What an Eminent Man Sys. New York, August 22. The New York "Journal" today publiehes the following Article, written by Or. Otto Arjndt, the well-known bimetalliet of Germany. The article ia additionally Important to silver men from the fact that Dr. Arendt baa recently been flattered by the "gold bug'' press for his recently published opinion that free coinage by the United States alone would be dieasteroua to bi metallism in Europe. It will be seen that Dr. Arendt ha9 now changed his views, and ia an enthusiastic advocate of Mr. Bryan's election . The people of the United States have never been called upon to decide a ques tion so important as that of the coming . Presidential election. Persona and parties do not count in this campaign at all ; the great fundamental principles of modern national lit 3 are at stake. Shall these be upheld, or shall they be tramp led uader foot? This is the all-absorb ing question. Europe, the mighty grandparent of the young Colossus, teals in her old bones that the ballot-boxes which are soon to be set up in the cities and villages and hamlets of America will speak the destinies of her leading na tions. Never before was the dividicg line so sharply defined, and we understand that the sovereign people of the United States mean once for all to solvo the social question which baa in late years caused so many disturbances and nnbappy con ditions. Look at the two sides and mark the striking contrasts. McKinley and his votaries, representing the party of so called honest money and diahones. pro fitsthe party of trusts and monopolies the party that brought the pillage of na tional resources for the benefit of capital to a tine point and its method on the one side. Their opponents we find under the proud banner of Brian. These are the productive classes, workingmen and farmers, who refuse to permit themselres to be bled in future for the cause of the gold standard. European binieUllieta who have been fighting the gold standard for maty years 'Vast regard international bimetallism aa the true solution of all the questions in volved. My own views on that subject I have laid'down in an essay publieced in the Jane issue of the "North Ameri can Review.'' When I gave it aa my opinion that the question ot free silver should be settled only after an interna tional agreement regarding the relative values of gold and silver had been ar rived at, for at that time I took it for granted that both parlies would favor silver in their platforms, though not to the extent of free coinage. With respect to Che possible candidates, bimetallism, taking McKinley to be a thorough silver man, certainly regarded him with mach favor. " hat sad dis appointment, however, dame with the St. Louis Convention. It was obvious t hat the spirit of that convention was inspired by Wall Street, while McKinley himself deserted the people's cause and closed an alliance, oflVnsi 7 and defen sive, with a!I-&raspinz capital. . Heaven high above him, unfettered and uninercenary, rose Bryan, who at once gained the respect and sympathies . of bimetallists the world over. If I were an American citizen I woo Id nnhesitat ingly vote for the people'e champion. A free coinage president appears to me a lesser evil than a 3tock Exchange presi dent who would walk in Cleveland's foot steps. There are superficial people in this and other countries who imagine that if Bry an is elected in November free-silver coinage will begin next March. They forget that congress must finally decide the question. Even should President Bryan, as will be most probable, call an extra cession it would lake several months before free-silver coinage would be legalized. It ia f ally appreciated in T ... .. x. a rope mat iree coinage would prove a more formidable menace than the pro poned suspension of the Bland and Sher man Acta. Ejropean financiers and monopolists have bad a taste of the fluc tuations in American values, and fear them more than even McKiney'e pro hibitive tariff. America efferg us the tantilizing al ternative between a prohibitive tariff and the silver standard, bnt our money monopolists in this case harvest the storm where they have been sowing the wind. Their long continued opposition to international bimetallism is on the ere o! receiving its proper retribution. Bryan's victory will 00 doubt prepare the way for an international agreement. Should Biyan be elected we the bimetal lists would gain formidable aliie. while American bankers would certainly do all in their power to foiestall the deprecia tion of Ametican value by backing our cause of international bimetallism. The editor of the To'e Jo Post cogi tates over old times as follows: Jas. K. Haigbt and wife, of Aibany, were among tbe large number of visitors brought to New port by Sunday's excursion train. Many years ago, before there was any prospect of a railway to the Bay, Jim and the writer hereof came to tbe Bay down, spending many pleasant days at the then hamlet of Newport, domiciled at tbe Bay View, where now at then the ever oblig ing, kindly ar.d courteous Pete Abbey and wife were ever watching over and untiring iu their endeavor to make the titce pass profitably and p'eaaantly to every g.i-t of tha house. Tiie trio over and return tluongn King's valley, so foil of pleasant incidents, and the fan and all-around good urns among the pleas ant aDd p!!y people then in and about Newport. ii! always remain green and fragrant i-i the serine's meiniry. This is an age of j.ikes. The following is told by the Transcript of McMinnville: Atwney M . A. Baker, who has b-en in the city some we-k, is very fond of a joke, and M .idy evening p rpetrated one ou recorder Mac.y ; Mr. Baker was out walking wiih his twin children; the little fellows runoing ahead of their fath er. Mr. Maey was going up street, and just before they met, Mr. Baker called to the children: L ok out babies ; there comes a populist!" The children ran back to their lather, screaming at the top of their vo'.ces, and it took some little time to convince them that Mr. Macy was ouly a man and not a bad looking one, e'ther. While there are gold democrats who have declare! for McKinley, there are bimetallic republicans declaring for Bryan. One of those is E Bnjunin Andrew, proftfsior in Brown unsveieitr, r rovidence, R. I. He writes to a friend : "My dear Mr. 3 rier. I have but one vote and Dot much influence, but both will henceforth be used in favor of the ""dependent free coinage of silver by ti e 1 States ct the now legal ratio, not Fnglaod or any other nation. Of course tlx re ia a difference of opin ion about Mark Ilanna's letter of acceptance. One thing about Bryan is that he runs his own campaign and he knows where to strike, lie is not addressing many audiences on Wall street. Tbe presidential election is no longer a doubt. Editor Clark, of tbe Uervaie Star, has kept cases on the tramps pass ing through that burg and says they are all going to vote for McKinley. Jeffer son Review. Mr McKiuley'e letter ot acceptance shows that though he put the money question first it is with a weak heart. for he devotes most of his energies in trying to prove that tbe change of tariff in 1S92 was the cause of hard time. Democrats arid thinking people generally know bet ter than that. A McKinley paper candidly says : Mr. Bryan appears to better advantage than McKinley in one respect at least ; he dis cusses the issue, and leaves his hearers in no doubt as to bis position. IU is probably wrong in bis logic, but he talks about the main and practically the only question, and doesu't try to obscure it by bringing in side issues. Doesn't Mc Kinley dare do the same? Mark Hanna has had his fortune told according to the artist in the wot Id. It is something like this: ''You will short ly come into control of large Bums of money," to wit : "A big campaign fund. l.ook oat for a false friend who will give the glad hand and marble heart. (Piatt ) Theie is danger from an old man w'uh wheels who rides a silver plated wheel. A tall dark boy will give you much trouble. You will take a long sad jour ney within ti-ree months." (Up salt river.) The change of the tariff under the Wilson bill from the McKinley bill was an awful affair. efore it was 4.4.06 per cent., aiterwaida 41.75 percent., more than double the cost of prediction. But under the Wilson bill, f 12,000.000 more was raised tbe first year than under the the McKinley bill. Ttie revenue was more than enough to run the govern ment, bnt for the extravagance of Con gress Hence any effort to ring the tariff 3 campaign is very childish but;-1 into the ness and will not go with the people A Chicago dispatch says: Isaac N. Stevens, of Colorado, who is at the head ; of the American silver party campaign committer, decided last night to open op the national headquarters at the Clifton hotel. He left for Denver last night, where be goes to arrange bis pri vate business affairs, so he can devote bis entire attention to the wn-k of the campaign. He will return the first ol tbj week and tbe headquarters will then be opened for work. He said that be was greatly encouraged over the outlook for Mr. Bryan in the West, whe.-e his party will poll its big vote. He thinks Colorado will give Bryan 150,000 major iy. . The Oregouian ea;a that of tbe lv.llion dollars in American securities held in Europe, many of them on account of the fioancia'y uncertainties have been so'd to Americas speculators at a sac rifice and gives this aa a reason for a gold standard. It is to be hoped all of item aiecold to Americana, and that we cat loose from this vicious system that takes millions of dollars of gold in interest money to E a rope yearly. It is time that tbe United States rested more on its own resources, free from European fintn eial dictation. The fact, if true, em pbacises tbe necessity of a larger volume of money to take the place of this that is leaving as, and the argument is di rectly against the gold standard Have a Right to Talk Politics. For 10 days a great crowd has collect ed daily on the poetoffice corner in Iu" dianoplis, Ind., discussing tbe financial question of the present campaign, tbe discussion frequently lasted nctil mid night. As fast as one speaker wearied, another filled .the gap, and the police made numerous and futile efforts to scatter the disputants, an J finally made several a'rests. Twice tbe cases came before Judge Cox of the city coort, and the last time, w ith much impatience, he discharged the de fendants, holding there was no decision by any court, high or low, where it i held that a man violates the law by die cussing political topics in tbe street. "On tbe contrary," continued tbe court, "all of the decisions are the other way. The right of fre speech is funda mental in our constitution and most not be denied. No police force can stop it. It is the right of American citizens. This is a time wben perplexing questions are puzzling the people. They are ques tions of vital importance t j the common people. It le only by ample discussion of tbe questions that confront them tl at they can learn properly to exercise their right of franchise . They hava the right to discuss these questions, aul the court will protect them " The court also criticised the policy of the police in interfering with these street orner talks by osing the ordinaoce against sidewalk obstruction as an en gine of Oppression. He warned the of ficers that further arrests would be use less, as tne defendants would not be pun ished. The financial debates are still being held. Ex. What a Bishop Observed. Bishop Win D'lloo, who is in charge ol all the territory weat of the Rocky moun'ains, for the United Brethren church, arrived in the city last evening, after an abscence io the east of about three months says the Salem Journal. During this time the eminent divine vis ited Ohio, lodiana, Mmois and Ihe northern tier ol S.aie west. Bishop Ddlon repurts tbe chief ohjVct of attention there, as here, as centred in politics. While he is not a politician or agjwtor he rays it is apparent on eveiy hand that the sent.metit for silver is growing everywbere. i'be people he says a-e going by landslides frcm Mc Kinley to Bryan. Rpublicans by thousand a'e asserting themselves against the gul J standard. They ;wJl not endure It. Party hnej h .thinks were never in the history of the coanrry so broken down as now. Indiana" lie feels assured will go for Bo an by fifty thousand, Illinois will alro give bira a majority. In the home state of McKin ley mucn money is being used by the Hanna management, and a flerecalean effort will be made lo save it for the tariff Napoleon, but theie are many evi dences that look as though Bryan would carry it, notwithstanding this capitalis tic combine against him. Ia the rtates west of the Misvisslnpi Bishop Dillon isconQderTV that nothing! en be done to get a state away from Brj-j an. In tact, the McKibfty manageui-nt rill spend ill efforts whre there Is o.- ' ter hope of success. in Albany on Sept. 11. Mr. McKinley said free coinage would not add a single days labor for the labor ing man Mr. McKinley is evidently somewhat of a prevaricator. An "honest dollar," says Rev. Sam Jones, is ".he kind of a dollar which a man can put in his pants pocket, put his pants uuder his pillow and let the eagls on tne dollar change into a nightingale and sing him 10 elerp " There is not a gold standard nation in the world whose industries have not been crippled ; dunag the same period of time every silver using country has en pyed greater development than at any other time in history. Whatcom Blade. "If this Miether Hanna ge'.s to be the great man he promises now" said Mr. Dolan "there'll be twice the number ov babies named afther him as is named af ter most celebrities." Oi see no reason lor it" replied Mrs, Dolan. ''Its plain as day though, lie ia nat rally qualified fur the distinction. Thev kin name all the b'ybabiee 'Mark' and all the girl-babies Ilanna' and theie y'are."-Ex. Dr Walter Babbitt recently received some rare old books from Ulascow, Scot land, they consist of six volumes of Cap tain Cook's voyages and bear the pub lisher's imprint of 1S73; the other books consists ot two volumes of Vancouver" voyage along the Pacific Coast. They were published in 1S01. These rare old volumes are in a splendid state of pres ervation, the print is clear and plain and the binding is quite well preserved Independence Enterprise. Li Hung Chang, tbe great Chinet statesman, now in this country, is humble origin and owes none of his dii tinguished honors to the accident birth. His father was a poor woodcliop- psr of tbe interior of the empire and hi mother before her marriage was a maid servant. Not even tbe merciless caste distinctions of the Orient could prevent his rise to greater. It is said that Li' quick, coal black eye, ready smile, an imperious frown give frequent reason to doubt whether, aa in the cas of Presi dent Kroger, of the Transvaal, his ignot ance of the English language is not a d ploiaatic deception. Ex Hon. Bicfter Hermann will support Mc Kinley. His reasons though are araus- latr, one being that the Bryan platform i in ihe interest of the foreign producer It is for revenue only, according to tbe present tariff bill, which provides for a average tax of over 41 per cent. Tl man who calls that free trade must be looc'ng through opaque g!aaes. If ever a platiorm favored English domination it is the McKinley platform that provide for a single gold standard, one directly ia tbe interest of the Rothcbilds and Lombard street. Every fair minded man knows that free trade has nothing to do with the preM-i.t campaign. There will be a straw . biographies of tb coadidatew. An rUxri j appear, war ' b-v.n in mom . Secretary Carl sle never oprns hta j cation ol the great question of fne huver 1 Kar miiU ill b dntmyrd t-t tvib month or t nche rn without eaving ,t 16 to 1, and tU varuHis iu. rf i'aMU jkt ld ad$-' t. m ' t. -tneihiflf very much to ti point. ! ! campugn. ll.eo(.ri hand l.k u , tsc. and -ut-r iqwn a f4r.;ta ef "'ir ' ha the gift of clear, forcible statement tomp .vaker'a friend. She Irt a!vrr t,J'- Every tdy ceMtxte ta tau.tar uiDuameD'ai iroim in uigner uirc ir degree than any man in America. Oregonian. Io the year ls.S, m the mcnta ul heo- raary, J jhn G. Carlisle said in congress : i According to my view of the subject, tbe ' conspiracy which seems to have formed I here and in Europe to destroy by legit-. . JT w fair l.oo.. A,l lation and otherwis from three sevenths j J. - L, " S' Z'09 V , , . . ... , col !eg and city public school, to trade to one half the meUlHc money of tbe for rwide-c in Albany. Look tUis up. world is tbe most gigantic crime of this i iood place to make monev or for srweu . .v.. -m,. r lation. 1;. v uci., . . , . 1 . , sacb a schema would ulnmately en jtil mare misery upou tbe buuiaa race man all tbe wars, pestilence and famine teat ever occared in the world. What Docs It Mean? 1G.00O people greeted W J Bryan a Cleveland Ohio. Oe spoke wita b: usual force and eloquence, la the lan guage of the mttored man, with tbe en- f tbnsiasm of the boy. He said i ''What is the meaning of this enor - mous outpouring of the peope? Noor-j dinary occas.on would producs- this! scene, n-i ordinary campaign would etir j men's hearts as tney are being stirred to day. Vour presence, your enthusiasm, es.ify to the fact that this year tne peo ple are thinking aa they hav nevr thought in recent years. And well they may. In this campaign, two mighty forces are arrayed and they are engaged in a struggle which mean much to both. When Mr Carlisle, ia 1878, was discus ing the money question, he said : "The struggle raunot cease and ought not to cease until all the industries of the coun try are fully and finally emancipated from the heartless domination of syndi cates, stock exchanges and other great combination of money grabbers in this country and Europe.' Have tbe people been emancipated from the heartless domination of European syndicates and money grabbers of this country and Earope? (Cries of "Xo, no " No. For the last 20 years that heartless domina tion has increased ia its severity, and within the last three years that heart less domination has grown more and more intense nntii today tbe people are confronted with this proposition: Aie tbe American people able to goyem themselves, or must this government be thrown over to syndicates to carry, on. a scheme the think best for tl eir private profit?" Tne speaker took up the pisiform of the Chicago aud St Louts conventions and asserted that the custom of political parlies iu past years of adopting ambig uous and meaningless platforms had been abandoned. There was an issue now and the line was drawn so that no One need lie deceived. lie reminded his bearers that no oue io the present cam paign was declaring f jr ths gold stand ard, and that never in thu history of the United States had a national pary dared to write in it plailorm a single sentence in approv ng it. At this juocinre someout crratml ap- plaiiSH by shouting, "Djsii ith Me Kiuley." Bryan aided that gold standard had iievr lough'. an open tight, and that it "carried tlu mask of the Linear and tue kniia or the assassin. in the it-mu tation which liis'f ned it upon the couu try, every step had been takeu at night and without the knowledge or cooseul of the people. Bryan said the reptibli cans at St Louis had such an opportuni ty as seldom comes to a party, adding : "The administration had advanced the gold staudard, bad forced through, and under whip and spur, a law Mist repeal ed the purchasing clause of the Sherman law. The administration had issued bonds in unit ol peace and, worse than all, it entered into a contract with a lsm financiers in New York and London by which it paid those financiers an eror mous profit for protecting the treasury which 70,000.000 people stood ready 10 protect" r. n.L.... rr ii 0 ntM MidwtalrfF,fc.. 2-,. MISFITS. Marion Will have a r.raamnrv. Rnlem ill also have one next year. States man. A familiar rlntr to that. It will be time for Elder Bnrklvv. ren- retiuuiauve irom Marion county to think of resigning when the men who voted tor nun rcqneet it. Sore head who vot ed against him are the ones making the request. M.L. Pines, of Portland, fnrmerlv of Corvallis, thinks that tho proper way to vindicate Cleveland's administration is to elect McKinley. Mr. Pipes never thought of that when lie was running lor proflecutuiir attoruev on the demo cratic ticket a short timo ago. Uncle John Diamond. -of Coburc. sub scribes for lour copies of the Eugene Uunrd and pays for them annually. Ho 18 indeed a Inwel. a rwnkr k'l.l.mnr. Most editors rejoice when the sulwcriber pa s pron.pt ly for een one copy of a paper. m . . .. .. . aiib urai election bet ot any conse quence was made elattirdav at As toria between B. A. Seahorg, the Ilwaco canneryman, and Dr. V. Baker, the amount Btaked being $o00 a side. The latter is a gol J-utandard man, while Mr. Seabirg is a very pronounced free-silver advocate. Dr. Baker is to be paid in gold if he wins, and, a he looses, will make payment in silver. The following is handed tl.e Democrat as a very good new joke : "A capital invention these horseless carriages 1" 'Don t talk rubbish! We have had tor a long time things quite aa remark aoie in ineir way as horseless carnages. and nobody takes the slightest notice of uiem." "Indeed! What, for instance?" "Cowleas milk." . Sena'or lolph is telling the following etory as an argument against Urvan : "i j tbe distant bns are, as usual, rather !o asked a fi lend of mine, an old-time dem. i in coming in, but the count iu ail sections ocrat. recently, whether he was going to ! show suUtauti.il republican gains, indi vote for Ilryan. lie shook his head and j caunff that tbe maiontv for the reimbUcsn told tbe following story to illustrate whv he was not going to: At the time of the Charleston earthquake, an old dar - key was heard to sav : "Oh. Lord, de earth am a-quakin' an do houxt am a - stiakin . C-ouie down here, Lord ! Come I department War and retired frcni the dow n here, an' come down yo'ielf; don j cabinet. Today toe secretary devoted aJ sen' yo' eos Jesus Christ, fo' d is is no ! most his entire time to taaiag leave of his job fo a boy !" The darkey was a igno- ajsociates and employe. When ei-iiov-rantaa Mr. Dolph. Jesus Christ, though senior Francis wid arrive from Kissotm is only 33 years of age, an age of matured not yet detiuius y known; it is tboujfbt it manhood, was absolutely necrseary to i will I belore Use end of the week. Set re save the world- So Bryan, three vears ! tary Smith will leave for Atlanta this even his senior, with his integrity and jodg- ! ing or tomorrow tiitrbu tearing Aitant ment ia capable of delivering oar people 1 NeiTvlary Reynolds in charge, from the.bondage of a single gold aland- j cr-i. ik c.it.t few and not for the many. Tin Steamship Faau.os" witi un- surpassed pasenger accomodations will sail from San Francisco, Friday Sept. 4th., Returning leaves Yaiiina for Kau Fran- cuoo Tuesday, Sept. ifm. ""'are from Al- baoy and points et to Kan Francisco, cabin $9.CM, steerage f4l Ou. round tnp. good 6Jdayn. tl5 Oil. t alUat PortOtford, i uous. ana uumooidl o). ror lartber H . L. V ali.kx, agt at Albany. tDWIS PTOKE, Manager Corvallis Or. 1ULLMLA LULU '- "A l.?n.inu,ter of foreign affair, ticts-rl Wry- Take Laxative Bro.no ginine TahhH. AH --abkd back U Madrid teat in that ca druggisu refund the mooey if it f-ois to b must nort to extrcaje tovthodt, "lo rtirt. r.HTix. StwAtL and ratix ii.vEs. Tbe only otEcial. sccura'e and cvint irf manual, ail in en ,.liin . rWnilr r nmJ manual, ail in cn .hnf rU-iMlr .n.t. !ed Uj i!iustrtd. Who wiii W tb fcrt to g-t cce. t ail on . k. Jljus lAtih at fliis S j First claw meaU of all kind. a at barn. I aeon. etc at tbe Linn Dred Jef Oo's shop at Second and EUsaorth , sirwis. iAurteous and prompt treat-! ment. taiarrh I mrrM Il'aita and ft brvath secu'ed t! 1. " u vasa'in licmray. its vj wn's ' M.I 1. . .. 1 t ... .. ! -aai injcujr f;e. ror a: i ly rcba : & Mason. II af s Uses Espry ir To-ttinls cf ca of l.na!ap!'os. thma, Cougbs. Co'., and Loan in ! I rvry Uy by hiion" . or ' " 1 r" sfTpatsi a.d Ler Cmp!ioi j,.u bav. a rnntrv Kanton eret v l!t c j'ii." V iUi r I: never ft'li to Fnbay k Masoi core. -r ?ebj 4 Kalaral ttraaHOW Karl's C oer R um Tea !i-nSeihe b ood and giea cl-ar apj beautiful camp cxioe For i by Fobay and Masot. rare rraaa. "My three children ar H subject fo croup; I elei;rapbel to Sn Francisco, gol got a ball dozta butt' of S 11 Cough Cure It i a perfect emely . G1 bls yoa for it. lour, ec, J.U. Uoier. UrsnU Pass, Ur." For sa'e by I cy hay 4 Mason at p-r iti.e . ul. MARRIED. f MAYER MILllOLLA.M "" O n M on lay evening, Aug. 31, 1896, at the Re vere House, in Aibany, bv Justice C. t. Hawkins, .Mr. Edward Thayer, of t'orvallis and Mias Hoj Milholland of iiarnsuurg. FARRIER L,.ii At the home of Mrs .uza j. Llm, near gpicer, in Linn county, utoson, on Snndav, Aug. 30, I?. TMr; '"'anci E. Farrier an.i Mrs i nn, iiotii cl I. inn caiinly. r.iuer cuas llllams otiiciat ing. FERGUSOX-T, ENTRY. Also by the me same lime, .Mr. frred L.i r?'!n and MiB C- Gentry, v ajuiij wuniy, uregon. A woiuutt s bend, ache rmy ctmie from several cau-AS. She may have a headache aming from ni-rvonsnrss, or from digf:Mivedi. turbanccs ; just the same a a man might suffer for the same reasons. Nine rases in ten. however, hee headaches come from disorders peculiar to ncr sex. rossimy lite apparent cause of the headache will be nervousness or indi gestion, while the cause of these is not thought of. The organs distinctly feminine are more vital man any otner organs in a woman's body. Any trouble of those affect the whole body. It may show itself in the symptoms which are characteristic of a dozen disorders. Thousands of times, wo men have been treated for the disutdera thought to be indicated by these symp toms, when the real trouble was much deeper and more serious. Ir. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription was compounded for the sole purpose of relieving womankind of the Ills and pains very commonly considered the uncomfortable inheritance of her sex. It cures where really good physicians have failed. Thousands of women have testified that after taking treatment from several physicians without benefit, the ' Favorite Prescription " cured them completely and quickly. It has been used for over thirty years, and ha an unbroken record of sue cess. The afflicted woman will find im mediate relief and ultimate cure in the " Favorite Prescription." There is no doubt about it there is no question about it Tbe woman who hesitates is invited to send ai one-cent stamps to cover only the cost of mailing a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. This celebrated work contains full information about Dr. Pierce's medicines, with the reproduced photographs of hundreds of people who nave been cured by these world -famed remedies, also giving their namcs and ad dresses, besides plain, clear information 1 about all of the organs of tbe human body and their functions. It haa reached the an. precedented sale of 680,000 copies at $1.50 a copy. Thus the expense of preparation has been defrayed, and now 500,000 copies will be absolutely given away. Jtemeniber that this book ia not a mere advertising pamphlet, but a genuine standard work of I008 large cages, over ton illustration nme of them in colors. Address, World's Dis. pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. V, TELEGRAPHIC. the Uuld leuieerls. Inhiasai-oms, Sept. 1. A general can vass tonight of the delegates in favor of the declaration for biiuotalism by international agreement in tho platform srows an np paiently large sentiment against any allu sion to an international agreement. There are a few delegates who favor a declara tion, hut they appear to be in a very de cided minority, 'i hn miijorily favor a straight (ieelitr.it ion for the maintenance ot the gold staudard . A MR Thing. C01.KAX. Wash... Sent. 1. The Hull ad dition, adjacent to IJolfax. ana including 4U acres of the townsile in tuo soutn end, is claimed as the rightful property of George W Hull, who returned to Colf'ix last week after a long absence. 1 loeu Iiekl by persons who have homes in Unit portion ot town appear to be defective, and Hull wants them to purchase quit chimin trotn him. Hull locale! on the land in 1872 and subsequently gtt a patent for h In lf0 nelctiUolfax u.steriousry. in tne mean time his wife to'.d part of tbe farm and had the rest platt-td The lots in tiie Hull ad dition are the li.-iesl in Codas for rejidenc purposes. Ciurnnr Leadrille. Lf.advii.i.e. Sept. 1. Tbe stoppage of the IVtrose and the Donair pumps and the tear that other pumps will be shut down tills the people with gloom. A prominent mine superintendent says it wid require three or lour months to repair tbe damage done lu the flooded mines since Saturday last. At this rate, it i" impossible to es timate the damage from any lenirthy ces sation of pumpug. the formation here is such that water iniUcU serious damage more rapidly than iu other mining dis trict. Was EtpecUd. W HITE UlVEIl JuKCTtOW, Vt., Sept. 1. Tbe Green mountain state declared for Josiah tirout, republican, of Derby, for governor touay, and for thu republican state ttcKet entire, by a majority that ' ei4iUled the prediction of the most conh- ! dent retmblu.au manairers. Returns from j state ticket will be about A) 000. i . ! a-iia Mrs . WAsmsciTox. Sect. 1 Secn-tarv Smith ; clotted bis administration of the interior j Kawisco, Ne;-.t. 1. TheKxamtn-, jer-Jourjal re'ay riders have been on the I road 7 days. 6 oours and 17 minutes. 1 be j f courir amn d at Kearnej . Neb , at 6:17. j s ra-kinjJ tne dU'arxw traveied thus fjs 101b j i mil, lbe packet U over s-en boors U-j j bmd schedsi e time on Ujis shoming. ! i A Brntal Tirj H avax a. Aujf. SI , Tbe reWs tsat be ; dted before the end of the I'remier I'¬a caUd to General W eyier explaining that tbe J-'panUo iravemmmt !he dcvelnpuiccta of a ' has taken alarm at the fivoctit ia!eric btrrvn L S l jm j repiea eoor tanovit ! 1 f.,.tn,. r:...,..l U'.. ( l.i . , .,liS iu Aottlfa edict forbidding tb grind-. lo season' sugar crop. tlbealLat I il- ul iv i. w I'.tout ttain-c-e aa in jewaoe Beaasalraita. ("rtvuuxsj. Aag 31. Cant.d.i'e , Hrian has Iws Ine f!jj.l ol no otfc-r !t : unrati;a so voe-ifcrai and sv spCT.ij.-s. r Jas Usat wLirii tb city of C'irve.a. gas shim tonight, stij iijff t;-'i 'ii-' ' f-aii-ie rxorptura of New Yck. fcr - many rwjOe attrmpied to tear bim ta!. (Two strl citings lutcixd to lirtsn. ti i rt in tie IVotntl arajory. where IS.lXy I people wer packxl; tfc mkyw, in Woic jbaii. abiUi fccldW', ant af'.rrward lpok o -rat ibcad item tlU! be 1 lt HIScoii b Aei Tn ti4 lsra,rr. s lsbtASarous, Aug. SI. Altbotish Use? focnvection of tb gmd standard Vnotal j is In than ti hours away, tne deVgatrs ; I i-... u n. ew ow- including iVmr fMmont and l..l-n " 1 1 reiiow, ct lot; lMiis Line, of i Colorado: Coolroilor Ijckets. of Llinois: j Senator Viia, tl Wiooii3; ex'ogrs I man Uuibwaiie c f Ohio, and V S l"?ry. rf tVnnectii-ut, a'Tiieal tUy. but lb rvai i I itliiix wiil n-jt liO onlil toai rrj. j MirJ la a Wet. s niij.!wi;j. r. ,ug "I. -L-i. , t r . . rartM er, i;mg l,r isH- tiorsh ol j tmnl, a j ot-notie while ejgagel in 'iggsng a aril on his f,tr-jn eervlT. and 1 dud U I fe be chi3I i ratett to li.e snr ! face. 1 be wil n.- and was down to ! ibe depth of alx nt 4) f vs. wben llart-j wicker calUl to bis helper to haul bi:n up. as be was smothering, in hauling htm up. 1 iianHsrr 1 raoauiy if lag semi-cons-UKi, bis body caught agaimt the sides of the well and be was thrown flora the bucket. Capl Jake rawfar4 kltlrd. Seattle. Aug. 31 News reached this city yesterday ct the accidental d.-tb. at tne lilewett gold mines, near lliectt, Kit ti'as county. I riday evening, of Cata.in Jack Crawford, aha claimed ti be the origin! po: scout. The accident took place ia what are commonly termed the hydraolie. ciaiuis. kxateil a snort distance below Xcgro orwk . IVatti came ikstantly and was probably rju-d by -oncusioa of she brain, lasntaaee Caaapaale Vtllhdraw .ts Frascisto, Aug. 31. Tbe Post will say this evening: Two more insurant companies have just annoum-ed iheir with drawal from this coast. They are the ISritisli-Amerirau Assurance Company ami the Western Assurance ConiDanr. o To nontn, bclh Canadian companies. Poor tmsiness is'the reason gireu fur the with drawa s. A Kather sabllase rrlr. CoNsTAXTtNori.a, Aug. o0. Rioting was renewel in the (laluta quarter of this city b-U unlay. A kharp fusilade took place lietwecn the troops ami the Anneni an rioter. It lusted ooly a few minuter. oowever, and a HtammMe o( the revo u. tlonists followed. Tbe ambassadors of the foreign cowers held a conference mid sent a strong joint appeal asking the sultan to suppress the disorders without delay. Xo reply lias own reo'iveu trom tne sublime trte as yet. haag's ISolasa. Xkw Yoiik, Aug. 1!0 Lt If ung Chung spent today 'ii'W't'y at the Waldort. In the morning, be recuveu bis old friend, Co'o mjl r (inter, and afterwards a diegution of Mott-ntreet mi n hants paid their resicls 10 the viceroy. In the afternoon, Li Hung Chang visited Grant's (0111b, on wbii.h hu laid a wreath of (lowers, winding up the dy by a visit to Hie house of Colonel Fred (irnnt. whuie ho hud tea and ri'tmuncd tor an hour. The LeadWI e Mrlke. Lkadvm.i.b, Cob., Aug 30. This ia tbe 7;'ilh day ol Ihe strike, und min ks the incepticn ot the most important action taken on either aide, as for the lifetime since hK U loie llm strike begun, tbe j nre.it pumps in two ot the leading nunes, I lie Itotiuir und l'enro.e, lire i.lie. I ho order hr stoppage came jeslcrdtiy afier noon and was olteyed ut once. Ihe move ment means that the utincowners tmpo to force the union to declare the strike oil. Alter the l'ollrrnte. rniTtND, Aug. 3t.-Tlie board of niii(.cwiiiiiurifuciB umu a sjieciu) meet ing on Haturdiiy night. It was not ex 1;.. ...... . 1 - l pcteu tuut sucn a meeting would be Held, , but the uoexpet-ted removal of 1'homus Bicbardsonv cbuirmnn of tho boar.1, com- piieuteu anairs ann inane a speeual meeting : succeed Mr Richardson, was at the moot" inir. aud when n came lo the selection of a .-..... api.uimeu 10 new chairman, Napoleon Davis, who as j piied to the p'uee. found himself without opposition, aud was quickly inducted into the position as head of tbe police commis sion. Sixteen policemen were then re moved, y ' - " OREGON Industrial Exposition. Port 1 21 lid, Oregon, The Oroat Resource ot the PACIFIC NORTHWEST Agriculture, Horticulture, riBiicrii-8, .nine, nianiiiacttires, Machinery, Traimportlon, Trade and Conin rrce Will lie Represented more Completely Than Ever Before drain! Band Concert every After noon and Special Attractions Every Night. Lowest Ratesever portation Lines. Admission 25 cts, Children 10 cts. j For exhibit space, apply to Geo. L. Baker, superintendent, at the build ing. E. C. HASTEN, Sec. Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Calsnhsr fob lfet'G-T lfk.'.,t. 16 Cftllojje Year bpg:n . . "Tl Wednwwlay Nov. 2-2T Thanksgivir.tr Iay mw, Thurs. and Fri. 21 Term examinations lgin . Monday lec. 23 First Term end . . .Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days ".70T Jan 5 Second term berins ..." Tuesday Fi b 22 Washington's Linhday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Kxamications lgin . . Tuesday Aprils Seccnd Ti-rm ends . . TLariy TIArbor l"ay Vacation cf F'oor Pays April 12 Third Term ljrin . . Taeeday June 8 Final F!xaminationa begin . , Tuesday June 13 Ilacraiaurea'.e Srmon . fadath forenoon lune 13 Addr8 U-fore the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Sabbath ewninp June 14 Annua! Meetinz of the Hoard of Tnurteea Monday aheracon June It Junior Orations June 1 jrsdnat!ni Kxercises of Music . . June 15 Popular Kntertacment June Ni Comtcotiiifiit June 16 Alumni IZe-unicn 'T l-Mlrs' of InstrccUon icasns op ! Music court, with appropriate dsplornas. Cal ! For further information, a-ld 1IL - T .'a I l)t flV rtirilltUre i Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon Xo Charge fv NGHSHBUS!NESS : i he I NOi '::a.!.r".-.i, x-i & . 1 " ! 1 ii. ESAkBIKGDEPAErtfKT'UtlES - -' . -.-T-1 :5 4 1 w eelect the Waverly lxcaiifo they have lenrntsl to know the dif- Experienced Riders lerencc Iwtween a wheel that 13 actually highgradit and one that i simply claimed to I. cVime others may be good but the avr-rly is tlx Ingliest J v", e;ie t aeu Mint sr sN DIANA HlCYCLEcO. KDIANAroUS, ISD THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT; 40,000 Hums Bodies Mufalstsd rry ysr oa Dises6a Tables la Medical Cottages ia th Uaited SUIss. Protoel Hi dMiJ."" ThonsaD'1 of rvra rlI.M snnullr. nn, rrar"S ,4 l,K-ilna, I sif trum th mraMi of Ids hu man stioul. Tin ll. ID UR4S VtcLT H"M Bu.llln and lo lulo Mwurilr anlnat Ihs tirair Hoblwr. anil pMlwu tn.lh ckit ut! tHKly frtim lampiir.s, mttli sti.l dway, and trum burruwuia animals aad vorauu. 4-5 ror SjiIc by Allinny Furniture Co. ADMIMISTRATCKj tQriC Notice is herebv irlvrn 'hat the under J sisrned adminisustoi o ihe estate of l-anc llays Sr . deceawl, hu filed Ids final ao- wilh the clerk of lhi county cwt for i(,ncounty, Oregon, and the court niul n.ea Uie ,th day of Oo otmr. 1896. ut lte holtr of , 0VIHvk p. m. of sa.d day tnr iIim hearinir ol obiectKins tossid account for ib hear if any and for the settlement ol mid e.-n.e. '1 h's tne 'Mb dy of August, IS'Jtl. Z. tl, IIayh, Admlbiarutor. 117ANTED.. A situati(n to do general housework in a small family. Leave word at the Ukjhk ii.it oilice. .Sept. 19 to Oct. 17. Evening. Hade on all Trans- COLLEGE Mofiday eveninz the Cofrsi rvaiory of Tuesday forenoon Tuesday ererjing Wednesday Wednesday ereuiog to dvre. Wed equipped Business and Catalogue free. WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. - I . , CO., UlCOrpOrateU IIer or Scrtices Rem acd Eleanl De signs in Crock ry WareatCONW! & HUSTON'S. . See it. 1. "C IMi L. " HOXfHAM), 1 htEJ.tAPKV. Are built in " the largest I(gLESi and Best Equipped Pantorv in mm aa.. aVfs mi taste? rfioh fipadnitbe World pa- -1 r- ol all high grade, rcorcher (3 height) incu fio.vsj aim tm uu. A.J. Hodges,. ;Agent h AJult)i au.:aKt aul WstoearMC " Msd h..llr of ItssseitMr tl SBtl luall(Hhl lrvn. u.l U prac UulWintlmrac'tiM. fbouUb luw-t la rrrry iiil.nn.al. Oir I in sriiwl u. '.t as bt all utnlerukors. Atsaurd tr Tin Cbistpioa Ckesjical Ca Sprg8ld, Okie. Notice for Publication una Omea at Okkuo.x Crrr, Oa, Aug. 14. 1896. Kolice is hereby given that the follow- ing-nuiucd seitler ha a'ed no'ioe of hi intention to maae nnnl proot m supported his claim, and tat said proof be made before the county clerk of Linn countv. at Albanv, Or,, Spl. 80th, isyrj via: Robert J . Munro; H E IO908 for the lo. 3, 4, i and 6 o Sec. 18, T 10 S H 4 E ile names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuce opon nj cultivation of. said land, via: Jos. t?. Gitison, Albany, Or., larue Collins, Ed ward Wolf, W. II. White, Gates. Or. ltoBKfct A MtLLTK, I itegistar U S Marshals bale, Under and by virtue of a writ of execu tion to the undersigned, the United States marshal for the District of Orecron direct ed, Issued out of the United States Circuit UHirt tortus ltrict of Oregon, ard ! beanng test tbe nth day of August, 1896, in a cause therein wherein Bank of Cali fornia is plaintiff and James L Cowan. doing business as the Bank of Lebanon Is defendant, upon judgment recovered therein by the said plaintiff against the said defendant on the 23rd day of October ibsm, icr tne sum ot siz thousand five hundred and ninety-six and 92 100 dollars (WJ6.92) and 6iM costs, wberrby 1 was commanded and directed, among other things, for the purpose of maaing tbe ssic moneys and the costs accruing on execution, to sell the following described property as the property of JamesL Cowan, aid tbe estate, li'le and interest of blra, the ssul James L Cowan held on the 21st day ot September, tbe date opon wtik'n tbe said property was levied noon in attachment upon a writ of attach men. issued in tbe said action, I will, us tb 25th day of September, 1806, at tbe board tea o clock a. m. at tbe front dor of tha County Ourt Poaw of ibe iX'Onty oi mod, auta t urcvon, in the city ot Albany, sell Tbe northwest noarter of block thirty three of the tnty of Aibaov. Linn O-aotv Oregon, as the said bloc U oombertd and deijnld on the recorded mapi and plat of ssmI city on file iu the office of tbe coons ty Becorde cf said eoaoty, and being lb maps and plate thereof in common a, a tbe property of tbe said Jamee L. Cowan, and th iU, title aod interest of him, the said Ja-ne L. Cowan hid or he'd there in on tr,e21.t day of SepVtnber, IS&3, that beiua tbe date anon which 1 heretofore levied a poo tbe said mopertr asder tbe writ of attachment iasaed in tbe said caose. Terms cf sale cash, sale to be oaoe wkject t redemption, aa provided by .a. K0IT C OEai'T, United State Marshal, Per George Uasnphrey , Depaty . Notice lor Publication" Lasd Or net at Oaefios Crrr Oa. Aug 14. 1S96. Notice Is hereby (riven that tbe follow- ing named tet'ler haa fikd nXk of his intention to make final pro-)' in sop port ot his claim, and that said prxf will be made before be roomy clerk of Lina Co, at Albanv. Or. oo Seot 2tb. 1KS6. viz: Horace P Cameron; H E for the S E of Sec 10 T 1 1 S. K i E ; lie Bimrt tbe following: witnetea to ! prove bis continuous reidc upon and I cultivation of. said land. vt: T J Pitch ! fotd. C G YarUooea. A C Gaines. Lar- wood. Or., trail v Craig. Albanv, Ur. UaaT A Utuax, BeisteT. Notice. C S Land OSc. O'egon City. Oregon. July 23, 195. Complaint having been entered at this office by John Y Crocker against Jacob Peai for absndonlng kia Hontstssa En try So. toC. dated Spt iCrh. 1S91. opoa tri S E i of S W H a4 X of X W i StSko 24. Tnbip 10 S Range 1 . in Linn county, Oregon with a vie to Ue cancellation of said eofy, the said parti are hereby summoned to appear itUS Land 03sc Oregon Ciry. Oregon. 00 tb 5th day of September, 136. at 10 o'clock a. ra.. to respond and f fcrmish testrmoay concerning said alleged abaadonakeat. Kobxt A Muxes, Register. VH x Oaixowar, Receiver. imberLand Notice, Lasd Omea ax Oasaos Crrr, Jcae 3rd, 1596 Kjck is b-by gin" tbaaia cBpliaace ai-.b the rriaot M th act of caagteaa rd Jcoe 3. 17 entitled 'As act fortasa e ii tmrr imh) ia tbe state of Cai.loraia, Chvgoa. Xed snt Vah!atcn Teert torv," ust-cded to ail :b PuWie LmI .tstr t. art ol A.!TMt 4. ISM. Pen v G Hib aH. n( I lci t. counts ef Msnoe. state i O e.or, t at tti da hkdis tais o3 ht ara ;:eartt No, 30(9 for tb par cbaa of ib-X S'SK Yi and S J X K J of ste ms X- lliaToaaip Na. 10 IUd N j. 4 E.acd wiU cnV prrof taatxta liwat tb laad soagat sbo- vainakl f-J tt :ia;r or stcac thaa fnr aanraltara) z.u rt . ax,d to .tatlsb htm e!aia to ail laad foe tha Keg-er aud Eacaireecf lot. t&ci at Oregon City, O egoo, aa Sil srd, tt 2J.h dy ol SrptMiber, 1S. He earner a ttessa: J O fox. J B Moore, both of Deceit, Msnoa roanty, Oregon, and ft Oaad),A L Bids, hota of XUgsra. Msnoa cnaaty Oregoa. Aay aed all persor craiaucg ad Tersely tbe abo oe enbed land aa retjUi to file their ci'r.s in Ibis cr5o oa or bef e aid 26 Ja cay of September, Eosear A Mtllsk, Rrgter. Notice for Pubiicacion Land OrrtcK at Castas Crrr. Or..- Augnst 1. 1S6. Notice i hereby cirer that ihe ! lioaicg named aettb r L n"d notice A ht in"ea k'n o mk final rr xf in sat rot cf bis c! sim. and tbst sai l proof witi be- tt ade ! before 'be count t cWk of Linn etnn'v. at j Aibany. on Sept 35. l9 ?. via- Emilj vraig wvio ci jeon t . t.nsg. accessed, U E q;6 for tb S t,'o(SE H- w 1. 1 11 SRIE lie names tt following; witnesses to prove h's cortinuots residence upon and cu'tivation of. said land, vir: TJ Pitch fort. C G Yarbioogh, A C Gaines. Dor ace P Cameron, all ot Larwood. Oregon. KoBgaT A. Millek. Regter. Notice for Publication Laxd Omct at 0uox Crrr, Or August ith, 1SS6. Notice is reby girea tat tbe follow ing named settler has filed notice of bis I nteotioa to make final proof in support of 01 ana, ana ins ta d proof, will be made before the eustr c erk of Linn county, at Albany. Oregon, on Sept, 19th, ISA via: Demosthenes Cl'fford; H E SHKi for the S V of See 24. Tp 10 S. R IE. He name tbe fol'owing witoeasrs to pro re b continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said hind. vi: D Neai. 4.1 lrt Keal, W 11 Small, Chas Rieaier. all ot Jordan, tlregoo. KOBERT A. MILLER. RegiUr. CITY TREASURERS KOTICE- NO. 6. Ko'ice is hereby given that funds are oa haad to pay outstanding warrants of tbe 1s sae ot l!j, from Xo. 215 to 258 inclusive interest on sucb warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany, Or Sept- 1, 1S95. K A Parkkk, City Trea. LOST. Between Lebanon and Albanv. a biff cast clutch, far the paper mill. goes on fire inch shaft. " $1 reward for re turn of same to the Albany Iron Works. A. ilctARDT. I 7 OR TRADE. - new noose, larg. ot, good parden, with small fruits, good barn po.l water, in Brownsville, costing aooui bivv. m in trade ror Albany pro perty. Call at Democrat office. FOl'NO. Near Iiackleman a grove, a valise containing some clothing- The sunns can oe nau uy cailmir at the llt.i, crat office. ii ct aik' tsn.at.uu5. F!ajilt Uica- A V. ey repair airs bicycles nroiuntlv and l a uroi ciass manner. Creaks, punx4ared .mw, -ic, nsei c-rrectry. At went of Y. M. 0. A hall. shop josl For Sale or Rent. Varm and stock ranch, 1050 acre B ' 0 l acre for the whole, if in part, to suit purchaser. All o farm of S30 acre, for sale or for 000 ut lnideration tor particulara inqnir. f Frank Crab- sra, ai vTaoiree. 10 1. HoMt. Wanted. The Ladle a id society desire to secure a home for 14 year, ot age, app'y t Mrs. A. U. ixwin for particular A BARGAIN in an improved farm. K acre near VN cods Station, O. O. A K. IJouse, barn, orchard, good soring, 24 acres in grain as much more ready tor plow. Price 700. Term easy. Addr, J. jm. IlormAti, Box 25, Albany. CHART WANTED. Mrs. Rinkers sys tem of cutting-. Ottl at Diaw olhce if having one to seil ran? ii t2 i.i e TO THE EAST civaa THX CHOK X TWO TKAKSCOUTIKEKTAL ROUTES GREAT Wm K0RTHERII PACIFIC Tiai SPOKANE MIKKEAPOUS so DENVER 0 V. AH A ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW KATE TO ALL EASTEKS (1T1F t)CV.kS STEAMEK- EAVE POBTLAD EVE&V SAN FRAHCISGO roc UQ details call oa CciM5 & MoinrariH, Albany. Ov caxfomaaa: . W H HTJELBTjET. Uaa'LPaa -Aoa K.M;IEIIL rteodectstd Msnsgef- POBTLASD.OR. EAST AND-SOUTH THE SrTA8TA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. CmJLm Ixsns Ttalaa insr I rsnsi 1 Mar . soe. a. I L "rIMs ar lt -Ur 1 Jj r miss 1 lauis 1 ax Kim? traS.i fi;i tt Et Pwtlaad OregitCit. W-dr. SaUot. Taraer Xanoa. Jeff-jrson. Albany. Albaa Jaae too. T-at. Sbdd. Hbiy Eaeene Creswed. Cottage Grore. Drain. nl all sUti-Mts frn K-webarg s o'h t mad l elading Ashland. aosaaraa aaiaav asean I L fanaiaa ' ' S.r" it- V'1, is:: fcjara at isnS sn It! uasBB saaaea, V9 a I b artaaj a I CSC rail.. jsaa, ljt5,a trsUt Uaa-a i.t 1 -t ra PCLLUAr BfJrrH SUfPt?rv ajn Diaine Car or, Cd-n Rota- SFHONQ-CL K5S SIEIHSS CASS sneens ta all T " ti asv - rajwrasaw aariiatn us .aal iwiltwrisma! "Man ILt 11 Ur a I Aw UilUr Express rain d il (except Sunday) at Albas. and Corval:U oanct with traiB ot O C. at E. Ry. xi rsjU TSrai At ar - ttlMst cM M-r!!., 'lMcketts n Suar. Caaaaa aa I acat niaa Inai C E k r anr.ERS ss riri rarttsaa. ta at M ta tha Case rai ii eaa a e4as4 a rrHl. aeaa aibaay. B IOIBUR Canadian pacific ry & SCO PACIFIC LINE. SiYe Honey and Tims And get the best service and accommodations-. Cheap Tickets to and from all parts of the"WOHL,i. Canadian Pacific Royal Mail Steamsta line. "Empresa Line' TO k?KH AN3 CHINA loe tastes and Eneet line on tbe PaciSc tXxan. SOO Miles Shorter than any other .Trans-Pacific T.tna hort Uric to the Colonies. These vessels carnr aa exreriesced med ical man and a stew ardesa on each Toy age. for rates, anvrnnxxiatioo. pamph- lew or aay informaUoa call on or addrve. HBSACRV. ALLAN CAMERON Aeent. V rt. j Pasa. AsmiL AIlny Or. U Third St Portland, Or UEO.Mc L. BROWN. Dad . Pass. Aent, Yancorer. V. C M. LDDWIG, Opposite PostoIIicc. PLUMBING and tinniDg at bottom prices. AT I HE MINES Kxuding. lodging and meals may be secured tf tbe sub-; scriber a the SMitiam niinrs, at bis places at the mouth of Iry liuk-b. H. W Waits. IvKSALE OK TRADE. Nice rei deace protertv ia Albanv. costinir aboet ("00. for $10id cab. or in trade. . Address box , Albany, (.tregon. HOVSE MOVING, Carefully, promp ly ly, at the lowest price. Call oa r addrvsa O W Taylor, 4th and Madison Sis Albany. FOR RENT. Two store rooms, ten Odice rooms. The Mellwain l.ri. a- block. Abo dwellinir bbuse of six room. fcnquire of, H. . Mclt-wam. Aug. 7ih, 1896. QlUUBfcWAKD. I wUt gl. flOO t anyone satistactorily answering tbe diamond proposition on page. 109 and 110 in Coin's Financial School. A. S. Lajtdox, 362 Washington Boulevard, Chicago. H i 1 f . r