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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1896)
TERMS. " . Daily Democrat, 25 cents i er month 13.00 per advance, 30c per mont; not in advance. By carrier, 10c ph week. 10 per cent added if alloweder run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. to Weekly. (1.25 ki advance; f 1.50 at end of year; 1 1.75 for second year; '20U for third and proceeding yean, when not paid in advance. Club of five ww subscribers for $5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers for $2.35 a rear. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big prenTtum gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 direct! v to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a iveek N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Presidential Electors. N. L. BUTLER, of Polk con at v. M. L. OLMoTEAD, of Baker county. E. HOFER. of Marion county. H. W ATKINS, of Yamhill, countv. -m:o2stid-a.-s- A Colorado Letter. Dexter, Colorado, Sept. 18, 1896. Editor Democrat: During the last week I hare met and conversed with many men in Washing ton, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and Montana, and summing up I find the consensus of opinion to be that Bry an will carry Washington, Idaho, Utah, Montana ana iJoiorado by sate majori ties. There is some doubt about his car rying Wyoming. The feeling in Utah, Montana and Colorado in favor of Bryrn is intense and overwhelming. I have conversed with a number of wooien in and around Denver and they manifest all the fervent zeal of the men and fre quently much of the clear-cut intelli gence of those who vote. As indicating what public sentiment in the inter mountain states is, it is sufficient to say t iat in 6au take City last Monday evening the republicans held primary elections to elect delegates to county and state conventions, and in all t'at great city of 80,000 souls less than 200 repub lican voters could be drummed up to at tend the meetings. While passing through the town of Georgetown today, when about 450 votes are cast, a lady, the wife of the county treasurer, inform ed me that a careiul canvas cf the city showed but one Mi Kinley voter in all the city and that the 'city of IJ iho Springs, with its 3,000 souls contains but two McKinley votes. I asked an in telligent street car conductor in Denver if that city had many McKinley men. His answer was that there were very few except colored men. A few days ago 400 laboring men employed in the Grant lead smelting worts of this city contrib uted $760 to the Bryan campaign fund. Two thirds of these men are republicans, I mention these facts to show the ten dency of campaign sentiment here. Axos. Indian Agent Dead. Warm Swung, Or., Sept. IS, 1S96. Editor Dkmocrat: Major Peter Gallagher, U. S. Indian Agent, died this morning at 5 -.20. His remains will be taken to The Dalles and mbalmed and taken to his home. Poc ortalle, Idaho. A son and daughter are here to accompany them. C. H. Walks. The Daies T. M . siys of the deceased : He came here from Idaho about three months ago, having been appointed agent by President Cleveland. While in The Dalles en ronte to the agency he was suffering from lumbago and never fully recovered. Major Gallagher was born in Ireland, Marth 2. 1835, and came to America while quite young, settling in Virginia. He was aligned to a po sition on the Ft. Hall reservation during Cleveland's administration, and after wards located at Pocatella, where his three eons and three da-ighters rea:de. One son, W. P. Gallagher, and one daughter were with him at the time of his death. The remains were embalm ed at Wm. Mitchell's undertaking rooms in this city and will be taken to Poca tella for burial. Harrisburg. F. M. Mitchell, the veteran Linn conn ty pedagogue, is in the city canvassing for school supplies. Born In thiscitr, on Thursday, Sept. 17th. 1896, to the wife of G. Cummings, a son. The Harriebore Lumber Co. have re ceived 2,000,000 feet of saw logs from M. B. Wood, of Mill Creek. These logs are of exceptional good quality and will en able this company to ho'd their enviable reputation for good lumber. "Messrs. Writrhb and Amore aeenred 24 pheasants while ont hunting Monday. The Review acknowledges the receipt of three plump fellows. While we feel duly grateful for favors rendered, we have an immense appetite for the tooth--some birds, and are hard to kill with .kindness. Died Mrs. Martha M. Isham,ol heart -disease, at her home in Hamsburg, Or., . on the 22d day!of August, 1 896. The de- . ceased was born at East Liberty, Ohio, -on tho4thday of March, 1836. A marriage license has been iseaed to Tt. S. Barr and May Halloway. The ceremony will take place at the Indus trial Exposition, Portland, October 5ib .Elaborate preparations are being made tor the occasion. The young couple have the best wishes of a host of friends .in this vicinity. Messrs. Maxson, Briggs, Lister and .. McDaniel returned bunday from a lieb ingand banting trip at Belknap, A good time is reported. Cal reports hav ing seen zi deer in one band, lne ex cuee given for not killing anv. was. that tbey were not able to pack them out ot .be mountains. lie vie w. Mr. R. M. Caldwell, of Lebanon, is transacting bus ne?s in tbe city today. Mrs. Ira Cox left this noon for Pierce- ville, Iowa, where she will visit with I her parents for about three months. j Rev. C. G. Harmon, of Lebanon, waa in Albany today on his way to the gen eral conference at Roseburg. Rev. J. T. Abbett also left today for tbe same place. J. O. Writsman and family, of Port land, formerly of this city, left last Sat urday for Loa Angeles, Calif., which they will make thtir home. Craven and Hellembrand, the bowling men. have returned to Albany and will open an entirely new alley here in a few . l t .1 ; " i - - days, reuujr mr uiu winters ousiness. Kev. Riley Little. pasor of the U. P church of this city, has been tendered a call to the 6th U. P. church of Chicago, which he has accepted, and will soon leave for that city to reside. W. J. Rioelan, of Halsey , went to Port land today to make arrangements to start A creamery at Halsey. He and Mr. Cross will soon put to running a gcod nlant there. Hon. W. Lair Hill, brother of Dr. J.L. j Hill, of this city, is a candidate for nom-1 ination for Superior judge of Alameda; county, Calif. A big fight has been in: progress over it. Mrs. J. N. Doiph and Miss Dolph, of Portland, arrived in New York on Wed nesday, September 9, from a p-olonged European tour. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Gestat their rummer home or Staten island. Greater New York. Telegram Mr. A.J. Hodges left this noon for Cliicago where be wn: enter the dental department of the Northwest University. "Jack' has the make up for making a first-class dentist, and proposes to fit .himself for the work in the right way. Try ' awson books. once ou school Dawson wants your school trade. Buy from Dawson, he sells cheap for the best drugs, Dawson's. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 bays a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut' Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysa5-drawerseving machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years . CaTrriees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. "Will Albany. the Mckinley ratification. The ratification of the nomination of McKinley for president began at 1 o'clock this afternoon. A good sized crowd was in the city, probably about the same number that attended the Bryan ratifi cation more from the towns and less from the countrr, more business men, less farmers. The officers of the dav were Judge Blackburn, president; Dr. V. H. Davis head marshal, with Judge Duncan, E. E Uoff, L. O. Coates, S. N. Steele and T. Wandel aa aids. A good sized procession marched through the leading streets headed by the Albanv band, to the opera house, where senator Mitchell spoke to a big house lne procession as it passed a given point was made tip as ioiiows Dv a care ful connt : 75 men on horse back, Bert Van Cleveand another Corvailis man In a dog cart, 12 carriages holding about 35, 9 ladies on bicvcles. 45 men and bova on bicycles, Albany band of 12 pieces, 290 men on foot, and the marshals and their aids, about 10 in all, a total of 469. This included all the McKinlev visitor with a few exceptions, and man v Albany men. i- -1 i . . . - pruuaoiv nan. a large nu m Derot Urran men and many women of all parties saw we wen uenaved and nicely managed procession go ov. Mr. Mitchell admitted that all voters were honest in their conviotiOLS, some thing many people do not seem willing to do. tie appealed to the voter to op- notd me g. o. p. because it had dis posed of slaverv, had given the poor men a homestead law. had foriuulateted a tar iff law (what is the matter of the ilsoa law) ani was the only friend (?) silver ever had. He credited the republicans with Ravins $1,500,000,000 of the. rmhlio debt. He declared that there were ques tions of much greater moment than free coinage of silver. He contrasted Har rison s administration with Cleveland's, but failed to tell bow he found tha trMA- ury full and left it emp'y, declaring that all was projperitv. everv far tor v ami furnace meltine hot. whereas there were doable the number of strikes in the U S.there were during the previous three or four years. Then he laid the depression that followed u the democratic adminis tration. He declared himself b:mentat ist when the consent of other commercial notions could be se ured. He tried to make Bryan out unfriend! v to the farmer Decause He was a member of the wavs and means committee that framed the Wilson bill, a fact not many will appre ciate. To-nigh t Hon. J. W. Watts, Gov. Lord's Private Secretary Willis Dunniwav, a former Albany school boy, and Senator Mitchell will speak at the opera house. Wheat his gone np to 6 cf nts regard less of silver agitation. A bet has been made in S n tern Ore gon that Bivaa would carry jackion coun ty by 600. jap ju into, ex-irea.orei or .xarion county, i , . . . . . ..... . . - was declared insane last Palm dav and taken to the insane sjylam. He is a brother of Chief of Police M in to of Portland. At the athletic game in Seattle last Saturday Brady Burnett, of Corvalli. won the one mile foot race m 4:42, the 8-0 ran in 2:05 2-5 and waa second in the 440 yard run. We nnderstaod Mr. A Hack if man of Price has cou'racted his ref cattl to Mr. Frank Fut'oa of Btuirsi, Oregon. Our in formant states ha price paid was iJ per head. Prinevilie Review. Laver'y & Olds' new a ad large grain elevator at Springhe'd, three miles east of this city, burned to the ground at mid night last night with aboct 1.000 bushels of wheat, 7,000 sacks and all the machinery, etc.. in the building. The caue of the fire is unknown bat the indications are that it was set by some one Guard. J. M. Philpot pobrslies the following in the Harrisburg Review: Of la'e some miscreants have been crippling and killing cattle on my premises, and for what cause is a dark mystery. I can only conclude that this dastard and cowardly work is the result of vicious, bru'e natures, and for thir arrest and conviction I hereby offer a reward of fifty do lar. In lodge Campbell's police court in San Francisco last Saturday, Vtortpy J. J. Coffey waa arguing an embezzlement cate as special counsel for tbe prosecution, when Attorney Ncah Flood interrupted him witn th irnHs: "If the court please, I am about to mure a knockout." There upon be l truck Coffey in the eve. blackening thatcrgin and knocking Coffey down. 'lood was promptly fi.-ed f 100 and sentenced to 24 hoar' impriionment. He was connee'ed in no way with the care, but had an antipathy to Coffey, wbitb devel ops under intoxication . Fa: m House Burped. The fine farm residence of A. Umph- rey, about four miles west of Lebanon waa burned last baturday. the residence was occupied by Mr. Walters, but he and his family were away from home. Most of bis household goods were saved, as a threshing crew were at work near by, and helped remove moet of the fur niture and saved the barn. The house cost about $2500 when it was built, a few years ago, and was insured for $1600. The fire originated from a defective flue in the kitchen. B. W. Cundiff of this city was returning from Lebanon at the time and helped remove the furniture. Fixe Gbapei.. On our table we found this morning a fine bunch of Hartford Proline grapes grown Dy judge carton. This is the earliest ripening grape grown in tbe U. S. and deserves general dissem ination, vine hardy.fine vigorousgiower. and a magnificent yielder. It's great value lies in its earunese. School books cheap at Dawsons Dawson sells school books. Mrsimr. Ektektammest. Do not for ret th musical entertainment at trie Fierce Memorial church tomorrow nigni. You will enjoy it immensely. Conduct ed by the committee of the Baptist young people, who have in work of rais- ing me f iw iunu. iu wu v. Anna Mespelt, for the Missionary train ing school at Chicago. Rich Red Blood la absolutely essential to health. It la secured easily and naturally by taking Hood's Sarsapariila, but Is im possible to get it from so-called " nerw tonics." and opiate compounds, ab surdly advertised aa "blood purl flers." They have temporary, sleeping effect, but do not CURE. To have pure Blood And good health, take Hood's Sarsapariila, which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as Just what it hi tbe beat medicine for the blood ever pro duced. Its success in curing Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, . Nervous Prostration and That Tired Feeling, have made Sarsapariila I The One True Blood Purifier. All druggisU. L Hood's Pills natto'aui I bcueiiclal. 'mas. TTJESDAX The End of the Ratification. The McKinley ratification closed in this city last night with a big demonstra tion in the opera house. Hon. John M. Somers presided. The platform was elegantly decorated for the occasion. Addresses were made by Willis Dunni way, whom an old school mate says used to get whipped more than anybody in school, but who now is a welt behaved and pleasant gentleman, as well as a fair speaker, who is able to present the untenable arguments in favor of a single gold standard as well aa most any body. Dr. J. W. Watts also delivered a short address mostly on the silver question. S. N. Steele sang a so.'o and the Irvine Bros., Geo. Acheson and J. A. Barton some quartet campaign songs. At 4 :S0 o'clock a meeting of the coun ty clubs was held in the opera house. 145 delegates were present, showing an attendance of !H) from The following officers were elected : President, Hon J. M. Somers, of Al bany; first viee-president, Frank Friabv, Halsey- second vise-president, W. B. tllaSB. Crawfoniavilln l.hinl vii-A nroai. dent, Dr. E. O. Hyde.Scio: fourth vice- president. W. M Brown, Lebanon ; sec retary. 0. B. Winn. Alhnnv IrKuanrur C. P. Glover. Price. aggressive campaign was decided upon. The Blue River Mines. Mr. G. A. Dvaon. And Mr. Rmn nf the Times, of Brownsville, were iu the city yesterday attending the ratification and incidentally interesting people in the Blue River mine road. It is a matter of vast importance to Linn county generally to secure a good road into these mines and Albany business men aa well as Linn county people generally should assist in the enterprise. From Brownsville there is now a good road for 25 miles and it will take only 20 miles of road building to gei in . a better inlet should be se cured than can be obtained from the Lane county side. xue uuaru says: the civil engineer who has been in the Bl;e River mines surveying out a route for a wagon road. reiurnea to cugene Saturday evening enroute to his home in Portland. He re ports having selected a splendid route for a road up Quarts Creek to the LucVv Hoy mine, and that the grade will be a'n rasy one. He is in the employ of the London Exploration Coinnanv. whlrh haa recently purchased that property This road will not hn nt lintil t, I :,-!.! Hill claims. Mr. Etam Millet has returned to the mines to look after his claim. Mr. F. M. Parsons has returned from Paulina. Crook countv. after an absence of eleven months. Mr. Will Ga'bruth returned this noon from his summer stay at Newport. Dr. and Mrs. Adams will also be home this week. Licenses have been issne.1 recent! v for the marriage of Frank Cleavinger and Minnie Leslie, Chaa W. Simons and Joeie A. Wilson, Elbert B. Small and Flora A. Palmer. R L. McCIure, one of Salem's popular tonsorial artists, is in Albany, assisting in a barbershop during the temporary absence of the proprietor. Mr. McCIure is on bis way home from the seaside where he has spent the summer. He expects to arrive in Salem the latter part of this week. Salem Journal. On their way East Revs. Wishart and Reit spent an hoar in Lincoln, Nebras ka, being there at the time Mr. Bryan was at borne. They called at his home and spent a few moments pleasant! with the distinguished man. Mr Bryan fifteen or sixteen rears aeo had been oeaien py a Monmouth man in a state oratorical contest, and Mr Wishart, a aiuumouui man, nad atterwards won hoih the state and interstate contests, adding interest to the call. Rev. Marion M. Lewis, who was pas tor of the Second baptist Church, on East Seventh and East Ankeny for three years, but who resigned recently, has, been called to the pastorate of the first church in Albany. It is understood that be will accept the call, and shortly move to Albany. Key. Mr. Lewis took charge of the Second church three years ago, when tbe congregation worshiped in a primitive building, and, when be resigned, a splendid "building marked the place where the old one stood. Tbe church folly recognized Rev. Mr. Lewis" work, and passed resolution commend ing it. He will leave many warm friends behind, who will wish him ftic cess in his new field at Albany. Ure- goman. SILVER ANNIYtKSART. The twenty-fifth, or silver anniversary of tbe marriape of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Young occuired on Sunday, Sept. 20 On Saturday evening about thirty-five of the relatives and near neighbors of the happy and prosperous couple called up on them in a body in honor of the event, giving them a genuine surprise. Tbe evening was spent in s foetal manner and a delicious lunch was served. The Democrat under the htad of My menial in its issue of October 13, 1871 said: "Our friend and fellow citizen Sam E. Young, returned to this citv last Wed nesday with bis eastern bride, formerly Miss N Akhoose. V e tender the newly wedded pair our warmest congratula tions and wish t em all the happiness and bliis a in the vocabulary. Sain is the very best of gentlemen and emi nently deserves that of which he is doubtless possessed a true and loving wife. The parasite therHion is preying npon tbe flies. Dr. Cham her! in has thown tbe Democbat samples of one ot them. Parsons Band and Orcbertra will fur nish music for the slate fair this year. The journal eaja that excessive iw of I jo nor and cnnntant drinking are the main causes of Jap Minto's innaniiy. William A. Pinkerion. tbe head of the greatest detective agncy in the wo'ld. in in Portland. With headquarters at Chi cago be does business all over tbe world. Or. J. U. Irvine, tbe Oanby drugziat. has made an assignment of bis drug ttock and fixtures valued at $700, and real es tate in Multnomah countv, valued at $200. to lami L. Fvana. His liabilities are $772.of which $500 are allowed to the Snell, Ueituhu & VVoodard Company, of Port land, and $132 to Mrs. Hannah Black. Tbe fo'lowing appears in the proceed ings of tbe Sa'em city council : Alderman Murphy moved 1 3 reconsider tbe vote hy which the committee report heretofore filed providing for the acceptance of tbe bids ot the Albany Iron Works for grat ings, and lne Baiem improvement Co, for the cement work and sidewalk about the new city hall was adopted, and the motion prevailed. Thereupon tbe report aa sub mitted was tabled tor future action. The New Hook Spoon Tree to All I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A.M. Fritz, Station A, St Louis, Mo . would give an elegant plated book spoon to anyone sending her ten 2 cent stamps. I gent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends, and made $13.00 in two hours, taking orders lor the spoon. The hook Spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held in tbe place by a hook on the batk. The spoon ia something that house keepers pave needed ever since spoons were first invented. Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2 cent stamps to Miss Fritz. This is asplendid way to make money around home. yery truly, Jkan.nkttk S. Dawson's Bitters tor hot men. " " tired feelinR " ' ' wiiaa atom- ach. Dawson's Hitters for harvest hands. New Drug, Store. G. L. Blackman has opened hit new drug store, on Find s reet, under the Herald office, rnd i ready for business. He Is lapidly in creaxirg bis stock with pure drug. Pre scriptions carefully and promptly com pounded. Fresh Oysters by tbe pint or quart, also served in any style, at Stettew restaurant I The Linn County S. S. Siiedd, Ore., Sept. 22, 1896. Editor Democrat t The Linn County Sabbath Convention was held in Shedd', Sept 17 and 18. Convention convened in the Method in t church on Thursday at 2 p. in. Rev W. A. Suiick, county president, piesided during convention. The address of welcome waa gvien by Rev. H. L. Hood, of Shedd. Delegates were then enrolled after which the topic "Advantages of District Uonventions, was discussed uy Mr. J. 11. Mear8, of Shedd. Topic "How can we secure the organ ization ot a tsaiibatn Ker.ooi lor every Needy District in County?" General dis' cussion. Topic "Sabbath School Missionary Work." Some very helpful remarks were made by our president, Rev. W. A. Smick. " In the evening tbe topic was 'General subject of Sabbath School Work." 1st, The Field; 2nd. The Workers; 3rd, Re sults. Addresses were made by Revs. J. K. Snyder of BrowuBville and J. M. Shulse, of Shedd. In the Unite. Presbyterian church during day and evening. Friday morn ing session was opened with devotional exercises, conducted by Rev. J. M. Shulse. During this tension the follow ing topics were discussed: "District Home Department," "Primary Work and Unions." A very excellent paper was rea.l on this subject by Mrs. E. TtiraJl, of Albany. She urged" us to form these unions whenever possible. "Child ren's Day Exercises" by ltev. U. E. Henderson, of Oakvillo. The afternoon and evening sessions were very interesting and profitable. Many delegates who had not been able to attend the first day of convention came in. A large audience was piescnt at both sessions. The urt topic of the p. ni., "llouw to House Visitation," was discussed by Revs. Snyder, Little, Spang ler, and Mrs. Brown, tieneral subject, "Preparation oi Sabbath School Lewon" 1st, By Superintendent. 2nd, By Teacher. A verv good paper was rt-ad on thia pait of subject by Mr. J. B. Marks 3rd. Preparation by scholar. Address of af ternoon was delivered !v Rev. N. F. Jenkins, on subject, "The Protestant Sunday School the Hope of America. 'i, Kev. Jenkins i a tine orator aid a very , clear and forcible tpeaker. Ti e audience j a new aimost in ureaiiiiet s.ience The convention was very grateful to the speaker for his excellent addrea. Topic "The Normal Class," wasdiscusedd by Kevs. Little, Snyder, Jenkins, Smirk, and .Mis. Ham lion and Mr. Mark. Question drawer conducted by Rev. N. F. Jenkins. (ioneral subject of the evening waa, "Dependence upon the Holy Spirit for Success in Sabbath School Work." First address was delivered by Rev. 1. W. Spancler. of Brownsville.' on "The En- duement of the Holy Spirit. The second address by K-v. J. A. Clehmd, "The Sword of the Spirit," Third, Kev. Kilev untie, "Co-operation with the Holy SpinU ' Prayer of consecration was of fered by Rev. Jenkins. Adjournment. The people in this community greai'r enjoyed the convention and we would say Com. again. It. L. Hood. Secretary. Time to Begin Educating. Ai baxv, Ob., Sept. 22. EoiToa Asserting that a "popocral" doesn't know anvtbicg prove nothing, and it is no reason for voting the republican tick et. A Duich more import act matter is to annihilate the popocrats idea that the people should be ai!oed bv their gov ernment to mint and are aa money both the previous me'Jas without discriminat ing aaint either .nd without obtain ing permission from any foreign eovern menl. A dico8ioa of this proposition from a republican standpoint would l refreshing. The individual is but an atom ; he is born, he acts, he dies; but principles are eu-rnal and this is a con test of principle." If the managers of some of the "orators" so this campaign could impress upon them that insolence is not a gument, ana frothing at the mouth a not oratory, the public would be pleased. It is about time for the promised campaign of education to Iv- gin. orra. t i I'aguc's L. S. Crop Report. Ow'cg to rain on Monday and Tuesday jj bop-picking wa interrupted, but wa : again resumed about Wednesday. Some I yards have teen picked, and in act ot the j crop in Clackamas county have been se cured. With another week of favorable weather the hop crop will 1 safe. Threshing ol the gram crops is com plete for the season. Tbe yields of fail and early sown spring grain crops, though lelow Uie averac, were very satisfactory, and the quality was unim paired. The hay crop has been baled and is safely stored away. Much late-sown oats and wheat that tailed to make good grain was cut and used for hay. From this source tbe bay product has been largely increased. Corn is an excellent crop, and the weather of the past two wres h& been entirely favorable to pi ogress toward maturity. Grapes are ripening in Southern Ore gon ; northward into the Willamette valley they are still green, but very promiiir.g. Fruita are ripening rapidly. There ia a great scarcity of fruit in all sections, there bein scarcely enolgh for home consumption. etre tables and melons are abundant and of the bet quality. So far, there have been no frosts to injure anything. The potato crop waa helped by the rains that ocruTcd several limes since August I. so that tbe crop will approach an average in tbe Willamette valley; in tbe southern counties the crop will be lighter. Tn Clambake A correspondent of the Salem Journal gives the following account of the clambake at Newport on Sunday in honor of Senator Mitchell and others, of whom only Mr. Mitchell was ' present: 'Saturday a MrKiniey-IIobari rally was concluded here yesterday, with a clam bake. An excursion was run from Albany. Corvailis and intermediate points, by the U. C. & K. railroad, num bering 1-"0, a nd fiver excuis'on by steam er F. M Richardson, from Toledo, brought an additional crowd numbering about fifty. All residents of Newport and surrounding rt-corts were out, as well as tanners in that vicinity. Theen tire crowd was estimated at :SC0. Short ly after 2 o'clock in the afternoon the eatables were served tbe hungry throng. The bake was a success. The eatables prepared for the occasion consisted of : Twenty bushels of clams, 100 crals, eix bushela of potatoes, five dozen chickens, fifteen dozen ears of corn, and about a half dozen ealmon. Following the dinner, Senator Mitchell made a short address, commenting on the succes of the allair Oreoow Statb Pib Open at Salem Wednesday, Oct. 7tli; clones 13th. Mc kinley-lirvan debate. Pioneer barbneue A great idock. poultry and agricultural exposition. Fttt horses; great racea Grand music by Furnons. Kxcumion ra'e. J20.IKK.1 in premiums, purses and prizes. Admisdon 2"o. Stoves, Stoves, at Stoves Stewart & Sox Hardware Cj. Pure DriiRs,.Fred Dawson's. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, fold Medal, Mldwlrrter Fair. CREAM 1 Most Perfect Made. . 40 Years the Standard ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dkmocrat of Dec. 25 to Jan. 0, 1871. Mr. Jits Elkius was the first man in charge of the S. P. depot at this city. Portland was scared out of its wits about the new town Kalania laid out on the Columbia. Mrs. Delaiton Smith died on Jan. 1, 1871. The Dkmocrat paid a high tribute to her uiomory. Jake Fleishner retired from the firm of Senders, Sternlierg & Co. and moved to rortland to rtside. The heaviest tax payer in Linn county was vt liiintn (Jociiran, who paid r.w tio. next J. H. Foster & Co., t3o9, Walter Monteith, $.125, Thus. Monteith, (274, II. A. Davis, $226. Cars left Albany at 7 and 10 a. m. ar riving at Portland at 12 in. and 6 p. m. The return trains arrived at Albany at 3:45 and 7:45 p. m. Wheat reached $1 a bunhel in Albanv, tbe Mecca of the farmers hojies, on Jan 13. From the Democrat of.Jan. 20, to May 1,1871. Mrs. Abigail Dunniway has lcome the editor oi the San Francisco Pioneer, which she moved to Portland, with her family. The contract for ereclinc the Linn county brick jail was let to B. V. Cun diff for $9,550. Gen. Elisha Applecate delivered his celebrated lecture ''Mohammed and Al Koran" at the court house. The Dkhc crat referred to his nasal twang, etc. HeceipU, $'J0. Capt. X. B. Humphrey lectured before the Albany Library Association on "Sampson and tue Philistines." Ijwt week oar young friend Dr. J. Linfsy Hill graduated from the Salem Medical School and we understand he will hang out his maiden shingle at Ituena ista. Polk county. He will d .ubtlet be aotuccesfu! and. oonular physician. Jaou Wheeh-r traded h in 540 acre farm in tbe Forks for Jos Nixon's 100 acre farm one mile from Albany, 2 lots in Al- uany anu titAAl 't he Steamer California went up the Santiam river to lehnoti. and a bur cel ebration followed. Mr. John Conner in April btvan the lans for a bank buiidipg on First street, uear the SU Charles. $40,000 was demanded from Eugene and -u.imj it 3m Harrisburg for the rail- road. auicn bad only been built to Al- bar.y. M. C. George waa hired to teach the Albany school beginning on May lit. OakYiiic. Mr. John Bamford of Junction, i vis iting with hia brother R. A. and his sister Mrs. Morgan. Uncle Ike Wataon went toCrownsville Saturday to pick a tew hp for bread raising. He wouldn't pick them for beer, he is a protibiuoniet. Two of our noble young men one of them the son of an old soldier) were traveling on the road and as they had a shotgun with them tbir intention waa to shoot any China pheasant that came in sight an 1 remained still enough. Now those pheasants are no fools and they know those two young men and keep a long data nee frvna them, bot tbe hoy had made up their mind to shoot a bird and a no wild t irds anted to be shot the ''young fkJJier" shot a domes tic chicken but didn't kill it. However, tbey sent their dog after it, but a'a 1 they were too ruar to a bouse and some anry women came out, but the John nies were in too much hurry to talk to them. They didn't lose their dog, like come hunter did once. J. D. Stevens of Clackamas countv, accompsntrd bv CapU Montague, U. W. Wright, H. C. Watson and another pen t'etuan, came out Irons Albany hut: Sat urday ewnic and talked to a large crowd of our people. They are all good speakers, ft noticed in the audience four rvpubheans and three prohi, the rr-t were alt ponuliau. Why is thi? by are peep! !e afraid to bear omcthin2 I 2TZ!. !3e P"fliU5,on: had cotters published in three of the county taper for three erl: and tbe audience were ail prohis but one and be as a republican, other republicans that promised to come were too tired; strange that they were a'.L A mors. Lake Creek. Laks Creek, Sept. 19, 1ST6. Harvest is aUwt over. Mr. Carter Allir.ghatn will linich lhre-!nog this eek if the weather prove govd. School will soon commence with Mi Clara Marker as teacher. Mr. C C. Jackon has 6nihed his residence and gave a ball last Friday eve, which was cell attended. Kvery one enjoyeJ themselves. Jackson knows how to entertain guest. Mis. AlUe Hover and Mi I.vdia Cum mings moved to Corvaih Monday, to take lescn in dressmaking and mil linery. Wa'ker Nichols will soon move his family to Harrisburg' for the bvnefil ol school. We hear that Lake Cek i soon to have two weddings. Nearly every one will y,te f,r free sil ver. Only two or three McKinley men live on like Creek. R. tiithen is haul jig wood to Halsey at a li .cty rate. Old Tim Si bx ribi r. A Bad ISreak. Mr. Jag. Nanny last Saturday after noon was working on his farm a few miles from Albany, bnrning bruFh,wben he accidentally felt through onie brush a bole tiv- feet deep striking on his right el low in a severe manner. The humerus hone was broken and the arm dislocated at the elbow. He was brought to bis home in tbia city and l'rs. Ellis and Beers called, setting tbe bone. On account of the nature rf the break it is probable the arm will be stiff for )fe. New Time Table. The new time table of the O. C. & E. went into effect yesterday. Under it the mixed train will leave Vaquina at 5:30 ati'l arrive at Albanv at 11:55, leave Al bany for the east at 1 :10 arriving at 1 e trcit at 5:4-r p. m. The west bouml train will leave letrf:t at 6:0 a. nt. arrive at Albany at 11 :05 a., m , leave Albany at 1 :0o, arriving at Yaipiina at 8 p. m. Mkktixo at Tint 0. P. Cm-Ken. The Oregon Presbvtery of he Cumberland Presbyterian church will convene here this week. On Thursday at 7:30 p. m. of this week tbe opening sermon of tbe Presbytery will lie preacned by Key. T. A. Small, ot Silverton. At 11 a. in. acd 7 :M p. ni. of each day, viz. i riday. Sat- urUav and isumlav. tliere win te a ser moa by some member of the Presbytery. The hnmncRd nf tbe Presbvterv will ho conducted with open doors, "f he public Is cordially Invited to attend an ol these sei vices. W. C- T. U. Mketiso. An interesting meeting ot the wotnans Viirisnan rem- pearance Union was held at their hall yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon, tjuite a Urau number of ladies were present They derided to hold a series of socials at their ball during the winter, beginning on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. The program will bo interesting and varied. Some new featurewill be presented each month The object of the social is to try to payoff the indeb'edneas on tne u i u build ina. tor which they have worked so hard for several years. The public aie cord ially Invited to be present. A good time is anticipated. Mro. Clara Hoffman, one of tbe best international lectures will be in Albany about Dec. 1st. Miia. Smick, Press Snpt. pro tem. Corbetti Fitzslmmona Inve at laat ri.rMl to Hulit to a bniab tor the champion hip of tbe world. It makes no difference aih'or. thn outcome may te llurkhnrt & Lee the druggist will still remain the same accomodating uruggum mat iney nave alwayabeen. Dawson will treat you rlftht. Dr. Prlce'a Cream Baking Powder World's Fair MlgbMt Medal aad Dlplo HOME AND ABROAD. There will be tlx dollars worth of prizes iriven at tbe new bowling alley. All kinds of job printing at the Imprint job office. "ITbe R. R. Couimiaaioners were in Al bany this afternoon. What has become of that 8alem-San-tiani motor line that only depended upon cmicui iu ouy me rails. For the latent style in job printing call at tbe Imprint job office. Money saved by eettinir vour ioh r.rint- "k v tuo imprint jou oirce. Uei,t workmen. Uteit atyles, cut prices. iiuprini, jou ornce. nweer pickle and olives in bulk at Browned. C E Choice peaches freb everv day at C E Brownella. Lusciou. jweet water melons can be rouna ill t Urownell. Hair-Cutting reduced to 10 cents at Lm Bros., 2nd door west of P. O. Contrac's continue to be made for hops in U t ..... .. . . i i i o ixuim, cenis advance. A fine line of Cooks Ranges and neat era ai i ue o ewart c box Hardware Co. 'a. ( lolhinir cleaned and repaired by lira A K Owen. 3rd between hll.wortb and Broad- albin. some handsome birthday gems at Will outras, tneap. Oae tor every month in ow ladies wrap. j.ckeU and capes, of uo vrrj latest style, jmt received at P. uitueua. 1. -..J- i "nU vtiu-iua yon can get a i-lrer or gold cocktail, a Bryan beauty or a McKin- I. G. W. Mastoo, pbytioaa and rur swb. aiorajur. calls answered prompt If jou are in need of a Un..d... call and examine tbe Royal Jewel at The Stewart k Sox Hardware Co.'a. Mr. C. K. Bmarnll ha -.1.1 I i...: u. .iiver ios squirrel to bi collection. It utugni oy jar. cril t ark hart. ' Wl nrt fr.. 1 1 . . ue rearv rUIUrui courcn looight. K spleodid F'"M'i ana a gooa time u assured Dr.. H. E. and O. E. Brer, offices w residence in the rot office building. Spec ial attrition given to disease of women v"ntur batdaea, may be prenmted rcar bald, by tbe use of Hair. ZZt T'u maae 10 grow on beads al Sicilian Hair hVoewer. I A new bowlioe rcrord waa wkmAm i Al bany yerterda at cocked tut by T. WaBdel who roilel sereo strikes, making the hib ert powible score for fire frame, 45. The Harrisbars; Review asrt that a poll was recently Uken of all voters at Da.' bop yard . Out ol a total of 61 votes U ere for Jtckiney and 50 for Bryan. Whatever may be the cause of bUaciiD the hair may he restored to iu original color by tbe om of that pnleet remedy Hall pfcabie Sicilian Hair Renew er. Tbe Miasm Ball rwpectfatly invite tbe ladiet of Albany to their fail and winte' exhibit ol pattern b.U aad bonoeta aad other ocveluea in millinerr. Frida and Saturday. 2pt. 25th and 26Ui. Ao.Odd Felowhall U being built at Elk City. In two or three week. Albany Udo" Feilow will help deduaie it and in stitute a lodge there. Lakeriw ExamitM: TVIo by fire oa Cot. Cog. well t residence baa hem adjured anpro-ed aad paid ia tbe following am Hartford, SJHA), Fireman's Food, 2332,- Dr. J. Sunderland, district e"y cf the Am. Baftitt Mmi unary Union will give a saiioory lecture at the Baptist cfturca next Friday evening. Ail are moat cordially iaviied M'- W. S. Danaiway npon retnrDteg to aSm vetrrday Informed the SUlennaa thai the parade oa Monday was over a mile ia Uagth (14 to 1 blocks mak a miie here) aad cooUinei 1.0O7 voter. The Ldw Bazaar kaa jr received Ubr new kid sHoves for Lb coming waaoa. Call ard look then ov-r, all the lai.t .hades and colon. Yon ti their equal for tee monev. Morvwa L. PeJ-n. an inmate of the Sol- ut. uoniv ai noaeburg. committed sui cide but Mooday. He ho bimaeif while on the croqrt ground, giving no reatoe for the art. The coon of led are by Prof . Powell, the pbre o-4cvit, uil cootinoe at the CbruUan chcch with increaauig istrmt re coure will dow next Satarday mgfct All invited. Admittance free. 10 chuioe to 1 that you will be plevaed if you get your meata of the Albany Dress ed Bert Company. Cor. 2nd aad FUawortb rrvef. Firt cla meat of all kind at muenabie price. Wm. Cak. JeJ-non Myer. Carl D. GabneUoo. Frrd W. Steo.Soff. Alteriu W. Gley. hewU It SUuoo. WiiU U. Moom. aad Snmoei T. Richard ioa have a d article incorporating the Benevolent Mutual Accident Inraraace AsaociaUoa for tbe benefit of member of the order of Kaigul of Pythiaa. Notice to Tax Payers. City taxes will be delinquent on Oct. 1st., when costs will be added. Pay op before then. By order ot the city col lector. it . . otlce to Delinquenis. The sheriff is sending the following no tice to delinquent tax payers: Ihua Sia: Your taxea for lS9t remain unpaid, and the county court ha issued an order fr the sale of property to pay the same. Pleae give the matter prompt attention a additional costs will be made after Oct. 1st, IStto. Very respectfully M. C. Gain, Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon. A New Miscet Bt Papkkswseu 1- nace I'aderewaki has written a new minuet for the piano, which be has ded icated to bis American admirer and given the significtnt name of "Menuet Moderne." He regard the new com position as his beet, and believe that it win meet with greater popular favor than hi "Menuet a L Antique," written n i&3a ot w hich over seven million copie were sold in a single year. It i ne um minuet written by t'acerewski since "L'Anlique," and waa composed by the famous pianist expressly lor Tbe Ladies' Home Journal, and will appear in the October issue. Fifty Year At. ThU la the cradle la which ther grew That thought of a philanthropic brain; a remedy that would mak life new For the multitude that wr racked with pain. Twaa aaraaparllta, a made, yoa know By Aycr, some jo jrr ago. Ayer's Sarsapariila was in its infancy half a cen tury aaro. To-day it doth "be etrido the narrow world like a colossus." What ia the secret of its power? Its cures! The number of them 1 The wonder of them I Imitators have fol lowed it from the beginning ol its Buoceas. They are still be hind it. Wearing the only medal granted to sarsapariila in the World's Fair of 1893, it points proudly to its reoord. Others imitate the remedy; they cant imitate the reoord: 5o Years of Cures. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dr. J. II. Irvine and family came np irotn tjanoy this noon. Mr. Will Richards returned last night on in tucycie from a trip to Cooa liar where he went to look up a site for a Belamy colony. Hon. John M. Somers spoke at Eola last night at a hop yard, followed by a ball at the hop house, says the States man. Jesse G. Tunricliff and Mary E Seuen berger were married in Corvaliis last Monday. Rev. Thompson performed the ceremony and Miss Ora Spangler played tbe wedding march. Chester Murphy get commended in a Stanford item lor hi neat tackling. The Db-mockat predicts that Murphy will be heard from in Stanford fo-rt ball. O. II Irvine and A. B. A p person are delegate from Diana Lodge So 6, K of P, to Grand Lodge which meets in Port land. McMinnville Transcript. D. W. Bodine, of Albany, arrived iu Corvailis Monday morning to attend the O. A. C. Bodine was the rushing right guard of the O. A. C. foot-ball team a year ago, and aa a foot-ball team will be a feature again this year, hi weioome waa doubly warm. Corvallu Times. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davi de parted for the coast country via the Boaebnrg local yesterday morning. They go to attend the wedding of their son, George E. Davis, and Miss Sadie Cham berlain, which transpire at Toledo thia evening. Statesman. "citv couxcilT Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, 1806. Present Mayor. Recorder, Marshal, Street superintendent and Councilmen Tweedale, Uoaton, Farmland Dickey. Tbe following bills were ordered paid : Ed Davidson, $11.75; Frank Propet, til ing, $18S.8; B F I'urdom, $5.25; Geo E Fiah, .40; U O Hayne, $150; J A War ner, 5.00; Frel Dawson, .30; Santiam Lumber Co., (61.73; N J lien ton, f 29.A0; II U.-u co on Tbe committee on fire and water wa granted further time on the repair of So 2' engine. A sidewalk near tbe St. Charlt waa ordered repaired within five days. A notice from the 8. P. R. R. Co. warning the city not to interfere with the company right of way at 9th street. ruea. Taxea were ordered declared delin quent on Oct. 1. Bid were ordered advertised for the lateral sewer work across Lafayette tract betwet-n 3rd and 4th, contract to do let by committee on streets and public property. The matter of renewing electric Ihrht contract for another year waa left to the committee on way ard mean. An extension of 10 day from date was given for completing 9th street grade. Tbe recorder was directed to draw a draft of $2250 tor interest on city bonds. Tbe matter of making the Lyon tree I curbing stronger waa referred to the committee on street aad ptitVie property wiw power to act. Political Situation at Lebanon. Lebaxox Oa., Sept. 21. Free silver people ara namarooa at Lebanon, report to the contrary not- Ibataodinf. We bay a larve and en- thoaiaalic Bryan club, and we are dome all that i within oar power to carry Linn county for Bryan. Speaker are gr-ted itb large audience, and iudsin- from 1 tbeenihuriatu manifevted.the people are ! Ured of listening to ih dictate of Wall j Street, syndicate aad cilk-atockirg cor- poralion lawyer. j The people of ibi county are deter i mined i,o emancipate lhem?lve from ! boo 1 are by casting their balio: for tbe abiewt orator, and advocate of the fie and unlimited co:c of silver at the ratio of 16 to I. Lebaooa i doing her part towards helping Ibi great raaee along. Let other town throo-boat tbe state follow htr example. BavasriK- I)DcipriLr Itttx&tino Last Satar day a rather peculiar thing Iraneoired. A wagoo-toavd of emigrant from Wash ington en route to California drove np in front of the produce market of Parker A Simpson, near the National bank, and ordered a bale of bay. Almost at the same instant a load of traveUe- from California, beend for Washington, topped at the same place and they also ordered a bale of hay. While waiting for tneir order the two families entered into a bot discussion of the ''coasedneae" of both tales, which sorely was not very encouraging to either faction. Aa the Washington traveller camped in the oath part of town, while tboso of Cal ifornia fried bacon in the north part of the city, it wa agreed that tbey viit in tbe evening and compare note. XV hat the oatcotne wa is hard to ear, bat it was an object leon Corvailis Times. A Haavawr Festival. We go away from home for the following item : Rev. C. E. Kleiwer ia home from Albany where he conducted an open-air harvest thanksgiving festival on Sander. The festival wa held ta uackieinan grove and a most enjoyable and pleasant day waa spent by the Uerman resident ot Albany and vicinity. A portion ol the day waa passed in religious rvicee. hich were led bv Rev. Kleiwer. A basket dinner wa discaased between the boar of 12 and S o'clock and heartily enjoyed by all. Rev Kleiwer has been a very successful worker in the church in Oregon, and ia highly esteemed by bis German parishners. Tbe harvest thanksgiving festival ia an old German institution. Hrr bt a Stone. Eddie Mover thi af ternoon waa bit a hard blow by a tone thrown by another boy. It atrack him In the heal, knoAiug him insensi ble, lie waa taken to a sageon for treat ment. It was claimed to be an accident. Evkxtoxk that baa ceea oar new cape and jacket declare tbey are the best value and ttvle ever aeen in Albany. If you in tend bnying a garment it would be wise to aee thi line at once while tbe assort ment i complete, at ths Ladies Bax var. A Chance to Make Money I have berries, Era pea and peaches, a year old. fresh a when picked. I nee the California Cold process, do not heat or aeal th j fruit, iuat put it up cold. keeps perfectly frceh, and costs almost nothing: can put up a bushel in ten minutes. Laat week I sold directions te over 120 families; anyone will pay a dol lar for directions, w hen they see the beautiful samples of fruit. As there are many people poor like myself, I consider it my duty to civ my experience to auch and feel confident any one can make one or two hundred dollars round home in a few davs. I will mail sample of fruit and complete directions, to any of your readers, lor eighteen two-cent stamps. which is only tne actual cost ot tne samples, postage, etc., to me. a a i . ajiaiv a w m a t UAUla UAOC 1 , CI .LOUIS, MO. Jewel Cooks, Rapgcs and Heaters at The Stewart & Sox Uaidware Co.'a. Do Not Experiment in so important a matter aa your health. Purify, enrich and vitalise yout blood with Uond' Sar sapariila and thus keep you.-self strong and healthy. Hood's Pills are the bet after-dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 85 cenU. If vou want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar lactory. Let everybody come to th Star Bakery and get 4 loav ot fresh bread for ft.oc cash. C Mavaa. Letter list. . w..i t s. ii. ,.r t.. .-,i.5- ruuuwiu in out? ui iow is a utuaui jf in the Poatofhce at AHwtny, Linn county. Oregon, Sept, 23, 1890. Person calling for these letter must give the date oa which they were advertised. Derrick, II. E. Troxell, Rose Turnbow, Elsorla Van Nostern, Arvilla T. J. Stitm, P M BLACKWELL5 ' tt Sn. W Y . W . - It II r 1, i Vi m II i Tow win a ma . laata oacli two i aad two i tour owweo hmf t Blacav wall'a Dwvkaiaa. Bx smj ot tfcU celebrated tobace hick (Itm m Uat mt valuM i eat aad how tm got Una. SPECIAL SPECIAL-SPECIAL H. F. McILWAIN'S Cash Store. Commencing Monday, Sept. 21st, 1896.1 will make special sale on the following lines of mer chandise for the day and date stated only and in the quantity as stated. The quality being the best high grade goods and full weight, new goods guar anteed in every particular, and in order to have my customers all supplied as near as possible I will have to limit the quantity to each customer that I may supply the demand if possible. For Monday, Sept. 21-96 6 package Arbackle Coffee si CO (6 pekgs each customer) Tuesday, Sept. 22 25 yard Unbleached Voalin $1 oo (25 yards to each customer) Wednesday, Sept. 50 cent Package Tea, 75 cent Package Tea, (1 package to each Thursday, Sept- 24 The Beet Brands of Floor, per sack (One sack to each cos torn er) Friday, Sept. 25 Mens Fine $3 00 Shoes for Ladies " $230 " " Childs School l-25 ahoea for Boy Best $2.00 " 3.0O Men Extra Grade Boots for (One pair of each to each customer Saturday, Sept. 26 8 bars Savon Soap (5 5 Swam Ke fined 5 packages best Red Tip Matches 05 Fairbanks Gold Da Wash Powder, 3 lb pkgs 13 (One of each to each customer) The above prices only good for the day and date as stat ed, but remember any day of the week ire cut under all competition and use the very best high grade goods of well known and standard makes in our competition to all com peditors. Your lor good goods cheap Sept.. 18th, 1S96. H. F. McILWAIN, Cash Store. Capes and Jackets and good for making tbem. For as me of the re style see eat First street show window. Boode, cheviot aatrachaa and other soveltk. New Dress Goods-- Nearly all of fall line on sal-- Boae'e. French serge aad mixture and other salt ing, rise tine cf black good. See west show window for some o tbe pat terns. S E Youug, Albany. JUST OPENED 1896 Fall and Winter Wraps and Dress Goods. SEE OUR Window Displays. READ PEACOCK & CO. T)IGS FOR SALE -Several bead of Pc 17 land China pig? about 9 week old. rcfriat arable. A rio. I Dig for $o. either sex, tf bought within 4 week. Call at the Skeela place 1 mile north of Albany. F H Ucorsoh. CCCUMBERS A fine lot of cham bers for pick tea, any siae, at the Skeel gardens. See F H ttugbaon, gardener. CHART WANTED. Mrs. Rmkcrs sys tem of cutting. Call at Democrat office if having one to sell. AT l'HE MINES. -rVmrding. lodging and meal may be secured of tbe sub scriber at the Santiam mines, at bis place at tbe month ot iTy Uuich. H. W. White. i LJOUSE MOVING, Carefully, promptly X lv, at the lowest price. Call oa or I address G W Taylor, 4th and Madisoa Sts a IK si V A BARGAIN iaaa Improved farm. 80 acres near Weeds Station. O. C. ft E. House, barn, orchard, good spring, 23 acres in grain aa much more ready for plow, Price 700. Terms easy. Addr, J. A. Hoffmah, Box 25, Albany. )wS5HB I'- wa aiaan. SEE? 23 16 ot 16 os customer) 25 40 .$ 70 .12 00 1 50 73 .. 1 25 2 00 cent bars Borax Soap (10c bars) 25 15 JfhREGQ. CENTRA L & EASTERN. 3HL. GO YAQUINA BAY ROUTE rVnnrtin at Yxrmn "RaT with tne San Francisco and Yaqoina fear Steam ship Company Slsaiij'Woi' Sails from Taqnina every S days for Saa Francisco. Coos Bar, Port Or ford. Trinidad and Humboldt Bar. PassKSssa Accoxodatioxs Ujisrarassxin. Shortest roots between tbe 'Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west to Saa Francisco Cabix, one way Cabxx Bound trip. . . Stczsage 9 00 15.00 5.00 To Coos Bay i o.w Humboldt Bar and Port Oriord. i Cabin S-W YAQUINA BAY The most popular Seaside ' Resort oa the North Pacific coast. No undertow Surf bathing absolutely safe. For those wishing to' combine hunting and fishing with aqaatic sports, this re sort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cou gar, orook trout and salmon trout, can be found ia abundance within a few boors' drive of the bay. JPjT" Reduced rates from all points Edwis Stos, Manager. J.C.MATO.T.F.AP. A. 0.. L Waldex, Agt. depot, Albany HOME WAXTLD. The Ladies Aid society desire to secure a home for a boy of 14 years of age, apply to Mrs. A. 8. Woodin for particulars. work O team, weighing about 1'iXl lbs apiece, for si'e or trade, and a No. 1 good milk cow for sale or trade, cheap. Cail on F U Hughson at the SkeeU place across the Willamette. I1EO E FISH U XHS PLUMBER Ha roofing aad phimhUg. he opera house Opposite HELP WANTED d ALE. WANTEt-S0LlCIT0RS FOR cam paign book, "Krya. Sewall and r ree caiver. auiuonwi u ir)u, written by R. L. Metca'f. Editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agent, a free silver mine for workers. Only 1.50. The oly authorized book. SO per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable wcrk for hj6 Address Tbe National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. FIR TRADE. Five acre of (rood Um ber land nine mile south of Oregon City, for Cve acres of land within tea mile of Albany, or wui sen ror iiJ own. Address, Arthur Uugaa, Albany, Or. FOR SALE. A first das piano at a bargain account noa delivery, Cail oa Agent S. P. Co., at depot. SHEEP FOR SALS. tQ beau ot ewes, by J. Boas, S miles south east of Ai baoy. - imjc5