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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1896)
VOL XXXI!. ALBANY OIlhGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1890. Eater cd c tfci Teal orate a Mbaay. Or. Second-Claa Mall Halter t sua V y 1 '. "5 111 4 "JVelablc?reparationror As similating theFood and Regula tor theStrnnnrhs andBowels cf RomotesDicsUon.C!.ectruI- uess ana Kcst.contains ncitncr Opram,Morpliiite itorluaaral. KotNAbcotic. WnmSml Atafecf Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. VVbnns,Convulsions.FevBnsh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tic Simile Signature of "NEW "YORK. I 4 ? 1 t I EXACT CO FIT OF WRAFFEH. j - Jr. The indestructible uMaywoocT oa Eo3t jCodem, BiCYCt,H THIS S75.00 COM Et Kellabia. ft I PLETS BICYCLE Best ftmbte y-V" f S rTvS o r " JTT.? bpnttroHOtft on-t oioW -? rmnaftl ArtsrtJ for a! K't-w. cj ads and rldem lisAts of niateriid liat ia tott-l. et r-tru- si r., in census -twi. SS. reo'Pfrtaadpnttoaeiher.nas lew p&riK t-at miwtnrczatt-ixi'va that pii JriU bold toeelher eren la an acci lent : no hel!, Tr.4nttrah27i cvny evDia.c: a irzr.. that cannot be broken: so simple that it atijus: ing ir.s crr,- a I: xra-tli p i trt: a -c wS!SfStn P adozea paru: always u-tiw k!,!- -.H ln!r-"ii. kajik improved doable aiamuad. a:wr,t-t !ur ttrw v-r. idef S-Sirtcti! i rolled steel rods (tonirbest and scronireet metal fcr its weight rvrn1: loiatd trs. twi i-.T ainmlnnm bronze flttines in soch a manner lin t ft as iaqoevii -o l.ti-.-i or ot rirt nr !J!i.,mrreJ noveltjr. siranliciry nr.d dnrahilitr; t; rrM i mc'-js1on of ".it In bicycle meehinism known, tobaill a trime wituct liraxr-D k ;t!i anti -ubiri-as r.o R that frames conUnaaJly break and frac re Mtnir. c-ints. ?n.i ?t!- mk "O t! re Sl5S?re.paiieirni!H ?ELS-f-'?': wrr5i -ci wn,vi rims, pise v re taa- :t . sea r-J! ""'-Larce brr-1 pit tern. XltiKS- ktiinc: n" . OFpipe or J'or awa jfc Wricbt Quick Repair, or sun? oti:-r inKifsnyKKt .'it .iiKailiStj--.a.i SP-?"ePrt.ncladiDwhee!. criaj. ,.eng; Iku oati i-sssis. I Ks !if 7 . JQlltT tool stee. tareici-vMniKinJ as,! btra.J. i iU;sS-JiN.'l.nMi BAlJhT. 7-n,PCt:bl?: foT-t CTOa steel. IA UI.U iuCTiT JTiil S5lr?.,l?tal,vL S'..a'IJnesed lo an-r position d.sjr: rnn. ao fnr Sfli VSL . XL;lj7:Ii; J- i1;1 or otter :-T:l'.i.w SJSS.TIi "HS; V11 bciflll- f 1 H -jswnelel in blati with all f.;irf : pjr: nickel Plated. Each Bicrele complete inth tocl tz. pmup. wreccli and cilsr. W w - ordinif to tires, pedals, saddles, etc.. ST to ?..r&rnS- -uauiuu.i. K SiO Is oar gpeeUI Wholesale Prirn. -,eTer fef',re so'd for less. To quickly Introduce tbe M its aod- 3Uj ele we naye decided to make a special coopoa cBer, zivi: everr reader of this paper a chanoe to get a litst -ciiss wticei at Use lowest price eyer offered. On receip- o' S..(u on wt we will ship to anyone tbe abore Ba -y J-. secnre crated, and guarantee safe deliyery. Modt e nmle-l .f ot as fPren'd. after arrival and on. We wil; ship C O. D. with privilege of examioation, .or raiaa a-,d coaptin troyided is sent with order a r arar;n of eood Una. A written binding warranty wit.h e iiicvcie. fhis is a ahance of a lifetime and yon cannot aord to let t "npor aanlty pass. Address all orders to CA5H BUYERS' UNION, a Wast Va Barea Street. Ba a ;. caiCAqo, ILL. THOMAS' Dealer ia Albany Red Crown 'Milling Co. We have leased Mills for another now prepared to receive wheat en storage , and to buy the same " ' Sacls fill lis fanusM on applicatioiL Fjef And Feed constantly on hand and for sale. Parties having wheat to tell or store; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and sec us. Floor will be exchanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. W. L. TaPO1 Ed. I. H- Al'en anl fjtr Not incoipuated. war a PORTLAND'. T-Jl-L ENGL!': BUSINtSS bKANCHtS. Bookkehpin j, Shorthand. Telegraphy. :;3 mhmm mmnrnv lasies t 2 'xMm. Jtf-:-T? , , 2 n. g utoi; evil a a.-. .' -J -Bii; try rr.yi'w..v f. a vajA. 'i - ALBA5W CIGAR FACTORY .iosi;iif. SIS 15 THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON . WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Cartnrfa fa est ep la eae-slxa bcttka mly. It la sot told ia bclk. Doat altar acyrae to tell 7n anything else cb lis v!e or pnaclss tilt ii ia "jaat as good" aad "will ttsvtr twy pur pose." that joa g:t C-A-S-T 0-IV-I i. .Tan. SI. tH9S f Cospoa No. 2i G3 4- COOO fOK Si .CO t IF SENT WITH OROER FOJ1 No. 5 Maywfvj Bicycle... TtfMHHii I-t- HELVE, Ail kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest- the Red Crown year, and we are Boms, E. D. rjarratt, S-E. Young. tan aast a kia,v - OREGON !1 C-;Ui-Fk'tNCH . 'A t. "jT I -J. j." JV - Ty- 5" Fh'pJ i a-jr I LrlavW J I H.irvon diifff.Mi, Wtrtst 5.r.:..p-. of itmi fttwt-r, r x, awiuusi av ais cs jr Jui u u tsrearrja, iu;fwjwner ana waaitc aif ue.P;4 nwa it? ai r J rci, wunartrriitm ri.trantrtf ot TvmT rejoin ftii. wcta .rrc aisr inrwsur, vrauMtr taa ai4T rr..w u cf JwitMhtu rtiiioT mriu'J t" Atr ?l-umixwa .Proprietor, A Former O. P. Man. A number of years ago Frea II. Dingle and wife resided in Corvallis, says the Times. Mr. Dingle had employment at that time bb stenographer in the O. 1 oltico. lie had a nice little Irish wife and while a resident of this city there was a child born as the result of their union. For a time all went well, then Mr. and Mrs. Dmglo and child went to San Francisco. Then trouble began. Just what their first experiences were in San Francisco is net known, but Din gle and wife were divorced. Later Dingle txcame assistant secretary of the Man ufacturers' and Prodcuere' Association. Here he set a fast pace, far too rapid for a man to go on a salary of $ ICO per month in Frisco. What was worse for him, he made toe acquaintance of a maiden ad dicted to the bloomer habit, who was a waitress in a restaurant on Taylor street. She evidently assisted him "o his de struction, and together they excited itie suspicions of the directors of the associa tion employing him, for the books iu his charge were experted and Dingle was found to be short about $760. When the charge was placed at his door Piuglo did not deny it, and he is now an inniata of the Sail Francisco baatile. The charge is embezzlement. So much for wine and an auburn-haired girl garbed in bloom ens. While in Corvallis Dingle was loosed upon bv the "boys" as a sort of past time" fellow, lie was not thought to be any great "stick" and when he departed would have been quickly for gotten save for tne fact that he oaed money for whis key ami card games. He also had man aged to borrow sums of different amounts. Thus his memory is preserved by a few associates of the'pasr. The Teachers institute. The institute has now been in session four days, and the interest is very good indeed. All is planned after the manner of a model school. Diilv exercises in arithmetic, languape, U.'S. history and spelling each foreuoon, reading," geog raphy, physiology, writing and theorv and practice each afternoon. School boards, parents, high school pupils, col lege processors and students, all will be greatly benefitted by attendance. The discussions on arUhmetic, geography, grammar, history and theory for one day nlv would pay any Intel igent person well for all the sacrifice made to attend. The following addiiisnal teachers have been registered: 51ff Hughe, Arthur Gamlier, Lois E D -er, Eva Simpson, Mrs. G A Hannibal, Ina M McCullough, Eilen beilewitk. Marr Setltwick. Albany : J C Hootii, Ilda Elkins, Iebanon; Kob4 W King, Maud Rice, Holler; Lizzie Mc I&l. Brownsville; Kate li McKune. Ella Dun lop, Maggie Dun'.op, ShedJ ; V BUoins, Mrs Jane Ctioins, Scio; Isa beUe Grav, Philomath. Mrs W J Steele, Jefferson; Atbie J Fry, D W Wright. Lebanon: A S Mc Donaid, Brownatille ; Mrs. Titus, Kings ton; Maud Crosbv atsd Anna Fortmilier, Albany; W H Kc, Whitcomb; O 15 Kofs, Byman Doughton, Miss Doughton, Spicer. The little child of Rev. and Mrs. Coo ler died last evening. Miss Mand Martin, of Porf.ard. is in Albany visiting relatives. W. B. Li.wer and Mr. Smith of the mine-?, are ia the city today. Phil Metchan. a son of the Jsiate treas urer will enter Stanfoid l"niverty next term. Ex-Sheriff Osbora, of Gorvalii. was in Albany yesterday on bis way to Montana on business, Mrs. J. A. Campbell, wife of Police Judge Campbell, of San Francisco, is at the Imperial lor a few days. Telegram. Mrs. T. Ohlinz of AlKin. who hail oeen nsitmg with her fon, K. K. Ohling ot this city, returned home Uiav. Eu gene Guard. Col. Yoran, of Eugene, who made the soldier boys toe the mark at Newport, was in Albany this noon en his way home from the Bay. Sam Goldsmith, the drummer who said there were'only three free silver business men in Albany, is in the city todar.a very genial, pleasant lebow, even if be did pad the statement. Claude Yuck. of this city, and Charles McCnlloch and another young man of Haljcy left yesterday morning for the Alee with tbe determination of eettinz a tieec apiece ana plenty oi tisli. President II. B. Miller. Secretary of Mate Jv'ncaid and wile.Jlrs. M. lenders, Misa May Montgomery and Mia Ethel KedSeld. were amonz those returning irom l amna tsay today Mr. A. B. Hammond left for Portland last night from which place he will pro ceed to Montana and probably to New i or i city, nimustines to go on to New York he will probablr revisit As toria before starting east. Astorian. Last evenines Salem Journal contains the following Albany personals: Sheriff M . C. Gaines and F. S. Campbell, of Albany, twottaunch popnlists, were in the citv vesterday. Senator S. A. Haw- son, ot j.inn countv. passed ttirooen a letn on the Koeeburg mail this morning. Banker J. II. Albert left latt night for Indianapolis. Indiana, to at'end the na tional convention, of sound money dem ocrats. Mr. Albert expects to he absent from Salem about two week, durinz which time he will visit St Loots and Lansing, Iowa. Salem Journal, A Lase Co. Pioseer. John B. Harris shortly before noon today received a ait- from Dr . D. A. Paine, suuenntend. ent of the Oreeon insane asvlum convey- ing the intelligence that tbe old pioneer Thomas Mulksy had died this morning n that. InHtltUtlon. lhe (iHCWlMd WIS the eldest son of the late Eider Philip Mnlkev: was brn in Kentucky in tbe year 182j, and lesves eight grown sons and daughters, lie was an Indian war veteran. Mr. Mulaey was respected oy all who knew him. All friends of the i imilv and all veterans of the Indian w.V8 invited to attend the funeral. Eu- geiie Guard A T F.aniBi.E Crimk. The dead body of a newly-born male infant was found on tbe railroad track a mile and a half east of town Monday by a young man traveling north afoot, die notified thecoroner who went, nut ami brouirht the little corpse in. Dr. Meyers said the infant had evidently t-'illf..! tiv !eing thrown from the enrs in passing as its litt le head was bad ly fractured ana coniuwu. n iuu ii.intra it was thrown from the circus train which passed south Sunday alter- noon. (Jrants Pass courier. a i;o rJifal ditcutgiun wa belc on Firet sUflet last evening lasting until about midnight. A. a. Mcuonaiu cnampianeu tree silver in a convincing manner. WITH SCALES twtt marla Ma aTmearanee on my bead In IU worst form, and ft continued spreading face was covered witb acales and be came a horrid sight. Inaaanneneaaoinair, aevan years' growth, and had toacrincett. I was in den pair. The physiclana bad failed ..... ,j vmIimva m,. whun one recommended Cctioura Soap. My father procured a set of Cotiouba ItEMCniEH, and in three wee leu the scales left my faca aud the akin lost Ita florid hoe. In da wk t mu tnUrtty curtd. My faca was smooth and my complexion clearer and nner ttian it nai ever nnen oeiore. , Hiss MARION A. SMITH, Banbury, Fa. Cptinr rima TaliTHT. Warm bath wHth Ctmotina 8'iap, gentle application of Ootiovba (ointmDl), aod mild doae of C'tm- ccaa Kisolvsnv, greatest of humor cure. Sola throorlMxit ch world, rrw, citiovu, wm I ' anCiTm. Cone.. Sol Pmpi . mr'tie la Can U Wont ciaa,a aulM lia COVERED Lebanon. J. li. Ream and wife, of Albany, vis ited in Lebanon the first of the week. John Roberta, Alex. Parrish, Joe Smith and Captain E. J. Lanning left Tuesday on a prospecting tour. They go to Fish lake and will then strike out in the mountains toward Quartzville. Mrs. J. JT. Nixon died at her home in this city at U o'clock this morning, of consumption. Deceased was a pioneer resident of tins community, and had a wide circle of friends. She was an earn est Christian and was noted forherk'md iuks of heart. She leaves five children and mauy relative s A pitchfork was accidentally dropped off the straw stack at the paper mill lust Friday, and two of the prongs struck the right arm of Geo. Dibble, going clear through the llcsh of the arm, below the elbow. Mr. Dibble was on a wagon un loading straw, and the fork fell altout thirty feet. He immediately pulled out t e iork, and he fays it gave him very little pain at the 15 me and has not hurt much since, Advai.ce. Gesiixk Cosvkstios Tickets. The Democrat has been presented with three tickets of admission to the St. Louis re publican convention, which are interest lntr as curiosi'ies. The tickets were is sued fur five days of three sessions each, hfteen in all ; but the convention lasted only three days. These are for the 4th and Sin days, h peculators octore hand bought up tickets for f 12 for the fifteen and sold them for foO before the first session. A i the convention was hasten ed through the price dropped like a me teor, and $1 a evasion was received for them. Tickets W the 4th and 5th days were sold and declared to be good for any day, only to be refused. The air was full of fraud As one or two sessions a day were held speculators fared poorly. Each delegate was allowed two extra seats, and even delegates speculated. Any one wUhing to see some genuine convention tickets not used because of the shortness of the convention can do so at this oliic. VVm. VcKioIeyha accepted the nom ination of the republican for president. lkolitt!e and Uyde were l-olh nominated by the repuuiicantef Washington far con gie yesterday Aibiuiy't sidewalks are in about a bad a condition as tbey were ever in according to the tid-uee of experts. Tbe rules and regulation of Use Albany public schoJ at revUed Aug 15 are tit, a tine job typographically at the bands ot .Smiley- Esery parent should become faoidwr with tiieni. The reform chocl is to bate its omn electric light plant. A good deal if mun ey will be suved. Sweet Horue i reported to be rrmi.'T ar- iUtcd on r a iae in ahi.-h a uin horw hipped a woman, liau fwlic? wneriJiv has Uo er.t.tudeied on accouct of it. Mr. Hartsev. of berond Swwt lbpie in- day bai a tig ltver l4 ioches cot frxmi hi f ,.t ly !r. J. p. Wallace. It had be n in it eijtht moDtb. canting a great deal of trouble until taken out. Tbe Orezenian heads a earivsi;ndVnf frctn E. C. Sinith "Sentiment in Ureamn " Karmera of Lane and BcnUm Cjuntiea Solid lor McKiniry ' In connection v lib tiiia statement tbe fii lowing from the Uoaird. a Lane connty tuter. u of inu-rvst: "T0 tbrihlrc trews wr Itia city have rextitly taken votes on the roonet tiecti .Mi l he Vitus crew nutcWriuif 22 men voted so'id forilrr. Kruby Jtt Casten's rrew of voted -ii ir ilver and 1 for gold."' lhe ttird annua) fruit fair wi'l be be d at hpokioe. Oct. 6 to 17 incluMve. This fdir baa jnowo from a stoaii exhibition year before but to one which w,!I re-iir a boiidins covering an acre of ground. 1-aM icir (said admiwions we- I,MX, and over 1.UX0 areexpcftei tbi year. C. V. Ddlei in 21 U Jr examined 74 Willamette orchard. 40 "of which an good. 12 fair, II affected wi:b mitn.i two wiin borert, three with fucmut. la-n itli dad spot, two & unenhivrtrd ami two without cement. He received S51 50 for Miary l -r the job and f 76 for eipetuea. IKp CnttlftS f w 110.0CO miikli l-sr thu Ltr been bled with the Linn cxmnty tiers. In rers beretnfate hot f,-w kan. have lea contracted in that o:a:, bat tbia year the inability of jrrowefs to obtain pickitg mon :-t h compelled tbem to con tract. A namber of vard have not been culUvated. the bwoers not in'endinv to pick. Eugene Guard. Frank Hngbes. who wanton a mooib's I hunting aod oshice trip to I'tsh Lake, in company wita I . Onn (Urker and S. I' h.ttnha'1, w rites from rolev Spnn tUtins that tbe party bad to Ur killed eiit deer ana one bear; another bear wm shot and the party trailed him by bis blovl for fire miles, but ns escaped. SaJero Statesman C. C. Cbitwood o Meiford return! uoine irom vrater lace. rnly. lie re ports ab-iut V people at the take ami tbey are having a eood time. Tbe excuriooiHs have entertaiomenta every dar and nicbt copsining' cf speech makimr. muic. etc There aie about three or lour boat on lhe lake and tbey are kept engaged two or Uuee days in advance- Asbiand Tidings. On Fridav. Ane. 'Ato.. Rev. X. p Jenkio wid lecture betore the teachers f Linn coun'y at tne college chai'e;, at g p. m. Hi fu!ct will be AniTi.Ti il won derful resource. iU rapi progfe. iis im minent peri U. No admittance fe wiil be charged. Ail, vung and old. are cordia'l invited. bi iiung.n tin, mo t hinese premier. win arrive in torn rriday morning. and will be given a (.rund military and naval reception, lie wilt vi is. Chinatown and other important place in .Near Yoik. tueu ire jf j 'j tioAuingron 10 see vne fat tyhee, thence to St. Lout. Chicago, and " fuir visit rortiana. ur . and oth IT P;u.iqc title. Me i hurrying home to circum vent a jos i Dai mi political ene- mien are putting up on him M out hire I'fom oince. inoune. rven Albany chinamen are wtue but agiu!ej over the I "'VU.T. Oxi.v a S ARB. Jack Simpson. theO. G. x b. engineer had a scare yesterday, .icar nams uou .noore, the iirakeinan, aiscoveicu the bridge ahead to be on tire, how badly of course cou'd not be told at the tune. He notified the enirin eer, who reversevl the engine, turned on trie eanu and stopped just on the edge of the bridge. No i-crious damage had been done, and after putting the tire put the journey was continued. Tho genial enumeer remarked that it frightened lour years out 01 him. Clt Hih Anki.e. Allen Chatuberlin and Issie Knox returned yesterday from Fish Lake. They stopped at Unner Soda. Last Sunday at that place Air. Oley Wood worth met with a bad acci dent. lie had just gotten well enough to have made up his mind to go deer hunting the next day, and was splitting some wood lor a lire when his ax slipped and struct one of his ankles cutting out considerable of a chunk of flesh. It is probable be will not go deer hunting, but win oe laiu up ior some time. The teachers are having some fun with the mstiuutions being received at the institute. In the history class a list of the presidents was placed on the black uoara. borne one added McKinley's name alter uiuveianu's. Another teach . .i-i.i. . , . .. er FcrHicueu tins out anil put the name aiarg nanna, ana oilier changes were made. Has A Pio. There is an ordinance against keeping pits in the citv limits, It has been learned that Found master Davidson has a pig at his place in the ( city. Tbe result has been a desire on the port ot several to get even with him. and there may be some "squealing" be- lore the uiatier is settled. Trnc Tickst. Following is ibe fusion electoral ticket agreed upon at the meet ing ot central committees lu Portland ; I M. L. Olmstead. ot Baker county :Harrv Watkins. of Yamhill countv. t.opulistg: i N. L. Butler, of Polk countv. democrat. nd K. llo'er, of Jiarion county, silver epublkan. OUR PRICES are Bargains . . . Compare lljem oiitl, others Sinxl8 harness' $ 5 CO Team harness 18 GO Two sweat pads 65 3 buggy whips 25 Other goods in same pro portion. CBLL AND SEE US l'OWOi & TO.HLINSOX. FEIDAT REMINISCENT. , From the I'tnoowT Nov. 9, to Feb. 29,lSuS: In a list of big tax pavers Beach and Monteitb were the heaviest, paying vkil.OO; John Wilson, t'iW.tiO; Wm Cochran. iU 93; Ja.ob Keen, 153.16; A liackleman, $133.23; John Conner, 172 39; lohn Crawford. 1178.72 J II Foster & Co., 2r0.,0; Moore, Garst A Baker, T2t2.lSO; Senders, Sternberg A Co., 137.75; J Barrows A Co., 78 00. The county commissioners o.-dered a fence built around the public square. (Wonder where it is. No town on the coast is better side- walked than Albany. What a cbanse since then.' $1100 in cash was stolen from the safe of Smith A Uiley at Harrisburg Sunday mgtit. the sate being broken open. Juliui Gradwohl has purchased the en. lire stock of goods of the late Becli A Monteilu. 258 votes were cast at citv election J. Norcrosi was elected mayor, receiving: li3 votes to John Conner 123. J. l. Price beat Ilave Fromaa for marshal by 6 mapriiy. Wheat on Dec. 7, 80 cent, gold IWi cente. Bis democratic clnb formed with X. II. Cranor as president, J. II. tlarkleman. r.11 Carter and M. H. Abbott vice pres idents, M. V. Brown, secretary. A uranl club was oraniaed but oilicers no; given. Hot lime. Total order draan oacitv treumrer for one year 2,3l UZt. Marriexl, in Portland. on Jan. 12. Samuel May and Caroline liartl, of Har ris barf. V. Wakefield has pure hat. I lhe drue store of WbittenmoreACo. Ileisaeooj fellow and understands bis Ashbr Pierce baa Iwubl the umr ferry, paying t-i,&0Q for it. Conk1erable interest is beiee taken In the reminicent clippinrt from tbe obi tiles of the Dexoi-tur. They w i.l be con tinued ocraaionali for some time: Irom tbe L'eaocxar February 23 to AprU 18. ISiS. The price of lhe Weekly Pemstrnvr was then i. Tbe editor said We concede thai f.3 is but a tnle bat several hundred f3 make snag pile." A lair given by the M. E. chord, netted H2.S7. Col. Kelaay. of Corral:!, addrersed the "Grant club." Tfce circuit court docket consisted of 37 It being criminal. 1$ civil and 8 chancery. Of Albany's present attor- ueys lb :!ioinc attende.1: J. C. Powell, J. J. Wnitney and N. B. Udoph- rey. A CniUd PrewVvterian san-er brocht 121. At the democratic erantv eonwntion Dr. Alexander, John Brvant, IS V. Johnson, Tboa. Su'.es and" J. T. Crooks were nominated for repmenutive. S. A. Johns for jud,?, S. K. Ilcim tor clerk, B, A. Irvine for thcriS, J as. Shields for treasurer. A. S. ifett, C. P. Burkbart for commissioners, A. P. Nye lor .- or. Ut the two presett residents of Al bany tbe DttsorwAT said: Thee. 3tiu lives tn 11 arris bur prec" net. oocn nation school teacher, one of the mist useful and jabononj in which man can engage, lie is a man of good habita and more than ordinary ability. Hobert Irvine is Irom bcto pr-onct and is a good farmer and stock raicer. lie is represented to ns as an bonet, hard working, good fel low. Mr. Jo. Webber, recently from Port land has purchased ibe Albany bath house. Mr. W. particularly excel in the tonsorial line, handling the raxor with superior adroitneM, skill and dex terity. In the DxuotHATof April 18, IS ap peared for the first rim am Simpsons 1 ?u joeta -til vtuiameliam, wnicn I neS,, : I From the Cascades froxeo gorges, leaping like a child at niav. Winding, widening through the valley. origin m mantel' glides away. onward river, Lovely river, Softly railing to the sea ; Time that tears us, M lima and mart us. Leaves no trark or trench on thee. Handled a Revolver. A former Albany man. shoavd off as follows in Oregon City a few days ago, according to the Press : hen John Cooke came back from bis bear hunt at the Hood place last w it he put a big Colt's revolver be carrivd in the usual drawer tor it in tbe store w ttliout withdrawing the cartridges. Mi partner, it. jr. n iison, had the weapon out ed' nesday evening showing it oil and illut trating yarns with it.' 1 am so accuatomed to tbe revolver. anid he, "that I simply bring it up and draw a bead without slopping the motion ot trie gun. like this. Uang! went the revolver, and Wilson ws too surprised to speak, lie had pulled the trigger when the electric lamp over the otTice desk fell in the sights and tbe lamp was shattered. The ball went through the wall and fell in Jmning's billiard room without harming any one. 1U011 rays he always hold a gun so that It cvn do no barm, especially when it Is not loaded Pnosriecnvn SiiEkirr's Sales. The following sheriff's sales are being adver tised: In the Imprint the property of l.. t,. I'ropst to satisfy a claim ot A. w Charlton, for $3 10, sale to lie on Sept. 20; the property ol J. M. Mansaeld, to natisfy a claim ot Perry Uyde for $1,250, to be sold on Aug. in the bciu t'rees- tbo property of John Brown deceased, board of school land commissioners plaintiff, for tiO, on Sept. 26; prope.-ty ol Benj. Cutler, Olia Seaton plaintiff, for $1110. on Sent. 5 In the Lebanon Ad vancethe property of O. Jennings, state board school land cotumiosioners p'aiii tiff, for t507.85. on Sept. 2tt. Has Company The item in the Dkm ocr at last night about Poundpastor Da vidson's pig in the city limits, Ins brought out the iact that a prominent citizen has seven pigs Inside the city limits, on First street. Tho toundtnitH tcr is rejoicing in having company in the matter It ia an uncommon day when Potindmaster Davidson is not in the swim in some shape. D. W. Coolige today sold lo l.ovi Keed, of Aetoria, 10 acres of hi 21 sere fruit troctt wbich lie a short distance south of this city, for 11000. The trac sold in- ytlii4nat (Via Alilasa wvti kr rf I Via apVi wA r.f miTAii vurinlit si-' TnA rmiitn ia aluti im part sold. The trees are eight years anil I ha nreliard la nna nf tint in Ihia section. Mr. Coolidge has U acre loft a.lofwbkhu planted to trees Eugene,?1"' "wainea ot ber recoverv. li uard. A Letter From Mm. Dodder. Cedar Uaimds, Iowa, Aug. 18, 1893. Mr. Nutting, Editor Dkmocbat, Dear Sir: Kindly allow me soaco in vour naner. as 1 wish to set right an injury done us by some parties in Albany. We have been informed that we had our plans all made up to run away and not pay our hon est debts. We would like to ask the peo ple of Albanv not to indee us too hastily until they learn the full particulas of the case and just give us a chance, and our debtors will get every cent we owe them. If any one wishes to know as to my pres ent condition I will refer them to Dr. Coulter, room 13, Kimball biotk, Cedar liapids, Iowa. We are very sorry that such reports nhould be circulated about us for God knows our consciences are clear of any such things as have been cir culate.!. This report hurt me more than I can express fori am in poor health and cannot stand much trouble. Dr. Coulton says 1 bave consumption and has ad vised me to go to Texas for the winter, and I also have two tumors growing on me. Now I think that is enough ailing uio to convince tuese parlies. Herewith is tbe reference of Dr. John son and King, l he reason of Mr. Dad der's sudden departure for Cedar liapids wm oo answerer ny tiiein u any one will correspond with them. Yours Truly. Mas. Ax a DoupcR, 614 I are weal, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Witness our bands as to tbe sua neat of Mrs. Anna Dodder. Mas g. D. ZgDKEa, 207 Bave west, Mtss JoserttiSB KccHcaa, 211 Bave west. The family of Virgil Parker returned from Waterloo today. Mr. Walter Parker and family went to Waterloo this morning lor an outing. Mrs. Peter ISuetner left today for tbe eastoaa visit witb relatives atberold home. Mrs. Belle Si fere, whobas been at Cot Is ge Grove lor several months has re turned to Albany. J. M. Ralston and family, Mrs. J as. Crouch, and Her Cleland, returned to dayfrom Yaqnina Bay. J. F.Capiea and Ker. I. P. Driver went south this noon. The former will peak at Koeeburg tomorrow. The youngest child of John Bui ter wortb died last night ai Detroit of sum mer complaint. Tbe next older child died only about a week ago from tbe same complaint. A base ball game was being played at Goilra Park between the Colt with Goins and Fuller as tbe battery and tbe cbool teachers with Booth and JSosa a the batter. Rev. J. II. Coma all is visiting at Gardnier where be will remain over Sunday. Kv. Condit, formerly of tbe Albany college, will occupy tbe pulpit jn the Presbyterian chorxb Sunday. Lebanon Expreas. Mrs. Ed.Zeyas who went to Crcok county to attend tbe funeral of her daughter Blanche Gird arrived in Prine viile all right, though passing through forest fire in the mountains. There was nothing in the report that the team and wagon were borned. G. M. Stroud, of Portland ,1 be old time conductor, was in Eugene u!ay. He in to, m a that be has been in every coun ty tn Uic aute excepting two, and finds "be i-ryan sentiment Urgtev in the rut jority. II thinks atlverwiit win in Ore gon t.y a urge majority. Eugene Guard. W. N.Miller and a coo pie of other members ot M. Hodicb'a threshing crew were poisoned in some manner this morning irom tbe machine oil and were obliged to quit for a lew da rs came to Albany todjy fur medical at tendance. Solera's bw ci"j Wl ii li be Enithrd Nov. Ut. Thirty even tents were connled I hi w at alerlM. A aoa was born to Mr. and Mr. Ouenca t unjom I oeiiy. (regoo City Pre. Mayor Peonoyer, of Portland, will speak at Saiem on Sept. 5. when be will deliver bi only campaign speech. !-oe!ton CaJavM have lea their Jordan mill property to Mr. Allen Tbacker. of Mehacna, who is an old and experienced siller. Member of the Bryan ratiScaUon com tntitee are requested to meet at S o'clock tomorrow at the oSce of J. K. Weather ford to make airaogemenU for tbe coming ratification meeting. A . C -Woodoo-k's frame building on uiu v i-umeite street., fcogeae, orra p'ed by Merman' meat in arret, was dea troyed by fire at S o'clock ye.erdvy morn ing. P. C. Sullivan, of Pierce county nominated for governor by tbe republican state convoqtioa yeterd.iy morning on ln tirtt ballot. Tbe September Godeya ha an article on "Political ifericalure and Cancatnricta.'' tn which Homer 1 krer.mrt i not.) prominently with a sketch and some of hi wora. Keport waa made to Marthal Lee laat evening that one of tbe children of Mr. U. A. Archibald waa ill with dipbtbena. every precaution wiu be Ued to confine if to tnu single case. That pig of PoundtnaMer Daridmn in. stead of being placed on a palace on tbe river win oe duposed of according to law. i-gai notice nas already been served on mi. i"iin. lie alio nr init ia. a. welre other bog iQ tbe city will bave to met uie nine rare. i ne tiroxdax. the rwn!. n.H for Lane County. niended nnldietinn yeaterday. Uck of Parronacm i. vim . . tuertwtn. c nor Anoi will retttw from newspaper work and reside on one of his farm rear r.ugene. A call for a McKinl A ITJi4 -,.i. i. a.KHvuQ mmm eiiraea ttv ""i ivjm. a . mere are over 700 voter in the city and the city was canvaed there is nothing tartling In the size,. Tie Guard very KTuervunij puDiwneo the entire lut A new wagon rtytd ia heinv nimssArl b Knrveyor FUher betveen lekmn an, Waterloo that will thorten the distance 1.4 miles. Tbe proposed route will teste Leb- uu mi ii. c mm part ot the City, go aiiutn to 4. u. Allen s farm, then to the river and up the river to Waterloo. ior. aiyers. who mcenllv nnnk.t K. Cook hotel property. i having a valuable addition bmlt therrto. It will conit of uc,c ""'iin mu o-jier uepanment nee- eeaary to tne convenience of tbe many pa u.ii vi wn noo. tne new rronrieinr proposes to expend about tfinn M,. ei I . ' V-f i:i..u. L...i: . .. mi''5 r for this eaon. A little over .-unw unuiinir ror in uhiniM ..... o.iuo ions were reemved hv I ha wnirh cost them. Including the. buying. ui.iuiuK Kaj suicKing, about V1.MJ per ton Mnlv.KMM - . a , . - ... . . .u....uK mi aKiiregais ot about flU&M) paid out by the company for straw alone uunng tne post tew week. Advance. Swarms of grans hoppers pasted over Heppner going toward the southeast, a few day ago They were at a great height and could only be seen when pawing between tbe observer and the sun. They could be een for several bourn dnring (he afternoon. Many are seen on the ground, evidently tbe weaker one that gave out in the flight. Probabi; Fatal AcciPKST.-Mrs. Arm sir'mg.ouackgonvide, mother of Prof. a. i . armsirong.ol fortland.was thrown irom a waeon and rlinmui.i. i..... Tuesday while enroute by team to Rone burg, with Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby. The accident happened at Summit canvon. south of Oanvonville. Thaw throwing Mrs. Armatmnu SO - ao..' r avai p was iaia open from the lore head hack several inches, and her face ana ootiy were terribly braised. She it IKaIBUPPOSOU to be intArnallv intis She old W.M bruRht lo the residence of her niece. ' irs. .Igler. On 1 UMll'AK,l.i..l tin , Armstrong ia advanced in years and little ' Roaeburg Review, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report A CosTBADtcTiojf. Mr. A. B. Ham mond, builder of the Astoria railioad, left at 5 o'clock last evening for Missonla, and will go east before returning. In reference to an item published concern ing the rails for bis road having been sent elsewhere, Mr. Hammond said there was no truth in tbe report. What rails were needed for immediate nse were landed and the duty paid on them. Tbe remainder cannot be used until tbe trade of the road is completed, and be has all along intended to bave them stored in bond nntil they are needed, and bas bad a place prepared for storing them on the terminal g-ounds at Flavel. (Jrregonian. A Stbaw Vote. On Wednesday a rep resentative of the Express took a ttra w vote for president of the business) men ot tins city, including merchants, doctors. lawyers, blacksmiths, etc. We were not out but about an hour and did not tee quite all, but those we saw stood 32 for Bryan and 28 for McKinlev. While making the rounds we also took a vote of what farmers and laborers we met. which stood 54 for Bryan and 28 for Mc Kinley. Tbe business men of tbe city are nearly equally divided while tbe farmers and laborers were nearly two to one for Bryan. Lebanon Express. A I.ivx Bill Coluectob. Tbe Express is informed that Sweet Home has again come to the front with some more sen sational news. This time one of the merchants of that place horse whipped a oman. W ears informed the merchant presented a bill to tbe woman, and a racket started over.tbeaccoont, in which tbe woman called the merchant a -liar witb several oaths added, when said merchant took a horse whip and com menced. At last accounts no arrests hd been made. Express. A Sraoxc Dbxsk. Setb Thomas, the 18 months old son of F. M. French help ed himself to some benxine this after noon, drinking considerable from a bot tle. Dr. J. L Hilt attended him, getting the liquid from bis system and he is do ing all right- Tbe family were consider ably frightened for awhile. Bathes Cctttso. The Corvallis Ga- xetie devote considerable epac to the O. X. G. bov at Newport including tbe incident in which an Albany yoong man played tbe principal part. It is rather thing in its character and tbe next at tack made by tbe 2nd regiment mill probably be on tbe Gazette oi&ce. S-A.'J.' U EDA SOCIAL AND PKKSONAL. J. S. Morgan and Jason Wheeler bare returned from their trip to tbe moun tains. Hon. E. Ifo.'er, presidential ele-tor. was in tbe city today on his way to New port. Prof McGbee. and familr. of Oakland. are in the county y tailing relative and menus. License were ioed today for the marriage of Fred F. Ferguson and Lid a Gentry, and Francis i Farrier and FJixa J. 1. 1m. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. CbanJler went to Lower Soda last Friday. Mr. Chandler retorned borne on Monday, bat Mrs. C. remained up there with her parents who are camping at that place Express. John Applewhite went to Yannina City Friday en route to San Francisco. It is Mr Applewhite's intention to re- some his Law stud. at Palo Alto, Cad. Corvallis Times. i Key. Edward Davis, tbe well-known Oakland minister, has come oat for Bry an U'k... I l. .1- .1 - us aiwj; cwuut Mir euiior of the Dknoxat bad a talk witb him in which be plainly showed bis teelings on uj saojecu W. K. Price. David Pennieer and W. II. Penninger of Wil ow Springs precinct returne-l yesterday from Shovel creek mod springs where they look Sterling Price, who will remain 'there awhile. Asbland Kecord. James X. Smith, an old nioneet and founder of the ciiy of Mehama, ii re ported quite ill. Mr. Smith is about SO years of age and ut the father-in-law of County Judge G. P. Terrell of Marion county. aw. i. j. Lee has sent in tis resigna tion as president of pension examiners at mis place. .o man holding a federal appointmert can legally ait as a repre sentative in me legislature while hold tnganch appointment, hence lhe dot' tor's resignation. Independence Enter prise. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bosh and son Asahel left this afternoon on an extended eastern lour. Besides visiting many of the large eastern cities thev will spend some time at Wesifieid, Mass. Mr. Bush expects to be in auendance at the National Democratic convention that meets in Indianapolis, Ind. Journal. Ex-President J M Bloss of the O A C and wife bade their friends in Corvallis farewell yesterday and went to Albany, where thev will remain until next Tues day. It ia possible that in the mean time they may take a ran rp to Eugene. On Tueaday they will depart for Omaha, Neb., and after attending some business there, tbey will go farther east. Cor vallis Tinces. Rev Riley Little, pastor of the U P church, returned from the east todayjaf ter an absence of about four months. Mrs Little and children, on account of tbe illness at the latter remained at East Palestine, O, for awhile. Ker Wishart who bas been filling the pulpit will leave for the east by way of San Francisco next Monday. A letter has just been reciived from a friend of Pro?. Straub, in Chicago, in whch the writer speaks of htvipg met President Harper of the Chicago Uni versity who complimented Mr. Fogle's work very highly. President Harper said : "Mr. Fogle has won a great hrnor trom so many competitors, etc" It will lie remembered that Mr. Fogle won the first prise in the United States in New Testament Greek last tall. Guard. Tits ikstuctc ltie attendance was rathtT lielow the average. It was gen erally thought by tbe teachers that there would be no session today. Tbey had made arrangement to go to their homes. In the opening exercises Prof. Ackerman questioned the teachers about the able lecture delivered last n-.gitt in the college chapel. Tbe important facts of the lee turn were well lastened and ot course were reproduced. One thing we have gained from the institute and that is at tention. Prof. Tyree is equally as good as an artist aa a grammarian. His illus trations of nouns and pronouns are the beat we have seen and at the same time .. ... ... . . very easily retained. We have observed that those citixena of Albany who have once visited our institute call a second time. Perhaps they too are receiving facta well to be remembered. The at tendance next week ia expected to de larger than of the past week. The teachers who have not attended do not how much they have missed ni.til they have atteuaea. .a.. 1 . z. Moron Lbasko. Mr. I. F Conn has leased the Albany motor (or one year from today ai.d will have exclusive charge of it. He is a careful, popular man, who will run it in a manner to please the public, who should help keep t np by a liberal patronage. OTP HOME AND ABROAD II A Crowder is now running the hotel tt Yaqnina City. Perfect printing at plain price. Smiley. Sweet pickles and olives in bulk at C. E, Brownells. Choice peaches fresh every day at C. E. brownells. Icecream 5 and 10c a dish at Viereck's summer gt den. Some good bargains in ladies and gent chains, at French's. The first 1896 bops were hauled Into Eugene yesterday. Lnssioos sweet water melons eui be found at C. . Brownells. Ttme engagement ring ai French' are guaranteed to bind the contract. Born, to tbe wife of AU Wangh, in Toledo, on August 22, 1896, a ton. Seme handsome birthday gems at Will k etarks, cheap. One for every mJcth is the year. If yen are looking for tbe beat cheese tbe market affords yon can find it U C. E. brownells. The Salem woolen mills will start np In a few days without waiting for elec tion. Chinese tdieaaanta mav h V.tUA -l Tuesday, but cannot be sold for some time. Hon.X H. Mitchell will open bis campaign for Mckinley and cold on Sept. 4 at Wood born. Tbe Snag boat Comllia will hm anht at public auction at Portland on Sept. 5 at 2 o'clock p. m. If Von want a fine hair ent nit n 1 Van Xortwick at tbe Boa Ton barber aboo opposite the Ross Hons. Mia Rieland and Mrs. Pearm l.n shoved thetr dreannakuur ahon tn ihm mm. oerot 3rd and Ferry st eeta- A canart bird waa eanebt in ! today. The owner can have the sum by calling at tho Dkmocxat office. Any yotmg mxa or womaa intmttin to atU-od a Portland boainea college will do weu 10 can on tne UExocbat before doing so. Does tbe stationary von are tuac? mra- entyour business? If not. am na far romeUiing new Smiley' pnntery. Any old thing is good enomrh for for rome folks, bat we'll sell yon tbe best tbe same money. Smiley, the nrinbr 500 tramoa are aaid to be em t ha wa to Portland and tbe Willamette valley from Montana. Oregon needs a very strict tramp law. If the hair i tailing oot and tnrniag gray, the stands of tbe skta seed stimnlat- ing aad coicafood. and tbe beat remedy and stimulant ia Hall's Hair Renew er. Ciena towwl to erery csatomer at Tier eck's kbavicg and hair catling parlors Sharing 10 cW hair cutting 15 baths to eta., snampoing I'Jc B. F. Raxnn ia ia Soothern OWa mJ M sending ia tbe beat peach -a to be kat Call at hi store sal get roar a.i.f peaches J B Cartrigfat. of Harriborr bnran picking bis bops this week, GO acres. A yield of ICOi to 1500 pounds per acre is expected. 25 cents per box ia paid for Kicking and 6 to 7 crate per poood will e received. Tbe bops bave already been conducted to Hunt A Lochmnnd Co of Salem, Tboa Ewinc and sons recently aaw a big sea I ton at Y strains Bar inside the bar. Tbey caught him with a hook, and bad a very exciting experience before be tore loose and lashed the entire Bay in to a foam as he crted into the Pacifi. TbeCorva.HU Times devotes a eoiume to tbe incident. A Bad Accident. Cbaa. Blake, a earrenter working on the O. C A E. draw of tbe bridge at this city met with an accident yesterday about o'clock which will make htan a cripple for ILe, lie was cutting a timber with an ax, when tbe ax bit a beam oxer hie bead causing tt to glance front its coarse so that tt struck bis lelt foot a bard blow jost above tbe joints. Tbe big and next two toes were completely severed. Mr. Blake was taken 'm bis home in tbe third ward, where tbe woond was dressed bv Dr. G. W. Mas ton J. P. Wallace, ibe foot being left with only two tors, the small ones. It will be six months before be caa walk, aad then it will be with a limp. Mr Blake baa a wife and several children and can ill afionl to lose his work and suffer the loss at this time. Cabblsss SnoomcG. A serious acci dental shooting occurred on Rogue river, near tbe By bee bridge, yesterday morn ing Saturday evening J. E. 'Enyart, cashier of the Medford bank, with Messrs Hard and King, two mining men who were visiting ia Medford, left the latter place lor Kogne nveronasnort nsbtng aud banting trip, says the Ashland Tid ings. Monday morning all three were out shooting and in a ravine back from the river some quail were started and Hard, thinking that his friend. King, was in another direction altogether, fired at the birds, and almost the entire charge of the gun was received by King in tbe leu (boulder and face, lie waa broognt to Medford at once and an examination developed that he was serioasly injured though it was thought that tne inrarea man would come out of the accident iihoutihe loss of the sight of either eye. FaigTiitMiMs. A.C Haumanand Sarn'l. 'templeton returned from the Calipooia A Bine River mines, Tuesday evening. This is Mr. Templeton's first visit to this camp, and he was simply ferent ledges, and he and Mr. H.usm.n predict lively times in this camp in the near future, Tbey made a careful q anu i uvuciubb timate of the capital required to make a wagon road to the mines, np the Cali pooia, and are of the opinion that this route ib not practical at present, bat say that a road on the divide is feasible, and ran be made for 2,000 or 13,000. Times. ' 1, .k- oilbe nnaot vosiei rantcnot an Ashland Iron Works, who returned a few days ago trom a business trio throe sh Siskiyou county, just over the Califori ia line, reports much activity among the mines of that section and particularly along tbe line of prospective quarts de velopment. Besides repairs to milling machinery he waa asked to furnish fig ures on several complete stamp mills and it is likely that one or two fire I stamp mills will be put op shortly at tbe 1 . 1 1 V 1' I. MM.1l lull. W Ashland Iron Works aa a result, better figures being furnished from here than by the city concerns. Tidings. A Colony Oominq. Elder J. Shea, of Foster, passed through Lebanon Monday on his war to Albany. The Elder in forms na that Hans Wadtli, late ot is- conain, la bnymg np alt the lana. tots. etc. including the Soaring and law mills around 1- oster. He sava W adtli ex- necta to bring out a colony trom Wiscon- ' : 1 l . . . I. U. Rl.a. SIV HIU iwjiiq iuvui w y auv.v. . ' savs that Wadtli bas plenty ot money plenty of money and pays cash tr all he bays. Express, J ' . n. IM riaam Ttaklne Pawdsr i J NVoriTs Fair Klshest Award. If II Mr. O'Donnell's Opinion In tbe opinion of Mr. William K. O'Donnell, a welt-known lawyer and re publican leader of independence, Polk county, Bryan will carry Oregon by a large majority, says the Tribune. 'l have been in nearly every county i;i the state," said Mr. O'Dcnnell, "and I find the feeling is very strong again'. MeKinley and gold monometalism, and equally strong in favor of Bryan and tbn free coinage of silver. "To show tbe feeling in the outside; counties, I need only cite an incident wbicb occurred on the Oregon Central train, bound from Yaqnina to Albany, last Saturday. There were 61 passen gers on the train and all the ouni pants of one coacn were dismissing tbe chances of Bryan and MeKinley of securing the presidency. It was finally decided to take a vote of all tbe passengers on tbe question, and five tellers were appointed for that purpose. They took tbe ballot of every passenger ,and when tbey count ed them it was lonnd that Bryan bad re ceived 7 and MeKinley 7. I may say here that tbe passengers were neither anarchists nor socialists, but respectable, intelligent gentlemen returning from a sojourn at tbe sea coast. Tbey are only a few of tbe many who will help to swell Bryan's majority in this state." Mr. O'Donnel formerly practiced law in Portland. He bas been a life long re publican, bat this year be is a silver man. lie bas resigned his membership in ail organizations that nave declared for Me Kinley, and also bis position on tbe Polk county republican executive committee. tfWlekry.TnwrMawlT, ni CmnmU Foor out of S ve who suffer neryoBsaeea, mental worry, exxaeks o "the biota." arc bwt partus; tte penalty ot early exeeaata. Vic tims, reclaim yocr manhood, regain year vigor- Dost despair. Send for book wttlt nrr'ftnfiTlrti ami rrrmf Vrua k f I mi ERIE ISECICAL CO., Bsffalo, K . Y. CONSMTORY OF 1SIG Albany College 'Teneher tor tbe school rear 18S6-1SS7 : Zimri M. Parrin, Mas, Doe. director. Assistant teacbera-Margoerite Aldereon, K. 11., tieia Gilbert and Mrs. Josephine Sharne. Thorough and STCtematis instruction given in all tbe important branches of music. Beet conservatory rooms and latgest musical library and facilities for mutiraJ work. Largest number of con servatory students enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to Wallace Hows Leg. A. M Albany, Oregon. HEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK EDITIOfl IS Fages WttL 1 r.ptrs a Year. Is larger than any weekly or semi- sreekly paper publiebed aad is tbe only mportant ceroocrxue "weekly pun ished in New Yovk City. Three tunes as large as the leading repnbiicaa week ly of New York City. It will be of special advantage to too dnring the Presidential Campaign, as it is pub lished every other dy, except Sunday, and bas all the freshness and timeliness ei a daily. It combines all tbe sews with a long lut of interesting depart ments, unique features, cartoons and graphic illustrations, tbe latter being a py- . ... All tnese improvements nave oeen made without any increase in tbe cost which remains at one doTar per rear We offer this unequal ed newspaper and the Wbsklt Dissocxat together one year for 12.00. Satisfactory terms with daily. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wboleso'ne diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing bard times, favorable recucuona are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1st. For further particulars call at tbe Academy er write to Sister Superior. Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improved Farm Property Fegotialed We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages open improved farms in Oregon, Wa-h. aad Idaho with eaatera partie and foreign capitalists at the omal rate of interest. Mortgages re newed that have been taken by other com panies, bow out of business. Addie (with stamp), Maavrs S worts. Baker City, Org HELP W ANTED jt ALE. WANTED SOLICITORS FOR campaign book, "Bryan, Sewall and Free Silver," authorised by Bryan, written by R. L. Metcalf, Editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed anther by Bry an. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanxa for ageuts, a free silver mine for workers. Only l.SQ. The only au thorised book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free, Be ? Tltll?! rer- r7 . . . , . -. , K v t T a s. The NaUc Book Concern, StarBmld- ing Chicago. Water Waste. So much water is ting wasted that he water company is compelled to give notice that the water wilt be shot off Irom premises where closets are allowed to ran continuously, or where hoee is need for irrigation without a noxxle. A i - :n i -...1. f., ; K need for irrigation without a noxxle. i. ;n m.,q. - tnrnintr I T o'c'wrZ water on again. 9-1 President Tbe Wkxklt DKMoraar a year and the Weekly San FrancUco Kxamuer $1.50 a year, combined for only (2.35. This includes all tbe privileges in the $100, 000 premium list of the Examiner includ ing a IIO.UUU residence and a g.4d nugget. jOHH McCULLUH. Dray and Transfer Wagon. Baggage and Camp outfits Moved, Wood and liay fornisbed. Team at the boat landing every evening. Herd wood always on band, long or abort. Reasonable Rate. Newport, - Oregon- I 17 Ik m Pal j 1. J AvJL J Meets every Saturday evening in K. O. T. V. Halt. Visiting KaigbU iavited to ead. J. S. Van YTriiaija, Com. i Y