaa at Foe? out of etery five bottles o roedi cine sold in th) last five years are S. B goods. Tbe S B Headache and Li vet Cure 1 use myself ss a general physio. If you are sick and want to get well, the qmcxest, cueapest a iu sairat nntmuu i w buy the 8 B. remediss and use as directed C. P. Balch. Druggist. Uufur. Or Fee sale by Fosh.y & Mason at 50 cts per bot- te. Why Not Go FlshiLg. Beginning with Salurdav, Sept 12 h . and on each succeeding Saturday until Oct. 15th tbe Oregon Central A he&tern R. K. will rell tickets at $2 for tbe round trip trow Albany to all point between Kasbaille a"d equina. Tickets good to return until the fvtio ing Monday of date of sae. The splendid salmon tiout fishing and excellent deer bontiug at Klk City are attracting attention ot sportsmen from all over the ooantiy. The season for trolling I for silver side salmon on - Yaquina is sow at its height. Large quantities of salmon are being taken every day. im 11 mm fix After that 25,000. In 1802 opon tbe first sale of tbe O. P. a deposit of 125,000 waa made by Col. Hogg. This waa reduced by expenses to 119,000, all of which waa deposited in the Job Bank. It is now worth about (6.0CO. Apetition was filed for the return of tbe f2o,000, but was denied. Since then there have been numerous proceedings, ter minating on Wednesday with a notice of appeal by Col. Hogg served upon tbe re spondents. Farmers Loan A Trust Co., Win. Mackay and D. A. Osbnrn, sheriffs. J. R Bryson, assignee of tbe Job bank, and B. W. Wilson, county clerk. Wallia Nash is attorney for tbe appellant. - He haa filed a bond of i,0u0 with S. E . Young as surety. Another Of J Soldier. John L. Clark, a veteran in the late re bellion, brother-in-law of ex-county treasurer Clark, of O. W. Beckwitb, or Corvallis, died at Newport at 20 minutes oast 12 yesterday nooa. Tbe cause of bis death was rheumatism of tba heart, and his illness lasted only about an boor. Tbe deceased waa a faithful defender of his country during tbe late war. He was born in Indiana in 1845, and wben tbe war broke cat, though then bat a bov, be enlisted with tbe 37th Indiana volunteers. With this regiment be served three years and then enlisted in tbe 4th Indiana cavalry, in which be loognt two years, tie took: part in no less than thirteen pitched battles, ocly to be ultimately captured and sect to An- deraonville prison, where be waa kept sia uitm ma 10 oonnnrment. Tbe deceased for three years bas been. with bis interesting fajniiv, a resident of Corvallia. In these years be baa been an esteemed citizen. CorvaUis Times. Aa &Laajrr Boa PaonMoa. The an nals of the American academy for BeDt- ember contains tbe following in its per sonal notes: "Harvard university Mr. Claud Augustus Duniway haa been ap pointed to the position of instructor tn histAvy in Harvard university. Mr. Dun iway waa born on November 2, 1866, at Albany, Oregon. He attended the pub lic schools at rorUaad. Orin early life: entered Cornell university ia 18r8. In isns be naduated witn tbe degree of A B, aad waa appointed to a fellowship in political economy at Cornell for tba en suing year, la 1S33 be entered Harvard university, receiving tne degree of A M. from the onivercity in 1S34. He contin ue i his duties at Harvard until that end of the past academic career, when be ra- 1 e.ved the appointment meet oeed show. air. lKiaiwav naa aao beea er razed in journalistic work." Fa ansa WnrrxT ill Right. Th Dallas crreroieot of tbe Sa'em Jour nal teils tbe following: In order to ret oat a crowd ta bear Hao. C B. Moore of Salem, Senator B F. Molkey and I others circulated that there weald be a joint debate Thursday nicrbt. Hon. J. J. bilney. ot Albany .happened into town aod a debate was arrraoged. When it was over tbe Mduniev managers w very sorry they ever allowed it to take pi ace, beeaase tbe Brysn met had the best of it ihroogboat. J adge Whitney is an oM farmer bat be bandiee himself like a gladiator ia the ring; and tbe eat of btmetaiism will be abiv upheld wher ever be speaks in this campaign, nnd be ia able to meet any man in Oregon in debate. A Sua Stncn Bidex. Doc Wright, the great big overgrown, slab-sided w beelman, who bails from McVIisnville and rides like the wind only a rood deal faster returned a few daya ago trom a several davv race meet up on tba Sound. While gone be took two first prizes, three seconds and one third. Wednesday evening while training on , the Mc Binnvule track, be ro.t a quar ter ot a mile, nnoaced. in 26i seconds. Voc ain't so clow, if he Joea weigh Zlo pounds and stands 6 feet 3, in his (loch ia leet. Transcript. Tus Gaara Law. Game Warden Mc- Goire has instructed bis deputy to 1 force the game law in this county, and already two warrants have beea issued. fi 1 : , . 1 1. , , a uwv ta aua to nan ma at sjoia KBauiy pheasants sold, shooting trom tbe road. etc Tux Fhxx-olog!ST. Prof. Powell, the pLreuologist, last night gave tbe loiiow- . wg receipt tar sticcesai to uw iwu; vtri in tbe right place, be physically quali fied tor it ; cultivate personal magnetism i stick to your business, have self reliance, wort, persevere aod improve everv day Tonight he will close a two weeks coarse of lecture with "Love, Courtship and Marriage." A fact Warta aaswtac. Cons-mptioB. LvGrippe. Pneumonia aal alt Throat aad Ling diseases are care brujiiot's Cure, tor sate ey assay Mason. far ra t and Liver Complaint voa bare a printed guarantee on err. y bottle cf Shilo's Vital her. It never fstu ta care, ror site 01 Foahay Mason For Prfcrlptions. Dawson's. I j - I I ylnflnpCC I .OlTlcS y'UU"C .Z .. k ith a better understand irg of the V Y transient nature ot the many phya cal ills, wbicN vanish before proper ef torta rentle eft wist pleasant efforts rightly directed. There ia comfort In the knowledge, mat so many lurma ot sickness are not due to any actual d in sane, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, S-rup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed er nigiuy oy wu wbo value rood neaitn. its oenenciai effect are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness wttnout aeouitaung- tae organ whioh it aca. It is therefore all important, ia order to get ita bene ficial effecta, to note when you pnr shaae, that you have the genuine arti cle, which la manufactured by the Cali fornia Fiff 8ymp Co. only and aold by til reputable orugista. . If in the en.wment of good health, tnd the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. It abiicted with any actual disease, one may be eotnmended to the moat skillful physicians, but it in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the w.H.lnf.Muui awrrahnra. Smra of Figs stands highest and ta moat largely aaed and gives most general satisfaction Brownsville. John A. Marchant,of West Yirginia,the new suDerintendeat of the Eagle Woolen mill company, is on the road and will arrive next week By the first Monday in October tbe mill will be in full opera tion. - - R. A. and Hiram McGiaren retnrred from their banting trip, Wednesday They were on the south fork of the nan fiara. 5 miles from QnsrtxiEle. They killed five deer. Hiram killlngtwo at one shot, which, be informed bis brother, "is the way we do in Iowa. Slk. mistake crept into ear columns last weea. when we stated Uat the Albany Woolen mills were not running. Mr. Mover, president of the company, tr forme as that the mill is in operation nigbt and day and that 65 bands are employed. Times. Qalrkly.Tkarea'sfcly, Famer Cure. Four oct of five wbo suffer servorsaziB. mental worry, attacks of "Ii blues." are but par! of tbe penalty cf early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim yocr manhond, reirain yowr Dost despair. Bead for book wtti rt pj ana Una and proats. Mailed ties awl free. ERIE ISEDICAL CO., Buffalo, K. Y. CONSEBYATOBY OF HOSIG Albany College Teachers for the school year I36-l97: Zijiri M. Parrin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teacbera-Marguerite Alderson, i. 11., and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. inoroagn and systematic instruction given in ail tbe important branches of magic Best conservatory rooms and latgest musical library and faciliike for motiral work. .Largest nomber ot con servatory stadeBta enrolled of any music school ia the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to allacx iiowa Lex, a. VI . Albany, Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough i retraction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Conslder- ing hard timea, tavarable redactions are made for Boarder and day scholars. Studies wQl be resumed ept let. For farther particulars call at tbe Academy or write to Sister Saperior. f H FILL BLACK STOVES. Do ica VV s want your stove blacked rhean ard wetl for tbe fall and winter. It r leave order for B B Dona at Stewart At Soi's, cr ptcecsaby. DBJSSM AaTSG Miasea Oem aai Morris base opaed dresmakiur rooms at tbe reaceace of A. B. Wood 10 Cor. Broadalbiaaad 3rd St. aed are frm pared so do f shieaaUe dress maJttr j a earaoabie rates Give tfctn a ta'L PiR SALE. Siam wood saw ia roc J conditioa cbeao for cash. Iaaire. Mr. R.E- Owea. 3rd between EU worth sad Broadalbia. PR TRADE. Five acres of g-sod tim nine miles scath of ('Tegon City, fortvw acres of laad within ten miles of Albany, rr will tell for $123 casn. Address, Arthsr Dogaa, Aruasy, Or. FOR SALE. A first dae piano at a bargaia arcooBt sea driirery. Call oa Agent S. P. Co . at depot. SHEKP FOR a LK. tO bead of ewea, bv J. Roes, 3 miles toaih ea.i of Al baay. HOME WAXTLD Tbe Ladies Aid society desires to secure a home fee a boy of 14 years ef age. apply to Mrs. A b. oodia tor particulars. SALE OR TRADE. A good wwk team, weighitg about 1200 lbs apiece. for sa'e or trade, aad a No. 1 rood orilk caw for sale or trmie, cheap. Call oa F H Hugttsoa at the Skeeli place across the Willamette. 1EO E FIH TBI PLUMBER - TAa rooSsjr 1 d ruaiUig- Oppossbs he opera hooje TUGS FUR SAL E.- Several bead of To JTIaadUBina p:gs, ahBtSwseks old, regtsterabte. A No 1 riif for S. either sex. if bought withia 4 weeks Call at tbe Skeeis place & mue aorta of a ibany. AT THE MINES .-Boarding, lodging aad meals may be secured of tbe sub scriber a tbe Saatiara mines, at his place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. U. W. White. HOUSE MOVING, CarefaUy. promptly Iv. at tbe lowetst price. Call oa or address G W Taylor, 4th and Madison Sis Albany. A BARGAIN in aa improved farm, stl r. acres near Woods Station. U. U. t. House, bars, orchard, good nxvae. 23 acres in grain aa much more ready for plow. PncetTUO. Terms eay. Aadrss. J. n. Uomu, tsox sj, AJoaay. PA N T T7 t Cs Reason To V.AJ 1 I rL rethert Is it not bet ter to bur your Bread, Piee, Rolls, Cakes, etc at a reliable store where they use only the Beet material why of course it la yoa dont want dyspepsia and you'.i never get it by eating anything from oar tore, U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd bt. O. D. YaKDTKi. Proprieto DRESSMAKING. Mr. J. H. Coarad aoold say to the ladies of Albany aad vicinity that she is prepared to do dm making and to teach in all its branches, seamless waists a specialty. 1 will teach a good seamstress ia one week so she will be a good dressmaker. Residence, Baser it , between Third aad Fourth St. IM 11 CO. (.Willamette River Division, Steamer ALBANY, dpt. J. L. Smith, Wm.M.IIoa?.Capt.U.L. Hatch FfeUtit acd Passenger, Dailv. except Saturdays, between Cor yallia, Albany, Independence, Sa lem, wsy points and Portland. Unsurpassed accommodations aad schedules especially for tbe needs of up per Willamette travel. Picnic ,Partiee can avail themselves ot this schedule for any desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving in the morning and re turning in due time tbe same evening. Special rates for special parties of 15 or more. Leave Albany down river at ? a. m. Leaves Albany np river at 8 p. m. iwni Saturday. a. 1 niuw. Agent, depot. Agt.