The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 31, 1896, Image 4

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    1 Pain often con
J centratea all
2 its Misery in
f V y
Attorneys at law. Will practice in al
courts of the state. Special attention giv
en to natters in probate and to collections.
C FFICE In the Flinn block .
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
Collections ma'de on all points. Loans
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
All legal matters will receive prompt at
entbn. Office, First National bank
uildinp, vi p stairs.
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
R. J. I. HILL.,
hydelan aad Jursroo, OFFICE Corn
arry himi, Albany .Oregon.
Treats tumors,' strictures, facial blem
ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with
ga'.vanic electricity. Office on Ferry St,
near 3d street.
resident .
Vic Praaaoi .
".-' ii
TVAKSACT9 K Gkft'KRAI.bMiktng'bagiwOT
ACCOCST8 KSPT rabieel U check.
BIGHT SXCttANGK u4 tel -raphie tiwd r, ofci
' New York 3u t'ranciaeo, Chicago ui r -Uap4
l .'.t ITIOSi (IOSm taorabl tnu
L. FubM'i
EbvI. Sox.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
itiar BLOOD I'UI
icuredtnlotoa&dSTa. Y
i borne for suae Drieasa
ricarr, So
:ae treated i
J ST. If too Drefer to eo
-- taken aner-
'e arhea and
--re Throat,
Clcers oa
)WS falling
ror.-t obati
:vorld for a
- has alwaTS
t nt phj-sl-'.
:r uncondj
; scaled oa
:-iY CO
ii. m.
tract to par railroad far
portiai-ee. If we f ail to euro. If jo
earr. Iodide potuh. and e
pains, Mocoas Vatches in mo
1'imple. Copper Colored
say part of tbe body, H air or 5
oat,' it is this Secondary B
,re curui tee toenre. We soil
-3at eases and enaUenee
we auiiiotcan. Itia
jattied the skill of the mot
uaiu. S500.000 capital be
.aonal guaranty. Abeolutepr
t5';e"kn. Adores COOK
i3 fi Xer"4-H1
- with
In the Old Hartford, the New York Un
derwriters Atrency or any one of the reli
able old line companies be represents. Note
taken and plenty ot time given tor payment
on farm insurance. All business will be
promptly attended to.
r"e iS .
- r -
E Cavett and Treda-M art ic'Aaaa. aad all Fa.;
Sent frauds conducted Ua ac-nmrr rccw. J
-ad we can set nre patent a le me iuaa imi
rtaote inia w ashiarton.
Scad m-jdel, drawing, or pfco-OL. wits Seaerlp-1-
. W c ad'ise, if puentao'e or cot. free of'
aarTC unr lee on me c , - bw
A F:jnHt rr, "How .o Obr y rt-teott.-
Bit of arse :n tbe U.a aa atcso
an free A J-ittss,
9 rf iint 0rt-: V,vswGioii
A. Straney
Hair, wool and shoddy mattrwjs
atd and made over.
Fornitore of every desalption and
evriage re-nnholstered apj varnished.
Drop a note in th! P. O., or call at 7
treet, between Ferry and BradaJbin. A
Dany, ur.
3laston Block, Albany, Or
. lfii'y to loan on farm security, als
small loans made oa personal fecurity.
City, county and school warrants bought
Collec ions made on favorable terms.
iire insurance written in three of the
largest companies in the world, t lowest
R-I-P-A-N-S '
The modern stand
ard Family Medl-
Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will 4 Stark.
Opticas Specialist
of the Chicago , Opthalmic
l am prepared to examine scientific Jly
ana HCcural.du hv fl lot,,- :
uiethiHls of modern
sire to haw their eyes tested.
Cusick Block Albawt, Obegoh.
Atu.unr okeoon.
re Pruff" and the Finetand largest
hwiA of Stationary and Books
in t,ue aiarket.
If von want to feet it con
centrate it healing la
Star Bakery
Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts
-Dealer In-
Canned Fruits,
. Dried Fruits,
Canned Meats,
everything that a Kept in
good variety and pno
eery store. High
est p'-oe paid
Monmouth, Ore.
A TraMss Scloo for Tsacta.
Senior year wbollv professional.
Twenty wetks of Psrcholoev and Gen
eral and Special Methods ; twenty weeks
oi leacbing in training department.
Tra nuiK school of nine grades with
two bnndred children.
Kegnlar normal course of three rear.
The formal Diploma is recognized by
law as a State Lile Certificate to teach,
light expenses. Board at Normal
Dining Hall $1 .50 per week . Furnished
rooms with light and fire 7oc to f 1 per
week. Board and lodging in private
families 2.50 to $3.50 per week.
Tuition ; Sub Normal, $5 per term of
ten weeks. Normal, ft.2o per term of
ten weeks.
viraaea irom repatab'e schools ac
cepted. Catalogues cheerfully furnished
cn application. AdUreee
or . A. w iirs, P. L. C rrBia.L.
Sec of Faculty.
to sinae on, aa it were, in wail paper is
preseniea dv our present bale. Tbe de
signs show a richness, noveltvand fresh.
nees of conception that are not to be seen
elsewhere. Our papers are of a qualitv
worthy of the art they embody. It's
only on prices that we come out abort.
Perhaps it's tbe summer weather that's
melted them down to 15 cents a roll and
up. in variety oi patterns, too. we're
very strong, showing no leas than 600
ainereni novelties.
J. A Camming.':
Insurance Agency
Buys and sells wVaL oats and wool at
all points in tbe Willamette Valley and is
the leading insurance agent of Albany.
In placing your insurance there are two
things to be considered:
1st. Get a good company.
2nd. Place VOUr innnninnt mith
agent who thoroughly understands his bus
aw ana Knows now to write a policy,
giving yon its full benefit havin? her! ft
years of experience in a general office and
tbe adjusting of losses. Can guarantee
yoa 1 have these requirements. Very
Respectfully Yours.
Of. Whites JgQ Ifaix
A head of hair or no m, n.,-A.
diseases of the scalp Address Box 121
for Free Treatise on the Scalp.
T3 r T . , .
AiuurB iiuueu ana iset and rut in O
er on Short Notice.
Cheat seed for sain
livery. Telephone No. 61.
R.N. Hnrrh
Cor.2n1 and Mair. Sis. '
or km inn,
Ousicr Block
Albany, Or
Filling and extracting of teeth withou
pain a specialty
c-. 1
The Albany Colts are giving Albany a
name all over the coast-
If McKinley is the Napoleon of the
present day, Bryan is the Wellington.
Two mills running in the Santiam
mines is pretty goo I. This number
though will be several times as many
within a tew years, and Albany will be
the distributing point.
Salem will be quite a motor ceuter as
soon as its proposed motor lines are
built to Waterloo, Anidem,Silverton and
Falls City. A capital city needs a good
deal of motor in it.
The Monogram ball club ot Portland
was gotten up by a cigar manufacturer,
wnn wanted to advertise h'a cigar, the
Mooonram. Instead of that the gem
city of the valley is getting the benefit.
Ad exchange says: At the St. Louis
convention the negro delegates were told
that "16 to 1" meant $16 for tLs white
man and f 1 for tLe nigger, with no
watermelons in July and August. The
argument was crushing in its weight.
Mr. Bryan is no sensationalist. He
uses no personalities, is a gentleman all
the wayth rough, and talks and thinks
n serious language. He is a Jacksonian
democrat in personal life, tie thinks
deeply and is not shallow in any sense,
tie is np to date aud not a back number.
Mr. Bryan is well developed for being
president of the United States
Tbe National Democratic Convention
recently held at Chicago surpassed the
expectations and marched squarely np
to the hopes of the woet extreme bime
talliets in the United States.
In language that no ingenuity can dis
tort or pervert, its platform demands tbe
unrestricted coinage ot both silver and
gold into full legal tender money at tbe
old time ratio of 16 ounces of silver to 1
ounce of gold, by this country acting in
dependently and without waiting lor the
co-operation of any other. It demands
that all paper money shall be issued by
the government and be full legal tender,
tt condemns tbe issuance of bonds in
time of peace, holds strongly to the right
of the government to redeem its obliga-j
lions in either silver or gold, and the
exorcise of that right, instead of surren
dering the option to tbe holders of the
obligations, and it favors snch lea'.ela
tion as will preveot the demonetisation
of any kind of legal ter-Jr money by
p.-ivate contract.
Io short, it covers in concise and con
crete form the whole monetary question
in the United States. The position of
the democratic party upon this question
as enunciated by its platform meets with
the heartiest approval of The National
An Ohio .Man's Opinion.
East Liverpool, O., July 13.
As a neighbor and member of Coagress
I had abundant opportunity to know
Mr. Bryan as t- hit home life, habits
and as a public man.
To be young in years, yet old in re
search and practical knowledge, as he is,
is one of the grandest, achievements,
tie is a student of affairs, powessed of a
quick perception, is a profound thinker
and a clear reasoner. lie reaches con
clusions quickly, but is not impulsive
at the expense of reason and on'y when
conscious of being right
Bryan is onj of the highest types of
American manhood, meta'ly, morally
and pbyaicially. He is as fearless and
fertile as was Tom Corwin, as patriotic
as Jackson, sod as president will be idol
ized by the masses, for he will make an
ideal president. .
Tbe factions and newspapers that have
threatened revolt will toon comprehend
all this and will then Lsteo to Senator
Hill and get into line as fast as they
realize the election of Br van d es not
mean repudiation and national diagrace,
but a strct compliance with the ex
pressed terms of all contracts, a strict
adbtrance lo ti e letter and spirit'of the
Constitution and the early dawn of an
abiding prosperity for all classes at,d
condition of our people.
New York and Ohio are both likely to
create surprises. Geo. P. Icikt.
Jay Cook For Silver.
Jay Cook, who at roe time was con
sidered among the brightest financiers
in America, and who successfully placed
millions o! covernment bonds during the
civil war, was interviewed in Philadel
pbia a few days since, and expressed i
strong sentiment for the remonetixation
of silver.
"What is your opinion of free silver?"
was the first question asked.
"The opposition to tbe free coinage of
silver," he replied, "is a crime, a miser
able crazy notion. If I bad the doing of
it, there would be ni room for a go'.d
bug in this country. The single gold
standard would ruin the country ; posl
lively ruin it. I have seen in my time
silver superior in value to gold, and its
depreciation Las been caused by its de
monetixatioo . The silver dollar was tbe
unit ot value until 1873, when there was
a tbiee per cent premium on the metal.
At that time tbe value of silver was three
per cent more than that of gold.'
What effect did this have on coin
''There was no bullion presented for
coinage except that which the govern
ment was compelled to bay to furnish
subsidiary coin. We are growing, and
have been growing rapidly, and we need
all that we can get as a basis of value
We need both gold aud silver. Govern
ment credit, business credit, Jtoth are
based on their metallic abiluy to pay.
The most terrible thing of all was in
1879, alien silver was demoaetized,
which was done under a delurion. You
will find that most of '.be relators and
representatives did not dream that they
wvh about to demonetize silve:-. They
had no such desire. Then, instead of
righting their mistake they passed the
Bland bill. The whole history of it is
rile aud outrageous.
"Just th'nk of the fearful danger the
farmers staud in" continued Mr Cook
"If they knew it, they wopld rise in
their might and swee? away those
devilish politicians and gold bugs."
"But Mr Cook, I u case of free coinage,
what about the S3 cent dollar?'
"That's all humbug," he replied.
"Wasn't a silver dollar worth Sl.03 be
fore titer demonetized silver? A,I haDfor
said, I have seen the time when si'ver
was worth more than gold.- At the time
of the enormous California outunt nf '
gold it was feared that mets. would be times will be bard and the demand for
placed in the same position that silver is ( permanent financial relief will be trres-o-.
The world's onward march is istible. We should continue lo hold
rap d. If gold shall be thsouly basin of ont free coinage as the goal wh'ch the
exchange, the progress must stop. We 'country mut nltlmately reach. Tne
rnuut have more money to oil the ma-l triumph of the monomctalists will he
jchinary ot exchange. I believe we must
get back to bimetalism before we reash
centennial of
little, It has
Tbe prohibitionists, republicans, dem
ocrats and populists have all disagreed
this year. Verily, it Is an age of divis
ion. Our crops are not big this year in Or
egon, in fact they are comparatively
small. It is a wonder some one doesn't
lay it to the silver agitation.
Look at that face. Kvery line in it
indicates honor. Yon feel at once that
you can trust it. It is tbe face of a man
who will remain firm for what he be
lieves right. You won't have to wait
for a convention to act, as in the case of
McKinley, in order to know bow the
man stands. It is the face of 36 year
old W J Bryan, a man with a clean rec
ord and of spotless personal character.
Running a justice court in Portland
has been a fat job. During June the bill
in Justice Geisler'-a court against the
country was $1740 25 for criminal busi
ness. Of this District Attorney Borne
received $645, Justice Geister $530 60
and Constable Connor $483.35. The
Divocbat will waiter three-fourths of it
was a useless expense. Fortunately tbe
court is to be run on a salary system
Papers occasionally refer to some little
obscure, nnprosperous, out of tbe way
country that has silver monoinetaltsro,
a an example of what silver does, where
as it was not tbe cause of the country's
failure at all. Anyway what Is wanted
here is bimetallism, silver and gold, and
it is entirely false to call this monome
tallism, as every reasonable uso knows.
It is simply twaddle to say that silver
would drive gold out any mors than it
is out now, for it is well known that it is
never seen in circulation through tbe
Some papers like the Oregonian keep
crying that money will be tut in two if
tree coinage of silver is adopted. They
know this is false. It is a mere political
argument. Money, wilt not be cut in
two. A silver dollar will be a dollar, on
a parity with gold, and instead of being
cut in two, gold will be brought down to
a parity with silver, and tbe price of
thiog(1 wiM rise proportionately. Why
not be lair.
Tbe following from tbe Sew York
Times is a sample of the rot that is be
ing used against Mr Bryan in the pres
ent campaign: "Werradthat Mr ttryao
is a prominent member of the First Pres
byterian church in Linco'n, Neb , and
that be is a teacher in the noday school
there. And yet te stands before the
Aiuericau people todar a the furemojt
advocate of a policy iiich, if ef
fective by the legislation which tie and
bis followers demand, would rob nearly
5,000,000 savings bank depositors ot half
their savings and cut dew a in tbe same
proportion the aims invested in co
operative, fraternal and similar associa
tions by additional millions of his fel
low citizens. We cannot understand
how ao intelligent and religious man
can reconcile the doctrines of the Pres
byterian church with the advocacy of a
poiicy so heartlres, so cruel, and so die
hocest " Every advocate of free coin
age believes thoroughly that it will place
gold and silver on a parity, and the
Times knows thoroughly tha: every de
positor will receive 100 good cents on the
dollar for bis mooey deposited. The
dishonesty is in uttering such fa'sehoods
Curious Facts.
Little oak trees, an inch and a half in
height, are grow a by Cbinea gardener.
They take root in t-imble.
About six hundred thoneand trees are
aouually planted by the Swediab chtcl
children, under tbe guidance of tbe:r
Many birds have the trick of tumbling
along on the ground ahead of the sporta
mao in order lo draw him away from
their nests.
AUhuugh on laud ac'umsv animal, the
seal is wonderfully quick in the water,
and in a fair race can generally catch al
most any fixh
f be population of the world averages
I Oil women to every one hundred men.
Eight-ninths of tbe sudden dtb are
those of males.
With both the alligator aud the croco
dile the tail is the most formidable
weapon. One stroke may break the legs
of the strongest man.
D. It. Hill For Free Silver.
Here is something from David B. Hill
tbe man who is bo. ting the democratic
ticket because of its bi-metallic plank.
It was a letter to tbe Atlanta Constitu
tion on July 13. 1S03:
"As to tbe repeal of the Sherman law,
I have always been opposed to it. It
fhould be abandoned by general consent.
My views were partly expressed in my
recent Tammanv let'.er, which you have
nndonbtedly een. Personally, I should
prefer not to repeal the law nntil an ac
ceptable subs'itulo was provided, in or
der to rendei more probable the abop
tion of such substitute, and not because
I approve at all of tbe Sherman silver
law. But from a party poiot of view
the wisestcourse is unconditional repeal.
The country expects it and the1 party
will be found fairly well united in favor
of It. Therefore it is unwise, while
agreeing upon the general proposition.
to waste our time in agreeing upon a
substitute pending the repeal. Let the
repeal be made at once, and let us differ
as to other financial matter afterward.
"I am in favor of biuietalixm as the
issue of tbe future. We ahou'd seek to
keep that issue to the front. We should
not ntriv for temporary succe or com
promise. We should be fcr free coinage
under an internal oua! agreement, if it
be possible to procure one, and for which j
every exertion should be made, and if
not possible, then for independent bl-
metalisra. This is the one great goal lor
hich we shonld strive. It cannot nr-
doneatonce. Our friends must not be
impatient. The people must be educa
ted. The unexpected action of Indiana
and tne general sentiment nt the monied
classes conspire against ns at this time.
I do not believe in the Bland bill or any
other measure which guarantees any
thing less than an unrestricted coinage
for gold and silve1' alike, as pledged In
the democratic national platform. Let
us prepare not fir present victorv, but
victory udoii that issue in lSUtt. -Tha
repeal of the Sherman law will not give
the relief which is anticipated. It will
aid business temporarily, but in a year
but temporary
v. Price's cream Baking Powder
war! Gold Mtl Mkrf winter Pair, baa P'aariwae'
This month marks the
homeopathy. Much in
grown in popularity.
Young old people.
Talking politics.
The Smokes good example.
She swims and rides a bicycle.
People most liked.
He's a humorist.
Or.iy hairs do not make old people.
Mauy a person at fifty is younger than
others at twenty. The spirit of the age
is to kick people along and increase their
age as fast as possible- Human nature
will out and nobility of character is
bound to ride npan the waves.
Some people would like to talk poli
tics twenty-five hours every day; but
really, it is not well to eat hash at every
The smoke tint been settling through
the valley durinj the week, a reminder
that a god man t debtors have not been
settling. Many who could do not try,
while some who can't do their best,
which is nothing, but nothing is some
times satisfactory when candidly and
well expressed. What the world today
dislikes in the debtor line is the spirit of
some to sneak out of their obligations.
How quickly we know all about women
when their husbands run for the presi
dency. Mrs Bryan is a fine swimmer
and rides a bicycle, besides possessing,
like her husband, good sense. She is
very interesting and quite popular.
Feople most liked io tbe world are the
unselfish ones, those thinking ol other
people and their pleasures as well as
their own. Tha sallijh person never
sees a genuine Iriend except when look
ing io the glass, and then a poor one.
We have just learned that Arthur
Sewallisa humorist. We give below
some of tbe samples selected from an ar
ticle on the subject:
He was shown a new trpeof vesland
remarked :
"The week's aas'a mut be pretty big
when they need that."
"In order to build a ship,' said Mr
Sewall, "yoa should first get 3,0 X) miles
away from your materials."
This wat a hit at McKinley's tariff
schedule, tbe source of the transfer of
the ship-building industry to Britain.
When the ship carpenters in New Eng
land presented a memorial to. him in
acknowledgment of his services as the
father of their trade in this country he
"Yoa are giving me credit that be
longs lo the Atlantic ocean."
There were loud laughs and rrirs ol
"The troub'e U," punned Mr S .!!.
"that oar politicians are prejudiced
agaiat the Atlantis oceaa. They won't
let the American flag be seen on it,"
vVfsen it aa first announced that
y Ming .Seaal! had become a republican
bt father endured a great deal ot cbai
ing. liis invariable retort wa? :
"Bars aili be boy.
Wu4tiinton letter.
rrca, e er mruUr Cnwateat.
WainiscTCS, July SHh. ISseJ.
Waehirgion has practkai'r Wen set
tVd upon a the proper location for
democratic head-) iarUr doting the
coming campaign. Senator Jones, of
ltk-. Chairman of the Demociatic Sa
tiocal CuiuT.iitee, made a careful study,
of the sdvantaee oOicred tr New York,
Chicago and Wasbingturt rep-ctive!v.
and ha made np bis mind, largely owing
lo tbe open boettlity o.' the rsewpaper
in New Yk aod Chicago, that
Wafhirgtoo is the rt place. While
the rboicss of Senator Jones i regard!
a having tel'.ivi '.hie headquarter bus
inesj. he is to an:;oas tbat everytlarig
dune by tbe National C.mimUtee shall
be barmontou, tha'. no fif&cial announce
ment of the loca'ioo of headquarters is
likely to be made nntil the committee,
which will shortly meet in New York,
pae opon it.
Mane democ at are much pleased at
he .aik of Ihe p'obabi'ity lhat Senator
Gorman will have a band la managing
ttryao and S.wati'e eampaign. either as
Chairman of the Exec'itive Committee
or as genual adviser. AULocgh Chair
man Jones ha fu:i antitority to select
the member of the Executive comiuit
te. which will assist. bin in conducting
the rampasgn, it is not probable tbat
the membership ot tbat committee will
be announced until Chairman Jones
sibmits hi c mice to the full national
committee. Senator oormin has few, if
any, equals and no superiors as a politi
cal manager. Trre, be isn't a silver
man; but neither is he a bolter. He is
going lo support the ticket because it is
the democratic ticket, and if he can be
persuaded to accept the chairmanship of
the executive committee it will b for
tunate in more than one respect for the
party. He has the prestige of having
successfully managed a national cam
paign and the very fact that he was help
ing to manage this one would serve lo
bring out many democratic votes which
would otherwise be cast.
Speaker Reek's opinion of Quay and
Manley as McKinley campaign mana
gers woull maks interesting reading.
Several weeks before the St. Louis con
vention met Mr. Reed had reason to be
lieve that Quay and Manley bad be
trayed him to Haira and what has hap
pened since must have convinced him of
that fact. Both of theee Ex-Reed men
are now member of llanna'a executive
committee, and Quay is much more than
merely a member of tbat committee. It
ha leaked out that Quay will, from the
New York headquarters, bats the emir,
campaign in tbe Eastern states; al,o,
that he will have excluidve charge of a
schema by which he hopes to carry sev
eral Htiuihetti s'ates. This last scb erne
is said to depend largely upon the sup
port of bolting gold demo,:ratt in . those
statex for success, as it includes a com
bination of that element with the negro
votern, upon both congressional an .j glee-
tonal tickets. It was intended tl'.at this
schema should be kept dark.
Tbe campaign liar started be 'ore the
campaign did this year. Ia cong equence
an awful lot of rot has been put into cir
culation concerning the attitude) ot Pres
ident Cleveland and the me in bet a of his
administration towards Bryan a nd Mc
Kinley. Silver democrat are not ex
pecting any aid from the admin istration
and none of them were at all feurprised
when Secretaries Olney and Her bert said I
tuey would not vote for -Bryan. , but it
will take something more autn oritatlve
than sensational newpapur pllb lication
to make them believe In the exi teres of
an understanding between Mark llanna
and tbal'resident by which the-influence.
of tbs administration la tu bi -used
behalf of MeKiolev.
It Is tald that the flesh on tU fora.
I quarters of the beaver ressmbles tti. of
J land-animals, while that' n tli hind
quarters has a fishy taste, ?
1621 are llguros
from this year.
that will bo heard
The Salotu Journal gets verv sarcastic
when it says: "Hie Salem Statesman,
Ilerr Most and Jim Lotan are all for the
single go hi standard. It certainly must
be right."
If Albany
the good things about their neighbor as
the bad things wo would all think we.
had a pretty good city; but the good is
generally kept bark and the bad enlarged
upon and spread everywhere.
Even the dentists are rat time. The ad. appears in a McMmnville
paper: Teeth extracted free between
nine and eleven each morning, except
Sunday. A great reduction in the price
of dental work, until August firHt. tit S.
Wright, Mclli.inville.
The latent in politii-al einb'ema is a
gold bug-an anilicial beetle made of
yellow metal, attached to tbe coat lapel.
When tins insect' tail is touched out
spring wings on either aide, displaying to
view the portraits of McKinluv and II o
bart. Look out that you do not get
The Examiner says to the bono ball
boys : "Practice, practice, practice, for
from now on all the clubs left in the
tournament will hae to play thn games
of their lives. Every team left bus a
good chance to win the peiiint. Re
member, your friends and to-nlolks are
enthusiastically looking for you to win.
There's glory, pennants, tr '.phies and
traveling galore if you tlo."
lion. Jobn Daly of Lincoln county,
has oeen in town lor the past severa
days. Kecentty be went to iurtland to
accept a position the business otlice of
the Evening Tribune, which at that
lime was a free silver republican paper.
Since the nomination of Bryan tbe paper
came out lor the Chicago nominees.
This was too much for John, an 1 be
evered his connection with the concern, j
Corvahts Gazette.
Mr. Holer, of the Salem Joornal, in
writing of his trip east says: At Hope,
Idaho, a man with a big red siik Bryan
badge was al the depot. "Are tbere any
Bryan men here besides yourself?"'!
asked. "Besides myeelt !" be exclaim
ed, his eyes dilated with surprise and
his nostrils quiverirg, "If we" find a la-
bnrint? man Ar snv mn ln t . .
make his Uvine off the people of this!
countrv who is not alirvan man .ill
sink him to the bottom of lake Pend'l"?, "te of Cluaaahoa, occurred at 3
Oreille." , o ciock yesterday. A tremendous explo-
tsionwaa beard tnd an enormous mass of
, " j burning matter waa seen to fall from tbe
Here s sorre good advice from the E. bravenr, s riking the side ot a mountain
O.: Street fakir are sSowiog np. Wrd- j and bringing with it in it court entire
neexlay evening an outfit droppc! down dill, and anally pi an zed 703 feet into the
on the corner of Main and Court street j ground making a toie frvm which boiling
A man played a banjo, aarg a few songs water Mill icwkts.
and rew a crowd. Then be commenced j One of tbe mot singular phenomena oh-
eel ling notions pocket knives, razors, j smrd wat tbe heavy raio failing from the
scieeor, seap, etc. A comber of jwop'e y taimediaie'y after tbe drt&t of the
paid SO cents for 25 cents worth of trurk. j CM.ieor.
Tbis morning they are oporating at dif S . .
ferrnt paint in the city, gaibet ing in a j
lew sbt-keis occasionally. Pon I he hum -
bngzed . Ian't Mr $1 Inr 60 cent worth
ol tu3 yoa don t need becauee a
rays it i sorth t't
... . 1 1 .vi
The gold men who have been caHing
tbe frve silver men anarchists have
...,1 - : : t. - -
Ml. He is ll.e mot rabid of the real
- a . " - -
ananrhlsU of tbe east aad sai.l Imbr:
"Here I am represented by the ?on a a
J foKower and supporter of "Altpeld, Till
t man and ail the other silver crank,
(wheal am, as all anarrhii-U know,
j better gold standard advocate than evtn
the moet rabid Wail s:reet banker. I
am. moreover, in favor of a scarcer ma-
I tenal thsn gold as the nnit of value. I
wouul hate the karat of diamond, if
diamonds could be utilized, as therm:-!
diutn of exehaisge. As for silver tuonev. j
by silver is so cheap and plent iial that
slioe naiU mibt as welt te nai in circu
lation as currencv. tiold i the on!v
I correct standard of value."
Mr. Hof-.-r. of the Salem Journal writes
home: At Spokane we were joined bv
JudeJohnR. McBride. He is at the
he-a 1 of a Urve Limeuliic club at Spo
kane and is a delegate lo 8t LfHiia bi
rnvtallte convention- He was tbe only
republican member of the Oreyoacoa
Ututional convention in elected as
snch. There was no PJr.y organiaation
nntil 18j7. He was eleciisi the first re
publican congressman from Oreson. en
tered congree with Allison and l'.iaine, j
km ruade chief juftioe of Idaho by Lin- 1
coin io l.vij, went to Salt Lake In ISeWV,
went to Spokane in 1S72. Wat a repnb- j
I lean national committeeman tor
year, but will now support Bryan fori rri.mkwu
president. He is a brother of Senur Ntw York, July Zi Ti sobtreasary
tjeorge McBride of Oregon, but doe not cai-ia. and sta3 wi rahed today receiv
agree witii him oa the money question iBg and keeping ta lv of tle deposits of
- Ilaxlett Uie pilgrim printer a ho has
lcng)ingup aod down ibis coast for
tbirly or forty years is again coming this
way from the north. The McMinnvilie
Transcript savs: His leard is
snowy whito sod bio locks now bang in
long ringlets about his neck, white with
the froeta of many winters. His step is
lews sprightly than twenty years ago, his
shoulders Iw jin l d-!p, and when lis
walks the stroets his head is bowe-i as if
he is in deep meditation, liar! fit, the
"pilgrim print," whohs "hit the road"
more miles aid "counted more railroad
ties" than any man in this country, and
whose annual visit to every printing
oihce in the n mhwest is regular, has
been in town t hi week. The poorod
fellow is old an 1 feeble and should go to
tbe home for ago! and infirm printers.
The remnant of a once powerful nye is
still to te found inhabiting the Klamath
basin. For centuries did it hold sway
over ihe neighboring tribes. Once this
warlike race leal victorious bands against
the Indiana of tfie Willamette. Ttey
carried th Pitt Livers aod Warm Springs
into captivity, and et.ined ihe sage
plains ot Eastern Oregon with the blc-xl
of vanquished Snakes. A branch of this
tribe longdetiod the encroachments ol the
whites, and tb rough their desperate and
heroic efforts in defiance of their ancient
liberties, won historic renown aa the
Modocs. But this once powerful tribe is
fast yielding to the crushing hand of an
ambitious race. TJm ashes of its dead
are plowed by the Klamath farmer, the
monuments of its heroes are tumbled
down by the careless hunter, and its
burial grourds are robbed of the sacred
possessions of its sleeping ancestry.
Cor. Ashland Tidings.
Catarrh Cannot be Carcu
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a they esnno
reacb tbe seat ot tbe disease. Catarrh ia a blood
or constitutional disease, and lo order to cur
U yoa mast taka Internal remedies. Ball's
Catarrh Cora la take. Internally, aod acta
directly oa the blood and mucosa surface,
llall'a Catarrb Cure 1 not aqaack medicine. It
waa prescribed by one ot the beat phyaiciana in
tbia country for yearn, and Is a regular pre
acrlptlon. It 1 comiKwed of the beat tonic
known, combined with the brt blood purinrrs,
acting directly on tbe mncous iurlm. The
perfect combination of the two inveilieaa la
what product- such wonderful result lavarioS
Catarrb, end for tetimoniala, free.
K. J. CH KNKV4 (X. , l-tvu., Xotodo,
cold by Uruga-Ut, price ;jo.
fatal S'luadbaru-
MoiiBtsoN. Colo , July 24. A cloudburst
in Hear Creek canyon, just ahovs here, at
8 o clock tonight, broi'ght down a wall of
water IU leet high, which not only did
great damage to property, but causud the
I oai of from IS to 2-j lives. The known
dead are: Mr Moses Miller and three
children; Mrs A B Proctor and three chil
dren; Mrs T V Tracy; Mr Harris and four
ciiuuren; jimiuie, r.uiiu muiuie, Maurice.
Emma and Clara Casey.
Mo Cripe
When you take Hood's Tin. The big, old-fashioned,
sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take
and easy to operate, Is true
of Hood's Pills, which are fTfk ! 1 1 -b
np to date In every respect. I. I I IwcZ
Bate, certain and sure. All l W
druggHts. zsc. C I. Hood A Co., T owell, Mass.
Tbe only Fills to take wlUUIood's Snrssparllb.
Wateea lor Vlecrretdeaf .
St Louis, July 24. Thomas F Wa'son,
of Georgia, who was a member of the Mat
congress, was nominated for vice-preident
by the populist convention on the tint bal
lot, shortly after midnight.
Thero were Ave other candidates Se-
; wall, Magee, of Virginia; Mimms, of Tenu
(easte; Congressman Skinner, of North Car-
oh nit, and Colonel Burkett, of MiaaisHippi.
I Bryan sent word to his supporter that
ne wouia not accept a nomination at toe
hands of tbe convention under these cir
cumstances. He will stand loyally by bis
running mate.
Uamaae by Meed a.
Wiikkmko, W. Va., July 21. Tbe!
damage from Hood and waahouU during !
the fast 24 hours, in Went Virginia and
Southeastern Ohio, is almost beyond esti
mate. Tbere was not only an unoeual
rainfall, but cloudbursts at different points
canned small streams to da much more
damage than dunup suy of tbe highest
floodi ever known in tbee lorlities. In
addition to several watbouts, tbe Ohio
Kiver railroad is blockaded by long land
slides near Bairavitle.
A Bee abet.
Colviiae, Wah, July 24. A fatal
shooting accident occurred at Addy, nar
this pluce, last evening, Thomas rimitb's
boy, 17 years old, shot and instantly killed
the son of H ekeel, al-out 14 years old.
1 be Smith boy had taken a rifle with him
to school for the purpose of killing birds on
bia way. iteturning home with a number
ot children, he sbot at a mark oa a tree.
tbe bullet glancing anu penetrating tbe
neari oi tne tavrl 1x7, killing him in-
a rm'rr' ktew.
Salem, luiy 24. "Oneed Bob" and
"Englwh Harry," cuppotl to be deck
liana on tbe ateamer Albany, and James
Kemp, aaeutant engineer on tbe Ruth.
; spent ft evening patronizing saloon. At
an early hour this morning. L A Gibson
acting policeman arrested One-eyed Bob"
to suppreea boUterouMtesa. "English
Arr ' and Kemp tried to force the release
01 their cwmrale. la Ui melee that fol
lowed, the ifhoer (Lew his revolver, and
bu aaaailante fled . One hot was bred.
wiLnout effect. "EmrlUh 'A rrv '' was af-
terward captured, and is in jail with -One
ejed Bob.
a Terrible ftlaechler.
Los dox. July 24 A dispatch from Con
stantinople aays the Utet news received is
that tbe properu village around Van
bare been destroyed and every rr. lie over
8 jears ot ape killed. Tbe lital lulled is
plated at U',-00
A b remarkable Mrleer.
23. A remarkable phe-
nomeoon at tle mine ot Carlos Kte. in
j taicieo, Jalr 25 The convention of
; rvil-ardrd democrat, called U coosider
toe adruaUUty of iiuin a rail lor a na-
littaal convention was held tonight at toe
Aoditonnm annex. Tbe meeting eonvesed
b'jrtjy after S o'clock and w beid in se
cret. l e, a reaom'-ion was
r. . t I It.., ,.
the tease c f the meet-
ir.g tbat a democratic contention should
ue hekl, a democrSic plati-jrm enunciated,
aad t uxiilalea f.jr -residf-nt and vice
-rei.(e.'.t chewra, aad tbe said conveotioo
tacatd t heid net rater titan SejnembsT 2.
rrlb'e Trealaaeal.
Kev Wist. July S3, Private letter
from Mj!.u:zjs, Cub, to r-wfoo-aUe mer
cbaaUia lis city, give ehxsiag detail
enitd with ite eas-tore bv tbe Srci--n
I ol rebei bwpiul lMi:ed in last prcvinoe.
j with aiant" and corps J
in U -jaer-jo, surjretm of the Cuban army.
n arses, were
all. it i a i.-jfd, pat to tLe inacbete while
lib helpless ick and wounded were aae
finatcd in their iota and tl buildings
Ibfo burned over tir bead ta cover op
the crime,
lire al La Craaae.
LaGsandh. Or.. July 23. Tbe md
deucur fiie La Oran-ie ha experienced
in stvtnl yer vis one wtiich broke oat
in tbe llactin'n buiUisn?. on Adam
avenue, at 3 o'v.i;-cs til morn ins:.
An estimate of the Lw-e i a follow:
A C Uan'inaten Baiitiift?. S4-M0; in-ur
an re. ;sXI Ueorps H Carry- Sbx-k of
ed. liXO; intaratoe. t-tOD. l F
Piercw Haroes. 3-l il- aad fixture.
il'"3: tc3ranv. $U.). Ii If Kubey
Mutual tnrciiai.l'., ec, 2XJ; inar
ance, $KO .
gj'd made by tbe Xw York backer in
exchat g for grtvabacks. All indicauoo
poini io aa aggregate accnmolatioa of tbe
precious m-tl rr-m bank and lastiiutioo
in thu ci'y acd from cutsuie financial cea-
a!mosi','p' 'a 'f upto tb?etmiates male in these
diopatc ies, a.i",i,ii.y.
A SMase Held la
CaiPrutCKEEK.Col.1. : July 25. Tbe
Cnppte Creek Uge was belJ up near
OraiM-y. five mile east of bere. bv three
j mated men, who obtained 12 goid watches
ana ?A in ca&b. 1 ne pasMrnger icclud
ed 13 men and two or three women. Tbe
latter were uc molested by the robber. A
posse with bloodhound is on tee trail of
the highwaymen.
rawer a Lead r weed.
Waua Waij.. Jn!y 22. Mkhael
O'Brien was accidentally killed in tbe
mountain near this city Monday morning.
He left town Monday tur hi wood camp, to
urine wo; to jjit city, as he did not ar
rive iuosdjy morniDg, several parties from
town started in erarch of him. About
three miles above Saddle hock mountain
they found his wagon and a beavv load of
wood, overturned Protruding from the
mass, were tbe teet and oue batd of
O'Brien. His head and face weie bad v
crushed and hi neck broken. Tbe body
was tmubt to lown aud prepared tor bu
rial. O'Brien was 4tt year old, and came
to S a). a Walla eight years ago. He left a
widow and three children.
vraMey till It.
Oakland, Cal . Ju!y22-P 0 Williams.
a man well known to the educators of Mass
achusetts and Oregon, is locked up in tbe
city prison, witb two cnarge. of pettr
larceny against -bini. Burglary ia the
crime ihe police say he is guilty of, but
they did not charge it. for tear they could
not make cut a sufficiently strong case,
l'bey are sure enough on tbe charge they
nave maae, uowever. imams practical
ly admits his guilt, and Ltauie hi down
full to drink.
Williams' las position was in the schools
of Portland, and irui all that can be learn
ed, he wa regarded aa au excellent teacher
rreealaeat Saa arretted., uly 22 Ex-County Clerk
illiam bgau was arreateil tidav unon
warrant sworn out by P M Massev. ehanr-
iug Kgan with assault wilh a dea'dly wea
pon. Tbe partitM engaged in an alterca
tion orer the alleged aiander of Kgan's sis-
icr. t hen the point ot at'ack was reach
ed, Aiaasey had a kmte, and t.g in drew
Ia Ike Middle r the Kaail.
c r i (vi . ..
oi- lAu is, juiy it--. Alter the conven
tion took a recess, a middle-of-the road
meeting was announced. Congressman
Harvard talked long and loud against tne
iryan movement, lie waa followed bv
.to.... , .ii , . .
ouim? A8niey, woo made another long
speech . Tbere wers loud calls for Coxey,
but no response. "Cyclone" Davis made a
strong plea for Ithe preservation of the
Will Be Ka Bead 1m
Washington, July 22 Secretary La
mout baa returned from New York. He
spent some time in confidence with Secre
tary Carlisle. It can be stated positively
tbat the administration ha not now and
hs not recently hand any intention to re
sort to another bond issue for tne but none
of replenishing the gold reserve.
- "the Beates Yeaad.
Datton. Or..' lulv 22. The bodies ot
Walterand Run Atkins, who were drown
ed in the Willamette Sunday, were found
Ute yesterday afternoon. The river waa
thoroughly dragged before they were re
covered. Pur Drugs red Dawson's.
"i wsj ar w -w-w-t t i-z- m - i
larva asj m m f SS 1 Ml
The umpire now decides that
''BATTLE AX" is not only
' decidedly bigger
: ' other 10 cent piece
p quality is the finest he ever saw, and J
.i rt v t. Tr ii
a tne navor aeiicious
r Know just now
V you try it
I ' JL I
Atty. A. F. Stowe and wife were
married in Salem on July 5.
Harried, Inly 20, 1896, at tbe residence
of tbe groom, by G. Lovelee, justice of
the peace, Mr. D. P. Gentry and Nettie
31. fcuaw.
Mr. S. M. W. Hindman arrived in
Lebanon Monday from Lis ranch aeron
ibe menntains. He expects to return in
a few days, accompanied by bis wife.
Mrs. A. B. Xkkerson left Monday for
Ainalie. Wash., where Air. Nickerson
has a permanent position aa foreman in
the f-Laning department of a large saw
mill, and where they expect to make
their future borne.
G. W. Wheeler has sold bis property
including several lot and two residences
to Mr lienry Moras of Salem, bat farm
erly of Sweet Home. Mr. Moran expects
to move his family to Lebanon a boot the
first of August. We are glad to welcome
them t3 our city. Expreea.
s. Thomas of Waterloo preanct, was
arrested last week, oil complaint of L
M. Taylor, on the caargeot stealing a
cow. The trial was held Sa tarda v af
ternoon before Justice Lovelee, Attor
neys Garland and Dalrymple appearing
for tbe prosecution, ana Brown and
Vomers for the defense. Mr. Thomas
was acquitted, it being proven that he
owned the cow ia qaesuoc Advance.
To Cairra Lake. During the week of
Ang. l tb the Maxama. of Portland, will
make an excursion to Crater Lake and
everybody is invited to join iu It is
tbonght over 500 will go. A rate of one
and c-o third fare has been fixed by the
Sootlrern Pacific and the dobs of Ash
land and Medford qaaranaee that the
stae fare 13 and from either place shall
hot be more than $7.50 including 30
pounds of baggage. A fine illustrated fold
er lias been ueaed ttJ may be seen at
this odice.
It Is a Fact that Hood Sarsapariila,
the One True Bkxd PutiSt. baa proved,
over and over agun, that it ha power to
erne, even when ether medicine tail to do
any pod.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetab and
do not .purge, pain or tripe, ill drug
gist. 23c
Teachers Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the third
quarterly teacher's examination for Linn
county will be held in tbe Central school
building, commencing at 2 o'clock p. m.
Ang leth, ISMi.
Lted this 21st day of July, 189
Richhoxd" Wbexlcb,
School Sopt. Linn Co,
Long ways from New I or City.
Long rainy days in Oi-on.
1-ong time no see sun shine.
Long year in the pLotc-graph basinees
Long i the leading artist in Albany.
Have your photo mao by Long Pbotc
Co., 2nd and Ferry St.
a Kataral ateaaMwer
Karl' Clover Root Tea purifies the blood
and gives a clear and beautiful complex!"
ror a e by rotnay and Mason.
aarl" Ctwver KM Tea
i a sure care tor headu-ie aad nerv
diae Nr.blng relieve so quick
For sale by Fochay & Mason.
Let every body come to th Star Baker
. i . .. . . -
uu (tci "Te oi rresn oread tor It. or
See Tawaaia
aad Liver Complaint yoa have a printed
juaTaoteeoa every bottle ot ahtio V 1U1
er It never fatU to core. For sale bj
riwaayex aiason
A Fart Wartk aaewlac
Consumption. LQrippe, fneomonia
aaJ all Throat and Ling diseases are cure
ovSiiloVa Cure. For sate by Fashay
Catarrh Cared
Health, aad sweet breath secured bj
hik h's Catarrh Remedy. Prlos s0 cent
Naal injector free. For sale by Foebay
& Maacn.
rwrifce Laaaa
Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Port
land, Or: There ia no medicine for the
throat and lungs that I can recommend tc
ministers, pnblie speaker and aingers.
with the couhdeace tbat I can tbe S. B
Cugh Cuie." For sale by Foahay & Ma
on at SOcta per bottle.
Oar Maadlaa at ISaaw"
Fur out of every rive bottles ot medi
cine sold in th) but five years are S. B
eov's. The S B. Headache and Live)
1 ure 1 use mvseif as a ceuerai phvsio
If you are sick and want to get well, the
quickest, cheapest and safest method ia to
buy the S. U. remedies and use as directed
C. P. BLCH. Druggist. Oufur. Or ' F
sal by Foshty dt Mason at 50 eta per bot-
The 111 el YVaatea
Constipation, canaei more than naif tk.
m o women. n.ari a 1 Invee 1 ;.
a pieasant cure ior conatipatioa. For sal.
by Foahay A Mason.
All tmataca la.
Ask your physician, tonr drurcUl
your rnvuac aoout bhlloh lira f,- iwrv.
sumptlon. 1 hy will recommend it. F01
as wy rosoay ataaoa.
re tbe UMaeja .
"I am 65 vears old- kava h,i k
disease and constipation for 25 years. Am
now wen used your S. B. Headache and
liver Cure .one year. Use! 6 bottles at
SO cen's each . J H Knight, Rotledge.
Ur." For sale by Foahay k Mason at 50t
per bottle.
in size than any -
of tobacco, but the
you win never -a
I 'L Z. -aV-1 i i
gooa it is uiiui
Brownsville Happenings.
Box, on Wednesday, July 22, 1894, to
tbe wile of Amor A. Tufting, a son.
President Fields, of theE. W. M Co.
returned from Washington last nigh t
While there be rented a store building
in Spokane, and the company will open
a store the 6 ret of next month. This -
will make three large stores.
J. M. Jaeger has returned from tb
mining districts ot British CoiemtHa,
and is simply delighted wttfelbe pros
pects ot tbat region. JUe eays money is
Terr rdentifnlid-'the bills are alive
with men. We understand Mr. Jseger
will ret am as soon as he can properly
adjast bis bosinees aSurs.
J. J. White, was born in Liverpool.
England, on the 1st day of J an nary, 1S&4.
where he remained nntil four years of
age when be removed to Ireland, ami
lived with bi aont for nine years- He
then accepted a position as cabin boy.
and traveled cpon the atui if the
mighty oeep lor loor successive
At the expiration of this time be local?
ia Canada, where be remained for 19
years. He then came to Oregou and as
sisted in the cor t ruction of the narrow
gauge railroad, and was roadmaeter and
superintendent ot bridges on the WooJ-bora-SpriagOeld
branch for a cumber of
years, and while serving in that capacity -made
many warm friends. Mr. White,
in fact, made friends everywhere; to
know him was to hooor and admire him;
he was a perfect gentleman all through
tile and no man can say sight against "
his character. On the trst dav of Ji
nary, la.O. Mr White was married ta
Mrs. Mary Hartley, a most esumaaia j
ladp, in tbis city. "They went to boose-'
keeping in bis property oa Maplh street,
where they remained until tbe comple
tion of their handsome residence in the
eastern part of tbe citr. Here they
lived toeetber until the Angel of De1
removed Mr. White on the 17th dav ef
Jwy. 1SS3. Times.
Venezuela has two hundred miHsea.
a:res of forest, in which arrow ail the va
rieties of ebony, as wed as n T1.
satin wood and maboarany.
A lobster's skin when shedding s?Uu
down tbe back and comes oa in two
equal parts. Tbe tail clips out of the -
she'l like a finger out of a glove .
JoIitisGradwohl Keeps
Early and! Late.
Julias Gradwohl does business
mw wii uwso ewre a uie c.
second and Ferry, where tod
choice stock of standard etc
sale cheap. Everything firbt-claseO
a oig TanetT ot crockerv ware of
kinds which yon can bay as cheap 1
can be secured an vw here. The 0. 1
store holding the bulk of bis roods
aep uoeeo. can at tne corner pi ace or
Cash for poultry at R. U. Robertson's
Tbe beet fresh grocerie and produce at
uuua ctastoB'a.
L.ADIS9 the latest fahi ia a seaatie
dress made by Mrs. McLean.
Dr. G. W. Majton. pfiyiaan
sreoa. Albany Or. Call aawered
ly ia city or 0004107.
and ura
Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers offices as4
residence ia the rot office bnildi
UI atution gira to diaeue of voomi. $
Call at Haigut Bros, oppouU the Dsh!
O-itAT eSce for your bam. bacon or lar I
tor your camrinf exneditioa. Thev ka- '
a fine supply. t
At lb daw of bujnwa.Jalj, lUi,t&a.
Loan aad Utrouns
r-W SH.8S
. t&.tfu.
Onnlratta.icuwl ani vamn.
t". S. booua o aacore circniaaaw .
Prveuuaia oa V Saavi.. ,
stwca, cttntea,te. . .
Barkuur boeaa. luraitora. anJ
0br real arta and aMtaM ewwt!
1T.S5S -a
PaetroaiaMKonJ - . ... ,.TV.. 1
f-h. -.1 . ..T-ll, -
fractlooal paperewreaaeT. aickalaanl
Lawrca atcairKaauva is Bass, via:
begat WaaxiMW
lUdwaptMB fund wiib C. S. TrwararartSre
per seat ot eucaavuuM..
Capital stock paid ba.
sarniwa nma.
Uadiiridnl pruSta, ka aaptaaa aad
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Salioual BaaklBotaa'euUtaaduur....
Do to other .Naakwal bank
One to Stat Baaaa and eaakara..
lodirktual doala aube aa cbw.1
ueaatoa cerua-.-aiaao uepgic
run oarunuaiti aruoail
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Srir o Ouaox, CScxTm or V, aa :
1. k Wisaeoa. cauw f u aim
d bank da taMutij awear bat th above I
ta wu to lb bmnfrt mj kao.!,,!,, uitct.
E W LAXUDOX, Caahiar
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