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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
Such ills as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, EOOQOOOOOC?-300000Q USTHERFOBD'&WYATT torneys at law. Will practice in a' -courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FF1CE In the Flinn block. W-R. E.LYEU. Atinmnv nl law and Solicitor in Chancers f TnlU-tinnS mijfrffll all TJOUltS. LoaH8 fcoSotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. SlAQKBURfl & SGdERS A.aTOniTii3-3rs .avarX-sVW", , All legal matters will receive prompt at eut'on. Office, First Rational Bank uildinf, up stairs. i OKTANTE tfc HACHLEHAN, M Attorneys at Law. Albany, Orog-on. It,' J. ,Im BILL, svddan and iorjroem. OFnCK Ooro K-j street. Albany ,Orago. -. MUST fsATIOJAL BASH, or iiuiiT, oaaaon resident . ..LFMSK Vies President ... e a vniTiin Oaihlsr.. i, W. fcaHOUOIi fHX5S.CT8 A GKNKRALUaklBlotlil" """ ACCOUNTS KXrtsubJsct to sheea. SIGHT EXCHaNG and trl -rapaM OWl r.ww .'i u 1 .m .nil Vvlluit iotk ou rnwnni wvw ,( KIOS sAOgoa taTOTabU .. Yoowa' K W Bun, .i"- "a-l EllViaS f . BOX. J WHITA-TV Afiomey at 1 w, Albany. Or. 1 to-tWciint , on sori, lj presented -ia our su... If djpJs- i jou couldn't add tai;,, o superior ft&fe "st couldn't be wore av.n tive and ttaift iff, -f0 elegant ,. ffcatitwiiisthe aduArk:J'3r',of all. Al' va asfc arf iasfvction ;. -Ike verdict of . h 'ht sui-. w a e.-ery tni-if Word are rver a sufeH.-u'e for seejn;," which bre ftvfs doUi.Tk ted is cortatf i .-delight J lTl uzil3mzi' j,oJfier: Toilet vytldng in i.Sgurers. mm agtf b mi&caBdutCLa ioTMoe -watt mtt. 4 we cm jerute f.2ial ia k anm siaalkMtl mote from Wixhingtoa. I Send nKMid, dracicg or ph V, a dsiefJ In', We mdrise, ii putso'V do!. tnx off net o( Kmc in tie U. S za .:cig.icinn4 enctrcc A-est. qILODD PDISDI er&bljFI I onurrw-ta. -r Via days. Too can be creeled a iKune tor una Aome pnee cnoert&me KaAraatT' ff roa prefer to come hers we will ooBtrw to dt railroad fare and hotel Wile, end no eberse,lf we tail to cure. It too hare taken mer uury, lodida potash, aod atill haTe aHiee end patna, Moeooal'mtehee to month, bore Throet. J'lmplea, Copper Colored Spots. Ulcer oa but part of toe bod r. Ilavir or Eyebrows Celling oat. It ia tbta Syphilitic BLOOD POISON that (tuaranUse to cure. We solicit tbe most obeti nst cases and ehalhwie the world (or case we eesnot cure, 'ibis dlseaas has always baifleit the skll 1 of the most eminent phymi eians. 500KX eapttai behiDd onr ttncoodV tional rearaoty. Ansolnte proof sent sealed oa application. Address COOK KMEDT CO ZJl jt.artmia Xcnnle, CBICAUO, UXVj Fire Insurance INSURE YOUR PROPERTY with In the Old Hartford, the New York Un derwriters A enDcy or any one of the reli able old line companies he represent. Note taken and plenty of time given for payment oa farm insuiance. All business will t promptly attended to. OFFICE -IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. R I P A-N-S i The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. " postollice. U gumming. r r j CI H ' ALBANY TRADING CO. ' t'TsW ' ' GROCERIES and - "t. FED0F ALL KNDS. ) 3 I 1 I Ift 1 I 4. Cheat "54 for sale cr trade Freede- I ' 1 I 1 1 l li 1 Si 1?' telephone No. 61. ilULFU iUjln,, Mai? Vfa Jn&W ' wipes out :. : .. &W4 Pniniptlj and Effsotually. I ; 1 ' ." ....J............ ........awaaaaaaasa. -a - - v . i . Mr ' Bakery Corf Broadalbln nnd First St- CCKF.AD MEYER, JRCPFIETCS. - Dealer in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, t Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Cauned Aleut, Queensware, VeseteWes Cigars Spices Tea. X:f. everything; hat a sept in t . tsood variety andfrro5 eery store. High est pi Ice paid ; for ALL KINDS PRODI CF OREGON STATE NOR MAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore. A Mil -Moo fortete. Senior year whollv-profeesioEal. Twenty wetks of Psychology and Gen eral and Special Methods; twenty weekt of teaching in training department. Tra nine school of nine gntdee with two hundred children. Regular normal course of three year. The Normal Diploma ia recognized by law as a State Life Certificate to teach. Light expense.. Board at Normal Dining Hall fl.50 per week. Furnished rooms with light and fire 75c to It per week. Board and lodging in private families $2.50 to $3.50 per week. Tuition; Sub Normal, 5 per term ol ten weeks. Ncrmal, $&2S per term of ten weeks. Grades from reputable schools ac cepted. Catalogue cheerfully furnished ca application. Address or W. A.Wajis, P. L. C muskix, Sec of Faculty. President. ALBANY Insurance Agency -M. SENDERS, Mgr.- Buy and sells whrat. oats and wool at all points in the Willamette Valley and it the leading insurance agent of Albany. ' Ia placing your insurance there are two things to be considered: 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly understand hn bus iness and knows bow to write a policy, giving you its fail benefit, havinz had 8 years of experience in a genera! office and ice adjusting or losses, t-an guarantee you 1 have these requirement!. Very Respectfully Yours. M.bEM)tKS VIERECKS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Di. Whites JeT? Ifai Cjtfo-vvei. nav. diseases of the ecalp Address Box 121 for Free Treatise on tbe Scaip. Razors Honea and Set and Put in 0 er on Short Notice. 4. Slraney Upholsterer t ffi 'ft And Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy mat trustor ated atd madedVer. ; ' Ftirnitnrn of evprv AaaninHnm awA carriages re-nnbolstered ard varnished. Drop a note in tbe P. 0., or call at? street, between Ferry and Brjudalbin, A any. ur. -r J "The Champion ot the Age." The following was written by a former Linn county young lady, now of Spo kane. A light gleams o'er the western f ky, And hope again is born ; The toiling throng have waited long. For this approaching morn. Responding to a nation's call. Our orator and esiie Sl.alt through tlie right for truth and right Prove Champion of the Age. TI.e voice of justice cries at last, We in this plentious land, By nature blest, by greed oppressed, Our fiee-born rights demand Shall legislation long endure To foster debt and woe, And eeftl the clasp of mortgage grap? Our Ctiampion answers "No!" Our harvests bend with ripening grain. Our forests wealth's nntold. Our mountains gleam through hidden seam. With silver and with gold, And yet the toiler profit naught, lie sows but reaps in vain. For monny kings in crafty ring, Are harvesting the gain. Too long depression's darkening cloud it threatening groom has spread For the masses, not the classes, To victory we'll be led. Our hero spreads the silver flame, Tbe crisis is at hand ; So with a cheer, the coast we'll clear. And save our native land. Bring back our silver to its place. Time- honored as of yore. Then toiling men will once again lie prosperous as before. With sophistry, and mammon's power. Victorious ar we'll wage. Then Bryan's name will live in fame, "As Champion of the Age.'' Silver masses. ia the money used by the The lust for office is a great Incentive to patriotism. A gold standard means falling price. That' history. David B. Hul is taking making np his mind. hi time in It will take a magnifying glass to eee Gen. Pal met' vote ia Linn coucty. Free coinage of silver as well as gald . an act in favor ol American interest. Gold a.ce doesn't farnub. a sufficient basif for tbe commercial need of our country : Some men who never could nine a I wing are the moet learned oa the finan cial question. A full currency will mean higher pri ces, more active iodustrios, and better employment for labor. Some one suggest that the In lians po!:s convention wa manipulated in the interest ot Mark 11 anna. We all want honest money. If there 1 anything more honeet thin silver, the medium of the maee, we don't know what it ie. Take the gam boxes oat into tbe coon try and tbe Bryan packages will go 3 to I, perhaps 5 to 1. After all go in buyer caa'tvote. M XI Esiee in a big UcKinley epeecb ia San Francisco said "Wealth is King in peace and war.' Now he i trying to squirm out of it. France held the ratio of to 1 for seventy years. It certainly will be no trouble for the United Sutea to hold a ratio of 14tol. Let it esUblith that ratio and other nation will nin in tbe line. Kev. fcd ward Davis rays: lne nngte standard wilt make oar nat'oa a mon strous gamblirg den. Tbe experience of commerce throughout the world cannot be reversed by legislative act. Tie gold and silver output seem to indicate that the very hand of the Creator of the earth baa filled the vein of the uioantain with a respective proportion of both metal. Tbe capitalist mart remember that he ia nothing more than the banker of tbe poor. Mexico Steadily Prospering - In response to request President Pr firlo Diaz, of Mexico, wrote tbe Exami ner a follow ; Realizing that the United St&te i ia the midst of an electoral campaign, oa which it is hardly proper for the txrrn- tive officer of other countries lo ex pre a opinion, I will refrain from giving my personal views on the curency question as regard tbe condition in tbe UaiteC States. Speaking, ho irever, for my own cowat ry, I must say that there are two aspects from which we view tbe matter of the depreciation of our money abroad. In the first place oar foreign debt 1 payable in gold, and onr revenues come principally from our import duties,wbicb are payable in silver. You will realise that the depreciation of the latter cause much loss to oar Government Treasury. I must say, therefore, as an executive officer of the nation, that this i to the country' detriment. On the other band, tbe long era of pro found peace which we have enjoyed, tbe stability ol the Government, and the present hith rates of exchange have caused millions of foreign capital to seek investment iu Mexico, and under this aspect the silver standard is of the great est benefit to us. This benefit might, 'it is thonght, be largely lost by the adoption of the silver standard In the United States, as capi talists wcnld not then have the same in ducement of high exchange here that they have at p-eeent. , Tbe exports of our national products are rapidly increasing, and as they are purchased in foreign countries ia gold the profits to our eyorts ar very large. Manufacturer i? rjOInd are very prosperou,Ina $ e depreciation -.S a bitih tro- ." i - - "Vme.- : - iwoted here, much Jl tt John llufrictt's Judgment. The aggregate of all the money in the United States it the true measure of normal values of commodities here, says Judge Burnett ia the Corvallls Times. The aggregate of all tbe money of na tions trading internationally is the true measure of normal value of commodi ties consumed by them. Therefore when you increase the aggregate of money of nations trading internationally you raise the normal price ot commodi ties consumed by them. When you In crease the aggregate of the United Stales you thereby raise the normal price of all our commodities, tbe more money we have, the higher prices, the less money we have the lower prices. When the war closed in 1S65 we had a larger per capita circulation ot money and com, produce and property was higher, and the common people prosperous, and continued so until the government ceastd the coinage ot silver in 1S00. Tbe only way to increase the voioiue ot our money, and at the same time censider the interest of the mase is by the coinage ot both gold and silver in equal amounts. Vtetbus increase our aggregate of original primary money, and at the same time serve the doubU purpose of increasing our redemption lund needed to give stability to our pa per money. To increase our aggregate of money in any other way mast be done by creating an interest bearing debt which will be a a mill atone around the neck of the people. The moneyed power, tb great corporation and trusts and all tbe national banks, want but one ot the precious metal out of which to coin money, and thai the scarcer of the two. The scarcer the nutal out ot which dollar are coined, the scarcer will be the dollars, the more property a dollar will buy, and control tbe more labor it will hiie.lbe harder debt will be to pay, tbe more property it will take to pay them and the greater the rates cf inter est. W mrst judge of the future by the past, for sixty year prior to demoneti sation of silver in lb, d there wa not a day when sixteen ounce of silver did not equal in valne an ounce of gold. The reaaon why sixteen ounce of silver does not now equal one ounce ot eol l in the London market i because tegi'Atiou ha taken from silver the very quality that made it valuable the right to coin it as money. When silver wa demonetixed in 1ST3 it was worth more than gold. It was demonetised because it wa too dear, and now uinit be kept deraoaetited because it i too cheap; if this Uuots btllacr where can you find one They say the remonetixing of silver will drive all the cold oat of tbe country. This is the prophecy of J G Carlisle, the Saga- more of the gold standard, the gtvat ! chief, the bie medicine man to whom; iheOregonian and iu Id-lower bo in j I'aring the week Li Hung Chang, the humble adaptation. Tae bietorr ff onr rkiie-t man in the world, as well as the own legislation prove that -l:;tt disuafuitheJ Ceeiisl has Ua . ... , . ..... I t.tM,..4 af,m,li if. Put r.e a icjan wuo oas propuet.ea and who soli bond to hi friend J p Morgan for 105 !,.n ther were worth 114, just to plea the Rotiiicbilds, i a Ivinr nroDhet and should be ttoned at ,)... i ,,. j... ,.i Th. b;.t leeson on the snbiect that is written uo- on the talate book of the United State i the law of 187S under which we coined two million of ilver dollar every month for 12 year, and gold wa never so plenty nor the people to prosperous ; tbe treasury of tbe United Stale wa bursting with both gold and silver to such an extent that tbe surplus of a band red and fiity millions of dollar w as used by this government to buy their own bond at a premium of thirty per cent. Tbe St. Loo is Republic answer some questions a follow: 1. Their coinage of silver of tbe United Slate would on doubted'.y enhance greasy the intrinsic ..igcmUUiKii ui but an aiirava.-.n ot the dieae. Whether it would bring the price fHy f for w. ranoot par in gold, even it the up lo '1 23 o ounce in gold i one of,: 8)U ,,,4 wre conUuued. those things do fellow can rind oat nntiM Toere is not M enmiith. roost it is tried. The law of rJpply nd de-1 m 0.Ut.f m.jnr. tfjUer is the maad is a certain and inviUb as tbe hf xl jo VJlj,lf We ran nak no mistake law of gravity. Free Coinage of i!ver j0 adlinj fdser Jo onr m?:al money and would necessarily- sbarpiy raise the price coil,injt ,t n, fr,:, IM d.i gold of siiver and diminirn il not toropleuly j The laet is, we have pobiib-d to the obliterate the disparity between it and i woru . financial He wb-n we aid silver gold. S. ionak:' lt free coinage of silver can be accomplished without im pairing the value of a dollar, wbo but the silver mine owner will it benefit there by?" Tbe whole people of tbe United State would be tbe beneficiaries of that happy solution of onr coinage a ad cur rency trouble. With the parity of the dollar once reestablished, it would no longer be necessary, for instance, to in cur a debt of $262,000,000 in less than three years for tbe sole purpose of keep ing our silver, paper and gold dollar at a parity., 3. Thi talk about "booming silver mining corporations" is the most superficial rot that ha ever come to the surface of tbe coinage discussion. If those who favor tbe remoneCtation o' ilver are in league with the silver min er then those who are for the gold standard, must, by parity of reasoning, be in partnership with the gold miners. Did it ever occur to you that under ex isting laws tbe owner of clock in gold min-s are just much recipients of Government favor a the owner of stock ia silver mines would be if free coinage of silver were restored? The simple truth I that iu voting on ihe paramount issue of coinage this year the Arner'cau people do not care a tinker dam wheth er the gold miner or the silver miner ia helped or hurt by their dicision of the question. The following ia from the Examiner: Police Judge llolcorub, ot Portland, who ha been in tula city for s tveral weeks, leaves today for the North. Judge J I ol comb, who is a prominent young attor ney, wa for several yrs on the military staff of Governor Penn jysr and has been the Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. No mote enthusiastic sup porter of Bryan ran be found in the West. "I may be a Utile rabid ia my silver advocacy,' lie said last evening, "but I really do not helkv McKinley will carry six of these United States, tie hasn't a chsace to w in Oregon. Gold men in that state areas scarce a lieu' teeth. Everybody is shouting for Br? aa and silver. ''There are half a doxen of us young lawyer np there in t'ort Isnjl ,bo.are going to get into this fight ia earnest. Wo Intend going ill through the a late making epeeches wherever tb will let us, and we don't wank cent of WMV inoueyr W .TyrH-ViS, WaxpeBses. Ji?M jmr jfown hli an our gad j receive ir c lor .our libori. . Clmly -Inde-: OommStt', al- ': -t hoilv - -.- "Jar uiir SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Be reasonable talker of politics. Hunting LI Hung Offangs. Bavkaciing language. You have to learn how. Some things left out. Does the occasion Justify i'. An interesting feature of these days is the number of knots of men on the street talking politics. That is right, let them talk. This is a free country, and one man has as much of a right to talk as another. Don't call namer, though, just because some one disagrees with you. Houting Chinese pheasants i" un doubtedly rare sport. There is an ex citement about i nflered eportsmen in few Deld, for it comes in continuous I'ouuds. Tubing a lugger on a deer may be immense hile it lasts; but it may take dy to secure the opportunity while thootin pheasant i a hangup affair of a volleying nature, with dose of excitement every few moment. The huntsman should be honorable and not nnnecesrarily slaughter bird. Friendship is a splendid thing; but sometime t is disastrous through fer vency. A few day ago a crowd of ad- mi! ers cf a gentleman of Canton, Ohio, circulated circular in which the sen tence appeared : "A vote for Williaoi J j Hryan id a vole for rum, romaoism, re bellion, priealcraf', national dishonor and anarch-." A very back acting affair, and yet evidently id ktepiog w ith some of the tactics ol the day. A bicycle that wabbles all over the rosd and tumbles at the sight of a sha dow, when ridden by a beginner, in (he hands of an expert teems a thing ot life that refutes to tumble until it gels ready. 3o it i in any field In l.fe the successful man keps everlastingly at a thing until he master it, whether running a store, practic'ng law or prescribing pill. Per sistency does the burines. and it i in teresting to e how adept a green man may become in any butinet where be has the will power, tuttr and e'ackioa tiveoe Perhaps come of the remtnis -ent items in the tay give some of the age of our bestcitixen away, bat we as sure oar reader it it innocently done, and that only the record ii given, that the history of Albany may be narrated down toward the present time. Occa sionally an item is run aero, full of in terest, that would be 'rJL!e no 1... 1 . -,. ' ... veioped by te passing years. 11 1 ib- ! leoded to give nothing that will not be pleasingand alifaclory to tbe reader ot lh Dtniocaw - - - ; ' " jcoun'iy which ba eia-hticahy d- clared that hi reopie should be kept hore. raer- are leatare 10 ! the how that are tireeom. Si far at 1 Ihe Daw-xaar i concerned It i t o v i much of a?i admirer ol Li Hng Liin, P,im mio:ter of a big oa'.ioo w hipped " 'm Jl - ' Estcc Gem. ai. m. r.itee.oi wnwreia, is nssuS . . . . ... - j- i ." . . " . . red hot gold seeches. He ha been nn!ld into line, fa roncrast in 15 Mr. Este aid, wh'n pe'0it hi hon- . est eentimesls: t he va ueo! all property in Ihe United ita'.es ha within two ver depreciated fully tS.OOO.OSO.O&J. This would bank rupt any other nation, and it hat nearly bankrupted this, 'bat it the remtdy for this remarks'! b! depreciation in 'hi gil l t'an lard - J t i , v4ie? Coaiiouiag wa oot honest money. The best test ot this it to go to the people lhemelvr and a what money thev use most. I assume thi i a representative audience, composed both of gold p-ople and eilver people. And yet I am sur there is not one man in fifty ia thi building who ha any money at all bat hat tome sil ver money. Ask yourselves, is it act good money? Is it not honeet money? Da you receive sod pay it oat as money? Ue had bimetallism ia tbe United Stales for eighty years. During that time wonderful progre was made by the American people. In many repcts it was the tniwt eventful period in the world's history. This same epoch in American history, however. Impercepti bly ltd up lo the demonetisation of sil ver and to combination ot corporals capital tiltberto unknown ia any age. and thn g-ett trust and organized wraith hae besoms a resittles porer in the land. It it an admitted fact that corporations now monopolix alike the luxuries, the comforts, and the necessi ties of life. It being admitted that an abundance of good money I beneficial, and that there I a great deal of silver money in actual use, we next inquire: Is silver sood money? The answer it: There is r.ot enoigh nol.l money to carry on bus iness or to sustain public and private credit and maintain the prices of pro duels, and to we must have silver. American gold and American silver coin are both honest money; both perform an important function in the monetary world; both are in universal use; both are the coin moneys of the Constitution. They have bo'h been the moneys of the past, and should be the moneys of the present and of the future. And if coined silver is not honest mon ey, then the law which permitted it to be coined has led this governtneit to prac tice a fraud upon the ptople. If it is not hones, money, ti.e constitution of our country is not an honest constitu tion, because it expressly tays ; "No "late shall take anything but gold aud silver tender for debts." If it is not hontst money, tlien every American citizen is daily practicing a fraud upon bis fe'low man, because he hourly receive and pays outtilver money. A Portland paper lays: Dr. Edwin A. Hf .. L. saSswa1! I at mif-st ta I. A tr snlaasl W llUfi1 REMINISCENT. From the Dkmocuat Augtwt 8 to Oct. 21, IBM. On Sunday, August 2, the thermome ter was lOtl in the shade, the highest ever known here. Rev. Henry Btishrjell chosen president of the college. Strickney circus in-rformed here. Over average. The Success, a competition boat just appeared. Grading of the O. & C. R. R jiint com pleted to Oregon City. N, L. Butler admitted to the bar at Suleni. The Albany RegUter appeared Kept 9 with Mr. Collins Van Cieveas editor. Our motto: Enemies in war, in butiinen friend. ' J. A. Winter, of Eugene, succeeds A. B. Paxton a photographer, the latter going east to renide. By a Salem paper it is s en that a cor poration has In-vn formed to construct a railroad from Salem to McMiunvil.e. That is the way Salem i building roads now. The wagonroad is now opja for travel cluar through to the other side, the Dem ocrat is informed by A. Hackleman. US convict In the state ic-ni'-entiarr. Linn county citizens took about thret-j fourth of the premiums at the state fair. Now we hardly have an exhibit and take almost nothing. E. F. Russell and Jas. Elkins formed law partnership. Hons L. V. Grover and J. II. Hater spoke for Sej niour and Blair on Oct 21. D. W. akelield and family left on Oct. 15 for Portland 10 make that city tbeir borne. in a list ol M scholar wi 11 their rec ord as scholar in the A.bnv public school under Prof. J. B. McFarland only hve reside in or near Albany now, tow it: Adrian Comely, line Mtie!d, David Burkliart, (ieorge Anderson, Wil liam Parker, which ehows how time change thing - From the Demockat of (Xt. 31 to Feb. 20. lt9: j Tiie fair ladie of Alhany haven't got ! the Grecian bend very badly. 1 Tbe IKxo UATOf OctolerSl. tell of la 0 iihfvnnmitial favrirlf f1 tits t . von 1 s-il.1 devil of .he otUce, Master C'aitrne H. jcisl Advertiser: Any staieanU or u.f-r-btewart ietK-es that I propose to withdraw froai the In tbe November election Linn count v dewo-rati; nauonal lirket are iuwat nvsivtmuir A ISisir ?L'I miiir. Ti.e ! ,,,aa Uu"n- fcererhad, and have not llejiocaat cot out enecial election edi- lion ana cbaiwa cents a codv mid voles were cast. benderf. Mernberg A Co. have- opened their new store ia J. B. Monteith tew ',ric ...... ,r Ijaet Monday R. I.. Humphrey, Oliver ouauuKii, .irvnim uu m vaner m- 5 use town wa eutireiy Uertrojol. A par ed from this city on a hunting exrwdi- j ui ,i,t f tL i ,r ioiiow : lion U the foot of the Cascade nioun t 11 UokiC. E U CaRrwi. 5frt L K tains, where dvr are said to abound ia ) Thotna. A L .j rav. track ucm. A A givat numbers at thi season ot the year. ! Bent.y, r S ucu'r, Geors ilJ jn the paper aloa tbee days wa 10.1 01 railroad ta:k, urging business men to act m wun m jri im ri aiusoi. . Vd heat oa November 22, i. cent. Atlhentr electioa ia Decs-tuber A.s W. Sunard wa electe-l mayor. L. W. j inrouui recoraer, i. t roman mtrtui:, 1 Ja f-iiieM tr-turer, and Jo ixon, li wanuiii, a 11 iiafaiemao i lev. AH Marshal and Cba Mealvv. . cuunc.iruen. , A water diuh comtnv wa organiied ? on leniter 14 lo build a ranai fromibrka- llraa sail thu plater in tie uie r-anuam to lA-isanon, aiumaie.y 10 j Albany. Luther Elkins was re.ideet ot the board oi director. ,.T r.f ?-r t.- -ri r-r.-n I in Jt iiat!' theo were: Busier sr'.c rr ib.eir.- V. sait 2',. les l, supir li: u2LV:, rfw,'""-. ciu:i. w ve toc, nails 7 atsd cents, print '. powder TS; and tl ; tvUsoco 1 - f , 3i tiCMfae lo j At tbe l.G. U.K. flection Wm C. Tweedai was eiecu-d V. U., F. PeebSer, N.U. At the election oi the Albanv Fare Ca. f 1 Jos el-lr wa circled lorwuaa, f . If. Karrcii Itt asitant. ' ikrn. on Jan 16. l-Soli. lo t'.o ife of I Tl Kn..r Tl;e Pacitic ho!, l wa burned oa Feb. 11. l$Z, theterond time Wont eorce - thine be doi.e kowini lo Use purchifc of i a cowl are eneine. - v ..., ,. r.-...i. v ! erTf jj4e r,,., ind,aa ni. artivei at i Klamatli asearr retard v from .iiaa. j CJ. He departed Sunday for Yainax wa v- aawj i in ivimuuvr swu mi v t awj n Lnrnmmt nmrtf Mr Kmeie i a ! man of the gofivl and will cot tolerate indjleiMe among Ihe Indians. Thev mui attend church and lucv must cu tirate their farm, an order ot things wbteh do not take well U-r of litem. It mean lui thev inost t i j good, moral uen and mske tiieir own ! ''vine, tbe Indian coostnittiou of wbwhi i i "lli-vu Jeeus and halo muck-a-muck." i iut a change in the msnaeaient of the r-erv".i n bas tievn n-Ski desirable. ha cojic, and Mr. Emery wi.l be fotin.l ! Ihe riat man in therisbt place. Klan tU Fall Republican. Tax Wiivim, A farmer in tSe vi ctnity of Shedd wishes the Drwo a T lot warn hunter to look oat for their dos. as they have so Willed lo destruction of properly and other injuries as long as they in'end to. There mar be some dead dog as well a dead pheasant. A Papsk Srro. John W. McEinney ba instituted a suit lor damage, to the extent of flOO, againM the Mateanian Publishing Co., the complaint having leea hied with ihe toJi.-.y clerk yester day, l'laintnl was carrier of the States man for one year up to May lTlii las-t, at which lime the contract wa not re newed and he now claims damages by reason of not beir.g permitted to continue in that dctartmenl of ihe paper. The dc'ioe in the price of w heal h pretty closely paralleled thed.cline in the bu'lion price of silver since 173. If Ihe gold hat become a -OOcent dollar as tueatured in silver it is also a 200 cent dollar aa measured in wheat. Taking past experience as a guide it is safe to say that if the gold dollar Miou'd become a 4 K) cent dollar as measnred in silver it would alto be a -kO cent dollar as nieajon-d in wheat. Republic. The peop'a have a right to talk politics and think politics. It is r unreason able man, though, who won't give every body else the same right. Harvey Scott, though, call, the man who disagrees with him anarchist, crank, and other pet names. A man hat no sense who doesn't I'Kik at public in tilers the way he does, and is fit for the insane asylum or penitentiary. That is liw ebb politics laarl-s never Real Tta is a sure cure for headache aed nrvo s diseases No Mng relieve o qnickly. For M'eby r'ohuy & Maon. Tke Ills l Wswrt 0ntipation, eanw more than half thr I'ls of women. Karl's Clover Uoo Tea i a pleasant cure for coostipation. For salt by r obay & Mason. The Wxkki.y DaaorHAT $1.55 a year and the Wekly San Francisco Kxaminor l.aJayear. combined for onlv 2.:(5. Tnis inchidea all the privileges iu the $100, uw rremium list ot the hxamlner includ ing a $10.00 rresiiiont and a $4000 gold nugget- DIED. BOWERSOX. At the family home, No. 427 Liberty street, Salem, Septem ber 4, ISM, Mrs. Mary C. Bowersox, wife of Rev. J. Boweraox, aged 64 years, 9 mouths and 21 days. oiiVB When yo take llood't rill. The big, old-fash-t , , loneUilgaioatea pnitiWhiehtear you Ulo yS,r not la itwiui r - " fxsyteUk TELEGRAPHIC. Tbe til. bT. Paul,, Sept 4. Tbe 30th annual encampment of t'je Grand Army of tbe Republic came to an end today, after one of the most successful meetings since the organization was established. Tne weather whs the best that could have been desired. The treatment received by the visitors, both veterans and others, was such that all left full of good foiling for tbeir bout tbe Saintly city. The railroad", of course, were crowded, for on the buxest day the nuuilier of out-of-town people reached al nitwt, if not fully, K,O0O, nearly 50,000 of whom, however, came over from Mioneio- olis to see tbe Grand Army parade Mia U'arksou. ot Omaha, was elects! Commander in Chief of tbe i A R, and Mrs Catherine Hirst, of Louisville, Na tional I'residtnt of the LaJie of the G A R. A Big Bask Failure. Hki.ksa. Mont.. Sept. 4 The failure of the Firat Natiooul bank wiu anootince-l this morning by ptiug anolke in a win dew of tbe bunk that it was nnabloto meet withdrawals demaiiiied of it. The nothe was tignel by E D Kdgertoo, vice-prei-dect and luanagw, wbo cays the creditor will be paid in fu'l. The lat statement published showed that at the close of buta nes July 14, there was due to other bank, depositors and on checks ouMandinir a to tal of ri.WKl.OOO; loans and discounts, 500.000; stock and securitwt, tTWOO; real estate, $300 0JJ; due from other b-inkt and reserve aitenU, 0SO,C00. Da a at ( Vl pe,l Nnw YoitK, Sept. 4. It G Dun Co's weekly review (.f irddtj will tat : There is a di-tiutt increax of conGrieace due largely to ire continuing heavy ita ports of gold, which have put an end to 1 money anxiety, and aio to political events. 1-.. 1. -1-1. . .1. ... j f . .- - - 1 KuiMisitrtiuM.' waii;ueu. xuc aia in confidence and in wi:lingnes to lend and invest gives reasou to hope that tbe n cery repienUlMiient of stock, wbkb cannot be long lefrrre, may be liberal enough 1 to stimulate fair activity in trade and m S dustry. j Will Sei Crla. Naw Yore, Sept. 4. Tne Commcial Aler!icr ibueeoicg pnets the f j.iuw lnir d-suitch : ! Bain, ile., Sept. 4. Editor Couiiir- ! UjW' " e rrtsi0,e- iotaM of doing . Aktbub i-WAI.L. ? Klre al la j ylOUUi tm. fr., fpt. 4 Fir brae i j cat iirrv kt 12, in theCaitron bloc, and ?gXacb headway Lr-fr !!ie alarm was! ; xyva u, tb principal bosiae portiva cf j i ; Coanty Uank. i f All of tbeae ba,iise Loo. irM-lttding J the fcuiidiriif. are Weil cjverej w;lO Ui .uracce, excrpt two of roiall amoonU. w M ' ? aiiu. jskis., . csxoioate 't'-riao Mt K-k.lo al e o clot tit mcrn - I sand peopte wre araiiiar hira. He I escorted to Satcar by L H S-siiUjrv. wbo lotrodoced bini as tbe "lilacs i-Mfot e-f caasf aign ce npeci 19 ii iicig&n j more, becaax- be eipectl Michigan's ' eecSoral otis, aed be "iiiU-J 10 tacoc j U-ltrr aiqaainled with Ua; pe-:-- wbo were I w ?P majraf 10 tl eier-Jorai 1 winij ia cotuii w ii.i iceir m COO- i .ra,s . t . w . s - ---" " 1 v, lr a y are. Svit FLctso9. &: 2 Ta 1- . itt-r-Jountal re ay mri Hare lot 12 boors ' J"4 mmate 00 lie Kit ia arrang-! t-toj ti roe a4-iic: Uai- cwtn-aenoed. ; lBHttoi la u&exrrtl aoct.k-aU. and til wt-!t-er baa ioUT't.-re.! imraslv with lbs j l 'A ae ndrr. Ratn in Utah aad J rt'3,a ,a 0w have born. raues U lct ! SloM"- Tn Prket arrived at Iii, Ui , 1 " 0 c ,x s taatgbt. It3 it baa tn on i 2 c ju 5. , Di.i,u(n. CiCfcl la ma .. -tia. Sept. 3.--Tbe lrs-t rrjwd I T ! u t&t ety to witaes a toxing tontet wa prect l.,jgbt at Ihe eiLt-rouisd boot betweea "Mvrterioos" s . , , . Bis.y ouUi, of Uuioa. and lira Kvaa. of I Aastralia, The Baatea was at catch- I wi?hU, tbe wmc-r to take the eatire .1. &!tb asd uxtb i rounos were bv rleaa C .rat- bat in itt sereala toe rrf-ree airaia ... ii- t , r.a. Ke reritedio foolinf. bo n-r. aad tbe figLt was vea to Rjwa on a foul. 3,i, t a, - i- a?.." .1. a I ITS err, wao atotwe retaliated with a . " w.. f-H vr.r c lui ioio It rr.iT". f -' l1 Ci .. i.v,-.. i-ijai u.v,rii. ! t titnl aaaai- Mrlke ftirMr. Lak" the lal we ks, ta lea decided ia . A " j favor of the striker f he demands of ihe j wcrlaatn wwre hr 1 -V) a dav fir ail com- moo work. Tte tarafr. Ihreshirg ma- chite and header mea bad c.ored the men J I Lo a day. (M IhU W.y. New Yonx. S-pt, 3. Iztrd Frere hat tIered ',3T,iXr) addftiocal rold in Ijondon. rnatinir tbe lotui amount esgaged by that firm $7.Si01t'O. t f tbe go,d ild lotlay a Lomhwi for sbipmect to this country SittWUM) i conigoed to the bank f H.-itna North America, SotXMXX) for accostt of t'peyer Jt Ca. ff hr Ihe wlaes Er.:xs.Or, S-pt. 2. Manager W B Lawk and upenntendeat rnith. with a lorve of practical c:iners, started tfau motning for the time river mining catnp, where tb-y will boirm a.tir work on the Lucky Bty mine, which t recently par chaW by Kngiih csip.Uiists. through the ag,-n .y of Mr iwler. It is their inten tion to put the mice in condition to fully demonstrate its worth an, I l. ril.l s scon as pitile. The same people have! bonded several other promising tiaims in i ,.vuu- Hhe Biue river vicinity. 2. Fortrxn Celd Isuiasapoi.-.s. Sei-L stales and three territories, represented bv 824 de'egate. roe. ttiay in Touilinson hail, at ine cumax oi a six weeks' campaign to repudiate the action of the Chicago con vention, and put forth a declaration of prncip'e and name a presidential ticket. Senator Palmer, whoctlled tbe body to Ord r. termed it the first convent .-. nutional demoi-rstie n-krle. It i I , 1 un.tT- - , .-. . i tm-j - stood that a financial plank has been drawn up uy fte.retary t'artuie. and is before the committee on re$tlution. declaring dis ttnetly for a single gold standard, and makes no apology w hatever for the bond isue. VTeadeifal rarlaj. Nkw Yonx, Sept. 2. In the prtence of ttXK) .spectittor at Meoiwooil I'ark. IViliimn Siuiivstn'a paciug stallion h hn K Gentry defcMtml Kobert J, Frank Agan and Siar Pointer in the fastest harness race on record. the gallant son of Ashland VYilkiM made the rirst het in 2.03.. Uie second in 2)?4', and the third in 2.-05V-All the finishes were very cluoe and excit ing and the contest wat from every stand point of view a great one. Talks Is t armrrs. ToLKtio, Sept. 2. William Jenning Bryan today demonstrated again that it made no difference whether his vjice vat hoarse or not by making more speeches than he has for several day, lie made long speeches at Springfield. Kenton and rindluv, and tonight spoke again ia this city. The party left Coluuibut this morn ing, and arrived at Springfield at 10:30, where the nominee made a 20-miuuUs talc. The next stop of consetjueuee was at Ken ton, where Utyan addressed rJouOcitixens of that county. The crowd was made up mostly ot farmer, who cheered the utter ance of the nominee heartily. v., A BUG & at ,. St. Paitu Minn., Sent. g.Nearfv 40 . 000 veterans tJanipeiedJie street ef St Paul! for several hours todays Tatesn.iaew$rT? turance of their youth tij teel?vjf in their vein the tutu-tint spirit tli.- themiu iheoldd.iya ot liiluTr sectional tlrifo. Iho day was an ideal one Jor inarching', tl warm nys of tbe sou being behind clouds and a slight breeta making the tramp much easier fur la in line. est Quality ! Largest Lowest ca KISFMS. McKinley U wanted ia Yamhill conn, tv oa the charge of stealing wheat. Hi ! firet name i Almoa. Col. Jones retires from the Tillamook If . ,, . 1 . . 1 An-.iwiliimim tli. im't nwJ. r . 1 1 1. .y .li. 1 , ,niv mji mm r m ... m. ' u v Hon. M- C. Georzo erwke at Slavtoa i Tuesday evening. Tbe Time says: "Mr. M,eorge deserve crelit for making a gen' Hlemanlv speech and cs;ng no harden vneeeh and r.:n nn lr.te names for bi opponents thaa pop-xrau i and repadiators " T, . , -, - n, , I , , . e . . I m tanag a popalar rrt fortatadet. A 1 . u . ,1,. 1... . try it. A young iadv caught bim bv the j cost jat at he was about to jump. Poor ) lellow, ha wa made to live whether he ' wanted to or not. j Mesrr. Ed RlodseU and Olio Lee ! weot Chine itbeasant bontln? this 1 morcins- u-nsi liie rirer Iskinv new doe, and thereby bans this tale. ; At the first crc of their gun the dog tcaa frightened, ran for the hiU, and ! ws last een a mrt and a half acroes the i i.cs, ruaatog tor sis uie. Something over a year ago a needle entered the wait of a " voan? Iadv at La Grande, and lost itself after the fashioa ; ' reedle ge-Deraiir. The Union Scoot . - : has information that it ha list worked j oat of tb arm of ayoosz aiUat i ol ummervu.e. ! u:.i-.-:. .i .- . . iiJ7- i . ,! - " i -, uirami ot r.osErie is verv -r, : . ..fl. i-. . -- .. l"?f! L- " . ) " ' M -aa-aa; ... AW awvnv as - , . a a I : 1 g-r--,!,. ! . jt , rortd jcietv goes ahead with i: nhiri of enjoy- f meat, acd the toneae of ecariilal licks ian j .).. ,;Ki- . t i reputations both cool and bad. j , I sj a'U'ri . A list. i in H9 autumn oi io., and l&e movement was toward Chattanooga But Braeir wa one those who joined, after the war, ia making it unanimous, as he did after yesterday's defeat, Oregoniaa. This shows tre Ore-Ionian "s ignoraace. Thi was another Bragg en tire 1 v. Letiaoon Advance lei's the following: A farmer living near this place, who was horeles!v in debt, raisxt what he could la$t week and he and Li fam ily "skipped out" for the eet. Thev took nothing with them except their clothes; hist got up Irom t,e supper table and let , leaving the di$he un washed on the table. Their house was well furoisned. A Salem lady writing from. Neekowin, on ihe Pacific in Tillamook county, says: Who will daie to ay that the nineteen th cenlury young woman is not a success, after Mis Kittie Harbord ha so very strikingly exemplified he fatt by piv- mg ui doctor and nurse to her sister . ..... . - . fry during ner recent tunes', tending the baby ; cork nit the dinner; I nciping to conduct a puiuic meeting; capturel the largest fish of. tke season, llhea fiuished by driving thirtr miles ! over Uie eountrv to the dead of nii-bt. ' alone and unprotected. j The rru.xnJAT man took no outing this year. He was not as fortunate aa the editor of the Grant's Pass Courier, w ho is able lo boast aa follows: The Courier man and family wound up their camp- i il't? ; - 1 f otmu . ...1 I.VU1U I.-UUIMJ. i Th i, ..I .,,n;.i . i.ik. s ' asix vupti a a aaa tttv ai vi since the Fourth of Julv and found great pleasure in breathing the pure night air About a too of clover baa been cut in the yard and the bay thus made wat piled up in the tent aboct two feet high. Oa this the bedding wa placed and the result of the seven weeks' "outing" has In-en the resolution to s'eep out d"ors during all future hot spells in Southern Oreemi. House, no matter how well ventilated, get hot during the dav in July and August and the heat lasts until toward morning when the tired sleeper hate to get up. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet All ilrutriMsta refund the monev if it faiU to cure. 25c. Catarrh Cannot bo Corew with APPUCATION3, a they enso4 reach the seat ot the disease. Catarrh la a blood or constitutional disease, and la ferae to car H you must take Internal remedisa. Ball's Catarrh Cor la takea internally, and act f.',T?;,'3 OB "1e hlood and raucous rarCaces. Itslt's CaUrrh tire Is not aquack medicine. It was prescribed by onsot the best physicians ia this country lor rears, and ia a regular pre soripiKin. It ia comnoaed ot the best lob ice known, combined wita the beat b.oo 1 parinrrs, acun directly on the mucoaa surfaces. The pertect eombiuatioa ot the two ingredients ia w hat produces soch wonderful rwuita iactUiuj Calarrh. 8nd lor testimonials, tree. K. J.CUKNKYACX)., Prv?., Toledo, O. - Bold by djugKiat. ptce TSo. , Wr atyswsMia "atnl Liver Complaint you havaa printid ou iiitbs pnni.-u JScSr aie by guaantoeon every ootue iT never tatu to care, roiay ft Mason STEEET RAILWAY KCTISE. - The motor on the Albany ttaT ra-1 way will connect promptly with all-afilaa to and from the depot, Cay and aighvj. Size! Price! Lebanon. Tinkle, tbe artist, ba bought a paiiery ia CarTfrni acd will leavw here ia aboat six week. Messrs. John Isom. Frank Wood aad Morris Griffin of California, passed tnroagb Lebanon today oa tbeir way to tbe mounlaia oa a boating expedition. The Lebanon base ball i.ine will play tbe Albany Colt in Albanv next Satnr day afternoon. The Lebanon boy wiil meet bard opponent and it is very im portant th; they get in and practice all that it i possible between now aad that time. Upon close inquiry we find that over half of the bop yards ia this vicinity w-il aot be picked this year aad a chance of not evea that much, as tome are yet anaeciue-i w&etaer to piex or not as taey doa t see much eacoi rare ai e n t in t prior. Capt. Gen. Pope aad Jtsdge J. doo Monday aad on T-iesday weat paeafaet bunticg with several oi soorTemea. i uey eacoeedexl iu lazzmg 42 t feasants. Oa tfednesdav; JdLre W ha! ley left for Staytoa aad Capt. Pope left this mora Lor for Portland Express. Miss NellsoE kins, of A Ibaa v. is vis iting ill Hda Eikias in this cirv. Mr. Haines, the b'ackraiith. met withl an unf.jrtnnate accident Toeed mora-' iaz- While spiiuin wood he cat his left thnmb almost off. John I Morgxn aad 3H6 Mary Gateh ell, both cf Lebanon, were married at the residence of S. M. V. Hiadman. at Camp Poik. Crook coantv, oa Aagtm 23d, by Elder A . B. Wali Tae coapte will reside at Camp role. At the meeiiaz of the citv council Tuesday evening G. W. Taykr tendered bis re-ugnatioo as citv mar$haL The same was accepted, a nd Phil Litter was elected ta serre ia that capacity. The committee on ordinances was instructed to draw np aa ordinance raising the sa loon license to tU) per year. Tbe license U now foCO. Advance. Vrhal M Wens. i-iii-x. n il, Sept. 4. Reports are ia cir calaUoR htte aQxcg pop'te in tae hurfce trace o Lj Hang t haa ia Larjrswir ia the irantediate future, aae a asdf l ar portaat effect upon the p-ii- -CTioe Chi aese goecramect aad In at the interior of the Chinese empire wdl shortly be tarowV . epea to tree trade. tawaed a Kte 1st Aawerteaa Msrt, "UiSDOS, Spt. 4. Toe EretuEgraad aid stocti excLoige report this afseraoca says: "Ansericaas are rising sharply owiair to tbe belief that a third candidate ensure theeieetfn ot McKinley." According tc a oelebratetl anatomist there are upwards of o.OOO.OOl) little giands in the humaa stomach These glands pour out the digestive joicea which dissolve or digest the food. Indi gestion is wast of juice, weakness of glands, need of help to restore the health of these organs. The best and nioet , . i . . .... . ... naiurm. ueip is mat given uy Quaker li geetive cordi&L Natural, because it eu vliee the materials aeeded by tbe gleams to prepaue the digestive juices. Because it strengthens and invigorate the g and -acd the stomach, until they are able to do tbeir work alone. Shaker ihcestive Cordial cores indigestion certainly arid permanently. It doe so by natural means, and therein lie the secret of it wonderful and an varied succcsa. At druirgvds, price 10 cents to $1.00 per oott'e. BE OBSERVING. Cash for poultry at R. M. Robertson The best fresh groceriua aad produce al Qona it HuaUa'a. iA.otein- i tet u-imi a is a seaoiiee - dress made by Mr. McLrsiu. Dr. G. W. MahjB. phyiciaa and sur geon. Albany Or. CalUauwered prompt. iy in Ciij or country. Drs. H. E. aad O. K. Beers ofS. residence in Ihe rost ofiice buildimr. ial atteutica given to disecbies of women A Fact Wane, svaswlac von---iipion. UMjrippe, fnetiraoBia aa 1 U T ic-vt j J L lag 4eas are care- Miinrj UM. tof si nuf Stshay Maton. twr saaadlwa at Naaa , Four out of every rive bottle it wedi cine sold in thi last five ywars are B fc-oods. TheS B Ilea J icfce and Liver Cure 1 use myself ss a federal phvsic If you are sick and want to get well." tlx quickest, cheapest and safest method i t buy tb S B. remedies aad use aa directed C. P. BaLca, lniit, Uufur, Or lot tab by Foshty dt Mason at do eta per bot te. raetae La act Elder A!oo W. Steer writee from Port land. Or: There ia no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can recommond to minister, public spesucer and singers, wiih the contidenoa that I can the S. B Cugh Cuse," For sale by Foshay & Ma onat50.t pac botti. twre rrwaa. 'My three children are!t subject to croup; 1 telegraphed to Sai Francisco, u t to a oaii aoacu oot tie of S B Coagh Cure. . it w piaci remedy . uod bless you for h- i oon. f eHR; j . H . .V.iwter, Grsnfs last, Vr. -aii'e bvKolS M 0c per be Thm fAstht;- ' All aeewsaatead It. 1 ir physician, TCtttV'-' bn?aetor.