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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1896)
i. i ALUANY OREGON. Fill DAI, SEPTEMBER II. I89C. VOL XXX) i. Kmlercd tC tec Tcu4 mee a tlbaay. tr. Seeoadriak Mali Hattrii WTl RTtllS rlUera,rrHer if i ijei TO UL .1 1. f- t fc-W-' - uw - - tgctablcPrcparationfor As similating tfcsFoodandKeula firsg Uic Stomachs artdBcn.:i2 cf 11 rroOTOtEsDicsUoaGerful TjcssandHretContains ncttiKr OpnmMorptune nor WkscxaL KOT NAKC OTIC. Jimnut -ClIlM Is lmfwd -Suiter -.liiiSjssaiawaB. Apcrfect Remedy ror Constipa tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrtoea, and Loss OF SLEEP. Toe Simile Signature of "NEW "YORK. 3M ! i il EXACT COPT OF WRA5PE3. 1 51 0The Indestructible 'laywood Vm .Sol JScdeta, 'est RalibJt. M3 STFONGEST Whiaj ea Earfb. Of-W 1 PATXST3 jtT , ism CVi. 2. 1PT3 . isri -S.I.! . ISM Tho "MsywrxxT" IP th tmrnjr I"-! n-no-i-i r.i'jr.v Terret-i. ASa, d frr il f.r s r ioads and riders. Mjrte of materiid tkat '. ni" B-ir; .ijs ' io ccr.S'i,".sc- SMilT taken apart and pnt tocetben has tzv rzr:?: ftth a'tj e"'pi.ttii tbra it ;wi will bold torzetner eves in an acciieat: no iHt!irv ti:('i ir to tj.. 4f. . t ?Tt j couUurU a luni that cannot be broken; o simple tfcal its adjuosir.c pcrtji ci"v a .-. i rrsiTrtiuiii iji. e toe biece crank in place of a dozen paru ; al Jrayn leaiiy to ri ve r"l;ai ': n-iS j itrn- r M E. H."!. Improved doable diuncni (ruarateil tvr thrrv -frir-.. n -T..?L ;., I rolled steel rods (tonehest and strnuircm metal fir its "U-b; t uj";t:'; Hyd to.'.ti i: j alnminnra bronxe fittings in such a nuonrr tliat i; is ii-i-.i.j t .ru,i;:.-; loose; a marvel of noveltr, simplicity aiid iiuralitv; itt ; rcrt" t. r.t ;t vun o It-'.-r .'jsty In bicycle mechanism known, tobuiil a injne w.ti'-.i i-.air .i.;t- sn'Ua c y.q ibatfxameseontlnii&llr break and fracture at Lraz.m jo r i I5si-.i "i 'i. crs- : c..!5! in cannot be repaired. WUE4ilS -JMneh: warrant- i vtva riiss . i -se iso-cr:: k-s and brass nipples. H0BS "uanre barrci psttr-r-. I SI.K'i---'"A.' -. i"r ,re r 5ijr an & Wrieiit Qoick Repair, or simi oM;cr njrt--l-is i.cra-Ti3!,;i- ti ft. t'BAUtts t"s' oearines to every part, incindinc wheels, crank ajd. .,erriaff h?a. a ;. idi fe. i' is A M COXES Best quality tool steel, caret ally ITupsred ani hr-nleti'.'SS- F!irh ztvH bardened centers, rear adjostmect. USAXUs-Oar ceictmtw c-sc-rrtT-r . cat Jui! -rt--tected by patents: no cotter pins. UEACH Saortesi.. i inriiM: Ieih xi i--i t.k.lK C4 or T2. FiM'T FOBK Indestrnctible: fork croTi nkOiiefmE: jrBa.srei sia j. JIA.-tiii-JC liAK Berersible and adjntile: ersilv adjusted to my positma sJes-T-.-d: rm "? it-n l;r nished if ordered. SADDLE P. & Giiiiam. or sonje other 6rst-c!aa3 u'ass Rat-trap or rubber; full ball bearip. n vjsii In biark. ts-. :;B 'i-.'.-t it-' nickel plated. acn Bicycle complete with too! Vat. pamn. iji-rn autlciift . r e--' -- -cording to tires, pedals, saddles, etc U 3-pouaas. $40 Is oar Special Wholesale Fiiro. Ivrr before sotd for less. To quickly introdnce the "SI yvfocMi" B --fck-. we bave decided to make a special conivm or. :iTiu cfrr reader of this paper a chance to a r.T-ct3s v. h: el it II lowest price ever offered. On receict nl fC.ff u-'l cvnys we will ship to anyone the abovo Uiavi. -rur.'- efaieA and marantee safe delivery. Jfoney -c "imif-i if r-ot -s represented after arrival and enamirj'on. We wil ship C O. D. with privilege of ezamination. for and rnja .provided $6.00 is sent with order as a o-rantoc of i-wi fail-o. A written binding; warranty vith vrh !':ciF(-i-. Tin is a . chance of a lifetime and yon csniot afrur.i to iet t" "zt sVutjpssa, Addresa all order to CASH BUYERS' UNION, " aa Wast Vaa Barea street. Bx 9t tr CHICAGO. VJL Albahv 'Red Crown Milling Co. We liaire leased the Red1 Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage , and to buy the same gaEts win leWei en application. Flcir ' And Feed constantly on hand and store: we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Floor will he exchanged for wheat on the same terms W. l.Tapo', ft N. H. IL'en anVS.E- TtuBf. Not incoipvated. , select the Waverly because they have learned to know Ihe dif pY-fcoftpfifP ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that EAptllCiP-ctt iBBimpiy claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the fUuCtS' Waverly is the highest of all high grade, hcorcher (3 heights) 185 00, Belle 2t ar-U MADK BT .N DIANA BICYCLE uO. SDIASAPOUS, ISD THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT: 40,000 Humaa BodiM MiitilaUd tmry yttr om DttMcilag TablM is LMlieal CoIg Trotet the dead.'" Tbormii4s f trTMi roitbed annually, ho gruTtj, rtFarrSwa of location, is afe from lUe ravagf of the bn man gtioul. Tb Boyd Gkavb Vault affords poaltrve and abso luta aecaritr asain.t tb Gravo Jiobber, and protect both cafket mud body from dampneaa, mold And decaf, and from burrowi&f aattijllaial aUUi ""' ' " r 4-5 For Sale' by Albany Furniture Co. THOMAS All and vou Dealer in he - as AT, SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE : OF IS ON THE WRAPPER 0? EYEEY - . BOTTTFi OB Cuttrii is jzi tp in eae-sse bctilej esly. It U act Mid ia balk. Boat allow a3ro to J03 aryliing else oa tie j!a or pranks H is "jest u good" aad HErrtr tTtry trr- 1 -I V i , -- i: ts lii. - i 8 f vJIi:, TKI3 S7S.OO COM ft 1 FLcii. BiCYCLE -Ark Jaa. St. 1836 Of !rn f Cf sp-is fia. Zl 03 T 4- 00 '.- 65- caasfi res No. 5 Mr V'f ;V.. r ...L.iJjclc... for sale. Parties having wheat to tell or as heretofore. Goins, E. D.EaiTctt, A re built in s, the largest IlWCLFA and Best Equipped Factory in tCf pgblffiQ8j!.tne world incn f ttt.w ana stw.w. A.J. Hodges, ;Agent is Absolutely Air-tight and Watsrprsof. Made wholly of Bewmier stael and mitlleabld Iron, and ia pre tlCAllfiluiestractlblfl. Should bs ned in erry intraient. Orr l,an in actual in, For ! by all uudvrukers. atanufd 1 Tin Champios Chemical Co., Springfield, Ohio. BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding-, and it want the mos t" vDOO complete flour safe has them' and his . 5 Politics at Lebanon. Politics are full of life at Lebanon. Besides a constant street corner discus sion the lepublicsns put up a big twenty foot banner across the street, which sev eral free saver men came very near get ting down. A couple of the ropes were tied to a wagon whic'i happened to stand under the banner, and tlio team was jwst starting up when Baker rushed from the store and succeeded in untying them just in time. On the banner is a picture of McKinley and Hobart, surrounded by numerous familiar words, among them '"Education" ou one side and the word i Independence spelled as given. This has resulted in the war cry of education i and bad spelling. Lebanon is a great free stiver center, and tonight Hon. Geo. K Cliamberlain, J. S. Smith and oliiers will speak to a big crowd. Oakvllle. Mr. F M. French and wife and Mr. A. U. McCoy ai.d wife tuade a hurried visit to our city. They werelookingover Uie scenes of their chi-Jbood, Uiose hap py days ' ben we were boys and p;r!s together." They callesl on us and asked for ice cream, but for once we were oui of that rartirlrt. (Tall ainin ' Mr. II. M. Stone has bought three hundred bushels of petite prunes which he will dry soon. Mr, Stone lias con li cence in tiie fruit buinea. As we were riding along the road near the city tf Tangent we saw several men an! boys in devotional attidude in a large field cf young trees. We looked at our watch and found that it was too late in the morning; for a pray r meeting so we stopped and f ked a man near the road what it meant; he said tr.e men were budding: fruit trees and this as the nursery of M r. M . L. Fcrester . W" boon found the proprietor and Mr. Clem ens (Mark Twain) both busy, but Mr. K. took time to show us his larp stock of trees. II has trees of all kind and var ieties. We never saw trees grow o tail in one season. Borne of his Tragedy prune trees were eleven feet and two and a half .riches by actual measurement. Mr. F. cultivates his land and keeps it well pulverized. He snowed us a new variety of peach called "JuJ Barton" We presume this is a silvery peach 16 to I. We find Mr. Forester verv accommo dating and we reccommerd him to any one wishing eond trees and true to name. After leaving Mr. F. we preceeded to the citv where we were kmalv entertained by J. J. Beard and family. We found every body busy, but the politicians were on the s'reet as usual. L'acle Jeasee Mctihee and Mr. Newcome are still able to discuss the issues of the day. We noticed the lamiliar countenance of Prof. Walter Mctihee among others on the street. We interviewed the warehouse man, be says that there will be aa much wheat siored at Tangent this year at last. We met youn America, but l.e was too busy to talk. Mr Clarence Bunnell is building a fine residence on his farm near Tangent. Prof. Morrison will open the fall term of sciuol at Oakriile next Monday. Lrme Bosk Eft. Maj. Canterbury, of Portland, is in the ci y. Mrs. Jos. Gray, of Eugene, is visiting Albany friends. Miss Itha Cherry returned this noon from Yaquiba Bay. Mrs. J. K. Weathcrford returned borne from Yaquina Bay today. Judge and Mm. Wolverton returned from Yaquina Bay this noon. Mrs. Hendicson, is in Eugene, the guest of Mrs. E. Whattom. Mrs. Afhby, the milliner returned this nooa from a trip to Portland. Miss Hat tie Ball has returned from a visit with her sister, SIrs.O. 11. Irvine, in McMinnville. Mrs. Addie Gleaeon Klum is at the home of Mrs- M. F. Taylor ill. Her husband ia said to be at Waterloo. Mrs. E. A- Parker returned this noon from a trip to Coaistock. Her daughter Mrs. Nina Ortel, who was til, is greatly improved. Mr. Watt Monleith. of Portland, is in the city, and will take a shot at a few of Linn county mongolians. Mr. Mon tcith is one of the best known Ni to rods in Oregon. - Mrs. W. g. Peters, of Oakland. CalfL. arrived tnAlbany this noon by wav of Portland and Pacific on a visit with rel atives and friends and will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Biain and brothers. The Eugene Guard says: The direc tors of the Albany public school have engaged Miss Nettie Whitney to teach in the high school department this winter. Miss Whitney will give entire satisfac tion as she is a teacher of experience. Harry aud Fred Tern pie tor of Browns ville who came up yesterday returned home today. Fred and his brother and sister will attend the U of O aiin this year while Harry who won the highest honors of his class last year, will leave next week to take a two years course in Williams college in the east. Fuger.e Guaid. John and Ed Whitnev, Mis Maegie Whitney, Mrs. Mary Hendricks, Miss Laura Brumley and Ilaiph Brum lev left today an a camping trip to the head waters of the hantiam. The party went to Albany by rail and will go on the O road Irtm there op into the moun tains. At Albany they mill be joined by Editor Joe W hitney, of the Herald and Mr. and Mrs. Irani. tuuene uuard Don Ray, the popular fleet-footed member of the clas of 'WJ. O. A. C. is in Corvallia this week, from Newport, where ne is spending Uie summer with his mother. Next Monday both leave for California where they will join tfie rest oi tntt tamilv and where tucy expect to reaiae nereauer. ijazeite. Miss Ida PbilliDS left Friday for Al bany, where she intends to remain dur ing the winter While we regret to see our roanirest and fairest leaving us. still we tender Miss Ida our good wishes aim uope to greet ner on uer next vara tion. .May suush ne ever brighten her way. Alsea Uor. Gazette. Hon. E. Hofer. editor of thn Kalpm Journal came over from the Bay today and will go to Lebanon tonight, where ne will speak at the Bryan meeting to night. In reference to the dispatch in the Journal in reference to the discharg ing oi jiands employed in the chair fac tory at this city, Mr. Holer mid he knew nothing at all about the mat er a he was at tbe Buy at the tune. He doesn't even knaw who sent it. J. E. Sorbin, of the Dalles, formerly of Albany and Corvallis caTne over from Cofvalhg this noon. The Gazette says: ine nsw torum building is neanng com' pieiioa. it will tie a handsome appear ins structure and an ornament to Second Street. The south side is' covered with metal, corrugated and painted to repre sent stone, and Jim Smith superintended uie woric. ne invited the attention of tbe public to the fact that be was build ing a stone bouse from tbe top, down The Gold Dkmocrats The aold dem ocrat in Indianaoolls today declared in favor of a single gold standard out , ami out, with do excuses for the bond issues. and nominated Hon. John M. Palmer of 1 Illinois, for president aod Gen. liuckner .. I IS , ; !1 ...... I vi rweuLucsy, ior vice-preniuuui. ; Thick Bicyci.'bt. E J. Buisoltj., the champion trick bicycle rider of the Northwest gave a fine exhibition cn First Street. At 7 o'clock: ne : -yw another pxJiniUion, and is win pyT. a thorough master of a Dicycle ciitiS nil over a michiifS ' Mr. Ba'son $vg 4. the champion spefil rider i...Iftti in 1805, nevter being beaten tir.t ycarA mi . iMirT"Trit "Th Lipa Couftsu 8k i',-cr.tfiit! -i hAtftb- .tScpXli'svi"Vi' A Deer Out of Season. Deputy Game Warden 0. XV. Watts brought George Geisendorfer, proprietor of tho Lower fcodn bprings, to Aluuny this morning and thi afternoon he was buing tried Iwlore JuHtice Poweli ou the charge of having a deer hide in his pos session out of season, with Judge Black burn as his attorney ; X. M. Newport for the state. Last February, it is said, a neighbor of Mr G. killed two deer and told Geisendorfer if he would help con vey them to Lower SoJa he could have one of them. This he did, keeping the ski.i. A. Biotech was his partner then. They had a disagreement afterwards and dissolved partnership. In order to 'Vet evea" with Mr. Geisendorfer he is de clared to have made this compliant. Up ihk McKkszi. Mr. L.J. Gard ineer, who has iu.t returned from a trip across the mi tmtains, tells of the politi cal situation up ou the McKenzie trail He says he met and talked with many campers and out of 52 he met on the trail, he met but one McKinley man. He says Mr. B. F. F.nn of McKeniie, a life-long republican, has declared for Bryan. He has votJ with the old pa'ty ever since it was a party, but this year he mutt bid the old ship adieu. Another Lane coul ty man named Madison Spares, aged nearly 70, says he has always voted the republican ticket, but this year he can not do so and says he will vote for Bryan on general principles, thougrt he has never deviated from the republican path since it has been visible. He says the woods in the mountains are full ot the same kind of sentiment. Sale in Journal. A 16 to 1 Dar.vK. Under this head the Silem States nan unkindly runs pol itics ino the f iliowing item t Frank Campbell, of Albany, who was loudly ulkuij free stiver at the corner ot Mate and Commercial Hn-eu last evening. ir. dulged in too much strong drink during the night aud aliout I o ciock this morn ing the odioer found liiui lying between the sidewalk and hedge on the toulh side of State street, opposite the University, he being io a beastly state of intoxica tion. When aroUi-ed, about the only thine he could eav was "18 io 1," The otlicera furnished him a bed in the city jail and he ai l probably find the ta'.io lees than 16 to I when heawatesand ap pears in the po'ice court. F Sitcatiov. A very peculiar and interesting situation is presented on Lvon Street. Becently dirt was hattied from Calipooia to till the ditch. Now both sides) of the street direct'y in front of the rluuio have beeu plowed up for the gutters to be constructed, and the dirt, an immense onantitv, will hate to e hau ed o'l somewhere and dumped. Had it been u;iiired for the ditch quite an expense could have leen ave1. It U probable the propofed improvement was not known in time. A Bta LiititSrrr -Mr. C. W. Wheeler, editor of the Waitsburg Times. Las U-en sued by li.-v. Ticknor for tlo.tMJ lor libel. It aroe (rota the cnttcitttnt of a HPrmon delivered on July 3 in whu-Ji the minister was upbraided and charged with being a vihfset of women and chil drea. All of which the plain'iff denies and declares to be malicious, false and drfamatorv. Mr. i"beScr wsa in Al bany a few months ago and is an old neighbor of I. Maton. Tub Patzc Basse.!!. E. Gran! Commander Lippincrtt will this evening in ue ajviom ot ie .Mioar cmtaandery No. 5. K. P., S dem, Oregnn. present the prtre binnur of the i rand Comtnantlery of Oreiron to the drill cortis of Ie Mo!av Commandfry. Alt members of Temple lomminjprr are inviie-1 to be present By order of E. C. A Ecs twar, Te horee of Wm. Falr ran away retterday afternoon, not stop ping; until it ran against a tm in Schmeer's liveiv atabte, throwing Mr. (abet out uron the floor. Abh Brokks. A little daughter of Ka- Iui Tiwiiiron. Isst eveninz. fril out of wason while n!a vine and broke her left am anddtsiocatlthearci at the elbow. Dr. 11:11 attctodeJ he- The Si.i creamory but e!iibiiijfd a p aiaticf room at Morion. J. J. S' teams his e-n atiin!J jads or Lincoln co-jOty. lie got llwre. Th1? thrfe'ear afler the sprinjr ahea' some, rue fall wbet is mcstly ttrehrj but not all of it, Wondt-r bow Li HunK Ubanir would bs treated if be were to fo in Tacoma-wbere the Celestial is proscribed. Tbe city treasury of Portland is emp'v but letrardU" r I tbe free silver scare thi city is full cf brokers takiojr warrant at par. ( was urt. the "poet scoot'' Jack Crw fcrd who was kiile ' la the Kittitas mirtes. but a plain common miner bearing tbe same name. Toe Sl:i!nian rar: The city ball bii'd- ine comniittf teportet favorably on tbe bid of tbe Albany Iron w.-rk for the m sratina ar una tbe city n 11,19 the cn; of Vft5. While in Soatbern flreem on a pros peetma trip Hon F A, Watts, a former resident of Abmny aas one o' a party of two who were lost tor cverI dav in tbe bills. Rnsllmg pats. IT. J Sower a!rr!ied a m-cUI puleof 100 ombrlls frr WeJnes day and Thnrlay' Siicent iipiiN. The lint d y ie of thrn a erf oid. and bftf more could bave been ui-po-d of of tn patterns sought. Tbe faimioir of the Madion Street school hcue his been completed, and work is prosrrew i u on the i ntrai iiuilding I b entire nst is on!? f .sou. it is an in teresting fact thst when the central build mg wa erecrej the entire ent of p.iinttny it, insula and out was 11,-OJ. Tbe DkmocbaT bus a one years lnitiod in either P'e EnKlish, Commercial, Short hand or Tiueitraphic departments of the II lino Coineiui Colloce, of Port!and. for alo. Any penon deirinir fa t ikeathor ougb bui-i ivn ronr in Fi t class Col!fe houlti cull at tbiii otti.f he ore going Lc Io. Near Mexico, Mo., P.. trick Hnrry. who was moving from Illinois to Kinssx, wa cutting wood for his cunii fire wh-n his a upped aniinnn'k something in the ground which provml to tie an old tea-kr tt!o con taiutng fd.OOO in gold. Ibn diite on the coin are all prtcr to lHGt. Thiit is ttio wsy cf the worUI. An Albany mnn'sax slipped and be will be laid up for six months. The Marion rorrescondent of tbe Salem fonrua! says: M. S. Norton ha traded MO acre of his farm to Mr. S. W. Lndig, late of Linn county, who will build on the same and become a citizen of Marlon M r. and Mis. Ludwig hid tbe sad mifortune of losing their younged child the night after arriving here, suppoied to be fiom tbe effect of some kind of poisoa which it got hold of at Cheha'is, Washington, at a lodging house. BABIES WITH SKINS ON FIRS' itfm tfasbto and tmrelwj eessms o4 other asia and sculp lonxrt. Kon S.ut yar ., rwsi-,- 4 fcaw UwwMiw " taT.- 'iv'tiiy-A-a wars bsUiwMb t?t;.i Mv.W.rA) appliosUOB otH. rrtf . I . skia sum, will Itr- '", f irwtaiit f ciii, psr i ' to s snv&Oy cucav 711 AO L M If i JAW Y "V IB it aA x 1 1 OUR PRICES are Bargains . . . Compare llicm oiitli others iusle h?ireis , S 5 fO 18 CO 65 25 Team harness Two sweat pads 3 buggy wWps Otfier goods in same pfo- portion. CALL flHD 5EH US rowcli & TO.HLINSOX. PEIDAY Campaign t)pencd at Lebanon. Ehitor Democrat : On Thursday evening cf this week the Dryan campatga was opened in Linn county at this place bv Ihe Hon. E. Ho. fer, one of the Bryan electors. The band hall was taxed to ils utmost rapacity tc hold the large and enthusiastic audience of deinncraU, populists, republicans and iree silver repuuitcana who crowded the ball to hear the burnirg words of wis. dom and eloquence of the able orator an on the great subject which now most in terests the peopl of the country. Mr. ii7ier was introduced mine vast audi ence by tbe chairman of the meeting Hon. M. A. Miller about 8 o'clock. The speascr entered into the discussion of the ui-iu-y question at onc in such a forr-a- ble and able and eloquent mar ner tnat the audience was held speil bound fur two hours. Mr. Uoter dtscussml the subject from the standpoint of its intet erl and effect on the farmer and Uboiing man in sucn a ciear and conclusive man ner as to carry his audience with him through theentirearg-jm-ot, being often icterrupted ia his remarks by a long and continued applanse. The meeting con tinue.! until late in the night and the people sett ned unwilling to leave the ball and urged Mr. Holer to coot in se his speech, which he did greatly to thede- hglit and satisfaction ot his hearers. Such an ble argument has seldom if ever been heard in Lebanon, and when tne meeting closed Ihe great croad at tbe suggestion of a populist gave three cheers i-T the next president of t e tnlleo Utes. Wi'liaru J. Brvan. and the meet ing then adjourr ed and many farmers and lahoring men crowded around Mr. Hofcr to shake hint bv thfl hand. It is fortunate indeed that Mr. Huh-r was put upon the electorial ticket. A Paras Mas. How to Catch PiIBasasts. torge M. Miller cf this city shipped IT Cuine pbeasaau ty last night's express to I. is brother, Joaquin Miller, the poet, of the lerrw, at oakkand. Caiilorni. Jlr Miller ia securing the bids for propagat ing purpos and will free theot on hi farm near Oakland. The birdeare about half grown and a simple but eS-ine method was practiced tn their capture. They were run down bv a man on a horse. It said when frightened the yonng birds wilt rie and tl v to the greatest d.a lance that their strength will carry Iheot. tbey must then ret. quite m tt before regaining sutticiest strength to By again. ii " spotted ey a man on liorscDacs be ran irs le them at full speed and. by uraptng o!T bis horse, rate') them, as they will not try to tly unii tbey have rested. Ecgene Guard. Wost Rrrsu-r Tbe Dmocwat in correcting the item in the Salem Journal in which the S P. 31. Co. was accused of discriminating against Bryan men re quested the lournal as a matter of just ice to corret it. Instead ot doing so the Journal mvs: "The article referred to was just what it purported to be, and the Journal's correspondent is one of the teponile citizens cf Albany." The management disctaimsembhaticallv any intention oi discrimination, politirs play ing no part in ihe ma'.terat all. Mr. Hofer, cf the Journal, who was in the city today informed the DcxocaaT that he had investigated the matter and was satished an injustice bad been done the company and he would satisfactorily explain it in hi paper upon his arrival home. Tux Basse Pseaestto. Do Moloay Commacdery No. 5. of Salem, last night mere presented with a t-eautiful banner as the champion drilled corps of Oregon Grand Commander IJppincott made the presentation apech, cautioning tbe mem tiers to sine d and defend it and keep it unsullied. lUtvey S. Jordan, K r.. C. tesponJed, pledging the beet and ablest efforts of the commandery to heed the injunction, a banquet was served to about sixty knights. J R. Wyalt, C-. It. Winn. 1 A. aianliall. t.J. Seelev. W. B. Barr and M Montgomery, o! Temple Commandery No. 3 of thin" city were among the guests of the evening. Whkrk Dio Hi Get It. Recently the city council declared couple of young men of this city and vicinity common drunkards, and bad the saloons not i tied not to sell them any more liquor. A few days afterwards one of the men in a saloon treated big crowd, remarking that he didn't want any himself. No wonder, for in his pockets weie plainly displayed two flasks ot whiskey. Where did be get them is an interesting ques tion. It Is declared that it was not in any ot the saloons. Judge I'otter, of Eugene, was in the city today. Superintendent C. S. Hunt, of Eugene, attended the institute yesterday. Mr. Ike Fogel was in the city today with his kitten, a new commercial tak off. Maj. D. C. Sherman, of Salem, one of tho prominent G. A. U. men of Oregon is speaking lor liryan 8. Veatch, who has for several months acted as conductor on the Salem local. today made his last trip to Portland, fjr the present at least. He will be trans ferred to the California overland, run ning between Portland nd Ashland. Mr Veatch will lie succeeded by Ed Elder, favorably known in railroad circle. Journal. Mr. Mock J. Denny, of Lebanon, former student fu the Albany College, and it. I'.iir.aix-'iii Komi, danghterof Mr J G Heed, were united in marringe at Leb anon on Aug. H, Key. C). G. Harman of Qciating. Tho brido is an M. D. having graduated from the medical department 01 Willamette university, last spring, tn which the groom is also a student. They are two of Linn county's brightest and mon popular young people and host of friends will wish them the success and happiness they richly deserve. . 1 sas r - -The Lapnuby. Mr. Merrill Phillips Is now soil owner of the Albany Steam Laundry and will continue the business in the present eillcient manner. This laundry is in every way worthy of the liberal support of tye citiswrts of Albany. Letv A Dryan Club. Bryan club was organized at the court house last night under favorable auspices, starting out with membership of aliout 250 substantihl citizens. In one list of 133 there were 43 republicans or former republicans. Hon. J. S. Smith was elected president and Prof. Lantz secre tary. A committee ou speakers was ap pointed consisting of Hon. W. K. Bilyeo, Chairman, J. J. Whitney, B. V. Kamp, Asa Lewellyn, and S. W. Beese. The next nieeeling wilt be held on ihursday night of next weer. : Sclo. J.G Crawford of the firm of Crawford & Harnisb. photographers, of Albany, is at the Scio Art Gallery this week and wild remain till next Monday. The Scio Press's new building is now completed and we are vain enough to boast that we bave the neatest, most commodious business room in Scio, for which we are under obligations to our landlord Mr A. J. Johnson and tbe con tractor Mr. T. J. Claxton. Miss Susie Hyde, of Albany, and niece of Dr. E. O. Hyde of this city, returned to her home yesterday after a weeks visit with her uncle's family. Her health is in a precarious condition and it is doubt ful If she m ill ever, in this life, visit Scio again. Died, at the borne of her father near Crabtree, on August 23, of consumption, Anna Chapman, aged 19 years. 2 months and 20 day. M isa Chapman was born in Alany, in this county, and was an un usually bright and good girl. Press. DiacJiAstoED. The case against George Geisendorfer, of Lower Soda, arrested for having a deer skin in bis possession, wis derided by Justice Powell in favor of tbe defendant yesterday afternoon after our forms had gone to prjse. U was a plain case of malicious prosecution, spite wo'k. Mr. Geisendorfer is a law abiding, pop ular ciiizen, who doesn't even bant deer in season, though alt around him. The proecutint witness in this case might ell have bad to pay (he cost of prose cution. Okmtsi I jTEaAyiut. Deputy I". S Marshal Humphrey, of Portland, Wed- Ofitday arrested J. P. Merta of Linn county, and brought bitn before Jnstioe Osborne where he gave bonds for bis ap pearance before tn. I . s. court at I'ort- and at its next evtoo. Mr. Herts is charged stub seeding obscene matter hrough tbe mail. His friends are coo ndent that he is lanoeent aa be has al ays stood well in the coaimunitr ? uvton Time. H Esbsed Hosoas State Super intendent irwta bat just issued a large number of diplomas and certificates. inn county gets Ute fol owins: Kitev i'. Swink,of Albany, life diploma: An na Fsrreil Williams, of Albany, state diploma; Nettie M. Whitney, recently ppntnted as one ot Albany s teachers. and J. N. Hoffman, of Albany, Mate cer tificates, nr. r.. A. JUi.ner, oi Portland, formerly of Albany, received a life di- loma, and li r.itaWrenn, of The ai:e, now io the city the gneet of her sister Mrs. A. R. McCoy, a state di ploma. A MiKista-r Curs was orgaalaed at the court boose last evening, or rather the name of the former clnb changed to that name, the present officials. Dr. M. H ., president and C 13. W inn, secre tary, officiating. A committee with Hon. M. Soraers as chairman was appoint ed to make arrangement for speaking ty tlon. J. If. Mitchell on September 21. date set ty Uie state central commit tee. It is mlsnded to devote the sller on and evening to speaking. Open meetings are to be held at the court houe. Lr; P.aokxs. The Salem Joorna 1 tell of a bad accident to a former Albany lady: Ab-Mit 11 o'clock this morning. Mrs. F. Fennel, proprietrees of the Cook bote, met wttn very unfortunate ac cident. An additioc is being annexed to tbe mam bu'lding and as Mrs. Fenneil was making be way about the back of the bold she fell over tome timbers. breaking both booes in the right tegjust above the ankle. Dr. i. R. Jeasup. who reside in that vicinity, was called and immediately reduced the painful frac tures, sin. lenneil was made as com fortable at possible and resting a easily this afternoon as ccnld be expected under the circumstances. Being about SO years of age it will require several week for the bones to knit. Toe Soatbern Pacific will hereafter cut? corpse, la the past tne cave tern caa riei exclusively by Weil Fargo. The Immigration bo id will meet at 3d thi afternoon sod elect a new secre tary. The work should rtuw be pushed ignrousiy. The Bryan meeting at Lebanon last night wa a big tones. Lire speeches were made by Hon. W. R. Bt'jsu, E. tlofer and J. A. Mt ler. Tere will be a big Br-an ratiScation at Eugene on Sept. 12. Among tbe speakers ill te lion 11 l. liarkiey. Hon I a. v eatherford and ex-Attorjey General Chamberlain. Ex-SUte Senator Cogswell, of Lake county, who u in the city on bunnest, re ceived a letter yesterday informing him that bis dwelling-bouse was destroyed by tire at 1 o clock Sunday morning. 1 be lc wa 110.000; insurance, ftkOO. Tele gram. Frank Campbell plead guilty to the charge of drunkenness before Recorder Edea this morning, but Seing 'dead brokv and anxioas to return home, be was dis charged with tbe admonition not to be found in such a condition again. Journal. Here is another straw from the cmntrv. In I D Miller's threshing crew there are 22 men, not one of whom is tor alctvtn'ey, ll being Bryan men. If there is a McKinley threshing crew in the country it is time they reported. A cougar ha been seen near Green bridge, on tbeSantiara, and is said to have ta'tt-p np its home there, according to tha Scio Piess. A boy threw a piece of glass at bit lougarsbip, and be oil not get mad, ao evidence that he was not very hungry. A big erowd saw young Baison, the trick rider manipulate a wheel on First street last evening. To many people it is a dif Gcult thing to ride, but Mr. Baison goes it on one wheel, on one pedal, bottom or right s'ul.i up. front or backward, ia fact all o?er the wheel. lie is a wtieel genius Tiie Scow Bay depot is under contract to be huUtted by October 1st The waiting rooms, ticket rooms, and toilet roams are already nearly finished. The expres and baggage rooms will be commenced a soon as the piling arrives for the foundation. Astorian. Quite a party of Saleniibs will leavs for St. Ixui tbis a'ternoon at 2:20 o'clock, to take what may. oerbaos. be railed "post graduate" course of lectures In the profes sion of christian science. An eminent Deciulisl in this line will de.iver a full series of lectures there soon arid tBsapialJ Vliy BHVCCaiC or rnis compariuveiy mtni- ern doctrine, will avail themolvi-t- of the 01 opportunity. They are Mr and Mr J Wilson. JilyaR 8 IU, Mr and Mrs. An drewllof-r. Sha A A Wbetilfr. Mr Ellen Moore. .Mrs Dr CM Port mi l Atis Uullou, Saletu Stale ma 11 Wf.Dav: -t jester' tro Highest of all in Leavening li v y I 1 X A OSOlOUTEEsV SXJaVwlE .HOME AND ABROAD Oysters at F H rfeiffers. Jesse Grant, a son of D S Grant has joined the populist party. Fresh YaWna Bay salmon 8 tents ner pound at Ed Schmeers market. Smiley print otiick. clean, wirwl. money back if not satutied. Ileadquarler for calling cards. Smiley' printery. Pet place for wedding stationary. Smiley' printery. Sweet Dickie and olives ia bulk at C V. Browneli. Choice neache fresh every d.iv at C E. Browneile. Lusaoos syeH water mlnnnn Ia found atC. E. BrowoeJls. Delicious eas'ern sod Yaouina Ray oys ters, sow in season, at F. Ii. Pfeiffers. Clothing e'eaned and repaired by Wrs. A E. Oaeu. 3rd betw-tn Ejw-v-th an.l Broadalbio. Some handsome oirthdi.v cems t Will Stark, cheap. One for every month in tne year. If yen are looking for the best chu the market afford yva can find it ad C. E. browneli Tbe fiver going south was celaved thrre hours this morning near Kamstiuirg by break down. If yon want fine hair cat call on Luej Van Nortwuk at the Bon Ton barber shoo opposite the Bast House. Miss Rietand and Mrs. Pearson have amoved their dressmkin sboo to the coi ner of 3rd and l eiry t eeta. It coats 14)00 week to ran tfce Oregon ian. so tnat paper claim tbich probably includes the evecuig editlcm. rSETS OYSTERS at F U Pieiarf W M Rafuas. who coBdocted tbe rrr eatalioD of Iamoo and Prtliia ia Albany lt winter will deliver a McKinley speech ia Anmvrilte next Monday evjoing. There were 91 death in Portland ia Ao pt, the higfce-t 00 rccurd. Cbo'er to factual took tbe kad. that being if cause of fifieea death. Cteaa towel to every castocner at Yler- ecks sharing and hair rotting parlor Shanng 10 cta hair cottiog t5 ds baths 15 CU., shampoitig 10c The regular roeetine of Ibe Ladies Aid onrty of Albany, will be held at tbe tvsi of Mr T J Hopkins on Moaday, September 7;b. at 2 JO p. m. Dandruff forrns when the glands or the kia an weakeont, aad if nefciectrd. bald oes it tore to folio. UaJi's Hair Renew- et 1 tbe best rreveative. Mrs. A. K Chapman bold the for tbe largest fi-b of the seuoa, tbe hv-102- caught a fine noond ciuDOok aalmoa oa a troll rlerdav. Liaoala Comix Leader. Oa the 4lh aad 1st ruo-cs sri I W Unl the spee Ji of ex-Governor Peatwver. ore eot mayor of PortUcd. oa the political u- coe ot t&e oay deutered at Saiem thu af aooa. Ia irs wetkly price circular Portland F rwtrstrtopt cemmiisaoa-boose has tiie fot bwing: " t"e will not handle dterstia a ail. lo not rd as aay. Anyone baring a deer kin ia bis rosaession is' liable to fine of .5 to rj0 " Everybody is not eating Chines pb: ant. ia fact oaly the banter. Good, lea der meat continues to be the standby. Haight brc. near lbs P.O. will supply the paiic demand ia a satisfactory man ner. Theritstobe had Pairing of right of way along the line of tbe Astoria at Co- lamot River Rai'road, by the cr and at pnee that lil yield at leart t- per day ia wage. The clearing must be tea by everal men in a rompaay. First here bave firt clmioe. To re i also wort for 1100 lb teams at 3 per day. tram and driver; team to hare caraen. neck yoke. siDgteatxi ooobietrees. fo write Honey uian. Asriiri .v uienn. Teawhcr'a Institute. EditokDmocbut: la summing up the results of our coun ty institute, the teachers wish to aay that they have had c very profitable time, that tbey nave reatlv gained some thing valuable. The see that an insti tute can sor give mind power, bat that it cax give better wave of using what mental development one possesses. Right here lie the secret 01 the success we hare just witnessed. Tbe instructors showed new and excellent ways of pre senting truth, simple and pictorial meth ods by which truth once gained could be retained and called to mind when need ed, in short, the natural modes of de velopment and procedure in unfolding the subjects taught in our common schools Prof. Ackerman of Portland, is, in our estimation, the best institute instructor we nave ever met, and when next sum' mer comes, we will have him again, il he is to be secured. Prof. Tyree, of our city, has showed to the close observer that be understand the public school work well. He is a man of order, of system, of progress. His grammar and geography work is ot a very high order. Albany ts to be congratulated in Having such a man. Oar county supeitnten dent deserve much credit lor his wis dom in selecting such good instructors to guide the teachers ot our schools. At the close ot tne institute tne loilow ingpersons received the appended grades in Theory and Practice : N M Oluin 92, Amy Collins 100, Zur Skeels 94, Mrs r liar mer 95, Olive Baltimore 100, Anna M Worrell 82. Maggie Dunlap 90. F U Arll,:H 1AA ! 1 - T 1 1 a : - Griggs 100, Clara Gard 95. AbbieJFry 10C. All others comjeiuig fell below 60 per cert. Lksex. Rcoariox Bite. C. M. Goodman, an employe ot the Victory placer mine about seven macs north ot l.iendale.was stung by a scorpion on the third finger ot the right hand last Thursday morning, says the Grant a t ass Observer. 4jocj,. man was engaged in blasting out sor.te stumps, and took hold of the it,- , t which stung mm severely, to:- re could reach tha p mo, si1- ' - - i of a mile away len, and atv regarded fy' io t (!iv. . Of rci i-yry. 1 ,uaa. sn ' rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report SOCIAL AMU PERSONAL. R. M. WebsW, of Alsea, has been in the city trying to contract for hi bop. Mr. Virgil Parker and sister Mrs. Reynold! went to Yaquina Bay this noon. Mrs. E. B. Pardom went to Salem to day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bower ox. Rev. M. M. Lewis, of Portland, has been elected pastor of tbe Baptist church of thi city. Congressman Ellis, Mr Jenkins and children and tbe Miese Allen came over from the Bay today. Mrs. Kate Sherwood of La Grange, Oregon, arrived today on vieit with her brother, F. . Allen. 1 Rev. D. Leedy, of Albany, is gaest of A. D. Leedy, ot this city, cbspel guard at the State prison. Salem Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Cannoo have returned from their bridal trip to Tilla mook, where they had a pleasant outing. MisaRboda Hail, of Grande Ronde, raved in Albany on visit with Al bany friends and ia tbe guest of Dr. Crawford. Col. TeLer and family. Mrs. T. G. Hopkins and Mis Marguerite Hopkins returned yesterday from their 00 tic g on toe -onn mouui. Editor J. R. Cartright, of tbe Harris burg Review, wife and others, of Harria tmrg, were in Albany today on their way io Newport ior an outing. Tbe first anniversary of the marriage of jar. ana air, r. A. loong waa remem hered last evening by a family gathering 01 twenty-tax. A deugbUal tune w bad. Professor G. A. Walker baa moved from Bay City to Tillamook preparatory to beginning toe ecnoot ior toe comicg year. Tillamook Herald. Formerly principal ot me Albany pauue school. xtoy tstaart, son ot u J Muart, a lormar U r man and tor several years a resident of Albany, now of near TaeomaJ sin me city, it naa laaen moitrmo- ca taan two or thrs- days to pLce yoojig St?artTs3 fast baa tfce boy grown into Uie young man. Potter Cbae. Soiiivan. tbe republican nominee f-r governor of Washington, is on ot the Ute r. C. SoUtvan. Sr. formerly of this county. Many of oa. old citizens will remember bright little Charlie Sullivan who spent tbe larger part of his bovbood in Dallas, and do doabt they will be glad to bear of hi political prominence in oar sister state jott north of as Independence Enter prise. Rev. Lewis Lee. a former student of tbe Albany college, and brother of Pres ident Lee, baa oeea chosen assistant pas tor of the Second Presbyterian church of Cincinnati, of which his brother Rev. E. Lee is pastor. Lewi ha already preached in several place as supply and bo doabt has a bright future aa a minis ter. He will not finuh hie trodiee, thoogfa for a year yet. Rev. E. T. Lee, oa a resent visit at PoeUo, Colo , where be was formerly stationed, received warm reception. ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dcsocbat of February to Jiay -9, ISO. . The Brownsville Woolen factory was sold at sheriffs sale for (5,913.73. At an anniversary ball of tbe fire de partment tbe receipt were ,127 .2a, ex pens 1117.25. The city council appropriated $2000 for fire engine, hose carriage and hose. Their names will go down to posterity. Mr. John Barrows, in business here for sixteen years has retired and the firm will be Blaia A Young. Albany people are getting the veJoci pede erase. Our city fathers should pre pare a ooepttai. Rev. T.J. Wilson, of Salem, preached hi first sermto in Albany. For one so voang be displays a remarkable familiar uy wiua ma sacrea caiaog. Married, on April 14. F. M. RedSeld and Liszte A. Farrell. College wilt open with Rev E. R. Geary aa principal. , Dr. Weatherford has sdd the Herald. of Portland to Sylvester rennoyer. Wheat on May I, SO cent. Tbe new fire engine was housed oa Mav 17. (This was the old hand engine sold several years ago to HU'sboro.) John A. Sims was shot ia BUI Girds saloon by Edward E. Turk. Turk was examined and discharged on tbe grounds of self defense. S. M. Pennington has returned from a twj months visit in Illinois, coming in the fast time of 11 days and 4 hours. A. Murray has taken charge of the hotel at first and Washington. Rossuand is proving to be a great min ing camp. Mining stock, is men. a year ago the Le Raix stock went begging at 43 and 90 cents, a few days ago 13CU shares were sold at $5X0 per share and an offer of six dollars per share was made for IW.UUU shares and refused, the Jumbo was offered about a year ago for $300,the cost value today ts at least o00, 000. Fifty thousand shares were sold at 11 05. The War Eagle which wa then offered at $100,000, toda ia under con tract tor si ,000,000. For the best Urujr. nwsonB Gladnes ith a bef.. ort--rctlfi"l S.l i' isa aje not cHJ-10 shuttle The Monmouth Fire Following are tbe losses by- the rece t Mon month fire: f ' Lous. Inn, 3 H Ware, hotel ..$1,000 ,'7f y K H Cattron, hard ware store. 1A') ' ESCattron, buildings 2,00 Thomas Pharmacy 145 sjO FYf A L Spray, meat marker,.. , t&Ju Frack Locas, drugs , "YMti F S Younger, grocery 1,200 J ,000 G McGowan, general mer. . 10,000 8,009 H C Epley, dentist too zrji C L Gilbert, jewelry stock. 600 150 Polk Co Bank.hrick building 9,000 6,001 PYMnlky, brick building. . 2,500 1(h Dr J Crowley, hnilding..... 700; 40) Tbe fbllowingjjsscs are srithoot lnsar-anesrr- "r" - Dr W H Parrisb, bonding...... .13.000 A A Bent ley. tboe store J.00O John E Miller, building ... .. 70( Jacob BrowD, building fcW H Hoskina, grocery stock . COCi The city proposes to rebuild at once. , AK-Eil M CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims of Last Meats" shooed ses as onre for a eooa tbatexpiaias bow fall naiu-jit is eaiiy, paslr' and peraari reatared. M . rHMf-fTvl ' -wcaiarss caa af- " trjttt U igSMv thut tiaely aavico. Bode tclla bow V fail ttrfmrslL. " itiuytamt aad toon axe faapariRd to every poruoa or tbe bwiy. Seal, mtb wx-iave prmdt tisr1)res taaayiaaaaaa-jlkavUaa. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO,S.Y. W E HEW YORK WORLD, - THEICE-MfEEt EElTIS'l 7 ' , IS Pages a Week. 151 Pscn a lk ' - y la larger tha anv weekly or esmf -A weekly paper pubjebed aad is the or mportant democratic "weekly" t ished in New City. Three tia as large as tne leading repobucaa wee f ly ot e York: uuy. it wm be 4, special advantage to yon during th Presidential Campaign, as it is pet liehed every other day, except Sunda . snd has all the tretnnesa and umeiicf of a daily- It combines all the nf with a "loxtg Bat of iatereeticg cVp" ments, naiqae features, eartoocs t graphic ihuisratioc, the latter beU P11?- ..f ' sj Ail these improwmei made without any i( which remaiwyat do! ar pr -ear We offer this carrfialed newspaper and the WrrtLT Decc:bat together one year for 12.00. SaOifartorr Uuwis with dailT- h ' GONSERYATOHT OB IQSIG Albany Teachers for the schoof rear lg15ST : ZLnri M. Parvin, M us. - Doc director. Assistant teachers Margnevite Alderson, R. IL, Hela Gilbert and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. ' Thorongh and systematic instruction given in all the important branches polity: i H mostc Seat conservatory rooms snd latgeet rausical library nd facilities Ior -mmkal work. Largeetinnmber of con servatory students enrolled of any music school in the state. T4rms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to 'r Waixacs How Leb. A. M. r; Albany. Oregon. ft Academy of f Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Who!roe diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable reductions are made for teferders and day schaTirx. S tod see will be resumed Sept. 1st. FojS09 lurtner parucntars can at tne Acadesy or write to Sister Superior. - a nana. Cu5ick Block Ibany, Or Filling and extraciine of teHh wi i pain a specialty "help VY ANTED .4 ALE. ; WANTED SOUCTTORS FOR camrsmign book. "Brvan. Sewa and Free Salver." authorized bv Brvan. written brK. U atetcalt, Ldttor Umaba World-Herald, appointed anther by Bry an. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a tree sifjasr mm tor workers. Only 11.50. Thv only to. thonxed book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Uulfit tree. Ke- gin now with choice ot icrntoyy. rer manent, profitable work for 96. Address The National Book Concern, Star B ui Ki te g Chicago. Money Loaned. First Mortgages oa Improved Farm Property Feeotiated We are pn pared to aefotiate first mcrtgages upon improved farms in Oregon, Wash, and Idaho with eastern parlies and foreign capitalist a the usual rate of interest. Mortgages re sewed that have been taken by other com. panics, now out cf bo si cess .'v-Jy i e (with stamp), ' Manvis SwoRT, Ba ker City, Greg V COi ter to bay, etc, at a rv only the Kt la you e J never S-1 easra To. iV 1 I (I i i. n