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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
eoooceocooooosoooooi Such ilia aa SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, WETHERFORD & IVYATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in al courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Flinn block. W. R. C1LYEU. Aitornpv nt law and Solicitor in Chancery Collections made on all points. Ioaus nesotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. BLACKBURN & SOWERS AlTOBNETS AT X,.A."W, All legal matters will receive prompt at ent'on. Office, First NwUonal Bank uiidino np stairs. 4 i ONTASTE HACKLEHAN, i v a - - Attorneys At Lbvw. Albany, Oregon. D B. J. 1. HILL., tdcian and surgeon, OFFICE Cora r7 streets. Albany .Orfoa. DI..C, U. CHAMBERLiri EIOMOHOPATHIBT Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St , near 3d street. MUST JsATIOisAI. B.tKH, resident Vt Frealaeut ... LFMNJi . S.K.YOUNG .K. W. LAN OIK) N fBAJNSACTS A01kSBRAt.hnkin'oloe CCOt! r3 KEPT subject to aberk. E'.G-HT EXCHANGE and tel Taphie Vranaf r.soid Nsw York Su Frnctaco, Chicago and P wtla.- "j 4 ? "XiO1! 40o taorells arms ntaactoaa Toinw k w Cswaasf.Sox. J i- vTIUTSE A"orney t Law, Albany, Or. Et. W. II 4 KKI JUSTICE OF PEACE, sue !-! IttYs JK!T H-o. corner Had and Broadalbia streets Albany. Or. Beats anil Collections a Specialty- FOSHAY & MASOfl. Wholesale . Itetavll DRUGGISTS XSh BOOKSELLERS A LEAST. OREGOS Pure Drue and the Finest and Largest fctcck of Stationary and Booxb in the Jiarket. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KNDS Cheat eeed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 51 R.N Morris, M?r Cor 2ai and II air. Sta. t Jolt and Cycl Tf ? Pat: i Ttcy wrio ride must sec the Z na4 Tli PsrMlrrf-ir mjt bright the way. All dealers selfit. The Place & Terry Z Mfg.Co,247 Centre St,N.Y. J Prof. A. STARK Of W ill ft Stark. Optica! Spccialisl Oradnate of the Chicago Optbalmic College. I am prepared to examine scientifically ana accurately, by the latest and improvec methods of modern science, any who de sire to nave their eyes tested. Cnsick Block Albart.Orbwob ? ni.i ,3! i A SPECIAL t'rimary.Beo ondaryorTep. permanently a be treated at : nme grnarao ?ra "ewlllooo tbotelbillaADd re taken me r-"-V9 acnes and -ore Throat, , Clcers on rows falllnr JTt POISOX ' e most obsU- wurid for a G bos always uieutphysi- '.nr nncoDdi -nt sealed on iKBlf CO- Itiary HlAHilh viir jenred In lbtott days, y i borne for same price on Sty. It yon prefer toco tract to imr rai lrosd fr ooebarm. If we ail to core. If to cury, iodide potash, and a rtina, Mocons Patches In mo implea. Copper Colored any part of the body, Hair or 5 oat, it la tbla Secondary H re rnarantee to core. We aoll -late caaes and chaUccRa ae we cannot cure. ?tii jcl.1etthe skill of the mo iOfc a500AMO capital be -iMnalpitarantr. Absolute nr cr'U-'Son, Adorena COOK - cJJ r , ;.urc lefl- CHI .'lit atrsT Fire insurance INSURE YOUR with- PROPERTY In th Old Hartford, the New York Un derwnters AircDcyor any one of the reli able old line companies he represen ts. Note uiisen ana plenty ot time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will U proinruy attendod to. Vm IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. r RI-P-A-N-S - y ... The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. u li! u w a o - O i : nxx. . ight 5- 3-... Z la. l-t rjpiafitoocoooooccoooooooo r4MST.JAG0BSOILl Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbln and First Sts CCNKAD MEYER, PRCPFJEiCa. -Dealer in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meats, Queensware, Vegetables Cigars. Spices.. Tea, Etc. everything that a Kept in , good variety and gro eery store. High est ptoe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE A CHANCE to strike oil, as it were, in wall paper is presented by our present tale. The de signs show a richness, novelty and fresh ness of conception that are not to be seen elsewhere. Our papers are of a quality worthy of the art they embody. It's only on prices that we come out short. Perhaps it's the summer weather that's melted them down to 15 cents a roll and up. In variety of patterns, too, we're very strong, snowing no lens than 600 different novelties. J. A Cumming." ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SENDERS, Mgr. o Buvs and sells wheat, oats and wool al all points in the Willamette Valley and i the leading insurance agent ot Aioany. In Diaries' your insurance there are two things to be considered: 1st. Get a good company. ind. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly understands his bus iness and knows how to write a policy, giving you its full benefit, having bad t years of experience in a general office and toe adjusting or losses, c an guarantor you 1 nave these requirements. erj Respectfully lours. H. 3bOtK3 ALBANY Red Crown Milling Go Ia now under the management of El ward Going, X. H. AUan, Wm. L. YaLce E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Yonng.wbo are now prepared to sell the best FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. Carols and Trade-Marks urttined. and all IBnatanw conducted iuraocjaTC fit. low 6m la Or-xjsiTt t. s. Parrwr oraet oawecanaeciire patent u mm -im tfiaa esrae uvs n asainsoo. Send arjdr!. drawina or pbo4u srrta S . Wc advise, if patentable or not. free of awl 1 1' Uai fee not noe t. 'it ts A F iwtrr, "Row to Ot j rleota.- wttM Bat of st-ne ia tbe C& we earaii iransal ant irje. address. afi-fc ' VIERECKS" SHAVING AN D HAI RCUTTI NG PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS F0R D. Whites JCe Ifaii A bead of hair or no pay. Cures i Address Box 121 diseases of the scalo for Free Treatise on tbe Scalo. Razors Honed and Set and Pot in Or eron Short Notice. Made Mistakes, Bid Tie? Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed up display waa poor type) old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothingag it ought to be? Well, take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and Will Be Done Bijfct P- (Important). Tae price ior do ing H will be right, too. Smiley's printing i good printing. rior.OHE DUST, U0 MORE SPRIKKLINC, r.'o more scRUfismc By the use of DUSTINE On your floor, When aDDlied to floor of an, o- ables yon to sweep without rais'ng duat. It is an odorless compound which pene trates the wood and for months keeps up a constant exudation sufficient tn ra.t-h and hold the dust. ' Atwateb A Brown, Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer House, Albany, Or. K . i). T. M Meets every Saturday evening in K O. f . nun. visiunif Anivblt invited ia attend. I. 8. Winkle, torn. Or. Price's Cream Baiclng Powdt vorld's Pair Hijrheat Award sin PatJ She Ifoiiwcrat. Scwall's Cousin in Pendleton. There is in Pendleton a young man who can call Arthur P Sewall, democrat ic nominee for vice-president, "Cousin Art." He can do this because he is Mr Sewall's cousin. II W Sew all has charge of the dress goods department at the large store of L Dusenbery & Co., ot this city. Soice one said something about some relationship between young Mr Sewa'l and the Maine statesman who has been nominated to ran with the "boy orator ot the Platte," and a reporter ac costed the Fendleton Sewall with the question : "Are von related to Arthur Sewall of Maine, the democratic vice-presidential nominee?" "He's my cousin," replied Mr Sewall. 'Of course I kno him well. I lived at Wiscassett, ten miles from hia home in Bath, Maine, and inasmuch aa he was member of our family, I naturally was well;acquainted with him. He's a very nice gentleman, of middle age, with an honorable record in private and basinets ife. He is what I call a citisen politi cian- He has never had an office nor attempted to secure one nor wanted one. Yet he has always taken an active inter est in elections and he has done thii in a patriotic and unselfish manner. In Maine, Mr Sewall ia recognized as a power, hia influence extending beyond the bounds of bis own party to all the others. And yet he has always been a democrat, a consistent one, if a free eil ver advutata can be called consistent, and it seems from the action of the Chi cago convention that the free silver man s right in line with prevailing demo cratic sentiment I think Arthur be wail has been a prouounced silver man for at least ten years. Regarding hia personal characteris tics, I think I can say trutniuuy mat Arthur Sewall has proven himself a man of the plain people, it is not always tbe man of small expenditures and meagre income who is in sympathy with the masses. Frequently, tnat verv fel low, given money in plenty, will he prodigal and will oppress hia former classmen with hie newly gotten money power. Bnt some men in long posse sion of wealtn show their simple demo cratic tastes and lack of tbe weaknesses of the aristocrats, by strict attention toj business and simple living, coupled with geuerous character and personally sympathetic nature. That's Arthur Sewall. He is quite wealthy, but he is a true democratic American citizen. I do not now refer to partisanship. I nse the word demo cratic in its generic meaning. Armor Sewall is a man of splendid character. Careful, conservative, intelligently lib" ral and charitable, ontepoaea in bi views, and holding those views which are dear to tbe common people, be will make a valuable servant, if elected. "By tbe way, he comes from a good M Maine family, but then that does not count for much and it ought not. Any- wav. Arttnr Sewall wnuld be aole to make bU way in the world, even though he bad no family name which could be traced to Cromwell's time. Yon could not get him to admit be bad a grand lather. It wonld tw repulsive to him to eem to be depending on their records tor his own advancement. He has mounted the ladder of success by bis own effort, and is a splendid example for tbe yooth of America E. O. Tbe Almighty Dollar. Tbe Salem gold organ doesn't want tbe wcrkingman paid ia a filty cent dol lar, says tbe Journal. It wants him paid in the new dispension dollar, the Carlisle dollar, the Mc Kin ley dollar, the Vlmigbty dollar, tbe great Jebovan dol lar. that will boy two days labor, and four bushels of wheat, and ten bushels of oats. It is now having too much and crashing everything beneath it. Bat it is to be stiil more almighty. With 95 per cent of all oor wealtn in propertT and oalv 5 par cent in money, if that money continues to appreciate in pa ehasiog power and to depreciate all oth er property, it will gradually and ulti mately con ver. the 9-5 per cent into the hands ol the gold holders, and in the crnsbiog. grindiog process where will the poor working man be? The al mighty dollar will eat him up and swal low hia children for generations to come, Wbat tbe laborer and farmer want is a dollar that will not swallow up so much of their labor and product. They want a dollar that is easy to set. that is Lot so scarce, so high, so dear, so almighty powerful. Let this government legia late more value into labor and quit leg' slating valna into dollars. Let ns de stroy the corner in gold dollars by put ting the kilver dollars of our dadJiea on a logal tender par with them to compete with tbem and bring down their enor mous appreciation of value to a jnst ratio with silver and other prod acts. The bicycle probably romes aa near to being an nomixed blersing as any in vention of modern times, but experi ence is gradually teaching its votaries tbe dangers and drawbacks ol its exces sive nse. A most startling leson of this kind is furnished by the case of young James Hoar, of Deiby, Conn., reported in Tbe World of yesterday. After ependiag the whole Fourth of July in "scorching" over the row is of Connecti cut and covering seventy five miles, the lad was taken sick. His ailment was diagnosed as appendicitis, bat an opera tion showed that his intestines were so knotted together that it was impossible to remedy the trouble, and the patient died after a few hours c.f airony. That New Jersey naa never had a suc cessful vice presidential candidate is worthy of note. Several frcm tbat state have been placed on tbe tail of both tickets but fate has never ordained that they be elected. 1 the old rule holds good this year, the next president will not be a republican. Clarksburg W. V. Leader. There are no deaths in Oregon en ac count of the heat, tbat is, the cause of the m my questions: "Is it hot enough for yon?" We mention this with pride as it establishes Oregon's civiliza ion. An article headed ''flow to secure a good husband,'' is befoie us; but we will not read it, nor trive any advice on the subject, as it might induce every girl who read the suggestion to hunt for the meanest man she could find out of con trariness A visionary writer in a Baker City pa per has a scheme for an electric motor that will go 500 miles aa hcur, tbus mak ing it possible to go to New York City and back in a day from the coast. Karl's ('layer Sent Tea is a sure cure for headache and nerv discuses No hfog relieves so qnick For sale by Foshgy & Mason. The Oregonian will publish no more articles lu favor of ailyer. It declare! war against silver from the word go. The Oregonian it merciless. Anonymous threats are being posted in Walla Walla to burn the town unless Chinese are driven out and the wages of 1894 restored. That is a poor way to se cure a desired movement. An Eastern paper accuses Bryan of stopping at a $2 a day hotel during tbe Chicago convention. Certainly that was a creditable fact. McKlnley was proba bly paying several times that amount. Bryan is not an aristocrat. C B House, a New fork millionaire, offers $1,000,000 in cash to the person who will restore his eye sight, which is gradually failing, and for which the moot eminent doctors have failed to do anything. Here is a chance for tbe quacks to prove what genuine quacks they are. Portland people displayed good sense by giving this Sharkey poor audiences. There is no reason why Sharkey, even from a pugilistic sense, should have any but empty seats. He is a slow, lethargic athlete, and if be ever f ghts Corbett to a finish he will be so badly whipped his name will be forgotten. The old stereotyped insignia ol justice a blindfolded maiden in a belled night gown, with a set of letter scales in one band and a meat chopper in tbe other ia becoming played out, and is inappro priate because inexpressive. Justice should have her eyes wide open, so that she will not jab the meat chopper into the wrong man Ex. A writer in the Bi-Metaiiet eays: "I have always been a rt publican and have been honored with office, but I cannot vote for legislation that oppresses tbe producing classes, and it is as clear as anything political can be that the gold a'aodaid does this. The people in this country are beginning to see it and will vote for the restoration of silver. Look out for surprises in Ohio this fall. Mc btinley is in doubt in his own slate." Oat ot sight, out of mind. With vour 'adveitiseuieatoutof the papers you are surely out of mind forgotten because ol the crowd that is in, with whom the reader is in conversation each month ; and tbey give the reader no time to think of jjo. Yoa want to be in tbe crowd to be beard and seen with tbe rest. If yoo wish to be neglected and forgotten just isolate j oarer If by not advertising. Mr Bryan telegraphed the N. Y World : i The restoration ot silver to it ancient place by the side of gold wHl, in my judgment, restore tbe pari'y betweeo both kinds of money and thus permit a return of general prosperity. The World, which did such effective work ia behalf of an incctne tax, will find a still larger fi-ld of usefa'.oe in supporting tbe gold and silver coinage of the Constitution Something From Bryan. Tbe following irom the pen of W. J . Bryan read pretty well without bis elo quence behind it: Thfre waa a lima m K.n rr;r!nt ' Cleveland bad to face the quit" ion laming either to the plutocracy or to tbe democracy . Had be been a Jack son or a Jefferson he would have turned to the common people, and tbere woe id have been do need of the convention here today to repudiate hi policy. Tboes who have been heretofore recog -oized as democrat and who do not sub to stand with oa in carrying oat the pro visions of tbe Chicago plat lor m must hnd a location for themselves I nave bat little doubt that Mr. Cleve land and all thoee Demo:ra'.s who choose to follow bim will have a lickl of theii I own in 1S96 and will insist :bal they j are the Democratic paity. They think; the silver sentiment a craze and that it is goiog to blow over. That tnaaes me think of a e'ory. Out in the Sortt-wesl, where the wind is high, the fences are sometimes blown down and sometimes the Looses are blown over. A man was going along one day and found another building a fence. He was patting it up solidty, with mortal and (tone. The man said: "Yea are patting a good deal o! time on that feoo-. Hon't yoo think it will blow over?" And the man who was building tbe fence replied : " That is just tbe way I am build. og it. It is five let wide and tonr feet high, and when it blows over it will be one fool higher tl. an it is now' That is the way they are building tha silver crsze. It is wider than it is high, and when it doe blow over it will be higher than it is now. 1 am not a believer in either free sil ver or gold, bnt am an out aod out bi metallic. It is clearly aptar;nt to me that financial s'riLgency does not hinge on the amount of money in circulation, but rather on the Influences that con tral circulation. The very best tim-s we ever bad ocrurf d when there w as a very low rate of morey per capita in circulation. We have already suffered grievously oecause of the fall in prices. The laet centos show a decrease in the propor tion of farm tenants. It also shows a farm moitgage debt whUh ia truly alarming. I lie continued appreciation of gold, that it, the continued fall in prices, increase the norober of tenants and makes rarder every year the life of the farmer. He who aids in incrs aslPjj landlordism in this country battens the overthrow of the Republic, for free government will not long survive when a few own the land aud means of support, while the many are tenants at will. No one would dare to propose a law iiicreas'ng tbe number of dollars to Ire paid by a deb tor. To increase the size of tne dollar by legislation has exactly tlie earns ef fect. Tbe dollar will soon cease to be called honest which grows fatter every day Tariff reform grew strong in tbe vVrai ana ooutu, wiuie it was rete.tsd as a heresy in tbe East. It took years ol struggle to carry tbe cause of tariff re form across tne Alleghanie. but the principle conquered In time. The protective policy was never at dis astrous to the agricultural classes as a gold standard would be, lor while pro tection lessened the stream, gold mono metallism would dry np the vry foun tain of prosperity . The friends of the "nold and silver coinage of the Constitution" need not be discouraged. St.-ong in the all-conquering might of right, their principles will triumph and that triumph will be sig nalized by a return of prosperity to the ! ereat masses of onr nsoule. "TarTr Iform" and "the coinage of the Constitu tion" will remain tbe two great Usui t until secured. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Has it been hot enough for you . Weather talk. Tastes differ. Money of no avail. Albany advertised. IUcipe for rattle brains. Don't steal fruit. During the past week the weather has been a very decidedly prominent tspic of conversation. It has been hot, per haps 09 in the shade, perhaps morn, perhaps less, we don't know for curtain. thermometers differ so materially. Ours I refused to get above 05. Some were above 100. In New York City that would cause dozens of cases ot sunstroke. Here we just tianspire a little. 00 in New York is hotter than 100 here. Perhaps 85 is. The eastern hot nights are what do up people. Here cool nigh'.a make li e worth living. Who was it wl, said it rained all the time In Oregon. Just now it feels as if it hadn't rained for a year. Take our cli mate all together and it is about the best in the world. Many are rustling off for an outing, some to the seashore, some to the moon uiius. uue man says you couldn't lure him to gJ to the mountains, another that he wouldu't go to the ocean under any circumstances. Thus fie p alter is licked c'.ean. Cornelius. Yanderbilt with bis untold weakh this week wai stricken with pa ralysis and a New York mi'.l.onaire offers (1 ,000,000 for the restoration of tiia ifcbt. Money slays uut the baud of de- ray, nor ket ps in motion the vital spark. A ni:erb:e millionaire is uioie miser able than the most miserable poor man. . j tv m-iiuii wutrre crops woi,t The San Francisco Examiner liMat?! 1 ... ... ...!... i : colutuu these words: 'Ortgon cham pions, Albany Colif." Tbus Aloaoy over the victory of only a club of boys has its name iieralJed all over the coast as a city enterprising enough to hare a ' .h.,,.!.!,, t..i ., ,,: e " ""'jtuarkable resemblance. Anvinan be taseo from it on account of the fierce ! a hi reward over bis head will be tight of the disgruntled Monog wins; but in Bay event we already have consider able game. To have the ratt'.e oat of your brains when men and women, brain when boys and girls. These are days when "good little boys," are stealing green applet. It is not only tough on the stomachs of the youngsters; but fruit is scarce this yea', and the apple thief ia not justified in bis depredations. W Windle. tbe nominee of the pro hibition party for lieutenant-governor of Illinois baa reqae;ied the wi hdrawal of hi came that be might come out in faror of W. J. Bryan and tn Chicago platform. The Clere'anJ (Ohio) R?corJr say: A significant letter from an intelligent observer in Syracuse, N. Y., published ia tbe New York Evening Pot. crnfirta oar prediction that the silver wave is rolling over tise A iteghenie to the ineconjrreefioaaiairirictia wntcn iyra - , .. , ... case I situated is ordinarily a repubu- can eUoahotd, "bat" tar the Observ- er. 'if she wen In w b!.t am week between an out - -- i ana out surer man. thonn a (i,iik?ii. ... .... . of ! mere is. : . in tur omtiLr,n. erave reason f jr anprebending tbat the latter woald get a majot ity of the vote." He gee oa t- i explain that the farmer aal the work- iogmrn have net n reached, atidnte the ,ca of a shrewd and successful bo car- penter and Dander, employing I- men. who with 11 ol hi men are "rampant fir free eilvrr." Orandpa" Ka and dm . ... , 1 , 01 a.ia. ai:, iasu., livrtl a:rws , .1.. front Wiiliam J. Drjao's at Salvia I li no. Mrs. Fsn was present a' Wil liam's birt'i and dfee-ed the new comer. Mr. Kiia it g'ratly delig a yd with the nomination male at Chirago. When she tetd of the enthuUm br tbe "Iwy ! orator of Platte" she c'anped her hand and exclaimed: "I do tflitv they will boioinale iftv baby,- ai l he' prediction rame true. Father rat that Judge ttryan the father of the democratic nom inee, was one f the flrrl orators IUinoia ever prod -iced. At the outbreak of the rebellion he took a firm Mtnd with I'jog las for the Co on, and bis powerful in- fl jencein Soathrn Illinois prevented the divisioa cf that slate. The elder Bryau came from Wgin:a while still a young man and settled at Salem, Illi nois. He made his way throuh college by working in the harvest field in the summer and thus earned money enough to pay hi way at school during fall and i winter. East Oregonian. Sjiu papers are crying that free ilvt wilt driye gold out of circulation- Well, as a matter of fact it is already out of circulation in the east. It is not used at all in business way, while silver is everywhere The spokesman U-viev-, oi .-jposai-e, me leaning republican pa per of Evtern Washington says. "If yoa go to free coinage the gold will bo out of circulation,' it a favorite threat of the gold advocates. It is already prac tically out of circulation Kist ot (he Pacific coast one tis neither gold nor the token of g ild. Silver and silver rer-titical-s and iia'ionai bank uo'es. which are nt redeemable in gold, are dotr.g the business ol the country. Tbe cow ardly yellow metal has run away in hid ing, and left to silver the brave work of making the exchanges of the people. And if this silver had not been coined under the Bland act, the country would now he nearly destitute of any kind cf money. The Eastern people are begin ning to understand the situation. They look upon the silver cert i Ilea '.es, know mat mey are good, and want more of I hem. ' The Portland Oregonian argues in this strain: "Iu this country life insurance to the extent of f 13,000,000.003 to $14, 000,000,000 is in force which the holders of policies would find cut in two If free coinage, 16 to 1, is thrust upon them. Every man who has mado such provis ion for his family wants it paid in 10J cent dollar. The free silver crowd pro poses that itsha'l be paid in dollars worth ha'f that amo-tnt. It is such con siderations as this which make the money question the supreme issue this year, which cannot be displaced." This Is boy's talk. Life insurance policies will not be cut in two. only through the rascally actions of the con ductors of these companies. If silver became t..e standard tomorrow it would rise in vajue and have more purchasing power than it has today. It Is self evi dent that those who say that silver will cut the value of life insurance policies in two are simply talking to scare credu lous and unthinking people who aie sel dom in possession of life Insurance noll- cus. E. O. . MISFITS. Mr. Bryan is already president of the Pullman Agricultural College. The Tribune says Robert Kclimaltz, a Portland barber has won $:l,7o0 in a Mexican Lottery. An exchange says it is terribly in neeJ of money. That is pretty serious, but it is a complaint that had a familiar sound to it. Tbe DKMot'KAT Dredict tn:it Orpirnn in five years will be iu the front rank as a Kold producing state $10 a day is being paid to expert the books of ex-treasurer Minto of Salem. The Dkmochat predicts they will be found correct and that the county wilt be out a rouul sum for expert work. The Examiner and other California papers are taking a vote on '.he financial question The result so fur is 5 to 1 in favor of free silver. Mayor Sutro. of California, roiinin of Councilman Uradwohl, of this city, says "every friend of the people will be for Bryan," and he will sunnort him enthu siastically. Sharkey bad a $150 h ouse the. Brat night and a $41 homw the second nitfl.t in Portland. The exact titrures are now being given. Good for Portland. The city council of Euuene is now wrestling wltb tbe Electric Light company on a renewal of the contract, tlitmd con tract having expired on Julv 10. Thecity had 23 lignts at f 10. It wania 20 at $4 50, but the company objects and has made different proposition on a Lasisof T10. A writer in the Sew York Voice, who was in tins valley, says the illainctle is as ntariy a periect country aa he ever' saw. He make the interesting remark 1 that if you want good roads you must it ' . Dunham, the California arch uiunler er, who was arretted in Albany yester day, was also arrested in Fano, "North Dakota, and a deputy sheriff went all tlje ,rom t"an Jo ftr lt,l' hnt 11 wasn't Dunham, but a man with a re- i ith dts- covered evervwhere. L. T. Parker, of Waitaburg, is in the city. He repotta that the free silver V T. V 7 " IT V , h . -i , . . Bryan free stiver club is soon to be or-i ganized and a fo. mer republican of prom- j inencewiU m tni president of the organization . W. W. Statesman. j I The 110.000 silver eervic for the lt- I tWbip Oregon maleriaitzes verv slow Ir. A number of manufacturing 'jewciw have put in bid. Tbe designs ar very handsome ard are good to make codi- j tuon people feel bow poor they are. and j cling closer to the old china and pUle-1 : articiee.-Ex. One of Governor Lord's ! ptt schemes. i I be rcoeuurg rUindealer upg-U( in creuiiors vontlstariiv accept o tr cent mierewl in lull lor 10 t-r cent tbat . ...... t -. is uw iiiem ii patai promptly, tuai lie j ing many to Ji-! the haH time. How many do you think w ill foliow the Plain dealer's advice. Will you? ould the PUindealer if a money" loaner. And vet f there it fomeihing iu the -jtion to - i I s , . . ... . s .. . :" r ; i to nothing even if true i 'bat v J.; 1 Hrvans real name isO Krian. that he ' ; had it changed when be went to XeUras- i ka. A Portland liian cave this falsehood . .. .. ..... ..... i ,uie "regonian. iue Mana al . . . ... . ...Ml. f.lTl . I . . B i I . Ul , 'fu;,,,,! laTiirr oi . j. ima . : . ....i..... . ,. :iit uui i.ri. r.i.nn. oi u,i . . -. . i t . . . . . . . waa Jfi-liM, iia I. K-r.n lm,m.,iAl i Ju lge Siiaa L. Bryan who emigrated : . IS37. when e was yet a young man and unfie. He and Krv Eajtan were crse .-:c, i,i9uui,. itxrui i iricioia aiKui ineiiiana re:i:!auor and no one ever j heard of hit fa:u:S jO'lSryan. :.y navinc uen caaca A reader w i:,e to know a care for (the newspaper t:en I, that is, the man I who doesn t take a naper hitn!f ; bet f spon-s ail bis mad-.n. He is gyneraliy I waiting for Ih r.arMr an.i r-ar, it ... - - .. r : ;-e 1 u. vc iru j take it out of his band. Some of thee iCends make it a busine ml there are quUea number in Aittany. There is : some for the poor man w ho can- not afford to lake a papr, but for the j man abundantly able, but toa stingy, j there is none The PEwocaar ia unable Itogireacare just now. Perhaps some oi our reader liave learned one." Speaking of the recent "kid" game in Albany tbe Journal of Salem sats: The Salem boy do not fee! very cdoJ over the . a me. Tiiey say suun after the game commenced one of th players on the Al lem took sick and was succeeded by a mem be- of the Cuiu. Resid s the j catcJier of the looal te un. Bnck Smith, j was so unfortunate as to break one of hi finger during the early p.trt of the game. lie r-u.-ee-e lot or a catcher of lest experience. However at the close of the econd inning the score stood a to 1 in favor of the Salem team but w ish so uiany odds with which to contend, they coald not defeat the Albany team. The lotai team certainly did w'cil to keep the score so even. They accuse us of wanting cheap money : we do, so cheap that a farmer can buy a dollar with a bashel of wheat and a laboring man can bur two dollar with a day's labrr," says a Minnesota man in tbe U nieta In . Catarrh Cannot be Caret! with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tbe scat of the diacaao. Catarrh ia a tuood or constiluUoaal disease, and in urder to care H yoa mast take internal remedie. BaU'a Catarrh Cure ia taker, internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucoos mrface. HaU'a Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tbe beat physicians la this country fur years, and ia a rvtrtilar pre scription, tt ia rompoevd of the beat tonics known, combined with the bet bloo-.' parinrra. actio directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ins-redierds ia what product such wonderful result in cartas Catarrh. r"enrl for te-ttmomat. free. r.J.CHKSKT(0.. Pross., Toledo, . Sold by dJrUisU, price ;0c. New Drtiji Store G. L. Black man has opened his new drug store, on First street, under the Herald otlice, ana is ready for business. He is rapidly in creasing his stock with pure drugs. Pre scriptions careiully and piomptlycom M,UII14CU. MARRIED. BELLINGER FRENCH. At court house in Allmnv by Judge J. C, Powell, on Snlnrilav .tnlv 1 lviui 1 . DllKrt Bellinger. agtHl' 18 and Mi si .nina trench, nged 17 both of Linn county. HORN STRAIN E Y. On July 16, 1S1HJ, in Al iiany, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Strainey-a W tAU.r,tt. l In Vr.ln,U r.. ye... - iiin tmm .: ..: - ':-'. -.j iu, iu .nr. ana Mrs. W. 11 v . .. i .... neiiici agin. All ttoiiig well. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevent dlges- perniits toon to tcrmeut and pub-try tn Uio stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. ryi a Iniomlna, nervousness, and. , (1 not relieved, bilious fever Pills I or blood poisoning. Hood's I Pills stimulate the stomach. rouse the liver, cure headache, dirtiness, eon. stlpatlon.eto. 25 cents. Hold by all oWrfsbL The only PUU to tuke wltb uiolf s jiarparlll2: TELEGRAPHIC. Maeee Killed Havasa, July 17 Private advices say that General Jose Muceo, the Cuban pa triot leader, was shot through tbe bead and instantly killed during an attack which be led upon the Spanish forces in Unto Hills. Tbe report sajs that Colonel Caratagena, another insurgent officer, and several members of Maceo's ttaff, were killed at the same time. Maceo had put himself at the head of the forces and hall led in the dash, in which he hoped to surprise tbe Spaniards. He found himself confronted by a strong force in a superior position. Seeing his error and hoping to escape, daceo shouted to his , followers: "Hack, let us retreat. Tbeyi are too many tor us." As be uttered tbe j last word a ri lie b' 1 1 struck bim in the' back of tbe neck and passed through his bead. BUtlngalaked Japs. Chicago, July 17. Five diminutive, datk-sktoned Japanese are at tbe Audi torium, almost unobserved, in the crowd of comparatively gigantic Americans Althougn they came witbout fl mristi, ttie visitors have it in their power to disturb the exchange rate of the world, tor they are on their way to London to collect the Chinese war indemnity, amounting to more than loU.UUU.UUU. The party includes bonoda Kokichi, president of tbe Yokohama specie bank. A Tana Barard. AuLixoTo.i, Or., July 17. Word was received here today that tbe town of Lone Rock wa aluio.t wip-d out yesterday by tire. Tbe w hole businesa portion of tie town went up in smoke, and nothing re mains but a few dwellings in tne outskirts of the town. A small boy with a pocket full of matches was theciuse. Aaeiher Sued later. New Yoek, July 17 Tbe rally of stocks lodty was attended by a revival ot tbe rumors of the impending new government bond issue It was tbe ailved report of tbe financiers who nave been in coni-reDC! with AiMUUbt heyetary Treasury Curtis on the ulj-ct. It was said that the sec retary or me trwuury aud tbe president believed an iue ot boads win soon w neofMaryan4 tbe political enoct ot sucn a step would have practically worn off by e eel ion time. A Trrrltrie aataarre. Isoo.v, July J8 T'e Cbronicie pub libe a dispatch from Constantinople which aara that massacres have occurred at Ktfiu. in tie Uarbekir dis'rict ot Ar utua. iu which 45"j prions were kilted, and liue city wa pillared. 'I be fbrnu autlionties are trying to keep tbe report of the mastacrca secret, ac cordintf to toe Chronicle's cjjtTe.pon'lent . He io report that in tbe HiUu ditrict i a moft every villas has been ruined and teat a inacacn u imminent at Antab. tbe reortved trvm the suilati s taoe , ISetidediy slitrd. Sr. L.r-is. fn! ir. -W,jin.iA;.. terview . had by a rx?prenUUve of the As- wjciated Presa tonight, with a number of protaineat poputa an 1 silver men from differwit pru of the country, the eenau of "P1?103 be that tiie contentions "blco meeton tbe ill will not work in (nrt- txI U-eo etpec!-d. Thej will n rri o b eriectiim of a p"nUal candidate. Ibe silver men wa,' ummiai.M f jr tbe nominee of t-hicaao convenUoa, white the popo- I tins now cere wan' j ulu-t caod;dab. a ditii actively popa- ateiMrU steed- oto-, July 18. Ex-Governor Wii- iuui t Kas-s!. ii Ja.ici!ttetS. waa fvAi&d dcai til morning m K F iHitton's aistcjr camp at St Adelaide, near tirand I'aUv. tjaebec ben be thr-iogit Mdntremi on bis way to the Ka-'moo rroands to ",?. be was ia the Ut of beaah. i "riIlU ' . tJie ceare Leiearspn a- 5 w . . -.- i.. i. 4t fiiifr ttau3 piece I or oniy .a.uionat,UA4tt. anJ u-r an te Jaci Kw V getting tucre cipiicit infor- I Vardrrrr klltra. " rw.- . tf. v , . .- ... . t j,5 ar is . -r:,-y m. ; oaved I rm jU.-o C wek are tbat Frank : imr. w n.u...l v.i v ..u t - ' ' I -.w . . M.t.v.u.t A i. ""--' - i t.tun . - , t.- . . .- - . i jcoarjty. . . , . v uvu.. - CJiUt, . njus Tmn Llii iTA-im ,m I Ttrht r..-. r- u ,1.,. , tv-. .1 j L-roy wj I Norioern s:a:iog a nd-e on a Ureal train, and was rut eff bv tis ; ir.,r, - tk.i.ijt.'. i I . t. w. ,n ... ... i i . . loptore tiita, aa a -irv reward h I Un oSerU Itycaroe no witii Lerov. and ve 'alter cpeoed are on Ibem. makinar j de-perale hut. He u killed ia a volrfy i retamea oy lae purstuBg party. sarr e.iatac Sitmiiiu ) vT . w . , .... I . . . T. . . . 1 , , , - .... v ... ' 1 IV!Xi,BtIl pl- ci:r todar took the brl step toward tee ticket aou p;a!rorui ot tne v bica-o confection The decided t i-je a caii f ..y a conven tioi ol tbe pvd-tn,iaru uem-xracv of Uietouri to determine whetaer a uurd ticket sbail be put ia tbe id. . Few-lrea strew west. Cleveland, Ja!y 16. Several iives w-re ot in aa acvideat wbieu occured about 7 :30 tonubt aa toe o-d river ted near the ere oVuks of U. tVreiand Jt Pitts burg tvaiiroad CmrMo. Tbe orebaooier bad just 'juit work for tbe day, and were waiiicar tbeir tarn to crus tbe braacn of tbenver. -When about baif wav over, the trail craft wj swamped by tbe wash from a pmsai t-.atu.-r. Fourteen were drowned. Stic teraa. firmirKO, July 15 A heavy ttoim to ni:oi. waicn w r-racticaJI a cioadiuirvt. did grejt damige throughout this city and Aiicgneny. utinii ei made from report couiiog in frrtn ousting portions indicate a k of nsuny f.SOO.l'A). All streetcar line have beea trpd. A part of Alie gbeney cemetery was washed awav. Ton of earth and stuoe bare been wasted into the 1 ikn Avecue and Ihiqtiesne Traction vvmpanj s ur at rooo. ire sewer in liutcher run and M oods ran. :n Allegheny, aie reported as haviug given sit, flooding tbose aectton. No lot of life as vet has been reported. A retvallta l ire Corvamjs. Or . July 13. t 2 o'clock j. vv . j aiy i.-u 2 c clock fected proves that tt has wonderful power Uernoon. wbile .Mrs Mary Ja- overduKase. It actually and perma n wer. s.tung in the shade on nenUy cure when all other r,r.r-V. ye-iterday a cobs and son ine oacs p-jren oi tneir lesidenoe. a roar ing sound attracted tbsir attention, and, looking around, tbey discovered tbe house to be on tire. Alm-t before tbey wwe a ware of it, the entire roof was atlme, and no opportunity was given tbem to save any Uung but a very tew household goods. Dawicerewsly Lew. NswioHK, juiy lo.--Drains on the gold reserte in tbe subtreasury ooulinue, both in gold Ukra for export and for boarding, a Uiough theamounbi withdrawn lately are comparatively insignificant. It is tbese small amounts, nowerer. which l disturb financiers and csuse an additional -v . - . ... . ...... Tbe gold in the treasure todav is nali. I mated at $9S.171,0ti0, and predictions an. ..bll,.l l,rh. 1.t.,f . IV. ,, , nK''M mo goia nwrn will 1 rl.-u, t.-. ai li tlto I ' ' T--,--",vw. I Waal tne rape win . Sr Lot-is. !u!rl5.-It lv,,n-. and more evident each day as the iW f.V; me meeting oi tue popaust national con vention draws near that the members of teat party win ciatn over the inil,iRmi ot oryan ror prwsuient. Letters from all v. iju iu. r.TOiuciik. liencrs irom all I parts of the country are pouring into head-1 quarters, aome demanding and tome de-1 nouncing tne indorsement ot the demo- ZXlinSr ion ThAnnini.-in ban, i. !,.. .1. ,L 7. ..v....,, u,u?,rUu, u nni.. r th da.r lin- of . . t.?.c" near question. - .... d-- ,- v,cr tue I Cold Deaaeerata. . . .a. Aiw lOIIK. July 1 Ilia ct-i;.. coiumittce of the state democracy met bv. nh, ll mi.) .ihii.lil..l iL.IL. .. . hu. i, uuimpi tuevuicugo platform it also advocated tbe nuttimr of a ),; candidate in tbe held. The resolntion. were adopted only after a prolomred d- uuie. i tie rwoiutions "renudiaiM am m.. oenin tne revolutionary and undemocratic platform adopted at the so called democrAt. ic conveotioa UWd in tbicagtv The tree silver nlank is i.irli,-n!rl, j i v" WlUIIt U . atrark by LUhtalag. Lkadviixk. Colo., July 15. During a i. - - aw cernu'e luumier utorm iu ihd mountain nfjBi. vi iiiij r. iimttVa nvH niAn a siaruuK oj iiuiumK. aim tn r nw ia ino hofiutal here, tune tirobahlv fuUllv ininr. aaaf haa niaii -m.i x.-v.. t . . a . . I .l ' i . ,,WV seciiou trew on the Colorado Midland railrotxl. and were WArlriniv ti.u, ?'lim,i a .,- 1 1 -I. ... i I... . I T..l.iiu ' ...... 8 'MM- Tobacco Dealers say that "BATTLE AX" is a "scorcher" because it sells so" fast. Tobacco Chewers say, it is a "scorcher" be cause 1 0 cents' worth goes so far. It's as good as can be made regardless of cost. For 10 cents you get almost twice as much as you do of other high grade brands. Lebanon. A lliany people get their wood sawed for 34c per cord, while in Lebanon we pay 50c. Tbat ia what our city license on wood tawi does for us. Ernest KeUenbenrer. who was bortnr. ably discharged from the U.S. cruiser Concord but May, and who has been vuuting bU parents here lor several we-ks, left yesterday for Saa Francisco, where he goea to re-enlist. Tbe Sweet Home stage line baa been changed so aa to lav over in Lebanon at night instead of Foster. The staze now leave) Lebanon at 6 o'clock in tbe morn ing and arrives at 7 o'clock in the even- ng. Lxprtfts, J. S Hugbea has written to tbe emi nent geologist. Prof. Tboe. Condon of tbe State Inivereity. inquiring about the earth formation of this country and mak ing Lis opinion as to whether or not ar tesian water could be found at thu place. If Mr. Hugbea receives a la vorabie an swer be will take steps toward sera ring iruan water our city. Advance. Sao. On Monday George W. Tavlor finished moving and placing on its found ation the old school boose oa tbe tooth side. K. Shelton and J. S. Morris, on but Friday went on a visit to the McMinn- viile min s, returning on Sandav. Tnev bring hack report concerning the same tnat are almost too good to be true. Some 17 or 13 different aaeays have been made and ad obtained, save one, results in between six and seven dollars per ton and all agtee tbat the ore coa'.d be milled tor H.aU per ton. On U-t Sunday, Mr. W. W. Richard son reached bit 74th mile post in tbe journey of life. To do honor to the oc casion, an elegant dinner was prepared which was partaken of by bis 8 children, 21 grand children, 4 great grand children making others that were present 41 that assembled under the friendly shelter o: i&e Lome root. tes. Ttw rvesw TkUkg v ASHisoTox, Joiy 17. me corre spondence which passed between the gov ernment of tbe United States and Great Britain respecting tbe establish men of a general system of arbitraliow for the aet- tement of any dispute which arise be tween tbe countries and also for tbe settle meat by arb tration of tbe dispute over tbe Venezuela boaadary. has been made poblic in tbe shape ot aa even dosga letters. wbicn have been exchanged between Sec ret rr Ulney. bard beiisbary. Mr J t iiaa Paunceiote and Arobaasador Bayard. laereaassl lasasHtrattsw WasHtsoTOS. Jnly 17. A statement raepared by the oommisaiooer of immi gration shows the aumber of immigrants who arrived in this country during tbe &cai year ending- June cJ. lSJo, to bare been S43 267, aa compared with25S.536 dannfis. ot the wbo e number, 'Jli,- 466 were males and 130.Sol females. All the Peopl Should keep themselves healthy andee pocial care should be given to this mat ter at this time. Health depends -upon pare, rich blood, fur when the blood is impure and impoverished disease oi various kinds are almost certain to re sult. Tbe one true blood purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. By its power to purify and vitalize the blood it has proved itself to be the safeguard of health and the record of remarkable cures ef- nentiy eurea when all other preparations r. .- ... j. . , i . sw mu wn w uatevcr. Dally Service Ruth" and -Ei more, I be U. K. X. Cn'a nalatiaJ i.m-. -tutu ana timore leave toc4 of Broadalbin street as follows: Steamer Rath leave oa oienaays ednesdays and Fridara at . ... . : : . i , . ... nay. oieamer timore leave oa Ttree day. Tharsdsy rad Satarday at same da. Kafa sm tv.ii,. i. r. land, one trip $1.25, round trio tYoO To vinnw ,'iir. raw mn ei.lHl mnn.t n 41 ST Tn R.Um -; , -K round trin 7.1 vnf. T.- ii t.T! ,r . Mcpesiueaw wis inp, Jti orsn, roan a trip 75 rent. 5--: .. . r .. e r-v.i rem uc lnr oi tea or mora Mn. P1"- Th round trips are good for 30 day. w 'T""- c v' "' ,UWU5CS. . OX THE CORNER. iit , .... Jullusradwonl Keeps Open Doors tariy and Late, .. - H GmJ wobl does business now In I'. oiure at lflO COTOW OI MhA A.M . . t J"?'"1 err7 where yoa can find a choice stock ot standard groceries for Sale Cheap. vervthinv rlrvt-claaa. Alan clliiio al,vk- xf I w oig variety ot crockery ware of ail kinds which yon can buy as cheap as it can be secured anywhere. Tha O. F. store holding the bulk ot his goods is tept closed, call at the corner place on uusiness. A MAX'S A MAX, Btit it a big advantage to him to wear en lannuneu snirta and nntlr,lntr,;n The Albany Steam Laundrr. Phillips proprietors, maka a specialty of gentlemena work. Fi-m . . . .. aavsauiuK Itir bewdw lh tiret cJasa laundry woriv. Buucriur uucu siuiw nniaM to atKia. cuuo, ric. vnaitoa or llatK. Beginning- wlfh Monday. June 29th. !), nn at .." r . swa .:ti , . , . V - .......i " - -J S . U.10- smu vj 1 .1.1 a. m( Dcmocratic Ticket. For President W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. r or ire- precutent AP.THCE SEWALL, of Maine. Democratic State Ticket. Preedential Electors KD ARD KliXFE VTHR. J. M. CABOLL J. J. WHITNEY. V, W. OGLESBY. An Old Locofnotire. Aloeomodve tbat waa a reminder of tbe old days in the crmitroction of the OregoB Pacific paatsed over tbe O. Cxd E. from Albany to Yaqoina Monday. She waa the old engine "CorvaDU" and known to tbe old tuners on tbe road aa 'Billy Hong's engine. She was tbe first locomotive to go into service oa tbe fine, and waa pare based by CoL Hoeg on Lis Sm trip east in the interest of tberaad, with a portion of the neft t&.OOO that tlie people of Covvallia and Beotoa county donated as a neat egg from which the railroad finally hatened. Tbat was back, in the seventies, and it was a long time before constroction work of arrv import ance was done on the line. The little lo comotive baa been cent to the shop a't- Yaqmna to be repaired and fitted out foe actual work, and thereto, it ia believed bangs a tale. Tbe ecgine is light and pe culiarly adopted tor construction, ana it ia believed that she will have some ot that sort of work to do in tbe near future Wbat she is to do, however, ia tbe prob lem. W h ether it ii only to build a aid ing or two. or a branch road to Salem or Eogene, or a continuation of tbe present line to Newport, or whetner she is being; equipped for nse in running a line across uie tjaaca-jes is not known. JCi JHone is in roruauj. where be went to meet Mr. liommond, who baa iust tamed from tbe east. Corvaiiis Tixnea. I.VTALL4T!OV OF OfTKXBS. The tOr- lowing orBcers of BeuHh Rebekak Lodge, No. 33, L O. O. F. have been iestaUed for tbe ensuing term : N G.Nora Coates Y G, Clara Gard; K S Julia Taylor; F S, Dora Hardman; T, Elvira Gradwobl; Chaplain, Jennie Gordon; Conductor, Eva Scott ;R S X G, Kate Montanve; LSXG, Eila Merrill; E SVG.MI Sutea; I G, Caodace McCheenev; O G, Iavid Bnrkharu A Pocjro Casa. Poundjiaster David son baa another important case. This morning be took np tbe cow of Hon. L n. aiontanye w bich bad straved and been staked out bv Mavor Burkbart and nut it in uie pound. Tbe cow was take Rj ..... fu.u - vsucr, auu 3,r. ? Davidson ia making arrangements tn J prosecute the owner. It will be an tereeting case. SriAifXB FaAixo.t. Steamer FaraGoa sails from Saa Francieco July 19th, from Yaqnina July 23rd. Pas?er-rs for thin boat should leave Albany r later than Wednesday the 22nd. BE OBSERVING. Gash for pouitry at Ii. M. Robertso The beet fresh naoviei and nmrlt.-w at Coon & Hnstun'a. LaOtK tha Utesffastii-M ta a u.L. dress made by Mrs. McLeaa. Dr. G. W. Mastoa, ptyvidaa and sur geon, Albany Or. CaiUaatwered prompt--ty ia city or country. Dr. H. E. and O. t Beers officea aad. residence ia t he post office building. Spec? ial attention gives to disease of womea ": ratarrfc (Weed H'sl'U and sweet twwath t (... Shik h s Catarrh Remedj. PrN-- 5O cea' Nasal injector f'e-e. For sal by Foabay ataaua. Ask your physiciaa, oo.c druggist aad xtr friend about Siiloh's Core far con- am pt lot. ibey will leoommeod it. Fo tie oy rsy ft the ajaleejs. "I am 65 years old; nave had kidne disease and consti pation for 35 year. A a now well ased yoar S . B . Headache wad I irer Cure caw year. Used 6 bottle at 50 cent eacd. JU Knight. Rotlcdg Or." For sale by Foehay A Mason at Wc per bottle. f , Ve Ills -4 w Con'tiW Cawase www lh half tKa. i'l Of womee"iKrt'a Clover Root Tew it a pleasantnt-e tor coattipaUoa. For wait by Foehay t Wa Send Your Bundle. Care and intelligence in lanndarin o lothea has had its effect it is resnonsibie for tbe succeea of tbe Albany Steam Laun dry. Send along your bundle to the beet laundry m tha valley, or let Richards Ac Phillips know and they will call fur it. If von aie not a natroa of the A than Sfceati- rndrv tell the nrontictor at onr to ssuViT vour bondJe. Unoa a customer way a enstonter. dtoney to Loao. A limited amount of aoaey to loan on good farm security n.eraxisct vo Misa Helen Crawford Is organizing a class in reading and English Literature. All those who desire to take such a conna aill notify her at once. Terms, 3.5X ior twelve leeaona, . r M. ' V ,1 v- V .a.. t w 1 ra- I - V