The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 25, 1896, Image 4

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    The, nervous system is WHltned by the
Neuralgia Torture.
Every nerve U strengthened la the core e tt by
torneys at law. Wilt practice in a
ourta of the state. Special attention giv
en to matters in probate and to collections.
C FFICE In the Flinn block.
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
Collections made on all points. Loans
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
All legal matters will receive prompt at
eat'on. Office, First National bank
uildiny, up stairs.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
bvcictu and dunreoo. OrFICK Cortia
fry streets, Albany .Oregon.
Treats tumors, strictures, racial blem
ishes, nearalgia and other diseases,, with
galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St,
near 3d street. ;
reddest . ...
Vic Freatdeot
Cashier -,
... l.FLISS
TRANSACTS A GftNKKALbaaktng'baaliM
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check.
8IOHT K1CRASGS and tal iwphle. trust r,aM
New York Su Frudeeo, Chicago end P-Mttan)
.urtJSJ ma,Sow taeorabl. eras.
Tons' K W samca
Bun. L- runs,
3' wniTsec
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
Cheat seed for sale cr trade Free de
li very. Telephone No. 51.
R. N. Morris, Mgr
Corner 2nd and Main Sts.
Opposite Postofflce-
PLUMBING- and tinning
at bottom prices.
Maston Block, Albany, Or
Money to loan on farm security, all
small loans made on personal tecurity.
City, county and school warrants bought.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Fire insurance written in three of the
largest companies in the world, at lowest
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
: -a
1 O
Caveats tod Trade-Mark &Ma.c.n. mud a fit-,
kestinauesscoDCucledfutMos.-naTC rccw.
Oim Am ; is OppositcI 3. f nr
'fid we tan aecure patent in le iue fen
mote Intra Washtoeioa.
Scad model, drawing or ptxrou. tta d.-rtp
Vr We advise, if pateDtaba or not, free of
Barge, inn lee oot iue it'. . - -jn secsrwa,
a rural rr. "Hew toObe j intents." arid
Kt of szne in the U.S yo aatigat riant new
ant tree, uoress.
3pp. ir-TT Orr;cr. V IS..510T 9
In the Old Hartford, the New York Un.
derwriters Airency or any one of the reii
able old line companies he represents. Note
piKen ana plenty 01 time given for payment
n farm insurance. All buHiijess will b
promptly attended to.
Honey Loaned.
First Mortgages on Improved Fa-
Property Negotiated vVe are prepared to
narrnhut. l . . .1 ... . . ... .
uinnuunsm, upon improved
farms in Or con. Wash, an i Idh .;h
eastern parties and foreign capitalists at
me unuai raie or interest. Mortgages re
newed that tave be?u taken by otLer cim-
pnitfl., nor rut, ot Ousiness. Address
iwiio iaai MKBvrN Swobts,
Baker City, Oregon
mood pnispti
?HaIT WPhlliapermaoentlr cured la 14 to
Uidnjs. Voa ean be treated at bom. for
ioa prefer to com. her. m win mntM
twiQHm, uruannaeriunAFnftraiit.. I
Cbrire,H we f all to cure. If yoo ba taken met-
r . -"x. " r,''n, ana Mill have aches rod
paloa. Mucous Vatchea la moutb, Sore Throat,
flmnlee, Conner Colored KihiIjl lllf-r.
nay part of the bod r. Hir or Kyebro we fulling
ut. It la this Syphilitic BLOOD fOISON that
we guarantee to cure. We solicit the moat chati
nate case, and cnallenare tli world (or s
f w;Su,"??,c1e vb " bH alwaya
valued th skill of the moat eminent physi
cians. S.1O0.000 eapltal behind our nnoondi
tlonal inaranir. Abvolateproofaoentnaleiloa
PPIiCTtion. Addmw COOK H H M V( k
Ui .juini.. 'xemnlM.1 HU ifm . v
..... w .
fO A Yi Lfct Ua Reason To
S71"1 K"tber! Is it not bet-
"y your uread.Fies.Kolle, Cakes,
etc, at a reliable store where t.hv ..J
tore... rr s RitfpDv
Bei Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd 8t. "
C. D. Vanoykb. Proprietor
only the Best material why of course it
is you dont want dyspepsia, and yon 1
never get it by eatintr anvt.;n 1.
Star Bakery.
Corner Broadalbin nrtl First Sts
- Dealer in-
Canned Fruits,
Dried Fruits,
Cauned Meals,
.verything that L Kept in
good variety and pro .
eery store. High
est pt-c paid
is always seeded for our wall paper. So
many people know oar position in the
trade that we only need to specify what
we have waiting for them. Just now we
have everytbine in up-to-date wall paper.
1000 rolls in different patterns at from 10
cents to 100 cents a roll. All our designs
are the latest, most pleasing, and attract
ive offered for this season. We believe
wall DaDer can't be too artistic and cer
tainly none can be more artistic than ours.
J. A Cumming.O
Insurance Agency
Cava and sells wheat, oats and wool at
all poinU in the Willamette Valley and
is the leading insurance agent of Albany.
In placing yonr insurance there are
two things to be considered :
1st. Get a good company.
2nd. Place your insurance with an
agent who t horoughly understands hie
business and snows bow to write a pol
icy, giving yon its full benefit, having
had 8 years of experience in a general
office and the adjusting of losses. Can
guarantee yon I have these requirements
ery Bespecuuuy ) ours
f)r? Whites JSTetf lfai
A bead of hair or no pay. Cares all
diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421
for Free Treatise on the Scalp.
Razors Honed and Set and Pat in ord
er on Short Notice.
Prof. A. STARK
Optical Specialist
Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmie
I am prepared to examine scientifically
and accurately, by the latest and improves
methods of modern science, any who de
sire to have their eyes tested.
Cusick Block Albaxy, Oateon.
Wholesale & Retail
Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest
otuca oi maiionary ana cooks
in the Market.
For Saleor Rent.
Farm and stock ranch. lOf 0 acres, in
whole or in part, at $6.50 an acre for the
whole, if in part, to suit purchaser.
Alt o a farm of 330 acres for sale or for
rent after October let. Consideration
For particulars inquire M Frank C.-ab-
tree, at liraiKree. 10 1.
Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Boarding School for Girls.
Thorough instruction
diet Homelike treatment. Consider
ing bard times, favorable reductions are
made for ooarders and day scholars.
Studies will be resumed Sprit, int. Fn.
further particulars call at the Academy
or write to bister bupenor.
Dr Adams
Cusick Block
Albany, Or.
DRESSMAKING. Mrs. J. n. Conrad
would say to the ladies of AlUmv and
vicinity that she is prepared to do drees
making and to teach in alt its branchp..
seamless waists a spec'alty. 1 will loach a
gool seamstress in una wek so ah. will lu
a good dressmaker. Residence, Baser St .
Tonight fair stationarv tflinnAralnra .
aturday fair and wurmer. ltivor 1 ft.
Of Will Stark.
Free silver will build up home manu
factures mote than anything that can be
Last year the Chronicle, a warm tree
silver paper, said :
It is none the lets true that the tree
and unlimited coinage of both gold and
silver by international agreement, or bv
separate action of the United States, at
the established ratio would ipso facto
determine and maintain the parity of
value between the two metals.
Now the bosses have told Da Young
what to do and he lias changed base
Republican papers with gieat gusto
point to Mexico as being a silver coun
try. Does tlte gold standard make high
wages? Look at Italy, Portugal, Tur
key and Egypt. They are all gold stand
ard countries, yet nowhere on earth is
labor so wretcEed or degraded or so ri
diculously underpaid as in Egypt. The
Mexican dollar seems to furnish the re
publicans a political text. Let them try
to pass a Canadian dollar on any mer
chant and see how quick it would be dis
criminated against. Yet it must be re
membered that Canada is a strong gold
standard country. The truth is monty
is right'y gauged in the country of its is
A. D. Stillman of Pendleton has chal
lenged Hon. J. U. Mitchell to a joint de
bate when in that city on Oct 3. . He
says: "I believe that the arguments in
favor ot the election ot W, J. Bryan are
so sound and secure that they can stand
Uie assaults of any antagonist before a
jury composed of the intelligent electors
of any county in Oregon. "The exalted
position yon and I respectively hold
yon as a United States senator, and I as
a sovereign citizen of the United States
justifies the challenge I now make to
. .... , ,k;.,i i.w
October, yon as champion for Mck.mey.
and I will lay on for Bryan.
W. H. Sabastain, general manager for
W. J. Brandeneten & Co., tea importers
ot San Francisco, says the Prospector, is
converted silvente, and learned bis
lesson from Mexico, Mr. Sabastain baa
just returned from an extended trip
through Mexico. He said: Whei 1
went out on this trip I was a full- fledged
KoM-bug, but have returned a free silver
man. I found Mexico one of the most
prosperous countries in the world. Old
adobes that have stood for 100 years and
over are being torn down aod in their
places are being erected magnificant
business blocks. They a-e doing little
if any trade with Esrope, for the reason
that they are manufacturing everything
they need. The only thing yon can sell
them is Uas, matxing aod Japan silks,
aud ta a short time they will be manu
facturing the two articles. East
ern capital is being invested in Mexico
with good results. I found several East
era capitalists who also went to Mexico
as go'.dbugs, but have changed Ibtir
opinions 3s to free silver. Why, free
silver I consider is one of the best pro
tection arguments that can be brought
out. If ire, ailvsr has done so much for
Mexico, which it undoubtedly Las, it is
ood enough for this country.
"1 could related nnmeroua ine'dents
in Mexico's progress during the paet loor
years that would surprise the American
people. In one city alone there have
oeen fifteen factories built , and they are
doubling their dividends every year."
Jesse Grant On Sliver.
I believe heartily in the great advan
tage to this country of the free coinage
of eilver. It does not tnetn repudiation
of onr debts at home or abroad. We
could not pay our debts with both gold
and silver, even it we bad it all. Oar
mortgages equal the enormous sum of
$19,000,000,000. These debts will have
to be paid in produce, and anything that
will raise the value ot this will, I believe,
benefit all classes. If we can double the
price of the Jtlver rupee we have doubled
the price of wheat tbat comes into com
petition with onr wheat and therefore
doubled onr wheat as to its debt-paying
capacity. The argument holds good in
the silver "peso" of the Latin-American
countries, and as to the price of onr
meats and live stock. It holds good, too,
in the silver "ruble," aod as to the price
of oil. It holds good in many ways too
numerous to mention. Instead of for
eigners purchasing tbe prodoct of our
silver mines at tbe rate of about 70 cents
per ounce, and with this silver buy'.ng
produce (some of which comes in direct
competition with our productions) from
Sooth America and tbe Orient, the
would have to pay at,tbe rate of $1 29
per oence.
If (which is not probable) the "gold
bugs" are right in their evil predictions,
and our money is ot-ly worth two shil
lings on tbe dollar, well, we would then
have the moat perfect protective tariff
we ever had, and the excess of exports
over imports would be so great that the
dollar would either go up or the pound
come down to the same relative positions
that they now occupy.
Yon understand what I mean by the
"rupee."' Tbat coin is the standard in
India, our greatest competitor in the
wheat market of the world. India has
no eilver to sell. She sell-wheal. Well,
of course, it's to England's interest to
keep the price of silver at its lowest
point in order to make cheap quotations
on wheat, which the wants. .Inst so
with the canned meats and live stock ex
ported from the Lxti.T American coun
tries. In many of these silver passes as
full legal tender, bat all of them togeth
er don't produce one-seventh of the eil
ver produced in the United States. Just
M it la truaaiu rwl "rilKtn '
Russia makes silver a full legal tender
She bas in circulation a large amount of
silver money uoder the name of "rabies,"
but she doesn't produce any silver. Ger
many in this case wants cheap silver, so
tbat sue can buy Russian products
And now about repudiation. Why, we
have practically repudiated already, if
nankrnptcy means failure to pay debts.
Did you ever think of what an awful dent
America owes today? Nineteen thou
sand millions of mortgage indebtedness.
All the gold and silver in the world
would not pay one-third of this single
item of mortgage indebtedness, and
under our present arrangement of tnings
tne awful disappointment bt-tweeti the
ability to produce and the power of
money to accumulate interest makes the
breach between this country and solven
cy grow wider every year. Prices going
down, money (soing up; interest eating,
eating all the time how can it ever be
I've got some other ideas on this
money question which I have had for
many years, but which I don't believe it
would be prudent for me to
talk about
I awson once on school
National Affairs.
By 3eo. W. Wright.-
In consenting to wr'tea series of ar
ticles on the present condition of nation,
al affairs and current issues, I recognize
that it is impossible to do more than to
briefly touch on some matters that may
be of interest to those concerned for the
welfare of our country. I take it that
every citizen is loyal, a lover of the con
stitution, and a believer in the main
tenance of our union and the supremacy
of our national government, under our
constitution, at all hazards and at any
cost, even to the sacrifice of life in its
defense. I take it fur granted that
every citizen is interested in promoting
our country's welfare, in preserving our
institutions. In the upbuilding of our
nation's greatness, both on land aud
sea, and in preserving unsullied our
national flag everywhere. The differ
ence then between any of us mainly con
sists in an honest difference of the course
to be pursued in the upbuilding of ocr
country, In short a difference in poli
cies or what we term politics. Before
any man is competant to talk 'of the
politics to be pursued by this goverr
uient, It is necessary that he should be
acquainted with our system of govern
ment and the manner in which it is
carried on and the province, duties and
jurisdiction of those in whose hands the
affairs ot government are entrusted.
Tt is necessarily involves not only some
study of our laws passed by conicrese,
but makes it necessary for na to investi
gate the effects of those l.wj upou our
trade both foreign and domestic. Oar
government is divided into three gtuoral
divisions, the executive judicial and
legislative, and it is unnecessary here to
describe the various departments known
to every citizen who has lakrn time to
read. I shall consider first our leveuue
system. Our slates, counties, cities and
school districts, raise the necessary rev
enne to sustain themselves as diatioct
political bodies by assessment ot real
and personal property or what we term
direct tax and also by licenee laws.
,- ,,.,
7 "..!.. "Z.Z
ivj i a try uu m, ico citio rt.w:, ivuuij
and municipal governments io ibe par
ticular states or niunicipalites where
assessed and collected.
As none of onr citizens pay any direct
tax to the national government, and as
none of the money paid by the citizens
in the various states, as state, county,
city and school taxes, reaches ibe tress
ory of the United States, the query is,
bow does lbs United States as a political
entity as a national government
raise the revenues necessary to its opera
tion. The national revenue is raised
yearly by what are termed ''Internal
Revenaes, and duties on imports.'
The internal revenue U a lueaee cr
tax mainly on spirits, fermented liquors
tobaccos, and oleotuarerior. The da
ties on imports are what we term a
tariff, and is a tax on gls broaght into
the L'oitei State from other countries.
Tho it will be seen that the United
Suites imposes no tax on real or personal
property. What are our revenues now
and why a deficit'' The United Sutre
obtained from internal revenie for
the fiscal year ending June W, IMS, the
sum of (143.421 ,672.
D-mag the same nsrai vear ibe na
tional government in aJJili.m thereto
acquired from duties on imports, that
is. from Uriff taxatian, the aur of t!51,
153.617 This mad the toUl receipt
for the U. S. treajnry for tbe end
ing June 3J, 1S33, amount lo the enor
mous sum ot $313,33),P75, a sum greater
than the toUl receipts tor any single
year from 1S7 to 1S79. ine,nsive
Our national expenditures for the year
ending June 30, 1S95, was tbe enormous
sum ol $356,193,208. or in other words
over forty-two millions ot dollars more
thaa onr receipts. To make it more
plain our national expenditures last year
exceeded any single year ot our govern
ment since 1SG9 save and except only the
years 1S01 and ISM and 1893 and ISM.
The troth is the extravagant and rerk
less appropriations of the crngree of the
foiled States since tbe year IS00 have
been the direct and immediate cause ol
the deficit for the last two years. To
make it plain the revenues obtained
from theluternal Revenue lax and from
the Wilson tariff for the year ending
June 30, 1595, would have paid onr na
tional expenditures for any year from
1SC9 to Is1.) with a surplus tadi year
over as is proven by the United ;Uts
eUtistice. It seems tbat the eongrr of
so called statesmen since 1830 have pur
sued a course to make a deficit ineiead of
economizing to gain a surplus. In July,
1892, tbe great Homestead riots occurred,
and during 1W1 and 1&2, the numerous
strikes and lockouts, reduction of wages,
the calling out of state troops to put
down riots, foretold the hard limes com
ing. In spite of these warnings, our so
called statesmen in congress, during the
session of the winter of 1892 and spring
ot 1893, just previous to Cleveland be
ing inaugurated in March, 1898, paed
appropriations running away np into
hundreds ot millions. It will be found
that the total ordinary expenses of our
national government for the year emtio
June 30, 1893, was the euormons sum of
$383,477 ,5'J4, a larger national expendit
ure of any year since 186d. It seems to
have been a devised plan to make a de
ficit. This system of reckless appropri
ations on the part of congress was unpa
triotic, and s a manifest injustice to the
taxpayers of this nation. Our national
revenues as already shown are raised 1st,
by a tax on those things liquo'., tobac
co and oleomargarine manufacturtd in
this country, and secondly, by a tax on
the goods brUgiitin hereby our import
ers and sold lo the Ameiican cousumer.
In the firtt place the whohrtale import
ers of cur large cities order the goods
from France, Kngland, Germany or some
other foreign country, to satisfy a trade
or a line of customers here; and when
the goods arrive at our ports before they
can get them out of the custom home
our importers must pay into the United
States Treasury the duties on the good.
These duties or tariff is Added to the
original cost of the goods and together
with profits of the wholesale importer,
the profits of the local merchant and
freight charges are at last paid by the
consumer. Ho our national taxes are
raised ou what we consume and not bv a
tax on wealth or on real or personal
property as some suppose.
It wilt take a higher tariff the
McKinley tariff to keep up this system
of extravagant appropriations, ard a tar
iff raised to the democratic position of
tariff for levenneonly ineaiiN in plain
words a tariff equal to the McKinley
tariff. There should he no j arty issue
on the tariff, but there are people still
claiming it to be the great issue. Let us
consider It.
It is generally conceded that the plan
ol raising a major portion of the nat'onsl
revenues by tariff taxation is the better
method. In my opinion the revenues
should bs raised by three method;, viz..
by internal revenue a at present, by
tariff taxation, and by a graduated in.
come tax. The Uriff should be placed,
with the object ef raising revenue, b
as It is a tax on the consumer It should
he laid as much as possible on the luxur
ies used by the weslthy and as small as
posslblp or not at all on the actual nee
essaies of life so that the poorer classes
may obtain the nereiearies of life as
cheap as possible.
As a sound business policy the tariff
should also be placed on those products
and manufactured goods that are likely
to come in compet'tion with our own
products cr manufactures. That is to
say in adjusting the tariff we should ss a
national policy place a tariff just hlfib
enough to cirapeurate our manufactur
ers and producers for the lucreased pri
cea paid our laborers and to compensate
for the increased rate of interest paid for
the nee of capital in this country. This
is the present democratic poeiuuu uu tuo
This is a I u dtutandit aaaUieoi j eta
sought to be a- uriaiueii aud enacted tu
Uu Wilson bii, or prectut Ur-tf- Kvery
one will conteJe that to have the tariff
so high as to shut out an honest compe
titionthat is to place the tariff so high
that the manufacturers can combine to
itether and fix exorbitant prices on the
Ameiican people and sell to a foreign
country at much less figures, would be
unjust and would be no more nor less
than Uriff robbery. Wbeu the tariff
is too high the wealthier manufacturers
form a trust and buy up smsll plants
and close them; then they proceed to
freeze out the little tellow. by undersell
ing thtm, causing the small concerns to
close down thereby in the end acquiring
a monopoly, and charging ezoibitant
prices for their wares.
The laws cac'. U Ui strict against
trusts nor too strictly enforced- A high
tariff h comes an instrument io the
hands of monopolies and is an injury t j
laborers. There is in the tariff like in
every policy a medium and conservative
position. I believe in a safe conserve
live tariff alone the linei first above in
dicated and beiieve the democratic party
ot today wilt enact from time to time
when needed just such a Uriff. On the
other band McKinley's position on the
Uriff as I understand it, is that we I
Should have a high protective tariff re
gardless of the tr lifts or combination of
capital that may be foftered under it.
On Ibis great qneslion McKiuley's Uriff
is one maie to benefit capitalists, while
the true conservative tariff is one that
while it woitd recognize onr own indus
tries would net serve as an instrument
of apprehension to those of our peop.e
not engaged ia protective inJustries.
The number ot our people not engaged
in protective industries outnumber
those engaged in real prolecVed indus
tries five to one, and it is usj jst to con
sider the welfare of Oje per ja to the
detriment of five.
It is unfair ti nrge that five persons be
heavily Uxed to give employment to one
pr-n. How many manufacturers are
iu uregon and how rotor ol them are
segued in pratected industries? The
population of OregM io r -iol numbers
it 4OJ.C0J and there is o A. oae person In
forty in this sute employed in manu
facturing. Yet there r peops here
grratij desirous of highly txx'og ihe-n-selves
to give employment to a compara
tive few. Manufacturers in Oregon af-
fer iore by conneM ioa from New tj.-
giant-miii. and see hampered more by
ri-r- s irc'K-it 4r tutu vf muw XMJiii
we have ever bal. According lo the
census of IS;0 there were only
Sve thousands perns employed in the
woolen milts of tnts country, and yet
lbe-e are men in Oregon who lie!
awake a. night plan, t, make
people beheve that 00 the few men
and the wool of this conntr depend our
rpena our
welfare aod happiraes.
This man too is
probably one of those w bo never ow ned
a sheep, bet is periectly willing to pay i
ont ten doliars per year more tor bis !
c'otr.icg that the manufacturers who
number but few may thrive. The object
in riacing wool ou the free liat was to
enable poor pe,p!e U buy a,,ir
... .
cheaper, hut I do say tbat lecaoe d. -
ocracjr put this item of woi on il.e free
list that it is uot on that accosnt a free
trade parly. There are republicans op
posed to imputing any good and yet
belii-ve ihal we should rsi-eoor revenue
by a tax un imported guods. If no goods
were imported then we would have no
revenue Iroio a Uriff. People who a e
I opposed to importation ol foreign articles
tobe s'.i icily consistent should Win
favor of a prohibit. v tattff and of rais
ing our revenues ban income lav or,by
a direct lax. The present tariff is tbe
highest tariff we have bad since ttie war
save and except the McKinley Uriff.
This can be easily proved ty examina
tion of pages f7 to W) of tbe t"orld's Al
manac for Iv.tJ and by government eta
tistica. It is unjiet lo say that the tard p ro
tects Ameiican labor and ail the time
continue to permit the laborer of all tbe
world except paupers and t hinamen to
come here aud compete with American
tabor. We hare in the past welcomed
the foreign and oppressed of ail nations
to our shore, and it was riht to have
done so; but now that we have grown to
le a great nation, would it nit be more
American to preserve the and pub
lie land for Americans? I)j we uot owe
it as a dutr to our laborers and lo our
selves ss a nation o protect those whoj
labor lor a livina in this country ? Would
not a Uriff of $250 per head on every
laborer and mechanic coming into this
country do more to protect American
labor than ail tit. tariffs we have had?
I am oppnaed to that kind of a l.trtff that
protects the manufacturer al a cost of
the whole people and allows free trade in
labor I do not want labor to depend on
the pi ices set by competition with the
labor of the world. Let America be for
Americans. Let us have a tat iff to pro
tect our laborers as well as a Uriff to
protect our industries. Let us have an
American system of tariff, an American
system of finance, for Americans. A sys
tem that will give employment tu our
own people. A system that wid enable
us to be independent of England that
King of Shy luck. It is said that the
democratic leaders are for free trade.
Free trade means no tariff at a!l. it
means lo raise the revenues by a direct
tax aud w ithout the aid of a Uriff at all .
To allege thai the democratic party is for
free trade is false- No political party
has been in favor ol free trade, political
demagogues io I ho contrary notwith
standing. As a matter of fact there is
more of a distinction thnn a difference
between the two great parties on the
Uriff. The democrats call it a tariff for
revenue with Incidental protection and
the republicans term it a tariff tor pro
tection with incidental revenue. In
either case the cousumer foots the hill.
When thoseengaged in theuon-prottcted
industries learn this we w ill have hard
enough time to keep the tariff to a reve
nue point, without fighting over minor
is it not inie Mint fu isy.l our man
lactunng eatabltshinents were over-
stocked with goods? I it not so now
Is it not true that the scarcity ot money
among the common people, the fact that I
our agricultural products which no tariff
could benefit have been gradually bring
ing less and lees each year since 1889,
and the fact tbat oar people have not
been buying of the local merchants and
the local merchants in return have tailed
to buy from the jobber and manufactur
er, tias more than anything else kept
our manufacturing establishments from
running on full time. Manufactuiera
will not operate their mills when they
cannot tell their goodii. H publu at.s to
be sincere should buy. the American ar
ticle aud boyott l he imported ones.
What good does a tariff of tight cen's do
00 hops w hen hops rie ecllin at live
The baid times cannot fairly be at
tributed to the tariff. The agricultural
partot our population is ttie basis upn
which the whole etructure depends.
With the farmer receiving a just price
for his products with the moneys de
rived from the aale of grain, hos and
cattle sold at fair piices, and with that
uiontiy buying the ueces'aries and lux
uries of life from our in jrc hauls, is the
basis which moves the spindles in oar
manufacturing estabiteLiuents.
Unless the million of laborers en
gaged in agricultural pursuits aie pro
fitably engaged it is idle to talk ot our
mills running on full lime. W'v have a
surplus ol grain, hogs acu cattle to (ell
, to foreign countries and u-i tariff will
aid these commodities. What ia the
remedy? How can we bu id up our
home markets and ad 1 to uar foreigu
( To be ronlinui u )
Governor IVnnover ami Uielltxoin
are prououuee 1 tqtial iyncraiuuscs by ti.e
Otegouian. The Oregoaian's satire is
blunt, t'ulike tbat of Junius it doesn't
cut, but is generally a boomerang.
........ v.. .
u lh rattle coal ;o
Kaet ha beru raised SI 50 a ton in order
tojid the pocket books of the members ' not only beat to acrrediUd fabr bf.rM
of the coal trusts. Uard tiuira cannot ' -Rrt tirOl,'! and Frank Agar,
pierce the cuticle of . big and pampered ' WaSI-l-tit paced the three fatet heaU
ever made in competition. tke time being
uu1- !2.Cr."j. 2tt$S and 2tJ4. an average of
ii.-tvl'i. lie aieo lowered the world's m
u v v u c-r ord fur the fatet beat ever paced 2 .-02! i
ALHA.M r r.vm. a well at tie records f- the fate;
j qnirter and half 2:i4' ji"j9,4'. repec
From the DewociiAT of Augu-t 19, to''ly-
October 28, 1870. III e lHll Mate la.wea.
Mr Nimrod Price this year raised over liirrtio. sept. 17.-Forgovernor.John
6000 bushels of wheat. J Bo d Tbatber, toe pretest mayor of Al-
The Overland circus per-'ormeJ Lere on i bany. cx-rtate x-caior and New York's
Aug. 22. world's fair comuiiMioner.
M r A W Gordon just from Burlington, i . Kot hnant-gw-rnor. W,lbor F Pct
Iowa. has purchased 60 acre of land : "rtowii, ex commtwiooer of the
within two miles of this city for $22 per
acr. Cheap.
t I. : .1 : , i .i . : . I
-ua UB..UW ...e Wuit juntfe-
sbip in favor of Judge Johns and against
'r' " "v. -t-H
it.o annrvrnp mcir. winch rnnhrme.1 iVi'
. i .... . , ...
.7.;.;,n ment of me . Mragn piatform and ticket,
. ,t , , S a deouruiat-on ot the rep-ibluan state
ven Albany hunters in one week iexiiaturs.
killed at Upper Soda 69 deer and two) Tne cammigi: wiil be fooxU on state
bears. f uku?.
Married, on Aog. 2S, in Albany. Mr M S
Sternberg and Ml Lena Rosenborg. j aeeiSewl.
Linnvitle Bowers tried to escape from ' Asxisorox. Or., Sept 17. young
the count v jai!,w hen be wasshot by Ivp- man. named Boyer, met with a erioos, it
cty sheriff lrine,dying within a few mo- &ct fatal, accident at Coodoo. in tbit conn
ments. ty. tiw evening, lie wis working for a
Beldcn & Smith run a broom factory in "nesting crew. In t'.tppiog over a tam
Albanv. ! "J. k" foot caobt and he wa
Rev'. Joab Powell ojnd the State leg-1 'TrlKl. .P'? tte,T
itUturewith prayer, the meet tUielf VJt UK4
pivAi mr eiD.ui men ever r.earo.
1 . . . 1 . 1
n. 1 ... r
i;a;'rT.J (trading ba.1 reached Je5er-n ;
on Sept, SI and Albany on October 21.; A Bx Lttt.
S M Pennington's dangnters too". ! ' 1 Or- r. 17. Tbe LXiijrias
tit 50 in premiuns at the county fair. !ij wvy l lx.J cpon tie net vaioe
Col. Hogg, of tbe Ute CSt wss ,n the VrT l
city. He is looking for trvsbi on- ; ,
( '
i , , t
E 'Jr "J V."f -.
1SS5 centos.)
- ri j' .w
From Ihe IEWjcATof Nov. 4, 1570
IW. 23, 1KT0.
JoUe Keisy and Jos. Hannon formed
! fip ted , tbe P -
! ...... ."- , , , ,
! "j'Jf' i'' la ,n?li"eJ ti
,, oner.tJr.
i . v. v.,, .i.
to California
' to locale returned to U v.
On Nov. 23 the cars reached JeJTemra.
G M Stros J was the firt mail scent
; between Portland and Jcffeison
I Died, c-n Dec 5, Kev. Thos. :mpon
Kendall, IK !., an immigrant of lti.
obituary wa w ,,un by Dr. IrvlCe.
' Thuedv 1W. S I4TO a in d
lA, ! f. U.fJli
al tha time, the advent -f a Irwin of
cars, and 'r. tha! dav the
lat rait was
ad ot alout
laid at Albany. A train load
aw promtn-nt pev-pSe reached ASlnv
about 12:30 p. m. Ben Holiday ap-
pered and was presented with a lowly
Sag for ttie os of the engine Albanv v
M.yor A V Canard, (tow ol Browns,
vilie ) The rcsponw was bv lion John
II. Mitch 11 on behalf of Mr HoSSidsv.
Mrs. Ihinniway preen e-l a flag fur
engine J. II. Mephens. the engine that
hrt waked railrcad echoes in our bills
and forests and which now proudly puffs
its panting breath into our very faces.
Ir. I-oryea reepondol. full of piaiss for
iiwiiiii. . uff 1'11'AKJITVIUWM li i
account of the affair with a suggestion i
that the demonstration was a cros be- '
tween a rrusaJe lor voira an.t a r.r.-,n.l
demastratiou to besMiiier Itsti Holli-
da v.
At the December eleciion It Cranor .
was ehTte,l mayor defeaung S II Foster; IJZ t
tapt llomphrey recorder, t.eo eller,Bh , , BOooiiceJ
marshal, b B Purdom treasurer. M OQl;n(. ,.,eml
U.1 n i i .- it
the December elecs ion X It Cranor
Jason Wheeler and others explore I the;
anliam to see if steam boat could be i e0c4 t, Oieiron. where heexptcts to de
laken op to Lebansu. hver Uiree p.vehe. and theixe to Califor-
D r Mason was clectej trca.mrer of nia, where rite s.whes are scheduled.
Scio. j Other ipeakers are being communicated
Geo Humphrey was elected W M 0f
. ....... IIUIUIIMTj t I . . ." ... V.
' Corithtan Lodge and D Kroman S W.the
only officers now in Albany
Albany is climbing the ladder of pro
gress '"hand oxer tiH," and we expect
to have the world's and a cock Cabling)
rink ncre in a vear or two.
Catarrh Cannot be Cared
with tCOAL APPLICATION.?, a tbey cannot
reach the seat of tbe diaeaao. Catarrh ia a blood
or constitutional disease, and ia order lo care
'I yoa must take Internal remedies. Ball's
Catarrh Core is taken Internally, and acts
directly on tbe blood and mncooa surface.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure ianot aquark medicine. It
was prcacrtbed by on. ot the beat phviciao ia
thi country for year, and I w rvirular pre
scription. It la composed of the beat tonics
known, combined with the be-t blood puriSrra,
act in. directly on tbe mucous surface. Tb.
perfect combination of the tvro inirrcdteut t
what produce urb wonderful reatilta incTlriaS
Catarrh. Mend for tealimoniala. free.
P. J. CHENEY At CO., l-ropa.. Toledo, O.
Bold by drusgiata. Drice If-,
Blaaeat Craak of Ike Age
Go!.DK.;oti.K, Wash , Sept. IS. Chas
Tupper, who ons a wheat farm near
Goldenda'e, containing 100 acres, with
good improvements, and valued at $30l0.
has offered to hei his farm against th'tOO in
cash that McKinley ia elected. Tuppor
ays that, should Isryan be elected, be
would want no turni in this country, and
would go buck to Lunula.
l'rrullar Offer.
Moscow, Idaho. Sept. IS. Mercantile
firms of th's city are offering lij cnts a
bcsbel in Irmle far wheat. The cab price
is .to cents. v unit, is pouring in bore.
The Heather.
Tonignt and Sunday fair, stttionary
tempeiature. Kiver 1.0 ft.
F. M. French dixplnjtuan.
Liver DSBs
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti
pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Uood's Pius. They do their work
easily and thoroughly,
aftr olnner pills.
rreCed by CI Hood 4 Co. Low"hMI
Too only Pill to take with Hood's BarsparUlar
Brian la lirglala
RicnMQXb, Va .&ept, 13. After leav
ing Uoldaboro, Bryan addreased briefly a
large crowd assembled at Wilson, K. C.
Arriving at Rocs Mount, he was met
by a precaution, and escorted to tne fair
ground. There be addesed another large
At WeMon tbe candidate made a three
minute speech from tbe car platform.
Virginia was invaded at Kmporia, where
the nominee told the poopte he was glad to
meet the citizens of the state in which bis
father was born .
At Manchester another stop was made,
and th.m tbe train pulled across the river
into Richmond, where a great crowd had
gatfered and gave Bryan an
nthukiaatic reception.
Will Aarwar
Naw VoTik, Sept. 19.-A dipach to
the World from Bath, Me., says Mr bewail
U-tiight answered tbe cry which has gone
up all over tbe country for bis reliretueul
from tbe free silver ticket:
There is abgo'ub-lv n.ihinr ;n ihw t C
about my withdrawing, 'ibe thing is ah
surd. 1 shall not retire under any circuin
nUatx. Tbe statement that party leader
aie bringing influent U bear upon me for
this purpose is a pure falsehood. I see
very clearly, however, that Bryan may be
elected and that I may not he. But 1 am
thinking more of free eilver than of sew
all. a TToBderfal Klde
Nkw Yohk. Sopt. 18. Jams Michael,
the lrib won'ler, smashed ad the Ameri
can records for a one hcur competition
(paced) r-e this afternoon at tbe firt an
nual national circuit meeting of the Quill
Wheelman at ManimtUi beach. Twenty
seven milen and 1619 yard suo-Li to the
crwlit of tbe foreigner for one facur, but
r ran: Maritoo-. ot rhiiadelphia, a on y
Z) yards behind Lim al ihe fani.L. an! on It
for some bad blundering on toe part of hi
pacenioser tjiirUv alter the tfth mle.
i would have given Mi Jsael ibe race f.f Lu
I a CreaS B.r-e
; ... ... a,.... o -i ,j
i Pointer, at Mvatic Point, tti aflernocn.
J court of cfatms.
i ror iodv-e of ttervurtof ati!. Rob
ertCTitu. of Buffalo, jadge of the o-
, rf , I, -,,, ,,1,..,;
of line county.
The p!a:forro: An unequivocal indorw-
. "ijiuwai iiijui.
i " inia-nmii a irmote maccer. Am-
, n i .
. ti.atin will foe r. t r-r
"srU V.-iT
' j jsv j a uL.i ujcjju -i
. " rf-. "
r-ij ..ou:a iuiry ,aca active, wul be re -
, dooed.
to n r.
. ',,,,", .7 ' ".7i' 'Rirf0
; 1
. der Ihe uh4 farcrab'e ccn.iitioo. Itse !
nd.oo. promi; tn ,d tbat 4 an. j
iiurs-jar, iui ra re rua-l ia the
fr-htnan cia.v tfcaa erer bef re Tbi a-
! U caiH are aire It cniwjl, miny
bavin? to wk arromaodatioas e'sewb're.
I He ory cf I'oniasd w iu be represented by
qsutea 4rSeratim.
a Kic Warns, .1 U4
Ykj:. J-Vt4. 17. T,
I cw 1 Jev4. 17. 'H larrt
chnnk or g, d that h ever ,o tiiu
"'J t-y wbes4el d-wa tr?dvv.
It was Uken fAm, ti Urw-d tVn.ral dJS.
- wneo i"iie a-s,y in au
"r" ln oajon eipry- arjw, puaroVJ
'' de.ectire ice big lump weighed
-A " and it u wonn f-e. (X. It
a ipped lo Ihe aay otfiae by it Bant
. M jn!rrf. Caada. aod teitoc to the
l-rhoo micing company .?f Brilih CoSum -
i U-
The Hai.e rwiiu
; 1..- n t- r . . ..
return of Mondar :.--ti ar .i
- ,
The total vole i a tak-w;
i Republk-an pmrality
- -----
at ajnu.
a wtawiaraBt Aril.a.
CniCAC.o. ivi4 . IS. Tbe rvpubiicao na
; tional cotnoii'tec ba decided lo n-nj cam-
i I8 peak ot national rrominence out
! ihrouirh tiie iivtr iriucing states and the
!, t. j n-t-.j
i i aciac aiojT. ineauTaaoe guaru oi tcese
L.... V, ;n iTl
tiulterwonn, ot Uiuo,
need today, will speak ia
niiior 'N n.l Q . 1 .
Colorado nteuiher 3J. Fmni iher. fcp
I "t,'n m" l" T .nl et when nego-
j w"ns are comrle.ed.
tl SWfBte aJrellM.
Xkw York, Sept 15. A London cable
gram lo lb Kvening Post say:
Abcut Sr.Ja.M in gold will probaUv
leave th- liaak of Kncland todav for New
V rk. The gold withdrawal for America
today surprised the market, because therw
ia no sttamer tomorrow. 1 learn on au
thority, however, it wa taken becau a
big withdrawal hir F.gypt is likely tomor
row or Fiiday. and it was feared the Bank
of Kngiand might ruise the price. Fully
i,"o0 000 will goto New lork bv this
week's steamers from France.
A t wlraf M.a.
Ciiicaoo, Sept 16 An in'uriated mob
cf laborers Wtiled with tbe police of South
Chicago at 6 o clock last evening for the
posaeoKton of a waton-driver whom they
threatened with lynching, because his run
away hore knocked down several of tne
ciowd. After a tierce struggle, in which
clubs and stones were freely used, the
driver, Peter ZisiUki, was rescued from his
assailants In addition to the balf dozen
men trampled lieneatb tbe hoofs ot tbe
frantic b rsi. a number of the crowd were
severely beaten by the police.
K Y Deswavrata.
RcFrALO, Sept. 16. Tbe platfjrro of
lue democratic tarty in tue state, as draft
ed tonight, will have as its. tirst proposi
uon this statement:
"The democrats of tbe state of New
York, la convention HssemUled, do hereby
unreservedly indorse and approve the plat
form adopted by the national convention at
l I'icago, and we hereby unanimously ap
prove the nominee of said convention,
William Jennings liryan and Arthur Sew
all, and pledge them our earnest r and cor
dial support '
1'wal.a In lulnal.
Chicaoo, Sept. 15. Tbe last obstacle to
the conteniplated fusion oa
electors of Illinois between silver democrats
and populists has been removed, and fusion
finally effected. At a meeting ot the dem
ocratic state central committee today.
Chairmen Umrichsen anuounced tbat he
received the resignation of three democrat'
ic e lectin a I candidutea. Their places will
be given to populists.
jailll.wa at Slake.
Newport. R. I.. Sept. 16. The battle
ship Texas, which left tue North Atlantic
squadron for the purpose of getting a sup-
coming into harbor at 5:60 o'clock, and is
bard and fast. She rests on the sand '
amidabips, and resisted all attempts made
P'y ot torpeuoea urre, gruunuetl wniie
oy tne lug AquidnecK to dislodge her. The '
position of the vessel is a dangerous one. I
wuJ - ,lmul(i
wit$1 1,01 '
storm ret in, u woum go
Off for a Six
III II ?5i
ri ft n n
No matter how much you arc
charged for a small piece of other
brands, the chew is no better than g
"Battle Ax." For 10 cents you
get almost twice as much as of
other high grade goods.
Tbe Corvailis Gazette beads an edi-
torial : "Dtmn the county cnort," fol-
lowing it with a remarkably illogical ar
Albany shooM by all means have an
exhibit at the Portland exposition. Our
Immigration board should attend to it.
Dr. Powell Reeves, of Portland, baa
put in a bill of $774 against tbe Jefferson
estate in tbat city for doctors services
and borsemansnip. There are noHeaa
on tbt Doctor.
The heading of an item La the Mc-
Minnviile Transcript is attracting atten
tion. Here it is: a Hot Bute Tbe
beautiful Presbyterian church in ashes
Splendid work of the fire department
The toiling masses of Vermont and
Maine are partial to an boo est dollar.
Sutesman. Pttto of Arkansas and Ala
bama. They want both gold and silver
honest dollars. JrVe what Mitchell says
else here.
f -
An offer is posted in a First strt win-
!ow tn t-t f, iv . .iv
.that Mcliin.ey will be elected. The
1 Bryan men have no mooev to net. That
i is not Ibeir present condition ; bet they
; will do some uU voing next November.
Tramps have a new way of getting a
square meal. One at Corraliia inttewd
01 caiung iot sometntng to eat empty
gathered it np in installments, asking
tor two onions at one place, some bread
! and batter at another, etc, until his
meat was completed.
Asa gwd deal is being said about
election bets it is interesting t note that
John h. McLean, in his paper, the Cin
cinnati enquirer, oners to bet SiO.OW to
XS.IAW that Bryan will carry Ohio. He
a, so offers to U I il to $"W tbat Brv-
j o wia carry McKinley s home loan,
I Canton.
S Tle Oivgon City Conner y: "Eey
1 D. Iriver spoke lo a full boose on
Tuesday evening at Shively's bail. He
J was advertised t answer Rev. Barkley's
I free silver speech but he hardly men-
i w vm. v . !,. avraa a.o eattarvat yc
I,- - . ,, .
i i. n : i
l lifion ElI: T ffllTM
Manv republicans
ere diecusted
A joint debate, by tbe
way, between tbe two elders would be of
I If a man earn ta tttnh hia tst th iIm
gonian would lay it to free silver anta-
lion. It is ascribing everything to it so
coniinnouoiy as to mane it larsical.
What is tbe matter of gold monomeul
ism. That is what the people have real
ly been getting. It U the thinn that be
tha; affect limes, not so much the things
A Portland business man refused to
advertise with a paper there because it
was in favor of free silver, and the paper
got mad and practically advised free sil
ver people not to trade with the man.
injudicious conduct on the part of bcth
The live business man seeks for trade
wherever he can get it. while the news
paper should never show a failure to eet
business, whatever the cause, in its col
The great Mark Hannr nas lately been
making appeals to the clergy of tbe land
to support McKinley for tbe reason thai
should Bryan be elected, anarchy and
disorder would prevail, while he savs
his candidate and party represenU all
that is moral and reliirioas. ln the face
i of this let the ministers of Albany, and
aiso a. I christian people, notice what
is being advertised 4o occur at Newport
tomorrow, a grana puoi c meeting, clam
bake, etc, in honor of Governor Lord.
Senators Mitchell and McBride and Con
gressmen Hermann, Ellis and Tongue.
How does this appear by the side of the
claims put lorth by HannaT 'Consist
ency, thou art a jewel." but you are not
altogether in the possession of the repub
lican pariy, just at tne present use.
At a b:g meeting in Metropolian hall,
San Francisco. Wed need y evening.
iiuu. it . r. laviur gpoae io ui ioiiow-
ing beautiful language: Somewhere to
night, away off east of here, faeirg earn
est, eager, hopeful thousands, is the on
ly man to whom the American people
iuuk , me piaia, common peopio OI this
country, whose industries lie at the very
lounuauon oi mis country a prosperity.
There facing them tonight, he tells th
simple story that the lines of battle have
beeu drawn, and the single issue of this
campaign is as to whether the American
people tiare to govern themselves in the
face ol the whole world. Clean of char
acter as the untrodden snow; simple,
homely, and earnest, of the old arhrvil of
piain Americans, n imam Jennings Brr
an tonight, singlehanded, out in the
open, witn no muzzle, with nobody
w hispering in bis ear what h nhail r
or what he dare not say. is f acini? the
entrenched enemy of tbe American peo
ple, and making this tight for their
emancipation from ascertain alaer-rv
una worm nas ever seen unless they are
true to their own beet interests.
The pleasant effect and perfect saLt
with which ladies may use Sjrup of Fig,
under all condition, make it their favorite
remedy. To get tbe true and genuine ar-
tide, look for the name ot the California
Vx Syrup Company, printed near the hot
tnu ot tlie package. For sale by all re
poumow uruggwts.
nr. Prlce'tCrHm Rakla. rvnu..
- a. vnutt
Awards Goal HUdal Mrfwautf Fak. Saa FraacWoK
Months' Trip.
Boston Roller Mills. Sbedds. Or.
In order to correct false reports we
world sute we give 40 iba of Soar, in
exchange for one bushel first-claps clean
red and white wheat and kes floor for
second grade. We have pat in a large
Tnrbin and can do some good chopping
for 1-1 Oth bathe.
Smuoss & Thoxpsos.
Has to Bay
Where to do it is tbe question. Albany
people bars learned from years ot exper
ience tbat
Parker Brothers
Can be depended npoa. They keep
standard groceries, fresh produce and
tbe beet frail. Their baked goods
are tbe beet made and give satisfaction.
Their prices are right.
Bay yonr of them.
Bay joar produce of them.
Buy yoar fraiu of them.
Bay yoar bated goods of tbea.
Bryan A JfcKinlcr a e both in tbe
race to vis a aewt oa tee throop at the
White Hoose- Bark hart A Lee the drug
gists are ut tbe race to wia cnatotnezB.
by spiting pore, crash Oroct, and com
pounding pfesrriptioas witn the utmost
ere they will sototed.
Ak yoar ph-xiB. yoar dragiit and
your frenia a boat Saitoh' Core for con -sjmptiotA.
l&py wid recommend it. Foi
sale by Foshty a: Itasca.
See Sftfvt
a&4 lver Complaint yoo bare a printed
guarantee on eei y oott cf Shilo Vital
izer It oev-r faUa to core. For sale by
FoahavJr Mason
Tkc sHaa w
Ooctipa!ion. caar more than half tbe
t'U of w?o.ea- Ear! Oover Root Tea it
a pleasant cure for conti?tica . For sail
by Foby Mason.
For Infant tuid CMldreit.
is Saves Uvea at? V
Thonsaeds of cases of Coosniaptos,
Asthma. Congbs, Colds and Coop are
nred erery day by Sht-o-i's Core.
Take Laxative Brosno Quinine Tablets.
Ail droggisls refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c
Dawson's Bitters for hot men.
tireJ feeling.
Bitters for harvest
Calmer Cwrw
Heabn and sweet breath secured bv
Shik It' CatarTb Remedy. PrlcJ SO cea;
Nasal injector free. For sale by fovea.
& Mason.
Karl. rTr Ten
is a nre cure for headache and nervoas
disease No hing reiievea so qniewiy.
For s Ue by Fwhav i Masosi.
Lojt at rhis.
. -1 "T S lot "ul 'ir heesev AIT
kinds Ot fruit, all in ana hn.W ,
college and city public scboeJ, to trade
for residence in Albany. Looktbisup.
Jood place to make money or foe seecc-Uuon-
G. V. Maston.
Let everybody come to 1.1 Str Bakery
and get ' ot freh hrp.t a. i
C UtTlt.
A ewes Wwrtsi ,, ia.
Cons"nSDtio. t.tDrinno n r
nJ ThrOAt nJ Lrag diweases are core
" anuo-i-s l.ure. i or sa'-e o f Fsshay
A Satarml SMwwtiaee
Karl's Clover Root Tew
snd gives clear aod bewutiful complexio,
For a'e by Foshay and Mason.
Tt.- IV
and the Weekly San Francisco Kxamiwer
I 50 a vear. combined for ul. t-
W n KULI L'lHIH I IT vjl . ...
Tbi includes all tbe privileges in the ioo
ww 1-19011UIU noi uc tue ciaoiimr laclud
ing a $10,000 residence and a $4000 sold
Fresh Oysters
bv the pint or quart, also arwi
style, at Stetter restaurant
For the best drugs. Dawson's.
Puns Drugs Fred Dawson's.
Use Dawson's furniture polish.
albsii' MansTrrT
Wirt. 46c
Oats 164e
FlDur, $3 00
Bolter lj
Lrd 6 to 9c
Pork hams, g t 10c,kouldcrs 4 to ,
Sides, 8 to 10.
Uay baled, $5.00