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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
i I i it; Mexican wage under the silver stand ard bavjmiued unchanged, so bare st-Jtw necessaries of life bat their foreign debt has doubled in value because paya ble in gold. What is called robbery b? the gold press? Paying debts in dollars of equal purchasing power with those borrowed What does the gold press style honest financial policy? forcing the gold standard on a debt xidden people making them" pay. doable, what and they --""ought,-: TheOreaonian in an editorial note Seps. 4, refers to oen Bragg tetreating before Gen. Palmer in 1863. We pre sume it was a slip Morgenthaler, as every well informed editor knows the difference between tUe. southern Fatius, Gen. Braxton Bragg, who "could retreat and not lose a skillet" and the union General Brayg of Wisconsin. . dying out is not true, so far as Indiana is concerned. Though a believer in sound money, I shall vote for Bryan. As ex-Suator McDonald, ot our state, used to say, even though your platform has one bad plank with all the rest good, it is more worthy of support than the opposition platform with one plank hall way good and all the Test rotten. I have no-doubt that the electoral vote of In diana will go to Bryan. The defection of sound money democrats will be more than balanced by gains from the pub licans. The bolting democrats in In diana are all Gbnerais and Colonels ; there are no privates in their army, and so everyone on the list is conepicuoua. i believe that Bryan is going to win, al though a systematic campaign of coer cion will be employed by the agents of Mr Hanua. Neither bribery nor threats will be effectual, and the more they are used the greater will be the resentment of tbn TOters." If we were to go to a silver standard and that depreciated, would "wages rise "in proportion? Unquestiocably they womd. Wages rose as the greenbacks depreciated and felt as they rcee. The . supply and demand govern the price of labor, the money standard simply rasas ores values of labor as well as other val- . .-oea. " ""SrW-dlherebe patio if Bryan is elec ted? .s2A verily. The parties to be 1 hurt by a panic are the banks and .they can prevent it easily. Will dollars be worth only 53 cents it Bryan is elected? Not so my friends, they will be worth -100 cenU, for there is only $120,000,000 uncoined silver in the world and the im mediate demand for a much larger amount will bring it to a parity with gold, or so nearly so that the difference will not be felt. are granted to congrsss and among them the following ; "To make all laws .which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vetted by tbis constitution in the government of the United States or in any department or office thereof." This is followed by a provision that no state can "make anything but gold and silver ciin a tender in payment o' debts." With your permission I will follow this with another communication in which I will consider the constitu tionality of a restiicted coinage of silver. Lax. Mr. McKinley is unfortunate when he refers to the issua of so called sound money in 1SGS and IS72. The parallel is complete but is hardly a good gold standard argument. The policy of con traction of the currency was producing distress on all sides. Wise men urged the contraction be stopped and that the return to a parity between paper and gold be gradual and natural, only stim ulated by making the paper interchange able at par for low rate bond?. Every bard same that is now used by the gold praeswas hnrled at them. The "rag babv" figured in everv cartoon. The hard money men won. Didn't prosper it return? T-.e panic of 1S73 followed worse over the greater part ot the Union man trie panic oi 1S'3. Let the gold men succeed a second time, can we expect anything but repetition of 1873. What brought on return of good times np to 1S90? The expansion of the currency through the Bland and Sherman acts. Cleveland' election guaranteed the downfall of e.lrer and brought panic. The Constitutionality of It. Who are interested in the gold stand ard? The told miners. Why? Be cause it makes a dollar in gold worth two under bimetallism. The mon ey lenders, why? Becaase it makes every dollar due them for money loaned pri it to 18)2 worth two, and the par chasing power of every dollar of interest is doubled.. Whit is called sound mon ey? Dear money, constantly enhancing in purchasing power. - Wbat is reat-f sound mooev? That ihijh is as nearly unchangeable as can bs'inaJb. Which is it gold or eilyet?-' Neither, but both togefber. Silver has changed little. sold . ' P "I 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 AQ oiiiosp-miW' ouiiioa win ta;-.a.oat as kioch wheat, cloth, iron. hobs s, land, eta., as in 1390. An ounce -1 jhII -bay nearly twice as much vlt t. cV.b. .iron, bouses land and lal; as ia 1S33. v ' - - ! - .. Here are some facts on this ratio bnsi. ness worth digesting: me ratio at which gold and silver was coined from 145)7 to 1516 was 10.75 to 1 a ratio that was arbitrarily set up by Spain when she had control of the gold and silver of the world by being the gteateet producer of the metals. The ratio from 1546 to 1688 was 13. S3 to 1 a ratio that Spain ad vanced and which the orld was obliged to accept. The latio from l(i8S to the present day at which limited and unlim ited silver has been coined has .never been above 16 to 1. This ratio was es tablished by the little country of Porta gal when she for a short time held con trol of the production f gold and silver, and she was able to force the world to accept her valuation of the metals. These being historical facta and the United States now being the greatest producer of gold and silver, the workingman wants to know why bis government should hesitate to open its mints to the coinage of silver at a ratio really by from 1 to -5 than at which the mint of the world coin limited quantities of silver. when, it the United States were disposed I to do so, it might set np an arbitrary ratio, as did Portugal. It cannot be claimed in the light of reason that our government is incapable of doing wbat was done by Spain and Portugal! Both Bryan and McKinley are being honored by a large number of smooth faces, men who have not shaved for years falling into line. Yon can't tell his politics. uisn Advertising is one thing aVrt a busi ness establishment hat should never go OS a vacation. Shoe Trade Journal. Speakiug of Jesse Grant the Oregonian says there is bound to be one fool in a amilr. A fact of ten correct,and notice ably so in the Scott family of of - m Hs-ild cites the low price of cct as a evi dence that the pries of wheat is S-JWrtatsd -br the prise of silver (,'jiu- is produced in great quantities nowhere except in the United States and the great bulk of the crops is con sumed here, and the production varies tremendously from year to year, so does the urice, there being n great foreign demand to steady it . Wheat is a sta ple all over the worlX The production year b? year ia nearly the same. Our principal competitors India and Argen tine are doing business on silver basis. For 25 years tbe pi ice of wheat ban closely followed teat of silver. e of the stingiest men in Oregon, o died tecentlv. is said to have been ..erred to by a local paper as a most generous man. This is given as an ex ample of bow newspapers can speak well ot the deal. Editor Democrat : It seems to me that something might be said to allay the fears of business men concerning tbe dangers of the present financial condition of tbe country. Gold standard men are predicting terrible calamities if tbe free coinage peep' win and vice versa tbe free coinage ad vocates believe that eternal rain awaits ot if the gold bugs win. The probabtl itytatbat the prophecies of neither side will prove to brtrw;Tba principles in ?o!ved in the financial discussion in volve questions of political economy and that is an exact science tbe laws which are pretty well known to men science. The trouble is that many men discus j those questions without ever looking into tbe scientific principles that under-' lie them. For instance it has only been about five or six years since the domin ant issue in this country was that ot the tariff and both sides in that discus sion referred to the poverty stricken con ditions of each countries as China and Japan to support their views on tbe tariff issue. Now in this discussion the pov-. erty stricken condition ot those coun tries is attributed to tte fact that they are silver standard countries and (hi tariff is not even mentioned. This shows .i rn i. : i : . . . ! A comic ebsraeement took place m maintain a theory of that kind The Eugene between two German. One of fast is that many other things combine j them railed the other "an ugly Dutch- In nrnlnr the condition in ho fonnd in ! man," which was tOO much and be hit I I those countries. A yourg man leaning against a pa brush on First street near.y resulted i int in a pping the al tmospberc only received a few was hard bits. A sample of tbe manner in which a deficit is created is illustrated by tbe fact that packages of congressional speeches on the tariff and finance are twine sent to everv important town in tbe U. 8. and distributed tree nnder the franking privilege. At the present time the mails are being worked vigorously j for the purpose. Washington Letter. I From our regular Comapondcnt. Washijeotox, Aug. 31st. 1896. Sew all will not be 'withdrawn. Un ' Uss be Humid himself decline to allow it, he will receive the vote of every dem ocratic elector elected Nov. 3rd. This may be considered official and anlbetie. Notwithstacding reports to the contrary, lhe democratic national committee has ' never even considered the question of withdrawing Mr Sewa'l from tbe ticket. Indeed as Senator Fan kner said, no one ha? a right to withdraw him, even if Lis . withdrawal were considered desirable. which i is Dot The democratic ticket is Bryan and Sen all acd . Bryan and Sttwt.71 it will remain, notwithstanding ' iite shsu d demand of Tom Watson and the action of the Indianapolis boters convention. Nobody in Washington takes any stock in tbe story, which comes via Near York, that Hanna is finding it difficult to raise ; campaign funds, because of the over confidence of tbe Etstern millionaires. - This story was probably started for effect. ft is certain! that the republicans have plenty of money, because they ara giv ing tbe very best proof by spending it . wit fa lavish band. I cannot say wheth er the Eastern millionaires areovercon fident, but if they will spend a few days in Washington, keeping tt.eir eyes and ears open, it can safely be guaranteed that they will not be overconfident. It is very certain that there is nothiLg ap proaching overconfident at tbe repub lican headquarters in Washington; on the contrary, there is every indication that fear of defeat is making them work night and day in their efforts to stop the spread of silver tentioient. Speaking of campaign fundi, Senator Fauikner, who returned from a confer- 5 . jreTTc"?vith Senator Jones at the Chicago , - headquarter feeveral days ao, says that while the democrats ace not 8 d Hhd legitimate economical 1 the man in the face with bis fist and ran S nnlil hn ftai-ti1 hi mn,n arhatrtfb K A The shfpping of large sums of gold, to locked himself in. with tbe other man foreigh countries is vieneJ by tome p r. J c:ose upon bis heels, sons with feelings of alarm. Tbe science j of political economy informs us that; there is nothing to fear in that fact. ! Not understanding tbis law tbe old A dispatch from Eugene to tbe Ore gonian fays that "since tbe Indianapolis convention, many -democrats who bad not previously committed themselves are now declaring strongly for McKinley They do not propose to waste their votes on Palmer, but in order to make certain 1 he defeat of Bryan, they will vote straight tor Mckinley." "The Guard would like to know who they are, as it is news to it. while the lemocrats are not receiving my largrim "'m single in iividunj TiiBugb money juriiey sources countries used to prohibit by law ondtr heavy penalty the exportation of geld and silver. Since a better understand ing of tbeee lawa of commerce has been obtained, those laws were all swept away and gold aad silver allowed to go wherever tbe national laws of trade call them. There are maay laws of nature A real estate man at The Dal!es adver wbich can. in nowise be changed by leg- tises in the following manner, indicative islative enactments. There are certain of the spirit of the day: Properly has laws of trade that are about as firmly ' TfL1?. chV " ' 1 now in.T1,e fixed in their nature as the laws of gray-on accoSnt 0 the unsettled tinan- ity, and the one class cou'.d be overcome cial policy of the government is mainly by a mere legislative enactment about ' tne cause. The signs of the times point as easily as the otSer. The attempt to I PU,nly ff, "er ""J- '''ical qaes- . ..... . . tions settied.the locks onene.1 and a n- coniroi prices oy legislative enactmeci ;m ieeVl1sg o confidence revered, an era was made ia England three centuries ; of prosperity maybe expected. I have ago in 1 it failed, as it always will fail in ! rever had property listed so cheap as it . Ti.. ; "now MW VWHIIIIJ. X UtIQ .1 U LCI kAI t. U alienable rights of which free men can not be deprived. Among these is tbe right to produce that which is calculated to aid or assist him in the straggle of life. He has a right to employ bis own efforts for the gratification of bis own wants so long as be does not infringe upon tbe rights of otbere. It will be conceded that the govern ment nnder which we live has 00 right to interfere with a man and prevent bim from tilling bis own soil with a - view to sustaining his own life, and to grat'fy his own wants. He may do th's though his efforts may so increase the world's products as to cause a fall in prices and thus injure the financial conditions of others. No governmental restraint can be placed upon the production of wheat, corn, oats or any other product of the people of thia country with a view of in creasing the price thereof. Such an at tempt would at once be declared uncon stitutional and revolutionary. The lay ing of an unconstitutional tax npon the imports of this country was the cause of tbe Revolutionary war, and resulted in the independence of tbe American people. In view of tbe fact that the govern ment has no right uoder any pretext either directly or indirectly to limit tbe production of the neofsearies of life with a view of bbaing the value thereof tfutly undertake to limit the er as a circulating medium r of cc (icing the value cf a ail--Ar3fn"at a fixed and cer- ooceueu mai a jxen rinrd- ouid be vei IkVonld0 In looking Over tbe records at tbe court houxe we found the following con- aiuons in a aeed to a piece of land dea l ed to the First Baptist church of Mitch ell: The condition upon which the said premises are granted are such that if the above named Baptist church shall sen or permit to be sold npon said prenv ises any malt, or intoxicating liquors, then this deed shall be null and vokl, and the premises herein described, then and immediately revert to the above named grantor, bis heirs aud assigns 1 ue grantor 01 tots aeea must not cer tainly had a very good opinion of the Baptists or that place. Review. MARRIED. GARRETT WALTON. On Saturday evening Kept. o. 1898, at the court house in Albany, by Judge George Barton, M.-0. A. Garrett and Miss Maude B. Walton, both of Linn county. KLUM DODGE. On Sunday Sept. 6, 1698, at the residence of Mr. Frank Dodge, in Lebanon, by Justice G. Love lee, Mr. F.L Klum and Miss Nellie M. Dodge, both of Linn county. rpHE workman often I eats bis lunch on the aatne bench where lie doea bis work. The office man anatches a few min utes from his occu- nation and turns bis desk into a dining table. Neither gets the exercise he needs, neither takes the proper time for eaung. it is small wonder that the digestion of both gets out of order. - Nature works sa hards she can, bat there are some things she cannot stand. If world hasA OTd. Him ma Aitrmmtivm au.t.M im b.niort wonderful and delicate mechan- -Vcb, and yet he neg. v, tcui 41 get UUt VI In the end he sickness o condition t of &v take roni tula one of '"" ,.iity rtjhe TELEGRAPHIC. Bryan at Home Lincoi-i;, Neb.. Sept. 8. -The second home-coming of Bryau, after bis nomina tion, was marked with enthusiasm. There were about 6000 people at tne aepot wun two bands. Promineut citizens escorted Bryan to a camuge. Cheer alter cheer went op, and the bands added to tbe din. Two Bilver clubs and citizens in carriages headed bv bands- formed a procession which escorted Bryan from tbe Uurlin?ton itonnt ta hie home. An audience of about 5000 heard Mr Bryan in the afternoon, A rapoeaa Tlrfcrt Fort Wokth. Tex., Sept 8. The state republican convention mat this afternoon with a lamer attendance than anv conven tion the party ever held in Texa. Chair man Grant spoke, advocating hormony, and said if it prevailed Teiaa would he in reach ot (be republican party, t vv Cuney, a negro delegate from Galveston, was elected temporary chairman in pur suance of tha determination to harmonize. At the caucus this morning it was de termined to fuse with the populists and sound-money democrats. Be Wa AnlaalKhed Chicago. Sept. 8. -Chairman Jones, of the democratic csmmittee, in speaking of the Arkansas election today, said: "lex pected a majority of about 40,000, but wa wholly unprepared for what seems to be the result. 1 attribute tbe tremendous majority to bimetulisoi. Tbe reult in Ar kansas shows what may be expectea throughout the entire South and West, jut aa tbe result in Vermont foreohadows the result ia the New England state. laiarmara War at aa ia Sa!I Fbjlkcisco, S-pt, 8 Tbe long and expensive insurance war ia ended, at leact lor tbe present. Tbe fire inauranca under writer today adopted a resolution sivned by 54 companies, pledging enforcement of the nonintercourae rule On interchange business hetween two members, tbe rate will be 15 per cent on preferred buine, and 10 per cent on ordinary. A Blah Bust Wttmtr lsDiAsarous. Sept. 8. It came to light a, a meeting of the boaid of trutteea of toe new university of Induuiapo ia yt-- terdav that the presidency cf the universi ty has been offered to ex President Harri son, but be has refused to be prevailed up on to accept. 1 he trustees have since tne announcement of General Harrison's deter mination been considennr other name of prominence in the educational field. Wil liam Dudley Foulke has been ta ked of for the presidency. Blcaert trt. Bcite, Mont., Sept. 8. Another great gold discovery baa been made in Montana, aad this time in a neighborhood which fi lumuhed millions ot gold to tbe world homita placers. FSlhurtton, general manager of the Old Faithful mine, a few miles irom tbe old town of Uannock. ar il red in the city yesterday with news that a most important discovery bad been caada 1 there dunog the past week. A ledge of ; ore of unknown width waa opened op bich is richer than anything jet duuover- ed in Montana. Tbe old Faithful was worked many years. The Krlay Bate New York, Sept. 7 The Examiner- Journal bicycie relay race from Nm Fran cisco to New York was finished at City Hall Park at 29 minute pat 3 o'clocs Urn afternoon, the race taking 13 dys Zi min utes 4 16 seconds. 1 he nuuitvr ct m:lc covered waa Tbe !U relay fios Kiopbr.dge to the hnub was run by Frederick J Titus, the well-known racing man, wSio wheeled bis part in 29 minute and 13 second. S4eBMta All Btsht. Chicago, Sept. 7 Vioe-Pre-i lent fte yenson w closeted with Keoator Jooet at democratic national headquarter, or over two hour today. He declined to toase any statement for publication, t-ut Senator joce. in bu heating, aid: Of ccur-M", the vice prrideol is for our ticket, lie i a much for it a 1 am. an 1 that 1 should think is sure enough. Air SteveaMin and tnye f are jut talking ore tins itat:on." Tbe bu.letin make it p'ain that tbe tire pmidtut r-roiuued to take the stump for tbe ailteritta a a Siataertaj. Chicago, SVpt. 7. Labor org-amutioct of Chicago celebrated Ltr cay with a parade in which probably 30.CO0 men par Ucipated. practically every trades union ia the city being reorwiented . The weather wa ideal. Shops and factories were fa crally clewed. 1 be board of trade and many down-town tore closed all dy Tbe cl-k-f attraction was a peecb b Vt i liaui J Bryan, at bbar.houter Park this afternoon. Toere wa alao (peaking at Ogdeo'a grove by prominent labor ImcVr lar aaaaawr. PcTJtEV. Eogland. Sept. 7. Jake Gau daur, of Toronto, champion eamuan of America, after a most disappointing race today over tbe tour mile tbampionthir cturse from Putney to Mort'ake, drfeated James H Stans'iorv, of Autraiia, vho re cently beat "Wag ' Hamng for tbe cham pionohip of the wrM. Tbe race today w for tbe -rld"s ccarcpiousbip, t'SjHO and tbe Spur1man' cup. 1 be ether wa as dumal a mold be tiaud.i-.ur won by 2" 'engti: in 3minite n 1 1 teccd. tm larrranl Bajwllr. Little Rock, Sept 7. Ti.e eih-r throughout Artaovaa war cool and t'eaa:it. and. from special HUpatcbes rwvei by the Gaiette.tbe iodtc-ition are that a larg vote wa poilel It waa t;ieved that (ieneral Dan W Jcnea' (Jem) majority for governor will not be !em than 5 OX) and mav possibly reach 60.UOO. In Faulkner. Lafayette and other populist and republi can strongholds, tne democratic county tickets were elected by safe majorities. Elevea Baraed tm Strata. BesTos Harbor, Mich.. Sept. 6. The most horrible holocaust, a ith tbe crrcateti loss of lift), known in tins part of the state occurred lat night, when Yore's opra housfl took fir and in the fight to save the building and other blocks adjoining, 11 firemen, oae a volunteer, met tneir fate at one time, the deaths being instantaneous with five of them. Six lived only a few hours in awful agony, white eeral otners met with severe injuries. The War I Da IU Saj Fraxcihto, Sept. 6 F F Mail, a shoe clerk residing in th Mareechat Niel hotel, on Ellis street, was awakened abou. 6 o'clock this morning by a burglar, who waa going through the pcckei of tbe clothing from which be had divested him self upon retiring. Jutnpinirout of bed. Mail clinched with the intruder, but, after a desperate struggle, the burglar broke away from him and ran from the house. Mail immediately started in pursuit, and. alter a prolonged chat e, overtook his man and made him return tj the hotel and sit upon a trunk with his bands in tbe air until a policeman arrived and took him into custody. A Water Famine. EuoEXE. Sept. 6 Tbis city has been suffering since noon Friday from a water famine, caused by tl-e bunting of a large main Workmen have bern preparing to menu uie oreus, out certain repairs which were ordered from Portland 'ailed to ar rive last night as expected, and it is now uncertain when water can again be turned on. On account of the absence of water for fire protection, uuuxual precautions are bsing taken by the city authoritiur. The Tfala lisblier. Sackamesto, Sept. 6. Two Ihousand today visited tbe coroner s trainrobber ght bv Enuineer lngaljji.v Several perwni -fj-ofesced to know him," say trsr that be K'd been a prominent character ia to-Tiviw front sa loons; that be had War a ger-iu! fellow, who Mj'mor,ey li! "t-tllv, but that lid had never .Jim k nowijj worg. , They nij hJ tutu i.- vu lanifct-. y kuiw as ' vg ilia. OREGOU Industrial Exposition. Portland, Oregon, Scuf. 1 to Oct. 17. The Great Resources of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transportlun. Trade and Commerce Will be Represented more Completely Than Kver Before Grand Band Concert every After-; noon and Evening. 9 ' Special Attractions Every Night. Lowest Ratesever flade on all Trans portation Lines. Admission 25 cts, Children locts. For exhibit space, apply to Geo. L. Baker, superintendent, at the build ing. E. C. HASTEN, Sec. Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. Calendab roa 1896-7 1S96 ept. 16 College Year begins . . " Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Pay -eceas, Tburs. and Fn. IVc. 21 Term examinations' begin . Monday Dec. 23 First Term ends . . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days Yij Jan 5 Second term becina Feb 22 Washington's birthday a holiday, April ft Term Examinations begin Aprils Second Term ends ... - Arbor Day Valieii of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday JuneS Final Examinations begin . Tuesday June 13 Baeraiaureate Sermon Sabbath forenoon lone 13 Address before the V. M. and Y. W. C. A. Sabbath evening June It Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon June It Junior Orations . . Monday erenice June li uraduating Exercise of tbe Conservatory of Music . Tuesday forenoon June IS Popular Entertainment Tuesday evening June 16 Oomoeni-ement . . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni He-union . Wednesday eveuing IT. S. Marshals Sale. by tion to the uodarainad ,b United Sa'ei marshal in the District of Oreoon directed, iuu'd oat of tha United 8tats Circuit Court tor the District of Oregon, and bearing test tba lltn day of Aagtut, 1890, ia a cue therein wnerein B.ok of Cali fornia i plaintiff and Jamei L, Cowan, do- iog b jsieu aa the Bank of Lebanon ia defendant, npon judurreat recovered there in by tl. said plaintiff f f.i st the raid defendant on the 23rd day o! October, 1893. for tbe sum of six thousand five bin rl red aiid bitety-ix od 92 100 dollars (i6596.Se) and f IG4.6S osia. whereby I ii commtAded tod drected, joiher tbiois, fur the porooaa c f siaklog ii taid tntiaty and eotts accrnin( on eieco- u n, to sll tne loliomng desenbed prop etty aa tbe property of lame L Cowu, and hr ettate. title end inurett f him, tbe j id Jamrs L C -wn beld n tbe JSJ.t day of S-pUn.ber, 1693, the date upon which tl.s said property was levied upon m attach ment npon a writ of atUcbmtnt Mined in tbe aid action. I will, on Ine 25tb dy of September, lS'JC, at the hrnr of Us o'clock a m at the front door of the County Conrt lioote of tbe Coaoty of Lion, State of dregon, to tbe city f Albany, ee!l Tbe oortbaeit quarter of block tbirt? three of tbe city of Aibany, Lino Ccont, Oregon, ae tciA said block is onmbered and drKnted oo tne recorded maps and p'ets of .aid eity oo tile id ib office of the euoa ty Keooider of said county, and being tbe tcepe and plte thceol it &aimoa u, as the proierty of thera.d James L Co war. mA t li ...fat lir -r,A I . nf Kim th. a d Jame L Coo had or be!d therein on j ih.-21't day of 8,-p.t ruber. JS93. tbetl rir g tbe date upon ahwh I beretofrMe levied upon the aaid property oader the writ of attachment iaaaed ia tha said caoee. Terms of e cash, ale to be made subject to tedempt;oa, a pr7tdd by law. Hisav C GaiY, Coiled States Mar. hat. Per George Ilamphrey, Dfpoty. TO THE EAST oivca ma oioics ot TWO TKANSCONT1KENTAL ROUTES GREAT union NORTHERN PACIFIC KA BHIi; RMPEH mm coast via! SPOKANE klKKEAPOUS DENVER OMAHA Tfie or ao " Mm tta ss afpeT la M C.fle-1 matea. THK ( HKiMCU baa aeeaalea MM I reaw. It lead ail In etMiiiy nvrffn aad aw THK CtlfbJXICUK TabtcnMlW Baporta I Ihe lMwt an4 nn retian.. il. teal New. I ro teac a4 u&efrM aavi ne kv4iioetata Sraaa 1 wvlwt pen. in t&e etirj- TilKCHi-' biaaiw.-aoa.ao4i nit t. ta frtaft-1 mini eaaua4aa ar ta paoai. aa tr. nam ea-3.oltatt'f-ra. eho-a. enr-iralionm, er "'-OTia f afl, wtwi liw:U be leilmpnaileaa ta .arrtauaa aevwai la aotaiaav ST. PAUL KAMSAS CITY LOW KATES TO ALL EASTERN .CITIES EAVE OCRAK STEAM EES VORTLAMD EVFBY 6 DAVg imberLand Notice. Laso Omct at Ckeoosi Crrr, Tuelay Monday 'I'uesday Thursday Jane .rd, 1S96 N otice i hereby given that ia ompliaace no tbe pr.iTuioue of tbe act of coegicae of Jan. 3. 1ST, enti'led "An set f or tte ta'e ot I'mliv leads in the state, of California, Oregon, X.vada and Va-binf n Terri tory. " as etfoded to ail tbe Public Land letac by act ot Augost 4. 1S92. Perry U Hibbari. of Detroit, c-ontyof Martoo. state cl O.sor,lati's d filed in this ofbos hia eworn statement No. 30C9 for tbe por chaee of lb- S S K 4' aod S H N E X of Moia K. tlioTowoabip No. 10 H, EaoM X ). 4 E, aod will tffee proof to abow . . . . - I V 1 . t IJitt ue laaa aodffns le ano- Tt.u.uin ij ; . i i . its tiin'ier or atcne tbaa lor ajtncnitorai un . L oarce. aod to alabltb hie claim to aatd I latait 1 ex laod before tbe Kejrster aod Kaosiyerof taw office at Ortgnu City, O.-egoo, Sat arday.tbedS hdy of September, 1S96. lie nsmee a. a-ttocjax; J O Foi. B Mooee, both nf Detroit, Jlvnoo roantr, Oregon, and fl Cormaj.A L KCU, both of Niagara, XI anon cooety Oregon . Aay aavi all penoca c'aimtsg adereely the abova de mbed laade are rex)atd to h'e their claims in tbte office cm or btf we aaid 26. h day ot September, Ecaxer A Mnxra, Rtg-ater. SAN FRANCISCO for toll detaila oali on Ccaaav & Momrrs, Albany. Or sa aoDaaas: W HHUBLBTJBT. Gtn'i. Pa .Aoaa R. UcNEILL Preaident and Miasger PORTLAND. OR. EAST AND-SOUTH via THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THE Southern Pacific Co. Gammas lipr Ttatae jar SVwttaaa DaUj n-m Mar u. las I mi V-y MiUrlS r. t IT! 1 f?r r 1 t. i li H .1 U1-'': war i :v ;H w -ff- r - . K j T",e CliT ttaildtas. Ar ' a U aa kx I a n Lm , las r Abyt trail so? at Eaat P rtlad Orer Cite. Wooibura, Salem. Turner ilarwu. Jeff -two, Albany. Albaay Jaae it0o. Tantrsat, Sbedd. Hlaey Eogeoe Creevl. CotUz- GroTO, Draia, and all autioos from Koaeburg- sWh to aod la dodiag Ashlaad. THE DAILY By W a'U ic.aie fait. 06.70 iVcir. i aaivnaay Four Courses of Instruction lea J ine up to decree. Well ejuipjjed Business and Music court, ib appropriate diplomas. Catalogue lree. For further information, addrww WALLACE HuffK LEE. President, Albany, Or. Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated l llOa. a A v 'v, Notice for Publication Lasd Ornct ar Oaa-oa Crrr, Oe, Aug. I. I56. Xo(ic i hereby (riven tbt tlx foltow i o l-c acted seitler ha S'd aonce of bU tfitarnt oo to make coal prof in tupport c f Ibis claim, and tat said proof l I be j aiaJe before tbe rour-ty clerK ot Lisa coont. at Albany. Orrt t"ft. Sk-Hh. iSi, I r.a: Rjbert J . Vlanro; U E 1095 for the j lo' 3, 4. 5 and 6 of S-c. li. T 10 S B 4 E. Ar ta'i tbe follow int; aritnMa to ! pro ''i tooUnaou residence c?on ard cni'ivauoc t. aai'l land, tj: jcs- .. Ultwon. Attny. t.r.- Ja3.e t'olan. Ei- ard o-f, W. H. a:te, Oa'-rs. Or. RoaaT A Mitxca. KetaW aa It inlU ra far aJtear ar etr 11 lUri Let IStea S-tt. S ISaa tsc tasra I Le I ar It. lar tdiaaea A'kaae Le 17 Is- .r:iist e I: ii lis ict-y. $1.50 a la tiaKa1ij icaei i ar pmn at ta. CaHad e.-w tawUiai He lie TITS WKB:. CHrfOSlCUE. be wruttm aa aa wl o.a.jU4 Wvlcly $e?aMr la tMm mart, aru re anr S eatajmaa r aTT paaa ml Km. Luravee aavi cieseeai li fla aia SAMPLE CJPIES SiNT FRE. ar I Lt 1 Mn POUHAF BdrT SlEEPKw. aXD Dinintr Cars ob Cdsn Routs SECONO CUSS SlEtHNS CARS tuaraea I. all Te.mfc Traiwe eai Ve XTlilaa. sWTu rs)BT.i a cs)asata Man. aai aunt (Sxeapt Sue iiex ADMliilSTEATOBS NOTICE- i J --.. Ite 1 ta w a I ar ! ! Ejorews'rain di!v Cwtatlt at IS r Sir iinxd administrator of the estates of I-aaC i Hare Sr . dexed. ba U'ed b's naai ae- i ,:iS , . connt with t.e clerW of the county e-ya't s ts ra i ar f it IjiPDOSun' v, tipo. and tbe court oat bird the 9ta day of Oc oVr. Iy6. at ifce b ur cf two o'clock p. to. cf aa.J day for the beancir ot obj-rt'OB toaid account sf any ad for toe cttl-ojent ol aid "U'f. 1 b tie -'h dy of Aoara. 1 Z. tJ. Hat. Admiaii'rator. (except Sunday) at I AU-.y and Corral is oonect with train ot C. k E- Ry- aciaartla ar I 4- a t-Ma ryV.-n rrh TMalTAtLSa a i.i Undertakers and Embalmers, Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon. Notice for PubUcaUoii No Chargs f r Bexrae or Servicei Hem and Elegant De- signs in Crockery Land Ornct r Oxaoo Citt. Or. Aagott 4'.h. IS96. X jtVe i berrby g-iven t:at the foltow i"ir named ett'er has 61el ro;ice cf bis j fotecttoo to make Sua! proaf in support cf t uiclro, aad tat a'd prxf wili be aie before the c -uotr cr cf Ijna j oon-y. at Albany Or'tr o. tm s-pt. 1?:. 1", via: l!-i:aisciw Otff rJ: H Y. nsW K-r tb- S t4- oi s,v. H. Tp 10 S. R I t". He nausea tue fo' i rrf witarfs ti WalC CUiiri tul rrs ion of. idi,nd. va. O Nc.L l- - uitCTAM'C jb-ri Neal. 11 Suiaik Clws Kie-er all Ct HUblUnJ.'of -'or.!a-. (Virion. i KOBKK I A. MILLr.K. Keii-r. t, all aoiaa i. Ik. EM tawoi ae &ttae4 rywaa. araet aihaay. a COCBUB ttaraar TwtabS IMraa Iraatt E r ROGERS Aaatl. F FA Portland. See it -l-a'JlV m Cliri iru nnniMfio I ENULI3flBUofREo2 Cig '?T rtra t i jMesa s-j?rvt CvjN-l .III I F"! - afeaiHVV?-. l A' ' PDSTLAft'O O"G0i' Fn.. Lnolish C '.' tKl N.-1 lil'SINLSS UHA.NUUS. Bookkcepin,, Shorthand, Lliu.'xAI'iil" BOaRDJKC EFARTrtEHT'"LA5IES I i' Srifr laaaa. i -'tmm-rr a m w s s --. T.-. -at B - v I I Notice lor Publication Laxd Omct at Oregos Citt 0b- AuieH. 1S96. Notice ' heivbv pieen that tbe follow ing' named eet'ler has filed n-Hice of bis intention to rake Euat prof in support of his ciaim, and that said prxvf will be made before be coun'y clerls cf Linn Co. at AlUnv. or, on Scot 26th. 1896. via: Horace P Cameron; H E S501 for the S E Ji of Sc 10 T 11 S. R 1 lie names the K.ilowin(r wi'nee fo prove his continuous reaidence upon and cultivation of. ajd land. vU: T J Titch foid. C O Yarbioueh. A C Gaines. Lar- wooi. Or., Kmilv Crai. Albn', Or. R iot A Miujts, Keiaier 'mm 7'fV(f mm .M T 1 a. MlMl, fMI - .Usa., laa.aai CltMHl- -iX -;U C- , MtMM ly ls ,W I i f PVO Clf .Lee. Wnwl' , i'i min INsT'l Kft Ity c--r!Hil,it P-.i"t.? ia-rfc';; rtf w'ft. Ft rui!, po Cv-'s.-. "Tltltr'il attiitHfi r t r f 4f ? t . ft vsrtmf f''a t,i avrsV "t-.Mraairxa : i if J.sV. I- aatt.' rasayln.t kfasesaa force upon MWaPwSPopl toanv visited th "J.iiKrfolUfQv tbe body of the I SIFEtT RAILWAY NOTICE. The rnotoi on the Albany trept raii way will connect promptly with aU trains to and from trie depot, day and nijffit. S,ecial trips will be n ade at special ra e. t. t Conn, Conductor, CITY TREASURERS NOTI3E;o6 Notice ta hereby given that i.'nda sre on ha id to pay aur.Ktandinv warrnnU of the Utueof i896. l orn No 2i5 'o 233 in clusive, interest on nclr wrrants wi'l cea with the data of thi notice. Ahsnv.Or., Sept.l. 189C. E. A. 1'ARKKa, Citj Tress. !t) POO- Notice. C S Land Office, O Orfon City, Oresoa. s, . July 23, 1896. - Ctibw'aint havinsr been entered at this - -J-JijaiifcJajpcker sirairMt Jacob r1'! lome'fJ En. Notice for Publication Land Okfick at Orkoon Citt, Or. . Auftust U lf96. Notice i hereby River that the following named settler haa filed notice of his inten 'in to mike final proof In support of his chira, and that saiii proof will be made before 'he county clerk of Linn couniy, at Albany. Or., on Sept. 26, l93. via- Emily Craig- widow cf John F. Craiir. dectisfd, II E e1f.G for Hie S V if of N E ,4. W i f S E U'. S E J ot S E .i4' of sec ii. T h Sit IE. He .imo tbe following witnesses to prove h's cortlnuot a wldenco upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: TJ Pitch-tor-1. C (S YarbiouKh. A C Gaines, 11 or ace I' Cameron, all ot Larwcod. Or'K lioBKHT A. Rejislor. N'ew Time Cttrd. f , 1 ( . . .. . .. . . . : , a . ...nil. Isdii I , rmwein inn nfw urna coru raiu ; CfHlbaay Stiest Railat - ----- 1 he cur will laave coroar of Firafi and Ihec 1 Whit r 3Q a hinston atreets aa fCillows: ut, for morninc.ovprland traia. iiCuarar-Qtirata. "'Vu;l triitn. -au 1 h, rn'n IK JOHIt McCULlUW. Dray and Transfer Wagon. Baavaire and Camp outfits Moved, Wood aod llay iurninbed. Team at the boat landing every evening. Herd wood always on band, long or short, treasonable Kates Newport, Oregon - AT 1 HE MINES.-Boarding-. lodging and meals may be secured of tbe sub scriber a'- the Santiaru mines, al hia place at the moutu ot ;ry tiuica. li. VT. Whits. LTOVSE MOVING. Carefully, promptly A X lv. at the lowest price, t all on or address U W Taylor, 4th and Madison Stt Albany. DKESSM AKINC Mrs, J. H . Conrad would aav to the ladies of Albany and vicinity that she is prepared to do drws roaaing ana 10 leacu in an us oraninn-, seamless waists a specialty. 1 will teach a good seamstress in one week so she will be a good dressmaker. Residence, UaKer bt , between Third atid Fourth St. FOR SALE. Strain wood saw in Rood condition cheap for cash. Inquire, Mn. It. E. Owen, 3rd betwees Elsworth and llroadalbin. HOME WANTED The Ladies Aid soriety desires to secure a hnme for a boy of 14 years of age, appl to Mrs. A. Q. Woodir for particulars. TOR TRADE. Vive acres of good tlm- 1 1 1 . :t. n trs: lanrt nine uiiir. ejm w yiejpu "ity, foruve acres of land within ten -a 1 tie ot Aitianv, or win vt. tor i.j casu. aaaaiTMt niutui tuyau, aivvui v.. . M, , , . f'ORSALE. a Srt clam piano at a J . - bargain acoountYn i delivery. Call (uAgeuta.P, Co.,4 dcHi. i HANADIAN PACIFIC RY & SCO PACIFIC LINE. Safe Honey aod Time And get the b6st service and accommodations. Cheap Tickets to and from nil pnrts ol thc 'WOULU." Canadian Pacific Royal Mail Steaiashi line. "Empress Line' TO AP AN AND CHINA las fastest and finest line on the Pacific Ocean. 300 Miles Shorter than any other Trans-Pacirlc Line BOMlLr.nJU AlST.UUS.iS Short Line to the Colonies. These vessels carry an experienced med ical man and a atea ardess na each voy age. For rare, accommodations, pamph leta or anv information call on or addres. uBSACRY. ALLAN CAMERON Agent, Frt. Pass. Agent, Albany Or. 146 Third St Portland, Or. OEO.Mc L, BROWN. Dist. Pass, Agent. Vancouver, B. C . G. & E. R. R. CO. .Willamette River Division, i 6teamer ALBANY, 0pt. J. L. Smith, " W'm. M. lloa-i, CapL U- L. Hatch Frciilit and Passenger, Daily, except Satardayt. between Cor vaiiis, Albany, independence, ba lem, way points and Portland. Unsuroassed accommodations and schedulea especially for the needs ot up ner Willamette travel. Ptenie parties can avail themselves ot this schedule for any desired point between Cor vail ia and Salem, leaving in the morning and re turning? in due time the sarna ctviuai. Speciak rates for special partaw ul 15 or more. Leaves Albany down rtver;. at t m. Leaves Albany op iiv-e uSp. except Saturday. , . . . - r H. U Uiawas, ' F 5ACaT, Agent, depot, Agt, v ix) you want the CHRONICLE RBYersMe Map? C r-HOWINO 5 The United States, Dorrdaioa cf Caaadi and Northern jilsiica ON ONK SIXK 1M tha Map of the World OS THK OTHER aSlOlS. lenl SS and Gt the M n an We ktj broaitcle f -r Oie T-jr. poa.ajr prepa-J Ol M p axaj iaBc. aVDllBCSSS M. II a P. anUda sajc raaxciaox caJa. fhRECOH CENTRAL IIILv EASTERN. -YAQU1NA BAY ROUTF Connecticf at TaquinaBar vrithUM San Francisco and Yaxjuioa Bay Steam ship Company StsaisMB'TaMoi' Sails troav Yaoulna every S days for San Francisco. Cwa Bay, Port Or ford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. PasacsccB Accomodations L"Nsrrssiu. Shortest route between the Willaro ette Valley and California. Fare from Alhasy and points west to San Francisco Caant Bound trip ..15.00 STKaaac... - ............ 5.00 To Cooa Bay Cabin S-00 To Humboldt Bar and Port Or ford. Cabin I YAQUINA BAY The most popular Seaside Kesort on the North Pacific coast. So undertow Surf bathing absolutely sale. For those wishing to combine) busting and Eshin- aitb aqaatic sports, thia re sort haa no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cou gar, Drook trout and salmon trout, can be. found in aboadanc within a few hours' drive ot the bar. 0" Reduced rates from all points Rdwix Sro-nt, Manager. J. C Maro, T. F. & P. A. a. L. Waldsx, Agt. depot. Albany 10RTHERH 1 PACIFIC R. R, u a. in. Pullman Sleeping cTars, Elegant Dimtg Gars, Tourist Sleeping Oar? St Pan! Minneapolis lulutb Fargo, TO Grand forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS,... TO f Chicago Waahiogtou Philadelphia New York Boston and al. Points East and South Throush Uckdta to Japan and China, via Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamabip Co., an Aroerkaa line. For information, time cards, taap and tickets caM on or writ C O Borkbart, Aeent. A1bw. Or. Or A D Cjr-T.ton. Ast 3en Pass Agt Portland, 1 For Farrr vr' &h bouao . - r - -1 -iia.ut'Wa"S f : . -jMra. RinkerssVflp- lt t 1'FM'Kl: A ;"BK0A1N ia an imr GO V 1 irm. fa. r Wcods Stalioai 1 n , good 1 pfTt S -